Kink '総敬意' 主演 Elise Graves (写真 14)

Elise Graves,Princess Donna Dolore に 'Kink' - Total Awesomeness (Public Disgrace)


発売日 : 1月7日, 2011
タグ : ボンデージ, 屈辱, パブリック, プレディクションボンデージ, まっすぐ, 盗賊, 支配, 提出, 体罰, ロープボンデージ, bdsm, 女性スレーブ, 規律, 性転換, 肛門, フェラチオ, 荒いセックス
男性モデル : Tommy Pistol

写真から Elise Graves,Princess Donna Dolore に 'Kink' Total Awesomeness

Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 1)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 2)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 3)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 4)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 5)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 6)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 7)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 8)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 9)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 10)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 11)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 12)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 13)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 14)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 15)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 16)
Elise Graves に 'Kink' 総敬意 (サムネイル 17)

写真から Elise Graves,Princess Donna Dolore に 'Kink' Total Awesomeness

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン Elise Graves,Princess Donna Dolore

Princess Donna Dolore に '暗い乗客:プリンセスドナが縛られて犯される'

Princess Donna Dolore - 暗い乗客:プリンセスドナが縛られて犯される


Elise Graves に 'ぬいぐるみ、クランプ、帯電'

Elise Graves - ぬいぐるみ、クランプ、帯電


Kino Payne に 'もっともっと'

Kino Payne - もっともっと


Goblintower に 'ゴム製キャットスーツ、金属ボンデージ'

Goblintower - ゴム製キャットスーツ、金属ボンデージ


Elise Graves に '檻に閉じ込められ、膨らませられた'

Elise Graves - 檻に閉じ込められ、膨らませられた


Strange Hobbies に 'シリコンケース:パート2'

Strange Hobbies - シリコンケース:パート2

奇妙な趣味が液体ラテックスに完全に包まれたので、エリーゼ、マーク、ペットガールのカコは彼が完全に治癒するのを待ちます。乾くと、逃げ場のないシリコンに閉じ込められます。シリコンは非常に丈夫で伸縮性があるため、Strange Hobbiesは脱出を試みるすべての人にショーを作ることができます。

Elise Graves に 'シリコンケース:パート1'

Elise Graves - シリコンケース:パート1

奇妙な趣味が遊びに来るのは、いつも面白い日です!もちろん、シリアスボンデージマークは楽しさを増します。この日は、全身にシリコンを包む新しい試みに着手しました!この第1部(2部構成)では、『Strange Hobbies』を収録するプロセスの詳細とプロセスについて解説しています。プロセスの途中で、彼は立った状態から横になり、シリコンを塗ることからそれを注ぐことに移行します。彼は多くの点で認識できません!何層にも重なったシリコンは、彼が抜け出せないほど丈夫です。口の中のチューブだけが空気へのアクセスを可能にします。

Elise Graves に 'オレンジを絞る'

Elise Graves - オレンジを絞る


Elise Graves に '良い生活の味'

Elise Graves - 良い生活の味

エリーゼは、何でも試してみたいという意欲から、Jと遊ぶことを楽しんでいます。彼女は彼の全身をおいしいゴムで包み、肛門電極と生殖器の振動を完備しています。それから彼女は彼を医療拘束具で彼女の避けられない金属フレームに固定します。Jが完全に無力であることを確認した後、彼女はJの全存在を制御する電源ボックスをオンにします。お尻への電気ショック、会陰とチンポへの短い振動を美味しそうにからかう - すべて、ユーザーをからかい、苦しめるように設計された特別なアプリによって駆動されます。エリーゼが自動操縦で機能するようになった今、彼女はJの呼吸など、より差し迫った問題に注意を払うことができます。彼女はガスマスクにリブリーザーを装着し、その小さな穴を通過する空気を一気にコントロールできるようにした。

Elise Graves に '首から息を吹きかける'

Elise Graves - 首から息を吹きかける


Elise Graves に '金箔を貼った檻'

Elise Graves - 金箔を貼った檻


Eden Alexander に '雌犬ボックス'

Eden Alexander - 雌犬ボックス

エデンとエリーゼは新しいおもちゃを手に入れました。しかし、箱から取り出す代わりに、新しいおもちゃを箱に閉じ込めます。Taylor Dawn は Eden と Elise と一緒に楽しみに参加することに興味を持っていますが、その楽しみが自分の犠牲になっていることに気づいていないかもしれません。テイラーの手首と足首を箱の内側に固定し、エリーゼは次にテイラーの首を木製のストックで固定します。この箱は、箱の中の人を客体化し、体の他の部分から切り離すために特別に作られました。このように、エリーゼとエデンが彼の体に行う邪悪なこと、テイラーは彼の道に何が来るのか見当もつきません!しかし、エリーゼはテイラーの顔に最も興味があり、テイラーの口を複数の方法で利用することにしました。エリーゼとエデンの間の笑いはとてもかわいいです、特にそれがテイラーの費用で行われているのを見ると。

Lisey Sweet に 'ホット痴女リシー甘いバーで強打される'

Lisey Sweet - ホット痴女リシー甘いバーで強打される


Betty Solace に 'ドナ王女の退廃的な誕生日の御馳走:ベティの慰めとスカイメイ'

Betty Solace - ドナ王女の退廃的な誕生日の御馳走:ベティの慰めとスカイメイ

それはプリンセスドナの誕生日バッシュであり、友人やセクシーな観客の群衆の中で、彼女は彼女の指先で2つの特別な誕生日プレゼントを持っています:スカイメイとベティソレス。これらの2人の美女は、ドナの誕生日を祝うことに同意しました 彼女が彼らにやりたいことを絶対に何でもさせることによって!剥ぎ取られ、縛られ、屈辱を与えられ、罰せられたスカイとベティは、水による苦痛、電気ショック、そしてsybianと日立との強制的なオーガズムの苦痛とエクスタシーに耐えます。チンポしゃぶり、ハードコアファック、アナル、フィスト、潮吹き、そして無限のオーガズムがたくさんあります。パーティーはプリンセスドナのバースデーケーキのカットでロッキンを維持しますか?スカイとベティはドナの足からケーキを食べ、それから誰もがスカイとベティのセクシーな体からそれを食べることによって甘い御馳走のバッカス祭の饗宴にふける。お誕生日おめでとうプリンセスドナ!

Betty Solace に 'スプラッシュゾーン:ベティの慰めは屈辱を与え、ラスベガスのストリップクラブで犯されました'

Betty Solace - スプラッシュゾーン:ベティの慰めは屈辱を与え、ラスベガスのストリップクラブで犯されました


Alysa に '聖なるぽっかりとお尻の穴!!ロシアのアナルクイーン、アリサとの壮大なアナル!!'

Alysa - 聖なるぽっかりとお尻の穴!!ロシアのアナルクイーン、アリサとの壮大なアナル!!


Victoria Voxxx に 'Gets Disgraced in the Club!'

Victoria Voxxx - Gets Disgraced in the Club!


Roxanne Rae に '4人の熱い女とお尻ドキドキ乱交'

Roxanne Rae - 4人の熱い女とお尻ドキドキ乱交


Amy Brooke に 'アナル娼婦'

Amy Brooke - アナル娼婦


Elise Graves に 'エリーゼの墓:タイタンの衝突'

Elise Graves - エリーゼの墓:タイタンの衝突

私たちは のページを飾る一流のモデルのかなりのシェアを持っていますが、エリーゼグレイブスほど象徴的なものはほとんどありません。エリーゼはトップと同じくらい強力であり、ボトムと同じくらい強力であり、ほぼ10年後、エリーゼグレイブスと教皇がついに一緒に戻ってきて、Hogtiedでこれまでに公開された中で最も残忍なシュートの1つをもたらします。ロープは苦痛の一部になる方法で使用されます。彼は手や他の道具を使って彼女をさらに苦しめます。すべてのロープは、できるだけ多くの痛みを与える目的で結ばれています。エリーゼの体は普通の人が耐えられるものをはるかに超えていますが、繰り返しになりますが、エリーゼはただの人ではありません。苦境のボンデージ、サスペンションボンデージ、伝統的なシバリもあります。エリーゼは、教皇が彼女を操作し、彼女を完全に無力にするために彼女の体にますます多くのロープを重ねるにつれて、あらゆる過酷な位置を乗り越える力を見つけるために深く掘り下げます。

Elise Graves に 'ゴム人形:エリー墓と彼女のファックおもちゃトニーオーランド'

Elise Graves - ゴム人形:エリー墓と彼女のファックおもちゃトニーオーランド


Elise Graves に '金のために行く'

Elise Graves - 金のために行く

パートONEElise Gravesのパンクバンドは群衆を引き付けます - しかし、プロモーターが彼の仕事を行ることができない小さな雌犬ではない場合にのみ。トニー・オーランドを入力してください - リトルビッチ - 彼は彼のオフィスでジャックオフし、彼の才能を過少支払うことができますと考えています。トニーは固体金のレッスンを学ぼうとしています - そして、私たちはあなたが見続けることを願っています。ゴールデンシャワー、ギャグ、ブーツ舐め、CBT、顔座り、お尻舐め、ボンデージ、サウンディング、ガスマスクディルドでの呼吸遊びをフィーチャー - この小さなトーキングは本のためのものです。

Elise Graves に '束縛の愛のために:エリサ墓バーバリーローズ'

Elise Graves - 束縛の愛のために:エリサ墓バーバリーローズ

バーバリーローズとエリーゼグレイブスは、私たちのスタジオにこの勝利のリターンでスタン!シーンは、エリーゼがロープとオーガズムの日のために彼女を準備するためにバーバリーの服をリッピングする直前にボンデージリギングを行うように始まります。バインドされたバーバリーサービスエリーゼは、ディルドギャグ、猫舐め、ブーツとお尻の崇拝でエリーゼに値するオーガズムにつながります。束縛はバーバリーの顔を完全に覆い、白い布で縛られ、手足によって無力化された手足の意図的な旅の始まりであり、単一の尾で鞭打たれる。エリーゼはその後、痛みを伴う缶で彼女をそらしながら、猫クランプにバーバリーのつま先を結ぶことによって苦境にバーバリーを置きます。バーバリーは自分自身に痛みを与えないほど静かに立つことができますか?いつの間にか、エリーゼはバーバリーの残りの脚を完全なサスペンションになるまで持ち上げます。エリーゼは熱狂的な猫の食事で彼女に報酬を与えます。シーンは、マルチオルガスム膣と肛門ストラップオンのファックのために天井に結ばれたバーバリーの足で終わります, そして非常に満足のいく顔座り.

Chiara Diletto に 'マドリードの通りに完全に露出したセクシーなスペインの口が開いたキアラ'

Chiara Diletto - マドリードの通りに完全に露出したセクシーなスペインの口が開いたキアラ


Nadia Styles に 'ナディアの復讐ギャングバン'

Nadia Styles - ナディアの復讐ギャングバン


Elise Graves に 'フィンガーバンギングとGスポットスペシャリスト -  Danarama氏によるプレゼンテーション'

Elise Graves - フィンガーバンギングとGスポットスペシャリスト - Danarama氏によるプレゼンテーション


Stacey Stax に 'プリンセス・ドナはプッシー・フィッシング・テクニックを教えています'

Stacey Stax - プリンセス・ドナはプッシー・フィッシング・テクニックを教えています

キンク大学は、メンバー、インクドットコムのモデル、ディレクター、スタッフに、非常に豊富で規律のある教育を提供することに専念しています。ロープスキルからスリットスキルに至るまで、キンクのディレクターは彼らの知識と専門知識を世界に伝えるまで休むことはありません。したがって、ドンナ皇太子がボランティアをして、適切なフィッシングについての実践的なチュートリアルを提供したとき、それは驚きではありませんでした。だから友人を見つけて座ってリラックスして、あなたの心を開く準備をしてください。また、Kink UniversityのAndre Shakti、Fisting:Vaginal and Analのビデオも見てください。

Elise Graves に 'エリゼグレイブスの消滅'

Elise Graves - エリゼグレイブスの消滅


Elise Graves に 'この雌は私のロープで苦しむだろう!'

Elise Graves - この雌は私のロープで苦しむだろう!


Princess Donna Dolore に 'ファックダウン・アメリカ:プリンセス・ドナとジョーダン・アッシュ'

Princess Donna Dolore - ファックダウン・アメリカ:プリンセス・ドナとジョーダン・アッシュ


Riley Shy に 'in The Wall'

Riley Shy - in The Wall

Riley Shyは束縛で激しく激しい

Princess Donna Dolore に 'プリンセスドナのお尻が取られる!'

Princess Donna Dolore - プリンセスドナのお尻が取られる!


Elise Graves に '- DESTROYED!!!!!!!'

Elise Graves - - DESTROYED!!!!!!!


Sandra Romain に 'プリンセス・ドナはサンドラのエレクトロ・サブミッシヴです!!'

Sandra Romain - プリンセス・ドナはサンドラのエレクトロ・サブミッシヴです!!


Princess Donna Dolore に 'プリンセスドナパート2:すべての時間の最もEPICのガンバン'

Princess Donna Dolore - プリンセスドナパート2:すべての時間の最もEPICのガンバン


Syren de Mer に 'ハッピーバースデープリンセスドナ!ファーティー・ファック・フェスト(パート2)'

Syren de Mer - ハッピーバースデープリンセスドナ!ファーティー・ファック・フェスト(パート2)

SyrenとSimoneは、ドナが自分のBIRDDAY FUCKにZanderのディックを使用することを決めたので、乱暴な群衆に彼らの堕落した投稿を続けます!!

Princess Donna Dolore に 'プリンセスドンナギャングバンジェット - パート1'

Princess Donna Dolore - プリンセスドンナギャングバンジェット - パート1


Syren de Mer に 'ハッピーバースデープリンセスドナ!牛の生産に弓! (パート1)'

Syren de Mer - ハッピーバースデープリンセスドナ!牛の生産に弓! (パート1)


Princess Donna Dolore に '巨乳、タイトボンデージ、悪い尻電気玩具'

Princess Donna Dolore - 巨乳、タイトボンデージ、悪い尻電気玩具


Lily LaBeau に '19歳の美しさ'

Lily LaBeau - 19歳の美しさ

Lily LaBeauは彼女のドンを喜ばせるために彼女のオマンコに痛みを伴う苦しいtazerショックを耐えられる完璧なサブになることを証明します!

Jade Indica に 'Brutally Violated by Three Fierce Fem Doms: Air-Tight Penetration with Strap-on's'

Jade Indica - Brutally Violated by Three Fierce Fem Doms: Air-Tight Penetration with Strap-on's


Syd Blakovich に 'コレクションパート2:Jiz Lee'

Syd Blakovich - コレクションパート2:Jiz Lee

コレクションパート2:Jiz LeeがDonnaのコレクションに追加されました

Jade Indica に 'gets Spanked and Shocked in hot Lesbian BDSM Scene'

Jade Indica - gets Spanked and Shocked in hot Lesbian BDSM Scene


Princess Donna Dolore に '可愛い20歳のリンディ・レーンは、電気刺激からのMIND-BLOWING ORGASMSを持っています'

Princess Donna Dolore - 可愛い20歳のリンディ・レーンは、電気刺激からのMIND-BLOWING ORGASMSを持っています


Princess Donna Dolore に '2つのサブ、2つのDoms、1つのホットなアップデート!'

Princess Donna Dolore - 2つのサブ、2つのDoms、1つのホットなアップデート!


Mariah Cherry に '34 F's !!!!!!!ビッグナチュラルのおっぱいは縛られ、ショックを受ける!!'

Mariah Cherry - 34 F's !!!!!!!ビッグナチュラルのおっぱいは縛られ、ショックを受ける!!


Maia Davis に 'プリンセスドナは、セックス、ボンデージと屈辱のB  -  Dayパーティーを投げる'

Maia Davis - プリンセスドナは、セックス、ボンデージと屈辱のB - Dayパーティーを投げる


Mz Berlin に 'Cattleprod'

Mz Berlin - Cattleprod


Mischa Brooks に 'パーフェクトボディ、美しい顔 - 初めてのパブリックセックスとBDSM'

Mischa Brooks - パーフェクトボディ、美しい顔 - 初めてのパブリックセックスとBDSM


Princess Donna Dolore に 'ブレースを持つロシア語のキューティは、不法侵入とギャングバン'

Princess Donna Dolore - ブレースを持つロシア語のキューティは、不法侵入とギャングバン


Cecilia Vega に 'いたずらなフランス人メイドのセシリア・ベガは処罰され、ストラップが犯される。'

Cecilia Vega - いたずらなフランス人メイドのセシリア・ベガは処罰され、ストラップが犯される。


Katie Summers に 'アメリカ人:勇者の国、ボンデージのブロンドの爆弾の家'

Katie Summers - アメリカ人:勇者の国、ボンデージのブロンドの爆弾の家

2人の熱い縛られたブロンドが世界の最高の機械によって忘却に釘付けになると、マシンの自由は - 猫とお尻の花火を見ます。

Vai に 'comes back to Wiredpussy and SQUIRTS everywhere!!!!'

Vai - comes back to Wiredpussy and SQUIRTS everywhere!!!!


Remy LaCroix に 'ファイナルファックマンス:プリンセスドナと彼女のギャングバンレミーラクロア'

Remy LaCroix - ファイナルファックマンス:プリンセスドナと彼女のギャングバンレミーラクロア


Capri Anderson に '- The Brand New Girl'

Capri Anderson - - The Brand New Girl


Remy LaCroix に 'ゴールドスターローラーダービー:Fuckmance:FuckingMachines.comフィーチャームービー'

Remy LaCroix - ゴールドスターローラーダービー:Fuckmance:FuckingMachines.comフィーチャームービー


Princess Donna Dolore に 'スパイ対スパイ:メドヴェージェコ事件特集プレゼンテーション'

Princess Donna Dolore - スパイ対スパイ:メドヴェージェコ事件特集プレゼンテーション


Jade Indica に '最も熱い、そして最も激しいポルノスターのうちの2人が、爆発的な1つのアップデートのためにチームを組む!!'

Jade Indica - 最も熱い、そして最も激しいポルノスターのうちの2人が、爆発的な1つのアップデートのためにチームを組む!!

Ariel XとJade Indicaは、レズビアンのBDSMシーンでは無力です。衝撃を受け、振動して、お尻を舐める!

Jayden Lee に '20歳の老人が初めて縛られる!拳を握って、尻をつくように、尻を殴って、'

Jayden Lee - 20歳の老人が初めて縛られる!拳を握って、尻をつくように、尻を殴って、


Princess Donna Dolore に 'ナイトスタッフ'

Princess Donna Dolore - ナイトスタッフ


Christina Carter に 'オペレーションアメリカアメリカ最大のヒーロー、娼婦のようなカミング'

Christina Carter - オペレーションアメリカアメリカ最大のヒーロー、娼婦のようなカミング

OPERATION AMERICANAスーパーヒーロー映画。博士は、アメリカ大陸最大のヒーローを捕獲するように設定されたサイトを持っています。悪がその日に勝つ...

Elise Graves に '- Harsh Treatment and Predicaments Noir Style - by The Pope!'

Elise Graves - - Harsh Treatment and Predicaments Noir Style - by The Pope!


Beretta James に '5女の子の噴水の祭典!敗者は優勝者と指導者によって支配される!!!'

Beretta James - 5女の子の噴水の祭典!敗者は優勝者と指導者によって支配される!!!


Anikka Albrite に '喫煙ホットブロンドは公共のバーでファックされています'

Anikka Albrite - 喫煙ホットブロンドは公共のバーでファックされています


Beretta James に '3月のライブ・タグ・チーム・マッチのRD34:完全にスクリプト化されていないカルト的な性的レズビアン・レズニング!'

Beretta James - 3月のライブ・タグ・チーム・マッチのRD34:完全にスクリプト化されていないカルト的な性的レズビアン・レズニング!

4人の女の子がマットに全員を連れて来ますが、1人のチームだけが勝つことができます! RD 3を見て、誰が支配権を獲得し、RD 4でストラップ・オンを獲得するのか見てみましょう!

Cecilia Vega に 'セシリアファックベガ!!!!!!'

Cecilia Vega - セシリアファックベガ!!!!!!


Cassandra Nix に '汚れた売春婦はコインランドリーでファックした'

Cassandra Nix - 汚れた売春婦はコインランドリーでファックした


Beretta James に '3月のライブ・タグ・チーム・マッチのRD 2:完全にスクリプト化されていないカレッジスタイルの性的なレズビアン・レッスン!'

Beretta James - 3月のライブ・タグ・チーム・マッチのRD 2:完全にスクリプト化されていないカレッジスタイルの性的なレズビアン・レッスン!

3月のライブ・タグ・チーム・マッチのRD 2:完全にスクリプト化されていないカレッジスタイルの性的なレズビアン・レッスン!提出は、ハサミ、猫の運指を保持する!

Beretta James に '3月のライブ・タグ・チーム・マッチのRD 14:完全にスクリプト化されていないカルト的な性的レズビアン・レズニング!'

Beretta James - 3月のライブ・タグ・チーム・マッチのRD 14:完全にスクリプト化されていないカルト的な性的レズビアン・レズニング!

3月のライブ・タグ・チーム・マッチのRD 1/4:完全にスクリプト化されていないカレッジ・スタイルの性的なレズビアン・レッスン!提出は、ハサミ、猫の運指を保持する!

Lorelei Lee に 'WiredPussyは武器の中で暮らす'

Lorelei Lee - WiredPussyは武器の中で暮らす

Lorelei Leeは、淫乱な痴女のギャングに犯され、縛られ、電気で苦しむ

Princess Donna Dolore に '復讐は甘い'

Princess Donna Dolore - 復讐は甘い

3人の熱い学生が彼らの先生Kylie Irelandに復讐を得る

Gia DiMarco に 'ダブルチーム'

Gia DiMarco - ダブルチーム

Gia DiMarcoは、プリンセスドナとボビー・スターによって犯されてショックを受けながら、ザーメンのバケツを吐き出す

Katie Summers に 'ブロンドの双子のボンデージドンナ姫のゲストフィッシング'

Katie Summers - ブロンドの双子のボンデージドンナ姫のゲストフィッシング


Princess Donna Dolore に '古典的なアーカイブシューティング:優勝者! Bobbi Starrが武装解除した'

Princess Donna Dolore - 古典的なアーカイブシューティング:優勝者! Bobbi Starrが武装解除した


Chastity Lynn に '喫煙ホットブロンドバブルバットベイビーは、ナチョ・ビダルによってハックドック公共シーンで犯される'

Chastity Lynn - 喫煙ホットブロンドバブルバットベイビーは、ナチョ・ビダルによってハックドック公共シーンで犯される


Leilani Leeane に '愛らしい19歳は縛られており、パイズリは大衆で犯されています'

Leilani Leeane - 愛らしい19歳は縛られており、パイズリは大衆で犯されています

Leilani Leanneは、大衆で犯されたラウンドのお尻を取得し、彼女は彼女がエクスタシーで泣き、床の上に噴出し、見知らぬ人を喰らうまで犯されます!

Elise Graves に 'アナル・エントリー'

Elise Graves - アナル・エントリー


Princess Donna Dolore に 'Maitresse Madeline、ドナとイシスの恋愛、捕らえられ、縛られた。パパの後ろのトレーラー。'

Princess Donna Dolore - Maitresse Madeline、ドナとイシスの恋愛、捕らえられ、縛られた。パパの後ろのトレーラー。

この2分間の予告編は、Matt Williamsが2年の休みを経てHogtiedに戻ることを促進するために作成されました。 Maitresse Madeline、プリンセスドナ&イシスラブスター。

Gia DiMarco に 'is Back!!!!!'

Gia DiMarco - is Back!!!!!

誰もが好きなお尻のペア、Gia DiMarcoが縛られて、お尻が公衆に犯された!!!

Alysa に 'Holy Gaping Buttholeバットマン!!! EPIC ANALロシアの肛門女王アリサを主演!!!!!'

Alysa - Holy Gaping Buttholeバットマン!!! EPIC ANALロシアの肛門女王アリサを主演!!!!!


Kelly Divine に 'ビッグ美尻'

Kelly Divine - ビッグ美尻


Princess Donna Dolore に '党:ドンナ王女の出演'

Princess Donna Dolore - 党:ドンナ王女の出演


Princess Donna Dolore に '悪い態度'

Princess Donna Dolore - 悪い態度


Aiden Starr に 'LezDom Take Down'

Aiden Starr - LezDom Take Down


Charisma Cappelli に '大きなおっぱいブロンドのポルノスターが尻をパブリックに犯される'

Charisma Cappelli - 大きなおっぱいブロンドのポルノスターが尻をパブリックに犯される


Katie Summers に '群衆の慈悲で'

Katie Summers - 群衆の慈悲で


Princess Donna Dolore に '熱い巨乳の巨乳で恥ずかしがり屋とポルノストアで犯される'

Princess Donna Dolore - 熱い巨乳の巨乳で恥ずかしがり屋とポルノストアで犯される


Princess Donna Dolore に 'ビッグ・ティトティド・マッケンジー・リーはパブリックバーで恥ずかしがり屋です'

Princess Donna Dolore - ビッグ・ティトティド・マッケンジー・リーはパブリックバーで恥ずかしがり屋です

McKenzie Leeは公共のバーで屈辱を受ける。きつく縛られて、無知になり、落書きされ、彼女は制御不能に詰まり、尊厳のすべての感覚を失う。

Ashlynn Leigh に '愛らしい19歳のコミックブックストアで恥ずかしがり屋'

Ashlynn Leigh - 愛らしい19歳のコミックブックストアで恥ずかしがり屋


Elise Graves に '売春宿'

Elise Graves - 売春宿


Audrey Rose に 'フォルサムストリートフェア'

Audrey Rose - フォルサムストリートフェア


Yuki Mori に '愛らしいアジアのモデル恥ずかしがり屋'

Yuki Mori - 愛らしいアジアのモデル恥ずかしがり屋


Aria Aspen に '美容院のバー'

Aria Aspen - 美容院のバー


Amy Brooke に 'アース・クイーン・エイミー・ブルック'

Amy Brooke - アース・クイーン・エイミー・ブルック


Lyla Storm に 'サンドイッチショップで劣化'

Lyla Storm - サンドイッチショップで劣化

彼女の頭をゴミ箱に入れ、空中でお尻を抱き、Lyla Stormはサンドイッチショップで馬鹿に犯され、顧客は自分のゴミを自分の頭に投げ捨てる。

Sensi Pearl に 'スーパーフレキシブルセンシパールが縛られてファックされる'

Sensi Pearl - スーパーフレキシブルセンシパールが縛られてファックされる

Super slut Sensi Pearlは、武器屋の生の聴衆の前で犯されている!

Elise Graves に 'ダンジョンに閉じ込められ、セックスグッズとして使用される'

Elise Graves - ダンジョンに閉じ込められ、セックスグッズとして使用される


Elise Graves に '結び目をつけたジッパー、缶詰、拷問'

Elise Graves - 結び目をつけたジッパー、缶詰、拷問


Franceska Jaimes に 'ペントハウスペットフランチェスカ・ジェイムズは、パブリック・ケニー・アンド・ファック'

Franceska Jaimes - ペントハウスペットフランチェスカ・ジェイムズは、パブリック・ケニー・アンド・ファック

ペントハウスペットのFanceska Jaimesはパブリックスクエアで彼女の大きな丸いお尻を犯すことができます。そして、彼女は彼女のお尻を拳で犯され、犯され、大衆で舐めた猫になりました

Rylie Richman に 'ホットブロンドはバーで恥ずかしがり屋'

Rylie Richman - ホットブロンドはバーで恥ずかしがり屋


Natalie に '総アマチュアが縛られ、初めて初めて支配される'

Natalie - 総アマチュアが縛られ、初めて初めて支配される


Salma de Nora に '公的なファック'

Salma de Nora - 公的なファック


Skin Diamond に '美しいフェティッシュモデルは彼女の限界にプッシュされ、尻を激しく殴った'

Skin Diamond - 美しいフェティッシュモデルは彼女の限界にプッシュされ、尻を激しく殴った


Christina Carter に 'OPERATION AMERICANA HOGTEDスーパーヒーローフィーチャー。アメリカ最大のヒーロー、娼婦のようなカミング'

Christina Carter - OPERATION AMERICANA HOGTEDスーパーヒーローフィーチャー。アメリカ最大のヒーロー、娼婦のようなカミング

OPERATION AMERICANAホーリード・スーパー・ヒーロー映画。医者は、アメリカ最大のヒーローを捕獲することに決めた彼のサイトを持っています。悪がその日に勝つ...

Isis Love に 'エリスは彼女自身の巨大な乳首で押さえつけられ、シビアンで押さえつけられます!どんな動きでも乳首がPAIN!'

Isis Love - エリスは彼女自身の巨大な乳首で押さえつけられ、シビアンで押さえつけられます!どんな動きでも乳首がPAIN!


Isis Love に '浣腸と肛門支配に来る'

Isis Love - 浣腸と肛門支配に来る


Isis Love に '重度にお尻を鞭打ち、その後、お尻を犯しながら、雄鶏にギャグをしながら、ザーメンをザーメンズにしました!乳首が拷問された!'

Isis Love - 重度にお尻を鞭打ち、その後、お尻を犯しながら、雄鶏にギャグをしながら、ザーメンをザーメンズにしました!乳首が拷問された!


Isis Love に '彼女に大量のくすぐりの痛みを与える。少年は彼女が毎秒嫌いですか? C5サスペンション'

Isis Love - 彼女に大量のくすぐりの痛みを与える。少年は彼女が毎秒嫌いですか? C5サスペンション


Audrey Rose に 'ケージに閉じ込められ、飢えた群衆に連れてこられた熱い地方のアマチュア'

Audrey Rose - ケージに閉じ込められ、飢えた群衆に連れてこられた熱い地方のアマチュア


Charley Chase に 'クラシック・アーカイヴ・シュート:ディナーパーティー'

Charley Chase - クラシック・アーカイヴ・シュート:ディナーパーティー


Isis Love に 'EliseはFlying Rubensに残酷なカテゴリ5のサスペンションで拘束されています。'

Isis Love - EliseはFlying Rubensに残酷なカテゴリ5のサスペンションで拘束されています。


Uma Masome に 'ストリートで衝撃を受けた'

Uma Masome - ストリートで衝撃を受けた


Vai に '熱いアマチュアのスクワーターは、大人の群衆の前で彼女の最初のBoyGirlセックスシーンとお尻をやります'

Vai - 熱いアマチュアのスクワーターは、大人の群衆の前で彼女の最初のBoyGirlセックスシーンとお尻をやります


Elise Graves に '反転、肘が縛られ、ひどく弓が後ろに残っている残忍な股のロープ、大声で叫ぶオーガズム!エピック!'

Elise Graves - 反転、肘が縛られ、ひどく弓が後ろに残っている残忍な股のロープ、大声で叫ぶオーガズム!エピック!


Jacqueline Black Lady に '公開された、露出され、ファックされた'

Jacqueline Black Lady - 公開された、露出され、ファックされた

ベルリン地下鉄、橋、ローディングドック、オリンピックスタジアム - ドナ・ドルーア妃がユーロ・スリットを公開している - 露出した、裸の、ハードコアなファック!

Natasha Lyn に '背の高いブロンドのアマチュアは、ブラックアウトコンタクトレンズを着用している間にファックされます - 彼女は何かを見ることができません!'

Natasha Lyn - 背の高いブロンドのアマチュアは、ブラックアウトコンタクトレンズを着用している間にファックされます - 彼女は何かを見ることができません!


Princess Donna Dolore に '公的ギャング2'

Princess Donna Dolore - 公的ギャング2


Felony に 'ORGASMAGEDDONパート44私たちは両方を破壊点に向けてオルガズムしました。狂気の向こうに'

Felony - ORGASMAGEDDONパート44私たちは両方を破壊点に向けてオルガズムしました。狂気の向こうに


Sophie Monroe に '3日目 - ドリー肉のプリンセス・ドナとマイトレス・マデリネがターンを取る'

Sophie Monroe - 3日目 - ドリー肉のプリンセス・ドナとマイトレス・マデリネがターンを取る

Maitresse Madeline、ドナ皇帝、そしてThe Popeは交代して地獄の版にドリーを置いています!

Felony に 'ORGASMAGEDDON:34両女の子たちは自分たちの足もとのガロンに横たわっていて、まだカミングしています。'

Felony - ORGASMAGEDDON:34両女の子たちは自分たちの足もとのガロンに横たわっていて、まだカミングしています。


Cheyenne Jewel に '美しいブルネットは、3つの娼婦に還元'

Cheyenne Jewel - 美しいブルネットは、3つの娼婦に還元


Felony に 'ORGASMAGEDDON:パート24 15分で大量のオーガズム過負荷、フィッシング、潮吹き、カミング。'

Felony - ORGASMAGEDDON:パート24 15分で大量のオーガズム過負荷、フィッシング、潮吹き、カミング。


Jynx Maze に 'ビッグラウンドのお尻を持つラティーナキューティは、見知らぬ人によって公開され支配される'

Jynx Maze - ビッグラウンドのお尻を持つラティーナキューティは、見知らぬ人によって公開され支配される

Jynx Mazeには大きな丸いお尻があり、完璧なおっぱいはポルノの店の周りに広がっていて、そこではお尻と恥ずかしがり屋です

DragonLily に 'ドラゴンリリーリターンズ'

DragonLily - ドラゴンリリーリターンズ


Felony に 'ORGASMAGEDDON:パート14ほとんど文字通り死に至るまでオルガズムされる2人の女の子の始まり。'

Felony - ORGASMAGEDDON:パート14ほとんど文字通り死に至るまでオルガズムされる2人の女の子の始まり。

ORGASMAGEDDON:Part 1 of 4。オルガズムの時に本当に何が起こるのですか

Elise Graves に '残忍な乳首の引っ張り、ゆっくりとした絞扼、極端な背中のアーチ鍛えられたように、非常に激しくザーメン。'

Elise Graves - 残忍な乳首の引っ張り、ゆっくりとした絞扼、極端な背中のアーチ鍛えられたように、非常に激しくザーメン。


Princess Donna Dolore に 'プリンセスドナ破壊!'

Princess Donna Dolore - プリンセスドナ破壊!


Elise Graves に '若いロープの女が強烈なボンデージの一日を - ライブ'

Elise Graves - 若いロープの女が強烈なボンデージの一日を - ライブ

若いロープの淫乱女は、強烈なボンデージの一日を迎えます - ライブ - エリゼは非常に従順で、ロープと緊密な奴隷を愛しています。

Phoenix Marie に 'gets her ass Fisted in Bondage!!!!'

Phoenix Marie - gets her ass Fisted in Bondage!!!!


Rain DeGrey に '混雑したバーの悪魔のような雨のDegrey Cums'

Rain DeGrey - 混雑したバーの悪魔のような雨のDegrey Cums


Lily LaBeau に 'ゴージャスな20歳のブロンドのファックしたと劣化'

Lily LaBeau - ゴージャスな20歳のブロンドのファックしたと劣化

Lily LaBeauは逆さまに張られて、束縛の中で雄鶏を奉仕するようにされています

Jade Indica に 'プリンセスドナのBデイバッシュ'

Jade Indica - プリンセスドナのBデイバッシュ

プリンセスは、彼女の誕生日を王冠の上階で祝う。 2人の女の子の束縛、公共のクソ、そしてたくさんの姉妹の交換!

AnnaBelle Lee に 'プリンセスとマシン女の子の次のドア決して彼女の猫がストレッチので多く'

AnnaBelle Lee - プリンセスとマシン女の子の次のドア決して彼女の猫がストレッチので多く


Elise Graves に 'ハードボンデージはハードオルガスムに等しい'

Elise Graves - ハードボンデージはハードオルガスムに等しい


Haley Cummings に '19歳の巨大な天然のおっぱいで、恥辱を受けて大人になった'

Haley Cummings - 19歳の巨大な天然のおっぱいで、恥辱を受けて大人になった


Bobbi Brixton に 'リアリティチェック'

Bobbi Brixton - リアリティチェック


Tara Lynn Foxx に 'あなたはあなた自身にそれをする'

Tara Lynn Foxx - あなたはあなた自身にそれをする

Tara Lynn Foxxが縛られて電気でザーメンになった!

Zak Tyler に 'ユールログ'

Zak Tyler - ユールログ


Elise Graves に 'ブレークザアンブレイカブル'

Elise Graves - ブレークザアンブレイカブル


Iona Grace に '熱い19歳のおっぱい彼女の最初のBoyGirlはこれまでに撃ちますか?'

Iona Grace - 熱い19歳のおっぱい彼女の最初のBoyGirlはこれまでに撃ちますか?


Elise Graves に 'タフな釘'

Elise Graves - タフな釘


AnnaBelle Lee に 'プリンセスドンナマシンは女の子の次のドアをセックスする'

AnnaBelle Lee - プリンセスドンナマシンは女の子の次のドアをセックスする


Wenona に '今や、敗者は勝者とドナ姫が残酷に暴力を浴びることになる'

Wenona - 今や、敗者は勝者とドナ姫が残酷に暴力を浴びることになる

レスリングが終わった今、敗者はライブの聴衆の前で勝者とドナ皇太子との残忍なギャングに襲われるだろう。 3 on 2!

Wenona に '生きている聴衆の前でレッサーをしていない生きている頭の中で頭を上げる4人の女の子残忍な行動'

Wenona - 生きている聴衆の前でレッサーをしていない生きている頭の中で頭を上げる4人の女の子残忍な行動

この驚くべきタグチームの最終ラウンドがマッチアップ。 4人の女の子が生の聴衆の前で脚本のないライブで頭を下ろしている。残忍なアクション!

Sloane Soleil に 'かわいい地元のモデルは、彼女のClitを通って電気パルスから激しく怒っている'

Sloane Soleil - かわいい地元のモデルは、彼女のClitを通って電気パルスから激しく怒っている


Wenona に '残忍なスクリプトのないタグチームのアクション2チームが戦闘を行い、マットの最も厄介な人を見ます'

Wenona - 残忍なスクリプトのないタグチームのアクション2チームが戦闘を行い、マットの最も厄介な人を見ます


Wenona に '4つのタグチームで競争しています。'

Wenona - 4つのタグチームで競争しています。


Princess Donna Dolore に 'ブロンドミートダブルチーム'

Princess Donna Dolore - ブロンドミートダブルチーム


Princess Donna Dolore に 'セクシーな牛が縛られ支配'

Princess Donna Dolore - セクシーな牛が縛られ支配


リジーローズ に 'リジーローズ'

リジーローズ - リジーローズ


Princess Donna Dolore に 'ビッグタイトなブロンドの熟女はショックを受け、ザーメンを浴びる。'

Princess Donna Dolore - ビッグタイトなブロンドの熟女はショックを受け、ザーメンを浴びる。


Payton Bell に '地元のベイビーは、エレクトロプレディクトボンデージでストップされたアップサイドダウンを取得'

Payton Bell - 地元のベイビーは、エレクトロプレディクトボンデージでストップされたアップサイドダウンを取得


Princess Donna Dolore に 'Maitresse Madeline Punished and FuckKedとドンナ姫の鞭打ち尻のディレクターとしてハマる!'

Princess Donna Dolore - Maitresse Madeline Punished and FuckKedとドンナ姫の鞭打ち尻のディレクターとしてハマる!

Maitresse Madelineは、Whippedass.comのディレクターとして縛られ、屈辱を受け、犯され、危険にさらされた

Ariel X に 'ワーデン'

Ariel X - ワーデン


Vivienne Del Rio に 'レズビアンの復讐'

Vivienne Del Rio - レズビアンの復讐


Princess Donna Dolore に 'プリンセスはどれくらいファックできるの?'

Princess Donna Dolore - プリンセスはどれくらいファックできるの?


Allie Haze に '二重のチームと恐怖の無慈悲'

Allie Haze - 二重のチームと恐怖の無慈悲

Allie Hazeは、激しく激しいドムズに縛られて支配されている間、彼女の電気に対する恐怖に直面する

Princess Donna Dolore に 'あなたがPRINCESS DONNAが最後に更新されたと思ったらあなたはまだ何も見ていません!'

Princess Donna Dolore - あなたがPRINCESS DONNAが最後に更新されたと思ったらあなたはまだ何も見ていません!

ドナ姫はジェームズ・ディーンと巨大なコックによって犯された。 Isis LoveはDonnaの顔のいたるところで彼女の猫を窒息させ、彼女は無力に犯されている

Princess Donna Dolore に 'プリンセス・ドナは、共通の農民に縛られて無力で、吸って、犯された。'

Princess Donna Dolore - プリンセス・ドナは、共通の農民に縛られて無力で、吸って、犯された。


Princess Donna Dolore に '6月4日の第1回ライブショー。'

Princess Donna Dolore - 6月4日の第1回ライブショー。

プリンセスドナ、ライブデバイスボンデージショーのパート1で。 Sybianに束縛されて無力で、何度も繰り返し詰め込まれた。

Skylar Price に '巨乳の美しいブロンドがオマンコになって、キャンバスキャンバスとして使用される'

Skylar Price - 巨乳の美しいブロンドがオマンコになって、キャンバスキャンバスとして使用される


Jessi Palmer に 'クローゼットに閉じ込められている'

Jessi Palmer - クローゼットに閉じ込められている


Tia Ling に 'マインドファック'

Tia Ling - マインドファック

Tia Lingは、彼女の濡れた淫らな女を脈打つ電気でお尻に激しくファックした

Princess Donna Dolore に 'Kink StylistがWiredpussy.comでポルノデビューを果たす!'

Princess Donna Dolore - Kink StylistがWiredpussy.comでポルノデビューを果たす!


Halie James に 'ベテランと初心者'

Halie James - ベテランと初心者


Princess Donna Dolore に 'ビバリーヒルズ'

Princess Donna Dolore - ビバリーヒルズ


Puma Swede に 'プーマスウェーデン:巨乳、金髪、悪い姿勢'

Puma Swede - プーマスウェーデン:巨乳、金髪、悪い姿勢


Princess Donna Dolore に 'アナベル・リー'

Princess Donna Dolore - アナベル・リー


Princess Donna Dolore に 'サーシャノックス'

Princess Donna Dolore - サーシャノックス

Sasha Knoxは彼女のお尻を叩きつけ、大きな電気的なバットのプラグで満たされます!

Ally Ann に 'アシュリー・ジェーン、アリー・アン、プリンセス・ドナ4月4日、ライブショー'

Ally Ann - アシュリー・ジェーン、アリー・アン、プリンセス・ドナ4月4日、ライブショー


Princess Donna Dolore に 'アシュリー・ジェーン、アリー・アン、ドナ姫3月4日、ライブショー'

Princess Donna Dolore - アシュリー・ジェーン、アリー・アン、ドナ姫3月4日、ライブショー


Ally Ann に 'アシュリー・ジェーン、アリー・アン、プリンセス・ドナ4月2日、ライブショー'

Ally Ann - アシュリー・ジェーン、アリー・アン、プリンセス・ドナ4月2日、ライブショー

2人のホットな友人が夫婦に縛られて苦しんでいる。 CUMに作られた!!!!

Ally Ann に 'アシュリー・ジェーン、アリー・アン、プリンセス・ドナ・パート1月4日のライブショー'

Ally Ann - アシュリー・ジェーン、アリー・アン、プリンセス・ドナ・パート1月4日のライブショー


Dia Zerva に '- Tied, shocked, and made to cum'

Dia Zerva - - Tied, shocked, and made to cum

Dia ZervaはWiredpussy.comで電気的支配を経験しています!

Princess Donna Dolore に 'ドラゴンヒルの暴露'

Princess Donna Dolore - ドラゴンヒルの暴露


Ami Emerson に '週末のボーナス:Ami Emersonが彼女の限界に突入'

Ami Emerson - 週末のボーナス:Ami Emersonが彼女の限界に突入

プリンセスドナは真の女王であることを証明します。問題は、Ami Emersonが熱を奪うことができるということですか?

Princess Donna Dolore に '18歳になってから2週間後、アイビーは一生懸命に縛られて幻想を抱きます。'

Princess Donna Dolore - 18歳になってから2週間後、アイビーは一生懸命に縛られて幻想を抱きます。


リーア に 'リーア'

リーア - リーア


Payton Bell に '応援'

Payton Bell - 応援


Princess Donna Dolore に 'Sexy College Co-EdがWiredpussyでポルノデビュー'

Princess Donna Dolore - Sexy College Co-EdがWiredpussyでポルノデビュー


Jade Indica に 'ホワイトパンティー'

Jade Indica - ホワイトパンティー


Syd Blakovich に '審問'

Syd Blakovich - 審問

Syd Blakovichが尋問され、3つの熱いドムによって犯される

Princess Donna Dolore に 'キンクのプリンセス'

Princess Donna Dolore - キンクのプリンセス


Princess Donna Dolore に 'ベラロッシは、彼女の大きな自然なおっぱいにショックを受け、縛られてしまいます!'

Princess Donna Dolore - ベラロッシは、彼女の大きな自然なおっぱいにショックを受け、縛られてしまいます!


Raina Verene に 'Raina Vereneのトレーニング、3日目'

Raina Verene - Raina Vereneのトレーニング、3日目


Princess Donna Dolore に 'セリーナ'

Princess Donna Dolore - セリーナ


Charlotte Vale に 'シャーロットヴェイル、ハーモニー、プリンセスドナドロア'

Charlotte Vale - シャーロットヴェイル、ハーモニー、プリンセスドナドロア

Charlotte Valeは美しいライフスタイルの服従で、罰と痛みのために崇拝を持っています。 Charlotteは容赦のないチェーンでしっかりと包まれており、素晴らしいハードスパンキングのためにHarmonyの膝を覆っています。それから彼女は中出しされ、犯され、鞭で打たれ、そして服従させられる。彼女はハーモニーの罰をすべて受けて本当に美しく見え、彼女が電気の恐怖の撃ち始めたにもかかわらず彼女の顔に笑顔で出てくる。お城でまた良い日を!

Raina Verene に 'and Princess Donna Dolore'

Raina Verene - and Princess Donna Dolore

WiredpussyにRaina Vereneを歓迎してください。私は即座にRainaに恋をしました。それはほとんどそれをすべて言います。ライナはこのシュートを完全に無力で動けなくし、ドナ妃はあらゆる種類の身体的および電気的な遊びで彼女の色白の肌を仕上げます。彼女は銅製の電柱の上で肋骨に吊り下げられ、つま先から猫へとぶら下がる衝撃と衝撃的な衝撃のどちらかを選択します。彼女は数え切れないほどの時間を兼ねさせられ、それから感謝する子になるように訓練され、拳を打ち、そして家に帰されました。すべての日のうちにプリンセスドンナのために働きます、そして、明らかに、彼女は彼女の仕事を愛しています!

Princess Donna Dolore に 'プリンセスドンナはまた潜水!'

Princess Donna Dolore - プリンセスドンナはまた潜水!


Lorelei Lee に 'ローレライ・リー、ミア・バング、ドナ・ドローレ王女'

Lorelei Lee - ローレライ・リー、ミア・バング、ドナ・ドローレ王女

Lorelei LeeとMia Banggは、Cabo San Lucasへの私達の場所旅行に非常に興奮していました。残念なことに彼らにとってそれは彼らが期待していたビーチパラダイスではなかった。プールでのんびりする代わりに、これらの女の子はバグに囲まれて電気で苦しめられているマンゴー畑で結ばれた日々を過ごしました。このアップデートは素晴らしい猫なめる、膨脹可能なバットプラグ、ウシのprod、そしてその他たくさんあります。お見逃しなく!

他のサイトからの風景 Elise Graves,Princess Donna Dolore

Elise Graves に 'Vacuum Sack Breath Control'

Elise Graves - Vacuum Sack Breath Control

Meeting Lita is an absolute pleasure, but playing with her is even more so. On this fateful day, I did both for the first time. I chose to squeeze Lita into a new vacuum sack of mine, which delighted us both. The red rubber sack was vacuumed so tight - I was able to make out all of Lita?s wonderfully shapely details. Rubber-coated bodies are truly a sight to behold! After attaching a gas mask to her pretty face, I hooked her up to the ventilator. With the ventilator now being in control of Lita?s access to air, she needed to concentrate to sync herself up to the machine. Being the tough cookie that she is, Lita was able to descend rather quickly down to 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 breaths per minute.

Elise Graves に 'Orgasming at Full Tilt'

Elise Graves - Orgasming at Full Tilt

Whoever said that a man isn?t capable of multiple orgasms? Dart Tech proves this idea very, very wrong! Strapped into arm, wrist, leg, and neck braces, Dart Tech is then skillfully strapped to a tilting medical table by Elise Graves and SF Dom. An electro butt plug and electro cock bands are fitted to Dart?s helpless body, giving Elise much power over the state of Dart?s well-being. SF Dom expands on this helplessness by relentlessly stimulating Dart?s electrified cock by smashing it between two of the most powerful vibrators! This begins a long, repeated journey for Dart in which he builds up to orgasm, releases, and then builds up to more and more. After several orgasms,

Elise Graves に 'Put to Good Use'

Elise Graves - Put to Good Use

If there is one activity I enjoy most, it is teasing a horny, rubber-clad man after I lock him down into inescapable metal bondage. This is precisely what I do with my rubber friend J after first sticking an electro butt plug up his ass. After securing his head between two tight pads to prevent any movement, I affix a dildo to his face - after all, he is here for my amusement, my pleasure. It is a great turn-on for me to lower my pussy over his face and onto his dildo gag. Visually he is so close to my pretty pussy, but sensation-wise he is so far! After using his face for my pleasure, I move on to his rubber cock. Thanks to a thick rubber sheath covering his cock and balls, he derives little to no actual physical sensation when I slide him inside me. This means the pleasure is all mine! I take full advantage of his helpless rubber body that is locked into rigid metal neck, wrist, and ankle restraints. After orgasming myself silly, I retire to another room to regain my energy, while J waits for me to come to use him all over again when I am ready.

Elise Graves に 'Two Peas in a Pod'

Elise Graves - Two Peas in a Pod

Elise Graves has the best friends! A friend of her?s had a dream about being in a double-person vac sack, and after sharing that with a different friend, HE MADE IT! Vacuum sacks are a WONDERFULLY SENSUAL experience! And it is a highly recommended experience just on your own. However, with a friend, it becomes something else, something more. Thick rubber closing in on Elise and J?s bodies, pressing them closer on one another while providing the out-of-this-world vacuum sack experience is something to behold. Perhaps that is why you will not see a giant smile leave Elise?s face the entire time! It is wonderful. Highly recommended. In fact, I totally recommend contacting Elise through bondage therapy for a vac sack experience of your own!!!

Elise Graves に 'Rubber Pussy Exam'

Elise Graves - Rubber Pussy Exam

Rubber Nurse Elise has a very long attention span when it comes to Rubber Patient Anna?s pussy. Elise?s many toys make for a memorable experience in Anna?s mind. Beginning with an experimental vibrator, Elise brings flow to Anna?s pussy lips, so that they expand in space and time, creating a larger working area for Elise?s imagination. Nurse Elise would like to see inside those lips and therefore she uses a Steelwerks pussy spreader clamp to both clamp Anna?s outer lips as well as spread them wide. Inside, Elise can now view Anna?s lovely inner pussy lips that are conveniently pierced with rings. Elise can?t help herself and needs to see what is inside those inner lips, so she rigs some additional Steelwerks c-clamps to pull wide those delicate inner lips. Using a pussy camera, Elise offers Anna a view of a lifetime of her own pussy. During the entire examination, electricity is coursing through Anna?s rectum, which creates added stimulation for Elise to play with, giving Anna some wild orgasms where she needs to call Mercy. Rubber Pussy Exam, oh my!

Elise Graves に 'Strange Hobbies at the Dentist'

Elise Graves - Strange Hobbies at the Dentist

Dental enthusiast, Elise Graves, invited her friend Strange Hobbies over to play dentist. Elise, dressed in white lingerie and nurse shoes, binds her straitjacketed and halo brace-wearing friend into her dental chair with medical restraints. His dick gets rock hard immediately, as he knows this is a dental procedure of a lifetime. As Elise affixes an enormous metal gag to the halo brace, she creates one solid, immovable structure running from Strange Hobbie?s head to his chest. There is absolutely no escaping Elise?s invasive tendencies now. Alternating the vacuum between sucking out loads of saliva collecting in Hobbies? mouth and connecting the vacuum to a penis tube, Elise is beginning to confuse her friend?s body and mind. After blowing a giant load into the suction tube, Elise uses the splurge as a dental treatment.

Elise Graves に 'Vespa All Sucked Up'

Elise Graves - Vespa All Sucked Up

Elise, along with some Serious Bondage friends, traveled to Seattle to meet the sexy fucks behind Reflective Desires, which includes sexy Vespa! Vespa and Elise hit it off quickly, and soon Vespa was invited into Elise?s vacuum bed. Looking super hot all sucked up, Vespa was quickly explored by the rubber-clad Elise. After a bit of getting-to-know-one-another, Elise covers her eyes with a blindfold and shoves an inflatable gag into Vespa?s eager mouth. It isn?t long before Elise desires to control Vespa through her breathing capability. So she places a gas mask on the helpless Vespa, as well as a rebreather bag, giving Elise full control of every breath. Elise delights in Vespa?s sexy vulnerable situation.

Elise Graves に 'Pussy Face'

Elise Graves - Pussy Face

Elise likes to control others in the bedroom. Of this, there is no doubt. She would have been happy to place her friend Faye into sexy leather bondage and fuck her brains out on the fuck cart, but no, Elise wanted more. Elise places Faye on the cart while Blake is trussed up in a leather Christopher Fetish butterfly straitjacket. His legs are bent and tied, resulting in him suffering on his knees. Electrical beads are inserted into Faye?s beautiful pussy and Elise then instructs Blake to begin licking Faye?s clit. If he does a good enough job, Elise will provide some relief for Blake?s knees. As it turns out, Blake is a pretty good pussy licker. So good, in fact, that Elise decides to reward him with the electrical beads up his ass as a dildo face gag is placed into his mouth and on his head. Elise instructs Blake to begin fucking as she cranks the electro up in his ass. The dichotomy of pleasuring Faye while tormenting Blake really turns Elise on.

Elise Graves に 'I am Just Like You'

Elise Graves - I am Just Like You

I am just like Nadamass. I know so much about him because I know so much about myself. He and I are the same. His perversions are my own. Therefore, I am able to meet him, bind him, and him to blow his load in no time, because I know what he likes. And he likes to be completely controlled. I buckle him into the inescapable leather bondage chair. I wrap his hands down so he can experience no movement there. I place a gas mask on his face so that every speck of air is made permissible by me. His head is immobilized. And then I begin stroking his cock? I am empathic and therefore experience what another is experiencing. This is why I love people so much. I love it all.

Elise Graves に 'Rubber Bubble Bath'

Elise Graves - Rubber Bubble Bath

Upon first meeting Rachel Greyhound, Elise Graves knew she had found a fun playmate. Rachel is fearless and playful. Elise has a deep need to test people out, though, to make sure they are really who they say they are, and on this day, that test included bondage and a bathtub! A naked Elise zips a naked Rachel into a tight rubber rest sack, instantly putting Rachel in a vulnerable place, as she is standing in a bathtub now with no hands and little balance. Elise takes advantage of this and begins to throw Rachel off balance, only to catch her to show that she will be cared for. Taking Rachel down into the tub, tying her up, and turning on the water further places Rachel in a helpless position, however, the beauty of Rachel is that she is trusting and enjoys her submissive state very much. Elise uses the rising water as a means of toying with Rachel and she can?t resist combining some fear with some pleasure in the form of a water-proof vibrator. Watch Rachel squirm and giggle as she is ensconced in a rubber hood to be transformed into the perfect lover for Elise.

Elise Graves に 'Tony Cuts His Teeth on Elise'

Elise Graves - Tony Cuts His Teeth on Elise

Elise Graves and Tony Orlando have undeniably great chemistry when playing with one another. Elise has had the wonderful opportunity to tie Tony Orlando on several occasions. Each and every time, Tony has increased his desire to get some sweet revenge on sadistic Elise. Well, the time has finally come. Tony places Elise into a straitjacket, ankle spreader, and a rigidly suspended head box. Tony tickles her mercilessly as Elise screams. Elise?s clit is sucked into a small tube, creating a small dick. Tony teases her with a vibrator. Watch as Elise becomes quite sweaty and steams up the box with her screaming, panting, and uncontrollable laughter.

Elise Graves に 'Surrounded'

Elise Graves - Surrounded

Elise and her friends Pling and Troy Orleans are in Amsterdam for some fun and some fun they are going to have! They are feeling pretty feisty and are looking for someone to let it out on. Enter Cobie, a young woman who is incredibly trusting. Elise locks Cobie?s neck and wrists into a Rigid Cuffs fiddle device, rendering her pretty helpless right from the start. Fiddled Cobie is then strung up by a chain, requiring her to stay up on her toes. Troy uses a metal leg spreader to make Cobie more vulnerable. Soon, all three women are circling around a hooded Cobie, touching her in ways that range from pleasure to pain, with Cobie not knowing who is doing what. Elise likes to make things a bit more intense, so she adds a rubber neck rope to Cobie?s situation. This pleases them all, who then sit back and take in the lovely site that is Cobie struggling to maintain.

Elise Graves に 'Muddy the Waters'

Elise Graves - Muddy the Waters

Welcome Tai Crimson. It was lovely meeting you today. Thanks for allowing me to take complete and utter control of your body and mind. That was very trusting of you. I will treat you kindly. It just so happens that I enjoy getting to know a person by cleaning out their asshole in front of me. By putting a person in a highly vulnerable state and watching them, observing them. I like to put a person in a state of desperation to see how they behave. Tai, you are a trooper! You took a surprisingly large amount of water in your ass - and you held it like a champ! Watching your beautiful face as it expresses the desperation and discomfort deep within your loins, is a sight to behold! Thank you for your honesty. Your beauty. And for your willingness. We will certainly meet again. -Elise

Elise Graves に 'Trapped in a Tease Box'

Elise Graves - Trapped in a Tease Box

Elise likes to tease Tony. No, more accurately, Elise LOVES to TEASE TONY! There is just simply something about Tony Orlando that drives Elise to sensually tease Tony to the brink of insanity. With Tony?s wrists and ankles firmly held in place by an extremely heavy-duty bondage bed, it leaves the rest of his body exposed. Except that Elise only wants to show Tony her beautiful body - she doesn?t want him to actually have access to it. So she places a box around the head of Tony, one with a transparent top, so that Tony can have a very close look at Elise?s tempting. Watch as Elise sits on Tony?s face while masturbating herself, getting the box top all gooey with her pussy juice. Thanks to a POV Tony angle, you?ll experience the same utter tease and denial at the hands of Elise.

Elise Graves に 'Suck It Up'

Elise Graves - Suck It Up

Katt Anomia and Elise Graves met in a hotel room in order to have some private play together! Armed with a strap-on and a webcam, Elise, however, wants to share this moment with the world (and with her future self!). Watch as Katt digs Elise?s hard cock out of her tiny shorts. Watch as Katt?s eyes begin to water as she produces the viscous saliva from deep-throating Elise?s cock. Elise enjoys each and every moment of watching Katt struggle to please. In the end, Elise can not handle it anymore and blows a major load! (It was Shot with a webcam, so not the greatest video quality!)

Elise Graves に 'Welcome to Heavy Rubber'

Elise Graves - Welcome to Heavy Rubber

Strange Hobbies, as his moniker suggests, is into some very strange things, but somehow he had not yet had a heavy rubber experience and Elise Graves wanted to rectify that situation immediately! As Elise helps her friend into the thick Studio Gum rubber suit, she explains to him how special this suit is. How it has a full-mouthed rubber gag attached on the inside, and how that will add to his overall experience. Elise warms Strange Hobbies up by lying him on his back and vibrating his body. Once he is ready, Elise suspends her rubber-clad friend upside down and secures his arms behind his back with a leather strap. This is one hell of an introduction to heavy rubber, and that is exactly how Strange Hobbies prefers it!

Elise Graves に 'Cry for the Hood Moon'

Elise Graves - Cry for the Hood Moon

I am not sure if Mercy West knew what they were getting themselves into, but I know that they really trust me, and so they were willing to put themselves in my hands? Elise Graves is a control freak. Not the kind that would typically spring to mind, but rather, the kind of person who feeds off others giving her control. Her pussy gets wet from Mercy being bound to a chair. Elise?s pussy gets wetter after the hood goes over Mercy?s head. Elise can hardly contain her joy as Mercy learns to deal with the struggle during this time. Of course, Elise makes it more challenging for Mercy by fondling Mercy?s body and sexually stimulating them. Props to Mercy for being so willing, so trusting, so beautiful!

Kino Payne に 'Stretched Out'

Kino Payne - Stretched Out

Elise is tied, tickled, teased, and generally taken for a ride as she is tightly stretched out on a bondage bed. Her wrists are tied in such a way that she tightens the rope around her neck anytime she pulls on her arms. Due to the many sensations Kino orchestrates for her - be it electro, pain, or pleasure, she is unable to stop herself from doing exactly that. Bathed in pink light, Elise?s body is glowing as she twists and turns, screams and moans. This video is a slow burn that documents a play session in an authentic manner. Enjoy!

Elise Graves に 'Blow Your Own Horn, part two'

Elise Graves - Blow Your Own Horn, part two

When we catch back up with Elise and Heavy in Part Two, Heavy is suffering from his cock being electrified, as demonstrated by his loud vocalizations ?? Elise enjoys delegating to both the electro box and her special tease box some of her control over Heavy. The tease box is first set to random - turning the Hitachi on at random intervals! Next, it is set to the Horny setting - looking to keep those connected on edge. The Hitachi vibrator has an attachment that grabs onto Heavy?s cock and refuses to let go. He cannot get away. This is a precarious situation for Heavy - on one hand, the vibration feels amazing! On the other, if he orgasms, there is no guarantee that the vibration will ever stop. Horny Heavy, though, only thinks with his little head, and thus his vision is shortsighted. He will soon learn the consequences of being so horny!

Elise Graves に 'Blow Your Own Horn, part one'

Elise Graves - Blow Your Own Horn, part one

Elise takes her time delighting in the splendor that is HeavyBondage4Life. As she wraps his head in medical bandages and straps him tightly into a Max Cita straitjacket, Elise grows excited and can?t help but to stop along the way to strapping Heavy to her medical table to appreciate the finer aspects of bondage play, such as mouth invasion, unique gag, tickling, spanking, and biting. After Heavy is secured to the table, Elise takes this opportunity to attach electrodes to his cock to test just how much he can scream with the expanding gag in his mouth. This gag is brutal, and Heavy manages quite well. Be sure to stay tuned for part two of this video, where things heat up even more!

Elise Graves に 'Cinderella Choke'

Elise Graves - Cinderella Choke

There is no use in hiding it from you all. When the mood is right, that is, when I am feeling both innocent and desperate for a nice choke, I sometimes don a princess gown, make sure the vibrator is handy, and tie my neck up tight to the ceiling. I have always had a thing for a neck rope. I simply can not resist tying one up if given the opportunity. Personally, I enjoy solid and sustained pressure on the neck, as I enjoy the blood choke aspect. The addition of the vibrator heightens the choke experience - creating waves of intense orgasms through my body. Although it might appear that I am enjoying my kinky masturbation session alone, please note that this type of play is not safe to do alone and can have irreversible consequences. Play as safely as possible, please!

Elise Graves に 'Teased and Caned'

Elise Graves - Teased and Caned

I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to play with so many wonderful playmates! Lita is no exception, as she is such a fun, responsive playmate. I wanted to test out my new rainbow rope on Lita for sure. Her hips are very flexible, and so I had no choice but to tie her legs out tightly to the bed, leaving her pussy area totally exposed, save for the vibrator that I tied very tightly into her pussy. After securing her wrists above her head, Lita entered total helplessness - which she seems to lust after. The large vibrator strapped outside her pussy (and the small vibrator that is tucked away inside her pussy) is connected to my custom tease box that systematically controls the vibrators to keep Lita mostly on edge, with some moments of pure orgasm bliss. Some inner thigh and pussy mound caning makes Lita responds nicely. It makes me so happy to have met Lita and to have the opportunity to play with her. This was our get-to-know-you scene - stay tuned for a couple of others ??

Elise Graves に 'Worship Box'

Elise Graves - Worship Box

Today felt like the perfect day to put a new toy of mine to work - well, two of my toys, actually ?? After securing Kino Payne?s hands in leather mitts, I tied them around his waist - straitjacket style. I then tied his spread legs to the bed, attached electrodes to his cock, secured an inflatable collar to his neck, stuffed my panties in his mouth, and taped it closed. I love taking Kino?s ability to talk and use his mouth away from him - particularly since I feel like teasing the fuck out of him. After slipping his head into my super sexy bondage worship box, he is now at my disposal. Wearing over-the-knee leather boots, long leather gloves, stockings, and a cute leather crop top, I slither my way onto the table with Kino and straddle his exposed face. He has a very close view of my pussy. Too bad his mouth is taped shut. I feel like taking his breath away, so I slide down onto his face - pinching his nose closed with my ass cheeks. Between my sitting on his face and the ever-increasing inflation of the collar, Kino is understandably panicked at times. He tends to slam his body against the table when he is stressed. His discomfort and objectified face is making me hot, so I trade the tape gag for a dildo gag. After removing my top and gloves, I hop right onto that dick! First, I control the fucking by moving up and down. But soon, I instruct Kino on how to fuck my pussy. Using his abdominal muscles to fuck me with his face is strenuous work, but he is rewarded by being up close and personal with me as I treat myself to several orgasms. Kino isn?t the only one with a front-row seat - thanks to Kino?s POV camera, you are right there in the thick of it as well. Enjoy! (Big thanks to Aphotic Industries for making this beautiful worship box)

Elise Graves に 'Unbind These Ropes'

Elise Graves - Unbind These Ropes

Some women enjoy shopping together, some enjoy sipping while catching up. Elise Graves and Barbary Rose, however, enjoy being tied up into strict hogties and working together to get each other out. Each bound into her own hogtie, complete with a tight ball gag and blindfold, the game begins by needing to scoot nearer to one another. Watching the girls squirm, moan and grunt as they work to free the knots is just as enjoyable as seeing the joy in their eyes as they move closer to freedom. Thanks to the fabulous butts on these two women, the twisting, wiggling, and writhing are a sight to behold!

An Li に 'Fear of Letting Go: Breath Control'

An Li - Fear of Letting Go: Breath Control

Last we saw Elise, An Li was tormenting her electro-clamped pussy with an electrified Wartenberg wheel. We begin the final installment of Elise?s journey in much the same manner, except by now, Elise is about to crack. As An Li continues with the electro, Elise begins to cry - she can?t handle that intense sensation any longer. For better or for worse, An Li?s attention is drawn to the ventilator and straps a gas mask tightly onto Elise?s face. This freaks Elise out, as she knows what is coming. Elise tries to sync her inhales along with the machine, but it is challenging due to fear, pain, and distraction. This is a portrait of a lady trying to control her own panic. Enjoy!

An Li に 'Fear of Letting Go: Electricity'

An Li - Fear of Letting Go: Electricity

An Li has Elise Graves under her control once again. She begins this intense play session by locking Elise?s ankles into heavy wooden stocks and then tying Elise in her straitjacket firmly to the bed. This results in Elise feeling incredibly vulnerable and helpless. Elise begins to freak out a little bit, as she can feel her claustrophobia begin to creep in. An Li knows that Elise is struggling to deal with the bondage and so she helps direct Elise?s focus by clamping her labia into a beautiful Steelwerks pussy clamp. It?s easy for Elise to focus on this, as An Li begins to electrify it! To make Elise?s situation even more intense, An Li introduces an electro-Wartenberg wheel to the inside of Elise?s stretched-open pussy! Talk about trying to stay still! An Li is simultaneously caring and provoking Elise?s helplessness. Stay tuned for part two, where Elise?s fear increases greatly due to control of her breathing.

Elise Graves に 'Where the Rubber Meets the Road'

Elise Graves - Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Here we are - where the rubber meets the road. The moment of truth. For the past few years, Elise Graves has raved to her friend Petgirl about how totally awesome this particular Studio Gum hood is, and for the same number of years, Petgirl has shown some resistance in wanting to try. Sometime recently, Petgirl bought the same hood in her size, obviously showing a willingness to explore her own limits. So here we are. Petgirl is willing to have this hood used on her, and Elise Graves is the perfect person to do so. Elise understands the absolute trust that someone is giving to her as she ties Petgirl to a chair - rendering her helpless to the hood. Watch as Petgirl overcomes her fear of this hood and, in fact, masters it!

Elise Graves に 'On-the-Cock Training'

Elise Graves - On-the-Cock Training

Elise knows that the best way to develop a new skill is to practice, practice, practice. She keeps this in mind as she wants to train Kino?s throat. Although it is clear that Kino is eager to learn exactly how Elise wants her cock sucked, he still needs a lot more practice to get it right. Wearing nothing but shiny pantyhose and a strap-on cock, Elise playfully instructs Kino to go get her a dildo the next size up from the one they previously used together. After strapping in, Elise takes control of Kino?s body with simple but effective rope bondage, his mind by commanding him how to suck, and his soul by controlling his sexual arousal and will to please. Although this session showed Kino to be a capable cock sucker, Elise knows he will need much more practice to truly impress her.

Elise Graves に 'Under the Pump'

Elise Graves - Under the Pump

Although Elise and Damon have known each other for several years, today is the first time they have really played together. After perusing Damon?s extensive collection of bondage gear, Elise focuses on a hand-crafted inflatable posture collar. Once Damon has Elise tied to his table with her legs spread open wide, he begins tormenting her with the collar, literally leaving her breathless. A very intense video mostly focusing on collar inflation, however, Damon utilizes Elise?s exposed sensitive parts for his own pleasure in suctioning them all up into tubes. Enjoy Elise?s fearful suffering ??

Elise Graves に 'On All Fours'

Elise Graves - On All Fours

Something very special occurs when two sadists come together. The pleasure one sadist gets from seeing another suffer can be exhilarating on their own - but when a sadist friend next to them reflects that same joy, it is extra fun! Energy that might begin with Elise in the form of a cane stroke impacts Kino who?s expression can further affect An Li in the most delightful way. There is a three-way exchange of energy and that triangular shape is the most solid of them all. Watch as Kino makes himself vulnerable to An Li and Elise by allowing himself to be locked into heavy wooden stocks on his hands and knees. This gives access to his ass which Elise and An Li gleefully mark up with whips, canes, fingernails, and more. Happiness is most real when shared with another ??

Elise Graves に 'Down to Brass Tacks'

Elise Graves - Down to Brass Tacks

Dressed in only a pair of bright green pantyhose, some rubber mitts, and a vibrator belt, Elise Graves is secured into a strict handcuff hogtie. The metal digging into her wrists and ankles is painful, and yet her hair tied in a strict fashion to her toes does nothing but make it worse. Elise needs to maintain an exhausting back arch in order to reduce the pressure of the handcuffs from digging in. As if this was not enough, a mystery person adds some microfoam tape decorated with a handful of sharp thumbtacks to Elise?s breasts, surrounding her nipples. This means that if Elise rests her strict back arch for even a moment, her nipples are poked with the tacks. Avoiding the tacks, handcuffs, and hair tie is exhausting, however, when the vibrator strapped to her pussy is powered on, Elise has yet one more thing to think about!

Elise Graves に 'Catch Your Breath'

Elise Graves - Catch Your Breath

Busty red-headed Barbary Rose better get ready. Elise is in the mood to play, and she is excited by this luscious submissive woman that is within her reach! Tied in a beautiful shibari chest harness, Barbary?s breasts are accentuated in shape and adorned with clothes pins on her nipples. The scene begins with a bright red ball gag in Barbary?s mouth, however Elise exchanges the gag for something more restrictive - a rubber rebreather hood. Elise has a game in mind. A battle of Barbary?s ability to focus! Tied on to a Sybian (the world?s most powerful vibrator) so that there is no getting off, Barbary has to choose to focus her attention on the inevitable orgasms and her breathing! If she gets too focused on her pleasure, she might regret it! Elise is delighted by this challenge and enjoys turning up the Sybian?s power whenever Barbary has accustomed herself. Enjoy Barbary?s struggle!

Elise Graves に 'Electrically Fucked and Sucked'

Elise Graves - Electrically Fucked and Sucked

Heavy is living out the dreams of many kinky men. He is first laced up into an extremely sexy custom-made leather bondage catsuit by the perky Sasha. Mitts, boots, and a unique leather hood come next. Elise then begins skillfully strapping Heavy to her special table, ensuring that there is very little movement available to Heavy. Demonstrating to Sasha how to control Heavy through the electrical ass plug and urethral cock cap electrode, Elise begins warming up Heavy?s insides. Heavy, lacking much electrical experience, begins moaning and contracting as the juice gets turned up even more by Sasha. If you have ever wanted to see Heavy truly helpless with a dose of suffering, this is for you! After juicing Heavy?s genitals with electricity, Elise?s interest wains and moves on to the Venus 2000 machine, offering Heavy the suck of a lifetime. Unfortunately for Heavy, the machine does not care when he ejaculates, and so this whole experience might just go on indefinitely?

Elise Graves に 'Tease Out'

Elise Graves - Tease Out

Elise loves a sensitive plaything - especially when her toys try to resist Elise?s sensual stroking. Elise?s friend, Goblintower, is a horny boy with a cock that displays his arousal in being tied spread to the bed, teased by Elise?s hands, and by his own inability to control his orgasms. Watch Elise punish Goblintower with glee for ejaculating prematurely. Goblintower turns to putty under Elise?s control.

Elise Graves に 'Spit Roasted Sasha'

Elise Graves - Spit Roasted Sasha

Sexy Sasha has no clue what she is in for when she meets Elise at a mountainous play space. Elise was in an experimental mood and created for Sasha a setup that she will not soon forget. Complete with two fucking machines and a pussy cam projected on a screen before her eyes, Sasha is certainly in for a treat. Elise wants Sasha to feel stuffed! At first, Elise trains Sasha?s cock sucking skills prior to letting fucking machine #1 take over that hole. Next, Elise releases fucking machine #2 into Sasha?s pussy. In no time, Sasha is feeling the love of the machines! All this setup left Elise beat, so she left the machines running while relaxing from a distance - all the while controlling the fucking machines with her remote access!

Elise Graves に 'Junk Mail'

Elise Graves - Junk Mail

Elise knows Patrick enjoys complete helplessness. All-encompassing restriction. Absolute immobilization. After stuffing a couple of electro balls up Patrick?s ass, Elise gets to work on the heavy bondage layering process. Beginning with a thick canvas hood, Patrick is soon faceless. Slipping into a sexy leather straitjacket, Patrick begins to relax in his situation. Helping him into a heavy canvas Max Cita mailbag, Elise informs Patrick that he is about to be laced into the sack as if it?s a full-body corset. Soon, Elise suspends the bag in the air. Patrick has left this earth. To bring him back, Elise turns up the electro on both the ass plug as well as some additional cock and ball electro bands. Tugging on his dick, Elise keeps Patrick on edge. When asked to wiggle, Elise sees that Patrick can barely move his body, yet he sways and sways. How long does Patrick stay bound up in the sack? Watch and find out.

Elise Graves に 'Kinky Threesome'

Elise Graves - Kinky Threesome

What happens when you put Elise in a room with a super sexy, super kinky Italian couple? A kinky threesome, naturally! All three sexy participants don tight corsets, leather hoods, gas masks, and in the case of the guy, a full chastity belt! This play session is focused on Serendeep?s physical pleasure, Nadamass will need to derive his own pleasure through hers! Locked into heavy stocks with her legs spread wide open, Serendeep received a barrage of physical sensations! Slapping, caning, fucking, spreading with a speculum - and - urethral sounding, which she loves! Watch as her lover penetrates her urethra with a metal sound! Her urethra gets fucked just as her pussy does! For those of you who enjoy watching a woman be overloaded with pleasure, this video is for you!

Elise Graves に 'Suffering for You'

Elise Graves - Suffering for You

Tied into a secure box tie with a neck rope leading down to my toes, I am in this kneeling position. It is this position that will ultimately make me cry. The pressure on my neck competes for my attention with the intense electrical sensations in my pussy. I begin to sweat as my face changes colors. The inflatable gag further restricts my natural flow and me to drool down the front of my body. I want you to see me. I want you to witness my experience. I want you to know what is happening to me. I want you to know that I see you too. I am looking at you, looking at me. I aim to keep my eyes transfixed on you so that you will do the same to me. After all, I am suffering for you. I mean, I derive pleasure from the suffering itself, but outside of the context of someone watching, my suffering would be. I like to suffer for you. Yes, you. Yes, I am suffering for YOU.

Elise Graves に 'Catheter Piss'

Elise Graves - Catheter Piss

Elise loves playing with Tony Orlando, as he is game for anything and everything! Elise feels like objectifying him on this particular occasion and locks his gagged and goggled head into a clear box. She confirms that he can see his own ridiculous reflection - and not much more. Tony is bound in a tight, leather straitjacket, totally exposed at the crotch. He isn?t able to see his own genitals, which is extra disconcerting, as Elise has plans for him in that exact area! She begins with a couple of different spike cock rings. As Tony gets rock hard very quickly, it is extra painful when Elise clamps the spikes onto his raging boner. Next, however, Elise completely inserts a VERY LONG catheter down into Tony?s bladder. This excited both Tony and Elise! She begins to stroke Tony?s stuffed cock from both the outside and inside of his dick. As Tony has been in this bondage for a long time, he needed to really pee and begs Elise to let him pee. Elise obliges him and allows him to pee in a bucket through the catheter. Watch as Elise eventually pulls the 16-inch catheter out of Tony?s body - it?s unreal!

Elise Graves に 'Heavy Rubber Bondage Sex'

Elise Graves - Heavy Rubber Bondage Sex

When a gimp and a rubber domme love each other, they mash their genitals together to try to make a rubber baby. Or at least this is what it looks like from the outside. Elise, clad in an utterly perfectly fitting transparent black rubber catsuit, coaxes J into a rubber straitjacket. He was already dressed in a heavy rubber full-encasement suit, leaving only two small nose hoses available to the outside world to exchange air through. After tying his ankles wide and his neck tight, Elise pulls his rubber-coated cock out and puts it to good use. After fucking herself on his cock, Elise is curious about what his face feels like, so she straps a cock to his head and tells him to ?start fucking.? As Elise is getting pounded by her gimp?s face, she repays the favor by slipping his cock into a Venus 2000, thus closing the loop on the rubber pervert version of a 69. Enjoy!

Elise Graves に 'Low Hanging Fruit'

Elise Graves - Low Hanging Fruit

Playing with Katt is always a good time. She is super cute, giggly, ticklish, and accepts her suffering as fate. On this day, Mistress Miranda and I were entertaining ourselves at Katt?s expense. Locking her in a small cage, adding a mouth-stuffing gag, some humiliation play, along with hand, intense vibration, and food play. With Katt?s mouth, all taped up, I shoved two blueberries up her nose, blocking access to air. Miranda and I laughed hard when Katt blew them out of her nose in a bit of a panic. One might pity Katt for subjecting herself to such treatment, but rest assured that Miranda and I enjoyed ourselves immensely!

Elise Graves に 'A Suspended Suck'

Elise Graves - A Suspended Suck

Elise is very pleased to be playing with Sasha and HeavyBondage4Life, a lovely young kinky couple! She has all sorts of fantasies to live out with them! This particular one, however, is very involved but worth it! First, Elise secures each one of them into a heavy canvas Max Cita sleepsack. In the case of Sasha, Elise has also fitted her pussy with a Stanley Jr. electro plug. Elise then hoists Sasha up into the air, face down, dangling right over Heavy. With Sasha?s recently split tongue, Elise believes she needs some practice using it, and so Elise places a gag in Sasha?s mouth and begins to probe her mouth her a gloved hand, all the while slobber is falling onto Heavy?s face. Next, Elise turns Heavy around, and lowers Sasha?s mouth onto Heavy?s hard cock. He has been patiently waiting in his sack while listening to Sasha?s Stanley Jr. electro moans. He likes hearing her suffer, you can tell. Elise enjoys it as well, so she turns up the electro while instructing Sasha how to suck Heavy?s cock. At first Elise gives Sasha the liberty to control her own depth, however Elise eventually takes control by hoisting Sasha up and down in the air on Heavy?s cock. This is one unique video that will probably appeal to those who enjoy helpless sexual service.

Elise Graves に '2.4mm of Rubber Heaven'

Elise Graves - 2.4mm of Rubber Heaven

My most recent trip to visit Studio Gum in Germany included meeting two awesome new friends - Cymbelin and Lady Silver. This real-life kinky young couple was such a pleasure to meet and play with, as they are truly passionate about their play! Lady Silver and I stuff the lucky Cymbelin?s ass with an electrode and then zip him into his custom made Studio Gum 2.4mm rubber rest sack. I have never seen or felt such a thick bag - it is truly incredible! He has two layers of rubber hoods on his head, which are connected to a motorized value. His cock is also wired up for some electro, including a small urethral insert. The game begins when the valve and electro are fired up! Cymbelin has to decide whether he wants his air cut off or if he wants to suffer some really intense electro sensations! Watch as he writes around in his thick rubber cocoon! I couldn?t help but laugh and laugh at his suffering, knowing that he loves this type of play. It was an honor and a pleasure to meet these two and I look forward to playing more in the future!

Anna Rose に 'Elise's Ponygirl Transformation'

Anna Rose - Elise's Ponygirl Transformation

Famous Pony Trainer, Anna Rose, seduces a new pony, Elise, into her stable. Anna begins by testing Elise?s sensitive bits with crops, clamps, and plugs! After passing Anna?s initial exam, Elise is then dressed in a sexy leather pony harness, preparing her for the cart. Anna discovers thick, white pussy cream between Elise?s legs, exhibiting exactly her excitement about becoming a pony. Anna is pleased by this and continues to attach Elise to her new cart. Anna takes the reigns after admiring her pony?s shapely butt. After making the rounds with Elise as a pony, Anna treats her pony to some standing mummification orgasms!

Elise Graves に 'Vacuum-Packed'

Elise Graves - Vacuum-Packed

Today is the day that Dart Tech experiences his first vac bed! As he slides into the rubber bed, Elise explains that she has the capability to monitor his respiratory and heart rates. The electro butt plug that was previously stuck up Dart?s ass is able to be connected to the power box through a port in the bed. With Dart?s head inside the bed, only a short tube connects him to the outside world - including his breath. After exploring Dart?s sucked-up rubber body, Elise uses a breath control device and the electro box to get a noticeable reaction on the patient monitor. This is all fun and games to Elise, who ends up pleasuring herself to an intense orgasm while sitting on Dart?s bound body.

Elise Graves に 'Too Close for Comfort'

Elise Graves - Too Close for Comfort

Mature BDSM aficionado Emma could be Elise Graves? older step-sister or step-mother. Elise is here to give Emma exactly what she wants, which is a day of intimate bondage play that is full of love, beauty, and of course, much suffering and even more pleasure. Emma has some new experiences that push her boundaries and challenges her desire to remain in control, with neck play, luscious rope bondage, electrical play, a rubber hood, and much more, but Elise is there to lead her nervous and eager submissive through BDSM play. As Emma gasps for air during each orgasm, Elise?s pleasure grows.

Elise Graves に 'Tease and Denial of Breath'

Elise Graves - Tease and Denial of Breath

Rubber-clad J is in need of a special treatment. Thankfully Doctors Tech and Graves were on call to administer the experimental treatment known to some as Extreme Stimulation Sans Air. J is connected to a computer which gives him access to air for 15 seconds at a time, only to cut that supply completely off for 10 seconds - while simultaneously vibrating his cock! This means that J needs to not only deal with the complete lack of air, but while he is being intensely sexually stimulated! The computer screen counting down the seconds until his access to air is removed is visible to the room, however J is wearing a gas mask with kaleidoscope eyes, which distorts his vision, making it difficult to focus! J is brought to the edge of sexual arousal quickly and yet remains sexually frustrated the entire treatment, as he does not have enough time to orgasm, but remains entirely stimulated. Doctor Graves and Doctor Tech invite other patients to get a glimpse at J, but ultimately J is left alone to deal with his frustration.

Elise Graves に 'Twenty Minutes'

Elise Graves - Twenty Minutes

Elise loves to be tied up and choked. She especially loves when she is essentially choking herself. Her friend Jack decides to give her some quality alone time after handcuffing her hands behind her back, attaching a spreader bar between her legs, and hoisting her neck up tight. After setting a timer for twenty minutes, there is nothing Elise can do but try to maintain composure and stay alive. Warning: This video is for entertainment purposes only. Neck play is very dangerous, and there were many safeguards not visible to the viewer. Stay safe!

Elise Graves に 'Someone's Excited'

Elise Graves - Someone's Excited

Elise?s new bondage friend, Patrick, jumps head-first into play! Elise puts Patrick into a Max Cita rest sack, laces him tight, and then uses medical restraint belts to cinch him in! Donning a red rubber mask already, Patrick then has a gas mask placed on top. Elise hooks Patrick?s cock and balls up to electro current, which makes Patrick super excited about his situation. All the while, Elise is excited to be in such control over Patrick.

Elise Graves に 'Cum Hell or High Water'

Elise Graves - Cum Hell or High Water

To put it bluntly, I am excited by Tony Orlando. Not sure why, exactly, but it excites every cell in my body to make him powerless through restraints, vulnerable through pain, and extra horny through teasing. Something in his energetic body is complementary to mine. I might appear to be focused on wrapping his arms securely to my antique dental chair, and I am, but know that the energy is building inside me with each wrap. Next, I immobilize his head with plastic wrap, attaching it to the headrest of the chair. Immobilization of the head is extremely exciting for me! Tony?s beautiful cock becomes hard as he begins to experience his helpless situation. He is completely under my control, and he loves it. Throughout this scene, you can witness the exchange of energy - back and forth, particularly as I torment his ball sack with strong clamps. Ultimately, being the utter control freak that Tony is, he is not able to ejaculate without doing it himself, and boy do I want to see him make a mess of himself, so I eventually release him from his strict bondage, grab his face to passionately suck as he blows the massive load that had been trapped inside tormenting him.

Katt Anomia に 'Protruding Breasts Get Beaten'

Katt Anomia - Protruding Breasts Get Beaten

The very sexy Katt Anomia has engorged breasts on this blessed day that need to be tied, spanked, caned and clamped! Elise is happy to oblige! Beginning with a lighter silicone paddle, Elise begins to tenderize Katt?s amazing breasts. Katt squeals and squeaks in the most endearing manner - like catnip to Elise. Ultimately Elise moves on to harsher implements such as a firmer paddle, a cane and biting, and pinching! Alternating between beating breasts and grabbing Katt?s hair encouraging her to suck on her own tits, Elise is obviously enjoying herself immensely. How could one not with such a play toy as Katt?

Elise Graves に 'On My Toes'

Elise Graves - On My Toes

That which keeps me on my toes are not the ropes around my chest, nor the rope around my neck, but rather the need to stay alert, awake and aware. With my ankles crossed, I am off-balance, prone to falling over. With the pain stemming from nipple clamps, and the fear of being restricted by the rope around my neck, I am conscious, awake, and present in my ordeal. The addition of a vibrator strapped in between my legs challenges my focus, attempting to coax me down the path of orgasm. Although I am tempted down that path many times, I know my true place is this present moment.

Elise Graves に 'Roped into Bondage Sex'

Elise Graves - Roped into Bondage Sex

It?s obvious that Elise is feeling horny. She went to the effort of putting on some lingerie before coaxing Mickey Mod into her bed to be tied up and used. After securing him into a physically exposing hogtie, she begins to lick, suck and bite all his sensitive areas, sensitizing his body for what?s to come. While she slides her panties off, Elise informs Mickey that she is taking control and proceeds to use his cock for all sorts of her own pleasure. With Mickey tied up, it?s extra effort for him to move, thrust, or do much of anything, however with Elise?s pussy as motivation, he actually gives an impressive fuck. Enjoy the teasing and helplessness that Mickey endures!

Heavybondage4life に 'Uncaged but Not Free'

Heavybondage4life - Uncaged but Not Free

Jimmy?s cock has been locked up tight for the last month in a beautiful Steelwerks cage. This has proved challenging for the young, virile man. Elise believes that Jimmy deserves a bit of a break. She sticks an electro plug up his ass, straps him securely into the Serious Bondage restraint chair and begins the unlocking ceremony. Jimmy?s cock is dying to come out of that cage! It is extra sensitive since now due to not having been touched in so long! Elise is less than subtle with her intentions, and proceeds to stick that freshly-unlocked cock straight into a horny Venus 2000 machine. Elise?s intentions were to tease and Jimmy endlessly, however Jimmy can?t control himself and blows a major load! This means that Elise has lost a bit of interest in the teasing and chooses, instead, just to torment. She ties the Venus into place, ensuring that Jimmy will be sucked off until she decides to return to stop it. Listen to Jimmy suffer in over stimulation!

Elise Graves に 'Creature Comforts'

Elise Graves - Creature Comforts

Elise and her Serious Bondage friends visit the famously kinky JG Leathers! Elise is harnessed up in JG?s signature leather harness, complete with suction/electro breast cups, ballet boots, and a gas mask attached to a bubbler bottle. After JG buckles Elise down on the Sybian (the huge dildo took some time getting used to!), he mans his control panel on the other side of the room, watching with glee as he vibrates, electrically, and suctions Elise?s sensitive bits into oblivion! If you are one of those people who doesn?t enjoy Elise screaming, this video is not for you! ??

Elise Graves に 'The Ride of a Lifetime'

Elise Graves - The Ride of a Lifetime

Sasha is an adventurous young woman who has put herself in Elise?s hands. Elise is excited to have such a woman to play with, as she knows Sasha will submit and bring Elise pleasure. Elise decides to put Sasha into a heavy Max Cita straitjacket as well as some medical restraints, leaving Sasha totally helpless on top of a VERY POWERFUL vibrator, with no way to get off. Elise is in control of the dials, which makes her very happy. Elise plays with Sasha through the vibrational level, as well as the spinning dildo action inside Sasha?s pussy. Watch as Sasha deals with the intense sensations! Elise wants more control and places a gas mask on Sasha?s face, making sure to give it a snug - air tight - fit. Controlling Sasha?s breath through limiting the amount of air she can inhale makes Elise extra excited. Sasha begins to beg Elise to be allowed to orgasm. Elise denies. Ultimately, however, Sasha is connected to a long hose leading to a compressed air tank, allowing Elise to relinquish control of Sasha?s breathing to the tank. Finally, Sasha is given permission to come, but is it too late?

Strange Hobbies に 'Rubber Circle Jerk'

Strange Hobbies - Rubber Circle Jerk

Horny Elise Graves wants to play with her two rubber-clad friends. She first puts Strange Hobbies into a medical halo brace and ties him into a chair, while allowing Kino Payne a bit more freedom. Elise coaches Kino to probe Strange Hobbies? mouth while she teases Kino?s cock. Soon, a cock-stroking, pussy-stroking threesome begins, with Elise directing the action. Strange Hobbies doesn?t have much freedom of movement, but that doesn?t stop him from joining in on the fun. Ultimately, Elise is turned on by teasing her two friends. She begins to give them a bit less stimulation and orders Kino to give her more. Upon orgasming multiple times, a satisfied Elise leaves her two rubber friends horny and alone. If you enjoy tease and denial, this video is for you!

Elise Graves に 'Bondage Face Fuck'

Elise Graves - Bondage Face Fuck

Elise first uses her rubber-bound Goblintower?s mouth to satisfy her strap on cock, and then straps a dildo gag into his face so that he can pleasure her pussy! Get up close and personal with Elise?s pussy while her gimp attempts to pleasure her while precariously tied up.

Elise Graves に 'Alien Pleasure'

Elise Graves - Alien Pleasure

If you ever wanted a little peek into the soul of Elise Graves, this is your opportunity. Elise is more than intrigued by alien life forms, you might even say that she sexualizes aliens and everything we presume about them. For instance, they are often depicted as smooth, hairless creatures, much like the smooth nature of the rubber hood that Elise can?t help but put on to masturbate herself silly, while caressing her neck with her hands and some rope. I am not sure how you guys masturbate, but this is how Elise does it?

Elise Graves に 'Flip the Switch'

Elise Graves - Flip the Switch

Playing with Elise can be a bit of a shoot - sometimes it is pure bliss for her play partners and other times, it is absolute suffering. Elise is most entertained, however, when her friend, J, is vacillating between anticipation and regret. Elise straps straitjacketed J into a police chair donning a gas mask. She then hooks him up to her laptop which controls a timed valve, which opens and closes at a set interval. This allows Elise to focus on adjusting the electro levels in J?s ass as well as the Hitachi strapped to his dick as J focuses on when to take his next sip of air. Good times.

Elise Graves に 'A Laughing Stock'

Elise Graves - A Laughing Stock

It is always exciting to play with Tony Orlando - his kink runs deep, his need to suffer is strong, and he is full of adorable reactions. Mercy West and I have the pleasure to lock Tony into a special Serious Bondage stock table in which Tony?s neck, wrists, waist, thighs and ankles are secured in heavy stocks to a heavy table. You can see Tony become simultaneously aroused and scared as he gets locked into just the first piece. Dressed in sexy rubber, Mercy and I torment Tony with electro nipple clamps, electro cock bands, teasing, and intense overstimulation.

Medical Slave に 'When Elise Met Medical Slave'

Medical Slave - When Elise Met Medical Slave

Oh my! It?s been a while since I have had the pleasure of playing with a new lady friend who loves bondage! Medical Slave was a pleasure to play with, and I think it shows ?? Dressed in shiny black catsuits, Medical Slave and I have a lot of fun on the Fuck cart. I wrapped her body to the cart with plastic wrap - including her head and face. Given that she is wearing a latex catsuit, only her pussy is exposed, creating an objectifying experience. She has a beautiful pussy and I made sure to give you all many close ups of the thick, white fluid leaking out of her. After teasing and warming up her pussy with my hands and fingers, I dove in with my strap on. Medical Slave makes lovely sounds when she is getting fucked and vibed! So excited to have met a new playmate!

Elise Graves に 'Poke Fun'

Elise Graves - Poke Fun

Elise is in a blue mood and is looking for a way to cheer herself up. She knows that making Dart Tech suffer will probably be just the pick me up that she is looking for, so she securely ties him to the bondage bed in red rope. It is evident that Dart is going to need a gag to muffle his screams, as Elise is hell bent on tickling him repeatedly. But this is not enough. Elise then ties Dart?s balls and pulls them to the ceiling, making him create a harsh back bend with little support. Elise takes this opportunity to slide a very spikey acupressure may underneath Dart?s back, so that when she lowers him down, he is now resting on the mat. This mat is sharp! Seeing it as a date with destiny, Elise jumps on Dart?s body and begins toying with him through tickling, teasing, and tormenting him, resulting in a powerful orgasm for each of them.

Elise Graves に 'Suspend Disbelief'

Elise Graves - Suspend Disbelief

Although this was my first time playing with Ruckus, I decided to jump right into the deep end with them. I suspected they were both willing and able - and I was surprised at how tough they were! Oh my! I tie Ruckus in a beautiful box tie, then pull their knee up super high. Ruckus is about a foot taller than me, so I look pretty short in comparison, but that?s okay because soon Ruckus will be floating above the ground, tied up in a beautiful package for my enjoyment. The first knee up soon becomes a futomomo (bent over leg, ?fat leg?) which will ultimately be the only thing from which Ruckus?s entire body is suspended from. Futos are notoriously painful, although I did attempt to tie this one in the most comfortable manner, and Ruckus is a fucking champ at handling it all. After fully inverting Ruckus, I don?t let them down that easy. I take my time extending their suffering - and my enjoyment ??

Elise Graves に 'My Leather Fucktoy'

Elise Graves - My Leather Fucktoy

Oh my! I have to say, I typically enjoy myself when playing with Jimmy, but this particular experience was extra fun. I decided to center my own pleasure, which always works well for me ?? I dressed Jimmy in a tight leather neck corset, a sexy mesh corset, strict ballet boots and a bolero straitjacket. I then stuffed an ass hook into his beautiful butt and tied it off around his neck. His legs are then belted in half, making him to kneel before me. I am excited to stuff my cock down his throat. It is so sexy to watch him suck my cock! I know that the tight neck corset makes it extra challenging. After a short time of cock sucking, I can tell I am ready for more. I exchange my cock in his mouth for a dildo gag, so I can put him to work on my pussy. I adore knowing that his ass gets fucked by the hook with each thrust. Using Jimmy for my pleasure is extremely sexy for me, and I wanted to reward him for being a good fuck toy, so I vibrate his cock as I sit on his face. He eventually blows a load all over the straitjacket he is wearing, which means he needs to be punished post-orgasm. I have never seen him squirm quite that much! ??

Lita Lecherous に 'Cum Up for Air'

Lita Lecherous - Cum Up for Air

You know how no matter how many expensive toys you buy your cat, they always seem most interested in a discarded box? Similarly, Elise - with all her expensive toys at her disposal - prefers to play with the most simple of objects sometimes. In this case, a bag. Let?s back up though, after Lita Lecherous slides her pussy onto the girthy Sybian dildo, Elise secures her there with beautiful rope bondage that accentuates Lita?s breasts. As Lita is a known wiggler, Elise secures Lita?s neck, so that each wiggle will be felt! Elise toys with Lita?s helplessness by turning the Sybian up and down for her own amusement. Given that Lita also has a healthy set of lungs on her, Elise decides to try to distract her from screaming with a simple bag. The more Lita screams, the more excited Elise becomes.

Elise Graves に 'Good Vibes'

Elise Graves - Good Vibes

Kino Payne has his opportunity to switch places with Elise. It is now Elise on the Sybian, with Kino at the helm of the play. He begins by stuffing a giant sponge into Elise?s mouth, firmly packing it in before covering her face with Tagaderm - very sticky transparent medical tape and ultimately securing it all with a leather face hugger. He knows that Elise is going to be loud and Kino wants to mitigate much of that noise from the get-go. After Elise is instructed to stuff her ass with a small electrical plug, she sits onto the Sybian and is tied in an arms-to-neck choking position with her fetish shoed feet tied in the back, preventing her from getting off the Sybian. Kino is obviously enjoying himself, what with the choking, caning and electrical play he is orchestrating. Meanwhile, Elise is orgasming over and over and over again?

Elise Graves に 'Rebreather Hood Self-Bondage'

Elise Graves - Rebreather Hood Self-Bondage

There are few toys as close to my heart as the rubber rebreather hood! The relatively thin, loose latex in front of the face allows for a pocket of air to inflate and deflate the hood?s pouch over the face with each breath. I am instantly thrilled when I put one of these on a playmate?s head. Needless to say, I use them frequently when topping others. Today is different, however, as I am playing with myself. I know what scares me, and this hood scares me. I design a scene for myself in which I stuff bullet vibrators inside my ass and pussy and then strap a hitachi vibe to my clit, all for the purposes of being controlled by a box that is programmed to keep me perfectly teased and on edge. After clamping my nipples, I slide my head into the rubber hood. After locking myself into a small cage, I begin to anticipate my hands being out of reach of my face. I struggle with handcuffing both hands out of reach of safety. The key to success with this hood is to calm yourself - to maintain control of your own breathing. If you inhale with too much , your access to air is limited. The final click of the handcuffs is the beginning of the journey.

Elise Graves に 'A Little Bit Insane'

Elise Graves - A Little Bit Insane

Elise Graves is a little bit on the insane side. Her crazy laughs as she is getting suspended by the ankles up into a small padded cell, while strapped into a restrictive Max Cita straitjacket tells it all. She is insane for bondage, that?s for sure. Her rubber alien gimp nurse plugs her ass electrics into the box and juices her bottom right up as she twists and turns in her padded cell - where nothing can hurt her, not even herself.

Elise Graves に 'Captive Audience'

Elise Graves - Captive Audience

Jack Hammer is not your standard delivery man. It is vital that his cargo arrive in tact and on time, yet he can?t resist opening the box and taking Elise Graves out to play before locking her back inside. Elise is to be delivered wearing a custom red leather straitjacket, locking leather shorts, silk stockings and impossibly high stiletto heels. Watching and listening to Elise on his remote camera from inside the box, Jack takes note of this outfit and must get a closer, personal look. Jack brings her out, ties Elise up, spanks and slaps her stocking-clad legs, gags her, hoods her, and puts her back in the box - only more restrictively bound - before wheeling her off to her final destination.

Tai Crimson に 'Twisted Cutie Gets Tightly Tied'

Tai Crimson - Twisted Cutie Gets Tightly Tied

I love to play with Tai Crimson. She is a fun toy for me, as she enjoys being pushed to her limit. I begin by securely tying Tai?s upper torso. I overdo the rope bondage to make sure she is under my control. I then grab her by the hair and drag her onto the bondage bed. There I pull her to her chest, popping up her ass into position to recieve a hand spanking. My hand leaves her ass nicely red. It is so satisfying to lay into her ass with my hands. I then bring Tai onto her stomach, and tie her ankles to her back, forming a tight hogtie. Tai smiles and giggles. This girl is pretty twisted. Then again, I guess we are both pretty twisted?

Elise Graves に 'Restrained Rubber'

Elise Graves - Restrained Rubber

Playing with J is always fun for me, as he is an absolute rubber freak. Wearing a head-to-toe latex catsuit, J is ready for play. J and I agree that that is not enough rubber, and therefore I guide him into a heavy rubber rest sack, which excites us both. As he is still standing, I take the opportunity to tightly tie red rope around his sack-encased body, which will be used to secure him to my bed. With two small but mighty vibrators up his ass, I plug them into the custom control box. This power has various programmed patterns, which expertly tease J with the press of a button. Knowing that J is extremely turned on by bondage and rubber, I have to keep him on edge so he doesn?t orgasm, as I prefer him to stay right on the edge?

Elise Graves に 'A Bit of a Stretch'

Elise Graves - A Bit of a Stretch

Elise Graves is one lucky girl. In Tony Orlando, she has found a fellow pervert, an energetic kisser, and a willing playmate. Tony?s balls begin this session by getting trapped into a metal piece that is then connected to a post, essentially locking Tony up by balls only. He is fucked. But Elise does not want Tony?s groping hands, so she proceeds to place the hands, feet, and face of Tony in strict bondage. Meanwhile, Tony is hooked up to a heart monitor, so Elise can get a good read on how far she can push Tony. Nipple torment, face torment, teasing, CBT, electro play and so much more.

Elise Graves に 'The Butterfly Effect'

Elise Graves - The Butterfly Effect

Charlotte Fetish and Elise Graves meet for the first time, and naturally Elise is interested in getting Charlotte into some bondage. She first restricts the use of Charlotte?s arms by placing her into a butterfly straitjacket and then tries a matching leather hood on Charlotte?s head. Adding a gas mask and placing Charlotte into a locking box, Elise now has control of Charlotte?s air passage ways. Elise decides to spice things up for Charlotte, who is firmly locked inside of the box, by adding a bubbler bottle on her inhale and exhale ports. Having Charlotte totally controlled in the box makes Elise squirm with happiness. Some time later, though, Elise?s hunger takes control and Elise is to dine alone. It was wonderful to meet you, Charlotte!

Elise Graves に 'Suck Our Dicks - Double latex dommes face fuck suspended sub'

Elise Graves - Suck Our Dicks - Double latex dommes face fuck suspended sub

Dressed in sexy latex lingerie and armed with raging boners, Lita Lecherous and Elise Graves are feeling pretty frisky. Using Kino Payne as their inverted sacrificial scapegoat, the domme duo blow off some steam using Kino?s mouth hole and generally providing sensory overload with slapping, spanking and tasering. Motivated by cattle prods, Kino is an enthusiastic cock sucker. And as quickly as they had come, Elise and Lita leave Kino to ponder exactly how his mouth can best serve their cocks.

Elise Graves に 'Birthday Caning! - Elise receives an intense caning for her birthday!'

Elise Graves - Birthday Caning! - Elise receives an intense caning for her birthday!

Happy Birthday to Me! Although I lacked celebratory birthday spirit throughout most of my life, that has since changed, and I now appreciate celebrating both the passage of time as well as reflecting on the progress I have made as a human being. This last year has been such a joy for me in many ways, and I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for being a part of that, as without your support of my work (either through Bondage Liberation or Bondage Therapy), I would not have the freedom to explore that which brings me so much joy, so thank you. Therefore, I would like to share my celebration with you. It has been a very long time since I have been given birthday spankings, and this year I asked my friend Kino Payne to deliver the goods. I was determined to take 40 spankings (39 + 1 to grow on!), and in fact, requested cane strokes instead of spankings, so here we go! May this next trip round the sun bring us all the health and healing that we so desperately need during this unprecedented time. A mighty tight bondage hug to each and every one of you, and happy spankings to us all, Elise

Elise Graves に 'Self-Bondage - Elise Graves locks herself into unique metal bondage'

Elise Graves - Self-Bondage - Elise Graves locks herself into unique metal bondage

Elise demonstrates how she enjoys playing when she is isolated at home. She begins already locked into a bespoke metal back brace, consisting of a very tight waist belt and a rigid metal collar. This brace makes it challenging for Elise to bend at the waist, which she needs to do in order to lock herself into a pair of unique metal shoes. Next, Elise begins fingering her asshole in preparation for the insertion of an ass hook that gets attached to her back brace. This hook makes squatting down extremely painful when Elise adds metal ankle cuffs to the mix. Soon, Elise?s attention is turned towards her upper body, where she clamps her nipples, gags her mouth, and clamps her nose, creating a precarious situation for herself. After attending to her pussy with a vibrator, Elise seals her helpless fate by handcuffing her wrists behind her back.

Elise Graves に 'Playing with Alani - Sexy Alani is tied with nipple and pussy torment!'

Elise Graves - Playing with Alani - Sexy Alani is tied with nipple and pussy torment!

Cutie Alani Pi is willing to release control of her body to Elise Graves. She submits to rope bondage, predicament play and sensory deprivation from the outset. Utilizing Japanese clover clamps, Elise torments Alani?s nipples and pussy lips. Tying her knee high into the air, Elise creates a vulnerable situation for this exposes Alani?s beautiful pink pussy through a more intense bondage position. Elise takes advantage of this with calf-caning, pussy-whipping, pussy clamps and more. Although Alani enjoys Elise having control, it is Elise who is obviously enjoying herself.

Elise Graves に 'The Scavenger's Gimp'

Elise Graves - The Scavenger's Gimp

Elise Graves and An Li are feeling sadistic, yet playful. They have a willing gimp to play with and decide to push him in the deep end right from the beginning. Wearing nothing but a leather hood, leather mitts and leather booties, Gimpy is locked into a Scavenger?s Daughter metal bondage device. His balls are tied into tension, his nipples clamped with electro clamps, and ultimately his testicles are electrified too. An Li practices her amazing whip skills on Gimpy?s back while Elise encourages Gimpy to relax by taking his breath away with her hands. All in all, Gimpy is one lucky guy. Receiving the attention from these two women is worth whatever torments they deem entertaining.

Elise Graves に 'Spare the Rod, Spoil the Fun'

Elise Graves - Spare the Rod, Spoil the Fun

Beautiful bubble-butted HeavyBondage4Life often gets what he wants thanks to his adorable smile, charming personality and good looks. Elise has succumbed to Heavy?s desires for heavy bondage, just the way he likes it, many times herself. This scene IS NOT THAT. This scene is Elise getting exactly what SHE wants, which is to cane Heavy?s perfectly round ass - and to hear him scream! Elise locks Heavy into a very rigid metal device that traps him in an EXTREMELY vulnerable position - head down and ass up. His cute face is muzzled and tied so there is no movement of his head - his suffering eyes are on full display. Elise warms Heavy?s ass up first with a thin, stingy cane but then makes her way through a series of ever-bigger canes, resulting in fiery red ass cheeks and a bright red, suffering cute face. Listening to Heavy?s screams delights Elise. I wouldn?t be surprised to see MUCH more of Heavy suffering at the hands of Elise in the future.

Elise Graves に 'Strapping Down Sasha - Sexy blonde strapped and ready for play'

Elise Graves - Strapping Down Sasha - Sexy blonde strapped and ready for play

Sexy blonde Sasha is a bondage junkie. She craves to be tied up and made vulnerable for her top. Elise is in the mood to play, as well. After informing Sasha that she ?doesn?t need to see? I do,? Elise pulls a soft, thin Christopher Fetish hood over Sasha?s pretty face, rendering her semi-anonymous. Using thick leather belts, Elise begins strapping Sasha to a vertical wooden beam with her arms over her head, exposing her sensitive arm pits to Elise. After Elise straps Sasha?s entire body to the post, she skillfully adds one last strap around Sasha?s neck, to keep her securely held - both in body and mind. To check her work, Elise uses a zapping taser toy to create fear in Sasha. Ultimately, Elise wants Sasha to trust her, but the process of getting there is going to be fun for Elise ??

Elise Graves に 'Hang Tough - Elise meets new friends from Japan for shibari torment'

Elise Graves - Hang Tough - Elise meets new friends from Japan for shibari torment

I know I say this all this time, but I am extremely fortunate to be able to do what I do. Yes, the bondage play is super fun and satisfying on its own, but there are other aspects to video-making that are just as great. Enter: Hinako and Chiaki. These two extremely talented dommes from Japan were visiting the Bay area and wanted to meet me. How amazing is that? I was familiar with their awesomeness and had a feeling they would be kindred spirits. This video falls immediately after my incredible experience in Chiaki?s rope, which you can find titled, In Hog Heaven. Now, Chiaki demonstrates her exacting shibari skills on the exceptionally tough Hinako. I sit back and watch in awe as Hinako is transitioned through stressful suspension poses while receiving nipple and nose torment, harsh whipping and a nasty tape gag. At some point, though, after witnessing this brutal show of affection, I join in the fun to assist in creating a sensational experience for Hinako with a vibrator, clamps and more. I particularly enjoy Hinako?s journey from bubbling energy to disheveled exhaustion. I remember feeling quite high after their visit, not just from the bondage play, but from meeting these kindred spirits for whom I felt an instant admiration. Chiaki, you are truly an inspiration to the dedication and perfection of a craft. And Hinako, your love for the subject of bondage and all that it entails resonates deeply with me. Thank you.

Elise Graves に 'Strapped in suspended cage and made to orgasm with Venus 2000'

Elise Graves - Strapped in suspended cage and made to orgasm with Venus 2000

Strange Hobbies came to Elise needing a bit of a lube job. He had been feeling a bit rusty. Elise knew exactly what to do. She buckled him face-down into a metal emergency stretcher, and hiked him high into the air where she could get a better look at his goods. Due to an opening in the stretcher allowing for Hobbie?s cock to hang free, Elise had perfect access to assess the situation. She determined that some lube and a bit of suction would do the trick. Turns out, Strange Hobbies responded to the Venus 2000 procedure quite quickly - too quickly, one might say. Elise determined that although her friend Hobbies had produced some lube of his own quite quickly, the machine was not satisfied with such a lousy suck session, and thus, she allowed the machine to suck away, long after Hobbies had finished. That?ll teach him for ejaculating so quickly - or will it?

Elise Graves に 'All Choked Up'

Elise Graves - All Choked Up

Elise is sexually aroused by suffering. It need not be her own suffering, someone else?s will also satisfy. Her new playmate, Kino Payne, enjoys suffering for Elise, as he knows it pleases her. Elise takes him by the neck, straps him into a tight, neck-squeezing corset, arm binders and a strict head harness before positioning Kino into a very tight hogtie for her viewing pleasure. It isn?t long before sweat begins dripping down his strained body. Elise sees that he is suffering for her and she appreciates it. She returns the favor by playing with her pussy in view of struggling Kino, yet absolutely out of reach. These are the games that Elise loves to play!

Elise Graves に 'Teased in a Box'

Elise Graves - Teased in a Box

Wearing a rubber playsuit, Elise is feeling playful! Guiding her rubber gimp into a new piece of bondage gear - an open front wooden box - Elise begins locking his cuffed wrist and ankle chains to the box. Even before Elise slides the head-trapping wooden neck piece, the rubber gimp is trapped. With his neck secured, however, his head is fair game for play. Wearing an enclosed rubber hood, complete with a mouth-filling gag and nostril tubes, the rubber gimp is at the mercy of Elise. Curious as to whether her whole hand can fit in her gimp?s mouth, Elise begins to stretch it open first with her hand and later with an inflatable gag. Meanwhile, Elise attaches a hitachi to a receiving cup that connects to the gimp?s cock. After flipping the vibrator on, the rubber gimp now needs to pay attention not only to his breathing but also his dick. Elise has much fun playing with teasing her gimp?s level of arousal while strategically pinching off his access to air. Oh to be a rubber gimp locked in a box with Elise controlling both air and orgasm!

Elise Graves に 'When Elise Met Eden'

Elise Graves - When Elise Met Eden

Elise Graves was excited to meet Eden Alexander. She knew that Eden was a rubber fetishist, and she was happy to have a rubber boy toy to share with Eden. When Eden met Elise, she could tell that Elise was ready to get her friend, Taylor Dawn, into his unique inflatable rubber bondage suit and inflatable hood. Elise and Eden team up to chain Taylor down to their bed. His suit and hood are inflated to their maximum and Taylor quickly becomes totally helpless. Elise takes advantage of his vulnerability by reducing his access to air, as Eden torments him with electricity. After he has suitably suffered for Elise and Eden, they feed Taylor his own ejaculate that was taken out of his cock at Eden?s hands. Taylor will not forget this experience for a long time!

Kino Payne に 'Kept Under Wraps: Part Two'

Kino Payne - Kept Under Wraps: Part Two

In part two, we catch up with Nurse Elise discovering that her patient, Kino, has developed some feeling of lust for her. Elise is upset by this, as she maintains professional boundaries in her work. In an attempt to clear up any miscommunications, Nurse Elise switches gears with the implementation of two treatments. The first is using a thin, wooden stick, checking to see if, indeed, every bone in Kino?s body is broken. Kino cries out in pain during this procedure. The next treatment is to assess the amount of air Kino is getting through all those wraps over his face. Nurse Elise pulls a plastic bag over Kino?s wrapped head an ties it off with some thin rubber tubing. This way, she can monitor Kino?s lung capacity. Ultimately, Kino gets cleared to be left by himself for a long while, as Nurse Elise leaves to lunch with her nurse friends.

Kino Payne に 'Kept Under Wraps: Part One'

Kino Payne - Kept Under Wraps: Part One

As a healthcare professional, there are times in which one must regrettably deliver bad news. Indeed, on this day, Nurse Elise informs her patient, Kino Payne, that he has suffered a terrible accident resulting in the need to be placed in a full body medical wrap lasting two months. Although Kino might appear to take the news well from the get-go, it is only later that the reality of his situation begins to set in. Beginning with Kino?s head, Nurse Elise skillfully wraps Kino?s entire body in a seated shape. The shape creates ease in rotating him, maneuvering him and simply controlling him. Upon full mummification of her patient, Elise rewards him with a circulation-encouragement vibration device to build his endorphins for the long healing journey ahead of him. Shortly thereafter, Kino expresses his lust for his nurse after he mistakes the attention and care that Nurse Elise bestows on him as a sign of sexual intent. Not someone to have her boundaries crossed, Nurse Elise endeavors to set Kino straight in underscoring their professional nurse-patient relationship. Stay tuned for Part Two during which Nurse Elise pivots to using some unorthodox medical procedures involving a wooden stick and a plastic bag.

Squeak に 'My Entertainment'

Squeak - My Entertainment

Squeak, a hot, young, bisexual guy is encased in heavy rubber for his first time. Complete with a gas mask hood, Squeak is totally cut off from the world. Elise enjoys his enclosure and chooses to objectify his genitals by pulling them through an opening in the crotch, creating an extremely vulnerable situation for Squeak. After applying electrodes to his inner thighs, as well as along his cock and balls, Elise turns on the juice. This delicate dance of electricity, as well as Elise?s skillful stroking, makes Squeak?s cock stand at attention. This pleases Elise, who loves to control cock. Some teasing of Squeak?s cock, as well as complete control of his face, gives Elise an idea. She wants to rip an orgasm out of him whether he is interested in it or not. He is helpless and has no choice but to experience the intense sensation of the vibrator on his dick. The results are pretty intense! Hot fun was had all around.

An Li に 'A Return to Pain: Part Two'

An Li - A Return to Pain: Part Two

The saga continues. An Li has sufficiently warmed up Elise?s ass, and is ready to take it to the next level. She begins by explaining why the cane is her corporal punishment tool of choice. It is so simple, so painful. Elise is enjoying the whole experience. An Li doesn?t forget to utilize the sharpness of her nails in between paddling sessions - just to keep Elise on her toes, never comfortable. Moving on to Elise?s ?favorite toy to use on others,? An Li gives Elise a does of empathy straight to her now very tender butt. These two have wonderful chemistry in play - enjoy!

Elise Graves に 'A Return to Pain: Part One'

Elise Graves - A Return to Pain: Part One

Believe it or not, it has been about five years since I have had the real desire for corporal play. Yes, I used to seek it out, chase the high, and always seem to want more. But for several reasons best left between my therapist and myself, my interest in surrendering to physical suffering in a BDSM context wained. Fast forward to today (last week actually!), and this has since changed! I had the immense pleasure to not only meet, but also play with, the sexy An Li. Although I had not met her before, I sensed that she and I would make wonderful play mates. I was absolutely correct! I was interested in An Li painting my ass, tits, and whole body with red scratches, paddle and cane marks. Thanks to An Li?s sexy, playful style of corporal punishment, I was able to return to that joyous state that I once loved. I am so happy to have met An Li, and even happier, once again, to find a soft, fluffy home in the arms of physical suffering. It?s good to be home! (Due to An Li and I enjoying ourselves SO much, this is part one of a two part video!)

Elise Graves に 'Leather Fuck Toy'

Elise Graves - Leather Fuck Toy

Although I am vegan, I have to admit that leather is sexy. After locking Blake into a leather straitjacket and dressing him in thigh-high heavy leather boots, I am beginning to get turned on. Securing him onto my Serious Bondage Fuck Cart only increases my desire to fuck. I couldn?t help but dress myself in leather pants and boots to complete the circle. Blake?s young face is so cute, I wanted to fuck it with my cock. He seems to be quite an eager lad, and so I take my cock to his ass next. We are deeply connected as I am deep inside of him. We share orgasms and I leave him so that I can admire my work.

Elise Graves に 'Self Clit Torment'

Elise Graves - Self Clit Torment

Elise Graves has a beautiful pussy and a wonderfully responsive clit. Elise delights in her clit being overstimulated, and doing the torment to herself allows for her to fine-tune both the pain and pleasure. Using several vibrators, pussy clamps, a suction tube, flogger, and more, Elise gives you a very CLOSE UP view of her beautiful pussy and clit being abused. Watch as Elise relishes in her own work by orgasming in your face. If you like large clits being hurt, this is the video for you! ??

Dart_Tech に 'Save Your Breath'

Dart_Tech - Save Your Breath

If there is anything certain in this world, it is that Elise Graves LOVES controlling a person's breathing capability. In this case, it is Dart_Tech who is her play toy, at the mercy of Elise's toying and utter enjoyment of fucking with him. The video begins with Dart_Tech and Elise discussing the finer aspects of breath control, particularly with the amazing ventilator that is the star of this show. Elise then puts her friend into the Serious Bondage chair and fine-tunes it to her liking, which could be defined as utter inescapability. Once she knows Dart cannot get out, she then turns on the ventilator, and thus, the games have begun. First reducing Dart's breathing rate down to a handful of breaths per minute, and then bringing him up to near hyperventilation, all the while shocking his genitals with electricity. She then attaches a heart rate/-oxygen monitor so that she can keep an eye on her friend's well-being, so she knows how far they can go. And it is exactly that place where Elise next goes - the least amount of air per breath, the fewest number of breaths per minute. This is what gets Elise Graves off - you can see it in her excitement, in her eyes, in her face. WARNING: This is an intense breath control play utilized by those who have experience and the knowledge of safely playing this way. This video is not to be used as a guideline for play. This is for entertainment purposes only, and there are many safeguards in place that the viewer cannot see. Please do not try this at home. Be safe, my fellow perverts, be safe.

Mercy West に 'It's All in Your Head'

Mercy West - It's All in Your Head

Mercy West's head is trapped in a suspended thick clear acrylic box. There is nowhere for her to go, as the head leads the body. Elise tightly laces Mercy's arms up into a unique custom leather box-tie arm piece, so that Mercy is without the use of her arms. Elise then shines a bright ass light in Mercy's face so that every nuance of Mercy's reactions to Elise's grabbing, pulling, pinching, licking and sucking can be brought to light and studied. For that is what this dance is all about for Elise. It's a bit of a science experiment, with Mercy as the rat and Elise as the researcher. Sucking Mercy's nipples and clit deeply up into small tubes is all for science, you might say. Elise's scientific study. Periodically there is a glimpse of Elise's previous research subject, strapped to a gurney donning a full rubber suit with only nose holes. Who is in there? What happened to them? How long will they be left strapped to that bed? These are questions only Elise knows the answers to…

Elise Graves に 'Squirm'

Elise Graves - Squirm

Whoever tied up Elise decided she needed some quiet time, as she is helplessly bound all alone. Elise is tied into a secure crotch-rope hogtie with her hands rendered helpless, and her feet tied to her neck, creating a constant tension on her neck. Elise's eyes begin to bulge, redden, and become glassy the longer that she struggles in her tie. Watch as Elise rolls around on the rug, attempting to relieve herself of some of the tension on her neck. After sometime, someone returns only to place a ball gag in Elise's mouth before leaving once again. Elise's predicament is more severe, as she begins drooling down her face with her neck strained even more and her breathing becoming more labored. Elise loves to squirm in bondage for you.

Elise Graves に 'Punishment for Perfect Body'

Elise Graves - Punishment for Perfect Body

Mistress Miranda and Elise Graves have one hell of a good time playing with Katt Anomia. Katt's very pert butt provides a lovely place on which Elise and Miranda can relieve some tension. While bound standing in a Christopher Fetish butterfly straitjacket, Katt is the recipient of stokes of the whip, paddle, and bare hands. Watch as Katt expresses her suffering to the camera. Her love of suffering becomes quite evident once Miranda takes a closer look at Katt's creamy wet pussy. Indeed, it could be that Katt really loves to be spanked! Elise controls Katt's head as Miranda vibes Katt off to utter oblivion. Listening to Katt cum is very sexy!

Elise Graves に 'Bamboo Tortment Tie'

Elise Graves - Bamboo Tortment Tie

Elise is feeling feisty today, but also loving. She intuits that her friend, Kino, is in the mood for suffering, and so she devises a plan to make that a reality. Tied on his knees with a piece of bamboo tucked behind his knees, Kino is starting to understand what is in store for him. Once his balls are tied back to the small bamboo secured between his ankles, he is acutely aware that this is going to hurt! Elise flutters around her suffering friend making his situation worse at times, and better at other times. Mostly, though, she is simply excited by the pain she is inflicting on her friend who enjoys it.

Blake に 'Under My Spell'

Blake - Under My Spell

Blake is under Elise's spell - he has no other option that to be. Elise has Blake in a heavy rubber total encasement straitjacket suit. She locks his rubber-clad body into her heavy wood bondage bed at his ankles - locking his legs spread open. His head is controlled by a gas mask hood, complete with a long hose that eventually is connected to a special piece of gear that allows Elise full control over Blake. Elise outfits Blake's ass and cock with an electrical plug and electrical bands. She plays with Blake, making him moan and scream. His cock is fully erect as Elise teases him with light touches and strokes. All the while, Blake is fully aware of each breath that he takes. This scene is very sexy, as the connection between Blake and Elise is sublimely felt. It's easy to slip yourself into either of their places. What is it like to have utter control of another? What does it feel like to have absolutely no control over your own body? Find out.

Tai Crimson に 'Shock and Awe'

Tai Crimson - Shock and Awe

Tai Crimson is so much fun to play with! I begin by warming up Tai's lucious ass with some spanking before I insert some electrical beads deep into her little asshole. I then seduce Tai with heavy rubber and coax her into a heavy rubber rest sack, leaving only her lips exposed to the outside world. After tying her ankles and neck to my bed in opposite directions, pulling her tight, I crank up the electro and listen to her moan, groan, and exquisitely scream. To quiet her down a notch, I stuff her sexy pink lips with my rubber cock and watch in awe as my clit gets hard. I can't help but use Tai for my own pleasure, therefore I turn the electro up and masturbate myself to her sexy squirms and beautiful suffering.

Dart_Tech に 'Highly Invasive Respiratory Therapy'

Dart_Tech - Highly Invasive Respiratory Therapy

Elise has returned from a vacation with a lovely tanned body, only to be stricken with a rare disorder that requires her to visit an experimental clinic. She is trusting, and therefore goes along with the recommended treatment, even as a custom made transparent PVC bag is placed over her head and she is hooked up to a ventilator. Electrodes are inside her pussy as well as clamped onto each breast. She is ready for a wild, orgasm-filled ride! Thankfully, there is a patient monitor available for the nurse to consider as he administers the complex and twisted treatment! For all you heart monitor fetishists, this one is for you!

Blake に 'Lucky Girl in Rubber'

Blake - Lucky Girl in Rubber

I was not expecting to get to play with this sexy woman today. No, I was planning on playing with Blake only. However, he brought along his girlfriend who seemed pretty excited to explore her own boundaries. I obliged. Blake is very caring and soothes Faye's anxieties with kisses all over her body - face, tits and pussy included. When we feel she is sufficiently calm, I move to put her into the extremely tight rubber rest sack. Since Faye is already wearing a tight rubber hood with only small nose holes, she must be guided every step of the way. Once Blake and I zip her into the sack, we have full reign of her body, her mind, and her sex. We manipulate her pussy, her to orgasm repeatedly, which arouses me. Seeing this super hot woman highly packed away in rubber, with only her pussy exposed for the taking, encouraged me to jump on top of her to use this spectacle for my own sexual pleasure. She ceased being a person and instead became my tool for sexual gratification. Sexy!

Elise Graves に 'Swallowed by a Balloon'

Elise Graves - Swallowed by a Balloon

Elise enjoys being consumed by her bondage, but never has it been such a literal experience! While visiting Anna Rose in Germany, Elise is treated to an immersive rubber extravaganza. First, Anna lubes up Elise's pussy with electro gel while Elise slides a pussy electrode inside. Next, Anna decorates Elise's lithe body in skimpy red fabric and asks Elise to do a little dance before Anna places an anesthesia head harness over her rubber hooded face. Finally, Elise enters the red rubber balloon and squeals with delight (and some fear) as the balloon is inflated to maximum capacity. Anna then controls Elise's air and pussy electrode from outside the balloon while Elise controls a vibrator from inside the balloon! Unique bondage experience!

Strange Hobbies に 'In Deep'

Strange Hobbies - In Deep

Wow! Strange Hobbies is a champ! Strange Hobbies has always been a pretty intense fellow, and now Elise has the opportunity to see just how intense he can be at the helm of a bucket of water, a wash cloth, and some electrical toys! Elise begins by strapping her latex-clad friend on to a slanted board, into some medical restraints, with an electrical plug up his ass and around his cock. His head is lower than his feet for a special purpose, which we will soon discover! Elise brings in a large bucket of water and a thick rag. She places the rag over his face and then we watch as Strange Hobbies deals with what comes next! Elise is surprised to see how resilient her friend can be! She sees this as a challenge to make his predicament more and more intense! Watch what happens!

Elise Graves に 'To Breathe or Not to Breathe: A Demo'

Elise Graves - To Breathe or Not to Breathe: A Demo

Elise is strapped into the wonderfully restrictive Serious Bondage heavy restraint chair, donned with a unique gas mask showcasing her eyes, and then the games begin. A motorized valve connected to a footswitch is placed under her foot, requiring her to press on it in order to keep the airway open. Her foot is tickled when it's placed on the switch, encouraging her to remove it which then closes the valve, leaving absolutely no air to breathe. Next, an air blower is added to this equation, as well as a bubbler, as a means of displaying when Elise is in a state of receiving air or receiving no air! Lots of potential fun here and for the future!

ltx4jay に 'The Power of the Box'

ltx4jay - The Power of the Box

Elise has a new toy! No, I don't mean the rubber-encased playmate secured by heavy stocks to her bondage bed! I mean a pretty new box with flashing colorful lights that controls the vibrator in the ass of her playmate J, as well as the Hitachi connected to his cock! The control box is programmed to control the individual vibrators power levels and rhythms, leading to one hell of a tease session! Elise delights in the fact that the box stimulates J just enough to keep him interested and wanting more, but not enough to give him much pleasure - and definitely NO RELEASE! The ultimate in programable tease and denial!

Mercy West に 'Mercy Sexed in a Cage'

Mercy West - Mercy Sexed in a Cage

Witness fetish as foreplay played out between Elise Graves and Mercy West. Elise begins her seduction of a rubber-masked Mercy with rubber toe socks. Watch Elise's excitement develop as she encases each of Mercy's toes in rubber. Next, Elise slips rubber mitts onto Mercy's petite hands, preparing them for total helplessness. Mercy climbs into a unique small cage with a transparent bottom, pleasing Elise, who then locks Mercy tightly inside. Adding a large glass dome over Mercy's head, Elise begins to kiss Mercy through the glass, creating a wonderful sexy tease. Elise dons her own elbow-length rubber gloves, which adds to the sexiness. She uses these gloves to tease Mercy's pussy before she flips the cage onto the backside, which leaves Mercy extra helpless and better positioned to get fucked by Elise's dildo. Elise seriously fucks Mercy's pussy, vibrates her clit, and is pleased with Mercy's pleasure.

Elise Graves に 'Tease and Torment Clinic'

Elise Graves - Tease and Torment Clinic

Tony Orlando and Elise Graves have an electric connection. Tony's cock is instantly hard as Elise sensually makes out with his latex encased face as he is bound rigidly into a metal chair. Elise expertly teases his cock, making it drip precum, as a heart monitor is set up to examine Tony's bodily reactions to Elise's every whim. Soon, electrodes are added around the base of Tony's cock and his balls, making his ever hard cock jump and twitch, much to Elise's sadistic delight. With a gas mask on his head, a cock that begs for more touch and attention from Elise, and painful clamps on his perineum, will Tony be able to control his heartbeat?

Katt Anomia に 'Pass the Pussy Kat'

Katt Anomia - Pass the Pussy Kat

Katt Anomia is one lucky girl. First, she receives the full bondage treatment from Elise Graves and Mistress Miranda in the form of being tightly hogtied to a Christopher Fetish cart on wheels, enabling her to be passed from one strap-on sporting woman to the next! Then, Katt gets intimately acquainted with both Elise's and Miranda's large strap-ons. Katt's pussy turns creamy white in no time! Watch as Miranda and Elise pass Katt back and forth, using whatever hole they see fit! Katt is adorable, and you are probably going to want to see her get fucked! ??

Heavybondage4life に 'Give a Man Enough Rope'

Heavybondage4life - Give a Man Enough Rope

Dressed in a mesh catsuit and knee-high leather boots, Elise Graves enters the scene and gets right to business.  She instructs Jimmy to get into a kneeling position on her platform and begins to tie him in a way that both supports him and keeps him off balance.  Wearing nothing but some tiny shorts and a leather head harness, Jimmy is soon balancing on his knees, with one of his feet tied up through a hard point and down to his neck, resulting in a tug of war between his foot and neck tension.  Instantly his face begins to turn red.  Elise next brings out her whip, adding even more color to Jimmy's tattooed body.  As he struggles, Elise realizes that what she truly wants is for Jimmy to not be able to move at all, and so she brings him down and transitions him into a very strict hogtie!  After inserting an ass hook into Jimmy's tight hole, Elise then ties it to Jimmy's head harness and back to one of his feet, creating immense pressure both on the hook as well as Jimmy's bent neck!  Although Jimmy begins to truly suffer in this position, Elise is not quite satisfied.  So she grabs her whip again and aims for Jimmy's feet!  Watch Jimmy suffer in strict rope bondage as well as by Elise's whip!

Elise Graves に 'Rubber Ass Fucking'

Elise Graves - Rubber Ass Fucking

Goblintower and Elise have been through a lot today.  First, Elise rode Goblintower around as a pony, then placed Goblintower in a vacuum sack, next he was bound into a cock-sucking position, and finally, Elise decided to fuck Goblintower's rubber ass.  And that is where we find ourselves now - Elise taking Goblintower's ass hole and stuffing it repeatedly with her hard cock!  Elise first stuffs Goblintower's mouth with a rubber gag and then his head into a thick rubber hood before guiding him to her Fuck Cart.  Watch Elise's joy as she fucks Goblintower in the ass and vibrates his cock until he ejaculates onto his rubber catsuit!

Mistress Miranda に 'Suction, Staples, and Needles'

Mistress Miranda - Suction, Staples, and Needles

Elise shudders with every pop of the stapler. Some of them she makes a sound. Some, all she can do is make her eyes wide and gasp for air through the gas mask as the pain hits her. When she thinks it's all over, there is more. Brought to the limits of what even she - a true pain lover - can take, she is left in the gyn chair, immobile, with the endorphins from a unique medical session coursing through her veins. Her pussy is now shut to anyone except the indomitable Mistress Miranda who has brought Elise to new heights of pain and ecstasy in her medical chambers. That is only a small part of the amazing and nearly indescribable experience that Elise has had today.Originally shot at 15 FPS - Some camera jitter on movements may occur

Elise Graves に 'You are Not in Control'

Elise Graves - You are Not in Control

Elise Graves loves being in total control of your body, your mind, your arousal and your interpretation of pain. LustKinkySteve likes giving up that control to Elise, as he knows she is capable of taking him on a very wild ride. Steve, encased in a total-enclosure leather gimp pup suit, complete with isolation hood, is physically incapable of controlling what happens to his own body. Then electrics are hooked up to his cock and asshole, which then intensifies his helplessness in Elise's hands. Adding a particular machine means that Steve is no longer in control of his base functionality. Elise can finely control all aspects of Steve - bringing him up and down. She can roll Steve around on the little cart he is attached to for further control of every last drop of Steve. It's good to be Steve.

Carlos Deth に 'Melting Your Brain'

Carlos Deth - Melting Your Brain

Carlos Deth is a nice-looking, young man with a desire to please Elise. He allows himself to be strapped into a police restraint chair, with his face connected to a ventilator and his fingers screwed out in front of him. Elise makes sure he has an electro plug up his ass before he takes his seat and then she adds en electro ball wrap to his sensitive parts. As Elise turns the electro up, she takes his breathing capabilities down. Elise can't stand the sexual tension anymore, and decides to alleviate her own while adding to Carlos by teasing and masturbating in front of and on top of his body. Watch as Carlos's brain is melted bit by bit as all his senses become overloaded.

Elise Graves に 'When Elise Met Tai'

Elise Graves - When Elise Met Tai

When Elise Graves first met Tai Crimson, she quickly discovered Tai's love of suffering. It didn't take long before Elise placed Tai in a set of inescapable foot stocks, a neck rope and a rope tie that presented Tai's enormous nipples.  With electricity on the nipples, and whips and caning on the feet, Elise helps deepen her new friendship with a kindred spirit, for those who enjoy - no, crave - suffering share a deep understanding - even upon first meeting.

Elise Graves に 'Properties of an Electric Charge'

Elise Graves - Properties of an Electric Charge

Elise Graves loves new playmates, especially when they are sensitive, expressive and game for anything! Blake provides those qualities and more, which allows for Elise to dive into the play zone. In securing Blake into an ass-up position in her Serious Bondage bed, Elise begins to get aroused. Seeing Blake in such a vulnerable position turns Elise on. With Blake blindfolded and exposed, he can only trust Elise to take him on an unexpected journey. Elise responds to her arousal by shoving electrical beads up Blake's ass. These beads, along with additional electrics, allows Elise to control every aspect of Blake's attention. Peppering in some flogging, tickling, and stroking of his cock, Elise then takes control of Blake's complete awareness. Elise and Blake really hit it off and entered a very sexy play space together for all our pleasure to watch!

Elise Graves に 'Strapped Down and Sacked Out'

Elise Graves - Strapped Down and Sacked Out

Mercy West is practically Cinderella. This wonderful PVC Christopher Fetish sleepsack has been looking for someone to fit inside, and until now, no one could. Enter Mercy West! She is tall and thin enough to be zipped tightly inside! Elise Graves then uses rubber straps to strap Mercy tightly to a custom bondage board. She is going NOWHERE!!! Elise then proceeds to use Mercy's face as a place to masturbate, as well as grinding against her sleepsack body as Elise pleases! Watch as Elise Graves looses track of her surroundings and goes crazy from the built up erotic tension that she releases onto Mercy's helpless PVC body. Mercy moans, groans and orgasms inside of that tightly fitting sleepsack. Very sexy!

Elise Graves に 'That Makes My Cock Hard'

Elise Graves - That Makes My Cock Hard

Something has gotten into Elise today and it isn't good for Tony!  Perhaps it's Tony's rubber catsuit or the make-out session on her bed, but Elise is fired up and feeling feisty!  Grabbing Tony by the hair and leading him to a set of metal stocks that capture not only his neck and wrists, but his ankles as well, Elise locks Tony up in a bent-over vulnerable position.  Elise quickly begins to make use of her cane on Tony's feet and ass, as a way of turning herself on through his experience of pain.  After Tony screams out from the strikes, Elise is sufficiently aroused and dons her large strap-on cock to use on Tony's mouth.  Tony considers himself a good cock sucker, and Elise makes him show her how good he can be.  She then wants to challenge him even more by wrapping his head in plastic wrap, leaving only his mouth available to continue receiving her cock.  This is challenging for sure for Tony.  This total control makes Elise even more excited and needs to hurt Tony again with her cane - this time on his cock and balls.  She then leaves Tony to stew as she relaxes on her bed, stroking her cock and enjoying the view filled with suffering.

Elise Graves に 'When Elise Met Strange Hobbies'

Elise Graves - When Elise Met Strange Hobbies

Strange Hobbies is a wonderful kinky, freaky guy from France.  On this particular day, I was given the opportunity not just to meet him, but to play with him - and let's just say we hit it off!  Beginning our play session by placing a gas mask over his head, I then guide him into a coffin-like box into a leather rest sack. After zipping, lacing, and strapping Strange Hobbies into the sack, I begin to experiment with his willingness and playfulness by turning up the electro in his butt plug!  I am very pleasantly surprised to hear some loud manic laughter increasing as I increase the intensity in his butt plug!  At this point, I can tell that Strange Hobbies and I will be good friends!  I climb into the box with him as I want to be close to those I have complete control over.  I enjoy looking into his gas masked-eyes as I alternate between stroking his erect cock and bit and turning up the electro.  Eventually I become more interested in seeing my new friend come his brains out while bound tightly in a rest sack, in a coffin box, with his breath controlled by long hoses, and so I vibrate him to orgasm.  As he was screaming, I thought it would be nice to hear what he sounded like with the box closed and locked up securely, and so I did just that.  His muffled sounds were too much of a turn on for me, however, and I couldn't leave it at that, so I crawled on top of the locked box and vibrated myself to orgasm while listening to the helpless Strange Hobbies moan inside.  Lovely making your acquaintance, Strange Hobbies.Additional images included in the ZIP download

Elise Graves に 'Shaking in My Boots'

Elise Graves - Shaking in My Boots

Locked into a pair of unforgiving ballet boots, a tight single-arm binder, a restrictive neck corset and a leather head harness, Elise Graves is in her element. Her mesh catsuit accentuates her body while tight red rope contorts her figure. Elise is in quite the pickle. Standing in her ballet boots causes extreme agony in her toes and arches of her feet, however if she relaxes into her rope bondage at all, the weight of her body is carried by two thin ropes cutting deep into her pussy. Elise is in quite the predicament. She can't help but to alternate her weight between her ballet-booted toes and her crotch-roped pussy. Both are excruciating, particularly over time. With her arms secured in tight leather behind her back, her arms are of no help. In fact, her arms behind her seem to tip her forward a bit, causing Elise to periodically fling herself forward, creating intense sensations on her tender pussy. Thankfully she is muzzled, which allows us to watch her struggle with the sound on ??

Elise Graves に 'Mine to Use'

Elise Graves - Mine to Use

Elise Graves has not fucked in a while. She is extremely horny and knows what she wants. After a night out on the town, Elise brings Mickey back to her place for some intensely sexy fun. As she is tying Mickey securely into a chair, Elise slowly and passionately undresses Mickey's body and mind. Using her cock-sucking skills, Elise oozes sensuality and sexual tension. Due to Mickey's vulnerable position, Elise has free reign of Mickey's exposed cock to satisfy her mouth and pussy horniness. Elise delights herself with Mickey's body as she passionately kisses him all over. So Sexy!

Petgirl Kako に 'Rubber Bathtub Bondage'

Petgirl Kako - Rubber Bathtub Bondage

Rubber submissive Petgirl Kako and female dominant Elise Graves are traveling in Amsterdam together. The kinkiness of the city as well as the magnificent bathtub inspires some special play between them. Elise guides rubber-clad Kako into the deep tub, gags her, and ties her into a hogtie with rubber tubing. Next, Elise turns on the water, allowing the water to rise higher and higher. In an attempt to distract Petgirl from the rising water, Elise finds a waterproof vibrator to use on them both! Making herself comfortable right on top of Petgirl, Elise masturbates the two of them at the same time. Elise coaxes Petgirl's head deeper into the water as she describes Petgirl as returning to the womb and then leaves Kako tied up, helpless, floating in the tub to drift off into new places.

Carlos Deth に 'Mercy Seat'

Carlos Deth - Mercy Seat

Elise Graves has Carlos right where she wants him. In fact, it's right where she wants ALL men. In her incredibly heavy leather bondage restraint chair from friends Serious Bondage. In this very special chair, no one can escape. The entirety of a Carlos' body is covered with thick, leather straps. This is all preparation for the real game to come. Over the head of Carlos, Elise slips on a thin yet tight transparent rubber hood. Elise next slides on a black faceless hood. Elise uses her seductive skills in distracting Carlos from his focus with his rock hard cock. She slaps, whips, strokes and vibrates that cock until Carlos is in utter spludge oblivion. If you enjoy heavy bondage with BDSM, this video is for you! ??

Kino Payne に 'Inflatable Gimp Face Sitting'

Kino Payne - Inflatable Gimp Face Sitting

Elise is excited by Kino's small stature, as he makes her feel extra powerful.  As Elise man handles Kino, they both grow more aroused.  Elise then decides to fill Kino's ass with an electrical plug before coaxing him into an inflatable rubber gimp suit.  He obliges, climbs in, and is then treated to both cock and ball electro as well.  Elise instructs Kino to inflate the suit with his own lungs, and only takes over when he is not able to continue due to the restriction.  Once he is inflated, Elise places a thick red rubber alien hood on his head, to fully seal the arousal deal with herself.  Seeing as Elise is highly aroused by aliens, she decides to sit on Kino's hooded face, and toys with using her pussy to block his access to air - over and over!  She wants Kino to get a good sniff of what he can not have, and so she pleasures herself while sitting on his face, giving him ample opportunity to see and smell, but not touch.

Petgirl Kako に 'A Veiled Rebirth'

Petgirl Kako - A Veiled Rebirth

Petgirl Kako has her rubber fantasies fulfilled by Elise Graves. Sweet and submissive, Kako is no match for Elise's heavy rubber burqa, complete with a latex hood that is perfectly loose for some latex make-out sessions. Petgirl Kako is led around the room with her latex encased elbows pulled tight behind her back, making her helpless to dominant Elise's erotic whims. Kako gasps for air and groans when Elise holds the Hitachi up to her sensitive clit while depriving her senses, leading to total rubber encasement pleasure.

Heavybondage4life に 'Sound Mind and Body'

Heavybondage4life - Sound Mind and Body

JimmyUSMC is a young, fit, colorful bondage freak who is barking up exactly the right tree when he comes to visit Elise for some bondage play. Elise fits a thick red rubber hood over his face, which gives Jimmy an instant boner. Little does he know that it's exactly that boner that Elise is looking to explore later! Zipping Jimmy into a perfectly-fitting tight rubber rest sack, Elise begins to get excited at his helplessness. She then uses rubber bungee cords to secure the rest sack to her bondage table. After feeling satisfied that at Jimmy's level of helplessness, Elise continues on her mission by connecting a bubbler bottle full of yellow liquid to Jimmy's inhale port. This means that Jimmy's inhalations are not only a bit restricted, but also audible. Elise then informs Jimmy that she is feeling horny and wants to fuck the inside of his dick with her very own! She throws a set of sounds on the table next to helpless Jimmy, as he doesn't have much to say about the matter. After clamping Jimmy's testicles with lighted clamps, Elise begins probing the inside of Jimmy's cock with her sounds. This is extremely exciting for both Jimmy and Elise, so much so that Jimmy is ejaculating with a metal sound down his dick in no time! Sexy!

Elise Graves に 'Sucked Down and Fucked Up'

Elise Graves - Sucked Down and Fucked Up

I have had the pleasure to participate in many sexy scenarios in my life, and this is among my new favorites!  I dressed myself in sexy lingerie to get into the mood.  Then I dressed my partner in full rubber before sliding him into the vacuum bed. He is wearing a full gas mask so that he is totally encased in rubber from head to toe.  This turns us both on very much.  Thankfully his cock is accessible through the suctioned bed.  I attach an extremely long hose to my partner's mask, reminding him that his breath is in my control.  This turns me on even more!  I climb up onto the bed, sliding down on top of his cock, and begin to use him however I want for my own pleasure.  Objectifying him like that is a terrible turn on, and therefore I begin to go crazy with orgasms.  Like I said, this was HOT.

Elise Graves に 'Between a Neck and a Testicle Sack'

Elise Graves - Between a Neck and a Testicle Sack

Latex-clad Elise Graves uses metal cable and giant cable crimpers to adhere Tony Orlando to her bedroom floor. He is attached by the neck, balls, wrists and ankles. This creates a conundrum for Tony as he must choose to relieve his bothersome balls or neck pressure. Elise torments him with glee. Mercy West eventually joins the party, resulting in double the trouble for Tony.  Tickling, teasing, face sitting, orgasms and more. Super sexy!!!