Kink '概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖' 主演 Ryan Keely (写真 9)

Ryan Keely,Stirling Cooper に 'Kink' - The Conception: Your Wife Breeds With Another Man (Filthy Femdom)

あなたが留守の間、あなたの妻、ライアン・キーリーは、あなたのために贈り物に取り組むことにしました。彼女は彼女の熱いボクシングコーチスターリングクーパーによって含浸されるだけでなく、彼女はそれを記録するので、あなたとあなたの陰茎がどれほど不十分であるかを本当に理解します。スターリングは背が高く、強く、男性的で、さらに重要なことに、彼はあなたの妻を喜ばせる方法を正確に知っています。巧みな猫の舐めがあなたの妻を何度も何度も来させる間見てください。彼はあなたが今まで以上に彼女を濡らさせる彼の大きな指で彼女を伸ばします!スターリングマンは、あなたが決してあえてしない方法であなたの妻を扱います。あなたが欠けているものを示すために、彼は彼の巨大なコックを深くあなたの妻のPOV角度を記録することを確認します。あなたの妻は、彼が彼女の犬のスタイルをファックする前に、彼女の濡れた猫をファックするためにスターリングを懇願します, 彼女の背中に, そして、あなたも彼女が犯される可能性を夢にも思わなかった方法で.彼女は彼の上に登り、彼に一生懸命乗る前に複数のオーガズムを持っています, 彼女はあなたを否定しているものの完璧なビューを与えるために彼女の栄光のお尻を広げます.あなたの妻が何度もあなたがカウントを失った後、彼女はスターリングが彼女の猫の中で彼の熱い負荷を噴出するように頼みます。彼の負荷はとても巨大です、彼女は内側に達し、彼女はあなたの枕の上でそれを拭く前にあなたに彼の強力なスプルージの少しを示しています。あなたはこの概念の任意の役割を果たす幸運を感じ、あなたが育てる子供は、より良い男があなたの妻に与えた喜びの結果であることを知って喜びを取るでしょう。

発売日 : 6月19日, 2020
タグ : アスリート, ブルネット, 女王, 包皮, ラテン, 複数のオルガスム, 天然おっぱい, その他の髪の色, POV, スリム, まっすぐ, ,

写真から Ryan Keely,Stirling Cooper に 'Kink' The Conception: Your Wife Breeds With Another Man

Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 1)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 2)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 3)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 4)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 5)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 6)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 7)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 8)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 9)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 10)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 11)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 12)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 13)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 14)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 15)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 16)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 17)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 18)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 19)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 20)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 21)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 22)
Ryan Keely に 'Kink' 概念:あなたの妻は別の男と繁殖 (サムネイル 23)

写真から Ryan Keely,Stirling Cooper に 'Kink' The Conception: Your Wife Breeds With Another Man

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン Ryan Keely,Stirling Cooper

Ryan Keely に '集中豪雨、エピソード4:愛人が提出する'

Ryan Keely - 集中豪雨、エピソード4:愛人が提出する


Ryan Keely に 'ギブアンドテイク:ライアンキーリーとロンドン川はお互いに提出します!'

Ryan Keely - ギブアンドテイク:ライアンキーリーとロンドン川はお互いに提出します!

ライアン・キーリーは人々を待たせることに慣れていますが、ロンドン川が彼女のイジメに対処すると思ったら間違っています。彼女は彼女のセッションに遅れて現れるとき - ライアンは彼女の代わりに置かれます。しかし、ロンドンはすぐにライアンが彼女にふさわしいすべての休暇を持っていたと判断し、ライアンに切り替えを命じる。コントロールを失うチャンスを否定したライアンは、ロンドンの賃金を支払うことを確信しています。足の崇拝、顔の座り、束縛、スパンキング、フロッガー、乗馬作物、電気、ストラップオン、肛門フィスティング、二重浸透、両面ディルド、そしてあなたが数えることができるよりも多くのオーガズムを備えています。

Ryan Keely に 'パパを待っている'

Ryan Keely - パパを待っている

ライアン・キーリーは悪い女の子だった - しかし、彼女のパパはとても遠いです!彼女が自分でそれをしない場合、誰が彼女を罰するのだろうか?彼女の寝室で一人で - ライアンは彼女の罰と報酬のすべてを通してあなたを話します。そして、多くの報酬があります。ディルド、スパンキング、パドル、乗馬作物、バイブレーター、およびファッキングマシンを搭載。ライアン・キーリーは、このソロBDSMカンフェストで年齢のためのパフォーマンスを提供します。

Goldie Glock に 'クリスマスの売春婦:クリスマスイブにゴルディグロック詰め気密'

Goldie Glock - クリスマスの売春婦:クリスマスイブにゴルディグロック詰め気密


Kate Kennedy に 'Kept Secrets:Kate Kennedy and Stirling Cooper's Dark Fantasies'

Kate Kennedy - Kept Secrets:Kate Kennedy and Stirling Cooper's Dark Fantasies


Helena Locke に '弁護士クライアント特権:ヘレナロックブラックメールクライアントライアンキーリー'

Helena Locke - 弁護士クライアント特権:ヘレナロックブラックメールクライアントライアンキーリー

セクシーで曲線美のライアン・キーリーは彼女の結婚を終える準備ができています。彼女は専門の離婚弁護士ヘレナ・ロックを雇って、嫌いな夫の汚れを見つけます。ヘレナは自分ができることを収集しますが、インターネット上のライアンのスキャンダラスなポルノのキャリアも発見します。ライアンは、変態で滑luな性行為の文書に直面したとき、スキャンダラスでエッチなやり方を拒否し、イエス・キリストに人生を引き継いだと誓います。ヘレナは、ライアンを説得力のあるきしむようにきれいにするための単なる約束以上のものが必要だと説明し、ライアンの売春婦の歴史を利用して自分自身のために少しを得ることにしました。彼女はライアンがストリップして、素晴らしくて遅いことを要求します。ヘレナは自分が見ているものが好きで、OTKスパンキングのためのライアンの美しいお尻を詳しく見てみたいと思っています。 「私はあなたに何をするつもりですか」とヘレナは約束します。ライアンはヘレナのためにすべてをむき出しにします。ヘレナの口は、ライアンの猫が彼女の野生を駆り立てます。彼女は舌でライアンの猫をからかい、苦しみ、くすぐります。かわいそうなライアンにとっては、さらにハードワークが必要です。ロープで縛られた赤いボールギャグと、足を大きく開いたスプレッダーバー、ロックさんにさらされた猫とロバは、黒いストラップオンディルドを着て、ライアンにハードな猫のクソを与える準備ができています。オーガズムはありません、またはまったく動きません。ヘレナが探求したい他の穴があります。ヘレナはライアンのお尻を野生に追い込みます。太ももを刺すパドルは、ライアンがカミングから気をそらすのに役立ちます。この不潔な売春婦は、堅いロバ・ファックから絶頂するのが好きです。ライアンは四つんonいで鞭と革のパドルで罰せられます。彼女のホイップされたロバは明るい赤に変わります。その後、彼女はロープサスペンションに入れられ、ぐちゃぐちゃに混乱します。ライアンはヘレナのつま先と足をしゃぶり、あらゆるインチを舐めます。ヘレナは縛られたクライアントの上に座って、彼女のお尻で彼女を窒息させ、彼女に彼女の濡れた、空腹の女を食べさせる。ヘレナはライアンを作物とフロッガーでwithり、クロップとくすぐりで足を苦しめます。ヘレナはライアンのパフォーマンスに満足していますが、恐mailは1回の支払いで終わるわけではありません。

Ana Foxxx に 'ソーシャルプロモーション:Ana Foxxxは他のフォロワーのために彼女のお尻を放棄します'

Ana Foxxx - ソーシャルプロモーション:Ana Foxxxは他のフォロワーのために彼女のお尻を放棄します

ソーシャルメディアのスーパースターAna Foxxxには数百万人以上のフォロワーがいますが、現物での支払いを要求しているエージェントStirling Cooperに感謝します。しかし、それは彼が望んでいるお金ではなく、性的好意です。アナはそれを持っていないので、彼女は彼の顔に彼女の飲み物を投げて、嵐を吹き飛ばします。しかし、それで終わりではありません。スターリングは彼女の家に胸を刺し、彼が望むものを取ります。アナはすべての穴で縛られて犯されます。彼女はむち打ち、切り抜き、性交肉のぴくぴく動くスラブを残しました。最初に、アナはソファに縛り付けられ、ワシを広げました。スターリングは、乳頭クランプを追加し、彼女を切り取り、バイブレーターでプライミングして彼女をほぐします。その後、彼は彼女の唾が彼女の顔の上を走り、彼女を覆っているので、ソファの後ろで彼女を顔面ファックします。彼は彼女の猫をむち打ち、痛みと喜びの波を彼女の体に送ります。スターリングはアナを足の片方をテーブルにつないで、濡れたオマンコとろくでなしを取得します。彼は彼女のお尻とおまんこをからかいながら彼女をからかい、そして彼女の中に彼の大きな太いペニスをスライドさせます。彼は彼女の猫をファックし、彼女の空腹のお尻に移動します。両方の穴は、彼のペニスを深くて激しくします。スターリングは最終的にロープを緩め、アナを裏返しにして宣教師と性交することができます。彼は再び両方の穴をバタンと閉め、売春婦のように彼女をクソします。彼は彼女の犯された女性器全体に彼の巨大な荷物を撃ち、彼女は彼女自身の恥に耕されて浸されたままにします。

Ryan Keely に '女神と初心者:ライアン・キーリーがパパ・ジョルジオを支配'

Ryan Keely - 女神と初心者:ライアン・キーリーがパパ・ジョルジオを支配


Stirling Cooper に '弁護士:Zoe Sparxが法的代理人を務める'

Stirling Cooper - 弁護士:Zoe Sparxが法的代理人を務める

チェック詐欺師のZoe Sparxが法律に問題を抱えたとき、彼女は安い弁護士Stirling Cooperに訴訟を起こしてお尻を救うように説得できない限り、刑務所時間に直面しています。 ZoeはStirlingが望んでいることを聞いたら戦いを始めますが、刑務所を避けるためにお金を払うつもりです。夜が進むにつれて、ゾーイは彼女のすべての穴と彼女の尊厳をあきらめます。第一に、ゾーイは彼女のハイヒールだけを剥がし、ギザギザにし、スプレッドイーグルをスターリングの机に結びつけた。彼女はスターリングが彼女のおっぱいとお腹をかき回すようにしゃがみます。ゾーイは、フロッガーからの各打撃が彼女をより湿ったものにすることに恥ずかしい。スターリングが彼女の乳首にクローバークランプを付けるとき、ゾーイは喜びと痛みで叫びます。スターリングは、ゾーイの叫び声を聞くのが大好きです。ゾーレは、ドロルが顔を流している間、彼の雄鶏を熱心に飲み込んでそれを嚥下しました。それからスターリングはゾーイのオマンコを開いたままにし、クリトリスを振動器にさらしたままスターリングは彼の机の中に置いておく。ゾーイは机から飛び出して、彼女が雰囲気から逃げようとしているときに彼女の拘束を引っ張ります。それはとても気分が良い、ゾーイはスターリングの机の至る所でカミングと潮吹きを助けることができない。彼のふしだらな女は許可を求めるのを忘れていた、スターリングは彼女が次回ザーメンする前に許可を求めるという彼女の約束をして、ゾーイのクリトリスに対して雰囲気会社を押している。ゾーイは叫び、彼女が次回より良くすると約束します。次に、ゾーイは四つんばいに縛られています。彼女はスターリングが彼女の口をファックして彼女のかわいいお尻をトリミングしながら泣き出した。彼女の口を使った後、スターリングはゾーイの女を伸ばし始める。ゾーイは、彼の堅い雄鶏を彼女の濡れた穴に追いやる前に彼を彼女に指でファックしています。スターリング推力としてのゾーイは、ますます深くなります。それはとても気持ちがいい、彼女は許可なしに再びザーメンするしかない。彼の不従順な罪を罰するために、スターリングはガラスの張形でゾーイのおしりをファックして、それから同じ時間として彼女の女とセックスし続けます。すべての刺激はゾーイを激しく駆り立てています。彼女はスターリングに止まらないように頼み、激しいクソを切望している。スターリングはゾーイをひっくり返して、彼女をファックし続けて、ゾーイが喜びで叫ぶように彼女のニャンニャンとお尻を切り替えます。彼女はスターリングが彼女の穴をポンドにするので彼女が彼女が良くなることを約束します。ゾーイは絶頂を保ち、いたるところで潮吹きする。彼の恩恵が達成されたことに満足して、スターリングは彼が彼女の顔全体に彼の負荷を吹くようにゾーイに彼のボールを吸わせる。

Victoria Voxxx に '7月4日に破裂したビクトリアVoxxxの花火パーティー'

Victoria Voxxx - 7月4日に破裂したビクトリアVoxxxの花火パーティー

Victoria Voxxxは、2人の友人と7月4日のバーベキューを祝う準備ができています。タイトなビキニに身を包んだ彼女はお祝いのケーキを持って来て、パーティーは大好きです。ダンスから始めて、彼女はもはやケーキに興味がない彼女の友人に彼女の曲線のタイトな姿を披露しています!彼女のお尻を振るとみんながこのパーティーを始める準備が整います、そして花火を使うより良い方法はありません。彼女が明るみに出ようとしているちょうどその時、3人のハンサムな磨かれた消防士が現場に侵入して、何が起こっているのかを知ることを要求します。消防令が整備されており、彼らはこれを阻止しています。ビクトリアはこの不満のために罰せられなければならない。彼女の首によって地面に投げられて、戦闘機は彼らの男根で残忍な罰を届け始めます。二人の友達のコックに口をあける前に、彼らは一人ひとりが硬いチンポを彼女の準備ができている喉に突き刺した。今日は誰もがビクトリアを祝うつもりです。次に彼らはビクトリアを完全に縄で束縛してプールに投げ込む。プールパーティーなしではバーベキューは完成しません。彼女が完全に彼らの意志でいるので、男性は彼女の口と彼女のニャンニャンをファックして交代します。彼女はグループの周りを通り過ぎるにつれて繰り返し水に浸される。男達は彼女を中に連れて行き、再び彼女を拘束する。彼女のニャンニャンは閉じられて洗濯はさみで縛られているので、彼ら全員が順番に彼女のお尻をファックしています。男性は電気ザッパーで彼女に衝撃を与え、彼女の悲鳴は深い肛門で彼女をファックしている彼らの堅い雄鶏のまわりで彼女のろくでなしを締めます。彼らは洗濯はさみをはぎ取って、彼女のすべてのきつい穴をドキドキし始めます。彼らは彼女の顔とニャンニャンを平手打ちさせ、それが彼女にもっと物乞いをさせます。彼らは彼女のニャンニャンとけつの穴をなめて、彼女にオーガズムで叫んでもらう。最後に、ビクトリアを気密にする時が来ました。彼らはそれぞれ順番に巨大な岩のハードコック二重貫通で彼女のすべての穴を埋めます。叩いてドキドキしてファックして、彼女はエクスタシーで彼女の目をロールバックします。彼女はそれらすべてを絶頂のために頼む。もっともっともっと。彼女はそれをすべて自分の顔にとり、もっと頼む。

Stirling Cooper に '父の問題'

Stirling Cooper - 父の問題

ペトラブレアは素直さと献身の写真で、素直に修道院を掃除し、クーパー神父、頭の司祭に彼女の女の子っぽいクラッシュを隠そうとしています。クーパー神父は、目撃者保護プログラムの外から寛大に彼女を修道院に連れて行った、厄介で慈悲深い人です。ペトラは彼女が聖職者の過去から新たなスタートを切るために教会に来たと主張しています、しかし彼女は僧侶が彼女の膝の上に彼の手を置くと願望と震え上がっています。彼女のわがままな娘のために。彼女はペトラに父親のために法廷で証言することを望んでいますが、ペトラはもう確実に彼女の家族のために嘘をつくことを拒絶します。彼の机の上に重い手のスパンキングで。 AsLilyは彼女の罪をきわめて詳細に告白しています。クーパー神父はやがて自分の体を失い、彼女のパンティーを脱いで彼の机の上で彼女を右にファックしたが、その後、彼女を徹底的に詰め込みそして彼の太ったチンポで彼女の口を詰めた。姉妹のペトラは、濡れたパンティーと真っ赤なお尻を浸して彼のオフィスから退去しました。彼が実際に彼女の家族の訴訟に割り当てられた秘密の代理人であることを明らかにしたとき、クーパー神父は彼の喜びをかろうじて封じ込めることができません。ユリは手錠をかけられ、鎖で結ばれ、そして彼女の巨乳は金属でしっかりと固定されています。それでも戦って、突き刺していて、リリーは彼女の顔をおおまかにセックスさせて、そして彼女の連鎖した女に赤を切り取らせます。彼女の腫れた猫は、彼女が潮吹きで潮吹きするまで生きています。それからスターリングは彼女のすべてのオルガスムを否定しながらそれらを自由に切り替えながら彼女のゴージャスなassand猫をクソ彼の時間をかけています。 Petraは、Lilyの性的屈辱および処罰に非常に満足しています。彼女の母親の顔に乗って彼女の体を締め付けて引っ張ると、ペトラはリリーにたわごとの急流を話します。リリーは話すことができません、しかし、彼女がスターリングによって耕されて、ペトラのおまけの地面に反対の地面を持っているので、ただの惨めな喜びに嘆いています。ペトラはリーシュと首輪でリリーを完全に支配し、彼女がスターリングのコックに6ヶ月間の性的貞操を働かせる間、彼女を六角形として使います。二人の女性は逆向きの騎乗位に乗って彼のチンポをいい従順な女のように吸う。

Ryan Keely に 'ボディダブル:スカイラースノーの変態アナルレズビアンオーディション'

Ryan Keely - ボディダブル:スカイラースノーの変態アナルレズビアンオーディション

Skylar SnowはRyan Keelyのボディダブルであるとオーディションします。ライアンはフルタイムのドームであることに忙しいです、しかし彼女はまだ従順であることを彼女に支払ういくつかの大切なクライアントを持っています。ライアンは、セッション中にマスクを着用するので、ライアンに合格することができる同様の体を持つ女性を見つけることを望んでいます。 Skylarはボンデージの経験が限られていますが、彼女は痛みを伴う女です。ライアンはSkylarが彼女の服を脱ぐのを手伝う。今インタビューは個人的になります。 RyanはSkylarのすべての穴を調べます。巨乳、巨尻、太もも。物理的にはそれは一致ですが、RyanはSkylarが何らかの罰を受けることができるかどうかを知る必要があります。彼女は彼女の膝の上に曲がるように彼女に命令し、それから彼女をたたき始めます。 Skylarのお尻がきれいに赤くなります。ライアンはそれからSkylarを彼女の手と膝の上に注文して、Skylarの露出したロバと太ももの上に彼女の杖を使います。 Skylarは喜んで鳴きます。ライアンは息をのむような遊び、顔をたたくことを試みます、そして、Skylarはそれを愛しています。ライアンはスカイラーの猫を見下ろす。 Skylarがオンになり、彼女はこれが簡単になるだろうと思っています、しかしそれはただのいじめでした、RyanはSkylarを中断でテストする準備ができています。スカイラーは縛られて縛られ、彼女の胸はライアンの口にさらされる。最初のライアンはいくつかの冷たい、硬い金属クランプをSkylarの乳首に当てます。今度は猫の目をくらますための時間です。ライアンは、スカイラーの素足に露出した太ももと柔らかいオマンコにザッパーを使います。ライアンは彼女に休憩を与えますが、彼女が自分自身をSkylarの口の下に置いている間の一瞬だけです。ライアンは激しく絶頂し、より多くのザッパーでSkylarに報酬を与える。 RyanはSkylarのオマンコを楽しんでいて、美しく濡れています。 Skylarは降ろされて、彼女の口の中にボールギャグで床に置かれます。彼女の十分な胸はきつく縛られていて、クリップは彼女の柔らかいピンク色の肉にきつく噛みついて、それぞれの胸を囲みます。手首は彼女の足首に固定した。足は広く開いた状態で、猫とお尻はRyanが使用し虐待するために露出していました。ライアンはそれから彼女のストラップオンを取得し、彼女を激しくファックします。それから彼女は振動器を加えますSkylarはgusherを噴き出します。ライアンはSkylarを解放して、彼女は彼女の手と膝にコックを受けることができます。今、彼女のお尻はライアンの捕食に対して脆弱です。 Ryanは、彼女の黒いストラップオンコックをSkylarのお尻に滑り込ませて、ハードなお尻クソをしていました。 RyanはSkylarを仰向けにし、彼女に肛門のオーガズムを与えます。 Ryanがその仕事に理想的な候補を見つけたように見えます、そして彼女はすでに彼女がセクシーなSkylarを与えようとしているすべての激しいトレーニングについて空想しています。

Stirling Cooper に 'ジョアンナエンジェルはロープボンデージとラフアナルで罰'

Stirling Cooper - ジョアンナエンジェルはロープボンデージとラフアナルで罰

ジョアンナエンジェルは、欲望に満ちたサディストを渇望させる新鮮で素朴な肉の一種です。彼女の完璧な色合いのボディは、彼女のすべての自然な乳首と陽気なお尻を披露する絶妙な入れ墨で飾られています。ジョアンナはすぐに、性的な性交の人形のように自分の腕と足を残酷で避けられないロープの束縛で拘束しながら部屋の真ん中にぶら下がっているのを見つけました。彼女のお母さん、Stirling Cooperは、ゆっくりとそして体系的に彼女を切り抜きます。インパクトプレイの刺すような刺すような行為は、Joannaをケージのような動物のように遠吠えさせます。喘ぎ、汗をかいて、彼女はサディストに巨大な赤いボールギャグの締め付けグリップを通り抜けさせるように頼みます。しかし、スターリングは笑って彼女の小さなピンク色の猫の上に日立を詰め込み、彼の性交人形に喜びで悲鳴を上げる。次に、ジョアンナは両手を縛られ、巨大な肛門のフックがひどい嫌いな人にぶつけられて膝をついた。スターリングは彼の巨大な雄鶏を連れ出して、彼女のニャンニャンの中に激突します。お尻のフックが彼女の肛門の壁を彼女の猫に押し込んでいるのでそれはかろうじて収まります。サディストが無謀に彼女をファックし始めると、彼女はうんざりします。彼女がゲーピングしている間、彼はアッシュフックを彼女の穴から引っ張り出します。それから彼は彼女のお尻に彼の巨大なペニスを突き刺し、彼女が複数回繰り返されるオルガスムを持つまで小さな売春婦をファックします。息を切らして汗をかいて滴り落ちるジョアンナは、足を大きく引き離して背中に投げつけられます。完全に無力で脆弱な彼女は、逃げ道がないことを知って自分のタスクマスターに完全に提出します。スターリングは彼女のおしりをファックして、そして次に、前後に彼女のニャンニャンに切り替えます、彼女の口に彼のペニスを滑らせることだけを止めます。最後に彼は彼女を床に向けて投げつけ、彼女の顔面とおっぱいのあちこちに大量の熱い射精を吹き付けます。

Stirling Cooper に 'Lexiの好きなおじさん'

Stirling Cooper - Lexiの好きなおじさん

小柄な金髪のかわいこちゃんLexi Loreが彼女のアパートから立ち退かれると、彼女は彼女の足に戻るまで彼女は助けを求めて彼女の「好きな」ステップ叔父に向かいます。ハンサム、変態ステップアンクルスターリングはLexiが滞在するために従わなければならないいくつかの厳格なハウスルールを持っており、この角質の女は協力しても構わないと思っている以上のものですが、それは彼女が交渉した以上です。彼女をウォームアップさせ、彼女が指示に従うことができることを確認するために、スターリングクーパーはLexiに一連のコマンドを通します。あなたの膝の上に最初に!それから彼は彼女に彼女の指を吸わせ、彼女のとんでもない自然のおっぱいをからかって、そして彼が彼女を窒息させている間彼女が絶頂に達するまで彼女の猫と遊びます。彼女は彼女が言われたことだけをするが、クーパー氏は彼女の猫が彼の今であり、彼女が彼の屋根の下にいる限り彼は彼の方法を持つであろうと彼女に思い出させる。 tatとそのすべてのための乳首。アンクルスターリングはLexiを縛り、Tens Unitをつなぎ、そして彼のペニスを彼女の口に詰め込む。彼女はチャンピオンのようにコックを吸うことができます、しかし、彼は彼女が彼の貧しい家のゲストをやる気にさせるために電気をひっくり返すことができます。 Lexi Loreはスターリングに彼女のすべての穴を提供するので、彼は彼女のきつい小さな猫から始めます。四つんばいのクーパースパンキングでタイトに縛られ、それがピンク色になるまで彼女のアイボリーのお尻をこすり、そして次に彼の太ったコックで彼女の猫をこじ開けて服従のためにファックします。それから彼は彼女のろくでなしを彼のそのセクシーな雄鶏でいっぱいにして、そして彼女がゲイプするまで彼女をよくポンドします。足首に縛られた手首を彼女の背中に、Lexi Loreは広く開いていて、Cooper氏に濡れた痴女の穴を見せている。敏感な太ももとオマンコスターリングバイブを何度かトリミングした後、Lexisは日立にクリトリスをしながら彼女のお尻をファックし、彼女はそれを愛している。両方の穴のあいだで行ったり来たりしながら、彼女が一生懸命に眠り、彼が熱い荷物を彼女のいたるところで撃つまで、スターリングは彼女をポンドで打ちます。スターリングクーパーがLexiの好きなおじさんであるのも不思議ではありません。

Lisey Sweet に '売春婦の穴:Lisey Sweetは、彼女のすべての痴女の穴を詰めてめちゃくちゃにします'

Lisey Sweet - 売春婦の穴:Lisey Sweetは、彼女のすべての痴女の穴を詰めてめちゃくちゃにします

Lisey Sweetはチンポが熱いし、彼女の小さなWhore Holesをすべて詰め込んでファックして欲しいです。 5つの巨根と1つのLisey 'は、楽しいレシピのようですね。最初の小さなゲームは、頭の上の袋で縛られていたLiseyは、誰のチンポが口に入っているかを推測するように言われ、彼女が正しければ日立を報酬として受け取ります。このペニスを吸っているすべては彼女が彼女の方法を来ているハードコアな行動の猛攻撃のために彼女を暖めていることです。ロープで縛られてベンチにまたがっているLiseyは、彼女の口にコックを、そして彼女の猫に1つを持っています。スターリング、ドニー・ロビー、コーディー、エディはそれぞれ交代で彼女の痴女のオマンコ、そして彼女のお尻をファック。 Liseyが彼女のお尻が犯されるとすぐに彼女は間欠泉を潮吹きし、もっと欲しいと思っています。彼女がチンポをギャグしている間に厚いディックが彼女の2つの売春婦の穴の間で前後に彼女のノンストップをファックして、彼女は何度も何度も激しく絶頂します。次にディックの1人を騎乗させると、彼女の手と口でもう1人のディックをジャックする一方で、Liseyは彼女の猫とお尻の両方に同時に二重貫通します。気密!彼女の自然のおっぱいとセクシーなお尻はあらゆる推力で跳ね返ります。彼女は自分の穴をいっぱいに広げ、引き伸ばして、この男の肉全部で広げて開くのが大好きです。逆カウガールでLiseyは彼女のおしりを2つの巨大な男根で詰め込ませます、そして、彼らがLiseysの口ときれいな顔の至る所で彼らの熱い精液を撃つまで、それは彼女の狂気のうめき声と喜びで悲鳴を上げます。なんていい売春婦なのか、彼女はその絶頂をすべて飲み込んでそれを愛していた!

Stirling Cooper に '家族のために潮吹きアナルステップ娘ケンドラスペード嫌いファック'

Stirling Cooper - 家族のために潮吹きアナルステップ娘ケンドラスペード嫌いファック

Christy Loveは甘い郊外の熟女で、彼女の手の中にはあまりにも多くの時間があり、彼女の人生に十分なチンポはありません。彼女の大邸宅で退屈で角質、彼女はスターリングクーパーのようなセクシーな詐欺師のための完璧なターゲットです。ニューエイジの教祖としての地位を築いたスターリングは、彼女の銀行口座へと進出し、それから彼女のタイトなオマンコと嫌いな人へと進出します。 Christyの服従的な性格は、彼女をロープで縛り付けられ、彼女のお尻に金属製のフックで床に潮吹きし、Stirlingが彼の巨根で彼女をドキドキするD / s遊びの道を進む。彼女は自分の潮吹きをなめてからスターリングのつま先を丸呑みにして幸せ以上に幸せです。実際、彼女は完全に魅了されており、彼女のすべての穴でスターリングに仕える準備ができています。不幸なことに、Christyにとって、彼女のストリートスマートな娘であるKendra Spadeは詐欺行為をしていて、事件全体のビデオを手に入れることができました。ケンドラはクリスティが去るのを待ち、それから彼女は彼女のビデオ証拠で彼に立ち向かいます。ケンドラの家族の説明をさらに深く掘り下げたことで、スターリングは心に強く訴えず、タイトな体と太い元気なお尻で彼を楽しませる何らかの方法を見つけない限り、父を台無しにする可能性があると反論しています。彼女のパンティが彼女の口の中で結ばれて、彼女の手が彼女の背中の後ろで縛られた状態で、ケンドラは完全な憎しみファックに憤慨します。彼女が酔っぱらって鞭打ちをしていると、彼女はしだれとスターリングのディックを窒息させます。スターリングは彼女を壁に投げつけ、彼女が彼女の猫と彼女のお尻の両方で彼女がうめき声を上げながらも、口内発射しないように試みます。しかし、ケンドラは自分自身を助けることができず、彼女はスターリングのコックをくぐり抜けてオーガズムに駆り立てます。クリスティが家に帰ってきてそこで見つかると、彼女はスターリングに夢中になり、彼女は単に膝に落ち、ケンドラのお尻から抜け出すたびにチンポを吸い始めます。ケンドラは彼女の継母の行動に恐怖を感じますが、彼女には選択肢がほとんどありません。彼女はスターリングの太いチンポで彼女の継母のように跳ねながら、本物の売春婦のようにペニスを乗る方法を学びました、そして彼女は彼女の甘い、十代の噴出物を部屋に吹きかけます。彼女が彼女のお尻の中でスターリングの大きい堅いペニスを楽しむので、クリスティは非常に笑います、そして、彼女が最終的に彼女が痴女のように彼の絶頂を乞食の娘に与えるとき、彼女は実に高揚しています。

Lexi Lore に 'Lexi Lore:ホーリー・テンプテーション'

Lexi Lore - Lexi Lore:ホーリー・テンプテーション

教会で、スターリング・クーパー神父は彼の会衆に説教します。彼は罪の力、誘惑、そして欲望について語っています。 Lexi Loreは、ローカットシャツとショートスカートを身に着けて、腰掛けに満ちた口の中に座っています。スターリング神父はレクシーに彼のそばに立ち、会衆の前で自分を見せるように頼みます。彼は彼女がそのような方法で服を着ているのを見るすべての人の心に彼女が与えた欲望のためにLexiを非難します。スターリング神父は自分の罪のために悔い改めたいのかどうか尋ね、そうだと言います。スターリングは彼の前で交代で彼女のひざまずきを持っていて、式典に参加するように彼の会衆に頼みます。男達は並び、スターリング神父と一線を画して彼らの堅い雄鶏を鞭打ちます。 Lexiは彼女の苦情を受け取るために彼女の口を大きく開けます。彼らは彼女の口の中で彼らのペニスを突き出し、そして彼女は彼女ができる限りすべての彼らを吸います。スターリング神父は聖書を彼女に見せつけ、彼女を窒息させ、そして彼女の顔に唾を吐きます。彼らは彼女を裸にして彼女がひざまずく場所で祈りの位置で縄で縛ります。彼らは彼女の口をもう少しファックし、彼女のお尻をたたき、そして彼女の猫と遊びます。次に、彼らは彼女を彼女の手と膝の上にパッドを入れたテーブルの上に置き、さらにもっとロープで縛った。彼女の口がコックでいっぱいにされる間、彼らはレキシーのニャンニャンを激しくファックして、彼女のおしりをたたきました。その後、彼らはレキシーを1人の騎士に移動させて、彼女の小柄なフレームをお尻に1枚、猫に1枚、口に1枚ずつ3倍に詰め込みました。スターリング牧師とChurchgoerのPete氏は、Lexiのニャンニャンの中に彼らの両方の巨根を詰め込み、彼女の二本の膣をファックして、彼女のニャンニャンの限界を広げて、彼女はそれを愛します。彼らは彼女を「スプーンポジション」にひっくり返します、そして、Lexiの穴は再びこの非常に創造的な二重貫入ポジションで深くセックスされます。彼ら全員が彼らのやり方を持って、そしてLexiの顔全体に彼らの負荷を撃ったら、彼女は許されます。

Ryan Keely に '黙れと仕える:ライアン・キーリーがドム・ジャックを撃退'

Ryan Keely - 黙れと仕える:ライアン・キーリーがドム・ジャックを撃退

ジャックハンマーはめったに潜水艦ではない、ドムです。しかし、今日はその頃です。そして、誰かがそうする準備ができていないでしょう、ゴージャスなブロンドの爆弾Ryan Keelyがボールであなたを持っているとき。ジャックはライアンのダンジョンに到着し、黙って仕える準備が整いました。そしてライアンはがっかりしていません。彼女は彼にストリップするように命じ、それから彼女の足から始めて彼女を崇拝する。 Ryanが支配下にあることを理解して、Jackは最初から卑劣な従順な子です。彼は時々娯楽を見せるが、ライアンはすぐに彼を直し、彼を自分の場所に戻す。彼女は彼に彼の手と膝の上に彼を命じて、それから彼の足の後ろを杖で支えて、そして彼のおしりをパドルそしてスパンします。ライアンが次に彼を背中にのせ、洗濯はさみを乳首にのせ、そして顔を彼女の完璧な濡れた猫で撫でると、顔のほほ笑みは拭き取られます。彼女は彼の上で挽いて、彼がそうでなければ動けないままでいる間、彼を彼女を喜ばせます。ジャックはすぐに部分的な中断に入れられます。ライアンは、お腹がすいたお尻をすくい、それから彼の穴に唾を吐き、彼に彼女の大きなストラップオンコックを取るように準備させます。彼女は太った男根をお尻に突き刺し、彼をファックして、この典型的な支配的な男を服従させることを非常に慎重に考えていた。しかし、ジャックは黙っていて、そして彼のうめき声は彼を黙らせ続けるためにこもりました。ジャックが十分に訓練されたとき、彼の役割はライアンを喜ばせることであり、それ以上は何もしないことを受け入れて、ライアンは彼を束縛から解放し、降りるために彼の口とコックを使います。ジャックはひもの上でファックおもちゃとして機能している間、彼女はその大きなペニスを取り、それに乗って自分に次々とオーガズムを渡します。ライアンは何度も何度も絶頂を迎えます、そして、彼女がしたあと、ジャックはついに終わりました。彼女は彼に彼のオルガスムを否定して、そして彼の方法で彼を送ります...次回まで。

Whitney Wright に 'Receives Stepdaddy's Discipline'

Whitney Wright - Receives Stepdaddy's Discipline

Whitney Wrightは、彼の継父のオフィスで彼女のボーイフレンドRobby Echoと出会っています。彼女は少し早くそこに着き、彼の机を通って詮索を始め、そして捕まる。 Robbyの継父、Sterling CooperはWhitneyを叱り、彼女には規律がないと語った。彼は彼女を膝の上で曲げて彼女の短いドレスを上げ、彼女の完璧なお尻を露出させる。それは明るいピンクに変わるまで彼は彼女の豪華な丸いお尻をスパン。ロビーと彼の友人たちは、彼女が酔っぱらっている間に入ってきて、ロビーはその光景にショックを受けました。スターリングは、彼が彼女を懲戒処分したならば、彼がそれを自分でする必要はないだろうとRobbyに言います。 RobbyはWhitneyのお尻と太ももに加わり、続いています。そして、彼女は自分が見つけた状況にショックを受けました。彼は彼女をロープ緊縛で縛り、彼女を膝の上に連れて行き、彼女に彼らのコックをすべて吸わせることによって罰を続けています。 5人の男が彼らのハードディックを鞭打ち、彼女はそれに入って、彼女の手を彼女の背中の後ろで縛られてそれらすべてを楽しませるために最善を尽くします。彼らは彼女を一つずつ顔面ファックし、彼女は自分の喉の下に彼らの肉の全てを降ろすことを懸命に試みる。その後、彼らは彼女のお尻がスピットローストのための完璧な位置で端からぶら下がっていると革のスツールに彼女を結びます。彼女の口にチンポが詰まっている間、オールテイクは彼女の猫を深くそして激しくファックします。彼らは次に彼女のおしりをファックして、彼女のすべての穴を広げます。彼女はスターリングの革のソファに彼女を動かして彼女の気密性をファックするためにそこで待っている人の残りの部分を吸いながら彼女の猫とお尻を二重貫通します。最後にホイットニーは5つの負荷で彼女の顔を艶出しさせ、そして彼女のレッスンは学びました。

Stirling Cooper に '査定書:スターリングクーパーへのアラナクルーズの肛門提出'

Stirling Cooper - 査定書:スターリングクーパーへのアラナクルーズの肛門提出

美しいブルネットのAlana Cruiseは、郡の課税査定官事務所に勤務しており、Stirling Cooperが何を隠しているのかを調査中です。彼の所有物はすべての建設が行われているため審査のために赤旗が立てられている。税金が400%増加するか、施設に課税される可能性があるため、ハンサムなStirling Cooperは怒っています。彼はこの厄介な評価者にちょっとした罠を仕掛けることにしました。彼の家に隠しカメラを設置して、彼はアラナが戻ってくるのを待ちます。小切手帳を手にして、彼はこの税の悪夢を消すために彼女のために彼女に個人的な小切手を持ってアラナクルーズを支払うことを申し出ます。スターリングが彼女にカメラを見せる前に、この小さなミンクは小切手をつかみます。捕まえられた、しかしスターリングは彼の回収でほぼ終わったところではありません。彼女はほとんど彼を破産させた、そしてそれは彼女が支払う時間である。彼は彼女をつかみ、制限的なロープの束縛、鎖、そしてボールギャグで彼女を結びます。彼女は、この状況から抜け出すために何でもすると主張し、そして最初に、フェラチオを吐き出すディープスロートです。スターリングのロックハード巨大なコックはアラナが垂れ下がって取得、彼女は彼女がそのモンスターを取ることができる限り信じられない。しかし、それは喜びのすべてではありません、次は痛みです。アラナのきつい小さな体とオマンコのあちこちで、穀物と鞭での完全な体罰。彼女をスターリングでひっくり返すと、彼女は濡れているタイトなオマンコでディープファックを提供する前に、彼女の赤いお尻にハードスパンキングを与えます。この査定官は肛門なしには完成しないでしょう。スターリングは上から彼女をマウントします、そして、山は深い肛門提出を推進します。スターリングが彼女の顔全体に彼の負荷を降ろす前に、彼女は肛門のクソとhitatchiから激しくsooを絶頂します。

Alana Cruise に '苦痛の中の乙女:アラナクルーズ'

Alana Cruise - 苦痛の中の乙女:アラナクルーズ


Stirling Cooper に '巨乳女神ライアン・キーリー・ファック、ロープ縛り'

Stirling Cooper - 巨乳女神ライアン・キーリー・ファック、ロープ縛り

曲がりくねった、すべて自然な女神ライアン・キーリーは、以前は担当していた強い女性です。権力は彼女の人生の本質であり、それは彼女が下すすべての決定に燃料を供給します。彼女が残酷な男性のドムの地下牢に飛び込むと、彼女は自分の場所に置かれ、避けられないロープの束縛と残忍な体罰に強制されることを切望します。ライアンのような焦りと要求の厳しい女性と前戯やウォームアップで浪費することはできません。彼女は彼女の足を空中で引き締めた状態で素早くかつ厳しく背中を拘束されている。彼女の完璧な丸いお尻は彼女の男性のハンドラーであるStirling Cooperのサディスティックな気まぐれな気配にさらされていて脆弱です。彼はすぐに飛び込んで、ライアンを悲鳴と震えの痛みから震わせさせる革に乗る作物で彼女の柔らかい肌を乱用し始めます。彼女の足が柔らかくなると、彼は自分の道具を細い竹杖に変え、それを使って子牛や太ももを攻撃します。衝撃の刺されはダンジョンの息苦しい空気を突き刺します。それからスターリングはライアンを地面に投げつけ、彼女を膝の上で縛り付けてシビアンにする。それから彼は彼女の巨大な自然の乳首と内側の太ももを電気ザッパーで電化します。ライアンは自分のドムに話を戻すことができると考えていますが、彼女は残酷な意図の間違った終わりに気付いています。 sybianのスピードと強さが増すにつれて、電気の苦痛の痛みもそうです。 Stirlingが瞬間をつかみ、Ryanの無力な喉の奥深くに彼の岩の堅い雄鶏を突き刺すと、Ryanは息を切らして息を呑む。彼女が荒っぽい打撃の仕事からギャグして窒息するまで、彼は彼女に顔をファックさせます。彼女が引き離して残忍な一撃の仕事から逃げようとすると、吐き気は彼女の口の端から飛びます。彼女はsybianの容赦ないクリトリス刺激から絶頂を懇願したが、彼女は許可されていないと彼女のハンドラーは彼女のオルガスム否定の痛みから笑います。彼女が息をすることができる前に、痴女のストリッパー - ヒールは彼女の足に縛り付けられ、彼女は片足でとまる。ほぼすぐにスターリングは彼のズキズキするチンポを連れて彼女の露出した女に押し込む。手に負えない複数のオルガスムが彼女から爆発するまで、彼は冷酷にライアンのきついピンクのファックホールを非難します。彼女は震えて刺激から揺れますが、彼女は猫のドキドキを止めることができません。彼女を締めくくるために、スターリングは彼女を彼女の背中に投げて、彼が彼女の小さなピンクの猫を苦しめることができるように彼女の足を大きく引きずります。彼は、ライアンのプライド、パワー、そして抑制がすべて汗とオマンコジュースのプールに溶け込むまで、容赦なく繰り返し彼女をファックさせます。彼女は彼の精液で彼女を埋めるために彼女のマスターに頼みます、そして、彼は義務を負うことがあまりにも幸せです。スターリングは彼女の腫れと痛む猫のいたるところに大量の絶頂をスプレーします。

Holly Lace に 'ハードコックの学校:学生によって統制されている熱い先生、校長'

Holly Lace - ハードコックの学校:学生によって統制されている熱い先生、校長


Ryan Keely に '変態レズビアン納屋の女の子'

Ryan Keely - 変態レズビアン納屋の女の子

無人地帯の奥深くには、地下シェールオイルが豊富な農場があります。 Syren de Merは、セクシー農家のRyan Keelyに土地を売却するよう説得しようとするセクシーな石油経営者ですが、この熱くてセクシーな農家に許可を与えているのは、この経営者の穴の中だけです。世界から少し隔離されているように感じて、彼女はセクシーな執行役員の存在を利用して、そして彼女に良い断片化時間を示します。彼女はSyren De Merを倒して、スパンキングをしながら素敵なジューシーな戦利品を準備します。それからライアンはシレンの顔を彼女の大きなジューシーなお尻で窒息させ、彼女に彼女の甘い猫の味を与えます。その後、RyanはSyren De Merを拘束して停止します。彼女はちょっとした缶詰めやトリミングで、喜びの前に少し痛みを感じます。 Syrenの戦利品と足の痛みを少し解消した後、彼女は大きな棒でペニスを握り、彼女に良いクソを与えます。彼女が棒の上でライアンのペニスによって穴をあけられるようになると、不潔な小さな執行部は絶頂を頼みます。ライアンは適切な場所に当たって、シレンを油井のように噴出させます。ライアンはそれからシレンに彼女の戦利品を上手く打ちつけるように与え、それを雄鶏の上に彼女のストラップで彼女の奥深くに入る前にそれをきれいで赤いままにしておきます。彼女はシレンを激しくファックして、良い穴あけがどのように行われるかを彼女に示します。彼女が噴き出す準備ができているので、シレンは何度も絶頂に懇願します。それからライアンはシレンのお尻の奥深くに彼女のチンポを突き刺す。今すぐライアンは彼女自身の喜びを得る準備ができています。彼女はシレンをはさみ、オーガズムに達するまで体を使う。この汚い小さな執行部は、他の国のギャルの農場をとることを試みる前に二度考えます。

Britney Amber に 'is Gettin' Pumped'

Britney Amber - is Gettin' Pumped

Britney Amberは地元のジムで新しくて素朴です。彼女はエクササイズをする前にいくつかのストレッチをし始め、自分自身を守ります。ジムの他の人たちは彼女の熱いスモーキンの体をじっと見るしかない。みんなの一人、スターリング・クーパーは、彼女がどうやって適切に伸ばすかについてのポインタが欲しいのかどうか尋ねます。当初は消極的でしたが、ブリトニーはスターリングを面白がって彼に彼女に何かを見せさせます。それからブリトニーは突然、ジムで他の人たちによって四方を囲まれることに驚いています。彼らはゆっくりと彼女に近づき、彼女の体を掴んで弄り始めます。彼らは彼女のシャツを上下に持ち上げて、彼女の大きな美しいおっぱいを露出させた。彼らは彼女の黒いレースのパンティーを通して彼女の猫をこすりながら彼らは彼女の乳首にキスをし、なめる。彼女はひざまずいて、彼らは彼らの大きな堅い雄鶏をむき出しにします。彼女は熱い強打で彼らのすべての雄鶏を吸い込みます、そして、人はロープの束縛で彼女を結びます。縄で結ばれた今、彼らは再びブリトニーの口を使う。今度は彼女の腕がロープのために動き回ることができないので、彼らは彼女の口とのどをファックするために並ぶ。彼らは彼女を彼女の背中に置き、別の苦境に彼女を結び付け、前後に行って、彼女のお尻とオマンコを深くそして激しくそして生でファックしている。次に彼女は彼らの太ったチンポの1つに座り、それを彼女の猫の中に滑り込ませ、そして他のものは激しい二重貫通シーンで彼女のお尻を深くそして激しくファックして順番に取ります。彼女は逆向きの騎乗位の位置にひっくり返して彼女のお尻に別の太ったチンポを固定します。両方の穴がめちゃくちゃになり、徹底的に破壊された後、みんなはブリトニーのきれいな顔の至る所で彼らの大きな負荷を撃ちます。

Stirling Cooper に '肛門の罰のための従順な痛み痴女SCREAMS'

Stirling Cooper - 肛門の罰のための従順な痛み痴女SCREAMS

Perky Blonde Delirious HunterがKinkに戻ってきて本当の処罰の準備ができています。この従順な痛み女は彼女の鮮やかな花の夏のドレスで無邪気に見えるかもしれませんが、彼女はロープの束縛で完全に拘束されて縛られていて、彼女のぬれた口の中でボールギャグで縛られています。彼女の足は彼女が彼女の主人のために準備ができているスプレッダーで広く開いた。今日の彼女のハンドラーは、彼の深い指揮の声を持つハンサムなスターリングクーパーです。彼は自分の痛みの女、Delirious Hunterが今日特別な注意を払う必要があることを知っています。乗馬作物から始めて、彼は彼女の太ももと堅いロバを罰します。彼の手で顔に彼女の鮮やかな赤をたたく。彼女の猫がクリトリスで激しくトリミングされると彼女は叫ぶ。彼女の乳は杖を取ります、そして、彼女はより多くの罰のためにさらに大きく叫びます。彼女は主人を治療するために最善を尽くす準備ができています。彼女の乳首は固定されていて非常に苦しんでいます。彼女の肺の上で慈悲を叫ぶまで彼女の足は鞭打ちされる。彼女が疼痛を取る方法を正確に知っているだけでなく、この経験豊富な女は彼女の主人に喜びを届けることにおいて非常に熟練しています。ロックされたアイコンタクトで彼女はディープスロートフェラチオに続いてディープハードクソとアナルドキドキをする。彼女は嫌いな人とタイトなオマンコの間で彼の男根を行ったり来たりさせて叫ぶ。彼女はスターリングの堅い雄鶏と彼の振動している日立をくまなく中出しします。最後に、彼女はスターリングに彼女を絶頂でカバーするよう頼みます、そして、彼は我々が残忍なセッションで見た中で最大のザーメンを解き放ちます!

Stirling Cooper に '悪いテナント'

Stirling Cooper - 悪いテナント

ケイデンスラックスは彼女の賃貸料に遅れている。彼女は考えから抜け出して、彼女の必死の嘆願をするために彼女の家主の家に向かいます。彼女は自分を入れて、家主であるStirling Cooperが自分のキッチンで料理をしているのを見つけます。彼は驚いたが彼女に会えてうれしいし、彼女は今月は家賃がないとスターリングに説明した。スターリングはお金を節約することの重要性についてケイデンスを講演し始めます。彼は、お金でいっぱいの革製のブリーフケースを取り出して、ちょっとした自己規律が達成できることを実証します。もう一方の部屋で電話が鳴り、スターリングは自分に言い返して答えるように言い訳します。今すぐ一人でスターリングのキッチンで彼女を見つめているお金の山で、ケイデンスは誘惑に屈して、たくさんの現金をつかみ、そしてそこから地獄を取り出します。彼女のアパートに戻っているだけで、ケイデンスはドアをノックするのを聞いた。その家主、クーパー氏。彼はケイデンスに、彼女がお金を盗んだことを知っていること、そして彼女がそれを保つことができることを伝えます。彼はCadenceに立ち退き通知を送り、彼女にスカートを持ち上げて足を広げるように言います。彼は彼女の指を彼女の猫にして彼女自身の馬鹿と彼女自身を性交させる。彼は彼女に彼に何か他のものを持ってくるように言います、そして彼女はロープの山を手に入れます。彼女の膝の上にいる間、スターリングは彼女の背中の後ろで彼女の手でケイデンスを結びます。何本かのロープが首を回って後ろの床にくっついています。彼は彼女の乳首のそれぞれにクランプをかけ、彼の巨大な豚を引き出し、そして彼女が家賃を払う準備ができているかどうかケイデンスに尋ねます。彼は彼女の喉に彼の太ったペニスを突き刺し、彼女が溺れるまで彼女の顔をファックします。彼は彼女の頭を床に突き出し、彼が彼女を謝罪させる間、彼女のおしりと足を切り取る。彼はそれからケイデンスのタイトなオマンコに彼の巨大なコックを突き刺す直前に革のフログラで彼女を激しく叩いた。彼は彼女のオマンコを素早く深くそして激しくファックし、そして次に別のロープ緊縛苦境で彼女を結ぶために彼女をひっくり返します。今回彼はケイデンスを彼女の足が広げそして彼女の手が彼女の頭の上にあるように結び付けます。彼は彼女のマンコを何度も彼女の精液に激しくセックスさせて、そして彼女の体の上下に巨大な負荷を撃ちます。

Stirling Cooper に 'キラノワール:コッククレイジー'

Stirling Cooper - キラノワール:コッククレイジー

美しいキラノワールは黒い革製のシェズラウンジで待っています。彼女は恥を見下ろしながら、彼女の親指を神経質にいじっています。彼女は奇妙なペニスへの彼女の極端な中毒のための彼女の医者の推薦による精神療法を探します。あまりにも長い間、彼女はコックを求める不健康な欲求を抱いていました。毎日彼女は彼女がちょうど会ったことをランダムな奇妙な男性に犯される。彼女のセラピストDr. Stirling CooperがKiraの隣に着席し、彼女は彼にすべてを伝えます。クーパー博士が示唆しているのは「エマージェンシーセラピー」です。彼は4人の男を呼んで彼のオフィスに入り、彼らが彼女に喜ぶように男達がやるべきことがあるとキラに説明する。ディックの量は確かに彼女のすぐそばに女をファックするでしょう。男たちはみんな彼女のおっぱいと猫を彼女の服を通してつかみ、弄ぶ。彼らは彼女を彼女の膝に連れて行き、そして彼らの堅い雄鶏を引き抜きます。彼女は自分のペニスをこぼしながら自分の口に詰め、喉をファックします。彼らは彼女を裸にしてロープの束縛で結ぶ。彼女の胃の上で、キラの両腕と両足は彼女の後ろで縛られていて、フィットしている体のアーチを上向きにしています。クーパー博士がショック治療を施し、彼女を彼の電子ザッパーでザッピングしている間、彼らは再び彼女の口を使ってコックを喜ばせます。次に彼らはKiraをフルロープで縛ります。彼女の足は彼女の猫とお尻を彼らのチンポのためにちょうど正しい高さで広げたイーグルと結ばれました。彼らは彼女のオマンコを激しくドキドキし、そして彼女の大きなディックで彼女のお尻をキラと望んでいるので彼らはほぐれ、彼女の穴を二重貫通するために彼女を連れて行きます。キラは彼女の猫のペニス、彼女の口のペニス、そして彼女のお尻のペニスで気密に犯される。彼女は彼らの絶頂を懇願し、彼らは彼らの脂肪負荷で彼女の顔を艶出しています。

Stirling Cooper に '大人のおもちゃとして訓練された小さなレズビアンストーカーSis'

Stirling Cooper - 大人のおもちゃとして訓練された小さなレズビアンストーカーSis

Sovereign Syreは彼女の新しい婚約者Stirling Cooperを彼女の豊かなステップママの贅沢なバケーションホームにもたらします。彼らが大邸宅の玄関に入るとすぐに、彼は彼女を壁に押しつけ、彼女の官能的な巨乳と丸いお尻を引き抜きます。カップルに知られていない、彼らはスパイされています。 Sovereignの小さいステップ姉妹Mayaは、Sovereignが週末に家を使っていたことを知りました。マヤは、ソブリンの秘密の服従的なレズビアンの女として前の夏を過ごしました。 Mayaはこれが彼らのタブー関係を再燃させる絶好のチャンスだと思っていましたが、代わりに彼女はスターリングが彼女の姉の太ももとおっぱいを記録するのを見ながら彼女自身の孤独なクリトリスをこする必要があります。ソブリンは手錠をかけられ広がったワシの堅いスパンキングそして束縛のために寝室に這う。スターリングは彼の厚い雄鶏をSovereignの中に滑り込ませて、彼女の宣教師と後背位を柵で囲みます。マヤは彼女が中絶したときにカバーを吹いて、スターリングに彼女の存在を知らせ、そして家の周りを追いかけるようになった。ソブリンはマヤの救助に来なければなりません、彼女の迷惑な妹にスターリングを紹介します。いたずら好きな雌犬Mayaは、彼女のレズビアンの執着心を容易に手放すことはできず、スターリングを脅迫しようとし、彼が変態者であることを彼女の両親に話すことを脅かしている。スターリングは彼女を彼の膝の上に投げつけ、彼女自身のひもで彼女を窒息させながら彼女の10代のお尻を跨ぐ。彼は彼女の厄介な小さなシジュウカラを平手打ちするために彼女の服をはぎ取り、それから彼女を彼女の膝の上に押し、そして残酷に彼女の喉をファックします。ソブリンは現場に立ち入ります、しかし、彼女の姉妹のあざけりを通して見て、そしてMayaの口を楽しんで続けるようにスターリングに言います。主権者が彼女の紐を外に出すと、マヤは自分が欲しいと思っていた場所に自分自身を見つけます。彼女の猫が姉のディルドに突き刺さった状態で。 Sovereignは彼女のストラップオンをMayaのきつい嫌いな人に押し込み、Stirlingが彼女の淡い太ももをけがくようにして彼女をそれに乗らせます。 Sovereignがいっぱいになると、Mayaの目が彼女の頭の中でロールバックします。彼女はStirlingの太ったコックに残忍な肛門の乗り物を得ます。ソブリンとスターリングは、痛みを伴う部分的なサスペンションでマヤを結び付け、タイトなクランプで彼女の小さな乳をカバーします。ソブリンレズビアンは、彼女の妹を婚約者のコックを吸って、そしてマヤの空腹の穴をからかいます。 Mayaがそれをもう手に入れることができなくなったとき、Sovereignが彼女の姉妹のジッパーを引き裂く間、スターリングは彼女のきつい束縛の中でMayaを激しくファックします。妹がカップルのBDSMゲームのための服従的な性玩具になったので、スターリングは今彼の喜びのために彼らの穴のすべてを使うことができます。彼はSovereignの濡れた猫をファックしてからMayaの両方の穴を叩き、彼女の妹は彼女の顔に乗って、彼女をジューシーなお尻で窒息させる。 Mayaが良い小さな肛門売春婦のように打ち出されると、Sovereignは彼女の妹のお尻からまっすぐ彼女の口の中でStirlingのペニスを得て、彼女の妹に彼女の最後のレッスンを教えます。

Penny Pax に '赤毛の不動産エージェントPenny Paxが5人の巨大コックに縛られてドキドキ'

Penny Pax - 赤毛の不動産エージェントPenny Paxが5人の巨大コックに縛られてドキドキ

赤毛の不動産エージェントPenny Paxは、不動産の移動が不可能であることについて重要な売却を行う必要があります。彼女はこれらの5人の大男をここに連れて行き、今日取引をすることに必死です。紫色のドレスを着たカジュアルな服を着て、彼女はこれらの紳士を魅了するために彼女の美しい笑顔を使いますが、彼女は自分が何に入ったのか全く知りません。 5人の男性はペニー、彼らの疑う余地のない美しさの周りに群がっています。彼らの手を彼女の体に当て、彼らは大まかに彼女の布を取り除き、彼女の悲鳴を上げる喉に彼らの巨大な雄鶏を突き刺すために彼女の頭を彼女をつかみます。彼女はギャグして優しくなるように頼みますが、彼らは彼女を拘束し、タイトな穴でさらに荒くなります。彼女の天然の大きな弾むおっぱいはつかまれて、彼女の乳首は激しく引っ張られます。より多くの雄鶏が彼女ののどに突き刺されて、彼女はそれらの残りをぎくしゃくさせます。彼女の吐き気は彼女のタイトなオマンコに大規模な濡れを引き起こし、男たちは彼女に飛び乗る。ボールネクタイの位置でフルロープサスペンションに縛られ、みんなは彼女の猫をファックして深いフェラチオを取得して交代します。彼女は完全に拘束されており、最後のドキドキをする必要があります。彼女のぬれた猫を開けた後、みんなはそのきついろくでなしのために行きます。深い肛門性交は、ペニーが大声で叫ぶのを得ます。男達は進み続け、そして彼女の穴の一つ一つを気密に埋めます。お尻、オマンコ、口、そして両手は巨大な硬いチンポでいっぱい。彼女は彼女の猫ジュースで男性をびしょぬれにすると彼女はオーガズムで叫ぶ。みんな彼女の顔のいたるところに自分たちの巨大な荷物を降ろし、彼女はもっと頼む。彼女はそれらの最後の一人一人を排水し、厚い絶頂に覆われています。

Krissy Lynn に '手に負えない姪は彼女のお尻に太った男根を取得'

Krissy Lynn - 手に負えない姪は彼女のお尻に太った男根を取得

スターリング・クーパーは、彼が何年も離れた場所を所有しているように、義理の姉妹の家に戻って散歩します。彼の妻、Krissy Lynnと熱いBDSM関係を持っているために彼の兄弟によってつかまえられて、スターリングは何年もの間禁止されました。言い訳として休日を使用して、スターリングは彼女の服従性的欲求を居間の床に使用させて、Krissyの頭と熱い女性に戻ります。 Krissyは彼女の口とおまんこにスターリングの厚い雄鶏を懇願します、しかし、彼女は彼女自身の猫をこすりそして許可を得てのみ中出しするように彼女はゴージャス、スパンキング、そしてパドルで赤くなります。手錠をかけられ、ぎざぎざを付けられた、Krissyの巨大なおっぱいは後ろから彼女をファックしているスターリングの力からきつい乳首クランプで揺れます。彼女のボールギャグをうめき声Krissyはより多くのために頼み、そして彼女の喉のまわりでタイトにスターリングのネクタイで肛門性交で報われます。彼女の小さな娘が突然家に入ると、Krissyは別の巨大なオーガズムのために彼女のピンクのお尻の堅い雄鶏と激怒することを始めます。彼女が小さな売春婦のゲームをするのをつかまえられることになっています、Krissy手錠Stirlingこれらすべての年の後に彼の姪。バニスターに縛られて、スターリングは激怒しています、しかし彼はKrissyが戻って彼を手放すのを待つしかないのです。彼にとって不運なことに、それはKrissyではありません、しかし彼が家族の巣穴の中で巨大なばかげた音で閉じ込められているのを見つける彼の今成長した姪。熱いボディーティーンの雌犬Gia Derzaは無意味で、すぐに彼女の継母を罰する仕事に就き、ソーシャルメディアの脅迫スキームで叔父に行きます。彼女の電話をさっと出して、Giaは彼女のおじさんのペニスを吸っている彼女自身をビデオ盗聴し始めて、彼女の母親を売春婦として呼びかけます。 Stirlingが手すりから抜け出すために手すりを壊すまでに、ダメージは与えられ、Giaのお尻を罰すること以外にできることは何もない。彼女のかわいい顔をファックする喉は始まりにすぎない、そしてGiaは彼女の若いおっぱいを激しく詰め込んで、彼女の敏感な小さなクリトリスを切り取って、そして彼女のタイトなお尻を徹底的にファックさせて、彼女のペースを通り抜ける。彼女は規律がなく、かろうじて両手を邪魔にならないようにすることができるので、彼は厳格なストラップで腕を結び、彼女のお尻の奥深くでディックと兼に懇願するまで彼女を激しく乗ります。これは一日の終わりではなく、始まりにすぎません。スターリングは家族の再会を決心し、Giaをタイトな縛りの部分的なサスペンションで結び、彼女を初めてのジッパーで覆い、敏感なティーンのクリトリスに激しいバイブレーターを締め付けました。 Krissyはキャロルから家に帰ってきて、彼女の大きな痴女の秘密を裸にし、そして彼女がすることができるのは、彼女の欲求に屈して性的なBDSMゲームの夜に服従し、彼女の小さな10代の悪夢を罰し、コックでいっぱいにする。

Syren de Mer に '肛門服従で教育されたステップ母と10代の痴女'

Syren de Mer - 肛門服従で教育されたステップ母と10代の痴女

Isabella Niceは彼女のホームスクーリング試験に失敗した熱いティーンスピナーですが、勉強する代わりに彼女は彼女が欲しいものは何でも手に入れるために彼女のジューシーなおっぱいとコック空腹の穴を使うことができると考えています。イザベラの新しい家庭教師スターリングクーパーが到着したとき、彼は喜んで生徒を見つけることを期待していて、代わりにイザベラも彼女のステップマザーも彼女の教育に全く興味がないとわかります。彼がイザベラの悲惨な勉強習慣についてシレンに立ち向かうとき、彼女は彼女の娘が彼女の膝に乗って、彼女を支配するように懇願することによって彼女の方法を大学に詐欺するのを手伝うように彼を賄おうとします。貧弱に読まれた金持ちの女の子にぎくしゃくさせられることにうんざりして、スターリングはおおよそファックして、リビングルームのまわりでシレンをたたいます。シレンはそれのあらゆる瞬間を愛していて、彼の厚い雄鶏を懇願して、彼女の揺れている乳の金属製のクランプから叫びました。酔っぱらって居間の床を潮吹きすることによって自分自身を衰弱させるようにして、Syrenはまだ口が痛い愚か者であることをどうにかして痛みを伴う金属の束縛に閉じ込められます。彼女のお尻が露出した状態で固定化された、彼女のお尻が真っ赤になり、彼女が叫んでファックされることを懇願するようになるまで、シレンの曲線はスターリングによってかき立てられる。スターリングがついに彼女のしたたる濡れた猫の中に彼の巨大な男根を滑り込ませたときシレンは暑さの中で雌犬のようにうめき声を上げて、許可を得て彼のペニスでカミングしていました。スターリングは、彼の男根を彼女の売春婦のおしりに押し込み、彼女の熱心な穴の両方を無差別にファックします。 Syrenは本当の肛門の女です、そして、彼女が彼女自身を味わうことができるように彼女のお尻の直後に彼女の口にスターリングをファックさせるよう頼みます。まだたくさんのオルガスムから喘ぎながら、彼女は再び娘に教えることを試みるようスターリングに頼みます。スターリングはそれをイザベラの研究とは別のやり方にします、しかし、彼女が甘やかされた怠惰ながらくたのように反応して、彼とセックスを刺激しようとするとき、スターリングは彼女にレッスンを教えることにします。イザベラはひざの上で曲がって、彼女のきつい10代のお尻を本で激しく殴られています。彼は彼女の太ももを開くと彼は最終的に彼女の分割されていない注目を集めるまでザッパーで彼女のクリトリスを何度も何度も衝撃を与えます。イザベラはタイトな束縛に置かれて、彼女の厄介な乳とニャンニャンをクランプで覆われています。バックベンドに投げ込まれて、彼女は鞭で打たれ、許可が与えられるまで丁寧にチンポを頼むように教えられます。イザベラが彼の好みのために十分に自分自身を屈辱させ、彼女のPsとQsを学ぶと、彼は曲がりくねって後ろから彼女のタイトな10代の猫を連れて行きます。満足していない彼女は彼女の性教育の授業を完全に理解した、彼は引き抜いてゆっくりと彼女のきついろくでなしに彼の大きいペニスを働かせる。彼が彼女の堅いロバをファックして、彼女の目がすべての肛門のオルガスムから彼女の頭の中でロールバックするのを見るのを楽しむので、イザベラは彼女のボールギャグに叫び声を上げます。イザベラの肛門学生としての意欲にもかかわらず、スターリングはまだ親のバックアップを取得する時を決定し、裸の裸のシレンを現場に引きずり込み、彼女の驚いた顔を直接イザベラの新たに犯された穴に植え込みました。彼女が継女のいたずらなクリトリスをなめると、スターリングは彼女に思い出に残る気持ちを与え、次にイザベラのお尻から直接彼のチンポを餌付けします。スターリングのコックだけがこれらの卑劣な女性が共有することになるというわけではありません:彼は彼らが革カフボンデージでロックされている間彼らのキュントに衝撃を与え、彼らのおっぱいをザッピングします。二人が適切な服従的な態度で性的奉仕をすることを学んだ後に初めて、彼は性的快楽に向きを変え、両方をオルガスムにセックスさせ、厚い絶頂負荷のA +パフォーマンスに報いる。

Ryan Keely に 'ホリデートリビュート:ライアン・キリーは新しいおもちゃを受け取るランスハート'

Ryan Keely - ホリデートリビュート:ライアン・キリーは新しいおもちゃを受け取るランスハート

Buxom blonde Ryan Keelyは、親愛なる友人Mona Walesから特別な贈り物を受け取ります。彼女は彼女のプレゼントを開いて、非常に裸でハードなランスハートが彼女のすべての注文を待っているのを見つけます。ランスは新しい女王様に奉仕する機会を熱望しており、すぐにテストに入る!ライアンは彼のハード漏洩コックを絞って、彼女の豪華なおっぱいで彼を窒息させる。彼女は彼を膝の上に置き、昔ながらのつまみを持ち、美しい足を礼拝する。ランスは彼の口に彼の女王の足の多くを取ることができるので、彼女のつま先で余分な注意を惜しまない。彼女は彼女のオマンコを食べる方法について彼に指示し、彼女は彼女の舌をオルガスムに乗せて彼女のお尻の下で顔を窒息させる。次に、ライアンはストラップオンコックで彼女の新しい奴隷を性交させる。ランスは巨大なコックルツです。彼は女王様の雄鶏に犯されていて、毎インチかかるのが大好きです。彼は貪欲に後彼女のコックを吸う。しかし、今夜のライアンのアジェンダで喜びだけがあるわけではありません。彼女はランスを鞭打ち、苦しみの音を味わって、ボールで何度もひざまねます。彼女は彼女の好きなように彼女にファックするように指示する前に、彼の雄鶏を乗ります - ハードと速い!ランスは彼のヒップをピストンし、彼は彼の女王様に嘆願し、彼女のタイトな娼婦の中でカミングするのを止めようとします。複数回ランスを使用した後、ライアンは彼のつま先でジャックを脱ぐ。ランスは長続きしない、彼は彼の女王の足のすべてのcumsし、彼の混乱をきれいにします。

Kira Noir に 'ハッキングされた資産:Ryan Keely Blackmails Kinky Lesbian Sex'

Kira Noir - ハッキングされた資産:Ryan Keely Blackmails Kinky Lesbian Sex

信じられないほど暑いハッカー、Ryan Keelyは、同様に見事な国際ハッカーであるKira Noirの不正行為を監視しています。彼女はKiraの新しいハッキングの試みがRyanの自身の活動に渡ったので彼女に彼女を選ぶ特別な骨を持っている。ライアンは最終的にキラを脅かすのに十分な汚れを持ち、彼女に自分の薬の味を与える。彼女は彼女を彼女のためにテーブルの上に全部置く彼女の看板に彼女を呼び出す。その瞬間、キラはライアンの野生の性的要求に従うこと以外に選択肢がないことを知っています。 RyanはKiraを彼女の足を礼拝することによって彼女の嬉しい復讐を始める。彼女はその後、彼女を殴って、彼女の熱いタイトな戦利品を赤くてふっくらにする。ライアンは彼女の素敵な濡れた猫を明らかにするために彼女のラテックスドレスを引っ張ってきて、キラを彼女を舐めるようにして、彼女の指で彼女を喜ばせる。彼女はキラを曲げて、彼女が詰まるまで彼女のタイトな小さな猫で遊んでいます。キラは、裏切られて、無力で、ライアンの慈悲に浮かんでいるようだ。ライアンは彼女の感覚に衝撃を与えて彼女を弄ぶ。彼女は彼女の舌からワンドを彼女の猫まで走らせ、彼女の猫を舐めてバイブレーターで彼女の体を震わせながらザーメンをする。 Ryanは彼女の逆さの位置を利用するので、彼女は素敵なオルガズムのためにKiraの顔に彼女のお尻を戻します。その後彼女は彼女の足と大きなジューシーなお尻をパドル床にキラを取る。彼女は彼女のオマンコを素敵にし、いくつかの舐めで濡れた後、彼女の大きな黒いコックをキラのタイトな小さな猫にスライドさせます。彼女は彼女に良い打撃を与えると、彼女はいくつかのショックを与える。彼女はその後、キラを上に乗って、彼女がそれの上に詰まるまで、彼女のコックに乗る。いくつかのショックが多く、Kiraは誰がハッキングされたのかを正確に知っています。

Stirling Cooper に '便利な妻'

Stirling Cooper - 便利な妻

スターリングが移民警察に追われたとき、彼はロラ・フェイを非公開にして彼の利便性の新しい妻になることを強制する家庭侵攻に頼る。プチ赤い頭のかわい子ローラは、最初は抵抗ですが、すぐにスターリングの "妻"であることが間違いなく利点を持っていることを実現する。大きなハードコックはぴったりした穴を完全に埋め、彼女を終日天国のポンドタウンに連れて行く。小さな、スリムでトリムなローラーは、黒いパンティーとセクシーな赤いハイヒールの靴を着用している間に、彼女はギャグ、締め付けられていて、ロープで縛られていますが、スターリングはすぐに結婚書類を彼女に知らせます。彼女はこの提案が好きかどうかまだわからないので、彼女は縛られずに脱走しようと心配してひねり、揺れる。窒息、尻込み、鞭打ちのようなものがロラを鞭打ち、日立の強烈な振動が彼女の猫に当てられ、彼女をカミングの端に連れていって、彼女をスターリングの要求にもっと納得させる。今、彼女のセクシーなヒールを身に着けているすべての四人で、ローラーは犬の寝室に寝そべっています。痩せた体はリラックスし、後ろにアーチ状になっていて、ガラスのバット・プラグは何が来るのかについて彼女のお尻を準備します。このメスは熱くて角質で、彼女がスターリングのチンポに触れる前に、彼女は彼女が何をやろうとしているかをただ予想している。クーパーさんは、彼女がチョッパーを使って喘ぎ声を出すとすぐに彼の雄鶏を頼むようにしています。最後に、彼は彼女の小さな口の中の深い彼のハードディックをスライドさせ、彼女に適切な喉を吸うスローバーグ・フェストを吸う。彼は、ロラのきつく濡れた猫の中に入るために、もう長く待つことはできません。彼の太い雄鶏は彼女の小さなおならの中にかろうじてフィットしますが、彼は彼女を壊して、彼女の小さな穴といくつかのハードコアのファックが続く。ロラはそれを愛し、十分に得ることができない、彼女は彼女のお尻を性交する彼を助ける。そして、ああ! Lolaは背中に手首を足首につけて広げて広げ、まだ赤い靴を履いています。スターリングはバイブレーターを彼女のクリートに置き、いくつかのハードコアの肛門活動のために彼の男の肉で彼女のお尻をいっぱいに詰め込む。彼女はザーメンを乞うようになるまで、小さなお尻を叩きます。 「スターリングは私をあなたの妻にし、あなたの熱いジッツで私を包みなさい!」そしてスターリングは彼の新しいwifeyの全部で彼の負荷をはるかに広げます!

Stirling Cooper に 'ペニーのアナル暴動'

Stirling Cooper - ペニーのアナル暴動


Lily Lane に '潮吹きの提出:避けることのできないボンデージでリリー・レーン・スカット'

Lily Lane - 潮吹きの提出:避けることのできないボンデージでリリー・レーン・スカット


Ryan Keely に 'トロフィー妻ナイトメア'

Ryan Keely - トロフィー妻ナイトメア

スターリングのトロフィーの妻がますます厳しくなると、彼女は自分が望むものを適切に求める方法を学びます。ヘビーフロギング、ボンデージ、ハードコアセックス、ザッパ、ギャグ、テーブル回転を誘発するオルガスムが含まれています。美しいRyan Keelyは熱心な行動を望んでいますが、彼女は変態のニーズを満たすために夫に尋ねる方法を知らない。彼女は、彼女のハンサムでセクシーな男スターリング・クーパーのテーブルを回転させ、彼女が本当に望んでいるものを与えるように誘惑する、酔っぱらい姿勢を引きます:彼女の夫の大きなハードコックは彼女のすっぽりした穴とたくさんのタイトなロープの束縛、鞭打ち、上オルガズムの上にスターリングは彼女のラップトップに彼女がやったことを彼女がやったことを見つけました。最初のものは最初のものです。床に広がったワシで縛られています。スターリングは激しい妻の乳首を締め付け、彼女を暖めるためにザッパで彼女を弄ぶ。一方、熱い夫スターリングのチンポは、彼のタイトなズボンの下で素敵で頑張っています。 Ryanは彼のチンポを吸うが、彼は彼女の舌の範囲からちょうどそれを保つことによってそれのための彼女の仕事をする。彼女は試してみると、それを持って欲しいと最後に、彼は彼女の口の中に深くスライドし、彼は彼女の髪を引っ張って、彼女のチョークとすべての最善の方法でスラブを作る間、良い喉をクソを与える。今ホットドッグですべての4つStirlingは感情の母親をRyanに管理します。彼女の敏感な足、柔らかい太もも、そしてセクシーなお尻には、クロッパー、鞭打ち、ザッパーが付いています。彼女はこの肉体的罰を十分に受けることができないので、彼女は衝撃から彼女を倒してしまうまで、ますます尋ねる。最終的にスターリングはライアンの濡れたレディー・プッシーの中でチンポをスライドさせる。彼女のセクシーなオマンコを露出して広がる広げられた彼女の背中に彼女は震えて、もっとクソの準備ができているまで、ザッパーと彼女を苦しめる。セクシーなお尻スターリングは彼のトロフィーの妻のナイトメアを夢中にして、夢中になって、悲鳴を上げる愚かな馬鹿にします。

他のサイトからの風景 Ryan Keely,Stirling Cooper

Ryan Keely に 'Stepmilf Goes Wild For Dripping Pocket Pussy'

Ryan Keely - Stepmilf Goes Wild For Dripping Pocket Pussy

Hot new wife and sexy MILF Ryan Keeley is doing what all good milf's do, cleaning with her whole ass hanging out! That's when Victor Ray arrives home from camping tired and giving no fucks about putting his shit away. As he drops his stuff, he spies Ryan's peaking pussy. Victor takes in the view and rubs his cock. When his dad approaches, he takes off in a hurry. Victor gets called back to put away his shit and Dad drops his agenda on Victor, insisting he spends some time with Ryan while he is out. Victor is too horned up to hang and has a date with his pocket pussy planned. When Ryan hears weird sex noises coming from his room, she investigates. Victor cums quick and leaves a dripping pocket pussy for Ryan to discover. A big cum drop from toy mouth to Ryan's makes her go wild. Ryan gets to work draining the toy and Victor's cock of hot cum.

Natasha Nice に 'Double Take! The Best of Lookalikes'

Natasha Nice - Double Take! The Best of Lookalikes

No, your eyes aren't fooling you and you're not seeing double! This compilation brings twice the fun by pairing the hottest lookalikes whose pussies fucked and filled in some of the sneakiest, most surprising and sexiest Brazzers scenes!

Ryan Keely に 'Double MILF Mayhem Til Everyone Gets Cum On Their Face'

Ryan Keely - Double MILF Mayhem Til Everyone Gets Cum On Their Face

Kaden Kole loves that her roomie, Ryan Keely, has the exact same taste in outfits and takes as she pleases. When Ryan finds Kaden in her closet, she teacher her a lesson via her pussy. While the two are caught in a scissor, Dante Colle arrives and gets an eyeful of booty and boobies. Both women notice him and freeze, only to race to be the one who gets to give the new dick-in-house a tour. As they both fight for his attention, Kaden sets her dildo up on Dante's bedroom door in an attempt to keep Ryan away. When Ryan rams the stuck door over and over, Dante watches Kaden's dildo and cums all over his glasses. Both horny MILFs decide to work together to collect the cum they're aching for.

Ryan Keely に 'shows her son's friend how to Fuck a MILF'

Ryan Keely - My Friend's Hot Mom

Ryan Keely gets a surprise visit from Max who is looking for her son. He won't be home for a while so she suggests he stay. When making himself at home, Ryan noticed Max watching porn, but not just any porn, MILF Porn. She takes off her clothes and turns Max's fantasy to real life and fucks and sucks all of his man juices out of his throbbing cock.

Ryan Keely に 'Finger My Maiden'

Ryan Keely - Finger My Maiden

Lulu Chu and Ryan Keely are attending an elaborate period costume party – a ball, really – for single members of an exclusive historical society. These experts in romanticism and drama love to toe the line between etiquette and erotic. Both have their eyes set on Isiah Maxwell, whose hovering, protective aunt stands nearby, vetting all possible suitors. Lulu and Ryan are horny just thinking about Isiah, and an escape to the bathroom ends up with Lulu's legs spread wide on the counter and Ryan's face deep in their pussy until they almost get caught in the act by the watchful aunt. When they return to the party Isiah is still there waiting and looking to get his massive dick wet, leading to a truly historical threesome!

Ryan Keely に 'Pinup hottie Ryan Keely gives you her wet, orgasm filled Porn Star Experience'

Ryan Keely - Pinup hottie Ryan Keely gives you her wet, orgasm filled Porn Star Experience

The gorgeous MILF, Ryan Keely, is your treat today, all dressed up in her sexy lingerie with that pinup girl style. Get your dick nice and ready because she definitely knows how to take care of a hard cock. You can tell Ryan Keely loves to fuck. Her orgasms are like no other that keeps coming and coming.

Ryan Keely に 'First Time Hole Owner'

Ryan Keely - First Time Hole Owner

After real estate agent Ryan Keely puts the finishing touches on an open house, she masturbates while on the phone with her husband. Curvy Ryan is constantly horny and has trouble behaving, even at work! Blonde Ryan is interrupted by her real estate partner, petite Chanel Camryn, and prospective buyer Mazee and she rushes to pull herself together. Chanel shows Mazee the bedroom but has to leave to take a business call. Enter seductress and realtor guru Ryan, who would do just about anything to make a sale. Ryan worships Mazee's big, hard cock to help him 'visualize the space' until Chanel catches the two! Ryan offers to teach Chanel how she keeps her customers happy, and Chanel is eager to join in the fun.

Ryan Keely に 'Big Tits And Big Ambition'

Ryan Keely - Big Tits And Big Ambition

Ryan Keely and Silvia Saige are two women who know what they want. Unfortunately, it just so happens that what both women want is the coveted position as the PTA President. To figure out who should get the volunteer job, Rex Ryder (the retiring president) invites both the sexy Ryan and sultry Silvia to his place to work things out. Things quickly get too hot to handle, as Rex finds the women competing for the job and his cock, so he decides to leave the choice up to them. Annoyed at their situation, Ryan and Silvia decide to work things out the only way they know how: by sucking, licking, scissoring, and fucking their way to the top!

Ryan Keely に 'Lick My Stepmom'

Ryan Keely - Lick My Stepmom

Blonde Demi Hawks and Danny Steele are having some naughty fun around her dad's house. Horny Demi assures Danny that her dad won't be home for a while, but the couple is soon interrupted and have to make a sneaky escape. Finally, Demi's new stepmom, the curvaceous Ryan Keely, catches the couple fucking on the couch and decides to show them how it's really done. Ryan may be new at the whole 'stepmom thing' but she's a master in sucking, fucking, and making sure everyone cums!

Phoenix Marie に 'fucking in the couch with her medium ass'

Phoenix Marie - fucking in the couch with her medium ass

Phoenix Marie is excited, but the chick she met online, Ryan Keely, is excited even more so. The two have been chatting over the Internet for sometime now because Ryan has been searching for a woman who's interested in being with another chick! It's Ryan's first experience, but Phoenix is a seasoned pro, so the hot blonde relaxes her friend when she arrives and tells her how hot she is! Pretty soon the tops come off and out drop the big tits for some sucking. The sexy blonde and hot brunette trade off smacking their lips on each others' pussies, then out come the dildos for some fucking! But after she takes it in her hot wet pussy, Phoenix asks for it in her ass! Ryan's excited to have her first anal experience with another woman!

Ryan Keely に 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Ryan Keely - My Friend's Hot Mom

Lawson is crashing at his friend's mom's place while he gets back on his feet and Lawson sure can use a job to help at least keep his car paid. His friend's mom, Ryan, decides that she can help. Ryan offers to pay Lawson's monthly car payment... in exchange for that dick! Who can pass up a deal like that?

Ryan Keely に 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Ryan Keely - My Friend's Hot Mom

Ryan Keely comes home to find her son's friend, Lucky, showering in her master bathroom. She didn't realize what a man Lucky had become. So when lucky walks out of the shower, Ryan corners him on the bed and let's him fuck a real women for once.

Ryan Keely に 'Fucking The MILF And Her Lookalike Trainer'

Ryan Keely - Fucking The MILF And Her Lookalike Trainer

Ryan Keely just wants to have a relaxing day off and has booked a session with a new yoga trainer. When the trainer, Kaden Kole, arrives, it turns out that the two look... almost exactly alike. This causes confusion for Ryan's boyfriend's son Juan, who wants to make a move on Ryan, but ends up smacking Kaden's ass by mistake. Kaden likes the attention and encourages Juan to go further, leading to Juan sneakily fucking Kaden in the middle of Ryan's yoga lesson. When Ryan catches the other two fucking, she decides to put her yoga on hold and join the fun.

Ryan Keely に 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Ryan Keely - My Friend's Hot Mom

Ryan Keely is cleaning up around the house before her son and his friend's get home. One of her son's friend's, Anthony, gets there a little early though and passes the time taking sniffs of Ryan's lingerie. Well he gets caught red handed and he confesses to Ryan that he's a virgin and that sniffing panties is as close to sex as he has gotten. Ryan takes pity on the boy and shows him the lingerie she's wearing before fucking him on her couch and taking his virginity. After all, what are friend's moms for.

Ryan Keely に 'Watch Where Your Balls Go'

Ryan Keely - Watch Where Your Balls Go

Jimmy Michaels is enjoying a baseball game with his friends when he accidentally throws a ball right through MILF goddess Ryan Keely's bedroom window! Inside, Ryan is enjoying her favorite dildo when the baseball comes crashing through. The poor Jimmy goes to search for the lost baseball but he finds a half-naked and horny Ryan instead. Even though Ryan is pissed at first, she eventually decides to trade in her dildo for a real-life upgrade!

Scarlett Bloom に 'Sex With Her Ex'

Scarlett Bloom - Sex With Her Ex

When Scarlett Bloom shows up at her ex-boyfriend's house, she is ready to cause trouble. The first question she asks is if his girlfriend is home. When he says no, she makes her way to his bathroom without speaking another word. There, she changes into some purple, see-through lingerie. Clearly, she is ready to seduce. She sits on his bed, and with a little bit of persuasion, gets her ex to give her some closure with a bit of rough sex. He holds a vibrator to her clit while choking her, mixing pleasure and pain sensations to perfection. Then he holds her nose as he shoves his fat cock down her eager throat. Maybe with a huge splattering of cum all over her face, Scarlett can finally have that closure she needs!

Kasey Warner に 'Shower Sex'

Kasey Warner - Shower Sex

Stirling Cooper joins Kasey Warner in the shower and their passion becomes more heated than the hot water running down their bodies.

Ryan Keely に 'KINKY JOI: Caged Houseboy'

Ryan Keely - KINKY JOI: Caged Houseboy

How dare you snoop in Ryan's underwear drawer! No wonder she keeps you in a cage. Now that Ryan has caught you parading around in her panties, looks like you won't be touching silk, lace, or Ryan any time soon; just your pitiful cock! Pay attention as Ryan commands you to stroke yourself and don't even think of coming without her permission, only then will you be set free…

Ari Staccs に 'in Hard Cock Satisfaction Guaranteed!'

Ari Staccs - in Hard Cock Satisfaction Guaranteed!

I was dying to get my hands on some new sex toys but these stupid things barely tickled my clit, there must be something wrong with these damn toys! It's a good thing they have great customer service though. After I called they sent the repair guy, Sterling Cooper, over right away. Sterling told me how to work these dildos and vibrators up inside and all around my hot wet holes! After he left I had another round of orgasmic bliss with my sex toys, dreaming about Sterling Cooper the sexy repair guy and his throbbing cock! Some of the hottest Brunette videos can be found here at, watch this now!

Reyna DeLaCruz に 'Cheating Girlfriend Fucks For Cash'

Reyna DeLaCruz - Cheating Girlfriend Fucks For Cash

We got a real treat today on the bus. We found a girl named Reyna DeLaCruz, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. It didn't take long to get her to talk to us, in fact, in only took 100 bucks! Money is this girlls native language. She reveals to us that she has a boyfriend. At first we thought

Ryan Keely に 'Fucks her newly arrived room renter.'

Ryan Keely - Perfect Fucking Strangers

Ryan Keely is renting a room for Nathan who is in college, and she likes what she sees, but what Nathan doesn't know is the plot that Ryan is planning to get him to her room and fuck a perfect stranger

Katie Morgan に 'Don't Wake Your Girlfriend!'

Katie Morgan - Don't Wake Your Girlfriend!

Ryan Keely has invited her college friend Katie Morgan over to visit. While Ryan currently has her own boyfriend (Alex Legend), she still has eyes for Katie as well, and the two hot MILFs fuck each other. They swear to keep it a secret from Alex, but things don't work out so simply. When Alex catches them getting some shut eye in the same bed, he decides to get in on the fun by fondling Katie (who's actually awake the whole time). Katie and Alex then fuck until they're caught by Ryan! Drama is avoided when all three decide that sharing is caring, and a threesome ensues!

Lilly Bell に 'What A Man Wants - S15:E1'

Lilly Bell - What A Man Wants - S15:E1

Lusty Lilly Bell has had a crush on her family's older friend, Will Pounder, ever since she was old enough to start liking boys. Recently, Will has begun to reciprocate the attraction. It's clear as day that there's something up between Lilly and Will, even when they think they're being subtle. They get away with their flirtation when Lilly spies on Will getting out of the shower. Later, though, when Lilly hops onto the counter in a miniskirt and spreads her thighs so Will can see her panties, Lilly's stepmom, Ryan Keely, catches on to what they're doing. Ryan doesn't act in the moment, but when she finds Lilly and Will a little bit too close while they play foosball, Ryan knows she needs to step in. She sits the couple down on the couch and tries to tell them that it's inappropriate. Will and Lilly try to deny what Ryan is saying, but she tells them she's seen them in action and that she feels it's inappropriate given their wild age difference. In fact, Ryan points out that Lilly probably doesn't even know how to take care of an older man! That provokes Lilly into claiming that she does, too, so Ryan tells her to prove it. Ryan pulls Will's fuck stick out and starts sucking him off, then hands the goods over to Lilly so she can watch and critique her stepdaughter giving head. That turns into a double BJ and so much more.Guiding Lilly's pussy over Will's hardon, Ryan helps her stepdaughter down until she's fully impaled. She watches Lilly's technique and then takes over so she can ride Will and show them both how a mature woman fucks. Then Ryan demonstrates how to be in the middle, eating Lilly out as she gets her pussy pounded in doggy. Lilly takes a turn in the middle next, with Will pounding away at her creamy twat and Ryan riding her face. As Will gets closer to cumming, Ryan adjusts her position so she can suckle Lilly's nipples as Will covers her belly in cum, then lean forward to lap up her salty treat.

Ryan Keely に 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Ryan Keely - My Friend's Hot Mom

Ryan Keely is relaxing in her hot tub and finds out that her son's friend, Rion, is creeping on her with his cock out. She finds it disrespectful and is going to make his ass pay. Watch Ryan Keely fuck and suck that young cock like you've never seen before.

Ryan Keely に '- Cuckold Sessions'

Ryan Keely - Cuckold Sessions

Ryan Keely feels its time to put her sissy bitch Fluffy in her place. The bitch ballerina left her tutu at home and needs a beating before his Mistress greets Her visitors. Fuffy at least has done right providing his Mistress this evening with two fat cocks for her pleasure. He comes back crawling out of the way with two studs following to service Ryan. She jumps the guy's bones right away and takes those cocks right away. Her energy is unleashed and takes no prisoners except Fluffy. The guys can barely keep up with her needs but still keep pace pounding her into oblivion. Fluffy is rewarded with a hot load of cum straight from his mistresses lips and then spat upon her shoes for him to polish with his tongue.

Alex Coal に 'After Class - S38:E4'

Alex Coal - After Class - S38:E4

Alex Coal (or Miss Coal as her students call her) is a teacher by day, but the pandemic has hit hard and she needs some extra cash. This hot teach has decided to put herself out there as a sex object. She's gotten plenty of attention, and her fans especially like it when she starts her content off dressed in her buttoned up teacher getups.Today, Alex logs in and does her thing, stripping down with plenty of hip sashaying action. Her glasses come off, followed by her tight sweater. The sheer lacy bra underneath leaves very little to the imagination. Same with the thong that's hiding under her tight skirt. All of that is just the teaser for Miss Coal's fans, but today, Alex is ready to take her profile to the next level.Pulling out her phone, Alex texts Stirling Cooper, who happens to be one of her students' fathers. Stirling agrees to head over for a booty call, but it's only when he sees Miss Coal in person that he realizes who she really is to his kid. Stirling tries to disengage, but Miss Coal makes it clear that Stirling can either fuck her or watch her flunk his kid. There's only one obvious choice.Dropping down to her knees, Alex makes sure that Stirling is able to seal the deal by sucking him to hardness. His cock is quickly ready and raring to go, but Alex isn't about to cut her BJ short. She loves him with her mouth as she slips out of her bra. Only when she is satisfied with sucking cock does Alex climb onto the counter so that Stirling can return the favor of oral sex with a pussy feast of his own.Getting to his feet, Stirling guides himself into Alex's tight warmth. The kitchen island is the perfect height for him to stand there as he fucks her. Alex eventually turns onto her side, lifting one leg to rest against Stirling's body so that she is totally open to his hardcore advances.Sliding off the counter, Alex stands on one leg in a hardcore balancing act. Stirling takes her from behind, shoving deep as Alex's moans fill the room. He pounds away at that greedy snatch filling her up and stretching her out in the most carnal way possible.As Stirling gets closer to cumming, he leans Alex forward over the edge of the counter and shoves her head down. That prone position gives Stirling all the power, letting him shove hard and deep. He finally blows his load, nutting a creampie deep into Miss Coal's pussy and satisfying both her and his promise.

Chanel Preston に 'Struggling in Bondage: Compilation'

Chanel Preston - Struggling in Bondage: Compilation

Gorgeous legendary performers Bella Rossi, Ryan Keely and Chanel Preston struggle in bondage so beautifully. Their breasts heave and hips buck against the rope as they paw at the knots they can barely reach

Ember Snow に 'and Ryan Keely - Glory Hole'

Ember Snow - Glory Hole

It's Girls night out and Ryan and Ember are looking to destroy some dicks for their pleasure. They walk in expecting cocks right away but when delayed they can not keep their hands off each other. When the dicks appear they are on them with a hunger, trading back and forth and taking turns striping each other down. Barely are they naked when they are turning about to fuck those cocks so hard they make the walls shake. They are merciless in their needs and take what they can and drain from them every drop of juice.

Ryan Keely に 'KINKY JOI: Kitchen Sub'

Ryan Keely - KINKY JOI: Kitchen Sub

Ryan Keely let you into her home because you promised to be the best kitchen slave she's ever had. So why isn't her kitchen spotless?! It's too late to make excuses. Now you have to sit and look at every curve you can't touch as she teases you in her sexy black lingerie as punishment for your broken promise!

Destiny Cruz に 'Zombie Halloween'

Destiny Cruz - Zombie Halloween

On a spooky Halloween night Destiny Cruz goes out all dressed up in a sexy scary costume looking for her lover Stirling Cooper. Will she find him?

Skye Blue に 'You Only Need to Ask'

Skye Blue - You Only Need to Ask

Enjoy the first release of our TeamSkeet Labs series! The scene is a cuckquean inspired video. Please be sure to rate the scene and leave a comment below to let us know what you think of the scene. Stirling Cooper feels a little stale in his relationship with Artemisia Love, so when he suggests they take a break Artemisia begs him to give her a chance to fix things. The next day when Stirling comes home from work, he finds that Artemisia has summoned one of her students, Skye Blue, to help keep things interesting in the bedroom. Skye is perfect to satisfy Stirling's urges, so Artemisia tells him if he ever needs a little extra motivation in the future, he only needs to ask.

Anissa Kate に 'Anissa Gets A Very Giving Lover'

Anissa Kate - Anissa Gets A Very Giving Lover

Anissa has a planned surprise today from her husband and requests white panties and black heels for her mystery man. An added bonus of including a blindfold has her hot pussy wet with anticipation of not knowing what will cum next. One thing is for sure, Stirling is a very giving lover and gifts tons of cum across her huge juicy tits.

Aiden Ashley に 'has neighbor come and fuck her when her husband is too busy'

Aiden Ashley - Neighbor Affair

It's Aiden Ashley's anniversary, but her husband is busy probably fucking his secretary. Aiden isn't just going to sit home alone on this special day, so she calls up her neighbor and let's him take care of her needs since her husband can't.

Ryan Keely に 'Gaping Anal MILF'

Ryan Keely - Gaping Anal MILF

Busty, shorthaired MILF Ryan Keely loves to flirt and spell out what she would do with a thick cock in her slick, aroused pussy. The sexually experienced vixen stretches her cunt with a clear toy. Next, seductive Ryan opens her mouth wide for Mark Wood's big dick. She gives him a dripping blowjob, and she squeezes her boobs together for a titty fuck. Mark drills his dick into Ryan's twat and then switches holes, sliding his long boner inside her hungry asshole! He buttfucks the MILF to an anal orgasm! Ryan's bunghole gapes. She gives Mark an ass-to-mouth blowjob, and Ryan swallows hot sperm.

Ryan Keely に 'Ryan Uses The Washing Machine'

Ryan Keely - Ryan Uses The Washing Machine

The sexy Ryan Keely is doing laundry, but she doesn't care about the clothes. When the washing machine is turned on, Ryan takes advantage of its intense vibration, grinding her tits and pussy against it. She's caught in the act by her boyfriend Stirling Cooper, who's turned on by the display and eager to get in on the action.

Ryan Keely に 'Manuel Is A MILFomaniac 6'

Ryan Keely - Manuel Is A MILFomaniac 6

Seasoned slut Ryan Keely uses her sensual curves to seduce Manuel! Ryan's wrapped up in a yellow fishnet body stocking and a matching bikini as she gets some sun by the pool. She pulls out her giant jugs and plays with them then hops into the water and twerks her ass make to some waves. Now that she's cooled off, Ryan heads inside, strips naked and shows off her body while she waits for Manuel. He joins her on the couch where Ryan grabs his shaft and stokes his hard cock before teasing him by only giving it a few sucks. Ryan lays back so Manuel can make his way between her legs and lick her snatch while squeezing her perky nipples. He stands up so Ryan can pay more attention to his raging boner and suck his balls before heading back to the couch where she mounts his massive member. Ryan rides Manuel's thick dick deep as her tits bounce in his face then she gets back between his legs and swallows that cock whole. Manuel lays her down in spoon and splits her in two as he pounds Ryan hard while playing with her clit. They get into doggy as Ryan takes that huge cock balls deep in her horny pussy as she backs her ass up on it. Manuel props her ass on the arm of the couch and continues to ravage Ryan's tight hole until she covers her face with his massive load!

Ryan Keely に 'HardX Homemade - Ryan Keely and Stirling Cooper'

Ryan Keely - HardX Homemade - Ryan Keely and Stirling Cooper

Ryan Keely starts touching herself and gets joined by Stirling Cooper in this hot homemade scene. They have an intense fucking session on the couch until Stirling cannot contain himself and gushes all over her face.

Kianna Dior に '3 Facials For Asian MILF Kianna Dior'

Kianna Dior - 3 Facials For Asian MILF Kianna Dior

Busty Asian MILF Kianna Dior teases in thigh-high boots and fetish-wear as her enormous knockers spill from her skimpy top. The femdom-goddess commands collared minions Brad Newman and Stirling Cooper to cover her in thick, creamy sperm. She kneels to give them a nasty double blowjob, drooling over her exposed jugs. Kianna welcomes Mr. X to the party. She worships the men's pricks as she slurps and laps balls. Finally, the guys give in to her demands, showering Kianna with multiple cum facials.

Ryan Keely に 'makes the delivery boy a cock sandwich between her tits!!!'

Ryan Keely - Seduced By A Cougar

Ryan Keely is waiting for her grocery delivery and once it got to her home she can't help but think of all the dick-like vegetables she got and how she would like to have the delivery boy's cock in her pussy.

Francesca Le に 'Is A HotWife 3'

Francesca Le - Is A HotWife 3

Hotwife Francesca Le chats with her husband on the phone, bragging about the young, hung stud she's about to fuck. The freaky MILF treats him to a live sex show, setting up her smart phone to capture all of the lewd action! Francesca makes out with Stirling Cooper, soon slurping his thick prick through a raunchy, slobber-gushing blowjob. Stirling eats her out, and then his big cock slams her wet gash. He spits in Francesca's mouth and gags her with his fingers. She pries open her bunghole for Stirling's fat meat, blathering dirty talk through a hard anal fuck. Crude sodomy features nasty rimming and epic rectal gaping! The show climaxes with a sperm-slathering cum facial.

Nicolette Shea に 'Don't Back Out On Me Now'

Nicolette Shea - Don't Back Out On Me Now

Stirling Cooper's wife convinces him to open up their relationship and trade spouses with a friend. Stirling is reluctant but agrees. When sexy Nicolette Shea shows up and informs them that her boyfriend isn't coming, Stirling is disappointed. Nicolette offers to reschedule but Stirling insists that they continue, leaving his annoyed wife to watch as he gets fucked and sucked by the busty bombshell.

Harmony Wonder に 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Harmony Wonder - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Harmony Wonder's friend just took off to her boyfriend's place so Harmony decided to stay put and study - or so she told her friend. Harmony just wanted to wait around the house until her friend's dad got home so she can get some hard cock for herself.

Ryan Keely に 'Pounded By The Producer'

Ryan Keely - Pounded By The Producer

When MILF Ryan Keely brings her son to producer Isaiah Maxwell's recording studio, it becomes clear that a successful career won't come from his talents alone. The curvy momager gives Isaiah a taste of her management style and her massive tits during some sneaky studio sex while her son practices on the other side of the booth window.

Ryan Keely に 'fucks young cock'

Ryan Keely - Seduced By A Cougar

Ryan Keely is having computer problems. Shes trying to upload some seductive photos. She knows her friend's son is home from college and knows a thing or two about computers so she asks for help. Once she lays her eyes on him he soon finds out that she not only wants him to upload photos but to upload his cock too.

Jezabel Vessir に 'You Deserve Better'

Jezabel Vessir - You Deserve Better

Sexy, judgemental mother Ryan Keely is shocked to meet her nerdy son's girlfriend, the hot Jezabel Vessir. Ryan is dismissive of her son and suspicious of Jezabel's motives; Jezabel in return is defensive, but somehow attracted to the confident older woman. Ryan's son makes everyone to watch a movie together as a bonding exercise, but Ryan and Jezabel quickly become more interested in eyeing each other. The women decide to get to know each other better, while Ryan's son enjoys his film.

Dee Williams に 'in Hard Cock Pay Back!'

Dee Williams - in Hard Cock Pay Back!

It looks like I did it again. But I can't help myself. When I get a credit card in my hand I just have to spend spend spend! Unfortunately my husband, Sterling Cooper, is not a fan of my shopping trips. Sterling has ways to make sure that I don't over spend. Looks like I'll be paying this credit card off with my mouth and pussy. I'm gonna be here on my hands and knees for a while folks, pleasing my rich husband. He got out the fuck machine and everything, so you guys are in for a real treat! I secretly think that Sterling loves it when I spend all his money. It gives him the chance to treat his wife like the whore she is! The Best Hardcore Porn can be found here at!

Bridgette B に 'Give It All To Me - S10:E12'

Bridgette B - Give It All To Me - S10:E12

Sexy Bridgette B is all ready for her massage, courtesy of Stirling Cooper. This hot babe is ready to party as she strikes a variety of sexy poses on the table. When Stirling comes in to make magic with his hands, Bridgette is happy to let him give her the rubdown. Rolling onto her back, she closes her eyes and lets Stirling explore her big tits and cream filled fuck hole with his talented fingers.Whipping out his cock, Stirling lets Bridgette take a more active role in their foreplay. She reaches out to guide Stirling close, then starts lapping away at his man meat as she lays on her back on the table. Arching her back, Bridgette shows every evidence of pleasure at the way Stirling's big dick fills her mouth. She keeps on sucking as she rolls onto her side, then slides her hand between her legs to keep on rubbing her clit.On her belly, Bridgette spreads her thighs to open herself for Stirling to slide into her from behind. His hardon glides through her wetness with ease. Bridgette's hands continue to fondle her clit as she gradually gets to her knees and hooks an arm around Stirling's neck to keep him close and kissable.On her side once again, Bridgette lifts one leg to Stirling's shoulder to welcome him back inside. They continue to get more athletic with their positions, with Bridgette shifting to one knee while Stirling holds the other leg far apart. Bridgette's muscular body and big boobs make this position incredible to behold as she reaches a titty bouncing climax.Stirling takes his turn on the table as Bridgette comes down from her climactic high. Pushing her boobs together, she creates a sheath that Stirling can bang. Between her titty fuck and blowjob, Bridgette eventually finishes Stirling off so that he covers her jugs in jizz.

Tiffany Watson に 'takes a big cock'

Tiffany Watson - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Tiffany Watson is over to borrow some jewelry. Her friend is not home but her dad is and this is Tiffany's chance to fuck his big cock.

Winter Jade に 'Super Cute Creampie'

Winter Jade - Super Cute Creampie

Super cute hottie, Winter Jade, discusses her love for creampies in her pre-scene interview, recalling the crazy places she let guys cum inside of her. Featuring gonzo style, hardcore sex. This naughty cutie loves a creampie finish.

Jennifer White に 'seduces her friend's husband'

Jennifer White - My Wife's Hot Friend

Jennifer White has been staying at her friend's house while she looks for a new apartment. While there, she's had her eyes on her friend's husband, Stirling and she's finally home alone with just him. When Stirling gets home and jumps in the shower, Jennifer changes into his wife's lingerie and patiently awaits him to find his surprise on his bed.

Jane Wilde に 'Jane's Anal Addiction'

Jane Wilde - Jane's Anal Addiction

Young Jane Wilde looks sassy teasing in trendy shades and slinky lingerie. When seven studs surround her, she sucks, spits and gags through a mouth-mashing interracial circle suck! It may be her first blowbang ever, but Jane feasts on thick white pricks and big black cocks like a deranged succubus, gushing slobber as the boners fuck her throat. Caked in lube and nasty dick slop, the bold brat fingers her cunt as she slurps shaft. This debauched blowjob orgy climaxes with a graphic, bukakke-style semen slathering. Dirty Jane talks dirty as she sits plastered by multiple cum facials.

Aryana Amatista に 'Made To Serve'

Aryana Amatista - Made To Serve

Desperate Maid Submits To Sadistic Boss's Every Sexual Desire

SCENE OPENS on Ava (Aryana Amatista) walking up to a front porch. She holds a bucket filled with cleaning supplies and looks nervous. She rings the doorbell. After a moment, Mr. Kane (Stirling Cooper) opens the door. They greet each other and introduce themselves. His unsmiling face looks severe. He looks Ava up and down before curtly inviting her in.

Ava is there to interview for the position of Mr. Kane's housemaid. It is revealed that she is an illegal immigrant supporting her family in her home country. He tells her that he will not report her if they can come to an arrangement.

For the first time, Mr. Kane smiles a sickeningly malicious grin. Ava looks in his eyes with a fearful understanding.


Mr. Kane lays out his arrangement: she will be his live-in maid and will also service him sexually whenever he demands it. She is reluctant, but when he points out that this arrangement will ultimately help her family, she agrees.

He then tells her that he wants to test her practical skills. He gives her a maid uniform and demands that she change in front of him.

She changes in front of him as he leers at her, demanding that she take her underwear off. He then orders her to get on her knees and scrub the floor. She scrubs the floor on all fours as he leers at her and rubs her pussy from behind.

Ava is only now realizing what's in store for her...and this is only the beginning of Mr. Kane's sadistic tests...

Story inspired by an original submission by Pure Taboo member, NightOwl61a!

Cory Chase に 'plays with her husband's bullly's balls'

Cory Chase - Big Cock Bully

Cory Chase has had enough of Stirling. He's always picking on her husband. Now Stirling is trying to get Cory's husband to caddie for him early in the morning. Cory puts her foot down and drives to Stirling's place to give him a piece of her mind, but she ends up with Stirling's dick inside of her instead.

Mackenzie Moss に 'You Remind Me Of Me'

Mackenzie Moss - You Remind Me Of Me

Coach Lures Teen Cheerleader Into Sex With Her And Her Husband

SCENE OPENS on Heather (Cory Chase) welcoming Kelly (Mackenzie Moss) into her home. Kelly seems excited, even a little starstruck to be there. Heather, a well-known former cheerleader, is Kelly's cheerleading coach. She has taken a special interest in Kelly and has invited Kelly there for a last-minute pep talk before an upcoming competition.

Looking at old photos of Heather taken when Heather was 18, the same age Kelly is, they remark how much Kelly looks like Heather when she was younger. This segues into them chatting about the upcoming competition. Heather offers advice to Kelly about being an effective leader and dealing with the pressure of the competition.

At that moment, Heather's husband Donald (Stirling Cooper) wanders in, seemingly by accident. He remarks on how much they look alike and conversation turns to Heather's old uniform, which she gets up to go get.


As they chat, Heather seems to get an idea: Kelly should put on Heather's old uniform for some fun and innocent photos. Kelly agrees but is shocked when they ask her to change in front of them. Despite her reluctance and growing disquiet, Kelly changes into the cheerleader outfit in front of Donald and Heather as they leer at her.

Donald and Heather take some photos as the atmosphere becomes even creepier. Soon, Heather and Donald reveal their plan: to have a threesome with Kelly. She refuses, but when Heather threatens to kick her off the squad, Kelly ultimately agrees. 'F-Fine, I'll do it,' Kelly says.

This conniving couple will do ANYTHING to get what they want...

Kenzie Taylor に 'Big Titty MILFs 29'

Kenzie Taylor - Big Titty MILFs 29

Kenzie Taylor was tired of her BIG breasts and her doctor back in the United States would not do a reduction. However, she heard of this incredible doctor in Australia. During her visit to Dr. Stirling Cooper she explained her concerns and troubles having these big boobs. Dr. Cooper was having a hard time understanding what the issue was. So Kenzie needed to demonstrate how much of a problem it was for her... especially during sex.

Ryan Keely に 'takes cock from her son's friend'

Ryan Keely - My Friend's Hot Mom

Ryan Keely hasn't had sex in a while and she's not really into dating apps. What she is into is her son's handsome friend's. Lucky for her, they are into her as well. Ryan takes a pounding from her son's friend all without her son finding out.

Eliza Ibarra に 'Nerds Rule!: A Nerd At Any Age'

Eliza Ibarra - Nerds Rule!: A Nerd At Any Age

A teacher, Ryan Keely, notices that one of her students, Eliza Ibarra, is sad. Eliza tells her that it is because she is getting picked on for being a nerd.

Hearing this, an expression of understanding comes over Ryan's face. Ryan tells her that even though things aren't great right now, high school doesn't last forever. In fact, Eliza is 18 and will be graduating in a few months, so she's almost there! Trying to cheer her up, Ryan tells her that SHE was a nerd in high school too, and still is. They begin to bond over their shared nerdy interests.

Over the next several days, teacher and student bond even more over their geeky tastes, Eliza becoming smitten with Ryan. One day, Eliza makes a move on Ryan. Ryan is reluctant, but wanting to boost Eliza's confidence, agrees, pulling the student in for a passionate kiss.

Ryan's showing Eliza that nerds are ANY age!

Lala Ivey に 'Five-Star Dick'

Lala Ivey - Five-Star Dick

Running late to her next hook-up, Lala Ivey gives driver Sterling Cooper a peepshow as she gets dressed in the backseat of his car. When her dick-appointment is thwarted by last-minute changes, she turns to Sterling to satisfy her.

Karla Kush に 'Choked and Soaked 4'

Karla Kush - Choked and Soaked 4

Slim, fit Karla Kush splays her long legs on the couch as dominant Stirling Cooper chokes her playfully. She masturbates while he pokes his fingers into her tight sphincter. Karla gives him a sopping blowjob. When he drills his cock into her asshole, Karla enjoys every inch of the deep backdoor reaming. She rubs her clit to orgasm and ejaculates girl squirt! Karla gives Stirling a deepthroat, ass-to-mouth blowjob, and then she mounts him for an intense anal cock ride. She cums multiple times on his thick prick. The scene's tight pussy penetration and orgasmic geysers of girl cum climax when Karla swallows a hot load of Stirling's sperm.

Candice Dare に 'gets a Fucking good deal'

Candice Dare - Neighbor Affair

Candice mentioned to Stirling at one of his house parties, that she has some money issues. It's difficult for her to make rent while covering college expenses. Stirling proposes a deal to that will be mutually beneficial. He gets booty, she gets money!

Ryan Keely に 'Tats, Tits And Ass'

Ryan Keely - Tats, Tits And Ass

Ryan Keely's a cool mom who's way too wild for her boring husband. She's ready for a new tat on her lower back. Bored out of her mind by her husband in the tattoo shop waiting room, she peeps through the curtain and finds out a handsome and hung tattoo artist, Small Hands, will stain her skin. When the tattooing finally starts, Ryan discovers she finds pleasure in pain and wants to push herself to the limit – when Small Hands offers her a hardcore anal treatment, she just can't resist.

Bridgette B. に 'fucks married man on couch'

Bridgette B. - I Have a Wife

Bridgette B. stops by a client's house to do a little interior decorating. Her client is out, but her client's husband, Stirling, is more than happy to show her around the house. Bridgette notices Stirling's nice Italian slacks. Being an interior decorator, fine fabrics turn her on. The slacks get Bridgette wet and they come off soon after.

Ryan Keely に 'KINKY JOI: Ryan Keely's Female JOI'

Ryan Keely - KINKY JOI: Ryan Keely's Female JOI

Starting from the bottom now you're here, at Ryan Keely's delicious feet. Her hand's motion up and down as she caresses her calves, then her thighs, getting closer to her gorgeous pussy. She spreads her legs as she describes dragging her tongue up and down yours. Her pussy lips glisten as she begins to pet them telling you to touch yourself. She slides two wet, slippery fingers into her dripping cunt and instructs you to do the same to yours. She knows you're a slut and what you want is to please yourself, which maybe you don't do nearly enough. So sit, watch, and mimic Ryan as she shows you just how to make your pussy throb and swell with orgasmic anticipation. With bright red nails she squeezes her pussy lips and clit making small circles with her fingers. She wants to lick your cunt, taste your cum all over her face, feel you let go, so don't stop playing with your pretty pussy. She stands up to show you her beautiful, bubbly ass. She spanks herself and tells you to play with your g-spot if that's what makes you wet. You see, she's a bad girl, too. She likes spanking herself and showing off for strangers, just like you're gonna do for her. She licks her fingers and tells you to get a toy if you need one. She beats her clit faster and faster with her fingers and tells you to cum with her as she gets closer to orgasm. She doesn't care how you do it, Ryan just wants you to cum for her. She writhes and strokes until she explodes with pleasure, thinking about you riding her face the whole time.

Ryan Keely に 'Eating Out for Thanksgiving'

Ryan Keely - Eating Out for Thanksgiving

Ryan Keely has her daughters and their respective boyfriends over for Thanksgiving dinner. Clear right away is that Ryan and one of her daughter's boyfriends, Ricky Spanish, have messed around before; Ryan is intent on continuing the tradition, though Ricky is hesitant due to how many people are around. Ryan gets her way, but the family doesn't make it easy, with the lovers having to sneak around the house to avoid detection.

Laney Grey に 'Uncle Hyde'

Laney Grey - Uncle Hyde

Sleazy Uncle Deceives Niece To Get Her Alone With Him For The Weekend

Brooklyn (Laney Grey) is excited to visit her aunt and uncle for the weekend. Her Uncle Neil (Stirling Cooper) greets her, though her Aunt Sadie is nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, Neil claims that Aunt Sadie's been called away for work at the last minute. Although Brooklyn's disappointed, she still looks forward to spending the weekend with her favorite uncle, at least!

Since Neil is her favorite uncle, she easily lets her guard down around him, revealing that the reason for the visit is because she's passing through to meet a guy she's been dating online. Her parents would so not approve of this at all, but she knows Neil is cool, so she trusts him with this info...

But as Brooklyn settles down, she starts to notice odd little things with her uncle. He seems to be more touchy-feely than usual and some of the things he says are a little worrying. Although she manages to shrug most of it off, when she catches Neil spying on her through a crack in the door, she's especially unnerved.

Then she gets a text from her aunt. She's shocked to learn that her aunt hadn't been called away for work -- Uncle Neil arranged for her to be gone for the weekend instead! Now Brooklyn is alarmed, confronting Neil to find out what he's up to. Unfortunately, he soon removes his mask, revealing that he's been secretly lusting after Brooklyn and wanted her all to himself. If she doesn't want her parents to find out about the boy she's visiting, she'll have to do whatever dear Uncle Neil says.

Heartbroken and afraid to face her parents' wrath, she gives in to satisfy this side of Uncle Neil that she hopes to never see again.

Gianna Dior に 'Just Keep Going!'

Gianna Dior - Just Keep Going!

Gianna Dior has no room in her busy schedule for a massage, but she's in desperate need of a rubdown, so she's going to need to multi-task. Stirling Cooper isn't used to mixing business with pleasure, but he's willing to give it a try for such a sexy client. The customer is always right, even if she demands Stirling's big, hard dick down her throat. Naturally, Stirling obliges, coating Gianna in oil before giving her a proper pounding.

Ryan Keely に 'My Way Out'

Ryan Keely - My Way Out

Ryan is sexually frustrated and needs some help. Fortunately, her best friend Bella is in an open relationship and has exactly what she needs. Bella even lets her use her loft to make the whole thing extra discrete.

Anny Aurora に 'Deep Anal Creampie'

Anny Aurora - Deep Anal Creampie

Gorgeous blonde, Anny Aurora, takes a hard anal pounding. This in wild gonzo style sex, including multiple ATM's and an epic anal creampie finish!! Do not miss this smoking hot scene!

Tina Kay に 'Rocco's True Stories'

Tina Kay - Rocco's True Stories

Erik Everhard visits best friend Stirling Cooper, and Stirling's hotwife, Tina Kay, senses an opportunity: The slim, tan MILF loosens her slutty business attire; she reclines on the couch to masturbate ... and let the guys catch her in the act! Tina begs them to stay and fulfill her fantasy of a threesome with two cocks. The audacious woman gushes slobber as the boys fuck her face, and she gives Stirling a blowjob as Erik porks her holes. Hard anal sex comes with ass-to-mouth fellatio and nasty bunghole rimming. Both studs soak Tina with messy cum facials.

Christie Stevens に 'What's Mine Is Yours'

Christie Stevens - What's Mine Is Yours

Christie Stevens is visiting her best friend, Ryan Keely. As they exchange pleasantries, Christie braces herself since she has something to say that she's been wanting to get off her chest awhile. Although it takes some effort, she finally manages to admit that she has a crush on Ryan's step-daughter, Athena Faris! Yet, as she begins to describe how attractive Athena is, Christie is thrown off when Ryan starts to get dreamy as well. Ryan then admits that SHE lusts for Athena, too, and has even fooled around with her!

Before they can carry on the conversation, Athena steps into the room, having overheard them. Although Christie's embarrassed, Ryan convinces her to share her feelings about Athena. Athena isn't offended at all, even as Ryan explains the erotic nature of their relationship. In fact, when Ryan suggests that they have a threesome with Christie, since best friends share EVERYTHING, Athena is onboard! Fortunately, it doesn't take much convincing to win Christie over as well so that they ALL can have a little fun...

Christie has the time of her life as she is pleasured by the mother-daughter duo, though she isn't shy about returning the love. The three ladies eagerly eat each other out and fondle each other's breasts, savoring every tantalizing moment together. As they bring each other to new heights, it seems like sharing really IS caring!

Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, stratman90!

Jeni Angel に 'You Don't Need A Cock: Part 2'

Jeni Angel - You Don't Need A Cock: Part 2

Jeni and Ryan return to the living room, where Jordi is still playing games. Ryan kicks Jordi out. Jeni challenges Ryan to try the game; Ryan agrees to play and quickly gets into it. While Ryan is distracted, Jordi sneaks back in behind the couch and Jeni gives him a sneaky blowjob. Ryan eventually catches the pair; seeing how much Jeni enjoys cock, she decides to give it a try after all.

Ryan Keely に 'You Don't Need A Cock: Part 1'

Ryan Keely - You Don't Need A Cock: Part 1

When cute Jeni Angel brings home her college schoolmate Jordi to play a video game they both enjoy, her protective stepmother Ryan Keely isn't pleased with it, but gives them the benefit of the doubt. Ryan's suspicions turn out to be valid though when she catches Jordi showing off his cock and Jeni about to suck it. Ryan fixes this in dominant fashion by carrying Jeni off to her bedroom and giving her a hard spanking. Both women find themselves turned on, following this up with some rough sex, including a strap-on.

Krissy Lynn に 'MILF Witches: Part 2'

Krissy Lynn - MILF Witches: Part 2

It's Halloween night and three sexy MILF witches are on a mission for eternal youth! They must collect three specific ingredients for their spell to take affect. Krissy Lynn is tasked with retrieving the seed of a man and it doesn't take her long to find the perfect specimen, Stirling Cooper! When his wife is called away to console a friend, Krissy pounces on the unsuspecting fool. All it takes is Krissy's warm, wet mouth on Stirling's cock to get him to give up his seed! But a little fucking would be fun too! Happy Halloween!

Karla Lane に 'consoles her neighbor with her wet pussy'

Karla Lane - Neighbor Affair

Karla Lane checks in on her neighbor, Stirling, after she witnesses his wife pack up her car full of belongings and race off. Turns out Stirling's marriage is ending due to his wife's unfaithfulness. After they chat and down a bottle of wine, Stirling makes a move on Karla.

Lena Paul に 'Anal Car Wash Girl'

Lena Paul - Anal Car Wash Girl

All American girl, Lena Paul, with her perfect natural breasts brings you an epic sunlit car wash tease. It's time for multiple anal positions and ass worshiping. It's wet and wild with big soapy tits, big booty play and massive curves!

Gianna Dior に 'Housewife 1 on 1'

Gianna Dior - Housewife 1 on 1

Your wife Gianna Dior notices your boss is hardass, and sympathizes for you. She wants to make things all better by letting you enjoy the finer things in life, like her pussy.

Vanessa Cage に 'fucks a big cock'

Vanessa Cage - Dirty Wives Club

Realtor Vanessa Cage is having both marriedable and realtor problems. Issues at home won't keep her from selling. She'll do whatever it takes to sell the house.

Ryan Keely に 'Massive Curves'

Ryan Keely - Massive Curves

Ryan Keely, with her massive boobs and epic curves is about to take a pounding. This hot MILF with her big booty is ready for everything! Including tit fucking, ass worshipping and an epic cum swallowing finish!

Anastasia Rose に 'Sharing The Creamy Load'

Anastasia Rose - Sharing The Creamy Load

When MILF Ryan Keely learns that her stepsons girlfriend broke up with him, she is determined to make him forget all about her. She licks his cock from balls to tip to ensure she is the only woman on his mind. Later, Ryans stepson bounces back and finds a new girlfriend, Anastasia Rose, but Ryan is jealous! She intimidates the new girl by grabbing her tight pussy in private. A couple days later, Ryans stepson and his girlfriend are hanging out alone when they start to get a little frisky. Ryan catches them in the act and joins in on the threesome. She chokes Anastasia, teaching her how to suck cock properly. Then the babes get pounded out hard. Looks like these ladies can share after all!

Athena Faris に 'Sleeping In'

Athena Faris - Sleeping In

Not wanting to get out of bed one morning, Athena Faris resists the prodding of her co-worker and love interest to get up and get ready for work. She eventually convinces him (Stirling Cooper) to take a wicked ride between the sheets for some torrid morning sex.

Anya Olsen に 'seduces her friend's dad'

Anya Olsen - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Anya Olsen stops by her friend's house to borrow a dress. Her friend is out but her friend's dad, Stirling, let's her in. While trying on the dress Anya catches Stirling watching her. She doesn't mind because she's a bit of an exhibitionist. She even invites him into the room and bangs his brains out.

Bridgette B に 'Big Tit Anal Workout'

Bridgette B - Big Tit Anal Workout

Buxom Latina, Bridgette B, bringing a sweaty workout tease intro with her massive tits and is craving multiple anal positions. Including tit worshiping, tit fucking ATM's and ass to pussy do not miss the gorgeous Bridgette B in hardcore action!

Gabriela Lopez に 'Champagne And Diamonds'

Gabriela Lopez - Champagne And Diamonds

Gabriela Lopez and her dull rich husband are celebrating their anniversary at a hotel, but Gabriela's man isn't giving her any reason to be excited about it. When her husband slips away, Gabriela gets to play...with the stud from room service, Stirling Cooper, who gives her the good hard fucking this bored wife deserves!

Bunny Colby に 'knows how to sell a house by fucking the customer'

Bunny Colby - I Have a Wife

Bunny Colby is showing a house to Stirling but he doesn't like it that much. Since Bunny Colby is pressured to sell it, she busts out her secret weapon -- her wet pussy! She fucks Stirling real good, convincing him this is the house to buy.

Emma Fantasy に 'Rocco's Psycho Teens 13'

Emma Fantasy - Rocco's Psycho Teens 13

Mischievous redheaded teen Emma Fantazy denies that she brought a dildo to the workplace, but Stirling Cooper punishes the pale teen ginger with a spanking. He porks her puckering bunghole with the dildo in question! Emma drops to her knees and gives Stirling a gagging blowjob as her pussy drips. Then she slides his cock into her twat for a sexy fuck. Stirling bends her over and stuffs his dick up her asshole, reaming her hard while choking her. Hot buttfucking leads to expansive anal gaping and a tasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Action climaxes with a glistening cum facial.

Lena Anderson に 'Interns fuck their bosses in this naughty office'

Lena Anderson - Interns fuck their bosses in this naughty office

Lena Anderson is your hot co-intern and when she gets bored at work she sucks your dick. She was a little careless today and you were caught with your pants down and her mouth around your cock. At first your boss' were upset, but after a while they decided the best punishment was to join in on the fun.

Lena Anderson に 'Naughty Office'

Lena Anderson - Naughty Office

Lena Anderson is your hot co-intern and when she gets bored at work she sucks your dick. She was a little careless today and you were caught with your pants down and her mouth around your cock. At first your boss' were upset, but after a while they decided the best punishment was to join in on the fun.

Ryan Keely に 'The Femdom Florist'

Ryan Keely - The Femdom Florist

Ryan Keely is the seemingly pristine owner of ZZ Floral Stylings, but what most of her customers don't know is that she has a secret dominatrix den in her store. After putting up her 'Closed' sign, Ryan heads into her dungeon where a restrained client is waiting for her. However, when Ryan rips off her clothes to reveal her fetish lingerie, he gets skittish and asks to leave. Initially disappointed, Ryan turns Bambino storming in to buy a make-up bouquet for his disgruntled wife into an opportunity to practice her real profession.

Christie Stevens に 'Mother's Prized Mare'

Christie Stevens - Mother's Prized Mare

Overbearing Mother Arranges For Stranger To Impregnate Her Daughter

SCENE OPENS to Mona (Christie Stevens) talking on the phone. She looks pleased with herself as she screens the man on the other end, asking questions for her breeding project. It seems like the man has exactly what she needs to impregnate her dear Millie, so she makes arrangements for them to meet that afternoon. It's all done in a formal manner as if it's the most normal thing in the world. As soon as Mona hangs up, she smiles and calls for her step-daughter, Millie (Natalie Knight).

Mona finds Millie in her bedroom and begins to prepare her for the meeting. Everything has to be perfect for this arrangement...Millie HAS to expand the family in a way that Mona herself can't. Although Millie is hesitant to fulfill her duty, Mona continues coaxing her, manipulating her. Millie MUST give her a child. Doesn't Millie want to honor her late father by passing on his genes?

When Rowan (Stirling Cooper) arrives at the house a short time later, Mona scrutinizes him in person. She'll only accept the best stud for her daughter, and, fortunately for them, he passes the initial test. However, when it comes time for the breeding to begin, Millie is too nervous. Thankfully for her, Mona is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure Millie takes a nice creampie...

Lilly Lit に 'No Peeking'

Lilly Lit - No Peeking

Unhappy Wife Tricks Husband Into Cheating With Tiny Teen Temptress

SCENE OPENS on Jackie (Joanna Angel) warmly greeting her husband Grant (Stirling Cooper) as he comes home from work. As she fixes his collar and pulls herself close, she apologizes for the argument they had that morning. She never should've gotten so worked up over the prenup... She doesn't care about the money, she cares about THEM. She wants them to be close again, so she has something special planned for them that night...

Stirling is surprised by this turn of events. It's not just about the apology but Jackie getting frisky since it's been awhile since there's been heat between them. When she undoes his tie to blindfold him, he's excited. When she tells him to lay back while she gets ready, he doesn't need to be told twice.

Jackie leaves the room and sneaks to the front door, letting an excited Amber (Lilly Lit) inside. She's tiny and energetic -- just what Jackie needs to make all of this work. She takes Amber's hand and leads her into the bedroom where her husband is patiently waiting, still blindfolded.

'Well, honey... Are you ready for your surprise?'

Daisy Stone に 'needs her Pussy checked by the Dr.'

Daisy Stone - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Daisy Stone is very concerned about her body because her boyfriend wont fuck her so she does to her friend's dad who is a Dr. and explains that she might have something wrong so she pulls off her shitr to show him her boobs and to see if she has something wrong but Stirling knows what she wants and needs a good tonsil check with his dick.

Ryan Keely に 'My First Sex Teacher'

Ryan Keely - My First Sex Teacher

Prof. Conner (Ryan Keely) is worried about one of her favorite students. See he's a virgin and is in need of some teaching.

Trinity St. Clair に 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Trinity St. Clair - My Wife's Hot Friend

Kassandra (Trinity St. Clair) is at Jennifer's ready to go out but she is not answering the door so she goes in to the house to find Stirling (Jennifer's husband) in the bathroom on his underwear and he tells her that Jennifer had last minute plans to go out of town and forgot to yell Kassandra about it, she is all dressed up and Stirling is all hard seeing her tits and the rest is a fuck fest.

Ryan Keely に 'MILF Fucks Stepson'

Ryan Keely - MILF Fucks Stepson

Before a night out, Ryan Keely needs to release some horny desires. She decides to have a little bit of phone sex with her husband and starts to masturbate with her new vibrator. Her Stepson comes home and can't help but hear her loud moaning coming from the bedroom. He starts to watch and is amazed by her huge tits and beautiful pussy. She starts to rub himself before he gets caught by his stepmom. She warns him that she's going to tell his dad about what he did to her. He begs her not to and she decides that to keep her mouth shut, she's gonna need some dick. She's shocked to see how much bigger his dick is than his dads. She starts to blow him and then they have rough, hard sex.

Athena Faris に 'Stepsister Tennis Sex'

Athena Faris - Stepsister Tennis Sex

Allie Nicole and Athena Faris are total tennis nerds. Since they are sisters, they grew up idolizing Venus, Serena, and all the other amazing tennis stars they watch on TV. Today, they sneak by one of their idols security and knock on his front door. He usually hates visitors, but when he sees how hot the girls are, he invites them inside his house. Soon, the chicks start making out as their tight, young pussies soak through their panties. Then, they pull out the tennis studs giant racket and go to work. He strokes inside their tight cunts, serving up aces left and right. Then, he drops a huge load for the sisters to share. This guy is definitely a champ!

Ivy Lebelle に 'Big Ass Anal Showdown'

Ivy Lebelle - Big Ass Anal Showdown

Gorgeous, Ivy Lebelle with her massive curves and epic anal ass is ready for multiple anal positions. Including booty flattering positions, ass worshiping, face sitting, face smothering squirting and ATM's! You do not want to miss this big ass anal showdown!

Stirling Cooper に 'Pedicured'

Stirling Cooper - Pedicured

Giving his lover Evelin Stone a sensual pedicure, Stirling Cooper gets aroused, and adds a few moments of foot worship before they both hit the sheets in a flurry of sensual excitement.

Brandi Love に 'Three hotties bang their friend's son'

Brandi Love - Three hotties bang their friend's son

Brenda Phillips (Brandi Love), Kassandra Kelly (McKenzie Lee), and Nicole McKenna (Ryan Keely) are hanging out with their old college friend when she unexpectedly gets called in to work. The girls remain by the pool waiting for their friend to return but they don't have much to do. They decide to entertain themselves by calling over their friend's son and having him cater to their EVERY need.

Khloe Kapri に 'Time To Celebrate'

Khloe Kapri - Time To Celebrate

A college professor (Stirling Cooper) and his beautiful young student (Khloe Kapri) celebrate landing a huge grant to pursue an archaeological project they've been only dreaming about. And when the champagne starts flowing and inhibitions ebb, a romantic moment ensues.

Ryan Keely に 'Naughty Office'

Ryan Keely - Naughty Office

Johnny is looking for a raise on his job but his mean Boss, Brenda Philips (Ryan Keely), will not budge. She thinks he has been doing sub-par work but she has an idea on how to make Johnny earn that raise. He'll have to join her Wednesday lunch mentor-ship program which is another way to say 'FUCK ME WEDNESDAY'.

Avi Love に 'Avi Loves Gangbangs'

Avi Love - Avi Loves Gangbangs

Super cute spinner, Avi Love, is about to get gangbanged! Featuring Avi's first double vaginal penetration. Including multiple DP and double anal positions with a massive cum swallowing finish! Do not miss this cutie in hardcore action!

Whitney Wright に 'Alpha Male'

Whitney Wright - Alpha Male

Father And Son DP Son's Cheating Girlfriend

SCENE OPENS to Toby (Robby Echo) and his girlfriend, Crystal (Whitney Wright), arriving at his father's house to do some studying. They seem like a sweet couple, though Toby is on edge. Crystal hasn't met Toby's father, Hunter (Stirling Cooper), yet, and Toby was more than happy to keep it that way. To him, Hunter is abrasive and a complete pig. He doesn't know how to treat women right! Meanwhile, Crystal tries to calm her boyfriend down, insisting he's being too hard on his old man. She's sure Hunter's just fine!

But when Hunter struts into view moments later, she's suddenly hit with just HOW fine Hunter is... He's much bigger, stronger, and more confident than Toby. He's undeniably attractive, although Crystal tries to push it all out of her mind...

She keeps close to Toby to resist these unexpected urges, both of them soon parting to study elsewhere. Even so, she's distracted -- so much so that Toby has to point out that she accidentally left her books out in the living room. Crystal snaps back to attention and excuses herself to fetch the books.

Along the way, she comes across Hunter. Immediately, she's weak in the knees as he comes onto her, whispering promises of a wild night to remember. His hands are strong, his breath warm, and his voice a low rumble. He has charisma that she can't deny and a cock that soon makes her gasp with pleasure as she eagerly accepts it into her pussy.

But when Toby walks in on them, she's soon caught between the two men in a battle of dominance. Just who will come out on top?

Ryan Keely に 'KINKY JOI: Ryan Keely's Feet, Tits and Ass'

Ryan Keely - KINKY JOI: Ryan Keely's Feet, Tits and Ass

So you've come here to worship Ryan Keely have you? Well she's not sure you have anything worthwhile to offer her. What do you have that she could possibly need.? She stands before you with her big bare titties perched about a gorgeous golden corset. Her ass is framed by an O-shaped window in a tight translucent latex skirt. You can hear the latex squeak as she moves her perfect ass and titties around. But first, she wants to see with you're working with but she's fully prepared to be disappointed. Drop your pants. That's what she expected, a tiny little penis. What is she supposed to do with that thing? It certainly won't be going anywhere near her big perfect titties, or her luscious ass, or maybe even, her feet? She bends over to show you exactly what you're missing. That's right get a good look at her bubbly butt bouncing in that latex hole with her pussy peeking out from underneath her ass cheeks. Don't you wish you could touch it, smell her tight little asshole even? Well you can't. You just get to sit there and fap your tiny ween. She bounces up and down and it looks as though her pussy is practically winking at you! But you get to sit there at watch as it glistens just out of reach. None for you, no no no. And what's that? Her perfect toes, wiggling in your face, you can't lick them, suck them, or even smell them. And now that she's shown you everything she plunges her fingers into that glorious pussy hole of hers. She pleasures herself and her dripping wet cunt is hungry for more. You want to cum don't you? Don't you? We'll see if you're lucky enough for that.

Ryan Keely に 'fucks for a discount at the mechanic shop'

Ryan Keely - Watch Your Mom

Big tit MILF, Ryan Keely, has her car at the shop but the mechanic says that it will cost her an arm and a leg, so she gives the ol' payment by fucking a try. Lucky for her, this mechanic is down for some wet MILF pussy.

Ryan Keely に 'Mommy's Dream'

Ryan Keely - Mommy's Dream

Ryan Keely has been devastated ever since she and her step-daughter, Skylar Snow, were caught having an affair. Skylar's father wasted no time divorcing Ryan, making Skylar live with him, even though Skylar wants nothing more than to be with Ryan.Since then, Ryan has been plagued with nightmares about that fateful day. Now and again, she has the pleasure of enjoying a naughty dream of their times together, too. Today is one such day as she rests on the couch, the hot dreams stirring that fire from deep within... If only she could relive these passionate moments!Unbeknownst to her, as Ryan desperately fingers herself to experience even a glimmer of what she once had with Skylar, Skylar walks in on her. When Ryan stirs to see her beautiful daughter's face, she is overjoyed, but what does this mean?It means that Skylar's old enough to make her own choices and she wants to be with Ryan for real! She left her father's home to be with Ryan. No more hiding or shame, it's time for them to freely love each other.They crash together, their lips locked in a passionate kiss as they rekindle their love for each other. Ryan is eager to taste her step-daughter's pussy once again and Skylar can't get enough of her step-mom's bosom. Now that they're finally together, nothing will ever keep them apart again!Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, gbs70!

Lisey Sweet に 'Soaking Wet Super Squirter'

Lisey Sweet - Soaking Wet Super Squirter

Big booty curvy blonde, Lisey Sweet, is ready for a hard pounding anal, with face sitting, and ass worshipping. Things are about to get soaking wet with copious amounts of squirting. Female ejaculation has never been better!

Ryan Keely に 'Her Domain'

Ryan Keely - Her Domain

When you walk into Ryan Keely's house, you better be prepared to give her what she wants. This is her territory, her domain. You cross that line and your hers. She inspects your body, your intentions - who are you? Why are you hanging out with her son? Are you stupid? Crazy? Smart? Fit? Lazy? She'll find out. She'll pick you apart and take what she likes, leaving the rest behind. Imagine you're just heading over to a friend's house, minding your own business, when the lady in control orders you to strip down. Now get on your knees. Stick out your tongue. Worship her like she deserves. Are you up for the challenge? Or will you crumple up and flee? Maybe only after she's drained you…

Lilu Moon に 'Double Trouble'

Lilu Moon - Double Trouble

Beautiful brunette Lilu Moon is excited to fulfill her double penetration fantasy. Hung stud Stirling Cooper invites his big-dicked buddy Stirling Cooper over to help him fill his wife's holes. Spit drips from Lilu's mouth as she gives Alberto a wet blowjob. Alberto warms her up with some rimming and then penetrates her pussy doggie-style. Lilu sits on her husband's cock anally, and Stirling enters her pussy for some dirty double penetration! Hard buttfucking accompanies messy, ass-to-mouth blowjobs, anal gaping and a creamy cum facial.

Ryan Keely に 'gets pounded by her husband's bully twin brother'

Ryan Keely - Big Cock Bully

Talk about a bully with a hard on, this time Ryan Keely's husband's twin brother who seems to not be able to stop bullying his own brother, finally gets to put his big black cock inside of Ryan Keely. At first she is very offended, but by the time they finish up, she is begging for more.

Keira Croft に 'Schoolgirl Special!'

Keira Croft - Schoolgirl Special!

It's Kiera's 1st time on Hard X, anal cutie, Keira Croft, is about to take on an intense gonzo style fucking. Including multiple naughty ATM's. This wild anal school girl gets an extra special creampie finish! Do not miss this Hard X exclusive

Britney Amber に 'My Husband Brought Home is Mistress 13'

Britney Amber - My Husband Brought Home is Mistress 13

Stirling Cooper thought it would be a good idea to bring his girlfriend Britney Amber home, that is until his wife Edyn Blair comes home and catches them fucking. She cant believe it but whats to see her suck and fuck to at least catch a glimpse of what all the fuss is about. She has a little suck off competition before Stirling fucks the dog piss out of her. Come to find out it was all part of their plan.

Alina Lopez に 'Bad Bunny'

Alina Lopez - Bad Bunny

Alina Lopez is a very bad bunny, and she wants to do very bad things with Stirling Cooper! Stirling oils up and worships Alina's ass before he sticks his hard cock inside her wet pussy for the ultimate Easter treat!

Penny Pax に 'Watch Your Wife'

Penny Pax - Watch Your Wife

Your wife Penny Pax wants your dream to come true. She invites the blue collar stud over to take care of her wet hot pussy. Watch Penny's tits bounce all around in this hot new scene!

Ryan Keely に 'Slutty Shopper'

Ryan Keely - Slutty Shopper

Is there any better place to pick up a sexy MILF than at the local mall? They're out there, spending their money, feeling confident, and window shopping for jewelry, clothes, and maybe a little bit more… Ramon spots the curvy Ryan Keely in the parking lot, and tries his luck in picking her up. I mean, look at her ass in that dress… She quickly gets down on her knees to low him right there next to the car - a wild thing, isn't she? It doesn't take much convincing to bring her back home for some rough fucking… And she loves every second of it.

Ryan Keely に 'MILF Private Fantasies 5'

Ryan Keely - MILF Private Fantasies 5

MILF bombshell Ryan Keely spices things up with her husband, Manuel, and role-plays with him as her driver that she teases and then fucks. Ryan's in the back seat of her car wearing a leopard print top with purple lingerie underneath and sexy stockings. She slowly removes her panties then shoves them in her mouth and holds them under her nose so she can smell the amazing scent of her pussy. Ryan unties her top to show off her high tits then rubs and fingers her horny pussy as they continue to drive around town. They make it back to the house and Ryan signals to Manuel that she wants him to join her in the backseat which he eagerly does as he quickly starts making out her with and exploring her body with his hands. Ryan pulls out Manuel's big dick and starts blowing him right there in the backseat until Manuel pushes her back so he can dive between Ryan's legs and taste her tender twat. They get out of the car and Ryan sucks that dick some more before Manuel bends her over the seat and fucks her in the driveway! Manuel brings Ryan inside where she promptly gets on top of him and rides his huge cock hard on the couch. She gets pounded by Manuel in multiple positions as she cums over and over again before Manuel blasts her face with his huge load!

Scarlet De Sade に 'Side Bitch'

Scarlet De Sade - Side Bitch

Scarlet de Sade is quite a devious character - besides her iconic tattoos, she also has an unforgettably slutty and mischievous personality. If you're not being the dirty little slut that your man craves - even if he'll never admit it - Scarlet will gladly fill in that role! You may be his precious princess, but he'll secretly yearn for that a cum-craving side bitch to slobber, fuck, and worship his cock like her life depended on it. Now, don't be silly, she doesn't want to KEEP your man… She only wants to steal him away for carnal activities. Too shy to drool and spit on a cock, getting messy? Worried about being seen as an insatiable succubus? Scarlet might have an offer your delicate relationship can't deny…

Kendra Spade に 'Don't Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend 9'

Kendra Spade - Don't Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend 9

Kendra Spade needs some dick and her best friend's husband, Stirling Cooper has a big one. It's been years since he has dicked her down. Before he got married to her bestie, but that ain't stopping Kendra for getting some hard cock up her ass.

Emily Blacc に 'My Dyke Girlfriend'

Emily Blacc - My Dyke Girlfriend

Girlfriends, Ryan and Nikki love each other. They do everything together...including other girls. When they notice how cute their gardener is they decide to get dirty. Emily unsuspectedly entires in the home at their request and its not long before they are ravishing her body and giving her the ultimate lesbian experience. Turns out this gardener absolutely loves all types of bushes. Watch all three ladies lick, spit, kiss and grind on one another in this super hot dyke threesome!!!

Britney Amber に 'Neighborhood Swingers 22'

Britney Amber - Neighborhood Swingers 22

The boys are cooking up a plan, to get their wives to swing and swap partners. Little do Stirling Cooper and Mike Mancini know, but Lauren Philips and Britney Amber already know about their plan, and have decided to get their sexy party going before the boys even show up.

Ryan Keely に 'Dickrupting Her Domestic Bliss'

Ryan Keely - Dickrupting Her Domestic Bliss

Ryan Keely is the perfect stepmom and homemaker, but her rambunctious stepson, Tyler Nixon, is intent on upsetting her domestic bliss. As Ryan goes about her household tasks, Tyler follows her bouncing tits and juicy ass from room to room, immediately undoing all her hard work. After nearly getting caught during a final act of rebellion, a hidden Tyler is able to get a fresh look at Ryan – and her massive tits – which casts her in an entirely new, fuckable light.

Amber Deen に 'Space Taxi: Bounty'

Amber Deen - Space Taxi: Bounty

Space Taxi pilot Jazz (Amber Deen) gets called to pick up bounty hunter Cruz (Stirling Cooper) just off Ocraxia, but he's not alone: he's bringing an Ocraxian warrior back to prison. Although Cruz assures Jazz that his prisoner Sha'ra (Sophie Anderson) isn't a danger, she quickly slips out of her chains and starts a firefight with her captor! Suddenly Sha'ra is in control of the ship, but Jazz has a trick up her sleeve. She talks the horny big-titted alien into giving Cruz a show before they blow him out the airlock, and soon Sha'ra wants a taste of that bounty hunter cock. She even unchains Cruz so he can fuck their pussies better, then demands he cum all over her face. But Sha'ra is pissed to learn that she's been duped! She may be great shag, but Jazz always gets paid!

Nicole Pearl に 'Sexy Russian beauty in red lingerie'

Nicole Pearl - Sexy Russian beauty in red lingerie

Sexy Russian beauty Nicole Pearl has brought her lover Stirling home, and made sure to dress for the occasion. Stirling opens Nicole's shirt to find sexy red lingerie, then pulls out her perky tits so he can suck her nipples. Stirling lies Nicole back onto the bed and eats her pussy, then she gives him a romantic blowjob. After some sensual doggystyle fucking, Stirling pulls out and cums on Nicole's stomach!

Katie Dee に 'Romantic affair for European beauty'

Katie Dee - Romantic affair for European beauty

After a romantic evening of dinner and drinks, Katie Dee and Stirling are relaxing in bed together. Stirling gives Katie a foot massage, then gets on top of her and kisses her passionately while playing with her big boobs. Stirling pleasures Katie's pussy with his tongue, licking and tasting her sweet juices, and then she gives him a blowjob. Katie and Stirling make passionate love in many different positions until his cock erupts all over her tits and stomach!

Bonnie Rotten に 'Save Our Souls Scene 2'

Bonnie Rotten - Save Our Souls Scene 2

Three women head to a remote country house to take part in a wellness retreat, hosted by a mysterious self-help guru who claims he can solve all their problems in just one weekend – the catch These troubled women will have to dive into the darkest recesses of their minds and do whatever it takes to emerge from the experience completely cured. What kind of deep, dirty secrets will they reveal along the way

Ryan Keely に 'Save Our Souls Scene 3'

Ryan Keely - Save Our Souls Scene 3

Three women head to a remote country house to take part in a wellness retreat, hosted by a mysterious self-help guru who claims he can solve all their problems in just one weekend – the catch These troubled women will have to dive into the darkest recesses of their minds and do whatever it takes to emerge from the experience completely cured. What kind of deep, dirty secrets will they reveal along the way

Bonnie Rotten に 'Save Our Souls Scene 4'

Bonnie Rotten - Save Our Souls Scene 4

Three women head to a remote country house to take part in a wellness retreat, hosted by a mysterious self-help guru who claims he can solve all their problems in just one weekend – the catch These troubled women will have to dive into the darkest recesses of their minds and do whatever it takes to emerge from the experience completely cured. What kind of deep, dirty secrets will they reveal along the way

Elen Million に 'Mature MILF in Action'

Elen Million - Mature MILF in Action

A mature woman like Elen Million can show Stirling Cooper things he never even dreamed of. She is sexy and confident. Her priority: pleasure, even anal!

Amber Deen に 'Space Taxi: They Mostly Come At Night, Mostly'

Amber Deen - Space Taxi: They Mostly Come At Night, Mostly

It's Halloween in the Space Taxi, and pilot Amber Deen is ready for a spooky time! A being from another dimension throws the Space Taxi out of overspace and into another reality, then invades the ship. Coached by the ship's computer to avoid eye contact with an entity that becomes the viewer's greatest fear, Amber outsmarts it by willing it into a sexual being instead! First appearing in the feminine form as the beautiful Honour May, the entity sucks Amber's big tits and eats her pussy, then morphs into its masculine form of Stirling Cooper and fucks her doggystyle! After some tribbing, 69, a sloppy blowjob, and a huge cumshot, the entity allows Amber to go along on her way!

Blanche Summer に 'Hot Romanian blonde needs attention'

Blanche Summer - Hot Romanian blonde needs attention

Blanche Summer and Stirling Cooper are fixing to go out on the town, but Stirling can't stop playing games on his phone! Blanche gets jealous when Stirling doesn't notice her big tits, and asks if he will play with her instead. The hot blonde undoes his belt buckle and gives him a blowjob, then Stirling fucks her doggystyle and gives her plenty of hard spanks! After some sensual sex, Stirling covers Blanche in cum!

Ryan Keely に 'Water Balloon Charity Fuck'

Ryan Keely - Water Balloon Charity Fuck

Ryan Keely has set up a game to raise money for a local charity when Danny D stumbles into her while looking for his friend. Ryan tries to sell the game to Danny. If he makes a donation, he gets 3 chances to hit her with a water balloon. If he hits her all 3 times he gets a special prize. One look at Ryan's giant tits and Danny needs no convincing. He pays the donation and collects his balloons. Little does Ryan know, Danny is ZZ College's ace pitcher and has recently been drafted into the major leagues. Danny winds up and launches a balloon, hitting Ryan in the tits, soaking her shirt. He hits all 3 shots and claims his prize, Ryan's wet pussy!

Emily Blacc に 'Ryan Keely Caged Emily Blacc'

Emily Blacc - Ryan Keely Caged Emily Blacc

Ryan Keely is good at making girls her bitch. Today she uses Emily Black for her sexual pleasure. Ryan puts Emily in her cage, and refuses to let her out, until she can adhere to some strict rules. She must lick her pussy, and answer to her every request. If not, she will be deeply punished. Watch and see if Emily follows the rules of her deviant master.

Carter Cruise に 'Hot For Teacher!'

Carter Cruise - Hot For Teacher!

New reform school instructor Ryan Keely has met her match in sociopathic student Carter Cruise. Carter sniffs out weakness in her teacher, curvy MILF beauty Ryan, and plans to exploit it in any way she can. Sexy blond stunner Carter is craving some hot lesbian sex and her busty teacher is the perfect target for her lustful desires. The two begin kissing, then Carter dives deep into Ryan's nether regions bringing her to orgasm. Both ladies continue to get each other off with their fingers and tongues, probing each other's wet cunts, stopping at nothing to have as many orgasms as humanly possible. Ryan may like this new teaching position!

Luna Rival に 'Self Love 3'

Luna Rival - Self Love 3

Cozy and comfy in bed, Luna hasn't even opened her eyes as her hand finds its way between her legs, teasing and tantalizing her clit through her lace teddy. The petite Euro beauty is so absorbed in her pleasure, she doesn't notice when her boyfriend Stirling comes to watch her please herself and listen to her soft moans, until he begins caressing and kissing her soft thighs. Luna's unselfconscious show has turned on her man so much, he tears off her lingerie, needing to slide his cock into both her pussy and her tight ass to drive her to new orgasmic heights!

Jasmine Grey に 'Petite Beach Babe Gets Boned'

Jasmine Grey - Petite Beach Babe Gets Boned

What a beautiful day at the beach. Jasmine Grey is in her rainbow swim suit, looking like a petite, sexy snack. She is playing in the sand when our stud walks up to her and kicks down her sand creations. What a mean guy! But Jasmine gets over it quick, because she can tell what kind of sea snake this stud is packing. She heads back to his cabana with him and proceeds to give him head like the beach babe she is. She looks back at him through big cute glasses while he shoves his giant rod in her tiny slit. Then she supermans on his cock as he holds her up and rams her from behind. What better way to end the day then with an extra heaping of sunscreen on Jasmines face. Wait, thats not sunscreen! Do you like the way Jasmine plays? Let us know in the comments!

Ryan Keely に 'Camera Angle Scene 3'

Ryan Keely - Camera Angle Scene 3

Steamy sex, Attempted Murder, Lying, Cheating, Revenge…Just a typical day in Hollywood.After a hit and run, actor Peter Williams (Marcus London) comes to in the middle of the street with a concussion.Confused about who he is, Peter can't distinguish between his 'reel' life and real' life! Who's cheating on whoWho's trying to kill who What's reality and what's a figment of Peter's imaginationExpertly crafted, Camera Angle, covers all of the proverbial bases. Riveting story, awards-worthy acting and most important…heart-racing, sweat-inducing sex!

Ryan Keely に 'Camera Angle Scene 4'

Ryan Keely - Camera Angle Scene 4

Steamy sex, Attempted Murder, Lying, Cheating, Revenge…Just a typical day in Hollywood.After a hit and run, actor Peter Williams (Marcus London) comes to in the middle of the street with a concussion.Confused about who he is, Peter can't distinguish between his 'reel' life and real' life! Who's cheating on whoWho's trying to kill who What's reality and what's a figment of Peter's imaginationExpertly crafted, Camera Angle, covers all of the proverbial bases. Riveting story, awards-worthy acting and most important…heart-racing, sweat-inducing sex!

Anna Rose に 'What Happens On Business Trips...'

Anna Rose - What Happens On Business Trips...

High powered executive Anna Rose is on a business trip, and after a long day of meetings, finally gets the chance to relax in her hotel room. Pulling out her phone to message a colleague, Anna is offered an escort, but turns it down because she is married, and packed a vibrator anyway. Lying back, Anna's hand finds her pussy and she starts to play with her clit, but when she wants to turn things up a notch, she realizes she doesn't have her vibrator! With naughty thoughts in mind, she gets in touch with the escort Stirling Cooper, and within 30 minutes he's sucking on her giant tits. Anna gets her fill of cock by giving him a sloppy blowjob, then tries her best to break the hotel room bed by riding him cowgirl style. Spinning around to get all the pleasure she can, Anna rides Stirling in a 69, then tells him to jerk off and cover her with a facial!

Ryan Keely に 'Product Placement In Her Pussy'

Ryan Keely - Product Placement In Her Pussy

Marketing director Ryan Keely just got a brand new batch of vibrators and dildos in for quality control, and she puts each and every one through rigorous testing. But even more importantly, she needs to make sure her top salesman, Johnny Sins, gets a feel for these sex toys! Johnny is a little nervous about the whole thing at first, but when he finds himself thrusting a dildo in and out of his boss's pussy, well, he gets into it! From fucking Ryan's huge tits to pounding this blonde MILF on her desk, Johnny makes sure he puts all the toys to the ultimate test. Because when it comes to sex, there's no such thing as being too thorough!

Alexxa Vice に 'Busty tattooed drivers ass fucked'

Alexxa Vice - Busty tattooed drivers ass fucked

I was just kind of roaming around hoping to spot a good looking guy to pick up when I saw Australian hunk Stirling Cooper flagging the cab down. Stirling got into the backseat and asked me to take him "anywhere but here." He wasn't having a good day, and he told me he had just had a row with the missus because she kept denying him anal. I had no plans but I do love anal, so I offered Stirling a chance to fill his anal quota by fucking me in the arse. Joining him in the back, I got Stirling's cock nice and wet while I prepared my arse for his big dick. We 69d and he made me squirt. My pussy was so sensitive that while he fucked me in the ass I could feel it in my pussy! By the time he covered my body and face with cum, I had mascara running down my cheeks and a tingling in my clit!

Ryan Keely に 'I'm Not a Regular Mom, I'm a Cool Mom'

Ryan Keely - I'm Not a Regular Mom, I'm a Cool Mom

Pixie-haired MILF Ryan Keely may be a little out there with her holistic yoga sessions, but at the end of the day she's just wants to make sure her daughter's new fiancé Xander Corvus can satisfy her every need. After deepthroating his huge cock with ease, Ryan spreads her thick legs to test Xander's pussy eating ability, and with every movement of his tongue she lets out an exasperated moan! Now rock hard, Xander bends this blonde MILF over and pounds her pussy better than he ever fucked his own fiancé! Pulling out at the last possible second, he unloads all over Ryan's big fake tits as she looks up in approval.

Darcia Lee に 'Prison Heat'

Darcia Lee - Prison Heat

It's hard living in the clink for prison hotties Darcia Lee and Harmony Reigns. Locked in a cell together with no cock to be found, the ladies find themselves constantly day dreaming about dick, so much so that it begins to annoy the guard, Stirling Cooper. Challenging the guard to enter the cell, Harmony Reigns surprises him from behind, then starts to seduce him. Whispering sweet nothings in Stirling's ear, Harmony calls Darcia over to suck his cock. While Stirling face fucks the Hungarian jailbird, Harmony undoes her bra and plays with her cellmate's tits. Each convict takes turns having Stirling pound their pussy, then both enjoy the hot shower of cum all over their faces! Who said prison can't be any fun?

Mathilde Ramos に 'Morning Routine'

Mathilde Ramos - Morning Routine

Matilde is the perfect yoga babe enjoying the small moments of her morning routine. Stretching and enjoying her own body, Matilde is in a world of her own. When her boyfriend catches a glimpse of her gorgeous body contorting in all the sexiest ways, he can't help but take Matilde when she's doing a little downward dog. Namaste right there and indulge in a little morning routine of your own.

Khloe Kapri に 'Second Parents'

Khloe Kapri - Second Parents

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Taboo-Themed: Khloe Kapri, Ryan Keely, XBIZ 2020


SCENE OPENS as Sarah, a typical teenage girl, drives through a suburban neighborhood. She's on her way to pick up Karen, her best friend, to celebrate the July 4th weekend at her parents' house. She pulls up to the curb and finds Karen waiting at the end of her driveway. Tote bag in hand, she hops in the front seat and the pair drive off. The two 18-year-old girls have been close since they were kids and, now that they have both recently graduated from high school, this will be the last holiday they spend together before college. It has been a longstanding tradition that Karen spends the weekend with Sarah's family, since they always plan better Independence Day activities than her own. Sarah's father is particularly over-the-top about holidays ... making sure his family has lots of fun things to do. It's part of the reason Karen has always looked up to Sarah. Her life seems so perfect. As the two girls small talk, they drive back to Sarah's house and pull into the driveway. Sarah's father is waiting for them on the landing, sporting a cheesy BBQ apron and waving. 'Oh god, how embarrassing,' Sarah laughs. Karen laughs too, noting that at least it isn't as bad as the one he wore last year. They get out of the car and run up the stairs, each hugging Sarah's father, before heading inside.


That afternoon, the family spends time together in the backyard. Sarah's father is tending to the grill while his wife relaxes with the two girls. They chat about their college plans and Sarah's mother teasingly asks Karen if she has a boyfriend yet. Karen responds that she doesn't ... but Sarah's mother doesn't let it go. While this conversation is happening, Sarah's father grills in the background. The camera frequently cuts to his point of view, as we see him zero in on Karen and watch her intently, scanning up and down her body. The mom keeps asking questions and it gets to the point where Karen begins to feel a little uncomfortable. She is much more reserved than her best friend, especially when it comes to boys, so she isn't used to divulging intimate information. Sarah catches wind of this and quickly changes the subject, as the parents smile at each other.

CUT to the dining room table. The family has just finished dinner: hamburgers from the grill. They are sharing memories about all the 4th of July celebrations they've had together over the years, and Sarah's father raises his glass to make a toast. He thanks his beautiful wife and daughter for blessing him every day with their love. And he thanks the girl he considers to be just like another daughter, Karen, for being such a good friend and influence for Sarah. He gushes about how much she's grown over the years and how she has become such a gorgeous young woman. The camera frequently cuts to the father's point of view, as he studies Karen's chest breathing heavily as she grows more awkward. 'If only I were 18 and single again,' he says jokingly. 'You would have to watch out!' The parents laugh ... as Karen grips her napkin underneath the table. Something seems strange. Sarah hurriedly changes the subject again and, noting the time, asks her father to let them go get ready for the fireworks.

CUT to outside at dusk. From the father's point of view, he studies the girls as they dance around with sparklers. Flashes of light hit their faces, as they react to the sound of fireworks and try to draw hearts in the air with their sparklers. After a few minutes of observing them, playing close attention to their supple teenage bodies as they play, Sarah's mom walks up into the frame and whispers to her husband that it's time to get the girls ready for bed. Their sparklers have gone out. Sarah begs to stay up a bit longer, but her father insists they turn in for an early night. He has a long weekend planned. She looks a bit frustrated but agrees.

CUT to Sarah's bed. She is already under the covers on her side, looking at her phone, when Karen exits the bathroom and crawls in beside her. She starts to talk about social media gossip when Sarah abruptly puts her phone away. 'I'm tired,' she says curtly. 'Let's just go to bed.' Karen seems a bit put off by her coldness. 'Everything ok?' She asks. Sarah says yes and turns her back on her friend. Karen lies there in silence for a moment. She doesn't understand what's going on. 'Are you sure there isn't something up between you and your parents?' She asks cautiously. 'Things seem a bit tense this weekend.' Sarah laughs sarcastically to herself and mutters something about her parents liking Karen more than her anyway, so why is she so concerned. Karen tries to protest but Sarah tells her to forget about it and go to bed. Begrudgingly, Karen turns off the light and closes her eyes.

CUT to the middle of the night. Karen's eyes pop open because the light has been turned back on in the room. Sarah still lies passed out on her side of the bed, back turned. As Karen slowly sits up, she realizes that she is being straddled by Sarah's mom, who somehow crawled into the bed behind her. Shocked, she asks what's going on. Sarah's mom hushes her and says that she was having a bad dream. As she says this, Sarah's father tip-toes into the room with a glass of water. He is wearing only boxer shorts and Karen is taken aback by how fit her best friend's father is. She can clearly see his penis underneath his boxers and it makes her very nervous. Nonchalantly, he hands her the glass of water and comforts her, echoing his wife when he says that Karen's tossing and turning woke them both up. They wanted to make sure she was ok. As they both pet and coddle her, she anxiously looks over at her friend. 'Is there something wrong with Sarah?' She whispers. They shake their head and tell Karen that she is just a sound snoozer. She shouldn't worry about her. She should just concentrate on herself and feeling better. Sarah's mom kisses her forehead and holds her tightly while her father takes the glass back and starts kneading her shoulders. He tells her she is very tense, she must have been very anxious. Is she stressed? Not knowing what to do, Karen shakes her head. Sarah's mom asks if they are helping her to relax. Karen nods and thanks them, looking over at Sarah again. Why isn't she waking up?

'We've always considered you to be an extended member of our family,' Sarah's mom says, looking her husband dead in the eye. 'We worry about you just as if you were our own.' Sarah's father agrees, adding how much they've come to love her over all these years and how sad they are that she is going to be moving away in the fall. Shell-shocked, Karen tries to appease them by saying how welcome she's always felt and how sad she is to be leaving as well. They're like her second parents. 'We want to make sure you leave with only the best memories,' Sarah's mom continues, wrapping her arms tightly around Karen. 'And, now that you are 18,' her father adds, 'we want to show you just how much we care about you ... before you go!' Sarah's mom smiles at her husband and they lean in to kiss each other, directly over top of Karen. Karen swallows hard, her eyes darting between them and her best friend. She sees Sarah's mom pull her father's cock out from his shorts and start to stroke it. Her eyes go wide. Sensing her reaction, Sarah's mom tells her that it's ok to look, she doesn't mind. She knows how handsome Sarah's father is and she is aware of how close Karen has grown with him, especially since she came of age. Karen tries to awkwardly protest but Sarah's father chimes in. 'What?!' he asks, jokingly. 'You don't like me anymore?!' Karen doesn't know how to react. She tells him she really likes him. She likes all of them. 'Good,' Sarah's mother says, slowly sitting back and pulling Karen onto her back. 'So why don't you just relax then, and we can all have a little fun together. Would that be alright with you?' Karen gulps, looks over at her friend one more time, before slowly saying YES. Sarah's father pulls down his boxer shorts and kneels to start removing Karen's pajamas. Sarah's mother holds her gently in place and pets her head, asking her if she's ever been intimate with a grown man before. Karen stammers that she's a virgin and, smiling at each other, the mom warmly tells promises that this will be special. Her special little secret with her second parents. Karen says 'ok' slowly, as she gulps again and looks down to see Sarah's father start to lick her pussy. BG SEX. As Sarah's father has first-time sex with the awkward yet eager to please Karen, Sarah's mother participates passively by holding the girl in various positions and encouraging her and her husband's love making. Throughout the sex, the camera regularly shows Sarah's father's point of view, as he looks down on his daughter's best friend and his wife. In the end, he cums on Karen's face while his wife looks up at him proudly.

When it is over, the stunned Karen doesn't know what to do. She wipes the cum off her face as the sweaty parents quickly tuck her in to bed, climbing on either side of her. As Sarah's mom turns out the light, she tells Karen that they'll all share the bed together tonight to make sure she doesn't have any more bad dreams. Karen asks again about Sarah and her father reminds her that she is just a sound snoozer and will wake up happily with them in the morning. She'll understand. They often share a bed all together when she gets scared. As they drift off, the camera slowly moves over to reveal Sarah's face for the first time. She has been lying, completely awake the whole ordeal, tears pouring down her face. She knew what her corrupt parents had planned for this holiday weekend and she led her best friend straight to them.

Sarah Sultry に 'Make-up Sex'

Sarah Sultry - Make-up Sex

Everyone who's ever had a fight with their significant other knows that make-up sex is the best kind of sex. Stirling cheated on Sarah months ago, but still she finds herself unable to forgive him. One day, when she's supposed to meet him, she stays home instead to teach him a lesson in consideration. He returns angry and they fight it out, again. The upside to yet another fight Another round of hot, passionate, and rough make-up sex.

Giselle Palmer に 'Work Cums First'

Giselle Palmer - Work Cums First

When Giselle's boss asks her to bring over some important documents that just can't wait, she jumps at the chance to impress, having idolized her boss for quite some time. The door is unlocked when she arrives, and Giselle steps into the lavish home to find her boss (Sarah Vandella) and her boss's husband (Stirling Cooper) dressed for a party. She demurely offers to leave, not wanting them to be late to their event, but the couple has no intention of letting such a gorgeous babe like Giselle out of their clutches anytime soon. Work may cum first, but one can hardly call the kind of fun this sexy trio gets up to be anything like work.

Ryan Keely に 'Progress Report'

Ryan Keely - Progress Report

Johnny sits down with his son's teacher, Miss Ryan, to discuss some disciplinary issues. Miss Ryan explains that Johnny Junior has been displaying inappropriate sexual behavior and Johnny feigns shock. He intentionally drops a pencil on the floor so he can look up Miss Ryan's skirt as she talks. Catching Johnny red-handed, Miss Ryan doles out some dirty discipline to return order to her classroom.

Ryan Keely に 'Getting Her Happy Ending'

Ryan Keely - Getting Her Happy Ending

Ryan has had it up to here with her clingy husband – he's always trying to do nice things for her, but his gestures never quite go as planned. When he hires Jordi, a young (but “highly recommended”) masseur, to come over and give his wife a rubdown, Ryan is anything but appreciative – despite her disappointment, she lies down and lets him do his thing. While Ryan's not a fan of Jordi's massage techniques, she finds a different way to put him to use… let's hope her hovering husband doesn't find out!

Ryan Keely に 'Midnight Magic'

Ryan Keely - Midnight Magic

Tall brunette Ryan Keeley was hoping she would have a magical evening with her man as she slipped into sexy lingerie and a hot party dress, but her night hasn't gone as planned. Looking for a break from her jealous boyfriend, Ryan slips into a dark bedroom, not realizing it's already occupied by another guest! Ebony stud Isiah strikes up a conversation, and when the clock strikes midnight, he suggests they make some magic together. With just one kiss from the tall, dark, and handsome stranger, all thoughts of her boyfriend disappear as Isiah's hands roam over her curvaceous body until Ryan is begging to feel him inside her. Before long, Isiah's huge cock is stretching her tight pussy and making her cum over and over, forgetting all about the party outside as she moans loudly in ecstasy. It's an enchanted evening Ryan will remember forever!

Ryan Keely に 'Contracts A Cock'

Ryan Keely - Contracts A Cock

Ryan has her contractor, Keiran, come over to install a sex swing as a surprise for her girlfriend, but when Keiran sees Ryan's kinky "playroom" he gets other ideas. Keiran secretly cuts a glory hole behind the dildo stuck onto Ryan's closet door, and after waving goodbye he slips back into the closet to replace the dildo with his cock. Ryan enters the room to try out the swing and makes use of what she thinks is her dildo. Keiran can't help but let out a moan and Ryan is surprised to learn she's fucking a real cock. Ryan is upset, but can she go back to plastic after sampling the real thing?

Sasha Steele に 'Ozzie tourist cums in blondes mouth'

Sasha Steele - Ozzie tourist cums in blondes mouth

I was driving along when I saw Stirling Cooper on the side of the road. He was an Ozzie touring the UK to take in the history, but I was more interested in taking in his big cock! Since he was Australian, I asked Sterling if he would felt like chucking his sausage on my barbie. He was a little shocked, but definitely interested! I hopped into the backseat and deepthroated his big cock, then pulled out my boobs so he could tit-fuck me. After he ate me pussy and licked my ass, I hopped on his hard cock and he fucked me hard and deep. By the time he gave me a facial, he shot spunk everywhere!

Kristen Jade に 'The Perfect Evening In'

Kristen Jade - The Perfect Evening In

He wasn't really to keen to go out so we decided to stay in. As we sat there casually watching tv he kept slowly edging his way closer to me until I was laying in his arms. After the first movie finished he put on another and then turned to face me. I wasn't sure if he was going to kiss me or ask me something so I just went for it. As we were kissing he made his move fast. I felt his hand run up under the bottom of my skirt and toward my pussy. I could feel myself starting to get wet when his fingers pulled my panties to the side....

Kimberlee に 'Getting Freaky On The Couch'

Kimberlee - Getting Freaky On The Couch

Stirling had never met Kimberlee before but now he finds himself sitting on the couch holding each other close with her sweet lips pressed gently against his. They made out for a while before helping each other get naked. Next Kimberlee dropped to her knees and started sucking on his cock until it was hard enough to break glass...

Jessie Lee Pierce に 'Seducing The Teacher'

Jessie Lee Pierce - Seducing The Teacher

At the start of the year Jessie was a top student but her grades started slipping. She started spending too much time with boys and not enough time actually studying. To help her get back to where she was she employed the help of her teacher for some extra one on one study time but like all hot blonde cheerleaders Jessie found a much easier way to earn herself top marks!

Gina Cherie に 'Fucking Her Tight Pink Pussy'

Gina Cherie - Fucking Her Tight Pink Pussy

We laid down on her bed and started kissing. She rubbed her soft hands up and down my body before wrapping her arms behind my back and hugging me tightly. Within minutes she had pulled my cock out and was pushing it so far into her mouth that I could feel it bending the with curve of her throat. It felt so good and I knew that I was going to cum any second now. I needed to return the pleasure before I blew my load so I pulled down her panties and fingered her wet pussy so well that she came on the spot...

Phoenix Marie に 'and Ryan Keely in Lesbian Girl on Girl'

Phoenix Marie - Lesbian Girl On Girl

Phoenix Marie is excited, but the chick she met online, Ryan Keely, is excited even more so. The two have been chatting over the Internet for sometime now because Ryan has been searching for a woman who's interested in being with another chick! It's Ryan's first experience, but Phoenix is a seasoned pro, so the hot blonde relaxes her friend when she arrives and tells her how hot she is! Pretty soon the tops come off and out drop the big tits for some sucking. The sexy blonde and hot brunette trade off smacking their lips on each others' pussies, then out come the dildos for some fucking! But after she takes it in her hot wet pussy, Phoenix asks for it in her ass! Ryan's excited to have her first anal experience with another woman!

Nicole Graves に 'Perks of the Penthouse Suite'

Nicole Graves - Perks of the Penthouse Suite

Rich Miss Graves is feeling dirty after a long trip, and badly needs a long shower and a good sweet fucking. But fantasizing about the hotel maid isn't quite doing it for her. Good thing hot little Maid Keely is only a phone call away...

Jelena Jensen に 'Hardcore Massage'

Jelena Jensen - Hardcore Massage

Jelena is hoping to have a good and hard massage this time, but Ryan is not capable of giving her what she really needs. Jelena lose it and gives Ryan an example of what a hardcore massage is!

Brooklyn Jade に 'My New BFF'

Brooklyn Jade - My New BFF

Ryan seems to have a way with people. However, her way with people isn't really a good way. She goes through friends like she goes through outfits. Lucky for her, her moms pockets are pretty deep, and she has no problem with buying her sweet little girl some new friends. Brooklyn is her new BFF today, and she's going to learn why Ryan has trouble holding on to friends...