Kink Partners '煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草)' 主演 Jet Setting Jasmine (写真 1)

Jet Setting Jasmine,King Noire に 'Kink Partners' - Smoke Doctors (Horny GOAT Weed) (Royal Fetish Films)


発売日 : 7月24日, 2020
タグ : Bbc, ビッグディック, ブラック, 黒髪, フェラチオ, 医師, 黒檀, フェチ, 医療フェチ, 混在, 筋肉質, 天然おっぱい, その他の髪の色, 猫食べる, 剃った, まっすぐ, 入れ墨, パートナースタジオ,

写真から Jet Setting Jasmine,King Noire に 'Kink Partners' Smoke Doctors (Horny GOAT Weed)

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 1)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 2)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 3)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 4)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 5)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 6)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 7)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 8)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 9)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 10)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 11)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 12)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 13)
Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink Partners' 煙の医者(角質ヤギ雑草) (サムネイル 14)

写真から Jet Setting Jasmine,King Noire に 'Kink Partners' Smoke Doctors (Horny GOAT Weed)

もっと 'Kink Partners' からのシーン Jet Setting Jasmine,King Noire

Jet Setting Jasmine に '変態ジョイ:ジャスミンはあなたにレッスンを教えます'

Jet Setting Jasmine - 変態ジョイ:ジャスミンはあなたにレッスンを教えます


King Noire に '喜びと賞賛:王ノワールが支配するケイシー・ケイ'

King Noire - 喜びと賞賛:王ノワールが支配するケイシー・ケイ


King Noire に 'Bdsmのバプテスマ:王ノワールとミロスカイ'

King Noire - Bdsmのバプテスマ:王ノワールとミロスカイ


Jet Setting Jasmine に '変態ジョイ:雨の日のジョイ'

Jet Setting Jasmine - 変態ジョイ:雨の日のジョイ

それは雨の夏の日であり、あなたはクイーンジェットセッティングジャスミンにサービスで家の少年として立ち往生するのに十分幸運です。彼女はあなたがゴミの一部だと思っていて、あなたは自分自身を十分に証明したことがないので、あなたはあなたの愛人から難しい教訓を取らなければなりません。彼女はあなたに彼女の顔と彼女の口に焦点を当てるように命じます。あなたは彼女の命令を取り込み、彼女は「女王ジャスミンが言う」のゲームを開始します。彼女は彼女の体の上下に彼女の指に従うように言います。彼女はあなたがあなたの目で彼女のゴージャスな体のすべての単一インチに従う方法で彼女の家のすべての単一のインチをきれいにしたいと考えています。あなたは彼女の肌があなたのオーガズムのロックを解除することができる唯一のものであると思ずらざるを得ません。あなたがそれを十分にきれいにしなければ、彼女はあなたの舌で彼女の家をきれいにさせると脅します。彼女は最終的にあなたの厄介なコックを取り出すことができます。あなたは来るのに十分な価値があることを証明していませんが、彼女はあなたが最終的にあなたのコックに触れさせましょう。彼女はあなたに本当に遅いストロークを指示します。スピードを 落として!彼女はあなたのコックから手を離し、あなたの体を披露させます。彼女はあなたの手を舐め、あなたの小さなプリックをなで続け、それを平手打ちするように言います。あなたはとても角質になってきているので、あなたは滴り落ちています。彼女はあなたが彼女のために見せびらかす前にそれを舐めます。あなたが近づいているのと同じように、彼女はあなたを止めさせます。ちょっと待って!彼女はあなたが十分に家を掃除したと決めるまで、あなたは兼に到達しません。しましたか。

Redhead Barbie に '甘いクッキーショップで変態xxxmas'

Redhead Barbie - 甘いクッキーショップで変態xxxmas


Karen Fisher に '私の夫はカック'

Karen Fisher - 私の夫はカック


King Noire に 'キティのためのミルクバス'

King Noire - キティのためのミルクバス


Jet Setting Jasmine に '私を所有する'

Jet Setting Jasmine - 私を所有する


Sarah Lace に '適切に伸ばされた'

Sarah Lace - 適切に伸ばされた


Jet Setting Jasmine に 'ジャスミンのカック:幸せな記念日'

Jet Setting Jasmine - ジャスミンのカック:幸せな記念日

結婚記念日おめでとう!高級レストランで夜を過ごした後、ジャスミンは彼女の恋人のためにもう一つの驚きを持っています, マイルス - 兼クリーニングカックになるという彼のファンタジーを満たします!彼女は、このファンタジーを生き生きとさせるために、古い大学の友人、ノワール王の要求を行います。マイルズは、ジャスミンが彼女の体に油を塗り、彼女の足をこすり、彼女が準備ができているように彼女の猫を舐めることによって準備するのに役立ちます。ジャスミンはキングスの体に慣れ直し、マイルス・カック空腹の目をコックに紹介するので、彼女は情熱が否定できないこれらの年を覚えています。マイルズは、彼女の顔にすべてのストロークとエクスタシーの表情を見て近くに滞在します。ジャスミンは彼女の中で王兼を感じたい、彼は義務と一緒にオーガズムは彼女の体を通して脈動します。それは彼女の満足した猫マイルから滴り落ちるように、それをすべてきれいにするためにそこにあります。結婚記念日おめでとう。

King Noire に '多発5合計'

King Noire - 多発5合計

キングノワールソングに触発された:愛する方法と欲望への多くの方法/ BDSMあなたはそれが好きです/ 私たちのカックはちょうど私たちが近くでファックするのを見るのが大好き/妻はそれをきれいにするためにそこに彼女の夫を覆う/ 厄介な私たちは単調さを破る必要があります/ コスプレメナゲリーすべての放浪者/ 姉妹の妻と潜水艦/ ライフスタイル&スウィンガーズクラブ/ 3sums 4sums moresums素晴らしい/ 渇きトラップ &スナックは部屋全体が飢えている/私のケーキを持ってそれを食べる/ 私たちはそれをすべて食べている別の意味を取る / 私たちはそれをすべて行い、それを真実に保つ/私はあなた以外の誰も望んでいません/私はあなたと一緒にポリでない限り.

Xerlina に '喜びで滅びる'

Xerlina - 喜びで滅びる


King Noire に '神聖なセックス'

King Noire - 神聖なセックス


King Noire に '見知らぬ医者'

King Noire - 見知らぬ医者

看護師に患者を引き渡した後、ノワール博士はジャスミン博士に診察室を訪れる。これらの奇妙な医師は、患者の間に多くの時間を持っていないので、彼らは降りて汚れる前に、紫色の杖と鏡でお互いを調べて、それを最大限に活用します。ジャスミン博士は、ノワレ博士の前の患者の前の患者の味が大好きで、「彼女はあなたにおいしい」とコメントしてから、彼女が望むものを彼女に与えます。すべての位置に記入されます。主演:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワール - 超常現象倒錯監督

Sara Jay に 'キングノワールとサラジェイ列車アンジェリーナカストロ'

Sara Jay - キングノワールとサラジェイ列車アンジェリーナカストロ

キングは再びサラジェイを支配するために戻ってきましたが、今回は彼はヘルパーを持っています。シーンは、アンジェリーナ・カストロがキングにインタビューして、人々が人々を受け入れ、より充実したレベルに彼らの関係を強化するためにフェチを最大限に活用するのを助けるために専門的に行うことについて始まります。インタビューの後、キング、サラ・ジェイ、アンジェリーナがプレーを始めます。サラは従順で、キングとアンジェリーナの命令に従う準備ができています。キングは、サラをドムする方法に関してアンジェリーナを導く。アンジェリーナは本当にサラが王のディックの周りに彼女の唇を包む見たいと思っています。サラは彼女の膝によく命令に従い、アンジェリーナは彼女の性奴隷が彼のディックを働くのを助けます。彼らは彼らの両方のサラサービスを経口で持っています、 その後、キングは、サラが彼のディックから兼を吸い取るまで、それらの両方をファックします。そのプレーの後、アンジェリーナはパワー交換に非常に興味をそそられ、再びプレーすることを熱望しています。

King Noire に '変態の紹介'

King Noire - 変態の紹介


Jet Setting Jasmine に '映画のような人生'

Jet Setting Jasmine - 映画のような人生


King Noire に '提出と救い'

King Noire - 提出と救い

「私の最初のシーンは夢のようでした。私の支配的な王ノワールと性交を共有するのは初めてで、すべてのパフォーマンスの前と同じように、私は緊張して興奮しました。私たちが始める前に、私の王は読んだ私のシャツについて尋ねました。「 破壊のために建てられた」実は兄の古いシャツでした。私は彼がそれを捨てたのを見たとき、私はそれを盗んで切った。私の王の次の質問は、「私に何を破壊したいですか?」場知らずの神経質な笑い声の後、私は「私の恐怖、王様」と答えます。私は彼の中で道に迷った。部屋には5人の人がいて、初めて見物人を撮影して性交しましたが、私が見たのは彼でした。時折のリマインダーに加えて、私はしばしばそこに他の誰かがいたことを忘れていました。そうやって私はセックスが存在すべきだと思う。それは美しかったです。夢のように。美しい、思いやりのある男と素晴らしい協力的な乗組員と美しいセット。わたしはどれほど幸運なことができますか。撮影・撮影:ハニー・サックル・マガジンとハニー・ロニット

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'キンクでラップソディ'

Jet Setting Jasmine - キンクでラップソディ


King Noire に 'スプレッダーバーカーマ経'

King Noire - スプレッダーバーカーマ経


King Noire に '所有:ケージと兼のために泣く'

King Noire - 所有:ケージと兼のために泣く


Vivienne Vai に 'エクスタシーを浴びる'

Vivienne Vai - エクスタシーを浴びる


King Noire に 'ラスベガス盗撮'

King Noire - ラスベガス盗撮

これはそれでした.私はついに盗撮体験をするつもりでした。アムステルダムにいる間にやってみたのは思っていましたが、神経を覚えたことはありません。私が待っている間、私は彼女がどんな顔をするのか疑問に思った。彼女は素晴らしかったです。私はすぐに彼女の笑い、彼女の笑顔、シャンパンへの愛、彼女の愛らしい不器用さと彼女がいかに過度に礼儀正しかったかに引き寄せられました。私のお気に入りの瞬間は私が期待していたものではありませんでした。それはヌードやセックスではありませんでした。彼女が首輪を付けるのを見ていたのは撮影でもそうではなかった。それは機知と少しスマックの話でいっぱいのチェスゲームでした。それは各キスの親密さと情熱でした。彼女がランジェリーの各部分を試着し、写真のためにポーズをとったので、私は目を離すことができませんでした。キング・サーは彼女を黒でほしかった。私はバーガンディを好んだが、それは問題ではなかった.何も長く続かなかった。私は興奮することを期待していました。私は興奮することを期待していました。私はカメラの侵入を嫌うとは思っていませんでした。私は羨望や憧れを期待していませんでした。私はこれが彼らの両方にとってどれほど自然であるかをうらやましく思いました.彼らが自分の肌にどれほど確信していたか、彼らの裸にどれほど快適か。私は彼女が彼のコックの周りに彼女の唇を包むのを見るのが大好きでした, だらしない, 濡れて, ギャグと窒息.私は彼が鎖をぎくしゃくさせ、彼女にワックスを霧雨させるのを見るのが大好きでした。私は彼女の提出を確信していなかったが、私は彼女の実験に感謝した。角に立っていると、私はまだ漂流を感じました。私はワックスの熱、パドルのスマックを感じ、愛撫、かじり、そこにいたかった。私は彼女を探検したかった.彼を探検する.探検される。彼女のパンティーが取り除かれ、彼女の底がむき出しになり、彼女のモンスの滑らかさが私の目に見えるようになったので、私の呼吸は私に大きく聞こえました。魅惑的な、私は後ろから見た - 彼女の足をスプレーして、私は彼女の猫の暗い割れ目を見ることができ、キングサーのコックは、それがわずかに跳ね返ったようにそれにうなずいているようでした.来て何が起こるかを見越しているかのように。しかし、まだです。キングサーは彼女を味わうために時間がかかり、太ももの間に空腹でラップし、各ピアス乳首に貪欲に微笑みました。彼は自分自身を配置し、私は明らかに彼のプリックが彼女に滑らかに滑り込むのを見ました。彼は深いため息を漏らして、彼女は彼女が彼を取り込むことができるかどうかはっきりと疑問に思って、一瞬息を止めました。空想はなく、私が証言するダンスのために私を準備した人はいません。彼は引き戻し、今ではクリームに浸されたかのように輝いていた彼のコックのほとんどを露出させた。彼は平手打ちで彼女に突っ込み、彼女は推力によって前方にぎくしゃくしたので、彼女は深い不満を出し、その後、彼は何度も何度もそれをしたので、息苦しい小さな息苦しみに減らされました。その生々しさは、その美しさに衝撃的でした。そして、それは自分自身に触れないように私の中ですべてを取った.彼らが働いていたことを思い出し、私は単に証人、ヴォユーズとしてそこにいました。何度も終わらせて欲しいと思いました。私は私の手をなめることができるように、私は私のパンティーを突っ込み、私の中に指を滑らせ、私が彼女であり、サー王が私に突っ込んでいたと想像しました。それとも、彼女が私を味わい、私を食い尽くし、私に提出するように教えている間、私は私の裸の栄光の中に表示されたことを。フィニッシュは、ラスベガスブルバードとベラージオの噴水のライトを背景に、バルコニーに来ました.それはラップです.ギアの梱包.バスルームのドアの開閉.クイックシャワーの音。キャストとクルーアウト、他の努力、他の探検にオフ。ヴォユーズだけで興奮し、乳首は硬く、パンティーはジュースで濡れ、まるで前戯が伸びたかのように.縁取りの練習.そして今、それは私の番でした。

King Noire に 'ケージとバインドアナルクリームパイ'

King Noire - ケージとバインドアナルクリームパイ

キティJは完全なふしだらな女であることが大好きで、彼女のドムは彼女を共有するのが大好きです。大きなディックのための彼女の飢餓が満足していることを確認するために、彼は赤い部屋に彼女を連れて来て、彼女がバーを通して猛烈にキングを吸い始めることができるように鳥かごに彼女の手を結ぶ。次のキティは立ち上がり、彼女の猫を提示し、彼女のろくでなしの周りに「厄介な雌犬」の入れ墨を公開するために冷たい金属ケージに腕でロープ。最後に、キティは、彼が彼女の脂肪のコックと重い負荷を彼女のタイトなお尻に入れて、彼女が彼女の入れ墨に生きているかどうかを知るので、彼は彼女のハードと深いコンドームの休憩をストロークとして、彼女の方法を持っている王ノイアのためのスパンキングベンチにバインドされています。この信じられないほど変態的なシーンは、ロープボンデージとラテックス手袋からDom / subの関係やコンドームの壊れに多数のフェチを注入します。これはRFFの最初の肛門シーンは、彼らが最善を尽くしている「キンクの王」と「厄介な雌犬」主演です!

King Noire に 'バンダナと至福'

King Noire - バンダナと至福


King Noire に '見た、聞こえない(母乳兼ショット)'

King Noire - 見た、聞こえない(母乳兼ショット)

見て、聞いていない。キングノワールとジェットセッティングジャスミンのサブ、リヴヴィニューは、ちょうど自分自身に彼女の期待を保つことができません。彼女はケージに入れ、ケージの上でファックするので、彼らの下でうめき声を上げるのは自由ですが、注意を求める彼女の争いは彼女を得るだけです。ジャスミンとキングタイムは中断され、彼らは彼らのブラットを罰する以外に選択肢がありません。彼女はケージから取り除かれ、フロッガー、缶、靴べり、乗馬作物からまつげを受け取るために立ち上がった。くすぐったい苦しみ、ホットワックス、スパンキングから、王のディックとジャスミンの猫でそれを満たすことによって口を閉じるように教えることまで - Livのレッスンは彼女の痛みとエクスタシーの限界を押し広げます。罰は、ストロークとなめが顔を求めて彼女の注意の上に精液と母乳の爆発で終わるように純粋な喜びに変身します!

他のサイトからの風景 Jet Setting Jasmine,King Noire

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Eva Maxim, Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Eva Maxim, Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire

Ready for a gender-bending threesome, TS Eva Maxim writhes in sexy panties. She shares raunchy kisses and gropes with cisgender female Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire, a studly, bald Lothario. Mr. Noire goes down on Eva with a hearty, deepthroat blowjob. He greedily eats Jasmine's hot snatch while Jasmine sucks on voluptuous Eva's boner. The buxom Eva drives her she-shaft into Jasmine's pussy and fucks it! King abruptly feeds his meat to the two ladies' hungry mouths. The muscular dude takes over in Jasmine's pussy, railing it while she sucks Eva's T-tool! Next, King reams Eva's asshole while she masturbates. Eva takes more anal slamming in different positions. Jasmine squeezes her nipples, showering the others in milky lactation! The adventurous tryst draws to a climax as Eva cums in King's mouth. He spurts out his nut. Jasmine feeds the powerhouse cocksman some of his own semen, and he licks it up with exhausted glee.

Isabella Nice に 'Ass Eaters Anonymous'

Isabella Nice - Ass Eaters Anonymous

Avery is obsessed. Obsessed with eating ass. When her roommate Isabella catches her munching on some butt – Avery lures her into her web of sloppy rimjobs. But even Isabella's boyfriend, King, is not safe from the bum-licking terror that is Avery. Of course, he kinda likes it - which leads to some sneaky anal with Avery and messy finish for all!

King Noire に 'Memories: Kira Noir and King Noir'

King Noire - Memories: Kira Noir and King Noir

Loss is a part of life. This is a lesson Kira Noir has had to learn recently. As she daydreams, thinking of her former lover King Noire, she can?t help but to drift into the memories of the hot, passionate sex the two used to have. Giving herself fully to him, the hot passion that they would share as she would submit to his each and every desire, the intoxicating pleasure he would give her. The memories of her former lover drive her wild and let her drift into ecstasy

King Noire に 'Breaks Janie Blade'

King Noire - Breaks Janie Blade

Janie Blade is tied to a Saint Andrews Cross in an abandoned building. King Noire enters and circles his prey like a hungry wolf. His sub breathes deeply, anticipating what?s to come. Sir King starts lightly, flogging her slowly and rhythmically, alternating between her white bubble-butt and slim shoulders with an occasional smack to her inner thighs sending a bold of excitement and energy flowing through her ass and cock. After an intense flogging session, he levels-up to a dragon-tail whip. Janie?s ass heats up and welts as the blood is drawn to the surface with each smack. King Noire reveals his own metal flogger that he designed himself and works over her ass to send her into another world. Next, she is bound on her knees, arms open, exposing her beautiful tits. He enters with a gigantic hard-on and slides his massive dick into her mouth and fucks her face until drool pours down her beautiful pink nipples. He alternates between pleasing himself with her mouth and tormenting her huge tits. To finish her off, he ties her down on a fuck bed with her wrists tied up around her neck, her lady cock is hard and her asshole pulsates, yearning to be beat and bred with his huge dick. He uses her asshole, strokes her dick until he busts his load all over her. After feeding her his cum, he leaves his pretty fuck-toy drooling and happy.

Jessy Dubai に 'Beating and Breeding: Jessy Dubai and King Noire'

Jessy Dubai - Beating and Breeding: Jessy Dubai and King Noire

Beauty and poise, this Latina bombshell is titillating. In this scene, Jessy is a sassy bratty bottom, and King is up for the challenge of Domming the Dom! As he slips a blindfold over her eyes, she slowly lets her guard down and falls into subspace. The ass beating calms her down to submission but once she falls to her knees, she?s rewarded with Sir King?s enormous cock down her throat. She gobbles his dick all the way down to the balls while still tied to the ladder in the creepy dungeon. After some ferocious cock-sucking, Jessy is strapped down to a fuck table. Sir King takes turns between feeding her his giant dick and fucking her back-pussy. Balls deep in her welcoming asshole, he stretches her out and finishes her off with a huge cumload, in and all over her ass. She gets covered with so much hot juicy cum, it needs to be seen to be believed. Excellent pairing with these two porn superstars Jessy Dubai and King Noire.

Pixi Lust に 'Don't Move! Pixi Lust and King Noir'

Pixi Lust - Don't Move! Pixi Lust and King Noir

Used for late night encounters by King Noir and his buddies, Pixi Lust waits nervously in an abandoned RV. The humidity builds as she breathes inside her hot latex mask. Dressed in all black, King Noir enters the RV and checks Pixi?s hands to see that they are fully restrained. Pixi?s feet ache in her high-heels as she gets her ass spanked. He pounds her with two leather floggers, building to a feverish pitch only to back away when the edge is reached. He toys with her. Pixi twitches and writhes with her hands tied in place. Her ass turns hot, pink, and more numb with each whack. King switches to a more intense toy; a dragon tail, two of them. The beating drives Pixi into a puddle on the floor. Her ass gets covered in pink and red welts. The thought of his huge dick is the only thing that gives her strength. King takes her mask off and shoves his huge ten inch dick down her throat, which still gasps for air. He fucks her mouth, gagging her over and over until drool drips like a broken sink. He shoves her faux leather panties inside her mouth and quickly works his huge cock into Pixi?s tiny asshole. She moans and screams with each thrust. She thanks him as he smacks her ass repeatedly. Deeper and deeper he grinds into her hole. She never thought it would feel this good. He grabs her cock and tugs as she begs him to let her cum. Losing all her inhibitions, King drives her wild, fucking her faster and harder as she arches her back, letting his thick manhood wreak havoc on her lady hole until he cums all over her! His thick load coats her asshole. She greedily eats his hot jizz from her ass cheeks, savoring each warm drop on her lips and tongue while she tries to hang on to the moment.

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'The Applicant: Jet Setting Jasmine and Avery Black'

Jet Setting Jasmine - The Applicant: Jet Setting Jasmine and Avery Black

Jet Setting Jasmine puts newcomer Avery Black through the ringer when she applies to be her sub in this kinky Whipped Ass update. Wearing tiny pink panties, matching see-through bra and heels Avery Black?s nipples are already hard anticipating the touch of Queen Jasmine, but Jasmine has a rigorous interview process for this little slut to find out if she is worthy of her time and dungeon. Avery boasts she?s really good at making lattes but by the end of the day she?ll be good at getting her ass whipped and taking Goddess Jasmine?s big cock. Jasmine pulls Avery over her knee and spanks her smooth, round ass until it turns bright red and then takes it further with the paddle on her sensitive inner thighs. Flipped over on her lap Avery is instructed to make herself cum so she rubs her wet clit while Jasmine watches as she wiggles and moans with pleasure.Now upside down in full suspension Avery is bound tight with her face smothered in Jasmine?s hot crotch. Avery desperately tries to reach Jasmine?s pussy with her tongue through the latex bodysuit and fishnet stockings she?s wearing but it?s difficult so the Goddess lowers her willing applicant to the ground and sits on her pretty face to make it easier. She puts clothes pins on her nipples and pussy lips then vibes Avery?s clit with the Hitachi while she gets herself off. The interview process continues with a double flogging on Avery?s ass until her legs are shaking and she is giggling from the pleasure and pain. Queen Jasmine has given all she can to this selfish horny slut, its time for Avery to prove what she can bring to the table. Sexy Avery straddles Jasmine?s strap on cock and gets to work fucking her pussy until she cums and cums as Jasmine zaps her with electricity. Jet Setting J decides she wants Avery to be her little cum mattress so she lays on top of her and vibes her own clit until she squirts all over the applicant?s ass. Welcome to the team Avery Black, you?re hired!

King Noire に 'Torrential, Episode 1: The Neighborly Thing to Do'

King Noire - Torrential, Episode 1: The Neighborly Thing to Do

In Kink's exclusive four-part series 'Torrential,' massive storms have moved in. Residents who are lucky enough to shelter in place find their own, kinky ways to weather the storm!In Part One of the series, King Noire, a successful businessman, cancels his plans with an important client just in time for needy neighbor, Little Spittle, to show up. Spittle arrives at his door cold and wet, and in a hurry to get comfortable, disrobes in front of King. It's obvious that these two have been building up sexual tension for some time. King whisks the topless Spittle up for some passionate kissing before laying them down on the couch for some enthusiastic pussy licking. Spittle comes multiple times under King's skilled tongue. Hungry for cock, Spittle takes King's huge cock in their mouth while receiving a firm spanking. Insatiable sexual hunger turns into a sixty-nine.The two enjoy themselves until the storm catches up to them, and the power finally goes out. King suggests the pair go into a room with some candles, and to Spittle's joyful surprise, King has a dungeon full of toys and enough candles to light the rest of their play session. King masterfully wields the floggers with a florentine flogging style that sends Spittle into a blissful state, before he paddles and fucks them in the pussy and ass. Finally, King flips Spittle over and they lay on their back to get fucked even harder. Spittle begs for King's load all over their face. King obliges and the pair spends the rest of the night keeping warm together.All 4 episodes in this series:Episode 1: The Neighborly Thing to DoEpisode 2: Secret Takedown Fantasy COMING 1/11Episode 3: Team Building COMING 1/25Episode 4: The Mistress Submits COMING 2/8

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Jasmine's Way 2'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Jasmine's Way 2

Surprise Surprise, Maus remembered to come to 69 Jasmine Way for his session! Jet Setting Jasmine is so pleased with her sub's training, that she decides to fuck his ass with her foot AND a monster strap-on. It's time for Maus to admit just what a filthy slut he really is - and when he does - Mistress Jasmine rewards him with a face full of squirt! Featuring bondage, anal, foot fucking, spanking, strap-on, deep throating, cum eating, hitachi, and squirting.

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Jasmine's Way: Part One'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Jasmine's Way: Part One

Maus has neglected his mistress, so when he finally comes to Jasmine's dungeon for a session, she has to put him through his paces to get him back in line. Tied down on his back, Maus services Jasmine with bootlicking, foot worship, and pussy licking. Jasmine entertains herself by shoving sounds into his piss hole. This provides him with immense pleasure further heightened by Jasmine's glorious pussy on his face. Jasmine sits on his face and cums before treating Maus to a beautiful Florentine flogging which leaves him begging for more…

King Noire に 'Puppy Play: King Noire and Jet Setting Jasmine Find Halo Out Of Her Cage'

King Noire - Puppy Play: King Noire and Jet Setting Jasmine Find Halo Out Of Her Cage

King Noire and Jet Setting Jasmine have their sights and cams trained on their caged pup, Halo. When Halo breaks free and gets into Jasmine's toys, King and Jasmine take the voyeuristic opportunity to get off on watching their forbidden self pleasure.King flogs Jasmine again and again, teasing her pussy and ass. As Halo cracks out the vibrator, cumming on it again and again. Jasmine swallow's King's giant dick, slurping and choking it down all while watching Halo's unwitting display. She then takes him in her pussy and he fucks her until he shoots his load in her mouth. Their voyeurism has paid off today, but Halo is in a world of trouble!

King Noire に 'Fantasy Fitness: Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire Work Out the Kinks'

King Noire - Fantasy Fitness: Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire Work Out the Kinks

Jasmine is struggling to get through her virtual workouts without her sexy trainer King Noire in person. He knows how much he motivates Jasmine with his creative ways to make her sweat, so he sends her his heavy dildo for a post work out burn that she is so accustomed to! As Jasmine reluctantly pushes herself to explore what it's like to self satisfy with King Noire in mind. Jasmine's fantasy takes a surreal turn where she can't determine what is real and what is KING! Warning: super HOT!

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kinky Self Care: Avery Jane and Jet Setting Jasmine'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Kinky Self Care: Avery Jane and Jet Setting Jasmine

Starlet Avery Jane sets up a Kinky Coach session with Psychological Dominatrix Jet Setting Jasmine. After a taxing few months of traveling, working and contending with the challenges of the ever-changing world we live in Avery is in need of a release. Jasmine and Avery do not allow travel restrictions to interfere with their pleasure or pain in this socially distanced BDSM session. The beautiful and coy Avery shares her need for a dose of self-care, but that does not mean a warm bath or manicure, it means taking her cues from her Kink Coach. Although miles away Jasmine uses technology to be an ever dominating presence in Avery's hotel room. Avery is invited to decorate her body with clothes pins, self-flog at the pace and intensity she deserves and finally fulfilling her own fantasy of being fucked airtight with her huge toys! Jasmine guides Avery through every step; reminding her to assert her needs and commands her to meet them. This session does not just take care of Avery's needs; Jasmine, a professional voyeur, takes full pleasure and cums just as hard as Avery.

King Noire に 'King Noire: Man Vs. Mango'

King Noire - King Noire: Man Vs. Mango

King Noire finds himself a lone survivor of a plane crash, stranded on a deserted island. Famished, King Noire searches the beach for food and stumbles upon an assortment of fruit. He finds a comfortable place and sits down to eat his found fruit. With his teeth, he rips away the fruits flesh. He bites the meat and sucks the juices. He gets so turned on by the flavors, he pulls out his huge hard cock and begins stroking it. He rubs mango up and down his cock and eats it as he jerks himself off with the juices until he cums hard into a cantaloupe.

King Noire に 'How to Worship a Goddess: Cuckolded and Taught a Lesson!'

King Noire - How to Worship a Goddess: Cuckolded and Taught a Lesson!

Goddess Jet Setting Jasmine is not satisfied with your performance as a service submissive. Tired of your constant failure, she invites her built, handsome, and hung lover King Noire over to show you just how pathetic your attempts to please her are in comparison to him. Though you will never measure up to such a man, maybe you'll learn something! She starts off by showing you the proper way to kiss and worship her feet, legs, and pussy. Sit patiently while she describes how King slowly uses his seductive mouth and tongue to turn her on. Watch as he uses his expert cunnilingus skills to make your goddess come in ways you have never dreamed of doing. You might get the chance to worship her pussy but you will never get the chance to experience what she does next. Jasmine compares your pathetic little cock to King's huge beautiful cock. She enjoys wrapping her lips and mouth around him, but would never think to give your puny cock that kind of attention. She works his cock like a master while she prepares to get pounded to her satisfaction by this masculine god. She would never ever dream of letting you inside of her divine pussy. You have no choice but to get a front row view of what you are missing out on, until she strokes and licks him to an orgasm as his huge sticky load drips onto her beautiful goddess body.

King Noire に 'Kink Noire: Beneath Your King'

King Noire - Kink Noire: Beneath Your King

Get ready to worship the body of your King. King Noire commands you to worship his body with your mouth and if you're good, he'll let you worship his hard fat cock. Lucky for you, your King is feeling generous and blows his load all over himself. Now get over here and lick it all up.

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Club Cuck: Jet Setting Jasmine Humiliates Dillon Diaz at King Noire's'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Club Cuck: Jet Setting Jasmine Humiliates Dillon Diaz at King Noire's

Jet Setting Jasmine has a date tonight with Dillon Diaz. They made plans to meet up at a popular nightclub. Jasmine is here but no Dillon. The club's owner, King Noire, can't help but notice a lovely lady sitting all alone in a dark corner. He offers her a drink to make her wait easier. Later, after the customers have gone and the club is closing, King is surprised to find Jasmine still waiting for her tardy date. One thing leads to another, and soon King is making Jasmine forget all about her date, that is until Dillon Diaz finally makes his appearance. Dillon begs for forgiveness, but his attitude only makes Jasmine angrier. If he truly wishes to make it up to Jasmine he will have to make amends. This is going to be a long night for Dillon, but for Jasmine the party is just getting started. First Dillon has to rub and lick and worship Jasmine's feet. She has him strip and then she attaches painful nipple clamps. With crop in hand, Dillon is exposed naked, suffering under the stinging blows. Jasmine uses a flogger on his ass, all the while King Noire watches with bemused interest. Next a leather strap. Dillon's humiliation is far from finished, as Jasmine attaches her strap-on dildo and penetrates Dillon's butt hole. As if he couldn't be humiliated further, Jasmine welcomes King's big hard cock while she pounds Dillon. King Noire fucks Jasmine from behind. Jasmine lets Dillon know how good King feels, how much he is pleasuring her, something Dillon had a chance to do but failed by arriving late. Jasmine's punishment knows no limits, now Dillon must get on his hands and knees, head bowed, while Jasmine lays on his back and spreads her legs wide for King Noire to fuck her long and hard. Jasmine screams with delight and beneath her Dillon can feel every shudder, every moan and every twitch of Jasmine's hot sexy body. Jasmine straddles poor Dillon while she sucks King's cock and Dillon can feel her wet pussy on his back, a pussy that will forever be denied him. The night is still young and now Dillon is tied up flat on his back. Jasmine hopes he's learned his lesson. His punishment is over and now she simply wants Dillon to see what he missed by making her wait all night. Jasmine straddles his head, doggy style, her pussy right over Dillon's face. King enters her from behind. Dillon has the best seat in the house for this late night humpfest. After a long hard fucking Jasmine slaps Dillon's useless dick. She frees one of his arms so he can jack off for her amusement, while she and King watch. The final insult comes when Jasmine licks King's cock until he cums, dropping his load right on Dillon's face. This is what happens when you waste Jet Setting Jasmine's time. And she even thinks Dillon is cute, can you imagine what she would do to your useless ass if you disappointed her like this?

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Yes Goddess: Jet Setting Jasmine and Tony Orlando'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Yes Goddess: Jet Setting Jasmine and Tony Orlando

Jet Setting Jasmine sits at her leather throne looking gorgeous and powerful. Graveling at her feet in a latex hood is Tony Orlando. She makes him clean her black high heeled shoes with his tongue and so he licks them clean including the soles. Jasmine tells Tony to remove her shoes and worship her stocking covered feet. He sniffs and licks them and she shoves them in his mouth. Next he's told to remove Jasmine's stockings and he does it slowly and continues licking her now naked feet and sucks her toes. Jasmine shoves both of her feet into his big mouth. She makes him remove his leather jock and she presses her toes against his cock and scolds him for producing pre-cum without permission. She feeds it to him with her feet and he tells her he's sorry. She commands him to sniff and to lick her underarms and as he does, she traps his nose and mouth in there, gets him in a headlock and squeezes. In the next scene, Jasmine wields a giant dildo attached to her strap-on. She has Tony bent over a leather padded cage in a black straight jacket, with a blindfold covering his eyes and a ball gag in his mouth. She flogs his ass with a flogger in each hand and after his ass turns pink, she slides the huge dildo into his asshole and fucks him deep. Jasmine puts Tony on the floor with his ass in the air. She slides on latex stockings, lubes them up and shoves almost her whole foot into Tony's ass. He backs up onto his Goddess' foot, trying to fit the heel in, and she takes her foot out and makes him clean it off with his mouth for being such a greedy slut. Next, Jasmine has Tony on his back, on top of a padded table, covered in layers of plastic wrap, unable to move. She cuts a hole, made only for his cock and pulls it out. She lubes up a sounding rod and shoves it deep down Tony's urethra and fucks his pee hole with the metal rod. After that, she relieves her full breasts on to Tony's face, squeezing them and showering him with her breast milk. He frees one of his hands to jerk off and cums while them warm milk rains from his Goddess.

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Beautiful Mistress of the night has a thirst for Virgin Blood'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Beautiful Mistress of the night has a thirst for Virgin Blood

Kelli Lox has been a long time, loyal minion for her mistress of the night, Jet Setting Jasmine. Jasmine is a sexy ebony vampire who recruits Kelli Lox into bringer her fresh young blood to suck. Kelli has been so loyal for so long and she's getting eager for Jasmine to turn her into a vampire but Jasmine just never thought Kelli was worthy. When Kelli reveals a few secrets of her own to Jasmine, Jasmine, lust for blood and orgasms are insatiable. Jasmine ties up her long time assistant who is dressed in skin tight red and black latex that compliments her perfect lean body. Jasmine reveals Kelli's huge pulsating cock. All the blood pumping through Kelli's cock drive's Jet setting jasmine insane. She sucks on the cock and gets her undead pussy ready to take the whole pounding cock. Jasmine takes off her corset and moves her fishnet body stocking away just enough for Kelli's cock to slide in and out around it. Jasmine rides Kelli's hard throbbing cock until both ladies cum hard. Knowing how special Kelli is, Jasmine is going to finally turn Kelli so these two hot lesbian vampires can suck each other off all the time. Hot bondage blowjob followed by passionate fucking!

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Orgasm on the Mat Wears down wrestler. She can not continue'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Orgasm on the Mat Wears down wrestler. She can not continue

Jet Setting Jasmine didn't know what was coming to her today. She took on Daisy Ducati and she wasn't ready for how horny Daisy was going to make her. Daisy is relentless with this fighter. Jasmine gives everything she has not to cum during wreslting, but her pussy gets the best of her and when she does cum, she cums hard. Penny Barber steps in as ref and welcomes Jasmine to Ultimate Surrender with a good ole fashioned tag team up on the little horny, orgasmic rookie.

Bella Rossi に 'Bratty Orgasmic Rookie is annihilated on the Mats'

Bella Rossi - Bratty Orgasmic Rookie is annihilated on the Mats

Welcome Jet Setting Jasmine to Ultimate Surrender, Bella Rossi Style. Jasmine is trapped on the mats and made to cum with explosive orgasms.Loser get completely dominated by the winner, sucks cock gets strap on fucked and face sat. 100% real competitive lesbian wrestling.

King Noire に 'King Noire'

King Noire - King Noire

After a hard day at the office, King Noire is interested in relaxing and taking a load off. He works in a fast-paced environment and knows that the best way to rejuvenate his senses is to spend some time stroking his incredibly huge cock. But King also knows that tender care is necessary to properly bust an explosive nut, the way he likes. He's letting you join him for this very intimate session, where he's taking off his jacket, unbuttoning his shirt, and removing his pants. You'll be shocked at the size of his behemoth dong once he gets down to biz. King is happy you're here to share this, his favorite part of the day. His dick is well oiled, fully flared, and hungry for attention. He jerks hard and works up an intense rhythm. Go with King to his special place, where pleasure soothes all wounds and pressures from the world fade far away. Enjoy!