Kink '報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス' 主演 April Olsen (写真 4)

April Olsen,Dillon Diaz に 'Kink' - Reaping the Rewards: April Olsen and Dillon Diaz (Divine Bitches)


発売日 : 6月23日, 2022
タグ : bdsm, 巨乳, ボンデージ, ブルネット, ケージ, CBT, 体罰, ドミナトリックス, ダンジョン, 顔面騎乗, 女王, , 屈辱, Male Sub, 筋肉質, 天然おっぱい, オルガスム否認, ペギング, 前立腺刺激, 猫食べる, スレーブ, まっすぐ, スタッド, スイッチ, 入れ墨, トーン, , バイブレーター,

写真から April Olsen,Dillon Diaz に 'Kink' Reaping the Rewards: April Olsen and Dillon Diaz

April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 1)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 2)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 3)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 4)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 5)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 6)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 7)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 8)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 9)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 10)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 11)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 12)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 13)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 14)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 15)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 16)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 17)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 18)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 19)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 20)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 21)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 22)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 23)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 24)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 25)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 26)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 27)
April Olsen に 'Kink' 報酬を刈り取る:エイプリル・オルセンとディロン・ディアス (サムネイル 28)

写真から April Olsen,Dillon Diaz に 'Kink' Reaping the Rewards: April Olsen and Dillon Diaz

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン April Olsen,Dillon Diaz

Hazel Grace に 'ヘーゼルにロープを見せる'

Hazel Grace - ヘーゼルにロープを見せる


Dillon Diaz に '女王様のオアシス:トミー・キングとディロン・ディアス'

Dillon Diaz - 女王様のオアシス:トミー・キングとディロン・ディアス


April Olsen に 'トラブルを探しています:エイプリルオルセンとトミーピストル'

April Olsen - トラブルを探しています:エイプリルオルセンとトミーピストル


Harper Maddoxx に 'ラフなもの:小柄な女ハーパーマドックス野蛮に輪姦'

Harper Maddoxx - ラフなもの:小柄な女ハーパーマドックス野蛮に輪姦


Dillon Diaz に 'チャーリーバレンタインとディロンディアス:あなたの喜びを獲得する'

Dillon Diaz - チャーリーバレンタインとディロンディアス:あなたの喜びを獲得する


Skye Maye に 'このセールを行う'

Skye Maye - このセールを行う


April Olsen に 'エイプリルオルセン:どうしようもなく縛られている'

April Olsen - エイプリルオルセン:どうしようもなく縛られている


April Olsen に 'and Hatler: Bon App'tit.'

April Olsen - and Hatler: Bon App'tit.


April Olsen に '非常に良い男の子:エイプリルオルセンとマイケルラスベガス'

April Olsen - 非常に良い男の子:エイプリルオルセンとマイケルラスベガス


April Olsen に 'はい愛人:4月のオルセンとjjの墓'

April Olsen - はい愛人:4月のオルセンとjjの墓


April Olsen に '汚れた愛、エピソード7:決定'

April Olsen - 汚れた愛、エピソード7:決定


April Olsen に '汚れた愛、エピソード3:ゲーマーインキュバス'

April Olsen - 汚れた愛、エピソード3:ゲーマーインキュバス

『Tainted Love』の第3弾では、クイントンが彼女のためにピアノを弾く中、エイプリルはリラックスしている。彼らはエイプリルがデートをした次の仲間についてチャットし始め、今回はエイプリルの性生活よりももう少し多くを発見します。エイプリルは、トミーと彼の場所で過ごすために寒い時間を設定しました。彼らはお互いを知り、それが最終的に彼らが本当にお互いを知るようになることにつながります。私たちのほとんどがそうであるように、彼らは少しぎこちないところから始めますが、一度自分のリズムを見つけると、お互いを十分に得ることができません。服が脱がれ、肉が露わになり、蒸し暑いセックスと、それぞれが何に関わっているかを見るための力交換につながります。アクションを彼の寝室に移動し、彼女が来た経験を彼女に与えるために必要なすべてのものを持っています。エイプリルは、彼女を拘束するために異なるものを使用して、いくつかの異なる位置に縛られています。最初はトップですが、トミーは革ベルト、フロガーを破り、もちろん汚れたセックスもたくさんあります。汚れた愛?シリーズメインページこのシリーズの7つのエピソード:エピソード1:スイッチエピソード2:ハイプロトコルエピソード3:ゲーマーインキュバスエピソード4:従順 - カミング4/12エピソード5:ブラット - カミング4/19エピソード6:サキュバス - カミング4/26エピソード7:決定 - カミング5/3

April Olsen に '汚れた愛、エピソード2:高いプロトコル'

April Olsen - 汚れた愛、エピソード2:高いプロトコル

キンクのエピソード2では.comの7部構成のシリーズ?汚れた愛、?エイプリルとクイントンは、エイプリルがデリックPierce.April という名前の高プロトコルトップを含む彼女の次の物語を語り始めると、少しスナックのために台所に移動しているデリックの家に到着します少し緊張しますが、そのような高いプロトコル環境で何が起こるかを見て興奮しています。彼らは寝室に移動する前に素敵な夕食をとり、そこでデリックは彼女をBDSMの彼の世界に導きます。彼は彼女を彼が彼女に望んでいるという考え方に彼女を連れて行くためにいくつかの基本的なD / sトレーニングから始めますが、彼女が手順にOKであることを確認するために絶えずチェックインします。エイプリルは喜んで活動に同意するので、デリックは束縛と支配でそれのために行きます!彼女は彼が彼女に彼のコックを吸うことを許す前に検査され、それからより激しい活動に移ります。彼女は最終的に犬のような姿勢でベッドに縛られ、足を広げてかがみこまれます。デリックは、彼女を複数のオーガズムに陥れる前に、彼のフロガーで体罰を発する。強度は他のすべてと一緒に増加しますが、最終的に私たちは4月が非常に満足のいく従順であることを見つけます!?汚れた愛?シリーズメインページこのシリーズの7つのエピソード:エピソード1:スイッチエピソード2:ハイプロトコルエピソード3:ゲーマーインキュバス - カミング4/5エピソード4:従順 - カミング4/12エピソード5:ブラット - カミング4/19エピソード6:サキュバス - カミング4/26エピソード7:決定 - カミング5/3

April Olsen に '汚れた愛、エピソード1:スイッチ'

April Olsen - 汚れた愛、エピソード1:スイッチ が発表することを誇りに思っていますか?汚れた愛、?ジョンポール教皇監督による7部構成の独占シリーズ。エピソード1では、エイプリル・オルセンとクイントン・ジェームズ、長い間お互いに会っていない親友を紹介しました。彼らはついに一緒に過ごし、お互いの個人的な生活に追いつく日を持っています。彼らは素敵なコーヒーを飲みながら、エイプリルの最近の性的逃避行の1つ、David.April と David が素早くランデブーし、デイビッドの場所に戻って夜を盛り上げます。彼らはBDSM探査を通して本当にお互いを知るようになります。デイヴィッドはエイプリルを胸のハーネスで縛り、両手の箱を背中の後ろで縛った。彼は彼女とより快適になるにつれて彼女の体を探検し始めます。エイプリルは彼に彼女と荒れ合うように勧めるので、彼はすぐにいくらかの支配を義務付けます。夜はさらなる束縛で続き、彼女が彼に彼の兼ね合いで彼女を覆ってくれるように懇願するまで、彼は4月の穴を使います。汚れた愛?シリーズメインページこのシリーズの7つのエピソード:エピソード1:スイッチエピソード2:ハイプロトコル - カミング3/29エピソード3:ゲーマーインキュバス - カミング4/5エピソード4:従順 - カミング4/12エピソード5:ブラット - カミング4/19エピソード6:サキュバス - カミング4/26エピソード7:決定 - カミング5/3

April Olsen に 'Dominated in Brutal Bondage'

April Olsen - Dominated in Brutal Bondage

エイプリルオルセンはまだBDSMシーンに非常に新しいです, しかし、彼女はそれのすべてに非常に興味があり、より多くを探求したいと考えています.今日、彼女はインターネット上で意地悪な母親のファッカー、教皇自身と支配してクラッシュコースを取得します。4月は、彼女の手がシャックルされている木製の柱の間に立って広がるワシで始まります。彼女の足はスチールストラップで所定の位置に保持され、教皇はすぐに心のファッケリーのゲームをプレイするために彼女を目隠しします。彼女は、何が彼女を襲ったか知る前に、むち打たれ、たたき、指を犯し、兼に作られています。複数の強力なオーガズムの後、私たちはギアをシフトし、彼女の手をストラップパドに引き戻してひざまずく位置に4月を置きます。大きな読み取りボールギャグは、すべての自分の上に狂ったようにこのふしだらなよだれを作るために追加されます。ニップルクランプを追加し、重みをそれらに結び付け、テーブルの端にあるポールの上に掛けます。エイプリルは今回痛みに緩和するのに苦労しているので、教皇は彼女がバイブでオーガズムで彼女を助けます。彼女はもう少し試みるが、最終的にそれらを削除する必要があります。教皇はザッパーに彼女を紹介し、突然4月はゲームに戻って、再び苦しむ準備ができています!彼女は厳しい最終位置に置かれる前に、いくつかのより多くのオーガズムで報われます。エイプリルは背中を背負って背中を押し、背中を曲げて、彼女をほとんど端に押し上げます。教皇は、最大の苦しみを与えるために、フロッガー、作物、および彼の手との残忍なインパクトセッションに従事しています。彼女が壊れるのが終わったので、彼はパズルに最後のピースを1つ追加し、彼女の足の間にシビアンを置きます。私たちは皆、これが何を意味するか知っています、そしてそれが急増するにつれて、4月は制御不能に精子を出し始めます。今日は、彼女が教皇にそれをすべて与えた日として永遠に彼女の記憶に焼き付ける日です!

Ryan Keely に '集中豪雨、エピソード4:愛人が提出する'

Ryan Keely - 集中豪雨、エピソード4:愛人が提出する


April Olsen に 'セクシーなふしだらな女エイプリルセンは、厳しい束縛でハード'

April Olsen - セクシーなふしだらな女エイプリルセンは、厳しい束縛でハード

新鮮な肉エイプリルオルセンは、1セクシーなふしだらな女であり、これは との彼女の最初のボンデージシーンです。縛られ、ギャグ彼女はボックスネクタイで背中の後ろに腕を引っ張って立っている位置で始まります。教皇が入ると、エイプリルは期待して微笑みます。彼は彼女の驚くべきおっぱいを手探りで、彼女の曲がりくねったお尻をたたき、フロッガーで彼女を鞭打ちます。より多くのロープは、束縛を強化し、彼女の苦しみを高めるために追加されます。片足は引き上げ、彼女の猫を露出し、日立といくつかの猛烈な指のファックで彼女の兼を作るために縛られています。次のシーンは、竹に縛られた腕を持つ見事な反転サスペンションでアーチバックで4月を逆さまにしています。彼女のおっぱいと敏感な太ももに強烈なむち打ちは、教皇が彼女の口の中に脂肪ディルドを詰め込み、彼女が一生懸命に精液するまで彼女の猫をファックするので、いくつかのコックを渇望するこのふしだらな女を取得します。オーガズムは4月に非常に激しくなるので、彼は作物で彼女を罰することに戻り、日立が彼女を端に押し込んで再び彼女を殴ります。最後のシーンでは、4月は腕と脚が広がり、しっかりと縛られた彼女の背中にあります。教皇は、彼女がもうそれを取ることができないまで、いくつかのバスティナドで彼女の敏感な足の底を恐怖に陥れるのにカインを使用しています。しかし、彼女はより多くを取る必要がありますので、彼は彼女の猫をバイブし、彼女は再びオーガズムを吹く心で叫ぶまで彼女のふしだらな穴を指します。

April Olsen に 'ケージキティ:エイプリルオルセンはチャーリーバレンタインをアナリー支配'

April Olsen - ケージキティ:エイプリルオルセンはチャーリーバレンタインをアナリー支配


Mona Wales に '排水:部分3'

Mona Wales - 排水:部分3


Aspen Brooks に 'アシスタント:アスペンブルックスとディロンディアス'

Aspen Brooks - アシスタント:アスペンブルックスとディロンディアス


Helena Locke に 'あなたの距離を保つ:ヘレナロックとディロンディアス'

Helena Locke - あなたの距離を保つ:ヘレナロックとディロンディアス

貧しいディロン・ディアスは長い間純潔に閉じ込められており、ヘレナ・ロックがケージに入れる前の人生がどんなものか思い出せません。彼はオーガズムを持つために必死なので、彼女が一度だけ来るように彼に頼むものを提供するために彼のドンムに連絡しました。ドミナ・ヘレナは忙しい女性で、彼女の周りに続く角質の小さな潜水艦のための時間がありません, 性的満足を懇願.ディロンにとって幸運なことに、彼女は交渉する意思がある。彼がビートレッドになるまで自分自身を平手打ちし、背中のHARDを詰め込み、ディルドを深くし、ワイヤーハンガーで彼のコックを殴った場合、彼女は彼に1つのオーガズムを許可することを検討します。ヘレナは赤いラテックスの絶対的な爆弾です。彼女は彼女の栄光のお尻とピンクの猫の覗きで彼をからかうが、彼の気晴らしが彼の自己旗揚げに影響を与えるとすぐにそれを奪う。彼の欲望は、ヘレナを楽しませ、目の前のタスクの邪魔をすることはできません。彼が一生懸命に自分自身を打つほど、彼女は彼の気まぐれやうめき声に喜びを取って、彼女が笑う難しい。このサブは、彼がすでに彼のお尻にオンとスイッチを入れて振動バットプラグでセッションを開始することを喜ばせるために熱心です。彼はヘレナがイニシアチブを取ったことを喜ぶだろうと思ったが、彼はひどく間違っていた。ヘレナは自分で考える許可を与えなかった。彼女は乳首クランプをオンにディルドに乗って彼に彼自身のお尻をファックしています。彼女は彼に両方のクリップに取り付けられたチェーンに彼のハードコックを置くように言います。今日は痛みのない喜びはありません。彼は今までに彼のために設定された非常に基本的なルールを知っている必要があります。彼は自由意志や創造的な思考を持っていない、彼が来ることを許可されている場合、彼はそれを食べなければならない、と彼は彼女が彼と一緒に終わったときに彼のケージに戻ります。

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'クラブカック:ジェットセッティングジャスミンはキングノワールのディロンディアスに恥をかかせる'

Jet Setting Jasmine - クラブカック:ジェットセッティングジャスミンはキングノワールのディロンディアスに恥をかかせる

ジェットセッティングジャスミンは、ディロンディアスと今夜の日付を持っています。彼らは人気のナイトクラブで会う計画を立てた。ジャスミンはここにいるが、ディロンはいない。クラブのオーナー、ノワール王は、暗いコーナーに一人で座っている素敵な女性に気づかずにはいられません。彼は彼女を楽に待たせるために彼女に飲み物を提供します。その後、顧客が行ってクラブが閉鎖された後、キングはまだ彼女の遅い日付を待っているジャスミンを見つけて驚いています。一つのことは別につながり、すぐにキングはジャスミンが彼女のデートのすべてを忘れさせている、それはディロン・ディアスがついに彼の出現をするまでです。ディロンは許しを請うが、彼の態度はジャスミンを怒らせるだけだ。彼が本当にジャスミンにそれを埋め合わせたいなら、彼は償いをしなければならないでしょう。これはディロンにとって長い夜になるだろうが、ジャスミンにとってパーティーは始まったばかりだ。最初のディロンは、ジャスミンの足をこすり、なめ、崇拝する必要があります。彼女は彼のストリップを持っているし、彼女は痛みを伴う乳首クランプを取り付けます。作物を手にして、ディロンは裸にさらされ、刺すような打撃の下で苦しんでいます。ジャスミンは彼のお尻にフロッガーを使用しています, すべての間、ノア王は興味を捨てた時計.次に革のストラップ。ジャスミンがストラップオンディルドを取り付け、ディロンのお尻の穴を貫通するので、ディロンの屈辱は決して終わっていません。彼はさらに恥をかかせることができないかのように、ジャスミンは彼女がディロンを打っている間、キングの大きなハードコックを歓迎します。キングノワールは後ろからジャスミンをファック。ジャスミンは、ディロンがキングがどれほど良い感じか、彼がどれほど彼女を喜ばせているのか、ディロンは何かをする機会があったが、遅れて到着して失敗したことを知らせます。ジャスミンの罰は限界を知らない、今ディロンは彼の手と膝に乗る必要があり、頭を下げ、ジャスミンは背中に横たわり、ノワール王が彼女の長く一生懸命ファックするために彼女の足を広げます。ジャスミンは喜びで叫び、彼女のディロンの下にジャスミンの熱いセクシーな体のすべての震え、すべてのうめき声とすべてのツイッチを感じることができます。ジャスミンは、彼女が王のコックを吸っている間、貧しいディロンにまたがり、ディロンは彼の背中に彼女の濡れた猫、永遠に彼を拒否される猫を感じることができます。夜はまだ若く、今ディロンは背中に平らに縛られています。ジャスミンは自分の教訓を学んだことを願っています。彼の罰は終わり、今、彼女は単にディロンが彼女を一晩中待たせることによって彼が逃したものを見てほしいと思っています。ジャスミンは彼の頭、犬のスタイル、ディロンの顔の上に彼女の猫にまたがる。王は後ろから彼女に入ります。ディロンは、この深夜のこぶしのための家の中で最高の座席を持っています。長いハードファックジャスミンはディロンの役に立たないディックを平手打ちした後。彼女は彼とキングが見ている間、彼が彼女の娯楽のためにジャックオフできるように、彼の腕の1つを解放します。最後の侮辱は、ジャスミンが王のコックをなめるまで、ディロンの顔に負荷を落とすときに起こります。これは、ジェットセッティングジャスミンの時間を無駄にしたときに起こることです。そして、彼女はディロンがかわいいとさえ思う、あなたはあなたがこのように彼女を失望させた場合、彼女はあなたの役に立たないお尻に何をするか想像できますか?

Lauren Phillips に '良い少年を罰する:変態カップルはFemDomの罰と痛みを探る'

Lauren Phillips - 良い少年を罰する:変態カップルはFemDomの罰と痛みを探る

見事なローレン・フィリップスは、彼氏のディロン・ディアスを目隠しして神秘的な部屋に連れて行きます。黒のドレスとストッキングに身を包んだ彼女は、ボーイフレンドをソファに案内します。 1周年を迎えて、彼女は彼を驚かせました。彼の感覚をからかい、彼女は服を脱ぎ、コルセットと腿の高いブーツにファスナーを締めます。ジッパーの音は彼を興奮させますが、彼にはどんな罰と喜びが待ち受けているのか分かりません。プレイする準備はいい。彼女のコルセットのローレンは、彼女の自然な巨乳の胸を見せて、彼女に彼の彼女の支配的なフェムドム側を見せようとしています。最初に、彼は裸になります。しかし、ルールがあります。彼女はミス・フィリップスであり、ダンジョンで尊敬されます。彼の顔を激しく叩くと、彼にルールを思い出させる。次は痛みです。乳頭クランプが出て、適用されると彼は悲鳴を上げます。彼のチンポは、胸の鎖に引っ張られると硬くなります。彼はそれらを外して欲しいと懇願し、彼女は彼をより激しく叩きます。四つんばいでひっくり返り、彼女はパドルを引き出し、彼は彼のお尻を叩きます。ミス・フィリップス。彼は彼の愛人のための良い男の子になりますか。ロープボンデージで縛られ、彼は彼女の足とストッキングを崇拝し始めます。彼女は彼女の足を口に押し込みます。ああ、でもこの善良な少年が置くことができるのは口です。彼女が着ているこの大きなストラップはどうですか。彼は最初にそれを濡らしてから、深い肛門ストラップオン・ファックをします。彼女は彼の顔の上に座って、彼女のお尻で彼を窒息させます。ああ、それは彼女の喜びの時です、これはいい子だけの話ではありません。ロープボンデージサスペンションで縛られ、彼は彼女のお尻を食べて、猫をなめることで彼女の猫を喜びさせる。今、彼女は彼の体、彼のハードコックを使用します。彼女は彼を激しくファックし、日立と激しく絶頂します。このいい子も中出しできますか?

他のサイトからの風景 April Olsen,Dillon Diaz

April Olsen に 'All Anal For Sexy April Olsen'

April Olsen - All Anal For Sexy April Olsen

April Olsen was born for porn. This incredibly sexy brunette babe has no holes off limits and tonight she is in the mood for anal. She is a small girl but has no problems stretching out her tight ass for her own pleasure. She throats this hard dick before sliding it deep in her soft, warm ass. She moans while bouncing up and down as she feels every inch slide in and out of her. And there is no better way to finish off than with an anal creampie!!

Vanna Bardot に 'Sweet Music'

Vanna Bardot - Sweet Music

Vanna's new girlfriend April loves to rock and roll. Vanna is more of a slow jam girl, but a lap dance might help these two get into a groove.

April Olsen に 'Ski Mask Slut Spices it Up!'

April Olsen - Ski Mask Slut Spices it Up!

While April Olsen and Dan Damage are fooling around in bed, about to make things extra spicy with a pair of handcuffs, they hear what sounds like someone breaking into the house! Turns out they've got a hot cat burglar on their hands – a ski mask wearing babe with big tits, Chloe Cooper. The opportunity to get really kinky presents itself, so why not take advantage? The couple teams up against the intruder and wrap her up into a threesome to teach her a lesson!

April Olsen に 'Gorgeous April Lives Her Double Penetration Fantasy'

April Olsen - Gorgeous April Lives Her Double Penetration Fantasy

In her green velvet minidress, April helps a senior sales associate teach his protégé a little something about confidence. After a wild night, it's April who ends up getting her deal sealed.

Dillon Diaz に 'Happy Birthday'

Dillon Diaz - Happy Birthday

It?s Dillon?s birthday and he?s spending it indulging I his favorite activity ? a session with hot Mistress Rocky Emerson. He?s one of her regulars so he knows the drill. She makes him crawl in and take his clothes off, then warms him up with spanking, paddle and cane. Then, she dons her strap-on and it?s time for a blow job, with Dillon impressing his Mistress with his work with a Bad Dragon tentacle cock. Rocky rails him but good with the blue dick, and then swears him to secrecy: since it?s his birthday, she?s going to go against dungeon rules and have actual, traditional sex with him! Dillon promises he won?t tell anyone, ever, and is treated to a mutually satisfying birthday fuck.

Dillon Diaz に 'Convulsing Paingasms: Dillon Diaz and Yinne DeDom'

Dillon Diaz - Convulsing Paingasms: Dillon Diaz and Yinne DeDom

Dillon Diaz commands Yinnie DeDom to strip down to his underwear and get on his knees. Dillon makes him take deep whiffs of his musky balls through his tight black jeans. After that Yinnie gets tied up in rope bondage with a bit in his mouth. With a heavy hand, Dillon hits him repeatedly with a leather crop and then hits him even harder with his gloved hands, sending Yinnie into convulsions.Dillon grabs his big wooden paddle and beats Yinnie in the chest with it. Yinnie screams, laughs, and begs for more. In the next scene, Yinnie is naked with his legs spread, and tied up with rope to a black examination chair. Dillon gets an even bigger wooden paddle and goes to work on Yinnie?s legs, and Yinnie screams and shivers, all while holding a metal plug in his ass.He zaps Yinnie with the electric zapper and then scrapes his body with an electrified brush. In the next scene, Yinnie is tied up on his side with his leg in the air and Dillon fucks his mouth with his huge cock. He canes Yinnie?s legs and feet and then moves on to fuck his ass. Dillon shoves his montrous meat inside Yinnie?s hairy asshole and fucks him raw and hard until they both shoot their loads.

Vanna Bardot に 'Influence: Vanna Bardot - Part 4'

Vanna Bardot - Influence: Vanna Bardot - Part 4

With her girl gang of Vicki and April on her arms, Vanna gives her sex club a grand opening. And as for the millions in cash she stole, all that lingerie didn't pay for itself. Part 4 of 5. Stay looped in with the conclusion on BLACKED.

April Olsen に 'And Jane Wild Go On An Ass To Mouth Adventure'

April Olsen - And Jane Wild Go On An Ass To Mouth Adventure

April Olsen and Jain Wilde are to undisputed ASS To Mouth queens. These girls take Michael Stefano on a ride he will never forget. These girls take their sexual escapade to a whole new level.

April Olsen に 'APRIL OLSEN Private POV Anal Date'

April Olsen - APRIL OLSEN Private POV Anal Date

Silky brunette heartbreaker April Olsen teases in blue lingerie that complements her artistic tattoo work. The gorgeous, long-haired vixen shares a private date with top porn director/performer Mick Blue, whose POV lens captures their intimacy. With the camera work putting viewers practically in the scene, April gives Mick a blowjob, and the irrepressible girl rims his asshole. Next, she takes his big cock between her thick pussy lips and rides, bouncing and masturbating as his pole plunges inside her. April presses a whirring vibrator onto her hairy patch while Mick stuffs his lubed prick up her ass for a regal anal railing. The shameless girl feeds herself raunchy flavor, sucking dick ass-to-mouth. They copulate in multiple positions, Mick's meat pummeling her butthole and cunt repeatedly. The bacchanal climaxes as Mick pumps spunk into April's pretty mouth and onto her tongue. She giggles playfully, licking up the messy cum.

April Olsen に 'When Sparks Fly'

April Olsen - When Sparks Fly

April doesn't see any point in going on vacation if she can't get laid. Her stay has been a total bust, but by chance she meets someone who can bust her dress open.

Dillon Diaz に 'Does My Husband's Cock Taste Good'

Dillon Diaz - Does My Husband's Cock Taste Good

Stunning, dirty blonde TS Itzel Saenz rocks a magenta corset, panties and black stockings. She snaps her fingers, and voila -- buff, married male couple Jake Waters and Dillon Diaz join her for a threesome! Dillon strips off her bottoms to suck her dick. Itzel takes Jake's big Black cock between her lush lips for a righteous blowjob. She trades off giving oral service to their bulging boners. The burly dudes 'spitroast' the trans babe; Dillon bangs Itzel's butthole doggie-style as she sucks Jake's meat with intense passion. They switch holes, with Jake providing an anal reaming while Dillon fellates Itzel's she-schlong. The dirty girl laps up her juicy flavor, sucking cock with ass-to-mouth abandon! Dillon holds Itzel's thin frame aloft and bangs her bunghole in mid-air! Itzel and Dillon lick Jake's wet pole. The raunchy bash climaxes: Itzel sucks off Jake until he cums in her mouth. Dillon deepthroats Itzel's rod down to her balls, and she busts a sticky nut. Jake and Dillon swap Itzel's jism orally! Dillon puts the cherry on top, jacking his boner till he spurts semen all over Itzel's tongue.

Gianna Dior に 'Horny Cowgirls Ride A Cock'

Gianna Dior - Horny Cowgirls Ride A Cock

Hot, horny and looking for a stud, April Olsen and Gianna Dior find their stallion in Keiran Lee, whose big dick can handle giving these sexy cowgirls a ride as they get down and dirty in a threesome that's wilder than the Old West!

Carolina Sweets に 'Pervy Roomies Means Double Cum Panties Threesome'

Carolina Sweets - Pervy Roomies Means Double Cum Panties Threesome

April Olsen and Lucas Frost are a horny couple who love to get it on everywhere, no matter what their roommate thinks. When the roomie invites a hot date, Carolina Sweets, over for the first time, she immediately gets an eyeful of their fuckery and likes what she sees. Carolina is as horny as them and when her guy cums early, she makes moves on Lucas and April to play hide the threesome joiner in the gloryhole party bar. Lucas tries to conceal his enjoyment from his roommate as he fills Carolina's mouth with cum. Once he's out of the way, April makes use of Carolina's pussy too and this pervy roommate fantasy comes true.

Gianna Dior に 'Ride Or Die'

Gianna Dior - Ride Or Die

When she returns from her European vacation, Gianna brings a souvenir back for her good friend April. Here's hoping April likes conquistadors.

April Olsen に 'Airtight Dp!'

April Olsen - Airtight Dp!

April Olsen, known for her daring roles in the adult film industry, found herself in a scene that echoed her professional pornstar status. But this time, it was a 'Airtight DP'! Despite the physical intensity, a palpable chemistry between the the guys in this video transformed the scene into a captivating display of hardcore content. April Olsen displayed her professional prowess and confidence, handling the situation with practiced ease. There was an undeniable chemistry between the four people in the scene, resulting in a performance that was simultaneously edgy and memorable. The guys in this scene, matched her energy. April Olsen exuded a level of confidence and control as she steered the scene with her co-stars. It was an intense sequence, testing their endurance. The end result was a ground-breaking scene. Despite the complexity of the act, it unfolded seamlessly, each man finding his place in one of April Olsen's holes. The scene ended on a high note. April Olsen swallowing all their cum.

Dillon Diaz に 'Silent Hill Delirium: Part 2'

Dillon Diaz - Silent Hill Delirium: Part 2

When Quin Quire and Dillion Diaz share a laugh in the breakroom they?re suddenly deafened by an air raid siren and fall to the floor in agony. Meanwhile things get too quiet in patient, Christian Wilde?s room so security guard Davin Strong goes inside to check. He?s met by Christian with Quin and Dillon who stand obediently behind him. Davin gets overpowered by Dillon and Quin and they tie him up in rope bondage. They tell him that the only way out is to ?let go? and begin tormenting him with clothespins, a flogger, a paddle, and there big cocks.Silent Hill Delirium SERIES MAIN PAGESilent Hill Delirium Part 1Silent Hill Delirium Part 3Silent Hill Delirium Part 4

Sophia Locke に 'Caged Cuckold 2'

Sophia Locke - Caged Cuckold 2

Sophia wanted to get fucked, and man, is she getting her wish. She gets railed in multiple positions by Dillon, has hapless husband Jimmy serves as a pillow and sometimes, cock sucker. Dillon even bests him at pussy eating! Finally, Sophia gets on her knees, ready to have Dillon shoot his load into her mouth. Then it?s back to the cage for Jimmy. (Part 2 of 2)

Sophia Locke に 'Caged Cuckold 1'

Sophia Locke - Caged Cuckold 1

Sophia has her inadequate husband Jimmy in chastity since his cock isn?t big enough to satisfy her anyway. She does let him eat her pussy, but even that doesn?t do it, so she gets herself off in his face, sticks him in a cage, and goes off to find a hook-up who will make her happy. She comes back with Dillon, who?s a little confused about the whole cage thing, but going with it. Sophia compares dick size, declaring the guy with the bigger cock gets to fuck her. Dillon is winning even before getting hard, but Sophia makes sure by insisting Jimmy suck his dick. Her long-suffering hubby does a good job, and she takes her turn at a blowjob also. Dillon wins the dick-size contest, and that means it?s time for fucking. (Part 1 of 2)

April Olsen に 'Your sexy girlfriend April Olsen likes to get fucked in her ass!'

April Olsen - Your sexy girlfriend April Olsen likes to get fucked in her ass!

Your horny girlfriend April Olsen has a special treat just for you, she bought a new toy and wants to give you a special anal show that you won't forget, and after her ass is all stretched, her ass is is yours to fuck again and again until you bust your load!

Hime Marie に 'Flicks and Threesome Fucks'

Hime Marie - Flicks and Threesome Fucks

It's date night for Hime Marie and Xander Corvus, and once in the movie theater, Hime is not shy to get her man going. April Olsen watches in delight and copies the pervy actions she see with her man in the back row. Xander gets shy but Hime has a plan. She sneaks off right before Angel's boyfriend prematurely blasts off all over her ass and skirt. When Angel's man leaves in embarrassment, she notices that Xander's cock is still out and hard for the taking. When Hime returns, she finds Xander with his dick in the popcorn about to blow. Hime takes a cumshot to the face which makes Angel jealous. Before long these two are licking the hot load off each other and Xander is watching the show. Soon after he gets invited to join and everyone forgets about the movie as they steam up the theater with their public threesome.

Casey Calvert に 'No Holes Barred! Part 2'

Casey Calvert - No Holes Barred! Part 2

Two TS beauties (Tori Easton and Jade Venus), two hot cisgender female porn starlets (Kira Noir and Casey Calvert) and two bisexual men (Dillon Diaz and Jake Waters) come together in 'No Holes Barred! Part 2,' from PansexualX. The diverse sextet brings their crazy, inclusive orgy to climax -- actually, multiple climaxes! Busty trans babe Jade Venus waves her throbbing she-cock and teases pretty, sexually sophisticated cis chick Casey Calvert's wet pussy. Jade shoves her prick up Casey's tight sphincter as a bi guy, Jake Waters, fucks her cunt in a freaky, equal-opportunity double penetration! Black beauty Kira Noir bounces on bisexual stud Dillon Diaz's swollen boner and gives cute, redheaded T-girl Tori Easton a worshipful blowjob. Jade rims Kira's delicious butthole. Dillon slam-fucks Jake's asshole at the same time as Jake bangs Casey's cunt! Tori plunges her she-boner into Kira's bunghole, plowing her to a body-shaking anal orgasm. Dirty fun escalates with lots of masturbation, rectal reaming, graphic gaping and ass-to-mouth cocksucking. The orgy reaches its crescendo with the ladies and the gentlemen swallowing multiple, creamy cum shots!

April Olsen に 'Missionary Corruption'

April Olsen - Missionary Corruption

April corrupts the missionary that shows up at her house. She lures him into sin by tempting him with her sexy body and convincing him to play with her ass. He can't resists and fucks her ass with his huge dick.

Vanessa Sky に 'Truly Dangerous Trio'

Vanessa Sky - Truly Dangerous Trio

Have you heard perfect dirty talk from Vanessa Sky? Felt the soft lips of April Olsen? Been twerked on by the fine ass of Carmen Caliente? I have and actually lived to tell the story. It was truly one of my greatest sexual experiences. A very dangerous trio, indeed.

Lulu Chu に 'Fanfriction: Part 3'

Lulu Chu - Fanfriction: Part 3

In this epic finale of erotic writing and perverted fantasy, Angela White and Lulu Chu collaborate on the third chapter - using April Olsen, Ricky Johnson, and Scott Nails as the perfect representation of their repressed desires! Angela and Lulu brainstorm, feed off each other, and sketch out a passionate orgy filled with moans, bouncing asses, drooling mouths, throbbing cocks, all hungry to feel and touch and fuck! But will these two authors get drawn in the dirty fantasy or are they satisfied with pounding anal and not one but two thick loads of cum at their instruction?

April Olsen に 'Latex, Oiled Anal, Facial'

April Olsen - Latex, Oiled Anal, Facial

Gorgeous April Olsen wears a pink latex dress, her slender, natural body oiled to a shine. She wraps latex around her tits and tugs it into her slot, pinches her thick labia and fingers her butthole. A thick, clear glass dildo provides a view into her rectal interior! Bald, pale stud Zac Wild drenches her tan skin in oil. He eats her pussy and rims her. April smiles blissfully as Zac's big cock slides into her asshole and reams it, his balls slapping her rear. He soaks her in more oil as he sodomizes her; she moans and grips her cheeks, spreading widely. April gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob; Zac grips her by the hair and fucks her throat aggressively. The dirty talking girl sucks dick lovingly, drooling. She rubs his boner in latex and then her naked cleavage. They enjoy oil-slathered pussy pounding and anal reaming in multiple positions, Zac alternating her slippery holes. With his boner up her ass, she sticks two fingers into her gash and says they can feel his cock! Zac lifts April bodily for a frenzied fuck. Her cheeks wetly booty-clap as she rides pole. 'Choke me while you fuck me in the ass,' she says, and he does. April kneels for a thick, sloppy cum facial.

April Olsen に 'Gets The Legendary BBC Lexington Steele'

April Olsen - Gets The Legendary BBC Lexington Steele

The all natural BBC slut April Olsen. Shows Lexington Steele she is a willing BBC slut

Francesca Le に 'Orgasmic Anal Threesome!'

Francesca Le - Orgasmic Anal Threesome!

An emerging porn superstar and a gorgeous XXX director/performer look scrumptious in matching, cheetah-print lingerie. Young, tattooed brunette April Olsen puckers her pink lips and flaunts her pink nipples. Gorgeous MILF Francesca Le stretches her legs and licks April's sensitive clit. April returns the lesbian favor, eating Francesca's wet pussy as the lady squeals in pleasure. They kneel before Francesca's husband, Mark Wood, to offer him a worshipful blowjob. Francesca gives April a delicious rim job! April bends over, and Mark stuffs his big cock inside her shaved pussy. Next, he fucks her pulsing butthole, and April begs for more. She mounts his thick rod for an anal ride and cums hard! April masturbates as Mark's meat strokes inside her rectum, and her tight sphincter gapes! The fun, orgasmic threesome climaxes with April sucking dick ass-to-mouth and swallowing a messy load of Mark's sticky semen.

April Olsen に 'Knows Best Sc. 4: DAP!'

April Olsen - Knows Best Sc. 4: DAP!

Gorgeous, tattooed sex star April Olsen had never stuffed two dicks up her ass at the same time, but she was eager to try it. Director Jonni Darkko and veteran XXX studs Mick Blue and John Strong mentor her in her first double-anal adventure! The badass beauty teases in arousing porn-wear. John and Mick grope April as she sits on their laps. April strokes their boners and kisses them. The fellas warm up her rectum with a large toy. Before long, their big cocks simultaneously drill her pussy and asshole in a tumultuous double penetration that leaves April whimpering and talking dirty. When her sphincter is ready, the guys give her what she really wants: April achieves her virgin double-anal penetration, both boners cramming her cornhole together. The rowdy DAP threesome delivers slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjobs and immense rectal gaping! The threesome climaxes with a multi-screen, double cum facial.

Vanessa Sky に 'April Olsen Knows Best Sc. 3: Lesbian!'

Vanessa Sky - April Olsen Knows Best Sc. 3: Lesbian!

Pretty brunettes April Olsen and Vanessa Sky heat up the room with a horny opening tease, each donning lingerie that perfectly accentuates her body. Vanessa's frilly schoolgirl skirt rides up to reveal her lusciously rotund rump while April's skimpy outfit superbly shows off her fit, tan body. The girls passionately suck each other's tongue in a lesbian kiss, and they eagerly stretch their horny holes for the camera. Dominant April says she's heard that Vanessa has been a very bad girl -- having watched Vanessa's nasty exploits on the Internet, authoritative April has come to teach a lesson. Dirty-talking April rims the unruly babe, spanking her with a ruler throughout. She shoves a dildo into Vanessa's rectum, pulling it out for an ass-to-mouth taste. They take turns on one another, using multiple toys for raunchy, girl-on-girl anal fun. April's wet gash ejaculates girl squirt! She wears a strap-on to sodomize Vanessa! The wild session concludes with a kiss.

April Olsen に 'Knows Best Sc. 2: DP 4-Way'

April Olsen - Knows Best Sc. 2: DP 4-Way

Beautiful, butt-blessed April Olsen is dolled up to the nines, looking like an oversexed cheerleader with an obsession for big cock. The evil angel's tiny skirt shows her luscious booty; her tight top barely covers her natural tits; and her necklace reads, 'Whore.' Playing with pom-poms, April teases and strips, looking ripe for intense anal reaming. Before long, players Mick Blue, Alex Jones and Rob Piper approach, all three of them hard and ready for some post-game pounding. April sucks Alex's massive, dark dick as Rob and Mick simultaneously ream her pussy and butthole in a raunchy, filling double penetration slamming! Messy backdoor mayhem includes hard buttfuck riding; slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjobs; and lewd rectal gaping! The players reward April's foursome efforts in a sloppy finale: Mick's thick white meat and the two big Black cocks decorate her with oozing cum facials!

April Olsen に 'Knows Best Sc. 1: DP 3-Way'

April Olsen - Knows Best Sc. 1: DP 3-Way

Charged up for a threesome, hot, tanned star April Olsen sports skimpy schoolgirl attire. A kinky, glam-inspired intro features a striptease. Dapper dudes Jax Slayher and Rob Piper grope at April's toned body as she smirks playfully. When Rob and Jax proposition the sassy size queen, April says, 'It's not gonna fly if you're under six inches!' Realizing that they more than measure up, April hops on Jax's lap while Rob takes the back route. With Jax's rod buried in her twat, she strokes Rob's meat, and the guys take turns drilling her gash. After that, they alternate pounding her asshole! Nasty anal sex comes with a sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjob and rowdy DP action -- one big Black cock ramming her cunt as the other porks her bunghole! April talks dirty and pries open her gaping sphincter. For the climax, the brunette beauty opens wide for two messy cum facials!

April Olsen に 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

April Olsen - My Sister's Hot Friend

April Olsen needs help completing her school work because she's getting ready to go to a fun filled festival with her best friend. Her paper is due but doesn't have spare time to do it. Who better to ask than her friend's nerdy brother, Diego? He has plans to hang with friends so after some negotiating he's willing to do it only if he can put his dick in April's wet pussy.

Lacey London に 'Eye On Her Thigh Strap-On'

Lacey London - Eye On Her Thigh Strap-On

Pervy April Olsen wants her stepbro's girlfriend (Lacey London) and she knows just how to get her. April seduces Lacey with a well timed ass slap and titty flash, then reveals the big dildo attached to her thigh strap. Maybe if the boyfriend were paying attention to her instead of watching sports, Lacey wouldn't have been so easily swayed, but April easily convinces Lacey to ride on her thigh strap-on. The girls then go off to April's room for more lesbian fun.

April Olsen に 'Dirty Talking Brunette Cum Sluts Are The Perfect Combination'

April Olsen - Dirty Talking Brunette Cum Sluts Are The Perfect Combination

When it comes to kinky, horny, dirty-talking sluts, April Olsen and Keira Croft are at the top of the list. These beautiful brunette babes are the ultimate duo if you're looking for a hot, sexy threesome where the ladies are truly enjoying each other as they share a cock. Keira's big round booty and April's soft natural tits make them a pair beyond imagination. They make deep eye contact as they take dick even deeper in their perfect tight pussies. This is a night to remember.

April Olsen に 'Tossing My Roommate's Salad'

April Olsen - Tossing My Roommate's Salad

April Olsen's already started making a romantic dinner for two when her boyfriend tells her he's got to work late. No point letting this salad go to waste, so April lets her roommate Scott Nails join her, and he helps out by tossing the salad before April sucks his cock as an appetizer! Scott devours April's pussy and ass and she takes an anal pounding!

Vanessa Vega に 'Tik Tok Cuck'

Vanessa Vega - Tik Tok Cuck

Brad thinks his Tik Toks will make him a well-paid influencer, but girlfriend Vanessa knows his videos are lame and is sick and tired of supporting him. So when Brad invites his studly friend Dillon over to help him shoot, she wastes no time getting some cuckold revenge. Brad watches helplessly as Vanessa makes out with Dillon, sucks his big cock, and rides him cowgirl-style. But Vanessa is not content to just let her penniless boyfriend watch. She orders Brad to do some cock sucking, too, and he reluctantly agrees. He does get to taste some pussy, too, when Dillon alternates between fucking Vanessa and Brad?s face. Then, he resigns himself to a close-up view of Dillon?s balls as the couple fuck on top of him. Finally, Dillon shoots his load all over Brad?s face and Vanessa makes him eat the cum. His video shoot with his buddy clearly didn?t go as planned; Brad declares that next time, he?s just going to buy a tripod!

April Olsen に 'Architect's Assistant'

April Olsen - Architect's Assistant

April knows just how to manipulate her husband. She does it by proxy through another man, so marital disputes become a case of two-against-one. Once she gets her way, she gets naked as a thank you for all the camaraderie.

April Olsen に 'Naughty Office'

April Olsen - Naughty Office

Ryan has been having a stressful few days at work and it's about to get worse. Luckily he has his co-worker, April Olsen, around to help him cope when he's having a hard time. Today April decide to help him out by having him fuck her on his desk. After all, what are co-worker's for?

Electra Rayne に 'Bisexual Anal Threesome'

Electra Rayne - Bisexual Anal Threesome

Cute, uninhibited Electra Rayne shares threesome fun with two thickly hung bisexual dudes -- toned Tony Sting and bearded Dillon Diaz. Blonde Electra flaunts natural tits, furry pussy, pierced clit and the sphincter winking between her big, fleshy cheeks. Dillon eats her snatch as Electra kisses and fellates Tony. She gives Dillon a blowjob as the men French and fondle each other. In a cocksucking round-robin, Electra and Tony slurp Dillon's dick; she and Dillon lap Tony's; the lady sucks Tony as Tony orally services Dillon. Electra fingers both men's buttholes. Next, Tony fucks Electra's cunt as she gives Dillon head, and the bi guys mouth-kiss. With Tony's meat in her gash, she rides Dillon's face, Dillon licking poon and prick. (Electra loves it!) At her invitation, Tony reams her butthole, and Electra eats Dillon's meat. Electra's next request is double penetration! Tony porks her anal orifice as Dillon fills her snatch. Tony buttfucks Dillon as moaning Electra sits on groaning Dillon's fat pole. Tony rears back for an ass reaming from Dillon while excited Electra sits on Tony's face. In a doggie-style rectal daisy chain, Tony sodomizes Dillon as Dillon rams Electra's anus. Funny, genuinely lustful Electra verbally encourages further debauchery. Finally, Dillon jerks jism onto Electra's tongue; she and Tony share a spermy smooch. Tony climaxes in Electra's twat; Dillon eats her out and shares the flavor with Electra in a French kiss.

Maddy May に 'Seasons Of Sexy'

Maddy May - Seasons Of Sexy

April and May have never been hotter. April Olsen and Maddy May get down and dirty in this sexy lesbian fuckfest.

Casey Calvert に 'The New Guy Is Bi'

Casey Calvert - The New Guy Is Bi

Casey Calvert, Dillon Diaz and Jake Waters share a special, bisexual threesome: Jake is new to Evil Angel; he and Dillon are a real-life couple, and their loving affection shows. Ivory-skinned, sexually sophisticated Casey enjoys her first on-camera bisexual menage-a-trois! Dark hair cut sporty-short, she strips to show her natural body and bald box. The guys sensually fondle her bare holes, and both eat pussy. Kneeling between imposing boners, Casey says, 'We're all gonna share each other.' Through the scene, the lovers exchange French kisses in every direction. Drooling Casey gives both dudes fellatio. Jake deepthroats Dillon's thick prick. (Seeing man-on-man action turns Casey on further!) As she sucks Jake's big cock, Dillon rims Casey. Trim, tattooed Jake fucks Casey's cunt doggie-style, and then Dillon's fat boner slides up her ass for an anal reaming. Gasping, blushing Casey takes a DP ride, Jake in her butthole. She loves being in the middle! As she gives Jake ass-to-mouth head, Dillon eases his meat into Jake's asshole, and they fuck like caring boyfriends. Boner pumping Casey's twat, big Dillon lies back, and Jake manages to rail his butthole! Dirty-talking Casey says, 'We're all sluts here today.' She sits on masturbating Dillon's face amid more blowjob action. Intense, triple-decker sodomy: Jake rides Dillon, and Casey sits on Jake! Atop the stack, she turns around for some vaginal drilling. On their sides, the trio gets off on an oil-lubed, backdoor daisy chain, Jake in Casey and Dillon in Jake. When Dillon creams Casey's open mouth, she kisses the spunk into Jake's mouth and onto his beard. The men share their own cum-flavored buss. As Dillon squeezes Jake's nipples, Jake jacks jism into Casey's mouth. More semen smooches leave everyone peacefully bi-satisfied.

April Olsen に 'Gym girls Jazlyn Ray, April Olsen, and Jasmine Wilde take turns squating on their personal trainer's thick cock'

April Olsen - Gym girls Jazlyn Ray, April Olsen, and Jasmine Wilde take turns squating on their personal trainer's thick cock

Jazlyn Ray, April Olsen, and Jasmine Wilde are getting a good weight training session in with their personal trainer when they decide to do cardio. That, of course, entails bouncing up and down on their trainer's big hard cock!

April Olsen に 'Gaping Anal Threesome! '

April Olsen - Gaping Anal Threesome!

Natural-breasted, comely April Olsen teases in sexy black stockings, garters and fuck-me pumps. She strokes Damion Dayski and Rob Piper's massively big Black cocks in each hand. April gulps down Damion's 12-incher as Rob shoves his rod up her asshole doggie-style. They trade places, April giving Rob a blowjob as Damion reams out her bunghole. 'I fucking love it!' exclaims the intense beauty as she bounces in anal ecstasy, a thick prick plugging her tailpipe. Rob sodomizes her till her sphincter gapes! April joyfully rides Rob's pole as she gives Damion a nimble, ass-to-mouth BJ. She kneels to fondle their scrotums and feverishly yank on their boners. The vigorous threesome comes to an explosive climax -- a cannonade of thick jism crisscrosses her face with sperm. April smiles widely, the double cum facial completely varnishing her countenance.

April Olsen に '- Blacks On Blondes'

April Olsen - Blacks On Blondes

April thought she had it made. She played the sugar baby game and got herself a man who was loaded. Living large with fancy cars and a massive house in Beverly Hills she had it all. That is until her hubby got popped for money laundering and now she is losing everything. When the movers come to take back the furniture she throws herself on the couch demanding just one more day with her stuff. One more night and she can get out to Nobu and find another sugar daddy. Having no money to pay off anything she does what any hot young girl does in LA - she offers up her body. Well the two movers see no reason to turn down a free lunch and some awfully fine white girl pussy so they decide to give April another night in her fancy crib. Soon the cocks are out and April is back in the game as she hungrily devours those sweet stiff and firm cocks. Her pussy is dripping wet and needing cock badly as the two workers take turns pounding her cunt and mouth-meating her. So let this be a lesson to all you sugar daddy chasing sluts - don't give up and just keep on fucking. One sugar daddy gone on to the next. Use them holes while you can to your full advantage cause you ain't going to be young forever.

April Olsen に 'Turkey Basted, Pussy Blasted... And Anal'

April Olsen - Turkey Basted, Pussy Blasted... And Anal

April Olsen is a horny host who has a big dinner planned for her hubby and their guests, Jessy Jones and his better half. April loves to play with her baster and has a hard time keeping her pussy in her skirt from the second Jessy arrives. Turns out these two have been getting into some steamy trouble behind their partner's backs, and April is looking for more than a little help in the kitchen. Jessy tries to keep April cool so as not to expose their affair, but April is more interested in exposing his cock than presenting the dinner. April uses her titties to lure Jessy into the kitchen and the two forget all about their marriage vows as they get down and dirty next to the turkey. When their partners come in to see where the party's at, April and Jessy are nowhere near done fucking. Caught red handed, April uses the turkey to overt her hubby's eyes, and he ends up trapped inside the bird. Time for anal!

April Olsen に 'Badass boss, April Olsen, makes the new guy take care of her and her two favorite employees, Jasmine Wilde and Octavia Red, in a very naughty way'

April Olsen - Badass boss, April Olsen, makes the new guy take care of her and her two favorite employees, Jasmine Wilde and Octavia Red, in a very naughty way

Boss babe, April Olsen and her closest, hardworking employees, Jasmine Wilde and Octavia Red, meet up in the morning to discuss the agenda for the day when April realizes the new guy hasn't shown up yet. He finally arrives and she rips him a new one! To make things right, April insist he take care of her wet pussy nice and good along with Jasmin's and Octavia's.

April Olsen に 'Anal Workout With Bestie'

April Olsen - Anal Workout With Bestie

April Olsen and Erin Everheart are dressed in their new yoga outfits and are ready to get sweaty. April and Erin have the tightest, juiciest butts on the block, and they aren't afraid to show them off. After a bit of stretching, the two grow tired of their workout and decide to fuck instead! The workout quickly turns into a hot and oily trib session. Add a double-ended dildo and two women that love anal to the mix and this scene couldn't get any hotter!

April Olsen に 'Sauna Ass Play'

April Olsen - Sauna Ass Play

April Olsen sucks cock in the sauna and teases her ass to get ready for anal with Kyle's huge dick.

Gia Derza に 'GIA Scene 3: Lesbian Strap-On and Squirt'

Gia Derza - GIA Scene 3: Lesbian Strap-On and Squirt

Trim, young temptress April Olsen wears a cute mask as she makes out with fabulous sex star Gia Derza. Shirtless on the bed, they playfully grope, kiss and hungrily snack on one another's snatch. April talks dirty as she initiates the action, finger fucking Gia's gaping asshole and rimming her. April calls Gia a slut and pummels her asshole with a dildo, then feeds her the nasty toy ass-to-mouth. A deranged lesbian romp features serious hole-stretching, anal strap-on pounding, and female-dominant drilling. Gia ejaculates hot girl squirt as April blasts her booty, and then Gia lewdly laps up her raunchy mess! Crazy Gia smacks herself and embraces April's rude name calling, eating pussy and ass through the wild encounter.

April Olsen に 'Oil-Soaked Anal Fucking'

April Olsen - Oil-Soaked Anal Fucking

Looking sexy and slick in a skimpy bikini, young stunner April Olsen teases, flaunting perky tits, a wet cunt, and sun-kissed skin. The sweet starlet shakes her bubble butt as hot oil oozes over her plump cheeks. Relentless stud Zac Wild's big cock stuffs her mouth, fucking April's face to a drooling mess. Hard pussy pounding follows a nasty blowjob. Then, Zac power-plows April's asshole! A mess of oil-soaked sodomy includes deep anal riding; slobbering, ass-to-mouth fellatio; and raunchy rectal gaping! Slippery grease soaks their bodies through an epic backdoor encounter. Zac continuously coats her tan body in lubricant, and he spits in April's face as he reams her throat. Finally, he treats April to a hot cum facial. The satisfied girl licks her fingers and swallows semen.

Dillon Diaz に 'Dillon Gets Two Feet For Xmas'

Dillon Diaz - Dillon Gets Two Feet For Xmas

Ricky Larkin wrapped up his feet as a Christmas gift to his good buddy Dillon Diaz. Dillon unwraps his feet, sucks them, worships them, fucks them, and Ricky fucks his feet and cums on them too.

Alexis Tae に 'Strap-On Into A Threesome'

Alexis Tae - Strap-On Into A Threesome

Gorgeous Alexis Tae and April Olsen strut their stuff in tiny bikinis, before drenching their perfect bodies in oil. These girls can't wait for Dante Colle to arrive, so they have some solo fun with a double-sided dildo. If these women don't have you drooling, you're just not paying close enough attention. Finally, Dante arrives with a nice hard cock and April slips into a strap-on. Petite Alexis is ready to have all her holes filled in a truly epic strap-on threesome!

April Olsen に 'Stunningly April'

April Olsen - Stunningly April

April Olsen is a gorgeous model ready for anything, and she is stunning in this special red getup. Watch as she's fucked by Ramon Nomar in a super sexy scene.

April Olsen に 'Tag Team Facial'

April Olsen - Tag Team Facial

April sneaks in her boyfriend when she thinks she has the house to herself. She gives him a sexy tease but catches her stepbro spying on them. She uses opportunity to get her pussy tag teamed by both men and take multiple facials.

April Olsen に 'Anal Fuck, Deepthroat A2M'

April Olsen - Anal Fuck, Deepthroat A2M

Young booty beauty April Olsen struts by the pool, and the long-haired brunette displays her luscious, natural boobs. She's cute as fuck! April shakes her delectable derriere for the camera. Handsome, hardcore stud Seth Gamble takes her on the couch, planting his face between her ass cheeks and delivering a rim job that sends her into orbit. The hung fucker takes her up the stairs, and she delivers a lusty blowjob. Seth pumps her hairy cunt in a standing, doggie-style fuck. She sits on his big cock. He sucks her toes through fishnets and then finger-bangs her cunt and asshole. With April's legs stretching way up, Seth delivers an anal reaming, pumping pretty April's bunghole. She gives deepthroat, ass-to-mouth head. Seth buttfucks her in multiple positions. He finally drains his nuts, covering her pretty mouth and nose with a sticky cum facial.

April Olsen に 'and Blake Blossom - Blacks On Blondes'

April Olsen - Blacks On Blondes

Blake and April immediately come to the rescue when their best friend alerts them she has MTV (medically tight Vagina). Her new boyfriend Jovan happens to pack a massive black dong and has sent her to the hospital. She knows if she can't keep him satisfied he will leave her. She loves Jovan. He's so fun and hell of a conversationalist. Knowing he could stray while her pussy is being surgically opened she asks her best friends and size queens Blake and April if they would go service her boyfriend. Having the opportunity to jump on a black cock has been all either of these two fuck holes have ever wanted in life. They rush over to Jovan's house before he can seek a new white pussy to stray to and after listening to him sob a little they get him to show the meat. Oh my, sweet heaven's gate is that thing thick, black and big. Yum yum. Both girls saliva glands are in overdrive as they try to gobble it down like tourists from Idaho at a Vegas Buffet. This cock is so thick it barely fits in their mouths but they make it. Next it's into their sweet dripping cunt holes for some serious fucking. Like meat puppets the girls take Jovan balls deep in a myriad of sexual positions getting their sugar walls banged out and cervix's rung. Over and over and deeper and deeper he probes these two willing strumpets as their pussies meet his cock in a mangle of pussy juice and fury. It's heaven on earth for these girls as they cum over and over again and soon reap the rewards of their kindly deed with their kissers covered in a bucket of Jovan juice. Now these are true friends.

Dillon Diaz に 'vs. Brian Bonds: Ass Pounding Rematch!'

Dillon Diaz - vs. Brian Bonds: Ass Pounding Rematch!

Dillon Diaz and Brian Bonds are back on the wrestling mat for a rematch. Dillon tapped out first round and got his ass fucked! Now he is ready to take it all back and retaliate only this time the wrestlers are oiled up and slippery making it very difficult to get a handle on one another. Dillon?s got strong moves from the start flipping Brian around the ring, slapping his ass, grabbing his hard cock but Brian is scrappy putting up a good fight until it?s obvious who is getting fucked this time. Dillon celebrates his win by making the loser lick his feet while spanking his ass until it?s bright red and then onto some deep throat cock sucking. Brian chokes and slobbers all over Dillon?s dick getting it primed up and ready to stuff his hole. In a headlock and flipped over on his belly Brian moans as Dillon fucks the losers ass. He pounds that hole deep and hard until he shoots a winning load all over Brian?s face.

Dillon Diaz に 'I Am Aubrey - Home In New York'Blowbang'

Dillon Diaz - I Am Aubrey - Home In New York'Blowbang

Nominated - Best Blowbang Scene, AVN 2022

Candid footage, interviews and an explicit sexual performance lay bewitching TS superstar Aubrey Kate bare in a revealing documentary/hardcore production. Director Dana Vespoli examines the glamorous platinum blonde's real life, and master XXX lensman Jonni Darkko captures four hard studs (Johnny Hill, Dillon Diaz, Ruckus, Pierce Paris) probing Aubrey in a blowbang. Dana describes the star's jet setting life: 'She's in New York, she's in Los Angeles, she's in Colorado, she's in Florida, she's constantly traveling.' We see Aubrey preparing sexy wardrobe for a multi-city trip. She calls New York her happy place, and she looks gorgeous in black leather on a cold day in Central Park. Daringly clad Aubrey cuts loose on a party bus, cavorts on busy, snow-covered streets and flashes her big boobs. 'I love hooking up with random people,' says Aubrey. And she likes, 'Having multiple guys just shoving their dicks in my mouth' in blowbang scenes, where she finds the illusion of losing control 'relaxing, almost like meditation.' Director Darkko finds Aubrey's glam-but-nasty style a match for his own. His hardcore segment opens with sumptuous tease, showing off Ms. Kate's luscious legs, impressive décolletage and artistic tattoos in luxurious, pink lingerie. Aubrey crawls to the four ready erections on a couch and moves down the line, giving passionate oral service. She sucks each cock lovingly, luxuriantly and then vigorously. Aubrey chokes and spits through deepthroat blowjobs that make her eyes water. She kneels, surrounded by boners; the dudes grip her head to fuck her mouth and cock-slapher face. Two pricks invade her lips at once. Slobber play slathers her face and cleavage, and Aubrey blows spit bubbles. The dirty-talking guys egg her on; one stud jams his balls and meat into her mouth at once. She lies back for intense tonsil reaming, with sheets of expectoration cascading across her suckling jowls. Aubrey masturbates as she gives head, and one man sucks her she-dick. The trans temptress jacks a splash of semen into his open mouth! A quadruple cum facial is the climax: Four jism wads plaster Aubrey from forehead to chin. She looks into the camera, wallowing in spit, semen and decadent pride.

April Olsen に 'Dirty Talking Brunette April Olsen Goes For A Ride'

April Olsen - Dirty Talking Brunette April Olsen Goes For A Ride

Big tits, round ass, tan skin, and a filthy dirty talking mouth are what make this world-class brunette slut stand out from the rest. April Olsen is a beautiful, cock loving, tattooed vixen who makes it hard not to cum immediately. She uses her throat, her perfect big natural tits, and her tight, dripping wet pussy to drain out all the cum she wants. This girl knows how to control a man, even when she is on her back getting her fuck hole slammed in. Knowing how hard it is to hold back the cum she gives a 5-second cum countdown while tittyfucking and gets what she's looking for exactly when she says so.

April Olsen に 'Young Anal Up-And-Cummer!'

April Olsen - Young Anal Up-And-Cummer!

Cute, up-and-coming porn brunette April Olsen loves an audience. The young hottie teases and flaunts her fit body, stripping and masturbating in anticipation of epic butt sex. Heavily hung Spaniard Ramon Nomar fucks her face to a drooling mess! He stuffs his big cock deep into her rectum. A nasty backdoor drilling includes epic dirty talk and a slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob. April rides rod and spreads open her gaping anus, yanking her pussy hair while Ramon reams her. For the finale, April props up her booty as Ramon slathers her thick butt cheeks in hot jism!

Dillon Diaz に 'Ass Smasher: Brian Bonds vs. Dillon Diaz - RAW'

Dillon Diaz - Ass Smasher: Brian Bonds vs. Dillon Diaz - RAW

In this homage to Naked Kombat muscular hunks Brian Bonds and Dillon Diaz take to the wrestling mat for a hot and sweaty takedown challenge. They both claim to have what it takes to dominate the other and score some ass but only one of them will win. Brian weighs more than Dillon and is hungry to fuck but Dillon is determined to make Brian his little bitch. Wearing only jock straps the two wrestlers get tangled up on the floor, charging, tumbling, flipping, growling, licking and humping the other into submission. Brian sits on his opponents face making him lick his ass while he grinds away on top of him. After putting up a ferocious fight Dillon taps out and Brian wins the match. Sneering and snarling with sweat dripping off his face the victor takes his prize. What follows is deep throat cock sucking, ass eating and hardcore bareback ass fucking until Brian sprays his load all over the loser's face. This is part one of two so stay tuned for the next fetishy fun wrestling match to see who scores some hot ass next!

April Olsen に 'loves music and now she wants to fuck her piano master neighbor!!'

April Olsen - Neighbor Affair

April Olsen is walking back to her apartment when she passes by her neighbor's window and hears him playing piano. Uncontrollably, she gets turned on by the music so she runs to her apartment and starts touching herself, but when the music stops, she heads straight over to her neighbor's to finish what she started.

Smash Thompson に 'Roman Eros Doused with Cum In Sexy Firemen Fantasy'

Smash Thompson - Roman Eros Doused with Cum In Sexy Firemen Fantasy

Tall, sleek and muscular Roman Eros is thinking about the sexy firemen he saw today. After jerking off he slips away into a dream and guess who shows up to fulfill his kinky fantasies? Two built sexy ass firemen decked out in uniform with hard cocks. That's right Roman Eros's dreams are about to come true…Smash Thompson and Dillon Diaz tie Roman up in bondage and immediately start a deep throat cock sucking session. Roman knows how to suck cock and he is more than willing to please both of these dreamy firemen. Tossed like a rag doll onto the bed Roman is on all fours receiving corporal punishment. Smash slides his cock deep into Roman's wet mouth while Dillon whips his ass up with the flogger. Now blindfolded in doggie Roman gets his ass stuffed with Dillon's hard cock while Smash, still wearing his fireman's hard hat, face fucks his little toy. Roman is in heaven as they take turns pounding his slutty hole in all his favorite positions until he cums all over himself. But the fun isn't over. Smash and Dillon fuck Roman more, harder, faster until they both shoot fat loads on Roman's face and he licks it all up in gratitude. Talk about putting fires out!

Maitland Ward に 'Mistress Maitland 2'

Maitland Ward - Mistress Maitland 2

Maitland lays out the way she sees the world as she moves through a ritualistic presentation of her conquests. Part 4 of 4.

April Olsen に 'Orgasmic, Kinky Anal Fun!'

April Olsen - Orgasmic, Kinky Anal Fun!

Bodacious brunette April Olsen struts by the pool, showing thicc thighs and a phat ass. She peels off her purple lingerie and masturbates sensually. Porn pro Mark Wood slides his big cock between her lips, and April gives him a drooling blowjob. She shoves her fingers in her tight asshole. Mark's throbbing boner drills her pink sphincter. He buttfucks her hard as she screams in orgasmic delight. April climbs on top and grinds on his thick boner. She gets off on an intense anal orgasm. Her butthole gapes, and she sucks Mark's thick prick ass-to-mouth. April swallows a mouthful of creamy sperm.

April Olsen に 'Fuck Em An' Go'

April Olsen - Fuck Em An' Go

It takes a lot of work to be a Fuck 'Em An' Go champion like the lovely April Olsen. Diligence, endurance, a constant need to fuck... April has it all. We catch April as she's already leaving some lucky guy's house, but she's not done yet. Off in search of her next valuable target, April finds herself at the home of Keiran Lee. After luring him into a trap with some apples she brought as bait, April pounces on Keiran. Once April explains her burning desire to take Keiran's big dick for the sake of a mobile game, Keiran is more than happy to invite her inside. As a special bonus, April realizes that the game is awarding double points for anal today, so Keiran gets to fuck her ass as well as her perfect pussy.

Colby Jansen に 'American Gangbang part 2: Pierce Paris Electrified and Fucked RAW'

Colby Jansen - American Gangbang part 2: Pierce Paris Electrified and Fucked RAW

Doctor Draven Navarro and his pervy muscular orderlies Dilon Diaz and Colby Jansen continue the kinky, debauched fun with disorderly patient Pierce Paris in American Gangbang part 2. Blindfolded with a bandage, muzzled, and strapped down on a medical examination table Pierce strokes a cock with each hand as he gets a series of electroshock treatments to give him an attitude adjustment and warm him up for what's to come. With the TENS unit pulsating electrical current through his muscles the violet wand buzzes and vibrates his asshole as he writhes and moans thanking the gangbangin' orderlies and also begging them to stop. Dr Navarro wants a piece of this little manwhore's ass so he administers a cock injection with his big dick and pounds his unruly patient's hole. Pierce is airtight with a fat cock in his mouth while they all take turns fucking his horny helpless ass until each one shoots a big load all over his face.

Kayley Gunner に 'There's Something About Facials'

Kayley Gunner - There's Something About Facials

Kayley Gunner catches Van Wylde jerking off in the bathroom to picture of her and her girlfriend April Olsen, but she can't help but get turned on when she sees his big dick and so she treats him to a sneaky blowjob. Van cums quickly, however, and it gets stuck in Kayley's hair, leaving her looking very guilty when April walks in on her! The action doesn't stop there though, as April pulls Kayley into the bedroom for some lesbian sex! But we're still not done because Van is still looking to fuck, sneaking into the bedroom to fuck Kayley, only to end up fucking them both in a wild threesome, leaving the girls with messy facials when they're finally done!

Colby Jansen に 'American Gangbang: Pierce Paris Restrained and Fucked RAW'

Colby Jansen - American Gangbang: Pierce Paris Restrained and Fucked RAW

When disorderly patient Pierce Paris gets irate in the doctor's office after his worker's comp claim is rejected all hell breaks loose in the form of a good ole American Gangbang. Dr. Draven Navarro and his trusty muscular orderlies Dillon Diaz and Colby Jansen restrain Pierce and give him a hardcore face fucking session to shut him up. The more he complains the more cock he gets plunging down his throat. They tear his clothes off and notice he is getting turned on by all the excitement so to keep the patient under control they tie him to an examination table and stuff him air tight with their fat cocks. Each one takes turns fucking his tight ass and sassy mouth while he gets the flogger. Giving Pierce the proper medical treatment he deserves they pry his ass open with a cold metal speculum and inspect his hole. Mr. Paris's bad boy attitude disappears as the sexy orderly jerks his cock off until he shoots his load. And that is only Part One…stay tuned for more musclicious manhandling in American Gangbang Part Two coming soon!

April Olsen に 'Temptress'

April Olsen - Temptress

Whether she's wearing springtime pink lingerie or a red swimsuit, April's ready to be showered with lustful attention. See this sexy nymph do her rain dance before she strips down for some poolside action.

April Olsen に 'Anal and Rim Job Initiation'

April Olsen - Anal and Rim Job Initiation

At 25, April Olsen is among porn's top new performers. The stunning, brown-eyed brunette shows her luscious tits and hot butt in a plaid skirt, heels and lingerie, a butt plug lodged in place. April masturbates on a dining table, tasting her fingers. Porn pro Mick Blue initiates her: April kneels for a blowjob, and Mick's POV camera captures pretty eye contact. They French kiss, and he eats pussy. On the table, Mick rails her shaved twat hard, and April says, 'Goddammit, you fuck really good.' She spews adorably dirty talk and beams a big, blissful smile throughout the scene. Mick opens her sphincter with a rim job and a toy. Oil-lubed, doggie-style anal reaming makes her masturbate in ecstasy. April sucks Mick's big cock ass-to-mouth; face fucking makes her choke as spit strands run down her fantastic body. She moans through a skin-slapping buttfuck, her cheeky rear bouncing and flexing gorgeously. Her butthole gapes. See more sodomy, A2M, gaping, and a spit-lubed titty fuck. When Mick rears back, April says, 'I know what that means,' so she tongues his bunghole, making sexy eye contact with the camera. Mick plasters her with a cum facial.

April Olsen に 'Big Cock Anal and A2M BJ'

April Olsen - Big Cock Anal and A2M BJ

Gorgeous, buxom brunette April Olsen winks her tight asshole and runs her fingers over her caramel skin. Heavily hung Jason Moody shoves a butt plug into her sphincter and stuffs his throbbing cock into her wet pussy. April rubs her pearly clit, and Jason drizzles her rear orifice with lube. He slides his big cock up her asshole and buttfucks April to a body-shaking, anal orgasm! April's butthole gapes as Jason pounds her from behind, and she gives him an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Jason rims her delicious bunghole, and April masturbates as his meat strokes inside her butt. The orgasmic ass reaming climaxes with a dripping cum facial.

Andre Monsoon に 'Andre Monsoon, Dillon Diaz and Jake Waters - Blacks On Boys'

Andre Monsoon - Blacks On Boys

Dillon and Jake have invited Andre Monsoon to their home for the week and it seems both of them have ulterior motives. Every time Andre seems to be alone here comes either Dillon or Jake to make a move on him saying not to tell the other. After several times of this Jake walks in on Dillon putting the moves on Andre and tries to act shocked, that is until Andre outs him for doing the same thing. Dillon and Jake quickly realize why fight over Andre if they can both fuck him. Andre is of course along for the ride as well. Andre has limited experience and this is his first time with a couple so he struggles to take the dick but time and pressure always win and soon Andre is moaning with passion under their dual ministrations. Andre pops a huge load while riding Jake with Dillon masterfully controlling his cock. Dillon and Jake need only to paint the boys face with cum to have a happy ending.

April Olsen に 'April Olsen's Tight Ass Makes Manuel Explode'

April Olsen - April Olsen's Tight Ass Makes Manuel Explode

April Olsen stars in a moment of eager anal servitude in this scene from Jules Jordan Video. We open outdoors with April sporting a black thong bikini. During the tease we find Miss Olsen is packing downstairs. She flosses her bulgy, unshaved twat then turns to showcase her premium cheeks. Once indoors April scales a flight of stairs, her pussy peeka-booing on each step. She makes her way to a big red tub for more tease, then to a big brown leather sofa. She warms up her pussy, sliding two fingers inside and tasting. Manuel appears and April has a huge shit eating grin on her face. They kiss, then Ferrara submerges. We get a true sense of what we are dealing with when he plants his face between Olsen's cheeks. They protrude a mile high and killer ass cleavage abounds. A helpful April returns the favor. She produces a long stream of slobber, then she joyously sucks and gags. They transition into cowgirl, April's ass rippling with the tides… she uses her fingers again, this time cramming them into her asshole and feeding Manuel. The couple lie on their sides, Ferrara pounding from behind. Olsen asks 'Are you putting it in my ass now You know that's where I want it.' He obliges then filthy April tongues Manuel's taint and asshole. They move to doggy and Manuel grabs on to some ample ass handle between spanks. Olsen approves requesting another. They change again to reverse cowgirl then back to missionary. Ferrara grabs April's throat then folds her to the side as he whomps her ass. Olsen hurries to her knees and Manuel delivers a massive 'April shower' of cum to her pretty face...

April Olsen に 'Thick Anal Girl Rims Ass!'

April Olsen - Thick Anal Girl Rims Ass!

Thick brunette April Olsen spreads her rear cheeks and flaunts her sculpted legs. She slides a purple dildo up her hungry asshole. April drools as she gives pro stud Mark Wood a blowjob. He stuffs his big cock into her eager sphincter, and she squeals as she rubs her pearly clit. She masturbates sensually. Her tight butthole gapes! April gives Mark an ass-to-mouth blowjob, and she tongues his bunghole in a sumptuous rim job. April's vibe buzzes her wet clit to a euphoric orgasm. She swallows a mouthful of Mark'screamy sperm.

Dillon Diaz に 'Harder, Sir: Part Two'

Dillon Diaz - Harder, Sir: Part Two

After a morning of sensory deprivation and heavy bondage, Tony Orlando is ready to get his holes filled. First up is Tony's pink wet mouth. Tony opens up wide for Dillon Diaz's rock hard cock. Drool drips from his chin as he slurps down every inch of his Sir's cock. Blindfolded and cock-focused, Tony yelps in surprise as Dillon drizzles hot wax all over his back. The pain spurs Tony on, making him hornier and hornier. Dillon's ready to fuck Tony's ass but first he decides clean off all that wax. He grabs a leather flogger and beats Tony until his ass is red and wax-free. Then he gets a taste of Tony's sweaty hole before sinking his cock in. Tony moans as his ass stretches to accommodate Dillon's big cock. Soon Dillon sets a brutal pace which has both men eager to cum. Finally Dillon blows a load all over Tony's face before leaning in to make out as his cum mingles in their mouths.

Dillon Diaz に 'Harder, Sir: Part One'

Dillon Diaz - Harder, Sir: Part One

Sensory deprivation, heavy bondage and pain make Tony Orlando a happy boy. Tony Orlando is wrapped up and bound in heavy metal chains with just his feet, cock, and nose exposed. Clad in leather with his muscles rippling, Dillon Diaz strides up to Tony and inspects his cock. It's hard already and dribbling thick sticky strands of precum. Dillon edges Tony before bringing out the crop. He spares no mercy cropping Tony's cock, balls, chest, and ass. Tony cries for more even as he twists away from the sting of his Sir's crop. Dillon rips open the plastic wrap covering Tony's ass and gives his boy a firm bare-handed spanking before edging Tony to an explosive orgasm. Tony cleans Dillon's cum-covered fingers and gets promised a good hard fuck. To be continued…

Blake Dyson に 'Blake Dyson, August Alexander and Dillon Diaz - Blacks On Boys'

Blake Dyson - Blacks On Boys

Blake has been calling and calling his landlord to come fix his jacuzzi tub for weeks. Fed up after working out one day he finally decides to just use it as a bath and while luxuriating in the hot water, well a horny boy is a horny boy and he gets his toys out and is in another world with a thick toy in his ass when the long awaited plumbers walk in. The Landlord gave them a key, but they are not shocked and rather like the show. Dillon picks up the other toy and stuffs it in his mouth which the greedy boy takes deep. Our Plumbers have mighty big tools of their own and are quick to fill this pretty boys holes as he moans like a slut in heat. When they finally unload on his face he can not contain himself as well and well I guess they will have to just make a second appointment to fix the tub.

Cameron Basinger に 'Cameron Basinger, Dillon Diaz and Micah Martinez - Blacks On Boys'

Cameron Basinger - Blacks On Boys

Cameron is just out of college and so excited to be on to his first job interview. He is surprised there are two men interviewing him and not only that they are hot. They are pretty direct about what they want and ask him to show them some skills on the computer. When he opens the screen it's a giant porn page with a photo of another young man with big dicks in either hole. Cameron asks, ``What is expected of me here? They start to unbutton his shirt in answer and quickly start tag teaming his mouth with his ass to follow. Cameron is obviously right at home here when he cums hard while riding those dicks, pretty sure he got the job too.

Dillon Diaz に 'The Agreement: Roommates Come To An Understanding During COVID'

Dillon Diaz - The Agreement: Roommates Come To An Understanding During COVID

Micah Martinez has been out of work for a minute since the pandemic hit. His roommate Dillon Diaz is understanding but wants Micah to pull his weight. Today this means giving Dillon a message. Luckily Micah doesn't mind getting his hands all over his roommate's muscular body.He undresses Dillon and starts working Dillon over from his shoulders to his toes. Dillon loves getting worshipped but still decides Micah needs a punishment to encourage him to do better. He cuffs Micah's hands and gives him a firm spanking, a sound belting and a good flogging. Then Micah blows him before getting bent over and fucked! Once his hole is warmed up, Dillon sees how much he can take and brings out a couple dildos. After seeing Micah take the biggest one, Dillon blows his load all over Micah's face and relentlessly edges Micah before ultimately denying him.

Cecilia Lion に 'How We Met'

Cecilia Lion - How We Met

Cecilia retells the story of how she met her partner one night in a seedy theater across town.

Casey Everett に 'Dillon Diaz and Casey Everett: Good Pup'

Casey Everett - Dillon Diaz and Casey Everett: Good Pup

Dillon Diaz has Casey Everett naked and bound to a Saint Andrew's Cross. He rubs his body up and down and gets to his knees and sucks Casey's cock. He pinches Casey's nipples and hits him with a leather flogger. Casey gets to his knees and sucks Dillon's big dick down to the hilt. Dillon puts Casey on his back and shoves his big meaty cock into Casey's tight asshole and fucks him hard and raw. Dillon puts a leather puppy mask on Casey, makes him get on all fours, and fucks him deep and hard, fucking the cum right out of Casey. Dillon blows his huge load on Casey's ass and then shoves his raw dick back in his ass.

Colby Jansen に 'and Dillon Diaz: Stud Fucker'

Colby Jansen - and Dillon Diaz: Stud Fucker

Dillon Diaz is naked on his back with his legs spread. He's blindfolded with his hands and thighs bound to a steel frame. Beefcake, Colby Jansen steps into the scene and grabs Dillon's hard cock and pulls on his tight balls. After that, Colby grabs his big leather flogger and goes to town on Dillon's meaty ass. Then he lights a candle and drips hot wax all over Dillon's chest and cock until he begs for mercy. Colby unleashes his hard cock and spreads Dillon's hole and sinks his cock deep inside and pounds the cum right out of him.

Zak Bishop に 'Zak Bishop, August Alexander and Dillon Diaz - Blacks On Boys'

Zak Bishop - Blacks On Boys

Dillon and August have had a long night and are still laying around in robes the next day when a delivery boy comes calling. Zak the Delivery boy offers up a package that is beat the hell up and is asking for a a signature but can't take his eyes off the packages August and Dillion have to offer as well. As compensation for such bad service he is quick on his knees for these two giant dicks. Zak takes both cocks like a champ and then challenges them to dick him at the same time. He takes the Anal DP twice and amazes the Men with his hole. Two loads on the face and he finally gets his signature on the package.

Dillon Diaz に 'Laying Pipe: Plumber Dillon Diaz Lays Into Handsy Client Alex Hawk'

Dillon Diaz - Laying Pipe: Plumber Dillon Diaz Lays Into Handsy Client Alex Hawk

When Alex Hawk lays his hands on hot plumber Dillon Diaz, he isn't prepared for what Dillon has in store for him. Dillon is usually a strict professional and he's going to teach this handsy client a lesson. Dillon pins Alex's arm behind his back and squeezes his cock and tits hard and Alex squirms in pain. This isn't what he had in mind but it's too late now. Alex finds himself gagged, secured with plastic wrap and zip ties to a chair in his kitchen and at the mercy of the plumber. Dillon rips off his underwear, puts a ring around his balls, and strokes Alex's cock hard and fast. Alex is desperate to cum, but Dillon has more in store for this naughty boy. He clamps Alex's nipples and sticks his hard cock down Alex's throat. He fucks Alex's mouth hard and fast. Next, Alex's wrists and cock are restrained in a humbler. Bent over the kitchen sink, his ass is spanked and flogged red by Dillon. Finally, Dillon sinks his cock into Alex's tight ass and gives him the hard pounding he's been craving. He puts Alex on the floor and shoots a big load all over Alex's face before commanding him to cum on his boots.

Dillon Diaz に 'Edging Dillon: Mason Lear Teases Dillon Diaz Till He Blows!'

Dillon Diaz - Edging Dillon: Mason Lear Teases Dillon Diaz Till He Blows!

Dillon Diaz is rock hard and ready to blow his load! Too bad for him, Mason Lear has other plans. He strips Dillon of his jockstrap and makes him bury his face into his own sweaty musk. He hits Dillon's chest with his gloved hands. He puts a bit gag on Dillon and restrains his hands with leather. Now all this muscle is at his mercy. Mason wraps his hands around Dillon's cock, strokes him until Dillon is begging to cum. But Mason isn't done yet. He slips Dillon's cock into a stroker fucking machine and watches as it devours Dillon's rock hard cock. Soon Dillon is thrusting his hips forward, chasing the pleasure brought by the tight slickness enveloping his cock. Next, Mason has Dillon on his back. He buries his tongue in Dillon's ass before pushing a gloved finger into its tight embrace. Then he pushes a pulsating prostate plug into Dillon's ass. Dillon moans as his ass is breached by the plug and he gets on his hands and knees to service Mason's hard cock. Mason fucks his face and then blows his load all over Dillon's face. Mason pushes Dillon down and edges him until he shoots a creamy load all over his leather gloves. Dillon eagerly cleans off Mason's gloves and is rewarded with a hot searing kiss from Mason.

Dillon Diaz に 'and Brian Bonds: Right Where I Want You'

Dillon Diaz - and Brian Bonds: Right Where I Want You

Dillon Diaz has Brian Bonds right where he wants him; naked on his knees, strapped to a metal frame with a ball-gag stuffed in his mouth. Dillon spreads Brian's cheeks and spits on his asshole. He then flogs Brian's ass and puts clamps on his nipples. Dillon unleashes his giant cock from his leather jock and stuffs it in Brian's mouth. After that, with Brian's legs spread, Dillon fucks his ass deep and hard until he fucks the cum right out of him. Dillon pees on Brian's asshole with his hard cock just before blowing his load all over Brian's balls.

Mac Savage に 'Mac Savage, Dillon Diaz and Romance - Blacks On Boys'

Mac Savage - Blacks On Boys

Well to do Couple Dillon Diaz and Romance can't keep their eyes off the new muscled pool boy working at their house. Mac Savage knows what's up and that's why he wears such slutty outfits to clean the pool for a few important clients. Mac has seen how this couple stares him down the last few weeks and dreams of being on his knees for this hot Black couple. Dillon asks Mac to join them and proposes that they promote him from Pool Boy to House Boy, with free room and board of course. Mac knows there is nothing free in this world and while touring the rest of the grounds he is quickly on his knees in the gravel sucking cocks. They take Mac to his new room and show him the extent of his house duties as the new receptacle for Black cum.

Victoria Voxxx に 'Victoria Voxxx's Bisexual Threesome'

Victoria Voxxx - Victoria Voxxx's Bisexual Threesome

Riled up for a raunchy threesome, freaky Latina Victoria Voxxx makes out with bisexuals Johnny Hill and Dillon Diaz. She slobbers giving Dillon a blowjob as Johnny eats her twat. As one guy fucks her, the other lewdly rims her bunghole. The dudes kiss passionately and suck cock crudely. They subject Victoria to furious anal reaming! Johnny sodomizes Victoria with Dillon underneath them buttfucking Johnny! Both boners simultaneously fill Victoria's twat and tush in a double penetration drilling that leads to ass-to-mouth cocksucking. Finally, Dillon sprays sperm over Johnny's stiff meat.

Dillon Diaz に 'Dillon Diaz: Uses Leather Gloves to Stretch His Hole and Milk His Cock'

Dillon Diaz - Dillon Diaz: Uses Leather Gloves to Stretch His Hole and Milk His Cock

Muscle God Dillon Diaz knows what you are doing! This leather muscle wants to join you with his rock hard cock. His leather gloves gripping his meat as it gets harder. Dillon makes the rules, and the one rule is, he cums first. Can you follow the rules? Do you want to handle his cock, he likes it when you slap it hard. He likes it when you slap his perfect ass too. It's time to stretch his hole out. Dillon brings out an expandable ass stretching dildo. He fucks himself with it as he pumps it up, then deep throats the thick cock. This gets him rock hard and ready to explode with you. Get your cock out and join him, then eat up all his cum.

Natalie Mars に 'Luscious Ladies In Latex: A TS Seduction Collection'

Natalie Mars - Luscious Ladies In Latex: A TS Seduction Collection

At first we have Jamie French dressed from head to toe in an all black tight latex bodysuit. Her boy toy to play with today is Sebastian Keys, who's trapped in a garbage bag by her feet. Sitting on her dungeon throne, Jamie commands Keys to claw his way out of the bag. Wearing a gas mask, Keys is immediately in position, ready to please his master. First she orders him to shine her latex boots up so he licks, kisses, and oinks like a pig as he polishes her shoes with his tongue. She inspects his pork-butt and slaps his dirty little piggy ass to get it nice and pink. He removes her latex boots,sniffs, and licks her rubber covered sweaty feet. All this wet tongue action is getting Jamie hot but no cock for Sebastian until she is all shiny. With his filthy mouth the little piglet unzips her body suit and polishes her hard cock with some slow, deep dick sucking.In the Next scene, Duchess Aspen Brooks, dressed in a latex corset and bra with latex panties, has Draven Navarro remove her stockings and worship her feet and legs. She giggles as Draven snakes his tongue between her perfect toes and lavishes them with attention. Then she takes Draven over her knees for a firm spanking. Draven squirms in her lap, gasping with every hit, and thanking her for punishing him. She spits in his ass and then makes him get on his hands and knees so she can get a taste. After a little bit of rimming, she slides her hard fat cock into his ass. Draven moans as her cock enters him. He loves how it fills up his ass. The Duchess gives this bitch boy what he craves, a hard pounding with her rock hard cock. Draven cries out as the Duchess pummels his ass. He cums while she fucks him, and then eagerly takes The Duchess' load on his face.Gorgeous figure drawing model, Natassia Dreams shows up for a job her agent booked. Dressed in a short, tight, pink latex dress. The artist Jonah Marx gets to work, wasting her valuable time. She strips this loser down naked and bends him over her knee. He needs to be taught a lesson and hard corporal ass spanking is where this begins. After his ass turns bright red, it's time for him to kiss her ass. She pulls up her latex dress naked exposing her perfect round ass and tight asshole. He goes to town eating that ass. She turns around and shoves her rock hard cock down his throat.In nothing but a red latex corset and bra, Roxxie Moth commands Tony Orlando to suck her cock. He swallows every inch, choking as he deep throats her cock. Then he buries his face into her ass and laps at her asshole with his greedy tongue. Finally, Ms. Moth bends him over and plows his tight ass. Tony moans as Ms. Moth fucks him hard and deep. She flips him onto his back and continues fucking her new slut. Tony cums hard as Roxxie fucks him, but Roxxie isn't about to stop just because Tony came. She drives into him harder, faster, and deeper than before until she's had her fill and blows her load all over his face.Finally we find Natalie Mars dressed in an all black, tight latex catsuit, she lifts her legs in the air and tells Dillon Diaz to lick her asshole. He licks long licks from her asshole all the way up to her hard cock and sucks it. She orders him to put a finger in her ass and so he fucks her ass with his thumb while he sucks her cock. She puts a dildo gag in his mouth and makes him fuck her ass with it. After Natalie gets her ass fucked well with the dildo-gag, she has Dillon get on his knees. She sinks her rock hard cock deep into his asshole and fucks it. She flips him over onto his back and spreads his big muscular legs, and once again begins pounding his hole. She sits on his face and smothers his mouth and nose with her asshole while she strokes his cock. She strokes his cock and makes him cum with her hands. She collects his sperm into a specimen jar, just before unleashing her own hot load across his face.

Khloe Kay に 'Serving Ms. Kay: Diva Khloe Kay puts handler through the wringer'

Khloe Kay - Serving Ms. Kay: Diva Khloe Kay puts handler through the wringer

Big star Khloe Kay is not having a good day. Opening night is tonight and Khloe refuses to leave her dressing room. Luckily Dillon Diaz shows up apologetic and eager to make things right. Khloe takes one look at Dillon and knows exactly how this beefy boy can make it up to her. She has Dillon get on his knees to worship her heels and her stocking-clad feet. After removing her stockings, Dillon sucks on her toes and rubs her perfect feet. Then she orders Dillon to take his shirt off. Dillon isn't sure now is the best time but when his star threatens to walk out, he obeys and lays down on the floor before her. After admiring his muscular built body, Khloe steps onto his chest and tramples his upper body as Dillon gazes up at her gorgeous nude body. He loves being beneath this glowing goddess. Dillon moans as Khloe lowers herself onto his face and smothers him with her ass. Next Khloe makes Dillon suck her cock and tells him he should've been doing this the moment she arrives. Dillon agrees and continues to worship her cock and bury his tongue in her ass. Finally Khloe has Dillon presenting his ass on his hands and knees. He groans as Khloe stretches his ass open with her hard cock and fucks him good. Khloe fucks him to her heart's content and then allows him to cum before blowing her load all over him. Perhaps the show will go on after all.

Evelyn Claire に 'Checkmate'

Evelyn Claire - Checkmate

Evelyn's partner is jealous when she invites an old friend over, but he doesn't have enough power to stop it. He watches carefully from the sidelines before storming off over a leading comment. Evelyn won't have it. "Did your mother not teach you to share," she asks. She teaches him herself.

Dillon Diaz に 'Rode Hard: Dillon Diaz Dominated On Michael Roman's Motorcycle'

Dillon Diaz - Rode Hard: Dillon Diaz Dominated On Michael Roman's Motorcycle

In a dark dungeon, Dillon Diaz is naked and alone with his hands tied behind his back. His chest rests on a post and his feet are suspended from the ceiling behind him, leaving his body bent backwards like a scorpion. The muscular Michael Roman enters the room on his motorcycle. He kills the engine, dismounts his hog, and slowly approaches Dillon who is already rock hard and ready. He slaps Dillon's ass and makes him smell his gloved hands. Michael drops to his knees and sucks his cock so good that Dillon begs to let him cum, but Michael wont let him. Instead, Michael gets his leather flogger and hits Dillon repeatedly on his ass and back. In the next scene, Mr. Roman has Dillon mounted on his motorcycle with Dillon tied to the bike in rope bondage with a blindfold over his eyes. His neck is tied to the handlebars and his legs are tied to the bike's frame. Unable to move at all, Michael torments Dillon with a spiked pinwheel, rolling it over his ass and cock. Michael gets his pliers, pulls out Dillon's tongue and rolls the pinwheel over it. Michael pulls out his hard cock and shoves it in Dillon's mouth and Dillon takes it down his throat, all the way to the hilt. Then, after a couple zaps with the cattle prod, Michael flips him over and sinks his fat hog inside Dillon's asshole and fucks him deep and hard right there on top of the motorcycle. After Michael shoots his load on Dillon's face, he ties Dillon standing up with two zippers of clothespins flanking his body from his chest to his thighs. He jerks Dillon's cock and makes him cum just before getting back on his motorcycle and riding away, pulling at the zipper's strings that he attached to the bike.

Haley Reed に 'Boxed'

Haley Reed - Boxed

Dante can't keep his eyes off Haley when he visits a new gym to spar and her boyfriend is quick to notice. "Were you looking at her?" he asks. Dante dances around the question, careful of his word choice and fully unprepared for the couple's motives.

Natalie Mars に 'Latex Predator: Natalie Mars Captures and Fucks Dillon Diaz'

Natalie Mars - Latex Predator: Natalie Mars Captures and Fucks Dillon Diaz

In a remote field of tall dry grass, inside a run-down shack, dressed in all tight latex, Natalie Mars readies her frightened captive, Dillon Diaz who is lying on his back, bound completely in plastic wrap except for his hard cock and his head that stick out. His eyes are covered in a black wrap and a red ball gag is stuck in his mouth. Natalie removes the ball-gag and sticks her latex gloved fingers down Dillon's throat making him gag on them. Natalie bites his hard cock, slaps his balls, and covers them in clothespins. After that, Natalie unwraps him and has him get on his knees to suck her rock hard cock. Dillon takes her whole cock deep down his throat and sucks it well. Natalie lifts her legs in the air and tells Dillon to lick her asshole. He licks long licks from her asshole all the way up to her hard cock and sucks it. She orders him to put a finger in her ass and so he fucks her ass with his thumb while he sucks her cock. She puts a dildo gag in his mouth and makes him fuck her ass with it. After Natalie gets her ass fucked well with the dildo-gag, she has Dillon get on his knees. She sinks her rock hard cock deep into his asshole and fucks it. She flips him over onto his back and spreads his big muscular legs, and once again begins pounding his hole. She sits on his face and smothers his mouth and nose with her asshole while she strokes his cock. She strokes his cock and makes him cum with her hands. She collects his sperm into a specimen jar, just before unleashing her own hot load across his face.

Dillon Diaz に 'Blacks On Boys'

Dillon Diaz - Blacks On Boys

Drew has a special request for his massage and is not afraid to tell them exactly where he needs his rub. Of course he requested the 4 handed and 2 BBC rub down and with lots of lube all of the orifices are explored and massaged to completion. Trent and Dillon make a great team working out every hole deep with their special techniques. Drew asked for the finale on his face by two big dicks and they paint his face well with their thick loads.

Draven Navarro に 'Draven Navarro, Dillon Diaz and Trent King - Blacks On Boys'

Draven Navarro - Blacks On Boys

Draven Navarro is heading out to the boys house for a Game Day Party only to find the party is in his pants. Trent and Dillon are a tag team in effect giving Draven the heavy attention as they take turns plowing him while why he is there. The game is long forgotten once Trents long dick opens him up. The boys take turns with Draven till he shoots and take their loads on his face back to back. At least the recorded the game...

Dillon Diaz に 'Dillon Detained: Ace Rockwood Makes Dillon Diaz His Little Bitch'

Dillon Diaz - Dillon Detained: Ace Rockwood Makes Dillon Diaz His Little Bitch

Ace Rockwood returns to dominate another little bitch. This time it's the muscled Dillon Diaz, who can barely contain his excitement at working with Kink again, and especially with taking whatever Ace decides to dish out. Ace hits Dillon with full a full suspension, a deep hard anal fucking, flogging, electro-paddling, machine fucking and face fucking. They start with Dillon backed against a wall while Ace takes advantage of him, establishing immediately that he's going to do whatever he wants with this stud. He spanks him and paddles him, then shoves his face deep in his ass to get that hole ready for what's to come. Dillon immediately slips into his submissive role, eager to please. Ace uses an electrified paddle to give Dillon a double dose of pain. He then suspends Dillon, completely upside down, with his hands ties behind his back. Dillon can only hang there and accept the hard sting of a flogger, before Ace shoved his massive cock into his throat. Dillon takes the face fucking deep and hard, getting that giant dick soaked with spit. Ace sucks Dillon's cock at the same time, then spins him around to torment his hole with his tongue once again. Dillon is a good little bitch, thanking his master unprompted for the pain and pleasure. Ace then puts Dillon on his back with his lets held apart by rope, and shoves a fucksaw deep into his hungry hole. Dillon's gagged, but his screams come through loud and clear as he's machine fucked. Ace finally decides his toy is ready for a real dick. So he slams his beast into his hole and fucks him. That hole is ready, but it still stretches tight with that fat cock rooted in it. Ace slams Dillon hard while jerking his cock, then makes him cum. Then Ace stands above his fuck toy and shoots his fat load all over his face.

Bar Addison に 'Bar Addison, Dillon Diaz and Ray Diesel - Blacks On Boys'

Bar Addison - Blacks On Boys

Bar Addison did not expect to find these hot Black Men behind this roommate ad. Ray Diesel and Dillon Diaz think they have scored finding this pretty white boy coming to their castle. They are both quick to show Bar the spacious room for rent and let him know there will be some extra duties required of him to pay his rent. Dillon makes the first move in the bathroom only to scurry away and they come to find the Biggest Black Dick he has ever seen waiting for him. That boy knows he is going to get BBC X2 Tonight.

Cameron Basinger に 'Cameron Basinger, Dillon Diaz and Ray Diesel - Blacks On Boys'

Cameron Basinger - Blacks On Boys

Cameron did not expect to find these hot Black Men behind this roommate ad. Ray Diesel and Dillon Diaz think they have scored finding this pretty white boy coming to their castle. They are both quick to show Bar the spacious room for rent and let him know there will be some extra duties required of him to pay his rent. Dillon makes the first move in the bathroom only to scurry away and they come to find the Biggest Black Dick he has ever seen waiting for him. That boy knows he is going to get BBC X2 Tonight.

Dillon Diaz に 'Perpetually Rigged to the Ceiling, Suspended and Edged'

Dillon Diaz - Perpetually Rigged to the Ceiling, Suspended and Edged

Dillon Diaz is a muscled stud who loves to have his dick sucked and his ass played with, which makes him perfect for several rounds of edging with Sebastian Keys and Chance Summerlin. Dillon puts his fate in their hands as he's tied up, blindfolded, gagged and suspended, and his fat dick gets worked, sucked and edged, again and again until he finally blows his thick load. Dillon starts blindfolded, with his upper body in bondage, tethered to the ceiling, and his ankles bound to the floor. His mobility is restricted and his vision blocked, so he can't easily wrestle away, or even know what's coming, which makes the hands on his body and mouth on his cock even more intense. Chance slurps on his hard dick while Sebastian adds nipple suction cups, then brings in the cock stroker. Chance works and sucks Dillon's cock, bringing him to the edge, before tickling him...for the first of three times. They then return to working that fat dick, jerking him off and letting him thrust in a futile effort to cum. Sebastian and Chance then turn their attention on his beautiful ass. They shove a fucking machine up his hole and let it fuck him as Chance again takes his dick in his wet, hungry mouth. After another orgasm denial, Dillon is suspended on his back, again tethered to the ceiling by multiple ropes. He's got a bar gag in his mouth and his wrists and ankles restrained, so once again he's a slave to the whims of his masters. They tease him with another cock stroker, bringing him to the edge and then pulling him back. Tickling him again on his feet, which drives him utterly wild. They shove a butt plug up his perfect ass, worship his feet and cock, and then intently get to work making that dick of his ready to cum. This time they go right over the line, working his cock to the point of no return. Dillon's been edged like crazy, so when he shoots he can barely contain his moans and screams. Sebastian torments his sensitive cock head, then they tickle him a third, and most excruciating time. Dillon gets a full workout, from head to dick to toe, then back to that dick. He has a blast doing it, and Sebastian and Chance have a blast making it happen.

Arad Winwin に 'Dillon Diaz serves The House'

Arad Winwin - Dillon Diaz serves The House

Dillon Diaz is tied on his knees with a partial hood on. His muscles ripple as he takes deep breaths, ready for whatever comes next. Latex-clad Arad Winwin watches from across the room. He stalks over to Dillon, hungry to see what Dillon can take. He tests Dillon's pain tolerance with a leather paddle. Dillon moans as Arad hits his chest, his stomach, and his cock. A perfect pain slut, his moaning increases with every hit and his skin turns a bright red. Arad loves seeing his slut so hard and decides to give his boy more pain. He runs a line of close pins across Dillon's chest, and puts more his nipples and balls. Dillon cries out in pain, but his cock stays rock hard. Arad thinks maybe Dillon has it too easy, and ties his legs up off the floor before kneeling and tasting Dillon's cock. Arad removes Dillon's hood and grips his neck as he lavishes Dillon with rough kisses. He spanks and flogs Dillon's ass before bringing him to his knees and taking his mouth. Dillon loves feeling Arad's rock hard cock in his mouth. He takes it all, struggling to keep pace as Arad plunders his hole. Arad tires of Dillon's inadequacies and puts a spider gag on Dillon to keep his mouth wide open. Dillon's drool drips down his body to his hard cock as he services Arad. Finally, Dillon gets to ride Arad's perfect cock as his own cock and balls are trapped in an e-stim cock ring. Dillon is so turned on by the sensations in his cock and his ass that he comes without permission and Arad is none to pleased. He makes Dillon keep riding his cock as he shocks him with a zapper until he's ready to cum. He tells Dillon to get on his knees and then blows his load all over Dillon's face.