Kink Partners '変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました' 主演 Daisy Ducati (写真 17)

Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' - KINKY JOI: - You Have Failed Your Mistress Once Again (Filth Syndicate)


発売日 : 3月5日, 2021
タグ : 女王, 足コキ, 屈辱, ソロ女性, Joi, , Gimp, 変態する, スムース, ブート, ハイヒール, オナニー

Richelle Ryan at

写真から Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' KINKY JOI: - You Have Failed Your Mistress Once Again

Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 1)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 2)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 3)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 4)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 5)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 6)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 7)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 8)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 9)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 10)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 11)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 12)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 13)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 14)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 15)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 16)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 17)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' 変態ジョイ:- あなたは再びあなたの愛人を失敗しました (サムネイル 18)

写真から Daisy Ducati に 'Kink Partners' KINKY JOI: - You Have Failed Your Mistress Once Again

もっと 'Kink Partners' からのシーン Daisy Ducati

Daisy Ducati に 'ジェイソン・ミシェルズ vs デイジー・ドゥカティ'

Daisy Ducati - ジェイソン・ミシェルズ vs デイジー・ドゥカティ


Daisy Ducati に '平均的なレスリング連盟のプレゼント:デイジードゥカティ対ふわふわ'

Daisy Ducati - 平均的なレスリング連盟のプレゼント:デイジードゥカティ対ふわふわ


Mistress Kara に 'トーナメント:準決勝2 - 愛人カラ対デイジードゥカティ'

Mistress Kara - トーナメント:準決勝2 - 愛人カラ対デイジードゥカティ

私たちは(うまくいけば)これ以上の中断を持たないトーナメントの残りの部分のために戻ってきました。私たちはいくつかの悲しいニュースを持っています, COVID-19のために, ビクトリアVoxxxは、トーナメントから撤退しました.彼女の代わりに、ミス・デメノールはシャイアン・ジュエルと対戦します。カラ対デイジーの勝者は、決勝戦のためにシャイアン対ミスの勝者と対戦します。だから、ここで私たちは行く。カラとデイジーとの準決勝の時間。デイジーは長い間愛人カラを呼び出しており、今日、彼女は彼女の願いを得る。誰もがショックを受け、デイジーが彼女の前のトーナメントの試合で長年のベテラン、ディー・ウィリアムズを破って驚きました。今日、誰もがデイジーがカラを支配して動揺することを望んでいます。デイジーは、いくつかのトラブルにカラを置くヘッドロックを使用していますが、カラは彼女自身のいくつかの致命的な足を持っており、彼女は脚のはさみでデイジーをタップすることができます。カラはサブミッションとピンで有利に見えるが、これはセックスファイティングフォルクスであり、デイジーは試合で与えられたほとんどのオーガズムの記録を持っている。勝者の顔は敗者をファックし、彼女の猫をファックし、それが開いているまで彼女のお尻をファックします。敗者は尻を犯す必要があり、このトーナメントの試合は正しく行われます。

Dee Williams に 'トーナメントラウンド1:マッチ2 - ディーウィリアムズ対デイジードゥカティ'

Dee Williams - トーナメントラウンド1:マッチ2 - ディーウィリアムズ対デイジードゥカティ


Daisy Ducati に 'Destroys Super Model Rocky Emerson'

Daisy Ducati - Destroys Super Model Rocky Emerson


Daisy Ducati に '変態ジョイ:あなたはそれを味わいたい'

Daisy Ducati - 変態ジョイ:あなたはそれを味わいたい


Daisy Ducati に '美しいダイヤモンドの銀行は彼女を失った後に良い犯される'

Daisy Ducati - 美しいダイヤモンドの銀行は彼女を失った後に良い犯される

デイジー'致命的な脚'ドゥカティは、進化した戦いレズビアン版に新しいルーキーを歓迎するためにここにいます。デイジーは、マットの上に彼女の対戦相手を兼作るための素晴らしい実績を持っています。それは彼女のセクシーな枕の話、または彼女が背が高く、完璧な肌を持っているという事実と多くの関係があるかもしれませんが、最も可能性の高いのは、彼らがミス・ドゥカティに降ろされたときに感じる力です。デイジーはいくつかの強力な致命的な足を持っています。彼女はそれらを包み込み、それはおやすみアイリーンまたはこの場合、おやすみダイヤモンドです。ダイヤモンド'カッター'バンクスはゼロレスリングの経験を持っていますが、彼女は彼女が運動していることを意味する彼の学校でチアリーディングをしました。ダイヤモンドは彼女が勝つつもりだポジティブです。彼女はデイジーが誰であるかを知っていて、彼女は感銘を受けていません。今日、 デイジーは、この新しい女の子を謙虚にする必要があります。あなたはこれを見逃したくない、私の友人。ラウンド3の最後にマットにオーガズムがあります。勝者は敗者と残忍です。彼女は大きなコックで敗者の顔を詰め込み、その後、猫のストラップオンのファックと髪を引っ張るための敗者を取得します。勝者は完全に性的、精神的に敗者を支配します。敗者は彼女からオーガズムを舐めることによって勝者に譲歩しなければなりません。勝者は、レスリングとセックスのすべての仕事をした後でも、彼女が本当にどれだけの力を持っているかを彼女に示すために、残念な敗者を持ち上げ、運びます。

Daisy Ducati に '隣のかわいい女の子はレズビアンレスリングで性的に破壊されています'

Daisy Ducati - 隣のかわいい女の子はレズビアンレスリングで性的に破壊されています


Daisy Ducati に '2つの黒檀の筋肉の女の子はエロティックなレズビアンレスリングを持っています'

Daisy Ducati - 2つの黒檀の筋肉の女の子はエロティックなレズビアンレスリングを持っています


Daisy Ducati に '強い脚の美しさは小柄な大きなお尻の女の子を破壊し、その後ファック'

Daisy Ducati - 強い脚の美しさは小柄な大きなお尻の女の子を破壊し、その後ファック


Daisy Ducati に 'ボスの女性は彼女の同僚を犯すことによって蒸気を発散する必要があります'

Daisy Ducati - ボスの女性は彼女の同僚を犯すことによって蒸気を発散する必要があります


Daisy Ducati に '変態ジョイ:デイジーのホテルの部屋'

Daisy Ducati - 変態ジョイ:デイジーのホテルの部屋


Daisy Ducati に '変態ジョイ:カマカッコールドの完全な猫'

Daisy Ducati - 変態ジョイ:カマカッコールドの完全な猫

デイジー・ドゥカティは、彼女が何の問題もしていないように見えてあなたの部屋に入ります。彼女はあなたのためにいくつかのふしだらなエネルギーを節約することになっていたことを知っていますが、彼女は少し横道に入りました。代わりに、彼女はバーで熱いスタッドダウンに会い、彼を犯しました。そうです、彼女が2階に来る直前に、全く見知らぬ人が彼女の猫に大きな負荷をかけました。そして、あなたは本当にとにかく彼女を喜ばせることができなかったので、あなたは自分自身に触れて、彼がどれほど良かったかについて、ソファで彼女を見上げて床に座るようになっ.さて、あなたが良い男の子になり、彼女の猫からすべての精液を舐めたい場合は、次回、彼女はあなたが吸うためのコックを見つけるでしょう。あなたはそれが彼女を幸せにすることを知っています。あなたは彼女が使用するための汚い小さなカックであるのを見て、あなたがデイジーに触れる唯一の時間は、あなたが彼女の混乱をクリーンアップしているときです。彼女は犬のように物乞いをしているあなたの手と膝にあなたを見るのがどれほど好きかを剥ぎ取り続け、あなたに伝え続けます。彼女はあなたがそれを乞うとき、彼女の精液で満たされた猫を乞うのが好きです。彼女は振り向いて、彼女のパンティーを剥ぎ取り始めます。彼女は彼があなたのために残した脂肪の負荷を示すために彼女の猫を広げます。あなたは座って、彼の精液が彼女の女の壁の奥深くからにじみ出るのを見ます。彼女は彼女の口でガラスのおもちゃを吹き始めると、あなたがどれほど哀れであるかを笑います。ガラスディルドの周りに彼女の唇を包む彼女は彼女の兼で満たされた穴におもちゃを突っ込む直前に、それは素敵で濡れます。あなたは彼女がこの良い感じにさせ、彼女があなたのエビのディックをあざけりながら自分自身をファックするのを見て、ただ座って見ることは決してできませんでした。今、彼女はバイブレーターを持っており、彼女のオーガズムを増幅しています, 熱く、濡れて取得, 彼女は自分自身をファックし、彼女の猫があなたの顔に彼女の噴出をポンプとして右のディルドを引っ張ります.彼女は何度も何度も彼女の精液とその全く見知らぬ人の兼の大きな濡れた混乱を噴出します。さて、あなたはそれをきれいにします。

Sam Solo に '危険な足を持つ黒檀の美しさは、小さな男を破壊します'

Sam Solo - 危険な足を持つ黒檀の美しさは、小さな男を破壊します

デイジー・ドゥカティは非常に経験豊富なレスラーです。彼女は男の頭をスナップオフすることができ、彼女の強い足で知られています。彼女は彼女のニックネームを持っている理由です "致命的な脚".サム・ソロは学校でレスリングをしましたが、彼の経験は広大ではありません。彼は今日の私たちの美しいアマゾンよりもかなり小さく、弱いです。サムはあまりうまく始まらない。彼はデイジーの脚のはさみに閉じ込められ、すぐに彼女の力を感じます。彼女は彼を一生懸命押しつぶすので、彼はかろうじて呼吸することができ、そこから事態は悪化する。彼はこの試合には役に立たないと考えられている。デイジーは彼を完全に所有している。彼女は彼をギフトラップに入れ、彼女が彼を制御し、彼自身の敗者の腕で自分自身を窒息させるので、彼女の足で彼を保持します。賞金ラウンドは、この貧しい小さな弱い男のためのさらに屈辱です。デイジーは肉体的にも性的にも彼を所有しています。彼女は彼の上に座って、彼は彼女の汚れた、汗まみれの足の底を崇拝させます。彼女は犬の位置に彼を置きます, お尻アップ/フェイスダウンと彼女は彼のかわいいタイトな処女のお尻をペグ.敗者は投げ捨てられ、彼女は彼女の強力な筋肉を曲げている間、勝者の足を崇拝するために作られる

Daisy Ducati に 'この黒檀の女神の足は、この女の子のお尻を破壊します'

Daisy Ducati - この黒檀の女神の足は、この女の子のお尻を破壊します

デイジー"致命的な脚"ドゥカティは、今日私たちのレズビアンレスリングをやっているマットの上にあります。彼女は私たちのミックスレスリングサイトのために何度もレスリングをしているし、彼女は彼女のレスリングの名前にとてもよく生きているので、私たちは彼女を連れ戻し続けます "致命的な脚".彼女は肉体的、精神的、性的、口頭で支配する背の高い暗い美しさです。私たちは本当に続ける必要がありますか?デイジーは完全なパッケージです。今日、完全なパッケージは小さなパッケージを取っています。リトルミスガブリエラパルトロヴァはまた、彼女のレスリングの名前「楽しいサイズの人間」に住んでいます。ガブリエラはあなたを狂わせる曲線的な体格を持つ小柄な女性です。彼女は自然なおっぱいととてもしっかりしていてジューシーなお尻を持っているので、私たちはレスラーが試合を投げ始めるのが怖いので、ガブリエラは彼女の大きな美しいお尻を彼らの顔に置きます。彼女の楽しいサイズにもかかわらず、ガブリエラはマットの上の悪魔です。彼女はハードコアであり、決してあきらめない。私たちは、提出があるときはいつでもペナルティセグメントを統合しているので、私たちは私たちの試合をより性的にしたいと考えています。戦いの間に提出がある場合、提出物を管理し、正常に適用するレスラーは、彼女が提出した人に彼女が望むことを何でもするために20秒を取得します。この20秒のペナルティの間に反撃はありません。提出者はそこに横たわってそれを取らなければならない。このペナルティ時間内にクロックが停止するため、スコアの結果にカウントされないこの時間の間に多くのオーガズムを取得します。これはスコアで判断する接戦です。しかし、一人の女の子だけが勝つことができます。勝者は髪の引っ張り、手のギャグ、ハードコアの猫のファックで敗者をファックするので、敗者の猫のぽっかりと開いたままにします。その後、敗者は彼女のろくでなしのギャップが大きく開いて決して閉じないように、非常に難しく犯されるようにしましょう。貧しい敗者は、今、誰もが彼女の尻穴が閉じないので、彼女が今日失ったことを知っています。

他のサイトからの風景 Daisy Ducati

Daisy Ducati に 'Asphalt Island, Part 2: Daisy Ducati and Ruckus'

Daisy Ducati - Asphalt Island, Part 2: Daisy Ducati and Ruckus

As Kink?s 4-part series, Asphalt Island, continues, Ella Nova pictures Daisy Ducati, captured, bound, and wired for electricity by Ruckus. At first Daisy demands to know where she is, and what?s going on. But just like the good little cum slut she is, Daisy quickly changes her tune when she hears the sound of the Hitachi turn on. Featuring bondage, electricity, corporal, throat-fucking, dick-on-a-stick, squirting, rough sex, and anal!?Asphalt Island? SERIES MAIN PAGEAll 4 episodes in this series:Part 1: Cam Damage and Mike PanicPart 2: Daisy Ducati and RuckusPart 3: Natalie Mars and Lance Hart - COMING 00/00Part 4: Ella Nova - COMING 00/00

Daisy Ducati に 'Squirting Anal Sluts!'

Daisy Ducati - Squirting Anal Sluts!

Daisy Ducati strips and teases in her beautiful lingerie, and sexy sequined boots. She lures her submissive, Skylar Snow inside. She guides Skylar through an exploratory anal session with ass toys and vibrators alike. Both babes take turns in each other?s holes. Daisy delivers a hard ass pounding to Skylar with a huge strap-on dildo. Skylar loves the feeling of her ass being filled so much that she squirts all over the floor. Daisy creates a gigantic geyser of squirt as she reaches climax while vibrating her clit.

Daisy Ducati に 'Afraid and Horny: Daisy Ducati and Lydia Black'

Daisy Ducati - Afraid and Horny: Daisy Ducati and Lydia Black

We asked Daisy Ducati what she'd like to do to Lydia Black, and her answer was simple 'electricity'. We pulled out all the stops, and all the toys in our toy chest, to give Daisy a triumphant, and electrifying return to the studio. Lydia Black is zapped, paddled, and stimulated with a violet wand in a partial suspension. Daisy sits on her face while she is restrained with socks and ropes. Lydia endures the extreme settings of the tens unit. This orgasmic day becomes even more so with anal strap-on fucking and an electrified squirting orgasm!!

Daisy Ducati に 'Badass Babe Super Squirter Daisy Ducati Returns!'

Daisy Ducati - Badass Babe Super Squirter Daisy Ducati Returns!

Daisy is here to show off all of her skills as a submissive. She is willing to go above and beyond to prove herself. Daisy begins with a gag and a few clamps, but quickly moves into more sadistic treatment. She uses paddles, floggers, clothespins, a vibe, the violet wand and more! The end result is squirting orgasms everywhere!!

Daisy Ducati に 'Beta Cuck'

Daisy Ducati - Beta Cuck

Goddess Daisy Ducati teases her poor little beta cuck, Christian Wilde, as he sits watching remotely through his lap top while locked in chastity. Alone, he fantasizes about what it would be like to be able to please the sexy and powerful Daisy Ducati. The teasing goes on for weeks, driving Christian wild. Daisy taunts and teases him, humiliating him over and over again for not being able to please her. She then ramps it up and brings in Chazz Razz's big pleasing cock to cuckold her desperate slave. She continues to humiliate Christian for being useless to her. Now that Daisy has Chazz's big cock, she is about to show Christian how she likes to get fucked. Daisy starts with riding Chazz's face, smothering him with her wet pussy and hot ass. Daisy plays to the camera so Christian can get a good look at how Chazz licks her sweet wet pussy up and down. Beta cuck Christian gets hot and bothered watching Chazz's big dick slide into Daisy's hot wet pussy, he can't help but to rub on his cock as it gets harder with every stroke. It turns Daisy on to think about Christian sitting there and watching Chazz's hard cock go in and out of her wet pussy, giving her pleasure while she tells him how good it feels. Daisy then rides Chazz nice and hard until she erupts with squirting orgasms. Poor Christian can only stroke his cock as he takes direction from Daisy. Daisy then sucks on Chazz's dick before shoving his cock back in, letting him cum inside of her, and she shows her creampie to the webcam. Christian sits there alone with his messy load and is ordered back into chastity until Daisy decides to let him free.

Mistress Kara に 'Decadent Dyke Bar Delights: A Classic and Creamy Whipped Ass Compilation'

Mistress Kara - Decadent Dyke Bar Delights: A Classic and Creamy Whipped Ass Compilation

Decadent Dyke Bar Delights is a classic Whipped Ass compilation of the hottest, sexiest, most audacious all-girl gang bang Dyke Bar delicacies. Starting with the daring Darling who wanders into the bar where sassy gals Daisy Ducati and Mona Wales are visiting the lusty bar owner Mistress Kara. It doesn't take long for Darling and her bounteous bosom to succumb to the advances of the three ladies who take her to the basement, sit on her face, finger her cunt and run an orgasmic lesbian strap-on train in all of her slutty holes! Adventures include flogging, cropping, spanking, pussy licking, pussy clamps and lots of pussy, anal and DP strap-on fucking. Next up is the lovely Lorelei Lee who is seduced by three hot and horny beguiling babes Cherry Torn, Daisy Ducati and Mistress Kara. Each one of these slinky sluts have their way with Lorelie's holes, first they fuck her shaved, pink pussy and then bend her over into doggie and fuck her ass until she is begging to cum. More face sitting, cunt licking, strap-on cock sucking and over the top DP induced orgasms. Then hot tough chicks Mona Wales and Mistress Kara close up the bar and head over to a late night party where Phoenix Marie is dominating hot young thing Abella Danger. The evening escalates from spanking, foot worship and pussy licking to flogging, severe humiliation and strap-on pussy fucking.Next buxom beauties Bella Rossi, Chanel Preston and Arabelle Raphael get it on all night long after a wet and wild t-shirt contest. All parties enjoy a ruckus night filled with pussy licking, face sitting, woman handling, finger banging, pussy pounding, anal and tons of hot lesbian orgasms! Finally gorgeous, buttoned-up business woman Ingrid Mouth shows up at the dyke bar where Mistress Kara, Daisy Ducati and Nikki Darling descend upon her in the ladies room for some after hours shenanigans. These masterful mistresses dominate Ingrid with all of their best moves including stuffing her hungry holes with strap-ons, squirting orgasms, a zipper and more! Watch all these insatiable, voracious sluts fuck and get fucked into submission again and again in Decadent Dyke Bar Delights!

Bonnie Rotten に 'FLOOD: Submissive Women Bound in Metal and Made to Squirt'

Bonnie Rotten - FLOOD: Submissive Women Bound in Metal and Made to Squirt Presents FLOOD: Five of our hottest Device Bondage scenes that flood the floor with squirting orgasms. First up is the tight and perky blonde Lilly Lit. She is put in bondage that has her bent over in a doggy position to show off her magnificent ass. She is held in place with wooden stocks and steel to ensure proper suffering. Nipple clamps are added and then lots of weight, to which Lilly just smiles more. The Pope then adds three clothes pins to this whore's tongue and again we get a big smile. After some torment, he begins to fuck her pussy and she explodes with one squirting orgasm after the next. She is made to have squirting orgasms until her slutty pussy is drained of all of its juices. Next up is the stunning gorgeous new girl Janice Griffith. This slut uses giggles as a defense mechanism to deal with the pain which works fine for The Pope. She is bound to a wooden table with her legs spread wide open. Mouse traps are put on her nipples for pain and torment. Her feet are submitted to brutal punishment. Finally her tight pussy is hand fucked and over stimulated with the Hitatchi. This gets Janice soaking the floor with intense squirting orgasms. The beautiful girl next door true pain slut Ashley Lane is placed in the throne of suffering and locked into place with steel traps. Her head is covered and her sight is taken away. Another leather belt is added to immobilize her head, then the suffering begins again. Her body is subjected to multiple forms of brutal torment like caning and cropping. Finally the Hitatchi comes out and now her orgasms will be what drains from her in a squirting mess all over the floor. Next up is a special scene where Roxanne Rae is bound to a table and tormented by Daisy Ducati and The Pope. Roxanne is terrorized with extreme punishment. Daisy uses Roxanne's face as a squirting receptacle while The Pope brutalize the rest of her body. Next we have Roxanne on her back with her legs spread open and the brutality continues. It seems Daisy has spent a little too much time as a top and forgot her place, so she is taken down a notch and made to lick Roxanne's pussy. Roxanne is utterly fucking destroyed. Finally Bonnie Rotten is tormented in a straight jacket by Orlando. She is made to squirt and soak the floor. As a final rinse cycle don't miss out on The Wettening!

Jessy Dubai に 'Best Heist Ever: Jessy Dubai Demands Daisy Ducati's Anal Loyalty'

Jessy Dubai - Best Heist Ever: Jessy Dubai Demands Daisy Ducati's Anal Loyalty

Jessy Dubai and Daisy Ducati are planning their biggest best heist ever, but Daisy's loyalty to her beautiful busty mistress Jessy Dubai is in question. Jessy demands that Daisy Ducati prove her loyalty. She demands that Daisy will never talk and never give up her co-conspirator under any tormenting circumstances. Money changes everyone so to prove her undying loyalty she worships Jessy's feet and high heels. This dirty girl licks up and down Jessy's arches and black stockings with her tongue. But, this is just the very beginning. Restrained in rope bondage Jessy brings out the electric wand. If Daisy is ever captured can she withstand the torment of being zapped? Daisy screams in pain and pleasure as Jessy has her way with electricity all over her body. Next Daisy must show her loyalty with her mistress's hard cock in her mouth. Deep throat sloppy wet cock sucking is followed by a brutal pussy fucking. Daisy screams with orgasm as Jessy pounds away at her tight pussy hole. Wet and dripping, Daisy begs to have it in her tight little asshole next. A deep anal fucking stretches out Daisy Ducati's tight ass. Jessy Dubai keeps pounding away as Daisy screams in orgasm. This brutal fucking unleashes a huge cumshot from Jessy all over Daisy's hot little body.

Dylan Ryan に 'Squirtout'

Dylan Ryan - Squirtout

Daisy Ducati & Dylan Ryan meet each other while working out in the park. They go home together for some smoothies but we all know it means SEX.

Daisy Ducati に 'Brutal Bondage, Severe Torment, And Squirting Orgasms'

Daisy Ducati - Brutal Bondage, Severe Torment, And Squirting Orgasms

Daisy is no stranger to Kink, or The Pope. She enjoys being the top as much as she enjoys being the bottom, and today she will most definitely be the bottom. She begins on a box in a brutal ground tie that has her exposed and helpless. The Pope enters with a crop in hand and begins tormenting her. After she seems to be warmed up, the zapper is introduced to inflict more suffering. Her ass, feet and nipples all get a taste of the electrical sadism that eventually graduate to the cattle prod. Now that she has been punished, it's time for the reward. Her pussy is fucked into multiple squirting orgasms to finish the scene. Next we have Daisy bent over a large wooden spool, backwards to stretch her out and make her extremely vulnerable. She is tormented with a flogger before he breaks out the cat-o-nine to completely devastate her with pain and suffering. The orgasms begin, but this time The Pope toys with Daisy by stopping the orgasms and cropping her her instead, then he goes back to the orgasms. In the final scene Daisy is on her back and her legs are spread wide. The implements are laid out around her to show her what is in store for her going forward. The Pope jumps straight to the cattle prod and terrorizes Daisy until he decides that she has had enough. Her pussy is then fucked more until she cover the table and floor in all of her squirting orgasm juice.

Daisy Ducati に 'Izamar Gutierrez vs Daisy Ducati'

Daisy Ducati - Izamar Gutierrez vs Daisy Ducati

Welcome to the Summer Vengeance series Tournament on Ultimate Surrender! We have 13 of this season's finest veterans and rookies in a single knockout seeded tournament. Today we have our #6 ranked wrestler Daisy Ducati, put against our #3 ranked wrestler, Izamar Gutierrez. Daisy is a tattooed, red-haired beauty who started this season with impressive matches against some of our most orgasmic rookies. Daisy has been easily ripping orgasms out of her opponents left and right and today is not different than any other match she's been in. She makes her opponent cum HARD. Izamar is a little disappointed to be ranked 3rd behind Dee Williams so she is going to have to just prove the world she's better than the rankings say she is. Today these girls fight hard and fast. They slam each other, pin each other, finger each other, and lick each other out. The sexual tension is thick between these two girls. They both desperately want to make each other cum and move on in the tournament. This match seems like it's going to be lopsided however a couple of orgasms on the mat has the score catch up fast and one of the wrestlers looks like she's going to fall behind and lose. This is 100% true SEX FIGHTING at it's finest. You gotta see this one to believe it! Shocking ending, shocking outcome, and shocking punishment for the loser. Our champion terrorizes the loser with orgasms and a vaginal fisting, then fucks the loser into submission. The winner of this match moves on to face Mistress Kara.

Charlotte Sartre に 'vs Daisy Ducati'

Charlotte Sartre - vs Daisy Ducati

Welcome to the Summer Vengeance series Tournament on Ultimate Surrender! We have 13 of this season's finest veterans and rookies in a single knockout seeded tournament. Today we have our #12 ranked wrestler, Charlotte Sartre, put against our #6 ranked wrestler, Daisy Ducati. Sartre is a tattooed, dark-haired beauty who started this season with an impressive match against Izamar Gutierrez, scoring several points against our top vet. Daisy Ducati, back for more grappling, attacks little Charlotte right off the bat. The size and skill level difference makes it difficult for Charlotte to gain any ground. Daisy traps Charlotte and fingers her while Charlotte squirms away reluctantly getting finger fucked. It isn't a shut out however, Charlotte gets better and better each round and she gets a feel for her opponent. Charlotte executes beautiful sweeps and reversals and gets Daisy's back and to give her a dose of her own medicine. Charlotte mounts Daisy and makes her take deep french kissing. For the Prize round, our wrestlers take the tournament very seriously. The loser herself concedes and states that losers in tournaments deserve to get fucked in the ass. The winner agrees, and even adds that losers deserve to ONLY get fucked in the ass. The winner bypasses the vagina completely and goes straight for the ass fucking then the ass fisting. The loser is left gaping open wide, wet and broken. Our chamption picks up the defeated, submitting loser and carries her gaping ass off the mats.

Daisy Ducati に 'Horny roommate anally dominates redhead slut'

Daisy Ducati - Horny roommate anally dominates redhead slut

Daisy Ducati catches roommate Lauren Philips masturbating to hardcore lezdom porn and using her butt plug! Lauren is so embarrassed and starts dressing, but Daisy isn't going to let this slut get away that easily. She cancels her evening plans and dominates her roommate! Lauren moans as Daisy pushes the plug in and out of her asshole. When Daisy breaks out her strap-on cock, Lauren can't wait to get fucked. Lauren's boyfriend would never fuck her up the ass! Daisy wastes no time pushing her beautiful cock into this anal slut. Lauren loves getting fucked in her ass and reaches her hand back to finger her cunt. Stuffed in both holes, Lauren is a very happy slut. She cums hard on Daisy's cock and then is tied up. Now helpless, Lauren squirms as Daisy breaks out the rest of her toys. Daisy flogs and canes Lauren all over her body. Then she teases Lauren with the zapper. Lauren's eyes widen in fear as Daisy runs it all over her body. Daisy tells Lauren she'll go easy on her with the zapper -- if Lauren licks her pussy good enough! She sits on Lauren's face and Lauren sucks eagerly at Daisy's cunt. Daisy cums hard on Lauren's face and then decides to fuck Lauren with a dick on a stick. Lauren's cunt clamps down hard around this cock, and she cums hard as Daisy slides it in and out of her pussy. Now it's Daisy's turn for more orgasms. She frees Lauren so Lauren can slip her fingers into Daisy's cunt. Lauren's fingers slide in easily and soon her whole fist is in Daisy! Daisy cums hard on Lauren's fist and squirts all over Lauren's bed. Lauren laps up her cum like a good little slut.

Daisy Ducati に 'Orgasm Ripping Match: Daisy Ducati vs Sheena Rose'

Daisy Ducati - Orgasm Ripping Match: Daisy Ducati vs Sheena Rose

Today we give you an exhibition match with one of our most powerful sex fighters taking on a brand new rookie. Daisy Ducati may very well be the wrestler with the most orgasm ripping fights to her name. She has ripped orgasms out of her opponents countless times and today is one of her strongest matches to date. She is taking on the petite, all natural tattoed, Sheena Rose. Sheena puts up a good fight but the size and experience difference makes it impossible for Sheena to get any good holds. Daisy pummels her opponent, traps her on the mats, kisses her, fingers her, taunts her verbally. Sheena loves the punishment and quickly and repeated cums on the mat again and again. She does try to fight the orgasms but Daisy's muscles are too much for her. She succumbs to the power of Daisy and releases her orgasm all over the mat. For the Prize round, Daisy fucks poor little Sheena into submission. She fucks hard and fast while she shoves her feet into Sheena's face and makes her suck and lick her feet and toes. Daisy flips the little wrestler into doggystyle and fucks her tight little asshole hard and fast. Sheena is the Ultimate Orgasmic wrestler and makes the perfect loser. She hates losing and hates getting fucked for losing but she cums against her will again and again. Daisy picks up her opponent with ease, over her shoulder and lifts and carries her off the mats.

Amber Ivy に 'Masseuse Sniffs too much ass and gets Anal Punishment for it.'

Amber Ivy - Masseuse Sniffs too much ass and gets Anal Punishment for it.

Ambery Ivy is a horny Natural big tittied redhead who picked up a job as a Masseuse just so she could lick and sniff the assholes of her sleeping clients. Today she's bitten off more than she can chew. Daisy Ducati is a stressed out classy business lady who is in dire need of some tension release so she has booked a massage appointment. She gets naked and is just about to go to sleep when she starts to feel hot breath and a wet tongue going in and out of her perfect ebony asshole. Daisy didn't get to be the COO of her company by sitting back and taking shit from people. Daisy is a type A lady and she's going to coach this masseuse in manners and how to please the customers. Daisy turns the table on the curvy little masseuse and gets Amber on her back for some anal fingering and fisting. Daisy uses a variety of toys on Ambers tight asshole to get it to gape open.

Daisy Ducati に 'Tiny flexible wrestler is Destroy by a powerful dominate female'

Daisy Ducati - Tiny flexible wrestler is Destroy by a powerful dominate female

One of these wrestlers is a mean lady. Both come to the mats with attitude and plans to win but only one gets her hand raised. One wrestler is put into brutal submissions over and over. She is trapped on the mats, struggling underneath the power and dominance of her opponent. Her only way to escape is to submit and concede to the winner. The loser is tied up like a puppet and made to do whatever the winner wants. The loser sucks strap on cock, gets fucked while tied to the truss and then she is brought down to her knees after suffering in predicament bondage where she is made to submit with brutal head scissors while she pleases the winner with pussy licking.

Daisy Ducati に 'Ebony Squirt Queen Daisy Ducati Gets Royal Fucking Machines Treatment!'

Daisy Ducati - Ebony Squirt Queen Daisy Ducati Gets Royal Fucking Machines Treatment!

It has been far too long since the long athletic legs and magical squirting pussy of ebony goddess Daisy Ducati graced the set of Fucking Machines. She dives in head first and strips naked and toys with her tight pink pussy. She teases her sensitive clit with the head of a hitachi until she is warmed up and ready to get the shit fucked out of her. Laying on a table she spreads wide open and invites the first machine to penetrate her and edge her towards orgasmic bliss. The fucking machine slowly builds with intensity until Daisy explodes the first of many multiple orgasms. She squirts her love juices all over herself and machine and smiles the devious grin of a hungry whore who only wants more. The steam from the heat of her ejaculation radiates off of the fucking machine as it relentlessly fucks her into sweaty hot mess. Next she bends over so the whole world can worship the sight of her divine ass and long luscious legs. She spreads her ass cheeks so we can peer into her pussy and watch as the massive dildo probes deep into depths of her magic pussy. She quivers and shoots another massive squirt all over herself and our set, soaking everyone to the bone. To end the day she gets on the ground and takes our fastest and hardest machine at full throttle. She squirts over and over as the machine bangs her into submission. But Daisy is insatiable and wants more and more. Lucky for her the fucking machine never gets tired and fucks her again and again like a relentless task master. And Daisy doesn't disappoint and builds up to one last gigantic squirt that soaks everything within a ten foot radius. Daisy Ducati gets banged by our fastest and hardest fucking machines and squirts everywhere!!!

Daisy Ducati に 'Chanel Santini does a job interview with Bondage and Blow Jobs'

Daisy Ducati - Chanel Santini does a job interview with Bondage and Blow Jobs

Daisy Ducati is a hot bar owner looking for new employees who can handle a kinky atmosphere. She has put a job listing on the internet and Chanel Santini comes to the bar to answer the post. Daisy wants to make it perfectly clear to Chanel that the bar is for kinky perverts and that Chanel needs to know her shit when it comes to BDSM and Kink. Chanel gives Daisy a demonstration of her rope work. Chanel gets Daisy tied up in bondage and then has some suggestions of her own. Chanel is certain that what that kinky bar really needs is a hot girl with a huge throbbing cock. Daisy is all tied up and it appears she doesn't have any choice other than to agree with Chanel. Daisy has to test drive her new potential employee so Daisy gets the first taste of Chanel's hard cock in her mouth. Chanel and Daisy explore each other sexually going back and forth between sensual romantic fucking, pussy eating cock sucking, toe and foot sucking, mutual masterbation and good ole fashioned rough sex pounding. Daisy needs to see if Chanel can be both a top and a bottom. So Daisy ties Chanel up in bondage for the very first time and rides Chanel and teases her with orgasm denial. After each girls gets their turn of of topping and bottoming they rope comes off and the girls are allowed to fuck each other with hard pounding in doggy style. Chanel releases a big hot load of Cum all over Daisy's ass and then Chanel licks it up. The two decide that Chanel is just perfect for the bartending position

Daisy Ducati に 'Ultimate Surrender's Most Orgasmic wrestler is drained from Orgasms'

Daisy Ducati - Ultimate Surrender's Most Orgasmic wrestler is drained from Orgasms

Jenna Foxxx was the most orgasmic wrestler for last season. She had so many orgasms ripped out of her, we have lost track of them all. She is so orgasmic she even won the rookie cup "most orgasmic wrestler" match up. Every girl who's stepped on the mats with this all natural, barely legal, ebony goddess has made her cum. While we love to see wrestlers progress in their skills on Ultimate Surrender, it's sometimes fun just to watch a rookie get used to mop the floor. Today Daisy Ducati is the Janitor and she's gonna clean house on poor little Jenna. Once Daisy Ducati get's her long lean lethal legs around you, it's over. No one stands a chance. Daisy punishes Jenna with submissions and orgasm, just the way you wrestling fans love to see it. After Daisy finger fucks orgasm out of Jenna for 3 straight rounds, Jenna can barely walk. She is dragged into the locker room and made to suck Daisy's strap on cock to get it nice and wet so that Daisy can ram the cock deep into Jenna's tight youthful pussy. Daisy takes Jenna into the shower to fuck her against the wall and fishhook her filthy whore mouth. Daisy finishes her punishment on Jenna back in the locker room. She fucks her tight hole until it's beat up and tire. Then Daisy sits on Jenna's face and users her loser mouth to get her own orgasms. After Daisy face sits and orgasms all over poor Jenna's face, Daisy leave poor Jenna in the locker room for all the wrestlers who are getting off of practice to see and take advantage of. Daisy is relentless in wrestling and fucking. She takes her Prize the way she wants to and today it's with brutal face fucking, strap on fucking, slamming girls into walls and pounding her pussy into her loser's face

Lea Lexis に 'Orders a Plumber to fix her sink and the Lea lays pipe.'

Lea Lexis - Orders a Plumber to fix her sink and the Lea lays pipe.

Lea Lexis is a classy house wife. She likes her things to be perfectly clean and in order. When her sink gets clogged, she has to call up a plumbing service to get some help. Lea Lexis is very particular about any of the service she gets in her beautiful, Palatial estate. Lea requests a plumber with a good clean ass who smells good and who will not show up with her buttcrack hanging out. Lea Lexis can not handle plumber asscrack at all. It drives her absolutely insane. When her beautiful ebony plumber arrives, things seem to be going very well, until Daisy Ducati ( the plumber) bends down to check out the pipes and exposes her buttcrack. Lea Lexis must take this matter into her own hands and she must punish the bad sexy plumber for not listening to instructions. Lea Lexis take the beautiful, red headed plumber into the master bedroom for some extreme anal fun. Daisy's pants are dropped down right below her plump tan buttchecks so that Lea can spank Daisy and insert fingers into Daisy's asshole. Then Lea pops a solid heavy metal toy in and out of Daisy's tight little asshole until that asshole is no longer tight rather is left with a tiny little gape. Now that Daisy's asshole is gaping, Lea knows she can put her fist right into Daisy's accommodating butthole. Lea then needs to set an example for Daisy. Lea makes Daisy put a big toy into Lea's asshole and then lick it clean. The toy is popped in and out and each time it comes out of Lea's beautiful, perfect asshole, Daisy licks it clean. Now that Daisy can taste what kind of an asshole Lea is expecting Daisy to have, Daisy can please Lea by taking a good hard anal strap on fucking

Daisy Ducati に 'Breaks in New Electroslut'

Daisy Ducati - Breaks in New Electroslut

Leigh Raven is captive in Daisy Ducati's lesbian electro-dungeon! Leigh starts off in a predicament. She must keep her butt off the metal box or she'll get shocked! But Daisy doesn't make things easy for this tough slut. Leigh is tied down with an electrified pussy plug shocking her insides while Daisy flogs her trembling legs, zaps her, and plays with her juicy pussy. Next Leigh is bound with copper wires around her thighs. Leigh begs for orgasms as Daisy gives her both pleasure and pain with an electrified dildo fucking! Then Daisy shocks Leigh's throbbing pussy lips with an electrified pussy plate. She teases Leigh with the violet wand as Leigh licks and fingers Daisy's pussy to multiple orgasms. These two electrosluts are insatiable as they scissor their way to countless orgasms!

Daisy Ducati に 'Cuck 'Em All 02'

Daisy Ducati - Cuck 'Em All 02

You know it's a bad day when you find out your wife has been having an online affair with a prisoner and putting money on his books. It's even worse when you find out he is a big black ex con now sitting in your house. What can you do but sit there and take the abuse while your ebony wife finally gets the big black dick she needed that you could not provide. But why oh why did she have to spit his jizz into your mouth. And now you have to move your cuckold ass into the guest room. Life can be tough.

Nikki Delano に 'Big tits big ass vs Long Lethal legs'

Nikki Delano - Big tits big ass vs Long Lethal legs

Nikki Delano is like a wrestling barbie doll. She's a cute petite blond with big tits, big ass and a cute tiny pussy. Daisy Ducati is a porno Super Model. She is tall, long, lean and her legs are lethal. If Nikki gets stuck in Daisy's legs, it's submission city for Nikki Delano. Nikki is a strappy little girl and she will do what ever it takes to win. Nikki hates to lose so she goes all out in 100% competitive erotic wrestling with Daisy Ducati. Winner sits on the loser and makes her carry her around like a queen. Loser is slammed against the wall and brutally fucked with a strap on by the Powerful Winner. Winner is utterly dominant and makes her opponent her bitch

Daisy Ducati に 'Poor little Red head tied up and fucked in the Ass for losing'

Daisy Ducati - Poor little Red head tied up and fucked in the Ass for losing

Alexa Nova doesn't stand a chance against Daisy Ducati. Daisy is on a terror, just running through our wrestlers like they are nothing. Daisy has also been able to rip a lot of Orgasms from her opponents on the mats, today is no different. Daisy destroys poor little Alexa. She holds her down and fingers her relentlessly for 3 rounds and makes her cum on the mats. Then She ties up Alexa, fucks her with a strap on in the pussy and the Ass until Alexa's Asshole Gapes.

Missy Martinez に 'New Electroslut Bombshell Gets Shocked!'

Missy Martinez - New Electroslut Bombshell Gets Shocked!

New electroslut Missy Martinez is bound in Goddess Daisy Ducati's lesbian electro-dungeon. Wired with e-stim pads, Missy gets shocked by the violet wand all over her beautiful body and stocking clad feet. Next, Missy's legs and toes are electrified with copper wire. Daisy fucks Missy with a metal electro-dildo and gives her an electrified finger banging to multiple orgasms. Finally, Missy proves she's a good girl by pleasuring her Mistress with enthusiastic pussy licking while getting shocked by the zapper and wearing a pulsating electrified pussy plug!

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Orgasm on the Mat Wears down wrestler. She can not continue'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Orgasm on the Mat Wears down wrestler. She can not continue

Jet Setting Jasmine didn't know what was coming to her today. She took on Daisy Ducati and she wasn't ready for how horny Daisy was going to make her. Daisy is relentless with this fighter. Jasmine gives everything she has not to cum during wreslting, but her pussy gets the best of her and when she does cum, she cums hard. Penny Barber steps in as ref and welcomes Jasmine to Ultimate Surrender with a good ole fashioned tag team up on the little horny, orgasmic rookie.

Daisy Ducati に 'Drown in my squirt, slaveboy!'

Daisy Ducati - Drown in my squirt, slaveboy!

When slave D. Arclyte doesn't pay his weekly tribute to Goddess Daisy Ducati she decides to surprise him by showing up at his house to pay him a little visit. Daisy catches him rifling through porn mags and decides that this little slave slut needs to be denied. She fucks her pussy with a dildo that's attached to his chest while he is gaged with an open mouth funnel so that very single drop of her delicious squirting cunt fills his mouth and in order to breath he must continue to swallow it all. She has his cock cinched in a metal cage and even squirts her juice all over his cock. This is the closest he will ever get to Daisy glorious cunt!

Aiden Starr に 'Snooping Office Slut Gets Fucked!'

Aiden Starr - Snooping Office Slut Gets Fucked!

Submissive office slut Dolly Leigh gets caught snooping on lesbian office shenanigans involving her hot new boss Daisy Ducati and sexy goddess Aiden Starr. Both Dolly and Daisy get spanked, flogged, and strap-on fucked while undergoing intense lesbian slut training. After tons of squirting and orgasms, Daisy receives an anal strap-on fucking and a strap-on DP from both her new co-workers.

Daisy Ducati に 'Tough Electroslut Bella Rossi Submits to Hot Femme Daisy Ducati'

Daisy Ducati - Tough Electroslut Bella Rossi Submits to Hot Femme Daisy Ducati

Welcome to Electro-Goddess Daisy Ducati's dungeon where Bella Rossi is bound and ready for hot electro-lesbian torment! Bella is eager to scream and submit to the intense sensations of the violet wand, zappers, deep electrified dildo fucking, electric pussy licking all before pleasing her mistresses desire for smothering face sitting. After teasing Bella relentlessly, Daisy grants her gorgeous slut deep release and countless intense shocking orgasms.

Bella Rossi に 'Elite Wrestlers give us a show. One wrestler is sexually destroyed'

Bella Rossi - Elite Wrestlers give us a show. One wrestler is sexually destroyed

Bella Rossi and Daisy Ducati are both very experienced wrestlers who have had their fair shares of enforcing some powerful orgasms on the mats with their opponents. Today is a real sex fight. The action is back and forth with both girls getting and advantage at some point. The winner utter destroys her opponent in the sex round. Lift and carries....blow jobs, Strap on fucking, sloppy sex.

Ingrid Mouth に 'Dyke Bar 5: New girl spanked, flogged, and strap-on DP'd!'

Ingrid Mouth - Dyke Bar 5: New girl spanked, flogged, and strap-on DP'd!

Dyke Bar regulars meet Ingrid Moutht the restroom for some after hours shenanigans including spanking, flogging, a zipper, and strap-on DP!

Daisy Ducati に 'Ultimate Cum Session'

Daisy Ducati - Ultimate Cum Session

Loser is brutally strap fucked, hand gagged, face sat and left dripping milky white cum after the winner has her way with her

Daisy Ducati に 'Hot Electro Sex Toy: Lesbian Slut Bound, Shocked, and Fucked!'

Daisy Ducati - Hot Electro Sex Toy: Lesbian Slut Bound, Shocked, and Fucked!

Hot dominatrixes break in brand new electroslut with bondage, face sitting, electrified dildo, wired pussy plug, the zapper, and strap-on fucking!

Daisy Ducati に 'Erotic Competitive Wrestling with Brutal Holds and Scissors'

Daisy Ducati - Erotic Competitive Wrestling with Brutal Holds and Scissors

Daisy Ducati and Savanna Fox have met in Champion vs Champion match a few years back. See that Match Here That match was a closely contested battle and today is even better. This is back and forth action with erotic holds, painful submission attempts and a humiliating ending for one of these rookie cup champions. Hard Strap on Fucking for the loser. Rough Anal, Hand Gags, Face sitting, Brutal humiliation all because this is a Winner Take All sex fight

Daisy Ducati に 'Wrestler Utterly Destroyed on the mats, Gets fisted and fucked in ass'

Daisy Ducati - Wrestler Utterly Destroyed on the mats, Gets fisted and fucked in ass

This tournament is too much for one wrestler. The wrestler quits after 2 rounds and gets fisted first thing in the Prize round. The winner takes the loser's Asshole and verbally and sexually brutalizes her.

Ingrid Mouth に 'Two Sluts Suffer in Grueling Bondage with Squirting Orgasms'

Ingrid Mouth - Two Sluts Suffer in Grueling Bondage with Squirting Orgasms

Ingrid and Daisy are friends and like to play together. They are both pain sluts and we like pain sluts, so putting them together made the most sense to me. We begin with them back to back and punish them, blindfold them and play mind games to scare the hell out of them. After that they are in a doggy position beside each other and again they are tormented and get their pussies and throats fucked hard. In the final scene Daisy is on her back like the whore she is with her legs spread wide. Ingrid also being a little whore is locked between Daisy's legs with her face buried in her cunt. After more torment Daisy's pussy is made to squirt in Ingrid's face.

Daisy Ducati に '2 ebony goddesses battle in a competitive Sex Fight'

Daisy Ducati - 2 ebony goddesses battle in a competitive Sex Fight

Lisa Tiffian and Daisy Ducati are going to sexually abuse each other to see who can move on in the Summer Vengeance tournament. Daisy is confused as to why she is ranked 12th while Lisa is ranked 6th. Today one of these ebony goddesses in going to put the other one in her place. Brutal real wrestling; these girls choke and slam each other and squeeze each other into submission. Winner Fucks the loser in the face, mouth and ass. Hair pulling, choking, pussy licking, anal, fingering....winner takes no mercy on the loser

Daisy Ducati に 'Bound, Fucked and Lesbian Electro Fisted!'

Daisy Ducati - Bound, Fucked and Lesbian Electro Fisted!

Electrosex fetishist Lilith Luxe submits to equally enthusiastic electroslut Daisy Ducati for torment, pain and multiple orgasms! This high energy encounter includes bondage, the zapper, an electrified dildo on a stick, a wired anal hook, pussy licking, finger banging and an epic electrified fisting!

Mia Li に 'Summer Vengeance Daisy Ducati and Mia Li fight until somebody cums'

Mia Li - Summer Vengeance Daisy Ducati and Mia Li fight until somebody cums

Summer Vengeance brings out the competitiveness in our girls. Tournaments mean more shoots for the girls which means more money in their pocket. They fight their hearts out in hopes to move on and eventually win the coveted spot of Summer Vengeance Champion. Mia Li and Daisy Ducati give everything they've got in this match and demonstrate great wrestling and athleticism. Winner makes the loser have a squirting orgasm. Fucks her hard in a stand piggy back position. Winner Puts loser in a brutal Head Scissor and makes her lick her pussy until she cums. Asian And Ebony Goddeses give it all they've got in 100% real competitive sex fight

Arabelle Raphael に 'Arabelle Raphael's Anal Traning'

Arabelle Raphael - Arabelle Raphael's Anal Traning

Arabelle Raphael has a bone to pick with her asshole. She means business when it comes to taking her ass to anal extremes. So far he ass has not been cooperating and she has taken her ass to a seedy alley way to fuck it to oblivion. She fucks her ass hard and fast in a phone booth as Carissa Montgomery and Daisy Ducati stumble upon her sorry ass. They decide they will help Arabelle beat her assmeat properly. Arabelle is spanked and tongue fucked to give her a proper warm up. Daisy asks Carissa to demonstrate her anal skills along with Arabelle so they have a base line on which to judge Arabelle's improvements. Carissa and Arabelle have a gape competition and then they are both fucked hard with strap ons; each taking turns doing ass to mouth while the other gets fucked in the butt. Finally, Arabelle must try to take a fist in the ass but theres a catch. She must take a fist in her ass before Daisy can get her own fist into her own ass. The fisting competition commences. The loser, or the girl who can not take the fist, is chained to the phone booth until she can properly take a fist in the ass.

Daisy Ducati に 'Squirting Orgasms, Real Wrestling, Sex fighting at it's finest'

Daisy Ducati - Squirting Orgasms, Real Wrestling, Sex fighting at it's finest

Daisy Ducati and Lilith Lux take on Annie Cruz and Savanna Fox. Annie Cruz hasn't done a tag match in years. Does she have what it takes to take on the 2 long, lean leggy babes on team Ducati. This is a nail bitting match. The action is back and forth and one team squeaks into the lead at the very last seconds of the match. Losers must trib fuck in "biggest loser sexy fight". Losers are fucked hard with choking, hair pulling, huge strap ons, face slapping, and squirting orgasms

Mimosa に 'The Ultimate Electroslut: Daisy Ducati shocked and anally electrosexed!'

Mimosa - The Ultimate Electroslut: Daisy Ducati shocked and anally electrosexed!

Daisy Ducati submits to zapping, shocking, bondage, finger banging, the electrified vibrator, wired butt plug, and the violet wand for the ultimate prize of hot BBW domme Mimosa's ass on her face!

Mia Li に 'Daisy Ducati orders fresh Assmeat to fuck until it spoils'

Mia Li - Daisy Ducati orders fresh Assmeat to fuck until it spoils

Daisy Ducati has come home from a long day at work to find that she has one more item on her "To Do List" She has to order some ass meat for the evening and she wants it to arrive fresh and proper packaged. It needs to smell good, taste good, look good, be able to take sever pounding and tenderizing. When her ass meat arrives ,Daisy Ducati makes sure it's just what she wants by sniffing, tasting and spanking it. The ass meat is stretched to its' full potential with speculum play, Strap ons and lots of toys popping in and out of it to make it stay open in full gape. e.

Veruca James に 'Submits!'

Veruca James - Submits!

Badass bitch Veruca James submits to electro sex queen Daisy Ducati with predicament bondgae, electric anal fucking, electro foot torment, face sitting and multiple orgasms!

Rizzo Ford に 'The Eager Electroslut: Bound, shocked and fisted!'

Rizzo Ford - The Eager Electroslut: Bound, shocked and fisted!

After waiting for months, eage electroslut Rizzo Ford finally gets the opportunity to submit to electro queen Daisy Ducati! Enjoy Rizzo's screams of pleasure and pain as she endures suspension bondage, e-stim sticky pads, electrified dildos, the violet wand, an electric fisting, pussy licking and intense lesbian orgasms!!!

Daisy Ducati に 'Medical Play 101'

Daisy Ducati - Medical Play 101

Latex nurse Daisy Ducati and Ruckus give you a peek into kinky medical play...AND inside their orifices! Learn the basics of medical fetishism, including role play and medical-style bondage, prostate examination, and using a speculum to examine inside your partner's vagina or ass. Daisy and Ruckus also demonstrate sounding, sticking medical grade stainless steel rods into his penis while jerking him off. Watch the inside of Daisy's cunt clench and spasm as she cums multiple times.

Daisy Ducati に 'Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves 02'

Daisy Ducati - Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves 02

Statuesque, redheaded ebony porn star Daisy Ducati towers over petite, young newbie Ziggy Star. These all-natural bisexual beauties play a kinky game, filling their 'squirt jars' with orgasmic girl-juice! Daisy and Ziggy rim each other's butthole; they wield anal toys and vibrating wands to bring each other to climax. Daisy makes the beautiful rookie worship her bare feet, finally fucking Ziggy's asshole and pretty face with her trusty strap-on dildo!

Daisy Ducati に 'Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves 2'

Daisy Ducati - Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves 2

Statuesque, redheaded ebony porn star Daisy Ducati towers over petite, young newbie Ziggy Star. These all-natural bisexual beauties play a kinky game, filling their 'squirt jars' with orgasmic girl-juice! Daisy and Ziggy rim each other's butthole; they wield anal toys and vibrating wands to bring each other to climax. Daisy makes the beautiful rookie worship her bare feet, finally fucking Ziggy's asshole and pretty face with her trusty strap-on dildo!

Daisy Ducati に 'Pussy Stretched with Big Red, Ass Fucking, and Non Stop Squirting!!'

Daisy Ducati - Pussy Stretched with Big Red, Ass Fucking, and Non Stop Squirting!!

Daisy is back and she never fails to please with her massive squirting orgasms. Today she wants to take it up a notch from her last shoot. She wants to get her sexy ass fucked and we are more than happy to make this happen. After what we thought couldn't get any better, then she wants to get fucked with big red. She is a fucking sex vixen that can't get enough, so we finish the day with a sybian ride to satisfy any other cravings this cum slut may have.

Daisy Ducati に 'Diva, Daisy Ducati will fuck her way onto the red carpet'

Daisy Ducati - Diva, Daisy Ducati will fuck her way onto the red carpet

Daisy Ducati wants to having the worlds most coveted designer make her a dress for a big red carpet event. Salina Samone doesn't have time for just anybody but if someone has cute enough feet, she will make time for her.Daisy Ducati always gets what she wants and she wants a dress so she must her her hands, mouth, ass and feet to get it.Daisy gives Salina Samone a foot job a blow job, gets fucked in her pussy and her ass.

Dresden に 'The Electroslut Next Door'

Dresden - The Electroslut Next Door

Daisy Ducati initiates hot girl-next-door masochist, Dresden, into the world of electro pain and pleasure in a scene filled with suspension bondage, an electro pussy plug, electric dildo, wired nipple and breast clamps, finger banging, face sitting and tons and tons of orgasms! Dresden never knew she loved electricity so much!

Daisy Ducati に 'Femdom FFM Threesomes'

Daisy Ducati - Femdom FFM Threesomes

Learn how to enjoy FFM threesome sex with two females taking charge of the action. Whether or not you are a dominatrix or have a femdom and male submissive dynamic, Daisy Ducati and Lyra Louvel show you how the girls can call the shots, including double penetration of the male and bisexual interaction with each other, including cocksucking and three-way oral sex. See how to incorporate strap-on sex for pegging or fucking of all holes!To learn more about FFM threesomes, including tips on how to make one happen, see our How to Have a Threesome tutorial on Kink University.

Daisy Ducati に 'Dyke Bar 2: Lorelei Lee Devoured by Hot Horny Lesbians!'

Daisy Ducati - Dyke Bar 2: Lorelei Lee Devoured by Hot Horny Lesbians!

Welcome back to the salacious dyke bar where insatiable bartender Mistress Kara instigates kinky lesbian shenanigans with hot patrons after hours. While two beautiful blondes, Loreiei Lee and Cherry Torn, make out in the corner, Kara conspires with regular customer Daisy Ducati to get in on the action. Kara and Daisy convince Cherry to join them in seducing Lorlelei to submit to all three of them with erotic humiliation, spanking, flogging, finger banging, fisting, orgasm control, pussy licking, face sitting, pussy and anal strap-on fucking, strap-on DP and countless intense orgasms for everyone!

Daisy Ducati に 'No Holds Barred: Daisy Ducati shocks and fucks lesbian pain slut!'

Daisy Ducati - No Holds Barred: Daisy Ducati shocks and fucks lesbian pain slut!

Flexible plain slut London River receives a no-holds-barred electrosluts session filled with bondage, finger banging, electrified dildo and butt plug, the taser, cattle prods, face sitting and tons of orgasms!

Daisy Ducati に 'The Lesbian Electro Initiation of an Athletic Slut!'

Daisy Ducati - The Lesbian Electro Initiation of an Athletic Slut!

Daisy Ducati electro initiates erotic wrestling star Jayogen with the violet wand, an electrified pussy plug, electro predicament bondage, electrified dildo fucking and plenty of pussy licking!!!

Daisy Ducati に 'Squirting Lesbian Electro Pain Slut!'

Daisy Ducati - Squirting Lesbian Electro Pain Slut!

Daisy Ducati pushes squirting pain slut, Vivi Marie, to her limits with electro predicament bondage, the zapper, tens unit sticky pads, electric butt plug and electrified dildo fucking!

Daisy Ducati に 'Bored Housewives Tupperware party turns into sweaty anal session'

Daisy Ducati - Bored Housewives Tupperware party turns into sweaty anal session

Kelli and Daisy are waiting for the other neighborhood housewives to come to their weekly tupperware party but no one shows up. These ladies are bored and horny and after flirting week after week, they decide to finally make a move on each other. Kelli and Daisy make it into the bed room where Kelli reveals her beautiful cock. Daisy wants to rub every part of her body on the cock so she starts by rubbing her perfect feel on it. Kelli can't control herself after the foot job so she pounds Daisy hard in the pussy and the ass

Daisy Ducati に 'Turning the Tables'

Daisy Ducati - Turning the Tables

Roxanne is a little fucking brat that thinks she can have everything she asks for. Today she thinks that she is getting her way again because she begged for me to dominate her with a hot Fem Domme. The part she doesn't know is that I'm the one who's getting everything the way I want it. From the first moment, Roxanne is terrorized with extreme punishment from both Daisy and myself. Daisy uses Roxanne's face as a squirt receptacle while I brutalize the rest of her body.Next we have Roxanne on her back with her legs spread with, and the brutality continues. It seems Daisy has spent a little too much time as a top and forgot her place when she is around me, so she is taken down a notch and made to lick Roxanne's pussy. Roxanne is utterly fucking destroyed, but I'm not finished with either one of them.In the final scene I have both of these sluts chained to sybians. I make them face each other so that they can see the others suffering. I torment them and now Roxanne has clearly had enough, but I'm still not satisfied, so we continue. They both beg for it to stop. They can't take it any longer, so I leave them there for another five minutes or so before I finally release them.

Daisy Ducati に 'Daisy Ducati: The Cuckoldress'

Daisy Ducati - Daisy Ducati: The Cuckoldress

Daisy Ducati has a husband at home but his dick won't do. He's fine to pay the bills but she needs some thick, hard bull cock to satisfy her sexual appetite and her husband should just accept that. He spies on the her with the stud she brings home from the bar and even strokes his tiny little prick but Daisy catches him and makes him join in on the fun. Jay licks her feet, sucks studs cock and sucks on Daisy clit while she gets fuck with studs huge dick. All the sex juice drips into his mouth and she jerks her stud off into her husbands face!!!!

Daisy Ducati に 'Not saved by the bell. Loser is fingered to orgasm after Buzzer'

Daisy Ducati - Not saved by the bell. Loser is fingered to orgasm after Buzzer

These two wrestling babes get feisty. They taunt each other the entire time. Nothing is hotter than a sexy wrestler getting trapped in a hold, turning frustrated and made to cum on the mats. When the Buzzer goes off, the punishment doesn't stop. The girl in control at the end of round 3 keeps the hold and fingers her opponent to orgasm.

Daisy Ducati に 'The Squirt Collector: Daisy Ducati squirts for science!'

Daisy Ducati - The Squirt Collector: Daisy Ducati squirts for science!

In the pursuit of finding the perfect specimen, sadistic scientist Aiden Starr subjects Daisy Ducati to limitless electro sex and torture, making her come days on end to collect her squirt. The session includes the taser, an electrified vibrator, a wired speculum, the samurai, an electro butt plug, finger banging, face sitting, fisting and massive squirting orgasms!!!

Mistress Kara に 'Dyke Bar: An All Girl Gangbang!'

Mistress Kara - Dyke Bar: An All Girl Gangbang!

Taking a break from family holiday obligations, Darling wanders into the local dyke bar where Daisy Ducati and Mona Wales are visiting their hot bartender friend Mistress Kara. It doesn't take long for Darling to succumb to the advances of the three ladies who take her to the basement, sit on her face, finger her cunt, and run a orgasmic lesbian strap-on train on all of her holes! The adventure includes florentine flogging, cropping, spanking, pussy licking, pussy clamps and tons of pussy, anal, and DP strap-on fucking!

Daisy Ducati に 'vs Frist Timer Arabelle Rafael'

Daisy Ducati - vs Frist Timer Arabelle Rafael

Daisy Ducati gives Arabelle Rafael an orgasmic first time electro sex experience with the violet wand touch plate, electro predicament bondage, face sitting, finger banging, the samurai, the zapper, an electrified butt plug and a hard strap on fucking!

Daisy Ducati に 'Pornstar Sex Hacks and Secret Tricks'

Daisy Ducati - Pornstar Sex Hacks and Secret Tricks

Learn great sex tips and tricks from a professional pervert. Daisy Ducati and Jessica Creepshow discuss pornstar sex secrets that can make sex hotter and easier! You'll see how the pros get the perfect thick saliva for blowjobs, how to practice deepthroat, best practices for pre-sex eating and preparations, squirting secrets, and more.

Dylan Ryan に 'Electro Squirt Fest!'

Dylan Ryan - Electro Squirt Fest!

Daisy Ducati and Dylan Ryan drench each other in an orgasmic electrosex scene filled with predicament bondage, a wired ass hook, finger banging, pussy licking, face sitting, the violet wand, a vibrating electro cock, and a hard electro strap-on!

Daisy Ducati に 'Helpless Slut Tormented and Massive Squirting Orgasms!!'

Daisy Ducati - Helpless Slut Tormented and Massive Squirting Orgasms!!

Daisy shows up with a little surprise for me. It was my birthday, so I decided I wanted to torment someone as a gift to myself and Daisy was who I wanted. This meant I was going to do what I wanted to her. I was going to have my way with her and she didn't have to like it. She suffered through extreme foot torment, hot wax, brutal floggings, sensory deprivation, electrical shock and mind fucking. Her reward was to have so many squirting orgasms that she was drained of all of her pussy nectar.

Daisy Ducati に 'Awakening Of the Beasts: Daisy Ducati filled with demon cream pie!'

Daisy Ducati - Awakening Of the Beasts: Daisy Ducati filled with demon cream pie!

In the distant future, Daisy Ducati finds herself alone in a desolate land and seemingly the last living human on earth. She spends years trying to raise the dead to repopulate, despite the possible consequences. The beasts rise and Daisy finds herself in a gangbang of the sex crazed and undead. Hard fucking, double penetration, deep fisting and Daisy's very first cream pie! Happy Halloween!

Savannah Fox に 'Our Rookie Cup Champions Coach their Teams to Victory or Defeat'

Savannah Fox - Our Rookie Cup Champions Coach their Teams to Victory or Defeat

Our 2 Rookie Cup Champions meet up as Tag Team Captains with 2 of our finest rookies of season 12. Daisy Ducati Coaches as team captain with Lisa Tiffian. These two Carmel babes take on Savanna Fox and Angel Allwood. This is a bitterly close tag match. These girls put it all on the line. Losers are put against each other in a "Biggest Loser" sex fight. The losers trib fuck each other, who ever comes first is deemed the weak link and the loser amongst the losers or The Biggest Loser. Both Losers are fucked hard and humiliated in front a live audience then fisted and left in a pile of shame.

Savannah Fox に 'Rookie Cup Season 11 Champion takes on season 12 RC Champion'

Savannah Fox - Rookie Cup Season 11 Champion takes on season 12 RC Champion

Daisy Ducati was an impressive Rookie in Season 11. She walked away a champion her first season on Ultimate Surrender. Today she takes on Season12 star rookie, Savanna Fox. Savanna promises Daisy that she is going to tie her legs into a knot and finger fuck her on the mats. Daisy definitely tries to use her legs against Savanna but Savanna has a few leggy moves of her own. This is an exciting back and forth match up. One Relentless wrestler doesn't stop at the buzzer. She keeps her fingers in her opponent after the end of the match and Makes her opponent Cum! Champ is Humiliated and Fisted!

Daisy Ducati に 'Daisy's Revenge: Nikki Darling shocked and anally strap-on Fucked!'

Daisy Ducati - Daisy's Revenge: Nikki Darling shocked and anally strap-on Fucked!

Perviously on Electrosluts, Nikki Darling sold her friend, Daisy Ducati, tosave her own hide. Now, now it's Daisy's turn to use her devious electro tools (she lovingly names, karma, payback, and vengeance) on her backstabbing friend! Enjoy an update filled with electro predicament bondage, dick on a stick fucking, zapping, the samurai, the violet wand, face sitting, violet wand, and hot anal strap-on fucking!

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe に 'Bitch Better Lick My Honey, Part 2'

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe - Bitch Better Lick My Honey, Part 2

Suburban housewife Holly Heart's kinky lesbian sex dream continues when Daisy Ducati calls in Maitresse Madeline Marlowe and Miss Lorelei Lee to help amp up the hot domination of this insatiable horny slut. The trio dishes out tons of spanking, flogging, pussy and anal strap-on, lesbian DP and collect limitless face sitting orgasms and enthusiastic pussy face sitting and pussy licking!

Penny Barber に 'Team Tarrasque and Team Grappler Go out with a Bang for season12'

Penny Barber - Team Tarrasque and Team Grappler Go out with a Bang for season12

These Team Captains have been going at it all season long. It's been a back and forth battle all season. Just when one team gets ahead in points, the other team cums from behind and closes the gap. Today the Grapplers come in with less than a 300 point lead. Tarrasque has some strong players on their team tonight and they are hoping to get the victory and give Darling the gang bang she deserves.Round 1 is mona wale and Mia Li for Team Tarrasque taking on Daisy Ducati and Julietter March for Team GrappplerRound 2 is Lisa Tiffian and Yasmine Loven for Team Tarrasque taking on Holly Heart and Angel Allwood for Team GrapplerRound 3 is Penny Barber and Cheyenne Jewel for Team Tarrasque and Darling and Izamar for Team Grappler Round 4 is a brutal gang bang of the losing team. Fucked Hard, Turned into human dildos to be used to make the winner cum. Mutiny for the losing Captain as her team turns on her and gang bangs her. Hard fisting from her team!

Daisy Ducati に 'Bitch Better Lick My Honey, Part 1'

Daisy Ducati - Bitch Better Lick My Honey, Part 1

Suburban housewife Holly Heart falls asleep to the online premiere of Rihanna's latest sexy music video and finds herself in a horny lesbian sex dream where she submits to badass bitch Daisy Ducati! In the safety of her dream, Holly explores her fantasies of abduction, inverted suspension, pussy licking, face sitting, finger banging, pussy and anal strap-on, and multiple intense orgasms! Stay tuned next week for Part 2, where the dream continues with an all girl gang bang!

Daisy Ducati に 'Real Life Electro Sex: Daisy Ducati vs. Jessica Creepshow'

Daisy Ducati - Real Life Electro Sex: Daisy Ducati vs. Jessica Creepshow

Real life play partners Daisy Ducati and Jessica Creepshow invite us to an intimate electro sex scene filled with pleasure, pain, and multiple orgasms! Watch the pair indulge in tickling, predicament bondage, electric caning, the violet wand, face sitting, pussy licking, shocking nipple clamps, wired butt plug, and an electrified vibrating dildo!

Penny Barber に 'Darling takes on Penny in a 2 on 2 tag match for the last time'

Penny Barber - Darling takes on Penny in a 2 on 2 tag match for the last time

this is the last 2 on 2 tag match for this season. The Finale will be stream Live on September 4th, No audience. Team Tarrasque has been making some ground in the last few matches. They have picked up some momentum and they are closing the gap. Will they have what it takes to even the score going into the finale? Losing Team captain if fucked hard in front of the audience. Losers trib fuck in a biggest loser battle. Everyone gets fucked one way or another.

Daisy Ducati に 'Brutal Wrestling pins, Winner Fists Loser in a torture-rack'

Daisy Ducati - Brutal Wrestling pins, Winner Fists Loser in a torture-rack

Daisy Ducati is Ranked 8th in Summer Vengeance. Izamar Gutierrez is ranked 3rd. These girls go all out to pin, submit, control and dominate each other. The sound of agony these girls make while they are being dominated by the physical strength of their opponents is one of the hottest things of this match. When the buzzer goes off, one wrestler keeps going trying to get and "unofficial" OOTM. Loser is Lifted into a Torture-Rack and FISTED

Mona Wales に 'The Interrogation 2: Electro Sex Slave Punished'

Mona Wales - The Interrogation 2: Electro Sex Slave Punished

In part one of The Interrogation, Daisy Ducati uses electrical intimidation to confirm her hunch that Siouxsie Q double-crossed her with "competitor" Mona Wales. The details of the story unfold details in part two where Mona and Daisy punish Siouxsie and use her for their personal devious pleasure. Expect pussy licking, zapping, sticky pads, bondage, electric double penetration, and tons of fisting and squirting!

Daisy Ducati に 'Bisexual Pick-Ups'

Daisy Ducati - Bisexual Pick-Ups

Light-skinned black beauty Daisy Ducati looks distinctive with her curls dyed red, natural tits and nose piercing. She has an anniversary surprise for Tony Orlando: a bisexual trade-fuck with bearded Latino Jasper Stone! The trio strips and makes out, with Jasper and Tony mouth kissing. Jasper sucks Tony's prick; Daisy blows both cocks as Jasper eats pussy. Jasper fucks Daisy, with Tony sucking dick pussy-to-mouth. Tony nails her doggie-style as she blows Jasper. As she rides Jasper's cock, Tony fucks her asshole for a double penetration! Jasper pulls out of the wife and wetly facials the husband; Daisy kisses jism from his mouth and face. And Jasper blows/strokes Tony's load into Daisy's mouth.

Daisy Ducati に 'Mummification Bondage Play'

Daisy Ducati - Mummification Bondage Play

Learn about mummification bondage and how to safely use it for BDSM and kinky sex. Danarama and Daisy Ducati demonstrate a variety of mummification techniques and positions, including partial and complete body wrapping using vet wrap, bondage tape, clingwrap, shrinkwrap, and duct tape. See how to achieve penetration with toys through openings in the wrappings, including remote control wireless vibrators and a hitachi wrapped within the mummification. You'll also learn a variety of sensation play techniques to try on your mummified partner, such as fingernails, external vibrators, and violet wand electrical play.

Daisy Ducati に 'Non Stop Squirting, Fisting and Torment in Brutal Bondage'

Daisy Ducati - Non Stop Squirting, Fisting and Torment in Brutal Bondage

Daisy starts her day sitting atop a box with her legs tied wide open and her hands behind her back. I creep up behind her and start to terrorize her with flogging and breath control. Her pussy is dripping wet so I begin to rip squirting orgasms from her helpless pussy.Next she is in a brutal predicament position that has her balancing on her head and the tips of her toes. Her ankles are tied to her around her head and through the mouth. She is fucked and she knows it. I start by filling her cunt with the biggest dildo I can get my hands on and the squirting becomes more powerful.I put this slut in a side suspension to give me full access to her hungry pussy. i do everything in my power to get my entire fist inside of her. After stretching her nice and wide I start milking her cunt for every squirting orgasm it has to offer. In the final scene she is on her back, legs spread and this time I won't stop until I have my entire fist inside her cunt, or I empty her of all of her squirting pussy juices.

Mona Wales に 'Champion vs. Champion in Extreme Competitive Erotic Wrestling tournament'

Mona Wales - Champion vs. Champion in Extreme Competitive Erotic Wrestling tournament

Mona Wales is Season 12 Feather Weight Champions. Check her stats page to see her victory over last season's champion, Juliette March. Mona is undefeated this season. She has improved greatly as a wrestler. She is taking season 11 Rookie Champion, Daisy Ducati. This is Daisy's first singles match for the season. Both these girls have strong, lethal legs. Mona has a 1 inch height advantage and she knows how to use it. These girls put each other in leggy holds. They slam each other, they finger fuck each other. round 4 has brutal fingering and fisting. Loser gives up her ass for the first time on the US mats. Loser Gets Squirt in the face and rubbed around on the mats in it.

Daisy Ducati に 'Tough Ass Bitch and the Electro Queen'

Daisy Ducati - Tough Ass Bitch and the Electro Queen

Daisy Ducati dominates tough slut, Bella Rossi with dynamic suspension bondage, the violet wand, zapper, samurai, tens unit sticky pads and electrified dick on a stick! Daisy demands to be serviced with satisfying static charged pussy licking!

Daisy Ducati に 'Supernatural'

Daisy Ducati - Supernatural

Sultry, red-haired, mixed-race beauty Daisy Ducati is a slender, all-natural punk princess with an insatiable hunger for cock. Young stud Mickey Mod aims to satisfy Daisy's cravings; he fingers her shaved pussy and feeds the adorable girl his stiff trouser snake until she's gagging and drooling on his shaft. The sexy slut takes Mickey's throbbing dick in every hole. She gets her tight asshole reamed in a passionate session of anal banging that climaxes with a hot, creamy load on Daisy's tummy.

Daisy Ducati に 'The Interrogation: Electric Agony and Sexual Submission'

Daisy Ducati - The Interrogation: Electric Agony and Sexual Submission

Did Siouxsie Q dare to double cross Goddess Daisy Ducati? It all unfolds in an intense interrogation scene using the zapper, taser and violet wand! Watch Siouxsie prove her loyalty by submitting to a multitude of Daisy's electro-torture devices including e-stim pads, electrified dildos and double penetration!

Daisy Ducati に 'Holy Fucking Squiter!!!'

Daisy Ducati - Holy Fucking Squiter!!!

Daisy is a tall and beautiful girl with a sexual appetite that would eat most people alive. We pair her up with the fastest machines we have and sit back to se what happens next. She can barely touch her pussy before she is squirting all over the room, so we break out the first machine to get things started. Her pussy explodes with squirting orgasms, and this continues throughout the day. The harder and faster we fuck her the more she squirts. The machines fuck her all day, and by the end of the day, the entire room is soaked with her pussy juices.

Daisy Ducati に 'I Love Shoving Cocks Deep In My Throat'

Daisy Ducati - I Love Shoving Cocks Deep In My Throat

Daisy Ducati used to be a fashion mode for ten years and you can tell just by the way she shows off that not ebony body. The moment she sees a cock, she will show you how kinky and slutty she is inside, but taking the cock deep in her throat!

Tori Taylor に 'Liquid Lesbians'

Tori Taylor - Liquid Lesbians

Black bombshell Tori Taylor and red-haired, mixed-race beauty Daisy Ducati get off on getting wet and wild during an intimate date. Tori thrusts her fingers deep inside her girlfriend's snatch. She stuffs Daisy's pussy with an enormous dildo as the exotic redhead buzzes her clit with a vibrator. Daisy squirts a torrent of girl-juice all over Tori's pretty face! Next, Tori takes a similar treatment. Finally these young ladies fill their sweet cunts from water bottles and douse each other with warm liquid.

Daisy Ducati に 'Electro Sex Clinic: Curing hysteria through lesbian electro orgasms!'

Daisy Ducati - Electro Sex Clinic: Curing hysteria through lesbian electro orgasms!

Patient 17652, Amarna Miller seeks Dr. Daisy Ducati's unconventional electro sex treatments to find relief from the psychological anguish of modern womanhood. Amarna's treatments include: 1) Breaking down mental barriers with a vaginal electrode, violet wand body plate and electrified Wartenberg wheel while immobilized in a straight jacket suspension.2) Reprogramming orgasmic response with an industrial vibrator, a shocking device and an electrified dildo.3) Electro lesbian conversion therapy with face sitting, finger banging, shared orgasms with an electrified vibrator!

Andre Shakti に 'Team Tarrasque vs Team Grappler eps. 3'

Andre Shakti - Team Tarrasque vs Team Grappler eps. 3

Losers are put into a loser train. Winners get orgasms after orgasm.

Daisy Ducati に 'Three The Hard Way'

Daisy Ducati - Three The Hard Way

Three gorgeous femdom bitches demand foot worship, pussy licking and strap-on anal bang slave boy.

Daisy Ducati に 'Nina Hartley trains the gape'

Daisy Ducati - Nina Hartley trains the gape

Welcome to the second update this week for our April Anal Audition week. Today we bring in Daisy Ducati and Mona Wales to be worked over by Nina Hartley. Daisy and Mona have limited anal experience and have never done enemas on film before. They would really like to learn how to gape and are willing to push themselves for the everything butt members to make the gape happen. Mona Wales is determined to get a fist into her ass. She really pushes her bottom for kink and the EB members.

Daisy Ducati に 'Like A Rat In A Cage'

Daisy Ducati - Like A Rat In A Cage

Another unsuspecting fuck boy has been captured by the Divine Bitches. Beautifully sadistic Mistresses Daisy Ducati and Mona Wales place bets on the fate of Alejandro, as they torment him and use his squealing, squirming body to make themselves cum. They put him in chastity and tease and deny him while they cum again and again. They subject him to hot wax, intense squirting, and hard deep pegging until they have taken everything from him, leaving him with nothing.

Roxanne Rae に 'Submits to Latex Clad Electrosex Goddess Daisy Ducati'

Roxanne Rae - Submits to Latex Clad Electrosex Goddess Daisy Ducati

Teetering between playful and sadistic, Daisy Ducati introduces new toys and sensations to adorable new electroslut Roxanne Rae. Relish in the sheer joy that Daisy gets from using the violet wand body plate to tease and surprise Roxanne, who waits in giddy anticipation. Enjoy Roxanne's genuine reaction to the tens unit causing her thigh muscles to pulse and the electro lust egg making her cunt throb. Savor the intense multiple orgasms roused from an aluminum electrified dildo and the pleasure-pain inspired by wired nipple clamps. And revel as Roxanne's violet wand induced screams are smothered by Daisy's wet cunt, earning her a hard lesbian strap-on fucking!

Ash Hollywood に 'Fetish Fanatic 16'

Ash Hollywood - Fetish Fanatic 16

Stunning blonde bombshell Ash Hollywood and pierced, red-haired, mixed-race beauty Daisy Ducati are getting to know one another, and soon all their talk of pussy has these stocking-clad knockouts pretty hot and bothered. Ash fingers brown-skinned Daisy's juicy cunt, pleasuring her with eager tongue, glass toys and a magic wand. Daisy returns the favor, getting Ash off in a kinky, intimate session of spit play and buzzing, vibrating ecstasy.

Jodi Taylor に 'Young Slut Comes Into Full Bloom in City of Public Nudity'

Jodi Taylor - Young Slut Comes Into Full Bloom in City of Public Nudity

Sweet slutty Jodi wanders the streets of San Francisco with her ass out for all to see. She finds a group of nudists and then stumbles upon a flower shop. Her fantasy comes to life when she is dominated into submission in front of customers. She's rope bound, fucked by a huge cock, and dominated by beautiful female patrons. She's is covered in cum and piss.

Daisy Ducati に 'Leg Scissor Hell from one of our best set of Legs'

Daisy Ducati - Leg Scissor Hell from one of our best set of Legs

Piggy back fucking and pig tale pulling. Winner treats loser like a filthy little piggy

Darling に 'Team Grappler Meets Team Tarrasque in the first Tag installment for season 12'

Darling - Team Grappler Meets Team Tarrasque in the first Tag installment for season 12

First Tag Match of the Season, Grapplers take on the Tarrasques in a nail bitting close match up. Losing Captain gets Cum Splattered on her freshly fi

Sovereign Syre に 'Begging For Punishment'

Sovereign Syre - Begging For Punishment

Social netwrok flirting turns into rough lesbian sex, punishment, foot fetish and ass fucking.

Mona Wales に 'First Time Lesbian! Anal Electricity and Squirting!'

Mona Wales - First Time Lesbian! Anal Electricity and Squirting!

FIRST TIME pussy licking and lesbian electro punishment! Anal gaping, Samurai anal electro fuck, strap-on, cattle prod and more!

Daisy Ducati に 'Is It Worth Your Soul.. Sexy Succubus hell bent on gang-bang to top them all!!'

Daisy Ducati - Is It Worth Your Soul.. Sexy Succubus hell bent on gang-bang to top them all!!

Daisy Ducati lures a room full of men to stuff her air-tight!!

Kimmy Lee に 'Anal Perverts 03'

Kimmy Lee - Anal Perverts 03

Redhaired cutie-pie Daisy Ducati and black-haired vixen Kimmy Lee are two mixed-race beauties with a taste for nasty anal play. Perverted director Mike Adriano examines the girls' adorable assholes before having them treat his huge cock to a wet, slurpy, POV blowjob. He uses his massive member to ream each of their tender rectums, letting the other girl clean his sphincter-flavored shaft, ass-to-mouth style. Finally, Mike pulls out of Kimmy's gaping anus... and unloads into Daisy's waiting mouth.

Sheena Ryder に 'Christmas Slut Takedown!'

Sheena Ryder - Christmas Slut Takedown!

Sheena learns a Christmas lesson: electro punishment, lesbian strap on, pussy licking, zappers, violet wand, ELECTRO ANAL & ELECTRO DOUBLE PENETRATION

Mona Wales に 'Knock You Down A Peg'

Mona Wales - Knock You Down A Peg

Professional dommes Mona Wales and Daisy Ducati love abusing and manipulating inferior males. They work over heavily tattooed Ruckus, a financial slave that wishes he could fuck them, in a rough pegging session flavored with sarcastic humiliation. Both bitches sport wicked fetish gear with dildos menacingly harnessed. They spit in his mouth, make him lick leather boots clean and wear a pink wig. The laughing ladies fuck his throat, peg his rectum and pump their strap-ons ass-to-mouth. He blows one big phallus as the other plows his ass. With a pussy smothering his face, he spurts his cum on a mirror, and the nasty dommes make him snort his jism through a rolled up C-note!

Bella Rossi に 'Tag Team Fianle Team Queen has a devastating disadvantage going into the match'

Bella Rossi - Tag Team Fianle Team Queen has a devastating disadvantage going into the match

Each girl wrestles one round of extreme, intense tag team action, giving it everything she's got to help get her team the win

Daisy Ducati に 'Bird in a Cage'

Daisy Ducati - Bird in a Cage

Bondage and Rough Sex with Daisy Ducati

Cheyenne Jewel に 'Rookie Cup Champion takes on Wrangler Team Captain'

Cheyenne Jewel - Rookie Cup Champion takes on Wrangler Team Captain

ass smoothered loser gets trampled in dirty boots then fisted and made to squirt.

Daisy Ducati に 'Rope Bondage for Objectification - with Nikki Nefarious'

Daisy Ducati - Rope Bondage for Objectification - with Nikki Nefarious

Learn how to use rope to tie your partner into a variety of positions for forniphilia (human furniture) such as a candelabra, serving tray and more.

Daisy Ducati に 'Medical mayhem! Flexible pain slut plays doctor.'

Daisy Ducati - Medical mayhem! Flexible pain slut plays doctor.

Will has been in a coma, imagine his surprise to wake up surrounded by friends who have brought him a very special gift. Daisy Ducati looks extra whorish and tempting restrained in a wheel chair with her legs spread wide. They examine the inside of her pussy with a speculum, torment her clit with suction devices, stuff her cunt with toys, fists and cocks- and of course give her an extreme ass a pounding. The crowd goes wild as this filthy scene gets rough.

Daisy Ducati に 'Return of the Fertility Goddess'

Daisy Ducati - Return of the Fertility Goddess

Fertility goddess gets her feet worshipped for nonstop toe scrunching orgasms from lesbian foot-fucking, toe-sucking, arch-licking, & more.

Daisy Ducati に 'Team Queen takes on Team Wrangler. Star wrestlers steal the show'

Daisy Ducati - Team Queen takes on Team Wrangler. Star wrestlers steal the show

Elite Wrestler gets Fucked and disgraced on the mats along with her Loser team mates

Daisy Ducati に 'Extreme Fisting, Squirting,Double Penetration for Super Bendy Stripper'

Daisy Ducati - Extreme Fisting, Squirting,Double Penetration for Super Bendy Stripper

Gage is a married man walking, but before he says his vows, his good friend Tommy Pistol has made a vow of his own. Tommy is going to give Gage the night of his life. To get the job done right, Tommy hires a stripper, but little does Gage know, this is NO ordinary stripper, it's the epic Daisy Ducati, and she's up for more than just the pole! Rough sex, throat fucking, choking, humiliation, anal pounding, DP, double vag, fisting, squirting, and Bukkake! The institution of marriage has nothing on us.

Daisy Ducati に 'Summer Vengeance Extremely competitive Sexual Wrestling match up'

Daisy Ducati - Summer Vengeance Extremely competitive Sexual Wrestling match up

Back and forth non stop competitive sexual wrestling at it's finest. Only is Summer Vengeance can things heat up like this.

Daisy Ducati に 'Team Wrangler vs. Team Queen'

Daisy Ducati - Team Wrangler vs. Team Queen

Revenge is a dish best served with 5 fingers. Izamar goes for fisting during the wrestling, Daisy dishes it back

Daisy Ducati に '2 Squirting Pain Sluts'

Daisy Ducati - 2 Squirting Pain Sluts

Nikki and Daisy are used to make the other suffer in grueling predicament bondage.

Daisy Ducati に 'The Bondage Fuck Toy: Daisy Ducati'

Daisy Ducati - The Bondage Fuck Toy: Daisy Ducati

Submissive anal bondage slut, rough sex and bondage, electricity play with Daisy Ducati

Bella Rossi に 'May-Hem Tag Team'

Bella Rossi - May-Hem Tag Team

Ariel and Bellaget so turned on my dominating the other wrestler that they start making out with each other and licking each other's asses.

Cherry Torn に 'The Secret Femdom Society of Prostate Milking.'

Cherry Torn - The Secret Femdom Society of Prostate Milking.

Slave is used and prostate milked by 5 gorgeous nude masked goddesses for all his sperm.

Mia Li に 'The 2 Best Rookies meet in the finals. Squirting orgasms in round 4'

Mia Li - The 2 Best Rookies meet in the finals. Squirting orgasms in round 4

Buzzer goes off but the Dominate wrestler pays not mind to the time limits. She rips an orgasm out of her opponent after the Buzzer.

Daisy Ducati に 'Daisy Takes On the Ana Conda. Someone gets SQUEEZED'

Daisy Ducati - Daisy Takes On the Ana Conda. Someone gets SQUEEZED

Submission to muscle power and then Sexual submission in the end

Daisy Ducati に 'All She wants is to Ride our Alien Head Sybian - How can we say No'

Daisy Ducati - All She wants is to Ride our Alien Head Sybian - How can we say No

Beast machines, alien cunnilingus and hard core fucking of a sweet, sexy babe.

Daisy Ducati に 'Two of our Top Rookies Get it ON today. No Hole is Safe'

Daisy Ducati - Two of our Top Rookies Get it ON today. No Hole is Safe

The domination shown in the wrestling rounds is Mericless. Submissions, Finger Banging Fistings, Anal Fucking. This match has it all

Daisy Ducati に 'SEXUAL SUBMISSION IN THE MISSION 6 rounds of wrestling 1 hard core orgy'

Daisy Ducati - SEXUAL SUBMISSION IN THE MISSION 6 rounds of wrestling 1 hard core orgy

Massive Orgy. The Prize round is one of the most brutal fuck fests that US has ever seen. Every pussy gets fucked by every cock!

Daisy Ducati に 'ROUND 5 march madness submission in the mission. Ella Nova vs Elizabeth Thorn'

Daisy Ducati - ROUND 5 march madness submission in the mission. Ella Nova vs Elizabeth Thorn

Two rookies go toe to toe. The utter Noobe is shockingly very good at sex wrestling.

Daisy Ducati に 'ROUND 4 team captains face off in the most intense wrestling match'

Daisy Ducati - ROUND 4 team captains face off in the most intense wrestling match

Mistress Kara Really doesn't want to get fucked today...does anything to prevent that from happening

Daisy Ducati に 'Juliette March Get Rough with a Young Hot Rookie, Sex WRestling style'

Daisy Ducati - Juliette March Get Rough with a Young Hot Rookie, Sex WRestling style

Juliette March goes rough on rookie Paris Lincoln. It's too much for Paris. Mona Wales is called in to replace

Daisy Ducati に 'Sexy Daisy Ducati takes on Rilynn Rae for one round of sexual Submission in the mission'

Daisy Ducati - Sexy Daisy Ducati takes on Rilynn Rae for one round of sexual Submission in the mission

Sexy Daisy Ducati takes on Rilynn Rae for one round of sexual Submission in the mission. Two brutally strong girls sex fight on the mats

Daisy Ducati に 'March Madness: Sexual Submission in the Mission round 1'

Daisy Ducati - March Madness: Sexual Submission in the Mission round 1

New faces on the mats means new tricks. Sasha Princess Banks takes on Mona Wales.....outcomes blows everyone away!

Juliette March に 'The Kennels'

Juliette March - The Kennels

Juliette March, Bella Rossi and Daisy Ducati are submissive fuck pets

Bella Rossi に 'March Madness Tag Team. Team Annihilator vs Team Doomsday'

Bella Rossi - March Madness Tag Team. Team Annihilator vs Team Doomsday

Season 11 Rookies hold their own. They wont go down without a fight. Squirting Orgasms, Standing 69s, Fistings in round 4

Syren de Mer に 'Anal Punishment for Submissive Service Sluts'

Syren de Mer - Anal Punishment for Submissive Service Sluts

When two gorgeous slave girls compete to please one hard dick, they both end up on the punishing end of a brutal ass fucking

Daisy Ducati に 'Team Doomsday take on Team Beast in a close tag team match up'

Daisy Ducati - Team Doomsday take on Team Beast in a close tag team match up

Crowd explodes as one team comes from behind during the wrestling rounds then make losers cum from behind in round 4

Mona Wales に 'The Ultimate Submission. Rookie taps out to pain then cums over and over'

Mona Wales - The Ultimate Submission. Rookie taps out to pain then cums over and over

Pinned down and helpless, one rookie can do nothing but submit to the dominate wrestler and give the ultimate surrender.

Daisy Ducati に 'Nikki Darling vs. Daisy Ducati Live Show Part 2!!'

Daisy Ducati - Nikki Darling vs. Daisy Ducati Live Show Part 2!!

Brand new girl and hardcore electroslut compete to see who can take the most electricity. Winner gets to lick pussy and get electro ass fucked!

Daisy Ducati に 'Daisy and Nikki - A Live Electrosex Competition!! Part 1'

Daisy Ducati - Daisy and Nikki - A Live Electrosex Competition!! Part 1

The new girl and the electroslut battle it out in a competition of wills. Who can take the most electricity? The winner gets to lick pussy!

Daisy Ducati に 'Can Izamar deflower Daisy. 2 strong wrestlers fight for sexual control'

Daisy Ducati - Can Izamar deflower Daisy. 2 strong wrestlers fight for sexual control

Top Rookie takes a try at one of Ultimate's Elite. It's an all out war but only one can win and fuck her way to getting the Ultimate Surrender

Daisy Ducati に 'Hot young squirter with a fetish for medical play'

Daisy Ducati - Hot young squirter with a fetish for medical play

Hot young attention whore fucked all over a bar and in a doctor's chair. Penetrated by strangers. Face fucking and squirting!

Daisy Ducati に 'Anal Training Miss Daisy, Day Two'

Daisy Ducati - Anal Training Miss Daisy, Day Two

Gorgeous newbie Daisy Ducati is anal trained and fucked in the ass, challenged with painful stress positions and face fucked

Daisy Ducati に 'Two Fit Babes fight for sexual supremacy on the mat. One CUMS hard!'

Daisy Ducati - Two Fit Babes fight for sexual supremacy on the mat. One CUMS hard!

Loser gets a work out in round 4. Exercise fucked and humiliated; she has to give a piggy back ride to the winner with a strap on inside her.

Daisy Ducati に 'Anal Training Miss Daisy, Day One'

Daisy Ducati - Anal Training Miss Daisy, Day One

Anal Training Daisy Ducati: tested with the cattle prod, made to fuck the dick stand cowgirl style till thighs are burned out, and asshole stretched

Maitresse Madeline に 'A Soul for a Sole: A Foot Worship Halloween Special'

Maitresse Madeline - A Soul for a Sole: A Foot Worship Halloween Special

Troubled foot fetishist Lance Heart makes a deal with the devil and her minions for the ultimate Halloween foot fantasy!

Daisy Ducati に 'Riding Ducati'

Daisy Ducati - Riding Ducati

Daisy Ducati is gagged, suspended, hogtied, fucked with a dick on a stick, tickled, caned and vibrated to overwhelming orgasms

Daisy Ducati に 'Newbie First Time in Brutal Rope Bondage!!'

Daisy Ducati - Newbie First Time in Brutal Rope Bondage!!

Daisy Ducati's first time in hardcore bondage and suffers all day to The Pope's sadistic torment.

Daisy Ducati に 'Petitions to Serve the House, and Anal Slut Zoey Monroe Gets Fucked in the Ass'

Daisy Ducati - Petitions to Serve the House, and Anal Slut Zoey Monroe Gets Fucked in the Ass

When the House has to pick between two gorgeous petitioners, would you pick the gorgeous anal slut or the beautiful pain slut?

Daisy Ducati に 'Slut on Display'

Daisy Ducati - Slut on Display

Latex slut is introduced to hard steel and leather for the first time.

Daisy Ducati に 'Spider Web of Machines, Tit Suction Breath Play Nipple Clamps and Big Os'

Daisy Ducati - Spider Web of Machines, Tit Suction Breath Play Nipple Clamps and Big Os

Sexy, tall, dark skinned Daisy Ducati uses a web of machines & BDSM toys to cum. She takes the Caterpillar - a 10in beast cock thicker than her arm!

Penny Barber に 'Rounds 1-4 Tag Team Finale. Wrestling rounds and a 12 girl Fuck Fest'

Penny Barber - Rounds 1-4 Tag Team Finale. Wrestling rounds and a 12 girl Fuck Fest

month after month these teams fought on our mats for sexual supremacy. This Match determines once and for all what bitches are the toughest

Penny Barber に 'Jayogen makes US Debut'

Penny Barber - Jayogen makes US Debut

Dragon Lily is back on the mats wrestling for her team and she's in top shape. This is THE most exciting round of the match.

Aiden Starr に 'Daisy Ducati's Initiation: Fear of Whipping Tried and Tested'

Aiden Starr - Daisy Ducati's Initiation: Fear of Whipping Tried and Tested

Daisy wants to play. She proves it by overcoming her fear of whipping as she is tested by Aiden Starr. strap on, fisting, hot wax, rope, flogging

Penny Barber に 'Round 2 Tag Finale. Darling and Bella vs. Daisy Ducati and Penny'

Penny Barber - Round 2 Tag Finale. Darling and Bella vs. Daisy Ducati and Penny

Darling and Bella are relentless on their victims today. They use their tags wisely and #teamdragon has no answers for what they throw at them

Penny Barber に 'Tag Team finale Round 1 Bella Wilde and Berretta vs Sophia Fiore and Serena'

Penny Barber - Tag Team finale Round 1 Bella Wilde and Berretta vs Sophia Fiore and Serena

Bad Ass Sophia Fiore refuses to lose! She takes down Berretta AND Bella Wilde at the same time. But the 2 little ones give her a run for her money

Bella Rossi に 'June Tag Match. Daisy Ducati get's a nice warm welcome fuck'

Bella Rossi - June Tag Match. Daisy Ducati get's a nice warm welcome fuck

Nightmare brutally fucks team dragon and makes them do all kinds of dirty things. Then they leave them in the cold shower to wash off their shame!

Bella Rossi に 'Round 3 June Tag Match Bella Rossi and Izamar abuse Cheyenne and Daisy'

Bella Rossi - Round 3 June Tag Match Bella Rossi and Izamar abuse Cheyenne and Daisy

Team Dragon Blows the lead and has no hope of making a come back for this match

Bella Rossi に 'Isamar Dominates round 2 for Team Nightmare Tag Match'

Bella Rossi - Isamar Dominates round 2 for Team Nightmare Tag Match

Bella Rossi and Isamar Gutierrez come back with vengeance in round 2. Neither Cheyenne or Daisy have an answer to what they dish out

Bella Rossi に 'Dragon Vs Nightmare Tag match on the Road round 1'

Bella Rossi - Dragon Vs Nightmare Tag match on the Road round 1

This is a tag match on a temporary set. The US girls are ready and willing to fight on any mat any time, anywhere!!!