Kink 'Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード' 主演 Kendra Spade (写真 7)

Kendra Spade に 'Kink' - Innocence Lost: Kendra Spade (Device Bondage)

Kendra Spadeは最も甘い女の子の一人です、そして、彼女はほとんど何のためにでも下がっています。今日の教皇は、筋金入りの束縛と残忍な罰で、あらゆる可能な方法でこの小さな女を試すことを望んでいます。私たちはケンドラが小犬型の姿勢で始め、両手をストラップに引っ張ります。彼女の首と足首もまた、軽いしゃがんだ姿勢で彼女を保持するスチール製の罠で拘束されています。これは彼女の体が一定のストレス下にあることを確実にし、彼女はシーンの間いつでもどんな快適さも見つけることができないでしょう。彼女の体が彼女を裏切っているのを見る前に彼女は鞭打ちされて酔っぱらっており、そして彼女の足は外に出始める。オルガスムが始まり、彼女はすぐに彼女のより低い背部の過酷な鍋および純粋な筋肉消耗によってもたらされた足について忘れている。次にケンドラが立っていますが、剥奪箱が効いています。彼女の頭と手は木箱の中に閉じ込められ、教皇は彼女の体を調べるために入ります。彼女は彼だけがする方法を知っている悪魔のような方法のすべてで犯されています。様々な道具を使って苦しみを与えた後、彼はスパイクの床を彼女の足の下に滑らせて、彼女が彼が終わるまで苦しむのを確実にします。次に、私たちは彼女を仰向けにし、彼女の足をスチールパイプと革のベルトで開いたままにします。彼女の足は日焼けしてから彼女の猫、そしてそれから彼は杖で彼女を苦しめ続けている。彼女は濡れたオマンコに触れるたびに涙を浮かべて微笑む。大きなディドロが喉を突き落とされ、それから彼女の心地良い猫に押し込まれます。教皇は彼女の猫を悩ませ続けています、そして、突然我々はケンドラが多くの痛み - ガスの彼女の最初を持っているのを見ます。クソは結局彼女のふしだらな女のジュースでテーブルと床を覆う大規模な潮吹きオーガズムを引き起こします。

発売日 : 6月13日, 2019

写真から Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost: Kendra Spade

Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 1)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 2)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 3)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 4)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 5)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 6)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 7)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 8)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 9)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 10)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 11)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 12)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 13)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 14)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 15)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 16)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 17)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 18)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 19)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 20)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 21)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 22)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 23)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 24)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 25)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 26)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 27)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 28)
Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost:ケンドラスペード (サムネイル 30)

写真から Kendra Spade に 'Kink' Innocence Lost: Kendra Spade

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン Kendra Spade

Kendra Spade に 'ケンドラスペード:不可気の奴隷'

Kendra Spade - ケンドラスペード:不可気の奴隷

ケンドラは、唯一の欲望は、彼女のマスターに仕えるのです従順な奴隷です。彼女は自然に従順で、たとえそれが自分の費用であっても、彼を喜ばせるために必要なことは何でも喜んで行います。彼女はスチールシャックルで手足を拘束してダンジョンの真ん中にある木箱の上に背中を向けて始めます。デリックは、彼女をリラックスさせるために彼女にいくつかのオーガズムを与える前に、彼女の熱い小さな体に入り、検査します。その背後にある意図は、彼女がリラックスしているとき、彼女は彼女に期待されることをより喜んで行うようになります。彼は猛烈に彼女をファックし始め、彼女は良い小さなふしだらな女のようにそれを取る.デリックは、いくつかの口頭で彼女を往復します, しかし、その後、彼女の頭を開始ファックに戻ります.彼女は彼女の喉の下に彼のディックと兼ねるようによだれは彼女の顔を滴下します。次のシーンは、ケンドラが彼女の猫への完全なアクセスを可能にする方法で中断から始まり、デリックは蜂蜜の穴に到達し、彼女のハードと高速を犯す時間を無駄にしません。彼女が私たち全員が楽しむために叫ぶのを確認するために少し肉体がありますが、ファックは私たちのふしだらな従順から最も大きな音を得るものです。次のシーンは、犬の位置に私たちの奴隷を持っており、これは彼女が彼女のマスターにすべてのコントロールを失う兆候を示している場所です。ケンドラは彼を喜ばせ、彼の欲望に気を配りたいと思っていますが、彼はノンストップオーガズムに彼女をファックとして彼女は欲望に打ち勝っています。彼女の目はロールバックし、彼女はまだすべてのオーガズムから苦しんでいる間、彼のコックを吸うに焦点を当てようとします。最後のシーンはここにあり、ケンドラが最後にデリックに彼女の価値を証明する時間です。ケンドラは、彼の負荷を取り戻そうとhrマスターのコックに乗るように作られていますが、良い努力の後、デリックは彼女の背中に彼女を投げ、彼は彼のペットの上に止まるまで容赦なく彼女をファックするように仕事を終えます。

Kendra Spade に 'ティーチャーズペット:ケンドラスペード、ティーチャーディーウィリアムズに復ven'

Kendra Spade - ティーチャーズペット:ケンドラスペード、ティーチャーディーウィリアムズに復ven

18歳のガキケンドラスペードは、彼女の厳しい教師ディーウィリアムズに、たくさんの巨大なお尻のおもちゃと太ったストラップ付きディルドで彼女をクソすることによって復venをします。 「ウィリアムズ夫人は愚かな売春婦です」は、ディーが会議に遅れて現れたときに黒板に書かれています。ケンドラが最初に行うことは、カットオフブルージーンズのショートパンツを引っ張って、ウィリアムズ夫人に18歳のお尻を食べるように言うことです。そして今、ウィリアムズ夫人はケンドラにがきの怒りを受け取るようになりました。先生は机の上で曲がりくねったお尻を空中に曲げ、巨大なおっぱいは一緒に押しつぶされ、ケンドラは長いガラスのお尻のおもちゃで彼女の穴を広げます。ディーはこれをあまりにも楽しんでいるので、ケンドラは、原則事務局に彼女を送ろうとした不自由な先生を罰したいだけです。次に、ケンドラは先生にハードメタルのディルドでファックし、ディーは彼女のクリトリスを激しく精液が噴出するまでバイブで責めます。ケンドラは、ウィリアムズ夫人に腰をかがめるように命じます。彼女はそれを愛し、再び絶頂します。背中をひっくり返し、足を高く広げてケンドラを動かし、巨大な雄鶏がお尻を持ち上げ、狂ったように本当の良い叫び声とうめき声を出すまで彼女を叩きます。ディーはケンドラの上に乗ってその大きなペニスをバウンスし、日立と逆向きの騎乗位を行い、部屋中に絶頂の間欠泉を噴出します。しかし、ウィリアムズ夫人のお尻にはもっとたくさんのおもちゃがありますので、罰はそこで終わりません。大きなゴム製のバットプラグが彼女の尻の穴を広げ、次に透明なガラスのシリンダーが彼女を満たし、彼女の身もだえとうめき声を送ります。先生がこれ以上服用できないと思うと、彼女は別の長い太ったコックを彼女のお尻に上げて噴出祭りを引き起こします。その後、ウィリアムズ夫人は揺れ、よだれを垂らし、喜びで泣き叫びます。ケンドラは先生に拳を握り、1日の終わりにはウィリアムズ1番の生徒であり、先生のペットになりました。

Kendra Spade に '私のお尻を教会に連れて行きなさい:ケンドラスペードは聖姉妹を渇望しますDana Vespoli'

Kendra Spade - 私のお尻を教会に連れて行きなさい:ケンドラスペードは聖姉妹を渇望しますDana Vespoli

無邪気な小さなKendra Spadeは、Sister Dana Vespoliに対するそれほど無邪気ではない欲求を抱いています。興奮し混乱して、彼女は彼女のお尻を教会に連れて行き、指導と許しを父親にたずねます。彼女は美しいDana Vespoliの罪深い夢を告白します。彼女の膝と手の上に一緒に握りしめられて、彼女は改造でシスターダナヴェスポリを崇拝します。 KendraはDanaのお尻に手をかざし、Danaの服を脱いでDanaのきつい嫌いな人に彼女の口を当てます。 Kendraが彼女を崇拝しているとき、Danaにキスをして吐き出して舌を鳴らします。今度はKendraが彼女の肛門の罪を告白する時が来ました。 Danaは巨大なガラスのおもちゃを取り出し、Kendraのきつい嫌いな人を広げて伸ばすことに取り組んでいます。ケンドラの悪魔は、彼女のお尻に使われているそれぞれのおもちゃとともに、オルガスムで解放されます。しかしDanaは真の裏切りには肛門性交が必要であることを知っています、そして、彼女はKendraのために上に巨大な紐を引き出します。ケンドラはストラップ1を彼女の口で崇拝し、ダナが彼女のお尻にそれを向ける前に、それをくねくねとくねらせて吐き出します。深い肛門性交は、より多くのオルガスムのためにケンドラを準備させます。次にDanaの番です。ケンドラは彼女の拳でダナのろくでなしの中で祈るために彼女の手を使います。ダナは叫んでいる聖なるオルガスムを引き出すために日立を使用します。肛門蛇が次に出て、彼女がそれを取ることができるのと同じくらい速くDanaを満たします。ケンドラは、何が起こったのか父に言わないようにダナに頼みます。

Stirling Cooper に '家族のために潮吹きアナルステップ娘ケンドラスペード嫌いファック'

Stirling Cooper - 家族のために潮吹きアナルステップ娘ケンドラスペード嫌いファック

Christy Loveは甘い郊外の熟女で、彼女の手の中にはあまりにも多くの時間があり、彼女の人生に十分なチンポはありません。彼女の大邸宅で退屈で角質、彼女はスターリングクーパーのようなセクシーな詐欺師のための完璧なターゲットです。ニューエイジの教祖としての地位を築いたスターリングは、彼女の銀行口座へと進出し、それから彼女のタイトなオマンコと嫌いな人へと進出します。 Christyの服従的な性格は、彼女をロープで縛り付けられ、彼女のお尻に金属製のフックで床に潮吹きし、Stirlingが彼の巨根で彼女をドキドキするD / s遊びの道を進む。彼女は自分の潮吹きをなめてからスターリングのつま先を丸呑みにして幸せ以上に幸せです。実際、彼女は完全に魅了されており、彼女のすべての穴でスターリングに仕える準備ができています。不幸なことに、Christyにとって、彼女のストリートスマートな娘であるKendra Spadeは詐欺行為をしていて、事件全体のビデオを手に入れることができました。ケンドラはクリスティが去るのを待ち、それから彼女は彼女のビデオ証拠で彼に立ち向かいます。ケンドラの家族の説明をさらに深く掘り下げたことで、スターリングは心に強く訴えず、タイトな体と太い元気なお尻で彼を楽しませる何らかの方法を見つけない限り、父を台無しにする可能性があると反論しています。彼女のパンティが彼女の口の中で結ばれて、彼女の手が彼女の背中の後ろで縛られた状態で、ケンドラは完全な憎しみファックに憤慨します。彼女が酔っぱらって鞭打ちをしていると、彼女はしだれとスターリングのディックを窒息させます。スターリングは彼女を壁に投げつけ、彼女が彼女の猫と彼女のお尻の両方で彼女がうめき声を上げながらも、口内発射しないように試みます。しかし、ケンドラは自分自身を助けることができず、彼女はスターリングのコックをくぐり抜けてオーガズムに駆り立てます。クリスティが家に帰ってきてそこで見つかると、彼女はスターリングに夢中になり、彼女は単に膝に落ち、ケンドラのお尻から抜け出すたびにチンポを吸い始めます。ケンドラは彼女の継母の行動に恐怖を感じますが、彼女には選択肢がほとんどありません。彼女はスターリングの太いチンポで彼女の継母のように跳ねながら、本物の売春婦のようにペニスを乗る方法を学びました、そして彼女は彼女の甘い、十代の噴出物を部屋に吹きかけます。彼女が彼女のお尻の中でスターリングの大きい堅いペニスを楽しむので、クリスティは非常に笑います、そして、彼女が最終的に彼女が痴女のように彼の絶頂を乞食の娘に与えるとき、彼女は実に高揚しています。

Kendra Spade に '伝説とグルーピー'

Kendra Spade - 伝説とグルーピー

Fangirl groupieのKendra Spadeが吹き込んできたとき、ロックレジェンドのSmall Handsが舞台裏でウォームアップして彼のショーを披露しています。私のおっぱいにサインをしてください、私の猫と遊んでください。彼女が彼女の乳首クランプを引き抜くまで、Small Handsはそれがすべてこのアマチュアによってただいらいらさせられるのを見ました。これは、スモールハンドの病気と欺瞞的な心を興奮させます。彼は手錠を引き抜き、Kendraがプレーする準備ができているかどうか尋ねます。このブルネットは、彼女が何をしているのかわかりません。完全にカフをして彼女の乳首を固定し、彼女は残忍なディープスロートコックしゃぶりをする。彼女が彼の堅い雄鶏の上で上下にボブするとき、Small Handsは彼のギターを弾き続けます。彼女をひっくり返して、ロープの束縛で彼女を完全に拘束して、ケンドラスペードは、彼女のお尻に小鬼を連れて行きます。彼女は彼が残忍なクソを提供するように叫び、彼女は彼のチンポを中出しする。彼は彼女のおしりを空中に投げそして再び束縛で彼女を縛り付ける。今回彼はそのきつい嫌いな人を望んでいます。彼女が彼のおしりを彼の男根に連れて行くと、ケンドラは彼を喜ばせるよう懇願します。残忍なディープハードアナルクソは彼女をオーガズムに連れて行く。小さな手はタイトな猫ときつい嫌いな人の間を行ったり来たりするので、彼女はすべての彼女の穴に犯されたいと思っています。彼は彼女に彼女の足の裏で彼をぎくしゃくさせることさえします。彼が彼のライブショーの準備ができる前に、最後にSmall Handsが絶頂で彼女をカバーします。

Penny Pax に 'アナルドミネーショントレーニング'

Penny Pax - アナルドミネーショントレーニング


Penny Barber に 'MILFエージェントは、アンダーカバーの肛門と犠牲のステップドーター'

Penny Barber - MILFエージェントは、アンダーカバーの肛門と犠牲のステップドーター


Kendra Spade に '甘くて無邪気なケンドラ・スペードは、縛られ、苦しめられて、おかしい'

Kendra Spade - 甘くて無邪気なケンドラ・スペードは、縛られ、苦しめられて、おかしい


Lea Lexis に '首相の罰:ケンドラー・スペードがLea Lexisの激しい取り扱いを開く'

Lea Lexis - 首相の罰:ケンドラー・スペードがLea Lexisの激しい取り扱いを開く

ケンドラ・スペードは、彼女が揺れることのできないファンタジーを持っています...不屈のレア・レクシスによってコントロールされ、対処されています! Leaは豪華なブルネットで、絶対的なプロです。彼女は、彼女のサブが完全に降伏するまで屈辱、支配、性交をする方法を知っています。そして、ケンドラは挑戦の準備ができています!彼女は捨てられた倉庫に彼女を連れて行き、彼女はうれしく義務づけている。レアはケンドラの服と態度を侮辱し、彼女の裸のお尻を叩きながら、彼女のかわいい、毛深い猫を苦しめながら、彼女は "ちょっとおいしいお二人の靴"と呼んでいる。彼女はケンドラの頭の上にフードを置き、ホテルの部屋に連れて行き、彼女をさらに女性が扱うことができます。彼女はボンネットで彼女を鞭打ち、彼女の猫で喘鳴と唾を吐き出してから、彼女の滴ったおなかのスティックでディックを撫で、彼女に犯させる。ケンドラはすぐに彼女の手首と足首に縛られたスプレッダーバーを繰り返しカミングしてレアに降伏します。リーは彼女を鞭打ち続けると、彼女の猫にバイブレーターをスライドさせながら彼女の顔に座り、彼女のザーメンをさらに難しくする。これが十分でないかのように、LeaはKendraの疲れた猫にストラップを叩きつけ、何度も何度も彼女のオルガズムを叩きつけます。ケンドラがうまく準備を整えたら、彼女はストラップを彼女のお尻に押し込み、彼女のタイトな穴を犯し、ケンドラから叫び声をあげます。ケンドラは、彼女が完全に費やされるまで、急激な激しい怒り、ベッドでの激しい怒り、激しい怒りで、レアの揺るぎないタッチを完全に奴隷にし続ける!

Kendra Spade に '新しいスラットケンドラスペードロープで結ばれ、巨大なコックで元気に犯された!'

Kendra Spade - 新しいスラットケンドラスペードロープで結ばれ、巨大なコックで元気に犯された!

すべての新しい10代の奴隷の売春婦のケンドラスペードは彼女が何のためにいるのか分かりません。彼女は荒いスタッドEddie Jayeに、彼女が彼を喜ばせるために何かを絶対にすると言う。彼女は何をするように言われても何でもするために生きています。サディスティック・ドームはケンドラのような空腹の売春婦とまったく関係があります。彼はすぐに彼女の小さなスカートを裂き、厚手の革ベルトと鎖で手首と足首を束縛します。彼は彼女を注意を喚起させ、服従と規律の言葉のニュアンスを教えます。彼女の口に巨大な赤いボールギャグが詰まり、バイブレーターが彼女の小さなオマンコに詰まって、男性のハンドラーは、重い革の鞭打ち人と乗っている作物で彼女の完璧なおばあちゃんの胸を打ち始める。ケンドラは汗が肌の裏側に溜まり始めると喜び、肌は傷んだピンクの色合いに変わります。彼女はバイブレーターの頭に彼女のおならをひっくり返し、ザーメンを乞う。エディは笑い、オルガスム拒絶の幻想を嫌う。すぐにケンドラは床に人形のように投げる。彼女の足と腕は、しっかりとした綱の束縛に縛られています。彼女は床を低く揺らし、彼女の目が巨根の陰に隠れているのを見つけます。彼女はトンネルのビジョンを持っており、彼女の全体の凝視は、雄鶏に魅了されます。彼女はそれが彼女の喉を詰め込み、荒れ狂う爆発の仕事でギャグになるように頼みます。エディは彼女の襟の骨の直ぐ上に膨らむまで彼女の喉の深い彼の大きな黒いディックを義務づけ、押して喜んでいるだけです。彼女は、彼女がディックで窒息するような卑劣な欲望の水たまりを終わらせることは決してない。エディは彼女の混乱を掬い上げ、彼女の小さなピンクの猫を潤すためにそれを使用し、彼女は多くの複数のオルガスムの最初を兼ねさせる。エッチなディックが激しくて、彼の飢えが彼女の不本意なファックホールに向かう。彼は犬のようなスタイルで彼女のひざまずくと彼女の猫に深く彼の王を押しています。彼女のしっかりしたお尻は、熱でジャックウサギのように彼女を激しく犯すので、揺れ動います。ケンドラは彼女の壊れやすい首を窒息させ、彼女のかわいいポニーテールを引っ張ってほとんど呼吸できません。彼は彼女を彼女の背中に差し向け、ケンドラの傷つきやすく暴露されたおならを持っていきます。彼のディックはほとんどフィットしないと彼女は彼が停止するように頼む。しかし、これは残酷なタスクマスターを狂乱に惹きつけ、彼女はカミングをやめることができなくなるまで、彼女のタイトなお尻を提出します。ケンドラの目が彼女の頭の中に戻ってくると、エディは彼女の丸いお尻の中に大量のザーメンを吹き込みます。彼女は彼女のチンポをジンジャーから洗い落とすので、彼女は微笑んで、ありがとうと言います。

Kendra Spade に '無呼吸のアナルおばあちゃんスラットスインガーサーブ'

Kendra Spade - 無呼吸のアナルおばあちゃんスラットスインガーサーブ

私たちの訓練されていない服従している女装人の2部で、ライリー・レイエスは、ロバに執着した彼女の完璧な丸いお尻と、彼女の猫が犯される準備ができていて、彼女の薄い体はGoverness Aiden Starrの牛に傷つきやすい。ケンドラ・スペードは彼女の19歳の体をシビアンに縛りつけ、彼女の足を上げて彼女の敏感な若者をマシンから離れることができないようにし、彼女の完璧なおっぱいは3組のきつい金属クランプで揺れ動く。ライリーに1つのルールが与えられたときに何が起こるかを見るためにBDSMのスィンガーの群衆が集まり、ケンドラは3つのことを学ぶことを任せた。キャッチャーは、ライリーが最初のルールを教えられており、許可なくカミングすることはなく、ケンドラがオルガスムを盗むたびに、クリーム色の皮膚を覆って牛を舐めさせるということです。 Stefanosは彼女に規則を教え、彼女の裸体をsybianに押しつけ、彼女を無制限にザーメンさせ、RidyはAidenによって何度もショックを受け、Ramonは野蛮な犯罪を繰り出す。最終的には両方の女の子が過ごしていますが、House of Rulesを知っています.Ramonは完璧な服従姿勢で休息していることを知り、魅力的な襟をレバレッジとして使用することに決めました。彼のハードコックに革を置くと、彼はケンドラをかわいそうに彼の後ろに這い回って、彼女は自分を落ち着かせ、落ち着きを舐め、そしてお尻で犯されている間に懇願するパーティーの乞食を請う。彼女が彼女のオルガスムをちょうど持っていれば襟に勝つチャンスを与えられたとき、19歳のケンドラはそれを保持することができず、拘束されずに肛門オルガスティングをしている。彼女は頬を開いたままにして、パーティーとして全員に激しい嫌悪を披露する。その間、特別ゲストのサハラ・レインと彼女の男の子のおもちゃが切り替えて、全部犯されてパーティーが始まる。スインガーはパートナーを交換し、バイセクシャルブローバングとスパンキングを楽しむ。女性の致命的なロープのトップは倒立したサスペンションで彼女のサブルンを回転させ、ファッキングマシンはかなりのトレーニングを受ける。最後のシーンは襟の対決である。両方の従順な売春婦は規則を学び、徹底的に犯され、屈辱を受け、殴られ、衝撃を受け、締め付けられ、彼らの位置を保持した。それはオーガズムオフに来る必要があります、そこでは、彼らの猫を使い果たして、タイトなロープとレザーの束縛の中に小さなザーメンのマシンとして客観化するバーレースはありません。 Stefanos、Ramon、そしてAidenが作物で自分たちのクライトンを打ち、猫を弄り、拳を握って顔に座り、ついには豪華な顔に熱いザーメンを落とすように、誰もが笑いと応援に集まります。最終的な累積カウントが集計されたら、誰が襟を受け取るでしょうか?

Kendra Spade に 'Electro Slutを放つと肛門娼婦がBDSM乱交に奉仕する'

Kendra Spade - Electro Slutを放つと肛門娼婦がBDSM乱交に奉仕する

ハウスは再び、美しい変態スインガーで壁に壁を築きましたが、今回は新しい肉を訓練する上級服役者の代わりに、訓練されていないが熱狂的なお尻が2つあります。彼らのスキルと、彼らが訓練の機会のために彼女のすべての穴をあきらめて喜んで、彼らは猫のために濡れた口のある金髪の電気痴女であると主張し、上層階ルールを学んでください。両方の女の子にとってはラッキーです。家の前の従業員が出席しています。残念なことに、彼らのために女の子に屈辱を与え、彼らのハイヒールを舐めるようにしたいだけです。新しくなった女の子達は、靴を輝かせる若干の靴を履いた後、明らかになった。新しい女の子達は、訓練用首輪の権利を求めて、服従、奴隷、そしてサディスティックな挑戦の場で、戦闘を繰り広げなければならない。彼女の大きな丸いお尻が空中に閉じこめられ、彼女のおとめが閉め切りになり、彼女の服従する姉妹が堅材に溜まった。ライリー・レイエスは本当の苦しみの召使であると主張しているので、アイデン・スターは彼女の権利を彼女に投げ込み、彼女のおばあさんに巨大な電気プラグを詰め、それを結束させた。ラモンがケンドラのゴージャスなお尻を着て、彼女の穴を間違えて、彼女の嘆きを否定しながら、エイデンはゆっくりとRileyを抱き、電気プラグをつかんで、Stefanosは彼女の閉じ込められたクリートに対してヒタチを詰め込み、彼女の口の中のハードコックの周りを叫ぶ。 Rileyの華やかな淡い乳首は強く締め付けられますが、Kendraが彼女のお尻を叩き出すほど重くはありません。角質のスウィングファンの群衆は、彼らに歓声を上げてくれるよう促し、暗闇の中に立ち、自分自身のいたずらをする。アイドデンスターはライリーをすべての性的狂気の中で見つけ、彼女がただエイデンを実行するならば彼女に襟を約束します。小さな好意はほとんどありません。それほど小さい恩恵を受けていない人のひとつは、ライデンのかなりピンクのオマンコのアイデンの拳で、彼女はアイデンに喜んでプレゼントする。アイデンは、彼女が制御不能にカミングしているときに、彼女に懇願し、何を叫ぶべきか教えている。彼女は命令で自分自身をショックし、彼女の乳白色のおっぱいで殴打し、最後に彼女が彼女の顔のいたるところでcum cumsまで彼女の愛人を完全に舐める。悲しいかな、Rileyは彼女の襟を拒否し、彼女の唇の上にGovernessの味がまだ残っているように、彼女を釘付けにして、小さなルールに反するように騙されます.Bella Rossiは夜のゲストとして戻って来て、素早くベラを倒して鞭打ち、叩き、彼女に美しいお尻を振ってもらうように命じる。ビジネスの次の秩序それはそれらの天のおっぱい、我々はすべての崇拝され、長いと従順なタイトなクソに使用されています。ベラは、彼女の濡れたオマンコに手を差し伸べる許可を与えるまで、彼女のきれいな顔の上に熱い負荷と彼女に報いるまで彼女の動きのすべてで彼を働く許可を与えるまで、ベラは、すべての仕事をし、 。ようこそロッシさん、私たちはあなたを逃した!

Kendra Spade に '服従する姉妹は彼女の穴と彼女の抑止を与える'

Kendra Spade - 服従する姉妹は彼女の穴と彼女の抑止を与える

ケンドラの妹ナターシャが思いがけなく彼女のドアに現れたとき、彼女のマスター、トミーピストルが2人の姉妹のために他の計画を持っているので、服従する王女ができることはすべて鼻打ちである。ナターシャの到着前の瞬間。ピストルのチンポは、彼の個人的な女と妻、ケンドラ・スペードの濡れた、空腹の雌犬の深いでした。ケンドラは、彼女の胸を彼に提示しなければならず、いつも抱きしめるために利用可能である。完全にボタン付きのブラウスの罰として、トミーは彼の尻の唇を一緒にクランプし、彼の娼婦のために彼女の雄鶏のためにとても早く午前中に貪欲であるために尻を叩きながら、彼のバタートーストでKendraの顔を塗りつぶす。ケンドラはピストルのチンポをチンポのチンポを舐めて、ぴったりとしたピンクのお尻で彼女を素早く激しく犯しながら、唾を吐き出して、何度も何度もカミングするまで注意を払う。あまりにも早くナタシャによって中断されたトミーは、ケンドラを歓迎する夕食を買い物にするためにケンドラを派遣し、ケンドラの義理の妹とプライベートな瞬間を持って家の規則を教えることができます。ナタシャはピストルの懲戒と尊敬の要求を受け入れることに躊躇しますが、彼女は彼女の服従娼婦の姉妹を支配することを許可されていることをすぐに知っています。トミーはナタシャのドレス彼女のしなやかなおっぱいと丸みを浮き彫りにしている。次に、彼はナタシャ自身に涙を流して、鞭打ち、彼女のおっぱいと口を犯し、最後に彼女の滴りきれいな美しい女を犯させ、彼女がマスターであることを忘れることのないレッスンを与えます。ケンドラが買い物から家に帰ると、二人は彼女の家族の支配を必要としていることを甘美な服従者に納得させる準備が整いました。 Natashaが彼​​女のお尻でスワンク、パドル、スラップをしている間、KendraはPistolのチンポをチョイスして乗り越え、彼女の妹をもっと頼むように上下に跳ね返ります。ナタシャはトムが好きな小さなおもちゃを続けている間に彼女のcumsとして彼女の妹の舌にこすって、彼女のおなかに対して、ケンドラの顔を熱くもたらします。ピストル氏は、彼女の猫とお尻の両方で、カンドゥーと犬でカントラを素早く素早く犯します。ナターシャは電気杖でザッピングします。ケンドラが何度も何度も彼女の雄鶏に何度もかみ合っているので、彼女のお尻の隙間とトミーはナターシャに彼女の妹の甘いお尻の味を与えます。しかし、トミーも何か違うものを食べたいと思っています....二人の姉妹が交換して、今はケンドラが彼女の姉妹がケンドラの脈打つピンクの奥深くまで彼女の舌を埋めるように彼女の妹を犯させるように頼むべきケンドラですプッシー。 NatashaがTommyのコックにかかっているように、Kendraは彼女の上に新しい提出の波を感じ、彼女は熱心にNatashaを共有します - Pistol氏が妹の顔を兼ねるまで、彼はボールとコックを吸っています。

Kendra Spade に '目撃者'

Kendra Spade - 目撃者

若い野心的なメキシコのジャーナリストがCIA犯罪者の殺人を目撃したとき、彼女は殺人犯によって追跡され、彼女の話と犯罪の証拠を打ち切ることに激怒した。 Ramonはボンデージ、アナルセックス、BDSMを使用して若いジャーナリストを圧倒し、彼の秘密を守る。ケンドラ・スペードは任務に熱い若者で、ラモン・ノマールの写真をいくつか手に入れて、凶悪犯罪を犯している。ケンドラは彼女のホテルの部屋で研究をしている間に、彼女は乳首クランプを彼女のおっぱいに置き、彼女のオマンコを震わせて、オルガズムの真ん中にいるラモンは彼女に邪魔をします。彼はタイトなロープの束縛の中で彼女を結びつけ、情報のために彼女を探検し、そして彼は彼の巨根で彼女を探検する!最初のラモンは、深刻な汚い吹き飛びの仕事で彼のディックでケンドラを窒息させる。次にラモンは彼女の背中にケンドラを置き、彼女を広げて鷲を結び、彼女の口にボール・ギャグを入れる。彼は鞭打ち人と彼女を処罰し、彼女の猫が良いと性交する彼女の上に登った。彼女は彼の貫通した雄鶏のすべてのインチを取らなければならないので、彼女は移動できません。彼女は吐くまで彼女のオマンコを指差し、彼女の手から舐める。彼女の足を引っ張って新しいポジションを返し、猫とお尻をフロントとセンターにさらした。ケンドラが来るのを止めるまで、缶詰、ヒタチ、ハードコアの肛門が来る。そして最後に、彼女のお尻を空中で高く抱いている犬に、ラモンは目撃者の家に帰る。

Casey Calvert に 'アナルソロリティーシスターズ'

Casey Calvert - アナルソロリティーシスターズ

Kendra SpadeとIsabella NiceはPi Cum Louder Sororityの新しいメンバーになる可能性があります。今日、家の母親は、これら2つの自然な19歳の子供をテストに出して、彼らが女性団体の姉妹になれるかどうかを確認しています。真の姉妹は、彼らの強みと欠点を互いに尊重する女性グループなので、Caseyは、この2人の女の子には肛門経験がなく、レズビアンの経験が少なく、奴隷の経験がほとんどないという事実を受け入れます。実際には、今日はイザベラが初めてボンデージをやって初めて、肛門に挑戦する彼女の3度目です。この2人の素晴らしい19歳の女の子のためのCaseyの最初の指示は、彼女たちの娯楽のために一緒にレッツアウトすることです。ケンドラとイザベラは、完璧な若々しい肌、長い細身の脚、タイトなラウンドのお尻、そしてかわいい胸の美しい自然なブルネットです。ケンドラとイザベラは実際に指示に入るようになります。彼らは深いフランス語でお互いに熱心にキスし、ケーシーがそれらを中断し、尻を叩き、肛門を始めるまで、お互いを服を脱ぎ捨てる。ケーシーはケンドラを膝の上に置き、ケンドラがかわいくなるまでおもちゃを彼女のお尻に突き出す。ケンデラとイザベラのギャプはケーシーにとっては十分ではないので、ケーシーはボンデージで起き上がり、両者に鏡を使用して、開かれたままにしておくべき姿を確かめる。私たちはケンドラのピンク色のお尻に深みを感じます。ケンドラは彼女の嫌いな子が彼女がすることができることを知っていた以上に伸びているので、痛みと喜びを揺らす。不十分な小さなイザベラは辛抱強く膣鏡を取ることができません。彼女は1つのノッチを広げて、慈悲を求めます。ケンドラは、彼女の肛門の限界を押すことでイザベラも報酬を受けている間、クソの上にいくつかの重い肛門ストラップと報酬を与えられます。イザベラはケーシーの大きな美しいギャプを舐めることで報酬を受ける。

Kendra Spade に '19歳の初心者は、機械によってセンシティブなセックスを取得します'

Kendra Spade - 19歳の初心者は、機械によってセンシティブなセックスを取得します

KendraはKink.comとすべてのことを大事にしており、彼女のデビュー作としてFucking Machinesを喜ばせることができました。彼女の日焼けした肌、素朴な自然のおっぱい、そして彼女のすばらしいお尻は、彼女を私たちのために素晴らしい候補にします。私たちは白いドレスを剥がして、彼女のすてきな赤いランジェリーを露出させ、それが床に落ちて、セクシーなボディを最初に見ます。私たちは、そのお尻を見せている椅子で彼女のひざまずいて始めます。私たちは彼女の空腹の猫の中でマシンを深くスライドさせて始めます。彼女の目は彼女の頭の中で転がり、彼女は欲望に震え始める。マシンが加速し、うなり音が大きくなり、オルガズムが来る。次に、彼女をベンチに座らせて、もう一度プロセスを開始します。オルガズムが来るのを止めてから、マシンをすべて上げます。彼女の猫は深刻な打撃を受けていると彼女は十分に得ることができないようだ。私たちは彼女が回転するのを十分に遅くして、私たちに彼女のお尻をもう一度見せて、マシンを11に戻します。彼女は彼女の猫が垂れ下がって満足している間、最終的にマシンから飛び降りることができます。

Maya Kendrick に '私のハードタイムボーイフレンド'

Maya Kendrick - 私のハードタイムボーイフレンド

猫が離れている間、マウスは遊びます。マヤ・ケンドリックのボーイフレンドが刑務所からの驚きの訪問をしたとき、彼女と彼女のセクシーな遊びのもの、ケンドラ・スペードがお互いに赤ちゃんを連れ出しているのが見えます! Markus Dupreeは、彼がキスしているガールフレンドにキスしたり、他の雛を鞭打ったりすると、彼の目を信じることができませんが、彼は刑務所にいることから、とても興奮しています。ボスであるこれらの美人を思い出させるために鞭打ちとトリミングの少し後、女の子はいくつかの深い喉で、マルコスのディックを崇拝するために、彼らのひざを下ろして、お粗末なコック吸う。彼らは彼を喜ばせる以上のものは何も望んでおらず、熱狂的な興奮でそれを示している。 Markusはそれらの2つを犬の中で結びつけて、バットのすぐそばにいろいろなファックをしています。 Mayasのタイトなお尻は、かろうじて巨大な雄鶏を取ることができますが、喜びで彼女のクレイジーを運転し、Kendraは彼女の口に彼の雄鶏を詰め込むとき、彼女の友人のお尻を味わうことができます。口に戻って、そしてまた戻るMarkusは、お尻とオマンコの両方で、深くて激しく、彼らはすべて来ることになっている、まろやかな噴水のためにウォームアップしている。足首に結ばれた手首で背中を裏返しにした。マーカスのハードコックポンとマンドのプッシー、そしてケンドラの空腹のお尻。 Kendraの熱い猫が爆発し、何度も潮吹きを吐くまで、Markusはそれをもっともっと深く望んでいます。Markusが顔を全面的に殴るまで、潮吹きは終わりません。今週のSASアップデートMy Hard Time Boyfriendにcummingの犯罪はありません。 19歳の新人のKendra Spadeを初めてのSAS撮影でチェック!それは、猫の食事、女の子の女の子、口へのおしゃぶり、つま先、野生のオルガズムなどを含む噴水の祭典です!

他のサイトからの風景 Kendra Spade

Kendra Spade に 'Cum For Kendra Spade'

Kendra Spade - Cum For Kendra Spade

Kendra Spade is a freaky, curvy, big booty Asian brunette beauty who loves passionate aggressive sex. Sporting a bush, she spreads her tight pussy open so she can feel it slide deep inside her. Her incredible big butt bounces back on the dick and she moans loud as she authentically cums over and over again. She spontaneously asked for cum deep inside her pussy even though she isn't on birth control. In the heat of the moment logic is thrown out the window and she gladly takes a deep creampie.

Karlee Grey に 'Non Fashion Moves'

Karlee Grey - Non Fashion Moves

Kendra cums away with more than a new dress for her bachelorette party when she pops by Karlee's clothing boutique. While measuring Kendra for her dress, Karlee can't help sizing up her friend's juicy booty for her own pleasure. Karlee teases Kendra about her tame party plans and suggests they fuck so Kendra has a story to tell her girlfriends. Kendra has never been with a woman and resists Karlee's advances, but she ditches her inhibitions once she gets a handful and mouthful of Karlee's incredible natural tits. Soon the once demure Kendra and bossy Karlee are down on the ground licking each other to repeated orgasms until they finish with an intense scissor fuck. Now Kendra has a sexy story for her bachelorette party.

Maserati XXX に 'Caught Voyeur Domination'

Maserati XXX - Caught Voyeur Domination

Sneaky Kendra Spade has a dirty fetish. She likes to flash her big blue strap-on dildo at unsuspecting ladies on the street. But when she flashes Maserati, she's fucked with the wrong lady. Maserati is not letting Kendra get away with shit and pursues her to her home. Once inside, Maserati gives Kendra more than just a taste of her own medicine by sitting on Kendra's face and rubbing her pussy until she squirts. Maserati uses her big tits to smother Kendra and turns out, Kendra is more than into it. Kendra uses her strap-on to fuck Maserati. But Maserati loves being on top. So, she grabs her strap-on and fucks Kendra until she squirts and squirts again! Maserati has so much fun, she decides to keep the toy and hit the road.

Abigail Mac に 'Unmasking The Mistress'

Abigail Mac - Unmasking The Mistress

Even if voluptuous Abigail Mac is one of the hottest babes in the area, her unfaithful husband is actively trying to cheat on her. The joke is on him though, as Mrs. Mac sees through his web of lies. The man is about to have a lusty date with petite black haired Kendra Spade. Abi has other plans for him and spikes her hubby's favorite tea with a little something that will put him to sleep for some time. Alone and aroused in her bedroom, Kendra blindfolds herself. She's pleased when she starts feeling hands all over her body. She lets her mysterious guest choke and finger her. What a surprise when she discovers that the cheated wife herself took over the husband's job. The scandal brings Abigail and Kendra closer, much closer. The ensuing sex is as wild as it gets.

Kendra Spade に 'Invasian 5'

Kendra Spade - Invasian 5

Kendra Spade catches some rays in the California sun until Dredd shows up to feed her his meat! Kendra's body shines in the sun as she wears a sparking bikini and high heels by the pool. She talks to Jules and shows him how wide she can open her mouth when she jams her fist inside then rubs the saliva on her horny pussy. We get a glimpse of her beautiful bush while her hand slides underneath her bikini before Kendra pulls her top to the side unleashing her amazing rack. Kendra plays with her nipples then gets on all fours as Dredd arrives to help her cover her body in oil. He has time to rub oil on her tight ass and perky tits before Kendra turns around to help him out of his pants. As Dredd's pants fall Kendra gasps in the glory of his monstrous dong then eagerly attacks it with her tongue. Now covered in spit, Kendra grabs ahold of the sleeping giant with both hands and strokes it to attention before attempting to swallow it whole. She takes as much as she can handle down her tiny throat but Dredd continues to shove his massive dick further in her mouth. Kendra spits all over it and strokes it some more until Dredd decides to they should get more comfortable and they head over to the couch. Kendra gets on all fours so Dredd can get behind her in doggy and slide his giant cock deep into her tight slit. She moans with every pump as her tiny pussy is pummeled by Dredd's tree-trunk cock then makes her way between his legs to lick her pussy juices off of it. Once it's nice and clean, Kendra climbs on top so she can bounce balls-deep on on Dredd's rock hard boner as her asshole winks for the camera. She spins around into reverse cowgirl to put her perfect body on full display as Dredd stretches her young pussy with every stroke. Kendra savors each second that Dredd's monster cock is inside her then graciously gobbles up every drop of his gooey load!

Dee Williams に 'Gaping Compilation 3 - Mike Adriano'

Dee Williams - Gaping Compilation 3 - Mike Adriano

Featuring some of our hottest anal vixens, we present to you Mike Adriano's third gaping compilation showing off some ass pounding and stretching! Gotta love a sweet gape, enjoy!!

0:00 - Asian Kendra's Gaping Anal & A2M Deeds
6:56 - Deep In That Ass
20:30 - Enema Slut Jennifer Reamed To Gaping
32:14 - MILF Dee Sodomized To Gaping Prolapse!
40:35 - Phat, Rimming Ivy Sodomized To Gaping

Kendra Spade に 'Asses In Pajamas'

Kendra Spade - Asses In Pajamas

The sexy Kendra Spade has invited some of her girlfriends over for a pajama party; romantic movies, popcorn, pillow fights! This catches the attention of her pervy neighbor Kyle Mason who sneaks in to get a look at the girls. Kyle chooses a risky hiding place and ends up getting sat on by Kendra and her friends. When the girls notice him, all hell breaks loose and the party ends abruptly... leaving a horny and pissed Kendra to teach Kyle a lesson.

Kendra Spade に 'Exploring Kendra's Boundaries'

Kendra Spade - Exploring Kendra's Boundaries

Kendra's man is an amazing lover that she's had many firsts with, including her first squit. Now she wants to try her first anal. They tease her ass until she squirts and is ready for his cock.

Kendra Spade に 'Creampie Angels'

Kendra Spade - Creampie Angels

Beautiful brunette Kendra Spade sways, showing off her plump booty in skimpy lingerie. Aggressive stud Markus Dupree stuffs his throbbing cock between her salivating lips, and she gives him a gagging blowjob. He fucks her pussy doggie-style, making her moan in orgasmic heat. Markus switches holes, his thick prick filling her rectum. He slips his fingers inside her sphincter, making her cunt ejaculate girl squirt! Kendra sucks his meat ass-to-mouth and then parks her ass on his boner for an intense anal cock ride. See desperate masturbation, squirting orgasms and pink asshole gaping. Finally, Markus dumps a milky creampie into Kendra's snatch.

Alina Lopez に 'True Lesbian - What Set Us Apart'

Alina Lopez - True Lesbian - What Set Us Apart

Sister Ashley Williams (Alina Lopez) is reading scripture on her bed while Sister Jessica Thompson (Kendra Spade) finishes putting on her pajamas nearby. Although Ashley shouldn't, she can't help but steal a look or two, admiring Jessica's beautiful form. But as soon as Jessica's done dressing and joins her, Ashley tries to push away the secret feelings churning within.

When Jessica asks her if they should go over their route for the morning, Ashley gets down to business. They have a lot of work to do and people to meet to further their divine mission. If they're lucky, maybe they'll be able to return with candidates for discipleship.

Satisfied, Jessica soon returns to her own bed as she turns out the light. Although Ashley hopes that the darkness cloaking them will bring her peace, she can feel Jessica's gaze on her. The longing becomes impossible to ignore. Despite all their teachings telling them to repress those sinful feelings, instinct wins out and they soon join under the covers of a single bed.

Even though it's strictly prohibited, Ashley and Jessica can't deny the feelings they have for each other. They think they're hiding it well, but when they get a phone call from Brother Benson, their Mission President, the next day, everything falls apart. Ashley is to be transferred elsewhere... She has no doubt that they've been outed somehow.

They are tearful as they struggle with the fact that they may never see each other again. Who knows when their mission will be done, if ever? Even so, as Ashley and Jessica come together one last time, all they can do is promise to wait for each other, no matter how long it takes.

Kendra Spade に 'Artifucked'

Kendra Spade - Artifucked

Pussy wet like the ocean, nipples hard like rocks; this is the tale of the ancient fertility stone. When vigilante Kendra Spade is caught hijacking artifact collector Markus Dupree, she puts the legend to the test in a squirting fuck fest.

Kendra Spade に 'Mom Said Get Off His Dick - S12:E4'

Kendra Spade - Mom Said Get Off His Dick - S12:E4

Ever since Holly Lace got married to Logan Long's dad, Logan and Holly's daughter, Kendra Spade, have been super into each other. Holly is having none of it! Every time she sees Kendra and Logan getting close to one another, she does everything she can to separate them. After several successful attempts to get Kendra away from Lucas, Holly walks in on the two of them fucking doggy style on the couch. Finally pushed to her limit, Holly announces that Logan can cum on her daughter's face like the whore she is and leaves the room. Now that they're free to do it, Kendra and Lucas waste no time in getting it on! They keep it up doggy style for a bit, but then Kendra lets Lucas sit down and pull her onto his dick. Now that they aren't trying to keep their affair a secret, they don't bother trying to hold the moan. Instead, they flaunt their coupling as Kendra screams her pleasure at the way Lucas's dick fills her all the way up.A reverse cowgirl ride comes next, followed by Kendra finding herself on her back on the couch with her legs akimbo. With Lucas's cock guiding the way, Kendra finds herself cumming just as she's dreamed of. Then she gets to her knees, and wraps those hot little lips around Lucas's shaft to suck him off as she strokes his hardon. When Lucas is ready to nut, Kendra backs off so he can jizz all over her face just as mommy ordered.

Kendra Spade に 'Class Of The Titans'

Kendra Spade - Class Of The Titans

Three high school students, Eliza Ibarra, Kendra Spade, and Vanna Bardot, are stuck in detention together after being thrown out of a class president debate for bickering too much. Kendra, being all about academia, is convinced she'd make the best class president. However, Eliza, a cheerleader, and Vanna, a theatre kid, are all about becoming class president, too.

As the three argue back and forth, it's clear that they just can't get along. However, they soon realize that the teacher is nowhere to be found. When they check the classroom door, it doesn't budge! It seems as though their teacher forgot about them AND the janitor locked them in! What's even worse is that the janitor also turned off the heat!

It's going to be a loooooong night.

As the hours tick by, the girls start to get restless and chilly. In order to conserve heat, they reluctantly snuggle up together on the teacher's desk, although they still can't get along. It doesn't seem to be working, though, and Kendra suggests that they'd probably be warmer if they stripped down to have body-to-body contact...

After some reluctance, they all strip down to their underwear. Even if they can't stand each other, they can't help but stare at their beautiful bodies. They begrudgingly give each other compliments, the tension between them shifting to a sexual one. Finally, to help pass the time, work out the tension, AND get warm, they decide to get frisky!

Things really heat up between them as the share naughty kisses and explore each other's bodies. No breast or pussy is left untouched as they each get a taste during the tantalizing threesome. Maybe after this, they'll be able to finally get along!

Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, StoryFan!

Casey Calvert に 'Bunk Bed Bang'

Casey Calvert - Bunk Bed Bang

Casey Calvert and her boyfriend's big trip hasn't really gone as planned, particularly because he keeps booking them in trashy hostels with shared rooms. Casey has finally had enough, and her patience is put to the test when her boyfriend tries to seduce her after they arrive at another dump following a long day on the road. Rejecting her boyfriend's advances, Casey relegates him to the bed furthest away from her, claiming the bottom bunk for herself and leaving the top one open. Luckily for Casey, Kendra Spade's arrival as her bunk-mate gives her the opportunity to get sexual satisfaction and revenge on her bumbling boyfriend.

Kendra Spade に 'If Daddy Isn't Home to Fuck Kendra Spade's Ass After Class She's Going To Find Another BBC'

Kendra Spade - If Daddy Isn't Home to Fuck Kendra Spade's Ass After Class She's Going To Find Another BBC

When Kendra Spade wants the D she's not willing to wait. Kendra's back at her place after class and gives Jax a call to let him know she's horny. He says that he's busy right now and won't be able to make it over to later which really pisses Kendra off, she's going to get fucked now whether it's with him or not. Jax isn't going to let that happen, he gets out of his bed totally naked and runs out the door. As he's running down the street without his clothes, Jax jumps on an electric scooter to help him get to Kendra's faster before sprinting down the hall to get to Kendra's place. Kendra's ecstatic that her Daddy rushed over to see her and she's going to make sure she thanks him properly. Jax sits on the couch as Kendra straddles him and kisses him before getting on her knees to orally service that BBC. He helps her out of her clothes as she's sucking his cock then Jax lays Kendra on the couch so her can return the favor. Jax sucks and fingers that tight pussy as Kendra moans for more then he spins her around so he can lick her beautiful butthole. When Kendra's so wet she can't take it anymore Jax slides his long cock balls deep into her tight snatch. Jax pulls her hair as her pounds her from behind then turns her into spoon and continues to hammer her hard until she squirts all over. They stand up and fuck in standing position then Kendra gets on top of Jax to ride that dick hard. Kendra makes herself squirt as she grinds her pussy on that BBC then Jax picks her up and sits her down on a stool before penetrating her tight little asshole. She can't contain her excitement as Kendra enjoys every inch of that big cock in her ass and continuously squirts with every pump. Jax fucks her all over her apartment before shooting his creamy load down Kendra's horny throat.

Kendra Spade に 'The Brat Who Cried Wolf'

Kendra Spade - The Brat Who Cried Wolf

Charles Dera bursts through the front door, concerned about an emergency text from his teen step-daughter, Kendra Spade. Yet, instead of finding her in mortal peril, the brat greets him by whining about not having WiFi. Can he fix it??

Charles can't believe that she keeps calling him for the most ridiculous things, making him think she's in serious trouble! Like getting him to fetch a hair tie from the sink or driving her to a concert when he's already out doing his own thing. Kendra's mother spoiled her too much and now it's gone too far -- it's time to be disciplined!

Kendra scoffs, unable to take Charles seriously, although the tune changes as Charles tugs her over his knee and spanks her perky ass. While it's meant to be punishment, it accidentally arouses them both as he continues, though Charles is more embarrassed about it than Kendra is. This soon gives the brat an idea: what better way is there to get on Dad's good side than to get in his pants?

Since Charles is already thinking more with his upstairs brain, it's easy to convince him to get down and dirty with her. Kendra eagerly gets started by taking Charles' cock into her mouth, getting him good and hard. Yet, by the time he sinks into her pussy, the excitement has already passed and she grabs her phone to keep herself entertained. Charles is determined to teach the rude teen a lesson once and for all as he tosses aside her phone and doubles down.

Kendra Spade に 'flirts and fucks her neighbor'

Kendra Spade - Neighbor Affair

Kendra Spade is back home for winter break and is out by the pool taking in some sun when she sees her neighbor peeping on her. She continues to tease him by showing off her tits until his cock blocking wife interrupts. He HAS to blow off his load on Kendra, so he pays her a visit.

Alina Lopez に 'We Like Girls - Alina and Kendra'

Alina Lopez - We Like Girls - Alina and Kendra

The friendship that Alina Lopez and Kendra Spade share is unlike any I've ever seen. Although they claim to be 'just friends,' I think they must have a little 'friends with benefits' thing going on! It's hard to imagine that they don't when you see the way they light up whenever they talk about each other.

When I asked Alina how they met, she told me that they both met at AVN in 2018. They were both new to the industry, with Alina being even newer than Kendra, but Kendra immediately took Alina under her wing. Since then, they've been the best of friends, promising each other that they'd get through the crazy, weird journey of the industry together.

Even though they met through work, Alina is convinced that they would've been friends if they'd met it any other way, too. They have so much in common, and Alina admires how bubbly Kendra is and how easy it is for her to make friends. At the same time, Kendra admires how confident Alina is... and how it's Alina who wears the pants in this relationship!

All joking aside, despite being on the same career path, they've never performed one-on-one... until today. In fact, Alina even promises to deliver REAL lesbian sex, so Kendra is about to be over the moon -- and so will you!
- Bree Mills

Kendra Spade に 'Mick's Anal PantyHOES 7'

Kendra Spade - Mick's Anal PantyHOES 7

Comely Asian Kendra Spade looking fabulous teasing in white pantyhose and clear high heels. She strips and stretches her wet orifices for the camera, whimpering when director/stud Mick Blue penetrates her rectum. They kiss passionately through rampant pussy and anal fucking, and Kendra gives a drooling, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Her butthole gapes! See nasty rimming, dirty talk and gagging fellatio too. For the finale, Mick masturbates his big cock, finally coating Kendra with a creamy cum facial.

Abella Danger に 'Tennis Tag-Team'

Abella Danger - Tennis Tag-Team

Kendra Spade and her dad arrive at the local country club to play badminton. Kendra is nervous that they won't be as good as everyone else on the court, so her dad gets two of the players, Abella Danger and Milana Ricci, to give them lessons. Looking at Kendra lustfully, Abella sends Milana away with Kendra's dad to train him, adding flirtatiously that in the meantime, she'll help Kendra with her stance.

While Milana keeps Kendra's dad busy, Abella cozies up to Kendra, showing her the proper badminton stance, her hands gliding over Kendra's smooth body seductively. When Milana leaves Kendra's dad with some exercises to do on his own, she and Abella take Kendra inside for some even more intense...tutorials.

Inside, Milana and Abella get to work showing Kendra some of their BEST techniques. They take Kendra's clothes off and suck on Kendra's perky nipples before laying Kendra on the couch and spreading her legs, fingering and licking her pussy feverishly. This sends Kendra over the edge, and she cums, squirting a hot stream of nectar all over Milana and Abella.

But Kendra's not the only squirter in this badminton tag-team, because Abella and Milana have got gallons to give too...

Emily Willis に 'Gaping With My Bestie'

Emily Willis - Gaping With My Bestie

Emily and Kendra make an awesome team - both dark, sultry and sexy, they would wet anyone's appetite by simply being in the room. But when you put them together with a mate who wants to satisfy them in every way possible - they become something quite off the scale.

Kendra Spade に 'The Voyeur Next Door: Part 2'

Kendra Spade - The Voyeur Next Door: Part 2

With everyone reeling from their encounter with Alexis Fawx and her gift of both a cherry pie and voyeuristic sex, Scott Nails, intriguingly, can't stop thinking about seeing Kendra Spade masturbating while Alexis was getting fucked. In order to avoid daydreaming too overtly, Scott has decided to channel his energy into working out. But whether that's to impress Kendra or due to a midlife crisis remains unclear. However, when Kendra shows up looking for someone else, Scott quickly discovers her intention isn't to study.

Kendra Spade に 'fucks you in VR'

Kendra Spade - fucks you in VR

Kendra Spade has been waiting for you to pull out your cock and let her play with it. Kendra's hot body and perfect tits will make you cum over and over again and will keep you wanting more.

Kendra Spade に 'Creeping In Her Crypt'

Kendra Spade - Creeping In Her Crypt

Charles Dera has been called to bring peace to a town that has been recently ravaged by a creature most foul and unnatural. Charles, being the righteous hero that he is, fears nothing and moves further into the crypt. Soon, Charles finds himself face to face with a sealed coffin… He suddenly, hears a voice that calls to him. While trying to resist its seductive allure, the coffin suddenly springs opens, and Charles comes face to face with the queen of vampires, Kendra Spade. It has been a while since Queen Kendra had a plaything….

Kendra Spade に 'InterAnal'

Kendra Spade - InterAnal

Glamorous, young Asian minx Kendra Spade can't wait for a taste of muscular Jax Slayher's big black cock. The all-natural cutie begins her interracial adventure with a slobbery, deepthroat blowjob, gagging on his monster meat. Jax stuffs his massive boner up her tight asshole. He treats Kendra to an intense anal pounding, reaming her rectum and then fucking her throat ass-to-mouth. Kendra worships his dark meat and earns a messy mouthful of hot semen. She swallows it with gratitude.

Kendra Spade に 'Foreign Exchange Brat'

Kendra Spade - Foreign Exchange Brat

Steve Holmes and his wife have opened their home to an exchange student, Kendra Spade, for a month. Although it was all fun and games in the beginning, Kendra quickly overstayed her welcome by being an entitled brat! Nothing is sacred in the household and the couple can't wait to reclaim it as their own. Kendra's due to leave and then it will be just them once again.

Unfortunately, Kendra's flunked her studies and is going to be staying with them another month or six!

Steve tries to keep it together, insisting that he'll find another host family for Kendra to stay with. Yet, Kendra counters that that's not necessary -- she loves it there! There's free WiFi, the mattresses are super comfy, and Steve's wife is SUCH a good cook...

Steve finally confronts Kendra, pushing that she can't stay with them anymore! However, instead of telling her the truth, that he's tired of her bratty ways, he keeps making up lies. Kendra easily goes along with all of them until Steve is so desperate to get rid of her that he declares that she has to suck the dick of the homeowner to stay in the country! Steve is proud, thinking he's got her this time, but his dreams are crushed when Kendra nonchalantly tells him to whip it out and put it in her mouth already, then.

In order to not get caught in his own web of lies, Steve goes along with it, letting Kendra go down on him. As it escalates, will Steve finally be able to get rid of the brat or will he be stuck with her forever?

Kendra Spade に 'Wrestlefucking'

Kendra Spade - Wrestlefucking

Molly Stewart is the Brazzers World Wrestling Champion, but the masked Kendra Spade has her sights set on her title! A backstage attack leads to an impromptu locker room tussle between the sexy rivals, but their scheduled match's referee tries to break it up, telling them both to save it for the main event! Molly and Kendra don't like to follow order, however, and after the pair momentarily team up to rid the women's locker room of the nosey official, they face off in a sexy submission match that'll end with them both naked and licking each other's pussies!

Kendra Spade に 'We Like To Share'

Kendra Spade - We Like To Share

This sexy brunette duo Emily Willis & Kendra Spade sways and teases the camera before engaging in some hot lesbian action. Once they are wet and ready, an intense threesome kicks off. This is hardcore gonzo style sex and relentless 3 way action! Including deep throating and cum swapping! It doesn't get hotter than this.

Alex Coal に 'Lesbians, Alex Coal and Kendra Spade, have foursome with Hime Marie and her boyfriend'

Alex Coal - Lesbians, Alex Coal and Kendra Spade, have foursome with Hime Marie and her boyfriend

Alex Coal & Kendra Spade are going to town on one another's pussy while Hime Marie watches intently. Hime can't stand it anymore and joins in on the fun. Her boyfriend shows up and catches them in the act. Since they're all hot, horny, and naked, they decide to have a hardcore foursome.

Kendra Spade に 'Pure Pleasure'

Kendra Spade - Pure Pleasure

Exotic Kendra looks pretty in pink while she smiles into the camera, flaunting her delicious assets. Her gaze is sweet and innocent, but when she gets you alone, she proves you should never judge a book by its cover.

Kendra Spade に '- Glory Hole'

Kendra Spade - Glory Hole

Kendra is the perfect maid of honor. She's in charge of the bachelorette party and it's her goal to go above and beyond the call of duty. Kendra wants to make it special and fun. She visits the local adult bookstore for some 'ideas'. The store clerk shows her some movies and toys...but seems like Kendra wants something a little more adventurous for her best friends' send off into matrimony. Well she's in luck because the clerk is gonna show her the 'Bachelorette Package' they have stored in the booth. What a surprise for Kendra! She had no idea how big the package was. But like any good girl...she got down on her knees and tried that package out for herself. First she slurped on that cock like an a true pro. Honestly, best Blow J we've seen in...forever! But she wasn't sucking to get this strange dick off....she was just lubing it up for her other holes. That's right...holes as in plural. First she strokes that meat with her wet juicy pussy and when it's rock hard, she slides it into that tight perfect asshole. She jerked that cock with her ass until she came all over it. Then she drinks down every ounce of the man juice. I think she's found the perfect entertainment for her best friend's bachelorette party!

Kendra Spade に 'Slaysians'

Kendra Spade - Slaysians

Brought up in the woods of Washington state, this exotic beauty of Philipino descent is one filthy little piece of ass. Kendra Spade wants it hard and she wants it now and refuses to walk away from a cock unsatisfied. She sucks cocks like it's her last meal and has labia that literally contract around a cock like the tentacles of an octopus. You don't fuck her, Kendra fucks you! Nasty as she can be, she is spitting, moaning, bouncing fuck machine and T Stone holds on for the ride of his life. Position after position she pounds that cock as she uses it as a work out machine. Eventually, T Stone can no longer hold back and cums on her face!

Bonnie Rotten に 'The Age Of Sexlightenment'

Bonnie Rotten - The Age Of Sexlightenment

Bonnie Rotten gets frustrated when her computer malfunctions during a cam tease, but the silver lining is that it gives her time to read a juicy period novel. When she opens an old book, Bonnie stumbles across an old incantation called 'The Age Of Sexlightenment'. After reading it out loud, Bonnie is suddenly transported back to the 18th century and into the estate of Kendra Spade. Bonnie's modern, sexy look stuns and scandalizes Kendra. An assertive Bonnie, however, senses that Kendra has an unexplored naughty side, and she takes it upon herself to initiate Kendra into the world of sexually satisfying womanhood.

Kendra Spade に 'Anal Asian Loves BBC'

Kendra Spade - Anal Asian Loves BBC

Super cute anal Asian, Kendra Spade, goes hard in this interracial anal exclusive. Including multiple ATM's, BBC ass to pussy. This is intense gonzo style sex at its finest! Do not miss the gorgeous Kendra in action!

Kendra Spade に 'Anal Gusher'

Kendra Spade - Anal Gusher

Kendra Spade has hard anal sex until she squirts all over.

Kendra Spade に 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Kendra Spade - My Sister's Hot Friend

Sheila Smith (Kendra Spade) goes over to visit a friend, but her friend isn't there. Luckily her friend's brother, Codey, is around to let Sheila in to use the pool. When she thinks no one is looking, Sheila decides to take off all her clothes in the pool. Codey see's this and loves what he see's so he goes over to holla at Sheila and soon they end up back inside and fucking on the couch.

Kendra Spade に 'Up My Asian Ass 3'

Kendra Spade - Up My Asian Ass 3

Kendra Spade gets a hard anal reaming from Mick Blue! Kendra's looking sexy as ever in her red lace lingerie set with garter and matching stocking. She teases us with her stunning curves as she makes her way over to the couch where she can get more comfortable. Kendra removes her top and unleashes her perfect perky tits for every to admire then wastes no time removing her panties too. She uses her fingers to spread her pussy wide open, a sight Mick can't resist as he joins her and dives right between her legs to taste her sweet juices. Kendra pulls out Mick big dick and strokes as they make out, then Mick wastes no time penetrating her tight love hole. Mick fucks her briefly, then makes her get on her knees so she can slobber all over his long cock before making Kendra crawl on all fours over to the barstool. He props her up on the chair in doggystyle can resumes his feverish fucking of Kendra's wet snatch. They head back over to the couch where Mick lays Kendra on her back, and as she holds her legs far apart, Mick slides his uncut cock deep into Kendra's tight little asshole. Kendra handles every inch of that massive dick in her ass, then stops to suck that dick and taste her ass off of it before climbing on top and impaling her ass back on Mick's hard cock. Mick pounds away at her cavernous backdoor, stopping to show off her GAPE, then gets right back to anally ravaging Kendra until he blows his load down Kendra's throat!

Kendra Spade に 'Three hot girls play with your balls'

Kendra Spade - Three hot girls play with your balls

Hailey Hook (Hannah Hawthorne), Lindsey Shaw (Kendra Spade) and Kelly Turner (Serena Avery) are taking tennis lessons, but to be honest they are more interested in the instructor than the instructions. They make a pact to bang their instructor and all their prancing around without their underwear works because he sends them inside and has his way with them.

Kendra Spade に 'All Eyes On Kendra'

Kendra Spade - All Eyes On Kendra

Kendra Spade in black lingerie; have we got your attention yet? Feast your eyes on Kendra's sexy body while she plays with herself, awaiting Xander Corvus and his hard cock so she can play with him too!

Kendra Spade に 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Kendra Spade - My Daughter's Hot Friend

When Jenna Rain (Kendra Spade) stops by her friend's house to swim, she's greeted at the door by her friend's dad. She's got a thing for older men. Since nobody is home, she can't help but flaunt her body and swallow up her friend's dad's hard cock.

Kendra Spade に 'I Love Evil'

Kendra Spade - I Love Evil

Young, naturally busty Asian minx Kendra Spade uncovers stepbrother Mickey Mod's stash of classic Buttman porn magazines. The lewd anal photographs shock her into masturbating on his bed. Later, Mickey confronts his bratty stepsister: He dominates her, shoving his fingers down her throat and making her gag on his big black cock. He fucks her tight pussy and asshole, and he causes her to squirt in orgasm! During their taboo interracial encounter, she services his dick with an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Mickey cums on Kendra's soft booty.

Kendra Spade に 'Super Soaked Squirt-Off'

Kendra Spade - Super Soaked Squirt-Off

Exotic Asian duo, Kendra Spade and Vina Sky, get extra intense with lesbian squirting. Female ejaculation has never been hotter. Including squirt swapping, wet tribbing and analingus. This is a super soaked squirt-off you cannot miss!!

Kendra Spade に '- Blacks On Blondes'

Kendra Spade - Blacks On Blondes

Kendra Spade loves to worship the sun. Just look at her! Laying out in her backyard in that 'slingshot' bikini that really doesn't cover much at all. Look at her thick bush poking out of her bottoms! And the top? It barely covers her nips!! In fact, if she moves her arms much, her perk titties will pop right out! Laying in the sun like this makes Kendra's pussy why not play a little? Which is when super-stud Prince Yashua shows up poolside. Prince loves an oiled-up anal slut, which describes Kendra perfectly, so after he's done making her beautiful body shine and getting a poolside BJ, Prince takes Kendra to her room to lay some serious pipe down. All three of Kendra's lovely holes are available today, and Prince will take any hole he wants in any order he wants, which means he can be stretching Kendra's puckered asshole open one second, then turn his girthy member right up her sweet pussy! 'Please cum all over my face and then let me take your dick and rub it all over!' Kendra begs! Who's going to turn down a good little slut like Kendra Spade?!

Kendra Spade に 'Hottest Yoga Youll Ever See'

Kendra Spade - Hottest Yoga Youll Ever See

Kendra Spade. Tight see-through pink leggings, cute teal top that shows off her pokies. Stretching, flexing her light legs. Bending for the perfect view of her pussy lips. Stretching out her smooth elegant feet and toes. Oof! Autumn falls. Transparent yellow leggings showing off a trimmed bush peeking out from underneath. Tight spaghetti strap top barely containing her big natural teen tits. Both gorgeous girls posing, bending, begging. Well, maybe that last part was made up. But still! If they flex and flirt, the sexual tension only rises. Then you add a stunt cock to the mix, and this is probably the hottest yoga you'll ever see.

Chloe Cherry に 'Showcase: Kendra Spade'

Chloe Cherry - Showcase: Kendra Spade

Kendra Spade is all dressed up and ready to hit the town with her girlfriend for her 21st birthday. However, she's crushed when her girlfriend texts that she forgot about the special ocassion. As if that's not insulting enough, her girlfriend even asks for a raincheck!As Kendra mopes, she's gets a visit from her best friend, Chloe Cherry, who gives her a birthday cake. Although she promises to keep the visit brief, Kendra tells her there's no need since her girlfriend bailed on her. She was hoping for a nice night out, complete with birthday sex, but it looks like that's not going to happen...Chloe is sympathetic, hating that her friend is so down. Looking for a way to cheer her up, Chloe insists that it all can still totally happen -- SHE'D be happy to have birthday sex! Kendra deserves to be spoiled on her birthday.At first, Kendra is surprised by the offer, although she soon becomes intrigued as they share a sweet kiss that quickly turns into more. If Kendra can't be with her forgetful girlfriend, she as well make the most of it with her loving best friend instead!They enthusiastically move on from kissing each other's lips to kissing each other's perky breasts instead. They then eagerly taste each other's pussies, burying their tongues in deep as they ride each other's faces. By the time they trib each other to climax, Kendra's already decided that this is the best birthday ever!Story inspired by an original submission by our very own Girlsway model, Kendra Spade!

Kendra Spade に 'Platinum Pussy 4'

Kendra Spade - Platinum Pussy 4

Kendra Spade's ASS is open for business and Prince is ready to make a deposit! Kendra's sure to make any warm blooded guy rock hard just by staring at him with her sultry gaze and exotic looks. She's dressed in a pink lace top with matching panties and stockings, but her clothes don't stay on long, she's basically butt naked 2 minutes in to the tease. I'm not complaining because man, this chick's body is bangin, I could stare at her naked goodies all day. Kendra kneels up on a bar stool to give us a perfect view of her nice round booty then Prince comes in and wastes no time as he starts fucking her pussy right away. Prince pounds away as Kendra leans against the bar and backs her ass up on that BBC, then they head over to the bed where Kendra gets to work trying to make that big dick disappear down her throat. She gives Prince an amazingly sloppy blowjob then lays on her back for more hard pussy pounding. Kendra moans as Prince drives his big dick deep into her tight pussy, but this young slut isn't going to be satisfied by that alone as she tells Prince that she wants that cock in her asshole. There's not a man on earth that would turn down that request (well maybe there is), and Prince does not disappoint. He fucks Kendra's tiny backdoor hard and deep then tells her to go taste her ass juices off of his cock. She slobbers all over that cock some more as she gags on that BBC, then turns around again for more hard anal pounding! Kendra shows that she's a worthy anal whore and as her reward Prince shoots his gooey load down her throat.

Kendra Spade に 'Black Sheep Cousins'

Kendra Spade - Black Sheep Cousins

Kendra Spade slips through a door into a quiet bedroom. She leans back against the wall with a sigh, rubbing her temples. She looks a little stressed, folding her arms across herself. She unwinds for several seconds by herself until the door behind her opens and Eliza Ibarra steps into the room. They casually greet each other as they both lean against the wall in silence for a few moments. Kendra doesn't look like she wants to talk at first but Eliza speaks up again after a few moments.'Are the family reunions always this intense?' Eliza asks. 'Yeah, they're always this loud. That's why I came in here to get a breather. What did you say your name was again?' Kendra asks. Eliza gives her name. 'Yeah, I still don't recognize you,' Kendra states with mild curiosity. Eliza tells her that that's okay. She moved around a lot with her family, which is why Kendra doesn't recognize her. 'Not gonna lie, I'm a bit overwhelmed by all these new names and faces, though,' Eliza says with a nervous laugh. 'You said you move around a lot, right? So that must make you Madison and William's kid, which makes us, uh... second cousins,' Kendra responds. Eliza nods, reflecting on how hard it is to keep track of all of their cousins, which Kendra agrees with a snort. 'This isn't even half of them,' Kendra adds.Eliza then comments that she's noticed that Kendra hasn't really been mingling with her family much. Kendra shifts uncomfortably, still looking a little guarded and contrary. After a moment or two, she admits that she feels like the black sheep of the family sometimes. Eliza gently asks why. Kendra bluntly admits that she likes girls and, as far as she knows, she's the only 'black sheep' in the family. It makes things a bit lonely. Eliza thoughtfully pauses, then leans more into Kendra. 'Baa,' she shyly says, imitating a sheep.Kendra is surprised. 'YOU'RE a... 'black sheep', too?' she exclaims. 'Yeah, though I'm not really out yet, so let's just keep this between us,' Eliza admits. Kendra dramatically sighs, shaking her head. 'Yeah, sure, whatever. Man, it's a shame we're family since you're pretty hot... I mean, we're only SECOND cousins though, so...' Kendra flirts. Eliza gasps and blushes, remarking in a hushed voice that Kendra is crazy! Kendra looks her up and down and tells her that she can be WAY more crazy than that, if Eliza wants to find out just how much. Eliza is both nervous and excited. Kendra is even more flirty now, reminding Eliza that she said so herself that her family's always travelling... and the reunions are few and far apart, so they don't have to worry about TOO MUCH awkwardness between them after the fact... Kendra runs a hand along Eliza's arm while Eliza shivers. Kendra teases and asks if she's cold in a teasing way. Kendra can think of some fun ways to warm her up... 'Oh, what the heck! We're only young once! Er - you ARE at least 18, though, right??' Eliza hurriedly checks, giving into her primal urges, as Kendra laughs and confirms that she is. Kendra then pins Eliza to the wall and kisses her. Eliza makes a sound of surprise, but melts into the kiss since that's exactly what she wants, too.It doesn't take long before they're on the bed together, caressing each other's bodies ravenously. Kendra pulls down the front of Eliza's dress and sucks on her hard nipples as Eliza gasps. Kendra shushes her. After all, they don't want to get caught by their family. Stripping off the rest of her clothes, Kendra lays Eliza down on the bed and buries her face in Eliza's juicy little pussy.These beauties may be the black sheep of their family...but things are about to get white-hot.Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, ossienelson4!

Bridgette B に 'Comforting The Cutie'

Bridgette B - Comforting The Cutie

Kendra is getting ready for a night out - little black dress showing off her perky tits and round ass, cute accessories accenting her tight body… But her boyfriend just isn't giving her the appreciation she wants. So what if she wants to try on another outfit? She just wants to look her best, is that wrong? This leads to another argument and tears, thankfully rescued by the beautiful Bridgette B! There's no better person to show appreciation for a young-but-inexperienced teen than a confident-and-in-control MILF! Sit back and watch how a real woman shows love and affection.

Kendra Spade に 'Butthole Whores 7'

Kendra Spade - Butthole Whores 7

When young Asian beauty Kendra Spade phones a quack doctor to get her 'prostate' checked, Tommy Pistol shows up for the house call. This bizarre physician places an orthodontic lip spreader on Kendra's mouth before inserting his hard cock! She submits to a messy, slobbery blowjob. Kendra lets the doc finger her pussy to a squirting orgasm. Tommy fucks her soft ass in a relentless anal exam; she sucks dick ass-to-mouth. Kendra probes his penis hole with her pinky finger! Lip spreader back in place, Tommy cums in Kendra's mouth.

Kendra Spade に 'Magna Cum Loudly'

Kendra Spade - Magna Cum Loudly

It's graduation day, and Kendra Spade is convinced that she has the grades to finish her degree magna cum laude. She returns from convocation and, standing at her locker, takes out a vibrator to masturbate in celebration. But just as she's getting into it, the dean, Alex Legend, nearly catches her, giving Kendra just enough time to hide her vibrator. When Kendra finds out she hasn't graduated with honors, she decides to go confront Alex. Kendra kicks open Alex's door and brandishes her rolled up diploma at him, only to have the vibrator slip out and land on Alex's desk. Undeterred, Kendra decides she wants Alex to make her magna cum loudly.

Chloe Cherry に 'Nerds Rule!: The Finger Bang Theory'

Chloe Cherry - Nerds Rule!: The Finger Bang Theory

Leona (Chloe Cherry) emerges into the living room and greets her roommate Shelby (Kendra Spade) with a good morning. Shelby says matter-of-factly that she'd hardly quantify this morning as good - they've just gotten up, nothing eventful has happened good OR bad, so it seems like a perfectly average morning to her. Why doesn't she just say 'average morning' instead? Or, more efficiently, just 'morning'. Or for that matter, if there's nothing eventful to remark upon, why say anything at all? Humans have a remarkable capacity for talking too much. Leona rolls her eyes and replies sarcastically that she's right, 'SOME of us DO talk too much!'. A knock on the door interrupts their bickering, and Shelby remarks curiously that should they be expecting someone this early? Leona tells her as she walks to the door that she invited Holly (Aspen Romanoff) over to talk about their upcoming trip to the comic convention out of town. Their nerdy friend Holly is at the doorstep holding a bag in her hand, and she greets Leona warmly. She leans in for a kiss on the lips but Leona flinches back and holds out her hand for a handshake instead. Holly rolls her eyes and shakes the girl's hand, annoyed to being given the cold shoulder. Holly and Leona sit down and Holly excitedly says she got the tickets for the convention! Full weekend passes, plus a fast track pass for the autograph booths. Holly says to Leona with a seductive look that she even got them a queen-sized bed together at the hotel. Shelby looks up with mild curiosity, oh, the two of them are sharing a bed? Leona gets flustered and says just in a friendly, platonic way of course, just to save money. They begin to discuss the costumes they have planned to wear at the convention. Holly says that she has her costume right here, patting the bag. She then gets up and excitedly hurries off to get dressed and show off. When Holly returns, she strikes a pose - she's wearing a costume from Fantasy Factory: Wastelands that's VERY revealing! Leona's jaw drops and she rubs her glasses with her sleeve in disbelief. She goes up close to where Holly is standing behind the couch and inspects the costume up close. She pretends that she's admiring the details of the costume, but she's clearly admiring Holly's curves. Holly gets more handsy, and Leona tries to quietly suggest not to do it here in front of Shelby, but Holly convinces her to relax, Shelby is in her own little world. Leona looks nervous and afraid to get caught but can't resist her lover's touch. The two decide they're too horny for foreplay any longer. Holly asks Leona if she can come to the other room with her to help her get the costume off, under the pretense of it having a bunch of zippers and stuff in the back that are hard to reach. Leona agrees and tells Shelby she's going to the other room, Shelby doesn't seem to care much. When they get to the bedroom, it's a flurry of hands and mouths as the two of them engage in foreplay and sex, eventually taking off both the costume and Leona's clothes for full skin-on-skin action. Leona is still worried about getting caught, but Holly is more lax about it, surprised that Leona still hasn't told Shelby about them - 'You know how Shelby gets,' Leona replies. After a passionate round of sex, the door suddenly flies open and Shelby bursts in the room, showing off her costume. Leona is startled and flustered while Holly is more casual about it, but they lie that the reason they're both naked is because Leona tried on her costume too, and Shelby just caught them both changing out of their costumes at the same time. Shelby says that she's not STUPID - to quote Occam's Razor, the simplest solution is often the right one. The only other reason they'd both be naked together is if they were having sex, so they're having sex. Holly says that if Shelby knows they're having sex, she should give them some privacy. Shelby says she could, if they WANT to be amateurs. She is a highly qualified sex expert that has done a lot of research in several languages and countries. Holly snorts, if Shelby thinks she's such a know-it-all, then why doesn't she join them? 'You know what, I think I will,' Shelby says while starting to undress. Leona is flabbergasted that she's going to be learning hot sex tips from SHELBY, of all people! Calm and confident, Shelby leads the charge into the threesome, teaching the two amateurs how to REALLY have wild lesbian sex. Leona and Holly have the time of their lives under Shelby's guidance, learning how to eat pussy and trib like pros. Maybe having a know-it-all for a roommate isn't so bad after all!

Kendra Spade に 'Don't Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend 9'

Kendra Spade - Don't Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend 9

Kendra Spade needs some dick and her best friend's husband, Stirling Cooper has a big one. It's been years since he has dicked her down. Before he got married to her bestie, but that ain't stopping Kendra for getting some hard cock up her ass.

Kendra Spade に 'Following Sisters Instructions - S9:E6'

Kendra Spade - Following Sisters Instructions - S9:E6

Kendra Spade needs money for rent, so she has turned to doing jerk off instructional videos. Her stepbrother Rion King has come over to check out Kendra's new pad, but he walks in on his stepsis making her latest vid. Once he has spotted his bigtit stepsis with her shirt up and one hand stroking a dildo while she masturbates with the other, he can't take his eyes off the tableau in front of him. Kendra keeps going with her video until she notices Rion, whereupon she freaks out.Although Kendra is upset, she has some thoughts on how she can turn the situation to her advantage. She decides that a real dick is better than a toy, so she invites him to join her especially since real man meat makes more money than dildos. Rion initially turns Kendra down, but when she reveals that she doesn't have enough to make rent this month and will need to go back to sharing a bathroom with him. Rion is convinced. He lets Kendra start stroking and sucking his dick, but it's not long before her instructional video turns to pure pleasure.Sliding her sheer panties aside, Kendra climbs onto her brother's fuck stick and starts riding him while rubbing her own clit. Then she abandons her underwear entirely and gets on her hands and knees so Rion can grab her heart shaped ass and fuck her doggy style from behind. Rolling onto her back, Kendra watches as Rion brings her to a big O with his satisfying hardon. In return, Kendra blows him until she has enjoyed a taste of every last drop of his cum for her viewers.

Kendra Spade に 'Bush Is Better'

Kendra Spade - Bush Is Better

After Keiran Lee spies on his brother's wife, Kendra Spade, have a sexy, soapy bubble bath, Kendra grabs a razor and makes a move to shave off her beautiful bush. Outraged, Keiran can't help but call out to Kendra and tell her not to get rid of it. After confronting Keiran about his peeping ways, Kendra decides to let the guy get a closer look at her pussy, considering he loves the thing so much…

Kendra Spade に 'Do Not Distract Me'

Kendra Spade - Do Not Distract Me

Gia Derza wants to fuck, but her girlfriend Kendra Spade won't even look up from her video game at Gia's sexy tease. The horny babe decides to take what she can get, licking her Asian GF's petite toes before rubbing Kendra's foot against her clit. Gia persuades Kendra to slide open her legs so she can tongue Kendra's pussy, and soon the hot gamer is squirting all over Gia's face! That's all the motivation Kendra needs to hit pause on her game and start pressing her girlfriend's buttons instead. These hotties 69 until Kendra squirts some more, then take things into a trib that takes all their concentration.

Lexi Belle に 'The Guidance Counselor'

Lexi Belle - The Guidance Counselor

Kendra Spade opens her front door to see an unimpressed Lexi Belle standing on her doorsteps. Lexi is her guidance counselor and is NOT pleased that Kendra missed their appointment that afternoon. What's up with that?Kendra is embarrassed as she lets Lexi into her home. She meekly says that she had a lot of chores to do, so that's why she missed the appointment. Lexi asks if doing chores is more important than her future. She's noticed that Kendra hasn't submitted her application for Gamma University and the deadline's almost here. They've been working towards getting into that university for a couple of years now!Kendra admits that she wants to go to community college instead, which Lexi is shocked about. It's just that after talking to her parents, Kendra's decided that community college is the way she wants to go... However, Lexi doesn't buy it. Kendra has scholarships to Gamma University, so why would her parents accept her going to a community college instead? Come on, it's time to tell the truth about what's really going on.Kendra finally admits that she's a lesbian and that she's worried about living in dorms because everyone else is going to be more experienced than her with sex. She doesn't want to start the next chapter in her life by being made fun of everyone for being a virgin. Lexi is less stern now as she admits that she's a lesbian, too, and that she's been in a similar situation before. She got help then, so now it's time to pay it forward! Kendra is a bit confused -- what does 'paying it forward' mean?' Lexi glides her hands along Kendra's knees and tells her that it means that she'll give her the experience she needs to feel more confident in dorms!Although she's shy, Kendra is excited about her first lesbian encounter. They start off by fondling and sucking on each other's breasts. This leads to Kendra learning even more as Lexi introduces her to fingering and eating pussy. The fun's only just started, and Kendra already feels much more prepared to take on Gamma University's dorms!

Kendra Spade に 'Not Too Young For Anal'

Kendra Spade - Not Too Young For Anal

Young Asian-American starlet Kendra Spade struts poolside in a micro bikini and clear stripper heels, her cunt hair protruding from low-cut bottoms as she teases. Kendra meets Markus Dupree for a decadent anal drilling. Markus tosses her on the couch; he pulls her hair as he fucks Kendra's tight twat. Markus fingers the insatiable girl to intense, squirting orgasms! Next, the stud slam-fucks her sphincter. Crude, manhandling sodomy comes with a slobbery, ass-to-mouth blowjob and raunchy rectal gaping. Kendra's slit-gushing anal session climaxes as Markus coats her in a hot cum facial.

Kendra Spade に 'My Gorgeous Roommate's Laundry Day'

Kendra Spade - My Gorgeous Roommate's Laundry Day

I'm lucky to have such a smoking hot college roommate in Kendra Spade. She's got an incredible body and one look at her and you can tell that she's a freak in the sheets! After perving on her putting her clothes away in her room, Kendra caught me with my dick in my hands jacking it to her sexy ass! I was surprised that when she caught me, she wasn't mad or annoyed, she just really wanted a dick to suck and fuck! Kendra's the best slutty roommate a horny college guy could ask for!

Kendra Spade に 'New Neighbor'

Kendra Spade - New Neighbor

The best part of Xander Corvus's day is catching a glimpse of his stunning new neighbor through the windows. Kendra Spade has loved putting on a private show for Xander, and this exhibitionist has decided it's time to go even further! When she knows Xander is looking, Kendra steps out on her balcony and drops her robe, caressing her body and playing with her pussy, then invites him over to let them both finally turn their fantasies into reality!

Kendra Spade に 'Glow In The Dark Dicking'

Kendra Spade - Glow In The Dark Dicking

Kendra Spade likes to add splashes of color and liquid to her sensual yoga routine, bending, teasing, and twerking in her blacklight yoga studio. It turns out that Kendra's tease-heavy 'Glowga' isn't complete without a hard cock to suck, fuck, and drip all over. When Johnny Sins walks in on Kendra contorting and bending her banging body in highly fuckable angles, he can't help but rip her tights open and pound her perfect pussy.

Kendra Spade に 'Anal Hungry Kendra!'

Kendra Spade - Anal Hungry Kendra!

Exotic beauty, Kendra Spade, is thirsty for a deep anal pounding with Mick Blue. It's time for hardcore relentless sex! Do not miss Kendra the stunning Asian anal hottie in action. Including ATM's and squirting this is a scene, you won't want to miss!

Kendra Spade に 'Cum In The Back'

Kendra Spade - Cum In The Back

Kendra Spade leads her boyfriend to the backyard to get creampied multiple times.

Chloe Cherry に 'No Experience, No Problem!'

Chloe Cherry - No Experience, No Problem!

A cheerful Chloe Cherry shows Kendra Spade, a new coworker, to her new workspace, which is simple and in front of a big window with a view. Chloe enthusiastically tells her where everything is, insisting that she's working nearby and is there if Kendra needs her. Kendra is grateful for her friendliness, thanking her for the help since she just graduated college and is new to the whole working thing. She's super excited to be there and is eager for Chloe to teach her all kinds of new things, and--Chloe suddenly swoops in, planting a big kiss on her lips!Kendra pulls back, shocked as Chloe continues on with gliding her hand slowly down her arm. Kendra's totally not gay! She doesn't mean to offend Chloe or anything, but she doesn't swing that way. Her words seem to fall on deaf ears since Chloe merrily continues feeling her up without a care in the world. Chloe is clearly enchanted by Kendra's beauty, running her hands over Kendra's breasts and legs, oblivious to Kendra's discomfort.Kendra doesn't know what to do as Chloe starts talking about using sex to get raises and better positions within the company... Is this the way the world really works outside of college? She's conflicted about Chloe's forward mannerisms, especially since she seemed so nice and helpful just moments before! When Chloe pulls off Kendra's shirt and starts groping her breasts, Kendra tries once again to resist her bold moves. Chloe isn't deterred, saying that this is just the way things work in offices. Kendra is lucky that she's there with Chloe -- she's going to make sure Kendra has fun!Too innocent for her own good and too new in the workforce, Kendra reluctantly agrees to have sex with Chloe, hoping that she won't get in trouble with management. Her fears and worries eventually fade away as she gives into all these new and exciting sensations as Chloe plays with her perky breasts and eats out her pussy, keeping her promise of making sure Kendra enjoys herself. Looks like Kendra's first day on the job will teach her much more than just how to answer the phones!

Kendra Spade に 'Dark Meat 10'

Kendra Spade - Dark Meat 10

Sweet young Asian minx Kendra Spade can't stand her slovenly white boyfriend and his poor hygiene. But beefy black stud Nat Turnher rescues Kendra by frightening her wimpy dude! With him out of the way, Nat bends the petite, natural beauty over to lewdly tongue her pussy and anus. Kendra gags on Nat's big black cock in a blowjob. She cuckolds her boyfriend with a sphincter-stretching anal fuck, riding Nat's thick, throbbing meat. Climaxing the interracial anal reaming, Kendra sucks Nat's dick dry.

Kendra Spade に 'Squat Goals'

Kendra Spade - Squat Goals

Photographer Bambino's pics of athletic hottie Kendra Spade twerking at the beach are so good, she agrees to go back to his place for a proper photo shoot. Kendra isn't shy about showing Bambino her bubble butt from every angle, both in her tight booty shorts and out of them, and soon she's sucking the photographer's cock and showing him just how good she is at squats as she rides his dick! But that's not the only thing that ass is good for, so Kendra tells Bambino to slide his big cock inside her tight little asshole. Bambino covers Kendra's ass with a picture-perfect huge load!

Kendra Spade に 'I Know You're Watching Scene 1'

Kendra Spade - I Know You're Watching Scene 1

There's a special thrill in knowing somebody's watching you while you are doing something you shouldn't. Porn scion Rikki Braun knows that, so he assembled five sultry brunettes and put them in compromising positions for our eyes only. Cover girl Kendra Spade delivers a scorching hot performance and headlines a stunning cast of horny exhibitionists. No point in hiding...they know you're watching!

Kendra Spade に 'Undercover and Sexposed'

Kendra Spade - Undercover and Sexposed

Undercover agent Kendra Spade has put months of hard work into infiltrating the mob, but she's nearly exposed by henchman Alex Legend. Alex wants to search Kendra for a wire, but she saves her cover with her special agent seductress skills. Kendra has way too much skin in the game to give it all up now!

Kendra Spade に 'An Asian Who Loves To Service'

Kendra Spade - An Asian Who Loves To Service

Lovely Asian sweetheart Kendra Spade is ready to suck some cock! The professional cocksucker really knows how to do things. She loves to service a thick dick and today she will do it in the sloppiest way: eyes watering and saliva oozing from her mouth as she engulfs that meat rod balls deep.

Kendra Spade に 'Anal Behavior 2'

Kendra Spade - Anal Behavior 2

By the pool, alluring Asian Kendra Spade squeezes her ass cheeks and exposes her hairy pussy. Hungry for veteran stud Mark Wood's fat erection, Kendra penetrates her vag and asshole with a huge toy. Her bunghole gapes! She sticks her tongue out as she gives Mark's cock a slobbery, balls-deep blowjob. Mark bends Kendra over and drills her wet pussy as she moans in unadulterated pleasure. Kendra eagerly spreads her asshole and Mark provides a dominant, doggie-style anal reaming. Raucous sodomy comes with intense, ass-to-mouth cocksucking. Kendra smiles as steaming cum fills her mouth.

Kendra Spade に 'Pure Gonzo'

Kendra Spade - Pure Gonzo

Sexy, sassy Asian-American Kendra Spade teases and spreads for the camera, soon joining director/stud Jessy Jones for a blistering anal fuck. Kendra gives a blowjob, slobbering over her perky tits as she sucks thick cock. Jessy spanks her ass and screws her twat, with a butt plug wedged in her anus. Kendra pulls the toy from her rectum and sucks it clean while Jessy hammer-fucks her tight butthole. Hard sodomy leads to anal gaping. See raunchy choking and ass-to-mouth cocksucking, till Jessy coats Kendra with streams of spunk in a hot cum facial.

Kendra Spade に 'Sneaky Stepdad Bangs Stepdaughter In The Shower'

Kendra Spade - Sneaky Stepdad Bangs Stepdaughter In The Shower

Stepdad gets caught spying on his stepdaughter and has sex with her in the shower.

Kendra Spade に 'POV Superstar'

Kendra Spade - POV Superstar

Kendra Spade does a strip tease and gets facialed.

Sovereign Syre に 'Pound It Out'

Sovereign Syre - Pound It Out

Curvy, brunette Sovereign Syre is convinced that her gorgeous girlfriend, Kendra Spade, is cheating on her. When Kendra tells Sovereign that they need to expand their horizons, Sovereign takes matters into her own hands, deciding her girlfriend needs to be reminded of how hot their sex life can be... Sovereign begins making out with Kendra and it quickly turns into hot pussy eating action. Both ladies are wet and horny, and Kendra is primed for some hardcore strap-on sex. Sovereign goes to work pounding Kendra's wet holes, bringing her to multiple orgasms. Kendra cannot believe how good it feels, and moans and writhes about, demonstrating her extreme pleasure. Sovereign has proven her point, and Kendra will not be needing outside stimulation any time soon!

Kendra Spade に 'Pillow Talk'

Kendra Spade - Pillow Talk

Sabina Rouge is sitting up at night in bed, playing on her phone, while Kendra Spade rests beside her. Then Sabina Rouge is distracted by Kendra mumbling and realizes that her friend is talking to herself! Sabina is highly amused by what's happening and uses her phone to record her friend. Kendra obliviously starts talking about all the sexy things she wants to do to a special someone... and Sabina realizes that Kendra's dreaming about HER! That much excites Sabina since she never knew Kendra was into girls.Sabina continues recording Kendra, touching her lightly. Sabina's touches roam over Kendra's legs and breasts, encouraged by Kendra's words. She's flattered that Kendra likes her so much, having become aroused. Sabina then starts feeling herself up as well while watching over Kendra. Kendra continues gushing, saying that she can't believe that she and Sabina are there together like this. Everything feels so good and Kendra doesn't want Sabina to stop. Sabina is so turned on by everything that she starts fingering herself.Suddenly, Kendra stirs from her slumber and Sabina abruptly pulls back, having been caught. Sabina insists that Kendra was talking to herself while dreaming, saying lots of sexy things about her, though Kendra claims that she didn't say anything. Sabina shows her the video proof and Kendra is alarmed, exclaiming that Sabina can't tell anyone, especially her parents. Sabina isn't fazed and continues trying to seduce Kendra, saying that she obviously wants it. Kendra is uncertain, but Sabina assures her that there's nothing wrong with exploring a little. Even as Sabina undresses before her, making Kendra's wildest dreams come true, Kendra's still reluctant, although she soon falls under Sabina's spell.Gradually, Sabina convinces Kendra to start exploring some of the things she wanted to do in her dreams, like sucking on Sabina's breasts! The best friends soon have fun eating each other out and tribbing while Kendra learns to let go. In the end, despite her earlier fears, Kendra decides this is something she'd love to do again!

Kendra Spade に 'Daughter's Little Accident'

Kendra Spade - Daughter's Little Accident


SCENE OPENS on a teen girl, Kelly (Kendra Spade), who is getting a ride home when her friend calls her, telling her that her stepfather is looking for her. Kelly is beside herself with worry, telling her friend that she just had sex with her boyfriend, who came inside of her. As she gets closer to home, she tells her friend that she has to piss like a racehorse.


She arrives home and tries to slip into the house quietly, but moments later her step-father (Derrick Pierce) comes rushing into the room from elsewhere in the house and says 'There you are! I was worried sick!' He explains that he tried reaching her several times on her cell phone but she didn't answer. Kelly says sorry - she was at her boyfriend's house and she must have lost track of time, she didn't think it would be a big deal. Not a big deal? he scoffs throwing up his hands in exaggeration, for all he knew ANYTHING could have happened to her, she could have been hurt or abducted or who knows what kind of trouble! She couldn't have even sent a text? Aren't teenagers her age supposed to be glued to their phones? Her battery was low, Kelly tells him trying to calm him down, so she didn't have it out - but it's fine, nothing happened to her, see? She gives a cute twirl and shows herself off for him to see that she's okay. So he can relax already! She walks to move past him but he stops her, clearly not done saying his peace. 'I'm not the bad guy here, Kelly!' he says, he and her mom just worry about her, that's all! Kelly clearly looks a bit annoyed and impatient, nothing bad happened, so can they PLEASE pick this back up a bit later? She had a large smoothie and she really has to -

'It's the principle of the thing, Kelly!' he says exasperated, clearly not letting this go. He continues to lecture her, and as he does she starts to squirm in place - not noticeably at first, but it gets more and more obvious the more her dad talks. Before long she's clearly doing the 'pee pee dance' of holding her legs together and shifting from side to side to try to hold it in.

By now, Kelly is desperately holding it in, and although her dad's sentiments are touching, she's barely able to register them. He moves in to give her a make-up hug, but she pushes him back because she feels she could burst any moment. 'Kelly,' her father says with hurt pride, 'I was just trying to tell you how I feel!' Kelly interrupts him - 'no, dad, it's not that,' she says in a strained voice as she tries to back away from him, 'it's just that - oh no - ohhhhh...!'

As she groans and gasps, the first sign of a wet spot appears at her crotch, trickling down her pant leg. She looks down in surprise, then back up to meet her father's gaze - she's completely mortified. Her father watches in horror as the wet spot darkens and spreads across her pants, golden liquid dripping and streaming through the fabric as she pees herself uncontrollably. She gives in to the feeling of release, with no choice but to let it all out by now, her hands awkwardly hovering around her waist with uncertainty since there's not anything she can do to stop it from happening. She pees herself to empty, and as the last ounces trickle out of her, she and her father stare wordlessly at each other in shock.

Kelly, standing there pants soaked with urine, and her father continue to stare at each other, their mouths agape in utter shock but unable to form any words. Kelly is the first to break, trying to cover herself up in shame and says 'd-dad...' Instantly, her father goes into parent mode and tries to console her, even though he seems somewhat fazed by the whole display. I-it's fine, he says, and starts to step towards her and then stops short when he remembers the puddle at her feet. They'll just... clean it up, he says trying to stay calm. It's fine. He gestures for her to come towards him - 'first, let's get you out of those wet clothes...'

Kelly shuffles over to him, still embarrassed and somewhat in shock. She stands there helplessly and seeing this her dad takes pity on her and his parental instincts take over. He hesitantly touches the pants at the waist to help her loosen them and then peel them off her, squatting down holding the pants at her ankles and asking her to lift one leg then the other. He holds her leg to support her balance as she lifts the other leg up, and then does the same for the opposite foot. He timidly pushes the pants just enough to the side to get them out of the way. He stands up and is flustered to see her in her soaked panties - oh dear, he says with a sigh, and says he supposes those should come off too. 'Dad, no!' Kelly protests but he points out that she can't go walking around the house in clothing dripping with pee, what if it gets into the carpets? That would be a nightmare to clean up! Better to keep everything contained to here, at least the floor will be easy enough to mop up. Kelly reluctantly agrees and blushes with embarrassment as her father's hands wrap around her waist and peel off her panties next. He stands up and tries not to look at her naked bottom half as he surveys the damage. Oh Kelly, he sighs gently, this is quite the mess she's made. Kelly buries her head in her hands, saying this is the worst thing that's EVER happened to her. Oh and look, her father moans in dismay, it's still all over her legs too - she'd better try to not move around too much until she's cleaned off a bit, he'll go get a towel.

He leaves the room and the sounds of the tap running can be heard in the other room. He returns a few seconds later with a wet hand-towel. Oh boy, he says as he gets on his knees and starts wiping down her pee-soaked legs, she's really given him his work cut out for him. 'Oh, god, I'm so sorry dad...' Kelly groans. Her father looks up to say something to her, and then realizes he's looking straight up at her exposed pussy. At first he gets flustered and tries to avert his gaze, just telling her 'it's okay, sweetheart,' turning back to the task at hand, but as he continues to wipe her legs he stares back up, eager for extra peeks. He even subtly starts to spread her legs further apart as he wipes them, so that he can get a better view. Soon, he's staring up the entire time. He decides to get a bit more daring, bringing the cloth to her inner thighs and making his way up. 'There, isn't that better?' he remarks. Kelly blushes and says yeah. He asks timidly, does she mind if he wipes her... you know... She looks a bit uncomfortable at the thought, and says she doesn't know if he should. Come on sweetheart, he says in a more confident, more parental voice, 'let dad get you all nice and clean again...' Timidly, she says okay.

He begins to wipe it gently with the towel, and at first Kelly looks a bit uncomfortable with the situation. Is this ok? her father asks as he moves the towel gently across her pussy. Y-yeah, Kelly stutters, it feels okay. He starts moving the towel purposefully more sensually across her pussy lips, causing her to shudder and gasp slightly. Oops, sorry, he says with feigned innocence. He goes back to wiping normally for a few seconds, then makes another move to cause her to shudder and moan accidentally.

'Dad, I think we should stop,' Kelly says bashfully. Why, what's the matter, sweetheart? her father asks innocently. Kelly squirms a bit and says that she feels funny, that's all. Her father looks at her sternly and lectures her, 'now be honest, Kelly, we don't lie to each other in this family.' Kelly squirms a bit but admits that it was starting to feel... good. Her father says that's great then, that means she's feeling better about her little accident. But she shakes her head no, that's not what she meant, she means him touching her felt good. But it shouldn't! He's her -

'Shh, shh, shh...' her step-father says comfortingly. It's alright, he says, don't worry about any of that. Just let dad take care of her. He can make her feel better if she lets him. Doesn't she want dad to make her feel all better again? As he coaxes her, he's rubbing his hand against her thigh affectionately, and she gives in to his warm touch. Yes, dad, she says shyly, she wants that, but what about mom? What about - ...he interrupts her again, saying not to worry about any of that. Let dad take care of it all...

Kendra Spade に 'It's A Beautiful Day'

Kendra Spade - It's A Beautiful Day

Kendra gets oiled up and toys her pussy before having passionate sex.

Kendra Spade に 'Saints and Sinners'

Kendra Spade - Saints and Sinners

Kendra Spade fantasizes about how slutty a girl she can be. She is tired of being such a one man girl. She wants to branch out and get more cock. Bigger cock, darker meat. She dreams she sends out a message on social media for a gorgeous black man to show up at her house and let himself in. Once inside her room, he can do whatever he wants with her. Face-fuck her, pound her pussy, eat her asshole, jam his huge cock up her ass. Orgasm after orgasm awaits her as she is rewarded with a face full of hot man juice.

Kendra Spade に 'Saints and Sinners'

Kendra Spade - Saints and Sinners

Kendra Spade fantasizes about the picture perfect life for a woman. Settling down with a handsome rich hunk and cooking for him. He comes in and whisks her into their boudoir for romantic lovemaking. No cussing, no slutting around, just pure romance.

Kali Roses に 'The Slumber Games'

Kali Roses - The Slumber Games

Four teenage friends, Kali Roses, Alina Lopez, Judy Jolie, and Kendra Spade, are hanging out and enjoying each other's company in a bedroom. It's a slumber party, and things are only just getting started before Alina's mom swings by and tells them that they shouldn't stay up too late. Acting as innocent as possible, they all chime in that they won't, but as soon as Alina's mom is gone, the REAL fun begins. It's time for The Slumber Games -- a game in which the last person awake is the winner! Alina is confident that she's going to win, since she's the reigning champ, but the other girls are looking to best her.The girls have a charged pillow fight, filled with cheeky smiles and giggles, which ends up with Alina toppling off the bed, putting an end to the playful battle. But, wait! Only three of them are chatting now! The girls discover that, despite all her smack talk, Alina is the first one to hit the hay. With one of them down, Kali insists that she, Judy, and Kendra should unwind by comparing their breasts. Although Kali thinks it'll be fun, the other two are not so sure about it. With some convincing, everyone removes their shirts, leaving their perky boobs exposed. Judy and Kendra are surprised to see that Kali has nipple rings, which leads to some light and exploratory touching.Kendra's sore from the pillow fight, so Judy offers to massage her, with Kali offering to massage Judy at the same time as well. They have a nice massage that leads to both Kendra and Julie hitting the hay, leaving Kali victorious!As the new champ, Kali breaks out a bottle and makes everyone play spin the bottle. Although Kendra and Judy are hesitant to kiss their friends at first, everyone slowly gains more confidence. It takes some coaxing, with Kali leading the way, but everyone soon moves on from sweetly locking lips to eating out each other's pussies. Tonight, no matter how they look at it, everyone's a winner!

Kendra Spade に 'Sloppy Anal Sluts'

Kendra Spade - Sloppy Anal Sluts

Adorable, all natural Asian fox Kendra Spade teases the camera in lacy lingerie. She spreads her unshaven pussy and parts her cute butt cheeks to expose her pretty bunghole. The sexy babe slobbers and gags while deep-throating Donny Sins' big black cock. He licks her hairy twat and puckered asshole. Next, he fucks Kendra's cunt with his massive meat. Donny stretches Kendra's young butthole in an intense session of anal sodomy; the beautiful slut climaxes her interracial date with a creamy faceful of jizz.

Maya Bijou に 'Maya's 1st Lesbian Anal'

Maya Bijou - Maya's 1st Lesbian Anal

Super cuties Maya Bijou and Kendra Spade are ready for all anal! Maya Bijou experiences her very first lesbian anal, on or off camera! This is lesbian anal at its best! Including, anal licking and extended anal play. Watch Maya experience her first anal orgasm! It doesn't get steamier than this!

Charlotte Stokley に 'A Foot In Hot Pussy'

Charlotte Stokley - A Foot In Hot Pussy

Decked out in candy-colored tights and leotards from head to toe, Kendra Spade and Charlotte Stokely start their workout routine separately, but Charlotte's got a surprise for her cute Asian girlfriend: a big strap-on! Kendra rides that big toy dick as the babes oil themselves up, and then these kinky beauties strip out of their workout gear so they can lick, nibble, and suck on their favorite erogenous zones: their feet! As Kendra teases Charlotte's clit with her sole, Charlotte fucks Kendra's pussy with her toes, and then they scissor until they cum hard, rubbing each other's tits with their feet. These babes definitely got off on the right foot!

Zoey Monroe に 'Kendra and Zoe Like It Hard'

Zoey Monroe - Kendra and Zoe Like It Hard

Exotic beauty Kendra Spade and blonde cutie Zoey Monroe love sharing Marcus Dupree's thick cock. Watch these two stunning babes get down and dirty in the hottest threesome yet. This is hardcore sex at its best! With deep dick sucking, and double pussy pounding! Cum sharing has never been better!

Kendra Spade に 'Anal Angels 2'

Kendra Spade - Anal Angels 2

With her fit, tan body glistening in the sunlight, Asian-American starlet Kendra Spade teases in a tiny bikini. The spunky slut strips and kneels in front of director Jonni Darkko, choking and gagging as she slurps his stiff erection. Kendra's bloodshot eyes stare into the camera as she deep-throats. Jonni fucks her asshole, with Kendra moaning hysterically. She slobbers profusely as she sucks his cock ass-to-mouth. A tumultuous anal reaming comes with raunchy rimming, face-pounding fellatio and a messy cum facial.

Kendra Spade に 'Bow Down and Beg For It'

Kendra Spade - Bow Down and Beg For It

Queen Kendra sits on her throne and makes Alex crawl to her feet while she fondles her tits & masturbates. Alex wants to get closer, but Kendra makes him wait and watch before he begs for it, teasing him until he can't take it anymore… he'll do anything for a taste of her tight pussy and tempting tits!

Kendra Spade に 'Anal'

Kendra Spade - Anal

Kendra Spade's ass is open for business is this hot scene with Manuel! Kendra's still pretty new to the game but she's not afraid to take Manuel's big dick up her tight little ass. She looking sexy as ever in her purple thong bikini and high heels as she hangs out by the pool and gets some sun. She shows off her amazing curves then slowly removes her clothes so we can see the whole package. With her perky tits and round ass, Kendra is built for sex! She makes her way to the bedroom where she plays with her pussy to get herself nice and wet and ready for Manuel's hard cock. Kendra pulls out his cock and strokes it while she continues to play with herself then gets on her knees and shoves that big dick down her throat. she spits all over that cock and makes a sloppy mess as she gags and chokes on it before Manuel grabs her head and fucks her face hard. Manuel lays Kendra on the bed where he buries his face between her legs and services that pussy with his mouth as he makes her moan and scream. Kendra jumps on top on that big dick and slams it hard into her tight pussy as Manuel rubs her clit and plays with her nipples. Manuel lays her on her side and spreads her cheeks as he slides his huge cock deep into Kendra's tight asshole as she tells him she wants more and more of that big dick. Kendra proves that she's a worthy anal whore and as a reward Manuel plasters her face with his huge load!

Kendra Spade に 'Babysitter 13 - Part 1: Back In The Game'

Kendra Spade - Babysitter 13 - Part 1: Back In The Game

Kendra Spade possesses everything a babysitter should. Compassion, care, and an adorable personality that instantly wins over the heart of soon-to-be-divorced older man, Mark Wood. Mark's insecurity and his child has made it difficult for him to meet women, but Kendra turns all that around by helping him fix his online dating profile and providing him with a little sex on the side - something every man needs for a confidence boost. With Kendra willing to spread her legs every time Mark has a fit of insecurity, Mark soon discovers that a sweet young pussy is all he needs to get back in the game. After pounding Kendra's tight, wet snatch and then cumming all over her creamy white skin, Mark suddenly realizes that he's got what it takes to date again.

Kendra Spade に 'Oiled and Spoiled'

Kendra Spade - Oiled and Spoiled

Spoiled rich girl Kendra Spade likes to use older men to get what she wants. When sugar daddy John Strong vows to continue buying her lavish gifts, the conceited cutie decides to put on a show for him. Kendra pours oil over her luscious body while stripping, soon kneeling in front of John for a sloppy blowjob/throat fuck. John injects her asshole with lube, rubbing the slick liquid over her butt while sodomizing her. Kendra talks dirty as John reams her bunghole. She flaunts her greasy, gaping sphincter and sucks cock ass-to-mouth. Kendra's crude anal romp climaxes with a creamy cum facial.

Karlee Grey に 'Wet and Willing'

Karlee Grey - Wet and Willing

Kendra Spade and Karlee Grey are talking in Karlee's bedroom. Kendra has a date later tonight and she's very excited! She invites Karlee to come along to meet her date's friend, but Karlee politely declines. Karlee gets into the bathtub for a nice relaxing bath. She gently rubs her softsupple breasts as she lathers herself with soap. At the door, Kendra knocks and comes into the bathroom saying that her shower isn't working and that she absolutely has to get clean! Without much notice, Kendra is in the tub naked with Karlee! Taken in by Karlee's breasts, Kendra starts to rub them, offering to help her wash off the soap. Karlee is tempted by Kendra, but she's shy... it's not like she can has sex with her roomate?! Can she? Lust and curiosity overpowers Karlee and the girls begin to kiss while touching each other in the tub. Kendra rubs Karlee's pussy and roughly finger fucks her. You can hear Karlee moan in pleasure while she cums! Rushing to Karlee's bedroom to finish, Kendra jumps on Karlee and sits on her face. Her eyes roll back in ecstacy as Karlee sucsk on that tight wet pussy! Once both girls are exhausted from cumming, Karlee remembers and asks about Kendra's date! Kendra laughs it off saying that this was a better date idea anyways!

Kendra Spade に 'Bratty Teens: Kendra Spade'

Kendra Spade - Bratty Teens: Kendra Spade

Butt plug wearing goth brat Kendra Spade is spoiling dinner licking down a tasty candy sucker and diddling her lady-skittle underneath her schoolgirl skirt! Ramon isn't pleased she's tits out masturbating on the couch making everything sticky, so he'd give her something orally fixate on- his big, hard cock! She dropped to her knees and ravenously sucked down his sugar stick, Ramon sweetening the deal by turning her around and fucking her tight teen asshole! Even for being such a brat, Kendra was rewarded with a cum-covered treat because it's no secret: Kendra loves being punished with ass fucking and jizz as much as she loves sweets!

Kendra Spade に 'Shake Shop Shag'

Kendra Spade - Shake Shop Shag

Markus Dupree has had his share of pussy, but Kendra Spade just walked into this shake shop and he's gotta have her! Kendra didn't come in for a shake she wants that big dick, without wasting a second, she's got her perfect tits out, lying on a table, deepthroating every inch Markus can shove down past her juicy blowjob lips! Pounding Kendra's wet pussy is cool, but Markus knows what's even cooler - spreading her cheeks wide, slowly sliding his thick cock deep inside her little ass, and pounding her from behind until she's squirting all over the floor. Then making her lick up her juices off the floor, now that's cool!

Kendra Spade に 'Neon Night Out'

Kendra Spade - Neon Night Out

Badass babes Kendra and Scarlet are looking for thrills when they head out on the streets of Hollywood in their tightest dresses to soak in the neon lights and hot atmosphere. With lighting like this, who could resist taking some stunning selfies? The gals hop in the cab on the way to a very special private party, getting in the mood by kissing and playing with each other's tits before they make it to Mick's, where the silver fox leads them out to the pool and watches them strip down for a sexy skinny dip! Mick enjoys the show as the babes start fooling around before joining him on a lounger with plenty of room for the three of them, even when they make an extremely athletic cock-sucking and pussy-eating triangle! Mick fucks both babes and watches them kiss as he cums on their faces!

Kendra Spade に 'Wet Chains'

Kendra Spade - Wet Chains

Kendra Spade does a tease while getting oily before getting fucked by a big dick.

Kendra Spade に 'Blowin' Out the Birthday Candles'

Kendra Spade - Blowin' Out the Birthday Candles

Kendra Spade is sharing her best friend Kenzie Taylor's pussy with her boyfriend on his birthday! Licking cake off each other's perky tits and taking turns riding his big dick while the other plays with her friends pussy was the perfect gift!

Kendra Spade に 'Oil And Suds'

Kendra Spade - Oil And Suds

Kendra Spade gets sudsy and oily before getting fucked and facialed.

Kendra Spade に 'The Census Taker'

Kendra Spade - The Census Taker

The Census Taker
Creepy Census Taker Harasses Teen Alone In Her Home

SCENE opens on an 18-year-old girl, Beth Coleman, rushing to answer the door - 'coming!' she shouts asthe doorbell chimes a second time. She opens the door to find a meek man in glasses and a somewhatnerdy-looking suit, holding a leather messenger bag under his arm. He greets her nervously andintroduces himself as Milton James, and holding up an ID on a lanyard across his neck he explains thathe's a census taker - her parents failed to fill out the latest census and so by law he's required to come inperson to interview someone from the household. Beth looks wary - her parents aren't home for theday and she doesn't know anything about this census stuff. He says it's quite alright, anybody over theage of 15 can be interviewed for the household. He looks her up and down - she is over 15, right? Bethanswers yes, she just turned 18 a couple of months ago. Milton adjusts his glasses and says perfect, thenhe can interview her in her parents' stead, it should only take about fifteen minutes or so. Beth is stillreluctant, now's really not the best time and she'd rather he come back sometime when her parents arehome. She apologizes and goes to close the door but it doesn't close all the way - Milton has put hisshoe in between the door and the frame. 'I'm afraid I must insist,' he says in a nervous attempt tosound menacing. 'Answering the United States census is required by law. To put it simply, Miss Coleman,you don't really have a choice in this matter.'


We cut back to a few moments later, after Milton has since let himself into the house and taken off hisshoes. The two emerge in a large cozy living room with wood paneling. Clearly the Colemans do not lackfor money. 'Do you want a glass of water or something?' Beth asks, in an effort to be polite despite herdiscomfort. Not right now, thanks, Milton says. He seems trying to sound more warm than he was at thedoorway, but comes off as awkward more than anything. He waits for Beth to choose her seat, and thenpicks a seat across from her, and pulls out a fancy-looking folder, some forms, and a nice pen from hisbag. As he does this, he tries to make awkward small talk with Beth, but her answers are very curt andhe soon gives up. He clears his throat and says 'Well then, let's get started.'He asks her a series of mundane questions - do you currently reside at this address? How many peoplebesides yourself reside at this address? Please list the names of all persons who currently live at thisresidence, and their relationship to you. What is your marital status? When Beth answers 'single', helooks up from his paper and coyly asks 'what about a boyfriend?' No, no boyfriend either, Bethanswers, averting her eyes as she says it. Milton smiles and says 'Good, good', as he moves on to thenext questions.

What languages do you speak at home? Do any of your household speak any other languages at homeon a regular basis? Were you born in the United States? Are you presently a citizen of the United States?Have you attended school in the United States? Throughout these questions, Beth's body language becomes less hostile and more bored. She relaxes and spreads her legs somewhat, at which point fromover Milton's shoulder the camera catches glimpses of upskirt panty shots. After the latest question,Milton pauses, his attention lingering on Beth's legs - the pause alerts her to him checking her out andshe very uncomfortably clears her throat, as she tries to pull her skirt over her legs as much as possible.Milton continues as if nothing happened.

What is the highest degree or level of school you've completed? Beth reluctantly answers that shedropped out of high school. In the last week, how many hours of paid work did you do? Beth answersnone, she doesn't have a job. In the last week, how many hours of volunteer work did you do? Also none.Milton tsks condescendingly - no job, no volunteering, not even a high school diploma? Beth's parentsmust not be very proud of her. Beth looks at him angrily - that's not really any of his business is it?Are your parents sexually active? He blurts out. She looks at him, disgusted. How is that relevant? Heexplains that it's to forecast whether or not the census bureau should expect new births from thishousehold in the next few years. Grossed out, Beth struggles to find an answer, she doesn't know, shetries not think about it too much, but she guesses they might be. Are you sexually active? Milton asks,with obvious interest. She looks straight at him, and says 'No' very slowly and angrily. 'Would you liketo be?' Milton asks. Beth stands up - 'I think you should leave, Mr. James,' she says nervously. Miltondoesn't move though - he's almost done, just a few questions about their house and utilities and thenhe'll be out of her hair. Beth doesn't sit down, she just crosses her arms with renewed discomfort.Does the family own the house or are they renting? Does the house have landline service or just cellphones? Does it have complete kitchen facilities - sink, stove, and refrigerator? Does it have completeplumbing facilities - hot and cold water, a flushing toilet, and a tub or shower? He makes a remark abouthow he bets Beth's plumbing is fully functional, and the innuendo further discomforts her. How manyrooms does the house have? How many bedrooms?

'Can I see?' Milton says innocently. See what, Beth asks through gritted teeth. 'The number ofbedrooms the house has. Can you show them to me?' Beth looks like she's about to say no, when headds 'After that, I'll be out of your hair.' Beth raises her hands in the air in exasperation, and then saysfine, follow her.

The camera tracks the two as she leads him to three bedrooms, with the focus being on her backside asif we're watching her walk from his male gaze POV. First she leads him to her parents' master bedroom,then to a guest bedroom that doesn't get much use. Milton pokes his head in when he's lead to each,but he doesn't express much interest in either. Finally she leads him to her bedroom, and before she canreact he brushes past her to walk inside.

He moves around the room with eager curiosity - peering intently into her drawers and closet, poking acouple of her belongings with his pen. He even stands in the centre and takes a deep breath. Beth waitsat the door to the room impatiently, reluctant to go nearer to him but getting more upset and insistentas he intrudes. Finally, he moves to stand up straight rather formally in front of her, and adjusts his glasses. 'Satisfied?' Beth asks uncomfortably. Milton chuckles. 'Oh, very satisfied. Although I'm afraidYOU're in a bit of trouble, Miss Coleman.' Beth stiffens - what does he mean? He explains that he foundbirth control pills in one of her drawers. But she said in the census she wasn't sexually active, whichsuggests that she lied to him. Does she understand what the penalty is for giving false information to agovernment official?

Beth pleads - she only said that because he was acting completely inappropriate. She doesn't even thinkall his questions were part of the census. She'd already asked him to leave. Why can't he just leave heralone? Milton explains that he's only doing his job, and it's a thankless job, meeting with tons ofungrateful people who don't want to give him the time of day. Ungrateful people like Beth. Maybe all hewants is some thanks in return. Beth sees an opportunity and tries to appease him. If it's just a matter ofsaying sorry and thank you, she can do that.

But Milton elaborates, she was so rude to him. She didn't even give him a chance, tried to slam the dooron him if he recalls correctly. If she really wants to make it up to him, she has to do better than a halfheartedapology. 'Like what?' Beth asks nervously. He pretends to think for a moment. How about... akiss? Beth is scared, but hopeful that that's all he'll ask for. 'O-ok,' she agrees. She leans in and theyexchange a quick peck on the lips. Encouraged, Milton asks for another - this time she should reallymean it. Hesitantly, she says OK and leans in again, and this time he kisses her much more aggressively -we can see that she's not very into it and is rather stiff, not moving her lips much, while he is going reallyeagerly at it. Several seconds of awkward smooching later, he pulls away from her. He seems to haveenjoyed it, but he wants more. He knows she can give him what he wants - he knows she's not a virginafter all. If she shows him a good, appreciative time, he'll be on his way. She swallows hard, and thenputs on a fake smile and reaches for his belt buckle to undo it.

Kendra Spade に 'Feeling Blue (Balls)'

Kendra Spade - Feeling Blue (Balls)

Keiran Lee is having a little trouble getting it up, but lucky for him his doctor is also a cock specialist! Kendra Spade knows just how to fix this problem; she's very hands-on with her patients. With a little hesitation, keiran agrees, but when this busty Asian babe whips her big tits out and starts playing with her wet pussy, he starts to believe there's a chance for him yet! It'll take a few more tests to make sure Keiran's big dick is full operational, so Kendra stuffs every inch he's got down her tiny mouth, deepthroating to the balls! This are looking up for her patient but now there's the stress test, where he'll have to stretch out her tight little pussy as hard as he can, pounding away until he's depositing a creamy specimen all over her gorgeous face!

Kendra Spade に 'Dark and Stormy'

Kendra Spade - Dark and Stormy

Kendra can't believe her bad luck when her car breaks down in the middle of a storm, but her luck is about to change. She braves the dark and the rain to knock at the first house she comes to, where Charles immediately ushers her inside to use the phone, take a hot shower, and change into some dry clothes. Impressed by both his kindness and his huge muscles, Kendra thanks her savior with a sensual blowjob. Soon the former strangers find their passions whipping up a different kind of storm!

Kendra Spade に 'Soaked Anal Toys'

Kendra Spade - Soaked Anal Toys

Kendra gets her ass oiled up and toyed before getting facialed.

Kendra Spade に 'Pho King Asians 3'

Kendra Spade - Pho King Asians 3

Kendra just loves eating Pho. Who doesn't? It is said food can be an aphrodisiac and just watching Kendra slurp down those noodles gets Jake hot. Damn she looks hot enjoying her food. Soon enough the two are all over each other and his cock has taken place of the noodles in her mouth. She slobbers all over the place and her gushy Asian takeout box is sloppy and ready for business. This pussy is a wet lathering hole just gaping for cock. Wow. He fucks the living eggroll out of this girl.

Kendra Spade に 'Juicy Anal Booties'

Kendra Spade - Juicy Anal Booties

Young Kendra Spade, an Asian-American goddess with perfect, natural boobs, wears sheer stockings and skimpy lingerie. She presses her plump ass against a glass shower door; she chats with director Mick Blue while masturbating on a toilet. Rubbing her meaty cunt, Kendra obediently sucks his huge cock, gagging and drooling as her eyes water. Mick rims her anus, and then buries his boner inside her rectum. Kendra slurps his meat ass-to-mouth and enjoys a passionate anal fuck until Mick fills her pussy with a creampie.

Kendra Spade に 'The Anal Virgin'

Kendra Spade - The Anal Virgin


SCENE opens early one morning. Jennifer, an 18-year-old girl, slowly wakes up to the sound of slapping coming from down the hall. Confused, she gets out of bed and goes to her doorway. Her step-brother, Jason's room is on the other end of the hall and his door is ajar. The sounds are coming from inside. Nervously, she tip-toes over and peeks inside, seeing her brother, sitting on his bed, with his back to the door, and his laptop open. He is watching a hardcore anal sex movie and feverishly masturbating. Jennifer doesn't know what to do. She watches transfixed as he pumps his cock and dirty talks to the movie, saying how much he likes and wants to fuck anal virgins. Embarrassed, Jennifer slips back to her room and gets into bed. She doesn't know how to feel. She crawls under her covers and lays there in silence, biting her lip. Her thighs squeeze together, and, in an under the cover shot, we see her slide her hand between them and start to touch herself.


Jennifer walks home from school, staring wide-eyed into space. She can't stop thinking about what she saw. She walks up her driveway briskly, enters the house, goes straight to her room, locks her door, and starts masturbating again. This time, she positions herself by a mirror, so she can get down on all fours and see how her asshole reacts when she touches herself.

Cut to several days later. Jennifer has snuck into Jason's room to watch the same movie she caught him with. She stares transfixed at the girls in the movie being plowed from behind. You can see how turned on she is getting.

Cut to several days later. Jennifer is masturbating again. She keeps hearing her brother's dirty talk as she rubs her pussy and starts touching her asshole too. It's so tight. She needs something to loosen it up. She pauses and goes over to her dresser where she examines a few different bottles before settling on a tub of petroleum jelly. This should work. She goes back to bed and uses the jelly to slowly get up to two fingers inside her ass. As she works herself up, she begins to repeat the same dirty talk she heard her brother saying ... except, in her version, she is the anal virgin that he desires. She fingers herself (first her butt and then both holes) until she cums down her legs.

That night, Jason comes home from a class he's been taking at the community college. He walks right past where his sister is sitting in the living room, ignoring her as usual. The step-siblings have never had a very close relationship. Jennifer hears him go into his room, put down his things, and start the shower. Their parents are out for the evening and she knows that tonight is her only chance to make something happen. She sneaks to his room, strips out of her clothes and gets onto his bed, her ass arched out in the direction of his bathroom. She hears the shower stop and closes her eyes nervously.

Jason walks out of his bathroom in a towel and is horrified to see his younger step-sister in such a compromising position on his bed. 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!' He yells, trying to cover her up. Not knowing exactly how to react, Jennifer tries to repeat some of the dialogue she heard the girls saying in the porno movie. Her brother is grossed out and tells her to stop, asking where she heard shit like that. She's only 18-years-old. They're family! This is inappropriate! Jennifer sits on her butt and confesses that she saw him masturbating the other morning. She saw what he was watching. Jason is offended that he spied on her. He is a grown man. He's allowed to watch porn. She tells him that she can't stop thinking about what she saw. Awkwardly, Jason explains to her that it was just a movie. He sits down beside her, trying to act like a good older brother. 'Guys watch porn because it's a fantasy ... it's not real. It's just meant to help you get off,' he says, trying to comfort her. 'You shouldn't think too much about it or be offended.' She stares down at the bulge in his towel. 'I saw how big your dick was,' she whispers, looking back up at him with doe eyes. He awkwardly covers himself and gets back off the bed. 'That's gross,' he tells her. 'I don't want to hear you talking about my dick. You're my step-sister!' She keeps pushing, telling him about all the things she's been doing the last few days since she caught him. She tells him that she masturbated at school, at home, that she worked up to two fingers in her ass, and that she has been stretching herself out. 'That's what you're supposed to do, right?' She asks. 'Stretch yourself out for a big cock to fill you up?' Jason turns away, adjusting himself. He tries to hide the erection forming and she can see he is getting excited. She crawls over to him on the bed and begs to become his anal virgin. She knows that this is his ultimate fantasy, based on everything she heard him say. He tries to get her to stop talking like that, but she is persistent, reiterating that no one has ever fucked her ass before and that she wants him to take her anal virginity. Finally, it gets to a point where Jason can't handle it anymore and he gives in, throwing her down on all fours, licking her asshole till it is wet, and then shoving his dick inside of her. BGA Sex Scene. At first, Jennifer reacts realistically to it being her first time, with a mix of pain and pleasure, but eagerly encourages her step-brother to keep going. He ends up pulling out and cumming on her ass.

After they are done, the mood dramatically changes in the room. Reality has hit. Jason nervously tries to clean his sister up and make her swear not to tell anyone. He feels very guilty and worried about their parents. They really shouldn't have done that. It's pretty gross, if you think about it. Jennifer assures him that she won't tell anyone, slowly deflated by the realization that her step-brother feels more regret than satisfaction after fucking her. He tells her to get out of his room, so he can clean himself up. She probably should too. She smells like ass. Man, this was such a stupid thing for them to do. With an awkward look on her face, she limps out of the room and slams the door.

Kendra Spade に 'Anal Booty Cuties'

Kendra Spade - Anal Booty Cuties

Adorable, young Filipina-American beauty Kendra Spade visits pervy Mike Adriano for a ride on his giant cock. The Asian sweetheart shows off her perfect, natural tits in a fishnet dress, and Mike worships her body with his tongue. Kendra gags and drools on his massive meat, making lewd slurping sounds during an intense, eye-watering blowjob. He rims her gaping bunghole, and Mike fucks her jiggling, well-lubricated ass. Finally, he thrusts his dick down Kendra's throat.

Kendra Spade に 'Anal Monster Black Cock Sluts 3'

Kendra Spade - Anal Monster Black Cock Sluts 3

Spunky, cute Kendra Spade flaunts her fresh, all-natural bod, blowing a kiss before joining Sean Michaels for a fierce anal pounding. Sean feasts on her furry twat, and slobber drips from her mouth as he fucks her face. The dark-haired hottie pries open her tight asshole and whimpers as the hung stud slam-fucks her sphincter. Sean squeezes her perky tits and chokes her through hard interracial sodomy, and his furious thrusts make Kendra cum intensely. She sucks his big black cock ass-to-mouth, finally kneeling for Sean to slather her face in sperm.

Kendra Spade に 'Gag Reflex 3'

Kendra Spade - Gag Reflex 3

Asian teen Kendra Spade shows off her perfect body and succulent, natural tits. The glamorous young lady practices her deep-throat technique on a big black dildo and then kneels before director Jonni Darkko to dutifully suck on his balls and slurp on his throbbing cock. Kendra slobbers profusely as she delivers a sloppy, eye-watering blowjob. She squeezes the older stud's dick between her soft jugs and thrusts her own hand down her gullet! Kendra's beautiful face ends up completely covered in spit and sperm.

Whitney Wright に 'Two Girl Anal Threeway'

Whitney Wright - Two Girl Anal Threeway

Fresh cuties Kendra Spade and Whitney Wright tease poolside, lusting for an intense anal three-way with Mark Wood. The horny sluts probe each other's asshole with toys, soon welcoming the hung director with a slobbery double blowjob. Mark fucks their wet twats, reams their tight rectums and face-fucks both sluts ass-to-mouth. Kendra and Whitney ride his thick rod and feast on tasty cunt as their rudely sodomized. The dirty dames show off their gaping rectums and enjoy a frothy, sperm-swapping climax.

Kendra Spade に 'Who Calls the Cops'

Kendra Spade - Who Calls the Cops

When a woman sees some creepy stalker outside her house, she frantically calls the cops and soon officer Kevin (Mick Blue) is on the scene, looking for intruders and comforting the frightened housewife, telling her she needs to focus on something else--and she takes his advice to heart. Soon clothes come off and they're on the couch, naked, in the throws of passion.

Kendra Spade に 'A Very Special Patient'

Kendra Spade - A Very Special Patient

Kendra Spade is wild over her therapist, Jason Brown. She feels he's attracted to her too. She explains to him that she had a dream that they were intimate with each other. Kendra is ready to make her dream a reality. She wants nothing more for his thick black cock to be fucking her and she won't stop until she gets it! She is guaranteed she will not be refused!

Kendra Spade に 'Anal Heartbreakers 3'

Kendra Spade - Anal Heartbreakers 3

Porn novice Kendra Spade teases in tight booty shorts, a see-through top and heels. The spunky brunette confides in director Mark Wood about a recent predicament: The bishop at her church was upset to discover that she's been having anal sex, but since she's still a virgin, cute Kendra doesn't see the problem! Mark thoroughly pounds every one of Kendra's holes, and the sinful slut gives nasty, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Intense backdoor blasphemy climaxes when he baptizes Kendra in cum. She swallows!

Kendra Spade に 'Up My Ass!'

Kendra Spade - Up My Ass!

Kendra loves to tease, flashing her perky tits and bubble butt in the parking lot and the hotel's hallway before they even get to the room. Once inside though, she puts her mouth to work on Ryan's shaft, making sure it's properly lubed up for her tight asshole! Ryan goes balls deep before unleashing a load all over her face and a second on her body!

Kendra Spade に 'Anal Players 4'

Kendra Spade - Anal Players 4

Dark-haired hottie Kendra Spade loves anal sex. In a skimpy, all-black outfit with matching pumps, she flaunts her fit body for director Mick Blue. The slut gags and drools through a worshipful, POV-style blowjob. She masturbates, anticipating a primal rectal reaming. Mick drills her pussy, and he probes Kendra's cornhole with toys. Slowly his massive prick penetrates her tight sphincter. Kendra tongues his bunghole and gives sloppy, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Finally she savors thick, creamy spunk.

Kendra Spade に 'The Apprentice'

Kendra Spade - The Apprentice

Busty Asian Kendra Spade is all excited to perform on The cute brunette takes this hard cock in her mouth and deep in her throat! This beauty learns so fast and gives a good performance!