Kink 'フェムドムFFM 3P' 主演 Daisy Ducati (写真 19)

Daisy Ducati,Lyra Law に 'Kink' - Femdom FFM Threesomes (Kink University)

アクションを担当する2人の女性とFFMの3人のセックスをどのように楽しむかを学びます。あなたがドミナトリックスであるかどうか、または女児と服従性のある男性を問わず、デイジー・ドゥカティとライラ・ルーヴェルは、男同士の性交やバイセクシャルな相互交流など、オーラルセックスストラップオンセックスをどのようにしてすべての穴を釘付けにするかを見てみましょう!FFMの3人称性についてもっと知りたい方は、Kink Universityでの3人組チュートリアルの方法をご覧ください。

発売日 : 3月21日, 2016
タグ : 女王, ドミナトリックス, オーラルセックス, 三人組, バイセクシュアル, 二重貫通, ペギング, まっすぐ
男性モデル : Mike Panic

写真から Daisy Ducati,Lyra Law に 'Kink' Femdom FFM Threesomes

Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 1)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 2)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 3)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 4)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 5)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 6)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 7)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 8)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 9)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 10)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 11)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 12)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 13)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 14)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 15)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 16)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 17)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 18)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 19)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 20)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 21)
Daisy Ducati に 'Kink' フェムドムFFM 3P (サムネイル 22)

写真から Daisy Ducati,Lyra Law に 'Kink' Femdom FFM Threesomes

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン Daisy Ducati,Lyra Law

Daisy Ducati に 'アスファルト島、パート2:デイジードゥカティとラッカス'

Daisy Ducati - アスファルト島、パート2:デイジードゥカティとラッカス

キンクの4部構成のシリーズ「アスファルト島」が続く中、エラ・ノヴァはデイジー・ドゥカティがラッカスによって電気のために捕らえられ、縛られ、配線された様子を描いています。デイジーは最初、自分がどこにいるのか、何が起こっているのか知りたいと要求します。しかし、彼女が良い小さな兼卑劣な女であるように、デイジーは日立のオンの音を聞くとすぐに彼女の曲を変えます。ボンデージ、電気、伍長、喉のクソ、ディックオンスティック、潮吹き、荒いセックス、アナルが特徴!?アスファルト島?シリーズメインページこのシリーズの4つのエピソード:パート1:カムダメージとマイクパニックパート2:デイジードゥカティとラッカスパート3:ナタリーマーズとランスハート - COMING 00/00パート4:エラノヴァ - COMING 00/00

Daisy Ducati に '潮吹き肛門の女!'

Daisy Ducati - 潮吹き肛門の女!

デイジードゥカティは彼女の美しいランジェリー、セクシーなスパンコールのブーツでストリップとからかいます。彼女は従順なスカイラー・スノーを中に誘い込む。彼女はスカイラーを、お尻のおもちゃやバイブレーターを使った探索的な肛門セッションを通して導きます。両方の赤ん坊はお互いの穴で交代します。デイジーは巨大なストラップオンディルドでスカイラー に硬いお尻を叩きつけます。スカイラーは お尻がいっぱいになる感覚が大好きで、床のあちこちで潮吹きします。デイジーは、クリットを振動させながら絶頂に達すると、巨大な間欠泉を作り出します。

Daisy Ducati に '恐れと角質:デイジードゥカティとリディアブラック'

Daisy Ducati - 恐れと角質:デイジードゥカティとリディアブラック


Daisy Ducati に 'バダスベイビースーパースイヤデイジードゥカティが戻ります!'

Daisy Ducati - バダスベイビースーパースイヤデイジードゥカティが戻ります!


Daisy Ducati に 'ベータカック'

Daisy Ducati - ベータカック


Mistress Kara に '退廃的なダイクバーの喜び:古典的でクリーミーなホイップお尻のコンパイル'

Mistress Kara - 退廃的なダイクバーの喜び:古典的でクリーミーなホイップお尻のコンパイル

退廃的なダイクバーディライトは、最もホットな、最もセクシーな、最も大胆なオールガールギャングバンダイクバー料理の古典的なホイップお尻のコンパイルです。サッシーギャルデイジードゥカティとモナウェールズが元気なバーの所有者ミストレスカラを訪問しているバーに迷い込む大胆なダーリンから始まります。ダーリンと彼女の豊かな胸が彼女を地下室に連れて行き、彼女の顔に座り、彼女の女を指で指し、彼女のふしだらな穴のすべてでオルガスムレズビアンのストラップオントレインを走る3人の女性の進歩に屈するのに時間はかからない!冒険は、むち打ち、クロップ、スパンキング、猫舐め、猫クランプと猫、肛門とDPストラップオンのファックの多くが含まれています。次は、3人の熱くて角質の偽装女の子チェリー・トーン、デイジー・ドゥカティ、ミストレス・カラに誘惑された素敵なローレライ・リーです。これらのスリンキーなふしだらな女のそれぞれは、Lorelieの穴で自分の道を持っています, 最初に彼らは彼女の剃ったファック, ピンクの猫をファックし、その後、犬に彼女を曲げ、彼女は兼に懇願するまで彼女のお尻をファック.より多くの顔の座り、女舐め、ストラップオンコック吸い、トップDP誘発オーガズムの上。その後、熱いタフな雛モナウェールズとミストレスカラは、バーを閉じて、フェニックスマリーが熱い若いものアベラ危険を支配している深夜のパーティーに向かいます。夜はスパンキング、足の礼拝、猫舐めからむち打ち、厳しい屈辱とストラップオンの猫のファックにエスカレートします。次のバキソムの美しさベラ・ロッシ、シャネル・プレストン、アラヴェル・ラファエルは、濡れた野生のTシャツコンテストの後、一晩中それを手に入れます。すべての当事者は、猫の舐め、顔の座り、女性のハンドリング、指叩き、猫のドキドキ、肛門とホットレズビアンオーガズムのトンで満たされた騒動の夜をお楽しみください!最後に豪華な、ボタンを押したビジネスウーマンイングリッドマウスは、愛人カラ、デイジードゥカティとニッキーダーリンは、時間後のシェナニガンのために女性の部屋で彼女の上に降りるダイクバーに現れます。これらの巧みな愛人は、ストラップオン、潮吹きオーガズム、ジッパーとより彼女の空腹の穴を詰め込むなど、彼らの最高の動きのすべてでイングリッドを支配します!これらすべてのこれらの不可分の、勇敢なみだらをファック見て、退廃的なダイクバーの喜びで何度も何度も提出に犯されます!

Bonnie Rotten に '洪水:従順な女性は金属に縛られ、噴出させられた'

Bonnie Rotten - 洪水:従順な女性は金属に縛られ、噴出させられた


Daisy Ducati に '残忍なボンデージ、激しい苦痛、そして潮吹きのオーガズム'

Daisy Ducati - 残忍なボンデージ、激しい苦痛、そして潮吹きのオーガズム


Daisy Ducati に 'イザマールグティエレス対デイジードゥカティ'

Daisy Ducati - イザマールグティエレス対デイジードゥカティ

究極の降伏の夏の復讐シリーズトーナメントへようこそ!我々は、このシーズン最高のベテランとルーキーのうちの13人がノックアウト式シードトーナメントに参加しています。今日は#3位のレスラー、Izamar Gutierrezに対抗して#6位のレスラーデイジードゥカティがいます。デイジーは刺青された、赤毛の美しさで、今シーズンには最もオルガスムなルーキーのいくつかとの印象的な試合でスタートしました。デイジーは、相手の左右から簡単にオーガズムを裂いてきて、今日は他の試合と違いはありません。 IzamarはDee Williamsの3位にランクされて少し失望しているので、ランキングが彼女よりも優れていることを証明しなければならないだろう。今日、これらの女の子は強く激しく戦います。彼らはお互いを噛み合わせてお互いをピンで締め、お互いを指で舐める。この2人の女の子の間で性的緊張が厚い。彼らはお互いを兼ね備え、トーナメントで進んでいくことを切望している。このマッチは倒れそうになっているようですが、マットのオルガスムのいくつかが速くキャッチアップしていて、レスラーの一人が彼女の背後に落ちて失うように見えます。これは最高の状態で100%真のセックスファイティングです。あなたはこれを信じて見なければなりません!衝撃的な結末、衝撃的な結果、そして敗者の衝撃的な罰。私たちのチャンピオンは、オーガズムと膣の拳で敗者を恐怖させ、敗者を服従させます。この試合の優勝者は女王様に向かっています。

Charlotte Sartre に 'vs Daisy Ducati'

Charlotte Sartre - vs Daisy Ducati

究極の降伏の夏の復讐シリーズトーナメントへようこそ!我々は、このシーズン最高のベテランとルーキーのうちの13人がノックアウト式シードトーナメントに参加しています。今日は#12位のレスラー、デイジー・ドゥカティと対戦した#12位のレスラー、シャーロット・サルトルがいます。サルトルは、この季節にIzamar Gutierrezとの印象的な試合で始まり、トップの獣医に対するいくつかの点を挙げて入れ墨をした、黒髪の美人です。デイジー・ドゥカティは、より多くのグラップリングのために、バットからちょうどシャーロットを少し攻撃する。サイズとスキルのレベルの違いは、シャーロットがどんな地面にもなるのを困難にしています。デイジーはシャーロットを捕まえて彼女を指差し、シャーロットは消極的に指が犯されてしまった。しかしシャットアウトは終わっていないが、シャーロットは各ラウンドで良くなり、彼女は相手の気分を味わっている。シャーロットは美しい掃引と逆転を実行し、デイジーの背中を返し、彼女に自分の薬の量を与える。シャーロットはデイジーをマウントし、彼女は深いフランス語のキスを取る。賞金ラウンドのために、私たちのレスラーは大会を真剣に受け止めます。敗者自身は認めて、トーナメントの敗者はお尻に犯されてしまうのです。勝者は同意し、さらに敗者が尻に犯されるだけの価値があると付け加えます。勝者は膣を完全に迂回して、お尻の尻をついたまま、まっすぐに行く。敗者は広く開いたままであり、濡れて壊れている。私たちのチャンピオンは、敗北し、提出した敗者を拾い上げ、マットから彼女のすごい尻を運びます。

Daisy Ducati に '角質のルームメイトは、赤毛の陰茎をanally支配する'

Daisy Ducati - 角質のルームメイトは、赤毛の陰茎をanally支配する

デイジードゥカティは、ルームメイトのローレン・フィリップスをハードコア・レズモドンにオナニーし、彼女のバット・プラグを使ってキャッチします!ローレンはとても恥ずかしいとドレッシングを開始しますが、デイジーは、この女がそれを簡単に離れることはできません。彼女は夜の計画を打ち消し、彼女のルームメイトを支配する! Laurenはデイジーとしての悲鳴を込める。デイジーが彼女のストラップオンコックを壊すと、ローレンは犯されるのを待つことができません。ローレンのボーイフレンドは、彼女のお尻を犯さないだろう!デイジーは、彼女の美しいコックをこの肛門女に押し込む時間を無駄にする。ローレンは彼女のお尻に犯され、彼女のおなかを指で彼女の手に戻ってくるのが大好きです。両方の穴に詰め込まれ、ローレンはとても幸せな女だ。彼女はデイジーのコックに激しく激しく縛られている。今、無力な、ローレンスは、デイジーが彼女のおもちゃの残りの部分を打ち破るように怒っている。彼女の体の上には、デイジー・フロッグと杖のローレン。それから彼女はザッパーでローレンを弄ぶ。 Laurenの目は、Daisyが彼女の体の全部を走らせるにつれて、恐怖で広がっていく。デイジーはローレンが彼女の猫を十分に舐めると、彼女は彼女の上で簡単に行くだろうと言います!彼女はローレンの顔に座り、ローレンスはデイジーのおなかを熱心に吸っている。デイジーはローレンの顔に激しく激しく激突し、そして棒の上にディックを付けてローレンとセックスすることに決めました。 Laurenのcuntはこの雄鶏の周りで激しく締め付け、彼女は彼女の猫の中でそれをスライドさせるように彼女を激しく激怒させる。今度は、より多くのオルガスムのためのデイジーのターンです。彼女はLaurenを解放してLaurenが彼女の指をDaisyのおならに滑らせることができるようにします。 Laurenの指が簡単に滑り、彼女の全拳がデイジーに!デイジーはローレンの拳に激しく激怒し、ローレンのベッドの向こうに噴出する。 Laurenは、彼女のザーメンをうまくやってくれる。

Lyra Law に 'セクシーなファックブロンドのベイビーはマシンファック&xe800です。'

Lyra Law - セクシーなファックブロンドのベイビーはマシンファック&xe800です。


Daisy Ducati に 'オルガスムリッピングマッチ:デイジードゥカティ対シエナローズ'

Daisy Ducati - オルガスムリッピングマッチ:デイジードゥカティ対シエナローズ


Amber Ivy に 'マッサージ師はあまりにも多くのお尻を嗅ぎ、それのために肛門罰を取得します。'

Amber Ivy - マッサージ師はあまりにも多くのお尻を嗅ぎ、それのために肛門罰を取得します。

Ambery Ivyは、寝心地の良いクライアントの尻を舐めて嗅ぐことができるように、マッサージ師として仕事を拾った角質の大きな巨根の赤毛です。今日彼女は彼女が噛むことができる以上に噛まれてしまった。デイジードゥカティはストレスを解消した上品なビジネスレディーで、緊張緩和が必要なので、マッサージの予定を予約しています。彼女は裸になって、彼女が熱い息を感じ始め、濡れた舌が完璧な黒檀のお尻に出入りするようになると、すぐに寝るつもりです。デイジーは座って人々のことをやって彼女の会社のCOOになることはできませんでした。デイジーはタイプAの女性です。彼女はマッサージでこのマッサージをコーチし、顧客を喜ばせる方法を教えます。デイジーは、魅力的な小さなマッサージ器でテーブルを回転させ、肛門の指と拳のために彼女の背中にアンバーをつかまえます。デイジーはアムステルダムの様々なおもちゃを使用して、開かれた開かれたものにする。

Daisy Ducati に '小さな柔軟なレスラーは、強力な支配的な女性によって破壊されます'

Daisy Ducati - 小さな柔軟なレスラーは、強力な支配的な女性によって破壊されます

これらのレスラーの1人は平均的な女性です。どちらも態度でマットに来て、勝つことを計画していますが、片方だけが手を上げます。 1人のレスラーは残酷な提出に何度も繰り返し入れられます。彼女はマットの上に閉じ込められ、相手の力と支配の下で苦労している。エスケープする彼女の唯一の方法は、勝者に提出し、譲歩することです。敗者は人形のように縛られ、勝者が望むものは何でもするように作られています。敗者はコックのストラップを吸って、トラスに縛られている間に犯され、苦しんで窮地に陥った後、彼女は残忍な頭のはさみで服用され、プッシーの舐めで勝者を喜ばせる。

Daisy Ducati に 'エボニー・スクワット・クイーン・デイジー・ドゥカティがロイヤルファッキングマシントリートメントを受ける!'

Daisy Ducati - エボニー・スクワット・クイーン・デイジー・ドゥカティがロイヤルファッキングマシントリートメントを受ける!


Daisy Ducati に '究極の降伏者の最もオルガスムレスラーはオルガズムから流出します'

Daisy Ducati - 究極の降伏者の最もオルガスムレスラーはオルガズムから流出します

Jenna Foxxxは昨シーズンの最もオルガスムなレスラーだった。彼女は非常に多くのオーガズムが彼女から引き裂かれてしまったので、私たちはそれらをすべて忘れてしまった。彼女はとてもオーガズムであり、彼女はルーキーカップでも「最もオルガスムなレスラー」を獲得しました。この自然な、ほとんど法的な、黒檀の女神とマットを歩いているすべての女の子は彼女の兼を作った。レスリング選手がUltimate Surrenderでスキルを伸ばしていくのを見るのが大好きですが、新人がフロアをモップするのを見るのは楽しいことがあります。今日デイジー・ドゥカティは監督であり、彼女は貧しい小さなジェナの家をきれいにするつもりです。デイジードゥカティがあなたの周りに長くて痩せた脚を得たら、それは終わりです。誰もチャンスを逃さない。デイジーは、あなたがレスリングしているのと同じように、ジェナを提出物とオルガズムで罰します。デイジーフィンガーがジェナのオルガスムを3ストレートラウンドで犯した後、ジェナはほんの少し歩くことができます。彼女はロッカールームに引っ張られ、デイジーのストラップをコックで吸って素敵で濡れているので、デイジーはジェンナのきつい若々しい猫に深く舐める。デイジーはジェナをシャワーに連れて彼女を壁に縛り付け、魚は彼女の汚れた娼婦の口を釣った。デイジーはロッカールームに戻ってジェナに彼女の処罰を終える。彼女はビートアップしてタイヤになるまで彼女のタイトな穴を犯す。その後、デイジーはジェナの顔に座り、彼女の敗者の口に彼女自身のオルガスムを得るために座っている。デイジーの顔が座って、オルガズムが貧しいジェナの顔のいたるところで起こった後、デイジーは貧弱なジェナをロッカールームに残し、練習をやめて活用しているすべてのレスラーを奪います。デイジーはレスリングやファックで執拗に暮らしています。彼女は彼女が欲しいやり方で彼女の賞を取る、そして今日は残忍な顔のクソ、クソにストラップ、女の子を壁に叩きつけ、彼女の恋人の顔に彼女の猫を叩いている

Lea Lexis に 'Orders a Plumber to fix her sink and the Lea lays pipe.'

Lea Lexis - Orders a Plumber to fix her sink and the Lea lays pipe.

Lea Lexisは上品な家の妻です。彼女は自分のものがきれいで順番に好きです。彼女のシンクが詰まると、彼女は配管サービスを呼び出して助けを求めなければなりません。 Lea Lexisは、彼女が美しい宮殿の不動産で手に入れるサービスのどれかに非常に特化しています。 Leaは、良い香りの良いきれいなお尻で配管工を要請し、彼女のお尻を抱きしめて出ないようにします。 Lea Lexisは配管工を全く扱うことができません。それは彼女を絶対に狂ってしまう。彼女の美しい黒檀の配管工が到着すると、デイジードゥカティ(配管工)がパイプをチェックアウトして彼女の突き当たりを露呈させるまで、物事はうまくいっているようです。 Lea Lexisはこの問題を自分の手に入れなければならず、彼女は指示を聞いていないために悪いセクシーな配管業者を処罰しなければならない。 Lea Lexisは美しい、赤い頭の配管工をいくつかの極端な肛門の楽しみのためのマスターベッドルームに連れて行きます。デイジーのパンツは、彼女のぽっちりしたタンタッチチェックのすぐ下に落とされているので、レアはデイジーを叩くことができ、指はデイジーのお尻に挿入することができます。それから、Leaは、デイジーの小さな尻から出てきた重い金属のおもちゃをポップします。デイジーの嫌な男が口をそろえているので、彼女は彼女の拳をデイジーの収容靴の中に入れることができることを知っています。 Leaはその後、Daisyの例を設定する必要があります。 LeaはDaisyをLeaのお尻に大きなおもちゃを入れ、それをきれいに舐める。おもちゃが出てきて、Leaの美しくて完璧なお尻から出てくるたびに、Daisyはそれをきれいに舐めます。デイジーは、デイジーが期待しているどんな嫌な奴なのか、デイジーが味わうことができるようになったので、デイジーは、

Lyra Law に 'ヤング、アスレチック、ブロンド、セックスキツンライラの法則は、巨大なディルドでファックするアナルマシンを取得'

Lyra Law - ヤング、アスレチック、ブロンド、セックスキツンライラの法則は、巨大なディルドでファックするアナルマシンを取得

Lyra Lawは時折提出する必要があります。彼女はプロの支配人として働く彼女の日々を過ごし、他人に苦痛を与えることによって自分自身を喜ばせる。しかし、時には彼女は他人が扱うことを切望しており、その渇望が来たら彼女は私たちに電話します。彼女はあなたが想像することができるあらゆる方法で厳しいですし、彼女は私たちの絶え間のない機械によって無知になることを愛しています。リラは、愛らしい白い学校の女の子のミニスカートと、彼女の自然でかわいい小さな胸を完全に仕上げた結び目のあるホルタートップを着て、私たちのセットを歩いて行きます。彼女はちょうど大学の彼女の最初の日に到着したように彼女は膝の高いストッキングと黒いキャンバスのスニーカーを着用しているように見えます。彼女の輝くブロンドの髪の毛で光が輝き、彼女の唇は無邪気なセクシュアリティを発散し、深い暗い色合いの赤を描いた。彼女は、シンプルで自然な美しさには欠かせないものです。まず、彼女は徐々に彼女の服をゆっくりと剥がして、スムーズで柔らかい肌を1インチずつゆっくりと感覚的に感じさせます。小さな乳首と小さなピンクの猫を露出させます。彼女は優しく彼女の猫をこすり始め、それはすでに欲望に濡れていることを示しています。 Lyraの飽くなきセクシュアリティは、画面を飛び越えて、あなたを近づけるように促します。もっと近くに。彼女と一緒にそこにいる。あなたが望む任意の方法で彼女の運動体を使用する。彼女はバイブレーターを取り出し、きれいに彼女のクリトリスを喘ぐと、ゆっくりと沸き立つ時間のために彼女自身を温めている。日立は彼女の空腹の娼婦を踊り、彼女は喜びを叫びます。彼の指で彼女の猫を調べると、彼女はオルガズムを次々に持ち始める。彼女はあなたを右に見つめて、これがあなたが望むものであることを確かめます。彼女は一度ザーメンをするのがOKだと分かったら、エクスタシーで彼女の体を転がしてひねります。そして、ああ、彼女はいつも兼ですか?彼女は息を吸わせずに足を広げ、最初の機械を彼女の娼婦の穴に貫通させる。彼女の猫は濡れていて、ディルドはゆっくりと彼女の欲望の最も深い部分を探り始め、彼女の欲望の限界をテストします。マシンはより速く始まります。彼女の目が輝きます。これは彼女が欲しい場所です。彼女の背中には、脚が広がって、無知になってしまいました。彼女の背中はアーチに包まれ、彼女の目は至福の中で転がり、彼女は瞬間に自分自身を失い始める。 1つのオルガスムは2つに変わり、その後、終わりのない複数のオルガスムシリーズに変わります。飢えた彼女は、彼女の手と膝の上に転がり、彼女の体を犬のような犬のような形に曲げる。機械は先に進んでいきます。彼女は喜んでアーチをするように汗が彼女の背中から眩しい。彼女の体は震え始め、彼女のお尻はマシンで完璧なリズムで腹を立て始める。彼女は喜びで彼女のclitをこすりながら、それはバブルの完璧に跳ね、彼女の猫の兼drips。彼女は息を呑んで崩壊し、彼女は元に戻ってきて、クソのマシンの力に彼女のタイトな小さなお尻を提供します。それから、Lyraは彼女のお尻に犯されて、周りのマイルから聞こえる楽しい叫び声を聞かせます。喜びは止まらないように見え、彼女は彼女のお尻に前後にディルドを向ける。そして、恍惚とした至福の最後の瞬間に、彼女は叫び、彼女の体のすべてが酔っぱらいの情熱の中で震える。彼女は満足して笑った。リラ法律は彼女が渇望していたことをファックしました!!

Lyra Law に 'セクシーなブロンドのMistresはロープのボンデージと苦しみに提出'

Lyra Law - セクシーなブロンドのMistresはロープのボンデージと苦しみに提出


Daisy Ducati に 'Breaks in New Electroslut'

Daisy Ducati - Breaks in New Electroslut


Nikki Delano に '大きなおっぱい対長い致死的な脚'

Nikki Delano - 大きなおっぱい対長い致死的な脚

Nikki Delanoはレスリングバービー人形のようなものです。彼女は、大きなおっぱい、大きなお尻とかわいい小さなオマンコとかわいい小柄なブロンドです。デイジードゥカティはポルノのスーパーモデルです。彼女は背が高く、長く、痩せていて、脚は致命的です。ニッキーがデイジーの足についてしまったら、ニッキー・デラノの提出都市です。ニッキーはぎっしりとした小さな女の子です。彼女は勝つために必要なことをやります。ニッキーはデイジードゥカティとの100%競争力のあるエッチなレスリングで全員出て行くように失うことを嫌う。勝者は敗者の上に座り、女王のように彼女を運びます。敗者は壁に殴られ、強力な優勝者のストラップで残酷に犯される。勝者は完全に支配的であり、相手を彼女の雌犬にする

Daisy Ducati に '貧しい赤い頭が縛られ、尻を奪われて失われた'

Daisy Ducati - 貧しい赤い頭が縛られ、尻を奪われて失われた

Alexa NovaはDaisy Ducatiに対してチャンスを与えていない。デイジーは恐怖の上にあり、レスラーは何もないように走っています。デイジーはマット上の相手から多くのオルガズムを奪うこともできましたが、今日も変わりません。デイジーは貧しい小さなAlexaを破壊する。彼女は彼女を抱きしめて、3ラウンドの間絶えず指をつけ、マットの上に彼女のザーメンを作る。その後、彼女はAlexaを結び付け、AlexaのAsshole Gapesまで猫とお尻のストラップで彼女を弄ぶ。

Missy Martinez に '新しいElectroslutの爆弾が衝撃を受ける!'

Missy Martinez - 新しいElectroslutの爆弾が衝撃を受ける!


Jet Setting Jasmine に 'マットの上のオルガスムはレスラーを苦しめます。彼女は続けることができない'

Jet Setting Jasmine - マットの上のオルガスムはレスラーを苦しめます。彼女は続けることができない

ジェット設定ジャスミンは今日何が彼女に来ていたのか分からなかった。彼女はDaisy Ducatiを連れて行って、彼女は角質のデイジーが彼女を作る方法について準備ができていませんでした。デイジーはこの戦闘機に執拗です。ジャスミンは、彼女が腹を立てている間に妊娠していないことすべてを与えるが、彼女の猫は彼女の最高を得て、彼女がザーメンをするとき、彼女は激しくザーメンをする。ペニー・バーバーはレフとして歩み寄り、ジャスミンからアルティメット・サレンダーへ、小さな角質のオーガズムのルーキーに良いオールド・ファッション・タグ・チームを迎え入れる。

Lyra Law に '私のいたずらないとこ'

Lyra Law - 私のいたずらないとこ

美しいときに、ライラ法律になる貞淑な花嫁は、結婚式の招待状を拾うために家を出る彼女の訪問するステップのいとこクロエチェリーは、彼女の婚約者のスティーブホームズ巨大な、ハードコックの彼女のたるみ屋を維持することはできません。 LyraはChloeが縛られ、新しく犯されたことを発見するために戻る。何が起こるか見てみましょう。 2人のブロンドのクリーム色の肌のかわいい女達は、タイトに縛られ、鞭打ち、深い喉の吹き飛びの仕事、猫のファック、ハードコアの肛門などで提出されます!リラと彼女のすそのいとこは、スティーブの激しい雄鶏を十分に得ることができません!

Daisy Ducati に '私の争い、スレーブボーイに溺れた!'

Daisy Ducati - 私の争い、スレーブボーイに溺れた!


Aiden Starr に 'スヌーピングOffice Slutが犯される!'

Aiden Starr - スヌーピングOffice Slutが犯される!


Daisy Ducati に 'ベラ・ロッシ、熱いフェムメデュカティに挑戦'

Daisy Ducati - ベラ・ロッシ、熱いフェムメデュカティに挑戦

Bella Rossiが縛られて熱いレズビアンの苦悩の準備ができているElectro-Goddess Daisy Ducatiのダンジョンへようこそ!ベラは、叫び、バイオリンの激しい感覚に挑戦したいと望んでいます。ザッパル、ジッパー、深い電撃ディルドー、電気猫を舐める前に、彼女の愛人は顔を汚して欲しいと願っています。デイジーは、ベラを執拗に弄ぶと、彼女の豪華な女の深いリリースと無数の激しい衝撃的なオルガスムを与えます。

Bella Rossi に 'エリートレスラーが私たちにショーを与えます。 1人のレスラーが性的に破壊されています'

Bella Rossi - エリートレスラーが私たちにショーを与えます。 1人のレスラーが性的に破壊されています


Ingrid Mouth に 'Dyke Bar 5:新しい女の子は、殴られ、鞭打ちを受け、ストラップでDPをした!'

Ingrid Mouth - Dyke Bar 5:新しい女の子は、殴られ、鞭打ちを受け、ストラップでDPをした!

Dyke Barのレギュラーは、スパニッシング、フロギング、ジッパー、ストラップオンDPを含む何時間もの間のセナニガンのためにトイレをIngrid Mouthtに出迎えてくれます!

Daisy Ducati に '究極の妊娠セッション'

Daisy Ducati - 究極の妊娠セッション


Daisy Ducati に 'ホットエレクトリックセックスおもちゃ:レズビアン・スリウト・バウンド、ショッキング、そしてファック!'

Daisy Ducati - ホットエレクトリックセックスおもちゃ:レズビアン・スリウト・バウンド、ショッキング、そしてファック!


Daisy Ducati に '残忍な握りとはさみでエッチ競争'

Daisy Ducati - 残忍な握りとはさみでエッチ競争


Lyra Law に 'ピアニスト'

Lyra Law - ピアニスト

Lyra LawはDerrick PierceのUptown Loungeで働くセクシーなピアニストですが、Lyraは彼女の契約から新しい賑やかなダウンタウンシーンへと望みます。デリックは彼女を去らせようとしていません - 実際には彼はアンティを上げ、ボラージュ、BDSM、ハードコアのアナルセックスの旋風のツアーでライラを連れて、彼女と一緒にいることを納得させます。レイラ・ローはデリックへの提出で超セクシーで美しいですこの映画の中で。これは、エレガントな女性が犯され、夕方のロープ、荒い肛門、ギャグ、抵抗、優位性、そして最高の状態での提出のためにデリックの性奴隷に変身した話です。

Daisy Ducati に 'レスラーはマットの上で完全に破壊され、拳を握られ、お尻で犯される'

Daisy Ducati - レスラーはマットの上で完全に破壊され、拳を握られ、お尻で犯される


Ingrid Mouth に 'オルガズムを吹き飛ばす恐ろしいボンデージに苦しむ2人のスラット'

Ingrid Mouth - オルガズムを吹き飛ばす恐ろしいボンデージに苦しむ2人のスラット


Daisy Ducati に '2つの黒檀の女神は競争力のあるセックスファイトで戦う'

Daisy Ducati - 2つの黒檀の女神は競争力のあるセックスファイトで戦う


Daisy Ducati に 'バウンド、ファック、レズビアンエレクトロフィスト!'

Daisy Ducati - バウンド、ファック、レズビアンエレクトロフィスト!

ElectrosexフェティシストLilith Luxeは、苦痛、痛み、複数のオルガスムのために、熱狂的なエレクトロスラットデイジードゥカティに提出します!この高エネルギーの出会いには、束縛、ザッパ、電柱付き電柱、有線肛門フック、猫の舐め、指差し、叙事詩のフィッシングが含まれます!

Mia Li に '夏の復讐デイジードゥカティとミア李誰かのcumsまで戦う'

Mia Li - 夏の復讐デイジードゥカティとミア李誰かのcumsまで戦う


Arabelle Raphael に 'アラベル・ラファエルのアナル・トランスレーニング'

Arabelle Raphael - アラベル・ラファエルのアナル・トランスレーニング

Arabelle Raphaelには、彼女のお尻と一緒に選ぶ骨があります。彼女は肛門の極端に彼女のお尻を取ることになると、ビジネスを意味します。今のところ、彼はお尻が協力していないし、彼女はそれを忘却にぶち込ませるために草原の道に彼女のお尻を取っている。彼女はカリスマモンゴメリとデイジードゥカティが彼女の残念なお尻につまずいているように彼女は電話ブースで彼女のお尻をハードと高速にファック。彼らはアラベールが彼女のお尻を適切に打ち負かすのを助けると決心します。アラベールは尻を抱き、舌を犯して彼女に適切なウォームアップを与えた。デイジーはカリッサにアラベールと一緒に彼女の肛門のスキルを発揮するように頼むので、アラベルの改善を判断する基準がある。 CarissaとArabelleはギャプの競争をしています。そして、彼らはストラップで激しくセックスされています。それぞれが交互に口に口を出し、もう一方は口で犯される。最後に、アラベールは尻に拳を取ろうとしなければならないが、キャッチをする。デイジーが自分の拳を自分のお尻にする前に、彼女はお尻の拳を取らなければならない。拳闘競技が始まります。敗者、または拳を取ることができない少女は、彼女が正しく尻を握るまで電話ブースに連鎖しています。

Daisy Ducati に 'オルガスムを怒らせる、リアルレスリング、最高級のセックスで戦う'

Daisy Ducati - オルガスムを怒らせる、リアルレスリング、最高級のセックスで戦う

デイジー・ドゥカティとリリス・ラックスは、アニー・クルーズとサバンナ・フォックスを迎えます。 Annie Cruzは何年もの間、タグマッチをしていない。彼女はドゥカティのチームの2人の長くて痩せた女の子達に取るべきことを持っていますか?これはネイルビッティングマッチです。アクションは前後しており、試合の最後の1秒で1チームがリードを奪う。敗者は、 "最大の敗者セクシーな戦い"でお尻のファックをする必要があります。敗者は窒息、髪の引っ張り、巨大なストラップオン、フェラチオ、オーガズムを吐くことで激しくセックスされます

Mimosa に '究極のElectroslut:デイジードゥカティはショックを受け、anally electrosexed!'

Mimosa - 究極のElectroslut:デイジードゥカティはショックを受け、anally electrosexed!


Mia Li に 'デイジードゥカティは新鮮なアースミーを注文する'

Mia Li - デイジードゥカティは新鮮なアースミーを注文する

デイジードゥカティは仕事で長い一日を過ごして帰ってきました。彼女は「To Do List」にもう1つのアイテムを持っていることがわかりました。彼女は夕方にお尻の肉を注文しなければなりません。それは良いにおい、良い味、良い見た目、激しい打撃と軟化を取ることができるようにする必要があります。彼女のお尻の肉が到着したら、デイジードゥカティは、彼女が嗅覚、試食、そして叩いているだけで、彼女が望むものであることを確かめます。お尻の肉は、精液の遊び、ストラップオン、そしてフルガードで開いたままにするためにそこに出入りする沢山のおもちゃで、その完全な可能性まで引き伸ばされています。 e。

Veruca James に 'Submits!'

Veruca James - Submits!


Rizzo Ford に 'Eager Electroslut:バウンド、ショック、フィスト!'

Rizzo Ford - Eager Electroslut:バウンド、ショック、フィスト!

数ヶ月待って、eage electroslut Rizzo FordはついにエレクトロクイーンDaisy Ducatiに提出する機会を得ました!彼女はサスペンションボンデージ、電子スティッキースティッキーパッド、電撃ディルド、バイオレットワンド、電気拳銃、プッシー舐め、強烈なレズビアンのオルガスムを堪能しながら、Rizzoの喜びと痛みの悲鳴をお楽しみください!

Daisy Ducati に 'メディカルプレイ101'

Daisy Ducati - メディカルプレイ101


Daisy Ducati に 'ビッグレッド、尻ファック、ノンストップ潮吹きで伸びたプッシー!!'

Daisy Ducati - ビッグレッド、尻ファック、ノンストップ潮吹きで伸びたプッシー!!


Dresden に 'Electroslut Next Door'

Dresden - Electroslut Next Door


Daisy Ducati に 'ダイク・バー2:ホット・ホーニー・レズビアンのLorelei Lee Devourred!'

Daisy Ducati - ダイク・バー2:ホット・ホーニー・レズビアンのLorelei Lee Devourred!

飽くなき時を過ごした熱いパトロンと変態的なバーテンダー女優のカラが変態レズビアンのセナニガンを誘惑する雄大なダイクバーに戻ってようこそ。 2つの美しいブロンド、Loreiei LeeとCherry Tornが角を曲げている間、Karaは通常の顧客Daisy Ducatiと共謀して行動に取り掛かります。カラとデイジーは、ロリィを誘惑してエロチックな屈辱、殴打、鞭打ち、指差し、拳銃、オルガスムコントロール、猫の舐め、顔面騎乗、猫とアナルストラップオン、 DPと無数の強烈なオーガズムを皆のために!

Daisy Ducati に 'いいえホールド禁止:デイジードゥカティショックと性交レズビアンの痛みのばかだ!'

Daisy Ducati - いいえホールド禁止:デイジードゥカティショックと性交レズビアンの痛みのばかだ!

フレキシブルなプレーンスリットLondon Riverは、ボンデージ、フィンガー・バンギング、エレクトリック・ディルドとバット・プラグ、テイザー、牛prods、顔の座り、オルガンのトンで満たされた、

Lyra Law に '奴隷のガンビット'

Lyra Law - 奴隷のガンビット

Masterがカードを奪うと、Lyra Louvelの奴隷は負債を支払う。 Lyraが束縛と荒いセックスで彼女のマスターの借金を支払うときセスギャンブルは、ハードコアアクションを収集します。

Daisy Ducati に 'レズビアンのエレクトロニック・アーツ・アスレチック・ミルク!'

Daisy Ducati - レズビアンのエレクトロニック・アーツ・アスレチック・ミルク!


Daisy Ducati に 'レズビアンの電気痛みを吐く!'

Daisy Ducati - レズビアンの電気痛みを吐く!

デイジー・ドゥカティは、電撃犯罪、ザッパ、十数個のスティッキーパッド、電気尻のプラグと電化ディルドのファックで、怒りの痛みを抱えるVivi Marieを彼女の限界まで追いやります!

Daisy Ducati に 'テーブルを回転させる'

Daisy Ducati - テーブルを回転させる


Daisy Ducati に 'デイジードゥカティ:ザキャンプドレス'

Daisy Ducati - デイジードゥカティ:ザキャンプドレス


Daisy Ducati に 'ベルによって保存されません。ブザーの後に敗者はオルガズムに指されている'

Daisy Ducati - ベルによって保存されません。ブザーの後に敗者はオルガズムに指されている


Daisy Ducati に '噴水コレクター:デイジードゥカティが科学を求めている!'

Daisy Ducati - 噴水コレクター:デイジードゥカティが科学を求めている!


Mistress Kara に 'ダイク・バー:オール・ガール・ギャングバン!'

Mistress Kara - ダイク・バー:オール・ガール・ギャングバン!


Daisy Ducati に 'vs Frist Timer Arabelle Rafael'

Daisy Ducati - vs Frist Timer Arabelle Rafael


Daisy Ducati に 'ポルノスターセックスハッキングと秘密のトリック'

Daisy Ducati - ポルノスターセックスハッキングと秘密のトリック


Dylan Ryan に 'エレクトーンスクワットフェスト!'

Dylan Ryan - エレクトーンスクワットフェスト!


Daisy Ducati に '無力なおっぱい苦しんで巨大な潮吹きオーガズム!!'

Daisy Ducati - 無力なおっぱい苦しんで巨大な潮吹きオーガズム!!


Daisy Ducati に '獣の目覚め:デイジードゥカティはデーモンクリームパイでいっぱい!'

Daisy Ducati - 獣の目覚め:デイジードゥカティはデーモンクリームパイでいっぱい!


Savannah Fox に 'ルーキーカップチャンピオンズがチームを勝ち負けに導く'

Savannah Fox - ルーキーカップチャンピオンズがチームを勝ち負けに導く

2人のルーキーカップチャンピオンがタグチームキャプテンとして出会い、2人の最優秀新人シーズン12人を獲得しました。Daisy Ducatiリサティファンとのチームキャプテンとしてのコーチ。これらの2人のカーメルの女の子は、サバンナ・フォックスとエンジェル・オールウッドを取る。これは酷く近いタグマッチです。これらの女の子たちは、すべてそれをラインに置いています。敗者は「最大の敗者」のセックスの戦いでお互いに対抗する。お互いにファックしていた敗者たちは、最初に来る者は、敗者や最大の敗者の間で弱いつながりと敗者とみなされます。両方の敗者は懸命にセックスされ、ライブの聴衆の前で屈辱を受け、その後拳打ちして恥ずかしくて残した。

Savannah Fox に 'ルーキーカップシーズン11チャンピオンシーズン12 RCチャンピオンにかかる'

Savannah Fox - ルーキーカップシーズン11チャンピオンシーズン12 RCチャンピオンにかかる

デイジー・ドゥカティはシーズン11の印象的なルーキーだった。彼女はチャンピオンを究極のサレンダーで彼女の最初のシーズンを離れた。今日彼女はSeason12スターのルーキー、Savanna Foxに就いています。サバンナは、デイジーが彼女の足を結び目に結びつけ、指がマットの上で彼女と性交すると約束します。デイジーは間違いなくサバンナに対して彼女の足を使用しようとしますが、サバンナは彼女自身のいくつかのレギーの動きがあります。これは刺激的な前後のマッチです。レスリングレスラーがブザーで止まらない。彼女は試合の終了後に彼女の指で彼女の指を保持し、彼女の相手をカンフー!チャンプは屈辱と拳です!

Daisy Ducati に 'デイジーの復讐:ニッキーダーリンはショックを受け、アナルにストラップで犯された!'

Daisy Ducati - デイジーの復讐:ニッキーダーリンはショックを受け、アナルにストラップで犯された!

Electroslutsの上に、Nikki Darlingは彼女の友人であるDaisy Ducatiを売って、自分の隠れ家を捨てました。今、彼女の悪意のある電気ツール(彼女は素敵な名前、カルマ、復讐、復讐)を彼女の背骨を痛めている友人に使っています!電撃犯罪、スティックファック、ザッピング、侍、紫のワンド、顔の座り、紫のワンド、熱い肛門ストラップで犯された最新情報をお楽しみください!

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe に 'Bitch Better Lick My Honey、パート2'

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe - Bitch Better Lick My Honey、パート2

Daisy DucatiがMaitresse Madeline MarloweとMiss Lorelei Leeを呼び出して、この飽き飽きした角質の女の熱い支配を助けるために、郊外の主婦Holly Heartの変態レズビアンのセックスの夢が続きます。トリオは、スパンキング、鞭打ち、プッシー、アナルストラップオン、レズビアンのDPを集め、無限の顔を座っているオルガズムと熱狂的なオマンコの顔を座ったり、猫を舐めたりする!

Penny Barber に 'Team TarrasqueとTeam Grapplerがシーズン12の試合に出かけます'

Penny Barber - Team TarrasqueとTeam Grapplerがシーズン12の試合に出かけます

これらのチームキャプテンはずっとずっとそれを続けてきました。今シーズン前戦となった。 1つのチームがポイントを獲得するとすぐに、他のチームは後ろから詰まり、ギャップを閉じる。今日、グラップラーは300ポイント以下のリードで来ます。 Tarrasqueには今夜チームに強い選手がいて、勝利を得てDarlingにギャングバングを与えたいと思っています.Round 1はMona Wale、Team TarrasqueのMia LiはDaisy DucatiとJulietter MarchをTeam GrppplerRound 2に連れてリサですティファニーとヤスミンはチームタラスクのためにホーリーハートとエンジェルオールウッドを取ってチームグラップラーラウンド3はペニーバーバーとシャイアンジュエルチームタラスクとダーリンとアイザマーチームグラップラーラウンド4は負けるチームの残忍な強打です。ファックドハード、人間のディルドに変身して勝者を兼ねさせる。負けた大尉のための突然の彼女のチームが彼女に変わり、ギャングは彼女を強打する。彼女のチームからの激しいフィッシング!

Daisy Ducati に 'Bitch Better Lick My Honey、パート1'

Daisy Ducati - Bitch Better Lick My Honey、パート1


Daisy Ducati に 'リアルライフエレクトロセックス:Daisy Ducati vs. Jessica Creepshow'

Daisy Ducati - リアルライフエレクトロセックス:Daisy Ducati vs. Jessica Creepshow

実生活のパートナーDaisy DucatiとJessica Creepshowは、喜び、痛み、複数のオルガスムで満たされた極上のセックスシーンに誘います!このペアは、くすぐり、窮地の縛り、電気缶詰、紫色のワンド、顔の座っている、猫の舐め、衝撃的な乳首クランプ、ワイヤー付きの尻栓、電撃振動ディルドで楽しめます!

Penny Barber に 'ダーリンは前回の2対2のタグマッチでペニーを引きます'

Penny Barber - ダーリンは前回の2対2のタグマッチでペニーを引きます


Daisy Ducati に '残忍なレスリングピン、勝者の拳は拷問ラックで敗者'

Daisy Ducati - 残忍なレスリングピン、勝者の拳は拷問ラックで敗者

デイジー・ドゥカティはサマー・ヴェンジェンスで8位にランクインしています。 Izamar Gutierrezは3位です。これらの女の子たちはすべてピンインして、提出し、コントロールし、互いに支配する。これらの女の子たちが敵の体力に支配されている間に苦しみを感じる音は、この試合の最もホットなものの一つです。ブザーが鳴ったら、レスラー1人がOOTMを取得しようとし続けます。敗者は拷問ラックに持ち込まれて拳銃

Mona Wales に '尋問2:エレクトロ・セックス・スレーブが罰せられた'

Mona Wales - 尋問2:エレクトロ・セックス・スレーブが罰せられた


Daisy Ducati に 'ミイラ化ボンデージプレイ'

Daisy Ducati - ミイラ化ボンデージプレイ


Daisy Ducati に '残忍なボンデージにおけるノンストップ潮吹き、拳銃と苦痛'

Daisy Ducati - 残忍なボンデージにおけるノンストップ潮吹き、拳銃と苦痛


Mona Wales に 'エクストリーム競争エロチックレスリングトーナメントでチャンピオン対チャンピオン'

Mona Wales - エクストリーム競争エロチックレスリングトーナメントでチャンピオン対チャンピオン


Daisy Ducati に 'タフなお尻とエレクトロクイーン'

Daisy Ducati - タフなお尻とエレクトロクイーン


Daisy Ducati に '尋問:電気苦痛と性的服従'

Daisy Ducati - 尋問:電気苦痛と性的服従

Siouxsie Qは、女神デイジードゥカティを二倍にすることを敢行しましたか? zapper、taser、violet wandを使用して、激しい尋問シーンで展開します! Siouxsieがe-stimパッド、電化されたディルドおよび二重浸透を含む多数のデイジーの電気拷問装置に提出することによって彼女の忠誠を証明することを見てください!

Daisy Ducati に 'ホーリーファッキングスクワイター!!!'

Daisy Ducati - ホーリーファッキングスクワイター!!!


Daisy Ducati に 'Electro Sex Clinic:レズビアンのオルガスムを通してヒステリーを治す!'

Daisy Ducati - Electro Sex Clinic:レズビアンのオルガスムを通してヒステリーを治す!

患者17652、Amarna Millerは、現代の女性の心理的苦痛から救済するために、デイジー・ドゥカティ博士の非日常的なセックストリートメントを求めています。アマルナの治療には次のものが含まれます:1)膣の電極、バイオレットワンドのボディプレート、電撃ウォーテンベルクのホイールで精神障壁を壊す、ストレートジャケットサスペンションに固定します.2)産業用バイブレータ、ショックデバイス、電化ディルドでオルガスムレスポンスを再プログラミングします。 )エレクトリックレズビアンのコンバージョンセラピー(顔を座って、指で叩いて、バイブレーターで電化したオルガズムを共有する)

Andre Shakti に 'Team Tarrasque対Team Grappler eps。 3'

Andre Shakti - Team Tarrasque対Team Grappler eps。 3


Daisy Ducati に 'スリー・ザ・ハード・ウェイ'

Daisy Ducati - スリー・ザ・ハード・ウェイ


Daisy Ducati に 'ニーナ・ハートレーがギャプを訓練する'

Daisy Ducati - ニーナ・ハートレーがギャプを訓練する

今週の4月のアナルオーディション週間の2回目のアップデートへようこそ。今日私たちはDaisy DucatiとMona Walesを連れて、Nina Hartleyに仕掛けられました。デイジーとモナは肛門の経験が限られていて、かつては映画で敵をやったことはない。彼らは本当にギャプをする方法を学びたいと思っていますし、メンバー全員がギャプを起こすために自分自身を押しつけようとしています。モナウェールズは、彼女のお尻に拳を取ることに決めました。彼女は本当にキンクとEBメンバーのために彼女の底を押しています。

Daisy Ducati に 'ケージのラットのように'

Daisy Ducati - ケージのラットのように


Roxanne Rae に 'Submits to Latex Clad Electrosex Goddess Daisy Ducati'

Roxanne Rae - Submits to Latex Clad Electrosex Goddess Daisy Ducati

遊び心とサディスティックのあいだに挑むデイジー・ドゥカティは、新しいおもちゃと感動を愛らしい新エレクトロスラットRoxanne Raeに紹介します。デイジーが紫色のワンドのボディープレートを使用して、ぎこちない予想で待っているロキサンを驚かせて驚かせるような喜びをお楽しみください。彼女の太ももの筋肉を鼓動させる数十単位へのロキサンの真の反応と、彼女のおなかの鼓動を作るエレクトロの欲望の卵をお楽しみください。アルミ電化されたディルドと、有線乳首クランプからインスパイアされた喜びの痛みから呼び出された強烈な複数のオルガスムを味わってください。そして、ロザンヌの紫色の杖で誘発された叫び声は、デイジーの濡れた淫らな女に襲われ、彼女のハードレズビアンのストラップを犯してしまいます。

Jodi Taylor に 'ヤング・スラットは公然のヌードの市で満開になる'

Jodi Taylor - ヤング・スラットは公然のヌードの市で満開になる


Daisy Ducati に '脚のシザー・ヘル'

Daisy Ducati - 脚のシザー・ヘル


Darling に 'チームグラップラー、シーズン12の最初のタグを打つチームTarrasqueに会う'

Darling - チームグラップラー、シーズン12の最初のタグを打つチームTarrasqueに会う


Sovereign Syre に '罰のために乞う'

Sovereign Syre - 罰のために乞う


Mona Wales に '初めてのレズビアン!肛門の電気と潮吹き!'

Mona Wales - 初めてのレズビアン!肛門の電気と潮吹き!


Sheena Ryder に 'クリスマス・スラット・テイクダウン!'

Sheena Ryder - クリスマス・スラット・テイクダウン!

シエナはクリスマスレッスンを学ぶ:エレクトロ処罰、レズビアン・ストラップ・オン、プッシー・ラッキング、ザッパ、バイオレット・ワンド、ELECTRO ANAL&ELECTRO DOUBLE PENETRATION

Bella Rossi に 'タグ・チーム・フィアンル・チーム・クイーンは試合に激しい不利な立場にある'

Bella Rossi - タグ・チーム・フィアンル・チーム・クイーンは試合に激しい不利な立場にある


Daisy Ducati に 'ケージの鳥'

Daisy Ducati - ケージの鳥


Cheyenne Jewel に 'ルーキーカップチャンピオン、ラングラーチームキャプテン'

Cheyenne Jewel - ルーキーカップチャンピオン、ラングラーチームキャプテン


Daisy Ducati に '客観化のためのロープボンデージ - ニッキー・ニフェリウスと'

Daisy Ducati - 客観化のためのロープボンデージ - ニッキー・ニフェリウスと


Daisy Ducati に '医療の騒乱!フレキシブルな痛みの娼婦が医者を演じる'

Daisy Ducati - 医療の騒乱!フレキシブルな痛みの娼婦が医者を演じる


Daisy Ducati に '出生女神の帰還'

Daisy Ducati - 出生女神の帰還


Daisy Ducati に 'チームクイーンはチームラングラーを迎えます。スターレスラーがショーを盗む'

Daisy Ducati - チームクイーンはチームラングラーを迎えます。スターレスラーがショーを盗む


Daisy Ducati に '極端な拳、潮吹き、スーパーベンディーストリッパーの二重貫通'

Daisy Ducati - 極端な拳、潮吹き、スーパーベンディーストリッパーの二重貫通

ゲージは結婚した男の歩行ですが、彼の誓いを述べる前に、彼の親友トミーピストルは自分の誓いを立てました。トミーはゲージに自分の人生の夜を与えるつもりです。 Tommyはストリッパーを雇っていますが、Gageが知っていることはほとんどありません。これは普通のストリッパーではありません。それは叙事詩デイジー・ドゥカティです。彼女はポールばかりではありません!大まかなセックス、喉のクソ、窒息、屈辱、肛門の痛み、DP、ダブルバグ、フィッシング、潮吹き、ぶっかけ!結婚の制度は私たちには何もありません。

Daisy Ducati に '夏の復讐非常に競争力のある性的なレスリングのマッチ'

Daisy Ducati - 夏の復讐非常に競争力のある性的なレスリングのマッチ


Daisy Ducati に 'チームラングラー対チームクイーン'

Daisy Ducati - チームラングラー対チームクイーン

リベンジは5本の指で最高の料理です。 Izamarはレスリング中に拳を立てるために行く、デイジーはそれを皿に戻す

Daisy Ducati に '2潮吹きの痛み'

Daisy Ducati - 2潮吹きの痛み


Daisy Ducati に 'ボンデージファックおもちゃ:デイジードゥカティ'

Daisy Ducati - ボンデージファックおもちゃ:デイジードゥカティ


Bella Rossi に 'メイヘムタグチーム'

Bella Rossi - メイヘムタグチーム


Cherry Torn に '前立腺搾乳の秘密擬態学会'

Cherry Torn - 前立腺搾乳の秘密擬態学会


Mia Li に '2人のベストルーキーが決勝で出会う。第4ラウンドでオーガズムを吐く'

Mia Li - 2人のベストルーキーが決勝で出会う。第4ラウンドでオーガズムを吐く


Daisy Ducati に '彼女が望むのは、私たちのエイリアンヘッドシビアンに乗ることです - どうすればいいですか?'

Daisy Ducati - 彼女が望むのは、私たちのエイリアンヘッドシビアンに乗ることです - どうすればいいですか?


Daisy Ducati に 'トップルーキーの2人が今日それを手に入れよう。穴がない'

Daisy Ducati - トップルーキーの2人が今日それを手に入れよう。穴がない


Daisy Ducati に '奉仕の中での献身的な応募'

Daisy Ducati - 奉仕の中での献身的な応募


Daisy Ducati に 'ミッションにROUND 5の行進狂気の提出。エラノヴァ対エリザベスソーン'

Daisy Ducati - ミッションにROUND 5の行進狂気の提出。エラノヴァ対エリザベスソーン


Daisy Ducati に 'ラウンド4チームのキャプテンは、最も激しいレスリングの試合で直面する'

Daisy Ducati - ラウンド4チームのキャプテンは、最も激しいレスリングの試合で直面する


Daisy Ducati に 'ジュリエット・マーチ、ヤング・ホット・ルーキー、セックスラストリング・スタイル'

Daisy Ducati - ジュリエット・マーチ、ヤング・ホット・ルーキー、セックスラストリング・スタイル


Daisy Ducati に 'セクシーデイジードゥカティはミッションで性的服従の1ラウンドのためにリリーンレイに乗る'

Daisy Ducati - セクシーデイジードゥカティはミッションで性的服従の1ラウンドのためにリリーンレイに乗る

セクシーデイジードゥカティはミッションで性的提出の一ラウンドのためにリリーンレイに乗ります。 2人の残忍な女の子がマットでセックスをする

Daisy Ducati に '3月の狂気:ミッションラウンド1での性的服従'

Daisy Ducati - 3月の狂気:ミッションラウンド1での性的服従

マットの新しい顔は新しいトリックを意味します。 Sasha Princess BanksはMona Walesを取る.....成果は皆を吹き飛ばす!

Juliette March に '犬小屋'

Juliette March - 犬小屋


Bella Rossi に 'March Madnessタグチーム。 Team Annihilator vs Team Doomsday'

Bella Rossi - March Madnessタグチーム。 Team Annihilator vs Team Doomsday


Syren de Mer に '服従のための肛門の処罰'

Syren de Mer - 服従のための肛門の処罰


Daisy Ducati に 'Team Doomsday、チームビーストに近づく'

Daisy Ducati - Team Doomsday、チームビーストに近づく


Mona Wales に '究極の投稿。ルーキーは痛みを抱き、何度も何度も何度も何度'

Mona Wales - 究極の投稿。ルーキーは痛みを抱き、何度も何度も何度も何度


Daisy Ducati に 'ニッキーダーリン対デイジードゥカティライブショーパート2!'

Daisy Ducati - ニッキーダーリン対デイジードゥカティライブショーパート2!


Daisy Ducati に 'デイジーとニッキー - ライブElectrosexコンペティション!!パート1'

Daisy Ducati - デイジーとニッキー - ライブElectrosexコンペティション!!パート1


Daisy Ducati に 'Izamar deflower Daisyできますか?性的管理のために2人の強力なレスラーが戦う'

Daisy Ducati - Izamar deflower Daisyできますか?性的管理のために2人の強力なレスラーが戦う


Daisy Ducati に '医療遊びのためのフェチと熱い若いスクワット'

Daisy Ducati - 医療遊びのためのフェチと熱い若いスクワット


Daisy Ducati に 'アナルトレーニングミスデイジー、2日目'

Daisy Ducati - アナルトレーニングミスデイジー、2日目


Daisy Ducati に '2人のフィット・ベイビーがマットの性的覇権のために戦う。 1人のCUMSが難しい!'

Daisy Ducati - 2人のフィット・ベイビーがマットの性的覇権のために戦う。 1人のCUMSが難しい!


Daisy Ducati に 'アナルトレーニングミスデイジー、1日目'

Daisy Ducati - アナルトレーニングミスデイジー、1日目


Maitresse Madeline に 'ソールのための魂:足の礼拝ハロウィーンスペシャル'

Maitresse Madeline - ソールのための魂:足の礼拝ハロウィーンスペシャル


Daisy Ducati に 'ドゥカティに乗る'

Daisy Ducati - ドゥカティに乗る


Daisy Ducati に '残忍なロープボンデージの初心者初心者!!'

Daisy Ducati - 残忍なロープボンデージの初心者初心者!!


Daisy Ducati に 'Petitions to Serve the House, and Anal Slut Zoey Monroe Gets Fucked in the Ass'

Daisy Ducati - Petitions to Serve the House, and Anal Slut Zoey Monroe Gets Fucked in the Ass


Daisy Ducati に 'ディスプレイ上のいたずら'

Daisy Ducati - ディスプレイ上のいたずら


Daisy Ducati に 'スパイダー・ウェブ・オブ・マシン、乳房ブレス・プレイ乳首クランプと大手術'

Daisy Ducati - スパイダー・ウェブ・オブ・マシン、乳房ブレス・プレイ乳首クランプと大手術

セクシーで背の高い、濃い肌のデイジードゥカティは、ザーメンとお尻のおもちゃを使ってザーメンをしています。彼女はキャタピラーを取る - 彼女の腕よりも厚い10インチの獣のコック!

Penny Barber に 'ラウンド1-4タグ・チーム・フィナーレ。レスリングラウンドと12人の女の子ファックフェスト'

Penny Barber - ラウンド1-4タグ・チーム・フィナーレ。レスリングラウンドと12人の女の子ファックフェスト


Penny Barber に 'Jayogenは米国デビューを行う'

Penny Barber - Jayogenは米国デビューを行う


Aiden Starr に 'デイジー・ドゥカティのイニシアチブ:試練と恐怖の恐怖'

Aiden Starr - デイジー・ドゥカティのイニシアチブ:試練と恐怖の恐怖

デイジーは遊びたい彼女は彼女がAiden Starrによってテストされるときに鞭打ちの彼女の恐怖を克服することによってそれを証明する。ストラップ、拳、ホットワックス、ロープ、鞭打ち

Penny Barber に '第2ラウンドのタグフィナーレ。ダーリンとベラ対デイジードゥカティとペニー'

Penny Barber - 第2ラウンドのタグフィナーレ。ダーリンとベラ対デイジードゥカティとペニー


Penny Barber に 'タグチームフィナーレラウンド1ベラワイルドとベレッタ対ソフィアフィオーレとセレナ'

Penny Barber - タグチームフィナーレラウンド1ベラワイルドとベレッタ対ソフィアフィオーレとセレナ

悪い尻ソフィアフィオーレは失うことを拒否!彼女はBerrettaとBella Wildeを同時に奪取する。しかし、2人の小さな人は彼女に彼女のお金のための逃走を与える

Bella Rossi に '6月のタグマッチデイジードゥカティは素敵な温かい歓迎のファックを得る'

Bella Rossi - 6月のタグマッチデイジードゥカティは素敵な温かい歓迎のファックを得る


Bella Rossi に 'ラウンド3 6月のタグマッチベラロッシとイザマールはシャイアンとデイジーを虐待'

Bella Rossi - ラウンド3 6月のタグマッチベラロッシとイザマールはシャイアンとデイジーを虐待


Bella Rossi に 'IsamarがTeam Nightmare Tag Matchで2ラウンドを支配'

Bella Rossi - IsamarがTeam Nightmare Tag Matchで2ラウンドを支配


Bella Rossi に 'ドラゴン対ナイトメアラウンド1でのタグのマッチ'

Bella Rossi - ドラゴン対ナイトメアラウンド1でのタグのマッチ


他のサイトからの風景 Daisy Ducati,Lyra Law

Aubrey Gold に 'Lyra Louvel and Aubrey Gold - What's Next 2'

Aubrey Gold - Lyra Louvel and Aubrey Gold - What's Next 2

What started as a sweet massage for teen Aubrey, Lyra had a sneaky surprise bursting out of my pants. A simple towel blindfold led to my cock in both cute young birds sucking and tugging at my balls. As I fucked both pink tight holes they had their toys out for extra pussy action until I blasted my splatter all over their cute faces and tongues.

Lyra Law に 'Lyra Louve - She Likes it Hard'

Lyra Law - Lyra Louve - She Likes it Hard

Horny slut Lyra is ready for cock action this morning and needing it hard and rough. Having her wake me up in a t-shirt and soaked pink panties had my meat solid as a rock as she went down and sucked me good. All I could do was slide them to the side and start fucking that hot morning pussy as aggressive as she would take me. My best load came from her lying under my cock and balls while sucking me off till I shot ropes of cum across her chest.



Freshly home from Cheerleader Practice, that included lots of fucking, Lyra comes in to collect Step-Daddy?s Next, She is going to make sure his cock is hard so that he will be properly motivated to clean out her pussy. Next Thing Step-Daddy Knows, he is woken up with Lyra?s cunt SMASHED ONTO HIS FACE. He has to clean it, lick it and make it cum, just like he does with Step-Mommy. Intense hard work for Step-Daddy, He has to work even harder and use that tongue in her pussy and ass to get her off? Then maybe she will reciprocate.

Daisy Ducati に 'Jason Micheals vs Daisy Ducati'

Daisy Ducati - Jason Micheals vs Daisy Ducati

Daisy MUTHER FUCKING Ducati is back and ready for another one. She has had her fair share of wins and losses, she never backs down from a sex fight. Jason Michaels has also had his fair share of wins and losses. He?s looking to get on a winning streak. This match is incredibly close. Lots of back and forth action from start to finish. There is a beautiful display of grappling skill from both wrestlers. Each wrestler is able to tap the other and then they get their 20 seconds to do whatever they want. This match is a perfect mixture of athletes and sexual play. While this match IS close, one of these sex fighters does take the W. The winner fucks the loser good and hard. At the end, Daisy?s feet are the star of this video.



When ever Lyra?s Big Step-Brother gets a hard-on he is suppose to come and tell his Step-Sister, Lyra and they decide what to do with it. They enjoy hours of keeping him hard and on the edge of cumming, but not allowing his cock to blow. Step-Sister wears her Italian Leather glove and make him powerless, unable to cum. When he gets ready to explode she just takes a firm grip to his shaft and slaps his cock around. She gives naughty step-brother the most wickedly aggressive blow-job, so sloppy, so wet, all with her own slobber and spit (no lube is used only tons her own saliva). And when he starts to blow, Step-Sister caps his ejaculating cock with her gloves to control the explosion.?You will learn to keep that cum inside, for Me and . Hold it in. Don?t you dare Fucking Cum!!!?Unbelievable Aggressive Blow-job Hand-job Deep Throat Taboo Orgasm Control with Ruined Orgasm.

Daisy Ducati に 'Mean Wrestling Federation Presents: Daisy Ducati vs Fluffy'

Daisy Ducati - Mean Wrestling Federation Presents: Daisy Ducati vs Fluffy

Our newest Wrestler at the Mean Wrestling Federation is Daisy 'The Dream' Ducati. She has incredible raw power that allows her to lift fluffy in the air and toss him around like a ragdoll. With training in multiple martial arts, she knows a variety of submission holds. She's beautiful, mean, and sadistic, but this is Fluffy's third match here that MWF, so he has a few tricks up his sleeve. Pro wrestling fans and femdom fans will love this match!

Mistress Kara に 'Tournament: Semi-Finals 2 - Mistress Kara vs Daisy Ducati'

Mistress Kara - Tournament: Semi-Finals 2 - Mistress Kara vs Daisy Ducati

We are Back for the remainder of the Tournament with (hopefully) no more interruptions. We do have some sad news, Due to COVID-19, Victoria Voxxx has pulled out of the tournament. In her place, Miss Demeanor will take on Cheyenne Jewel. The winner of Kara vs Daisy will take on the winner of Cheyenne vs. Miss for the finals. So HERE WE GO. Semi-finals time with Kara and Daisy. Daisy has been calling Mistress Kara out for a long time and today she gets her wish. Everyone was shocked and amazed with Daisy beat long-time veteran, Dee Williams in her previous tournament match.Today, everyone is hoping for an upset with Daisy dominating Kara. Daisy uses a headlock that puts Kara into some trouble but Kara has some Lethal Legs of her own and she is able to tap out Daisy with Leg Scissors. Kara seems to have an advantage with submissions and pins but this is sex fighting folx, and Daisy has the record for most orgasms inflicted in a match. The winner face fucks the loser, Fucks her pussy, and then fucks her ass until it's gaping open. The loser should be ass fucked and this tournament match is done right.

Dee Williams に 'Tournament Round 1: Match 2 - Dee Williams vs Daisy Ducati'

Dee Williams - Tournament Round 1: Match 2 - Dee Williams vs Daisy Ducati

Welcome to the Fall Brawl tournament…in Spring. Tournaments are a major pain in the ass to run over the course of a month and even more of a pain in the ass when a pandemic comes along to ruin everyting. We only have the first leg of the tournament shot, This tournament is going to build much tension until we are allowe to resume shooting. For now, YOU all get to enjoy an amazing sex fight between Big Tittied MILF Dee Williams and the Lady with the record for most orgams inflicted on the mats, Daisy Ducati. Dee Williams has an undeniably miserable hand gag tactic that works well for her. Daisy Ducati has those lethal legs that can put any woman or man ( for that matter) into some trouble. This match is bitterly close and can go any way. It comes down to round 3, the girl who wants it the most takes the W and next week we do an Ode to the victor. Loser is humilated in more ways than one, mentally, physically, sexually.

Daisy Ducati に 'Destroys Super Model Rocky Emerson'

Daisy Ducati - Destroys Super Model Rocky Emerson

Daisy Ducati has a knack for ripping orgasms out of her opponent. Daisy likes to get her strong 'lethal legs' wrapped around her opponent so she can hold her down and dig her fingers into her pussy. It's a signature move Daisy has and it seems to work very very well. Rocky Emerson is a 6'3 tall tattooed goddess. She has some dangerous legs on her as well. Those long Gams seem to come from nowhere and Daisy has a hard time fighting them off. This match goes all three rounds after these two women fight hard to pin each other down and sexually have their way with their opponent. The winner takes no mercy on the loser. The Winner throws the loser on the ground, makes her give a wet sloppy blow job, and then fucks her mercilessly. The loser is made to cum over and over and over again. The Winner wants to cum as well so she uses the loser for her pleasure. She trib fucks the loser, rubbing her beautiful pussy all over the loser

Daisy Ducati に 'KINKY JOI: You Would Love To Taste It'

Daisy Ducati - KINKY JOI: You Would Love To Taste It

It's amazing Daisy Ducati even noticed you while getting ready for a date with her latest Alpha Male plaything. As she shows off her long legs, smooth skin, and sexy outfit she can't help but humiliate you, you little cuckolded house gimp, sitting naked on the floor, playing with your minuscule dick. She rubs her lithe body and talks about all the nasty things a real man is going to do to her, and if you're obedient you'll get to suck his cum from her perfect pussy as a reward. Keep pleasing your sexy mistress if you want to earn the right to cum at her feet once she's done playing with you!

Daisy Ducati に 'KINKY JOI: - You Have Failed Your Mistress Once Again'

Daisy Ducati - KINKY JOI: - You Have Failed Your Mistress Once Again

'It's amazing Daisy Ducati even noticed you while getting ready for a date with her latest Alpha Male plaything. As she shows off her long legs, smooth skin, and sexy outfit she can't help but humiliate you, you little cuckolded house gimp, sitting naked on the floor, playing with your miniscule dick. She rubs her lithe body and talks about all the nasty things a real man is going to do to her, and if you're obedient you'll get to suck his cum from her perfect pussy as a reward. Keep pleasing your sexy mistress if you want to earn the right to cum at her feet once she's done playing with you! '

Daisy Ducati に 'Beautiful Diamond Banks Gets Fucked Good After Losing Her'

Daisy Ducati - Beautiful Diamond Banks Gets Fucked Good After Losing Her

Daisy 'Lethal Legs' Ducati is here to welcome a new rookie to the Evolved Fights Lesbian Edition. Daisy has a great track record for making her opponents cum on the mats. It might have a lot to do with her sexy pillow talk, or the fact that she's tall and has perfect skin but Most likely what really gets these girls creaming on the mats is the power that they feel when they get taken down by Miss Ducati. Daisy has some powerful lethal legs. She wraps them up and it's goodnight Irene or in this case, Good night Diamond. Diamond 'Cutter' Banks has Zero wrestling experience but she did cheerleading at his school which means she's athletic. Diamond is positive she's going to win. She knows who Daisy is and she's not impressed. Today, Daisy needs to make this new girl humble. You don't want to miss this one, my friends. There is an orgasm on the mats at the very end of round 3. The Winner is brutal with the loser. She stuffs the loser's face with a big cock then gets the loser down for pussy strap-on fucking and hair-pulling. The winner utterly dominates the loser sexually and mentally. The loser must concede to the winner by licking an orgasm out of her. The winner lifts and carries the sorry loser away just to show her how much power she really does have even after doing ALL the work in the wrestling and the sex.

Kash Morgan に 'Female Worship 9'

Kash Morgan - Female Worship 9

Scene 1: Such A Good PetActors: Lyra Louvel and Axel AcesScene 2: Sweaty PussyActors: Riley Reyes and D ArclyteScene 3: That's How You Treat A PrincessActors: Anastasia Rose and Kash MorganScene 4: This Is The LifeActors: Amber Ivy and Will Havoc

Daisy Ducati に 'Cute girl next door is sexually destroyed in lesbian wrestling'

Daisy Ducati - Cute girl next door is sexually destroyed in lesbian wrestling

Just when you think it's over, it's only just begun. This match ends with an orgasm on the mat. You neverknow who's gonna get so turned on they cum and that's just what happens today. Kyra Rose is utterlydestroyed in the wrestling by our sexy long lethal legs Daisy Ducati but she fights very hard and eatspussy very well from the bottom. Her sex fighting is excellent and this puts Daisy into trouble. By round 3,Kyra knows it's do or Die. She comes out like a bat out of hell and goes straight for Daisy's pussy, usingher face as a tool. One of these wrestlers is so turned on by the foreplay of the fight that she orgasmshard on the mats and loses the match. We make the round continue until the clock runs out of time so thelady who orgasmed isn't allowed to fight back and she must take it for the duration of the round while shecums over and over and over again. Loser is trib fucked face sat and strap on fucked with the REALCOCK dildo. Her hair is pulled by while the winner utter dominates her.

Lyra Law に 'Mess With Taken Man, Get Punished'

Lyra Law - Mess With Taken Man, Get Punished

Lyra found out her man fucked another girl, then found out who she was, where she lived and showed up at her door the next day! Raven, the other girl got pinned up against the wall by Lyra and got told her life was going to be made a living hell unless she obeys Lyra. Lyra then took her shirt off, slapped her tits around and bent her over to spank her! She took Raven to the bedroom where she put on a strap on and fucked Raven just like the slut she is! Lyra face fucked her, smacked her around, and choked her while she was fucking Ravens tight hole! After Lyra wrecked Raven, it was Lyras turn to cum, she made Raven eat her pussy until she orgasmed and the deed was done!

Daisy Ducati に 'Two Ebony muscle babes have an erotic lesbian wrestling'

Daisy Ducati - Two Ebony muscle babes have an erotic lesbian wrestling

Daisy "Lethal Legs" Ducati has some of the most dangerous legs in the game. Once she wraps thosebad boys around you, it's "Goodnight Irene!" Kelli Provocateur is laughing herself to the bank when shelooks at Daisy's legs compared to her own. Kelli is Petite but she has some serious muscle belly on everymuscle group. Kelli is so confident that her muscles will dominate Daisy today that Kelli is putting her asson the line...literally. She is giving up anal today if she loses. Not to be shown up for anything, DaisyDucati also antes anal. Kelli has a very interesting strategy for this match and it's so fucking crazy that itmight just work. Kelli knows that the only way Orgasms are instant victory is when they occur in the thirdround. Because Kelli is so fucking horny, she actually let's Daisy make her cum in rounds one and twoand Daisy legitimately does wear herself out working so hard to rip those orgams out of this littlechocolate slut, Kelli. It all cums down to round 3, pun intended. One girl walks out of round 3 a hornycumdrunk mess, the other is wearing a strap on cock. Loser promised to give up the ass and that is justwhat happens. After a good hard fucking and trib fuck session, The winner picks up the loser and carriesher off the mats.

Lyra Law に 'Humiliation Triple Treat!'

Lyra Law - Humiliation Triple Treat!

"Show Me How Thirsty You Are"Actors: Leya Falcon and Parth PatelWith Princess Leya, rewards for slaves are rare. But if it is one of those rare days where she is feeling kind, like permitting this slave to drink her liquid waste, he will have to earn it with begging and suffering. He needs to demonstrate to her what a loser he is first by taking electric shocks to his cock before she will reward her little piglet.Princess Leya isn't sure if this slave has earned the gift of drinking her wine, but she will be kind today and reward him anyways. She gives him his dog bowl to carry and leads him to the bathroom. Her bodily needs are taken care of as he properly kneels with head to the floor, and then he is rewarded with the gift he so desires from his princess.*******************************************************"They Don't Make It Any Smaller"Actors: Dava Fox, Nickey Huntsman, Daniel TurnerDo cocks come any smaller than what this slave is offering? Hard to say, as both Dava and Nickey have seen many tiny slave cocks in their time. But his definitely ranks amongst the smallest as the girls ridicule it without any pity.**************************************"Slap, Spit, Treat Him Like Shit "Actors: Anastasia Rose, Jennifer and James ChoFor these girls, having a grown man kneeling in front of them is nothing new. Spitting on men, slapping them, treating them like crap, yeah that's just another Friday for Jennifer and Anastasia. They are accustomed to men who will run to them on their lunch break just to be treated like shit, as they deserve.

JAG に 'Humiliation 4'

JAG - Humiliation 4

Look At it Splooge OutActors: Anastasia Rose, Lyra Louvel and James ChoLyra and Anastasia are letting this slave cum not because they want to reward him. No, it's because they love to ruin his orgasm as they pull his hand away right when he climaxes. It's hysterical to them watching his poor cock twitch in the wind, longing for a proper orgasm that will never come.***************************Good For NopthingActors: Leya Falcon and JagPrincess Leya frequently acquires new males, but before she puts them to work she always makes sure to humiliate them, emasculate them and remind them that they are of no value to her. These males need to understand that just because they will be toiling away performing slave labor for her doesn't mean that she actually cares for them.**********************************You Like It When I Humiliate YouActors: Katy Kiss and James ChoThis slave can't hide it, he loves to be humiliated by pretty young girls. His tiny dick appears to be hard as Goddess Katy keeps him on the end of her leash, slapping his face and making him kiss her feet in subservience to her. She loves loser males like this, it's like her own personal flock of male worshippers.*******************************Thank You Princess NikkiActors: Nikki Next and James ChoGoddess Nikki expects proper groveling and thank you from her slave at all times. After all doing her laundry is a privilege, a task he should be grateful he has been given. Even when she slaps him and spits on his face he should be grateful by properly kneeling and thanking her in appreciation for the attention.Goddess Nikki does allow her slaves to eventually cum, but they are very rarely satisfying orgasms. For one this slave doesn't deserve a proper orgasm because he wasn't even folding her clothes correctly, but she probably would have ruined his orgasm anyways because she enjoys his suffering and misery.

Andre Shakti に 'Subby Girls Triple Feature!'

Andre Shakti - Subby Girls Triple Feature!

Scene 1: The Game Is Called Pants OffStarring: Kendra James and Amber IvyScene 2: Legs Up And OverStarring: Andre Shakti and Helena LockeScene 3: Such A Cruel KittyStarring: Amarna Miller and Lyra Louvel

Shawna Lenee に 'She Smokes 3'

Shawna Lenee - She Smokes 3

She Smokes 3Featuring:Shanna , Lenee, Lydia DazeRikki RumorLyra Law

Lyra Law に 'Public Exhibition'

Lyra Law - Public Exhibition

Juan Pablo is eager to introduce his sister, Avi Love, to his new girlfriend, Lyra Law -- and what better place to do so than an art show? The whole art thing is more their thing than his, but Juan's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure they hit it off.

Once the beautiful women meet for the first time, they're inexplicably drawn to each other, and Juan couldn't be happier. When they wander off, Juan gives them their space, hoping that they'll become even closer. Little does he know, they're about to get more close than he'd ever imagine!

As Avi and Lyra explore the exhibition together, finding themselves alone in a roped-off area, they soon fall under each other's spell. The playful comments made about the sensual artwork charges the air around them, making their skin tingle. Before they know what's happening, their lips are locked in a passionate kiss. They're unable to control their lust as they strip each other down, admiring each other like the pieces of art they are. It isn't long before they're putting on a show of their own as they dive into each other's pussies.

All the while, Juan is oblivious to their escapades, never knowing just how friendly his sister and girlfriend have become!

Daisy Ducati に 'Strong legged beauty destroys Petite big butt girl then fucks'

Daisy Ducati - Strong legged beauty destroys Petite big butt girl then fucks

Daisy "Lethal Legs" Ducati is on the mats doing our Lesbian wrestling today. She has wrestled manytimes for our Mixed wrestling site and we keep bringing her back because she lives up so well to herwrestling name "Lethal Legs". She's a tall dark beauty who dominates physically, mentally, sexually, we really need to go on? Daisy is the full package. Today, The full package is taking on asmall package. Little miss Gabriella Paltrova also lives up to her wrestling name "Fun Sized Human."Gabriella is a Petite woman with a curvy physique that will drive you crazy. She's got natural tits and assthat are so firm and juicy we are scared our wrestlers are going to start throwing matches just soGabriella will put her big beautiful ass on their face. Despite her fun size, Gabriella is a demon on themats. She's hardcore and never gives up. We want to make our matches more sexual so we haveintegrated a penalty segment anytime there is a submission. If there is a submission during the fight, Thewrestler to administered and successfully applied the submission will get 20 seconds to do anything shewants to the person who submitted. There is no fighting back during this 20-second penalty. The personto submitted must lay there and take it. We get many orgasms during this time which are not countedtowards the outcome of the score because the clock is stopped during this penalty time. This is a closematch judging by the score. But only one girl can win. The winner fucks the Loser with Hair pulling, handgagging, hardcore pussy fucking so deep it leaves the loser's pussy gaping open. Then let loser is fuckedso hard anally that her asshole gapes wide open and never closes. Poor loser, now everyone will knowshe lost today because her butthole won't close.

Daisy Ducati に 'Boss Lady needs to let off steam by fucking her coworker'

Daisy Ducati - Boss Lady needs to let off steam by fucking her coworker

Daisy Ducati is a successful business lady who is tired of working long hours at the office. She needs tolet loose a little so she tells her secretary to hold all calls and cancel all the meetings. Daisy hassomething very special in store for her selfcare day. Daisy has her play thing tied up with a dildo gag onbut Daisy isn't all selfish she wants to make sure her toy is just as excited as she is so she gets her toywett by licking her pussy. Daisy puts her pussy on the face dildo and rides it until she squirts all overAriel's face, then its Ariel's turn to Squirt. Daisy has her Real Cock Dildo on and finger and fucks Arieluntil she makes a cum squirt mess of her own.

Daisy Ducati に 'Kinky JOI: Daisy's Hotel Room'

Daisy Ducati - Kinky JOI: Daisy's Hotel Room

You and Daisy Ducati really hit it off down at the hotel bar and now she's in your room with you. Here you are at the edge of your bed staring up at her crawling around in a tight, little red dress. "We're going to have so much fun together," she chides fingering her breasts with her clawlike acrylic nails. "But you see, I don't want you to fucking touch me." So there you are with no other choice than to sit and watch as she teases you just out of reach. She's on your bed, but you have to sit in the corner. "You're not man enough to fuck me, but we can have some fun," she teases you as she presses her hands into her tits. "And maybe if you're really good, we can go back down there and find a real man to fuck me, and I'll let you watch," she lets out a devilish giggle as she begins to lift the edge of her skirt up. She begins to strip down to red hot thong panties and tells you to pull out your pathetic cock. She looks at it and asks, "Is that all?" An unimpressed Daisy is writhing around on your bed, so horny, telling you to tug at your tiny, puny little dick. That's right go ahead and tug on it with just two fingers because that's all you'll need. She gets completely naked and pulls out a vibrator. "I deserve to cum, now slap yourself in the face for me, I want to watch you suffer for my pleasure." She presses the vibrator hard onto her clit and starts rubbing while you pull at your pathetic little dicklet. With a hard stare, she chokes out her first orgasm and tells you that you'll never make her feel this good. You'll never get to touch her, so get a good look at her pussy. You see you're just going to keep her happy by becoming her personal ATM, her little pay pig. Keep stroking your pathetic cock as she continues to masturbate, "rejecting you gets my pussy dripping wet." Keep stroking as she gets ready to give you a countdown. And guess what? When she's done, and you blow your fucking load with your stupid little shrimp dick, she's gonna make you lick it up off this dirty hotel carpet. That's right; you're gonna clean up your disgusting mess with that filthy mouth of yours. Now put your fucking clothes on because this is all you get.

Jessy Dubai に 'Best Heist Ever: Jessy Dubai Demands Daisy Ducati's Anal Loyalty'

Jessy Dubai - Best Heist Ever: Jessy Dubai Demands Daisy Ducati's Anal Loyalty

Jessy Dubai and Daisy Ducati are planning their biggest best heist ever, but Daisy's loyalty to her beautiful busty mistress Jessy Dubai is in question. Jessy demands that Daisy Ducati prove her loyalty. She demands that Daisy will never talk and never give up her co-conspirator under any tormenting circumstances. Money changes everyone so to prove her undying loyalty she worships Jessy's feet and high heels. This dirty girl licks up and down Jessy's arches and black stockings with her tongue. But, this is just the very beginning. Restrained in rope bondage Jessy brings out the electric wand. If Daisy is ever captured can she withstand the torment of being zapped? Daisy screams in pain and pleasure as Jessy has her way with electricity all over her body. Next Daisy must show her loyalty with her mistress's hard cock in her mouth. Deep throat sloppy wet cock sucking is followed by a brutal pussy fucking. Daisy screams with orgasm as Jessy pounds away at her tight pussy hole. Wet and dripping, Daisy begs to have it in her tight little asshole next. A deep anal fucking stretches out Daisy Ducati's tight ass. Jessy Dubai keeps pounding away as Daisy screams in orgasm. This brutal fucking unleashes a huge cumshot from Jessy all over Daisy's hot little body.

Marley Brinx に 'First GGDP!'

Marley Brinx - First GGDP!

Lesbian X is delighted to present Marley Brinx's very 1st GGDP, performed with the beautiful Ivy Lebelle and Lyra Law. Featuring intense lesbian DP action, this is a hardcore lesbian 3 way including multiple DP positions and ATM's, with an epic squirting finish. Get ready for a Lesbian X exclusive you do not want to miss!

Daisy Ducati に 'Kinky JOI: Pussy Full of Cum Cuckold'

Daisy Ducati - Kinky JOI: Pussy Full of Cum Cuckold

Daisy Ducati enters your room looking like she's been up to no good. She knows she was supposed to save some slutty energy for you but she got a little sidetracked. Instead she met a hot stud down at the bar and fucked him. That's right, a total fucking stranger busted a big load into her pussy right before she came upstairs. And since you've really never been able to please her anyway you get to sit on the floor looking up at her on the couch touching herself and going on and on about how good of a fuck he was. Now, if you want to be a good boy and lick up all the cum out of her pussy, then maybe next time she'll find a cock for you to suck. You know that would make her happy. You see you're just a dirty little cuck for her to use and the only time you get to touch Daisy is when you're cleaning up her mess. She keeps stripping and telling you how much she likes seeing you on your hands and knees begging like a dog. She likes when you beg for it, begging for her cum filled pussy. She turns around and begins stripping off her panties. She spreads her pussy to show you that fat load he left for you. You sit and watch as his cum oozes out from deep within the walls of her cunt. She laughs at how pathetic you are as she starts to blow a glass toy with her mouth. Wrapping her lips around the glass dildo she gets it nice and wet just before plunging the toy into her cum filled hole. You could never make her feel this good and just sit and watch as she fucks herself while mocking your shrimp dick. Now she has a vibrator and is amplifying her orgasm, getting hotter and wetter, she fucks herself and pulls the dildo out right as her pussy pumps her squirt in your face. She cums over and over again squirting a big wet mess of her cum and the cum of that total stranger. Now, you clean it up.

Dylan Ryan に 'Squirtout'

Dylan Ryan - Squirtout

Daisy Ducati & Dylan Ryan meet each other while working out in the park. They go home together for some smoothies but we all know it means SEX.

Lyra Law に 'Secret Desire'

Lyra Law - Secret Desire

Ivy Wolfe and the other girls start the therapy session, slowly they learn more about each person in the center. With the help of Magdalene St. Michaels they find the right path, she helps them become straight again. Some of the girls like Carter Cruise are almost there, others like Abigail Mac and Paige Sabina Rouge have more work to do, but you don't need to be a genius to see Zoey Taylor's love for her friend Lyra Law. After the group session, Lyra goes to her room; she's not feeling well. Zoey uses this opportunity to get closer to her. She checks on her before bed and makes sure her friend is okay. Zoey lays down beside Lyra on her bed and falls asleep. In the morning, when she woke up beside her secret love things heat up and both girls will unleash their desire in secret behind closed doors.

Casey Calvert に 'Haley's 1st Lesbian Dp'

Casey Calvert - Haley's 1st Lesbian Dp

Lesbian DP has never been better in this stunning Lesbian 3 way. In her pre-scene interview, Haley Reed tells us that not only is this her very first lesbian strapon DP, this is her first time being strapped! This is intense lesbian strapon anal with Casey Calvert and Lyra Law. With multiple ATM's and Analingus. It doesn't get better than this!

Sam Solo に 'Ebony Beauty with Dangerous Legs Destroys Little Man'

Sam Solo - Ebony Beauty with Dangerous Legs Destroys Little Man

Daisy Ducati is a very experienced Wrestler. She is known for her strong legs that could snap a man's head off. This is why she has her nickname "Lethal Legs". Sam Solo did some wrestling in school but his experience isn't vast. He's significantly smaller and weaker than our beautiful Amazon today. Sam doesn't start out too well. He gets trapped in Daisy's Leg scissors and immediately feels her power. She crushes him so hard he can barely breathe and from there, things get worse. He is deemed useless for this match. Daisy owns him entirely. She puts him in gift-wraps and holds him with her legs as she controls him and makes him choke himself with his own loser arm. The prize round is even more humiliation for this poor little weak man. Daisy owns him physically and sexually. She sits on him and makes him worship the bottoms of her dirty, sweaty feet. She puts him into doggy position, ass up/face down and she pegs his cute tight virgin ass. The loser is thrown down and made to worship the winner's feet while she flexes her powerful muscles

Lyra Law に 'Stick It To Her!'

Lyra Law - Stick It To Her!

Housekeeper and blonde hottie, Lyra Law, has had enough of bratty Jill Kassidy's attitude and sloppiness, and exacts revenge in the sexiest way possible, while indulging her own twisted fantasy! Lyra has a strap on and is very horny to use it, and Jill has a perfect body made for fucking, all Lyra needs to do is seduce Jill and her sweet pussy will be ripe for the pounding. Without wasting any time, Lyra begins making out with Jill before eating her out. Jill craves a taste of Lyra, returning the favor, causing Lyra to become virtually apoplectic as she cums. Both ladies continue to get each other off until Jill is ready to get fucked with a strap on. Lyra produces one, and then goes to work on Jill's wet, cunt. Lyra can't get enough of Jill riding her strap on as the two get lost in their orgasms!

Lyra Law に 'Buried Treasure'

Lyra Law - Buried Treasure

Lyra Law waits at home anxiously, decked out in some extremely skimpy, and extremely hot lingerie. When her boo, the statuesque Elena Koshka, walks in the door, Lyra greets her excitedly, wishing her a happy anniversary. Elena's eyes widen at Lyra's jaw-dropping outfit. Lyra sees her reaction, telling Elena that since she has been gone all week, she wanted to give her an extra special surprise for their anniversary. But something's off. Lyra suspiciously asks Elena if she forgot about their anniversary. Of course she didn't forget. So where is her gift then?, Lyra asks. After all, she got a gift for Elena, she says, gesturing at her own tight body. Elena tells Lyra that she did get her something, but it's somewhere on her body and she'll have to work for it. Lyra can't wait to get the search started and hops into Elena's waiting arms, who carries her off to the bedroom. In the bedroom, Elena does a sultry spin, showing off her slender body. Lyra tells her to lie down on the bed and the search begins. Maybe it's on her neck, Lyra coos as she lightly kisses Elena's soft neck. Maybe it's on her chest, Lyra says as she pulls up Elena's shirt and reveals her perky little tits, licking her beautiful nipples. Well, the treasure must be hiding under Elena's skirt, Lyra says as she peels it off. Inspecting Elena's supple body and running her hands along it, Lyra starts the search in earnest, slipping Elena's panties off. She spreads her lover's long legs. Lyra gets digging, and after moistening up Elena's snug pussy with her wet tongue, sees something shiny and glistening in there. Lyra is shocked and delighted to find a string of beautiful pearls nestled inside of Elena! Looks like she didn't forget their anniversary after all. But Elena has one more challenge for Lyra before she can get her present. She has to make her cum. So Lyra gets to work, determined to get her hands, and tongue, on that buried treasure.

Daisy Ducati に 'The Legs on this Ebony Goddess Destroys this Girl's Ass'

Daisy Ducati - The Legs on this Ebony Goddess Destroys this Girl's Ass

Daisy "Lethal Legs" Ducati is on the mats doing our Lesbian wrestling today. She has wrestled many times for our Mixed wrestling site and we keep bringing her back because she lives up so well to her wrestling name "Lethal Legs". She's a tall dark beauty who dominates physically, mentally, sexually, we really need to go on? Daisy is the full package. Today, The full package is taking on a small package. Little miss Gabriella Paltrova also lives up to her wrestling name "Fun Sized Human". Gabriella is a Petite woman with a curvy physique that will drive you crazy. She's got natural tits and ass that are so firm and juicy we are scared our wrestlers are going to start throwing matches just so Gabriella will put her big beautiful ass on their face. Despite her fun size, Gabriella is a demon on the mats. She's hardcore and never gives up. We want to make our matches more sexual so we have integrated a penalty segment anytime there is a submission. If there is a submission during the fight, The wrestler to administered and successfully applied the submission will get 20 seconds to do anything she wants to the person who submitted. There is no fighting back during this 20-second penalty. The person to submitted must lay there and take it. We get many orgasms during this time which are not counted towards the outcome of the score because the clock is stopped during this penalty time. This is a close match judging by the score. But only one girl can win. The winner fucks the Loser with Hair pulling, hand gagging, hardcore pussy fucking so deep it leaves the loser's pussy gaping open. Then let loser is fucked so hard anally that her asshole gapes wide open and never closes. Poor loser, now everyone will know she lost today because her butthole wont close.

Lyra Law に 'Too Hot for Teacher: Forbidden Submission'

Lyra Law - Too Hot for Teacher: Forbidden Submission

Lyra Law, a bubbly teacher, is busy grading her students' art assignments when she uncovers a submission containing naked pictures of one of her students, Whitney Wright, submitted by another student, Elena Koshka! As she stares at the nude pictures, Lyra tries her best to judge it as art. It has good contrast, good use of space... No, no matter how hard she looks at it, it's not art -- just a gratuitous naked photo! She can't grade THAT, she's a teacher! It's beautiful, though, and Lyra loves the curves, the eyes, the most beautiful pair of tits she's ever seen...When she calls Elena to tell her that she can't accept the pictures, Whitney picks up the phone instead. Little does Lyra know, Elena is happily naked, waiting for HER turn to get pictures taken! Lyra learns that they had a deal to exchange pictures, so Elena is a LITTLE tied up right now...Lyra gushes about how sexy the pictures are and what a bummer it is that she can't grade them because her bosses won't allow it. The pictures need to be more artsy and less... nude. What if she comes over there and helps them take pictures before they continue any further with the project?Lyra arrives at the address and finds Elena literally tied up, with a bit of red ribbon loose around her wrists. Lyra is surprised and tries her best to remain professional and hands-off as she teaches the girls how to do tasteful nudes. Despite her best efforts, she somehow ends up with her hands cupping Elena's breasts in an attempt to cover the nipples for the next set of photos...When Whitney announces that she's satisfied with the pictures and wants Lyra to take pictures of both she and Elena naked together, Lyra's too hot to turn the offer down. So hot, in fact, that when they later ask her to join them, she's unable to resist. Soon the camera's forgotten as Lyra loses herself, pinned between the two sexy, younger women. They all take turns licking each other's pussies and getting their fingers wet. The last thing on Lyra's mind now is how this will be graded!

Lyra Law に '18 And First Lesbian Anal'

Lyra Law - 18 And First Lesbian Anal

Get ready for blonde babes, Lyra Law and April Aniston in epic lesbian anal scene. Born in the year 2000, April Aniston experiences her first lesbian anal (on or off camera). This 18 years young cutie is ready for deep anal penetration, including analingus and explosive anal orgasms!

Lyra Law に 'Afraid to Get Caught'

Lyra Law - Afraid to Get Caught

Lyra Law rings the doorbell not anticipating that Scarlett Sage's mother will answer the door. When Scarlett comes down the stairs to greet her friend, her mother seems to be giving Scarlett the 3rd degree. If the girls are spending the night watching movies, what are they all dolled up for? The girls tell her that they're just wearing tank tops and shorts and it's really not a big deal. But Scarlett's mother is suspicious of Lyra. She knows a trouble-maker when she sees one. And she was 18 once too and knows a little about sneaking boys into the house after her parents are asleep. Lyra tries to flatter and sweet talk her way out of the pep talk but Scarlett's mom is gonna keep an eye on her. When the girls go upstairs to Scarlett's room, they start kissing and laugh about how they're not even into boys and that Scarlett is completely clueless that they're both lesbians. The girls start making out as they confess that they've missed each other despite seeing each other just the day before. Lyra dominates Scarlett as she takes off her shirt and sucks on her tits. Commenting on how good they taste, she sucks on them while she removes Scarlett's shorts and starts eating her pussy. Scarlett makes sure to cover her mouth as she cums. If the girls want to make sure Scarlett's mother doesn't find out, they're going to have to keep their pleasure to themselves!

Cherie DeVille に 'Lena's 1st Lesbian DP'

Cherie DeVille - Lena's 1st Lesbian DP

Beauty Lena Paul is ready for her 1st Lesbian DP. Thrilled with excitement, she is about to be double penetrated by Blonde MILF Cherie DeVille and the stunning Lyra Law. Focusing on deeper than ever DP action, extended foreplay, and intense orgasms. This is 1st time lesbian DP sex at its best!

Natalia Starr に 'From My Ass To Yours'

Natalia Starr - From My Ass To Yours

Bombshells Lyra Law and Natalia Starr are feeling especially in the mood. Once they start teasing each other and peeling away their clothes nothing can tear them apart. They start kissing every inch of their perfect bodies and tasting their sweet booties before having some nasty anal fun with their favorite toy! In the end both girls deliver a wet orgasm to the other, leaving both babes breathless and satisfied!

Cherie DeVille に 'Abella's Lesbian DP'

Cherie DeVille - Abella's Lesbian DP

Lesbian 3 way action featuring Abella Danger taking on two strapons for an intense lesbian DP you won't want to miss. With wild analingus, multiple DP positions and multiple orgasms shared.

Lyra Law に 'Browser History'

Lyra Law - Browser History

Lyra Law is watching porn in the kitchen. When her stepmother, Mona Wales, walks in, she slams the laptop screen down and pretends to look preoccupied. Mona is so happy to see her but Lyra is so embarrassed at almost having been caught. She tries to find any excuse to get out of there and tells Mona she's running late but promises her they'll have dinner together later. The girls escape to their respective rooms and get undressed. They sit on their beds and open up their laptops only to realize that they accidentally swamped computers. When Mona opens the laptop to check her emails, she confused as to why there's porn on her screen. Lyra realizes quickly that this isn't her computer either. When she checks the browser history, she realizes Mona has been watching Girlsway as well. The funny thing is, Mona is doing the exact same thing in her room. When they both realize that the other could be checking the browser history they panic and quickly gets dressed. Mona runs downstairs to Lyra's room to give her back her laptop. When they both admit that they checked each other's computer, there's a moment of awkward silence. When they confide in each other that Girlsway has the best stepmom daughter scene Mona suggests that maybe they could watch one together. Lyra likes the way she thinks but has a better idea. Maybe her and mommy could act one out and make a movie of their own. Mommy couldn't agree more.

Penny Pax に 'The Break Up'

Penny Pax - The Break Up

Kenna James' heart is broken. As she weeps in a corner, she longs for her lover's touch. Penny Pax, her soulmate, has left her. On the brink of despair, she's running out of options. Not knowing what to do, she does something she promised herself she wouldn't ever do again; magick. She pulls her candles and her incense to get back what was taken from her. As she gazes into her crystal ball, she sees Penny with Lyra Law. Determined to get her back, she jumps in her car and rides over to Penny's house. Using magick, she jimmies the door open. When Lyra comes down the stairs, Kenna has an evil smile on her face. Lyra introduces herself and Kenna hugs her. Lyra starts to feel something weird happening as Kenna takes her appearance. Before Lyra knows what's happening, with the flick of her fingers, Kenna puts her to sleep. She goes upstairs feeling victorious but as soon as she tries to seduce Penny, Penny feels awkward about the whole thing. Downstairs, Lyra starts coming to and when she realizes what's happened, she runs upstairs to confront Kenna. When she storms into the room, Penny can't believe her eyes. There are two Lyras sitting on the bed with her. When Lyra explain that it's Kenna and that she took her form temporarily, Penny doesn't believe her - not until Kenna changes back and confronts her about sleeping with Lyra. When Penny tells her that they're just friends, Kenna's anxiety completely dissipates. When the girls inquire as to how Kenna pulled that stunt off, she tells them she's a witch. To her surprise, Penny is actually flattered that she would go to these lengths to prove her love for her. Even Lyra is impressed. Penny proposes a truce and tells her if she can make an effort to get along with Lyra, then maybe there could be a chance for them in the future. The three girls start kissing and Kenna couldn't have asked for a better ending.

April O'Neil に 'A Helping Hand: Part 2'

April O'Neil - A Helping Hand: Part 2

April O'Neil is helping Lyra Law rehabilitate her eyes. After some time Lyra's eyes are getting back to normal. She can't help but thank April for all the time she's put in, without her she wouldn't have mended so quickly. April brushes off the compliment. She tells Lyra that her perseverance paid off and that as a matter of fact, she healed herself. April's phone doesn't stop ringing during their conversation. When Lyra asks why she's not answering it, April says that it's her girlfriend and that she doesn't want to talk. She is at work now and is busy. When it rings for the 6th time, April decides she better answer or her girlfriend will keep calling. When she gets up to take the call it's pretty clear that something is bothering Lyra. She's attracted to April and doesn't want some lame phone call to interrupt their time together. April comes back and the phone rings again. After a couple of times of this back and forth she tells Lyra that she just broke up with her girlfriend. April explains that she just didn't get her. The girls look at each other and their eyes interlock. It's clear that there's something between them. They finally kiss and Lyra asks April if this is what she wants. When it's obvious that the feeling is mutual, the girls start making out. Now that her eyes have mended, Lyra can see and that's all thanks to April. It's time she repays her for all her hard work.

April O'Neil に 'A Helping Hand: Part 1'

April O'Neil - A Helping Hand: Part 1

April O'Neil is driving Lyra Law home from the eye clinic. Lyra got into an accident and has lost some of her eyesight. It's up to April, her caregiver for the week, to rehabilitate her. As they drive home from the clinic, April assures her she'll do everything she can to make her better. She leads her into the house and places her on the bed. When Lyra goes to the bathroom to clean up, she struggles to find the soap as her vision is quite blurry. Determined to be independent, she tries desperately to clean herself but is unable to do so. April steps in, reminding her that she's here to help. If Lyra wants to get undressed to take a bath, April will be more than happy to help her. Realizing that at this stage Lyra can't undress herself, April volunteers and helps her take off her clothes. She can't help but notice how fit Lyra is. She admires her body as she takes off her garments. When Lyra is finally naked, April tests the water only to find that the hot water is not working. Lyra has been in the hospital all day, her eyesight is fucked and now her hot water doesn't even work. She breaks down in tears while April consoles her and suggests she puts her to bed. Lyra immediately feels better once she lies down. When April asks her if she can do anything for her, Lyra asks her to stay with her. Lyra plants a kiss on April's lips and proceeds to thank her for all her help.

Lyra Law に 'You Will Obey Mistress'

Lyra Law - You Will Obey Mistress

Today is the day that Skin Diamond is up for anything Mistress Lyra Law wants to do to her. Lyra starts by suspending Skin up and starts with the nipple clamps to show her dominance. Then Lyra moves onto a selection of BSDM toys that are all used to make Skin thank her mistress again and again. There is no escaping the fine line between pain and pleasure that Skin Diamond and Mistress Lyra use in order to achieve new orgasmic heights.

Daisy Ducati に 'Chanel Santini does a job interview with Bondage and Blow Jobs'

Daisy Ducati - Chanel Santini does a job interview with Bondage and Blow Jobs

Daisy Ducati is a hot bar owner looking for new employees who can handle a kinky atmosphere. She has put a job listing on the internet and Chanel Santini comes to the bar to answer the post. Daisy wants to make it perfectly clear to Chanel that the bar is for kinky perverts and that Chanel needs to know her shit when it comes to BDSM and Kink. Chanel gives Daisy a demonstration of her rope work. Chanel gets Daisy tied up in bondage and then has some suggestions of her own. Chanel is certain that what that kinky bar really needs is a hot girl with a huge throbbing cock. Daisy is all tied up and it appears she doesn't have any choice other than to agree with Chanel. Daisy has to test drive her new potential employee so Daisy gets the first taste of Chanel's hard cock in her mouth. Chanel and Daisy explore each other sexually going back and forth between sensual romantic fucking, pussy eating cock sucking, toe and foot sucking, mutual masterbation and good ole fashioned rough sex pounding. Daisy needs to see if Chanel can be both a top and a bottom. So Daisy ties Chanel up in bondage for the very first time and rides Chanel and teases her with orgasm denial. After each girls gets their turn of of topping and bottoming they rope comes off and the girls are allowed to fuck each other with hard pounding in doggy style. Chanel releases a big hot load of Cum all over Daisy's ass and then Chanel licks it up. The two decide that Chanel is just perfect for the bartending position

Abigail Mac に 'Dream Pairings: The Collector - 2 scenes in 1'

Abigail Mac - Dream Pairings: The Collector - 2 scenes in 1

It was a gloomy day for Brett Rossi, after getting fired from her job for the tenth time. Bored, hungry and lonely, she decides to hire a call girl. She goes to her favorite escort website, and realizes she's become something of a collector. Then it dawns on her that hookers are expensive. She acknowledges she has a problem, and decides to call trainer Abigail Mac instead. Abigail comes over with her exercise mats and coaches Brett through various ass shaking moves. This trainer likes to work hands on with her clients. She humps Brett's ass just to help her into position. Brett finally comes clean to Abigail about her sex addiction, admitting her workouts are too stimulating for her. Abigail wants to treat her addiction and promises to take an organic approach. As hard as Brett's trying to get her life on track, she succumbs to Abigail's boob massage. Once the rest of her workout clothes come off, Brett spreads her lips for Abigail, then reciprocates on the trainer's pussy. Later that day, Brett looks for a trainer she's not going to fuck and calls New Age trainer Lyra Law. Their session is going well until Lyra insists on finishing the class totally naked. Brett is fully clothed but cannot concentrate with Lyra's pussy on display. Bretty decides to cool down by taking off her clothes. Lyra tries to balance Brett's chakras. She strokes her thighs doing myofascial release, then wraps her arms around Brett in a warm naked hug. She instructs Brett to use her body as a healing tool. She lets Brett touch Lyra's root chakra at her pussy. Then she lets Brett touch her root chakra with her own root chakra. Lyra goes down on Brett to cure her addiction like she's done for another one of her clients, then she tribs it out of her system. The lesbians take turns rimming each other's assholes, then they cum simultaneously in 69!

Lyra Law に 'Unbridled Scene 2'

Lyra Law - Unbridled Scene 2

After losing her horse in an accident, Avery Montgomery (Stormy Daniels) gave up riding and moved to New York. A decade later she learns that her now estranged family's ranch is being auctioned by the bank to cover a delinquent loan. The Montgomerys have one chance to come up with the funds to save Thunder Creek: winning the Big Star Horse Trials. Avery must make the tough decision to return to Texas and face her demons…and her old flame and former trainer Grant Meyer (Marcus London). Things are made more difficult by a fellow rancher who is willing to do anything to get his greedy hands on Thunder Creek, and by Avery's sister Joey (Lyra Law) who has a secret that could ruin everything.

Serena Blair に 'Dirty Britches'

Serena Blair - Dirty Britches

English rider Serena Blair perks up when she notices a gorgeous stranger at the horseback riding stables. The statuesque blonde pops over to borrow a tack and calls herself Lyra Law. The moment she tosses her long blond hair, conservative Serena falls madly in love. As the two get to talking, it's obvious that Lyra is a wild one. Maybe she's even a tad crazy. Lyra steals a kiss and Serena melts, no match for the flirtatious creature. Lyra keeps coming on strong but Serena is worried they're going to get caught. Lyra couldn't care less about rules and demonstrates by pulling her top off. Serena is excited by the sight of her tits. She lets her pull down her britches and touch her pussy. Then Lyra shows off her ass wiggling out of her jeans and makes Serena wear her riding boots. She lays her down naked in the middle of the stall and licks her pussy to orgasm. It's Serena's first lesbian experience. She kisses Serena with cum on her mouth, then gets up to straddle her face. Then she leans Serena against the barn wall and rims her ass from behind. She sucks on her clit from underneath and makes her cum. Serena eats pussy for the very first time till Lyra explodes in her mouth. Then the lesbians 69 in a frenzy, cumming all over each other!

Lyra Law に 'She Cheers For Big Dick'

Lyra Law - She Cheers For Big Dick

Lyra Law has been dared by her fellow college cheerleaders to sneak into the guys locker room after the big game and pull down the last player's towel as he comes out of the shower. Lyra's her cheerleader squad just want to have a little fun with their newest recruit, but once Ms. Law realizes how big Sean Lawless' cock actually is, the truth comes out: Lyra is a huge slut who loves sucking big cock! Sean is shocked to find Lyra in the locker room and worried that he'll get kicked off the team if the coach catches him with a cheerleader, he's hesitant to give into this beautiful blonde. Only Lyra doesn't care about rules, she just cares--and cheers--about big cock! Her cheer squad are shocked to see her drop to her knees and suck a huge cock! The coach might have said no sex before the big game, but he never said anything about pounding dripping wet pussy afterwards!

Ashley Fires に 'The Panty Trap'

Ashley Fires - The Panty Trap

Teen stepdaughter Lyra Law is doing laundry when she finds a bunch of her panties and a dildo in her stepmother Ashley Fires' bed. Disgusted, Lyra wonders what she could be doing. She decides to set a trap to uncover the truth. She leaves a pile of panties on the bed and asks Ashley to throw them in the washing machine, then she leaves the house. Sure enough, Ashley does not wash the panties, she sniffs them while she masturbates in her bed. Lyra comes back and snoops outside her door. She hears her stepmother going at it and it's turning her on so she rubs her pussy while she listens. Ashley hears something and opens the door catching Lyra completely off guard. She drags her incorrigible stepdaughter into her room, puts her over her knee and spanks her bare bottom. She can't resist inhaling the scent of her pussy and groping her tits. Lyra tries to escape her stepmother's clutches till Ashley threatens to tell her father she caught her masturbating outside her door. Ashley can't wait to get her hands on the meaty lips of Lyra's pussy. She pulls off her fresh panties and puts her mouth between her legs. After she drinks Lyra cum, Ashley plants her dripping pussy on Lyra's. She looks her in the eye and tries her till she orgasms. Then she teaches Lyra how to lick her clit and rim her asshole, and how to cum with panties stuffed in her mouth. She promises to spoil Lyra for letting her trib her pussy and making her cum very hard!

Lyra Law に 'Prove It'

Lyra Law - Prove It

Lyra Law and her friend Taylor Sands are hanging out in Lyra's room when Lyra's stepbrother walks in. Damon Dice is instantly attracted to Taylor, and the feeling is definitely mutual. When Lyra insists that Damon would fuck anything with a wet hole, she pulls down her pants and taunts him with her creamy pussy, telling him to prove he won't. Taylor encourages him to do it, and soon Damon finds himself balls deep in Lyra's greedy puss.After peeling off her clothes, Taylor curls up at the head of the bed so that she can masturbate while watching her friend fuck her stepbrother. Once Damon has finished Lyra off, he lays down on the bed so that Taylor can engulf his cock in her sweet mouth. Her deep throat blowjob is just a prelude to a wild stiffie ride as Taylor climbs into Damon's lap and takes his hardon deep inside her trimmed twat. Finally Taylor talks Lyra into helping and can't contain her moans as her blonde friend licks her ass. By the time she has seen how deeply Damon has pleasured Taylor, Lyra decides to forgive Damon if he'll keep fucking her. Lyra climbs aboard for a reverse cowgirl ride so that she can bounce that booty in Damon's face for a few moments before turning around so that he can watch her titties jiggle. Then they both climb off of him and lay side by side with their legs in the air to present a pussy buffet for Damon to fuck. He keeps it up until both girls are fully satisfied, and then enjoys himself as they work in tandem to deliver a double blowjob that only ends when he shoots his load all over both of their faces and lets them lick him clean.

Jeni Juice に 'The Mess Over The Dress'

Jeni Juice - The Mess Over The Dress

Jeni has her eye on the perfect dress for the summer. Unfortunately, so does Lyra. Their argument quickly turns into a tug-of-war of who saw it first. Things escalate quickly when Lyra decides to follow Jeni into the changing room. She gets a peek of Jeni's perfect pert tits, and decides she just has to have a mouthful. It doesn't take long for Jeni to begin pounding her tight pussy with her strap-on. Anything for fashion, right?

Daisy Ducati に 'Cuck 'Em All 02'

Daisy Ducati - Cuck 'Em All 02

You know it's a bad day when you find out your wife has been having an online affair with a prisoner and putting money on his books. It's even worse when you find out he is a big black ex con now sitting in your house. What can you do but sit there and take the abuse while your ebony wife finally gets the big black dick she needed that you could not provide. But why oh why did she have to spit his jizz into your mouth. And now you have to move your cuckold ass into the guest room. Life can be tough.

Lyra Law に 'Father Can't Stop Us'

Lyra Law - Father Can't Stop Us

Teen Ivy Jones is in her bedroom making out with girlfriend Lyra Law. The lesbians tumble around on the sheets, slowly peeling off their clothes and planting kisses on their soft nipples, just when Ivy's father walks in! He screams in anger, and Lyra bolts out of the house. Ivy better believe that she's grounded! Later at the dinner table, Ivy sits across from her strict father and sheepishly tries to negotiate a trip to the mall. But he's adamant about not letting her out of the house, not until she understands that she's only allowed to date nice Jewish boys. When he gets up to answer his phone, the cunning teen slips something into his tea. He drinks it unwittingly and passes out. Ivy calls Lyra and tells her to come over stat. Back in Ivy's bedroom, the lesbians make out and undress. Ivy pulls off Lyra's top and jeans, and Lyra pulls off Ivy's floral red dress. They kiss each other's lips and nipples, languidly losing themselves in the softness of their creamy, white skin. Ivy brushes back Lyra's blonde locks, as Lyra pushes her pelvis into Ivy's clit. They vow not let anything keep come between them as they jostle on the bed. Ivy gets on top of Lyra, takes off her panties and lays her back on the bed. She fingers her bushy pussy and squeezes her clit till she cums. Lyra rims her girlfriend's ass from behind, then she tribs her with vigour. Their little pussies rub against each other as they pant and moan in ecstasy. Lyra sits on Ivy's face and licks out Ivy's pussy, then the lesbians switch positions, making each other cum in 69. Ivy fingers Lyra while rimming her tush. Then she scissors fucks her pussy, tribbing till they orgasm! Will her father wake up and bust them again? Click to find out!

Lyra Law に 'Girlsway's Newest Crew Member'

Lyra Law - Girlsway's Newest Crew Member

Production assistant Lyra Law really likes her new job working on porn sets. When Girlsway's newest crew member Natalia Starr arrives for her shoot, Lyra eagerly carries in her luggage. Watching Natalia and Ivy perform their lesbian sex scene on the sofa makes Lyra feel rather frisky, and she excuses herself to the second floor bedroom for a bit of self-inflicted pussy relief. While Lyra is busily masturbating, Natalia walks in looking for the bathroom, wearing sexy lingerie. Lyra tries to conceal the truth about what she's doing, but Natalia sees right through her. And she's curious. Natalia comments suggestively that she's never met such a gorgeous PA before. Lyra tries to keep their exchange professional but she's clearly recovering from the orgasm that was building up. Starstruck by Natalia and embarrassed by the intrusion, Lyra acts awkward in her presence. But Natalia really wants to play, and no matter how much Lyra tries to ward off the sexy blonde nymphette, she will not relent! Eventually, Natalia manages to get her hands down her pants. And once she stimulates Lyra's clit, the lesbian PA is much less able to fight her off. Lyra gives in to Natalia's attempts to take off her top, which is too constricting anyway. The two sexy blondes start messing around. Natalia peels off Lyra's panties and remarks on her resplendent bush. She eats her pussy, while she fingers herself. They try to keep the volume down to avoid being caught by the crew, but Lyra can't help yelling when Natalia inserts her finger into her tight pussy, and fucks her till she cums. Natalia rims Lyra's ass till she collapses. The starlet straddles Lyra's face and Lyra devours her clit, pinching her nipples and sucking her pink flesh. Then the lesbians pleasure each other simultaneously, sixty-nining till Lyra masterfully makes Natalia explode. Will Lyra get fired for fucking the talent? Click to find out!

Adriana Chechik に 'The Art of Lesbian Anal: Assthletics'

Adriana Chechik - The Art of Lesbian Anal: Assthletics

Topless Adriana Chechik is getting ready for game time with Lyra Law. The lesbian ladies have a bet going on, and they've both been working out in preparation. If Lyra wins she can do whatever she wants to Adriana. Lyra comes over in a white sports bra and yoga pants. She shows her the big black strapon that will be the prize and the punishment if Adriana loses the bet. The challenge begins with an order decreed by Lyra for Adriana to take her top off. Adriana leans back on the sofa and Lyra nibbles her nipples. She pulls Adriana's panties off and teases her bush. Then she eats Adriana's pussy making her wet and horny for more. Adriana parts her legs and holds them above her head while Lyra sticks her tongue in her asshole. Lyra slips out of her pants and tells her little sex slave Adriana to make her cum. The lesbian brunette licks Lyra's pussy and sucks her clit till she bounces like a rubber ball. Lyra turns around and feeds Adriana her ass while Adriana fingers herself as per Lyra's orders. Then Adriana rubs Lyra's pussy as she gyrates her hips till she cums. Lyra rubs Adriana's pussy in retaliation and pushes her over the edge to squirt all over the sofa. After Lyra rides Adriana's face, she shoves the strapon in her mouth and makes her squirt again with her expert fingers. Then Lyra straps herself into the big black strapon and fingers Adriana's asshole before fucking her ass with the plastic cock. Lyra's strap-on assthletics makes Adriana have a sopping wet orgasm. But Lyra keeps pounding Adriana's ass, showing her prowess in the art of lesbian anal. She lets Adriana take a break and suck the strapon before she gets back onboard in reverse cowgirl. Lyra rubs Adriana's clit at the same time till she quivers and squirts more of her juices. Then Adriana needs a mouthful of Lyra's bushy pussy. She pays her back for all those orgasm, sucking her clit till she makes Lyra cum. Enjoy!

Lyra Law に 'A Nice Family Dinner'

Lyra Law - A Nice Family Dinner

Lyra Law brings Ricky Johson home for a family holiday dinner. It's a little awkward, they're a little uptight. While showing Ricky around, Lyra takes him into her room and fulfills a little fantasy and fucks him right there with her parents in the living room. It's amazing she can take so much black dick without her parents knowing!

Lyra Law に 'Slamming My Step-Sister'

Lyra Law - Slamming My Step-Sister

Lyra Law is a little conflicted about getting close to her step-brother, but soon she gets seduced by his sexy smile, and just wants to put her lips around his dick. Her hot deep throat blow job makes him raging hard, and he needs to thrust his cock deep inside her. Lyra rides Mr. Van Wylde with a vengeance, and the petite sprightly blonde bounces up and down on his shaft like a wild animal. She slams his dick is several positions, getting him riled up for a POV finish where he explodes onto her sweet pussy.

Lyra Law に 'Sharing the Siblings- Part 1'

Lyra Law - Sharing the Siblings- Part 1

Violet Starr and Xander are playing video games on the couch. Xander can't help but be attracted to Violet and flirt with her—even if she's his sister's girlfriend! When Lyra Law sees them about to kiss, she pulls Violet aside and expresses her disappointment—with rough lesbian sex! If Violet really wants a dick that bad it should be cumming from Lyra, who uses a strap-on to fuck Violet's sweet pussy nice and rough!

Lyra Law に 'Axel Braun's Dirty Talk Scene 1'

Lyra Law - Axel Braun's Dirty Talk Scene 1

Talking dirty during sex is more than a way to arouse your's an ART! Legendary director Axel Braun knows that, and in this beautifully photographed movie, he superbly celebrates this fetish with the help of five porn stars who truly have a gift for sexual verbosity!

Lyra Law に 'Anal Players 2'

Lyra Law - Anal Players 2

Statuesque blonde Lyra Law dons a provocative latex ensemble, teasing and masturbating before a passionate anal fuck from director Mick Blue. The kinky minx ties up his balls and administers a slobbery, sack-sucking blow job. She peels off her skintight skirt, revealing a thick bush, and Mick stretches her tight sphincter with an array of toys. Lyra fondles her cunt while Mick dunks his big boner deeply up her ass, and she gushes drool in an intense, ass-to-mouth blow job. She gets every hole stuffed with dick, tongues bunghole and swallows cum.

Lyra Law に 'Hippies Do It Better'

Lyra Law - Hippies Do It Better

Ike was driving down a deserted road. The route was pretty boring until he saw Lyra sporting her peace, love, and anything helps sign. He just had to pull over and see what her deal was. It turns out she was a free spirited runaway just trying to raise a little money to get a head start on her next adventure. Ike thought she was weird, but also pretty hot. He invited her to go hike with him. Lyra joins and they get to talking, But Ike is distracted by the beautiful scenery AKA Lyras hot body. He knows shes struggling so offers her 20 bucks to see those sweet tits. She grudgingly allows, but then Ike wants to get a glimpse of that hippy muff too. Lyra could use the cash, so she does it, and sees that Ike is pretty ballin right now. She decides to gofarshe can to raise her bankroll for her future travels. Lyra gives Ike a wet blowjob right in the seat of his car then lures him outside. She starts fucking him, but Ike wants to be more comfortable. They return to his crib and make a hot cash and fluid exchange. The cash ended up in Lyras purse, and the fluid all over her face.

Lyra Law に 'Should I Say Yes Scene 1'

Lyra Law - Should I Say Yes Scene 1

Sarah has to make one of the toughest decisions of her life … should she accept her boyfriend's marriage proposal With the help of her BFF Jessie, they breakdown Sarah's past relationships to help determine what her answer will be. What ensues is a sex-filled trip back in time! A clever script, beautiful cast and incredible sexual chemistry help to answer the question that every woman has to ponder … Should I Say Yes

Lyra Law に 'Hookup Hotshot: Break The Internet'

Lyra Law - Hookup Hotshot: Break The Internet

Blonde kewpie doll Lyra Law connects with Internet player Bryan Gozzling on an anal sex hook-up site and begs him for a good ass fucking. When Lyra arrives, she spreads her thighs so the stranger can finger her tight butthole until her pussy squirts! Gripping Lyra's hair, Bryan fucks her throat as the dirty minx gags and gurgles. He sodomizes her rectum, makes her suck cock ass-to-mouth and deep-throat big dildos. When her face is covered in slobber, he tops it off with a messy cum facial.

Lyra Law に 'Anal Brats 3'

Lyra Law - Anal Brats 3

Athletic blonde Lyra Law sports a colorful, smutty outfit for a sweltering, poolside tease. She twerks her perfect ass, flaunts her furry bush and strips out of her bikini to display her glorious, sun-kissed body. Sweet Lyra warms up with a sphincter-stretching dildo before greeting director/stud Mark Wood with a sloppy, cock-slurping blow job. She buzzes her pussy with a vibrator while Mark reams her rectum, generating immense, pussy-squirting orgasms! After Mark fully fucks all of her holes and Lyra sucks his tasty cock ass-to-mouth, he decorates her gorgeous face in jism.

Lyra Law に 'Tight Anal Sluts 2'

Lyra Law - Tight Anal Sluts 2

Former femdom queen Lyra Law demands a thorough ass reaming, and stud director Mike Adriano is the perfect stud for the job! Clad in lingerie, the tall, slender blonde flaunts her furry bush and perfect ass and gives a cock-slurping blow job. Sweet Lyra rims the lucky director's bunghole and crams a thick dildo into her rectum to warm up for his gigantic schlong. She buzzes a vibrator over her clit as Mike plunges his massive cock in her sphincter, and she flaunts her stretched, gaping asshole. After intense sodomy, Mike showers the goddess with ribbons of jizz.

Karla Kush に 'Best Friends get Punished by Rich Boss'

Karla Kush - Best Friends get Punished by Rich Boss

Hot blonde roommates Lyra and Karla have been really bad. They stole a credit card from Karla's boss and had a little fun. Now he knows everything and they are at his house waiting for their punishment. He has said he is going to press charges against the two sexy little criminals, but he has so much more in store for them. When they stand up in front of him to take what they deserve, little do they know that its not going to be the kind of punishment that they were expecting.

Lyra Law に 'The Madam Scene 2'

Lyra Law - The Madam Scene 2

As the owner of a prestigious escort agency, Ashley (Stormy Daniels) learns the secrets and fantasies of all her clients. She seems to have it all: money, power and hot sex! But remember… things are not always what they seem.

Lyra Law に 'Young Rebelious Girl Does Anal with Therapist'

Lyra Law - Young Rebelious Girl Does Anal with Therapist

Lyra doesn't get along with her parents and her grades at school are suffering. After getting suspended, she is sent to see a therapist about her issues. When she arrives, her doctor is a hot German guy who she has grown to fantasise about during their sessions. She begins to tell him how she masturbates thinking about him and the look on his face tells her that he feels the same way. He tells her that she can do whatever she wants in his office during their private sessions, and what follows ensures that the sexual tension between them will not go to waste.

Lyra Law に 'POV Sluts - Swallow Edition'

Lyra Law - POV Sluts - Swallow Edition

Sensuous blonde nymphet Lyra Louvel works on the throbbing, uncircumcised cock meat of Latin director Toni Ribas, teasing him in a breathy whisper and drooling all over his rock-hard shaft as he shoots the action POV-style. The sexy young bitch coats her round, sweet ass with baby oil and slides Toni's stiff schlong inside her juicy pussy; she rides his pole passionately as the director buries his thumb inside her tender asshole. After an intimate fuck session, Lyra eagerly swallows his creamy load.

Daisy Ducati に 'Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves 02'

Daisy Ducati - Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves 02

Statuesque, redheaded ebony porn star Daisy Ducati towers over petite, young newbie Ziggy Star. These all-natural bisexual beauties play a kinky game, filling their 'squirt jars' with orgasmic girl-juice! Daisy and Ziggy rim each other's butthole; they wield anal toys and vibrating wands to bring each other to climax. Daisy makes the beautiful rookie worship her bare feet, finally fucking Ziggy's asshole and pretty face with her trusty strap-on dildo!

Daisy Ducati に 'Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves 2'

Daisy Ducati - Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves 2

Statuesque, redheaded ebony porn star Daisy Ducati towers over petite, young newbie Ziggy Star. These all-natural bisexual beauties play a kinky game, filling their 'squirt jars' with orgasmic girl-juice! Daisy and Ziggy rim each other's butthole; they wield anal toys and vibrating wands to bring each other to climax. Daisy makes the beautiful rookie worship her bare feet, finally fucking Ziggy's asshole and pretty face with her trusty strap-on dildo!

Daisy Ducati に 'Diva, Daisy Ducati will fuck her way onto the red carpet'

Daisy Ducati - Diva, Daisy Ducati will fuck her way onto the red carpet

Daisy Ducati wants to having the worlds most coveted designer make her a dress for a big red carpet event. Salina Samone doesn't have time for just anybody but if someone has cute enough feet, she will make time for her.Daisy Ducati always gets what she wants and she wants a dress so she must her her hands, mouth, ass and feet to get it.Daisy gives Salina Samone a foot job a blow job, gets fucked in her pussy and her ass.

Lyra Law に 'Opening The Throat Chakra'

Lyra Law - Opening The Throat Chakra

Lyra Louvel is 23 year old angel from South California. She is a kinky babe and one of her favorite activities y shoving a thick long cock all the way down her throat. They say practice makes the master and she has definitely practiced a lot.

Lyra Law に 'Taboo Conquest'

Lyra Law - Taboo Conquest

If there is anything Lyra Law can mark off her bucket list it would be this; Fucking her hot step mother Bridgette B. As the years went by, Lyra became more and more infatuated with her father's wife, unable to shake off the longings to be sexually intimate with an older woman. Lyra knows her father isn't satisfying Bridgette sexually, and with this knowledge she will attempt to take on her wildest lesbian fantasy, and seduce her stepmother. But her plan goes to shit when Bridgette finds her top secret agenda, discovering Lyra's perverted thoughts and decides to put an end to her little taboo fantasy right here and now!A few days go by and Bridgette comes home from shopping, unaware of her daughter's presence. Lyra sneaks up behind Bridgette and knows something is up with the way her mother is acting. Bridgette admits she read her diary, and all those sexual thoughts about her need to be flushed out of her mind. Lyra confesses that she cannot stop thinking about her mother's massive boobs and juicy pussy. Lyra knows her thoughts are impure and possibly forbidden, but Lyra takes one more chance and offers her mother the choice; either she fulfills her daughter's fantasy with lesbian satisfaction or walks away and never speaks of it again...Bridgette cannot resist Lyra's perky boobs waiting for her to touch and smother with her succulent lips. Lyra strips nude, becoming completely submissive to her mother's beckoning. Bridgette punishes her naughty daughter by making her suck on a big ice cube and teases her nipples with the cold chill that goes all the way down towards her shaved pussy. Lyra's wish finally comes true, finally able to grab hold of her mother's humongous tits. They drag each other into the living room to finish what they started. Bridgette wants to see her daughter's pretty pussy and orders her to lie down, legs spread open. Bridgette licks Lyra's erect clitoris, and sucks hard on her lips hearing her daughter scream with joy. Bridgette wants her turn to be satisfied and offers Lyra her lesbian loins as a tasty treat for her naughty lesbian mouth. Bridgette's juices flow down over her daughter's mouth as she moans with excitement demanding Lyra's sucks her saucy wet pussy dry!

Daisy Ducati に 'Bored Housewives Tupperware party turns into sweaty anal session'

Daisy Ducati - Bored Housewives Tupperware party turns into sweaty anal session

Kelli and Daisy are waiting for the other neighborhood housewives to come to their weekly tupperware party but no one shows up. These ladies are bored and horny and after flirting week after week, they decide to finally make a move on each other. Kelli and Daisy make it into the bed room where Kelli reveals her beautiful cock. Daisy wants to rub every part of her body on the cock so she starts by rubbing her perfect feel on it. Kelli can't control herself after the foot job so she pounds Daisy hard in the pussy and the ass

Daisy Ducati に 'Bisexual Pick-Ups'

Daisy Ducati - Bisexual Pick-Ups

Light-skinned black beauty Daisy Ducati looks distinctive with her curls dyed red, natural tits and nose piercing. She has an anniversary surprise for Tony Orlando: a bisexual trade-fuck with bearded Latino Jasper Stone! The trio strips and makes out, with Jasper and Tony mouth kissing. Jasper sucks Tony's prick; Daisy blows both cocks as Jasper eats pussy. Jasper fucks Daisy, with Tony sucking dick pussy-to-mouth. Tony nails her doggie-style as she blows Jasper. As she rides Jasper's cock, Tony fucks her asshole for a double penetration! Jasper pulls out of the wife and wetly facials the husband; Daisy kisses jism from his mouth and face. And Jasper blows/strokes Tony's load into Daisy's mouth.

Daisy Ducati に 'Supernatural'

Daisy Ducati - Supernatural

Sultry, red-haired, mixed-race beauty Daisy Ducati is a slender, all-natural punk princess with an insatiable hunger for cock. Young stud Mickey Mod aims to satisfy Daisy's cravings; he fingers her shaved pussy and feeds the adorable girl his stiff trouser snake until she's gagging and drooling on his shaft. The sexy slut takes Mickey's throbbing dick in every hole. She gets her tight asshole reamed in a passionate session of anal banging that climaxes with a hot, creamy load on Daisy's tummy.

Daisy Ducati に 'I Love Shoving Cocks Deep In My Throat'

Daisy Ducati - I Love Shoving Cocks Deep In My Throat

Daisy Ducati used to be a fashion mode for ten years and you can tell just by the way she shows off that not ebony body. The moment she sees a cock, she will show you how kinky and slutty she is inside, but taking the cock deep in her throat!

Tori Taylor に 'Liquid Lesbians'

Tori Taylor - Liquid Lesbians

Black bombshell Tori Taylor and red-haired, mixed-race beauty Daisy Ducati get off on getting wet and wild during an intimate date. Tori thrusts her fingers deep inside her girlfriend's snatch. She stuffs Daisy's pussy with an enormous dildo as the exotic redhead buzzes her clit with a vibrator. Daisy squirts a torrent of girl-juice all over Tori's pretty face! Next, Tori takes a similar treatment. Finally these young ladies fill their sweet cunts from water bottles and douse each other with warm liquid.

Ash Hollywood に 'Fetish Fanatic 16'

Ash Hollywood - Fetish Fanatic 16

Stunning blonde bombshell Ash Hollywood and pierced, red-haired, mixed-race beauty Daisy Ducati are getting to know one another, and soon all their talk of pussy has these stocking-clad knockouts pretty hot and bothered. Ash fingers brown-skinned Daisy's juicy cunt, pleasuring her with eager tongue, glass toys and a magic wand. Daisy returns the favor, getting Ash off in a kinky, intimate session of spit play and buzzing, vibrating ecstasy.

Kimmy Lee に 'Anal Perverts 03'

Kimmy Lee - Anal Perverts 03

Redhaired cutie-pie Daisy Ducati and black-haired vixen Kimmy Lee are two mixed-race beauties with a taste for nasty anal play. Perverted director Mike Adriano examines the girls' adorable assholes before having them treat his huge cock to a wet, slurpy, POV blowjob. He uses his massive member to ream each of their tender rectums, letting the other girl clean his sphincter-flavored shaft, ass-to-mouth style. Finally, Mike pulls out of Kimmy's gaping anus... and unloads into Daisy's waiting mouth.

Mona Wales に 'Knock You Down A Peg'

Mona Wales - Knock You Down A Peg

Professional dommes Mona Wales and Daisy Ducati love abusing and manipulating inferior males. They work over heavily tattooed Ruckus, a financial slave that wishes he could fuck them, in a rough pegging session flavored with sarcastic humiliation. Both bitches sport wicked fetish gear with dildos menacingly harnessed. They spit in his mouth, make him lick leather boots clean and wear a pink wig. The laughing ladies fuck his throat, peg his rectum and pump their strap-ons ass-to-mouth. He blows one big phallus as the other plows his ass. With a pussy smothering his face, he spurts his cum on a mirror, and the nasty dommes make him snort his jism through a rolled up C-note!