Kink Partners 'シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット' 主演 Charlotte Sartre (写真 15)

Charlotte Sartre,Slave Fluffy,Bunny Colby に 'Kink Partners' - Charlotte and Her Castrabot (Sweet Femdom)

悪役シャーロット・サルトルは、彼女に強力な男性を誘惑し、去勢するようにプログラムされたセクシーなフェンボットを構築するために狂った科学者ふわふわを雇いました。彼はもうすぐ終わったが、彼女は明日フランスの首相を去勢するフェムダムを必要としている」彼女は時間に行う方が良い、またはそれはあなたのボールです。シャーロットはふわふわを脅かすが、彼女は彼のボールを強く握る。彼女は去る。彼はすぐに彼女が彼のガールフレンドであるかのようにフェムダム(バニーコルビー)と話し始めます。彼は不気味に彼女のおっぱいとお尻を好き、その後、彼は進むためにツールが必要なことを覚えているので、彼は去ります。シャーロットはこっそり戻ってくる。彼女は彼女を構築するためにふわふわの競争相手に支払った彼女の手にデバイスを持っています。それは彼女が欲しいものでロボットを単に再コードすることを可能にします。彼女はフェンボットの完璧な体を賞賛し、彼女は再び彼を見るとすぐに彼女のメーカーのボールを破壊するために彼女をプログラムします。この方法でシャーロットは彼に支払う必要はありません。ふわふわが戻ってくる」メーカーを特定しました。彼のボールを破壊するために進みます。フェンボットはボールで彼をひざまずく。シャーロットは、ふわふわがニードを得るのを見ながら笑い、彼の人生の仕事によって何度も何度もボールを蹴られました。彼が苦しみの中で地面にいる間、シャーロットは参加し、彼のボールを踏みます。彼女は彼の足を開いたままにして、続くようにフェムボットに言います。ちょうど彼のボールが永久に破裂しようとしているとき、シャーロットは彼にまたがり、彼が彼女の召使いになることに同意すれば、彼は彼のボールをもう少し長く保つことができると甘く彼に言います。もちろん、彼女はずっと彼のボールを苦しめ続けるつもりです。彼は世界のトップロボット科学者から彼女のせっぺんなメイドに降格されました.シャーロットがふわふわが作り出したセクシーなフェンボットの所有権を取得してから時間が経ちました。彼女はまた、ふわふわの完全な所有権を取得しています。彼女は彼が彼女の家を掃除しながら、彼にフィッシュネットとヒールのスカートを着用させます。シャーロットは彼女のソファの上にあり、彼女のフェンボットの完璧な胸を愛撫しています。彼女のフェンボットはいくつかのAIを持っており、話すことができます。「いつ他の人を去勢できますか?まもなく.」シャーロットは言う。ふわふわは、彼がちょうど床の掃除を終えたことを報告するために歩きます。シャーロットは彼女のセクシーなフェムダムに「先に行く..」と言い、フェムボットは彼女のメーカー、ふわふわに直接歩き、彼が他の犠牲者に対して行うように彼女をプログラムしたことを行います。彼女はボールを破壊するようにプログラムされています。彼女はナッツの中で彼を激しくひざまずかせ、シャーロットは笑う。ふわふわは彼女に慈悲を請う。彼女は彼に彼の時間が来て、彼のガーリーなスカートとかかとを脱ぐために来たと言います。いくつかのハードキックの後、彼らは彼のボールをつかみ、それらを打つ交代で。彼は彼らにボールを保つように頼む。彼は、彼らがボールで彼を蹴るために戻ることを嘆願します, ちょうど彼はそれらを長く保つことができます.シャーロットは、誇り高い科学者がボールで彼を蹴るように彼女に頼んでいるという事実を明らかにします。彼らは彼が彼を去勢するように頼むまで彼を傷つけたので、それが止まるでしょう。シャーロットはまさに彼女が望んでいたものを手に入れた。彼女のカストラボットは完璧に彼女の仕事をしました。「ああ、あなたが私にあなたを去勢するように頼んでいるなら、私は幸せです。カッティングルームに連れて行きましょう。彼らは彼が気まぐれながら、ボールで部屋から彼を導いて、離れてストラット。

発売日 : 9月10日, 2019
タグ : ビッグディック, 巨乳, 黒髪, ブロンド, , 黒髪, CBT, 偽のおっぱい, 女王, フィッシュネット, 天然おっぱい, 痛み, 剃った, スリム, まっすぐ, ストラップオン, 入れ墨, 第三者, トーン, ,

写真から Charlotte Sartre,Slave Fluffy,Bunny Colby に 'Kink Partners' Charlotte and Her Castrabot

Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 1)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 2)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 3)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 4)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 5)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 6)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 7)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 8)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 9)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 10)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 11)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 12)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 13)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 14)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 15)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 16)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 17)
Charlotte Sartre に 'Kink Partners' シャーロットと彼女のカスタボット (サムネイル 18)

写真から Charlotte Sartre,Slave Fluffy,Bunny Colby に 'Kink Partners' Charlotte and Her Castrabot

もっと 'Kink Partners' からのシーン Charlotte Sartre,Slave Fluffy,Bunny Colby

Slave Fluffy に 'ミーンマットレスストア-アシュリンピークス'

Slave Fluffy - ミーンマットレスストア-アシュリンピークス


Natalia Vouise に 'is a Goddess'

Natalia Vouise - is a Goddess


Bettie Bondage に 'ふわふわフックアップ'

Bettie Bondage - ふわふわフックアップ


Slave Fluffy に 'ジムのいじめっ子4-サラジェシー'

Slave Fluffy - ジムのいじめっ子4-サラジェシー


Charlotte Sartre に 'シャーロット拳マルセロ'

Charlotte Sartre - シャーロット拳マルセロ


Slave Fluffy に '刑務所の雌犬2 - キタナモンタナ'

Slave Fluffy - 刑務所の雌犬2 - キタナモンタナ


Charlotte Sartre に 'シャーロットとマヤの新鮮な肉'

Charlotte Sartre - シャーロットとマヤの新鮮な肉


Jazmin Luv に '平均継娘4 - ジャムジンluv'

Jazmin Luv - 平均継娘4 - ジャムジンluv


Kaiya Rose に '平均教師2 - カイヤローズ'

Kaiya Rose - 平均教師2 - カイヤローズ


Slave Fluffy に 'これは夜だろうか'

Slave Fluffy - これは夜だろうか


Destiny Cruz に '平均雌犬のボス8 - 運命のクルーズ'

Destiny Cruz - 平均雌犬のボス8 - 運命のクルーズ

ミス・クルーズは、従業員が最高レベルでパフォーマンスを発揮することを期待していますか?彼女はふわふわをオフィスに呼んで、彼の貧弱な販売数に不快感を表明し、すぐに彼をひざまずかせて仕事を続けるように懇願します。彼女は彼がプライドや自尊心がなくなるまで彼を言葉で侮辱し、それからこれから彼の仕事は毎日彼の手と膝の上で彼女のオフィスに這い上がり、彼女の汚れた足を舐め、そして彼女の尻穴にキスすることを含むことを彼に知らせます!熱いお尻の崇拝、足の崇拝、フェイスシッティングなど - これは信じられないほどのシーンです!

Slave Fluffy に '刑務所の雌犬 - カリカリエンテ'

Slave Fluffy - 刑務所の雌犬 - カリカリエンテ


Spencer Scott に '純潔少年 - スペンサースコット'

Spencer Scott - 純潔少年 - スペンサースコット


Sami Parker に '人形ボス - サーミパーカー'

Sami Parker - 人形ボス - サーミパーカー


Vanessa Vega に 'ティックトックカック'

Vanessa Vega - ティックトックカック

ブラッドはTik Toksが高給のインフルエンサーになると考えていますが、ガールフレンドのヴァネッサは彼のビデオが不自由であることを知っていて、彼をサポートするのにうんざりしています。だから、ブラッドが彼の頑固な友人ディロンを撃つのを手伝うように誘ったとき、彼女はいくつかのカッコウの復讐を得る時間を無駄にしません。ブラッドは、ヴァネッサがディロンと仲良くなり、彼の大きなコックを吸い、カウガール風に乗るのを無力に見守っています。しかし、ヴァネッサは無一文のボーイフレンドに見てもらうだけでは満足していません。彼女はブラッドにもコックを吸うように命じ、彼はしぶしぶ同意する。ディロンがクソなヴァネッサとブラッドの顔を交互に繰り返すと、彼も猫を味わうことができる。その後、彼はディロンのボールのクローズアップビューに身を委ね、カップルが彼の上で性交します。最後に、ディロンはブラッドの顔全体に彼の負荷を撃ち、ヴァネッサは彼にカムを食べさせる。彼の相棒とのビデオ撮影は明らかに計画通りには進まなかった。ブラッドは、次回は、彼はちょうど三脚を買うつもりだと宣言します!

Kendra Cole に 'ジムでのいじめ 2 - ケンドラコール'

Kendra Cole - ジムでのいじめ 2 - ケンドラコール


Ember Snow に 'エンバーはドームです - エンバースノー'

Ember Snow - エンバーはドームです - エンバースノー


Tiffany Watson に '平均スポーツエージェント - ティファニーワトソン'

Tiffany Watson - 平均スポーツエージェント - ティファニーワトソン


Electra Rayne に '平均ガールフレンド - エレクトラレイン'

Electra Rayne - 平均ガールフレンド - エレクトラレイン


Lauren Phillips に 'オフィスいじめ - ローレン・フィリップス'

Lauren Phillips - オフィスいじめ - ローレン・フィリップス


Alura Jenson に 'ジムでいじめっ子 - アルラジェンソン'

Alura Jenson - ジムでいじめっ子 - アルラジェンソン


Charlotte Sartre に 'ホーニー小柄なアスリートがピン留めし、お互いに浸透'

Charlotte Sartre - ホーニー小柄なアスリートがピン留めし、お互いに浸透


Daisy Ducati に '平均的なレスリング連盟のプレゼント:デイジードゥカティ対ふわふわ'

Daisy Ducati - 平均的なレスリング連盟のプレゼント:デイジードゥカティ対ふわふわ


Sheena Ryder に '意地悪雌犬ボス4 - シーナライダー'

Sheena Ryder - 意地悪雌犬ボス4 - シーナライダー

ふわふわの同僚がズボンに飲み物をこぼしたとき、彼の唯一の選択肢は、彼の新しい上司が中に入る前にそれらを取り除いて乾燥させようとすることです。残念ながら、彼の新しい上司(シーナライダー)は、彼のディックがぶら下がって彼を見るためにちょうど間に合うように歩いた。彼を解雇する代わりに、彼女は彼が純潔で彼のディックをロックした場合にのみ彼の仕事を維持することができます。1ヶ月後、彼は彼女に純潔から抜け出すために何でもすると言います。彼女は彼をサディスティックに笑い、「何でも?あなたは本当ですか?'、そして彼女のBIG ASSを舐め、彼女の足にキスすることに加えて、彼は彼女と一緒に移動し、彼女の個人的な奴隷として役立つことを彼に伝え続けます!熱いお尻の崇拝、足の礼拝、顔座り、およびもっと!

Vanessa Vega に 'バーの見知らぬ人:ヴァネッサ(2/2)'

Vanessa Vega - バーの見知らぬ人:ヴァネッサ(2/2)


Vanessa Vega に 'バーの見知らぬ人 - ヴァネッサ(パート1/2)'

Vanessa Vega - バーの見知らぬ人 - ヴァネッサ(パート1/2)

このシーンは私たちの新しい機能からです, バーの見知らぬ人. 以前, ケイは彼女のボーイフレンドマイクが打撃を受けているキャッチ, 彼女は怒っているとバーに行きます, 彼女はヴァネッサに会います.ヴァネッサは彼女の男についての苦悩の彼女自身の物語を持っています。二人の女性は復讐を誓う。古典的なヒッチコック映画、電車の中の見知らぬ人に触発され、彼らはお互いの悪いボーイフレンドを罰することを決定します。[注:この映画はファンタジーです、自宅でこれを試してみないでください!今、ヴァネッサは簡単にスターバックスでケイの詐欺師のボーイフレンドマイクを拾います。彼女は、彼がワナベの代わりに成功した脚本家であるかのように、彼の上に飛び立ち、彼に大きな打撃を与えます。マイクは最高の午後を過ごしていますが、ヴァネッサは彼を愛し、彼にそれを言い返してほしいと言います。彼は彼らがちょうど会ったことを指摘し、ヴァネッサは彼女が彼と一緒に死にたいと発表し、ちょうど彼女を打撃のために使用したと非難します。マイクは去るだろうが、彼は愚かにもベッドに縛られているのに同意したので、ヴァネッサがサボ、作物、パドルをバストアウトし、彼らの結婚式を計画している間ずっと、彼からがらくたを叩き出すために進みます。そして、彼女は始まったばかりです!(第1部「バーの見知らぬ人」の「バーの復讐」からのより多くの

Jordan Maxx に '平均的なレスリング連盟プレゼント:ジョーダンマックス対ふわふわ'

Jordan Maxx - 平均的なレスリング連盟プレゼント:ジョーダンマックス対ふわふわ


Charlotte Sartre に '恥ずかしがらないで:シャーロットサルトルはサキクルーズを開始します'

Charlotte Sartre - 恥ずかしがらないで:シャーロットサルトルはサキクルーズを開始します

TSガールサキクルーズは、モデリングの世界に新しいです, そして、彼女はそれが示すことを恐れています.彼女が写真撮影のためにシャーロット・サルトルとペアを組んでいるとき、サキはプロから学ぶ機会をつかむ - しかし、彼女は彼女が交渉したよりも包括的なレッスンのためにいるかもしれません。サキとシャーロットは、革とラテックススパイクヒールブーツ、セクシーなガーターとストッキングでデッキアウトされていますが、すぐに彼らのフェティシー、変態の服装が剥がされるので、これらの2つのギャルズはそれに到達することができます。シャーロットは、神経質な新人サキを開始するためにリードを取る、彼女はいくつかのスパンキングで彼女を少し緩めるために彼女の膝の上に佐木を曲げるので、彼女は自信を得るのを助けたいと思います。シャーロットが明るいピンクを回す彼女の淡いお尻をたたいている間、恥ずかしがり屋のサキは笑って微笑みます。サキはシャーロットのラテックスブーツを熱心に舐め、歯で解凍し、サルトルさんのつま先と足を崇拝します。その後、シャーロットは、フロッガー、作物、そしてサキのお尻のための脂肪ストラップオンのような一連の罰、遊び心のあるおもちゃで呼び出し音を通してサキを置きます。シャーロットは宣教師でサキをファックし、その後、サキは、今はるかに自信を感じて、逆カウガールでシャーロットにまたがり、彼女が息を切らすまで彼女のコックに乗ります。最後にシャーロットは、犬の中でサキス小さな穴をファックし、その後、彼女はそのコックをきれいになめる。今、写真撮影のために!

Aria Banks に '平均的な雌犬の学生2 - アリア銀行'

Aria Banks - 平均的な雌犬の学生2 - アリア銀行

ふわふわ氏は、彼のかわいい小さな学生アリアがクラスの後に待って、彼に「ここを乗り越えろ、奴隷」と命じるとき、ショックを受けます。彼は彼女に彼女が彼の生徒であり、彼は彼のクラスでそのような従属を我慢しないと言います。しかし、奥深くで、彼は彼がこの美しい女の子に劣っていることを知っています。アリアは欲しいものを手に入れる方法を知っていて、彼女は自分のコントロールに彼女の方法をいじめ、操作します。彼女はすぐに彼の膝の上に彼を持っています, 彼女の学校の机の下に彼女のお尻と猫を舐めます!熱いお尻の礼拝、足の礼拝、フェイシッター、ブラットドーム、およびもっと!

Kay Carter に 'バスから新鮮な - ケイカーター'

Kay Carter - バスから新鮮な - ケイカーター


Nyomi Star に '平均レスリング連盟プレゼント:ニョミスター対ふわふわ'

Nyomi Star - 平均レスリング連盟プレゼント:ニョミスター対ふわふわ

平均レスリング連盟での今日のメインイベントは、2つの激しい競争相手の間の試合を備えています: ニョミスター対ふわふわ!熱いレスリング、顔座り、お尻崇拝、足の崇拝、屈辱、およびもっと!

Sarah Jessie に '誰も彼を望んでいなかった - サラ・ジェシー'

Sarah Jessie - 誰も彼を望んでいなかった - サラ・ジェシー


Casey Kisses に 'ケイシーとカットは、すべてを取るパート2'

Casey Kisses - ケイシーとカットは、すべてを取るパート2


Gia DiMarco に 'と遊ぶ小さなおもちゃの口'

Gia DiMarco - と遊ぶ小さなおもちゃの口

ジア・ディマルコは、彼女が彼を望んでいる彼女の奴隷を持っています, 拘束し、彼女は彼女の美しい手で彼と一緒におもちゃに準備ができて.ジアは、からかい、ギャグ、そして彼女のセクシーな手でふわふわの息を奪うの間で交互に。ジアは、時折彼女の奴隷の顔をなめるのに十分な寛大さを感じていました.

Alyx Star に '平均的なパッケージ配信 - alyxスター'

Alyx Star - 平均的なパッケージ配信 - alyxスター


Casey Kisses に 'ケイシーとカットはふわふわパート1からすべてを取る'

Casey Kisses - ケイシーとカットはふわふわパート1からすべてを取る


Zoe Sparx に '二重支配(2の部分)'

Zoe Sparx - 二重支配(2の部分)

ドムズ・ゾーイ・スパークスとシャーロット・サルトルは奴隷マルセロを苦しめ続ける。今、彼は良いとウォームアップしたので、彼らは巨大なコックにストラップし、お尻に彼を激しくファック - 彼は作物でお尻に叩かれている四つんばいにいる間。その後、彼らは彼の背中に彼をひっくり返し、彼が大きな黒いストラップオンディルドに突っ込まれている間、彼の顔に座って(彼らが彼らの足を崇拝した後)、彼を窒息させます。そしてもちろん、フィストがあります!(2のパート2)

Zoe Sparx に '二重支配(パート1/2)'

Zoe Sparx - 二重支配(パート1/2)


Charlotte Sartre に '美しい入れ墨ゴスの可愛い人は、競争力の男性を取ります'

Charlotte Sartre - 美しい入れ墨ゴスの可愛い人は、競争力の男性を取ります


Victoria Voxxx に '平均的な雌犬のボス3 - ビクトリアvoxxx'

Victoria Voxxx - 平均的な雌犬のボス3 - ビクトリアvoxxx


Charlotte Sartre に 'これは私たちがファックする方法です (2の 2)'

Charlotte Sartre - これは私たちがファックする方法です (2の 2)


Charlotte Sartre に 'これは私たちがファックする方法です (1/2)'

Charlotte Sartre - これは私たちがファックする方法です (1/2)


London River に '官能的なサディスト (3/ 3)'

London River - 官能的なサディスト (3/ 3)

奴隷ふわふわは、彼女が彼の上にしゃがみ込んでいる間、彼が縛られている「電気」椅子の腕の上に立って、彼女の兼を作ることによって、彼の愛人ロンドンへの彼の献身を証明します。幸せで満足して、彼女はより多くのキスと痛みで彼に報酬を与えます。彼女は彼のすでに痛い乳首を作物し、彼をむち打ち、彼を丸ごと栽培します。痛みを与える彼女は、彼女をオンにするので、彼女は自慰行為をし、自分自身をオフに取得 - ふわふわのお尻を噛み、彼の痛み、痛むボールやコックを絞りながら、すべて。(3分の3)

London River に '官能的なサディスト(2/3)'

London River - 官能的なサディスト(2/3)


London River に '官能的なサディスト (1/3)'

London River - 官能的なサディスト (1/3)


Charlotte Sartre に 'シャーロットが提出(2/2)'

Charlotte Sartre - シャーロットが提出(2/2)


Charlotte Sartre に 'シャーロットが提出(1/2)'

Charlotte Sartre - シャーロットが提出(1/2)


London River に '進化した戦いで賞金ラウンドで与えられ、取られた最高のクリームパイ'

London River - 進化した戦いで賞金ラウンドで与えられ、取られた最高のクリームパイ


Karen Fisher に '私の夫はカック'

Karen Fisher - 私の夫はカック


Charlotte Sartre に 'ゴスの女の子はレスリングで男を破壊し、のために彼に放尿'

Charlotte Sartre - ゴスの女の子はレスリングで男を破壊し、のために彼に放尿


Mistress Bella Bathory に 'ホイッピング少年2'

Mistress Bella Bathory - ホイッピング少年2


Mistress Bella Bathory に 'むち打ち少年1'

Mistress Bella Bathory - むち打ち少年1


Sailor Luna に 'ゴスの女の子は隣の女の子を破壊します'

Sailor Luna - ゴスの女の子は隣の女の子を破壊します


Charlotte Sartre に 'ステップダッドは犯され、怒られる(2の部分2)'

Charlotte Sartre - ステップダッドは犯され、怒られる(2の部分2)

シャーロットは、トイレで彼女を覗いて彼女のステップダッドをキャッチ, 今、彼は彼女の雌犬と彼女の気まぐれに奴隷です;さもなければ、彼女は巨大なストラップオンを振り回して、彼女は複数の位置で彼のろくでなしを打ち、そして彼が彼女を喜させる時が過ぎだと発表します。彼女は彼に彼女の猫を食べさせる。それは彼女のためにそれをしません, しかし, 彼女はいくつかのコックを望んでいると判断し、ジミーは彼女をファックしています.しかし、これは彼にとってあまりにも楽しいかもしれないので、彼女は彼が終わったら彼にコンドームから彼の精液を食べさせます。そして、壮大なフィナーレのために、彼女は彼を床に横たえさせ、彼に腹を立てさせます!(2のパート2)

Charlotte Sartre に 'ステップダッドは犯され、怒られる(パート1/2)'

Charlotte Sartre - ステップダッドは犯され、怒られる(パート1/2)

ゴス湯たんぽシャーロットサルトルは、彼女のシャワーから乾燥し、彼女自身のビジネスを気にしている - 彼女はステップダッドジミーブロードウェイがドアの亀裂から彼女を覗いていることに気づくとき。本当に腹を立てて、彼女は彼をトイレに引きずり込み、ジミーが今彼女の雌犬であることを発表します。彼が楽しませて彼女に服従しなければ、彼女は彼が何をしたか、そして彼女が誰を信じるつもりなのか、彼または彼女の最愛の娘にママに話すでしょう。シャーロットは変態のおもちゃのかなりの配列を持っていることが判明し、彼女は彼のコックとボールを苦しめるためにそれらを使用して大きなグリーを取ります。彼女は彼が波紋と悲しみを抱きながら、彼の家族の宝石をつかみ、平手打ちします。その後、彼女は彼に鋼鉄貞操装置を置き、それから釣り重みを掛け、彼のボールを最大限に伸ばします。次に、彼女はジミーを窒息させるために彼女のゴージャスなお尻を使用し、その後、大きなストラップオンをバストアウトします。私たちが彼女の無邪気なステップパパを残すとき、彼はシャーロットが笑うように大きな時間を突っ込んできています。そして、彼女はまだ終わっていません!(第1部

Bunny Colby に '登録ストラップン犯罪者'

Bunny Colby - 登録ストラップン犯罪者


Charlotte Sartre に 'ゴス・カッコールド(3/3)'

Charlotte Sartre - ゴス・カッコールド(3/3)

ランスは永遠にシャーロットをファックできますか?確かに、彼らが行き続けるのを見て、シャーロットとエクスタシーで行き、ランスの巨大なコックに跳ね返るのを見させられた貧しいトニーに思えます。彼らはトニーがシャーロットの猫ジュースを味わうことを許すことによって、少しだけ行動に入ることができます - ランスのディックからそれを舐めることによって。最後に、シャーロットはランスにもう一度打撃を与え、ランスの負荷を得るために大きく開きます。そして、トニーの口の中にいくつかを吐き出します。そして、トニーはこれが一度限りのものではなく、彼の新しい現実であることを認識するように、彼らは彼らと一緒にベッドに寄り添うように彼を招待します。このシーンはAVNにノミネートされたDVD「キンキーカッコールド4」(3のパート3)の一部です。

Charlotte Sartre に 'ゴス・カッコールド (パート 2/3)'

Charlotte Sartre - ゴス・カッコールド (パート 2/3)


Charlotte Sartre に 'ゴス・カッコールド (パート 1/3)'

Charlotte Sartre - ゴス・カッコールド (パート 1/3)


Charlotte Sartre に 'ピザの男をファック (パート 2 の 2)'

Charlotte Sartre - ピザの男をファック (パート 2 の 2)


Charlotte Sartre に 'ピザの男をファック (パート 1/2)'

Charlotte Sartre - ピザの男をファック (パート 1/2)

シャーロットは手形についてストレスを感じています - 彼らは壊れていて、電気が消えようとしています。だから、彼女の配達男のボーイフレンドジェイがさらに別のピザで帰宅したとき、彼女は最高の気分ではありません(40%の従業員割引!お金に関する彼らの議論は、シャーロットの元ドレイヴンからの電話によって中断されます。彼女がシリコンバレーに引っ越したくなかったので、彼らは別れましたが、今では彼は成功した技術スタートアップを所有しており、町に戻っています。彼は花とシャンパンを完備して現れ、まもなくシャーロットとドレイヴンはジェイが見守る中で二人の関係を再燃させ、屈辱を受けている。まず、シャーロットは、彼女が打撃の仕事でドレイヴンを逃した方法を示し、ドレイヴンは貧しいジェイをからかいます。その後、シャーロットは、これはジェイが他の男のディックを吸う彼のファンタジーを生きるための完璧な時間であることを示唆しています。ジェイは非常にしぶしぶ同意し、ドレイヴンの大きな、厚いロッドに取り組むために行きます。ドレイヴンが良いとウォームアップしたら、彼はジェイの失望に多く、毎分を愛しているシャーロットをファックに取得します。彼のガールフレンドがエクスタシーにいる間、彼は完全な敗者のように感じます。そして、ドレイヴンはちょうどウォームアップしています!(第1部

Lydia Black に 'ゴスの女の子はヌードセックスの戦いで汚れます'

Lydia Black - ゴスの女の子はヌードセックスの戦いで汚れます


Charlotte Sartre に 'シャーロットサルトルと安い家賃'

Charlotte Sartre - シャーロットサルトルと安い家賃


Charlotte Sartre に '美しいブロンドの熟女は熱いゴスのひよこを取ります。勝者は敗者をファック'

Charlotte Sartre - 美しいブロンドの熟女は熱いゴスのひよこを取ります。勝者は敗者をファック


Charlotte Sartre に '放尿コンテスト'

Charlotte Sartre - 放尿コンテスト


Alexa Nova に '2人の小柄な戦闘機が投げ捨てる。勝者は敗者に腹を立てる。'

Alexa Nova - 2人の小柄な戦闘機が投げ捨てる。勝者は敗者に腹を立てる。


Jenna Ivory に '妻は夫を抱きつけ、彼女のボーイフレンドの精液を彼の目にこすりつけている!'

Jenna Ivory - 妻は夫を抱きつけ、彼女のボーイフレンドの精液を彼の目にこすりつけている!


Jenna Ivory に 'あらゆる方法でハビーの上に - はさみホールドはジェナ象牙をカックレス'

Jenna Ivory - あらゆる方法でハビーの上に - はさみホールドはジェナ象牙をカックレス


Charlotte Sartre に 'レズビアン アナル フック アップ バー'

Charlotte Sartre - レズビアン アナル フック アップ バー


Jenna Ivory に 'バレンタインデーの新婚旅行の結婚式の夜の虐殺 - 邪悪な寝取り'

Jenna Ivory - バレンタインデーの新婚旅行の結婚式の夜の虐殺 - 邪悪な寝取り


Charlotte Sartre に 'ドンムは奴隷の穴で幸運(不幸)の車輪を果たす'

Charlotte Sartre - ドンムは奴隷の穴で幸運(不幸)の車輪を果たす


Charlotte Sartre に '筋肉の神は小さなゴスの女性を破壊し、その後、彼女の中に彼の種子を置きます'

Charlotte Sartre - 筋肉の神は小さなゴスの女性を破壊し、その後、彼女の中に彼の種子を置きます


他のサイトからの風景 Charlotte Sartre,Slave Fluffy,Bunny Colby

Ariana Starr に 'Bully in the Gym 5'

Ariana Starr - Bully in the Gym 5

Ariana Starr is six feet tall and POWERFUL. She hates weak men? they disgust her. When she sees little wimpy fluffy exercising in the Mean Bitch Gym, she decides to put him in his place. She bosses him around and bullies him from one side of the gym to the other. She orders him to kiss her foot and then giggles when he does it. Then she calls him a loser and tells him to lick the bottom of her feet. Her feet are SIZE 11!! They are bigger than Fluffy?s little wimp face. After some passionate foot worship, she peels down her sweaty shorts and puts her BIG ASS in his face? she tells him to do some situps, and each time he comes up he has to plant his face in her sweaty ass?

Slave Fluffy に 'Beta Boss 2'

Slave Fluffy - Beta Boss 2

Nina?s new boss is a complete wimp? she has no respect for a loser like that so she tells him she has no plans of doing any actual work.. He tells her he wants her to read and summarize some case files for her and she just laughs and slams his head into them. She makes him crawl in front of his own desk and then grins wickedly while she crushes his wimp glasses with her shoe.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Real Life Fantasy: Luna Lovely, Derrick Pierce, Charlotte Sartre'

Charlotte Sartre - Real Life Fantasy: Luna Lovely, Derrick Pierce, Charlotte Sartre

Luna and Charlotte are friends with some serious benefits and after having aconversation about Luna?s dirty fantasy, Charlotte decides to help her friend out with a plan shecooked up just for Luna. One day, unbeknownst to Luna, Charlotte sends her boyfriend over tohelp Luna have the kinkiest fantasy of a lifetime. The two ladies are having a chat when suddenly a strangershows up behind Luna but she doesn?t heed the warning of her friend and is taken down in the most delightful, dirty way.Charlotte has to listen as Luna is made to do just as her captor instructs her to do, or else. Luna isbound in rope in her own home as her captor fucks her pussy and ass to satisfy himself. Luna begsfor it to stop but she has been overpowered and can?t stop him from taking what he wants.

Vanessa Vega に 'Peeping Tom Gets Gangbanged'

Vanessa Vega - Peeping Tom Gets Gangbanged

Dommes Vanessa, Jessica and Charlie are enjoying an afternoon of topless sunbathing by the pool when they hear some rustling in the bushes. They spot slave Fluffy spying on them and quickly capture him. Man, did he pick the wrong women to peep on! Before you know it, Fluffy is trapped in a round hanging cage with the Dommes whirling him around, smacking him with crops and rulers, showering him with spit and kissing and eating pussy just below the cage as a demo of pleasures he will never experience. But the cage doesn?t really afford enough access to really beat up on him, so Fluffy gets suspended in rope bondage with all his vulnerable parts exposed. The Mistresses take turns flogging and paddling him, and amusing themselves by placing a complicated and painful CBT device on his cock and balls. Are they done? They most certainly are not. Next, Fluffy is tied to a table as Mistress Jessica sticks a dildo in his mouth and flogs him with maximum impact, while Vanessa gives Charlie a strap-on blowjob and enjoys being fucked by her, all the while taunting and humiliating Fluffy. Finally, it?s time to take turns pegging him and sticking the just used dildos in his mouth. He?s never been fisted before ? but there?s a first time for everything, and the Dommes have the perfect way to finish up with their little pervert, who?s certainly learned his lesson.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Rim Job and Creampie!'

Charlotte Sartre - Rim Job and Creampie!

Devastatingly hot alt-girl Charlotte Sartre rocks a black vinyl fetish skirt and top with strapped, cherry red platform heels. Pornographer Mick Blue's POV-style camera work captures their private date. Charlotte shoves two wet fingers into her tight pussy and masturbates. She takes his big cock in her mouth for a stroking, spit-soaked blowjob. Charlotte works his powertool with her hands while squeezing the base of his boner into a restrictive cock ring. The decadent, raven-haired sweetheart sucks his ball sack and rims his sphincter! Charlotte bobs as his boner skewers her naked slit. Mick pounds the heavily tattooed harlot's cunt in multiple positions. She rubs her clit as Mick's thick prick spunks in her box. Barefoot Charlotte squats on the floor, letting the creampie ooze out. She eagerly laps the load from the floor, basking in perverted reverie.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Tattooed Beauty Throats Cock!'

Charlotte Sartre - Tattooed Beauty Throats Cock!

Tattooed beauty Charlotte Sartre deepthroats Mick Blue's hard cock!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Charlotte Sartre: Brutality'

Charlotte Sartre - Charlotte Sartre: Brutality

Charlotte?s day begins with her tied with rope to a wooden column. Her hands are bound behind her back and rope cinches her at the waist. The Pope goes to work with his flogger and makes her skin nice and sensitive before he puts nipple clamps on her perfect tits. He vibes her sweet pussy and makes it even more sensitive before adding a brutal crotch rope with a twelve-pound bowling ball hanging it from it. Next, Charlotte is made to endure a brutal single point inverted suspension. Her arms are tied in a strappado that is tied to one of her ankles, while all of her weight hangs from a single point around her waist. The Pope takes his time toying with and teasing her. The flogger makes another appearance and Charlotte suffers until she is a perfect shade of red. Add a little breath control and she is ready to explode with orgasms, so The Pope gives her as many as she can handle. In the final scene, Charlotte is on her back, tied to an inclined bench with her hands bound to her hips. Her legs and body are tied tightly to the board. The Pope enters with a big bucket of water and a cloth, ready for some water boarding. Charlotte puts up a good fight, but in the end, the water always wins.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Playtime in Hell'

Charlotte Sartre - Playtime in Hell

Blindfolded, gagged, and bound in bondage - Can Marcelo be anymore helpless? Marcelo resists the vicious whims of Chartlotte Sartre, Charlotte Sins, and Kay Carter. The Dommes start by spitting on him and smacking him with floggers. They announce a fun game called ?The Sea Urchin?, which involves seeing how many clothespins they can stick on his cock and balls. They take the game further and give Marcelo clothespin earrings, and nipple clamps. To preventing him from talking one is pinning to his tongue. Next, Kay ties up his balls to make a leash. Mistress Sartre binds his hands. Then, Marcelo endures a relentless barrage of paddles and crops, hitting his already red ass and aching cock and balls. Finally, the Dommes deliver a pegging gangbang with huge dildos and fisting. Having had their fun, they leave Marcelo the way they found him.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Anal Goth Girl Gapes'

Charlotte Sartre - Anal Goth Girl Gapes

Gorgeous Goth girl Charlotte Sartre steams up the screen in a skimpy sling bikini. The sexy sodomite strips and teases through a heated opening, finger-banging her sweet anus throughout. Porn stud Mick Blue stuffs his massive boner into her wet gash. Charlotte whimpers as the alpha stud slams her slit, soon spreading her asshole for intense anal reaming. The tattooed vixen worships his hard dick, slobbering and choking when Mick fucks her throat ass-to-mouth. This kinky encounter features huge, sphincter-splaying toys, a sloppy blowjob, and immense rectal gaping! Charlotte rides rod through a hard backdoor banging. She giggles while pulling open her eyelids while Mick jacks his big cock. He shoots hot sperm onto her eyeballs, and Charlotte slurps the surplus semen from his shaft.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Charlotte, Pierce and Ruckus: Bi 3-Way!'

Charlotte Sartre - Charlotte, Pierce and Ruckus: Bi 3-Way!

With tattooed, snow-white skin and dark, mauve-highlighted hair, Charlotte Sartre is a striking beauty. The lush-lipped girl teases in stylish lingerie, fingering her hot ass and bald pussy. She invites tall, toned Pierce Paris and radically inked Ruckus to join her in a threesome. Charlotte sucks one boner and strokes the other as the bisexual men kiss. Pierce deepthroats Ruckus, who wears his long hair in braids. Charlotte and Ruckus give Pierce's big cock a blowjob as she takes a vaginal ride on Ruckus. Suddenly, double penetration -- with Ruckus in her cunt, Pierce stuffs her sphincter. Charlotte tastes her twat on Ruckus' rod and blows Pierce ass-to-mouth. Next, he buttfucks Ruckus as the inked dude eats Charlotte's snatch. Charlotte and Ruckus share 69. Ruckus gives Pierce A2M head. The dudes lift Charlotte bodily for more DP, Ruckus in her anal orifice, Pierce slamming her slot as she squeals. In an acrobatic position, Ruckus rams Pierce as Charlotte rides Pierce's pole. Impaled on Ruckus, Charlotte's two hands jack off Pierce, who splashes her with a cum facial. Pierce milks more jism into Ruckus' mouth; Ruckus tastes the semen on Charlotte's cheek. She jerks Ruckus to climax, thickly spunking her labia. Charlotte tastes the juice and rubs it into her split pink gash.

Bunny Colby に 'Bodacious Blowjob '

Bunny Colby - Bodacious Blowjob

Bodacious Bunny Colby loves to suck dick. The busty beauty gives Mick Blue a sloppy slob job in her sexy Throated debut.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Charlotte Sartre: Extreme Bondage'

Charlotte Sartre - Charlotte Sartre: Extreme Bondage

The most extreme bondage and torment is exactly what Charlotte Sartre wants and needs. The only one she trusts in this situation is The Pope. This is probably one of the most intense shoots of her career. She begins stretched out in a brutal device that has her legs and arms pulled away from her body, everything locked into steel. There is no escape. The ?helplessness? is the part of the mind fuck that begins the process of destroying her. Charlotte?s nipples get clamped and tied to her toes. The Pope administers a grueling bastinado. Charlotte is nearing the edge, so he pulls back on the torment and fucks her pussy and mouth. A well placed vibrator intensifies the orgasms even more.The next scene opens with Charlotte in a predicament position. She is held in place with a mixture of leather and steel. The bondage would already be enough torment for most, but Charlotte gets more because she?s tough as nails and can take it. The flogger is used to redden her flesh. A blindfold is added, and then more flogging. Usually there is more to the suffering. He keeps it simple and terrorizes her mind and body until she is almost breaks. The Pope reads her well, and administers more orgasms to ground her before starting the next scene.Now on the floor, she is locked into steel shackles, and under his boot is where Charlotte craves to be. The Pope tramples her. He uses the cat-o-nine-tails to make her flesh sensitive. Next is hot wax. With every drop of it she screams a little louder. Now with Charlotte covered in hot wax, The Pope focus? on her sweet pussy and makes her cum harder than she?s ever orgasmed before. He doesn?t stop there. He wants every drop and so she is made to orgasm until he decides that she has had enough.

Gogo Fukme に 'Sex Doll Surprise'

Gogo Fukme - Sex Doll Surprise

Gogo Fukme is fooling around with hot blond girlfriend/mistress Bunny Colby. When boyfriend Van Wylde comes home early, the girls have to think fast, which leads to Gogo disguising Bunny as one of the sex dolls she collects. This fools Van, but Bunny has to keep up the charade longer than expected, when Van puts the moves on Gogo and they start fucking. Bunny eventually gets tired of acting like a doll while her friend gets a good dicking; so she reveals herself to Van and a hot threesome begins.

Bunny Colby に '- Glory Hole'

Bunny Colby - Glory Hole

Bunny just got engaged and should be thrilled to marry such a rich and powerful man but when it came time to be intimate she found out he was hung like a squirrel, like a baby squirrel. And at her engagement party it hit her how she is going to deal with a lifetime of tiny dick in her life and a Pre Nup to boot. Her best friend suggested the best anonymous hookup spot in town. The Glory Hole behind the adult book store at the edge of town. Knowing she has to figure this out before she seals the deal down the aisle she heads right over after the engagement party still looking fine as hell to the Glory Hole. It's exactly what a soon to be rich wife needs, a private, anonymous Big dick that she can escape to when her little labia nudger of a husband becomes intolerable.

Bunny Colby に '- Cuckold Sessions'

Bunny Colby - Cuckold Sessions

Princess Bunny feels that her latex cuckold slave is getting out of line and not remembering that she is the focus of his world. So to teach him a lesson she has arranged a fuck date for her to be pleasured while her gimp only gets to watch. Licking and rubbing her feet he is told this day is all about her and for cucky to learn his place. Once Will drops by it's all about Him and Bunny fucking and sucking. Cuck boy is reduced to Lube boy and that's as much of a title as he gets. Bunny of course lavishes herself in Will's big cock and tongue. Will knows just how to please Bunny and is rewarded with squeals of delight from her. Cucky's only reward is a hot load of cum on Bunny's gaping pussy for him to devour.

Natalie Mars に 'Another Ass in the Wall: Charlotte Sartre and Natalie Mars'

Natalie Mars - Another Ass in the Wall: Charlotte Sartre and Natalie Mars

Natalie Mars is in a reverse glory hole wall with her ass sticking out, much to the delight of Charlotte Sartre who plows Natalie's asshole with a colossal strap-on dildo. Charlotte fists Natalie's hole hard and fast and gapes her wide open. Charlotte wears a butt plug and has her pussy duct taped shut under the strap-on to stay ready for Natalie's turn. The ladies switch places in the wall and then Natalie wrecks Charlotte's hole with some toys and gapes her, completely ignoring her useless pussy so she can use her ass. Both women end up on a filthy mattress fisting their own assholes side by side and then Natalie shoves her fist in Charlotte's ass.

Bunny Colby に 'December 2021 Flavor Of The Month Bunny Colby - S2:E5'

Bunny Colby - December 2021 Flavor Of The Month Bunny Colby - S2:E5

Bunny Colby is busting out of her clothes, but she is still enchanted with grown up versions of the games she played when she was little. Lately, she's been wanting to play with her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson. Nathan is uncomfortable with the way his stepsis sexualizes everything, but he also wants to make her happy. Today, Bunny wants to play house where they act as though they are oversized versions of childhood dolls. Bunny wants to pretend they've gotten married and they have a dream house. Nathan is not willing to play that game, so he tells Bunny to think of something else and then leaves for his bedroom.Nathan's disappearance gives Bunny the chance she needs to prepare for her playdate. She creates a doll box for Nathan to open and puts on a bathing suit before climbing inside. When Nathan returns, Bunny only responds the way she imagines her favorite doll might. She wants Nathan to unbox her and play house! Eventually, Bunny coaxes Nathan into opening the box. Once she is free, Bunny insists that she wants to keep playing with Nathan so she can take care of him like a good pretend wife. Nathan finally agrees as long as Bunny promises her mom won't ever find out. With Nathan's permission, Bunny drops to a crouch and tugs his shorts down to spring his dick free. Her hands wrap around the root of Nathan's hardon to draw him into her mouth, where she sucks him down like her favorite lollipop. Even though Nathan remains a little bit hesitant, he doesn't want to stop when Bunny checks with him. Instead, they relocate to the couch so that Bunny can keep on sucking him down and even pop those massive boobies out for a titty fuck.With his stepsister on top of him using her hand and mouth and jugs to get him nice and hard, Nathan doesn't stand a chance at doing anything but seeing this through. When Bunny tugs the bottom of her bathing suit aside and sinks down onto Nathan's cock, he's super into it. Bunny's stiffie ride makes her jugs jiggle in such a delightful show. When she turns around for some reverse cowgirl action, Bunny makes sure to rub her clit until her moans of delight fill the room. Since Bunny wants to be a good little pretend wifey, Nathan gets her on her hands and knees next so he can dive deep and hard into her tight cooch. Bunny is happy to play, eagerly backing up to meet each of Nathan's strokes. She winds up on her back with her stepbrother's dick back between her thighs as he brings her off one last time. Pulling out as he feels himself getting ready to cum, Nathan takes Bunny up on her offer of another titty fuck to bring himself home. Even as Bunny is licking herself clean of her stepbro's jizz, she offers to hide the doll box in the garage so they can play again tomorrow.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Coming Out Swinging with Charlotte Sartre'

Charlotte Sartre - Coming Out Swinging with Charlotte Sartre

Charlotte Sartre and The Pope don't hold back at all in this intense Hogtied shoot. The day starts with Charlotte in a standing position against a wooden column, with her hands pulled high above her head. The Pope enters and goes straight to work on her flesh, turning it a bright shade of red. He ties her up, one leg at a time, ultimately putting her in a brutal suspension. The torment continues as well as the imposed orgasms!Next, Charlotte is tied up in an extreme predicament position atop a box in the center of the dungeon. The Pope enjoys every bit of her helpless flesh with slapping, groping, and nonstop orgasms. The best way to complete this scene is to turn up the intensity, so Charlotte is lifted up and the box is removed, leaving her in yet another brutal suspension.In the final scene, Charlotte finds herself in an inverted suspension, with her legs spread wide. The Pope administers a severe flogging before fucking her throat and pussy with his dildo. The final orgasms are powerful and squirting – the perfect end to a perfect day!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Charlotte Takes A Gamble'

Charlotte Sartre - Charlotte Takes A Gamble

I was in Vegas just kicking it for a while, doing some gambling, enjoying the break, and wow, did I hit the jackpot! This sexy Vegas babe was at my hotel and looking for some fun. I invited her to hang out and gave her a facial she will never forget…



I WANT TO FUCK ON TOP OF MY HUSBANDYou are Locked in Chastity as your wife, Mikayla, Gyrates on a Stripper Pole right on top of you… You can't move and that's the way she likes it. Not only are you stuck and helpless, but she has brought over a stud whom she plans to fuck.Mikayla gets hot and heavy with her boytoy as you stare in horror… Your Dick is straining against the chastity, trying to break free, but it is entrapped strongly. It is Painful. Then she starts to fuck her toy; over your body at first, then directly on top of you. Finally, she blows him until he blasts a load into her mouth… which she then pulls down your mask and feeds you. Dinner is served.



IT'S ALMOST FEEDING TIME… YOUR ONE MEAL…Makayla is a serial Cucktress who marries and divorces husbands at a voracious rate. But before she goes through each and every lucrative divorce, she goes through the rigorous, rewarding process of breaking a new husband. It includes keeping a new hubby bound, normally gagged and starved to the point he will eat anything she desires to feed him.Today Makayla wheels in a Hungry Hubby who is bound and masked in a wagon. She parks him and proceeds to bring in a boy toy whom she starts to suck deep in front of her hubby. After some incredible deep throating she starts to fuck the boy toy telling her Hubby how useless his tiny dick is. Poor Hubby can do nothing but sit and watch in horror! Finally after fucking and orgasming in multiple positions… Makayla makes her boy toy cum… She then feeds her Hubby his Lunch… Hubby's will won't remain unbroken long.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Slick'

Charlotte Sartre - Slick

Exciting intro footage shows striking, Black TS Natassia Dreams and cisgender Goth girl Charlotte Sartre getting into makeup, fetish wardrobe and each other. Longhaired, pretty Natassia has a toned body with flaring hips and a big, shapely butt. Charlotte sports black hair with purple bangs, and elaborate tattoos adorn her ivory skin. Both beauties wear tight latex and heels. They make out passionately, sharing French kisses, sucking nipples. A playful, lovemaking vibe pervades the scene. Natassia eats Charlotte's shaved pussy; Charlotte laps Natassia's balls and gives a deepthroat blowjob. Natassia fucks Charlotte's asshole and cunt with a metal toy. A thick dildo stretches Charlotte's greased backdoor. Thighs slap and Natassia's big butt pumps as she delivers a doggie-style anal reaming. Charlotte mounts Natassia for an orgasmic, pussy-plowing ride. With Natassia's huge, clear dildo stuffing Charlotte's pink sphincter, Natassia masturbates intensely, her curved boner pointed at Charlotte's twat. When the fat toy comes out, Charlotte's butthole gapes. The satisfied ladies share a goodbye kiss.

Charlotte Sartre に 'All Hands On Small Hands'

Charlotte Sartre - All Hands On Small Hands

Aiden Ashley, Charlotte Sartre and Small Hands turn back the clock in this stylish retro-inspired scene... and they will turn heads when things heat up and the two beauties treat Small Hands to a threesome, taking his mind off of business for a change. With their sheer and lace lingerie leaving little to the imagination, their perky tits and perfect pussies on display, Aiden and Charlotte don't want to work - they want to play. Small Hands can't keep his eyes on the books for too long as his delectable employees set the tone with some hot lesbian action, ultimately tempting him into joining in on the fun for a well-deserved break.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Charlotte Sartre: Bad Motor Fucker'

Charlotte Sartre - Charlotte Sartre: Bad Motor Fucker

Lying on her back, in sexy black latex lingerie, Charlotte Sartre spreads her legs, ready to get machine-fucked. Charlotte had a genuine fucking-machine dropped off at her house, and she is eager to get started. She flips the power switch on and slides her wet pussy onto the dildo. The machine fucks her hard while she presses a vibrator against her clit and has a screaming orgasm. She turns around and lets the machine fuck her slow in her mouth and down her throat while she plays with her pussy. Charlotte puts a ball-gag in her mouth and mounts the dildo once again, this time on her side and in prone, letting us enjoy her beautiful body from different angles while she gets her pretty pussy robo-fucked.

Joanna Angel に 'In Command'

Joanna Angel - In Command

Charlotte Sartre and Joanna Angel are looking hot in their sleek black lingerie. They make out, fondle and finger each other, leading to them both squirting all over the floor (which they helpfully lick up). The only thing missing from this hot scene is a dick and Mazee soon shows up to provide his. He gives both ladies a hard pounding, as they continue to squirt throughout this fuckfest. Joanna takes on an instructor role, giving Charlotte directions while she's fucked. In the end, everyone is satisfied and there's bodily fluids all over the place!

Charlotte Sartre に '- Blacks On Blondes'

Charlotte Sartre - Blacks On Blondes

Charlotte is a celebrity being interviewed and they ask her about her sex life. That's where she looks around at the crew, camera guy and director and says 'Well I guess I have what you would call a super high sex drive so I LOVE to bang more than 1 guy at the same time so ALL my holes are filled at once and REALLY the thing that turns me on most is having a Camera running while I'm doing it, because knowing that someone else is going to watch me later just makes me Cum OVER and OVER and OVER, especially if the guys are rougher I don't like that boring namby pamby soft boring sex. Take right now for instance, if you guys were to set down your gear and leave the camera on that tripod, rip my clothes off and take out your dicks, I would have all 3 of you POUND me in all my holes relentlessly until I was covered in your cum.' And with that she gets on all fours, lifts up her dress and reveals her large buttplug she's wearing....... 'Look I'm already stretched and ready, I've been wearing this all day hoping I could entice you guys in this interview' Crazy Airtight DP sex ensues with lots of ATM, ATP, and squirting and after the pop shots she says, 'Now THAT'S the kind of interview I like to have, can we do a follow up next week?'

Marie McCray に 'Massaging Girls'

Marie McCray - Massaging Girls

Marie McCray is getting a sensual massage from the stunning Charlotte Sartre, and when she asks her what she prefers more: women or men, Charlotte decides to just show her exactly what she likes. Soon enough, the two babes are massaging each other in very naughty ways.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Stuffs Lance Hart's Ass'

Charlotte Sartre - Stuffs Lance Hart's Ass

Sexy Charlotte Sartre has a big fat dildo for Lance Hart's little ass. With her long black hair, shiny black patent leather corset and thigh-high leggings Charlotte is a sight to behold and Lance Hart wants every inch of her thick cock up his ass. On his knees worshipping Charlotte Lance sucks her dick to get it all nice and wet for his butt. Flipped over on all fours Charlotte fucks Lance's ass as he moans and begs for her not to stop! He can't get enough of her hot ass pumping action. Then on his back with his muscular legs spread wide open Lance gets his hole filled and fucked while Charlotte caresses his hard cock until he shoots a super load all over himself.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Lesbian Threesome: Gaping Dildo DP'

Charlotte Sartre - Lesbian Threesome: Gaping Dildo DP

Tattooed lesbians Charlotte Sartre, Megan Inky and Jureka Del Mar share an extreme lesbian threesome! The insatiable, hardcore girls show off their hot bods, stripping and groping each other. They sit side-by side on the couch, each probing her own butthole with a dildo. The ladies spread open their stretched sphincters for the camera, proudly posing immensely gaping rectums! They giggle as they drill the others' buttholes with humongous toys, along with rimming and eating pussy. Hardcore sodomy comes with sweet kissing, ass-to-mouth flavor and dildo double penetration!

Bunny Colby に 'TS Daisy Taylor Fucks Cis Girl Bunny!'

Bunny Colby - TS Daisy Taylor Fucks Cis Girl Bunny!

Sassy TS Daisy Taylor arrives at director Joey Silvera's shooting location in bikini and heels. The shorthaired, hot-assed brunette sports tattoos and a bulging bikini bottom. Daisy greets pale, dirty blonde cisgender girl Bunny Colby, and they initiate a playful, sensual session kissing, caressing and cavorting. Daisy sucks Bunny's big boobs; Bunny's touch makes Daisy's bulge grow. Bunny goes down for a deepthroat blowjob and strokes Daisy's spit-wet shaft. Daisy eats Bunny's bald, pink gash, making Bunny squeal. With Bunny's leg up on Daisy's shoulder, Daisy eases her she-prick into Bunny's pussy and pumps, thumbing her clit and making Bunny whimper happily. Daisy grips Bunny by the hair for a face fuck. Bunny rides she-dick, humping and gasping as Daisy sucks Bunny's nipples. Next, Bunny sodomizes Daisy with a clear glass toy, making Daisy's smooth, pink butthole gape! Squealing Bunny gets off on a big, electric vibe as Daisy fucks herself with the toy and jacks her girl-boner. Daisy masturbates till she squeezes out sticky cum. Finally, the playful girls (who seem to be buddies) admit that they like being bitchy to their fans!

Charlotte Sartre に 'If Daddy Says: Charlotte Sartre and The Pope'

Charlotte Sartre - If Daddy Says: Charlotte Sartre and The Pope

Charlotte is smoking hot, and The Pope has missed her long enough. After seeing what she and Lance did recently, he wants his own turn. Charlotte cannot wait to submit to The Pope, and it shows with her doing everything he tells her to do…with a smile on her face! Charlotte even beats her previous clothespin limit on her pussy and gets rewarded with multiple orgasms.

Charlotte Sartre に 'DAP Gangbang Devil!'

Charlotte Sartre - DAP Gangbang Devil!

With cute devil horns and red face paint, Goth chick Charlotte Sartre summons her sexual demons. Angelo Godshack, Darrel Deeps, John Johnson, Michael Fly and Steve Q join her for a gangbang, groping Charlotte while she sucks their dicks thoroughly. She takes a big black cock in her asshole and jerks two more rods. Charlotte moans as throbbing meat fills her pussy and butthole in a nasty DP. See interracial anal reaming and a raunchy, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Two guys stuff their pricks up Charlotte's butthole simultaneously, indulging in freaky double-anal penetration! To top off the orgy, Charlotte swallows cum.

Charlotte Sartre に 'The Cock Whisperer: Charlotte Sartre in Hot POV Fuck'

Charlotte Sartre - The Cock Whisperer: Charlotte Sartre in Hot POV Fuck

Charlotte is a quiet slut, but don't let her shyness fool you. She is one of the dirtiest sluts we know, and she proves it when she worships cock in this POV-style shoot. She teases his cock, then shoves it down her throat and gags on it. Now that he is nice and hard she shoves his cock in her ass, then back to her mouth. Charlotte makes sure his balls are drained when she finishes with him.

Bunny Colby に 'Bunny Colby's Bisexual Threesome'

Bunny Colby - Bunny Colby's Bisexual Threesome

Young, busty Bunny Colby is an exhibitionist that loves kinky boys. The insatiable cutie meets bisexual dudes Michael DelRay and Dante Colle, soon joining them for a hot threesome! Michael and Dante make out as Bunny gives them blowjobs, and then Dante's boner slams Bunny's pussy as Michael buttfucks him! Her huge jugs jounce as Michael drills her cunt. Adorable Bunny giggles as his sperm plasters her bush. Depraved anal action includes hard man-on-man sodomy, ass-to-mouth fellatio, and a mutual masturbation cum climax.

Bunny Colby に 'Postcard Secrets Im Having An Affair - S35:E27'

Bunny Colby - Postcard Secrets Im Having An Affair - S35:E27

Bunny Colby is the other woman for Jake Adams, and she feels no shame in that. She calls him up at work and begs him to come over. Jake cautions her that there'll be hell to pay if his wife finds out about their affair, but Bunny doesn't care. After she takes a shower, Bunny settles in on the couch and lets Jake know that she's dripping wet. He relents and tells Bunny that he'll be there in an hour. By the time Jake arrives, Bunny has really gotten into her masturbation delight. Jake joins on in, dropping a kiss on Bunny's lips as his hands go right to her big breasts. Sliding his fingertips lower, Jake feels the moistness of Bunny's snatch. He palms her twat, then dives in to enjoy a proper pussy feast.Now that Bunny has her lover right where she wants him, she eases his cock out of his pants. Still on her knees, she opens her mouth to start licking and sucking at her favorite treat. Jake leans back and relaxes after a hard day at the office, happy to let Bunny deliver one hell of a blowjob with her sweet mouth. When Bunny is ready for more, she ditches the last of her clothes and climbs on top of Jake to slide his fuck stick home into her hairy pussy.Turning around to ride Jake in reverse cowgirl, Bunny rocks her hips in a rhythm that gets her moaning her true delight. Meanwhile, Jake reaches up to fill his hands with the lush curves of Bunny's ass. She remains turned around as she climbs off of Jake's hardon and scoots backward to ride his face. Leaning forward, she creates a 69 that leaves them both craving even more.Still on her knees, Bunny watches over her shoulder as Jake plows back inside her. She eventually leans forward, lifting her ass higher into the air as her lover gives her everything. She enjoys the climax, then rolls onto her back and lifts one leg high in the air so that Jake can keep on pounding away at her tight fuck hole. He goes to town, loving on Bunny as she moans for him to cum inside. Jake is happy to oblige as he gluts his bigtit girlfriend with the evidence of his love.

Bunny Colby に 'Bush League 14'

Bunny Colby - Bush League 14

Realtor Bunny Colby realizes her client Tyler Nixon is a retro aficionado as he goes nuts over the period piece fireplace in the house she is showing him. The only other thing that would make it perfect would be a woman with a bush. Well, guess what Bunny has? That's right, she's sporting a bush straight outta the seventies and decides to pull it out to help her close the deal.

Tyler immediately dives into her hair pie and breathes in the sweet smell of her pussy. And how sweet it is. They proceed to break the house in with a fireplace dance of love as Tyler pounds that little beaver for all it's worth until finally, Bunny gets a dripping bush of semen as thanks for a job well done.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Pure Hell: Charlotte Sartre Viciously Used and Anally Fucked'

Charlotte Sartre - Pure Hell: Charlotte Sartre Viciously Used and Anally Fucked

Charlotte petitioned to be a slut that is used, abused, and fucked, so we made her slutty little dreams come true. She begins standing with her hands above her head and completely vulnerable. Derrick enters with flogger in hand and ready to dish out some brutal punishment. He begins with establishing his dominance with Charlotte, by reddening her flesh with his hands and flogger. It's not long before we see tears from Charlotte because Derrick is being so viscous with this slut. This only excites her master more as he continues to punish her. After several minutes of torment, he lowers her down on her knees and fucks her face with a sadistic fury. Next Charlotte is in an inverted hogtie suspension that has her face in a perfect position for face fucking, and her pussy is exposed for torment or imposed orgasms. Derrick has fun with her as she is made to suck his cock without it coming out of her mouth as he issues nonstop orgasms. Charlotte is finding it hard to stick to the rules and is punished with a cat-o-nine to tenderize her flesh. Charlotte is finally let down, and then put in a doggy position with her holes ready for cock. Her master does not waste any time and goes straight for her tight little asshole. He slides his cock deep inside of her honey hole, and decides that this will be his primary fuck hole for the day. After fucking her ass into multiple orgasms, he comes around and has this slut clean is dick with a sloppy blowjob. The final scene is upon us and Charlotte is on a box and bound. Derrick enters and presses a vibe against her pussy to make her cum so hard that she begs for it to stop. He then begins to pound her ass with a vengeance. Charlotte is fucked harder than she has been fucked in a long time, and then Derrick finishes all over her tummy.

Jade Baker に 'Bikini Try-Ons'

Jade Baker - Bikini Try-Ons

I'm always on the lookout for more ideas for my channel and was FLOORED when I saw how many views other videos got when it was just a couple of girls trying on bikinis, and thought, jeez, I could do that! I decided to get my girlfriend, Bunny, to help me out since I thought it'd be fun! To make it interesting, we had a little 'competition' between us to see who wore what bikini best! I know bikinis already leave little to the imagination, but some of these had SO LITTLE MATERIAL that we may as well have been naked, haha! Of course, I couldn't stop staring at Bunny's amazing ass the whole time... As soon as the segment was over and the camera was off (or so we thought), it was time to just be ourselves...

This was one of the hottest times we EVER had together! I dunno if it was all the waiting beforehand that got us revved up or what... but I just had to suck on those gorgeous tits of hers. Somehow, with those skimpy bikinis, her boobs were even hotter than usual, like having that little bit hidden from view made them that much more exciting! Ugh, and don't even get me STARTED on what a treat it was when I finally got to pull off her bikini bottom and dive into her pussy...

Oh, I miss those days. Everything crashed and burned once I found out my dear Bunny cheated on me. How could she do that to me?? What we had was PERFECT and she had to go ruin it all! At least I have this sex tape to remember her by, right? But it would be SELFISH to keep it all to myself. Sharing is caring, so I hope you guys like the video, too!


Bunny Colby に 'orders her some delicious cock'

Bunny Colby - Dirty Wives Club

Bunny Colby is on a business trip all alone. But she craves these trips. She needs these trips to get away from her feeble husband. Bunny just loves to order up a sexy man that can satisfy her every need!

Bunny Colby に 'Hookup Hotshot: Cutting Edge Sluts'

Bunny Colby - Hookup Hotshot: Cutting Edge Sluts

Cute, curvy Bunny Colby snaps nasty selfies of her bodacious, big tits. Dominant Bryan Gozzling rubs her pink pussy, making her quiver in pleasure. She shoves his cock in her mouth to give a slobbering blowjob. Bryan stuffs his dick into her eager cunt and strokes deeply as she squeals. Bunny puts her ass up and face to the floor for an aggressive, doggie-style pussy plowing. She cleans his meat with her tongue and chokes as he stuffs it down her throat. Bunny gives Bryan a raunchy rim job! She takes a bouncy cock ride and a playful titty fuck. Finally, the wayward girl enjoys a hot sperm bath.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Charlotte Sartre: Gothic Torment in Diabolical Bondage'

Charlotte Sartre - Charlotte Sartre: Gothic Torment in Diabolical Bondage

The day begins with Charlotte restrained in heavy, coldsteel chains, with her neck locked into place with a steel neck trap. The Popeenters with a fist full of nipple clamps and with one goal in mind, which is tomake Charlotte squeal. As he decorates her nipples with clamps, she wincesin agony as they squeeze her sensitive nipples. Next, he grabs a crop and withabsolute precision, he attacks her flesh to reign pure agony down on her.Charlotte is at the end of her rope, and just as she is ready to throw in thetowel, The Pope switches gears and begins to make her cum uncontrollably.Her knees are weak and she is about to give out when he finishes with herand leaves her alone awaiting the next device. The second scene begins withCharlotte in a sitting position with her legs spread and her arms pulled outwide. Leather belts hold our porcelain doll in place as he enters and begins torub her pussy. His massive hands caress her flesh, then squeeze it until shescreams, then hits her for maximum effectiveness. A heavy flogger comesout and her ass is beaten with it, then The Pope moves around to the front ofher and issues some breath control. Her front side is turned to a bright redwith his flogger, and just as we see her begin to break, he quickly clinches herthroat in his hand and our little slut smiles with pleasure. Multiple orgasmsfinish the scene and leave Charlotte one step closer to her final destruction.In the final scene, Charlotte is folded in half with her feet and ass on fulldisplay. The Pope makes sure to assault every inch of flesh that he can get to.Her feet suffer through a nasty bastinado, and her ass is caned, but the partthat almost breaks her is when he stretches her nipples as far as he canusing the cane. Alligator clips are applied to her pussy and then she is vibeduntil she can no longer take it.

Bunny Colby に 'FBI Agents Lesbian Step-Sister Blows The Case For Hot Hacker Pussy'

Bunny Colby - FBI Agents Lesbian Step-Sister Blows The Case For Hot Hacker Pussy

Agent Bunny Colby is a gorgeous blond barbie doll, with huge tits, creamy skin, and a beautiful face. She's been recruited to her sadistic step-brother's department in the FBI, spending most of her days avoiding Seth's bullying and pushing paper. Bunny's recent surveillance job of a hot hacker babe has her hot and bothered, and if she wants to advance her career and save this beautiful woman from her brother she will have to go out in the field and bring Charlotte in herself.Stealing her brother's gun and ID is one thing, but apprehending an outlaw is another. Charlotte is ready for visitors from the FBI, and greets Bunny with a gun and a huge strap on. Once she has Bunny undressed and handcuffed for questioning, Charlotte uses her favorite tools for information extraction, a cane, a paddle, and 14 inches of a big strap on cock in combination with an electric zapper. Bunny cries and begs, claiming she has no information, but Charlotte is having too much fun and beats Bunny's ass red, humiliating her with a face fucking, and then finishing the interrogation with an electro fucking. To make matters worse for Bunny, the hidden FBI cams are still on and her brother sees her stripped naked and fucked like a whore.By the time Charlotte is ready to take a break, Agent Seth Gamble is waiting to ambush her outside of her warehouse. He immediately begins questioning, but Charlotte just teases him about how great a fuck his little sister is. Seth doesn't like to be embarrassed, and immediately tears her clothes off and starts slapping her around and shoving his cock in her mouth. Charlotte glares up at him with her gorgeous eyes and refuses any information on her client list, driving Seth to bring her inside for further questioning with his sister.Bunny is completely naked, tied uptight, and relieved to see her brother until she realizes he is angry at her for blowing his case and is about to teach her lesson. He handcuffs Charlotte and shoves her face into Bunny's pussy, proceeding to cane, electro zap, and fuck her ass in order to get some answers. When Bunny's protests grow to insistent, he grows even more fed up and comes around to shut her up with some fingers in her nagging cunt, then circles back around to enjoy some more brutal anal with Charlotte while enjoying his sister's shocked face. He enjoys that pussy and shocked face so much, he hangs Charlotte upside down for questioning with electric pads and ties his hot sister up doggy style so he can fuck her pretty pussy while he questions the hacker with nipple clamps, a vibrator, and heavy electro insertables in her stubborn ass. Fed up with a lack of information and cooperation, he tells both ladies the only way one of them will survive is to impress him with some serious sexual service. Whoever makes him cum first will be kept safe, the other turned in. The resulting anal fisting, ATM, and sexual threesome for survival are truly desperate and hot.

Korra Del Rio に 'The Audition: Korra Del Rio Puts Young Model Bunny Colby to the Test'

Korra Del Rio - The Audition: Korra Del Rio Puts Young Model Bunny Colby to the Test

Model Magazine Empress Korra Del Rio interviews prospective model Bunny Colby. Bunny is young, blonde, and eager to start her modeling career and become a star. She's come to Korra because she knows Korra is the best. She's willing to do anything for a big break and Korra delights in shaping young models and bringing out their potential. She tells Bunny to put on an outfit that countless other starlets have tried on. Excited, Bunny hurries to get everything on but once she realizes the outfit leaves her bare, she gets nervous. Korra promises they can work through her fears together and asks Bunny to trust her. Bunny agrees and takes Korra's training to heart. Korra corrects her posture, teaches her how to pose strongly, and has her strip so she can perform a thorough inspection of Bunny's body. Once the inspection is complete, it's time to test Bunny's endurance. Korra ties Bunny up and crops her sweet cunt. She places a rubber band around Bunny's feet and snaps it hard before sliding a finger into Bunny's pussy. Confused but undeterred, Bunny moans as Korra fingers her cunt before kneeling before her to get her mouth on her interviewee's pussy. Korra uses a vibrator and her talented tongue to push Bunny to her limits. Bunny begs to cum but Korra knows it's not time yet. She releases Bunny and pushes her cock into Bunny's mouth. Bunny takes every inch of Korra's dick and lets Korra fuck her face and spank her. Once her cock is wet, Kora has Bunny get on her hands and knees. Bunny gasps as Korra's rock hard cock pushes into her and moans as Korra pounds her young wet pussy. Korra fucks Bunny every which way before blowing her load in Bunny's cunt. It seems there's potential in Bunny after all.

Bunny Colby に 'I Have a Wife'

Bunny Colby - I Have a Wife

Bunny Colby is helping Nathan sell a house. Nathan starts having cold feet since he and his ex wife had a lot of good memories. Bunny never walks away from a deal so she gives Nathan an incentive to sell. Bunny rides Nathan's cock to ensure she gets her commission.

Jane Wilde に 'His Wife's Secret Lez Affair'

Jane Wilde - His Wife's Secret Lez Affair

Bunny Colby and Jane Wilde are going against so many workplace and ethic mandates lately. Bunny has found herself attracted to Jane, a beautiful petite young doctor, who she's supervising while she completes her medical internship. Bunny always asks how Jane's vagina is doing, Bunny is an OBGYN after all, and Jane has confessed its unusually tight and extremely sensitive to the touch. Bunny helps her intern by working her puffy pussy open with her petite fingers and ending with a strap on. Bunny knows it's wrong legally and ethically, her career and marriage would be over, but she just can't help herself around this girl!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Careful What You Wish For part 2'

Charlotte Sartre - Careful What You Wish For part 2

When Charlotte arrives at the hotel after receiving his phone call, she finds him handcuffed, alone and desperate for help. Once she sets him free, she wants payment for her assistance - and not in cash.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Dark Riders'

Charlotte Sartre - Dark Riders

Pale, hot Goth chick Charlotte Sartre and fit, dark-haired Lady Dee tease in stylish outfits. The fun-loving cuties strip and prod each other's asshole with toys, kissing through a passionate lesbian intro. Soon after, black studs Mr Longwood, Freddy Gong and Antonio Black step in to assist. The girls hungrily suck big black cocks; the boys crudely fuck their cunts. A hardcore interracial orgy delivers intense anal reaming and rectal gaping. Both babes enjoy nasty double penetration! Charlotte and Dee give graphic, ass-to-mouth blowjobs, earning three creamy cum facials!

Charlotte Sartre に 'CASTRATION: Vicious Charlotte Sartre Destroys Pain Slut Sebastian Keys'

Charlotte Sartre - CASTRATION: Vicious Charlotte Sartre Destroys Pain Slut Sebastian Keys

The demoness Charlotte Sartre just wants two things today. To inflict pain and take balls. She wants to rip those testicles right off and put them on display on shelf. Maybe she'll wear them as earrings, anything is possible. Dressed in tight black, this slender goddess of the dungeon has some meat all tied up. Sebastian Keys, the ultimate pain slut, has no idea what he is getting his manhood into today. Tied up in fully restrictive rope bondage and gagged with a ball gag, his mistress asks a simple question, "Do you value your balls". Unable to answer through the gag and screams, Charlotte can only assume. With a staple gun she finished strapping Sebastians low hangers to the block. His cock tied up tight in rope, each testicle straining with tension pulling them down. Charlotte must first inflict the pain, she has to know if these are the right balls for her. She doesn't just cut off anyone's balls, ...well actually. She brings out the riding corp and begins to torment Sebastian, turning his testicles red. She punches his chest and slaps his face. She spits on him and humiliates this flaccid waste. Oh but she needs to test those testes more. After chocking him, she puts Sebastians balls in a vice. With each turn of the knob, Sebastian screams louder. His face is covered in clothespins as she torments his tongue with pain. Ok, maybe this pain slut deserves something, with a big black strap on cock she fucks Sebastians ass. Unable to scream clearly through the clothespin, all you can hear is pathetic whimpers as this goddess takes his ass. That's enough, this isn't about him. He needs to worship her pussy as she sits on him and smothers his face. She squeezes his balls to their breaking point while he eats her pussy. Her dripping wet lips drown his mouth. There is more for him to do. She offers her feet to be worshipped as he sucks on her toes and licks her perfect arches. His cock is now fully caged in chastity and this excuse for a man is equipped with a strap on cock, something that has the chance to please his mistress. Sebastian obeys and fucks his mistress demon with the strap on dildo. With the intense vibrations of the Hitachi she cums over and over again, taking what she needs from him. He maybe, just maybe might have done well today, but she is still going to punish his balls.

Bunny Colby に 'I Want To Watch - S34:E13'

Bunny Colby - I Want To Watch - S34:E13

Bunny Colby is a hot number who has plenty of fantasies that prove she bats for both teams. She may have a boyfriend at the moment in Oliver Flynn, but Bunny dreams of watching Oliver fuck another girl. She finally gets her opportunity when her college friend, Kiara Cole, comes for a visit.To put her plan into action, Bunny waits until she's alone on the couch with Kiara. She slowly moves closer, enticing Kiara with soft touches that tell her college pal exactly what she wants. When Kiara seems open to it, Bunny moves even closer. It looks like Bunny is going in for a kiss, but it takes her a surprisingly long time to get there. Oliver walks in on the two friends without realizing quite what he's getting into. Bunny gives Oliver a quick kiss and then, to his surprise, turns to Kiara and gives her another kiss. Then she takes both of their hands and leads them to the bedroom so the real fun can begin. Both Oliver and Kiara are willing, although Bunny makes it clear that she's calling the shots. She settles Kiara on the bed and then directs Oliver to get on his knees. Rolling Kiara's miniskirt up, Oliver starts licking her clit through her panties. Meanwhile, Bunny lifts Kiara's shirt and rubs her nipples to hardness while loving on her small tits. Then Bunny pulls Kiara's thong aside so Oliver can have full access to her bare slit.As Bunny continues to direct the action, Oliver lays down on the bed and Kiara kneels above him. She pulls his dick close and starts sucking with Bunny encouraging her every step of the way. Her blowjob is delicious, but still not quite enough to satisfy Bunny's fantasies. Peeling off her shirt to pop her big boobs free, Bunny decides to join in on Kiara's fun with both of their hands and mouths working to keep Oliver hard and ready for action.The next part of Bunny's fantasy involves watching Oliver fuck Kiara. Bunny helps Kiara to climb onto Oliver's hardon and slide it into her tight twat. Then she plants her pussy on top of Oliver's face so he can eat her out. The position is perfect since it gives everyone in the threesome deep pleasure, but still allows Bunny to watch her fantasy playing out.Eventually, Bunny decides to take a turn on Oliver's dick. She climbs on in reverse cowgirl and goes to work bouncing away. Meanwhile, Kiara rides Oliver's face in her own version of reverse cowgirl while using the headrest to keep her balance as she's perched on Oliver's mouth.Next, the girls get on their knees side by side on the bed as Oliver kneels behind them. With such a delectable double stack of pussies presented for his enjoyment, Oliver barely knows where to start. He ends up giving it to Bunny first as he rubs Kiara's clit with his free hand. Then he hot swaps to bang Kiara as Bunny continues to enjoy herself by watching.The girls keep the party going by flipping onto their backs and linking legs, still laying side by side. He still has a free hand for Kiara as he goes to town on Bunny's greedy snatch. Bunny helps herself reach her finish as she rubs her clit in time to Oliver's strokes. Kiara also keeps herself hot and ready for a climax by rubbing her clit, which makes it easy for Oliver to reenter her when it's her turn to cum. With Bunny rubbing her clit and Oliver pounding away at her bare twat, Kiara quickly comes undone.The threesome is still in full swing as Bunny gets another round of fleshy fun from Oliver. This time, Kiara hovers on top of Bunny and leans forward to lap at her friend's clit and offer Oliver a ride in her mouth. With Kiara guiding them both, Bunny and then Oliver each reach their climax. Oliver gluts Bunny with a creampie that Kiara eagerly laps up as it drips from her friend's twat. As a finishing move, Kiara gives Bunny a kiss so she can enjoy the taste of her own juices mixed with her boyfriend's cum.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Tattooed Charlotte Sartre Hardcore Sex POV'

Charlotte Sartre - Tattooed Charlotte Sartre Hardcore Sex POV

Charlotte Sartre Is First Class. Charlotte is world famous for being a first class whore. Her tight, tatted, sexy body is truly magical. With the eyes of an angel and the mind of a devil she will suck and fuck like you wouldn't believe. Watch her tight hole slide up and down this long cock as she cums like crazy. Finally after a hard pounding she drains every drop of cum in her eager mouth. Enjoy watching this beautiful woman in a tempting red intimate clothes, her beautiful natural tits, her big round ass, her shaved pussy, with black stockings, and her bewitching blue eyes, her sweet and cooing voice asks you to give her your cock to put it in her mouth, suck and lick it, and then lying on the bed with her legs raised exposing her tight pink pussy, so that you introduce your cock very hard and deep, she cursing, screams and groans of emotion, you place her in different positions, in doggy position and you continue inserting your cock to the bottom of her pussy, she sucks your cock, again and again, she rides your cock like a real cowgirl before you deposit a hot and creamy semen in her mouth and she tastes it with her tongue.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Orgasmic Massage Machine'

Charlotte Sartre - Orgasmic Massage Machine

When seductive Charlotte Sartre and her stepsister Leida Lothario get a special delivery to the house, our stud is pissed to find out that it was five hundred dollars! He opens the thing up and has no idea what it is, but Charlotte and Leida know that it is a special machine designed to pleasure their young pussies. To make sure the poor guy gets his moneys worth, the siblings rip off his clothes and take an orgasmic ride while he watches. Then, he screws Charlotte so hard that she squirts all over Leidas pretty face. Charlotte cums over and over, showing her stepsister how its done in the process. Finally, our stud feeds Leida a mouthful of cum. Well worth the money!

Bunny Colby に 'Lusty Lingerie'

Bunny Colby - Lusty Lingerie

Look at the way Bunny Colby fills out her bra and thong! This girl has curves for days with her massive breasts and her slim waist that flares into a nice big bottom. Sweet and sensual, she's always feeling herself up from top to bottom as she pushes all her buttons to prime herself to cum.

Bunny Colby に 'Lounging On Leather'

Bunny Colby - Lounging On Leather

Fair skin, lush curves, and a cock craving attitude are all defining traits of Bunny Colby. She's as sensual as it gets, always letting her hands guide the way as she explores her big breasts and bubble butt. You'll love her slippery pussy as she shows off the way she loves to be touched.

Daya Knight に 'Daya Knight, September Reign and Bunny Colby - Zebra Girls'

Daya Knight - Zebra Girls

It's a clash of the influencers: Vanilla Pumpkin Spice Latte vs Mocha Pumpkin Spice Latte. Which flavor will take all?While Bunny is at the park, looking glam and cozy in her autumnal pics for the gram, September and her girlfriend Daya spy the cute, curvy booted blonde. September wants a piece of that and makes her move, super casual and totally low-key of course. Soon enough Bunny agrees to some collab with the big-time influencer beauties. The three Fall-ready girls head to September and Daya's because they have the best equipment for streaming. Bunny soon proves herself to be a basic bitch after all and breaks Daya's nail in the most saccharine sweet, 'mean girls' way possible when she sees that the girls have WAAAY more followers than she does. September and Daya were already planning to make the moves on Bunny but now they're pissed. They've just lost an entire day of content because they can't shoot with a broken nail! That would be way too basic. They tell Bunny that now she has to make it up by shooting content with them. She agrees, and once the clothes come off she tries to leave and offers to pay for the nail instead. Her money is no good here when she has such a sweet pussy to pay with instead. September brings out a plate of dildos and strap-ons, and they get their payback. I think Mocha Pumpkin Spice definitely won this round.

Bunny Colby に 'Horny In Heels'

Bunny Colby - Horny In Heels

Check out the curves on Bunny Colby as she poses for you in a lingerie bra and panties with sheer pantyhose. She has the most incredible big breasts that she loves to flaunt for your pleasure. Once you tear your eyes from those jugs, she'll show you her hairy twat that is ready for action.

Bunny Colby に 'Blonde Bombshell'

Bunny Colby - Blonde Bombshell

Stunning in a red dress with a short miniskirt, Bunny Colby is a true stunner. Her hands roam freely across her lush curves and soft fair skin, hefting her breasts and stroking her firm ass. Peeling off her thong, she spreads her thighs to play with her trimmed muff and juicy snatch.

Bunny Colby に 'Redneck Party - S11:E7'

Bunny Colby - Redneck Party - S11:E7

Bunny Colby and her stepbrother Logan Long have had a lot of sexual tension between them for a while, but it all comes to a head when Bunny decides to wear an outfit that Logan finds slutty to a redneck party. Logan lets Bunny have it, and as their argument escalates they start to hurl insults like that Logan has a tiny dick and Bunny has a loose pussy. Of course, they each need to prove the other wrong by any means necessary. Bunny finds herself with her hand wrapped around Logan's cock, and Logan finds himself fingering Bunny.It turns out that they like feeling each other up and they're both interested in taking things further. Bunny tries to prove her pussy isn't like a glove and Logan wants to prove Bunny can't handle him. She leans over the couch to invite Logan inside for a doggy style pussy pounding. His big cock feels real nice from behind, and Bunny's tight pussy cradles him nicely. Then Logan sits down and invites Bunny to try riding his fuck stick, which she does with such vigor that her titties bounce all over the place.On her back with one leg propped on Logan's shoulder, Bunny watches as her stepbrother goes to town banging her hairy twat. They're a great fit, as Bunny proves by enjoying her next climax. It's Logan's turn to cum next, so Bunny gets on her knees and opens her mouth wide to suck down as much of him as she can. When he has finished cumming all over his stepsister's buxom chest, Logan reminds Bunny that they have a party to attend.

Bunny Colby に 'A Playful Big Tit Fuck'

Bunny Colby - A Playful Big Tit Fuck

This scene features Bunny Colby and I hooking up again with some rough and playful fucking. We have really natural chemistry and love kissing and teasing each other mixed with spanking and hard fucking with my hand is around her throat. There is some POV shot during the blowjob and while she rides my cock. Bunny has a really intense orgasm while I use a hitachi on her clit while fucking and the scene ends with a close up of me cumming inside of her pussy.

Bunny Colby に 'Easy Cum Easy Go - S11:E6'

Bunny Colby - Easy Cum Easy Go - S11:E6

Winter Jade and her friend Bunny Colby are ready to hit the pool, but unfortunately for them, Winter's stepbrother Michael Swayze has other ideas. Winter and Michael's parents are out of town, and they've put Michael in charge. He insists that the girls need to do chores before they can have fun. He's a tough taskmaster, walking the girls through each of their chores without even letting them change out of their swimsuits.Eventually, Bunny realizes that this whole chores business might just be a setup for Michael to perv on her and Winter. She puts herself out there, flirting with Michael in an effort to get him to lighten up on them. Lifting her shirt, she shows him her big tits. Then she offers him a blowjob. He can't deny his hardon, so he puts up only token resistance before letting Bunny have her way. She's happily sucking Michael off when Winter walks in and catches them in the act. It takes some fast talking, but Bunny eventually coaxes Winter into joining in under the premise that making Michael happy will get them to the pool faster.After a double BJ, Winter sits down with her legs spread and Bunny eating her out while Michael bangs Bunny from behind. The girls switch spots, with Winter getting her pussy pounded as she feasts on Bunny's slippery snatch. Then the girls climb on top of Michael as he lays on the couch, with Bunny riding Michael's dick and Winter riding his face. They reach the finish line with Winter on her hands and knees with her face buried between Bunny's legs and Michael going to town on her from behind. As Michael is ready to pop, Bunny takes his load in her mouth so she can play with the salty surprise.

Bunny Colby に 'knows how to sell a house by fucking the customer'

Bunny Colby - I Have a Wife

Bunny Colby is showing a house to Stirling but he doesn't like it that much. Since Bunny Colby is pressured to sell it, she busts out her secret weapon -- her wet pussy! She fucks Stirling real good, convincing him this is the house to buy.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Quid Pro Quo: Charlotte Sartre Fucked and Beaten in Bondage'

Charlotte Sartre - Quid Pro Quo: Charlotte Sartre Fucked and Beaten in Bondage

Charlotte Sartre is suspended in rope and eager for the day to begin. Seth Gamble enters and tells Charlotte she'll get what she wants--to be choked, punched, and fucked in the ass--if he gets what he wants. Charlotte eagerly agrees and gets cropped, flogged, and caned all over her body. She screams with each impact and thanks Seth for every hit. Seth pulls her head down on his cock and fucks Charlotte's wet mouth until she gags. Then he gives her what she's been begging for, his rock hard cock. Charlotte moans as his cock enters her cunt. Seth sets a brutal pace that has Charlotte begging to cum. Seth reminds her of their deal and Charlotte agrees, cumming hard. Seth attaches clover clamps to her nipples and fucks her to more orgasms as Charlotte screams in pain and pleasure. Next, Charlotte is tied on her knees with her hands behind her back. Seth uses multiple floggers to give Charlotte that thuddy impact she craves. But those aren't the only toys Seth will be using today. For each flog, Seth gives Charlotte sharp strikes with long dragon's tail and a cane so he can hear her pretty screams as her skin turns rosy red. Charlotte moans as Seth then begins fucking her again. He switches between fucking her pussy and ass. She screams as every inch of his cock gets swallowed by her holes. She loves getting ass fucked and begs to cum over and over again. Seth punches her ass as he fucks it, giving this pain slut exactly what she wants. He fills her pussy with his fingers while he fucks her ass so both her holes are filled. Next, Charlotte is bound on her back with her legs spread. Seth canes her thighs and feet, places closepins on her tongue and her bottom lip, and continues to fuck her. He takes her pussy first and then makes her clean his cock and balls off with her mouth. Charlotte moans as she tastes herself and continues to get fucked. She screams as the vibrator touches her sensitive pussy. Seth smirks and continues fucking Charlotte's cunt and ass. Charlotte cums hard over and over again as she gets fucked with Seth's hand around her throat. Finally, she begs for his cum and gets a fat load all over her body. She rests back, sated. Charlotte got exactly what she wanted and so did Seth.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Pet Slut'

Charlotte Sartre - Pet Slut

If you like pet sluts, then you will definitely enjoy watching Charlotte Sartre get owned like the pet slut she is. She gets locked in a cage, dragged around on a leash, pulled around by her hair and completely dominated by her two handlers. These two handlers won't even give her any water. The only drink she gets is the cum they shoot on her filthy whore face.

Natalie Mars に 'The Lab Rats: Anal Orgasms with Natalie Mars and Charlotte Sartre'

Natalie Mars - The Lab Rats: Anal Orgasms with Natalie Mars and Charlotte Sartre

Dr. Natalie Mars has created Charlotte Sartre to study the advancement of human sexual growth. Though various nodes placed throughout Charlotte's body, Dr. Mars is able to experience the same sensations as her Charlotte. But every experiment comes with some set backs and today Charlotte is having trouble with her anal node. Dr. Mars wastes no time in getting Charlotte undressed and ass up on her metal lab table. She probes Charlotte's ass with her fingers before using several metal plugs to stretch her anal cavity, so she may peer inside. After visually examining Charlotte's anal cavity, Natalie decides it's time to try and reboot the system using electricity. She places anal beads with an electric current in Charlotte's ass. Charlotte moans as the beads pulse inside her. Next Natalie decides they better try a bigger toy. Charlotte takes a thick electro dildo in her ass, but the problem persists. If Charlotte's anal node is functioning properly, perhaps it's the one in Dr. Mars that needs to be reset. With Charlotte's ass filled, Dr. Mars inserts an electro plug into her own ass to test that theory. She moans as the plug fills her up and leans over to make out with Charlotte. At last it becomes clear that Dr. Mars needs her own anal node reset. She commands Charlotte to restrain her and reset her node. Charlotte obeys, restraining Natalie and kneeling down to fist Natalie's ass open. Natalie moans as Charlotte fist fucks her hole and stretches it open. Nodes reset, Natalie and Charlotte must test their link. Charlotte deep throats Natalie's cock before Natalie bends her over the table for a hard pounding in doggy and then missionary. Natalie nips at Charlotte's legs, and licks and bites her sensitive feet. Charlotte loves getting fucked and rides Natalie before Natalie pushes her on her back and fucks her hard before cumming all over her belly.

Casey Calvert に 'Derelict: The Psychosexual Abduction of Casey and Charlotte'

Casey Calvert - Derelict: The Psychosexual Abduction of Casey and Charlotte brings you a special feature presentation with two of the hottest models in the industry. Casey Calvert and Charlotte Sartre are on a road trip to see an old friend when they find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere. The hot, dry vast desert landscape is a hostile environment threatening to have its way with them but it doesn't stop these two brave explorers from seeking a solution to their problem. Little do they know that this is going to be the worst decision they could have ever made.They stumble upon the ruins of an old abandoned town sitting below a massive compound on the hillside. Eerie dilapidated buildings litter the grounds and a deep sense of dread permeates this godforsaken place. A sinister presence is lurking. Is it just the relentless drone of the wind or something more malevolent?Even though they are stranded Casey and Charlotte are on an adventure and having fun so they fall into some heated girl on girl action in one of the creepy old buildings. Casey plays with Charlotte's small perfect tits and licks her nipples. She peels off Charlotte's little shorts and goes down on her pussy and rubs her clit until she cums. Then it's Casey's turn. Standing up against the paint chipped wall Charlotte licks Casey's shaved pussy and sexy tits until she orgasms.After their sexy make-out session the two girls continue to explore the area for something, anything to help them out of their predicament. They decide to split up to cover more ground. A decision that will change their lives forever. Soon enough Charlotte disappears and Casey goes on a mad search trying to track her down. Little does she know Charlotte is in the hands of a deeply disturbed sexual pervert who is hellbent on tormenting these two innocent beauties. You have to see it to believe it! Derelict: The Psychosexual Abduction of Casey and Charlotte a thrilling and devastating horror story directed by John Paul The Pope with BDSM, rusty chains, rope, cattle prods, spanking, floggers, the cane, hardcore finger banging, involuntary orgasms and more!

Bunny Colby に '- Blacks On Blondes'

Bunny Colby - Blacks On Blondes

Cute little Bunny...well maybe crazy little Bunny. Girl can't help herself. She's been stalking football star Prince. He already has a restraining order against her, but that doesn't stop her. She not only sneaks into his house, but right into his bed while he's in the shower. The things this girl will do just to get her hands on some big black cock. Well, maybe this time Prince won't call the cops. Maybe, just maybe he'll let her have what she's been after all this time. It's a gamble....but one that ends up paying off for her! Once she grabs his cock...Prince lets her have it. He pounds that pussy from behind, from the side and from the top. He even lets her ride it too. All she wants is that baby batter all over her lucious titties. What the hell...he's already gone this far, might as well give crazy what she wants!

Autumn Falls に 'Sudden Domme'

Autumn Falls - Sudden Domme

Under pressure from her husband to try something new, Bunny reluctantly agrees to allow an escort to join them. 'So this is your first threesome then?' Autumn asks with surprise. Bunny has better questions as she lifts a crop out of Autumn's bag. No one anticipates the turn it takes.

London River に 'Ungrateful Goth Teen Fucked Into Line By Step-Parents'

London River - Ungrateful Goth Teen Fucked Into Line By Step-Parents

Charlotte Sartre is a sensuous, moody little bitch with a perfect body and a bad attitude. She shows up to visit her busty MILF step-mother London River, who is rocking a new blonde look and string bikini for the Fourth of July. Charlotte immediately starts complaining about the cookout - much to the displeasure of London's new dominant husband, Derrick Pierce. He orders London to get her little brat into line, but Charlotte blackmails her Mom with some photos from her porn career before this suburban dreamlife. Charlotte is so mad that London would try to ground her, and she wants sexual punishment. Charlotte strips London naked and stuffs her slender foot in London's sexy mouth, followed by her dripping wet cunt. Charlotte pulls out a strap-on and throat fucks London, causing her to drool and gag while being cropped silly. Charlotte decides to fuck both her ass and cunt, switching between whore holes as she pleases.Charlotte is just starting to enjoy this Fourth of July when Derrick storms in. He has had it and demands that London put her daughter over her knee and teach her some manners while he fucks her mouth. Charlotte swears and gets slapped around until she sucks cock like a good slut. Derrick throws them both in the couch and has London pin Charlotte down while he flogs their asses, and then fucks them both while London steps on Charlotte's head to show her who's boss. Once Charlotte begs for orgasms like a good girl, he gives them to her, but not without some electro zaps for good measure.London is tied in an intense shibari split and has her tender nipples and pussy clamped tight. Charlotte rides her Mom's face while she gets fucked in her ass, screaming with orgasms into her daughters pussy. Derrick uses Charlotte's hand to fist London in the ass, then to jerk his cock off inside London's submissive asshole in the most intense double penetration we have ever shot. London cums like a submissive anal whore.Charlotte is bound in leather straps and given stars and stripes in the form of cane strokes and hot red and blue wax all over her creamy white skin. Being made to yell that she loves America while cumming during her pain proves her reform. Derrick fucks the little brat into many orgasms and blows his load all over her punished teen pussy.

Nikki Hearts に 'Tattoos and Strap On'

Nikki Hearts - Tattoos and Strap On

Inked beauties Nikki Hearts and Charlotte Sartre take a break from a porn convention to have their own particular fun at the hotel. Inked babes, a vibrator and a strap on, the perfect recipe for wild lesbian sex.

Bunny Colby に 'Three Princesses True Loves Kiss - S14:E9'

Bunny Colby - Three Princesses True Loves Kiss - S14:E9

In this spinoff on a fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella get sick of waiting for a man to find them and decide to take their pleasure into their own hands. Snow White points out that none of them has even kissed a boy yet. Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty suggest that Snow White could practice kissing on a mirror, but Snow White is sick of kissing her own cold reflection. They decide to practice on each other. Once all three girls have experienced kissing, they decide they want to practice whatever happens after true love's kiss.Sleeping Beauty is helped out of her lingerie by the other two princesses, who are enamored by her big breasts. Then it's Snow White's turn and finally Cinderella's. The girls can't help but return their attention to Sleeping Beauty, who watches shyly as Cinderella and Snow White each takes a boob and sucks it. When Sleeping Beauty's hand slides down to her twat, Cinderella announces that she has some ideas if the other two want to join in. Hopping on the counter, Cinderella spreads her thighs so Snow White can eat her out, while Sleeping Beauty buries her face in Snow White's twat. When Snow White lays on her back, Cinderella goes to work with her magical tongue. Meanwhile, Sleeping Beauty positions herself over Snow White's mouth to ride the princess's face. Eager to double down on Sleeping Beauty's pleasure, Cinderella and Snow White work together to eat out and rub down her slippery twat. To finish themselves off, the three girls sit side by side and masturbate to climax together. Now they know they're all ready for their Prince Charming.

Bunny Colby に 'Yoga Freaks: Episode Twelve'

Bunny Colby - Yoga Freaks: Episode Twelve

Sabina Rouge is a hot, horny yoga instructor who is more than happy to share her passion with her new student, Bunny Colby. Sabina leads Bunny through a series of hands on yoga poses, but finds that Bunny's energy is all blocked up. Thankfully, Sabina knows that the quickest way to get zen is to take part in some hot, lesbian strap-on action!

Charlotte Sartre に 'I Love Evil'

Charlotte Sartre - I Love Evil

Cute, tattooed Charlotte Sartre loves submitting to Latin stud Ramon Nomar. The all-natural girl gives a gagging blowjob as he thrusts his hard dick down her throat. Ramon fucks her tight holes; Charlotte sucks dick ass-to-mouth and strokes his meat with her nylon-clad feet. Ramon turns the passionate anal session into pure domination -- he dunks Charlotte's head in the toilet; he makes her lick his taint and rim his bunghole! Ramon buttfucks Charlotte to gaping while rudely flushing her face in the commode. He chokes and sodomizes Charlotte, climaxing with a messy, open-mouth cum facial.

Bunny Colby に 'My Sister Wives What It Takes - S14:E7'

Bunny Colby - My Sister Wives What It Takes - S14:E7

Bunny Colby's husband Charles Dera has just taken a new sister wife, Danni Rivers. Unfortunately, when Danni arrives home with her new hubby they both quickly realize that she has no idea what she's doing in the bedroom. Danni is timid and unsure when Charles hikes up her wedding dress and pushes her panties aside to eat her out. Then Charles whips out his dick and sticks in it, but he can tell Dani isn't having a great time. Finally Charles calls Bunny in to help her new sister wife out.Bunny is happy to oblige her husband and assist her new sister wife by offering a few pointers. With Bunny's guidance, Danni's kissing improves. Then she actually makes a move on their husband, sliding his hand to cup his junk. Bunny is there to guide Danni through her first blowjob, but the busty blonde can't resist the sight of her husband's naked body without wanting some of his sugar for her own. She undresses alongside Danni as they continue their double blowjob.Charles gets Bunny onto her hands and knees so that Danni can watch him fuck her. Danni gives doggy style a try as Bunny helps her out, then flips onto her back so she can learn how to eat Bunny's pussy out while Charles keeps on fucking her. She's an excellent student, so she takes a break as Bunny enjoys her hubby's charms. When the girls are finally satisfied, Charles enjoys another double BJ until he pops his load all over their faces.

Bunny Colby に 'fucks a lucky fan live in her stream'

Bunny Colby - Show My BF

Bunny Colby has a boyfriend but she is not satisfied with the little dick she has so she asks one of her gamer fans to go and fuck her live and upload the video in the web.

Bunny Colby に 'Maid Service - S9:E3'

Bunny Colby - Maid Service - S9:E3

Rocking some stunning lingerie that highlights her pale skin and lush curves, Bunny Colby cleans up around her client's house. Playing sex games is on this maid's mind as she bends over to reveal the tops of her thighs. Bunny's employer, Shay Evans, eventually finds the blonde and takes her time staring at her treat.When Shay finally approaches Bunny, Bunny plays shy. Shay takes Bunny's duster away, and soon Bunny warms to Shay's touch. The girls are just getting acquainted with each other's busty chests when Shea's husband Alex Legend walks in and drops his suitcase as he sees what his wife is up to! Shay beckons Alex closer, creating a threesome with the hot cleaner. Dipping his head to sample the delights of Bunny's breasts, Alex makes it clear that he approves of this new arrangement. He leads both girls to the couch, where they each sit on either side of him. That position allows both Shay and Bunny to work together to whip out Alex's hardon and start sucking. They take turns sampling Alex's fuck stick, with Shay delivering a titty fuck before she peels off her thong and climbs on top for a stiffie ride.Bunny is content to watch as her employer rides her husband's dick. She even helps, leaning in to suck on Shay's tender nipples and to rub her clit. Then Bunny leans back and slides her thong to the side to play with her own clit as she simply enjoys the show that her employers are putting on for her. Alex and Shay haven't forgotten about the third part of their threesome. They bring Bunny in for a cowgirl fuck stick ride in her meaty twat. As Bunny is bouncing along, Shay takes her turn tantalizing Bunny's tits with her magical tongue. Then she mirrors Bunny's previous decision to lay back and masturbate while watching the sexy scene play out before her.Shay gets another turn with Alex's dick when she lays her head in Bunny's lap and lifts one leg high to accommodate Alex. When the girls swap places so Bunny is in the middle, the horny maid tilts her head back far enough to start feasting on Shay's dripping snatch. As Alex brings her off, she brings Shay off to ensure that both girls enjoy complete satisfaction. Then the girls work together to blow Alex until he rewards them with a fountain of jizz that they can stroke and spread everywhere.

Bunny Colby に 'fucks you in her sexy lingerie'

Bunny Colby - fucks you in her sexy lingerie

Porn Star goddess Bunny Colby has been waiting to fuck you for the longest time so she put on her sexy lingerie and you've got her pussy so wet that she cant wait for this day to cum

Bunny Colby に 'fucks in front of husband'

Bunny Colby - Watch Your Wife

Your wife Bunny Colby needs as much dick as possible. You two have made arrangements to let her fuck another as long as you get to watch. That's what turns you on, watching Bunny's big round tits bouncing while being drilled. It's time to fulfill these fantasies by watching your wife, Bunny Colby, get fucked.

Bailey Brooke に 'Bailey Brooke, Bunny Colby, and Serena Avery tag team the masseuse '

Bailey Brooke - Bailey Brooke, Bunny Colby, and Serena Avery tag team the masseuse

It's spa day for Bailey Brooke, Bunny Colby, and Serena Avery. They plan on relaxing and then tag teaming the masseuse. These girls love to watch their friend's get off and cum all over a dick that they share.

Bunny Colby に 'Bound And Pound'

Bunny Colby - Bound And Pound

Bunny Colby has been craving Charles Dera's big, hard cock for weeks now and she is determined to get it! The two settle in for a quiet, kinky night and decide to experiment with some hot BDSM sex… Hopefully this will be able to satisfy Bunny's dirty desires…

Casey Kisses に 'Noisy Nympho Neighbor'

Casey Kisses - Noisy Nympho Neighbor

Hot tattooed alternative girl Charlotte Sartre works from her apartment, webcamming and selling her small x-rated buttons that she makes and sells online. Her next door neighbor is the tall and beautiful Casey Kisses who is trying hard to study in her apartment but cannot concentrate because of Charlotte's loud rock n' roll music blasting through the wall that they share. Casey pounds the wall in frustration but Charlotte can't hear it so Casey decides to show up at Charlotte's front door to complain. When Charlotte answers the door, the two are immediately smitten and cant believe how hot the other is. Charlotte stops the music and apologizes right away, telling Casey she'll do anything to make it up to her. Casey makes her self comfortable on Charlotte's bed and tell's Charlotte to rub her feet. Without hesitation, Charlotte gets to her knees and takes Casey's shoes and stockings off. Charlotte rubs kisses, sniffs, sucks, and licks Casey's feet and toes. Casey spreads her legs and pulls her big hard cock out of her lace panties and Charlotte crawls to worship it. She sucks and strokes Casey's smooth cock while Casey takes her shirt off, letting her perfect perky tits out to breathe. Casey takes down Charlotte's black leather miniskirt and bends her over to lick her pussy and ass with her long tongue. Casey lays Charlotte down on her back and spreads her legs and shoves her cock into Charlotte's tight slutty pussy. She pounds Charlotte's pussy hard and then flips her over into doggie style to continue with more pussy fucking. Next, Casey switches to Charlottes ass and pounds away while Charlotte presses an hitachi vibrator against her clit and cums hard with Casey's dick buried in her ass. Casey goes back to fucking Charlottes pussy and blows her load deep inside.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Sexy Goth Slut Charlotte Sartre Gets Machine Fucked In Bondage'

Charlotte Sartre - Sexy Goth Slut Charlotte Sartre Gets Machine Fucked In Bondage

Charlotte is a sexy goth girl with lots of tattoos, and we love her for that. She also has an amazing ass to go along with the rest of her sexy body. We have her start with a bondage masturbation tease session. She writhes around with a big gag in her mouth that makes her drool, as she hangs from a rope from the ceiling and pleasures herself. Once her pussy is dripping down her leg, we jump right into the fucking. Charlotte is a badass when it comes to bondage, so we don't go easy on her by any means. She is tied in a sitting position with her arms pulled high above her head. The crystal palace is placed between her legs, the dildo finds its home inside of her tight wet pussy, and then we start fucking her. She moans a groans as the machine slides in and out of her pussy and orgasms pour out of her like water from a spigot. Next Charlotte is in a hogtie suspension and we see how much fucking this little slut can take. We start off slow because it's quite the feat to machine fuck someone in a suspension. We ramp the speed up, and then decide to fuck her ass just to up the ante a little more. She cums over and over again, and dare we same harder when her ass was getting pounded. A vibe is added to the mix as Charlotte is slow fucked in her ass, and the orgasms just keep coming. The day is drawing to an end and we give Charlotte a break and let her have a free-for-all. She delivers more than we thought, but also expected nothing less form this sex kitten. The machine gets up to mega speed and Charlotte needs that final push to get her to the best orgasm of the day, so she chokes herself and the gates open right up. She starts to cum, and then can't stop until the machine is finally slowed down. She finishes the day by tasting all of her juices off of the dildo. What a good slut!

Bunny Colby に 'Squeaky Clean And Ready To Cum'

Bunny Colby - Squeaky Clean And Ready To Cum

Sexy Bunny Colby is getting clean in the shower but it's no use, Keiran Lee is about to make her very, very dirty! Big tittied Bunny moves to the bed after her hot shower and drenches her fit, beautiful body with oil - her massive tits shine and bounce as blonde Bunny massages them. Soon, Bunny has her blowjob lips wrapped around Keiran's rock-hard cock, and is taking every inch of Keiran in her tight, wet pussy. This beautiful girl is going to need another shower because Keiran can't help himself, he pops a huge load all over her gorgeous face!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Bound In Pipe And Chains'

Charlotte Sartre - Bound In Pipe And Chains

Charlotte is finally back on Device Bondage! We did one of her first shoots ever, and she has always cherished what happened between her and The Pope. She has made quite a name for herself in the adult industry, but always comes back to what she is most passionate about. BDSM is a huge part of who she is and she never wants to change that. We begin with her kneeling and elevated, made to lean back, and shackled. She is vulnerable and very aware of her circumstance. The Pope enters and starts his assault on her flesh with double floggers. Every possible inch is turned a bright red from the grueling punishment she has to endure. He begins with the front, moves to the back, and then revisits the front even more. Next a crop is introduced and her pussy is beaten hellishly with it before she is made to cum uncontrollably. Next she is restrained in a brutal steel device that has her in a doggy position. There is a lot of her body that is exposed , but his focus is on her sensitive soles. This is going to be the most brutal bastinado that she has ever had to endure. The intensity pushes her to a breaking point, but that just excites him, and he continues to brutalize her feet. Once he decides that she has had enough, he moves on to reward her by fucking her little pussy and vibe her into extreme orgasms. He goes between fucking her throat and pussy, and then back again. She is used like the good little whore that she is. Charlotte is now on her back with her legs up and spread, and held there with leather straps. The cane is his chosen tool as he revisits her feet for more punishment. Charlotte is not a fan of the cattle prod, but gets super turned on by it being an implement to threaten her with. Just the thought of it scares the fuck out of her, so The Pope makes sure to use it to his advantage. He toys with her a little more before he finishes her off with more orgasms.

Charlotte Sartre に 'A Squirt For A Cheat 2'

Charlotte Sartre - A Squirt For A Cheat 2

When dominant goth girl Charlotte Sartre finds some other woman's lingerie in her boyfriend Quinton James's, truck, she marches straight over to his place to make him tell her the truth. Quinton can't lie to his angry girlfriend when she confronts him in the shower, and Charlotte decides to show her man the error of his ways! This naughty babe proves that she's the best fuck he'll ever have, sucking his cock and eating his ass! That's just the start, as Quinton fingers Charlotte's pussy till she squirts all over him, and makes her squirt even more as he fucks her nice and deep. This cheater won't be straying again after Charlotte covers him in her squirt and he covers her face with his cum, but she won't let him quit until she says she's done!

Bunny Colby に 'Can't Be Contained'

Bunny Colby - Can't Be Contained

Bunny wants to be a good wife, she really does... but whenever her husband leaves on business trips she has an uncontrollable urge to be bad. Specifically, with BBC. After failing to satiate her urges, she craves and calls over someone she met at the gym.

Bunny Colby に 'Happy Hour'

Bunny Colby - Happy Hour

Ruckus finds himself on the streets when his girlfriend tosses him out. His buddy Wolf Hudson offers him a place to stay but Ruckus is worried it might be weird. You see, he used to date Wolf's wife Bunny Colby. But that's okay, nothing will be weird promises the married couple. Ruckus is relieved and goes to sleep in their guest room. Soon, he is joined by the wife who misses his cock so much. Soon enough, they are joined by the husband. Apparently, he too would like to see what his wife has missed. Ruckus always thought Wolf was straight but tonight, as he rode up and down on that big cock, he started having second thoughts. This whole bi thing is pretty cool he figured.

Mz Berlin に 'Spooky Submissive Slut Charlotte Sartre Gets Boned in a Graveyard!'

Mz Berlin - Spooky Submissive Slut Charlotte Sartre Gets Boned in a Graveyard!

Spooky ghost, Charlotte Sartre’s ultimate fantasy is to be fucked in a graveyard. So Mz. Berlin and Liz Rainbow are here to give her exactly what she wants. They use clamps to torment her nipples and pussy while they slap her thighs over and over. She is fucked with a bone they found on the ground and this little deathslut is so turned on she begs to get drenched on like a bouquet of flowers being watered by sprinklers. As they cover her in hot squirt she wants more and more! They take her to a rooftop overlooking the city and as curious people come up to watch the desecration of her body Juan Lucho fucks her hard in bondage. The dommes zap her, use the crop on her, and intermittently pound her pussy with a strap on. Juan Lucho bends her into impossible positions so he can ram his huge cock deeper and deeper into the soaked cunt of this dirty girl. As she screams and begs for more, Lady Nala, Mona Wales, and Mz. Berlin set upon her, while she is made to orgasm with a vibrator. Charlotte's made to suck up her puddle and Mz. Berlin shows her off to the city while she leads her into the sunset.

Charlotte Sartre に 'POV Sluts: Anal Edition 2'

Charlotte Sartre - POV Sluts: Anal Edition 2

When pale, young Charlotte Sartre needs some discipline, she visits Latin director/stud Toni Ribas. He shoots POV-style footage as he spanks Charlotte's round butt. The raven-haired cutie lewdly sucks big dildos, worships Toni's feet and gives his big boner a slobbery blowjob. Toni wedges his cock inside the pretty babe's asshole. Their passionate session of choking, slapping, dick/dildo double penetration, ball-sucking, anal reaming and ass-to-mouth flavor climaxes in the bathroom: Well-disciplined Charlotte licks the toilet bowl and takes a tasty oral cum shot.

Charlotte Sartre に 'All Stuffed Up 3'

Charlotte Sartre - All Stuffed Up 3

Pale, tattooed Charlotte Sartre can hardly wait for a double penetration from Spanish studs Toni Ribas and Ramon Nomar. The submissive Goth girl sucks on dildos until Toni and Ramon take over fucking her pretty mouth in turn. She blows one big boner as the other plows her pussy and tight asshole! Toni and Ramon ferociously pound Charlotte in a lewd DP, slapping her ass and natural tits. They further stretch her gaping rectum with double anal penetration! Face covered in cum, Charlotte sits on an enormous monster dildo.

April O'Neil に 'The Blind Date'

April O'Neil - The Blind Date

When April O'Neil walks into the restaurant for her date, she notices all the tables are full. She mutters to herself that there's nowhere to sit. Charlotte Sartre, who overhears her, offers April a seat at her table. April asks her if she's sure and Charlotte insists. As April checks her phone, Charlotte is checking her out. When she notices how nice her dress is, she compliments April. April thanks her and compliments her back. Charlotte confesses that she just got stood up and is here all by her lonesome. April responds that she's pretty sure she got stood up as well and the girls laugh it off by adding how dumb men can sometimes be. It's pretty clear at this point that they're flirting with each other. Charlotte suggests that since they're both here they may as well make the most of it. It doesn't take long for April to invite Charlotte over to her place. The girls make out passionately as April leads Charlotte to her bedroom. They jump on the bed and start tearing off each other's clothes. April asks Charlotte to lie down as she starts eating her pussy savoring it with every lick. She asks her to turn over as she tongues her ass. Charlotte moans and cums again and again. She has April lie down and returns the favor in spades as April cums in her mouth. The girls 69 eating each other out frantically and spend the rest of the afternoon scissoring as they cum on each other's pussies.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Anal Insanity'

Charlotte Sartre - Anal Insanity

Goth chick Charlotte Sartre flaunts her fit figure and pale, tattooed skin in flashy fetish garb. Bo Sinn arrives dressed as a kinky drag queen with fishnet stockings! The transvestite worships Charlotte's holes and then bends her over, penetrating her wet twat. Charlotte slurps his massive meat, using two hands to stroke him as she sucks. She moans as Bo slams her sphincter and whimpers through a full-nelson anal pounding. An intense, no-holes-barred fuck features choking, rectal gaping and ass-to-mouth fellatio. Finally, Bo sprays his cum on a glass partition, leaving Charlotte to lap up and swallow his sperm.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Submissive Goth Girl is Bound, Tormented, and Made to Cum'

Charlotte Sartre - Submissive Goth Girl is Bound, Tormented, and Made to Cum

This is Charlotte's first time on Hogtied and she definitely doesn't disappoint. She is very timid upon first glance and in her overall behavior, but once she is naked and in bondage that all changes quickly. She is a sex kitten who loves to be dominated and made to serve and suffer. We start with her in a standing spread eagle with her neck tethered up to a point. She is beyond helpless, but The Pope adds more rope to turn this into a predicament tie, that defines helplessness. Her pale flesh is turned a bright red with extreme flogging and spankings. Her fist orgasm is loud and she loses full control of her body by floating in the ropes while she cums. Next she is put in a brutal hip suspension with a touch of bamboo to render her hands useless. Her neck is tied to a bowling ball to apply just the right amount of pressure to restrict her breathing. She is tormented more before being rewarded with more imposed orgasms. Before the scene ends The Pope pulls her high enough to lift the bowling ball off of the ground. In the final scene Charlotte is on her back, like the whore that she is, with her legs spread and ready for her whore holes to be used. After some bastinado from a crop to the feet, she is fingered and fucked into submission.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Inked and Anal'

Charlotte Sartre - Inked and Anal

Pale, adorable Goth Charlotte Sartre sits on the stairs, hungrily sucking Dylan Brown's gigantic black dick! The tattooed young vixen strokes her bald pussy as she laps Dylan's taint and slurps on his enormous BBC. The ebony stud gives Charlotte an intense interracial anal fucking; she eagerly bounces on his pole and blows cock ass-to-mouth as her sphincter gapes. They try several positions in a wild sodomy session. Charlotte jacks his spermy load all over her pretty face and outstretched tongue.

Charlotte Sartre に 'vs Daisy Ducati'

Charlotte Sartre - vs Daisy Ducati

Welcome to the Summer Vengeance series Tournament on Ultimate Surrender! We have 13 of this season's finest veterans and rookies in a single knockout seeded tournament. Today we have our #12 ranked wrestler, Charlotte Sartre, put against our #6 ranked wrestler, Daisy Ducati. Sartre is a tattooed, dark-haired beauty who started this season with an impressive match against Izamar Gutierrez, scoring several points against our top vet. Daisy Ducati, back for more grappling, attacks little Charlotte right off the bat. The size and skill level difference makes it difficult for Charlotte to gain any ground. Daisy traps Charlotte and fingers her while Charlotte squirms away reluctantly getting finger fucked. It isn't a shut out however, Charlotte gets better and better each round and she gets a feel for her opponent. Charlotte executes beautiful sweeps and reversals and gets Daisy's back and to give her a dose of her own medicine. Charlotte mounts Daisy and makes her take deep french kissing. For the Prize round, our wrestlers take the tournament very seriously. The loser herself concedes and states that losers in tournaments deserve to get fucked in the ass. The winner agrees, and even adds that losers deserve to ONLY get fucked in the ass. The winner bypasses the vagina completely and goes straight for the ass fucking then the ass fisting. The loser is left gaping open wide, wet and broken. Our chamption picks up the defeated, submitting loser and carries her gaping ass off the mats.

Lily Lane に 'and Miss Robin Double-Team Charlotte Sartre's Ass and Pussy'

Lily Lane - and Miss Robin Double-Team Charlotte Sartre's Ass and Pussy

Lily knows most of her dates can't resist her little slave's unique charms. Charlotte gets permission to worship Miss Robin's feet and lick her toes. The sight of her slave's naked ass sticking up in the air is too tempting for Lily. She spanks, slaps, licks, and kisses Charlotte's round ass. Lily tells Miss Robin to spank Charlotte's ass while she lets her slave lick her shoes and suck her feet. Charlotte soon moves up to Lily's hot, wet pussy while Miss Robin flogs Charlotte's ass. Charlotte does a good enough job to get the privilege of tonguing her mistress' asshole. Miss Robin helps by holding slave's head deep in between Lily's ass cheeks. “She's so fucking lucky she gets to taste my asshole and my pussy.” Charlotte gets her mouth back on Lily's pussy and brings her to orgasm while Miss Robin continues flogging her ass. As a reward Charlotte gets Lily's foot stuffed in her hungry mouth. Once Lily has been taken care of she's ready to watch Miss Robin have some fun with her slave. Miss Robin turns the zapper on Charlotte, then a few punches from her fisting hand. The women laugh. Charlotte cries and moans, but her pussy is dripping wet. Lily pushes her fingers deep into Charlotte's ass. She begs for more until she has swallowed Lily's entire fist deep into her ass. But one fist isn't enough, Charlotte wants a whole foot in her ass. The women suspend Charlotte and Lily fucks her slave's pussy with a strap-on. Miss Robin strips off her top and soon Charlotte's tongue is deep in Miss Robin's ass. Keep licking it clean. Taste every last drop. Miss Robin repays the slave with more flogging while she is pounded silly by Lily and her strap-on. Charlotte takes it like a champ and begs for more anal pounding. Taken down from the suspension, Charlotte straddles Miss Robin, reverse cowgirl, and has her ass filled with a strap-on dildo. Lily fucks her slave's pussy while Miss Robin fucks Charlotte's ass. Add a hitachi and some breath play and little Charlotte is done for the evening. Good little whore. Miss Robin is impressed with how much of a pounding Charlotte's ass can take. A great first date by any standard.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Goth Anal Whores 2'

Charlotte Sartre - Goth Anal Whores 2

Princess of Darkness Charlotte Sartre was in need of something to fulfill her every desire and give her lots of orgasms, so she turned to the dark arts and her orgy board whilst clad in sexy red and black velvet lingerie to summon Owen Gray and his big cock. The power of the orgy board itself is debatable, but the power of anal is not! Filled with the pure spirit of sex, and a butt plug, Charlotte was ready for her pussy pounding, taking his meat down her throat, and an anal reaming from her conjured fucktoy. Watch her ass gaped, fisted, stretched to the limits, and covered in cum in this gothic sex fantasy!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Double Anal Harlots'

Charlotte Sartre - Double Anal Harlots

Freaky Charlie Dean catches his hot little Goth housemate, Charlotte Sartre, sneaking a bowl of his cereal. He punishes the tattooed slut by making her eat soggy cereal off of the floor -- and he shoves her to her knees for a gagging face fuck! Black stud Dylan Brown joins the party, smacking Charlotte's pale ass and helping Charlie ream her every orifice. The boys expand her asshole with lots of interracial double-anal penetration! Dylan pumps a creampie in her pussy and Charlie's semen splatters Charlotte's pretty face.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Fuck the Bourgeois'

Charlotte Sartre - Fuck the Bourgeois

Charlotte Sartre is just trying to take a break from her transient lifestyle and maybe get some quarters- sitting on the street, she's unimpressed when uptight businessman Xander Corvus walks past her. Not liking his salty attitude, she spits on his shiny shoes igniting a fiery dynamic that takes them from the alley to Xander's glossy uptown apartment, giving a whole new meaning to 'fuck the bourgeois'

Charlotte Sartre に 'Tennis 101'

Charlotte Sartre - Tennis 101

While doing some model photos, Charlotte finds out what happened to Vienna from her photographer. Thinking foul play was involved,Charlotte tracks down the old creep and seduces him. She lets him fuck her young asshole and even cum inside her just to lure him into a sense of safety.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Butthole Prison: Dee Williams Locks Up Charlotte Sartre for Anal Fraud'

Charlotte Sartre - Butthole Prison: Dee Williams Locks Up Charlotte Sartre for Anal Fraud

Charlotte Sartre is a very disobedient inmate at the all women's prison. She's been keistering anal toys and copulating with the other female prisoners. The Butthole Prison has brought attention to the Warden on this issue. Anal Warden, Dee Williams is a no nonsense busty MILF who has been known for doing extraordinarily cruel and unusual things to her female inmates. Charlotte denies she's done anything wrong and seems to think she can prove her innocence by NOT being able to fit any toys into her “tight ass”. If the anal toys don't fit, you must acquit. Unfortunately for anal hungry Charlotte, try as hard as she can to keep her asshole tight, it just wants to stay open and suck up everything in its path. You could drive a truck through Charlotte's loose butthole. Dee starts with a nice firm over the knee spanking. Charlotte's tushy turns bright red and she writhes with pain and pleasure. The spanking isn't enough punishment, so Dee starts fingering and plugging Charlotte's asshole with toys. Charlotte's ass starts gaping wide open and Dee knows right away that she has caught her Anal Toy Smuggler and needs to administer a full anal examination. Dee then has to check the entire asshole so she performs a body cavity search putting her entire fist into Charlotte's ass. Determined to understand how Charlottes has been getting all these toys past the prison inspections, Dee has Charlotte demonstrate how she was able to stretch her ass out for keistering. Charlotte puts a giant red butt plug in Dee's asshole so that Dee can see how easy it is to hide things in buttholes. After learning how Charlotte is doing her bad deeds, Dee must perform one last punishment, She straps on a huge anal dildo and strap on fucks her poor, powerless inmate, leaving her asshole gaping wide open.

Sheena Shaw に 'Lil' Gaping Lesbians 8'

Sheena Shaw - Lil' Gaping Lesbians 8

Sexy, hard-bodied MILF Sheena Shaw is making her long awaited return to porn! The slender slut drools on a giant, double-wide dildo and then impales her asshole on the whole thing, making her tiny butthole gape hugely! Next, redhead Anna de Ville and Goth cutie Charlotte Sartre join Sheena for an anally obsessive lesbian threesome. The nasty girls expand assholes with huge toys and vibrators. They lewdly lick and drool into each other's yawning, winking and prolapsed sphincter!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Lil' Squirts'

Charlotte Sartre - Lil' Squirts

Charlotte Sartre has a crush on Bill Bailey, her brother's best friend. She's constantly trying to get Bill's attention by dropping her keys and bending over to reveal the pantyless pussy under her pleated skirt! Bill spies on Charlotte masturbating with her magic wand. He walks in just as the young slut squirts girl cum in a wet climax! Bill fingers her hairless twat, and Charlotte sucks his huge cock and balls. The lucky stud fucks Charlotte's asshole, making it gape, and ejaculates in her open mouth.

Scarlett Sage に 'Opposites Attract'

Scarlett Sage - Opposites Attract

Charlotte Sartre arrives at her study date's house only to find that she's not home. She pounds on the door wondering why Scarlett Sage isn't answering. When Scarlett finally gets there, she tells Charlotte she was at cheerleader practice. Charlotte scoffs at the fact that Scarlett doesn't even apologize, making her wait for almost an hour. When they finally start studying, Charlotte starts belittling Scarlett about the work. When Scarlett reveals that she's actually not a spoiled little rich girl, they duke it out until they realize there's more than meets the eye here. Both girls come from broken homes and when they notice they have more in common than they think, they both realize they were in the wrong. They apologize to each other and embrace. When Charlotte finds out Scarlett's single, she asks her if she's ever been with a girl. When she proclaims that she's not a lesbian, Charlotte clarifies that hooking up with a girl doesn't automatically make you gay. Seizing the moment, Charlotte plants a kiss right on Scarlett's lips. When Charlotte asks her how she feels, it turns out Scarlett liked it more than she thought she would. Charlotte takes off Scarlett's shirt and throws the book on the ground saying that they won't be needing that anymore. Scarlett giggles as the girls start making out. When the girls finally undress each other it looks like study time is officially over. It's true what they say, opposites attract!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Anal Acrobats 10'

Charlotte Sartre - Anal Acrobats 10

Goth chick Charlotte Sartre is an anal magician, and her bunny, fit Euro-babe Kristy Black, has some booty tricks too. In a graphic intro, they insert toy balls into their buttholes, and then lewdly expel them into Charlotte's top hat. For their final act, hung stud Neeo slam-fucks their stretched assholes in a harsh threesome. After a double blowjob, the girls enjoy a melee of hard-charging sodomy with cavernous rectal gaping and nasty farting! They slurp Neeo's prick ass-to-mouth and finally, he rewards his enchantresses with a facial.

Charlotte Sartre に 'vs London River'

Charlotte Sartre - vs London River

Charlotte Sartre was not in the rookie cup tournament and she is mad as hell that Ultimate Surrender overlooked her. She had great matches against Isamar and Savanna fox and she was sure she was going to win the rookie cup tournament. She's taking on a girl who make it to the semi finale. Tall, big tits, long legs and a killer bod; London River towers over Charlotte and she's pretty sure she's going to clobber the little rookie. The girls start out slow to gauge each other's skill level. The get to the ground where one wrestler dominates the other. There's nothing hotter than seeing two beautiful wrestlers going 100% competitively on the mats where one wrestler gets trapped and frustrated and almost cums. That's exactly what happens today. You can see the frustration and sexy tension building up. The winner totally dominates the loser. She gets to fuck her prize. This is a “winner fucks loser” match of course. The winner mocks the loser's blow job skills, humiliates her verbally and dominates her sexually. She fucks her hard and fast and slaps her face. Then the winner sits on the loser's face and rides it until shes about to cum. The winner sits up and squirts all over the losers face and then slaps the squirt off her and reminds her why she isn't the rookie cup tournament champion.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Dredd Gapes Them All'

Charlotte Sartre - Dredd Gapes Them All

Pale, tattooed Goth girl Charlotte Sartre is well known for outrageous anal scenes. The intrepid slut teases in slinky lingerie and stuffs an inflatable plug into her sphincter, stretching out for Dredd's enormous 12-inch big black cock. After a slobbery, face-fucking blowjob, Dredd power-plows her bunghole. She tastes his gigantic dick ass-to-mouth and begs him to spank her butt as he jackhammers her rectum. Charlotte's explicit interracial reaming features immense rectal gaping and climaxes with a creamy facial and cum swallowing.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Rocco Sex Analyst'

Charlotte Sartre - Rocco Sex Analyst

Legendary director/performer Rocco Siffredi is having a weekend threesome with two of his top anal models. After an afternoon of winter motor sledding, petite blonde Ivana Sugar and sultry brunette Abbie Cat treat the director to a snow-covered double-blow job in the cold outdoors. Then these adorable babes follow Rocco inside and get really kinky... rimming assholes, sitting on his nose, sucking toes and mashing Rocco's face with their pretty bare feet. Soon it's a butt-banging free-for-all with the help of Rocco's huge cock and various butt toys, flavored with nasty ass-to-mouth cocksucking. Abbie enjoys a messy mouthful of cum.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Fucking Young Whores On Vacation - Orgy'

Charlotte Sartre - Fucking Young Whores On Vacation - Orgy

Small Hands and I drank champagne by the pool while admiring the beautiful young whores we invited with us on vacation. Charlotte Sartre and Janice Griffith were so sexy in their bikinis, lounging in the sunshine on pool floats, flirting in the water and making out - we just had to jump right in to ravage their perfect bodies! Weekend getaways in a tropical paradise are for orgies with horny friends! We should definitely take more trips where we can eat out and fuck our hot girlfriends, sit on their faces, and swap partners overlooking secluded beaches.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Fucking Young Whores On Vacation - Joanna and Charlotte'

Charlotte Sartre - Fucking Young Whores On Vacation - Joanna and Charlotte

Damn, I love vacationing in paradise. The weather is so nice, anything you can do inside, you can do outside! One of my favorite vacation activities in nature has been getting very, very wet. My beautiful goth girlfriend Charlotte Sartre and I wandered off and found a tropical shower in the middle of a jungle! Stripping our bikinis off and playing with each others tits, we kissed and licked and fucked as the warm water trickled down our glistening bodies. It turns out that when a couple of gothic lesbians fingerbang in the wild and there's a camera around, it does indeed make a sound.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Rocco's Psycho Teens 11'

Charlotte Sartre - Rocco's Psycho Teens 11

A noisy gang of five motocross dudes angers hot, young sluts Cassie Fire and Charlotte Sartre. Brazilian stud Vinny Star goes to calm the girls; in no time, they're sucking his huge Latin cock! The other four bikers join in for a nasty blow bang. This party gets more intense as the brutes fuck these sexy sluts in every hole. Both girls submit to double penetration, and debauched Charlotte takes two cocks up her tight ass at once in a double-anal spectacle! The studs fill pretty mouths with loads of cum.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Fucking Young Whores On Vacation - Threeway'

Charlotte Sartre - Fucking Young Whores On Vacation - Threeway

Horny Brit Alessa Savage and sexy goth princess Charlotte Sartre engaged in a little lesbian fun in the outdoor shower, because that is what you do when on a tropical getaway with your hottest girlfriends. The ladies found Small Hands lounging by the pool and happily welcomed him into their girl on girl sexcapades, turning their pussy party into an anal threesome! How many surfaces are in this place? Because they needed to lick and fuck and suck all over every inch of our private paradise haven. What happens on vacation... goes on our website!

Savannah Fox に 'The Toilet sees a lot of pussy and ass!'

Savannah Fox - The Toilet sees a lot of pussy and ass!

Savanna Fox is one of our past Rookie cup tournament winners. She is taking on this season's most promising rookie, Charlotte (The toilet) Sartre. Charlotte did a great job in her first match against Izamar Gutierrez but ultimately, she lost her first match like a typical rookie. Today she is taking on The Big Booty Fox. Savannah is known for her unconventional movies which always seem to catch her opponent off guard and put them into dire predicaments. Charlotte has studied these moves and she feels she is ready for anything Savannah throws her way. Unfortunately for Charlotte, Savannah is relentless when it comes to over powering woman on the mats. These girls give it their all. One wrestler is so determined to win, she keeps pushing herself through the entire match, trying to finger and lick her opponent even when it seems she can barely move. This match shows the true heart of our wrestlers as they put every thing out there on the mats for the fans. This is, as always, A Winner fucks loser match. When the winner is announced, she brutally face fucks her opponent then relentlessly fingers her to make her orgasm. The Winner puts on a strapon and fucks the loser into submission. Then the winner pull off her dick and puts her pussy right onto of the losers face, using her eyes nose and mouth as her personal sex toy. The winner squirts all over the loser and then makes the loser lick up all the mess. Both Wrestlers end up walking off the mats pleased from orgasm but only one walks out being able to respect her wrestling abilities in today's match. This lose will go on the loser's permanent record and she will always be a loser

Charlotte Sartre に 'Pet Slut'

Charlotte Sartre - Pet Slut

If you like pet sluts, then you will definitely enjoy watching Charlotte Sartre get owned like the pet slut she is. She gets locked in a cage, dragged around on a leash, pulled around by her hair and completely dominated by her two handlers. These two handlers won't even give her any water. The only drink she gets is the cum they shoot on her filthy whore face.

Helena Locke に 'Cuck 'Em All 3'

Helena Locke - Cuck 'Em All 3

Fluffy and his wife Helena have been having marital problems. Their sex life has become non existant. It's times like these when the church will often step in to work with it's parishioners to keep them together. Meet D. A beacon of the community he comes over to help open dialogue with the struggling couple. Next thing you know he is opening Helena's cunt with his cock in front of a shocked husband who sits in horror watching as D 'helps' them. From facefucking, cowgirl, doggy and mish it all happens right there. And his wife loves it. She loves every minute of it as her cuckold husband can only watch someone else doing the job he is not capable of.

Charlotte Sartre に 'POV Whore'

Charlotte Sartre - POV Whore

This girl is the naughtiest girl in adult biz. Charlotte Sartre is famous for her extreme porn scenes. She loves to be used like a fuck toy and today your big cock is the lucky one having the pleasure to fuck this little sexy slut. Watch Charlotte sucking and fucking your big fat cock until you explode all over her .

Charlotte Sartre に 'My Bisexual Boyfriend'

Charlotte Sartre - My Bisexual Boyfriend

Tattooed college girl Charlotte Sartre has been studying too hard, so boyfriend Lance Hart recommends a massage from bisexual buddy Wolf Hudson, a masseur, to help relieve her stress. Squeezing Charlotte's pale buttocks, Wolf uses his tongue to loosen her tight, tense anus. He and Charlotte share blow job duty on Lance's stiff dick, and their swinging, cocksucking three-way includes a double penetration for Charlotte's tender holes! The young couple worships Wolf's boner, and each girl receives a sperm facial.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Slutty Stepsisters'

Charlotte Sartre - Slutty Stepsisters

Black-haired, tattooed, pierced alt girl Charlotte Sartre sneaks into the bed of her African-American stepbrother, muscular Donny Sins. She doesn't want to sleep. They make out and his huge erection fucks her face. He eats her bald box. Wailing Charlotte masturbates as Donny chokes, slaps and slam-fucks her. She howls through a carry-fuck and more crazy, orgasmic manhandling. Donny plows her shapely ass, making her pink bunghole seriously gape. He jacks jets of jism into her face, hair and eyelashes. But that's not the biggest secret Charlotte needs Donny to keep: She's got URINAL tattooed inside her lower lip!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Hookup Hotshot: Keeping It Casual'

Charlotte Sartre - Hookup Hotshot: Keeping It Casual

Henessy and Grase are kooky girls with a lust for filthy sex. Hanging out at the waterfront with director Rocco Siffredi, they meet a handsome sailor boy named Markus and invite him over to their apartment. The pretty, young sluts pass the time until Markus arrives by licking pussies, rimming each other's sweet asshole and sucking the director's huge cock. Their sailor shows up and treats their young rectums to a ferocious pounding from his giant prick. The sexy students taste ass-to-mouth flavor on his cock shaft, and these nasty cuties share a spunky load of cum.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Gape Tryouts 02'

Charlotte Sartre - Gape Tryouts 02

Hot, petite L.A. Latina Vicki Chase looks glamorous in fluorescent lingerie with seamed stockings and heels. She does a strip tease for director/stud Jonni Darkko, showing natural tits and a big fur patch. He fingers her holes; a clear butt plug stretches her anus, readying it for a gigantic glass toy. Sexy Vicki makes intense eye contact with the camera in a POV-style blow job. Spit slickens Jonni's ball sac and Vicki plays in flowing streams of slobber. In a deep-throat face fuck, she extends her tongue under his scrotum. More POV footage shows Jonni's prick plowing straight up her ass. With her legs up by her head, her bunghole gapes and her pussy queefs. She kneels for a facial cum flood and blows spermy spit bubbles.

Alexa Nova に 'Army Brats Lose a missile, end up putting missile in commander's ass'

Alexa Nova - Army Brats Lose a missile, end up putting missile in commander's ass

Izamar ( a Latina MILF) and Charlotte Sartre ( a Goth beautiful with porceline white skin) have fucked up royally. The US dropped 59 tomahawk missiles on the Shayrat air base near Homs. There were suppose to be 60 missiles dropped but these two bozos lost one. Seeing how the missiles cost american tax payers $1.5 million each, someone will need to be held accountable for this screw up and it needs to be well documented for the american people to see that the government takes these kind of things very seriously. The Government has Hired Alexa Nova to be in charge of punishes these two fuck ups. Alexa has some very unorthodox ways of showing discipline but the American people seem to respond well to her actions. Alexa's Plan may have back fired on her however. She intended on humiliating these two fuck ups by making them lick and sniff each other's assholes but she didn't' realize that theses two ladies loved licking and sniffing gaped open holes. Today she shows America the insides of Charlotte and Izamar's assholes. Each asshole is stretch to its limit(s. They are fucked with huge toys and their assholes are left open for a great deal of time. each girl is fisted until she cums. Just when Alexa thinks she has finished her job, the girl turn the tables on her and they end up fisting her and showing her exactly where she can shove that fucking missile.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Double Anal FTW'

Charlotte Sartre - Double Anal FTW

Super slut Charlotte Sartre is finally prepared for double anal! She's so ready, she got it tattooed on her body as daddy Steve Holmes and Mr. Pete rub her tits and pussy getting her all hot, bothered, and slippery wet! As soon as her new ink is completed, she gets down to business sucking cock and eating ass, making her men rock hard for her penetration.. The screams of pleasure and pain as she's double stuffed in both her whore holes has me dripping! I don't know about you, but Charlotte makes this look easy. What a fucking CHAMP.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Brings trouble to Izamar Gutierrez'

Charlotte Sartre - Brings trouble to Izamar Gutierrez

Charlotte Sartre has given herself the wrestling name "The Toilette". Today she's going to flush out any of Izamar's Weaknesses and try to gain an advantage on her. Something truly unbelievable happens today on the mats. A 100lb rookie whoops on our powerful, muscular, skilled, Izamar. An Orgasm is snuck out on the mats, The ref didn't notice it during the wrestling but the wrestler concedes it in the interview. This match is a must see. Lots of powerful moves, good transitions and reversals and we finally see Izamar in trouble from a sexy goth girl's moves. Loser is tied up in bondage and fucked until she cums over and over again. Winner tribs the loser and uses her body as a sex toy for her own pleasure.

Chloe Carter に 'Tight Anal Sluts 03'

Chloe Carter - Tight Anal Sluts 03

Intrepid Goth slut Charlotte Sartre plays filthy facilitator in best friend Chloe Carter's virgin anal scene. In figure-hugging fishnet dresses, the elaborately tattooed girls give stud-director Mike Adriano a depraved, drool-soaked double blow job. Intense fellatio induces nasty gag spit. Mike power-fucks Chloe's tight asshole; she squeals in ecstasy, and when he yanks his tool from the tart's throbbing colon, Charlotte crams it deep down her throat. The wildly graphic threesome features explicit rectal gaping, bunghole rimming, ass-to-mouth flavor and a sloppy, cum-swapping climax.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Anal Young'uns 06'

Charlotte Sartre - Anal Young'uns 06

In colorful, striped leggings, pale, young Charlotte Sartre seeks a big cock to fill her soft, round ass. Tattooed stud Chris Strokes probes the raven-haired slut's anus and makes her suck his finger clean. Charlotte slurps his balls and wraps her talented lips around his gigantic dick. After a ravenous suck job, Chris buries his huge pole between her plump pussy lips, and then deeply up her asshole. Charlotte rides the meat until her sphincter gapes. She enjoys a messy sperm facial.

Mona Wales に 'Anal Initiation: Aspiring Nun Gets Beaten and Fucked!'

Mona Wales - Anal Initiation: Aspiring Nun Gets Beaten and Fucked!

Welcome to Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering! Charlotte Sartre arrives at the convent to fulfill her dream of becoming a nun but Sister Mona and Sister Helena see the sin in her right away. And the devil gets spit on, beaten, and fucked in this house! Sisters Mona and Helena immediately strip, spit on, flog, cane, spank, and finger bang Charlotte in her ass. They must beat the devil out of her, and when that doesn't work, they must fuck it out of her. Charlotte is baptized by their cunts and cleansed with intense strap-on fucking, a strap-on double penetration in her pussy and ass, and anal fisting!

Angel Smalls に 'Charlotte And Angel New Porn'

Angel Smalls - Charlotte And Angel New Porn

Finally is here the orgy that you have been waiting for, Miss Angel Smalls and Charlotte Sartre getting fucked in their tiny little asses by Donnie Rock and Robby Echo . Its a normal day on set but everytone is supposed to wear condoms and glasses and gloves but those girls love anal and so they ripped everything off and they get down to business . This is the first DOUBLE ANAL for Charlotte Sartre and boys she can take those cocks in her tiny ass . The scene end up with a waterfall of cum all over the girls faces . Enjoy

Charlotte Sartre に 'Lessons in Discipline'

Charlotte Sartre - Lessons in Discipline

Thursdays are Charlotte's favourite day of the week. Thats the day her tutor comes over to assess her progress. After a few lessons, they have developed a secret relationship. One in which she is properly dominated and she's found the perfect match. With her parents rarely at home, they find plenty of time for crazy sexual rituals and disciplines. On this particular occasion, after checking her work, he asks her whether she is wearing exactly what he had asked on their previous lesson. She wastes no time in showing him, and knows that today's session will be something she won't be forgetting in a hurry.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Amazing Blowjob'

Charlotte Sartre - Amazing Blowjob

My god I love tiny brunettes and when they look goths and innocent I just want to fuck their faces. Watch Miss Charlotte Sartre sucking on a huge cock , she strokes this big dick with both hands, she deep throat it and she keep looking straight in the camera with those beautiful blue eyes open . After a nice oral session she gets down on her back and take a nice fat facial all over her pretty face.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Double-Teaming My Stepsister'

Charlotte Sartre - Double-Teaming My Stepsister

Goth kitten Charlotte Sartre and Owen Gray were relaxing at home watching the game when Owen asked his beloved for another drink. Upon looking for an ice cold beverage for her beau, she discovered her bastard stepbrother Will Havoc took the last beer AGAIN. MOTHER FUCKER! Enraged, she hatched a murderous plan to destroy her kinfolk, only to be stopped by her boyfriend who proclaimed that stepbrothers are for loving, not for killing! Nobody could disagree with that logic! Double penetration was the only course of action to right past wrongs.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Asshole Training 03'

Charlotte Sartre - Asshole Training 03

Tattooed Goth babe Charlotte Sartre prefers hard ass pounding to vaginal sex any day. The fair-skinned cutie wears a fishnet body stocking and flaunts a massive butt plug stuffed up her sphincter. She joins well-hung Mike Adriano for a graphic anal rendezvous with ass-to-mouth face fucking. Charlotte spouts dirty talk as Mike reams her rectum. Her bunghole gapes widely. She keenly rims his asshole and shivers in orgasm through a balls-deep backdoor reaming. In a throat-pounding blow job, Charlotte gushes gag spit over the camera. Mike plasters the intrepid slut's face with sperm.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Psycho Bitch Gangbang'

Charlotte Sartre - Psycho Bitch Gangbang

Charlotte Sartre and boyfriend Tommy Pistol break into a spooky abandoned building. When Charlotte becomes possessed by the spirit of Ruby Dumaine, an insatiable sex crazed prostitute that killed her johns over one hundred years ago by biting their dicks off, the ghosts of dicks past come out to fuck. The ghosts get their revenge by stretching her ass and pussy with all their cocks and filling her with all their ghoulish goo. Charlotte does double penetration, triple penetration, double vaginal, double anal, fisting, and much more.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Gets Whited'

Charlotte Sartre - Gets Whited

There a is new whore in town and her name is Charlotte Sartre. I always loved petite brunette goth sluts so after I meeting Charlotte I was hooked. She came to my studio for some photos on the stripper pole and I couldn't resist to show her how much I liked her. I put my fat cock in her tiny mouth and she sucked me like a little whore that she is but that wasn't t enough, she wanted to get fucked hard and I can't leave her craving cock so I bend her over and I pound that little tiny pussy. She rode me and I fucked her until I completely covered her beautiful face with a huge facial. We are going to fuck again, and we will film again for all of you this amazing fuck sessions. Enjoy

Charlotte Sartre に 'A Very Adult Wednesday Addams - Dinner With New-Daddy'

Charlotte Sartre - A Very Adult Wednesday Addams - Dinner With New-Daddy

Charlotte Sartre stars as your favorite creepy pigtailed goth in the latest episode of a Very Adult Wednesday Addams. Since her mom remarried, she's been ducking out on family bonding time with her new father. Understanding how important it was to mommy dearest, the two sat down for dinner to get to know each other better, and grow closer as a family. Well, Wednesday's idea of closeness involves swallowing her step-fathers cock and begging her new daddy to fuck her ass. No arguments from step-dad here! He's happy to oblige. Anything for his step-daughter!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Lesbian Anal Vampires: We're here to suck your butt'

Charlotte Sartre - Lesbian Anal Vampires: We're here to suck your butt

Dahlia submits to her vampire captors with Anal fisting, ATM, Butt Sucking, spanking, strap on anal, anal toys, gapping and hot anal lesbian action

Charlotte Sartre に 'All-Access POV'

Charlotte Sartre - All-Access POV

Small Hands has a lot of groupies always sneaking around looking for trouble (aka his penis), but when his drummer's girlfriend Charlotte Sartre confessed to him that she's always wanted to play with his cock and drops her dress revealing her petite tits, the beautiful sight and overwhelming guilt gave him a raging boner. So wrong on so many levels, but being bad feels so good! Receiving a combination of pleasure and punishment via throat fucking and a hard anal sex, Charlotte loved every moment. While her boyfriend was loading out, she was cheating on him earning his best friend's hot load!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Exorcising A Monster Cock With Her Throat'

Charlotte Sartre - Exorcising A Monster Cock With Her Throat

Charlotte Sartre is a slut. She would fuck random people, anywhere, anytime. She likes taxidermy but today what she wants is a massive cock to choke on, get it deep inside her throat and possibly swallow it all. Hell! If we are lucky she will even try to pull the 'exorcist' move. What is this 'exorcist' move you might wonder. Well you will have to watch it to discover it...

Charlotte Sartre に 'Honey Foxxx Corrupts Young Innocent Couple'

Charlotte Sartre - Honey Foxxx Corrupts Young Innocent Couple

Nervous first timers Tony and Charlotte hire Honey Foxxx to do the most vile and disgusting things she's ever done to them. The minute she undresses they devour Honey's rock hard cock ramming it down one another's throat. Honey bends Charlotte over her knee and spanks her as Tony licks her pussy and prepares it to be fucked by Honey's glorious cock.Pathetic Tony is then made to watch and lick Honey's balls as she fucks Charlotte in a way he never could. This hedonistic, spitty, sweaty threesome continues with foot worship, anal fisting, and Honey fucking Tony deep in his hungry ass while he licks Charlottes pussy.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Inflatable Dildos'

Charlotte Sartre - Inflatable Dildos

Learn how to use inflatable toys, alone, during sex, for fetish accessories, or for BDSM. See imaginative ways to use a variety of pump-up toys such as inflatable mouth gags, vaginal, and anal plugs, as well as other inflatable devices. Make solo or couple sex more exciting, and even ease your partner into double penetration sex by using inflatables.

Veruca James に 'Slut For Life'

Veruca James - Slut For Life

Smokin' hot tattoo artist Veruca James tests young slut's commitment to provocative tattoo ideas with spanking, tons of pussy licking, finger banging, face sitting, clothespins, bondage, caning, and pussy and anal strap-on fucking!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Hookup Hotshot: Slobber Damage'

Charlotte Sartre - Hookup Hotshot: Slobber Damage

Tiny, tattooed teen slut Charlotte Sartre flirts with Bryan Gozzling on her smartphone. When he invites her to fuck, the pigtailed Goth brat takes the bait. She shows up at his door, flashing her little titties; Bryan starts choking the petite cutie and spitting on her all-natural body, pushing Charlotte to her knees for a nasty throat fucking. He sodomizes and stretches her tight asshole and makes her suck cock ass-to-mouth. Charlotte's sphincter gapes as she's covered in phlegm and semen!

Slave Fluffy に 'Inhale that femdom ass!'

Slave Fluffy - Inhale that femdom ass!

Slave Fluffy is passed around from Bitch to Bitch and this session he gets extra special treatment from Miss Torn. Bondage, caning, strap-on fucking and whipping with verbal humiliation while fucked deep in his ass with a fuck machine. His head is secured in a box while Cherry uses it to sit her nice round ass on his face while she has multiple orgasms and uses his tongue to clean it up. She relaxes with a smoke, using him as an ashtray & a spit receptacle and then gags him with a raw onion and leaves him there with CBT hanging from his cock and balls.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Dark Perversions 2'

Charlotte Sartre - Dark Perversions 2

Gothic beauty Charlotte Sartre prepares a rose petal bath before Ryan shows up. He covers her body in hot candle wax before choking her with his hard cock. They fuck all the way to the White Room where her tight asshole swallows Ryan's dick all the way to the balls! After stretching her out he fills her pussy to the brim with sticky jizz.

Aiden Starr に 'Horny Cuckold Bitches'

Aiden Starr - Horny Cuckold Bitches

Busty, bitchy blonde Aiden Starr loves tormenting her husband, Slave Fluffy, with her cruel infidelity. Keeping Fluffy behind bars, his little dick imprisoned in a metal chastity device, Aiden makes the pasty white cuckold witness her fucking big, black boyfriend Jovan Jordan. The curvaceous slut sucks Jovan's immense cock, taking a pussy-stretching interracial ride, and enjoys a cum facial. Finally releasing her pathetic hubby from his confinement, Aiden buzzes his restrained penis with a vibrator until he spurts sperm all over himself!

Marsha May に 'Horny Cuckold Bitches'

Marsha May - Horny Cuckold Bitches

Slave Fluffy's curvy, kinky wife, Aiden Starr, crams a ball gag into his mouth and locks him in a cage. Wearing a chastity harness, he's made to watch busty, blonde stepdaughter Marsha May blow her big-dicked boyfriend, Owen Gray. The cuckolded stepdad sees Marsha gagging on the young man's meat and hears her scream in ecstasy as her pussy gets pounded -- right on top of his barred cell! Finally, the blonde slut takes a creamy cum facial and shows off the mess with glee.

Charlotte Sartre に 'fashionista Gets a Stylist Cream Pie in her Pussy From a Hot TS model'

Charlotte Sartre - fashionista Gets a Stylist Cream Pie in her Pussy From a Hot TS model

Charlotte Sartre is an aspiring designer who is having trouble with her styles. Venus Lux is a Fashion Prodigy who makes everything look amazing. Venus offers to show Charlotte the ropes of the fashion world. First things to take a big cock. Venus get Charlotte undressed and seduces her. They have rough sex with choking and hand gags. Venus Fucks Charlotte's pussy and ass and cums into Charlotte's Pussy. These two ladies are gonna have a very fashionable baby

Slave Fluffy に 'Slave in Heaven Part 3: New York'

Slave Fluffy - Slave in Heaven Part 3: New York

Slave Fluffy has become a traveling toy for the Divine Bitches to pass around. It is his destiny to attempt to please mistress after mistress, to offer himself to the Bitches in an attempt to make something useful of his life. Lorelei Lee teaches him etiquette in her New York apartment, wrapping his face in duct tape and letting him sniff her perfect pussy through a sweaty stocking. Heavy corporal, spanking, flogging, crops, clamps, rubber bands and a zipper that is pulled off as Lorelei cums, riding this slave boy's face while he is gagged with a dildo gag. This lucky slave gets fucked hard and put away back in his shipping box to be sent off to Mistress Cherry Torn.

Slave Fluffy に 'Two Days in Heaven: Part 2'

Slave Fluffy - Two Days in Heaven: Part 2

After having her way with some new man meat, Maitresse Madeline packs him up in a live animal crate and ships him to Goddess Aiden. This submissive has not made house slave yet, so Aiden puts him through his paces with heavy corporal, CBT, clamps on his tonugue and nostrils, and chastity. As a reward for his good behavior, he is allowed to cum, but only while his useless cock stays locked in its cage.

Penny Pax に 'Young, Beautiful, Tight assed Charlotte Sartre takes it ALL'

Penny Pax - Young, Beautiful, Tight assed Charlotte Sartre takes it ALL

Charlotte Sartre is the Perfect Anal Submissive for Penny Pax. Penny Pax puts Charlotte over her knee and spanks her bottom until its glowing red and her gape closes. Penny doesn't want to the gape to close too much so she widens Charlotte's ass open with the speculum and rewards Charlotte for a good stretching with a passionate face sit. Eager to please, Charlotte begs to take Penny's fist. After taking the whole fist, Charlottes asshole is left gaping wide and red. Penny Pax slings a good hard ass fucking with a strap on to finish off Charlotte and keep her gapping

Charlotte Sartre に 'Rough Sex'

Charlotte Sartre - Rough Sex

Newbie Charlotte Sartre wanted you, and Mr. Pete, to know that her limits are few and far between, and enjoys extreme sex! She even has a medical fetish and explains she likes the touch of cold metal on her skin as she uses my pinwheel toy. I don't know what's gotten into these young women (perhaps copious amounts of cock), but it seems like roleplaying dirty little pigtailed sluts begging for jizz in the eyes after rough play - being smacked, bit-gagged, anally gaped, penetrated with a giant dildo, choked, and fucked as hard as possible - is what is making their tight little pussies wet!

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe に 'Two Days In Heaven: Part 1'

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe - Two Days In Heaven: Part 1

Divine Bitches has a new training series created for only the toughest of slaves. New meat, slave fluffy, is delivered to Maitresse Madeline Marlowe via freight in a live animal box. Madeline's cold cruel Bitch comes out swinging once she digs him out of the box and straps him to the cross. Heavy single tail whipping, cattle prod, CBT, pegging in suspension bondage, mummification, ass licking and Madeline even fucks him and drains his dick before she puts him back in the box, sending him via freight to Aiden Starr in Los Angeles for day two of heaven! Stay tuned for part 2!!!!!

Jessica Fox に 'Boyfriend is obsessed with sucking TS cock!'

Jessica Fox - Boyfriend is obsessed with sucking TS cock!

Devastatingly sexy, Jessica Fox, is a private investigator hired by Charlotte Sartre just to see how far her boyfriend's sexual obsessions will go before they tie the knot. Max is helpless and can do nothing but give into his desires which includes sucking Jessica's fat, hard cock and taking a deep fucking and a fat load from her throbbing dick!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Suction Pumping'

Charlotte Sartre - Suction Pumping

Danarama demonstrates a variety of suction devices for pumping up nipples, breasts, clit, and pussy. Learn suction techniques vacuum pumps to engorge the pussy and/or nipples, both for inducing pain (for BDSM scenes) and to heighten orgasm and sexual stimulation. Then see how pumping up the pussy, clit and even a penis can add to amazingly tight and juicy sex.

Charlotte Sartre に 'Trick or Treat: 19 year old fucked and punished!'

Charlotte Sartre - Trick or Treat: 19 year old fucked and punished!

When Charlotte Sartre knocks on Lorelei Lee's house for a Halloween treat, she encounters more than she expects! Bondage, the violet wand, the zapper, finger banging, wired butt plug, face sitting, lesbian foot fucking and muiltiple orgasms!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Mommy's Little 19 Year Old Whore'

Charlotte Sartre - Mommy's Little 19 Year Old Whore

Welcome 19 year old Charlotte Sartre to Hardcore Gangbang! Charlotte blackmails her politician mother in hopes to get a fat stack of cash and all her holes filled airtight! The blackmail works and before you know it this tiny, tight, 19 year old has huge cocks filling all her holes. The men just toss her little body around practically breaking her in two with their hard dicks then cover her holes and face with loads of fucking cum!

Charlotte Sartre に 'Fresh Meat - Charlotte Sartre Suffers and Orgasms in Bondage'

Charlotte Sartre - Fresh Meat - Charlotte Sartre Suffers and Orgasms in Bondage

Brand new 19 year old Alt girl gets her first taste of brutal domination. She starts with her head and hands in deprivation globes. Her clothes are stripped away and she is quickly turned a bright red from heavy flogging. When it comes time to reward this newbie she is a bit shy with the orgasms, but that will soon change too.Charlotte is now inverted and made to hold herself up to prevent any further suffering from the device. The torment is escalated to an extreme level to ensure total destruction. The room is filled with begging screams that continue through her orgasms.In the final scene she is in a doggie position with the sybian mounted between her legs. The only purpose is to make her orgasm more than she ever has before and then keep going until she can't take any more. During this time her feet are tormented with brutal bastinado.