Syren de Mer,Mikki Lynn に 'Kink' - Milftastic Anal Sluts: Mikki Lynn and Syren de Mer (Everything Butt)

Syren de MerとMikki Lynnとセックス熟女レズビアン異人種混合セックス!

発売日 : 10月22日, 2013
タグ : 支配, 肛門, 熟女, レズビアン, まっすぐ, レズビアンの肛門, 肛門伸展, ギャップ, 肛門の運指, アナルフィッシング, 脱出, ディルド, バットプラグ, LezDom, ドミナトリックス

写真から Syren de Mer,Mikki Lynn に 'Kink' Milftastic Anal Sluts: Mikki Lynn and Syren de Mer

Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 1)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 2)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 3)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 4)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 5)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 6)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 7)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 8)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 9)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 10)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 11)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 12)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 13)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 14)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 15)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 16)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 17)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 18)
Syren de Mer に 'Kink' ミルファティックなアナルスラット:Mikki LynnとSyren de Mer (サムネイル 19)

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン Syren de Mer,Mikki Lynn

Dee Williams に '最後の手段パート2:ディーウィリアムズ、サイレンデメール、ウィルタイル'

Dee Williams - 最後の手段パート2:ディーウィリアムズ、サイレンデメール、ウィルタイル

これで ?パート2?オールインクルーシブリゾートで記念日を祝うディーウィリアムズとサイレンデメールの、サイレンは首に縛られ、トレーラーの中でロープで縛られています。ウィルタイルは彼のおもちゃが怖くて混乱しているのを見つけるために入ります、そしてそれは彼の巨大なペニスをより難しくするだけです。彼は彼女を木製の梁から解き、彼女を膝に落として、彼の巨大なコックで彼女の口をファックします。その間、ディーは外で裸で切り株に腰掛け、彼女の巨大なおっぱいはロープで包まれ、2つの側面の木の幹に固定されています。ホテルマネージャーのマットはディーズの体をむち打ち、バイブレーターで絶頂させます。彼は彼女の乳首に重りを加え、彼女のおっぱいと首に縛られたロープに岩を結びます。次のシーンでは、サイレンとディーは腰を曲げて向かい合って縛られています。ウィルは大規模なハードオンで現れ、それぞれの猫を殺します。

Dee Williams に '最後の手段:ディー・ウィリアムズとシレン・デ・メール'

Dee Williams - 最後の手段:ディー・ウィリアムズとシレン・デ・メール


Syren de Mer に 'マシン羨望:シレン・デ・メールは、ファックマシンであなたをカッコ!'

Syren de Mer - マシン羨望:シレン・デ・メールは、ファックマシンであなたをカッコ!

愛人シレン・デ・メールは、あなたが不適切な振る舞いをしてきたことを知っています。だから、良い少年であることのためにあなたの報酬を得るのではなく - あなたは、彼女がファックマシンで自分自身を喜ばせるのを見なければならないでしょう。あなたの悲しい小さなディックよりもはるかに良い(そして大きい)ものは今までにある可能性があります。肛門、日立、そして本当に熟練した言葉による屈辱をフィーチャー!レッスンを学ぶ時が過ごします。

Syren de Mer に 'はい私の女王2'

Syren de Mer - はい私の女王2


Syren de Mer に 'はい私の女王:シレン・ド・メールは初めて彼女のパパを支配します!'

Syren de Mer - はい私の女王:シレン・ド・メールは初めて彼女のパパを支配します!


Syren de Mer に 'パパありがとう!: シレン・ド・メールとリックの拠点'

Syren de Mer - パパありがとう!: シレン・ド・メールとリックの拠点


Syren de Mer に 'サンタゲットガット:MILFサイレンデマーキャッチデールサベージインハーダンジョン'

Syren de Mer - サンタゲットガット:MILFサイレンデマーキャッチデールサベージインハーダンジョン

サンタデールサベージは、巨乳でセクシーなMILF Syren de Merの隠れ家に定期的に立ち寄っています。ちょうど彼が去ろうとしているように、Syrenは彼がプレゼントを残すのを捕まえます。彼女は彼がサンタクロースであるとすぐに信じず、彼を縛り、吐き出すのを素早く行います。デールは驚いたが、骨抜きは嘘をつかず、彼のペニスはクリスマスのキャンディケインと同じくらい硬い。サイレンは口とお尻で彼をからかい、デールにむち打つ音を伝えます。ヒットするたびにデールはさらにオンになり、すぐに彼は絶頂を懇願します。次に、彼女は彼の手と膝の上に彼を持っています。コックの彼女の長い太ったストラップが彼の堅いろくでなしに沈むので、デールはうめきます。ふしだらなサンタデールがもっと叫びながら、サイレンは彼を激しく深くファックします。最後に、サイレンはデールに足を崇拝させます。デールは彼女の完璧なつま先を熱心になめ、敏感なかかとを噛みます。サイレンは彼女の足を彼の体に引きずり、デールの硬いコックで終わります。彼女はデールのコックに足を巻き付け、デールに足をファックするように命じます。デールの腰は上に突き出て、必死に彼が絶頂するのに必要な摩擦を得ようとします。しかし、彼はサイレンの喜びが最初に来ることを忘れています!彼女は彼の顔の上に座り、デールはジューシーな猫を貪欲になめます。サイレンは顔に乗って、何度も何度も激しくカミングします。最後に、彼女は彼のコックに沈みます。タイトな滑らかな暖かさが彼の敏感なコックを包むと、デールはうめきます。彼女は彼の体を使って彼のチンポをオーガズムするので、サイレンは残忍なペースを設定します。彼女は彼女の満たされたとき、彼女は彼のコックの周りに手を包みます。デールは絶頂を懇願し、たとえそれが彼女の手にしかなくても、彼の荷物を吹き飛ばそうと必死です。彼が絶頂に近づいているように、サイレンは彼を否定し、ボンデージに苦しんでいるように笑っている。

Syren de Mer に 'アイドラの小さなゲーム:アイドラフォックスは彼女のエッチな義理の母によってプレイされます'

Syren de Mer - アイドラの小さなゲーム:アイドラフォックスは彼女のエッチな義理の母によってプレイされます


Ryan Keely に '変態レズビアン納屋の女の子'

Ryan Keely - 変態レズビアン納屋の女の子

無人地帯の奥深くには、地下シェールオイルが豊富な農場があります。 Syren de Merは、セクシー農家のRyan Keelyに土地を売却するよう説得しようとするセクシーな石油経営者ですが、この熱くてセクシーな農家に許可を与えているのは、この経営者の穴の中だけです。世界から少し隔離されているように感じて、彼女はセクシーな執行役員の存在を利用して、そして彼女に良い断片化時間を示します。彼女はSyren De Merを倒して、スパンキングをしながら素敵なジューシーな戦利品を準備します。それからライアンはシレンの顔を彼女の大きなジューシーなお尻で窒息させ、彼女に彼女の甘い猫の味を与えます。その後、RyanはSyren De Merを拘束して停止します。彼女はちょっとした缶詰めやトリミングで、喜びの前に少し痛みを感じます。 Syrenの戦利品と足の痛みを少し解消した後、彼女は大きな棒でペニスを握り、彼女に良いクソを与えます。彼女が棒の上でライアンのペニスによって穴をあけられるようになると、不潔な小さな執行部は絶頂を頼みます。ライアンは適切な場所に当たって、シレンを油井のように噴出させます。ライアンはそれからシレンに彼女の戦利品を上手く打ちつけるように与え、それを雄鶏の上に彼女のストラップで彼女の奥深くに入る前にそれをきれいで赤いままにしておきます。彼女はシレンを激しくファックして、良い穴あけがどのように行われるかを彼女に示します。彼女が噴き出す準備ができているので、シレンは何度も絶頂に懇願します。それからライアンはシレンのお尻の奥深くに彼女のチンポを突き刺す。今すぐライアンは彼女自身の喜びを得る準備ができています。彼女はシレンをはさみ、オーガズムに達するまで体を使う。この汚い小さな執行部は、他の国のギャルの農場をとることを試みる前に二度考えます。

Syren de Mer に '肛門服従で教育されたステップ母と10代の痴女'

Syren de Mer - 肛門服従で教育されたステップ母と10代の痴女

Isabella Niceは彼女のホームスクーリング試験に失敗した熱いティーンスピナーですが、勉強する代わりに彼女は彼女が欲しいものは何でも手に入れるために彼女のジューシーなおっぱいとコック空腹の穴を使うことができると考えています。イザベラの新しい家庭教師スターリングクーパーが到着したとき、彼は喜んで生徒を見つけることを期待していて、代わりにイザベラも彼女のステップマザーも彼女の教育に全く興味がないとわかります。彼がイザベラの悲惨な勉強習慣についてシレンに立ち向かうとき、彼女は彼女の娘が彼女の膝に乗って、彼女を支配するように懇願することによって彼女の方法を大学に詐欺するのを手伝うように彼を賄おうとします。貧弱に読まれた金持ちの女の子にぎくしゃくさせられることにうんざりして、スターリングはおおよそファックして、リビングルームのまわりでシレンをたたいます。シレンはそれのあらゆる瞬間を愛していて、彼の厚い雄鶏を懇願して、彼女の揺れている乳の金属製のクランプから叫びました。酔っぱらって居間の床を潮吹きすることによって自分自身を衰弱させるようにして、Syrenはまだ口が痛い愚か者であることをどうにかして痛みを伴う金属の束縛に閉じ込められます。彼女のお尻が露出した状態で固定化された、彼女のお尻が真っ赤になり、彼女が叫んでファックされることを懇願するようになるまで、シレンの曲線はスターリングによってかき立てられる。スターリングがついに彼女のしたたる濡れた猫の中に彼の巨大な男根を滑り込ませたときシレンは暑さの中で雌犬のようにうめき声を上げて、許可を得て彼のペニスでカミングしていました。スターリングは、彼の男根を彼女の売春婦のおしりに押し込み、彼女の熱心な穴の両方を無差別にファックします。 Syrenは本当の肛門の女です、そして、彼女が彼女自身を味わうことができるように彼女のお尻の直後に彼女の口にスターリングをファックさせるよう頼みます。まだたくさんのオルガスムから喘ぎながら、彼女は再び娘に教えることを試みるようスターリングに頼みます。スターリングはそれをイザベラの研究とは別のやり方にします、しかし、彼女が甘やかされた怠惰ながらくたのように反応して、彼とセックスを刺激しようとするとき、スターリングは彼女にレッスンを教えることにします。イザベラはひざの上で曲がって、彼女のきつい10代のお尻を本で激しく殴られています。彼は彼女の太ももを開くと彼は最終的に彼女の分割されていない注目を集めるまでザッパーで彼女のクリトリスを何度も何度も衝撃を与えます。イザベラはタイトな束縛に置かれて、彼女の厄介な乳とニャンニャンをクランプで覆われています。バックベンドに投げ込まれて、彼女は鞭で打たれ、許可が与えられるまで丁寧にチンポを頼むように教えられます。イザベラが彼の好みのために十分に自分自身を屈辱させ、彼女のPsとQsを学ぶと、彼は曲がりくねって後ろから彼女のタイトな10代の猫を連れて行きます。満足していない彼女は彼女の性教育の授業を完全に理解した、彼は引き抜いてゆっくりと彼女のきついろくでなしに彼の大きいペニスを働かせる。彼が彼女の堅いロバをファックして、彼女の目がすべての肛門のオルガスムから彼女の頭の中でロールバックするのを見るのを楽しむので、イザベラは彼女のボールギャグに叫び声を上げます。イザベラの肛門学生としての意欲にもかかわらず、スターリングはまだ親のバックアップを取得する時を決定し、裸の裸のシレンを現場に引きずり込み、彼女の驚いた顔を直接イザベラの新たに犯された穴に植え込みました。彼女が継女のいたずらなクリトリスをなめると、スターリングは彼女に思い出に残る気持ちを与え、次にイザベラのお尻から直接彼のチンポを餌付けします。スターリングのコックだけがこれらの卑劣な女性が共有することになるというわけではありません:彼は彼らが革カフボンデージでロックされている間彼らのキュントに衝撃を与え、彼らのおっぱいをザッピングします。二人が適切な服従的な態度で性的奉仕をすることを学んだ後に初めて、彼は性的快楽に向きを変え、両方をオルガスムにセックスさせ、厚い絶頂負荷のA +パフォーマンスに報いる。

Helena Locke に 'シレン・ドゥ・メールがヘレナ・ロックにあらゆる穴を提出'

Helena Locke - シレン・ドゥ・メールがヘレナ・ロックにあらゆる穴を提出

ヘレナ・ロクシーは彼女のサブシステム、特に提出準備が整ったSyren de Merに大きな期待を持っています。ヘレナがあらゆる面でシレンを使い、彼女が不信になると彼女を処罰し、うまくいった仕事のために彼女に報酬を与えるように、彼らの間の化学反応は熱くなっている。 Syrenは、倒立した完全サスペンションを含め、複数のポジションをとっており、彼女は肛門のストラップ・オン・ファック、鞭打ち、キャニング、スパンキングの対象となっています。 Syrenはヘレナのダンジョンに到着して手紙を見つけ、彼女に自分自身を紹介する方法を伝えます。ヘレナは到着し、即座に彼女のバックトークと不自然なプレゼンテーションのためにSyrenを修正する。彼女は彼女を彼女の膝の上に置き、彼女の熟したお尻、各ストライキで彼女の空腹の猫をスワッピングレザー。ヘレナはSyrenを彼女のブーツの上に降ろし、彼女を滑り込ませて、それをきれいに舐めさせる。シレーンは逆転したサスペンションに入れられ、ヘレナはクリーム色のオマンコに無制限にアクセスできます。彼女はシレンをめちゃくちゃにして、彼女の猫を食べ、彼女に少しの痛みと少しの喜びを同時に与える。彼女はその後、彼女の脚と彼女のお尻と彼女のお尻をスワット、彼女の杖を使用して彼女を犯す前に、スティック。 Syrenは彼女が許しを請うようにしても、カミングから身を守ることはできない。最後に、Syrenは足首と手首に縛られ、Helenaはストラップで彼女のタイトなお尻を犯す。彼女はバイブレーターで同時に彼女を苦しめ、Syrenはそれをほとんど取ることができない。彼女は同時にしないようにしながら、兼任の許可を求めるのに苦労しています。ヘレナが最終的にそれを許すとき、Syrenは激しく繰り返します。しかし彼女はまだやっていません...シレンは彼女のドムにオルガズムを与えなければなりません。ヘレナは彼女の顔に座り、彼女の舌が彼女のザーメンになるまで乗ります。彼女はSyrenを彼女の床に使用、虐待、性交の混乱を残して、Syrenはそれのすべてのビットを大好き!

Tori Avano に 'プライベートトーリーアヴァーノの肛門陸軍発射'

Tori Avano - プライベートトーリーアヴァーノの肛門陸軍発射

Tori Avanoは、一生の悩みを抱える陸軍プライベートです。 Dee WilliamsとSyren De Merは2人のMILF指揮官であり、栄誉あるタグチーミングのアクションで罰を払う予定です。貧しい若者の鳥は、露出した尻を上にして空中に上がって、ボンデージに縛られ、尻を取る準備ができています。 Syren De Merが尻を叩く。彼女は、トーリのお尻を暖かく、ピンクに変えてくれるスパンキングで暖めます。ディーウィリアムズはスパイクを仕上げ、トリーのピンクの頬をとても敏感にして、お尻が触れるたびにジャンプします。 Syrenは彼女の鞭打ち者をつかんで、Toriのお尻、背中、足で町に行く。始めるには、鳥のお尻が金属のおもちゃで開けられる。これらの肛門を罰するこれらの肛門は、それが良いウォームアップを与えることによって尻を正しく開く方法を正確に知っています。これら3人の肛門娼婦の間の化学反応は強い。トリーの嫌いな男は、性的なエネルギーから、そしてちょうどディーウィリアムの拳全体を取ろうとする時に始まります。これはアバノ・トーリーの初めての肛門拳です。彼女は本当に彼女の指揮官に印象づけたい。彼女は最初に拳を取ろうとしますが、彼女の気持ちは強すぎます。彼女は慈悲を呼んでいますが、彼女の指揮官に再度試してもらいます。 1回目の試みでは、ディーの拳全体が入ってきて、お尻がいっぱいになり、トーリはバイブレーターを自分のクリートにぶつけて、自分を兼ねさせる。ベテランのお尻のストレッチャー、Syren De MerのボランティアたちがTori Avanoにちょうどその出来栄えを見せてくれました。 SyrenはDee Williamsから完全に吹き飛ばされた肛門パンチングを取る。ディーとシレンは、彼らが作り出す大きな穴を舐める。最後に、トーリーはボンデージから解放され、ディー・ウィリアムズのクソには良いハードレズの肛門ストラップを服用することに完全に準拠していますが、シレンはトーリーのひどい尻を開いて、

Syren de Mer に '熟女医はブローク・ヤングブロンド'

Syren de Mer - 熟女医はブローク・ヤングブロンド

シエナローズ(Sheena Rose)は小柄な入れ墨をした蜂蜜で、健康診断を受ける必要があります。彼女は無料の診療所をオンラインで探して、Syren De Merが運営するStunning MILF Doctor's Officeに入ります。 Syren博士は、かなり小さいSheenaで医療検査を行い、彼女にあらゆる身体活動をさせる。試験が終わると、Syren博士はSheenaにフロントで受付係に支払うよう指示します。シエナは驚いている!彼女は支払うお金がなく、彼女は無料の試験を受けていると思った。 Syrenは若い素朴なSheenaに、人生で何も無料であると警告し、Sheenaに彼女が複数の肛門分割払いを支払う意思があると伝えます。 Syrenはガラスのおもちゃと指でゆっくりとSheenaのきついお尻を開きます。シエナのお尻がきつすぎるので、医者の指を絞る。シエナはシーナのお尻を何度も何度も犯し続けている。彼女は長いガラスのおもちゃを手に入れて、シエナのきついお尻でそれをひねる前に、シーナのお尻からガラスのプラグを突き出す。すべての肛門オルガズムは、それが大きく開いているまで、シーナのお尻を開きます。 Syrenは彼女の患者のおいしい穴を舐めて嗅ぐ。シエナをさらに開くために、シエナは膨らませたプラグをシエナのお尻に差し込み、シエナが医師が探しているストレッチを達成するまでポンプをかけます。シエナは伸びた穴を伸ばしているので、シレンは手袋を手に入れて小さなお尻に入れることができます。彼女はSheenaの貪欲な穴を激しく激しく燃やす。これはシエナの初めての彼女のお尻の拳を取っていると彼女は彼女がcummingを止めることができないほど多くを愛しています。報酬として、SyrenはSheenaがコックで太ったストラップを着用し、肛門の兼と漏れるまで彼女の大きなMILFのお尻を性交することができます。シエナはシエナの顔のいたるところに広がっていて、シエナは美しいミルフのすごいぞっとする尻からすべてのおいしいお尻を嗅ぐ。

Syren de Mer に '完璧主義者:アナル・セデュレーターは、グレードのために恋人と共演する'

Syren de Mer - 完璧主義者:アナル・セデュレーターは、グレードのために恋人と共演する

スカイラは熱い裸の若い女性で、彼女の鼻が本に埋もれてセックスが熟しているように見えます。彼女はスペイン語試験とプライベート指導のセッションを含むすべてのことを強調しています。彼女のホットステップママは、彼女の呼吸訓練で彼女の落ち着きを助けようとしますが、スカイラはちょうど彼女のママの裂け目を見つめます。 Syrenは彼女にnoogieを与え、彼女が彼女の熱いスペインの教授、NomarとSkylarを去るとき、瞬きするように彼女に寝そべるようにと言う。性的に不満を抱き、ストレスを感じ、混在したメッセージをすべて解釈することができないSkylarは、壊れてRamonのズボンを解き放って、合格点に向かう。ノマールさんは、彼女のためにそれを簡単にするつもりはなく、スペイン語で彼のおっぱいを頼んでゆっくりと誘惑し、学校の女の子のユニフォームから彼女を引き裂き、甘い若い顔のボールを彼のコックに深く押し込む。彼女がスペイン語を話すときに笑い始めたとき、私たちは彼女の甘いおっぱいをクランプで覆い、甘いオマンコを開いたままにして彼女の尻を引き締め、電車で彼女の経験不足のクリトリスに衝撃を与えます。彼女はまだ進歩を示していないとき、彼女は彼女の奪いに彼の指を突っ込んで、ザーメンの叫び声の噴水のように彼女の外に大喧嘩を犯す。突然リラックスしてスペイン語を話せるようになると、彼女は彼女と仲良くしてくれるように頼みます。そして彼女は束縛された身体をもう少し丸めて、彼女を倒しています。 Syrenが食料品と一緒に家に帰ると、彼女はRamonが彼女を待っていることに気付く。彼女がSkylarに彼を誘惑する考えを与えたら、彼は好奇心が強いです。そして、若い女の子を教えるためにはどんな教訓があるのですか? Syrenはお金を払おうとし、それから謝罪し、ついに吹き飛ばす仕事をしようとするが、それはRamonが探しているものではない。彼はその肛門女を殴打する許可が与えられるまで、巨乳を殴打する許可が与えられるまで、彼女の大きな美しいお尻をつっぱらと抱きしめる、鞭打ち人と彼女の巨大なおっぱいを赤くし、彼女は良いママのような彼女のオルガズムのために頼むまで喉のファック後に彼女は台所の床に投げられ、お尻で犯される。リトルは彼女が知っている、スカイラはまだ家にいて、次の部屋に縛られています。ラモンはレディを再会して、シレンが彼女の新鮮な顔をした学問を教え、男のチンポを跳ね返し、牛を食べさせ、人生の細かいものを追求するために奴隷のセックスに服従する方法を教えている。 。スカイラは喜んで母親のおならを舐めて、母親の顔に滴り落ちるクリームパイをとる。巨乳、大きな尻、偉大な化学。このone.Âをお見逃しなく

Syren de Mer に 'Homewrecker 1:ママの最悪の悪夢'

Syren de Mer - Homewrecker 1:ママの最悪の悪夢

スモールハンズは、セクシーなMILF Syren de Merの足の間に戻ってくるという使命を持っています。数年前、彼らはラスベガスに飛行機を持っていただけで、その大きな胸を忘れることができず、その甘い魅力的なお尻を犯すことはできませんでした。スッキリスモールハンズは美しいマリア・ケンドリックと一緒になってSyrenの娘であり、両方の家を持つ家。いくつかの狂ったくそは近寄ろうとしています。彼の驚きの訪問でSyrenを驚かせた後、彼とMayaはデートに出て、MayaがSmall Handsに熱い爆発の仕事を与える家に戻る。彼女はとても無邪気で、とても巨根を吸っているように見えます。リトルは、彼女の踏み駒が戸口の亀裂を見守っていることを知っています。マヤは彼女のファックを指差し、彼女のオマンコを指差しながら、手のお尻を手のひらで舐める。マヤはロープでマヤを結び、ザッパを引き出す。シレンは心配して、彼を止めようとする。手がマヤとシレンを持っているので、彼の望むところに手を差し伸べることができるからです。彼は責任を取って、これらの2人のラッシーな女性をいくつかの厄介な3つの方法で支配する。スモールハンズはシレンと性交し、彼女の舐めマヤの猫を作る。これは大声で叫ぶための彼女の娘です!彼はSyrenの大きなジューシーなお尻をファックし、彼のチンポが彼女の中に入って初めてではないことを思い出させる。マヤは彼女の耳を信じることができません。何?あなたはお互いを知っている?楽しみはちょうど始まったばかりです。 BDSM、体罰、顔面騎乗、ファックが続く。マヤは背中に手をかけ、足は広げて広げます。 Syrenは彼女の上の犬の様式ですべてのfoursにひざまずいている。スモールハンズは、彼女の叫び声が聞こえるまで、マヤは完璧な小さな猫を犯す。 Syrenは、MayaがSmall Handsのハードコックから打撃を受けると、深刻な猫の舐めのためにMayaの上を登ります。彼はSyrenのおっぱいを叩いて両脇を押しながら、彼女を深くて激しく弄ぶ。それから彼らはソファーの家族の部屋に入って、さらに変態的な3者行動をします。最初に、乳首クランプで乳首を揉んで苦しめます。そして、Syrenはマヤのお尻を舐めます。彼女はこの熱くて角笛のようなホームレッカーによって激しく犯されます。彼は十分に熱心に怒ることのできない狂人のようなものです。彼はSyrensの猫に涙を流し、飢えたお尻を背中に詰まらせ、再び夢中になります。ステップママの悪夢は、ファンタジーロールプレイングで汚い、おいしい夢に変わります。Homewrecker 1:Mom's Worst Nightmare!パート1、さらにザーメン付き...

Holly Hendrix に '欲望の事実:小柄な19歳の肛門の娼婦が踏み込んだステップママとサディスティックバトラー'

Holly Hendrix - 欲望の事実:小柄な19歳の肛門の娼婦が踏み込んだステップママとサディスティックバトラー

小柄な19歳のホーリー・ヘンドリックスは、別の悪い大学の事件の後で心が壊れて、彼女の熟女Step-Mom、Syren de Merから慰めと助言を受けることができます。彼女の女性のロールモデルでは、彼女は再び別の男の子を見たいと思うことは決してありませんと、このデートのためにカットされていないと告白した巨乳。 Syrenは故意に、彼女が彼女のふわふわした太ももを一緒に擦り合わせるようにHollyを慰め、彼女が彼女のサディスティックなバトラーXander Corvusにクソに戻ることができるようにHollyを残すために必死に待っている.Once Hollyは彼女の部屋で安全に戻って隠され、 Syrenの巨乳を緊密に結びつけ、ひどいクローバークランプで乳首を苦しめる。哀れみのためにハウリング、Syrenは彼女の口にハードコックと彼女の猫もクランプで満たされています。家族のプールテーブルの上に投げ込まれ、罪を犯し、罪を犯し、罪を犯したシレンは、最終的には従順な肛門の娼婦として彼女の正当な場所に置かれます。しかし、ザンダーは家族の女性を抱き、怒っているホリーは、タイトなボディと好奇心が彼女を最後まで裏切る。目隠しを試してみると、ホリーは彼女の小さなペトル乳首に激しい熱いワックスを吹き込みながら泣き叫ぶのを見て、殴打の嵐と激しい雄鶏でいっぱいの喉を見ている。手錠をかけられた彼女は、猛攻撃に対してポジションを保持し、彼女の最愛のステップ・マザーが部屋にいて、彼女の最初のBDSM性的経験を通して彼女を導く準備ができていることが分かったときに、残りの日は、服従、欲求、性別の分野で女性同士を祝うことです。肛門の拳、ハードコア三人組、オルガスムコントロールの午後、ホリーは外出して、完全に成熟した従順な女として再びデートしようとしているようだ。

Lorelei Lee に '絶望的な痴女Syren de MerがElectro Fucked and Fistedを始めた'

Lorelei Lee - 絶望的な痴女Syren de MerがElectro Fucked and Fistedを始めた

感情的なラテックスの女神ロレーリーリーは、彼女の慈悲でシレン・ド・メールを強くしています。 Syrenは、束縛、電化された乳首クランプ、強烈な指の打撃、牛の痙攣、窒息、鞭打ち、および彼女の足と足指の周りの電線に熱心に提出する。 Syrenは口笛を吹かれながら、彼女の女王のために来て、電化されたディルドを持つ複数のオルガスムに犯されます。最後に、ラテックスで縛られたSyrenは、彼女が紫色の杖とワイヤー付きのバットプラグにショックを受けている間に、彼女の女王様に舌を提供します。

Syren de Mer に 'ファンタスティック・ファッキング・フォルサム・オージーPt。 2'

Syren de Mer - ファンタスティック・ファッキング・フォルサム・オージーPt。 2


Syren de Mer に 'ファルソム・オージー'

Syren de Mer - ファルソム・オージー


Katy Kiss に 'ロングコン'

Katy Kiss - ロングコン

Syren de MerとBill Baileyは権力と提出の絡み合った関係に陥る。そのうち2人は刑事裁判所に勤務しており、報酬は両方とも人生のために設定されます。しかし、Syrenは別の計画を持っています。スラッティー・ギャングスタ・モールがビルを横切って娘のアパートに隠れたとき、ビルはその2人を追跡し、彼の復讐を得る。彼女の母親の裏切りのために価格を支払わなければならないSyrenの愛らしい娘のように、Katy Kissは美しくて華麗です.Catyは、Syrenが拘束されている間、Billのディックを喜ばせるために作られ、彼女の無邪気な娘を犯し、ボス。彼はケイティと一緒にやったとき、ビルは彼のハードコックをSyrenの大きな丸いお尻に深く押し込み、彼女の顔をKatyのきつくてキュートな猫に押し込む。ビルは、女性がお互いに悪いことをするようにします。

Mona Wales に '痴呆治療:角質の熟女、縛られ、拳で縛られたストラップが犯された!'

Mona Wales - 痴呆治療:角質の熟女、縛られ、拳で縛られたストラップが犯された!

彼女自身の心のダンジョンで、Syren de Merは彼女の絶え間ない性的欲望とラテックスセラピストのドミナトリックス・モナ・ウェールズへの女性の執着を告白します! Syrenの治療には、チョーキング、指差し、顔面騎乗、鞭打ち、パトリング、殴打、スパンキング、サスペンスボンデージ、猫の舐め、拳銃、ディックオンスティック、オマンコと肛門ストラップ、オーガズムなどが含まれます。

Syren de Mer に '家族の伝統:アナル熟女のステップマザートレインの息子の花嫁'

Syren de Mer - 家族の伝統:アナル熟女のステップマザートレインの息子の花嫁

Syren de Merは完璧なMILFの奴隷です。彼女の夫の不在時に彼女の息子に奉仕し、家庭や家庭の肛門の服従と権力階層の伝統を生かしています。セスが無実の新しい花嫁を家に連れて来るとき、タブーの秘密が明らかになり、女性の性的奴隷の家族伝統へのジョセリンの暗い誘惑が始まるまでは時間の問題だ。無邪気な若いジョセリンが彼女のパステルの王女のドレスから披露され、タイトなロープの束縛と鎖に配置されているので、Syrenは、彼女の喉を犯させる方法を教えて、完璧な性交、キャニングをして、良い肛門の奴隷の妻のような二重の拳に服従する方法を実証する。

Mia Li に 'ギャンピング肛門ボンデージとスパンキング'

Mia Li - ギャンピング肛門ボンデージとスパンキング

Syren De MerとMia LiはAriel Xのために熱心な奴隷です。彼らはお尻のプラグで叩かれ、覚醒は尻をウインクとガープにします。 Mia liは、鏡の伸びの感覚によってオンになります。彼女のお尻の穴と結腸の呼吸は覚醒。私たちは彼女の中をよく見て、Syrenは良い味を得る。シリアは、ミアが彼女の肛門オルガスムスキルを示した後、アリエルに感銘を受けた。 Syrenは完全な挿入と兼ねる。両方の女の子は肛門の拳を得る!ミア・リーは、自分の限界を押し進めながら、拳全体を完全に奪う。 SyrenはDPのフィッシングを取得します。肛門と膣の拳。多くのポジションからのギャップでシーンを終わらせるために肛門性交に巨大なストラップがあります

Syren de Mer に 'ニンポの熟女は、究極の本物のラフな経験を求めています!'

Syren de Mer - ニンポの熟女は、究極の本物のラフな経験を求めています!


Syren de Mer に 'Yhiviの完全なスレーブのお尻開始'

Syren de Mer - Yhiviの完全なスレーブのお尻開始

豪華なベイビー奴隷Yhiviは彼女のお尻を財産としてThe Upper Floorに手渡す準備ができていますが、ハウスルールに関する彼女の把握は薄く、彼女のブラッディな態度は彼女の完璧なバウンスのバットから気をそらす。幸運にもセクシーなMILFの奴隷Syren De Merは、電気牛とYhiviのラインを維持するためのサディスティックな笑顔を手にしています。 Yhiviは、ブランチの群衆の前でマシンが犯されている間、彼女のスマートなお尻の口にディルドのもので一日を始める。彼女は彼女のお尻がゲストの楽しみのために完全に犯されている間にそれは作物の終わりに叫んでそれを終了します。パーティーは美しい変態の女性とそのゲストがクランプ、鞭打ち、ロープを使ってお互いを責めつけて苦しんでいます。誰もがシレンを愛していて、彼女の敏感な太ももを缶詰にし、美しいお尻を殴らなければならないと呼びます。 BDSMのライフスタイルと肛門の誇りを祝福します。うーん。

Syren de Mer に '彼女のおばさんのバトラーの拳で淫乱な肛門の奴隷の噴水'

Syren de Mer - 彼女のおばさんのバトラーの拳で淫乱な肛門の奴隷の噴水

Slutty Syren De Merは完璧なセックス・スレーブですが、利己的で、彼女自身のおなかを提供します。彼女が初心者を訓練するのに失敗したとき、Katerina Kayは何も知らないことを知っている。彼女は彼女の奴隷の襟とオルガスムの特権を取り去っている。オルガスムの否認はSyrenのようなMILFの売春婦のための純粋な苦痛であるので、彼女は彼女の仕事を正しく行います。残念ながら、サディスティックなバトラーは彼女がそれを簡単にすることはできませんし、彼女はギャザー付きのカテリーナハウスルールを教えようとしている間、束縛の彼女のトラップされたおなかを打つ。事態を悪化させるために、バトラー・ビルは穴を伸ばす傾向があり、すぐにシレンのタイトなオマンコに詰め込まれ、彼女は家具の上に支配権を失ってしまいます。 Katerinaは良い女だし、すぐに彼女はすべてのゲストの前に深い打撃を耐えながら、彼女がルールを知っていることを示しています。 Syrenは彼女の首輪を取り戻すことを喜んでいるが、厳しい上級奴隷であり、彼女のお尻のためにバトラーの雄鶏を準備するために逆牛の女の子のファックでカテリーナの汗を作るように設定します。 Syrenは真の肛門女であり、ビルのチンポが彼女のお尻の深部まで彼女は彼女自身の顔が彼女の甘いお尻を舐めるKaterinaのお尻の深い顔を持っているまで満足されません。確かに、Syrenは、私たちが手掛けている最高級のMILFセックススレーブの1つです。彼女は上級奴隷と淫乱な肛門服従の両方として完璧なパフォーマンスを発揮しています。ありがとうお嬢さん!

Syren de Mer に 'アナルMILF Syren de Mer、彼女の最終マークを獲得'

Syren de Mer - アナルMILF Syren de Mer、彼女の最終マークを獲得

アナルMILF Syren de Mer残酷な性的懲罰と報酬。ひどい尻が伸び、乳首が締め付けられ、巨大なおっぱいが跳ね返ります。

Syren de Mer に 'ミルク秘書を解雇する'

Syren de Mer - ミルク秘書を解雇する

スーパーMILF、Syren De Mer、悪魔MILF domme、Holly Heart、Whipped Assを歓迎します。この変態レズビアンの役割では、シレンは6年以上ディッキンソン氏の秘書だったHolly Heartのオフィスで新しい仕事を探している秘書をしています! Hollyがこのオフィスを運営していることは明らかです。ホットMILF MILFレズビアンの支配とフィッシング、スパンキング、パンスト、深いストラップでアナルセックス!

Rilynn Rae に '熟女とクッキーブランチ'

Rilynn Rae - 熟女とクッキーブランチ

Slutty MILFのスレーブは、新鮮な顔をした初心者を家のゲストを吸ったり、犯したり、面白いように指示します。

Syren de Mer に 'アナルMILFプッシー刑罰とダブルアナル'

Syren de Mer - アナルMILFプッシー刑罰とダブルアナル


Halle Von に '子供たちの休暇でお誕生日おめでとう!シビアンボーナス'

Halle Von - 子供たちの休暇でお誕生日おめでとう!シビアンボーナス

Halle Von、Lotus Lain、Alura Jenson、Cici RhodesからのSybian乗り物!

Alura Jenson に 'MILF WARS  -  Alura Jens0nとSyren De Mer対THE MACHINES'

Alura Jenson - MILF WARS - Alura Jens0nとSyren De Mer対THE MACHINES


Syren de Mer に '国内肛門MILFトレーニングSyren de Mer、Day 2'

Syren de Mer - 国内肛門MILFトレーニングSyren de Mer、Day 2


Syren de Mer に '国内肛門MILFトレーニングSyren de Mer、Day One'

Syren de Mer - 国内肛門MILFトレーニングSyren de Mer、Day One

ゴージャスなMILF Syren de Merの国内肛門トレーニング。彼女の訓練の襟を獲得するストレスの位置、ハードフェイシャルクソ、アナルディックの乗馬

Syren de Mer に 'ビッグ・ティット・ミル・シレン・ド・メール'

Syren de Mer - ビッグ・ティット・ミル・シレン・ド・メール


Darling に 'アナルアリー'

Darling - アナルアリー


Syren de Mer に '熱い熟女の奴隷に扮する肛門の聖母'

Syren de Mer - 熱い熟女の奴隷に扮する肛門の聖母

アナルMILF Syren de Merは、TUFスレーブのような肛門処女Freya Frenchを尻の中で服用するようにトレーニングします。

Syren de Mer に '服従のための肛門の処罰'

Syren de Mer - 服従のための肛門の処罰


Ariel X に 'アレルXとSyren De Merのアナルレズビアン'

Ariel X - アレルXとSyren De Merのアナルレズビアン


Syren de Mer に 'Dreamy MILFは完璧なサブのように自分自身を振る舞うべきです。'

Syren de Mer - Dreamy MILFは完璧なサブのように自分自身を振る舞うべきです。


Cherry Torn に 'MILFの図書館員の肛門が提出に夢中!'

Cherry Torn - MILFの図書館員の肛門が提出に夢中!

MILFの参考図書館員、Syren De Merが処罰され、肛門がレズビアンの投稿に犯された!

Syren de Mer に 'ビッグティットの熟女は、彼女のお尻とプッシーで2つのコックを受け取ります'

Syren de Mer - ビッグティットの熟女は、彼女のお尻とプッシーで2つのコックを受け取ります

Syren De Merは、複数の男性に屈辱されて犯されるという彼女の幻想を命じる!ボンデージ、ラフセックス、dp、dvp、dapなど!

Lea Lexis に 'シレン・ドゥ・メールANAL Electro Fisted by Lea Lexis'

Lea Lexis - シレン・ドゥ・メールANAL Electro Fisted by Lea Lexis

Lea Lexisは十数ユニットと導電性ゴムを使用してSyren de Merの猫とお尻に衝撃を与えます。

Lea Lexis に '銅パイプボンデージで電撃しながらDカップの潮吹き!'

Lea Lexis - 銅パイプボンデージで電撃しながらDカップの潮吹き!


Lea Lexis に 'セクシーなビッグ・ブレスト・ミルク崇拝者ミスター・レア・レクシスのショッキングミイラ'

Lea Lexis - セクシーなビッグ・ブレスト・ミルク崇拝者ミスター・レア・レクシスのショッキングミイラ


Kirsten Price に 'ステップママフットファック'

Kirsten Price - ステップママフットファック


Syren de Mer に 'ミルク・アナル・スラット・シレン・ド・メールは、スレーブ・スムースの下にいる'

Syren de Mer - ミルク・アナル・スラット・シレン・ド・メールは、スレーブ・スムースの下にいる

豪華なMILF Syren de MerがMr Greyのコックを楽しませるために募集されたとき、彼女はHouse Slave Penny Barber

Lea Lexis に 'ホット・ミルフはエレクトロ・アナル・スリット!'

Lea Lexis - ホット・ミルフはエレクトロ・アナル・スリット!

Syren de Merはelectro-anal-strap-onで熱狂してelectrosexで新たに見つかった愛を見つけました!

Syren de Mer に '不服従の服従'

Syren de Mer - 不服従の服従


Elle Alexandra に 'MILFの義理が支配し、バカな娘に犯されたお尻!'

Elle Alexandra - MILFの義理が支配し、バカな娘に犯されたお尻!

Hot MILF、Syren De Merは彼女の娘、セクシーな赤毛、Elle Alexandriaが支配しています!

Syren de Mer に '耳障りな、混乱したElectroslutsの特徴'

Syren de Mer - 耳障りな、混乱したElectroslutsの特徴


Syren de Mer に 'ハッピーバースデープリンセスドナ!ファーティー・ファック・フェスト(パート2)'

Syren de Mer - ハッピーバースデープリンセスドナ!ファーティー・ファック・フェスト(パート2)

SyrenとSimoneは、ドナが自分のBIRDDAY FUCKにZanderのディックを使用することを決めたので、乱暴な群衆に彼らの堕落した投稿を続けます!!

Syren de Mer に 'ハッピーバースデープリンセスドナ!牛の生産に弓! (パート1)'

Syren de Mer - ハッピーバースデープリンセスドナ!牛の生産に弓! (パート1)


Syren de Mer に '生徒たちの巨根を持つ熱い熟女教師!ダブルアナル!'

Syren de Mer - 生徒たちの巨根を持つ熱い熟女教師!ダブルアナル!


Syren de Mer に '母のない息子'

Syren de Mer - 母のない息子


他のサイトからの風景 Syren de Mer,Mikki Lynn

Bridgette B に 'Getting Hitched! The Best Of ZZ Weddings'

Bridgette B - Getting Hitched! The Best Of ZZ Weddings

It's wedding season! Allow us to celebrate by showing off some of our favorite weddings... with a Brazzers twist of course. Enjoy this collection of brides, grooms and other wedding participants sneaking around and getting fucked!

Syren De Mer に 'Cleaning Them Out!'

Syren De Mer - Cleaning Them Out!

Rissa is just trying to make a few extra bucks with a domestic cleaning service. But when Mick and Syren hire Rissa to clean their home, she doesn't know what they have in store for her. The perverted older couple offer Rissa cash for sexual favors – Rissa is a little hesitant, but it's good money and the couple are attractive! The wild back & forth between all parties eventually leads to a filthy threesome!

Syren De Mer に 'Double Teaming The Foam Party MILF'

Syren De Mer - Double Teaming The Foam Party MILF

Air Thugger & Apollo Banks are invited to their college buddy's house to hang out – except their new friend's idea of a fun party is having his mom, Syren De Mer, set up a foam projector in their backyard - with only the three of them. Well, hot MILF Syren sees it as a great opportunity to make some friends of her own – why waste these two young bucks and their throbbing cocks if they're within her reach? Especially when she can coat herself in foam and tease them right there under the sun before they sneak inside for a double penetration fucking!

Syren De Mer に 'Curvy Mature Syren Rides His Young Cock Poolside'

Syren De Mer - Curvy Mature Syren Rides His Young Cock Poolside

A window washer finds himself enchanted by Syren's song.

Dee Williams に 'and Syren De Mer give a college jock a warm welCUMing'

Dee Williams - and Syren De Mer give a college jock a warm welCUMing

Dee Williams stops by to hang out with her best friend Syren De Mer. Dee starts to confide in her about the lack of sex from her husband when there's a knock at the door. Syren explains it's her son's friend picking up some sports equipment. He's invited in and the MILFs come up with the bright idea to tag team this college lad to break Dee's dry spell.

Alura TNT Jenson に 'Best of ZZ - MILF Mania'

Alura TNT Jenson - Best of ZZ - MILF Mania

They say 'age before beauty,' but luckily when we're talking about MILFs we get experience and sex appeal in one gorgeous package! Enjoy some of Brazzer's favorite MILFs in their hottest scenes in this steamy compilation. Watch as these babes suck cock, get wet, and take dick like no one else can as they fuck their way through their greatest moments!

Syren De Mer に 'Concept: The Bull'

Syren De Mer - Concept: The Bull

What's up, Mylf lovers? It's time for another Labs update, so let's jump right in! We wanted to play with a bit of cuckoldry and dirty talk for this episode. Marcelo is a total dick to his wife, Syren, and his boss, Dan, is not having it. When Marcelo learns he will likely be fired, Syren tries to reason with Dan. But Syren is also tired of how Marcelo treats her, so a bit of rough sex with Dan sounds like fun. When Marcelo catches Dan and Syren fucking in Dan's office, she rubs it in Marcelo's face and makes sure he doesn't miss a second of it. She pulls Marcelo's face right up to her snatch to watch as Dan fucks her better than he ever could. Completely flabbergasted, Marcelo can't help but feel turned on as his wife's pussy gets pulverized.

Syren De Mer に 'Wardrobe Issue'

Syren De Mer - Wardrobe Issue

When Syren noticed her stepdaughter Braylin upset, she goes to her room to talk to her and figures out that she has an issue with her always being nearly naked and showing off her great ass and tits which makes Braylin feel jealous. Syren wants to help Braylin appreciate her own beauty so she undresses her and shows her a good time! The next day, Braylin brings her boyfriend Josh who's understandably enthralled with Syren's hot body, but this makes Braylin feel jealous again so Syren takes matters into her own hands and decides to teach both Braylin and Josh that in this household, being naked and pleasuring each others' bodies is the way to go!

Syren De Mer に 'Seduced By A Cougar'

Syren De Mer - Seduced By A Cougar

The Boss Syren De Mer calls in Lawson to evaluate his work ethics and has to decide, does she let him go. Word around the office is that Lawson is packing some heat between his legs and Syren wants to see if his cock can take on her wet tight pussy.

Syren De Mer に 'Wishful Thinking'

Syren De Mer - Wishful Thinking

Syren is married to an absent-minded man, and she's had enough of his working late. It all comes to a head on her anniversary, and she'll need to do something drastic to get him to step up and show her he hasn't forgotten what kind of woman he married.

Syren De Mer に 'Sharing My Wife - S15:E12'

Syren De Mer - Sharing My Wife - S15:E12

Syren de Mer is in for one hell of a surprise, courtesy of her husband Ryan Driller. She's been craving a threesome for a while, and Ryan has finally decided to deliver. He leads Syren into the bedroom with a blindfold covering her eyes. When he has sat Syren down on the bed, Ryan nods to his co-conspirator to join them.A second pair of hands kneads Syren's shoulders and move down to her big breasts. Sliding her own hands down the body behind her, Syren discovers that she's got two men to pleasure. Oliver Flynn is already nice and hard for her, as she quickly finds out for herself even as Oliver and Ryan help her out of her bra.Drawing Syren's head back, Oliver plants deep kisses on her mouth. Meanwhile, Ryan squeezes and nibbles Syren's tits. His other hand gets busy palming Syran's hot pussy. Leaning forward, he sucks and kisses the nipples Moving lower, Ryan settles himself between Syren's thighs even as Syren opens wide to begin sucking Oliver off.Getting on her hands and knees, Syren smiles as Ryan slides inside her. She uses her hands to find Oliver's cock once again. Dipping her head, she takes him in her mouth so the force of Ryan's thrusts can create a sensual rhythm for her continued blowjob.When Syren finally kneels against her husband, Ryan finally removes the blindfold so she can see who she's fucking. Her smile when she sees Oliver could light up the room! Of course Syren doesn't hesitate to climb aboard Ryan's fuck stick and bounce away in a stiffie ride! Ryan helps Syren get comfortable, then walks over to stand nice and close so she can suck his dick as she rides the D.Easing Syren onto her side, Ryan spoons behind her. He waits until she's gotten comfortable blowing Oliver, then slides on home. Thrusting nice and deep, he gives Syren plenty to moan about as she muffles her delighted squeals on Oliver's fuck stick.Syren can't stop grinning as the trio rearranges themselves once again. Winding up on her back with her thighs spread to accommodate Oliver between them, Syren sighs in delight. Ryan gets out of bed and stands behind Syren's head so she can gobble that cock down. She does such a good job that Ryan can only stand a few hot seconds of titty fucking his wife before nutting all over her big boobs. Pulling out, Ryan Oliver pulls out just in time to blow his nut all over Syren's twat to bring their threesome to a sexy end.

Syren De Mer に 'Cum on My Waffles, Honey'

Syren De Mer - Cum on My Waffles, Honey

Syren De Mer is working her waitress job, she's bored and the tips are shit. Enter Jimmy Michaels, who just wants a cup of coffee but is about to get a lot more than that! Syren decides to show off her perfect big tits, in hopes of make a few more dollars in tips. Jimmy can't believe his eyes! Syren wants to have a little more fun and crawls onto the counter to twerk for Jimmy. Before they know it, Jimmy has his whole fist inside of Syren's ass as she cries out in pleasure. Jimmy just came in for lunch but he's about to get a whole damn anal snack!

Syren De Mer に 'Fucked By Gamer Girl And Stepmom'

Syren De Mer - Fucked By Gamer Girl And Stepmom

Jesse Pony brings her boyfriend Josh home to fuck, but goes off to play games by herself when the BF gets intercepted by her father and sexy stepmom Syren De Mer. The dad sits Josh on the couch to watch sports with him and Syren takes the opportunity to sneakily fuck him. Josh eventually finds his way back to Jesse and gets his dick sucked while she games. Syren finds the couple and turns things into a proper threesome.

Syren De Mer に 'fucking in the kitchen with her tits'

Syren De Mer - fucking in the kitchen with her tits

Syren De Mer ran into her son's old friend Alan at the farmer's market the other day, and she invited him over since he remodels kitchens and she's thinking about getting a makeover. What she didn't tell Alan is that she also wants to get fucked really hard by him, but he figures it out when the MILF grabs his dick and pulls out her big tits! The idea of a kitchen remodel never felt so good...

Syren De Mer に 'Stepmom Helps Horny Stepson'

Syren De Mer - Stepmom Helps Horny Stepson

Syren De Mer catches her son Diego Perez jerking off on the couch on her way to work. Diego can't get a girlfriend because all the girls know all he wants to do is fuck. Syren understands him and helps him get off. She sucks his dick and lets her titty fuck him. Then she lets him fuck her fat ass hard. She rides his dick and then lays down so he can drill her. She fucks him good and he returns the favor when he cums on her face.

Syren De Mer に 'Embracing Our Naughty Desires'

Syren De Mer - Embracing Our Naughty Desires

When Laney Grey accidentally sees her stepbrother Juan's huge cock, she can't stop thinking about it and Juan notices this. Turns out sucking her stepbrother under the sheets while their stepmom Syren de Mer cleans his room is hotter than she had imagined. Inevitably, Syren catches Laney and Juan fooling around and decides to give them a lesson in embracing their naughty desires!

Linzee Ryder に 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Linzee Ryder - My Friend's Hot Mom

Syren De Mer and Linzee Ryder are spending Thanksgiving together. Their feast is being catered by Syren's son's friend Donny. Syren confesses to Linzee that when she did a taste-testing of his cooking, Donny proceeded to taste-test her asshole! Linzee is quite lonely this holiday season and is in need of some ass eating herself. When Donny comes by to drop off the feast that he cooked he finds himself feasting on not only one, but two beautiful MILF ass's. Happy Thanksgiving Naughty America!

Syren De Mer に 'Please Don't Tell Dad'

Syren De Mer - Please Don't Tell Dad

Syren De Mer was cleaning up the kitchen when she realized her stepson Berry Mckockiner wasn't ready yet. She started to look for him in the house. Then she heard some noises from the bathroom. She opened the door and caught him him masturbating. Again! She pulled him by the ear to the living room sofa. It was time he would learn what real sex is all about. Another person's hand felt so different on that big dick. And then the feeling when a mouth touches it. Sucks it in. When it goes down that throat. She sat on him and rode him. She felt like a cowgirl. Then he fucked her doggy and spoon. And s**t his load into her face.

Syren De Mer に 'fucking in the living room with her piercings'

Syren De Mer - fucking in the living room with her piercings

Syren De Mer is always there for her husband, even after he lost his job. She knows that the company's loss is her gain, starting with some afternoon delight to raise his spirits!!

Syren De Mer に 'fucking in the desk with her glasses'

Syren De Mer - fucking in the desk with her glasses

After hearing Chris sing, Professor De Mer advises him to pursue a career in acting or modeling. She knows people who can help him ... just please, no more singing. In fact, why don't you take your shirt off, Chris? Let me see what you got.

Syren De Mer に 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Syren De Mer - fucking in the living room with her tits

Syren comes home to find Xander home cleaning his skateboard. It seems the weather is bad, so he is stuck in the house. She lectures him that he could be studying or reading book. He tells her that he dropped out of community college last semester.

Syren De Mer に 'gets hard cock at the office'

Syren De Mer - Naughty Office

Syren De Mer has a employee come in on the weekend to finish up his reports. As shes checking in on him, she over hears him talking on the phone about how uptight she is and how much she needs to get laid. He's not wrong, so she puts him up on his offer to see if he's all talk.

Kenzie Reeves に 'Chastity Blanket'

Kenzie Reeves - Chastity Blanket

College Girl Kenzie Reeves really wants to fuck her new boyfriend Van Wylde, but since she promised her dad that she wouldn't lay a finger on him, she's resorting to foot play to please her man. Shocked by Kenzie's lusty behavior, her new conservative step-mom Syren de Mer creates a "chastity blanket" to keep her fiance's daughter and her boyfriend from fucking under their roof. Trapped under the blanket, Van and Kenzie try everything to free themselves. Van ends up piercing his side of the blanket with his hard dick, and soon, he rips a hole on Kenzie's side and starts fucking her. When Syren catches them fucking, she's so angry that she spanks Kenzie's delicate butt. Van is aroused by his girlfriend's punishment and starts jerking off. It doesn't take too long before the step-mom and the naughty couple join forces for a raunchy threesome.

Syren De Mer に 'Big Ass Anal For A Heavy Load'

Syren De Mer - Big Ass Anal For A Heavy Load

As Syren De Mer loads the washing machine, she's surprised to find her dildo, which seems to have undergone a spin cycle of its own. Finding the sex toy gives Syren the idea to have some naughty fun while doing her chores, and she unzips?her tight jeans so she can stick the dildo right up her juicy ass. Syren, though, forgets to close the door, so when Scott Nails walks past, he can't believe his luck. With Syren clearly eager for some anal action, Scott sneaks up behind her and slips his finger into her butt, shocking Syren but giving her exactly what she wants. From there, Syren eagerly takes Scott's huge cock up her ass, putting cleaning aside in favor of rough and raunchy anal sex.

Syren De Mer に 'gives her customer the best service in her hotel at the naughty room.'

Syren De Mer - I Have a Wife

Quinton needs a room for the night and Syren De Mer's hotel just has 1 extra room, the Naughty Room! it comes equipped with scented candles and a vibrating bed and to top that out it comes with a massage which Syren is the one giving it. Quinton starts to be a bit nervous because he is married but that is of no concern for Syren De Mer because she will fuck him and get a 100% customer satisfaction.

Penny Pax に 'Surprising Treatment'

Penny Pax - Surprising Treatment

When adult actress Syren De Mer goes to see therapist Penny Pax, things get a little more unprofessional than they had ever intended.

Krissy Lynn に 'My College Girlfriend'

Krissy Lynn - My College Girlfriend

Naive husband thinks his wife Syren De Mer is going on vacation with her college friends, but in reality, it's only her and college girlfriend Krissy Lynn who are enjoying a secret affair.

Syren De Mer に 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Syren De Mer - My Friend's Hot Mom

Syren De Mer finds her son's friend, Alex, at her house. Her son is no where to be found though. It turns out that Alex is doing Syren's son's homework while her son is out with his girlfriend. That doesn't sit well with Syren and she orders Alex to stop. Afterwards she lets Alex know how much she loves younger men by having him jizz down her throat.

Cherie Deville に 'Our Religious Neighbor'

Cherie Deville - Our Religious Neighbor

Leave it to stepmother Cheri Deville and stepdaughter Kate Kennedy to know exactly how to turn a conservative religious neighbor into a willing participant of their devious acts.

Syren De Mer に 'want's SEX pro rent money'

Syren De Mer - Seduced By A Cougar

Codey still hasn't had his break as an actor and Syren De Mer is growing impatient with him because he hasn't payed the rent. Codey has been slipping passed her to avoid paying her but ohh surprise Syren is ready to fuck him in exchange for sex.

Nickey Huntsman に 'My Religious Daughter'

Nickey Huntsman - My Religious Daughter

Syren De Mer just remarried into a religious family and she wants nothing more than to bond with her stepdaughter Nickey Huntsman. After prayers though, she gets a little more bonding action than she had expected.

Syren De Mer に 'gets young cock'

Syren De Mer - My Friend's Hot Mom

Syren De Mer is such a hot MILF. All of her son's friends thinks so. Syren over hears her son and his friend talking and she can't take it anymore. She feels they are setting a bad example for him and she wants him gone. But the only way to get his friend out is to give him what he wants, her hot MILF pussy.

Isabella Nice に 'Best of July 2020 Compilation'

Isabella Nice - Best of July 2020 Compilation

Watch this compilation of the tastiest, most heart-racing encounters of Team Skeet for july featuring the sexiest girls and most handsome studs.

Syren De Mer に 'gets a splashy creampie!!'

Syren De Mer - Mrs. Creampie

Syren De Mer's husband get's her a "boyfriend" for the day and ohh boy she gets creampied all inside

Syren De Mer に 'bangs bully to help son'

Syren De Mer - Big Cock Bully

Syren De Mer's son is being bullied at work. Seems like his boss is taking his tips. Syren will not stand for that so she invites her son's boss over and demands that he leave her son alone. This bully won't budge though, unless Syren gives him a piece of that ass. Some mom's will do what it takes to protect their sons and Syren is one of them.

Syren De Mer に 'Stepmom And Principal Pussy'

Syren De Mer - Stepmom And Principal Pussy

When ginger MILF Lady Fyres stepson keeps acting up, she takes a trip to the principal, Syren De Mers, office to talk discipline. But when she gets there, Syren seems to have a very… intimate type of punishment in mind for the boy. She shows Lady Fyre how to jerk her stepsons cock and gives him a sumptuous blowjob that makes him obey her every command. The mature babes share his rod and then bounce their dripping wet cunts on his stiff meat. All before sliding it between their tits and taking a load of his nut. Best detention ever!

Syren De Mer に 'Fucks her new masseuse'

Syren De Mer - Seduced By A Cougar

Syren De Mer had a very long day and all she needs is a massage. Her regular girl is not available so they send Ricky over in her place. Once he arrives, Syren De Mer knows she wants this young man's cock to fill her wet MILF pussy.

Syren De Mer に 'We Like Girls - Syren and Dee'

Syren De Mer - We Like Girls - Syren and Dee

I've had the pleasure of working with the amazing Dee Williams a LOT in the past year, so when she told me about this incredible five-year relationship with Syren De Mer, I was riveted. It sounded like the kind of love that you only read about in fairytales, so how could I NOT feature them for this project?

'We met on set, actually,' Dee answered when we asked how she and Syren first met. 'She walked into the green room, I didn't know I was working with her, and I was like, who is THAT??'

'We kind of felt a connection right from the beginning, but we had JUST met,' Syren followed up with. They went on to describe how intensely they fell for each other from the get-go, with Dee admitting that even her ex-husband didn't look at her the way Syren did!

'She is my first love... My first girl love, my girlfriend!' Syren fondly states while holding her hands over her heart with the biggest smile on her face.

I tell you, there was no shortage of love in the air on set that day. The way they both lit up when talking about each other, admitting how they're two halves of the same heart, was unforgettable. When we finally let them come together again after the interviews, we couldn't take our eyes off them...

I love love, and after you see these two wonderful women together, you'll love love, too!
- Bree Mills

Syren De Mer に 'Milf Fucks Daughters Boyfriend'

Syren De Mer - Milf Fucks Daughters Boyfriend

It's just another day of cleaning for Syren, or so she thinks. When her daughter brings home her boyfriend for the first time, she can't believe how sexy he is. All he can look at is her beautiful ass. Pressure goes to give her a hug and can't resist the urge to grab her ass. She loves it. As the couple goes upstairs, Syren is in shock, and now she's horny. Pressure sneaks away from his girlfriend and goes back downstairs to secretly watch her mom clean. Her ass looks perfect, and he needs to quickly masturbate. He tries to stay low key but he can't help it. He walks up to Syren and lifts up her skirt. He finally see's what that ass really looks like under the dress. Syren and Pressure start to fuck, then she gives him an amazing blowjob, and shows him what a foot job feels like. After that, she rides his dick like a slutty cow girl and jerks him off until he bust a nut all in her mouth.

Syren De Mer に 'Grannies Love BBC'

Syren De Mer - Grannies Love BBC

Donnie Sins has recently moved to LA and is in need of lodgings. Finding an ad for rooms for rent he comes to a rich white lady's house, Syren De Mer. Seems she inherited a huge house and needs to fill the rooms. Her favorite is young black men. It's a great deal she offers and is even made tastier by the fact Donnie can get a break on rent if he simply lays some pipe on the old betty. No problem. This is one hot and horny granny that he soon finds his massive ebony blood bomber sliding into her mouth. Wetter than he ever dreamed imaginable her sopping love hole swallows his member up balls deep and fucks him for everything he's got.

Syren De Mer に 'gets fucked by young cock'

Syren De Mer - My Friend's Hot Mom

Syren De Mer is one hot Milf. She's doing laundry and gets an unexpected visit from her son's friend, Codey. She is just finishing up folding her lingerie and notices how handsome Codey is. She offers to model for him and notices he's rock hard. Syren's son won't be home for awhile so why not fuck him.

Syren De Mer に 'Red Hot Boss From Hell'

Syren De Mer - Red Hot Boss From Hell

Angry big-titted boss Syren De Mer is in no mood for wisecracks, as her employee Xander Corvus soon finds out! Syren is pissed off after seeing how Xander and his coworker's numbers haven't been up to par as of late, and when Xander comments that maybe she'd be in a better mood if she got laid every once in a while, Syren challenges him to put his money where his mouth is! Challenge accepted.

Jada Stevens に 'Interracial 3some with my Stepmother'

Jada Stevens - Interracial 3some with my Stepmother

Very little comes between Jada Stevens and Syren De Mer. The last thing to get between them was a nine inch black cock as you can see in this sexy private video! Sexy FFM interracial threesome sex at its finest just for you. You'll love the ways they share his cumshot!

Syren De Mer に 'Mother Exchange 7 - Part 1: Mother By Proxy'

Syren De Mer - Mother Exchange 7 - Part 1: Mother By Proxy

Syren De Mer fills in as Tyler Nixon's mother by proxy, cooking dinner for him while his real mom is out of town. When Tyler brings up the possibility of moving out of the home he shares with Syren and his mom, Syren resorts to drastic measures to get him to stay. She doesn't want her surrogate son to move out and break-up their new age family. She asks Tyler why he needs to go outside the house for sex when she can satisfy his every need. Tyler is frozen by this new development. Knowing she has him in her clutches, Syren throws Tyler against the wall and takes control of his hard cock. She then leads him to the living room where she coaxes Tyler to treat her body like an adult playground. It is not long before she milks every last drop of cum out of his young cock.

Syren De Mer に 'The Wedding Dress'

Syren De Mer - The Wedding Dress

Elena Koshka's big day is drawing closer by the minute. Elena is getting married to the perfect man and couldn't be happier. Today is the day she's shopping for the wedding dress of her dreams. Her stepmom, Syren De Mer, is there to help her and zip her up. As Elena looks in the mirror, Syren can't help but compliment her; she simply looks beautiful. Syren tells her that it might be a good idea to try on a couple of dresses before choosing the one. As Elena is about to undress, she looks at Syren and tells her to look away. Syren laughs at the fact that despite being her stepmom, she's still shy around her. Elena tells her to go ahead and change. When Syren turns her head, she notices that the mirror on the wall is reflecting her naked stepdaughter right back at her. She can't help but look at her and see how much she's grown. She's a woman now and Syren couldn't be any prouder. She also can't help but notice the curves of her thighs, how her breasts perk up. Elena comes back out wearing the second dress and they realize that the first one looks better. They decide that she could try it on one more time before she buys it. This also gives Syren another opportunity to watch her undress. Syren can't help but get turned on and takes a moment to play with herself before her daughter finishes dressing. Elena happens to glance at the mirror and notices her mom playing with herself. How could she!? Syren confesses to not wanting to lose her and Elena tells her she's being ridiculous. They embrace and start kissing one last time!

Syren De Mer に 'The Pink Pill'

Syren De Mer - The Pink Pill

Syren De Mer is doing dishes in the kitchen when her stepdaughter, Whitney Wright, walks in saying she has a terrible headache. Syren hugs her saying she has just the thing for her. Now that she's eighteen, Syren can give her the good stuff. She tells Whitney to go upstairs and find the pink bottle in the bathroom. Whitney searches the bathroom and eventually finds a bottle labeled female libido enhancer. Not having a clue as to what that means, she swallows two for good measure and goes back downstairs. When Syren asks her how's she's feeling, Whitney tells her her headache is gone but she feels warm. Syren checks to see if she has a fever but when Whitney notices her stepmom's jugs, she starts grabbing them. Syren pushes her away asking what's come over her. Whitney comes to her senses as she apologizes and runs to her room completely embarrassed at what just transpired. Syren follows her but Whitney manages to close the door behind her. Syren begs for Whitney to open the door: all she wants to do is help her. Whitney is trying to regain her composure and come to her senses but the meds she took, seem to have a life of their own. Syren realizes that her stepdaughter took the wrong pills and feels responsible and will do anything to help her. Whitney opens the door pulling Syren in, throwing her on the bed in the process and kissing her madly. Syren says that all she wants to do is help her, Whitney has a suggestion; 'Please make me cum mommy?' Seeing the state Whitney is in and knowing she's responsible, Syren can't help but comply!

Syren De Mer に 'Resistance Band Boning'

Syren De Mer - Resistance Band Boning

Busty redhead Syren De Mer is looking for a personal trainer that'll really push her to her limits, and she's found just the guy. Johnny Sins is used to making house calls for horny MILFs, but none of them ever reaches out to grab a handful of his hard cock during a fitness circuit! Moving her sports top aside, Syren pushes her big tits together to Johnny can titfuck her right there in the living room, bit only until her craving for dick kicks in! After slobbering all over his balls, Syren let's Johnny return the favor as he tears her yoga pants off to get at her mature pussy! Pounding her tight hole as her titties bounce in his face, Johnny unloads in his client's mouth just like she's always wanted!

Alex Blake に 'Swapping Daughters'

Alex Blake - Swapping Daughters


SCENE opens on a family of three, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine (Dale and Gina) and their daughter Becky, in the driveway of their house. To their side a parked ride-share car and its driver wait with the trunk open. The family is going over the final preparations for their daughter's trip. The daughter is dressed to travel, with two suitcases and some travel bags at her feet, and is loading them into the trunk of the car all the while being fussed over by her attentive parents who are insistent on making sure she's prepared. While the father lectures her on travel safety tips, the mother sporadically asks about whether she's remembered to pack this or that. Even after all the bags are packed and the trunk door closed, the chatter continues until the daughter insists that she's going to miss her flight if she doesn't leave soon, and her parents begrudgingly stop fussing over her and let her get moving. 'But not until we get one last hug as a family,' the father insists, and the daughter happily obliges. She's going to miss them over the next two months, she says as she hugs them tight, but she hopes they have a good time with the new exchange student. The couple exchange a knowing glance, unseen by their daughter, and say they're sure they will. The daughter says her final goodbyes, and hops into the passenger seat of the car. She waves to her parents through the window, and they back to her, as the car starts to pull away. 'It's really happening,' the father says discreetly to his wife as he waves, 'it still doesn't feel real.' 'I know,' the mother agrees, and wistfully asks her husband, ' you think she'll be okay?' The father puts his other hand on his wife's back and rubs it reassuringly. 'We can't think about that now,' he says as he continues to wave, 'what's done is done. She's not our problem to worry about anymore.' With the car turning out of sight, he drops his waving hand and turns to his wife, clasping her hands. 'Now come on, we have a lot to do before our new daughter gets here.' As he says the words 'new daughter', they both look at each other with nervous excitement, the expression of two people about to do something they've never done before but are clearly looking forward to. They turn to head back to the front door together, holding each other at the waist with an excited spring in their step.


The couple emerges on the inside of their house from the front door, but it's clearly a different day and they are neither alone nor empty-handed. They are helping an 18-year-old girl Cassie with her many travel bags and suitcases, and all three are chattering excitedly - about how she's going to love it in the States, about how she loves warm weather and they get so much less of it in Canada, about what food she can't wait to try, etc. When all the bags are finally inside and the front door closed, Mr. Valentine shrugs and gestures around himself a bit awkwardly. 'Well Cassie, welcome to your new home!' he gushes. 'Yeah! Well, for the next two months, that is,' Cassie says excitedly, as the Valentines exchange another knowing look between each other

The Valentines seem nervously eager to impress Cassie, the same way a goofy teen boy might try to win over his date's dad. They tell her about all the amenities of the house, explain to her their ground rules (they insist there aren't very many - they try to be 'cool' parents, after all), and mention that they like Swapping daughters Parents Use Exchange Program To Swap Daughters And Start Fake Family to leave plenty of time for family activities and bonding, and they hope she feels welcome to join them. Throughout, Cassie is endeared by their well-meaning attitude. The whole arrangement seems like a dream come true! She can't wait to go see her room and unpack - Mrs. Valentine helps her with her bags up the stairs, while Mr. Valentine calls out that dinner's at six and he hopes she likes hamburgers!

CUT to a few days later, Cassie is in a chipper mood as she emerges downstairs to find Mr. and Mrs. Valentine in the living room. They are in their pajamas and sipping coffee when she arrives, with Mrs. Valentine reading a book while Mr. Valentine is on his laptop. 'Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine!' Cassie exclaims. 'Nuh uh uh!' Mrs. Valentine says sweetly, 'What did we say about that 'Mr. and Mrs. Valentine' stuff?' Cassie giggles and rolls her eyes - she knows they said she can call them mom and dad while she's staying here, it just feels a little weird. But she's warming up to the idea.

The Valentines inquire about Cassie's plans for the day, and gush when she says she's meeting some friends at the mall - they're so proud that she's managed to make friends in so little time here, but of course who wouldn't love to spend time with a girl as sweet as Cassie. She should feel welcome to invite them over to the house at any time, any friend of Cassie's is a friend of theirs! Cassie blushes at all the attention. She excuses herself and is about to leave for the mall when she remembers to ask - 'Oh, by the way, has the internet been down or anything the past couple of days?' No, they answer, not that they know of, anyway - why? Cassie remarks, a bit let down, that her parents promised they'd call and she hasn't heard from them once since she got here. The Valentines try to console her - they're sure she'll hear from them soon, they're probably just busy. Parents are supposed to worry about their kids, not the other way around, she should forget about it for now and just enjoy her trip. They manage to cheer Cassie back up by insisting it's probably nothing. She thanks them, about to call them Mr. and Mrs. Valentine again, and stops herself. 'I mean, mom and dad,' she grins and says cheekily, and they look positively delighted to hear the words. In good spirits, she leaves for the mall.

Once she's gone, Gina turns to Dale and says that they'll have to tell her soon. Dale nods but says he thinks they should still wait a couple more days. They'll have to find the right time. Gina says she thinks she's going to fix herself a snack and gets up off the couch, does Dale want one? Dale says absolutely. Gina leaves the room, and Dale continues working on his computer. Suddenly he gets an incoming Skype call on his laptop - we can see it's from their daughter, Becky. Dale makes a pained face, sighs, and then moves his mouse over the red button to not accept the incoming call and clicks, ending the ringing. He looks down and sees that now the icon appears that shows she's typing something. A message flashes on the screen, which reads: 'Mom, dad, please pick up!!! These people are crazy, they keep saying you made some kind of weird deal with them'. Then another message flashes, 'PLEASE, answer me, I wanna come home, these people are sick!!!' Dale sighs, and then starts moving his mouse. A third message flashes, 'PLEASE, I can see you're online, PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!!' Dale right-clicks on the name and selects to block contact. The message appears, are you sure you want to block this contact? Dale selects Block and then closes his laptop with a sigh.

CUT to two days later, in the late evening. Cassie and the Valentines are playing a family/party game on their phones together in the living room. It's clear they're all having a great time together. After the round, Cassie yawns and puts her phone on the coffee table. She remarks that it's getting late, and she was planning on meeting her friends early tomorrow so she thinks she'll head to bed early. 'Actually,' the Valentines say as they look at each other then back to Cassie, 'before you go, there's something we need to talk to you about.' They pat the seat in between them as a gesture for Cassie to come sit next to them both. Cassie looks taken aback but acquiesces. Once seated, the Valentines try to ease in to the topic - they've so enjoyed having her here, they all get along so well, it's been the best weeks of their life... Cassie looks confused and upset, they're talking like they're about to kick her out - did she do something wrong? Nervously they try to calm her down, no, in fact it's the opposite, they want to offer her a permanent home here, as her new parents. Cassie looks relieved, and says that she's loved being here too, but she of course can't accept their offer - she has a life back in Canada, friends, a home and a family. Mrs. Valentine takes a breath and explains that actually, she doesn't. Cassie looks confused, and Mr. Valentine steps in to explain that Cassie's parents made a deal with them to give Cassie to them. 'Cassie, sweetie... they don't want you anymore.'

Still seated, Cassie looks shocked and upset - what is he talking about? What does he mean a deal? The Valentines explain to her that Dale has certain... needs... needs he couldn't get from his home life with Gina and their daughter Becky. But Gina wanted to help, so together they searched the internet and discovered a small group of like-minded fathers with similar problems. That's how they met Cassie's parents, and together they came up with a solution to help both families. They made a deal to swap their daughters. The two families convinced their daughters to sign up for a cultural exchange program so they could ease them into the idea of a new family after the swap had already happened. That way there would be no turning back.

None of this is making sense to Cassie, who shakes her head hurt and confused. What does 'swapping' their daughters help? What needs are they talking about? Gina explains that Dale was feeling unnatural urges towards their daughter Becky. Urges he knew was wrong. He knew he couldn't act on those urges, but the temptation was too strong. It was actually Cassie's dad's idea, for them to swap daughters so they could each start a new 'family', a perfect family like the one they always wanted. A family they could fuck.

Cassie gets up from the couch, disgusted. What kind of fucked up plan is that? This whole thing is sick, they're both sick! Mrs. Valentine looks distraught, and Mr. Valentine speaks out uncharacteristically angry in defense of his wife. 'Now stop that, Cassie, look how upset you're making your mother.'

'She's not my mother!' Cassie shrieks. 'And you're not my father! And you're not going to FUCK me, you disgusting creeps! I'm getting my stuff and I'm getting out of here and going HOME!' But the Valentines try to reason with her - she doesn't have a home to go back to. Her old family gave her up, they don't want her anymore. And because she's over 18, they don't legally have to take her back in. He and Gina are the only family she's got now, so she can either agree to their terms or try her luck on the streets. Defiantly, Cassie pouts that she wants to call home. Mr. Valentine sighs defeatedly - they won't want to talk to her. But Cassie insists. Mr. Valentine hands her her phone from the coffee table and Cassie rapidly types in a number and dials. After a couple of rings, a grown man's voice answers. 'Dad,' Cassie starts, 'Dad it's me, I-' but the voice cuts her off. 'Who is this?' Cassie tries to tell the voice that it's her, it's Cassie, but the voice nervously says he doesn't know a Cassie, clearly lying. She tries one more time but he cuts her off saying 'L-look... whoever you are, I don't want you bothering my family, we're very happy together. Just... don't call here again.' Cassie tries to say something more but the man hangs up.

Cassie is unable to move, stunned into silence clutching the phone to her ear. After a few seconds, her arm falls to her side, still clutching the phone loosely. Dale slowly gets up from the couch and gently takes the phone out of her hand, putting it back on the coffee table. 'See Cassie?' he says sympathetically but with an I-Told-You-So vibe. 'Those people aren't your family anymore. We are. And we care about you.' Cassie looks at him bitterly - 'you just want to fuck me', she says through gritted teeth. Dale looks hurt, that's not true. He wants to love her, to be a family to her. He just wants them to be a closer family than most. Gina points out that it took her some time to understand it too, but she's come to accept it. She thinks Cassie could too.

There is a look of defeat on Cassie's face - she doesn't want to be homeless, she says. She wants to stay. The Valentines look relieved, and say of course she can stay. She's their daughter. They'll take great care of her. As long as she understands that means they get to fuck her too. 'Yes,' Cassie says defeated. 'Yes, what?' Mr. Valentine says coachingly. 'Yes... daddy,' Cassie says obediently. Good, Mr. Valentine says with satisfaction. Of course, they still have to deal with the whole business of Cassie's little tantrum. Good girls obey their parents, and if Cassie is going to be their daughter she has to learn to obey. He tells Cassie to pull her pants down and bend over his knee to get punished. '...yes, daddy,' Cassie says obligingly as she timidly strips out of her pants and walks over to assume the position.

Syren De Mer に 'The Puppeteer - Part 1: Black Widow's Prey'

Syren De Mer - The Puppeteer - Part 1: Black Widow's Prey

Determined to cash in on her husband Michael's life insurance policy, Syren enjoys one last sexual encounter with him before her plans to murder him. Turned on by all the money she stands to gain, Syren grabs her husband's rock hard cock and swallows it into her willing mouth. The intensity and passion of the encounter only make Syren more wet and although she never loses sight of her end-goal, she is determined to enjoy every inch of his cock in her tight little snatch. But, the climax isn't the load of cum he spills all over her ripe round ass; it is quite literally, the end of his existence

Aidra Fox に 'The Sapphic Psychic'

Aidra Fox - The Sapphic Psychic

Aidra Fox runs into the house after being away at college. She drops her suitcase on the floor and calls out to her dad. She then picks up the phone and calls him. He informs her that he's had a last-minute meeting and will be home later. In the meantime, he tells her that her stepmom, Syren de Mer, should be at the house and that she could hang out with her. She rolls her eyes at the thought; she's never trusted her stepmom and doesn't care to spend time with her. She hangs up the phone after telling her dad she'll talk to him later. When she hears a noise coming from upstairs, she realizes it's her stepmom talking dirty. Is she fucking someone else and cheating on Aidra's dad? She walks upstairs to investigate and pulls out her phone to make sure she gets video footage. When she presses record, she opens the door to find Syren having phone sex. Who is she talking to? Aidra wonders. When Syren hangs up, she looks right at Aidra and smiles. Syren pulls her in the room as Aidra accuses her of cheating on her dad. Syren tells her she did no such thing and as a matter a fact, she was actually talking to a woman. She's a Sapphic Psychic after all and tells women about their sexual futures! Aidra laughs in her face, saying that psychics are frauds! Syren challenges her: if she thinks it's so easy, then why doesn't she take the next call and see how well she does. When Syren feeds her lines to the client, the client keeps confirming that they're true. As the client's fortunes get dirtier, Aidra finds herself getting more and more turned on. Syren starts playing with her pussy, and when Aidra cums, it's her turn to get her stepmom off nice and proper!

Syren De Mer に 'Showcases: Mindi Mink - 2 Scenes in 1'

Syren De Mer - Showcases: Mindi Mink - 2 Scenes in 1

Mindi Mink is a successful business woman who runs her own company. She's a tough boss bitch and she knows it. Her wife Mercedes Carrera is smoking hot and they make an unbeatable team. On this lazy Sunday afternoon, the girls have decided to spend it exploring each other's bodies. As the girl's kiss, Mindy promises Mercedes that's she'll always take care of her and always protect her. Mercedes can't believe she's married to such a beautiful powerful business woman. Mindi can't believe how lucky she is to have such a supportive obedient wife. Mercedes loves being told what to do. As a reward for her loyalty, Mindi has something special planned for their afternoon love fest; Mercedes favorite toy, a strap-on! Mindi is going to fuck her hot wife exactly the way she likes it. The next day Mindi is at work doing what she does best; making sure all the deals get closed! When Syren de Mer walks in for her 11 o'clock appointment with Mindi, Mindi doesn't waste any time getting down to business. When Syren opens her bag and starts placing bondage gear and toys on Mindi's desk, it looks like Mindi's wife isn't the only one who likes to be dominated. Syren isn't a client she's a dominatrix. While Syren is barking orders at her slave Mindi, Mercedes has just walked into the reception area and is about to walk into Mindi's office before the receptionist stops her. She informs her that Mindi is in an important meeting and shouldn't be disturbed. She asks Mercedes to sit down and wait. But Mercedes can't understand why the receptionist is acting so weird. When she hears sounds from the office she barges in to investigate only to find her wife's face deep in dominatrix pussy. And by the look on Mercedes' face, Mindi is in big trouble!

Natalie Mars に 'Natalie Mars' Raging Sexual Energy'

Natalie Mars - Natalie Mars' Raging Sexual Energy

Natalie Mars is a stunning detective trying to solve a cold case, so she brings in Syren De Mer as a psychic to help. But when Syren searches the crime scene, the only thing she senses is a strong, sexual energy, a throbbing hard cock desperate to fuck. She opens her eyes to find Natalie with her skirt pulled up, and she's stroking her rock hard cock! Syren's so excited by the sight she dives in. She swallows Natalie's cock and sucks her, hungry for that dick in her throat. Natalie puts Syren on her knees and tongue fucks her pussy and asshole, driving her wild with anticipation of what's to come: hard anal and pussy fucking. The chemistry between Natalie and Syren is white-hot as they explore each others bodied, eat each others asses, and Syren gets her pussy fucked every which way. Natalie is a powerhouse, slamming her cock into Syren hard and deep, taking her and owning her completely. When she's done fucking her pussy she drives her cock into Syren's ass, savaging every hole. Syren take is all and wants more and more, until Natalie finally shoots her hot load of cum all over Syren's huge breasts.

Syren De Mer に 'Fucking Her Pussy and Ass To Avoid Punishment'

Syren De Mer - Fucking Her Pussy and Ass To Avoid Punishment

Syren De Mer catches her stepson Juan driving his fathers car when he is punished. She's not happy at all, she confronts him and sends him to the room. She yells at him because he's not suppose to be going out and even worse driving his fathers car but he begs and pleads for his father not to find out. She tells him how she's the boos and that she is horny so she grabs his cock to start having her way with him. She sits on his face with her big ass and gives him a great sucking to get him hard and ready. They end up fucking hard on multiple positions as she gets her pussy and ass fucked until she gets to push out a messy cream pie at the end.

Syren De Mer に 'Cumless: A DP XXX Parody Scene 3'

Syren De Mer - Cumless: A DP XXX Parody Scene 3

Charlotte is not your average college student— she's rich, she's popular, and she's the hottest virgin in town! After her best friend Deeana loses her virginity though, Charlotte can't stop thinking about her own true love— her new stepbrother Joseph and his rock, hard cock!

Syren De Mer に 'LeWood Gangbang: Battle Of The MILFs 3'

Syren De Mer - LeWood Gangbang: Battle Of The MILFs 3

Syren De Mer's husband (Tommy Pistol) comes home to a surprise: The insatiable, thickly built MILF has invited four of her studs to join them in a filthy, five-on-one gangbang! Her tight, see-through dress shows off big boobs, wide hips and fleshy ass. Tommy and John Strong switch off fucking her drooling mouth and pussy. Isiah Maxwell's big black cock makes the party interracial; he dick-whips the deep-throating whore and she eats the ass sitting on her face. Tarzan Stone adds his meat to a circle suck. Syren enjoys foot fetish and spanking fun. Mark Wood makes it a cluster-fuck of manhandling DP, triple penetration and double anal reaming! The vigorous slut howls when her mouth's not full of cock, takes five creamy facial loads and swallows spunk.

Syren De Mer に 'Virgin Territory'

Syren De Mer - Virgin Territory

After Hannah catches her stepson, Joseph, masturbating he reveals to her that he's a virgin and religion has kept him chaste. Shocked that he hasn't enjoyed the feel of a woman riding his cock, Hannah offers to teach him a thing or two about sex. As a doctor who knows her way around a man's anatomy, Hannah invites her stepson to her medical office where she begins a stroke session on his cock and watches him grow and bulge in her tight grip. Eventually things become more heated and Joseph willingly allows her to wet his dick with her willing mouth. Joseph's commitment to his religion quickly falls to the wayside when he plunges his dick deep into this MILF's dripping pussy. Joseph soon realizes that sex is meant to be experienced with another person and his stepmother is more than willing to continue their education - especially with a young man as strapping and hot as him.

Syren De Mer に 'Porn Addiction'

Syren De Mer - Porn Addiction

Adorable young, blonde Zoey Taylor loves lesbian porn, especially porn about stepmoms and daughters. When her stepmom Syren De Mer catches her watching it, Zoey uses her adorable ways to seduce the sexy MILF. What starts as making out becomes Syren working over Zoey's tight wet holes with her tongue, until Zoey cums. Zoey happily returns the favor and Syren's hot, older cunt throbs as she orgasms. Both continue fingering each other and cum again even harder.

Syren De Mer に 'Sexy MILF Syren De Mer gets what she wants; brutal face fucking, two cock beatdown!'

Syren De Mer - Sexy MILF Syren De Mer gets what she wants; brutal face fucking, two cock beatdown!

Busty MILF Syren de Mer is helpless, bound, and adorable as fuck! Matt Williams and Sgt. Miles go to town on her toned body, ramming their cocks down her throat and she doesn't even flinch. Syren's a true pro, as they fuck her face with mind blowing intensity and she takes every inch, drool pouring down her chin. In the rare moments without a cock down her throat, she's all smiles; this slut just loves it.After a brutal throat fucking, the guys have had enough. Syren is bent over as they take turns switching between that magnificent throat and her dripping cunt. At this point she's an absolutely soaking, makeup smeared mess, but she's not done yet. We treat our girls well here, and as a reward for all her hard work, Syren is made to squirt like a fountain! She's left lying in her own mess, happy and satisfied like a good little whore should be.

Syren De Mer に 'Teach Me To Be A Lesbian'

Syren De Mer - Teach Me To Be A Lesbian

Growing up isn't easy for any of us. I'm certain that we've all had our issues when it comes to knowing how to speak to our first crushes. Jill Kassidy hasn't gotten over her teenage jitters yet, and it's starting to become a real issue. She just can't figure out how to talk to girls. On the other hand we know Syren De Mer well. She's always been the strong assertive type and she knows how to get what she wants! It seems like she should be a godsend to Jill, but unfortunately that's a skill Jill will only discover if she can work up the courage to tell her stepmother Syren all about her budding lesbian communication issues. Jill meekly joins her stepmother in her bedroom, and brings up the issue, but must correct Syren when she thinks Jill's crush is a boy. The second Syren hears that Jill is interested in a girl, her ears perk up and she listens intently, while her panties get wetter. Jill doesn't have to do much begging to get Syren to teach her how to be a lesbian. Syren dives into her daughter's request, and sensually shows Jill how to suck her nipples like an expert, and lick mommy's throbbing wet clit. Syren's never been the type to be shy, so when she starts expertly and roughly tribbing her stepdaughter, Jill knows she's really learning what it takes to get her crush to come over to her side.

Syren De Mer に 'MILF Surprise'

Syren De Mer - MILF Surprise

Syren is a sweet MILF around her family, but she has a secret side job working for a stripper-gram company. One day she's sent out to deliver a striptease to a lucky young man on his birthday, but when she shows up to surprise him, she's shocked to discover that the birthday boy is no other than her son's closest friend Xander. Normally that would be enough for her to turn and go, but when Xander invites her inside, she vividly remembers seeing his huge cock once when he'd stayed at her home. What's a horny MILF to do but take care of that big, glorious dick the way it deserves!

Olive Glass に 'Penthouse Pet Olive Glass is roughly fucked into a slobbery, smiling mess!'

Olive Glass - Penthouse Pet Olive Glass is roughly fucked into a slobbery, smiling mess!

We get to meet a lot of beautiful girls, but Olive Glass is something else. Between her gorgeous slim body, pert tits, and expressive face, Matt Williams and Syren De Mer can't wait to get their hands all over her for Sexually Broken. Matt makes full use of her perfect mouth, shoving his cock into her as she drools and gags. Then it's Syren's turn as Olive struggles to take her strap on dildo deep in her throat. The pair take turns tormenting poor Olive, who loves every minute of it. Finally they give her what she's been craving, and Olive get fucked hard from both sides as she giggles with pleasure. She's a true slut and the noises she makes leave no doubt how much this girl loves cock!Olive is chained up, bent over, on her back; she takes it in every position and like a greedy little slut, she just can't get enough. When she's not gagging on cock, she's grinning from ear to ear. It's truly a joy to watch.

Syren De Mer に 'The Magic Diary'

Syren De Mer - The Magic Diary

Stepdaughter Scarlett Sage is going through her late aunt's book collection in the garage. She brings in a pile of hardcovers and heads into her bedroom. When Scarlett turns her back, one of books flies onto the floor mysteriously. She picks it up and opens it. It was her aunt's diary. She reads a few entries and sets down the book. Her aunt wrote that she wished she won the lottery. In the next entry she wrote that she won the lottery. Apparently, whatever her aunt wrote in the diary came true, but each of her wishes had consequences. Scarlett dares to write an entry and try out her theory. She writes that she wishes her stepmom would accept her decision to be vegetarian. Low and behold, Syren offers to treat her to a vegan burger instead of spaghetti and meatballs. She asks her mom what happened to her aunt. Her mom explains the tragic story on their way to the restaurant. Scarlett continues to write in the diary. Her wishes keep coming true. She wishes for a car and minutes later, she gets a car. One night Syren comes into Scarlett's bedroom to wish her good night before date night with Scarlett's dad. Scarlett wishes her mom would dress up and take her to the movies. Syren comes back saying her husband just canceled and invites her instead. Understanding the power of the book, Scarlett wishes her stepmother would be overcome with horniness. Suddenly, Syren comes into Scarlett's room to reschedule their dinner plans. Something's come over her and she can't go out just yet. Syren is desperate to scratch a certain itch but she wants to wait for Scarlett's father to get home. Scarlett knows what she needs to do to make her feel better. And she makes too many advances for Syren to withstand them all. Eventually, Syren succumbs to Scarlett's soft and silky flesh and gentle playful kisses on her big mom boobs, all the down to her fine MILF pussy. Scarlett ignores her stepmother's attempts to stop before making contact with her clitoris. She tries to convince the teen of the consequences if her father finds out. But Scarlett promises, she's calling the shots. She's the keeper of the diary after all. Scarlett takes off her top and Syren loses her mind touching her tiny teen tits. Scarlett desires the MILF so much she slowly devours every inch of her juicy pussy. Then Syren licks her step-daughter's pussy till she cums in her mouth. They take turns running their tongues over all their sensitive places, exploring every crevice and fold of their bodies, and releasing many shuddering orgasms!

Syren De Mer に 'Mother Of The Bride'

Syren De Mer - Mother Of The Bride

Johnny has fucked his way through his bride-to-be's maid of honor, and his soon to be wife's little sister. Surely now he can concentrate on the wedding... until the bride's mother corners him wanting a piece of the action. Syren insists she gives Johnny a hand getting ready, before offering up her mouth too. Syren can't help but sucking down on her soon to be son-in-law's cock before getting a prenuptial pounding!

Syren De Mer に 'Anal Monster Black Cock Sluts 2: MILF Edition'

Syren De Mer - Anal Monster Black Cock Sluts 2: MILF Edition

A curvaceous, auburn-haired MILF with huge jugs, Syren De Mer is in the mood for interracial fun. The stocking-clad white mom reams her asshole with a long toy and then turns her attention toward Dredd's massive, impossibly thick black monster cock. She eagerly sucks its throbbing head. Dredd pounds her tight pussy and asshole with his thick shaft, making her big booty gape. This experienced slut enjoys sucking cock ass-to-mouth. Dredd rewards her with a cum facial.

Syren De Mer に 'After Hours - Cougar Edition'

Syren De Mer - After Hours - Cougar Edition

Hang out in a bar long enough and a horny cougar's bound to pick you up! You're lounging in a lounge, minding your own business when Syren de Mer arrives and relaxes in her regular chair, looking as sexy and horny as she feels. And when she finds out you're still trying to get over a bad breakup, she has just the answer for you: her. She tells the bartender she'll close up, and then shimmies her bit tits up to you and feels on your cock. Nobody's around, so why not have her pull it out and start sucking on it? She claws her way to your cock, and then pounces right on it with her pussy! You're here to stay in this newest Naughty America VR experience!

Syren De Mer に 'experiences her most brutal sex scene ever. Neck bound, face fucked on a sybian!'

Syren De Mer - experiences her most brutal sex scene ever. Neck bound, face fucked on a sybian!

Syren De Mer is back on the pages of Sexually Broken, In our opinion this is your MILF of the year. Syren does all the pretty vanilla porn, and can also do the Hardcore bondage sex porn. Those two almost never mix.Today Syren is fully tested. She is complety sexaully destroyed, bound down on the worlds most powerful vibrater and cumming about every minute with each one more and more destructive. Now add the catastrophic face fucking in, and it doesn't take long to send a girl into deep deep subspace. The lights are on but she's not home. That perfectly describes this scene. We blast Syren into subspace early and keep her there. It is hard to use words that really describe the intensity of this scene. So really, check out the free trailer, and then we will see you inside.You do not want to miss this one!

Syren De Mer に 'Filthy And Milfy'

Syren De Mer - Filthy And Milfy

In her forties, lusty Syren De Mer's sex drive is out of control. Employee Mark Wood has complained to HR about sexual harassment, so the busty boss lady turns it up: She grabs the bulge in his jeans, makes lewd comments and threatens to fire him if he doesn't put out. He takes control, fucking her face and fingering her bald pussy. Syren has a butt plug already in place! Mark rails her doggie-style, spanking her big, fleshy ass. The whorish bitch takes an anal ride, masturbating as she's sodomized. Her greasy butthole gapes and Syren tongues Mark's bunghole. He floods her mouth with cum.

Syren De Mer に 'helpless in a straight jacket, manhandled back and forth, throated and roughly fucked!'

Syren De Mer - helpless in a straight jacket, manhandled back and forth, throated and roughly fucked!

Welcome back to Sexually Broken , the hottest Cougar in porn today, Syren De Mer. This women should be studied by every new girl that enters porn. This is how it is done!We have Syren stuck and helpless in beautiful leather straight jacket from The Stockroom. With her huge tits out, this jacket give complete access to your sluty slut. We call today's scene, The Man Handler. It's the scene that the boy's of Sexaully broken just go bat crazy fuck on our helpless slut. We toss her all over the stage and fuck the living shit out of her. We roughly face fuck her into subspace, then continue on to fuck the living bejesus out of her.She never has a chance, all she can do is struggle for air and cum. All she does is cum, she squirts, she screams, she cums and when she is done cumming we make her cum some more. We abuse her tight shaved pussy with hard pounding cock, in the end, Syren is is smiling and wanting more, that's how it is done!

Syren De Mer に 'The Stunning Syren De Mer is Rode Hard and Put Up Wet!'

Syren De Mer - The Stunning Syren De Mer is Rode Hard and Put Up Wet!

Ever want to ride a girl like a motorcycle? Well get ready. Syren is locked in place straddling a wooden motorcycle. We start by oiling her huge round ass. She shines up real nice. Then Miles comes in. His dick seems way too large to fit in Syren's mouth. At first it only goes three quarters of the way in, but once she's primed it goes deep! Miles moves around and saddles up to Syren. He rams his cock deep into her waiting pussy. Matt comes in to take her mouth while Miles rides her hard from behind. Miles lifts her frame and her tits bounce in the air.Matt takes his turn riding Syren. He holds on tight to her hair. Miles comes back in to use her mouth. From there they take turns having their way with her. When Miles comes back in with the vibrator and Matt fucks her face Syren can't help, but lose her mind. In the end they leave Syren rode hard and put up wet!

Syren De Mer に 'Taboo Conquest: The Sequel'

Syren De Mer - Taboo Conquest: The Sequel

Teen step daughter Amara Romani could never imagine having sex with her step mom Syren DeMer. But after best friend Lyra tells her it happened with Lyra's step mom, Amara can't get it out of her head. All of a sudden, Amara's turned on by her step mom, obsessed by Lyra's suggestion to open her mind to what could be the best sex of her life. Amara no longer sees Syren as the wholesome woman who raised her, but as a sexual MILF, flaunting her tits and ass. Amara sees visions of Syren offering her a drink from those tits. She goes upstairs to lie down and compose herself. The lesbian teen starts masturbating and fantasizing about her step mom. Once she gets her hairy pussy all wet and almost cums on her fingers, her step mom walks in with the laundry. Syren apologizes for interrupting and tries to leave, but Amara tells her she needs to talk to her. She asks her if she wants to play with her little tits and nipples. She gives her a smoldering look that means she wants her to. Syren tries to avert her eyes, admonishing her step daughter for doing something so wrong, so taboo. Amara Romani turns the tables on Syren DeMer telling her she'd be lucky to have her teen pussy. She gives her till noon tomorrow to change her mind, or the offer is forever off the table. Syren leaves with a lot to think about. Minutes to the noon deadline on the follow day, Amara lies down on her parent's bed and diddles her clit. Again Syren walks in while Amara's legs are splayed open exposing her pretty pink slit. Syren does her best to explain how inappropriate this is, that she raised her since she was one year old. But Amara is a horny lesbian teen and can't be sedated by the woman who fuels her desire. The taboo only makes her hotter and wetter. Syren tries to resist Amara, but soon Syren is gripped by Amara's lesbian Mommy obsession, and let's her guide her hand on her lesbian teen pussy. The disbelief slowly fades into wild passion. Amara pulls her step mother's tits out of her dress, like she's been lusting to do. Syren allows Amara under her dress, tasting her lesbian pussy, making her cum. Then Syren reciprocates, making Amara twitch and scream through her orgasm. Amara sits on her step mom's face and suffocates her while she rocks out another cum. Then Amara straddles Syren, tribbing their sloshing lesbian pussies till they burst!

Syren De Mer に 'Movie Night'

Syren De Mer - Movie Night

When teen step daughter Adria Rae gets dumped by her first boyfriend, step mother Syren DeMer helps her mend her broken heart. The teen falls hopelessly in love with Syren and isn't shy about expressing it, when her dad's not watching. Syren can't resist the sultry teen's body and welcomes her advances more than once. Soon both lesbians are complicit in their affair behind Syren's husband's back. Syren knows she should not be encouraging her step daughter's taboo behavior. But it's hard to resist saying no, even when her husband might come into the room and catch her fucking his daughter, which pretty much describes a typical movie night in their household. The secret lesbian lovers sit on the sofa on either side of Adria's dad. As soon as Adria sends him to the store to buy snacks, Syren is fondling her nipple, turning them both on. With no time to waste, the excited MILF brings the teen to her bedroom. The lesbians get naked as Adria nurses her step mother's big boobs. Adria is so hot for her lesbian step mommy, she purrs and coos. She gives her a million soft kisses trailing down to her wet pussy. Syren loves her little girl's deliciously soft skin. She can't wait to peel off her cotton panties and lick her teen pussy. After Adria cums, Syren takes her turn being feasted on, then lies down beside her step daughter to rub another one out massaging each other's clits. Will Syren push her luck this time and finally get caught by Adria's dad? Click to find out!

Syren De Mer に 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Syren De Mer - Tonight's Girlfriend

I travel a lot and don't really have time for a girlfriend, so I usually just call a different girl over every night. I have seen some of Syren De Mer's anal scenes and they are so hot, so tonight I knew that I wanted her in my room. I call up the agency and tonight I got to have some of the hottest anal sex that I have ever had.

Syren De Mer に 'and Damon Dice in My Friend's Hot Mom'

Syren De Mer - My Friends Hot Mom

Syren De Mer is so thankful that her son's friend, Damon, came over to help paint her room. She wants to repay him so badly, so she does it by doing what she does best, fucking him.

Syren De Mer に 'Hot Cougar is hooded and brutally fucked while bound helpless, non-stop squirting orgams!'

Syren De Mer - Hot Cougar is hooded and brutally fucked while bound helpless, non-stop squirting orgams!

The final part of October's live show with Syren De Mer is here! Now witness the final sexaul destruction of this hot tamed and broken Cougar.Bound and hooded in the ultimate 'fuck me' position, Syren is completely helpless and a bit freaked out with the hood. This is her first time in a hood and it shows, but soon the huge cocks make her forget about everything but screaming and cumming like a common whore. If you ever just wanted to see a helpless big tited slut get compley destroyed by dick, here ya go! Syren is fucked hard, extremely hard and all the cumming, moaning, and squirting proves it. Nothing faked, just a hot MILF getting overwhelmed and broken by cock!

Syren De Mer に 'live BaRS Part 2: The fucking begins,Syren is in over her head. Complete destruction!'

Syren De Mer - live BaRS Part 2: The fucking begins,Syren is in over her head. Complete destruction!

Syren De Mer live BaRS Part 2: Now that the warm up is over, Syren is about to get fucked so good she forgets her name.Bound in a unique custom metal bondage device, Syren is about to feel sexual fear for the for time. The hard cocks come at her and she does her best to take it. It doesn't take long for the cocks to break her defences and send our hot cougar into total subspace. Complelty dick drunk, we abuse our sexual slave, making her cum time after time. She is helpless to get away from dick, and the boys bring it. The look on Syrens face is all you need to know about what happen, and there is one more part to go!

Syren De Mer に 'Part ONE of October's Halloween live show! Syren De Mer gets fucked up! Brutal fucking and Bondage!'

Syren De Mer - Part ONE of October's Halloween live show! Syren De Mer gets fucked up! Brutal fucking and Bondage!

Part One of October's Halloween special live show. Syren De Mer is dressed up in her sexy military camoes. This hot cougar gets exactly what she needed. Handcuffed to the chair, the boys of Sexually Broken destroy Syren De Mer throat. An amazing start to the live show. Syren is blasted into sub-space from being fed huge cock. Handcuffed and helpless there is nothing Syren can do to escape the cocks from filling her throat. One of our very best face fucking scenes to date, and we are not kidding!

Syren De Mer に 'Horny MILF Syren'

Syren De Mer - Horny MILF Syren

Naughty brunette MILF Syren De Mer loves to tease all the boys and shows off her sexy ass and tits as she strips using her vibrator to make herself moan and cum while thinking of your cock!

Syren De Mer に 'My Three Stepsons'

Syren De Mer - My Three Stepsons

Syren De Mer is a doting housewife who does everything for her new stepsons. She makes their lunches, she does their laundry, she even sucks their dicks! The thing is, Brad, Lucas, and Small Hands don't know that the others are also fucking Syren, that is until now!

Syren De Mer に 'Hot Cougar brutal fucked by MILF and Daddy! Throat fucked and made to cum over and over!'

Syren De Mer - Hot Cougar brutal fucked by MILF and Daddy! Throat fucked and made to cum over and over!

Syren De Mer is one Gorgeous MILF. She has perfect, large breasts, a hot tight body and all the cock sucking experience that can be asked for so when we lock her in for some serious throat fucking, we know she can deliver. Syren is put in a strict cage that holds her sexy body in place and makes her mouth fully accessible to cock. Matt and Dee Williams take turns using her throat hole while Syren writhes in bondage enjoying every inch of cock in her mouth. This stunner is truly impressive. We reward her with the Hitachi, getting huge, dramatic orgasms from her gorgeous body. Seeing this woman Sexually Broken is always a pleasure.

Syren De Mer に 'Hot Cougar is bound, face fucked and made to cum over and over. Brutal deep throat, massive orgasms!'

Syren De Mer - Hot Cougar is bound, face fucked and made to cum over and over. Brutal deep throat, massive orgasms!

Sexy Cougar Syren De Mer is back on the Sexually Broken stage, with Dee Williams, the Premiere female Dominate that is taking the internet by storm!Dee Williams is back with Matt to completely wreck Syren De Mer. Dee has been training under the tutelage of Matt Williams for about a year now. Matt is considered one the best Male dominates in the scene today, and is ready to unleash his student on the sluts of the world.Syren is bound spread with a powerful vibrator locked onto her shaved pussy, her helpless mouth ready for plundering. Today we are going to wreck Syren with massive amounts of cock to the throat, all the while as the vibrator rips orgasm after of orgasm from our powerless Cougar. Sexually Broken specializes is destroying even the most talented and experienced porn stars of the world. Join today to see why Sexually Broken has been nominated so many times by the leading industry experts. Often copied but never duplicated, Sexually broken gives you the best value, hottest stars and most realistic rough sex in the industry, with world class bondage to boot!

Syren De Mer に 'Couger Syren De Mer is destroyed by cock, epic face fucking, rough sex and lesbian strap on!'

Syren De Mer - Couger Syren De Mer is destroyed by cock, epic face fucking, rough sex and lesbian strap on!

We have the Couger-tastic Syren De Mer and her amazing body, helpless and ready for cock today on the most creative bondage and rough sex on the planet. Today we called in Dee Williams (Formerly Darling) and her huge feeldoe to help destroy our sexy Couger Syren. Dee with her amazing athletic body, huge tits and big cock, loves fucking up bitches. We have Syren bound face down ass up and oiled to perfection, bound with custom leather, in a custom device. She is completely helpless and about to be solidly used and abused by cock.Back and forth, the couple blast Syren with cock. Amazing deep throat and brutal fucking make Syren cum over and over. There is nothing Syren can do but take and cum. Dee's huge strap on fills Syren's hungry throat to the bottom. Both cocks attack and Syren can only cum. In the end Syren is left dripping, shaking and moaning as reality slowly slips back into her cum drunk brain. Another victim of Sexually Broken is left wondering what the fuck just happen and why did it stop...

Dahlia Sky に 'Vegas Sins: Part Two'

Dahlia Sky - Vegas Sins: Part Two

Dahlia wakes naked and bound, slowly taking a moment to realize what has just happened. As a naive housewife from out of town, she is just getting a taste of what the real world is sometimes like. She remembers her evening with Cadence Lux, going great, and it making her dream of what lesbian sex could really be. But then it's all black. But we saw her knocked out by Syren De Mer, the owner of the escort service Dahlia contacted. Syren swoops in to inform Dahlia that she's demanded a ransom for Dahlia's safe return to her wife, who's coffers runneth over.If Reena doesn't pay up, Syren is going to keep Dahlia to be her pretty little bitch. Syren's dominant sexual aura is already wrapped around Dahlia. Dahlia agrees to do whatever Syren wants in order to be released without Syren talking to Reena. Dahlia gets to work taking Syren's oily nipples into her mouth as she moans on her giant milf tits. Syren unties Dahlia, as they have a deal. Syren's job, getting Dahlia to work on her juicy pussy is underway, Syren instructs Dahlia to keep her ass in the air, and to lick her exactly how she'd want to be licked. Dahlia soon has Syren screaming in pleasure, with her fingers deep inside the MILF boss Dahlia eats out Syren from beneath, almost making Syren see stars.Syren promises to make Dahlia please her until she's worth two grand. Syren chokes Dahlia with her pussy, making her eat her harder and faster. Syren gets into position to grind their beautiful pussies together, and after a few minutes of tribbing, Dahlia is learning some new things, and enjoying every minute of her 'torture,' moaning with pleasure. Syren lowers her beautiful body to take care of Dahlia's pussy, first licking her wet pussy, and then shoving her expert fingers deep inside, while talking dirty to her, and making her moan like the expert she is. Dahlia belongs to Syren until her debt is paid off... To be continued...

Lucy Doll に 'Her First Footjob'

Lucy Doll - Her First Footjob

Lucy Doll is a normal teenage girl. So when her boyfriend Jessy reveals he has a thing for feet, she doesn't know what to do. She tries giving him a footjob with her cute painted toenails, but she's so inexperienced. Lucky for this young couple Lucy's stepmom Syren is ready to step in with her stockings and expert footjob skills. Looks like Lucy is about to learn a thing or two!

Syren De Mer に 'Sharing the Bed: Part Three'

Syren De Mer - Sharing the Bed: Part Three

Girlsway's Exciting Lesbian Love Story, Sharing The Bed, Continues with this taboo third chapter:As we're reminded of what has led to this moment, we think of the beautiful moments Shyla and her therapist Dani had while experimenting with sexual surrogacy. A special form of therapy Dani uses to make sure her clients are getting exactly what they need from her, a blooming of sexual identity and a set of alternative values to help cope with the tumultuous lifestyle change from Christianity to lesbianism.We pick up with our more Cinderella-esque side of the story with Sasha returning home to her family, greeted by her overbearing stepmother Syren De Mer. Syren isn't capable of allowing Sasha a moment of peace. It's easy to see why Sasha would move out, to find her true self. I guess Dani with her identity therapy has had more of a history with Sasha than we thought. Syren barely leaves Sasha a moment to rest after her long journey before vindication the ways she will behave with no regard for Sasha's personal feelings and ambitions, but there's one platform on which Sasha can do all the winning.Syren learns that Sasha has been texting Shyla, and wants all the dirty details of their time together. Sasha is reluctant to give details and so vindictive Syren uses her physical power to gain intelligence from her naughty lesbian daughter. Sasha claims that she is an expert lesbian, but Syren isn't so sure. Syren threatens to tell Sasha' father about her lesbian ways if she doesn't allow Syren to prove who the real lesbian in her household is. Syren backs up and strips her clothes revealing her beautiful mature body. Sasha gets on her knees and joins Syren, who's sat on the dresser, burying her face in mommy's pussy, proving how humiliatingly disgusting Sasha is as a lesbian. Sasha takes on the challenge with pride, making her mommy cum as she screams her disgust at the top of her lungs. Sasha giggles under the sounds of Syren's griping, all to prove that the pleasure is all hers. Who wouldn't want to spend the afternoon catching her evil stepmother in the act of cheating on her husband with her own daughter? But how will Sasha feel once she realizes she's also cheated on the only girl who she has eyes for, poor innocent Shyla?

Syren De Mer に 'Grand finale of Syren de Mer BaRS's show with punishing BBC deepthroat and rough bondage sex!'

Syren De Mer - Grand finale of Syren de Mer BaRS's show with punishing BBC deepthroat and rough bondage sex!

This has probably been one of the most intense experiences of Syren De Mer's cock filled life. This swinger says she loves the dick, but she is used to being able to be in control of the dishing out. When you are in bondage, it is a whole different ballgame. You are not in control of the dick, the dick is in control of you. This busty MILF has never been fucked like this before, not matter how many gang bangs she has done, and she would be the first to tell you so.Syren is drooling and dazed, her makeup destroyed and eyes glassed over. She has been hit by the cock truck. Repeatedly. And then run over some more. Her entire show has been fast paced and without mercy, flowing from one bondage position to the next without a break. This is more dick than our cougar is used to getting and she is sporting that classic sexually broken look all over her face.Bound in an inverted crucifix throatboarding position that keeps her mouth hole open wide and fully exposed, Syren is facefucked into a messy puddle. All the while another cock takes the other end. Syren is a sex sandwich as the two dicks attempt to shake hands in the middle. Her moans are delightful, if not somewhat muffled by the huge cock wedged down her throat.We do not stop until Syren is a wrecked shell of swinger. Our bubble butted MILF can not even recall her own name and is just twitching, a huge smile plastered across her face. Today is a day that she will never forget. If she could only remember it in the first place...

Syren De Mer に 'Part two of Syren de Mer's BaRS show with rough brutal fucking and challenging deepthroat on BBC!'

Syren De Mer - Part two of Syren de Mer's BaRS show with rough brutal fucking and challenging deepthroat on BBC!

This isn't going to be easy. Syren De Mer is a lifestyle swinger that loves the dick. Her love of the dick is what got her into porn in the first place. She claims to be insatiable. She can never get enough dick. But today she might of just bitten off more than she can chew. Today she gets so stuffed full of the cock that it just might be too much for this swinger. Can she handle it?Bound with metal pipes that force her down in a bend over position, Syren's big bubble butt and mouth hole are exposed. She can not move or shift an inch. All she can do is take what we wish out. And what we have to dish out is relentless punishing dick. No mercy, no respite, just all of the hard rough fucking we can possibly offer. And what we can offer is a lot.It is just too much for this self proclaimed cock slut and we have to shift out the bondage so that Syren can get on top of it. We are nothing if not thoughtful and change out the metal pipes so that we can continue to dish out the dick. Which we do with relish. Once she can breath again we make it so that she can no longer breathe by shoving hard cock right down her face pussy while taking her from behind.Our cock slut is dazed and drooling, her eyes vacant and unfocused. She claimed she loves the cock. We have given her so much cock that she can no longer recall her own name. And we are still not done with her yet. There is still one more position to go. Can Syren make it? Or will it be too much for her to take? Stay tuned to find out!

Syren De Mer に 'Big breasted sexy MILF Syren de Mer in relentless live action bound and throat trained by BBC!'

Syren De Mer - Big breasted sexy MILF Syren de Mer in relentless live action bound and throat trained by BBC!

Today we have a treat in store for us. Syren De Mer is a lifestyle swinger. It was actually her love of the dick that got her into the industry in the first place. This is a woman that does gangbangs as a hobby. Can she handle the rigors of a live show? Or will it be too much for this cock slut? We should find out!This is throat training at its finest. Syren's throat is going to be shaped out to be custom fitted. We bring to hard cocks and bondage to the table in our quest to push Syren to her sexual limits. We start out by handcuffing her to a chair and skullfucking her for a little bit, but it is only the warm up for the main event...Syren doesn't need that pretty blue dress anymore and we cut if off while she is sucking cock. Her toned naked body is a dick magnet and we uncuff her and quickly shackle her into a custom made metal bondage device with a strict metal collar. Now the training begins in earnest. We show no mercy. It is a relentless train of dick straight to her face pussy.Our sexy MILF is dazed and drooling, her eyes glassy. She has already spiraled deeply into sexual subspace and this is only the first position. Can she handle the whole live show? Stay tuned to find out, it only gets more intense from here...

Syren De Mer に 'My Big Butt Maid'

Syren De Mer - My Big Butt Maid

After waxin' the windows with her big wet booty, and stretching that asshole with a string of anal beads, Syren De Mer is ready to take Danny D's monster of a cock up her plump ass. Long and strong, he takes that beautiful whooty and gives it the pounding it deserves, because those thick juicy chicks were made for intense anal action. It's not every day that a MILF butt like this comes along, so when it does we at Brazzers do everything in our power to give it the total treatment. Danny takes his time with Syren's asshole, fucking it, fisting it, making it gape, and of course leaving a sloppy anal creampie, because this wouldn't be Big Wet Butts without one.

Syren De Mer に 'Dentist Day'

Syren De Mer - Dentist Day

Syren De Mer is happily married with her husband, and her new stepdaughters Emma and Scarlett. Today she is in a hurry. Emma Evins, the youngest acts so juvenile she hides from Syren, who is determined to get her to the dentist. While on the phone with Tanya, Syren reminisces about the times she was young and bold like Emma, and the trouble they got into when they were that age. Emma is hiding behind a corner and hears all about Syren and Tanya's juvenile sexcapades.Emma is in deep trouble though, and when Syren is finally at the end of her rope Emma appears as if from nowhere (I guess she's being playing hide and seek in this house her whole life) Syren is prepared to discipline Emma, but her stepdaughter's curiosity has her answering questions about what it's like to be a lesbian! Emma challenges her step-mom saying she could lick pussy. Syren takes her challenge and give Emma the chance to prove what skills she's got!Syren follows suit, and shows Emma that she's not as experienced as she thought. Syren punishes Emma by feeding her that beautiful experienced pussy. Emma shows she's not a complete idiot when it comes to eating out her step-mom, but Syren sure has a couple of lessons to teach her girl. By the time their lesson is over Emma is screaming with her first ever expert lesbian orgasm!

Syren De Mer に 'A Quick Learner'

Syren De Mer - A Quick Learner

Syren De Mer has been trying her very best to get her Step-Daughter, Scarlett Fever to open up to her. She knows that there's someone special in her life, but feels as though due to Scarlett's shy personality, her crush may never know how she feels. Syren is determined to get inside Scarlett's head, when she finds Scarlett's cellphone filled with nude selfie's she believes this to be the perfect opportunity to teach her Step-Daughter how to break out of her shell.Syren calls for Scarlett to meet her in the kitchen. When Scarlett comes downstairs she sees her cell phone in her Stepmom's hand. Thinking she's busted, she's surprised when instead of scolding her like her mother would have done, Syren is actually looking to help her. Syren suggests that if Scarlett wants, she can show her a couple of techniques that will work much better than desperate photos. Scarlett tells Syren she would really like the opportunity to learn whatever she has to teach her!Syren has Scarlett sit on the kitchen counter so they can work there way down each others bodies starting with a long, hard passionate kiss. Once they've both removed there clothing and are laying naked on the counter, the teaching really begins. For the first time Scarlett feels the deepest pleasure from not just any woman, but her gorgeous Stepmom. The big surprise of the day comes to Syren who cannot believe how natural licking pussy comes to her hot Step-Daughter. After that lesson, Scarlett can't wait to go to her party tonight and show off what she's learned with all her hot, sexy girlfriends!

Gianna Nicole に 'How to Make a Tart'

Gianna Nicole - How to Make a Tart

Gianna Nicole and her boyfriend Brick Danger have a study date, but all Brick seems to have on his mind is getting in Gianna's pants. She tries to keep him focused on the books, but her stepmom Syren De Mer sees how horny he is and decides to get a little piece of that action for herself. Figuring the young lovers could learn a thing or two from a slutty MILF like her, Syren has Gianna give Brick a nice blowjob, and then shows off her own technique, gagging on the cock as she does her best to swallow the whole shaft. Brick fucks Gianna and her stepmom Syren then blasts a big load of jizz for them to share!

Venus Lux に 'Takes Uses Her Cock to Solve Fight with Her MILF Neighbour'

Venus Lux - Takes Uses Her Cock to Solve Fight with Her MILF Neighbour

We may have to rename Venus as the Ts MILF specialist because we can't get enough of watching her take down and shag hot mamas! We're lucky today to have mega babe, Syren De Mer and Venus play out a little neighbourly quarrel that ends in a kiss and swap my cum. Venus knows Syren's frustration with her punky ways and loud music is only skin so when Syren storms into her apartment shouting "that her bad behaviour and slutty ways are only going to get Venus pregnant", well, that just proves that the lonely MILF has been paying a little too close attention to Venus (every part except the whole pregnancy thing!). Venus decides that "insult" is a good segway into grabbing Syren's hair, shoving her on the bed, handcuffing her to the post and spreading her pussy lips with her tongue. That's when things get really good and Syren confesses to fantasizing about Venus while she masturbates every single night. Well, Venus has a cure for the vibrator and she shows Syren her nice, hard fuck-ready cock. The night gets tense and you can almost see Syren's holes pre-orgasm twitch and soak, just at the thought of feeling Venus' hard dick inside her long deprived pussy and ass. Venus goes back and forth from Syren holes, making her ass gape and fucks her in all kinds of pussy exposing positions. Finally the cum load down Syren's throat and all over her face is so damn sexy, Venus gets down and does a little post pop kissing.

Mikki Lynn に ' in My Friends Hot Mom'

Mikki Lynn - My Friends Hot Mom

Mikki Lynn's son has a friend over to watch movies. Mikki is the kind of woman who does anything to get what she wants and when she sees her son's friend she can't help to want his cock deep inside her.

Syren De Mer に 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

Syren De Mer - My Friends Hot Mom

Syren De Mer's son's friend, Robby, stops by to ask her for advice on girls. Syren gets him to confess that he is a virgin. Syren believes that if Robby wasn't a virgin he would be more confident and better able to pick up women. So Syren fucks Robby in order to help him out with the ladies.

Syren De Mer に 'Airtight in the Bathtub'

Syren De Mer - Airtight in the Bathtub

Syren De Mer is one of the horniest MILFs out there. This busty slut is so damn cock crazy that one dick isn't enough to satisfy her. In fact, not even two cocks can please this busty babe. That's why we sent Jessy Jones, Danny D, and Clover over to give her a heaping helping of man meat deep in every one of her holes. She sucked and fucked all three of those fat cocks, going totally airtight as she got her face fucked while being double penetrated by some of the biggest dicks in the business. Syren took all three of their jizz loads all over her face before she was finally satisfied, because some sluts can just never get enough!

Mikki Lynn に '- Blacks On Blondes'

Mikki Lynn - Blacks On Blondes

Mikki Lynn's husband just can't seem to knock her up. Fertility treatment? Been there, done that. The list of things they've done to get a bun in her oven reads a mile long; however, Mikki's taking matters into her own hands and revenge can be spelled with some interracial anal fucking, courtesy of Rob Piper. After all, her husband won't know that he's married to an unfaithful slut, right? Mikki's fun with Rob Piper sees her getting her asshole rimmed, and Rob's gets his salad tossed,too. The busty married blonde sets her sights to Rob's big black cock and gets face fucked to the point where her mascara begins to run. The unfaithful white bitch practices her rodeo technique by riding the fertile bull until the bed nearly collapses in on itself. And this is the point in our story where the horny blonde gets her ass fucked.........hard and without letting up one bit. How hard? Well, the cheating wife's pussy gushes/squirts/drenches the entire bed until Rob blows his load in her fuck hole. Mikki Lynn's got some explaining to do to her man when he notices her weight gain in the very near future.

Syren De Mer に 'The Hard Sell'

Syren De Mer - The Hard Sell

When Danny D's stepmom Syren De Mer called him up and told him she had a big surprise, the last thing he was expecting was that she bought a big-ass mini van. So when she pulled up in the ultimate soccer-mom-mobile, he wasn't exactly overjoyed. How was he supposed to meet chicks in a mini van? To convince Danny that any woman would be glad to get a ride with him, Syren decided to take a ride of her own on his huge dick! She sucked his fat cock in the front seat, and then climbed in back so she could take it balls deep in her tight MILF pussy! By the time they were done fucking and Danny had given her a nice load of jizz, all of his worries about the new car were long gone!

Mikki Lynn に 'Mikki Lynn'

Mikki Lynn - Mikki Lynn

Horny blonde MILF Mikki Lynn's mouth gets totally fucked to the depths and she just love it. Having a lot of experience in cock sucking, the more a cock goes deep in her throat, the more she loves it and get excited!

Syren De Mer に 'and Mr. Pete in My Friends Hot Mom'

Syren De Mer - My Friends Hot Mom

Syren De Mer is having a party at her house and her son's friend's are all invited. Her son's best friend, Mr. Pete, shows up a little early to drop off the cases of energy drink so they can stay up all night partying. Syren doesn't think they need all those drinks to party, she has other ways in mind to party and stay up with Mr. Pete. Sex gives her all the energy she needs and she's ready to show Mr. Pete that. Well Mr. Pete makes sure to unload his energy shot all over his friend's hot mom.

Syren De Mer に 'Lex Is A Motherfucker 2'

Syren De Mer - Lex Is A Motherfucker 2

Even a legendary ebony stud like Lexington Steele can lose his mojo, so he doesn't expect much from mature sex surrogate Syren De Mer. Lex finds himself in a sexual trance through which he can feel her talented mouth enveloping his enormous black cock. This slender, busty therapist takes control of her patient, and in a session of wild interracial ass fucking, she rides his huge shaft to anal ecstasy. Syren sucks his pole ass-to-mouth and hungrily worships Lex's heavy ball sack until he nuts all over her face.

Syren De Mer に 'Anal Motherfucker 02'

Syren De Mer - Anal Motherfucker 02

A sultry, brunette cougar in sexy lingerie, Syren De Mer wants to prove her anal skills in a kinky audition for director Mike Adriano. This glamorous MILF can't wait to have the director's massive cock thrust between her phat, jiggling butt cheeks. Syren spreads her buttocks and probes her anus with a finger, then turns to reveal her big, round boobies before wrapping her lips around Mike's big tool. She drools and gags in an extreme, deep-throat blow job. A ferocious anal fuck stretches Syren's asshole. The nasty slut sucks cock ass-to-mouth, kneeling for a messy oral cum shot.

Syren De Mer に 'Try My Milf Shake'

Syren De Mer - Try My Milf Shake

What happens when you get Alura Jensen, Tiffany Minx, and Syren de Mer together for an epic four-way orgy? These PAWG hotties are going to let Keiran sample each of their sweet holes one after the other until they've had enough. This scene has it all: ass-eating, butt shaking, a three-handed group blowjob, and the sluts even stack up in an epic anal pyramid! Cum along with Keiran as he lets these horny Milfs compete for a taste of his fat cock, and bounces from pussy-fuck to anal until it's time to spray a big load all over their faces.

Syren De Mer に 'Syren loves it in the ass'

Syren De Mer - Syren loves it in the ass

So today with have the really sexy miss Syren Demer. She tells us constantly that she loves anal more than anything and the best fucking she has ever had has been a 12 inch cock in her ass. So I don't about you guys but I am ready to see how this anal adventures goes down on this one.

Syren De Mer に 'and Bill Bailey in Seduced by a cougar'

Syren De Mer - Seduced By A Cougar

It's Syren De Mer's first time posting an ad online. She's never done anything like what she's about to do, but she found an eager young stud who is very interested and shows up in no time. He's a little disappointed though because her ad specifically stated "brand new laptop" and the one she is selling is falling apart everywhere. Syren is sorry about the misunderstanding and is very interested in making it up to him so she drops to her knees and sucks on his massive cock. Not happy with just the taste of cock in her mouth, she bends over her couch and has him pound her wet pussy. This hung stud has just been..SEDUCED BY A COUGAR!

Mikki Lynn に ' and Tyler Nixon in My Friends Hot Mom'

Mikki Lynn - My Friends Hot Mom

Mikki Lynn gest excited when the doorbell rings because she's expecting her date for the candlelight dinner she set up. But when she finds out it's just her friend's son Tyler, she's disappointed, knowing that she's been stood up. Tyler feels bad for her and offers to fill-in on the date so she'll still have a good time, but after she accepts his offer the MILF gets a little frisky with him. Uncomfortable, he attempts to bolt but his friend's hot mom won't let him! Insistant on a date, she takes what she wants -- Tyler's dick down her throat!

Mikki Lynn に ' and Jessy Jones  in Seduced by a cougar'

Mikki Lynn - Seduced By A Cougar

Jessy's potential landlord shows him a place that could be his, but she warns him of the current bitchy tenant. But when he sees the sexy blonde, Mikki Lynn, she's obviously interested in him. The landlord does her thing, and when she leaves, Jessy stays behind. The inner cougar in Mikki comes out and she instantly gets wet to suck Jessy's new dick and fuck him in what will be her old apartment!

Syren De Mer に 'Watch Your Tongue, Missy'

Syren De Mer - Watch Your Tongue, Missy

When Syren de Mer met her new husband she didn't sign up for the little teen brat that came along with him. But she's got to take it like a package deal, even if Keiyra Kelly is a total bitch and needs this hot Milf to teach her some manners. She sneaks in before bed-time to have a quick word, and the two hot nymphos keep each other up all night long, finger-deep in each other's snatches.

Syren De Mer に 'and Daniel Hunter in My First Sex Teacher'

Syren De Mer - My First Sex Teacher

Daniel dreams of becoming a motorsports professional, which is why he has no interest in attending Professor Syren De Mer's lecture on European history. She sits him down in a private classroom meeting to discuss this, but her words don't seem to be getting through to him, so she lends to other tactics that draw his attention: her big tits! Daniel's enamored that his college teacher would seduce him with her massive rack in her own classroom, and when she locks the door and starts undressing him, he decides European history really is important.

Syren De Mer に 'Fortune Telling Fuck'

Syren De Mer - Fortune Telling Fuck

Syren works as a psychic, though her powers leave something to be desired. She's bored out of her mind reading fortunes to love sick ladies. But then a woman walks in with her boyfriend Erik, and Syren knows exactly what lies ahead for him.

Syren De Mer に 'The XXX Files'

Syren De Mer - The XXX Files

Syren is a new recruit with the FBI, and is dying to get out into the field. Her boss has just informed her of some secret files they think Ramon has gotten a hold of. It's up to Agent De Mer to retrieve them - and she will use any method at her disposal!

Syren De Mer に 'Youre a Man Now, Johnny'

Syren De Mer - Youre a Man Now, Johnny

Sexy MILF Syren can't stop dreaming about her neighbor Johnny's cock. He's all grown up, and she can't stop thinking about him and his man meat. To find out once and for all what he's packing, Mrs. D cooks up a plan to get that dick in her house, and her pussy.

Syren De Mer に 'MILF Gape'

Syren De Mer - MILF Gape

Mark Wood discovers a stash of love letters written to his cheating girlfriend, redheaded cougar Syren De Mer. When he confronts her, the big-boobed, mature sexpot accuses him of being boring in bed. It's the last straw! Mark pushes her face-down to bury his face between Syren's meaty ass cheeks. He shoves his big cock down this hot MILF's throat, then ravages her butthole until her sphincter gapes widely. Syren sucks his shaft ass-to-mouth and swallows every drop of Mark's cum. Having proved his point, he crumples up Syren's correspondence ... and stuffs it up her punished rectum!

Syren De Mer に 'and Alan Stafford in My Friends Hot Mom'

Syren De Mer - My Friends Hot Mom

Syren De Mer ran into her son's old friend Alan at the farmer's market the other day, and she invited him over since he remodels kitchens and she's thinking about getting a makeover. What she didn't tell Alan is that she also wants to get fucked really hard by him, but he figures it out when the MILF grabs his dick and pulls out her big tits! The idea of a kitchen remodel never felt so good...

Syren De Mer に 'Cunt-Cern Mothers of America'

Syren De Mer - Cunt-Cern Mothers of America

Bored to death during a C.M.O.A meeting to abolish pornography, Tiffany and Syren excuse themselves and show the son of the committee president how great porn is and mostly how some Mothers of America do enjoy a big young cock!

Syren De Mer に 'The Mommy X-Perience 2'

Syren De Mer - The Mommy X-Perience 2

Big-hipped, fortysomething brunette Syren De Mer is a MILF on the make. Her young, muscular boyfriend lifts her bodily and carry-fucks her right in the kitchen. 'Treat me like a dirty Mommy,' she urges. 'Who's in charge?' the boy toy taunts, launching his ass toward her face for a rim-job. He pinches closed her nose for a breathless, spit-drooling face fuck and nails her over the kitchen counter. He porks her big, fleshy butt till it gapes, and Syren sucks cock ass-to-mouth. The thirsty MILF swallows her junior partner's juice.

Syren De Mer に 'and Danny Wylde in My First Sex Teacher'

Syren De Mer - My First Sex Teacher

Danny missed his midterm, but Prof De Mer is letting him make it up after class. He goes up to ask her a question, but his pants are unbuttoned and she can't help laughing at him. After getting a good chuckle at his expense, he loses his cool and wants to know whats up. She calls him over and tells him about his zipper. He is embarassed and tries to zip up......but she is now intrigued and wants to see what he is packing in those pants.

Syren De Mer に 'and Xander Corvus in My Friends Hot Mom'

Syren De Mer - My Friends Hot Mom

Syren comes home to find Xander home cleaning his skateboard. It seems the weather is bad, so he is stuck in the house. She lectures him that he could be studying or reading book. He tells her that he dropped out of community college last semester.