Kink 'セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム' 主演 Rocky Emerson (写真 12)

Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' - Sexy Alt Girl Rocky Emerson Has Nonstop Orgasms From Fucking Machines (Fucking Machines)

私たちはあなた全員があなたが望むものを得ることを確実にしたかったので、我々は今それをファッキングマシーンと混同するつもりです。今後は束縛を受ける人もいればそうでない人もいます。このように皆のために少し何かがあります。私たちが彼女にバイブを渡す前にロッキーは官能的なストリップのいじめから私たちを始め、彼女が彼女の猫がたくさんのオルガスムから滴り落ちるのを見る。彼女のニャンニャンが素晴らしくて感動的である今、私たちは彼女を忘却するように機械ファックするプロセスを始めることができます。私たちは彼女をベンチに着席させ、マシンを彼女の空腹なオマンコに滑り込ませた。我々が最大のクソのために機械をスピードアップするにつれて、ディルドは彼女の蜂蜜穴の中で前後に滑ります。彼女はその雰囲気を使います、しかしそれは彼女が扱うにはあまりにも多くなり始めます。機械が彼女の絶頂を手に負えないようにする間、ロッキーの頭は圧倒的なエクスタシーで投げられます。次のシーンのために彼女をひっくり返して、後ろから彼女とセックスするために主演します。 Rockyは大部分のラフが大好きです、そして彼女は最高速度でマシンで最後のポジションでカミングを止めることができませんでした、しかし今回は彼女のゆっくりと深くファックすることはトリックをするようです。私達は彼女の非トップオーガズムを与えるスピードで行ったり来たりし続けます。次に私達は彼女が戻って傾いているともっと犯されています。彼女の目はすべての強力なオルガスムのために彼女の頭の中でロールバックし続けているので、彼女はかろうじて何かに集中することができません。彼女のニャンニャンがそれほど多くのクソから完全に私たちの身に着けられたら、私達は彼女を縁の向こう側に押し出すために彼女をsybianに乗せた。彼女はこのことが持つ力を信じることができません、しかし、彼女は彼女が最終的に十分に持っている前に彼女がどれくらい扱うことができるかについて調べるつもりです。

発売日 : 2月27日, 2019
タグ : ボンデージ, ディルド, マシンディルド, まっすぐ, シビアン, , 性転換

Richelle Ryan at

Richelle Ryan at

写真から Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' Sexy Alt Girl Rocky Emerson Has Nonstop Orgasms From Fucking Machines

Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 1)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 2)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 3)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 4)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 5)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 6)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 7)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 8)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 9)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 10)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 11)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 12)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 13)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 14)
Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' セクシーなALTガールロッキーエマーソンは、ファックマシンからのノンストップオーガズム (サムネイル 15)

写真から Rocky Emerson に 'Kink' Sexy Alt Girl Rocky Emerson Has Nonstop Orgasms From Fucking Machines

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン Rocky Emerson

Charlotte Sins に 'セクシーなアナル痴女!'

Charlotte Sins - セクシーなアナル痴女!


Rocky Emerson に 'ロッキー・エマーソン:背の高い尾'

Rocky Emerson - ロッキー・エマーソン:背の高い尾


Rocky Emerson に 'セッションに戻る!初めてサスペンションで犯された岩のエマーソン'

Rocky Emerson - セッションに戻る!初めてサスペンションで犯された岩のエマーソン


Rocky Emerson に 'ロッキー・エマーソン:ファックの別の夜'

Rocky Emerson - ロッキー・エマーソン:ファックの別の夜


Rocky Emerson に '過酷なボンデージで背の高い入れ墨された女は至福に苦しんでいます'

Rocky Emerson - 過酷なボンデージで背の高い入れ墨された女は至福に苦しんでいます

彼女が出会うほぼすべての人の上にロッキータワーがあります。彼女は身長6'3 "で、教皇よりもほんの少し短い。この2人の巨人は、かなりの時間の間に最もホットなシーンの1つにぶつかった。首を縛って呼吸を制限しながら、非対称の座位から始め、敏感なところはすべて傷つきやすく、The Popeは非常にサディスティックな方法でそれらを悪用しています。彼女の肌は苦痛から逃れようとするが、それは不可避であり、彼が食するもの全てに耐えなければならないことに気づかされている。これは基本的に彼女が曲がっていて自分自身に結びついている1本の足から吊り下げられることを意味します。 、s oそれをノッチを取り、それがすでにあるよりもっと極端にすることに決めました。ロープは彼女の腰に巻きつけられ、それがより多くの苦しみを引き起こすように意図的に彼女の腰の上に置かれています。彼が彼女の喜んでいる猫からより多くのオルガスムを裂く前に、彼女はおもちゃにされます。彼女の猫が木のくさびの上に休んでいる状態で木のポニーのロッキーで一日が終わります。彼女の体重のほとんどすべてが彼女の猫にかかっています、そして、彼女が今まで以上に今苦しんでいることは非常に明らかです。彼女は慰めを見つけるのに苦労します、しかし我々は皆これがどのように終わるか知っています。ネズミ捕りが彼女の乳首に置かれて、それからザッパーが導入されて、彼女の乳首と彼女の体の他の敏感な部分を帯電させます。彼は彼女を途中で送ってくる前に、彼女はもう一度中出しさせて彼女を仕上げます。

Mona Wales に 'ゴミ箱'

Mona Wales - ゴミ箱

狂った、熱いモナ・ウェールズは、クラブの裏通りでセクシーなゴミ箱赤ちゃんロッキー・エマーソンの喫煙を見つけ、ただのトラブルを探しています。彼女が見つけたトラブル。モナはそれに慣れる。ロッキーの最後のタバコを彼女のタイトな小さな体を調べながら自分自身のために取る。彼女はすぐに彼女を膝に連れて行き、ポニーのように彼女の上に座る。モナは彼女の完璧なお尻を叩いている間、彼女の口を灰皿として使うことによって彼女を屈辱にする。ロナイはモナが執拗に彼女を鞭打つように懇願する。彼女はその上にひっくり返され、彼女の胸と太ももが鞭打ちされている間、彼女の猫をこすりするように指示されます。第2のシーンは、ロッキーの上に開いています。モナはロッキーのディルドの顔に深く犯された不潔な路地の床に横たわっている。彼女が来ると、彼女はディルドギャグを裂いて、ロッキーが彼女のおなかを舐めるようにして、きれいなお尻をきれいにする。モナはロッキーの腹、胸、お尻、太ももを作って舐める前に彼女の空腹の穴に指をかけ、何度も何度も何度も何度も何度も何度も来る。 Monaのストラップは、モナが片手でクリトリをこすり、もう片方でファスナーのひもを引っ張ると、ロッキーのぬれた猫を揺さぶる。ロッキーはモナの呪文のもとで完全に痛みと喜びの間に苦しんでいる。彼女は彼女が叫んでいるように、モナは服のピンを一気に引き出します。彼女はその後、裏返しされ、汚れた路地床を舐めるようにされ、彼女は復讐に犯された。一度Monaが通過すると、Rockyは彼女が所属するゴミ箱に投げ込まれ、残忍な足の杖をモナドレスに耐えられるバイブレーターだけが与えられます。ロッキーはゴナゴロのために彼女の愛を宣言するように作られ、モナがクラブに戻って夜を再開するのに満足していたように、路地に残っていた。

Rocky Emerson に '彼女は痛みが来たときに笑う'

Rocky Emerson - 彼女は痛みが来たときに笑う

この世界には多くの美しい女性がいて、その教皇は非常に多くの人と一緒に働くことができる幸運なソブです。しかし、これは初めて彼が彼等のうちの1人に歩いて行くことができ、彼らは彼を目の中で直接見ることができます。 3フィートの高さで、この雌犬は背が高く、彼女が苦しむまで待つことはできません。彼女はかかとに立つようになり、今よりも背が高くなります。彼女は革の袖口と鎖に拘束され、壁に縛られていて、提出の戦いが始まります。彼は手を彼女に当てるとすぐに笑う。彼女は苦しみを歓迎し、教皇に完全に提出する意思がある。彼女はすべての気持ちを欲しがって、それを得るために何かをします。残忍な鞭打ちの後、彼女の乳首はクランプされ、彼女は兼に作られます。次に彼女は窮地に陥っています。ジッパーが彼女の肉に適用されると、スチールトラップが適所に保持されます。 1つは速やかに除去され、もう1つはゆっくりと最大限の苦痛を与えます。その後、家畜を掻き集めて体を掻き立てる極端な電気演奏があります。最終的なシーンでは、彼女は長い脚の上で彼女のお尻を高くして犬の位置にいます。他の通常の容疑者の間で作物と杖を持つBastinadoは、即座にタップアウトの瀬戸際でロッキーを持っています。彼女の脚は、猫が詰まって犯される前に杖のマークで縞模様になっています。彼女は今日非常に多くの方法で苦しんできましたが、最終的に彼女はもはやそれを取ることができなくなるまで彼女の意志に反してオルガズムを止めません。

他のサイトからの風景 Rocky Emerson

Dillon Diaz に 'Happy Birthday'

Dillon Diaz - Happy Birthday

It?s Dillon?s birthday and he?s spending it indulging I his favorite activity ? a session with hot Mistress Rocky Emerson. He?s one of her regulars so he knows the drill. She makes him crawl in and take his clothes off, then warms him up with spanking, paddle and cane. Then, she dons her strap-on and it?s time for a blow job, with Dillon impressing his Mistress with his work with a Bad Dragon tentacle cock. Rocky rails him but good with the blue dick, and then swears him to secrecy: since it?s his birthday, she?s going to go against dungeon rules and have actual, traditional sex with him! Dillon promises he won?t tell anyone, ever, and is treated to a mutually satisfying birthday fuck.

Rocky Emerson に 'American Daydreams'

Rocky Emerson - American Daydreams

Danny stops by to fix Rocky Emerson's shower. She's very thankful for the help but denies Danny a date after he asks her out. After all, Rocky does not want to ruin their friendship. Danny accepts the fact that he will never get to fuck Rocky... that is until his mind wanders and he begins to daydream of Rocky in sexy lingerie and fucking his brains out in the shower he just fixed for her. A man can dream, can't he?

Rocky Emerson に 'makes the most of a situation when she's interrupted in the middle of her naughty alone time'

Rocky Emerson - makes the most of a situation when she's interrupted in the middle of her naughty alone time

I've been selling door-to-door for quite some time now and have seen the best and worst of who answers the door. Today is my lucky day! I stop by Rocky Emerson's place and give her my pitch but she ends up pitching my tent. Apparently, I interrupted her mid-masturbation and now that I've arrived, she wants me to help her finish.

Rocky Emerson に 'Tall Tatted Brunette Babe Rocky Emerson Fucked Hard'

Rocky Emerson - Tall Tatted Brunette Babe Rocky Emerson Fucked Hard

Rocky Emerson is truly a sight to behold. This tall, slender, tattooed goddess has the face of a supermodel and the mind of a slut. Covered in ink the only thing as unique as her look is her personality. This soft-spoken, yet kinky, babe has piercing blue eyes that will have you confusing your lust for love. Let this brunette bombshell take you for a ride as she rides, sucks, licks, strokes, and orgasms in this extra spicy encounter.

Rocky Emerson に 'Bike Breaker Busts Her Squirty Pussy Til The Cops Show Up'

Rocky Emerson - Bike Breaker Busts Her Squirty Pussy Til The Cops Show Up

Kaiia Eve is out for a leisurely bike ride when she parks her bike right behind the van Rocky Emerson is about to steal. Rocky quickly puts the van in reverse, rolling over Kaiia's bike. Kaiia, pissed, approaches Rocky to confront her and instantly realizes that she's in over her head. Rocky discovers Kaiia's bag full of sex toys and decides to take Kaiia into the back and teach her how to squirt using her whole fist. When a cop, Kyle Mason, shows up, Rocky uses a strap-on intimidation tactics to get Kyle's cock out and into the mix. Kyle forgets about his civic duty and only thinks of cumming in both the egar and open mouths of these bad ass babes.

Rocky Emerson に 'Jade Venus and Rocky Emerson: Hard and Wet'

Rocky Emerson - Jade Venus and Rocky Emerson: Hard and Wet

Jade Venus is a glamorous, dirty blonde TS with lush lips, pierced nipples, big boobs and a boner. Tall, slender Rocky Emerson is a pretty, busty cisgender girl with elaborate tattoo art and a shaved snatch. Both in sumptuous, burgundy lingerie, they tease, strip, caress and kiss. When Rocky goes down for a blowjob, Jade's diamond-hard dick fucks her mouth. Jade sensually licks and sucks Rocky's pink pussy. Ms. Venus slides her steely rod into Rocky's gash. They bounce and writhe, Rocky gasping and whimpering with her leg up on Jade's shoulder. Side-saddle on the couch, Jade stuffs her meaty rod into Rocky's tight butthole and humps deeply. Rocky sucks the thick prick ass-to-mouth, leading to a tasty kiss. Jade rims Rocky, slapping her ass. Rocky impales her sphincter on Jade's joint for a groaning anal ride. The lovers enjoy more pussy packing, their thighs slapping. Rocky takes a doggie-style drilling on the couch. Jade lies back to masturbate, Rocky begging for cum. Semen splashes Rocky's tongue. She cleans Jade's meat orally, and they share a spunky kiss.

Rocky Emerson に 'Emma Rose and Rocky Emerson: Intimacy'

Rocky Emerson - Emma Rose and Rocky Emerson: Intimacy

Hot TS Emma Rose and elaborately tattooed, cisgender female Rocky Emerson share a beautiful tryst. Dirty blonde Emma has a cute face, lush lips and decoratively pierced nipples. She wears red lingerie, heels and a hard-on! Rocky is a slender, longhaired brunette with big boobs and a shaved snatch beneath her black panties and stockings. In tease footage, the playful girls French kiss and strip. Emma eats pussy, her wet tongue lapping luxuriously. Rocky tastes her juice on Emma's finger, and Emma masturbates as she licks labia. Next, Rocky makes Emma's boner disappear via a spit-soaked, deepthroat blowjob. Rocky lies back, legs spread, and Emma fucks her twat. As they grind, Emma indulges her foot fetish, sucking Rocky's stocking-encased toes. Rocky mounts Emma for a fucking ride -- the cis lady's big, fleshy butt cheeks bounce, hump, grind and flap, with audible skin slapping. Rocky goes down for a pussy-to-mouth BJ, and then a rim job as Emma jacks her she-dick. The girls share a tasty kiss. Emma rims and eats Rocky from behind, and then hammer-fucks her cunt doggie-style as Rocky frigs her clit, gasping and wailing in orgasmic reverie. They share an intimate titty fuck. More cunnilingus drives Rocky to ecstasy. The closing shot captures beautiful, romantic mouth kissing.

Rocky Emerson に '- Cuckold Sessions'

Rocky Emerson - Cuckold Sessions

Rocky has been such a good GF to her Rockstar BF Daxxx, she has let him fuck all the groupies he wants all the time and never complains. So finally she feels like she needs some time for her, just for her and the big dicks she needs to keep her happy. He knows it's fair and is tentatively supportive. She says hey Hunny you know how you like big tits , well "I like Big Dicks" So after a few calls she brings some of her favorite big studs home to show her man what she wants. Whipping their cocks out right in front of him she sets down to sucking them in a very excited manner. "Don't you think I am pretty like this?" She asks. And she is right, her BF Daxx quickly comes around to seeing his gorgeous GF getting railed by these two handsome men and begins to take photos. Daxxx is taken aback though when soon she is begging for cock in her ass too and even he has never been there. Not a girl to stop there she gets both guys in her at the same time for a classic DP. Rocky is in heaven finally getting the attention she deserves. A couple of shots of cum and she has the smile of a lifetime with plans for more.

Rocky Emerson に 'Tattooed and Ready For Anal'

Rocky Emerson - Tattooed and Ready For Anal

Tall, tattooed and tantalizing, Rocky Emerson spreads her legs and her ass cheeks for Keiran Lee, who fills all her holes with his big dick and feet! Rocky not only wants a taste of Keiran's dick, but his ass too, giving him a sloppy blowjob and rimjob in this all-out anal scene!

Rocky Emerson に 'Rockys Mouth Rocks The Cock'

Rocky Emerson - Rockys Mouth Rocks The Cock

I hit the beautiful babe jackpot today! A very leggy hottie with amazing blue eyes was laying out trying to catch some sun. I just put it out there that I wanted to meet up later and she was game. As hot as she was, she sucked cock even better and begged for my cum on her face!

Rocky Emerson に 'POV Cock Worship'

Rocky Emerson - POV Cock Worship

Slender tattooed hottie, Rocky Emerson, is an alluring seductress who can't help but enjoy sucking and fucking a stiff cock in front of the camera. The beautiful lady in sexy lingerie teasingly crawls toward the camera before excitedly giving the hard dick a sensual blowjob. Rocky then gives the lucky stud a passionate footjob before letting him experience an unforgettable rimjob. The inked beauty uses her soft tongue and warm lips to please the horny lad. She makes sure to lick every inch of his shaft before sucking his balls. Rocky continues to tease and please her man with her hands and mouth. She then gives the lucky hunk a handjob until he cums inside her mouth. Rocky plays with the sticky jizz while giving the camera a hearty smile.

Daisy Ducati に 'Destroys Super Model Rocky Emerson'

Daisy Ducati - Destroys Super Model Rocky Emerson

Daisy Ducati has a knack for ripping orgasms out of her opponent. Daisy likes to get her strong 'lethal legs' wrapped around her opponent so she can hold her down and dig her fingers into her pussy. It's a signature move Daisy has and it seems to work very very well. Rocky Emerson is a 6'3 tall tattooed goddess. She has some dangerous legs on her as well. Those long Gams seem to come from nowhere and Daisy has a hard time fighting them off. This match goes all three rounds after these two women fight hard to pin each other down and sexually have their way with their opponent. The winner takes no mercy on the loser. The Winner throws the loser on the ground, makes her give a wet sloppy blow job, and then fucks her mercilessly. The loser is made to cum over and over and over again. The Winner wants to cum as well so she uses the loser for her pleasure. She trib fucks the loser, rubbing her beautiful pussy all over the loser

Rocky Emerson に 'Pantyhose and Anal Hosing'

Rocky Emerson - Pantyhose and Anal Hosing

Tattooed, leggy beauty Rocky Emerson tempts in high stilettos and seductive pantyhose. She reveals the black butt plug lodged in her tight rectum, and Rocky masturbates. Heavily hung stud Mick Blue oils up her ass cheeks and gives her a worshipful rim job. He licks her pussy, and he pries open her asshole with a thick dildo. Mick's thick prick fucks her eager butthole, and Rocky screams in delight. Her asshole gapes! She gives his big cock an ass-to-mouth blowjob, and dirty Rocky tongues his bunghole. Hard pussy fucking and anal reaming climax with Rocky swallowing cum.

Rocky Emerson に 'Fucked Out Of Frame'

Rocky Emerson - Fucked Out Of Frame

Small Hands visits an art gallery like no other and is absolutely stunned when he sees a framed Rocky Emerson hanging on the wall amongst the rest of the paintings. This leggy beauty is truly a masterpiece! Rocky teases her observer, fondling her tits and fingering her pussy, and requests a bottle of oil from him, rubbing its contents all over her body until she slides down from the wall. Once her feet touch the ground, Rocky wants Small Hands' big cock, deepthroating it and taking it in all her holes for some dripping wet hardcore anal sex.

Jane Wilde に 'To-Tall Anal Domination'

Jane Wilde - To-Tall Anal Domination

Jane Wilde thinks she can use her hot petite body to seduce her new boss, but the boss' wife, the tall and sexy Rocky Emerson, has other plans! Rocky is not about to let another young assistant try to steal her husband and takes the proactive approach, telling Jane that if she's fucking anyone, it's gonna be her! Using her towering size, and with the help off a strap on, Rocky dominates her smaller foe with some hardcore anal lesbian action that will prove who the real boss is in this office!

Rocky Emerson に 'Rocky Fucks the Cum Out of Ricky'

Rocky Emerson - Rocky Fucks the Cum Out of Ricky

Ricky Larkin just wants a break. He lays down to try to relax when sexy ass Rocky Emerson shows up with a strap-on. "Oh, I just came by to fuck you in the ass and jerk you off..."She opens his hole nice and easy then takes him to pound town hard and laughs while the big muscle man squirms underneath her with her pretty pink cock in his ass. Eventually, she flips him over and milks out his load while she's still inside him.

Rocky Emerson に 'Tattooed Brunette Rocky Emerson Footjob'

Rocky Emerson - Tattooed Brunette Rocky Emerson Footjob

Rocky Emerson is a tattooed six-foot-tall, skinny slut with a beautiful face who loves to suck cock. This brunette hottie dressed in red lingerie is ready to drop to her knees and take your hard cock down her throat. She teases with her ass, breasts and talks dirty. She strokes the dick while licking your balls and your ass and she enjoys every second of it. Sit back, relax, and let this stunning woman do all the work. Rocky is so eager to swallow your dick, she takes one an more times your cock in her mouth, licks your balls while you enjoy seeing this beautiful slut blue eyes stared your with passion while she devours your dick, now she sits on the floor and begin her job with her foots rubbering your dick, she uses her long legs, and then she lick your ass and back to suck your dick again and again till you are ready to release your hot jizz inside her mouth, while she savors it and swallows.

Rocky Emerson に 'Inked Nympho Rocky Emerson Is Back'

Rocky Emerson - Inked Nympho Rocky Emerson Is Back

Rocky Emerson is a tall, tattooed, sexy slut who is back and ready for more hot XXX action. Watch as she teases with her dreamy light eyes and nice round tits before getting a hard pumping from an eager guy. She gets it from the top, bottom, and side before receiving an explosive facial. Don't miss this 6ft tall beauty as she does what she does best. This beautiful alt tattooed brunette shows up wearing suggestive black lingerie showing her big tits, butt, and tight pussy then she lain in the couch, fingering her pussy and touching her tits, and continues inserting her fingers in her pussy, then appears Nathan Bronson and help her to touch her pussy right away she goes directly to take her dick and give him a good blowjob inserting his cock deeper on her throat while moaning and gagging, after that he gives her good oral sex while she enjoys and screaming of the emotion, next she places on her back and received a very hard penetration on her wet pussy for the front and the side, she always screaming and talk dirty very excited, now she rides his cock, then she poses on doggy position and Nathan bury her dick inside her pussy after she goes on her knees and receives a hot jizz in her mouth.

Rocky Emerson に 'Alt Tattooed Rocky Emerson Bounce my Balls'

Rocky Emerson - Alt Tattooed Rocky Emerson Bounce my Balls

Alex Legend surprises his alt tattooed girlfriend Rocky Emerson with a funny game of balls, which allows them to interact with each other and have a pleasant moment, the objective is to bounce balls into a hole and connect 4 before the other person. The catch is, if you miss the hole you take off an article of clothing. Things heat up pretty quick and before she knows it she's getting sprayed with a huge load of hot cum. Alex loses the play quickly and exposed his big cock to Rocky. She takes his cock to suck and lick while trying to insert it in the back of her throat, he returns favors licking her pussy making her moan excitedly. When she's ready with her wet pussy, she rides that dick like a cowgirl. After a while, he puts her on the couch with her legs up to penetrate her pussy very hard in different positions sideways while she groans and screams, again and again, now she rides again while he laid on the floor, then she sucks her cock before placing herself in a doggy position, to continue being penetrated till her climax. Finally, she receives a hot and creamy sperm on her back and takes it to taste it in her mouth. Did you like the Game? Oh Yeah!.

Rocky Emerson に 'Cum on my Tattoo - Rocky'

Rocky Emerson - Cum on my Tattoo - Rocky

Rocky Emerson, covered in killer tats from head to toe, is a gorgeous goddess who's just aching to get fucked. Kyle Mason's up to the task though, and kisses her hard, squeezing her perfect titties before Rocky drops to her knees. She takes his huge cock down her throat, gagging on it as he fucks her greedy mouth.

Kyle lays Rocky down and buries his face in her juicy pussy. She's already dripping wet and ready to get pounded, so Kyle slides his cock into her, fucking her tight hole as he works her clit with his thumb.

Rocky's been craving some cum on her tattoos...and Rocky's the kind of girl who ALWAYS gets what she wants.

Rocky Emerson に 'Trust Me'

Rocky Emerson - Trust Me

Rocky arrives at their vacation destination a day ahead of Mick, who has stayed behind for work. She loses no time in finding her own private brand of enjoyment and is careful to clean up the evidence. Or so she thinks.

Rocky Emerson に 'Rocky is the perfect housewife'

Rocky Emerson - Rocky is the perfect housewife

A clean house, long legs, and a women who's ready to serve; Rocky Emerson is every man's dream. After cleaning the kitchen her man comes home and they make a mess of it together. She drops to her knees ready to please!! Enjoy watching her take every inch down her throat and receive a long hard cock in her tight wet pussy. She bends over the countertop and moans with ecstasy as she thrusted into. Then her favorite dessert is served fresh and warm...CREAM PIE.

Rocky Emerson に 'Skinny Tattooed Rocky Emerson Wakes You Up'

Rocky Emerson - Skinny Tattooed Rocky Emerson Wakes You Up

Imagine waking up in your bedroom to see hottie tattooed brunette Rocky Emerson in a short night suit, ready and horny for you to suck your cock and let you play with her natural tits while looking directly to you with those big blue eyes, deep throat... Experience in POV action this beautiful babe giving you many blowjobs till you cum on her natural tits, an unforgettable experience.

Rocky Emerson に 'Two gorgeous models both over 6ft tall do nude wrestling'

Rocky Emerson - Two gorgeous models both over 6ft tall do nude wrestling

Two sexy models Both over 6ft Tall take each other on in competitive Lesbian wrestling. Rocky Emersonhas wrestling experience from her school years. She is a slight Height advantage over miss Lux. Lux hasdone lesbian wrestling in the past and has always wanted to be in the WWE. She has a jobber kind ofattitude, so she is in for a world of hurt today since this is REAL wrestling with no predeterminedoutcomes. Her dramatic Antic are great for the WWE but will they do her any good here where we haveevolved. These girls both have legs for days, but Lux Lives does have a significant weight advantage. After avery hard-fought sexy battle, the winner is determined. The loser is fucked with a miserable look on herface. She really really did not want to lose today. The winner fucks the loser and cums all over her.

Rocky Emerson に 'Hookup Hotshot: Sex Tapes Volume 10'

Rocky Emerson - Hookup Hotshot: Sex Tapes Volume 10

Tattooed brunette Rocky Emerson's asshole puckers as she prepares for her first anal experience. She trusts dominant stud Bryan Gozzling to plow her sweet asshole just right. He inspects her tall, fit body and then plunges his fingers deep inside her pink pussy. Rocky squirts girl cum all over herself! She gives Bryan a deepthroat blowjob, spit streaming from her mouth. Bryan's thick cock deflowers her virgin sphincter and plows her rectum! Her butthole gapes! See hard anal reaming, tasty rimming, an ass-to-mouth blowjob and a dripping cum facial!

Rocky Emerson に 'Beautiful tall models fuck after a nude wrestling match'

Rocky Emerson - Beautiful tall models fuck after a nude wrestling match

London River is so far undefeated for her Lesbian matches on evolved fights. This will be her secondmatch for the season. Rocky Emerson hasn't had such a good start to the season. Standing 6'3 her longlimbs have given her opponents trouble on the mats but not enough trouble to get the victory. Both thesewomen are truly Amazon goddesses with perfect model physiques and leg power that could pop anyuntrained man's head off. Today is a battle of the long limbs. Both these models are tall in height butRocky clearly has the height advantage in this match and because Rocky is so tall, she dwarf's Londonwho isn't a small girl. These two horny porn stars go for a lot of kissing, tribbing and finger action to gainfavor in the judges eyes. One wrestler has better luck pinning her opponent and she is almost able to gether opponent to come on the mats. One wrestler is behind by points in round 3 and is desperate to gether opponent cumming so she can't win with an orgasm on the mat. it's an orgasmic match! The winnerstrap on fucks the bitter loser and rubs in the humiliation.

Rocky Emerson に 'Beautiful 6'1 Super Model is Destroyed by Male Wrestler'

Rocky Emerson - Beautiful 6'1 Super Model is Destroyed by Male Wrestler

Rocky Emerson is a 6'2 Goddess with long limbs that can wrap you up and squeeze the life out of you.Ruckus is a 6'1 tatted out stud who's really good with his hands. He's great at building things, but he'salso great at tearing things down. Today he plans on tearing down Rocky mentally and physically. This isa hard fought battle between two giant combatants. Rocky has some sweet leg scissors that she is ableto sweep and choke Ruckus with, but Ruckus has a ridiculous "small package" hold with which he is ableto wrap Rocky in to get his pin and sex fight points. The Winner totally dominates the Loser in wrestling,and this means that for the Prize round the Winner has earned the privilege of humiliating the loser withhorrible things like sweaty asshole sniffing and licking, armpit sniffing and licking, lift and carries, andorgasm squirted into the face. It's too bad the Loser enjoys every second of the humiliation. After all,These wrestlers sign up for winner fucks loser ending and they know exactly what the consequences are.They may not like losing, but they love being taken as a prize.

Rocky Emerson に 'Alternative Beauty'

Rocky Emerson - Alternative Beauty

Rocky is a gorgeous alt model with legs for days. She writhes on the bed showing off her toned, inked body. With smoldering eyes, she beckons Ryan to the bed. Her smooth pussy welcoming that hard cock into her, urging him to go faster and deeper until he cums.

Leda Elizabeth に 'Leda Meets Rocky Obsession'

Leda Elizabeth - Leda Meets Rocky Obsession

Talk about being meant for each other!!! Leda Elizabeth and Rocky Emerson are two filthy, tattoo'ed sluts who absolutely love licking, fingering and sucking pussy. These tall, skinny, alternative style models are exactly whats needed for a super hot girl on girl scene. Enjoy watching their epic first time together...and after this it certainly wont be their last.

Leda Elizabeth に 'Karl's Groupies'

Leda Elizabeth - Karl's Groupies

Take an in depth look into the life of SUPERSTAR Karl ToughLove!! The parties, the money and most importantly....the women. They live to serve this ultimate Alpha male. Rocky and Leda happen to be the next lucky sluts in line and they get taken for a ride on the ToughLove train. They are fully submissive and happy to please in their red heels and kinky lingerie. they take turns sucking and fucking while appreciating every moment they all have together. This scene is packed with real, intense, orgasms and a chemistry thats hard to recreate. This is the life most can only dream about.

Rocky Emerson に 'Up Close And Personal'

Rocky Emerson - Up Close And Personal

Rocky Emerson has got to be one of the most beautiful girls we have ever come across. Her deep blue eyes, long legs and busty chest have her looking like a super model...a really slutty one!! But this tattooed babe has more to her than just her looks. She has a playful, kinky personality to match. She talks with us about her sexual desires and fetishes as well as what she's planning for the future. Catch a different side to her that isn't often shown, then catch the side of her that is often shown immediately after. She spreads her legs, opens her mouth and does what she does best.

Kate Kennedy に 'Rocky Loves Kate Obsession'

Kate Kennedy - Rocky Loves Kate Obsession

When All-American girl Kate Kennedy meets the hardcore, yet elegant, slut Rocky Emerson, sparks fly. Although they appear much different, deep down they want the same eat each others tight, wet, holes. They admire the others beautiful form, touch and kiss, then begin to turn up the heat. They take turns satisfying one another when sucking their sensitive clits and fingering their tight pussies. These two lesbian lovers will not disappoint.

Rocky Emerson に 'Priest John's Dark Side'

Rocky Emerson - Priest John's Dark Side

In the spirit of Halloween, we find it only fitting that Rocky Emerson is locked in a cage by Eric John, and only allowed out when she's been an obedient pet slut. Watch, as father John allows Rocky out into the wild, and into his home. He has his way with her, by pounding her in several different positions...and covering her in multiple cum shots.

Rocky Emerson に 'Rocky Is The Perfect Housewife'

Rocky Emerson - Rocky Is The Perfect Housewife

A clean house, long legs, and a women who's ready to serve; Rocky Emerson is every man's dream. After cleaning the kitchen her man comes home and they make a mess of it together. She drops to her knees ready to please!! Enjoy watching her take every inch down her throat and receive a long hard cock in her tight wet pussy. She bends over the countertop and moans with ecstasy as she thrusted into. Then her favorite desert is served fresh and warm....CREAM PIE.

Rocky Emerson に 'Evil Oil'

Rocky Emerson - Evil Oil

Rocky Emerson tweaks her hard nipples between her fingers as she oils up her luscious titties. Slathering oil all over her tight asshole, she spreads her sweet cheeks and flicks her swollen clit, her warm fuck-box twitching with anticipation. Steve Holmes arrives to stretch out her holes, but before he can drench her with his hot goo, he drenches her with even MORE oil, getting her primed and ready for his massive man-meat. When he has Rocky totally BEGGING for it, Steve lets her have it, feeding his monster member down her cum-guzzling throat before he slides it inside her sopping wet pussy. With her snug fuck-hole wrapped around his dick, these two are about to turn each other out and let their juices loose...

Rocky Emerson に 'Rocky Emerson's Soldier'

Rocky Emerson - Rocky Emerson's Soldier

Rocky Emerson is a tall, tattooed, sex fiend who can't get enough of her boyfriend massive hard cock. Sadly he happens to be a soldier committed to serving his great country. This means when he leaves he may never come back...and today he's been called to serve. But before he goes Rocky has a burning desire to feel him penetrate her tight loving hole one last time. When his uniform is put on, her clothes come off and the passion ignites between them. She takes him deep down her throat in a way neither will ever forget followed by a steamy pounding how only a trained soldier can. Rocky fucks like it may be her last time.

Rocky Emerson に 'Cum Slut'

Rocky Emerson - Cum Slut

What do you get when you take a tall, elegant, high end super model and mix her with a hardcore, tattooed biker bitch?? Answer... Rocky Emerson. with the face of an angel and the mind of a devious slut, rocky can't wait to blow your mind, and your cock. She teases, strips and plays with herself before gobbling down a hard cock, using her mouth to warm it up for her tight, warm hole. Witness the beauty that is Rocky Emerson taking it balls deep and loving every inch. In this gonzo style scene Rocky shows you the definition of being a bad bitch.

Rocky Emerson に 'Priest John's Dark Side'

Rocky Emerson - Priest John's Dark Side

In the spirit of Halloween, we find it only fitting that Rocky Emerson is locked in a cage by Eric John, and only allowed out when she's been an obedient pet slut. Watch, as father John allows Rocky out into the wild, and into his home. He has his way with her, by pounding her in several different positions...and covering her in multiple cum shots.

Rocky Emerson に 'Hookup Hotshot: Sex Tapes Volume 7'

Rocky Emerson - Hookup Hotshot: Sex Tapes Volume 7

Tall, tattooed brunette Rocky Emerson masturbates naked on her bed, perusing a lewd dating site. The pig-tailed floozy matches with director Bryan Gozzling, quickly heading to his place for a decadent dick-down. Bryan eats and fingers her cunt to climax. He stuffs his meat into her throat for a rude blowjob. Bryan presses her head into the floor as he slam-fucks her slit, and he clutches her neck as he nails Rocky from behind. As he jams his hand into her mouth, Rocky expels nasty gag-spit into a dish. Bryan plows her pussy with her head buried in the bowl. Finally, he blasts his cum in her eyes and over her face!

Rocky Emerson に 'Is A Top Model POV'

Rocky Emerson - Is A Top Model POV

Rocky Emerson is long and lean, and full of dick sucking steam. Watch this leggy vixen get down and dirty. She may try to hide behind that beautiful face, but she cannot hide her inner whore tendencies. That face also looks really nice, looking up at you, while she's sucking your cock in this hardcore POV action. Between the tattoos, and the titties, we know there is no way she is fooling you into believing she is a good girl.....only when she is listening to your commands. She also listens when it comes to taking cum.

Rocky Emerson に 'Rocky And Lexi Jerk Off Instruction'

Rocky Emerson - Rocky And Lexi Jerk Off Instruction

Rocky Emerson is all legs....Lexi Foxy is long, and built for speed too. These two ladies also know how to work a cock. Not only do they know how to eat pussy, but they can instruct you on how to jerk your own cock off. This intimate lesbian encounter will have you so ready to go, and just when that happens, they will tell you how to do it, and how its done. Trust them on this one....this is not their first time.

Rocky Emerson に 'Bratty Teens : Rocky Emerson'

Rocky Emerson - Bratty Teens : Rocky Emerson

Rocky Emerson thinks that because she's tall and totally fucking gorgeous, that nobody will care about asking for ID - but handsome bartender Small Hands wasn't having it as she tried flirting and lifting her little black dress revealing her lacy red lingerie underneath. She had to go... but this bratty teen got horny when he scolded her, so she stomped off into the bathroom stall to masturbate! Shocked to find her, she admitted the truth, asking if she could stay for some cock. Instead of pounding drinks at the bar, he could pound her tight pussy deep and hard all over it! Getting cum drunk is more fun anyway.

Rocky Emerson に 'Rocky Emerson's Obsession'

Rocky Emerson - Rocky Emerson's Obsession

Where edgy meets will find Rocky Emerson. This girl is fairly new to the adult industry, but she knows her way around a BBC. Standing 6 feet, 2 inches tall, this girl has a lot of leg to wrap around a man. She does exactly that, in this hot scene with Ray Black. What she also does, is take his HUGE cock all the way down her where throat. She also take it all in her pussy...balls deep. Ray is even nice enough to give her the special man sauce at the end.