Kink 'HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane' 主演 Cherry Torn (写真 11)

Cherry Torn,Eliza Jane に 'Kink' - HUSH Ep 2: Cherry Torn Breaks In The New Girl Eliza Jane (Kink Features)

ハッピーのエピソード2で...エリザジェーンは実際に彼女の上司、チェリートーンの個人的なファックおもちゃとして彼女の役割で、特にランジェリー会社で彼女の新しい仕事に入っています。 CherryがElizaにBDSM関連プロジェクトに取り組むよう依頼し、彼女がそれを実現するために必要なインスピレーションを彼女に与えることは、製品についてのすべてです。彼女はElizaを結びつけ、彼女の尻が露出し、足首が縛られ、手首が背中に結ばれた状態で、彼女を完全なサスペンションに置く。チェリーは彼女の完全な、熟したお尻を鞭打ち、彼女が彼女の猫を食べさせるために立って、スティックに太った脂肪のディックで彼女の浸した空腹のおならを叩き、彼女が望むあらゆる方法で彼女の新しい従業員を使用します。エミザの終わりまでに、エリザは働くことに完全に動機づけられましたが、いつでもよりインスピレーションのために戻ってくる準備ができて、喜んでいます。

発売日 : 12月22日, 2017
タグ : まっすぐ, チェリートーン, ランジェリー, サスペンション, bdsm

写真から Cherry Torn,Eliza Jane に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2: Cherry Torn Breaks In The New Girl Eliza Jane

Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 1)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 2)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 3)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 4)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 5)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 6)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 7)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 8)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 9)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 10)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 11)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 12)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 13)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 14)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 15)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 16)
Cherry Torn に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2:新しい女の子の桜の裂け目Eliza Jane (サムネイル 17)

写真から Cherry Torn,Eliza Jane に 'Kink' HUSH Ep 2: Cherry Torn Breaks In The New Girl Eliza Jane

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン Cherry Torn,Eliza Jane

Cherry Torn に 'あなたの距離を保つ:チェリー引き裂かれ、シャーマンのmaus'

Cherry Torn - あなたの距離を保つ:チェリー引き裂かれ、シャーマンのmaus


Cherry Torn に 'チェリークリスマス!桜の引き裂きは休日のためにケージに入れ'

Cherry Torn - チェリークリスマス!桜の引き裂きは休日のためにケージに入れ

チェリー・トーンは、いくつかの変態休日の喜びで私たちすべてを楽しませます!彼女のケージにロックされ、彼女は彼女の貪欲な猫に大きなコックのファックマシンを挿入し、いくつかのソロの満足のためにそれを回転させます。余分な楽しみのために、彼女はいくつかのクローバークランプを置き、彼女は自分自身を喜んでいる間、痛みで遊びます。日立の手の届くところに、彼女はさらにオーガズムを誘発するために彼女のクリトリスに強力なバイブレーターを置きます。彼女は最終的に後ろから犯されたマシンを取得するために彼女のケージを脱出する準備ができています!彼女の手と膝の上に、 良い従順なふしだらな女のように、 チェリーは、マシンが彼女のgスポットを打つために角度で彼女を貫通するために彼女の栄光のお尻を広げます。彼女は何度も何度もクライマックスとしてマシンが彼女の女を打っていることを確認します。もう一度、彼女はより強烈なマシン誘発オーガズムのために日立を持って来ます!メリーチェリークリスマス、特にチェリーが引き裂かれた!

Cherry Torn に 'チェリー引き裂かれた:彼女の不潔なカックふしだらな女である'

Cherry Torn - チェリー引き裂かれた:彼女の不潔なカックふしだらな女である


Sophie Monroe に 'チェリーの引き裂きはソフィーモンローで脆弱で不潔になる'

Sophie Monroe - チェリーの引き裂きはソフィーモンローで脆弱で不潔になる


Mistress Kara に '退廃的なダイクバーの喜び:古典的でクリーミーなホイップお尻のコンパイル'

Mistress Kara - 退廃的なダイクバーの喜び:古典的でクリーミーなホイップお尻のコンパイル

退廃的なダイクバーディライトは、最もホットな、最もセクシーな、最も大胆なオールガールギャングバンダイクバー料理の古典的なホイップお尻のコンパイルです。サッシーギャルデイジードゥカティとモナウェールズが元気なバーの所有者ミストレスカラを訪問しているバーに迷い込む大胆なダーリンから始まります。ダーリンと彼女の豊かな胸が彼女を地下室に連れて行き、彼女の顔に座り、彼女の女を指で指し、彼女のふしだらな穴のすべてでオルガスムレズビアンのストラップオントレインを走る3人の女性の進歩に屈するのに時間はかからない!冒険は、むち打ち、クロップ、スパンキング、猫舐め、猫クランプと猫、肛門とDPストラップオンのファックの多くが含まれています。次は、3人の熱くて角質の偽装女の子チェリー・トーン、デイジー・ドゥカティ、ミストレス・カラに誘惑された素敵なローレライ・リーです。これらのスリンキーなふしだらな女のそれぞれは、Lorelieの穴で自分の道を持っています, 最初に彼らは彼女の剃ったファック, ピンクの猫をファックし、その後、犬に彼女を曲げ、彼女は兼に懇願するまで彼女のお尻をファック.より多くの顔の座り、女舐め、ストラップオンコック吸い、トップDP誘発オーガズムの上。その後、熱いタフな雛モナウェールズとミストレスカラは、バーを閉じて、フェニックスマリーが熱い若いものアベラ危険を支配している深夜のパーティーに向かいます。夜はスパンキング、足の礼拝、猫舐めからむち打ち、厳しい屈辱とストラップオンの猫のファックにエスカレートします。次のバキソムの美しさベラ・ロッシ、シャネル・プレストン、アラヴェル・ラファエルは、濡れた野生のTシャツコンテストの後、一晩中それを手に入れます。すべての当事者は、猫の舐め、顔の座り、女性のハンドリング、指叩き、猫のドキドキ、肛門とホットレズビアンオーガズムのトンで満たされた騒動の夜をお楽しみください!最後に豪華な、ボタンを押したビジネスウーマンイングリッドマウスは、愛人カラ、デイジードゥカティとニッキーダーリンは、時間後のシェナニガンのために女性の部屋で彼女の上に降りるダイクバーに現れます。これらの巧みな愛人は、ストラップオン、潮吹きオーガズム、ジッパーとより彼女の空腹の穴を詰め込むなど、彼らの最高の動きのすべてでイングリッドを支配します!これらすべてのこれらの不可分の、勇敢なみだらをファック見て、退廃的なダイクバーの喜びで何度も何度も提出に犯されます!

Bella Rossi に 'フックアップ:ベラロッシとチェリー引き裂かれた新鮮なエレクトロスラット肉を食べる!'

Bella Rossi - フックアップ:ベラロッシとチェリー引き裂かれた新鮮なエレクトロスラット肉を食べる!


Cherry Torn に 'リルの痛みふしだらな女:チェリー破れたテストダナスピットのエロティックな苦しみのための必要性'

Cherry Torn - リルの痛みふしだらな女:チェリー破れたテストダナスピットのエロティックな苦しみのための必要性

ダナ・スピットは、重い入れ墨タフ尻の雌犬であり、彼女は何のために痛んでいます。私たちは、残忍で美しいチェリートーンがこの女の子が取ることができるすべての痛みを料理する準備ができているダンジョンで金属パイプに鎖でつながれたダナで開きます。チェリーは、彼女が何を発する必要はありませんが、うめき声と悲鳴を上げるので、ダナの口を開いたままにするためにリングギャグで彼女に合います。チェリーはダナのトップをリッピングし、彼女の小さな小さなおっぱいを露出させ、平手打ちして噛みます。チェリーはフロッガーを引き出し、乳首クランプを追加します。ダナのおっぱいは、重い、繰り返しの打撃から赤く輝きます。チェリーはその後、彼女のパンティーをカットし、ダナの甘い、柔らかい猫の唇に多くのクランプを追加します。ダナはどのくらいの痛みを取ることができますか?彼女の寛容さは底なしのようで、彼女の渇きは消えない。チェリーはその後、彼女のクランプされたおっぱいと猫をトリミングし、ダナはそれをすべて食べます。チェリーは、ダナの足と彼女の太ももと彼女のお尻の後ろに対して、今激しく刺して、フロッガーと作物を動作します。チェリーは彼女の打撃でとても寛大であり、ダナは激しい痛みを通して震え、苦しんでいます。チェリーは、クランプがダナの乳首と猫の唇から落ちるまで、フロッガーをますます強く振ります。しかし、残忍な痛みは、このリルのふしだらな女が何よりも愛しているものですので、チェリーは彼女の赤と腫れた猫に対してバイブレーターを押す前に彼女の顔を平手打ちします。次に、チェリーはダナをロープで縛り、彼女を吊り下げします。彼女はチェリーがダナの頭にまたがり、彼女の崇拝を私たち猫に滴下させるのに最適なレベルで、そこにぶら下がっています。ダナは汚い女の子であり、そのずさんな濡れた女を吸って舐めるために彼女の舌を使用して、何をすべきかを知っています。チェリーはダナを床に戻し、彼女の顔に座って、彼女はすべての濡れたジュースをスラップアップとして彼女に乗っています。チェリーはストラップオンコックで彼女のずさんな女をファックするように、ダナは最終的に彼女の背中に彼女の背中を置き、彼女の足首に縛られています。ダナは、彼女のふしだらな猫が激しく犯されているように、彼女のボールギャグの周りにうめき声と鳴き声しかできません。チェリーは彼女をひっくり返し、彼女のコックをダナのお尻にスライドさせ、出入りし、彼女を完全に満たします。最後に、チェリーはダナを拳、 lil'ふしだらな女の猫に彼女の手を働かして、彼女を開いて拳を伸ばし、彼女を不潔なふしだらな女のように作る。

Draven Navarro に 'オフィスボーイ:チェリートーンの新しい愚かなビーフィーボーイグッズ'

Draven Navarro - オフィスボーイ:チェリートーンの新しい愚かなビーフィーボーイグッズ


Cherry Torn に 'リトル・プリーズ:ゾーイ・スパークスが引き裂かれたセクシーな隣人に引き裂かれました'

Cherry Torn - リトル・プリーズ:ゾーイ・スパークスが引き裂かれたセクシーな隣人に引き裂かれました

Cherry Tornは彼女の建物から引っ越しているので、彼女の熱い友人Zoe Sparxが助けを求めています。その過程で、彼女はチェリーにどれだけ彼女を恋しく思うかを告白します。チェリーも同じように感じているので、彼女は友人のために少し離れて行くことを計画しています。疑いを持たないゾーイはチェリーのダンジョンに連れて行かれ、そこでチェリーは彼女に何が入っているかを知らせます。ゾーイは彼女の小さなおもちゃになるだろう。ゾーイはこれが起こるとは想像もしていなかったが、彼女がそれを知る前に、彼女は裸になって裸になり、チェリーの支配的な支配に身を置く。ゾーイは非常に興奮しています。なぜなら、彼女は誰もが小さな喜びとして知られているからです。チェリーは彼女のお尻で遊んで、それが赤く光るまで絞って、調べて、伸ばして、スパンキングします。ゾーイは彼女が彼女の頭の上にいると疑っていますが、彼女は彼女のセクシーで支配的な友人に彼女に何をすべきかを告げ、彼女を彼女自身の喜びのために使うことに抵抗することはできません。チェリーは彼女を十字架に縛り付け、敏感な足、柔らかい太もも、滴る猫に作物を使います。すべての時間の後、彼女の隣人を制御するようになるすべての出来事は、チェリー自身の猫を濡らします。ゾーイの大きな乳首は、一部の硬質金属クランプの簡単なターゲットです。彼女は辛うじて痛みに対処することはできませんが、チェリーが滑り落ちて、舌で彼女の猫を動かすとき、それはすべての価値があります。しかし、喜びにすぐにさらなる痛みが続きます。ゾーイはロープサスペンションで縛られており、彼女はフロッガーからますます虐待を受け続けています。彼女が侵入されると、チェリーはストラップオンをクラックします。ゾーイの足首は彼女の手首に結び付けられており、彼女の猫とお尻は何に対しても大きく開いています。チェリーはゾーイのオマンコをファックし、ストラップオンコックを奥深くまで押し込みます。その後、彼女はお尻に注意を向け、指で触れてから内側のストラップを叩きます。彼女は彼女の友人の宣教師をファックし、その後小犬スタイル、そして彼女はまんぐり返しのために彼女の頭の上で彼女を弾きます。 Zoeのきつい小さなお尻がすべてを引き受けます。彼女は、クレイジーで感覚的な過負荷に苦しみます。彼女を終わらせるために、チェリーはゾーイの顔の上に座って、ゾーイはそのおいしい、滴り落ちる濡れた猫とタイトなくそったろくでなしを吸って食べます。チェリーはゾーイの顔に射精し、仕事に戻って彼女の荷物を詰めます。それはすべてのトップに行くために消えるプレゼントです。

Cherry Torn に '午前2時の痛み痴女:リンジー・クルス'

Cherry Torn - 午前2時の痛み痴女:リンジー・クルス

午前2時です。迷子になった子羊がオオカミの巣穴にさまようとき、チェリー・トーンは彼女のバーを閉じています。リンジークルスは彼女のボーイフレンドとの戦いを持っていました、そして、チェリーはかわいそうな女の子が彼についてすべてを忘れるのを手伝うことに熱心です。チェリーはリンジーにキスをして最も親密な方法で触れながら、リンジーを簡単に誘惑します。すぐにリンジーのパンティーは彼女の足首にダウンしていて、彼女のお尻はスパンキングと愛撫から赤です。チェリーの指をたたくことはリンジーのニャンニャンから一言を引き出します。ここからこの失われた小さな子羊はチェリーの熟練した手にパテします。リンジーは縛られ、天井から逆さに吊り下げられます。彼女がリンジーの傷つきやすい猫を鞭で打つと、チェリーの残酷な縞模様が現れます。しかし、この女の子は本当の痛み女です。彼女のお尻と彼女のオマンコは両方とも鞭で打たれて激しく震え、そしてリンジーは明らかに天国にいます。チェリーはリンジーのとんでもない乳首にクランプを付けます。彼らは怪我をします、それはチェリーがチェーンを引っ張って引っ張るように促すだけです。チェリーはリンジーをそらすために彼女のニャンニャンを提供します。リンジーは猫を食べるのが大好きです。チェリーは、彼女の濡れた猫に対して少女の頭を強く引っ張り、リンジーの顔をオーガズムに擦りつけて乗る。チェリーは彼女の膝に乗り、リンジーの顔に彼女のお尻の頬を広げ、そして彼女はお腹を空かせてチェリーのお尻を食べます。チェリーは、彼女の丸いきついお尻が鞭で打たれて、エントリーのために準備されることができる汚い部屋の床にリンジーを産みます。クランプは、来るべき野蛮なクソに備えてLindseyの今腫れた陰唇に適用されます。彼女のお尻をたたいて、そして彼女の猫の上でしっかりとクランプのチェーンを引っ張っている間、チェリーはリンジー後背位をファックします。チェリーは今、彼女が一晩中スパンキングしているそのかわいいお尻に目を向けています。彼女はコックをリンジーのタイトなお尻、最初の後背位に深く突き刺し、それから彼女の背中にリンジーをひっくり返す。チェリーは彼女の魔法を働かせます、そして、この悲しい少女はもう悲しくありません。 Lindseyはとても激しく中出しし、彼女は彼女の猫の唇にきつく締め付けられた金属製のクランプ、そして彼女のボーイフレンドとの戦いを忘れる。

Cherry Torn に '秘密の恋人:チェリー引き裂かれたEnsnaresマイクパニック'

Cherry Torn - 秘密の恋人:チェリー引き裂かれたEnsnaresマイクパニック


Cherry Torn に '神の新年:チェリー引き裂かれた奴隷の悲鳴で祝う'

Cherry Torn - 神の新年:チェリー引き裂かれた奴隷の悲鳴で祝う


Dresden に 'チェリー・トーンの汚い話をするアナルレズビアン'

Dresden - チェリー・トーンの汚い話をするアナルレズビアン

かなり小さいドレスデンは、Cherry Tornのダンジョンの深みの深いところで、かなりの苦境に苦しんでいます。胸ハーネス、乳首クランプ、足を離しておくスプレッダーバー。チェリーはドレスデンに腕を抱き、重い金属のバケツは手首から垂れ下がるように命令します。ロープは彼女の手首から天井を通って乳首クランプまで延びています。ドレスデンがチェリーを無視して腕を落とそうとすると、ロープは繊細なピンクの乳首からタイトなクランプを引き出します。これは非常に苦痛であり、ドレスデンは必死に避けたいものです。チェリーはドレスデンのお尻を叩く。ドレスデンは痛みを取り、腕を上げます。チェリーは彼女の裸のお尻を振った、そして彼女の裸の、露出した猫を鞭打ちます。ドレスデンは痛みを鎮圧し、彼女は失望したくない。チェリーはドレスデンの猫にタイトなグリップを与えます。荒れ狂ったプッシーとドレスデンの武器は失敗します...彼女は疲れていますが、その日は始まったばかりです。チェリーはバイブレーターを猫のフックに結びつけてドレスデンの中に挿入します。貧しいドレスデンはまだ彼女の側に垂直にバケツを保持する必要があります。チェリーは彼女の裸のお尻を鞭打ちます。ドレスデンは彼女の腕をまっすぐに保つために奮闘する。鞭からの苦痛は非常に大きいですが、バイブレーターからの喜びはさらに耐えられません。ドレスデンのひざのバックル、彼女は彼女がそれを取ることができるか分からない。彼女のお尻の頬が赤く燃える。ドレスデンはバケツを取り除くためにチェリーに頼みます。チェリーが瞬間に去ると、ドレスデンはバイブレーターから別のオルガスムを盗みます。この自発的な独立行為は結果をもたらすでしょう...ドレスデンは縛られ、背中の背中の手は天井に縛られた脚です。チェリーは貧乏人の顔に彼女の猫を粉砕する。チェリーは彼女の陰謀を知らせます。彼女は彼女の嫌悪感を忘れるために彼女よりもうまくやらなければなりません。チェリーは彼女の陰茎の顔を彼女のお尻で窒息させる。ドレスデンはチェリーのお尻とオマンコを舐めることによって謝罪する。チェリーは、今より良い気分で、ドレスデンと性交する準備ができているが、それは小さな女がそれを求めている場合に限られる。棒の上に性器で犯される。ドレスデンの猫の穴がチェリーのディックのために開きます。今ドレスデンがバットでそれを取るのです。チェリーの大きなディルドはドレスデンのお尻に深く押し込み、彼女のGスポットを押す。肛門の犬、その後肛門の宣教師。彼女のオマンコのバイブレーターで、ドレスデンは何度も何度も詰め込み、Cherryはバイブレーターを自分自身に向けます。ドレスデンはチェリーの濡れた猫を舐めるのは必死で、彼女のジュースをすべて舐めるのは空腹です。チェリーは貪欲なクイーンファックです。

Cherry Torn に '信じられないほど甘いノエミィ・ビラスは、チェリー・トーンに完全に降伏する'

Cherry Torn - 信じられないほど甘いノエミィ・ビラスは、チェリー・トーンに完全に降伏する

Kink.comを始めて、Noemie Bilasは信じられないほど甘いエボニーの美しさです。しかし、そのかわいい笑顔の背後には、経験豊富な支配的な女性が撮影して使用することを切望している空腹の女がいる。 Cherry Tornは、Noemieの魅力的でない穴の両方、肛門のストラップ、スティックのディック、鞭打ち、トリミング、そしてスパンキングの両方で動作します。 Noemieはそれをすべて取り、もっと頼む!チェリーはノエミーを点検することから始まり、彼女は彼女のプロフィール写真のように見えることを喜んでいる。彼女は彼女を剥ぎ取り、彼女の小柄なおっぱいをつまんだ後、彼女を彼女の膝の上に置き、完璧な丸いお尻を叩く。チェリーはノエミのオマンコを広げ、彼女の仕事を約束して彼女を弄び、彼女が行動すれば彼女を責める。彼女はその美しいお尻を叩き続けて、来るべきもののためにノエミをプライミングする。彼女はNoemieに乳首クランプを置き、彼女の猫を顔に押し込み、Noemieに舐めて食べる特権を与え、爆発的なオルガスムまでCherryを作り上げる。チェリーはNoemieを床に戻し、彼女を作って指を弄り、Noemieは彼女の下の敷物に激しくて吐き出す。チェリーはNoemieを部分的に吊り下げて脚を広げるので、チェリーは彼女の美しいボディを弄り、彼女の濡れた、潮吹きのおならにスティックでくすぐります。 Noemieはそれを愛し、それを愛し、もっと欲しがるので、Cherryは彼女を下ろして彼女を床に置きます。そこでは彼女は巨大なストラップで彼女の絶望的なお尻を犯すことができます。 Noemieは十分に得ることができない、とボンデージでも、彼のクソに自分自身をクソ始める。チェリーが彼女を複数のポジションに転がし、彼女のお尻を性交させ、最終的に最後のオルガスムを指で縛って彼女を犯すようになるにつれて、ノーメイは繰り返し繰り返します。チェリーの葉Noemieはまったく過ごして、彼女自身の噴水に浸かった。

Eliza Jane に 'レズビアンティーンエリザジェーンは、ステップママライアンキリーからアナル復讐を取得'

Eliza Jane - レズビアンティーンエリザジェーンは、ステップママライアンキリーからアナル復讐を取得


Eliza Jane に 'デイ・ナイト:エリザ・ジェーンがピアス・パリのボールを彼のお尻に詰め込む'

Eliza Jane - デイ・ナイト:エリザ・ジェーンがピアス・パリのボールを彼のお尻に詰め込む

カップルのエリザジェーンとピアースパリはついに夜を過ごしました!エリザは本当に今夜は特別だと思って、ピアスと一緒に試してみる新しいおもちゃを注文する。ピアスは最初は躊躇していますが、エリザにとっては何かを試すことになります。彼は彼女のために剥ぎ取って、彼の調和のとれた身体を明らかにする。彼が裸であると、エリザは彼の手錠を叩き、彼を膝の上で曲げる。 Elizaが彼を叩き始めるとピアスは衝撃を受けます。彼はそれが好きだともっと驚いている。エリザは身体に沿って小柄な足を歩き始める。彼女の足が雄鶏に着くと、Elizaはそれがより多くの痛みのための時間だと判断します。彼女はピアスを何度も何度も蹴っている。 Elizaの小柄な足が彼のボールを破り、Elizaが喜ぶ。彼女は決して楽しく過ごせませんでした!彼女は彼女のボーイフレンドを肉のように扱うのが大好きです。彼女は彼の顔に座って、彼の大きな脂肪のコックにかなりの歯を沈める前に自分自身を楽しむために彼の口を使用しています。次に、彼女はジッパーを引っ掛け、彼のお尻と背中に彼を鞭打ちます。彼女は開いた口に彼女の脂肪のコックをスライドさせる。ピアスは彼女の脂肪のコックのすべてのインチを吸う、それは彼のお尻のためにすべての濡れている。エリザはピアスのお尻をポンとしながら、彼女のストラップを開いたまま、ピアスのお尻を開きます。一度彼のお尻が広がって、彼女は彼のお尻に彼のボールを両方の詰め物を詰める前に、彼のすてきなお尻を犯す。彼のボールが挿入された後、彼女は彼の手に自分のボールを保持しながら彼の拳を内側に押し込んで拳を押します。しかし、エリザはまだ終わっていない。彼女はストラップ付きのギャグでピアスにフィットし、紐でニップルクランプを引っ張って顔を弄ります。彼女が満足すると、Elizaは彼女の小柄な足を使ってPierceを撫でる。彼は硬く詰め込み、彼女のつま先を粘着性のザーメンで包みます。エリザは彼のディックをつかんで、激しく彼が再びザーメンするまでピアスをジャックしています。

Cherry Torn に 'オリーブのガラスは、ホイップ尻のためのすべての穴を置く'

Cherry Torn - オリーブのガラスは、ホイップ尻のためのすべての穴を置く


Cherry Torn に 'Trains New Slut Luis Long'

Cherry Torn - Trains New Slut Luis Long

神聖な雌犬桜の裂け目は、幸運な新しい奴隷のルイスロングを破るのを待つことができません。ルイスは正式な訓練を受けていなくても、恥ずかしがり屋であり、初めてチェリー・トーンの輝きを味わうことができます。チェリーは彼の目をどのように彼の膝の上に、彼の目を前方に提示するかを教える。彼女は彼女に対処する方法を教え、ルイスは彼女が彼を所有していることを知っていることを確認し、ザッパー、鞭打ち、そして激しいスパンキングで新しい肉を壊す!チェリーが脚を挟んで彼女の雄鶏を検査すると、彼女は濡れたように見えます!どのような汚い漏れの女陰った。 Luisは彼の女将を喜ばせるために苦労し、彼女のすべての命令に従うよう緊張している。次に、ルイスは脚を広げてロープに縛られています。チェリーは、この小さな女の子が必要とすることを知っています - 良いハードクソです。彼女は彼女のコックで彼のタイトなお尻を開き、彼は彼のお尻の深い彼にファック。ルイスは、チェリーが彼のお尻を投げ捨て、深く、深く押しつぶすにつれて悲鳴を上げる。チェリーは彼女の新しい穴を使用している間、このおっぱいはあまりにも多くの彼のチンポが激しく激しく激しく落ち着くのが大好きです。最後に、Cherryは彼女のおもちゃのオルガスム能力をテストすることに決めました。彼女は栄光の猫とお尻に舌を使って顔を乗せています。彼女は彼女のチンポに注意を向けさせる前に、この女の顔の上でハードcums。ルイスはエクスタシーでうめき声をあげる。チェリーは彼女の性交の中で彼女の雄鶏をプッシュし、試乗に連れて行く。彼女の魅力的なお尻は、彼女の猫がそのコックを呑み込むように上下にバウンスする。ルーリスはとても痛いので、チェリーはオーガズムの後ろにオルガスムを持っていて、彼女のチンポを下げる。チェリーは彼女の女が兼ねたがっているのを知っていますが、それにはふさわしいですか?いいえ!特にトレーニングの初日の後ではありません。彼は指示に従うことができるかもしれないが、彼はカミングの喜びを許されてから遠い道である。また今度。

London River に 'ステップ・ソンの巨根のための淫乱な主婦アナル・ショーダウン'

London River - ステップ・ソンの巨根のための淫乱な主婦アナル・ショーダウン


Eliza Jane に 'コルビン・ダラスはエリザ・ジェーンによって深く握られてファックされる'

Eliza Jane - コルビン・ダラスはエリザ・ジェーンによって深く握られてファックされる

エリザジェーンは、甘い、小柄なブロンドの外側ですが、彼女は内部のサディスティックで悪意のあるセダクションです。コービン・ダラスは毎週の予定で到着し、彼は指輪を通って彼を走らせる。彼女はベッドの上に彼を吊るすことから始まり、雄鶏をチョコレートで弄び、ボールギャグで彼を弄ぶ。彼女はそれから、洗濯物と穀物で彼を虐待し、洗濯物を叩きつけながら、洗濯物を洗濯物から取り除く。彼女は美しい足を彼に与えることによって彼を屈辱にする。その後、ギャグをオフにして、彼女のお尻をくすぐり、彼女のザーメンを作る。彼はまだ貞操している間、彼女は巨大なストラップを着用し、巨大なファックを彼の緊密な穴に詰め込む。 Elizaが彼を深く強く叩きつけて、彼の痛みから大きな喜びを得るように、Corbinは獣の事を取ります。彼女はその後、彼をひっくり返して、彼の拳を彼のお尻に突き刺し、彼の働きをして、彼を吐き出します。最後に、エリザはコービンに自分が望んでいたことを味わう。彼女は彼と契約を結ぶ。もし彼がザーメンをすることができれば、彼は完璧な、滴ったオマンコに滑り込むかもしれない。だから、彼女は彼の顔に座って、彼女の口と舌のいたるところに彼女のぬれたザーメンを滑り込ませて、彼女のザーメンを吐きます。その後、彼女は彼のコックを使用して、彼女はまだもう一度cumsまで、彼に乗って降りる。報酬として、彼女は彼が彼の顔に座っている間に彼は兼任し、その後、彼自身の熱い負荷を彼に与えます。

Cherry Torn に 'HUSH Ep8:Angel AllwoodがCherry TornとJulia AnnによるDPを取得'

Cherry Torn - HUSH Ep8:Angel AllwoodがCherry TornとJulia AnnによるDPを取得

Hushのエピソード8 ... Hushの最終回で、彼女の上司Julia Annの手によるCherry Tornの罰は、ジュリアの秘書のAngel Allwoodがパーティーに参加したときにひねりをはせます。エンジェルが注目の中心となり、2人のトップエグゼクティブが彼女のホットな穴を犯します。しかし、まず、彼女が背中に座っているときにチェリーの刑罰が続き、天使が彼女の顔に座り、彼女が彼女の濡れた、汚らしいおならを食べさせます。同時にジュリアはチェリーの猫を苦しめ、彼女の拳全体を内部で働かせている。ジュリアは彼女の猫に濡れた指をエンジェルに与え、彼女を飢えて悩ませ、彼女を彼女の机の上で曲げて、チェリーが彼女を抱かせるようにする。彼女の猫が濡れて濡れていくにつれ、エンジェルはあらゆる鞭打ちを受け、彼女はファックのためにますます必死になります。 Juliaがストラップで腹を立てた猫をポンドし、Cherryが彼女の喉に2度目のディルドを与えるように彼女は床に置かれている。それから彼女の2人は彼女を開いて、開いている穴の両方をクソして、彼女を舐めて、彼女がザーメンとして開いたままに伸ばす。チェリーとジュリアはソファで起きて、エンジェルを最後の方法で使用し、バイブレーターで降りる間に両手を指差しにする。ハッシュの終わりで、ボトムアップから皆が望むものを得たことは明らかです!

Cherry Torn に 'HUSH Ep 7:ジュリア・アンが矯正訓練を受けたチェリーを引き取った'

Cherry Torn - HUSH Ep 7:ジュリア・アンが矯正訓練を受けたチェリーを引き取った

エピソードでハッシュの7つ:チェリートーンは、彼女が新しいデザイナーを叩いている写真が会社のチェーンを一番上に向かう途中で、彼女が汚いオフィスの女装として公開されました。ヘッド・エグゼクティブのジュリア・アンは、チェリーがあまりにもお粗末だったことを喜んでいない。職員を責めることは完全に涼しいです、ちょうど捕らえられません。今、彼女は適切に訓練されなければなりません。しかし、ジュリア・アンは、このような一般的な方法で叫び、降格する上司のタイプではありません。代わりに彼女は落ち着いて自信を持ってチェリーを解体し、彼女を屈辱させ、彼女を膝に置き、彼女の足から彼女の唇まで彼女の礼拝をする。オフィスのルールに従わなければならず、壊れたときに穴が開けます。ジュリアは彼女の膝の上にチェリーを持ち上げ、彼女のお尻、足と足を作っています。その後彼女を背中に転がすと、その恥知らずの、飢えた猫が、その罰を受けているか報われているかわからない。 Julia Ann指はCherryをクレイジーオーガズムに縛るが、少なくとも一度は彼女を否定する前ではない。そして、チェリーがもう一度カミングをすることができないと思った時、ジュリアは、彼女のことを思い起こさせるために、この仕事にどのように取り組んでいるかを思い起こさせるために、もう一度彼女のザーメンを作ります。そして、彼女はいつも誰がボスかを覚えています。

Cherry Torn に 'Dominates and Fucks Foot-Sniffing Pervert Lance Hart'

Cherry Torn - Dominates and Fucks Foot-Sniffing Pervert Lance Hart

靴のセールスマン、ランス・ハートは、今日の彼のために何が店に入っているのかは分かりません。彼はそれがちょうど別の日であると考えています。彼が顧客Cherry Tornをサポートするとき、Lanceは彼女のストッキングを着た足の臭いに抵抗することができません。しかし、チェリー・トーンがこの小さな足の痴漢に乗っています。彼女は、彼女が彼女である彼女のためにランスを公開する限り、いくつかの熱狂的な足の崇拝に気にしない。彼女はかかとを勃起させ、靴と足を礼拝する。彼女は彼の服を剥ぎ取って、彼のすべての欲望を満たすために彼を黒人化させる。喜んで喜んで、ランスは準拠し、チェリーの足とかかとを嗅ぐ。チェリーはランスのコックで遊ぶために彼女の足を使用し、この汚れた少年がどこにでもプリキュアを漏らしているのを見て驚くことはありません。彼女はランスを縛り、彼の胸の隅々まで鞭打つ。彼女は顔に唾を吐き、痛みを笑う。それから彼女は彼女のチンポをちょうど彼のきつい小さなお尻にスライドさせる。ランスは犯されるのが大好きで、チェリーは彼のお尻を出し入れするようにザーメンを吐く。しかし、誰もチェリーの前にcum!チェリーは空気の中でこの女を吊るし、彼を何度も何度も何度も何度も降り立たせるために使う。ランスは彼女のオルガズムのようにチェリーの飢えたおなかを貪欲に舐める。最後にチェリーは、ランスを下げて、彼女の猫に彼のコックを入れます。彼女はCummingの端にLanceを置いて、コックに乗る。彼女のジューシーなお尻は、彼女が彼女の甘い姦淫で彼を苦しめるように上下にバウンスする。彼女は彼女がいっぱいになった後、彼女はランスをオフにして、彼は自分自身の負担を全面的に吹き飛ばします。チェリーは彼の混乱の中で彼女の足を拭くとランスは熱心にチェリーの兼浸しストッキングを吸う。

Kira Noir に 'HUSH Ep 5:エリザ・ジェーンが縛られ、縛られて仕事中に犯された&xe800;'

Kira Noir - HUSH Ep 5:エリザ・ジェーンが縛られ、縛られて仕事中に犯された&xe800;

Hushの第5話では、事務所の管理が邪魔になり、幹部は人事異動と性的恩恵のためにお互いを脅かす。状況を利用する機会を見て、赤毛の誘惑ベラ・ロッシと黒檀の女神キラ・ノワールが甘いエリザ・ジェーンに降りて彼女の仕事場の真ん中で彼女を性交させます。 BDSMに基づく新しいランジェリーラインの口実の下で、彼らは彼女の無意識の小さな性的奴隷にするために彼女の腕と足を束縛し、エリザを縛った。彼女の顔にキラが座って、彼女の猫で彼女を窒息させるように、ベラは彼女をつまむ。エリザはキラの熱いおなかに深く潜り込んで、彼女を舐めるようにしている。キラはストラップオンでスリップし、エリザは3人のファックとザーメンを繰り返している。キラはエリザの姦淫から抜け出し、彼女のタイトなお尻に押し込む。彼女はベラが彼女を鞭打っている間に彼女が再び激しくなるまで彼女のお尻を熱く弄ぶ。 Elizaが彼女のホットな穴に完全に犯されると、彼女は彼女をそこに残します。彼女が必要とするすべてのインスピレーションを得ていることが確かです。

Cherry Torn に 'HUSH Ep 3:ベラ・ロッシがチェリー・トーンでテーブルを回転させる'

Cherry Torn - HUSH Ep 3:ベラ・ロッシがチェリー・トーンでテーブルを回転させる


Kira Noir に 'HUSH Ep 1:エライザ・ジェーン、3ウェイ・レズビアン・ブラックメールでエンサン'

Kira Noir - HUSH Ep 1:エライザ・ジェーン、3ウェイ・レズビアン・ブラックメールでエンサン

8部構成の「Lezdom Blackmail」シリーズのエピソード1では、軽くて小柄なEliza Janeが、世界的に有名なランジェリー会社のデザイナーとして雇われています。彼女の最初の日に、彼女は彼女のスムーズで完璧な体を滑りたいと思う彼女の "ユニフォーム"の一環として、同社のランジェリーのいくつかを着用するように頼んだ。彼女の新しい上司、チェリー・トーンは、彼女の制服がどれくらいうまくフィットしているかを見る機会を得ました。そして、それがどのようにしてエリザの熱いお尻を見せてくれるのですか?チェリーは彼女の新しい雇用を彼女のオフィスで繰り返し叩き掛けていくだけで、エリザの大物の赤毛の同僚、ベラ・ロッシは秘密裏に写真を撮っている。 Bella、Eliza、そして美しいエボニーの同僚Kira Noirが、スパンキング、猫の舐め、指の叩き、肛門の指使い、鞭打ち、激しいストラップオンDPで全部出て行くように、エリザはまず頭の中で泳いで、彼女の濡れた、汚れた猫をキラが舐めるように彼女の乳首でベラのおもちゃをさせる。彼らは彼女の空腹のお尻に指を滑らせるように、彼女は体のあらゆる場所で遊ぶ。エリザは彼女を背中に置き、ベラの熱い淫らな女に酔いしれると、ベラは曲がり、3方向のプッシーの舐めが彼女をオルガスムに連れて行きます。最後に、ElizaとBellaの両方がストラップオンを履いた。ベラはキラをエリザが彼女のお尻を撫でるように撫でた後、ベラは彼女の2人の空腹の穴を叩きながら、キラーの猫に滑り込む。それらの3人は、疲れた汗をかいたセックスの束に崩壊する。エリザの最初の日はエキサイティングなものでした。多分彼女が処理できる以上!つづく!

Cherry Torn に '革命はカミングです:タフなレズバブスはミア・リーを始めます'

Cherry Torn - 革命はカミングです:タフなレズバブスはミア・リーを始めます

レズビアンの革命はカミングです!パーティーのメンバーであるCherry TornとLily Laneは、大衆を破壊するために新しいメンバーを募集しています。いい女の子のビデオ作家ミア・リーがテストに合格し、彼女が悪くなることを証明するだろうか?チェリーとリリーは彼女の服のミアを剥がし、彼女を手と膝の上に乗せます。リリーとチェリーは、彼女を結び付ける前に、ミアの丸くておしゃれなお尻を振り回しています。リリアとチェリーは彼女の限界をテストするように、ミアは、殴られ、鞭打ちされ、彼女の調子の良い運動身体のいたるところでトリミングされます。それから、彼らは指とディックオンザスティックでミーアのきつく濡れた猫を開きます。ミアは激しく詰め込み、そして彼女の空腹のカンツはリリーの全身を呑み込む!プッシーは、その拳の周りに開いて、ミアは、チェリーとリリーの満足度に再び熱くなりました。次に、これらの女性は、彼女がスラマーに投げ込まれたときに、ミア生存スキルを教えます。手錠をかけられたこの2つの激しいドームの間に閉じ込められたMiaは、すべての注文を完璧に実行します。彼女はチェリーの猫を舐めて、リリーの巨大なストラップオンコックに犯される。ミーアの顔にチェリーが詰まった後は、リリーの番です。ミーアは、彼女の熱心な舌でリリーを倒して、チェリーの指バングミアの猫のように奉仕する。彼女がリリーの美しい姦通に仕えるように働くにつれ、ミアは飽き飽きしています。 Miaが過度の刺激からかかったように、LilyはMiaの顔にかかっています。最後に、両方の女性が最終テストのためにMiaに注目します。チェリーはミアのお尻に金属の突き当てプラグを押し、リリーは彼女の胸を飾り、クローゼピンで姦淫する。ミーアは彼女の猫がクローゼピンと彼女のお尻の硬い金属のプラグで開いたストレッチとハードcums。結局、ミアは悪い女の子になる可能性があるようです。

Cherry Torn に 'ロープボンデージと複数のオルガスムに苦しんでいる縛られたスレーブチェリートーン'

Cherry Torn - ロープボンデージと複数のオルガスムに苦しんでいる縛られたスレーブチェリートーン

彼女が帰ってきました。 Kink.comの伝説のCherry Tornが、サディスト栄光のThe Popeに服従することを返します。チェリーのような女性の奴隷は、ウォームアップをあまり必要としないので、教皇は時間を無駄にし、彼の捕虜のマゾクリスチャンの売春婦をすぐに掘り起こす。彼女の乳首に重度の痛みを伴うクローバークランプがついていると、教皇は彼女のおっぱい、足、そして堅い革のライディング作物でお尻を叩き始める。チェリーは痛みの痛みであり、激しい痛みから叫ぶときでも、彼女の猫はインパクトプレーから濡れて興奮する。体罰は、教皇が彼女のおっぱいを苦しめ、彼女の乳首からクランプを引っ張っていくのに伴います。痛みが体の中を進むにつれて、教皇は彼女の腫れた敏感なクリトリスにヒサチを詰め込んで、彼女を不随意のオルガズムの狂乱に送り込んだ。彼女は彼女の複数のオルガスムの最初のcummingているので、彼女の体がカミングから震えるようにサディストは彼女の喉とチョークに彼の大規模な手をクランプ。彼女は彼女の息をキャッチする前に、チェリーは部屋の真ん中に吊り下げられており、膝は木の小さな薄片の上に置かれています。教皇は彼女のおっぱいをクローバークランプを介して部屋の反対側の柱に結びつけ、乳首クランプに重りを加えると痛みに訴えます。彼は金属のスパイクの鋭い終わりで彼女の足に掘り起こし、慈悲なしで彼女の柔らかい足を苦しめる。彼女は痛みから駆け抜けているように、教皇は彼女の小さなピンクの猫に喜びの震えを起こす巨大なディルドを詰める。彼女のgスポットが刺激されるように、彼女は兼ねることを頼むが、これはオルガスムの否認を味わうので、これはポープを笑わせるだけである。彼は無邪気に彼女のおならをおなかにポンドし、最終的には複数のオルガスムの痛みが完全に圧倒的かつ超越的になるまで彼女のザーメンを放ります。次に彼女は極にまっすぐ立っている。教皇は窮状の束縛を愛し、彼女の敏感な猫に股のロープを結び付け、もう一方の端から2本の重いボーリングボールをぶら下げます。これにより、チェリーは彼女の骨盤を前方に突き刺して、彼女の柔らかくて腫れたクリトリスを二等分する猫のロープの痛みを和らげます。彼女がリラックスして奴隷に降伏したとき、教皇は彼女のクリトリスの上を直接走っているロープにバイブレーターを詰まらせます。彼女は痛みから叫び、慈悲を求めます。そして、教皇はあまりにも喜んで、喜びになる激しい痛みから彼女の兼心を不本意にする。彼女の一日を終えるために、チェリーは戻ってきて、縛られた脚を締め付けて、しっかりとした拘束力のあるロープボンデージで横に引き出します。教皇は皮の鞭打ち人で彼女のおなかを鞭打ち、ヒラリーと彼女のclitを刺激することの間を行き来する。喜びと痛みが増すにつれて、チェリーはオルガズムが彼女の不本意な、潮吹きのオマンコから引き裂かれた後、オルガズムのような経験で自分自身を失います。

Cherry Torn に 'メタルボンデージと強制オーガズムに苦しむ女性スレーブチェリー'

Cherry Torn - メタルボンデージと強制オーガズムに苦しむ女性スレーブチェリー

彼女が帰ってきました。 Kink.comの束縛とフェチ文化の宝石であるCherry Tornは、The Popeのサディスティックなブーツヒールの下で奉仕するために復帰します。彼女はまず頭の中で泳ぎ、完全なサスペンションですぐに彼女の足首だけで反転されます。ラフな革製のストラップが彼女の腕に縛られて彼女の肉に掘り起こされ、些細な動きがプライマリの不幸の教訓になっています。しかし、チェリーのような女の子は痛みを楽しんでいます。不快感は彼女の神経系を撃ち、彼女のぴったりしたピンクの猫を喜びで濡らします。教皇は重い金属の鎖と一緒に彼女の手首を縛り、彼女の苦境を避けられないようにします。チェリーは恐怖で叫びます。法王は彼女の大きな自然のおっぱいと彼女のしっかりした魅惑的なお尻をパンチします。彼女は腹筋を緊張させます。教皇は、握った拳と重い鞭打ち犬で腹部を苦しめます。彼女は喉が詰まって息が詰まると息を吐きます。しかし、教皇は彼の痛みのために準備ができていないと彼女のオルガスムの拒否の喜びから笑い、笑顔。チェリーは奴隷になることの屈辱から怒りを吹き、彼女のドンが彼女にしたいこと以外に何もすることを許されない。次に、彼女は後ろ向きに膝の上だけに曲がっている。引き伸ばされる激しい痛みは、彼の身体の前で解き放たれているポーポンスの残忍な体罰によって断絶されています。彼女の敏感な乳首と乳首に厚い杖を刺すと、彼女は叫び声を出して慈悲を請う。教皇は大笑いと巨大なディルドとの彼女の喉をかがめることによって彼女の嘆願を抑える。それが濡れば、彼女は彼女の貪欲な姦淫者にディルドを詰め込み、チェリーを多くの不随意オルガズムの中で彼女に最初に強制する。彼女は彼女の体が震えながらザーメンとアドレナリンを急いでザーメンをする。しかし、彼女が巨大なオルガスムを爆発させる直前に、教皇は彼女にとても貪欲に必要な喜びを否定します。最後に、女性の奴隷は木製のポストの上で曲がっており、彼女のお尻は厚手のレザーベルトで空気中に抱かれています。教皇は無慈悲に彼女を攻撃し、傷つきやすくて露出したお尻に重い革の鞭打ち人を苦しめます。彼女は熱狂した状態になり、彼女の娼婦の穴が欲望に溢れてしまうまで、それぞれの熱狂はチェリーを興奮させる。教皇は彼の巨大な男の手に彼女の猫に達し、彼の指とバイブレーターを使って彼女を超越的な至福の状態に刺激します。チェリーは腹を立てて、ついには教皇が彼のマゾキスな肉に疲れてしまったとき、彼は最後の一度彼女を甘やかす。

Cherry Torn に '巨大なディルドと複数のオルガズムで犯されたフェティッシュクイーンチェリー!'

Cherry Torn - 巨大なディルドと複数のオルガズムで犯されたフェティッシュクイーンチェリー!

Cherry Tornは、多忙で経験豊かなKink.comのモデルであることは間違いありません。彼女はそれをやったことがありますが、フェティッシュとBDSMに対する彼女の愛は、年が経つにつれて、強さと生まれつき欲望だけで成長するようです。彼女は、朝、昼、夜の間違いで犯される必要のある魅力的な女性です。ほとんどの男性は彼女の性的食欲を満たし始めることさえできないので、彼女が実際に犯されることを望んでいるとき、彼女は欲しい複数のオルガスムを世界のただ一つの場所で提供できることを知っています。彼女は不器用なランジェリーから時間を無駄にし、よく刈り取った茂みを明らかにする。彼女の小さなピンクのオマンコは、彼女のパンティの両脇を覗いて、彼女の娼婦の穴で演奏し始めます(最初は指で、その後はヒタキと)。バイブレーターが彼女を暖めると、オマンコは彼女のパンティーの生地を浸し始めます。彼女の体が最初のオルガスムから揺れると、彼女は微笑む。ウォームアップすると、彼女は戻ってくるだけで、最初のマシンで彼女を連れて行くことができます。大胆なディルドが彼女の暖かく濡れたオマンコに滑り込むと、彼女は震えて、それをすべて望む欲張りな女のコの笑顔を微笑む。マシンは徐々にゆっくりと滑り始め、彼女のクリーム色のジュースの証拠を引きずってゆっくりとスライドさせ、彼女がどのようになったのかを世界中に示します。すぐにスピードが上がり、マシンは彼女の猫をポンドし、彼女のことを誰も夢見ることができないように彼女を殴ってしまう。彼女は喜んで叫ぶまで、何度も何度もカミングを続けている。彼女がピークに達するたびに、彼女はすぐに彼女の尻を粉砕し、ノンストップオルガズムの波に深く入ります。熱で、彼女は彼女の膝の上にひっくり返し、マシンが後ろから彼女の犬のスタイルを性交させる。彼女はプッシュバックし、彼女の強力な猫の筋肉をクランプしているマシンのモーターを握って、彼女の空腹のおばさんに深く大きな虫を吸う。彼女の大きな自然なおっぱいと彼女の神的なお尻の震えは、執拗な機械がその性的猛攻撃を続けていく中で、喜びあふれている。そして最後の性的エネルギーの爆発で、チェリーは叫んで部屋の向こう側に機械をぴったりと押し込み、息をのむような疲労の熱い汗をかくヒープに後退します。チェリーの性的欲求は満足しているが、カメラが笑顔を浮かべるにつれて、この満足感は非常に短くなるだけであることが明らかになった。

Alana Cruise に '侵略的な肛門のインタビュー:Painslutは潜在的な雇用者によって犯される'

Alana Cruise - 侵略的な肛門のインタビュー:Painslutは潜在的な雇用者によって犯される

アラナクルーズはCherry Tornのセックスショップで彼女の就職インタビューに興奮しています。彼女は完璧なレジュメと成功のためのドレスを持っています。インタビューが進行するにつれて、チェリーの質問はますます個人的になり、まもなくアラナはチェリーの膝にぶつかって、膝のつまみで昔ながらのものになってしまいます! Alanaはこのインタビューの方向性に少し躊躇していますが、彼女は本当にこの仕事を必要としています。そして、彼女はさらにCherryの女性の扱いによってオンになっています。チェリーは彼女が1つを見たときに見知らぬ女を知っていて、彼女は濡れて漏れるまでAlanaの猫で遊んでいます。彼女は彼女がまばゆいことを認め、ハードに来て、チェリーの指のいたる所にべとべとした混乱を作り出すまで、彼女は3本の指をAlanaのおならと指にぴったり合わせる。次はAlanaが彼女のおばちゃんを露出させて縛りつけ、彼女の口を猫の舐めのための完璧なポジションにしている。チェリー作物アラナの猫は、彼女がこの仕事をどれだけ望んでいるのか彼女の猫を見せる前に。アラーナは、チェリーの作物の刺し傷に会うために、彼女の腰が降ろしたように、チェリーの猫を熱狂的に舐める。チェリーが終わった後、彼女は彼女の注意をアラーナのすてきな穴に戻す。 Alanaは、Cherryが複数のオルガズムを通じて彼女に屈辱を与えるのに応じて、徹底的なディック・オン・ア・スティック・ファックを取得します。それから、CherryはAlanaのお尻にメタルの宝石のプラグを差し込みます。彼女はAlanaのお尻を叩きつけ、鞭打ち人の美味しいお酒とAlanaの嘆きによってますますオンになりました。 Alanaのお尻が完全にバラになると、Cherryは雄鶏に縛り付けられ、Alanaのおばあさんに深く押し込まれます。 Alanaは犯されるのが大好きで、彼女の潜在的な将来の上司から徹底した打撃を受けます。彼女は上下に動いて、その反復で彼女の猫の中でより深くなって、そのディックを動作させます。チェリーはアラナのお尻に注意を向けます。彼女は彼の巨根をプッシュし、それを良いハードクソを与える。良い女の子のように来て欲しいと言った後、アラナは甘い解放を与えられ、チェリーのコックに激しく襲われます。

Kleio Valentien に 'ボスの雌犬は娼婦に変身しました:Dee Williamsはダブルぬいぐるみになります'

Kleio Valentien - ボスの雌犬は娼婦に変身しました:Dee Williamsはダブルぬいぐるみになります

ビジネスの幹部Dee Williamsは長い仕事の1日後に家に帰り、疲れてリラックスする準備ができています。彼女がマスターベーションを始めると、2人の美しい支配的な女性が彼女の上のベッドに突然現れます! Cherry TornとKleio Valentienは、Deeを一見して、彼女が何であるか正確に知っている:使用されて虐待されていることを愛する巨大な売春婦!これらの2人の豪華なドンムは、彼女の服のディーをはぎ取り、彼女をピンで止める。彼らは彼女のパンティーを彼女のかわいい小さな口に詰め込んで、かわいい小さなクリートを露出させる。彼らはチームディーのお尻をタグ付けし、ディーが果敢に苦労して空中で彼女の足を蹴ると、それを赤くする。その後、チェリーとクレオはこの雌犬をひっくり返して、ディーのおなかを叩いて、彼女の顔に座って交代する。ディーは注意を愛し、熱心に彼らのいとしい人を奉仕します。両方のDommesが来ると、彼らはDeeの貪欲なおばさんに注意を向けます。ディーの猫は4本の指で引き伸ばされ、両方の女性が同時に指で叩いた!女性の扱いが進むにつれて、ディーの猫はより湿っぽくなっていきます。チェリーは彼女を指で打ち、自分自身を吐き出した後、彼女は大変なことになる。次に、ディーは縛られた彼女のおっぱいと彼女の穴が露出した状態でロープに縛られています。チェリーとクリオはディーのおっぱい、足、腹を叩きつめて漕ぐ。彼らはDeeがもっと欲しがるように、Deeの淫乱な娼婦にストラップをぶつけてポンドします。一度彼らは彼女のオマンコをファックして、彼らはディーの好きな穴、彼女のお尻に注意を向ける。これらの2人の激しいドンムズは、ディーにおいしいハード肛門のクソを与え、おいしい膣と肛門の二重貫入のために彼女を暖める。 Deeの猫とお尻が一杯になって同時に犯されると、Deeは世界で最も幸せな女の子です。ディーは彼女の穴がいっぱいになるのが大好きで、雄鶏のいたる所に激しく激しくぶつかりますしかし、彼女の夢のドムズはまだやっていない!彼らはディーが何度も何度も何度も何度も来るように、彼らの喜んでいる女をよりオルガズムに指差す。

Aiden Starr に '巨大なグループオルガズムを持つ最終的な武装BDSM乱交!'

Aiden Starr - 巨大なグループオルガズムを持つ最終的な武装BDSM乱交!

最後のArmory Orgyパーティーのこの最後の記事で、Noraは最終的にCherryのサイドに奉仕する権利を得ました。エイデンの言葉では、「もしあなたがこの場所であらゆる足をなめる必要があれば、それは起こることです」ノラは彼女の美しいおっぱいを床と股に下ろし、ブーツを舐め、飢えた猫にヒサチを抱きしめ、巨大なお尻を抱きしめて、謙虚な行動のたびに堅いクランプを受けます。結局、彼女の教えられたおっぱいは、アイドンスターの肛門性交のストラップを受け取る前に服を着せようとしている衣服で覆われている。彼女はうめき声をあげ、嘆き悲鳴を上げますが、オーガズムを取り戻そうとする彼女の許可を得て笑うまで、彼女は待っています。一方、私たちのゴージャスなゲストの残りの部分はBDSMの奥深くにあり、お互いに複雑なロープのサスペンションを作り、公共の屈辱に苛まれ、エレクトロのおもちゃで叩かれてしまったので、失われた服従のフェラチオがカウントされます。ファッキングマシンは高い設定になっていて、空気は女性のオルガスムの音とともに下がっています。最後の乱交は例外ではありません。私たちが今までに見た中で最大のグループオルガズムかもしれません。私たちの最初のものであり最後のものであることに感謝します。

Cherry Torn に 'Lusty Cherry Tornのおっぱい、悩みや性交不良のキッド・ダイナマイト'

Cherry Torn - Lusty Cherry Tornのおっぱい、悩みや性交不良のキッド・ダイナマイト

チェリー・トーンは、ブルネットの女神で、キンク・ニューカマー、キッド・ダイナマイトに脅かされた、決定的なドームです。彼の緊張と不安は、チェリーに提出する際に全面的に展示されています。そして、彼女はその緊張感を持って戯れることに非常に喜びを感じます。チェリーは親切に始め、キッドを軽く叩いて鞭打ちをした後、彼を強く殴る。キッドは口が覆われたマスクを着用しているので、チェリーは美しい濡れた猫で彼の顔を真似している。彼女は彼女が舐めて、そして彼のコックを刺すように圧倒的に素晴らしい感覚のような、彼は彼に対して彼女の美しい体を感じることができるように、彼ができるすべての時間は、舌の手の届かないところで彼女の完璧な猫にまっすぐに目を向けます。チェリーはキッド・ダイナマイトを絶対的な献身のために働き、彼は彼女の性交を犯すことを約束する。彼は明らかにその激しさを楽しみにしていませんが、彼は愛人を喜ばせたいので、彼女は彼女が要求するものをやるでしょう。チェリーはキッドの恐怖によって狂った狂気になって、彼の熱意に興奮しています。奴隷は恐れることができますが、勇敢であり、キッドは両方です。チェリーは彼のお尻の指で彼を始め、ちょうど彼の恐怖を立ち上げる。彼は彼女のコックがすぐに彼の中に滑り込むことを知っている、そして彼女は彼を深くペグしようとしている。しかし、彼は気に入る準備ができている。そのコックを取る準備ができています。チェリーは彼の背中に彼を裏返すので、彼女は最終的に彼の中に彼女のハードコックを舐め、彼の人生の一インチ以内に彼をペグするときに彼女は目に見えることができます。彼女は失望していません。彼女はそのハードストラップをKid Dynamiteの不思議なタイトなお尻に出し入れし、同時に足を彼の口に押し込む。彼にとって大きなチャレンジですが、彼はそれを受け取ります。彼は足の礼拝を大好きだが、彼はお尻を苦労している。最終的には、バイブレーターの予測可能性とキッドの飢えた口と舌の熱心な濡れに満足している、桜はついに激しく激しく激しくなる。彼女は満足したら、キッドは良いスポーツと服従の服従者が目的を果たしたと結論づけています。

Mona Wales に '家の奴隷の復讐:飽き飽きす苦悶は殴られて犯される!'

Mona Wales - 家の奴隷の復讐:飽き飽きす苦悶は殴られて犯される!

ボーナスアップデート!新しく解放された家屋の奴隷、Mona Wales、Cherry Tornの浪費は、以前の女優のSally Snatchに復讐する時間はありません。サリーは、袖口、襟、メイドのような服を着て、準備ができています!モナとチェリーは、彼女の乳首、彼女の胸、彼女の胃、彼女の太もも、彼女の濡れた小さなおなら - どこでも - サリーは、彼女の胸、彼女の胃、パンチ、ビート、サリーは、チェリーが彼女のかわいいお尻をまとめるように、モナのブーツで彼女の以前の行動とラップを謝罪します。次に、モナとチェリータグチームサリーのお尻とそれのすべての平方インチをつまんだ。サリーはチェリーの猫を舐め、モナは彼女のおなかと一緒に遊んで、彼女のお尻を撫で続けると、バラと赤になります。その後、彼女の2人の女王連のサリーはセントアンドリュースの十字架に向かって彼女の腹と太ももを刺し、鮮明な赤い縞模様を残す。サリーは真の痛みの痛みで、モナが彼女の鼓動するおなかを撫でるように、力を失い、殴られてしまいます。今は、サリーが彼女の女夫人の両方に働きかけてサービスを受ける時です。 Sallyは彼女の顔に乗ってMonaが縛られ、Cherryは彼女を全部耕作します。喜びと苦痛に苦しむサリーは、両方の女王様が彼女を打ち負かし、この熱心な女の顔のいたるところに来るので、モナとチェリーが彼女のおなかに触れるように頼みます。しかし、モナとチェリーはまだ行われていません。サリーは彼女の所有者の足を崇拝し、彼女の猫の深い彼女のストラップオンコックを取る。サリーは犯されるのが大好きで、汚れた小さなお尻でいっぱいになるように頼んでいるので、モナとチェリーは両端からこの女を二重に詰め込む!チェリーはサリーのお尻を乗りますが、サリーはモナのチンポを貪欲に吸っています。彼女がかつて彼女をしたように、サリーの飽くなき淫乱は、彼女がモナとチェリーのファック、鞭打ち、そして苦しみとしてもっと懇願している。償還は雌犬です!

Cherry Torn に 'Plays with her Masochistic Electro-Painslut'

Cherry Torn - Plays with her Masochistic Electro-Painslut

ブロンドの青い目のライリー・レイエスは、彼女の女王チェリー・トーンを待っているセント・アンドリュースの十字架に縛られています。ライリーは電気を見知らぬ人でもなく、期待して飢えていて、トーンさんが始まるのを待つことはできません。チェリーはザッパーとバイオレットワンドのタッチプレートから始まり、タッチするだけでスレーブに衝撃を与えることができます。チェリーは彼女のかわいいつま先を含む彼女のすべての敏感な領域に触れる、ライ​​リーのいたるところに彼女の指を実行します。 Rileyは、彼女が怒ってしまうと、トーンさんがショックを受け、彼女が怒鳴りつぶすにつれて、チェリーが導電性の金属製の杖を引き出し、ライリーをバイオリンのように演奏するとき、ライリーの限界が押し出されます。チェリーはまた、この幸運なエレクトロスラットの上に導電性の金属のピンホイールを動かし、鋭い金属がライリーの柔らかい淡い肌と接触するようにスパークを飛ばします。この痛みと喜びのすべては、チェリーが彼女のウェット・カンツと一緒に遊んでいるように、ライリーが来てくれと頼んでいる。次に、ライリーは縛られ、ロープで飾られ、彼女の胸にクローゼピン、彼女の側にジッパーが飾られています。チェリーはこの小さなおっぱいが必要とすることを正確に知っています - サムライとの深い電気的なファック! Rileyの猫は、電気で犯される彼女の最初の穴であり、Rileyは十分に得ることができません。感覚に圧倒され、彼女はチェリーの電化メタルのコックに来て欲しい。しかし、何か苦痛のない喜びは何ですか?ライリーが激しくなるにつれて、チェリーは彼女の奴隷からジッパーを裂いて、近くのピンが残すマークを味わっています。しかし、ライリーは彼女のオマンコだけで彼女のオマンコを満たすことはできません。チェリーは彼女のエレクトロスラットのお尻を取って冷たい金属と電流で満たします。ライリーは熱心に来て、彼女の女王様にとても寛大であることに感謝しています。今すぐライリーが働く時間です!導電性の銅のストリップはライリーの脚を巡って流れ、生きている。ライリーは彼女の舌でトーンさんの痛みと奉仕を通して働かなければなりません。チェリーはライザーの顔を乗り、ザッパで彼女を驚かせた。 RileyはCherryのかわいい猫とお尻を舐め、Cherryは彼女の顔全体に激しく激突する。それから、チェリーは電気を鳴らし、彼女が彼女のすたれたウェット・カンツを振動させるように何度も何度も来るようにします。

Aiden Starr に 'アーモリー・アッパー・フロア・フィナーレ第2部:ノラの脱退'

Aiden Starr - アーモリー・アッパー・フロア・フィナーレ第2部:ノラの脱退

歴史的なSF武器庫で開催される私たちの野生のBDSMパーティの第2部へようこそ。 300人の豪華なスウィーナー、ドミナント、そして服従することで、性的喜び、絶妙な痛み、遊び心のあるパートナー交換の響きを持つ華麗なラウンジを満喫します。このエピソードは、彼女のお尻のラモーン・ノマールの厚手のコックで許可なくcummingで彼女自身を屈辱させた後、上層階に彼女の場所の迅速なリマインダを受信するチェリートーンで始まります。ラモンは彼女を床に投げつけ、彼女に作物で尋問し、彼女の窮地を笑っている間、小さなポニーのようにラウンジの周りに彼女をたたきつける。 Cherryが彼女の顔を笑いながらラムンが彼女の猫を苦しめている間、ザーメンを許可するために必死に彼らを頼むように、熱い若いカップルがゲームの焦点になる。最終的に許可を与えられたチェリーは、彼女がオルガスムの忘却に打たれたときに救済で悲鳴を切る。次の部屋では、豪華な家の奴隷卒業生ネリーメカニックは彼女の心のセックスで完璧なラテックスガウンを着て彼女の獲物に降りる。 Devi Lynnは、賢明な小さな従順で、レズビアンの支配、一尾の鞭打ち、拳、身体、運動拘束の苦境からの彼女の悲鳴の間で、魅力的な切り札と浮気の交換を維持します。興奮した群衆が歓声を上げるので、すべてがキスで終わります。非常に暖かいインスピレーションでラテックスセックス、スパンキング、潮吹き、ロープサスペンション、鞭打ち、ファックマシンの楽しみ、レズビアンスウィングの大暴れの中で部屋のライトアップが行われます。非常に苦しいひざまずくロープのサスペンションに縛られて、彼女は最終的に彼女がチェリートーンの前で最後の兵士の奴隷として請願する価値があることを証明しなければならない。カットをするために、彼女は空気中の性の肉のようにぶら下がって、電気的苦痛、zappers、および牛prodsの猛攻撃をすべて生き残る必要があります彼女の意志を衰えさせて懇願しながら。彼女が十分な従順な猶予をもって自分自身を提供することができれば、彼女はCherry Tornの承認とRamon Nomarの手での彼女の肛門使用に報いを受けるでしょう。

Cherry Torn に 'ティキ・テイクダウン:かわいい痛みの痴女のバーテンダーは、つまんで、犯される!'

Cherry Torn - ティキ・テイクダウン:かわいい痛みの痴女のバーテンダーは、つまんで、犯される!


Cherry Torn に 'Trains New Lesbian Electro-Slave'

Cherry Torn - Trains New Lesbian Electro-Slave

痛みを感じる女の子は、Cherry Torn女優が始まる前に、妊娠しています。慈悲は彼女の足に付いている電化銅パイプで縛られた広がりのワシです。プロトコルでレッスンを受けている間、慈悲は鞭打たれ、つぶされ、つまんで、そしてオーガズムに指で打たれる。次に、チェリーは激しい杖を壊し、彼女の小柄な足に特別な注意を払う。それから、慈悲は振動電化されたディルドによってオルガスムに電撃されます。最後に、慈悲の足とつま先は電化された銅線で包まれ、慈悲は満足してくれるまで女の子の舐めと指差しで彼女の女王を喜ばせることができます。

Holly Hendrix に 'アナル・アサイラム:ホーニー・ニンポーの患者は、まったく変態したレズビアンの医者に会う'

Holly Hendrix - アナル・アサイラム:ホーニー・ニンポーの患者は、まったく変態したレズビアンの医者に会う


Eliza Jane に 'ボンデージ・スレーブの訓練:エリザ・ジェーン・デイ2'

Eliza Jane - ボンデージ・スレーブの訓練:エリザ・ジェーン・デイ2

セクシーでフレキシブルなEliza Janeは、彼女のトレーニングの2日目に戻ってきました。 Xanderは、彼女が最も拘束力のあるポジションで拘束されている間、エリザに自分の性器を奪うようにトレーニングします:2つのサスペンション、広いオープンな犬と脚が開かれた宣教師を広げました。加重乳首クランプと多量の鞭打ちがエリザを熱狂させ、ザンダーはスペードで性的優位性を発揮します。素晴らしい仕事Eliza!

Emma Haize に '熱狂的なアナルキューティーがTUFに戻り、破壊される'

Emma Haize - 熱狂的なアナルキューティーがTUFに戻り、破壊される


Cherry Torn に 'チェリートーンのお茶サービスと奴隷罰'

Cherry Torn - チェリートーンのお茶サービスと奴隷罰

武器と哀れな奴隷のティータイムArtemis Fauxは絶妙なFemDomme Mistress Cherry Tornを礼拝し準備しています。レザーボンデージで拘束され、アルテミスは体罰、顔面騎乗、窒息、ハイヒールの足の礼拝のために準備されています。チェリーは、電気とストラップ・オン・ファックで彼をザッピングする前に、タイトなロープボンデージコックの苦しみのために彼女の意欲的な奴隷を結びつけることにします。アルテミスはついに彼の哀れな顔のいたるところにディルド・ギャグ・オーガズムを抱えて彼の愛人を喜ばせる。

Julia Ann に 'MILF Angel Investor:若い起業家が変態レズのセックスに服従する!'

Julia Ann - MILF Angel Investor:若い起業家が変態レズのセックスに服従する!

若くて可愛い起業家のエリザ・ジェーンは熱い天使の投資家ジュリア・アンと会い、彼女が交渉した以上のものを見つけます。 Juliaは彼女の新しいアプリを使用して、Elizaを野生のスカベンジャーの狩猟に送ります。 Eizaは変態性のおもちゃでいっぱいのバッグを手に入れ、ハイテク業界で成功するために必要なことは何でもする意欲を持っています。夜は喫煙フェチから始まり、足の礼拝、沢山の猫の舐め、顔の座り、尻を振る、女の扱い、指一押し、乳首クランプ、猫と肛門ストラップ、そして何でもエリザは将来の投資家に自分を証明する。

Syren de Mer に 'ファンタスティック・ファッキング・フォルサム・オージーPt。 2'

Syren de Mer - ファンタスティック・ファッキング・フォルサム・オージーPt。 2


Syren de Mer に 'ファルソム・オージー'

Syren de Mer - ファルソム・オージー


Cherry Torn に '角質の電柱:熱い雛が電気に襲われます!'

Cherry Torn - 角質の電柱:熱い雛が電気に襲われます!

Dominatrix Cherry Tornは、サスペンションボンデージ、ザッピング、鞭打ち、電化ニップルクランプ、ワイヤードストラップオンクックでニッキーダーリンを支配しています!

Eliza Jane に 'エリザ・ジェーンの奴隷訓練'

Eliza Jane - エリザ・ジェーンの奴隷訓練

かわいい服従エリザジェーンは彼女ができることを学ぶためにXander Corvusに提出する!エリザはハードコックを満足しながらハードサスペンションボンデージに耐えます。

Daisy Ducati に 'ホットエレクトリックセックスおもちゃ:レズビアン・スリウト・バウンド、ショッキング、そしてファック!'

Daisy Ducati - ホットエレクトリックセックスおもちゃ:レズビアン・スリウト・バウンド、ショッキング、そしてファック!


Cherry Torn に '夫の髭剃り:肛門の態度調整'

Cherry Torn - 夫の髭剃り:肛門の態度調整

チェリー・トーンは、彼女の猫が満足し続けることができないとき、汚れたポルノに彼のおっぱいを揺らす家のいたるところに忍び込んだ夫のRuckusとうんざりされています。ベッドだけで別の退屈な夜を過ごした後、彼女は赤い手を握って、タイトなチンポが激しい雄鶏によって大きく吹き飛ばされてしまった。突然、彼女は本当に必要なのは肛門の態度調整であるとき、彼女は彼女の "マッチョ"のための甘い小さなwifeyされていることが明らかになります。チェリーは、彼の中から毒性の男らしさを犯して、雄鶏を取り巻くラッカスの恥と罪悪感を排除することに決めました。この治療法は彼の本当の欲望を認められるまで続きます。彼らの結婚のために。彼女のレッスンには、缶詰、鞭打ち、プッシリック舐め、お尻の礼拝、貞操、そしてファックの深いハードストラップが含まれます。

Kacie Castle に 'ドミナトリックスとのデート・ナイト:レズビアンのカップルがチェリー・トーンに服従する!'

Kacie Castle - ドミナトリックスとのデート・ナイト:レズビアンのカップルがチェリー・トーンに服従する!

若いレズビアンカップル(Kacie CastleとCadence Lux)は、寝室で物事を盛り上げようと決め、Dominatrix Cherry Tornとのダンジョンセッションを予定していました!アクションに満ちた出会いは、缶詰、スパンキング、鞭打ち、サスペンドボンデージ、指差し、猫と肛門ストラップオンファック、ストラップオンDP、プッシー舐めのトン、オーガズムを吐く!

Cherry Torn に 'Returns To Hogtied!!'

Cherry Torn - Returns To Hogtied!!


Darling に 'ママの痴女の娘が失敗した成績を改善する'

Darling - ママの痴女の娘が失敗した成績を改善する

エリザジェーンの失敗した成績は、彼女の邪悪なステップマザー(ダーリン)の贅沢なライフスタイルを危険にさらしており、彼女はそれに対して何かをするようにXander Corvusに任せます。ザンダーはママと彼女の素朴なステップ娘を束縛、クランプ、ギャグ、ハードコアのアナルセックスで罰し、上層階に無責任な痴女の余地がないと教えている。

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe に '美容学校ドロップアウト'

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe - 美容学校ドロップアウト


Lauren Phillips に 'ビッグティット元妻は肛門サービスの売春婦を回した'

Lauren Phillips - ビッグティット元妻は肛門サービスの売春婦を回した

Lauren Phillipsは、巨大なおっぱいとクソな姿勢の高い水の飲み物です。彼女は上層階のラウンジを右に散歩し、娯楽のためにスタッフを虐待し、彼女のオマンコが頭の奴隷に舐められ、チェリーの痛烈なピンクの娼婦のために激しい懲罰を要求する。謙虚なスタッフが、彼女がもはや家のマスターと結婚していないことを発見し、ジュエリーを盗むためにのみ訪れると、彼女は彼女を100ペグ下げて、彼女を彼女の肛門の低い娼婦に変身させます。堅い乳首クランプ、缶詰、荒い肛門、屈辱、電気苦痛、オルガズムを罰する、そして真珠をすべての彼女の穴から引き抜いて詰め込んだのは、この金の掘り抜き娼婦の始まりに過ぎない。

Cherry Torn に 'Beats Sleazy Porn Producer Down'

Cherry Torn - Beats Sleazy Porn Producer Down

傲慢なポルノプロデューサーであるD. Arciqueは、彼のいつもの醜悪主義的な虚偽の尻をCherry Tornに引っ込もうとすると、すぐにそれを後悔させます。彼は鞭打ち、鞭打ち、缶詰め、彼自身の厚い不快な汚物を与え、彼のお尻の深部で犯されるように精巧な束縛に苦しんでいます。このような悲惨な宇宙の無駄であることに対する彼女の許しを懇願しながら、Cherryは強烈なCBTを管理しています。チェリーは彼女の顔のいたるところに詰まっているので、彼女が汗をかいたお尻を舐めるのを見て、彼女自身の喜びを得ます。

Cherry Torn に 'Ana Foxxxは衝撃を受けて電気を激しく襲う!'

Cherry Torn - Ana Foxxxは衝撃を受けて電気を激しく襲う!


Cherry Torn に 'あなたの毒を選んでください:肛門の痛みは、縛られ、殴られ、犯されます!'

Cherry Torn - あなたの毒を選んでください:肛門の痛みは、縛られ、殴られ、犯されます!


Penny Pax に 'バッド・セクレタリー:熱いベイビーが尻込み、二重貫通し、支配!'

Penny Pax - バッド・セクレタリー:熱いベイビーが尻込み、二重貫通し、支配!


Slave Fluffy に 'その雌のお尻を吸う!'

Slave Fluffy - その雌のお尻を吸う!


Anna Tyler に 'チェリー・トーンの新しいスレーブ・ガール'

Anna Tyler - チェリー・トーンの新しいスレーブ・ガール


Cherry Torn に 'かわいい男の子の奴隷が、恥ずかしがり屋で恥ずかしがり屋に釘付けになった!'

Cherry Torn - かわいい男の子の奴隷が、恥ずかしがり屋で恥ずかしがり屋に釘付けになった!


Samantha Hayes に '犯されたセックス・スレーブが壊れて犯された'

Samantha Hayes - 犯されたセックス・スレーブが壊れて犯された

Samanatha Hayesは、本当に奉仕する方法を忘れて、常により多くの罰と性を要求している、甘やかされた性的服従です。彼女のマスターは彼女を元の奴隷、チェリートーンと訓練する彼女の上層階をもたらします。チェリーの診断である「サマンサ」の自己訴求からの服従はすぐに彼女の美しい身体を壊すように働きかけ、彼女はセックス・オピニオンからのセックス・オファーとサービスを楽しむことができます。彼女のマスターと夫の雄鶏を拒否し、サマンサは床に痛み、彼女の顔に座って、彼女が厳しい缶詰を受けている間、すべてのディックを盗んで泣いて泣き叫ぶ。彼女が正しく懇願して完全な感謝を示すまでは、サマンサは何かコックを持っているかもしれません。次のシーンでは、サマンサは非常に制限的な部分的なサスペンションに縛られ、何かを動かすこともコントロールすることもできないことがわかります。彼女は性的使用を完全にし、当初、彼女は彼女の夫のコックとチェリーの罰する手のひらの上をコントロールできずに吐き出すが、シーンの終わりには、彼女は良い女の子のように指揮して嘆願している。彼女が素早く叩かれたり電気ショックがないと、彼女に思い出させる。彼女の次のレッスンは注目の中心ではないが、別の奴隷提出を助けている。チェリーはロープの位置で下ろされ、彼女の完璧な丸い尻を空中にひきつける。サマンサの口元は広く開いて垂れ下がり、彼女は夫の雄鶏をきれいにし、チェリーの穴を喜ばせ、チェリーのオルガスムな肛門性交のためにすべての潤滑剤を提供する。両方の奴隷は、彼らのお尻をプレゼントし、恵みで罰を受ける。どうして?彼女の夫はそれが気に入っているから。それは彼女の最終レッスンで、BDSMは公平ではなく、力と喜びです。彼女の鞭打ちと尻のような尻のように、サマンサは最終的に彼女の夫の雄鶏の周りにチェリーのお尻ギャプを助けることが許され、自分自身を叫んで潮吹きを取る。 Cherry Tornのおかげで、幸せで健康的で、よく犯された奴隷が一日の終わりに現れます。

Daisy Ducati に 'ダイク・バー2:ホット・ホーニー・レズビアンのLorelei Lee Devourred!'

Daisy Ducati - ダイク・バー2:ホット・ホーニー・レズビアンのLorelei Lee Devourred!

飽くなき時を過ごした熱いパトロンと変態的なバーテンダー女優のカラが変態レズビアンのセナニガンを誘惑する雄大なダイクバーに戻ってようこそ。 2つの美しいブロンド、Loreiei LeeとCherry Tornが角を曲げている間、Karaは通常の顧客Daisy Ducatiと共謀して行動に取り掛かります。カラとデイジーは、ロリィを誘惑してエロチックな屈辱、殴打、鞭打ち、指差し、拳銃、オルガスムコントロール、猫の舐め、顔面騎乗、猫とアナルストラップオン、 DPと無数の強烈なオーガズムを皆のために!

Cherry Torn に 'アニークルーズの帰り!'

Cherry Torn - アニークルーズの帰り!

アニークルーズは、古典的な、オルガスムいっぱいのレズビアンダンジョンセッションのホットドームチェリートーンでホイップされたお尻に戻ります! CherryはAnnieを迎えてくつろぎ、鞭打ち、顔面騎乗、指打つ、棒とおしゃぶりでのディック、そして肛門ストラップでファックします!

Cherry Torn に '思いがけないElectroslut!'

Cherry Torn - 思いがけないElectroslut!

魅惑的なエレクトロスラットローズラプソディは、より多くの電気オルガズムと苦悩のために返します!スチール製のパイプフレームに縛られたMistress Cherry Tornは、電撃猫フック、ザッパー、サムライ、信じられない数の強烈なオルガスムに服従する美しい角質を鍛えます。彼女のお尻と紫のワンドの中に電化したお尻のプラグ。チェリートーンが彼女の顔に座って何度も何度も何度も繰り返される間、ローズはショックを受けました!シーンは必然的に避けられない牛の欲求と、さらに欲しがっている角質の痴女で終わります!

Cherry Torn に 'レイヴンロケットリターン!'

Cherry Torn - レイヴンロケットリターン!

熱と角質のRaven RocketはElectroslutsに戻ってより多くのレズビアンのエレクトロセックスアクションを披露します!チェリー・トーンは、エレクトロ苦境の束縛、電化ディルド・ファッキング、有線絆創膏、ぬいぐるみのトン、指で叩いたり、顔を座ったり、牛を刺激して彼女を支配する!!!

Cherry Torn に 'JohnsonとPecker Moving:あなたの箱を梱包してから69 ''

Cherry Torn - JohnsonとPecker Moving:あなたの箱を梱包してから69 '

ようこそ、Cherry Torn to Hardcore Gangbangsへようこそ。この女性は真剣に十分な雄鶏を得ることができません!チェリーは新鮮な新しい離婚を演じ、彼女の箱に会社の雄鶏を詰め込んだチャンスを跳ね返す!彼女は彼女の中でそれらの巨根を十分に得ることができません!ボンデージ、荒いセックス、ぶっかけ、深い二重浸透がすべて!

Cherry Torn に 'チェリートーンの本当の色'

Cherry Torn - チェリートーンの本当の色


Cherry Torn に 'ディヴィーン・ビッチズ社のオフィススレーブ'

Cherry Torn - ディヴィーン・ビッチズ社のオフィススレーブ


Cherry Torn に 'Fucks and Hazes Electroslut Nikki Nightly!'

Cherry Torn - Fucks and Hazes Electroslut Nikki Nightly!


Cherry Torn に '雄鶏の礼拝で訓練された若いアナルおっぱい'

Cherry Torn - 雄鶏の礼拝で訓練された若いアナルおっぱい

Alinaは丸いお尻、長い脚、そして雄鶏のための深い飢えを持つかなり小さなパッケージです。しかし、彼女の訓練は不足しており、Cherry Tornのアイアン手を肛門雄鶏の崇拝のコースに当てることになります。チェリーは電気のおもちゃと牛のプロデュースで門の外に出てきて、騒々しい群衆の前で研修生のルールを教える。彼女の見積もりでは、Alinaは彼女のパフォーマンスでどんなディックも獲得しなかったし、Alinaが群衆の靴を舐めさせ、彼女のクランプされた猫で処罰オルガズムを取る間、Cherryは彼女のタイトな猫でそれを盗む。 Cherry Tornは笑っている群衆の前で彼女のいたずらなお尻でハードコックを楽しんでいる間、残りの日はAlinaの顔をザーメンとして使っています。ゲストは、角質を取得し、一日を抱きしめて、シリンジに乗って、お互いを中断し、バニーのようなクソを取る。 Alinaが最終的に自分自身を駄目にしてしまったとき、彼女のルールを書いている間は、それは困難な停止状態にある。彼女は激しくて激しくても、激しい闘いの間だけ。よく出来たチェリートーン!彼女は細かい奴隷を作る。

Veruca James に 'Bitchcraft:フェムドムティーパーティー'

Veruca James - Bitchcraft:フェムドムティーパーティー

あなたはシーズン中最も暗い、セクシーで、最もサディスティックなハロウィーンのフェムドムティーパーティーに招待されています! 2人の男性がパーティーに招待されたと思ったが、すぐに彼らがメインコースであり、バカたちが荒れ狂っていると気付くと、最も悪意の神聖な愚痴の3人、チェリー・トーン、ヴェルカ・ジェームス、ベラ・ロッシが苦しむジェイ・ウィンプとマイク・パニック。屈辱、鞭打ち、複数のドンム複数の奴隷のペグ祭り、3つのドンム足の礼拝、スプラッシュ、お尻の舐め、ディルドのギャグ、猫の崇拝、否定など!これらの3つのドームは火の中にあります!お見逃しなく!ハッピーハロウィン!

Cherry Torn に 'Whore in Training:Missy Minksは、Cherry Tornに提出します。'

Cherry Torn - Whore in Training:Missy Minksは、Cherry Tornに提出します。

ルームメイト・チェリー・トーンは、余計なお金を稼ぐための斬新なアイデアを持って、急成長する都市の住宅価格の上昇に追いついたサンフランシスコの女の子Missy Minksを壊しました。ミッシーは、従順な肛門の売春婦のために最高のドルを支払うことを喜んで要求しているクライアントのために彼女を準備するために変態娼婦の訓練と引き換えにチェリーとの契約を奴隷に入れます。トレーニングは、スパンキング、鞭打ち、缶詰、肛門フック、顔面騎乗、そして肛門ストラップ・ファックで構成されています!

Veruca James に 'DECEPTION +ボーナスマテリアルファンタジー特集'

Veruca James - DECEPTION +ボーナスマテリアルファンタジー特集

これはHogtied.comのメンバーにリリースされました。ボーナスマテリアルは、キャストとのインタビュー、Armory.Cherry Torn&Veruca Jamesの映画初演からのQ&Aを含むいくつかの休息&リラクゼーションのための深い森へのインタビューを含みます。彼らはハイキングに行き、実際の世界から彼らの心を奪うために、長い旅行をします。森林はとても落ち着きのある場所で、女の子たちはそれをすべて取るのを待つことはできません。森に入ると、女の子達は一人ではないことが分かります。近づいてきて、完璧な瞬間を待っている悪い暗い存在があります。一度露出すると、この邪悪を元に戻すことはできません。

Lisa Tiffian に 'vs. Cherry Torn: Anal Slut Loves First Time Electro Sex!'

Lisa Tiffian - vs. Cherry Torn: Anal Slut Loves First Time Electro Sex!


Casey Calvert に '汗をかくサウナアナルレズフィスティングショー'

Casey Calvert - 汗をかくサウナアナルレズフィスティングショー


Cherry Torn に '後の朝:キンキーレズビアンはストレートガールを誘惑する'

Cherry Torn - 後の朝:キンキーレズビアンはストレートガールを誘惑する


Samantha Rone に '3人組を持つ方法(2人の女性、男性1人)'

Samantha Rone - 3人組を持つ方法(2人の女性、男性1人)

2人の女性と3人組を持つための最高のテクニックを学んでください。ここには、3人組を持つ最も包括的なビデオガイドがあります。サマンサ・ローン、チェリー・トーン&ダナラマは、あなたのパートナーと交渉し、3人目のプレイメイトを見つけ、さらにあなたの関係の安全を確保するための成功のヒントを話し合っています。その後、彼らは、最もオルガスムと創造的な性的位置、振り付け、および複数のパートナーとのセックスを楽しく、驚くべき、そしてドラマフリーにする実践のいくつかを示します。 M / Fセックス中の女性/女性の交流について(すべてのパートナーが交流したくない場合でも)、パートナーのミドルシーンを交換したり、マルチタスキングをしたり、 1人の女性と複数の男性または他の性別の複数の浸透を行う3人組を持つ方法に関するヒントについては、Kink Universityのビデオ、複数の浸透性のセックスを参照してください。

Cherry Torn に 'ホラーファック!!それは最後に私たちのマシンで犯されるチェリートーンです!'

Cherry Torn - ホラーファック!!それは最後に私たちのマシンで犯されるチェリートーンです!

FMに載るべきモデルがあれば、それはCherry Tornでなければなりません!彼女はFuckingMachinesを除いて、Kinkが提供しなければならないほぼすべてのサイトを撮影しました。今日、彼女は彼女がフルスロットルの野望を持っているすべてのことをやっているようにマシンを犯すという事実に驚くでしょう。彼女は自分の力ですべてをやって、彼らが崩壊するまでマシンを犯させるつもりです。彼女は完全に満足して疲れてしまうまで、彼女が立ち去らないようにします。

Phoenix Marie に '恥の箱:変態レズビアンのストラップ・オン二重貫通'

Phoenix Marie - 恥の箱:変態レズビアンのストラップ・オン二重貫通


Cherry Torn に 'Hot MILF Simone SonayがLatex Electro Dominatrix Cherry Tornに提出する'

Cherry Torn - Hot MILF Simone SonayがLatex Electro Dominatrix Cherry Tornに提出する

Simone SonayとCherry Tornはエレクトロのセックスシーンでトップのポジションを目指しています。受賞者は、指を叩いたり、顔を座ったり、電撃猫プラグ、有線猫クランプ、ボンデージ、棒でディック、バイオレットワンド、電子スティッキースティッキーパッド、複数のオルガスム、レズビアンのストラップオンファックで敗者を支配する。

Cherry Torn に '縛られた、熟した、殴られたビートレッド'

Cherry Torn - 縛られた、熟した、殴られたビートレッド


Cherry Torn に 'ホットラテックスレズビアンエレクトリックセックス:チェリートーン対チェリーデビル'

Cherry Torn - ホットラテックスレズビアンエレクトリックセックス:チェリートーン対チェリーデビル


Cherry Torn に 'チェリー・トーン:アルファ・セックス・スレーブ・リターン・トレイン・アナル・ルーキー'

Cherry Torn - チェリー・トーン:アルファ・セックス・スレーブ・リターン・トレイン・アナル・ルーキー

チェリー・トーンは、元の下院職員からの爆発的なアルファ・スレーブで、家庭内の奴隷を残忍にし、屈辱を与え、ファックしてしまう。ジュリエット・マーチ(Juliette March)は暴れて、彼女の喉を犯させ、彼女のライト・ボディーをチェーンに入れ、刑罰を科す。トリー・チェリー・トーンは、彼女の背中に他の人のように奉仕し、バトラーはジュリエットが靴をきれいに撫でるので、彼女の厳しい尻を彼女に与える。チェリー・トーンは、迷子になっているジュリエット・マーチ(Juliette March)を修正するために短期間に呼び出され、客のファージャケットを保管するためにワイヤーハンガーを使用した。彼女の袖口と襟に戻って、チェリーは彼女の小さな奴隷に出席し、しっかりと縛られ、彼女の痛みに縛られたバイブレーターで苦しんでいた。チェリーは犯行の対象を使ってジュリエットのピンクと赤を打ち負かし、破壊された猫から別の痛いオルガズムを搾り取る。バトラーが少し騒がしいと感じると、チェリーはジュリエットをスクワットにつまずかせ、上級スタッフに謝罪する方法を教えてくれます。厳しい喉のクソと口頭のサービスです。ジュリエットの罰は決してされていないし、次のシーンで彼女は彼女のストッキングを剥がし、バスルームの床に鎖の中で顔のギャグで小便を洗うことがわかる。チェリーとバトラーは、連続して小便器を吸う間に彼女はきれいにするために新鮮な小便で掃除している間、カイトとジュリエットをバットプラグと鞭で苦しんでいる。チェリーは変態した雌犬で、ジュリエットのピンクの猫をクローバークランプで締め付け、ジュリエットのオープンなバカに侵入する前に、バトラーの激しい揺れを味わう。ジュリエットは、バスルームの床に鎖を張って、彼女が客を再び見下すことはないと誓った。ホーニー・チェリー・トーンは、もはやリスニングではありません。バトラーは、ジュリエットのお尻から新鮮な彼のディックを彼女に供給します。チェリーを満足させる唯一のものは、ジュリエットの悲鳴を発するオルガズムです。ラウンジに戻って、チェリーとジュリエットは、バトラーがチェリー・トーンの恐ろしいニュースを返すまで、床を大いに必要とする。彼の靴は、ひどくおしゃれなジュースが詰まっていて、上級の奴隷として支払うことになっています。彼は彼女の深い緋色を残すハードスパンキングのために彼女の巨大なジグリングのお尻を取る。ジュリエットは、チェリーのお尻や頬が唾を吐くようにしている。どんな汚れたバトラーもそうするべきですが、モッド氏はチェリーのお尻を激しい雄鶏に当てようと決心し、ジュリエットは彼女のおなかを使って靴をきれいにします。両方の女の子は、彼らの記事をうまく乗り、そしてもう一度、床は、チェリートーンの絶望的なカミング面の見慣れた光景に訪れます。 1日の最終的なサービスは、チェリーとジュリエットの背中に、ディックを頼んで、適切な顔をしている。両方の奴隷は、叩かれて、オーガズムとバトラーの手に彼らの穴の暴力的な使用を請うために提出する。チェリー・トゥーン・ハウス・サービスへの復帰は、ジュリエットにとっては祝福です。ジュリエットは明らかに崩れ落ちて、彼女の茂みに熱い怒りの報酬を与えられます。

Cherry Torn に 'Bitchy Bratty Barbie:Porn Slutは苦痛を与え、Anally Dominated!'

Cherry Torn - Bitchy Bratty Barbie:Porn Slutは苦痛を与え、Anally Dominated!


Adley Rose に 'エレクトロチェリーポップ:新しくて緊張したエレクトロスラットが判明しました!'

Adley Rose - エレクトロチェリーポップ:新しくて緊張したエレクトロスラットが判明しました!

チェリー・トーンは美しい最初のタイマーAdley Roseを神経質なエレクトロ・バージンから空腹の女の子に彼女のおなかの中で電気を乞うように変える!結ばれた初心者が輝くバイオレットワンド、数十単位、侍、電撃ストラップオン、顔座り、ザッピング、複数のオルガスムに服従するのを見てください!

Cherry Torn に 'ビッグ・ブーティーレズビアン・ミルウッド:縛られ、スパンキングされ、正式に支配された!'

Cherry Torn - ビッグ・ブーティーレズビアン・ミルウッド:縛られ、スパンキングされ、正式に支配された!

女優チェリー・トーンは、ついに悪名高い角質の服従する肛門の女王サバンナ・フォックスに手を差し伸べる!サバンナは彼女自身の猫ジュースのプールに座っている間、複数のオルガスムを持っています。お尻の崇拝、猫の崇拝、顔の座り、そして肛門ストラップ - 暖かいサバンナを怒らせて、彼女がチェリーのダンジョンフロアのいたるところに来るようにするダブルパケレーションパイルドライバー!

Yasmine de Leon に '角質の素人は、マルチオルガズムのエレクトリックファック'

Yasmine de Leon - 角質の素人は、マルチオルガズムのエレクトリックファック


Maddy O'Reilly に 'ケージドお尻!これらの女の子たちは犯罪をやりました。'

Maddy O'Reilly - ケージドお尻!これらの女の子たちは犯罪をやりました。

チェリートーンは厳しいシステムを実行します。彼女の摂取処理さえももっとも残忍なことです。彼女は囚人を引きずり、完全な体腔の検索をして、それらを使用する準備が整うまでケージに残します。貧弱なVeronica Avluvは数週間、Cherryのおもちゃになっていますが、現在は会社を持っています。熱い若いMaddy O'reillyは生涯の騒動を起こす新たな受刑者を獲得する。チェリーの囚人は口にお尻をする、ファックされたストラップを取得する、ストラップをはずして、ギャプの中でお互いのギャプを舐め、いくつかの駐車券とジェイウォーキングのために拳を立て、噴出させる。

Cherry Torn に '系統的な狂気!!'

Cherry Torn - 系統的な狂気!!


Cherry Torn に 'ティーンナースは、適切なオフィスの行動に衝撃を与えた'

Cherry Torn - ティーンナースは、適切なオフィスの行動に衝撃を与えた


Cherry Torn に 'チェリーをポップアップ'

Cherry Torn - チェリーをポップアップ


Cherry Torn に '20歳は、彼女の最も暗いBDSMレズビアンのファンタジーに提出する!'

Cherry Torn - 20歳は、彼女の最も暗いBDSMレズビアンのファンタジーに提出する!


Marley Blaze に 'いたずらなビデオ'

Marley Blaze - いたずらなビデオ


Cherry Torn に 'ブラッディ・ソロリティー・ガールがエレクトロ・ハザードを起こす!'

Cherry Torn - ブラッディ・ソロリティー・ガールがエレクトロ・ハザードを起こす!

すべての大学の寮にフレイヤ・フレンチのような女の子がいます。女のように歩き回り、女のように話しますが、彼女は無邪気な処女だと主張します。そうですよ!フレヤは、チェリー・トーンとエイデン・スターを一学年すべてに驚かせていました。薄いPJショーツでそれらを曲げ、軽薄なタンクトップの下にブラジャーを着用しませんでした。今日、エイデンとチェリーは、彼女が明らかに望んでいたエレクトリックファックをこの女に与えることに決めました。フレアの嫌がらせは、レズビアンのフットウォーフとtzappingから始まります。その後、彼女のお尻と猫はエレクトロポットで覆われ、続いて、電気DOSからの粗い、貫通のファック!この秘密の売春婦はまだ、もっと欲しかった。それで彼女はますます増えていきます。オボール穿孔、アース - プラギング、全身、エレクトロタッチプレートの衝撃治療が続きます。最後に、この大学は何度も繰り返し、ElectroSlutsの女性団体で彼女の地位を固めています。

Sheena Ryder に 'クリスマス・スラット・テイクダウン!'

Sheena Ryder - クリスマス・スラット・テイクダウン!

シエナはクリスマスレッスンを学ぶ:エレクトロ処罰、レズビアン・ストラップ・オン、プッシー・ラッキング、ザッパ、バイオレット・ワンド、ELECTRO ANAL&ELECTRO DOUBLE PENETRATION

Christie Stevens に 'クリスマスキャロルレズビアンパロディ'

Christie Stevens - クリスマスキャロルレズビアンパロディ


Bella Rossi に '最もホットなフェムドムセックスは、これまで撮影されています。'

Bella Rossi - 最もホットなフェムドムセックスは、これまで撮影されています。


Cherry Torn に '異人種間交流'

Cherry Torn - 異人種間交流


Cherry Torn に 'ケージド・レッドヘッド'

Cherry Torn - ケージド・レッドヘッド


Lorelei Lee に '罪深い学校'

Lorelei Lee - 罪深い学校

Divine Bitchesは、この無礼のサッカー選手に、フロガー、衣服、パドル、屈辱、窒息、ストラップ・オン・アナルを使ったレッスンを教えてくれます。

Cherry Torn に 'ミスターチェリーの裂け目の個人的な家の奴隷'

Cherry Torn - ミスターチェリーの裂け目の個人的な家の奴隷


Cherry Torn に '嫌な習慣'

Cherry Torn - 嫌な習慣


Bella Rossi に 'シークレット・フェムド・ソサエティ:領土流出'

Bella Rossi - シークレット・フェムド・ソサエティ:領土流出


Cherry Torn に 'Stepsisters:パート2'

Cherry Torn - Stepsisters:パート2


Cherry Torn に 'チェリーの妄想'

Cherry Torn - チェリーの妄想

リッチーは平和な場所を探していました。彼は完璧な家を見つけたと思っていたが、期待していなかった、Cherry Torn。彼女がリッチーを目の当たりにするとすぐに、彼女は執念された。最初は彼女の関心は無害だったように見えましたが、すぐに草創期は恐怖に変わりました。チェリーは彼女の人を取得しない場合、彼女は断片に彼を裂くでしょうので。彼はVeruca Jamesをファックしているのを見た後、彼女は彼のザーメンでいっぱいのコンドームを盗み、嫉妬の声で彼を抱き締めようとする。彼女の計画が働くためには、それは野生でなければならない、それは荒くなければならない、それはハードコアのギャングバンでなければならない!彼女は仲間を連れて彼女の家に連れて行き、5人の堅い雄鶏で彼女を破壊する。大まかなセックス、屈辱、窒息、喉のファック、肛門、DP、知覚欠乏、そしてぶっかけ!彼女は次に何をするのか、リッチーは来ることを決して見たことがなかった!

Cherry Torn に 'ガールズウィークエンド!レズビアンの義母と娘のフィーチャープレゼンテーション:第2部'

Cherry Torn - ガールズウィークエンド!レズビアンの義母と娘のフィーチャープレゼンテーション:第2部


Cherry Torn に 'ドリップコックは罰せられる必要があります!'

Cherry Torn - ドリップコックは罰せられる必要があります!


Cherry Torn に 'フィーチャープレゼンテーション:Girls Weekend Pt。 1、サディスティックレズビアンバケーション'

Cherry Torn - フィーチャープレゼンテーション:Girls Weekend Pt。 1、サディスティックレズビアンバケーション


Cherry Torn に 'あなたの手コキから手を離していないなら、私はあなたのためにそれをやろう!'

Cherry Torn - あなたの手コキから手を離していないなら、私はあなたのためにそれをやろう!


Cherry Torn に 'Bootlicking Babes:パート2'

Cherry Torn - Bootlicking Babes:パート2


Cherry Torn に 'ガールボス'

Cherry Torn - ガールボス


Cherry Torn に 'Bootlicking Babesパート1'

Cherry Torn - Bootlicking Babesパート1


Cherry Torn に '女性だけがこのヤングコックをコントロールするのに十分なほど強い'

Cherry Torn - 女性だけがこのヤングコックをコントロールするのに十分なほど強い


Cherry Torn に '- Suspended Suffering'

Cherry Torn - - Suspended Suffering


Cherry Torn に '前立腺搾乳の秘密擬態学会'

Cherry Torn - 前立腺搾乳の秘密擬態学会


Ella Nova に '私はあなたが私の本当の妹であるようにファックするつもりです:第1部'

Ella Nova - 私はあなたが私の本当の妹であるようにファックするつもりです:第1部


Sovereign Syre に 'マルチオルガズムレズビアン'

Sovereign Syre - マルチオルガズムレズビアン


Cherry Torn に 'ドミナトリックスを支配する'

Cherry Torn - ドミナトリックスを支配する


Meiko に '初めての3つのホットなレズダムによる18歳の共編集DP!'

Meiko - 初めての3つのホットなレズダムによる18歳の共編集DP!


Mia Gold に 'ラテックスアナル看護婦'

Mia Gold - ラテックスアナル看護婦


Cherry Torn に '精液銀行'

Cherry Torn - 精液銀行


Claire Robbins に '絶望的な措置'

Claire Robbins - 絶望的な措置


Cherry Torn に 'MILFの図書館員の肛門が提出に夢中!'

Cherry Torn - MILFの図書館員の肛門が提出に夢中!

MILFの参考図書館員、Syren De Merが処罰され、肛門がレズビアンの投稿に犯された!

Cherry Torn に 'クリスマスの雌犬'

Cherry Torn - クリスマスの雌犬


Lea Lexis に 'ブロンドバブルバットアナルエレクトロフィッシング!'

Lea Lexis - ブロンドバブルバットアナルエレクトロフィッシング!


Cherry Torn に 'レズビアン刑務所'

Cherry Torn - レズビアン刑務所


Cherry Torn に 'schools 19-year-old Paris Lincon in her first porn ever!'

Cherry Torn - schools 19-year-old Paris Lincon in her first porn ever!

Cherry Torn学校19歳のパリのリンカーンは初めてのポルノで学んだ!

Audrey Hollander に 'チェリーの究極のアナル体験!!!'

Audrey Hollander - チェリーの究極のアナル体験!!!


Lea Lexis に 'バブル・バット・バウンドとサムライとの闘い'

Lea Lexis - バブル・バット・バウンドとサムライとの闘い


Aiden Starr に 'オールスター・ビッグ・ブレスト・ブロンド・エレクトリック・ファックフェスト!'

Aiden Starr - オールスター・ビッグ・ブレスト・ブロンド・エレクトリック・ファックフェスト!


Lea Lexis に '痛みを伴う電気銅パイプの犠牲になったチェリー!'

Lea Lexis - 痛みを伴う電気銅パイプの犠牲になったチェリー!


Cherry Torn に 'トーン博士のFemDommeラボラトリー:プッシュ、プロービング、ファック、キック!'

Cherry Torn - トーン博士のFemDommeラボラトリー:プッシュ、プロービング、ファック、キック!


Phoenix Marie に 'XXXレッドライト地区の足礼拝XXX'

Phoenix Marie - XXXレッドライト地区の足礼拝XXX


Cherry Torn に 'Hogtied Manglesチェリー・トーン'

Cherry Torn - Hogtied Manglesチェリー・トーン

Cherry TornがHogTied Liveでキャッチされると、彼女はロープ、クランプ、ホイップ、そして彼女を犯してしまうことのできない2つのサディスティックなつまみで乱されます。

Felony に 'Cherry TornがFelony'dになる!'

Felony - Cherry TornがFelony'dになる!


Lorelei Lee に 'クレアとオーランド対ロレーとチェリー'

Lorelei Lee - クレアとオーランド対ロレーとチェリー

Claire&Orlandoは、サディスティックな創造性を最大限に発揮しています.Cherry Torn&Lorelei Leeは2度のライブに欠かせないSPECTACULARアップデート!

Skin Diamond に 'コックスがコックスを取る!'

Skin Diamond - コックスがコックスを取る!


Cherry Torn に '大きな自然な胸を持つブロンド - 堅い!'

Cherry Torn - 大きな自然な胸を持つブロンド - 堅い!


Cherry Torn に 'クレアとオーランド対チェリートーン -  1スムックダウンで究極の2!'

Cherry Torn - クレアとオーランド対チェリートーン - 1スムックダウンで究極の2!

クレア&オーランドは、彼らが考えることができる最も困難な犠牲者 - チェリートーンでカメラで初めてこれまで支配しました。

Cherry Torn に 'マリリンの6フィート'

Cherry Torn - マリリンの6フィート


Cherry Torn に '契約:スレーブ妻チェリートーン'

Cherry Torn - 契約:スレーブ妻チェリートーン


Penny Pax に '機能シュート:ウェットロックキャニオン'

Penny Pax - 機能シュート:ウェットロックキャニオン


Cherry Torn に 'エイデンスターはチェリートーンの電気の真の恐怖をテストします!'

Cherry Torn - エイデンスターはチェリートーンの電気の真の恐怖をテストします!

Cherry Tornは電気刺激を渇望しており、Aiden Starrはライブウェブキャストからこのポストが過剰にあることを確認しています!

Cherry Torn に 'Live Part 3'

Cherry Torn - Live Part 3


Cherry Torn に '- The Girl Who Plays With Fire'

Cherry Torn - - The Girl Who Plays With Fire


Cherry Torn に 'Live Part 2'

Cherry Torn - Live Part 2


Cherry Torn に 'Live Part 1'

Cherry Torn - Live Part 1

チェリー・トーン・ライブショーパート1 - チェリーは彼女の胸/肘/股のロープで吊り下げられ、シングルテールとニップル・クランプで激しく働いています。

Satine Phoenix に 'クラシックシュート、最初の晩餐、第1部'

Satine Phoenix - クラシックシュート、最初の晩餐、第1部


Cherry Torn に 'Gets Pushed to Her Limit!'

Cherry Torn - Gets Pushed to Her Limit!


Cherry Torn に 'gets all tore up as she gets her ass whipped all to hell!'

Cherry Torn - gets all tore up as she gets her ass whipped all to hell!


Cherry Torn に 'Throat Fucked, Blindfolded, Beaten, and Abused!'

Cherry Torn - Throat Fucked, Blindfolded, Beaten, and Abused!


チェリートーン に 'チェリートーン'

チェリートーン - チェリートーン


Bobbi Starr に 'チェリー・トーンのためのエレクトロ・セックス試験'

Bobbi Starr - チェリー・トーンのためのエレクトロ・セックス試験

チェリー・トーンはBobbi Starrの手に電気の限界を与え、エレクトロ・セックスとレズビアンのBDSMの彼女自身のひねりを放つ。

Rain DeGrey に '以前あなたが見たことのないもの!残忍な束縛とオルガスムを持つ素晴らしい3女の子のシーン!'

Rain DeGrey - 以前あなたが見たことのないもの!残忍な束縛とオルガスムを持つ素晴らしい3女の子のシーン!


Cherry Torn に 'ジェシ・パーマーの痛いアナル'

Cherry Torn - ジェシ・パーマーの痛いアナル


Rain DeGrey に 'ディグ:結論。 BDSMアブダクションホラーフィーチャー映画ベストアウトドアボンデージ!'

Rain DeGrey - ディグ:結論。 BDSMアブダクションホラーフィーチャー映画ベストアウトドアボンデージ!

The Dig:結論、Cherry Torn、Rain DeGrey、Iona Graceが主演するBDSMアブドラクションホラーフィーチャー映画。最高のアウトドアボンデージ!

Rain DeGrey に 'The Dig:Cherry Torn、Rain DeGrey、Iona Graceが出演するBDSMアブドラクションホラー映画'

Rain DeGrey - The Dig:Cherry Torn、Rain DeGrey、Iona Graceが出演するBDSMアブドラクションホラー映画

The Dig:Cherry Torn、Rain DeGrey、Iona Grace、Intersecの特別コラボレーションPDを主演するファンタジーBDSMアブドラクションホラー映画。

Cherry Torn に '売春婦'

Cherry Torn - 売春婦


Maitresse Madeline に '非常に桜のウェディング'

Maitresse Madeline - 非常に桜のウェディング


Cherry Torn に 'セクシーなTSAエージェントはテーブルを回して、自分自身を見つけます'

Cherry Torn - セクシーなTSAエージェントはテーブルを回して、自分自身を見つけます


Aurora Snow に '汚いバットは痴女!'

Aurora Snow - 汚いバットは痴女!


Isis Love に 'チェリーは残酷に犯された両端を取得チェリーは彼女の束縛で無力、何度も兼任されて作られています!'

Isis Love - チェリーは残酷に犯された両端を取得チェリーは彼女の束縛で無力、何度も兼任されて作られています!


Cherry Torn に 'バー娼婦'

Cherry Torn - バー娼婦


Isis Love に 'ブロンドは、変更されたカテゴリー4のホッジドサックのチンポに縛られ、彼女の柔軟性の限界に処罰されました!'

Isis Love - ブロンドは、変更されたカテゴリー4のホッジドサックのチンポに縛られ、彼女の柔軟性の限界に処罰されました!


Isis Love に '非常に後ろに曲がって、彼女の首は縛られているので、彼女は動かすことができません、彼女の顔は残酷にカミングしながら犯さ!'

Isis Love - 非常に後ろに曲がって、彼女の首は縛られているので、彼女は動かすことができません、彼女の顔は残酷にカミングしながら犯さ!


Isis Love に '4月のライブショー1/4チェリーはカテゴリー5のサスペンションを受けています!すべての縛りは生きていて'

Isis Love - 4月のライブショー1/4チェリーはカテゴリー5のサスペンションを受けています!すべての縛りは生きていて

4月のライブショー1/4:Cherry Tornは、Category 5のサスペンションになるとすぐに縛られ、地面に苦しんでいる間にザーメンを浴びる。

Cherry Torn に 'is Pink hot!'

Cherry Torn - is Pink hot!


Ariel X に 'ダブル反転Sybian Suspension'

Ariel X - ダブル反転Sybian Suspension


Ariel X に 'マシンで犯されたお尻、マレで犯されたお尻'

Ariel X - マシンで犯されたお尻、マレで犯されたお尻

Airel Xは二重貫通しているのに対し、Cherry Tornは積極的なファックマシンOmegaを取っている。

Krissy Lynn に 'お尻フェチ:Cherry TornとKrissy Lynn'

Krissy Lynn - お尻フェチ:Cherry TornとKrissy Lynn


Ariel X に '電化されたアリエルX、チェリー・トーン:タイド・ドーム'

Ariel X - 電化されたアリエルX、チェリー・トーン:タイド・ドーム


Cherry Torn に '破れた破壊'

Cherry Torn - 破れた破壊

破滅の破壊 - 私たちが彼女を破壊したかどうかという問題ではなく、どの程度までそれを破壊したのか。

Cherry Torn に 'ブロンドキラー自然な体は、中断され、強烈な足の缶詰に苦しんでいる'

Cherry Torn - ブロンドキラー自然な体は、中断され、強烈な足の缶詰に苦しんでいる


Cherry Torn に 'ドムのディナーパーティー!'

Cherry Torn - ドムのディナーパーティー!


Cherry Torn に 'トップレスタパス2'

Cherry Torn - トップレスタパス2


Cherry Torn に '潜在的な新しい奴隷 - クロエカミラ'

Cherry Torn - 潜在的な新しい奴隷 - クロエカミラ

Chloe Camillaは上層階でテストされ、イベントサービススレーブになるために必要なものがあるかどうかを確認します。

Cherry Torn に 'ストレスの甘い味。'

Cherry Torn - ストレスの甘い味。


Madeleine Mei に 'マデラインのトレーニングの3日目'

Madeleine Mei - マデラインのトレーニングの3日目

スレーブトレーナーJames Mogulがこの小さな女を利用して、役に立つサービスの売春婦になるのを手助けするために、Isis LoveとCherry Tornが手に入りました。

Emma Haize に 'Tested and Fisted LIVE'

Emma Haize - Tested and Fisted LIVE

我々はThe Upper Floorにもっと多くの奴隷を連れてくるように求められた。エマは上の階に連れてきた新鮮な肉の女の子の一人で、私たちは彼女に

Cherry Torn に 'ステファノスのブランチ'

Cherry Torn - ステファノスのブランチ


Cherry Torn に '性の奴隷はサディスティックなマスターズとアリスのために働く'

Cherry Torn - 性の奴隷はサディスティックなマスターズとアリスのために働く


Cherry Torn に '熱いブロンドは残酷なカテゴリ5倒立サスペンションを苦しんでいる。彼女が取れるオルガズムの数'

Cherry Torn - 熱いブロンドは残酷なカテゴリ5倒立サスペンションを苦しんでいる。彼女が取れるオルガズムの数


Cherry Torn に '上層階の奴隷は昼食を提供する。'

Cherry Torn - 上層階の奴隷は昼食を提供する。


Cherry Torn に 'マーク・デイビスの誕生日'

Cherry Torn - マーク・デイビスの誕生日


Cherry Torn に 'スレーブサービスに対する罰または報酬。'

Cherry Torn - スレーブサービスに対する罰または報酬。


Dana Vixen に 'Dana Vixenと上階のFreshmeat Monday'

Dana Vixen - Dana Vixenと上階のFreshmeat Monday

Dana Vixenは上層階でテストされ、イベントサービススレーブになるために必要なものがあるかどうかを確認します。

Cherry Torn に 'ホットなブロンド、完璧な身体、自然なおっぱい、ひどく縛られた、ギャグと虐待'

Cherry Torn - ホットなブロンド、完璧な身体、自然なおっぱい、ひどく縛られた、ギャグと虐待


Cherry Torn に 'ペットショー!'

Cherry Torn - ペットショー!


Cherry Torn に 'フレッシュミート:Payton Bell'

Cherry Torn - フレッシュミート:Payton Bell

フレッシュミート:Payton Bell

Cherry Torn に 'マエストロは、チェリー・トーンとベラ・ロシを使用して、モルレーンを維持しています!'

Cherry Torn - マエストロは、チェリー・トーンとベラ・ロシを使用して、モルレーンを維持しています!


Cherry Torn に 'チェリートーンの肛門の日!'

Cherry Torn - チェリートーンの肛門の日!


Cherry Torn に 'トーンのお尻を取る!'

Cherry Torn - トーンのお尻を取る!


Cherry Torn に 'ブロンドを破る!'

Cherry Torn - ブロンドを破る!


Cherry Torn に 'アートとセックス2のプレイパーティーの間の細い線'

Cherry Torn - アートとセックス2のプレイパーティーの間の細い線


Cherry Torn に 'フレッシュミート:エマ・ハイゼ'

Cherry Torn - フレッシュミート:エマ・ハイゼ


Cherry Torn に '奴隷の裂け目はぬいぐるみとホイップです'

Cherry Torn - 奴隷の裂け目はぬいぐるみとホイップです


Cherry Torn に '企業処罰のファインダーポイント'

Cherry Torn - 企業処罰のファインダーポイント


Cherry Torn に '家の奴隷は、ファック、吸い込み、痛みを抱えてテストされています!'

Cherry Torn - 家の奴隷は、ファック、吸い込み、痛みを抱えてテストされています!


Cherry Torn に 'そう遠くの話'

Cherry Torn - そう遠くの話


Cherry Torn に 'トップレスタパス'

Cherry Torn - トップレスタパス


Cherry Torn に 'ヘッドバトラーに奉仕する'

Cherry Torn - ヘッドバトラーに奉仕する


Cherry Torn に 'メンバーリクエスト:Slapping Torn'

Cherry Torn - メンバーリクエスト:Slapping Torn


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:靴磨き101'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:靴磨き101


Cherry Torn に 'バンギングジア'

Cherry Torn - バンギングジア


Cherry Torn に '特別イベントトレーニング'

Cherry Torn - 特別イベントトレーニング


Cherry Torn に 'ジェシーコックスのトレーニングレビュー'

Cherry Torn - ジェシーコックスのトレーニングレビュー


Cherry Torn に 'フレッシュミート:Felony'

Cherry Torn - フレッシュミート:Felony


Cherry Torn に '女王リリアン・ハントとのお茶'

Cherry Torn - 女王リリアン・ハントとのお茶


Cherry Torn に '奉仕セッション:裂け目で床をモップアップする'

Cherry Torn - 奉仕セッション:裂け目で床をモップアップする


Cherry Torn に '葉巻とフェラチオ'

Cherry Torn - 葉巻とフェラチオ


Cherry Torn に 'トップレス・タパス・トレーニング・パート2'

Cherry Torn - トップレス・タパス・トレーニング・パート2


Cherry Torn に 'トプレスタパスのトレーニングセッション'

Cherry Torn - トプレスタパスのトレーニングセッション


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:Clit感謝の日'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:Clit感謝の日


Cherry Torn に '上層階の党'

Cherry Torn - 上層階の党


Cherry Torn に '新鮮な肉:マドレーヌ'

Cherry Torn - 新鮮な肉:マドレーヌ


Cherry Torn に '奴隷レビュー:セダ'

Cherry Torn - 奴隷レビュー:セダ


Cherry Torn に '奉仕セッション:武器を巡る第2部'

Cherry Torn - 奉仕セッション:武器を巡る第2部


Cherry Torn に 'Jessie Coxと上階での新鮮な肉の月曜日'

Cherry Torn - Jessie Coxと上階での新鮮な肉の月曜日

上層階の数多くのパーティーでそれを脱ぎ捨てた後、Jessie Coxは最終的に新鮮な肉の日に招待されます。

Cherry Torn に '奴隷レビュー:Tia Ling'

Cherry Torn - 奴隷レビュー:Tia Ling


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:Wolf in the House'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:Wolf in the House


Cherry Torn に '新鮮な肉月曜日:Gia DiMarco'

Cherry Torn - 新鮮な肉月曜日:Gia DiMarco


Cherry Torn に 'アートが発表'

Cherry Torn - アートが発表


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:葉巻とボンデージ'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:葉巻とボンデージ


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:ボンデージの奴隷たち'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:ボンデージの奴隷たち


Cherry Torn に '奉仕セッション:乳首礼拝の日'

Cherry Torn - 奉仕セッション:乳首礼拝の日


Cherry Torn に '奉仕セッション:スラブ豚'

Cherry Torn - 奉仕セッション:スラブ豚


Cherry Torn に 'マスターアクワースのホイップダンス'

Cherry Torn - マスターアクワースのホイップダンス


Cherry Torn に 'マスターを楽しませる'

Cherry Torn - マスターを楽しませる


Cherry Torn に 'フレッシュミート:Jynx Maze'

Cherry Torn - フレッシュミート:Jynx Maze


Cherry Torn に 'ディレクターの夕食:城に捧げるトースト'

Cherry Torn - ディレクターの夕食:城に捧げるトースト


Cherry Torn に '奉仕セッション:ボンデージの実践と破れた矯正'

Cherry Torn - 奉仕セッション:ボンデージの実践と破れた矯正


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:規律の維持'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:規律の維持


Cherry Torn に 'ロッシの胸のトレーニング'

Cherry Torn - ロッシの胸のトレーニング


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション水曜日:ラテックスコルセットトレーニング101'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション水曜日:ラテックスコルセットトレーニング101


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:心の償還'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:心の償還


Cherry Torn に '女性にはふさわしくない行動'

Cherry Torn - 女性にはふさわしくない行動


Mellanie Monroe に '新鮮な肉'

Mellanie Monroe - 新鮮な肉

ビッグ・ティン・メラニー・モンロー、Master Acworth

Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:ハウスキーピング102'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:ハウスキーピング102


Cherry Torn に 'ステファノスの日曜日のブランチ'

Cherry Torn - ステファノスの日曜日のブランチ


Cherry Torn に '家の晩餐'

Cherry Torn - 家の晩餐


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:国内トレーニング'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:国内トレーニング


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:中国の敷設'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:中国の敷設


Cherry Torn に 'アイズワイドオープンパーティー'

Cherry Torn - アイズワイドオープンパーティー


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:ゲストルームの準備'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:ゲストルームの準備


Cherry Torn に '奉仕セッション:アート・スリット'

Cherry Torn - 奉仕セッション:アート・スリット


Cherry Torn に 'アートとセックスの間の細い線'

Cherry Torn - アートとセックスの間の細い線


Cherry Torn に '大尻金曜日'

Cherry Torn - 大尻金曜日


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:ロッシ初日'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:ロッシ初日


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:フレッシュミート'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:フレッシュミート


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:Pleasure Gambit'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:Pleasure Gambit


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:シルバーポリシング102'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:シルバーポリシング102


Cherry Torn に 'サーシャノックススレーブレビュー'

Cherry Torn - サーシャノックススレーブレビュー


Cherry Torn に 'ビッグティッツイベント'

Cherry Torn - ビッグティッツイベント


Cherry Torn に '上層階への訪問者'

Cherry Torn - 上層階への訪問者


Charley Chase に 'Lorelei Lee、チャーリー・チェイス医用電柱、潮吹きマシン・セックス、乱雑な看護師'

Charley Chase - Lorelei Lee、チャーリー・チェイス医用電柱、潮吹きマシン・セックス、乱雑な看護師


Cherry Torn に 'シェボンのレビュー'

Cherry Torn - シェボンのレビュー


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:Shevon's Punishment'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:Shevon's Punishment


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:スレーブワークアウト'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:スレーブワークアウト


Aiden Starr に 'ハウスボーイの訓練:第4話客観化'

Aiden Starr - ハウスボーイの訓練:第4話客観化


Cherry Torn に '航路の儀式'

Cherry Torn - 航路の儀式


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:スレーブの準備'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:スレーブの準備


Cherry Torn に 'StefanosがSunday Brunchをホスト'

Cherry Torn - StefanosがSunday Brunchをホスト


Cherry Torn に '深夜の即興機械ファック'

Cherry Torn - 深夜の即興機械ファック


Cherry Torn に '奴隷レビュー:上層階のホリーハート'

Cherry Torn - 奴隷レビュー:上層階のホリーハート


Cherry Torn に 'マエストロ・ステファノスの訪問'

Cherry Torn - マエストロ・ステファノスの訪問


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:ふれあい'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:ふれあい


Charley Chase に 'Lorelei Leeチャーリー・チェイス・プレイ・ドクター'

Charley Chase - Lorelei Leeチャーリー・チェイス・プレイ・ドクター


Cherry Torn に 'トーンのレビュー'

Cherry Torn - トーンのレビュー


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:ハウスペット'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:ハウスペット


London Keyes に 'ロンドンキーズホットガールは、ホットガールは参照してください'

London Keyes - ロンドンキーズホットガールは、ホットガールは参照してください

アジアのベイビー、大きなおっぱいは、セックスショップの店の部屋のマシンで多くの汗をかいている - 彼女の乳首、彼女の足の下のストラップ、大きなロボットのディックからのcumsクランプ。

Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:Shevonの失敗'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:Shevonの失敗


Cherry Torn に '新年の乱交'

Cherry Torn - 新年の乱交


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:Tornのサービスへの復帰'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:Tornのサービスへの復帰


Cherry Torn に 'ブラックフライデーブランチ:Shevon Petitions the House'

Cherry Torn - ブラックフライデーブランチ:Shevon Petitions the House


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:テストの制約'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:テストの制約


Cherry Torn に 'すべてのSybianボーナスはFuckingMachines.comからの幸せな祝日を更新します'

Cherry Torn - すべてのSybianボーナスはFuckingMachines.comからの幸せな祝日を更新します


Calico に 'and Cherry Torn's Live Feed'

Calico - and Cherry Torn's Live Feed

CalicoとCherryの2時間のSex and Submissionライブフィード。

Calico に 'カリコの訓練、4日目'

Calico - カリコの訓練、4日目


Mister Torn に '兵器庫でのハロウィーンパーティー'

Mister Torn - 兵器庫でのハロウィーンパーティー


Satine Phoenix に 'Satine Phoenix、Day 7のトレーニング'

Satine Phoenix - Satine Phoenix、Day 7のトレーニング


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:ファーストハウススレーブ'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:ファーストハウススレーブ


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:ハウスルーチン'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:ハウスルーチン


Cherry Torn に 'トーンのジレンマ'

Cherry Torn - トーンのジレンマ


Cherry Torn に 'サービスセッション:上層室'

Cherry Torn - サービスセッション:上層室


Cherry Torn に '最初のカクテルパーティー'

Cherry Torn - 最初のカクテルパーティー


Cherry Torn に 'Hogtied and made to cum so much and so hard that it brings tears.'

Cherry Torn - Hogtied and made to cum so much and so hard that it brings tears.


Cherry Torn に 'Another girl made to cum so much, so hard, that it brings tears.'

Cherry Torn - Another girl made to cum so much, so hard, that it brings tears.


Cherry Torn に 'On the rack!'

Cherry Torn - On the rack!


Claire Adams に '桜は吊るされた'

Claire Adams - 桜は吊るされた


Cherry Torn に '桜の訓練、八日目'

Cherry Torn - 桜の訓練、八日目


Cherry Torn に 'ポーカーゲーム'

Cherry Torn - ポーカーゲーム


Cherry Torn に '桜の訓練、7日目'

Cherry Torn - 桜の訓練、7日目


Satine Phoenix に '最初の晩餐、第3部'

Satine Phoenix - 最初の晩餐、第3部


Cherry Torn に '桜の訓練、6日目'

Cherry Torn - 桜の訓練、6日目


Satine Phoenix に '最初の晩餐、第2部'

Satine Phoenix - 最初の晩餐、第2部


Cherry Torn に '桜の訓練、5日目'

Cherry Torn - 桜の訓練、5日目


Cherry Torn に 'コンパニオンバグ'

Cherry Torn - コンパニオンバグ


Cherry Torn に '桜の訓練、4日目'

Cherry Torn - 桜の訓練、4日目


Cherry Torn に 'チェリー・トーン・デー3のトレーニング'

Cherry Torn - チェリー・トーン・デー3のトレーニング


Cherry Torn に '桜の訓練、2日目'

Cherry Torn - 桜の訓練、2日目


Sandra Romain に '引き裂かれたチェリーは彼女の猫を有線にします!'

Sandra Romain - 引き裂かれたチェリーは彼女の猫を有線にします!

wiredpussyに引き裂かれたCherryを歓迎しましょう!さくらんぼは本当の取引、彼女を支配し、彼女を罰し、そして彼女に何をすべきかを告げる人々に降りるふしだらな女です。そう、彼女は正しい場所に来た、そしてSandra Romainはそれ以上のことをすべてやる!最初のチェリーは木造の棚に閉じ込められ、ラテックスフードによって彼女の感覚を奪われました。このポジションでは、彼女はSandraとの窮地に立たされた小さな束縛状態で苦しんでいます。電気的なEMSパッドが筋肉を揺さぶっている間、彼女は一杯の水を飲むのに苦しみます。もちろん、チェリーはその日の残りの部分を失い、その間違いのためにお金を払います。このアップデートでは、たくさんの良いスパンキング、ハードクソ、そしてエレクトロプレイが行われています。

他のサイトからの風景 Cherry Torn,Eliza Jane

Cherry Torn に 'Blonde Cherry Torn fucking in the floor with her tattoos'

Cherry Torn - Blonde Cherry Torn fucking in the floor with her tattoos

Cherry stops by her friend Jessica's house, but she's out with her douchebag boyfriend. Jessica's brother Rocco is home, and he tells Cherry that he's stressed out because his sister is dating a guy who's a bad influence. He tells her that nice guys always finished last, just like he did when his girlfriend left him three months ago. Cherry proves him otherwise by deepthroating his cock and letting him fuck her pussy like there's no tomorrow. Score: Nice guys 1, Douchebags 0. Boom!

Cherry Torn に 'KINKY JOI: Fuck The Cum Out'

Cherry Torn - KINKY JOI: Fuck The Cum Out

'Mistress Cherry wants to play! It's your lucky day, Cumslut, as she prepares your chastity and the toys she's excited to use on you. Your dick belongs to her and she teases you mercilessly while hiding the keys to your caged cock. The most you'll get today is a sniff of her glorious asshole while you watch her play with her huge Strap-on as she fantasizes about fucking the fun right out of you, while you beg to be set free.'

Cherry Torn に 'Kinky JOI: Lesbian Cuckolding'

Cherry Torn - Kinky JOI: Lesbian Cuckolding

Here sits Cherry Torn in a bright red latex dress with her freshly painted toes ready to tell you just how pathetic you are. You sit at her feet while she tells you just how much pussy is better than dick and how you, her little cuck, are so desperate to be near her that you'd watch her have hot lesbian sex over and over again just to be in her presence. Arrives Sophie Monroe, Cherry's sexy accomplice. She's got a black latex jacket open revealing her giant cleavage. Together they laugh at what a sorry little man you are while Cherry begins to pet her pussy. You know you're lucky just to be in the room and that nothing belongs to you but your ability to beg to these two mistresses. You see they own you, they own your pathetic little dick, and they know you'd love just one sniff or lick of Cherry's wet, throbbing pussy. With Sophie's strict discipline you must sit and watch as these two dommes enjoy themselves. To serve, please, and worship your goddess while Cherry pulls at her own big tits and perky nipples. You're the luckiest little fucking slut that you're even able to beg to sniff Cherry's pussy. You are instructed to show gratitude as you hope that you get to jerk that tiny, freshly out of chastity cock just a little bit. Sophie fingers Cherry's dripping wet pussy so you can see exactly what you're missing. And then to exemplify just how useless you are Sophie gets her giant fucking dick on a stick to drive it deep into Cherry's hungry cunt. Now while Cherry gets fucked you have to beg to get hard. But don't touch it. No you just watch as she gets pounded over and over again until her legs shake. You could never do that now could you?

Cherry Torn に 'KINKY JOI: Earn Your Collar'

Cherry Torn - KINKY JOI: Earn Your Collar

Cherry Torn has kept you locked in chastity for weeks on end and now it's time to show her you're ready to earn your collar. As she shows off her gorgeous curves, she reveals the golden collar and leash she's chosen for her most obedient sluts. She begins to touch her perfect pussy and commands you to stroke yourself. The more you beg, the better you obey, the closer you'll be to the collar that gives you the pleasure of being Cherry's personal plaything.

Cherry Torn に 'KINKY JOI: Mistress Torn's Dungeon'

Cherry Torn - KINKY JOI: Mistress Torn's Dungeon

Hello, you desperate little slut. We know you're aching to touch your cock for Mistress Cherry Torn. She's wearing a black, shiny PVC dress, holding a riding crop and you're her greedy, horny toy that she's going to inspect and instruct in her dungeon. You're dying to sniff her sweaty, smelly feet and slide your cock between her arch and her platform heels. This dominatrix knows you'd love to fuck her feet and then eat your own cum. Cherry tells you to stroke your slave cock, faster and faster and then makes you beg. She counts down from 10 and tells you to smack your dick, stop stroking and then slap it. Cherry knows you want to cum but what's in it for her? The only way you will earn your orgasm is to become a filthy, fucking cumeater. She tells you to stroke your cock hard and fast and counts down from 10 again and then suddenly makes you stroke it slowly, and get your precum with your finger and taste it. You want to worship her feet with your cock. She wants you to practice eating your own load so that one day you can eat it straight from her pussy. Keep stroking, don't stop, but don't you dare fucking cum. Sitting in her throne you gaze upon her beautiful ass, just wishing you could see what's under her panties. She's fingering her clit and then slides her panties to the side to show you her pussy. Don't you want a little taste? But you're not a pussy-eating loser you're a cum-eating loser. She continues to tease you with her dripping cunt and instructs you on how to jack off for her, spreading her pussylips so you can see her gorgeous cunt and asshole. She tells you to keep stroking and build your orgasm up so she can edge you even harder. She wants to make sure that you're gonna blow the biggest load possible and make you eat up every last bit of your man-milk, you nasty little pervert. She pulls her big tits out and begins playing with them. You watch her nipples bounce up and down while you edge. Now it's time for the final countdown you little whore. Cherry is going to countdown from 10 and then you're going to blow that giant load of semen. Don't waste a single drop because you know exactly what she wants you to do with it when you're done

Chelsea Marie に 'Staying In: Chelsea Marie Punishes Girlfriend Cherry Torn'

Chelsea Marie - Staying In: Chelsea Marie Punishes Girlfriend Cherry Torn

Chelsea Marie arrives looking smokin' hot for her date with girlfriend Cherry Torn. Excited for their night out on the town, Chelsea is dismayed to find Cherry isn't ready at all. Cherry promises to make it up to Chelsea and Chelsea knows what this means. She's in for another steamy night at home with her girlfriend. She kisses Cherry and then pulls open her girlfriend's bodysuit to reveal her luscious tits. She takes Cherry over her lap and delivers a firm spanking. Cherry squirms as her ass gets redder and her pussy gets wetter with each smack. Chelsea smirks and rubs Cherry's cunt until Cherry is close to cumming. She grabs a leather slapper and slaps Cherry's assn until it's bright red. Then she grabs Cherry's foot and starts sucking on Cherry's cute little painted toes. Cherry moans. She loves the way Chelsea makes her feel. Chelsea knows Cherry is just a huge slutty brat who needs a firm hand. She pushes Cherry down on her cock and Cherry swallows every inch. Cherry loves the way Chelsea smells and tastes, and Chelsea loves feeling her girlfriend's warm mouth on her dick and fucks Cherry's face until she chokes. She spreads Cherry open and pushes her cock into Cherry's eager cunt. Cherry moans as her girlfriend fucks her hard. Soon she's begging to cum and cums hard on Chelsea's rock hard cock. Chelsea flips Cherry into doggy and continues fucking her slutty pussy before taking Cherry's ass. Cherry's ass is so tight it drives Chelsea wild. She fucks Cherry brutally, relentlessly stretching out that tight hole until it swallows her cock. Receiving this hard anal pounding makes Cherry desperate to cum. Finally, Cherry worships Chelsea's gorgeous body until Chelsea cums hard. Cherry slurps up each drop of cum and meets Chelsea's lips for a kiss.

Cherry Torn に 'Kinky JOI: Lessons for the Lady'

Cherry Torn - Kinky JOI: Lessons for the Lady

It appears that you've found yourself in the presence of the lovely Cherry Torn and Sophie Monroe. These gorgeous mistresses are sitting before you in almost matching bodysuits except Cherry is showing just a little bit more skin than Sophie who will be taking the reigns today. They begin by welcoming you, both knowing very much that you're here to please them and to prove yourself. You want to be a good girl, don't you? They begin to caress each other, pulling out their luscious tits and touch each other's nipples. Sophie points out that Cherry's nipples are perfect as she teases the tip of her nipple with her long feminine nails. Cherry and Sophie both begin to touch themselves, Cherry with her hands on her pussy, teasing it just beneath her one-piece while Sophie strokes her own tits. They instruct you to be a good girl and strip for them, nice and pretty. Go ahead, stand up, and strip. Now that you're naked, they want you to sit down and show them that perfect pussy of yours. "Look at that clit," Sophie says, "the things I would do to that, flick it, bite it, lick it, vibrate it if you're really good." But, Cherry loves to deny little pets like you. Sophie gets behind Cherry and begins grabbing her breasts. Now Sophie tells you to pinch your nipples and massage your tits until you feel your pussy glisten. Sophie plunges her fingers into her mouth and tells you to do the same. Then with her other hand, puts two fingers in Cherry's mouth and makes her suck on them. Now with Cherry still feeling her pussy and Sophie with a vibrator in her hand Cherry begins to slide her panties to one side and pulls upward to tug at her dripping cunt. Sophie instructs as Cherry demonstrates and you are to follow their directions exactly. Now take your finger and rub your clit in circles over and over again. "Now when she does cum, we expect you will, too" Sophie says as she bends down to press the vibrator against Cherry's clit. She stops suddenly to make you thank them. Say "Thank you Mistress" and then Sophie grabs a vibrator herself because she wants to cum as well. So now Cherry and Sophie are both writhing with vibrators buzzing hard on their clits. Now Cherry tells you, "don't you dare fucking cum without permission." The intensity builds, and both of them are moaning, getting closer and closer to their edges. Sophie lets hers out, followed by Cherry with waves and waves of rolling orgasms. Now, precious little pet, Sophie gives you a countdown and tells you to do whatever it takes to get to your orgasm. Are you ready to be a good girl?

Cherry Torn に 'Kinky JOI: Mona Wales and Cherry Torn Lesbian Cuckolding'

Cherry Torn - Kinky JOI: Mona Wales and Cherry Torn Lesbian Cuckolding

It's been a while since you've seen your wife, Cherry Torn, in pleasure. She's uninterested, finds you unattractive, and is tired of your scratchy beard on her beautiful pussy. Because of this it's been a long, long time since Cherry has felt the warm, wet pressure of a tongue pressed against her clit. Mona Wales is now in your living room kissing Cherry and caressing her voluptuous tits. She can't stand you but Cherry assures her that you're just there to watch and aren't worthy of touching, sucking, of fucking either of their smoking hot bodies. As Mona drags her tongue along Cherry's cunt, your wife begins to moan in pleasure and laugh at how inadequate you are. Mona pauses in between lapping up Cherry's pussy juice to say how sweet it tastes, "not a trace of man." She looks you right in the eye and tells you that she's going to steal your wife from you and then dives in to eat more of Cherry's dripping cunt. Then, Mona stops to tell you to hold your breath because your heavy breathing is distracting her. Just hold your breath and start stroking your cock so she can focus harder on sliding her fingers in and out of Cherry's pussy with her tongue glued to her clit. "Even one finger is better than that pathetic excuse for a dick," moans Cherry. Mona keeps sucking and slurping Cherry's pussy so good that Cherry threatens to never go back to cock again. Mona tells Cherry, "Cum for me," and then turns to you and says, "don't you fucking touch yourself while she's cumming." Cherry explodes into orgasmic moaning as she cums over and over again on Mona's face while Mona furiously tongues her swollen cunt. Now that Mona has serviced your wife's pussy it's her turn to receive pleasure from Cherry, but she doesn't want you to watch. Now it's time for you to get the fuck out.

Cherry Torn に 'Kinky JOI- Cherry Torn's Teasing Treatment'

Cherry Torn - Kinky JOI- Cherry Torn's Teasing Treatment

Hello, you desperate little slut. We know you're aching to touch your cock for Mistress Cherry Torn. She's wearing a black, shiny PVC dress, holding a riding crop and you're her greedy, horny toy that she's going to inspect and instruct in her dungeon. You're dying to sniff her sweaty, smelly feet and slide your cock between her arch and her platform heels. This dominatrix knows you'd love to fuck her feet and then eat your own cum. Cherry tells you to stroke your slave cock, faster and faster and then makes you beg. She counts down from 10 and tells you to smack your dick, stop stroking and then slap it. Cherry knows you want to cum but what's in it for her? The only way you will earn your orgasm is to become a filthy, fucking cumeater. She tells you to stroke your cock hard and fast and counts down from 10 again and then suddenly makes you stroke it slowly, and get your precum with your finger and taste it. You want to worship her feet with your cock. She wants you to practice eating your own load so that one day you can eat it straight from her pussy. Keep stroking, don't stop, but don't you dare fucking cum. Sitting in her throne you gaze upon her beautiful ass, just wishing you could see what's under her panties. She's fingering her clit and then slides her panties to the side to show you her pussy. Don't you want a little taste? But you're not a pussy-eating loser you're a cum-eating loser. She continues to tease you with her dripping cunt and instructs you on how to jack off for her, spreading her pussylips so you can see her gorgeous cunt and asshole. She tells you to keep stroking and build your orgasm up so she can edge you even harder. She wants to make sure that you're gonna blow the biggest load possible and make you eat up every last bit of your man-milk, you nasty little pervert. She pulls her big tits out and begins playing with them. You watch her nipples bounce up and down while you edge. Now it's time for the final countdown you little whore. Cherry is going to countdown from 10 and then you're going to blow that giant load of semen. Don't waste a single drop because you know exactly what she wants you to do with it when you're done.

Natalie Mars に 'Booty Calls Episode 3: Natalie Mars and Cherry Torn's Kinky Flip Fuck'

Natalie Mars - Booty Calls Episode 3: Natalie Mars and Cherry Torn's Kinky Flip Fuck

Beautiful Natalie Mars is home alone and horny, so she calls up busty Domme Cherry Torn. Cherry invites her over and Natalie quickly finds herself suspended in tight bondage in Cherry's dungeon. As Natalie dangles helpless in the middle of the room, Cherry brutally flogs her, then begins to torment her sensitive nipples and cock. As Natalie's moans grow louder, Cherry can't resist sliding her huge strap-on into Natalie's hungry asshole. Cherry fucks Natalie harder and harder as the ropes press tight into her pale skin. After Cherry finally has her fill and takes Natalie down from her suspension, Natalie decides that its her turn to top. She starts beating Cherry's tits and Cherry, to turned on to resist, moans with pleasure. Natalie pushes Cherry's hungry mouth down on her hard cock, pressing it deep down Cherry's throat, then flips Cherry over and spanks her round ass until it turns bright pink. More and more turned on, Natalie eats Cherry's hungry asshole then slides her hard cock deep into Cherry's pussy. Natalie pounds Cherry's wet hole doggy style while continuing to spank her, then makes Cherry ride her in reverse cowgirl while she torments her ample tits. Finally, flipping Cherry into missionary, Natalie pounds orgasm after orgasm out of Cherry. Still not satisfied, Natalie immediately starts eating out Cherry's throbbing pussy, making her cum again. Cherry begs for more and Natalie obliges by plunging her hard cock into Cherry's waiting ass. Natalie rides Cherry's tight asshole as Cherry cums over and over. She then pulls out her cock, only to slide her whole hand deep into Cherry's gaping asshole. With Natalie's hand buried up to the wrist in her ass, Cherry cums a final time, then Natalie slides her cock into Cherry's mouth, who eagerly sucks it until Natalie covers her face with cum.

Sarah Vandella に 'Anne - Act Three: The Scam'

Sarah Vandella - Anne - Act Three: The Scam


SCENE opens in Anne's bedroom. She is slowly being woken up from her slumber by daddy, grinning ear-to-ear with lust and devotion. Overnight, he has become a new man, obsessed with his princess. While the rest of his staff watch eagerly from the doorway, he hands the girl a surprise -- a beautiful, brand new necklace from the fanciest jewelry store in town. He tells Anne that he had Ms. Farling go and order it especially for her, as no daughter of his should wear a rusty piece of tin around her neck. Anne smiles at daddy as he takes the necklace out of the box and shows it off, but her expression soon fades. She tells him that she is beside herself with happiness. He is the best daddy she could ever ask for and the charity event at the end of the week is going to be perfect -- but she cannot accept the gift. She explains that her broken heart is the only thing she's ever had that belonged to her real parents. She still believes that they are out there somewhere and, until she finds them, she will never take it off. That is why she is here. She needs his help. daddy studies her for a moment before breaking away. He summons Ms. Farling over and, in a low voice, asks if his assistant had completed the background check on the girl. She nods quietly, whispering that they could not find any traces of the parents. daddy hushes her and goes back to Anne. Horny and desperate to keep her happy, he pledges to post a reward for any information related to finding her folks. Anne bursts into tears, hugging him. 'You really mean that?' She says. He nods, adding that with his connections they should be able to find her parents within days. Anne hugs him as he clutches onto her body lustfully and sends Ms. Farling to alert his publicist.

Several days later. Mr. Hands is sitting in his office, angry, when PATTY brings him a newspaper. Anne is on the front page with a headline that reads: $1M Reward for Real Parents. The villain can hardly believe his eyes. He kicks PATTY out of the room, does another line, and places a call. 'Sis,' he says in a one-sided conversation. 'Get over here now. Bring the husband. I've got a job for you two!' Slamming the phone down, he wipes his teeth with his finger and walks over to his safe. Fumbling to unlock it, he finally does and pulls out a manila envelope with Anne's name on it.

A door knocks. Mr. Hands opens it quickly to reveal his sister and brother-in-law standing there. They are a very trashy looking couple, especially the husband, Mr. Budge. While Mr. Hands tries to hurry them through the courtyard towards his office, Mr. Budge insists they make a pit stop to visit his secret wing. It's been awhile since he got a good look at his girls. Mrs. Budge agrees with her husband, urging her brother to let them go and just have a quick peek. Irritated, the crooked proprietor says fine and tells them to hurry. He hasn't got all day.

Mr. Hands leads the couple through the secret room, as they drool over each girl. The orphans shrink back at the site of the truly disgusting and distasteful couple. They are even worse than Mr. Hands!

Inside his office, Mr. Hands orders the couple to sit down. He has a business proposal for them. One of his girls has been taken in by a very wealthy businessman and they are now offering one million dollars to find her real parents. 'I ain't killing anyone,' Mrs. Budge says curtly. 'Not after last time!' Mr. Budge tells his wife to shut up and stop interrupting her brother. He asks Mr. Hands what he is getting at. 'That reward money belongs to me,' Mr. Hands replies. 'If they are going to steal one of my girls, I'm at least going to be the one who benefits from it. And I'm willing to cut you both in 50/50.' Mrs. Budge is still hesitant. She accuses her brother of being a pathological liar and asks why they should believe him. Mr. Hands tells his sister that he knows they are looking to get into his business. He sees the way they look at his girls. Doing this job for him would be a perfect trial run for a longer-term partnership. Mr. Budge is very eager to hear more and, shutting his wife up again, asks his brother-in-law what they would need to do. Mr. Hands explains that all they must do is convince Anne that they are her real parents. And he has all the inside information they would need to perfect their con. He hands them the manila envelope containing photos and documents about the parents who abandoned the girl so many years before. They are dead. All the records are there. But, more importantly, he has this. Mr. Hands pulls out the other half of Anne's broken heart necklace. 'You flash this little memento in front of her eyes,' he says, with a sneer. 'And the money is as good as ours!' Mr. Budge eagerly takes the necklace from his brother-in-law's hands. The men start to laugh. 'Not so fast,' Mrs. Budge says. 'I haven't agreed to anything yet.' Her husband starts to plead with her, as she stares coldly into her brother's eyes. 'We're only going to do it,' she continues. 'If you add a little cherry on top.' She smacks her lips and motions back to the secret room. Mr. Hands sighs and asks which one she wants. Smiling, Mrs. Budge replies that she liked the little vulnerable one in the corner. The girl with the braces. If Mr. Hands will agree to let them have a go with her, then they will be happy to play pretend parents afterwards. Mr. Hands seems irritated by his sister's demands but agrees and leaves the room to go fetch Sally. The creepy couple smile at each other, as Mr. Budge puts the necklace around Mrs. Budge 'S neck.

When Mr. Hands returns with the crippled girl, she is clearly nervous. 'That's right, Sally,' he says, taking her leg braces from her and leaning her up against the table. 'Just do everything this nice couple wants and then one week off, as promised.' Sally nods meekly, before asking Mr. Hands if that can include some television. She misses it so much. The crooked proprietor laughs and turns to the couple. 'Be careful with her bones,' he says distastefully. 'She's got muscular something or other. But, she bends easily if she has something to prop herself up with.' Mr. Hands winks at the girl and, taking her leg braces with him, says that he'll keep these outside for safety. He leaves as the couple close in on the girl.

'How old are you?' Mr. Budge asks, his hands wringing. Sally tells the couple that she just turned 18 a few months earlier. They cannot contain their excitement. 'Young and eager,' Mrs. Budge adds. 'Just the way we like them!' She kisses Sally on the mouth. A long, awkward kiss. 'You sure you want to do this, sweetheart?' Mr. Budge asks the girl. 'You seem a little reluctant. We don't want to have to call old Handsy back in here, do we?' Sally shakes her head and tells them in a monotone voice that she wants to please them both. They can do whatever they want to her. The couple kiss triumphantly, before Mrs. Budge undoes her husband's pants and guides Sally down to his penis. From the corner of her eye, Sally spots the broken heart necklace dangling from Mrs. Budge 's neck. Her mind flashes back to the moment when she handed Anne the other half of the same necklace. 'Where did you get that?' she asks, her mouth full of cock. Mrs. Budge laughs and says it's a family heirloom. Then she joins the girl in sucking her husband's dick.

As she is bent over the desk and penetrated, Sally sees the newspaper with Anne's photo. She begins to piece together what is happening, especially as MR. and Mrs. Budge begin to make jokes and off-the-cuff remarks about the con and their future fortune. Knowing that she may be able to help her friend, Sally plays up the submissive act to try and get more information. In the end, Mr. Budge cums all over Sally's face but not before she has a pretty good idea of what the couple plan to do. Mrs. Budge calls Mr. Hands back in the room, yelling that they are done. The crippled girl takes her leg braces back, without making eye contact, and quietly exits the room.

Inside the mansion. It's the end of the week and everyone is busy preparing for the charity event, blowing balloons and hanging up streamers. daddy and Anne sit in an adjacent room practicing their speech with Ms. Farling when the doorbell rings. The BUTLER answers and is surprised to see a clean-cut couple standing on the doorstep. It is Mr. and Mrs. Budge but they introduce themselves as the Knox family. They claim to be Anne's biological parents! When they saw the newspaper headline about their dear sweet Anne, it felt like the miracle they'd been waiting eighteen years for! They invite themselves into the mansion, as Anne overhears them and drops everything to rush over. She looks them both up and down. 'Mom? Dad?' She says, collapsing into Mr. Budge's arms. daddy looks devastated as he asks the man if he is certain that this is his daughter. Before he can respond, Mrs. Budge pulls out the broken heart necklace hiding underneath her blouse and says she has never been so sure about anything in her whole life! Anne sees the necklace and breaks down. She thanks daddy profusely for helping to reunite her with her parents. Ms. Farling, suspicious, whispers to her boss that they should confirm this lead before concluding anything. They can ask them to leave until they've done the proper due diligence. But daddy, staring stoically at the daughter he nearly had, cannot bring himself to break her heart again. After all, he has truly fallen in love with the beautiful young orphan. So, he suggests that he and his staff give the family some privacy to gather up her things. He shows them to the stairs and, as they head up, Anne hugs him one more time. 'Thank you, daddy,' she whispers in his ear. He watches her go upstairs with the parents before turning back and storming through the house, tearing down some streamers.

Inside Anne's bedroom. Anne starts packing her bags while trying to connect with her long-lost parents, but something makes her feel uneasy. Their affection seems insincere and almost sexual. They don't want to catch up at all, they just want to talk about how pretty Anne is and how much fun they are going to have with her. They also seem to be arguing over something, although Anne can't quite figure out what. Her supposed father wants to wait until they leave to 'give it to her' but his wife is urging them to do it quickly now. It isn't going to take long. 'What isn't going to take long?' Anne asks innocently. Agreeing with his wife, Mr. Budge tries to grope Anne. She backs away awkwardly. MRS. BUDGE asks if she will come and sit down on the bed beside her. When she agrees, Mr. Budge slides in too and starts to kiss her. Anne asks why her parents are acting this way and they explain that this is just how their family shows affection. She tells them about everything that happened to her in the orphanage and how long she held out for them to return. 'Then how come you're being so distant with us now?' Mr. Budge jokes. 'Don't you want to kiss your mama while we wait?' Anne looks over at her supposed mother and slowly nods. The women kiss awkwardly. 'Now, come over here and suck daddy's dick,' Mr. Budge says. 'Quickly. Just like a good girl would!' Anne thinks about daddy and everything the man had done for her. All she did was be a good girl. Maybe that's all she needs to do now. The confused orphan slowly agrees and gets on her knees, as Mrs. Budge pushes her head towards her husband's dick.

Downstairs. daddy stares into space, utterly depressed, as Ms. Farling paces in the living room making calls. The other staff linger, taking down the decorations when suddenly, one of the gardeners bursts into the house carrying Sally in his arms. He yells for his boss and they help deposit the exhausted girl onto a couch. Breathless, she tells daddy who she is and where she comes from. She's been out all night trying to find them. Anne is about to be kidnapped by two criminals. They were hired by Mr. Hands. She overheard the whole plan. As soon as daddy hears this, he flies into a rage and storms up the stairs, his staff chasing him.

Mr. Budge is pulling up his zipper, having just cum on Anne's face, when daddy bursts through the door. He takes one look at his princess before knocking Mr. Budge to the ground, as Ms. Farling grabs Mrs. Budge and wrestles her into submission. Shocked, Anne tries to defend her parents. What the hell are they doing to them! MRS. FARLING restrains her while daddy, the GUARD and the BUTLER drag the two criminals out of the room. She sobs into the assistant's chest, screaming at daddy to stop hurting her parents. She is inconsolable! A few moments later, daddy slowly re-enters the room with Sally. As soon as Anne sees the other orphan, she stops. 'What is happening?' She asks them all. Sally wipes the semen off her friend's face, as the two girls hold each other. 'I need to tell you something,' she says. Those people were not your birth parents. They were imposters, sent in by Mr. Hands. Your birth parents are dead. She hands Anne the manila envelope.

The room becomes eerily still, as the weight of the truth hits Anne. She pours through the photos and documents, as everything she has ever hoped for disappears. In a daze, she gets up and slowly staggers out of the room.

Anne descends the stairs, with daddy following. Tears are streaming down her face. The man tries to comfort her, apologizing for her loss. He will do anything she wants. He loves her. As he consoles her, Sally and the rest of his staff follow them in the background. Anne buries herself in his chest. 'Please fuck me,' she says frantically. daddy steps back, confused, and assures her that she doesn't have to do that. Not now. 'I don't care,' she cries, looking up at him. 'I need to feel something ... anything other than this!' She starts pulling at his belt like a maniac, as he looks around nervously for his staff and tries to talk her out of it. But, something else has snapped in Anne. She demands that daddy make her cum. If he loves her, he will make her cum. She needs to feel something, she begs repeatedly. Finally, the man agrees, and they start to have sex in the living area.

His staff, who are gathering around them, look at each other awkwardly. 'You are all dismissed!' daddy says, trying to be authoritative mid-pump. But, the staff stay frozen, looking on stunned as the pair switch positions. Sally tries to intervene, asking if Anne is ok. She's probably in shock. Ms. Farling chimes in that she could call a doctor. 'Please Sally,' Anne begs frantically. 'This is what I need to do!' The staff urges each other to leave but Anne insists they stay, she wants them to watch, she wants them to join. She insists this is what they all need. The staff slowly start to undress and join the fray, gathering in an intense orgy born out of Anne's insatiable hunger.

When all the group is spent, daddy cradles Anne in his arms and tells her he loves her. 'Ms. Farling,' the man orders. 'Call the police! I want that orphanage shut down immediately!' The assistant nods and, gathering up the other staff, exit the room. Wiping her eyes, Anne asks how Sally got away from Mr. Hands. With a smirk, she tells Anne not to worry about it. They hug again.

Elena Koshka に 'Anne - Act Two: The Escape'

Elena Koshka - Anne - Act Two: The Escape


SCENE opens inside Mr. Hands' closet. Anne is seated, curled up in a ball, when she hears the knob slowly turn. The door opens, as Sally crawls in towards her friend, her bad leg dragging behind her. In a hushed tone, she tells Anne to stay quiet and they slowly crawl out together. Mr. Hands is passed out on his desk. As soon as the girls get out of the office, they quickly tip-toe through the common areas to the front door. Anne turns to thank her friend and Sally hands her Mr. Westfield's address. 'I copied it off the letter on Hands' desk while he was resting,' she says triumphantly. Anne hugs her friend. Sally smiles, reaching into her pocket and retrieving the necklace. 'Thought you might need this too,' she adds. Anne kisses her, before running off the property and into the night.

A car pulls up outside a large estate and Anne steps out, thanking the driver for letting her hitch a ride. It drives off leaving her to take in Mr. Westfield's mansion for the first time. It's the biggest, most luxurious house she has ever seen! But, as Anne looks down at her shabby outfit and dirty hands, she has a moment of self-doubt and starts to walk away when a gardener notices her. He calls out, asking who she is and Anne mumbles that she is here to see Ms. Farling. She is the orphan. Another gardener comes around the corner and notices her. He gives the girl a long look before using his intercom to call someone. 'Right this way,' he tells her, as both workers accompany the girl to the front steps.

A butler opens the door. He is very polished and handsome, dressed in a tuxedo. 'She is the girl that Ms. Farling told us about,' one of the gardeners says. The butler dismisses them before turning his eyes to the girl. 'You are the prettiest orphan I have ever seen!' He says. 'What is your name and how old are you?' Anne replies, and the butler extends his hand, inviting her inside.

The Foyer. As the butler starts to explain the layout, Ms. Farling rushes into the room. She is still in her dressing gown and seems surprised that Anne is here alone. 'Sweetheart,' she says. 'I wasn't expecting you so soon. Is Hands still here? I have some papers for him to sign.' Not wanting to reveal what happened, Anne lies that he dropped her off at the gate but had to leave. Slightly agitated, as if expecting to have more time to prepare for the girl's arrival, Ms. Farling accepts her story. 'I see you've met Bruno, our butler,' she says, placing a warm hand on the butler's chest. He bows slightly. 'He will be at your service, morning, noon and night. But, let me show you the rest of the house. We have a lot to do today to get you prepared!'

In a long tracking shot, the trio walk into the kitchen, where a CHEF is busy whisking in a bowl. She stops and stares at the girl. 'This is our personal chef, Mrs. Orchard,' Ms. Farling says before lowering her voice to a whisper. 'She is a little eccentric, but her food is delicious, I promise!' Anne laughs. They move to the living area, where a beautiful maid is extending herself to dust the tall corners of the room. Her stature is accentuated by a somewhat revealing outfit. 'This is Hilda, our housekeeper,' Ms. Farling says. The maid rushes over and gives Anne a warm hug, kissing her on each cheek. 'You are so perfect,' she says softly. 'daddy is sure to love you!' Anne looks up at Ms. Farling in confusion and the assistant grips her shoulders tightly. 'That's just what we call Mr. Westfield in this house,' she tells Anne. 'He is such a role model that I like to think of him as a father figure. It is very important to treat him with respect.' They keep walking, with the maid joining the group. Ms. Farling and the staff knowingly exchange glances, as Anne walks ahead of them innocently. They pass a darkened wing of the house, where a GAURD is standing watch. 'Who is that?' Anne whispers. Ms. Farling quickens her pace, explaining that this is daddy's office. He is inside right now, having a very important meeting and cannot be disturbed. That's why he has protection. Anne looks at the guard nervously. 'Come quickly,' Ms. Farling says. 'You are supposed to be a surprise for daddy ... and I don't want to ruin it.' They turn a corner and spot another well-dressed man. 'This is Michael, our driver,' Ms. Farling continues. 'He will take you wherever you wish to go. We have 12 different cars on the property.' Anne says hello shyly while the handsome driver kisses her hand and introduces himself. He joins them, and they move the tour upstairs.

The second floor. As Ms. Farling explains the house's various features and rules, Anne looks around at the staff following them. They are all smiling at her intently. It makes her a little uncomfortable, mostly because she has never had so much attention focused on herself. She sticks close to Ms. Farling and asks the assistant if she really thinks that Mr. Westfield can help her find her real parents. The assistant stops and curtly reminds the orphan that, in this house, he is not Mr. Westfield. He is daddy. She must not forget that. It is a very important rule. Anne apologies but Ms. Farling cuts her off. 'There is no need to apologize, my darling. We are all here to help make sure you give off the best possible first impression tonight when you meet him,' she says. 'I know he is going to be so surprised when he sees that I've brought him a beautiful girl!' Anne looks down at herself again and mutters about not feeling very beautiful. Ms. Farling assures her that it is their responsibility during her stay to ensure she is treated like a princess. Anne should enjoy all the spoils of being at home here -- just as if she were daddy's real daughter. 'And then we can look for my parents?' Anne asks. Ms. Farling nods, adding that if anyone has the right connections to find them, it will be daddy. The staff eye each other and the girl lustfully.

'What would you like us to do first, Anne?' the butler asks, putting his arms on Anne's waist. 'We will do anything you want!' adds the driver. Ms. Farling smiles as the maid grabs Anne's shoulders from behind. 'How about we get you cleaned up?' She says, whispering in her ear. Anne gulps before slowly nodding and telling them that a shower would be nice. 'I think you're really going to like it here!' The assistant says warmly, leaning in to kiss the young orphan on the cheek.

The bathroom. Anne is naked in the shower, being washed by Ms. Farling and the maid who have taken off their clothes to join her. She seems very awkward at their touch but is trying to fit in -- she wants to like it here. She needs to like it here. As they sensually scrub her body, Ms. Farling tells the orphan all about their boss. He is such a high-profile, busy man that he has never settled down or had a family of his own. When she began planning this charity event, she knew it was a perfect opportunity to change that. She wants to give daddy a feeling he's never been able to enjoy, despite his success. Ms. Farling seems so proud of her plan that Anne doesn't want to bring up her parents again. It might seem rude. But, that's all that she can think about. The women continue to stress the point of making a good first impression to daddy, so much so that Anne becomes very visibly anxious about it. The maid asks the orphan if she is OK and, after some coaxing, Anne admits that she's nervous to meet him. She's never been given so much before and she doesn't want to screw it up. Ms. Farling starts to steer the conversation towards how she and her staff deal with stress. They help each other relax, in every possible way. Taking a cue from the assistant, the maid chimes in to ask if Anne has ever enjoyed an orgasm. Anne confesses that she's never had one -- she won't admit what happened with Mr. Hands, but she alludes to having had a past negative experience. The women are surprised and insist that they help her -- especially if she wants to be relaxed for this evening. After a bit of coaxing, Anne agrees. She trusts the women. The maid and Ms. Farling work together to make Anne cum before leading the overwhelmed girl out of the shower where the butler and driver are waiting. They dry her off and then ask permission to make her orgasm too. Anne hesitates again but Ms. Farling reiterates the importance of what they are doing. They are only trying to help her prepare for tonight. 'And you really think that daddy will be able to find my parents?' Ms. Farling says yes, and Anne ultimately agrees. She has come so far already, she can't stop now. The staff take turns having sex and pleasuring her.

After they have finished, Ms. Farling dismisses the others, so she can help get Anne dressed. Excited at the prospect of giving daddy his surprise, the assistant proclaims she has the perfect outfit set aside!

The dining room. Anne sits at a beautifully appointed table, wearing a stylish red dress and looking like the opposite of the orphan who arrived just hours earlier. The entire staff is also seated but the head of the table remains empty. After a long, awkward pause, daddy bursts into the room flagged by his guard. He is on his phone with his lawyer, clearly in a very bad mood, and pays no attention to the girl sitting beside him. The staff look at each other anxiously. Slamming his phone down, he demands to know what's being served as the CHEF ladles some soup into his bowl. 'Roasted carrot with crème fraiche,' she replies. daddy makes a face and starts eating, as he tells Ms. Farling to go over his itinerary for the rest of the week. His assistant pulls out her tablet and starts to break it down for him while Anne twitches in anticipation. At a certain point, daddy looks over and notices her. 'Who the hell is this kid?' He asks his assistant gruffly. Ms. Farling reminds him about the upcoming charity event he's hosting and how she was tasked to bring in an orphan to spend the week with him as part of the publicity campaign. daddy looks Anne up and down before replying that he thought she was going to get a child. 'How old are you?' He asks. Anne replies meekly that she is eighteen. daddy grunts and tells Ms. Farling that a teenage girl is the last thing he needs in his house. Ms. Farling protests, advising him that it would be a nice idea to have him spend some quality time with a nice young woman, since he isn't married and never had a daughter. He stares at her coldly without responding. 'Besides ...' she nervously adds. 'It will look very good for your image, daddy. It will show the public a softer side to the Westfield empire and, hopefully, downplay some of the recent rumors...' daddy mulls this over before finally agreeing and asking for the next course.

While everyone eats their meal, Ms. Farling keeps encouraging Anne to talk about herself. She tells the businessman all about her life in the orphanage, the other girls she grew up with, and how happy she is to have been chosen to represent him as his daughter for the week. daddy remains cold despite all her efforts to charm him and the staff are so preoccupied with making sure the pair get along that is causes a lot of tension around the table. Finally, daddy excuses himself for bed and leaves abruptly, accompanied by his guard. Anne is crestfallen.

'He hates me, I just know it!' She says pitifully. 'Please don't send me back Ms. Farling ... I'll do anything to stay!' Hugging her tightly as the rest of the staff solemnly clear the table, Ms. Farling tells her not to give up. She will make sure Anne is not sent back to the orphanage. But, she needs her to be a little more convincing. daddy has a hard shell, but he is soft on the inside. All he needs is to feel like he is in control of the situation. That's how he runs his business. Anne asks what else she can do and, helping her to her feet, Ms. Farling suggests she go and say goodnight to the man - alone. If she can prove what a good girl she is, daddy will surely want her to stay and help her find her parents. As Ms. Farling accompanies Anne to the stairwell, she reminds her of how good the staff made her feel earlier. Anne nods nervously. 'That is how daddy likes it too,' the assistant adds. 'Remember that!' They walk to daddy's door, where the guard is standing. Ms. Farling tells him that Anne is going in to say goodnight and he lets her pass. She glances back at Ms. Farling, who shoos her in with a final look of encouragement. When she disappears, the assistant turns back to the guard and tells him to take a break. She needs to monitor this herself. The guard flashes her a quick smile and speaks for the first time. 'Bringing him a teenage orphan ... that's low even for you, Farling!' he jokes. 'Yes,' Ms. Farling replies curtly 'I know. But anything is better than the hookers at this point!' The guard walks off, leaving the assistant alone at the door.

daddy's bedroom. The man is under the covers, in his pajamas, and on his phone when Anne enters timidly. 'What are you doing in here?' He demands, shocked to see her. 'Nobody comes in my room without my permission!' Anne, putting on a brave face, marches over to the bed and tells him that she wants to say goodnight. They may have got off to the wrong foot downstairs, but she wants him to know that she is the best possible orphan for his charity event. daddy is not amused. He asks if his assistant put her up to this. 'That woman is always meddling in my private affairs,' he grumbles. Anne bites her lip and sits down on the bed boldly. 'Now listen daddy,' she says. 'You are rich, powerful, and very intimidating. When I walked into your house today, I knew I had walked in to somewhere special. And I'm going to be the greatest daughter you've ever dreamed of -- even if it is only for pretend!' daddy cuts Anne off and gets right into her face. 'I don't need a daughter,' he replies. 'I just need a photo op!' Anne shrinks back. She mumbles something about being a good girl. daddy laughs. 'When I want a girl, I hire one. I don't want to be your fucking parent!' He barks, turning back to his phone. 'Now get out of here before I call security.'

Anne slowly gets off the bed and starts towards the door, crying. She knows that daddy is the key to her future, to finding her real parents. If she leaves now, she leaves with nothing. Like Ms. Farling said, she just needs to convince him. Something inside her snaps and Anne spins around. 'You're wrong!' she screams, storming back to his bedside. 'You do need someone to love. Not someone you have to pay for; someone who will worship you and respect you!' She breaks down before him, twitching in her red dress. 'I have spent eighteen years searching for my parents. They abandoned me. But you won't!' daddy doesn't know what to do. He tells the frazzled girl to away from him. She's a god-damn kid, what will the press think? Anne starts to cry in a panic. 'They will think I am going to be your new daughter. I promise to be a good girl for you. I promise you will come to love me ... if you just give it a chance. I will do anything you ask, daddy! BUT I'M NOT LEAVING THIS ROOM!' She starts to climb on the bed towards him as he shrinks back, yelling for Ms. Farling. 'She only wants what's best for you too,' Anne continues pleading. 'Just give me a try, daddy... I need your help!' daddy gets very angry and leaps out of bed to physically escort Anne out. She kicks and screams as he struggles to carry her to the door. In desperation, she starts to kiss and grab at him too. They struggle before he throws her back on the bed. 'Are you making a pass at me, little girl?' He growls, towering over her. 'Because I will tear you up!' Not knowing what to do, the tear-streaked orphan tells him yes, if that's what he wants. He can do whatever he wants to her if he will just let her stay and help her afterwards. Her constant advances awaken something inside of daddy and the icy, distant man rips her dress off. Staring down at the naked girl, he reveals himself and tells her to suck it. It's been days since he could hire a girl anyway.

The harder he pounds; the more Anne calls him daddy and begs for him to accept her. She slowly breaks the man down. His hate fucking slowly turns into passionate sex, with the pair kissing and acting lovingly by the time daddy cums inside of her. Their sex is INTERCUT with shots of Ms. Farling watching and masturbating from outside the door.

After they have finished, Anne kisses daddy and they share a tender moment. Ms. Farling enters and, giving her boss a knowing look, informs Anne that it is time for bed. 'You see, I always have your best interests at heart, don't I daddy?' She says and leads the naked orphan out of the room, holding her hand. The man falls back on his bed and a smile crosses his face.

Anne's new bedroom. Ms. Farling tucks Anne in and kisses her on the forehead, telling her how proud she is of everything the young orphan did to prove herself. She knew Anne was special! Once alone, Anne says a short prayer to her parents. She tells them that she is doing everything she can so that one day they will be reunited. Hopefully. She snoozes happily, holding on to her broken heart.

Ashley Adams に 'Anne - Act One: The Orphanage'

Ashley Adams - Anne - Act One: The Orphanage

Winner AVN Best Actress - Feature Eliza Jane
Winner XBIZ Best Actor -- Feature Movie Tommy Pistol


SCENE opens late one night. A cop car pulls into frame and parks beside a large residential complex. The driver door opens, and a uniformed officer gets out, adjusting himself and sauntering up the front steps. A plaque on the door reads: The Hands Transition House for Wayward Girls. No one answers when he knocks, so the officer lets himself in.

Inside the complex. The officer walks down a darkened hallway towards the main office of Mr. Hands. His transitional facility is a government sponsored orphanage that, according to state regulations, is supposed to release its orphans once they turn eighteen. But, Mr. Hands has discovered a much more lucrative way to retain them. He has built a secret room in the back of his property where he moves the girls once they come of age. There, he can keep them occupied to support his other business ventures and no one from the establishment ever needs to know.

But the officer knows. That is why he is here. He has been accepting bribes for years. When he enters the office, he walks in on Mr. Hands, dressed in a smoking jacket, receiving a blowjob from one of his girls. The 18-year-old orphan is dirty and half-naked, resting on her hands and knees to service the corrupt proprietor. She doesn't even look up as Mr. Hands casually invites the officerto sit down. 'Sorry, I didn't expect you tonight!' He laughs. The officer is used to the man's complete lack of discretion and curtly requests his monthly envelope. As he slowly takes it out of his pocket, Mr. Hands boasts to the officer about business. He has a fresh acquisition: an 18-year-old orphan named Anne. The girl had been dumped on his doorstep years ago and grew up in the orphanage. Despite being abandoned, she still holds out the naïve hope that one day her beloved parents will return, even wearing a broken necklace left for her by her mother!

Their conversation is intercut with tightly cropped shots of Anne being led up the back of the property to the secret room. We do not see her face, only her hands clutching a broken heart necklace as she walks nervously.

The officer cuts the man off and demands his envelope. He doesn't need a sob story. Just keep the girls low-profile and nobody should come around to bother him. After all, they're all adults, right? And he isn't doing anything inappropriate to them, right?!? The men laugh, as Mr. Hands stands up, dismisses the girl, and hands the envelope to the officer. He peeks inside before tucking it in his pocket and going to exit. 'Please tell me one thing, though,' the officer says, chuckling. 'Is this one at least pretty?' Mr. Hands curls his lips up in a sneer and says 'The prettiest one I've ever had. A redhead!'

Inside the secret room. Anne's face is revealed for the first time, as she sits down on her new cot still clutching the broken heart necklace.

Anne stares out the window, still clutching her broken heart, as the camera slowly tracks back to reveal seven other 18-year-old orphans sharing the same room. The space looks more like a sweatshop than an orphanage, with work stations set up at each cot.

Mr. Hands has been using the girls as labor for a black-market business he has selling used panties. When they aren't producing for him, they work on webcam and other forms of men's entertainment to earn their keep. Free room and board ... plus some extra perks if they get along well with the boss. On this evening, two of the orphans are busy working a cam show while three others rub, remove and package a giant stack of panties. They've been at it all day and look exhausted. Another girl dolls herself up in a cracked mirror, getting ready for a special guest that evening, while, Sally, a frail girl lies huddled in her cot trying to get some rest. Her leg braces rest beside her.

Patty, the resident bully, comes bursting into the room with her sidekick, Bonnie. The two orphans have been with Mr. Hands the longest and enjoy making the other girls squirm. Sally is their favorite target. Bonnie grabs her leg braces and makes fun of her while Patty stirs up the other orphans to get involved, teasing that it won't be long before Mr. Hands gets tired of the normal girls and wants a go at the cripple. This is because, each night, he comes into the room and cherry picks a few girls to fuck him in exchange for work relief.

Patty starts to imitate him, going from girl to girl, groping and kissing them, and offering them favors in exchange for sex as they all laugh and play along. Sally buries herself under the covers to hide from their teasing, as Anne takes notice and rushes over to break up the crowd. Protecting Sally, she demands that Bonnie let go of her braces. When Patty comes at her, the two girls almost get into a fight. The orphans restrain Anne until she finally backs down, telling the bullies to stop picking on girls weaker than them. Patty retaliates by telling all the other orphans that they shouldn't support Anne. After all, she is the reason why Mr. Hands has been doubling down on the rest of them. If she wasn't such a goody-two-shoes virgin and just let Hands fuck her occasionally, life would be simpler. After all, it's not that hard if you just play along. 'But Anne thinks she's better than the rest of us, girls!' Patty yells. 'All because of that stupid necklace and the delusional belief that her parents actually love her!' Furious, Anne rushes her again and the orphans start to fight when Mr. Hands comes barging into the room.

The orphans panic and jump into their cots. Mr. Hands staggers through the room, demanding to know who was causing the ruckus. He pokes around each cot, unimpressed with the state of the girls' workload, before zeroing in on Anne, who is hiding in a corner of the room. Getting right up in her face, he accuses the orphan of distracting the other girls and keeping them from finishing their work. Before she can protest, he punishes her with double duty the following day. Several other orphans laugh gleefully as he doles out the punishment, but Mr. Hands quietens the crowd. 'Of course, there is one easy way to get out of this, Anne,' he says with a sneer. Anne tells him she isn't interested and tries to get around him. The lusty proprietor follows her, sneaking a look up her skirt and telling her it would only last a few minutes. All the other girls do it and some have even grown to like it.

He pulls Patty to her feet and starts to use her as an example. She is clean, well-fed, and has everything an 18-year-old girl would want. He pulls Bonnie up as well and bends her over. Looking at her friend with a smirk, Bonnie hikes up her skirt and pulls down her panties. 'Would you like my pussy or my ass tonight, Mr. Hands?' She asks submissively. He slaps the girl on the ass and tells her to make out with her friend to get him hard first. She does obediently. Anne turns away in disgust.

Mr. Hands fucks Bonnie and Patty in front of Anne to try and coax her into agreeing to be with him too. She continues to refuse his advances, even as the two girls join him in his taunts. They follow Anne all over the room, fucking and teasing her while she tries to avoid them.

Several other orphans chime in to pressure her while the rest watch nervously in silence. In the end, Mr. Hands cums in the mouths of his two most loyal orphans, who lick him up eagerly and tell Anne she is just being a prude. Her parents are never going to come for her. And she has nowhere else to go. Anne clutches her broken heart and asks Mr. Hands to leave her alone. Angry, the sweaty man rips the necklace from her neck and storms out of the room, leaving the girl to collapse in a crying heap as all the other orphans tuck into their cots and go to rest.


Anne is shell-shocked and depressed, having no hope left after her necklace was taken. She kneels on all fours, scrubbing the orphanage's courtyard, while the other girls goof off around her. Mr. Hands has made it his mission to break the girl's spirit by having her do all the chores by herself. Only the crippled Sally tries to help her.

A luxury car pulls into the complex. A beautiful and well-dressed woman named Ms. Farling gets out and walks to the front door of the orphanage. She is the personal assistant of a very successful businessman named Anthony Westfield, who has been asked to invite a local orphan to his estate for an upcoming charity event. When Mr. Hands opens the door, he is immediately suspicious. His informants are supposed to keep people like this off his property, especially nosey women. When she hands him a letter from the state requesting his cooperation, Mr. Hands has no choice but to invite her inside. As they tour the kitchen and common areas, Ms. Farling tells the crooked proprietor that her boss never had a daughter of his own, so she is hoping to take in a teenage girl for the week as a surprise for him. Mr. Hands freezes. He tells her coldly that they don't have any good girls right now ... only delinquents and troublemakers. But he has plenty of children in the other building if she wants to take a tour. Disappointed, Ms. Farling agrees but just as they are about to exit she overhears the orphans in the courtyard. She can see them through a window and insists that she go down and look, despite Mr. Hands' protests.

Ms. Farling enters the courtyard and all the orphans stop, stunned to see such a beautiful and sophisticated woman in their midst. They know they are not supposed to interact with the public and a few of them even try to hide. Anne is the only one who doesn't react, her face still focused on the floor. Ms. Farling notices her immediately and walks over, kneeling to address the sad looking girl. She feels so sorry for her. She asks her name and how old she is and, when Anne doesn't respond, Sally limps over to join them. 'This is Anne, ma'am,' she says politely. 'She is 18-years-old and has been here since she was a baby. One day, her parents are going to come back and get her!' A single tear streams down Anne's face as she makes eye contact with Ms. Farling for the first time. 'Is that true, young lady?' She asks, clearly moved. Anne nods slowly. 'Would you like to come with me and let me help you find your parents?' She asks. Anne smiles for the first time in weeks and Mr. Hands, who has been watching anxiously in the background, steps in between them. He tells Ms. Farling to ignore Anne, she is the worst of the lot. A thief. Not the type of orphan her boss would ever want in his home. Ms. Farling, her eyes never leaving Anne's, replies that she has made up her mind. Anne is the perfect candidate, even more so if she has a troubled past. After all, the press loves a good story and the girl will be a great fit for her boss' image. Mr. Hands tries to dissuade her, but the assistant reminds him of her court order. The state clearly says that she can select any orphan she wishes from under his care.

Left without a choice, Mr. Hands puts on a fake smile and assures the assistant that he will personally bring Anne to their estate in the morning. He is always supportive of charity. She smiles and, hugging Anne, tells her she will see her tomorrow. It's only a day away. She lets herself out, leaving Mr. Hands alone with the orphans. His fake smile turns into a snarl the moment she is gone. He plucks Anne up and drags her out of the courtyard, while the other orphans rush back up to their room.

Mr. Hands leads Anne into his office and throws her down on the couch. He tells her that he has no intention of letting her leave after she has disobeyed him so many times. She begs him to let her go, pleading that this opportunity may be her only chance to find her real parents again. Mr. Hands laughs and pulls the broken heart necklace out from his pocket. He dangles it in front of Anne's face while using the situation to manipulate her. Why should he cooperate when she has been so uncooperative in the past? She knows what she needs to do to get favors from him. Desperate, Anne finally offers to have sex with Mr. Hands if he will agree to take her in the morning as he had promised. He smiles and makes her repeat her offer several times, to his amusement and sick satisfaction. Then he takes his pants down and takes Anne's virginity in his office.

Once he has cum, Mr. Hands staggers over to his desk. He pulls out a vial and a rolled-up bill, leaning over the desk to sniff something up, as Anne struggles to put her skirt back on. She asks what time she should be ready in the morning and, looking coldly at her whilst sniffing, Mr. Hands replies that he has changed his mind. He's going to bring someone else instead. Maybe Patty. Anne wasn't quite as good as he would have expected. A bit of a letdown, really, considering all those months of buildup. Betrayed and furious, Anne charges at Mr. Hands, screaming that she is leaving and that she wants her necklace back that he stole from her. The crooked proprietor grabs her by the throat. 'You're not going anywhere,' he growls before locking the orphan in his closet. He sits down at his desk, does another line, and puts his feet up as Anne pounds her fists behind the door.

Eliza Jane に 'She's Cumming To The Party!'

Eliza Jane - She's Cumming To The Party!

Cute, all-natural blonde teens, Eliza and Scarlett, steal away at a party to have sex with each other. They enthusiastically make out while undressing each other; eager to eat each other out and finger fuck their troubles away. Eliza initiates the pussy eating, burying her face deep into Scarlett's wet pussy. Scarlett cums with gusto--ready to return the orgasmic favor, she laps at Eliza's soft folds. Eliza is driven wild by Scarlett's expertise with her tongue. Both babes finger each other and sit on each other's faces, cumming even more.

Eliza Jane に 'Donation To The Cause'

Eliza Jane - Donation To The Cause

Determined to keep their fertility clinic open and in need of another prime semen sample, nurse Eliza seduces Doctor Michael into making just one more donation to the cause. But when he expresses reservations, Eliza quickly turns on her seductive charms and before he can resist further, his dick is in her willing mouth. Having lost all sight of reason, Michael and Eliza fuck one another silly on his office desk. With their sweaty bodies pounding into one another, it's only a matter of time before Eliza drains Michael's balls and - another sample has been provided.

Aaliyah Love に 'Inappropriate Touching!'

Aaliyah Love - Inappropriate Touching!

Young and over-worked office assistant, Aaliyah is overwhelmed with phone calls and people dropping things off for her powerful and gorgeous boss, Hollywood agent Cherry Torn. Cherry keeps her beyond busy and to top it off she makes comments to Aaliyah, asking her to dress a little sexier. Aaliyah's finally had enough when Cherry playfully smacks Aaliyah's ass! Aaliyah flips, telling Cherry she is quitting. Cherry apologizes; she had no idea that Aaliyah was unhappy. Aaliyah realizes she's never communicated her feelings and both agree to start over...Cherry then ask if she gives her a hug. Aaliyah pulls her in and jokingly grabs Cherry's ass. Until that moment she'd never noticed how supple and nice Cherry's ass is, as are Cherry's perky big tits! Aaliyah and Cherry's hug quickly becomes more as they kiss, lick and caress every inch of each other while feasting on the other's aching pussy.

Jenna Sativa に 'A Flapper Girl Story'

Jenna Sativa - A Flapper Girl Story

Jenna Sativa's mother has found an old family heirloom: her great-grandmothers' chest. When Jenna opens it up, she finds an old diary. Glancing at it quickly, it's clear that it belonged to her great-grandmother. As she reads the words out loud, she's transported back to a time when her great-grandmother was in her early 20's and hitting the dame's only club. We get transported back in time as Jenna plays her great-grandmother and is flirting with all the girls. She runs into Ivy Wolfe who invites her into the bathroom to party but she declines. When she enters the main room of the bar, Eliza Jane spots her from across the room. She moves to the bar to get closer to Jenna. Ivy sits on the opposite end and her eyes lock with Eliza's. It looks like the girls are gonna try and tag team Jenna who has no idea what the night has in store for her. The girls both give the barmaids a note to give to Jenna to make their intentions known. Jenna smiles at both of them as they move closer and start kissing her. She reciprocates and starts making out with both of them. As the patrons of the bar look on, the girls tear each other's clothes' off; they don't have a care in the world. They climb on top of the bar and start eating each other out. They decide to share their lust with the world. As they cum in unison, they scream in ecstasy. The crowd of people look on admiring them, perhaps hoping that they themselves could have a night of lust as passionate and as hot as this.

Eliza Jane に 'My Girlfriend's Mother 12 - Part 3: The Ultimate Temptation'

Eliza Jane - My Girlfriend's Mother 12 - Part 3: The Ultimate Temptation

Although married and committed to the church, Pastor Ryan cannot resist the temptation of young Eliza's sweet wet hole. Young and not so innocent Eliza is more than happy to lead the sexy Pastor to a life of sin...between her very slick folds. Ryan fills her wet pussy as they are swept into a passionate, lust filled fuck!

Cherry Torn に 'I Have a Special Package for You'

Cherry Torn - I Have a Special Package for You

Neighbors Sheena and Jill use a drone to spy on a woman up the street who meet and greets a delivery man for some wicked outdoor sex. No wonder she's constantly ordering things online.

Eliza Jane に 'Daddy, I've Never Squirted Before! 3'

Eliza Jane - Daddy, I've Never Squirted Before! 3

Petite blonde Eliza Jane has never squirted before, so the all-natural doll asks dominant Latino 'Daddy' Toni Ribas to teach her. She lifts her little skirt to masturbate her adorable pussy. Eliza gives Toni's big, uncut cock a head-bobbing blowjob. The older man fingers her pretty cunt until she erupts in fountains of fragrant girl-cum. Toni makes her climax wetly, over and over, amidst intense fucking. The eager slut gags on 'Daddy's' boner, and he splatters Eliza's face with a hot, spermy load.

Whitney Wright に 'The Last House on the Right'

Whitney Wright - The Last House on the Right


SCENE opens as two schoolgirls, Ashley and Nina, whip around a street corner and wipe the frame. They are laughing, almost out of breath, as Ashley says, 'I can't believe you almost got us caught shoplifting!' The girls slow down to a walk and Nina pulls two bikinis from her backpack. She calls Ashley a pussy and teases her that she'd never actually get them caught! Besides, now they have a new look for Summer. They small talk as they walk down the street: about school, gossip and the basketball team. Nina is 19-years-old, a year older than Ashley. She is known around school as a difficult girl with a history of bad behavior. But, Ashley is a follower. A loner for most of her life, Nina has been the first friend she's ever really had, so she lets herself get pressured into situations past her comfort zone. They reach another corner. 'What do you want to do now?' Ashley asks, 'I can't go home yet. They'll know I skipped school.' Nina suggests they go check out this condemned lot at the end of her street. It's about to be demolished. Some mid-century mansion where they used to host celebrity orgies and stuff. Ashley looks at her friend sideways and Nina laughs, running ahead. 'Just kidding,' she yells over her shoulder. 'Are you coming or what?' Ashley hesitates for a second before running after her friend.


The camera weaves through a junk-filled yard to find Ashley and Nina wandering through the mess. Nina is telling her friend more about the history of the property (or, at least, according to her father) as Ashley looks around nervously. She is worried about them trespassing. They come upon the house itself, old and derelict. It hasn't been lived in for years and, apart from some garbage, sits completely empty. 'Isn't this so fucking cool?' Nina says, pulling her friend inside and spinning around the living room. Ashley pushes a smile. She finds the place creepy. Nina pulls out a cigarette and lights it, starting to boast about all the things she'd do if she could gut the place herself. She passes the cigarette to Ashley, who awkwardly takes it and puffs without inhaling. Nina reaches into her backpack and tosses her friend an unmarked water bottle. 'What's this?' Ashley asks. 'Just have it,' Nina replies. 'It's good.' Ashley takes a sip and passes it back.

CUT to an hour later. The water bottle is empty. Nina is taking selfies while Ashley sits with her arms around her legs against a wall. She is trying to not let her bare knees touch the dirty floor. Bored, Nina suggests they try on their new bikinis and pose for pictures together. She drags Ashley back up and starts undoing her blouse. The girls strip down and put on the bikini bottoms. Still topless, Nina tries to sneak a photo of Ashley changing as a joke and the girl freaks out, running around the corner to avoid the photo. She trips over something and falls crashing to the floor. Nina comes running after her laughing but stops in her tracks as both her and Ashley look down at the homeless man unconscious on the floor between them.

'Do you think he's alive?' Ashley whispers after a long pause, covering her bare chest. The young man, probably in his late-twenties, lies strewn across the floor in very dirty clothing. He is unshaven, greasy, and drooling. Nina bites her lip and leans over him gingerly, her tits still out. She shakes her head. 'I can hear him breathing,' she whispers back. 'He's probably just passed out.' Ashley runs into the other room to grab her blouse, tossing it on and grabbing Nina's on the way back. When she re-enters, she is shocked to find Nina posing suggestively for a selfie on top of the homeless man. Ashley demands her to stop. 'What?!' Nina retorts. 'This is fucking hilarious. Stop being such a bitch!' Ashley watches anxiously as Nina goes back to her duck faces and suggestive poses. 'I'm going to send these to my boyfriend and tell him I found a better man!' She says, laughing ... and Ashley can't help but crack a smile. Nina begs her to come and take some photos. 'Please,' she says. 'Derek's going to freak out! I have to do it ... just a few more pics and then we can go, promise.' The reluctant friend takes the phone and starts to photograph Nina as she poses around the man and ends up straddling him in a reverse cowgirl pose. As the girls take their final photo, giggling, the homeless man suddenly wakes up with a jolt and grabs Nina. She screams. Ashley drops the phone.

The homeless man, dazed and surprised, stammers inaudibly as he clutches Nina. She squirms her way out from under his grasp and crawls towards Ashley who takes her hand and pulls her into the other room. As they scramble to gather their things, he storms after them and pins them into a corner. 'Who are you?' He rants. 'And how did you get in here? How did you find this place? This is my place! Everyone knows this is my place!' The school girls look at each other in shock before Nina slowly responds that they were just taking some photos. The man backs off and looks each of them up and down. 'What kind of photos?' He asks, sounding paranoid. 'It was just a joke,' Ashley mutters. 'A joke?' The man asks, sounding even more paranoid. 'Yes,' Nina jumps in, trying to steer the conversation. 'A joke. I was sending my boyfriend photos of you as a joke.' The man asks how old the girls are. They reply: 18 and 19 years old. He unzips his pants and takes out his erect penis, which causes the girls to step back even further. 'Look at what your joke did!' He says angrily. Ashley looks at her friend in a panic but Nina motions for her to stay back. She approaches the man. 'I'm sorry,' she says. 'I didn't mean to rub up on you like that. I just wanted the photos to look convincing.' There is an awkward silence before Ashley pipes in to warn the man that this is indecent exposure. The man responds that it can be way worse if she wants.

There is a cold, intimidating silence before Nina draws a breath and laughs awkwardly to cut the tension. 'You're funny,' she says. 'What's your name?' The homeless man, switching back to paranoia, tells her it's none of her business. He doesn't give away his private information. And they are invading his privacy. 'Well, none of your business, how about you just help us with these photos then ... and we can be on our way?' The man stares at her while Ashley protests in the background. What the hell is Nina doing? She always tags along no matter what, but this has gone too far. Nina tells her to shut up and be cool. 'What kind of photos?' He asks. Nina drops to her knees and looks up at him. 'Just something to make my boyfriend really jealous!' She says, snapping back at Ashley and ordering her to take the photos. Ashley can't believe what her friend is doing. She pleads for them to just leave but the man laughs. 'You're not going anywhere,' he says. Nina tries to calm the situation. 'He's right, Ashley,' she says sternly. 'We are just going to take these photos with him and then we are going to leave.' Ashley begrudgingly takes the photos as Nina smiles beside the man's penis. He starts to ask her questions about it: how she thinks it looks, how it made her feel when she was on top of him. He tells her it has been awhile since he was inside a woman. She feigns a smile and responds to his questions, urging her friend to keep taking the pictures. He asks her if she will put it in her mouth. Nina, not knowing what else to do, say yes and starts to suck on it. Ashley puts the phone down. 'Nina, I've got the pictures ... let's go.' She says.

But Nina is now engrossed in sucking the man's dick, as he puts his hands on her head and face fucks her hard. Looking up at Ashley, he asks if she will suck his balls. He always likes it when girls suck his balls. Nina, mouth full of cock, urges her friend to get down on her knees and help her out. They'll go right after. She promises. 'That's right,' the man says, removing his dirty sweat-stained shirt. 'You both make me cum and then you can do whatever you want in my place.' Ashley puts her head in her hands as the man pulls Nina to her feet and pulls down her bikini bottoms. Nina pleads with her friend to stop being a pussy. They are supposed to be best friends. He doesn't smell, and his cock is pretty big. It'll be a funny story. The man pushes her up against a wall and enters her. As he fucks her feverishly, Ashley goes up beside her and demands to know why she is doing this. This is insane. 'Ashley,' Nina yells as she's being pounded. 'I'm your only fucking friend, ok? You're a loser without me and you know it. Now, if you hadn't been such a pussy and ran out the room, we never would have tripped over this guy. We're in this mess together. Just pull down your pants and close your eyes.' Ashley resigns to what her friend is saying, knowing that she's right. They must get of the situation somehow. 'Fine,' she says leaning against the wall and pulling her bottoms down. 'I'll do it. But I'm not sucking your balls!' The homeless man eagerly pulls out and penetrates Ashley. BGG Sex Scene. Throughout the sex, the homeless man feverishly fucks them both, switching between lust and paranoia, while the two girls take it. Nina acts eager and submissive, to get the man to cum faster, and Ashley fucks him to spite what her friend is making her do. In the end, he drops them both to their knees and spreads his cum across their faces.

Falling back against the wall, the man starts to put his shirt back on as the two girls grab their things. Ashley looks pissed. Nina thinks it's hilarious. They exit the house together and walk quietly through the junk yard in the moonlight. 'My parents are going to wonder where I am,' Ashley says coldly. 'So, I'm going to go now.' Not waiting for a reply, she storms off into the night leaving Nina standing there. The tough girl yells that she'll see her in class on Monday before starting to walk herself. As she walks alone, she starts to cry, knowing she just lost her best friend.

Eliza Jane に 'Ride Share Ass Share'

Eliza Jane - Ride Share Ass Share

Eliza Jane gets a ride from a stranger and give up her ass as thanks.

Shyla Jennings に 'Laundry Day'

Shyla Jennings - Laundry Day

Shyla Jennings is sorting through her clothes to do some laundry. When she hears a knock at the door, she wonders who it could be. She opens the door to find her neighbor, Eliza Jane, standing there. Eliza apologizes for the intrusion and tells her that her washing machine broke and she desperately needs to do a load. Shyla, who was about to do a load herself, tells her that she can throw in her clothes as well. The girls walk to the machine and Eliza starts taking off her clothes. When Shyla asks her what she's doing, she tells her that she doesn't know when her machine will get fixed and figures she may as well wash everything while she's there. Shyla ends up agreeing with her as she takes off all her clothes as well and joins her on the couch. When Eliza asks her why she took off her clothes, she tells her that she may as well do it all at once so she can save the environment. Shyla looks at her neighbor and can't help but be intrigued. She gets up and pretends to stumble as her ass lands on Eliza. When she apologizes, Eliza tells her that it's totally fine, adding that her ass is spectacular. Shyla returns the compliment and blushes. The girls start kissing. Eliza climbs on top of her, rubbing and grinding her pussy on hers. The girls eat each other's pussies, sit on each other's faces, and eat other's asses. When they finish getting each other off, Eliza knows which neighbor will get her out of a jam next time she needs her laundry done... or her pussy eaten.

Eliza Jane に 'Bad Girls Need Love Too'

Eliza Jane - Bad Girls Need Love Too

Eliza has been a bad girl. And she wants someone to spank her for being so naughty. She really is bad; she leaves sexy love notes for her step dad to find and when he follows them right into her room, he finds her laying there, cuffed and nearly naked, she snaps and few pictures and makes him an offer. Fuck her or her mother gets texted a very sexy pic of her husband in a salacious position with her daughter. So Sean does what every good stepdad does--punishes the bad girl, and gives her some big black cock in the process as well.

Eliza Jane に 'The Countdown'

Eliza Jane - The Countdown

Strangers Held by Unknown Powers and Tricked into Fucking for Freedom

SCENE opens on an unconscious 19-year-old girl, Nora, lying on the floor of an empty cell. She is wearing 'weekend' clothes: a tank top and skirt. From her perspective, we hear the voice of a man telling her to wake up. As she comes to her senses, she opens her eyes and, through her POV, sees a man, Alan, clearly older than her, mid 30s, dressed in boring business clothes (math teacher). 'Are you okay?' He asks. She screams and tries to get away from him. The man also gets frightened and moves away in his corner. 'I don't want to hurt you, I'm in here like you!' The girl lets out a gasp and looks around the cell, nervously pacing. 'It's no use,' says Alan, nervously. 'I've tried.' 'Where are we?' asks Nora. 'I don't know! I think we might have been... taken!' While screaming and kicking, Nora notices a security camera in the corner of the cell, near the ceiling. She screams at it 'LET US OUT!' Alan, still in shock his corner of the cell, says 'I've been here almost a full day, they haven't said anything. I think they brought you in when I was snoozing.' Nora sits down, her head in her hands. 'What do they want from us?' Alan responds 'I don't know... all I know is that we are being watched .... and... there is...that!' He points to the '4th wall.' From the POV of the wall, Nora gets up and slowly walks towards the camera. A reverse shot reveals a big digital clock reading '23:55:04' and counting down.


CU of the clock: 19:59:39 and counting down. Under the clock are 5 unlit led lights.

Nora is in a ball in a corner of the cell, rubbing her arms to be warmer. Alan is in the other corner resting. As she shivers harder and harder, Alan wakes up. 'It's almost been 2 days, look at you ... you are shivering! I told you I am not going to hurt you. Come and sit next to me, I'll warm you up.' 'No thank you' she replies. Alan gets up and removes his dress shirt, leaving him in an undershirt. He walks towards Nora 'At least take this, I can't stand to see you like this!' She is clearly hesitant, but lets the man come closer. As he puts his shirt around her shoulder, he kneels and says 'here, at least you won't freeze!' He puts his hand on her folded leg. As soon as their skin touches, all lights shut down, and a mechanical sound is heard. When the lights come back on, two blankets and a whole chicken are on the ground. At first, both fear the noise, but then see the blankets and food. They both jump on it. They wrap themselves in the blankets and start eating like starved animals each in their corners. The camera slowly pans towards the countdown on the wall. 19:57:22.

Smash cut to the bare chicken bones on the ground. We can hear their bellies grumbling. Both detainees are sitting in their corners. Nora speaks 'So... do you think at the end of this countdown they will let us go?' As she points to the clock, it now shows 37:13:45. 'I don't know,' says Alan, rubbing his wedding ring. 'I'm... I'm Nora by the way.' 'Alan.' A silent moment. Nora adds ' And... what were you doing before... you know.' 'I was going home from class... I... I teach math at Northwestern, and I'. Before he finishes, Nora cuts him 'I used to go there.' She tells him how she used to attend College to become a lawyer but dropped out when she turned 19 because she wanted to become a painter. He tells her how he was in a promising band in College but was pressured into taking a real job by his girlfriend of the time. They share a look that says, 'We are different but we are the same', followed by an awkward moment. 'Good night Alan' she says, before turning away in the blanket.


Nora is pacing the room as Alan is sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth rubbing his wedding ring.

'My wife must be worried sick.' 'You are married?' 'Yes, almost 10 years now. And now she must be alone, pregnant and scared.' 'Pregnant?' Nora asks. Alan starts crying. He explains how his girlfriend from college pressured him into taking a job because she was pregnant back then. They got married and then had the child who then passed away. They didn't think they could have another child, the pain was too much. 'But then Maria got pregnant again... that was 6 months ago.' He sobs.

Nora slowly walks toward him. 'Hey ... don't worry, I'm sure we'll get out'. She reaches her arm towards his shoulder. As soon as they touch, the lights go pitch black and, a moment later, pillows appear. They tense up and stare at them.

Alan gets up, wiping the tears off his face. 'Wait a second...' He suddenly grabs her arm. The lights go out again, and candies appear. 'I get it,' says Alan, terrified, 'when I gave you my shirt, and just then my shoulder and now your arm... they want us to touch each other!' Puzzled, Nora puts a hand on Alan's chest, over his undershirt. Nothing happens. Alan moves her hand slowly to his exposed skin, the lights go black and more candies appear. CU on the security camera zooming in.

They both look at each other. Alan is the first one to understand and takes a step back and says, 'Oh my god' as he grabs his face. Nora goes 'What? Now we know how to get food!' 'Don't you get it Nora...They are watching us... they reward us when we touch skin on skin. This is some twisted pervert!' (trailer moment).

Nora stares at him. Then she looks at the clock. Then looks at the security camera, she walks towards it. She takes off her tank top revealing her breasts. A green light flashes, and the clocks beeps fast-forwarding to 09:59:59. Alan in horror tries to look away muttering 'what are you doing?'. She pulls down her skirt and panties. The green light flashes, and the clocks beeps fast-forwarding to 00:04:59:59.

Her attitude suddenly changed, she is now more aggressive. She turns toward Alan and goes to him. 'Get naked Alan, that's what they want!' She tries to pull him up. He struggles to not look at her. 'Come on, you pussy, we're not at church! We can get the fuck out of here if we give them what they want! Strip!' Alan collects himself. 'All right... all right'. He takes off his undershirt and pants. The green light flashes, and the clocks beeps fastforwarding to 00:59:59 and counting down.

As Alan finishes taking off his socks, Nora screams 'Ok! Now what!? You sick fucks!' When Alan is done, one of the five led lights under the clocks lights up. They stare at it for a beat. Nora turns to Alan 'You need to fuck me!'

Alan stares back in silence. 'You were right Alan, this is a fucked up little circus we've been put into. I bet you they want us to fuck before the clock hits zero.' Alan stutters 'But I ... My wife... I just...' Nora pins him against the wall, 'Look, it's this or we are both gonna be in here for ever or until we starve. I know you are a good man, but I want to get out of here, I know you do too! Do it FOR your wife, do it FOR your kid!' Nora points at the security camera as she says ' Tell them! Tell them you will fuck me!' Alan takes a moment, then says 'Ill... I'll do it. I'll fucking do it!'.

Nora drops to her knees and start blowing him. After a minute or so, a second led light lights up under the clock. Alan says: 'It's working!'

They descend in BG sex scene where Nora dominates and yells at the security camera 'You like what you see?' etc... As they change position, the led lights turn on one after the other leaving only one off.

Alan's attitude gradually changes as he his pumped by Nora's yelling.

As Alan is stroking his dick before cumming onto Nora's face, they both say the each other 'It's almost over, we're getting out! Almost there' and then to the camera 'That's what you wanted you twisted perverts?' He cums on her face. They take a beat looking into each other's eyes, proud of themselves. Alan is then struck by what he just did and stumbles backward. Nora then turns to the clock, now reading 00:00:20 and still counting down, with one led still off.

'It didn't work' says Nora. 'It's still counting down!' Alan comes near her. They both are now hysterical, yelling 'Wait, we'll do it again, please, no let us g..!'.

Their voices are cut off over the image of the clock going to 00:00:00.

Credits over total silence.

Riley Reid に 'An Education In Squirting'

Riley Reid - An Education In Squirting

Riley Reid shows up at bookworm Eliza Jane's dorm room ready to go shopping. Eliza is completely absorbed in her research paper and tells Riley that she can't go. Riley's annoyed and wants to know what subject trumps shopping. Eliza tells her that she's doing a paper on Female Ejaculation. Riley's shocked and thinks it's weird for girls to ejaculating--it's a thing guy's do...right? Eliza decides it's time to educate Riley, and since the best way to teach is though experience Eliza offers up her own squirting abilities--with Riley's help. The sexy co-eds kiss deeply then eat each other's pussies and plunge fingers into their horny holes. Eliza erupts in a gushing orgasm and knows it's time to give Riley her first squirting orgasm! Riley cums hard, squirting her pleasure. It's an education neither will soon forget.

Eliza Jane に 'Loves Anal'

Eliza Jane - Loves Anal

Get ready for anal cutie Eliza Jane in one of the most intense anal scenes we've captured in quite some time. Focusing on multiple anal positions, going in deeper than ever with ATM's & ATP's. Do not miss this epic gonzo anal sex scene.

Ana Foxxx に 'Showcases: Eliza Jane - 2 scenes in 1'

Ana Foxxx - Showcases: Eliza Jane - 2 scenes in 1

Eliza Jane isn't having the best day. She's trying to webcam but her viewers are complaining about what she's wearing and how her show is boring. She tries to plead with her audience and while she's doing this, her internet goes down. Desperate and frustrated she wishes that a fairy godmother could come and rescue her. When Brett Rossi, her fairy cam mother appears, Eliza can't believe her eyes. Brett explains that she has 3 wishes and that she shouldn't squander them. Eliza needs her internet back up and when Brett counts to 3 and yells the magic word her internet is back up and running. While Eliza contemplates what she should wish for next. Brett looks at her room and tells her it might be time for some redecorating. As she says the magic works the room changes and Eliza couldn't be happier. Brett remarks that the outfit Eliza is wearing is awful and at the flick of the wand Eliza gets a makeover that makes her look hot as fuck. When Eliza's viewers spot Brett they ask the girls if they can cam together. It doesn't take much for Eliza to convince Brett to dyke it out with her. When the girls finish their show, Brett tells Eliza that she needs to leave but Eliza pleads with her not to. She's never had this much success at camming at needs a girl to dyke it out with. Brett tells her she's really pushing her luck but says she will grant her one more wish before she goes. She's gonna send her another girl, and by the flick of a wand, Anna Foxx appears. Anna is perplexed at what she's doing there but when Brett tells her to attend to all of Eliza's needs, she does so with pleasure.

Christie Stevens に 'Older Younger Anal'

Christie Stevens - Older Younger Anal

Blonde cutie Eliza Jane & Bombshell Christie Stevens share intense anal sex in this mature and teen stunning anal scene. Including passionate lesbian anal sex, analingus and double penetration. Exploding into anal orgasm!

Eliza Jane に 'Meets Mandingo'

Eliza Jane - Meets Mandingo

Tiny young blonde, Eliza Jane meets Mandingo for her very first time having sex with him and she is ready to take on his giant BBC, in this stunning interracial scene. Watch as curious and excited Eliza experiences the legendary Mandingo. Exploding into a cum swallowing finish!

Cherie DeVille に 'The Competition'

Cherie DeVille - The Competition

Eliza Jane and Ayumi Anime are hanging out in her room chatting the afternoon away. When Eliza goes in for a kiss Ayumi stops her. She can't get past the fact that Eliza's mom, Cherie De Ville, is downstairs. Eliza assures her that it doesn't matter; her mom is one of the cool ones and is totally accepting of the fact that she's gay. Well, there is one problem... Anytime she gets something new, her mom wants it as well. Whether it's a new dress or a girlfriend, she just has to have it. As the girls are talking in the bedroom, Cherie is by the door looking inside. When she sees how hot Ayumi is, she storms into the bedroom to introduce herself. Eliza wasn't kidding when she said her mom wants a piece of her action. After seeing Ayumi, Cherie just can't keep her hands to herself. Eliza protests and tells her mom to stop but her pleas fall on deaf ears. She has to have Ayumi whether the girls like it or not. Cherie takes off her shirt and places Ayumi's hands on her tits. She adds that a woman with experience like herself could really teach her some tricks. Ayumi is so overwhelmed that she doesn't know what to do. Eliza is fed up with her mom's antics and says two can play at this game! Eliza takes off her shirt. Ayumi is going to have to choose between mother and daughter but the choice is simple - she picks both!

Kenna James に 'Sister Stories: Don't Steal My Clothes!'

Kenna James - Sister Stories: Don't Steal My Clothes!

When Eliza Jane finds some of her missing clothes in her stepsister's room, she's furious. Her stepsister, Kenna James, is always taking her stuff and she can't take it anymore. When Kenna walks into her room moments later, she asks Eliza what she's doing there. Eliza asks her why her shirts are in her room. Kenna denies everything, telling her she's crazy but Eliza has had it up to here with her stepsister antics. They're her clothes and she wants them to stay in her room. Kenna doesn't really care and wants Eliza to leave her alone. Eliza isn't going anywhere until her sister learns her lesson. She climbs on top of her and starts lecturing her on the value of sharing. Kenna has no idea what's going on but has a hard time overpowering her sister. Eliza reminds her that if she wants to share her clothes with her then she'll have to share everything. She starts kissing her and shoves her tongue down her throat. Eliza remarks how she'd like to borrow the shirt Kenna is wearing and rips it off her. If her sister doesn't understand boundaries than perhaps they shouldn't have any at all. Eliza starts licking her sister's nipples. Once she removes her pants, it's only a matter of seconds before her face is deep in Kenna's pussy. Kenna tries to stop Eliza but it's no use. Despite it being so wrong, it feels oh so right. It looks like the sisters will be sharing a little more than just their clothes the next time around.

Eliza Jane に 'Gamer Babe Plays With Cock'

Eliza Jane - Gamer Babe Plays With Cock

Blondie Eliza Jane is deep into her new video game, but her boyfriend is a little distracting when he starts playing with her pussy. Eliza puts down the controller and starts deepthroating his huge cock before fucking it till he cums all over her face!

Reagan Foxx に 'The Pact: One Year Later'

Reagan Foxx - The Pact: One Year Later

Eliza Jane is worried. Tomorrow is the first day her mother will meet her new girlfriend. The problem is that her new girlfriend used to be married to her dad. She's with her stepmom and they're going to meet up with her parents tomorrow. Eliza has no idea how to deal with all this. Reagan Foxx reassures Eliza that it's going to be ok. She tells her that when they see them together they'll realize everything worked out for the best. Eliza isn't so sure: this will be the first time that her dad sees them together as a couple and she's not sure how he's going to react. Again, Reagan reminds her that he's back with her biological mother and that he's happy. Reagan kisses her, reassuring her that everything will be fine. The passion between them grows as they take off their clothes. The girls start making out and Reagan takes off her shirt to reveal her huge tits. Not a moment passes before Eliza has them in her warm mouth, sucking them with a ferocious appetite. Reagan takes off Eliza's shirt and starts sucking on her tits: it's her turn now and she's enjoying every lick. Eliza wants some pussy and refuses to wait another second. She tears Reagan's panties off and puts her tongue inside her. She devours her cunt while sucking on her sweet pussy juices. Reagan cums and is so turned on that she wants Eliza's ass in her mouth. Eliza turns over as Reagan strips off her pantie and starts playing with her pussy. It doesn't take long before she's tonguing her ass and Eliza is moaning. Eliza sits on Reagan's face and then they trib, cumming their worldly worries away!

Cherry Torn に 'The Sex Party'

Cherry Torn - The Sex Party

A group of 5 horny friends have a party with a fun sex game. Watch these 2 girls and 3 guys strip down and fuck till everyone's loads pop.

Dana Vespoli に 'Don't Tell My Parents'

Dana Vespoli - Don't Tell My Parents

Young beauty Eliza Jane is getting a lecture from Doctor Dana Vespoli about birth control. She lets Dana know that it won't be necessary. She may be sexually active, but she doesn't like boys and never will! That really turns on the more mature MILF and Eliza cues into that, jumping her right there in the exam room. Dana sits her back on the table and goes down for a very close inspection of the young babe's dripping wet pussy. She makes her cum with a professional tongue lashing before having Eliza flip the positions on her and going to work on her mature cunt!

Kristen Scott に 'Gaping 101'

Kristen Scott - Gaping 101

Super cute teens Kristen Scott and Eliza Jane get wild and nasty in this all anal girl on girl Lesbian X scene. Embracing all of their anal desires. Including intense analingus and deep anal pleasure. Climaxing with anal orgasms till they're gaping!

Eliza Jane に 'Slip and Slide'

Eliza Jane - Slip and Slide

It's such a hot and sunny day, Eliza and Tara are sweltering just sitting in the shade. Even stripping down to their bikinis doesn't help the sultry girlfriends much, until Eliza remembers she has the perfect way to cool off: a slip and slide! The BFFs are soon giggling with glee as they take their first slides and feel the cool water spraying against their hot skin. The playful babes get so carried away with their wet, flirty fun, they're both taken by surprise when Eliza leans forward and kisses Tara! Looking into each other's eyes, they wordlessly agree to a new, naughtier kind of game. Before long, the sexy lesbians can't get enough of slipping and sliding their nude bodies against each other! As their playtime turns to passionate embraces, Eliza and Tara revel in the erotic thrill of scissoring and 69ing with the warm sun on their wet skin!

Reena Sky に 'The Secret Life of Mrs. Sky'

Reena Sky - The Secret Life of Mrs. Sky

When Reena Sky's husband cancels date night to attend to a work emergency, the perfect wife and homemaker takes the news in stride and sets the dinner table for her teenage daughter Serena Blair and her friend from college Eliza Jane. Reena is so conservative and proper, she reprimands Serena for cussing before she leaves for class. Eliza helps Reena clear the table before she heads to class too. First, she borrows Reena's can opener for her mom, and promises to bring it right back that evening. Since date night was cancelled, Reena is getting ready to meet her friend at the club. She's wearing nothing but thigh highs as she wraps her perfect body in an extravagant set of lingerie. Eliza stops by as promised, and catches the tail end of her phone conversation about craving the ass of a certain teenage girl. She sees Reena pulling a big pink dildo out of her purse. When Reena sees who just walked in, she becomes flirty and affectionate and insists they play a game. Eliza tries to resist but Reena manages to take off her top and get into her pants. Slowly Reena whittles away her defenses, kissing away her fears and apprehensions. Eliza is intrigued by what this dominating MILF can teach her. Reena sticks her tongue between legs and Eliza cums hard in mouth. She tries again to leave, but Reena convinces her to stick around and keep playing. She fingers her asshole and opens her up. Eliza lets Reena sit on her face and soon the girls are cumming together. They finish their lesbian tricks with a wild tribbing as Reena rubs the cum out of Eliza's wet teen pussy!

Brandi Love に 'Getting Caught: Almost Freaky'

Brandi Love - Getting Caught: Almost Freaky

Eliza Jane has been up all night ruminating like a crazy person about something that's truly pissing her the fuck off. She's soon to be married which clearly compounds with the attention seeking of her step-mom Brandi Love and Eliza's soon to be hubby's mom Chanel Preston. When major life changes happen at such times it can't be easy to rewire your values to let lesbians just act like normal lesbians around you. I get it. It must be awfully frustrating. Boo Hoo...Brandi makes it her mission to fix things with Eliza. She thinks patching things up, telling her she'll always be her number one, and getting on with life will fix things instantly, but Eliza's subconscious leads her to make a spectacle, as she begins using phrases like 'wanting to be Brandi's good little girl,' and kissing her step-mother passionately on the lips, moaning, hoping that she'll always be Brandi's little lesbian play thing. It's clear Eliza is jealous.Brandi tries in earnest to explain things easily without divulging the reality that she's screwing her step-daughter. But Chanel still can't understand why after being so nice to Eliza, she's still such a whiny little bridezilla. Brandi and Chanel can't keep their hands off one another, and start getting into it, when this time Eliza interrupts. Things are not going well, but soon enough the truth drops, and it's clear it's time the Moms need to teach their good little girl a lesson.

April O'Neil に 'Sex Dream Architect: Part One'

April O'Neil - Sex Dream Architect: Part One

When Eliza Jane gets the horrible news that her fiance died in a car accident, her best friend April O'Neil is there to console her. Eliza won't stop crying so April tells her people tend to get with someone else to make them feel better. Eliza is too devastated to hear about other people yet. April cradles her in her arms. They've been friends forever, April just wants to make her happy. But Eliza feels like her world is literally crumbling. In reality, Eliza and April are dreaming on the sofa while sex dream architect Kristen Scott is monitoring their brain waves. Kristen Scott is the genius who created the virtual reality which the girls are presently experiencing. Things are going fine, until Kristen's partner announces his arrival home too loudly. His voice seeps into Eliza's subconsciously and confuses her into believing Billy is still alive. Back in the dream, Eliza is listening to a voicemail from Billy letting her know he took out a life insurance policy in case of his death. He wants her to move on with someone else and be happy. April kisses her and promises her she'll always be her best friend. She just wants to make her feel better. Eliza lets her kiss her some more. April slowly gets Eliza undressed and dots her body with lingering kisses. Relaxed and aroused now, Eliza admits that she always wanted to see her best friend's tits. April takes the lead in licking Eliza's pussy. After cumming in her mouth, Eliza lets April straddle her face. The big titted brunette grinds her bush against Eliza's tongue, then she comforts Eliza by tribbing her pussy. Meanwhile, back in their actual reality, Kristen is making herself cum while she watches the lesbians fuck through her VR lenses. Pleased with her work, she rouses April from her slumber and asks if she got what she needed. She gives her thirty seconds till Eliza wakes up. They arrange to meet later for the payment.

Reagan Foxx に 'The Pact'

Reagan Foxx - The Pact

Teen Eliza Jane is studying for school when stepmother Reagan Foxx comes in. Dolled up in sexy lingerie, Reagan wants her to take a study break while her husband watches football. She slithers all over Eliza distracting her from her studies. Soon the blond teen can't resist her cuddles and her huge MILF tits. Eliza worries about her father walking in on them. But Reagan is highly convincing and before you know it, the lesbians are necking. Eliza has never gone further than kissing with her stepmother but Reagan encourages her to touch her huge boobs. Even though Eliza knows it isn't right, Reagan thinks it will be fun. She unbuttons her night shirt and kisses her nipples. Then she shimmies her shorts off and licks the cum out of her virgin pussy. Amazed by her orgasm, Eliza lets Reagan take off her panties and plant her pussy on her own. She pushes into her breathlessly, then climbs upward to show Eliza what else she likes. Eliza sucks on her MILF nipples, then Reagan sits on her face and cums in her mouth. Eliza wants to trib one more time, so Reagan climbs between her legs and makes them cum together!

Kelly Klaymour に 'Evil Dungeon mistress gets her Dick fucked off by the perfect slaves'

Kelly Klaymour - Evil Dungeon mistress gets her Dick fucked off by the perfect slaves

Today is independence day for house slaves Mona Wales and Cherry Torn!!!! They fight back against the tyranny of the evil house mistress, Kelly Klaymour. Kelly has been having her slaves do all the hard work while she reaps all the benefits. While Kelly is busy running an empire, Mona and Cherry have fallen in love with each other and they practice the submissiveness to each other. When Kelly walks in on the two lesbians playing around without her blessing, Kelly decides to teach these two whores a lesson. Kelly makes the girls abuse each other. They cry as they have to watch Kelly fuck the love of their lives right in front of each other. Kelly's huge cock slays both of these blond submissives. After a day of bondage, cuckolding, spanking, and abuse the girls desperately pray for help. Their Fairy Goth Mother hears their pleas and she gifts them a very special power. The Fairy Goth Mother turns their vaginas into power dick eating machines. Cherry and Mona sneak up on Kelly and fuck her dick off! Now without her big huge cock, Kelly can no longer abuse them and now they drag her on the Whipped ass to give HER the abuse!!

Eliza Jane に 'More Than Friends Scene 2'

Eliza Jane - More Than Friends Scene 2

Have you ever had that moment when a good friend became more then a good friend, or when you noticed your best friends sister was all grown up She is so sexy that you have to just go for it. Maybe it's time to be more than friends.

Eliza Jane に 'Double Headed Dildo Tutor'

Eliza Jane - Double Headed Dildo Tutor

Kagney Linn Karter is one fucking hot maid who walks in on Eliza Jane holding a double ended dildo that she has no idea how to operate. Kagney, being a maid who cares informs Eliza who isn?t wearing pants, that jamming a dildo inside of herself with her panties pushed to the side is bush league amatuer stuff. Eliza, being a naive dumb blonde slut asks her maid to teach her how to use dildos more effectively. Kagney says that they only have a few hours before Eliza?s parents return, but that she can help. First, Kagney decides to get Eliza nice and wet by asking her to lay back as she licks Eliza?s snatch. Eliza enjoys this and soon her panties come off. Kagney then strips naked and the two women kiss each other softly. They take turns sucking and licking each other and then they finally get to work with this dildo. Kagney helps it into Eliza and thrusts it so she knows the joy of being fucked with a dildo. They both take turns fucking each other with it in amazingly creative ways. Then both of them fuck one end of it in amazing double doggystyle with the dildo. Both of them gush from being so wet. Finally, Kagney gets her strapon dildo and starts fucking the shit out of Eliza and her sexy teen body from behind. It culminates with both of them dripping from the orgasms they give each other.

Eliza Jane に 'Toy Lover'

Eliza Jane - Toy Lover

Cock craving coed Eliza Jane is a sweet blonde hottie who just loves her toys. Once she's done playing with her soft all naturals and tweaking her rock hard nipples, she'll peel off her thong and go to work on her landing strip twat with a dildo that leaves her quivering with joy.

Eliza Jane に 'Tight Fit'

Eliza Jane - Tight Fit

Sweet American chick Eliza Jane doesn't want you to keep your hands to yourself! This ultimate dream girl is a blonde treat with a set of amazing all naturals and an ass that won't quit. Check her out as she spreads her landing strip pussy and then uses her magic fingers for orgasmic results!

Eliza Jane に 'Petite Blonde'

Eliza Jane - Petite Blonde

Whenever Eliza Jane can't find a man to satisfy her sexual needs, she turns to a toy to do the trick instead. The 23 year old student s eager to slip out of her shirt and thong, leaving her landing strip twat open and ready to be filled and fucked by a vibrating dildo.

Eliza Jane に 'Mini Skirt'

Eliza Jane - Mini Skirt

A miniskirt shows off Eliza Jane's long legs, and when she flips it up you can enjoy her thong and tight ass. This American cutie is all about pleasing her landing strip twat, so it's no surprise when she sheds her clothes and puts her hand to work creating a dripping wet pussy party.

Eliza Jane に 'The Next Big Step Scene 3'

Eliza Jane - The Next Big Step Scene 3

Brandi and Alexis leave their husbands – for each other. But is there something missing from this wet lesbian paradise With two stepsons on the loose, forgetting about the dick is easier said than done. Will a little side D save this lesbian love – or end it forever

Eliza Jane に 'Anal Freshmen 2'

Eliza Jane - Anal Freshmen 2

Adorable blonde pixie Eliza Jane wears her school uniform for her second-ever anal scene. First, this petite cutie buzzes her sensitive clit with a huge magic wand vibrator. Veteran porn pro Mick Blue spanks her pale, white ass and passionately fucks her meaty little pussy with his giant cock. He invades her with a butt plug and then ruthlessly reams Eliza's rectum; the nasty little minx gags on his boner ass-to-mouth and rims the director's bunghole! When every hole's been well fucked, Eliza gobbles Mick's cum.

Eliza Jane に 'Dont Tell Daddy'

Eliza Jane - Dont Tell Daddy

Eliza's parents never let her out of the house. They know she's a horny teen slut who would do anything for a big, hard cock! But even if they can stop her from finding big dicks, there's nothing they can do to stop the big dicks from finding her. After her parents leave for the night a horny, hung burglar breaks in and spies on the tight teen as she plays with her tight pussy. Eliza tries to run away, but once he's got her tied to the bed she's begging for his big cock. Looks like Eliza will finally get the hard fuck she's been dreaming about!

Eliza Jane に 'Looking For A Raise'

Eliza Jane - Looking For A Raise

Eliza has been babysitting with Mr. London for just about a day and she already wants a raise! She has good reason for it though. She saw some checks for his previous babysitters and they were doubleeven triple what she was making. When she asks what she has to do to earn it, Mr. London places her hand on his cock and tells her she might not be ready. Eliza begs to differ, and opens her mouth wide. Eliza has had sex before, but never with some motivationshe has now. She made it her goal to earn this raise by being the dirtiest little slut she could be. Elizas pussy will never be the same again, and neither will her bank account. She got her first raise in a gooey shot of cum, but next weeks pay will be sure to be direct deposit :P.

Lorelei Lee に 'Kelli Lox is tricked, put in bondage then fucked in front of the world'

Lorelei Lee - Kelli Lox is tricked, put in bondage then fucked in front of the world

Cherry Torn and Lorelei Lee are entrepreneur billionaire moguls who have found a sustainable way to feed the world forever. They have contacted the tech expert for the Bounty Babes to help them get the good News out to the world. Kelli Lox develops an app that will stream a message to everyone's electronic device to tell them about the news that the evil illuminati are trying to keep from us all....or so that's what Kelli thinks. Soon after making the app, the tables are turned on Kelli. The bounty babe has been hunted and trapped by the beautiful Blonde evil ladies. Cherry and Lorelei capture Kelli, tie her up, suck her cock foot job her cock, slap her around and fuck her with a strap on all the mean while streaming the entire thing to everyone using the app that Kelli Developed. Cherry and Lorelei call out the other bounty babes to try to come help their friend....but is it another trap?One thing is for sure, After you watch this video, you will be Under Lorelei Lee's Spell.... stay tuned for upcoming Bounty Babe shows featuring, bondage, anal strap on, food jobs, blow jobs, and pussy fucking.

Eliza Jane に 'Naughty Blonde takes Anal Punishment'

Eliza Jane - Naughty Blonde takes Anal Punishment

Cute blonde Eliza is in trouble with her parents. She has been caught with weed in her jacket pocket and they have sent her to see a therapist. During her first session her doctor is pretty quiet, but after a while he puts a proposal to her. He tells her she has a problem with authority and as she is such a naughty girl, she deserves to be spanked. She is a little shocked but so turned on and takes no time in being punished in every way possible - including one way that she's never experienced before. This therapy is sure to teach her a lesson she won't forget.

Eliza Jane に 'Naughty Blonde Punished for Debt with BBC'

Eliza Jane - Naughty Blonde Punished for Debt with BBC

Sexy blonde Eliza is a part time waitress who isn't so good with her cash flow. She borrows some money from her boss to fix her car and pays him back when she can. Until she has paid him back in full she gets punished with good spanking from him whenever he feels the need. When she is a little light on her next payment, she gets a lot more than just a spanking from the boss - he's going to teach her a lesson this time, and she loves every single second.

Cherry Torn に 'Banging blonde Cherry Torn sybian blasted and roughly fucked by BBC with brutal deepthroat!'

Cherry Torn - Banging blonde Cherry Torn sybian blasted and roughly fucked by BBC with brutal deepthroat!

She is back. The legendary Cherry Torn. That ass. Those tits. Her endless desire for the dick. We actually can't keep this one away. She needs the bondage and rough sex and epic orgasms and breathplay via cock that Sexuallybroken provides. You can't blame her for craving destruction by dick. She knows what she needs.We start off this this flexible slut bound on her back with her head hanging off the edge of our handy fuck stool and a sybian jammed tightly against her smooth shaved pussy. The sybian is a relentless machine. Pussy does not stand a chance against it. Just to make it harder, we add epic pounding deepthroat straight to her face.The deep throat is effective but just a warm up. Once the wave of orgasms has washed over her, we remove the sybian and replace it with cock. Cherry's eyes roll into the back of her head. It is the look of a well fed cock slut. It is why she is here.The endless orgasms, brutal facefucking, strict bondage and merciless pussy pounding tip Cherry over the edge. She is gone. The lights are on but nobody is home. Our cock slut has gotten exactly what she craved. If only there were more like this one...she is magic.

Cherry Torn に 'All natural sex bomb Cherry Torn bound doggystyle and facefucked by BBC with merciless fucking!'

Cherry Torn - All natural sex bomb Cherry Torn bound doggystyle and facefucked by BBC with merciless fucking!

Delightful Cherry Torn. Cherry of the all natural body, booming butt and beautiful breasts. Cherry of the unstoppable sex drive, drooling deepthroat and relentless orgasms. This cum slut was built for bondage and rough handling. Her flesh calls out for the restraints and her holes call out for the cock. We are here to give her exactly what she desires.Bound down with belts doggy style in cute little knee socks with both ends completely exposed and wide open, her holes are ready for the training. So train them we do. Both cocks step up and turn Cherry Torn into a sex sandwich as her eyes glass over. As the cock owns her mouth the drool pours out.This is what a happy Cherry looks like. Drooling, moaning, destroyed and unable to remember her own name due to the wall of orgasms that hit her like a brick. She is completely undone. Which is exactly how we like them to be.We love this cum slut. She is truly doing what she loves, and it shows. If only they could all be such unapologetic cock whore like Cherry. Alas. Well at least we will always have today. It was a pleasure. As always.

Cherry Torn に 'Pale skinned busty blonde Cherry Torn restrained in fuck me position and used hard by big dick!'

Cherry Torn - Pale skinned busty blonde Cherry Torn restrained in fuck me position and used hard by big dick!

Cherry Torn is at it again. This cock slut simply can not get enough and we feel the same. If there ever was someone born to take the dick, it is Cherry. This is what she was put on the planet to do, and she does it very very well indeed. Let's see what can can do with her today!Bound down in a classic “fuck me” position on a custom made wooden wooden bondage fuck table that points her perfectly painted toes up to the ceiling, both ends of Cherry are fully exposed for the use. Her head hangs out on one side and her smooth shaved pussy is on the other. This meal is served. We get her juices flowing with a little vibrator action before pouring some BBC down that hungry throat.Then it is on. It is a rough flurry of tag team action, back and forth, pussy and mouth, breath play and choking with the vibrator providing orgasm after orgasm on her hair trigger clit. Her eyes eagerly cloud as she flings herself deep down into the rabbit hole. She craves being sexually broken, she needs it like she needs air. The harder we push her the happier she gets.We do not stop until our dazed fuck puppet is lying limply in her bondage, her hair and makeup destroyed and her eyes glassed over. Her well fucked holes match her flushed face. That is the face of a happy Cherry. You are very welcome my dear. Anytime.

Venus Lux に 'Dominated by a Sex Doll with Tits and Cock'

Venus Lux - Dominated by a Sex Doll with Tits and Cock

Cherry Torn is anxiously awaiting her custom made Venus Lux Deluxe Fuck doll to arrive. She is so excited to have a toy that will do what ever she wants. The only problem is, this doll has a glitch and is stuck in "domination" mode. When Cherry tries to boss the doll around, The doll takes control and fucks Cherry good and hard

Cherry Torn に 'Pale blonde Cherry Torn chained down and trained by BBC, rough fucking and epic deepthroat!'

Cherry Torn - Pale blonde Cherry Torn chained down and trained by BBC, rough fucking and epic deepthroat!

The unstoppable Cherry Torn is back for more. We don't blame her, really. She knows what she needs, she knows what she desires. She desires being put in her place with strict bondage and rough use of her holes as she is turned into the piece of fuck meat she craves to be. We have no problem obliging.We lead our shackled slut on on a chain before depositing her in front of hard black cock. She falls to her knees willingly and gets to work. We play a game of pass around, swapping her back and forth on the dicks as Cherry drools and sputters. This is only the warm up, and we quickly shove her onto her back and take her right on the floor.Shifting the bondage out, we affix her hands behind her ankles and bind her to the ground in a bent over position. The bondage acts like a hinge as Cherry is flipped back and forth. Hauling her up to her feet, Cherry is roughly fucked in her tight plump pussy before being dropped back down on that juicy ass and facefucked.Back and forth we swing that sexy hinge, taking whatever end we so desire. The chains keeps her place, she can not wiggle an inch. Her hair and makeup is destroyed and drool cover, her eyes distant and glassy. It is her happy place. Sweet sweet Cherry, you are always a delight.

Cherry Torn に 'Stunning Cherry Torn bound in back breaking arch and vibrated while deepthroating BBC!'

Cherry Torn - Stunning Cherry Torn bound in back breaking arch and vibrated while deepthroating BBC!

The one and only Cherry Torn is back at it again as only she can. Blessed with an awesome ass, beautiful all natural breasts and a back arch that would break most models in half, she is here today to get her dick fix. Cherry loves the dick and craves the type of sexual destruction that only Sexuallybroken can deliver.Bound in a brutal back arch that cranks her face up to fucking height and a vibrator bolted down between her pale trapped thighs, Cherry rocks a bondage position few could take. Her blue blue eyes and juicy lips call out for the cock and we cheerfully deliver. One after the other we make full use of her exposed face pussy as she drools and cums over and over again.Her eyes quickly glass over and her sides heave as we train out her throat. The relentless orgasms and even more relentless dick does the trick as Cherry spirals gratefully into sexual subspace. Her hair and makeup are destroyed, as is her mind. This is what sexually broken looks like. And it is beautiful. Thank you my dear. It is always a pleasure to see you.

Natassia Dreams に 'Cherry lures boytoy for deep ass pounding 3some with Natassia's cock!'

Natassia Dreams - Cherry lures boytoy for deep ass pounding 3some with Natassia's cock!

Tristan is lured back to Cherry's house where she demands a hot nasty threesome with her gorgeous girlfriend. Natassia and Cherry dominate their man meat and laugh as he worships their perfect asses, chokes on Natassia's hard cock and licks Cherry's tight pink cunt. He is made to watch as Natassia fucks her devastatingly sexy girlfriend, pounding her hungry cock deep into Cherry's dripping pussy. Their afternoon tryst soon becomes the filthy fuckfest of your darkest fantasies, and leaves this pathetic boy toy gurgling on Natassia's cum, drained of his own and begging for more.

Cherry Torn に 'Cherry Gets Torn Apart And Facialed'

Cherry Torn - Cherry Gets Torn Apart And Facialed

Statuesque and voluptuous Cherry Torn dropped by for a visit and my dick was immediately at attention because I already knew this babe was stacked on both ends and LOVES to suck cock and get fucked hard! She slowly started blowing me and gagging on my loverod - which is music to my ears! It was so hard to not shoot my load while she stroked my long sword with both hands and sucked my head. She jumped on top and bounced on the dick so hard it made her porcelain titties jump around like the song of the same name! Cherry happily sucked and stroked the ball sauce out of my dick and onto her face and open mouth. She licked off the last drops and got exactly what she was looking for!

Amber Rayne に 'Cream Dreams 03'

Amber Rayne - Cream Dreams 03

Sexy blondes Ashley Fires and Cherry Torn surprise lithe brunette Amber Rayne with a birthday cake. The trio takes turns licking frosting from one another's firm, natural tits and puckered assholes; Ashley and Cherry ream the birthday slut with an anal dildo, packing her rectum with whipped cream and lapping up the sloppy mess when Amber farts it back out. These gorgeous lesbians enjoy a creamy anal dildo party as their yummiest cravings are satisfied.

Cherry Torn に 'Inside Her Ass'

Cherry Torn - Inside Her Ass

Two blondes, newcummer Alysha Rylee and spunky Cherry Torn, come to the studio ready to get their asses fucked by stud. The all-natural cuties play with their soft tits as dude interviews them. Soon, Alysha and Cherry are playing with each other's tight butthole. The girls treat the man's boner and ball sack to a wet, nasty double-blow job. They loosen their sphincters using anal toys, then take a rectal reaming with plenty of wanton ass-to-mouth dicksucking, gaping and drool. Cherry squeezes his prick between her soft tits and the girls orally swap man's messy cum.

Cherry Torn に 'Milk Nymphos 3'

Cherry Torn - Milk Nymphos 3

Two petite, blonde sluts - naturally busty Cherry Torn and tattooed punk Sparky Sin Claire - are dressed up like kitty cats. And these sinful pussies are hungry for milk! The ass-obsessed lesbians play with a big bowl of cream, drooling it onto each other's buns and tonguing their partner's tender asshole. Using a syringe, Cherry and Sparky squirt milky enema goodness up one another's hindquarters, then feed each other by farting out delicious ass-to-mouth geysers of cream! The cute duo shoves long, butt-reaming dildos up their tight asses, and they lick up every drop of messy white goodness. Meow!

Cherry Torn に '- Blacks On Blondes'

Cherry Torn - Blacks On Blondes

Cherry Torn has made the leap from S&M-type shoots to hardcore interracial porn. What better way for her to make an impact than to have Shane Diesel and Jack Napier break her in. Cherry Torn may have bitten off more than she can chew. After all, we have only the biggest black cocks in our stable and they all do their damage. Cherry, up for the task, brings Shane and Jack to a comfortable spot so she can show them how big of a black cock slut she intends to be. the first thing on Cherry's agenda is to suck down as much black salami as her gag reflex will allow. No amount of rinky-dink bondage work could prepare her esophagus for the black torpedoes taking turns inside her wind pipe. That white fuck box was up for the taking so Jack and Shane took turns making the circumference of her fuck hole wider and wider. You can see her stomach expanding as each gigantic black cock slams its way into her uterus and nearly into her lungs. Cherry Torn nearly dehydrates from the sweat running off her body and saliva coating each black cock. The sounds of balls slamming against her clit are matched in decibel level by the gagging and choking she endures on a big, black cock. the only thing left to do in this black cock initiation would be for Cherry to milk both black dicks. Cherry tugs, sucks and pulls on each over sized black cock until her face looks as if it was dunked into a bowl of milk.

Cherry Torn に '- Glory Hole'

Cherry Torn - Glory Hole

Cherry Torn, a punk rocker/super whore, must have mistaken this adult arcade for an independent record store. The last thing on her mind is screwing around with the chance of getting caught. Cherry Torn's long, blonde hair nearly reaches her perky tits, which, as of late, have yet to be groped in a manner fitting this young slut. Cherry's pupils take in moving pictures of interracial porn and it signals her to shove a few fingers in her tight fuckbox. Things take an interesting turn when 2 huge cocks, one black and one white, slide through the glory hole and are at Cherry's mercy. With little hesitation, Cherry drops to her knees and sucks on both peckers until they seem stricken with rigor mortis. The newest addition to the gloryhole roster uses her blow job skills to her advantage before sliding her body down on both huge cocks. Cherry's multitasking is as clear as day when her pussy milks one cock as her free hand pumps off another. The two strangers behind the wall don't hold back a drop of their jizz as Cherry Torn nearly suffers whiplash from a wave of creamy goodness.

Cherry Torn に 'Please Fuck My Ass, Mr Pool Boy '

Cherry Torn - Please Fuck My Ass, Mr Pool Boy

Cherry lounges around by the pool and attracts the attention of Bill, the pool boy. And with good reason. Cherry is a blonde bombshell with a magnificently-sculpted ass that's just begging to get fucked six ways to Sunday. And that's precisely what Billy proceeds to do.

Cherry Torn に 'Learn Your Holes'

Cherry Torn - Learn Your Holes

BST was having some trouble with his sex ed homework. His book had a photo of a girl doing anal in it, and he asked Cherry why the girl was getting fucked in the 'wrong hole'. Cherry decided it'd be more fun to SHOW him the answer than to just tell him. And it was! Alternative learning always works wonders.



After a wild night of sexual debauchery, Samuel O'Toole has awaken a little groggy and sort of unsure of exactly what transpired the night before. Also getting up early this mornig: Samuel's tool, pitching a tent at full mast. Samuel begins stroking is massive cock only to be interrupted by Cherry Torn, returning from the kitchen with a cup of coffee. In no time at all, the two of them commence what started the night before, and before too long, Cherry's coffee isn't the only thing with plenty of cream. Enjoy!