Kink 'ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します' 主演 King Noire (写真 15)

King Noire,Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink' - Fantasy Fitness: Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire Work Out the Kinks (Kinky Bites)


発売日 : 2月10日, 2021
タグ : ビッグディック, フェラチオ, ディルド, オーラルセックス, 猫食べる, 性転換

写真から King Noire,Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink' Fantasy Fitness: Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire Work Out the Kinks

King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 1)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 2)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 3)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 4)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 5)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 6)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 7)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 8)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 9)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 10)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 11)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 12)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 13)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 14)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 15)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 16)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 17)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 18)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 19)
King Noire に 'Kink' ファンタジーフィットネス:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとキングノワールはキンクを解決します (サムネイル 20)

写真から King Noire,Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Kink' Fantasy Fitness: Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire Work Out the Kinks

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン King Noire,Jet Setting Jasmine

King Noire に '思い出:キラノワールとキングノワール'

King Noire - 思い出:キラノワールとキングノワール


King Noire に 'Breaks Janie Blade'

King Noire - Breaks Janie Blade


Jessy Dubai に '殴打と繁殖:ジェシードバイとキングノワール'

Jessy Dubai - 殴打と繁殖:ジェシードバイとキングノワール


Pixi Lust に '動かないで!ピクシー欲望とキングノワール'

Pixi Lust - 動かないで!ピクシー欲望とキングノワール


Jet Setting Jasmine に '●出願者:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとエイブリーブラック'

Jet Setting Jasmine - ●出願者:ジェットセッティングジャスミンとエイブリーブラック


King Noire に '集中豪雨、エピソード1:隣人のやるべきこと'

King Noire - 集中豪雨、エピソード1:隣人のやるべきこと


Jet Setting Jasmine に 'ジャスミンの道2'

Jet Setting Jasmine - ジャスミンの道2

サプライズサプライズ、モースは彼のセッションのために69ジャスミンウェイに来ることを覚えていました!ジェットセッティングジャスミンは彼女のサブのトレーニングにとても満足しています, 彼女は彼女の足とモンスターストラップオンで彼のお尻をファックすることを決定します.それはMausが彼が本当に不潔なふしだらな女であることを認める時間です - そして、彼がそうするとき - ミストレスジャスミンは、ホヤでいっぱいの顔で彼に報酬を与えます!ボンデージ、肛門、足のファッキング、スパンキング、ストラップオン、ディープスローティング、カムイーティング、日立、潮吹き。

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'ジャスミンの方法:パート1'

Jet Setting Jasmine - ジャスミンの方法:パート1


King Noire に '子犬の遊び:キングノワールとジェットセッティングジャスミンは彼女のケージからハローを見つける'

King Noire - 子犬の遊び:キングノワールとジェットセッティングジャスミンは彼女のケージからハローを見つける


Jet Setting Jasmine に '変態セルフケア:エイブリージェーンとジェットセッティングジャスミン'

Jet Setting Jasmine - 変態セルフケア:エイブリージェーンとジェットセッティングジャスミン

スターレット・エイブリー・ジェーンは、心理的なドミナトリクスジェットセッティングジャスミンとの変態コーチセッションを設定します。数ヶ月の旅行に課税した後、私たちがエイブリーに住んでいる絶えず変化する世界の課題と働き、闘うことはリリースを必要としています。ジャスミンとエイブリーは、この社会的に距離を置いたBDSMセッションで彼らの喜びや痛みを妨げるために旅行制限を許可していません。美しく居心地の良いエイブリーは、セルフケアの用量のための彼女の必要性を共有していますが、それは暖かいお風呂やマニキュアを意味するものではありません、それは彼女のキンクコーチから彼女の手がかりを取ることを意味します。何マイルも離れたジャスミンは、エイブリーのホテルの部屋で常に支配的な存在になるために技術を使用していますが。エイブリーは、服のピンで彼女の体を飾るために招待されています, 彼女に値するペースと強度で自己フロッグと最終的に彼女の巨大なおもちゃで気密犯されている彼女自身のファンタジーを満たします!ジャスミンは、すべてのステップを通してエイブリーを導く;彼女のニーズを主張し、それらを満たすために彼女を命じるように彼女を思い出させる。このセッションはエイブリーのニーズを考慮するだけではありません。ジャスミン、プロの盗撮は、エイブリーと同じくらい一生懸命完全な喜びと兼を取ります。

King Noire に '女神を崇拝する方法:寝取られ、教訓を教えました!'

King Noire - 女神を崇拝する方法:寝取られ、教訓を教えました!

女神ジェットセッティングジャスミンは、サービス従順としてのあなたのパフォーマンスに満足していません。あなたの絶え間ない失敗にうんざりして、彼女は彼女の構築された、ハンサムな、吊った恋人ノワール王を招待して、彼女を喜ばせようとするあなたの試みが彼と比較してどれほど哀れであるかをあなたに示します。あなたはそのような男まで測定することはありませんが、多分あなたは何かを学ぶでしょう!彼女はあなたにキスし、彼女の足、足、および猫を崇拝するための適切な方法を示すことによって始まります。彼女は王がゆっくりと彼女をオンにするために彼の魅惑的な口と舌を使用する方法を説明しながら、辛抱強く座ってください。彼はあなたの女神はあなたがやることを夢見たことがない方法で来るように彼の専門家のクンニリングスのスキルを使用して見てください。あなたは彼女の猫を崇拝する機会を得るかもしれませんが、あなたは彼女が次に何をするかを経験する機会を得ることはありません。ジャスミンは王の巨大な美しいコックにあなたの哀れな小さなコックを比較します。彼女は彼の周りに彼女の唇と口を包むことを楽しんでいます, しかし、あなたのプニーコックがそのような注意を与えることを考えることはありません.彼女はこの男性的な神によって彼女の満足に打たれる準備をしている間、彼女はマスターのように彼のコックを働きます。彼女は決して彼女の神の猫の中にあなたを入れることを夢見ることはありません。あなたは彼女が彼女の巨大な粘着性の負荷が彼女の美しい女神の体に滴り落ちるようにオーガズムに彼をなめるまで、あなたが欠けているものの最前列のビューを取得するしかありません。

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'クラブカック:ジェットセッティングジャスミンはキングノワールのディロンディアスに恥をかかせる'

Jet Setting Jasmine - クラブカック:ジェットセッティングジャスミンはキングノワールのディロンディアスに恥をかかせる

ジェットセッティングジャスミンは、ディロンディアスと今夜の日付を持っています。彼らは人気のナイトクラブで会う計画を立てた。ジャスミンはここにいるが、ディロンはいない。クラブのオーナー、ノワール王は、暗いコーナーに一人で座っている素敵な女性に気づかずにはいられません。彼は彼女を楽に待たせるために彼女に飲み物を提供します。その後、顧客が行ってクラブが閉鎖された後、キングはまだ彼女の遅い日付を待っているジャスミンを見つけて驚いています。一つのことは別につながり、すぐにキングはジャスミンが彼女のデートのすべてを忘れさせている、それはディロン・ディアスがついに彼の出現をするまでです。ディロンは許しを請うが、彼の態度はジャスミンを怒らせるだけだ。彼が本当にジャスミンにそれを埋め合わせたいなら、彼は償いをしなければならないでしょう。これはディロンにとって長い夜になるだろうが、ジャスミンにとってパーティーは始まったばかりだ。最初のディロンは、ジャスミンの足をこすり、なめ、崇拝する必要があります。彼女は彼のストリップを持っているし、彼女は痛みを伴う乳首クランプを取り付けます。作物を手にして、ディロンは裸にさらされ、刺すような打撃の下で苦しんでいます。ジャスミンは彼のお尻にフロッガーを使用しています, すべての間、ノア王は興味を捨てた時計.次に革のストラップ。ジャスミンがストラップオンディルドを取り付け、ディロンのお尻の穴を貫通するので、ディロンの屈辱は決して終わっていません。彼はさらに恥をかかせることができないかのように、ジャスミンは彼女がディロンを打っている間、キングの大きなハードコックを歓迎します。キングノワールは後ろからジャスミンをファック。ジャスミンは、ディロンがキングがどれほど良い感じか、彼がどれほど彼女を喜ばせているのか、ディロンは何かをする機会があったが、遅れて到着して失敗したことを知らせます。ジャスミンの罰は限界を知らない、今ディロンは彼の手と膝に乗る必要があり、頭を下げ、ジャスミンは背中に横たわり、ノワール王が彼女の長く一生懸命ファックするために彼女の足を広げます。ジャスミンは喜びで叫び、彼女のディロンの下にジャスミンの熱いセクシーな体のすべての震え、すべてのうめき声とすべてのツイッチを感じることができます。ジャスミンは、彼女が王のコックを吸っている間、貧しいディロンにまたがり、ディロンは彼の背中に彼女の濡れた猫、永遠に彼を拒否される猫を感じることができます。夜はまだ若く、今ディロンは背中に平らに縛られています。ジャスミンは自分の教訓を学んだことを願っています。彼の罰は終わり、今、彼女は単にディロンが彼女を一晩中待たせることによって彼が逃したものを見てほしいと思っています。ジャスミンは彼の頭、犬のスタイル、ディロンの顔の上に彼女の猫にまたがる。王は後ろから彼女に入ります。ディロンは、この深夜のこぶしのための家の中で最高の座席を持っています。長いハードファックジャスミンはディロンの役に立たないディックを平手打ちした後。彼女は彼とキングが見ている間、彼が彼女の娯楽のためにジャックオフできるように、彼の腕の1つを解放します。最後の侮辱は、ジャスミンが王のコックをなめるまで、ディロンの顔に負荷を落とすときに起こります。これは、ジェットセッティングジャスミンの時間を無駄にしたときに起こることです。そして、彼女はディロンがかわいいとさえ思う、あなたはあなたがこのように彼女を失望させた場合、彼女はあなたの役に立たないお尻に何をするか想像できますか?

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'はい女神:ジェット設定ジャスミンとトニーオーランド'

Jet Setting Jasmine - はい女神:ジェット設定ジャスミンとトニーオーランド


Jet Setting Jasmine に 'マットの上のオルガスムはレスラーを苦しめます。彼女は続けることができない'

Jet Setting Jasmine - マットの上のオルガスムはレスラーを苦しめます。彼女は続けることができない

ジェット設定ジャスミンは今日何が彼女に来ていたのか分からなかった。彼女はDaisy Ducatiを連れて行って、彼女は角質のデイジーが彼女を作る方法について準備ができていませんでした。デイジーはこの戦闘機に執拗です。ジャスミンは、彼女が腹を立てている間に妊娠していないことすべてを与えるが、彼女の猫は彼女の最高を得て、彼女がザーメンをするとき、彼女は激しくザーメンをする。ペニー・バーバーはレフとして歩み寄り、ジャスミンからアルティメット・サレンダーへ、小さな角質のオーガズムのルーキーに良いオールド・ファッション・タグ・チームを迎え入れる。

Bella Rossi に 'ブラチス・オルガズム・ルーキーはマットで全滅'

Bella Rossi - ブラチス・オルガズム・ルーキーはマットで全滅

ジャスミンを究極の降伏、ベラロッシスタイルに設定するウェルカムジェット。ジャスミンはマットの上に閉じ込められ、爆発性のオルガズムでザーメンを浴びせます。敗者は完全に勝者に支配され、雄鶏は犯されて顔が座ります。 100%本当の競争相手レスビアンレスリング。

他のサイトからの風景 King Noire,Jet Setting Jasmine

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Eva Maxim, Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Eva Maxim, Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire

Ready for a gender-bending threesome, TS Eva Maxim writhes in sexy panties. She shares raunchy kisses and gropes with cisgender female Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire, a studly, bald Lothario. Mr. Noire goes down on Eva with a hearty, deepthroat blowjob. He greedily eats Jasmine's hot snatch while Jasmine sucks on voluptuous Eva's boner. The buxom Eva drives her she-shaft into Jasmine's pussy and fucks it! King abruptly feeds his meat to the two ladies' hungry mouths. The muscular dude takes over in Jasmine's pussy, railing it while she sucks Eva's T-tool! Next, King reams Eva's asshole while she masturbates. Eva takes more anal slamming in different positions. Jasmine squeezes her nipples, showering the others in milky lactation! The adventurous tryst draws to a climax as Eva cums in King's mouth. He spurts out his nut. Jasmine feeds the powerhouse cocksman some of his own semen, and he licks it up with exhausted glee.

Isabella Nice に 'Ass Eaters Anonymous'

Isabella Nice - Ass Eaters Anonymous

Avery is obsessed. Obsessed with eating ass. When her roommate Isabella catches her munching on some butt – Avery lures her into her web of sloppy rimjobs. But even Isabella's boyfriend, King, is not safe from the bum-licking terror that is Avery. Of course, he kinda likes it - which leads to some sneaky anal with Avery and messy finish for all!

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'KINKY JOI: Jasmine Teaches You A Lesson'

Jet Setting Jasmine - KINKY JOI: Jasmine Teaches You A Lesson

'Jasmine is sick of your brutish and impatient ways, so today she is giving you a lesson in following meticulous directions to see if you can earn your orgasm. With her tease and denial directions and her slow, tormenting games, her voice, like honey, will make you feel things you never experienced before. '

King Noire に 'Pleasure and Praise: Kasey Kei Dominated by King Noire'

King Noire - Pleasure and Praise: Kasey Kei Dominated by King Noire

Sexy submissive Kasey Kei awaits her King. Tonight she will submit to each and every one of his desires. King Noire tenderizes her tempting ass with flogging and spanking before diving in for a taste. Kasey moans under his attention, eagerly taking each hit and lick. Next Kasey is put in stocks for more impact play. Finally her King sinks his cock into her mouth before taking her ass. Once she's released from the stocks, she gets a deep fucking before King Noire blows a creamy load all over her ass.

King Noire に 'BDSM Baptism: King Noire and Milo Skye'

King Noire - BDSM Baptism: King Noire and Milo Skye

King Noire and Milo Skye play in the shower. Milo, in a hot fishnet bodysuit, is bent over with her hands against the tiled wall. The shower runs along her round ass and cascades down her pussy. King Noire takes his time. He spanks her ass and puts a chain collar around Milo's neck. King gets her naked and hits her beautiful butt with the fishnet outfit, now heavy with water. After that, King gets out his flogger and hits Milo's ass repeatedly with it. Milo gets to her knees and presents her tits to King. Mr. Noire hits her big tits with the flogger. When he finishes, Milo sucks King's big hard cock. In the next scene, he licks her pussy in a bathtub filled with rose petals. After that, King fucks her pussy from behind deep and hard until she cums. He presses a rose against her lips and cums on her face. They share a cummy kiss and chill in the bath.

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'KINKY JOI: Rainy Day JOI'

Jet Setting Jasmine - KINKY JOI: Rainy Day JOI

It's a rainy summer day and you're lucky enough to be stuck as a house boy in service to Queen Jet Setting Jasmine. She thinks you're a piece of trash, and since you've never proved yourself good enough, you must take a hard lesson from your mistress. She orders you to focus on her face and her mouth. You take in her orders and she begins a game of 'Queen Jasmine Says'. She tells you to follow her fingers up and down her body. She wants you to clean every single inch of her house the way you follow every single inch of her gorgeous body with your eyes. You can't help but think that her skin is the only thing that can unlock your orgasm. She threatens to make you clean her house with your tongue if you don't clean it good enough. She finally allows you to take out your puny cock. You haven't proven yourself worth enough to come, but she does let you finally touch your cock. She instructs you to stroke really slow. Slow down! She makes you take your hand off of your cock and show off your body. She tells you to lick your hand and continue stroking your tiny prick, then slap it. You're getting so horny you are dripping. She makes you lick it up before making you show off for her. Just as you are getting close she makes you stop. Hold it! You don't get to cum until she's decided you cleaned the house well enough. Did you?

Redhead Barbie に 'Kinky XXXmas at The Sweet Cookie Shop'

Redhead Barbie - Kinky XXXmas at The Sweet Cookie Shop

Redhead Barbie has the Sweet Cookie Shop to herself and wants to surprise her man King Noire with something hot for XXXmas. When King arrives Barbie is ready to put on a freak show for her bae. The candle in her pussy lights up high and King gladly blows it out, removes it with his mouth and replaces it with his tongue. He French kisses her clit until she squirts all over his lips. Barbie reciprocates by sucking every inch of King from her knees to a standing 69 and they devour one another. The glass table Barbie set up for her freak show turns into the perfect place for King to lay her back, bend her over and fill her body with the perfect gift for the holidays.

Karen Fisher に 'My Husband The Cuck'

Karen Fisher - My Husband The Cuck

Cuck Fluffy watches King fuck his beautiful wife!

King Noire に 'Milk Bath for Kitty'

King Noire - Milk Bath for Kitty

King Noire loves rewarding good pussy and Bad Kitty has been on her best behavior all day. She played with her toys, drank her milk and licked herself clean. King starts by rubbing her head, back and ass Kitty comes closer with a smile on her face. He proceeds by kissing and biting her neck making Kitty purr and wag the butt plug she has in as a tail. 'Good Kitty's get rewarded' he says before he begins to taste, lick and suck her as accolades for her expression of feline femininity. After she floods his face with her pleasure he slowly removed the plug so she can taste herself as he slides into her already flooded pussy. King strokes Kitty deep stretching her walls and acclimating her to his size. From one position to the next the electricity between them is palpable, Kitty screams in ecstasy as she squirts all over King's throbbing manhood. King has one last reward for his good Kitty, a milk bath. He pours almond milk all over her naked body from the carafe filled to the brim and spits more in her mouth as she drinks from her King. He pours what's left over his cock as she sucks him until his cum explodes and she washes it all down with a sly Bad Kitty grin. Meow

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'OWN ME'

Jet Setting Jasmine - OWN ME

Sarah Lace is ready to surrender and redefine her experience with BDSM she sits humbly on Jasmine's hotel room couch. Listening and responding carefully to the range of domination they will explore. For her own personal and professional experience, Sarah is ready to put her trust in Jasmine to provide and King to capture, her first experience being dominated by a woman. Once Jasmine and Sarah negotiate their scene for the evening, they take on their natural roles as Queen and submissive. Spanking, spit play, flogging, candle wax and the King Noire dildo all push her boundaries further and further. Sarah's greatest challenge was not where she expected it would be –she took beautifully to all of the tools and commands; it was her inner voice and responsibility for self that came to the surface. This is a beautiful expression of how surrender yields strength.

Sarah Lace に 'Properly Stretched Out'

Sarah Lace - Properly Stretched Out

Sarah Lace made two New Years's resolutions, the 1st is to work out more. The 2nd is to fuck more! When she looked online for a local trainer she found the perfect candidate for both, King Noire. She hires King with the intention of seducing him and hopefully getting the workout and stretching that she missed out on last year. She starts off not so subtle letting King know she wants to feel more than planks in her core. After agreeing to stay in her wall sit if she could taste his cock that had began bulging out of his sweatpants due to her not so subtle advances. His girth is exactly what she wanted and was ready to spread all of her lips and wrap herself tightly around it. King lifts Sarah up for a standing 69, keeps her up for deep strokes with her legs tight around his waist, back bridges while she rides him and planks while he strokes her from behind. Everything was a good stretch for the hamstrings and her pussy walls she climaxes with King deep inside her. Inspired by her session Sarah does a split on his dick and milks all of his cum both of them glistening with sweat.

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Jasmine's Cuck: Happy Anniversary'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Jasmine's Cuck: Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary! After a night out at a fancy restaurant Jasmine has one more surprise for her lover, Miles –fulfilling his fantasy of becoming a cum cleaning cuck! She makes a request of an old college friend, King Noire, to make this fantasy come alive. Miles helps Jasmine prepare by oiling her body, rubbing her feet and licking her pussy so that she is ready. As Jasmine re-familiarizes herself with Kings body and introduces Miles cuck hungry eyes to the cock she's remembered all these years the passion is undeniable. Miles stays close watching every stroke and expression of ecstasy on her face. Jasmine wants to feel Kings cum inside of her, he obliges and together orgasms pulsate through her body. As it drips out of her satisfied pussy Miles is there to clean it all up.Happy Anniversary.

King Noire に 'PolySutra 5 Sum'

King Noire - PolySutra 5 Sum

Inspired by King Noire Song: So many ways to love & lust/ BDSM You Like it ruff/ Our cucks just love watching us fuck close up/ Wife covered in nut Her husband there to clean it up/ Nasty as we gotta be Breaking the monotony/ Cosplay menagerie All out debauchery/ We share so well/ Sister wives and subs/ Lifestyle & Swingers clubs/ 3sums 4sums moresums awesome/ Thirst traps & snacks got the whole room starving/ Having my cake and eating it too/ Takes on a different meaning cause you're eating it too/ We do it all and keep it true/ What the fucks cheating gone do/?! I don't want nobody but you/ Unless I'm being poly with you...

King Noire に 'King Noire: Man Vs. Mango'

King Noire - King Noire: Man Vs. Mango

King Noire finds himself a lone survivor of a plane crash, stranded on a deserted island. Famished, King Noire searches the beach for food and stumbles upon an assortment of fruit. He finds a comfortable place and sits down to eat his found fruit. With his teeth, he rips away the fruits flesh. He bites the meat and sucks the juices. He gets so turned on by the flavors, he pulls out his huge hard cock and begins stroking it. He rubs mango up and down his cock and eats it as he jerks himself off with the juices until he cums hard into a cantaloupe.

Xerlina に 'To Perish In Pleasure'

Xerlina - To Perish In Pleasure

Finding my heights stretched by his width,At lengths to caress the depths of me.Feeling flight whilst being grounded in the body,Uncovering and pulling my vulnerability into view.Perishing in pleasure,Melting against the edge.Adrenaline is the sensation between flesh and steel.

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Smoke Doctors (Horny GOAT Weed)'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Smoke Doctors (Horny GOAT Weed)

Smoke Doctor Jet Setting Jasmine has created a new strain of green the "Royal Fetish Flower" she wants to test out on her colleague Dr. Noire. The desired effects are uncontrollable sexual desire and euphoria. They roll up, light up and blaze and it doesn't take long before she is getting Dr. Noire out of his lab coat and blowing smoke on his massive cock. He continues to smoke as she tastes him then puts her up on the counter and begins to lick her juicy clit and kiss her beautiful pussy. She grinds his face then holds his head and cums on his lips.

King Noire に 'Kink Noire: Beneath Your King'

King Noire - Kink Noire: Beneath Your King

Get ready to worship the body of your King. King Noire commands you to worship his body with your mouth and if you're good, he'll let you worship his hard fat cock. Lucky for you, your King is feeling generous and blows his load all over himself. Now get over here and lick it all up.

King Noire に 'Sacred Sex'

King Noire - Sacred Sex

Jasmine and King release their first maternity shoot, Sacred Space, for fans to follow the intimacy and ecstasy between two lovers. King explores Jasmine's body during this time of heightened femininity every position becomes a new experience.

King Noire に 'Deranged Doctors'

King Noire - Deranged Doctors

After giving his patient away to the nurse, Dr. Noire pays Dr. Jasmine a visit in her examination room. These deranged doctors don't have much time in between patients, so they make the best of it, examining each other with the violet wand and speculum, before getting down and dirty. Dr. Jasmine loves the taste of Dr. Noire's previous patient on his cock, commenting "she tastes nice on you", before making him give her what she be filled in every position. Starring: Jet Setting Jasmine and King Noire - Directed by Paranormal Perversions

Sara Jay に 'King Noire and Sara Jay Train Angelina Castro'

Sara Jay - King Noire and Sara Jay Train Angelina Castro

King is back to dominate Sara Jay again, but this time he has a helper. The scene opens with Angelina Castro interviewing King on what he and Jasmine do professionally to help people embrace and get the most out of their fetishes to enhance their relationships to a more fulfilling level. After the interview, King, Sara Jay and Angelina begin to play. Sara is the submissive, ready to follow all of King and Angelina's commands. King guides Angelina in regards to how to dom Sara. Angelina really wants to see Sara wrap her lips around King's dick. Sara follows orders well on her knees, and Angelina helps her sex slave work his dick. They have Sara service both of them orally, then King fucks both of them until Sara sucks the cum out of his dick. After all that play, Angelina is very intrigued by the power exchange and is eager to play again.

King Noire に 'A Kinky Introduction'

King Noire - A Kinky Introduction

Misty Stone has never experienced a true BDSM session. After seeing a trailer for King Noire's "Red Room" series she knew exactly what she wanted. Her requests, impact play, restraints and to be truly dominated and used sexually. King straps Misty's arms to the wall, her body ripe with anticipation he starts warming up her up with floggers, spanks and paddles. King removes her from the wall and straps each of her limbs down to the top of a cage where he begins flogging her breasts and teasing her with lashes of his tongue. Her moans only muffled at times by his thick cock in her mouth fill up the Red Room. Misty is moved from the cage to the pillory where she is locked in and fucked from behind in a variance of speeds and intensity. Her pleasure paramount as pain is the vehicle to take her to new heights of ecstasy.

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Life Like a Movie'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Life Like a Movie

Enter the Royal Fetish Dungeon to find Jet Setting Jasmine self-bound and awaiting the scene set for King Noire. Beautifully illuminated, focused on the one goal of using nothing but their body language to communicate desire. She raises up on her throne. Her legs, torso and neck restrained; making it clear that she is to be worshipped, ravaged and enjoyed limitlessly. The exchanges of their tongues speak a language only they understand. He traces her her skin with his lips from the tops of her feet and buries himself between her hips producing the anticipation of ecstasy. King sucks her pussy for life and the release of her pleasure energizes his hunger tenfold. He stands in awe of her beauty spread eagle before him and slides in slowly, her walls opening as he goes deeper she welcomes him with a warm embrace. King releases Jasmine from her seat to delight in the pain that is pleasure brought by his thrusts. She takes his dick like it is part of her own body. King takes every opportunity to shift between the rough and the delicate as he pleases her from the bottom up and stops only to assess how much further he can push her boundaries -- it becomes hard to determine beyond passion, who is truly in control.

King Noire に 'Submission and Salvation'

King Noire - Submission and Salvation

"My first scene was like a dream. It was my first time sharing sexual intercourse with my Dominant The King Noire, and just like before every performance, I was nervous and excited. Before we began, my King inquired about my shirt which read; "Built for Destruction". It was actually my elder brother's old shirt. When I saw that he'd discarded it I snagged it up and cropped it. My King's next question was "What would you like me to destroy?" After an out of place nervous giggle, I respond, "My fear, King Sir", and he did just that.I was lost in him. Though there were 5 people in the room and my first time having intercourse with filming onlookers, all I saw was him. Besides the occasional reminder, I often forgot there was anyone else there. That's how I think sex should be - present. It was beautiful. Like a dream. A beautiful set, with a beautiful, caring man and a fantastic supportive crew. How fortunate can I be?"Filmed and Photographed by: Honey Suckle Magazine and Honey Ronit

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Wrapsody in Kink'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Wrapsody in Kink

Aqua's request for bondage play with Saran Wrap gets Jasmine's personalized Fetish Training touch! Before meeting her need to be wrapped tight, Jasmine makes her senses soar with spanks and strokes from some of her favorite toys. Once her body is warm and tingling, she is delicately wrapped and teased in Saran Wrap raising her temperature while restricting her movement; leaving her body to be smacked, choked, fondled and waxed by the Queen of Kink!

King Noire に 'Spreader Bar Kama Sutra'

King Noire - Spreader Bar Kama Sutra

"Spreader Bar Kama Sutra" Julie Kay's boyfriend thinks she is too timid in bed and can use some instruction. He books her a Fetish Training session with King Noire to open her up to being more sexual. King collars her and she immediately lets go and allows her body to be controlled by her desires and his willingness to satisfy them. Spankings suit her as her breathing becomes heavier with each swipe across her ass and lash of his tongue. Starting to work his way towards her inner thigh he straps her legs in with a spreader bar and cuffs both of her hands to the wall. King tastes and teases Julie with a feather flogger and metal spur juxtaposing two sensations that sends rushes of goose bumps down her legs. When he slides his long thick strength inside of her she stares into his eyes and feels that timidness give way to pleasure. Every position, movement and angle King maneuvers finds a spot her boyfriend has never touched. They ride the wave and cum hard, leaving a mess for her boyfriend to clean up when she gets home. If she lets him.

King Noire に 'Owned: Caged and Crying for Cum'

King Noire - Owned: Caged and Crying for Cum

"BDSM" B/D (Bondage and Discipline), D/S (Dominance and submission), and S/M (Sadism and Masochism). The New RFF Series "Owned" starts off with a bang as King Noire and Ashley Paige completely own Michelle Minx from beginning to end. Minx is collared, spanked, choked, spit on, thrown in a cage, gagged with cock and dragged... literally! King Sir and Daddy do not disappoint as their sadism is on full display over "puta" who requested to be humiliated for her session. They fuck on top of her cage and King cums a huge load on her tear covered face as the exclamation point of all the mayhem! Filmed on site at the legendary Sanctuary LAX all fans of hardcore BDSM will love this new series.

Vivienne Vai に 'Bathed In Ecstasy'

Vivienne Vai - Bathed In Ecstasy

Kitty's boyfriend left her to wander the hotel and casino alone by herself in Vegas. On a walk through the hall back to her room she heard it again, that couple thats been fucking and what sounds like whipping people for the last two days. Her curiosity pulls her to the door. She listens closer with a smile on her face and a drip down her leg. She has wanted them both just from the sounds of their moans alone, so passionate, exactly what she has been missing. After taking a few steps away she figures she has nothing to lose and knocks on the door. Vivienne jumps up and runs to the door for her room service order and there Kitty is nervous but obviously in need. She invites her in just as King walks up naked except for the mask he has on face. The ladies exchange compliments King remains quiet just a stare through the mask a dick that's getting harder by the second with the possibilities of the new prey they have lured into their web. Kitty does not make it past the hallway before her clothes are removed and she is on her knees sharing King's heavy cock with Vivienne. They pull her into the tub and as Vivienne continues to lick, kiss and suck the submerge Kitty beneath the water, already pushing her limits and bringing her closer to that body freeing orgasm that had her wandering alone in Sin City. They proceed to stroke, lick, fist and pound every one of her languishing holes until she is completely "Bathed In Ecstasy".

King Noire に 'Vegas Voyeur'

King Noire - Vegas Voyeur

This was it...I was finally going to have a voyeuristic experience. It's something that I'd thought of doing while in Amsterdam, but just never got up the nerve. As I waited, I wondered what she'd look like. She was stunning. I was immediately drawn to her laugh, her smiles, her love of champagne, her endearing awkwardness and just how overly polite she was. My favorite moments were not what I expected. It wasn't the nudity or the sex. It wasn't the filming or watching her get collared. It was the chess game full of wit and a little smack talking. It was the intimacy and passion in each kiss. I couldn't take my eyes away as she tried on each piece of lingerie and posed for pictures. King Sir wanted her in black...I preferred the burgundy, but it was no nothing stayed on for long. I expected to be excited. I expected to be aroused. I didn't expect to hate the intrusion of the camera. I didn't expect the envy or the longing. I envied how natural this was for both of sure they were in their skin, how comfortable with their nakedness. I loved watching her wrap her lips around his cock, sloppy, wet, gagging and choking. I loved watching him jerk the chain and drizzle wax on her. While I wasn't convinced of her submission, I appreciated her experimentation. As I stood in the corner, I felt aroused yet adrift. I wanted to be there caressing, nibbling, feeling the heat of the wax, the smack of the paddle. I wanted to explore her... to explore be explored. My breathing sounded loud to me as her panties were removed and I stifled a moan as her bottom was bared and the smoothness of her mons was made visible to my eyes. Fascinated, I saw that from behind - with her legs splayed, I could see the dark crevice of her pussy, King Sir's cock seemed to be nodding at it as it bounced slightly... as if in anticipation of what was to come. But not yet. King Sir took time to savor her, lapping hungrily between her thighs, nuzzling greedily at each pierced nipple. He positioned himself and I clearly saw his prick slide smoothly into her. He let out a deep sigh and she held her breath momentarily, clearly wondering if she could take him in. No fantasies, no porn had prepared me for the dance to which I would bear witness...he pulled back, exposing most of his cock which was now shining as if dipped in cream...he rammed back into her with a slap and she let out a deep grunt as she was jerked forward by the thrust, then was reduced to stifled little gasps as he did it again and again. The rawness of it was shocking in its beauty. And it took everything in me not to touch remember they were working and I was merely there as witness, voyeuse. There were so many times I wanted them to finish, to be done with leave, so that I could lick my hand, plunge it down my panties and slip a finger inside me, imagining I was her and that King Sir was plunging into me...or that I was displayed in my naked glory while she savored me, devoured me and taught me to submit. The finish came on the balcony, with the lights of Las Vegas Blvd and the Bellagio fountains in the background...that's a wrap...the packing of gear...the opening and closing of a bathroom door...the sounds of a quick shower. Cast and crew out, off to other endeavors, other explorations. Voyeuse alone and aroused, nipples stiff, panties wet with juice, as if it had all been extended exercise in edging...and now it was my turn.

King Noire に 'Caged and Bound Anal Cream Pie'

King Noire - Caged and Bound Anal Cream Pie

Kitty J loves being a complete slut and her Dom loves to share her. In order to make sure her hunger for big dick is satisfied he brings her to the Red Room and ties her hands in the birdcage so she can start sucking King furiously through the bars. Next Kitty is stood up and roped by the arms to the cold metal cage to present her pussy and expose the "Nasty Bitch" tattoo around her asshole. Finally, Kitty is bound to a spanking bench for King Noire to have his way her, as he strokes her hard and deep the condom breaks so he finds out if she lives up to her tattoo as he puts his fat cock and heavy load into her tight ass. This incredibly kinky scene infuses numerous fetishes from rope bondage and latex gloves to Dom/sub relationships and condoms breaking. This is RFF's 1st anal scene starring the "King of Kink" and the "Nasty Bitch" doing what they do best!

King Noire に 'Bandanas and Bliss'

King Noire - Bandanas and Bliss

Jessa Jordan and King Noire both have thrill seeking personalities and love having sex in public spaces. That fetish for exhibitionism has led them to a high rise condo with a wall of floor to ceiling windows in New Jersey owned reality show star I am Jonathan. It all starts with a sexy photo shoot captured by Rochelle Clinton. As the tension builds for all of the onlookers the performers only get more turned on knowing that all eyes are on them both inside and outside of the condo. With the view of New York City and the Hudson River as the backdrop Jessa sits statuesque for the world to praise. King starts using the bandanna covering his face like a feather to tease Jessa's inner thighs. As he removes the barrier keeping him from his desire they both let out a moan as he tastes her. A lick... A kiss... And as he begins sucking her clit with the hunger of a wolf on the hunt her body flexes to accept the pleasure she yearns for. He licks up every drop as his cock gets harder and harder with her pleasure. He enters her with purpose and she receives his strokes with winds of her hips and legs on his shoulders. As the sun hits their bodies feeding them light and contributing to the sweat building up from their passion, they bring one another exhibitionist bliss up against the windows and climax for the world to see.

King Noire に 'Seen, Not Heard (Breastmilk Cum Shot)'

King Noire - Seen, Not Heard (Breastmilk Cum Shot)

Seen, Not Heard. King Noire and Jet Setting Jasmine's sub, LivRevamped, just can't keep her anticipation to herself. She is caged and free to moan below them as they fuck atop her cage but her vying for attention gets her just that. Jasmine and King time are interrupted and they are left with no choice but to punish their brat. She is removed from her cage and stood up to receive her lashes from floggers, canes, a shoehorn and a riding crop. From tickle torment, hot wax and spankings to teaching her to shut her mouth by filling it with King's dick and Jasmine's pussy - Liv's lesson pushes her limits of pain and ecstasy. The punishment transforms to pure pleasure as strokes and licks end in an explosion of cum and breastmilk all over her attention seeking face!

Jet Setting Jasmine に 'Beautiful Mistress of the night has a thirst for Virgin Blood'

Jet Setting Jasmine - Beautiful Mistress of the night has a thirst for Virgin Blood

Kelli Lox has been a long time, loyal minion for her mistress of the night, Jet Setting Jasmine. Jasmine is a sexy ebony vampire who recruits Kelli Lox into bringer her fresh young blood to suck. Kelli has been so loyal for so long and she's getting eager for Jasmine to turn her into a vampire but Jasmine just never thought Kelli was worthy. When Kelli reveals a few secrets of her own to Jasmine, Jasmine, lust for blood and orgasms are insatiable. Jasmine ties up her long time assistant who is dressed in skin tight red and black latex that compliments her perfect lean body. Jasmine reveals Kelli's huge pulsating cock. All the blood pumping through Kelli's cock drive's Jet setting jasmine insane. She sucks on the cock and gets her undead pussy ready to take the whole pounding cock. Jasmine takes off her corset and moves her fishnet body stocking away just enough for Kelli's cock to slide in and out around it. Jasmine rides Kelli's hard throbbing cock until both ladies cum hard. Knowing how special Kelli is, Jasmine is going to finally turn Kelli so these two hot lesbian vampires can suck each other off all the time. Hot bondage blowjob followed by passionate fucking!

King Noire に 'King Noire'

King Noire - King Noire

After a hard day at the office, King Noire is interested in relaxing and taking a load off. He works in a fast-paced environment and knows that the best way to rejuvenate his senses is to spend some time stroking his incredibly huge cock. But King also knows that tender care is necessary to properly bust an explosive nut, the way he likes. He's letting you join him for this very intimate session, where he's taking off his jacket, unbuttoning his shirt, and removing his pants. You'll be shocked at the size of his behemoth dong once he gets down to biz. King is happy you're here to share this, his favorite part of the day. His dick is well oiled, fully flared, and hungry for attention. He jerks hard and works up an intense rhythm. Go with King to his special place, where pleasure soothes all wounds and pressures from the world fade far away. Enjoy!