Kink '物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール' 主演 Dee Williams (写真 18)

Dee Williams,Kira Noir に 'Kink' - Begging: Dee Williams and Kira Noir (Whipped Ass)


発売日 : 12月24日, 2021
タグ : bdsm, 巨乳, ブラック, 黒髪, ブロンド, ボンデージ, 体罰, ドミナトリックス, ダンジョン, 顔面騎乗, 女王, , 屈辱, ラテックス, レズビアン, LezDom, 複数のオルガスム, 天然おっぱい, オルガスム否認, 猫食べる, 剃った, スレーブ, まっすぐ, ストラップオン, サブ, トーン,

写真から Dee Williams,Kira Noir に 'Kink' Begging: Dee Williams and Kira Noir

Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 1)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 2)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 3)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 4)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 5)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 6)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 7)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 8)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 9)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 10)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 11)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 12)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 13)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 14)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 15)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 16)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 17)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 18)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 19)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 20)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 21)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 22)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 23)
Dee Williams に 'Kink' 物乞い:ディー・ウィリアムズとキラ・ノワール (サムネイル 24)

写真から Dee Williams,Kira Noir に 'Kink' Begging: Dee Williams and Kira Noir

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン Dee Williams,Kira Noir

Dee Williams に '最後の手段パート2:ディーウィリアムズ、サイレンデメール、ウィルタイル'

Dee Williams - 最後の手段パート2:ディーウィリアムズ、サイレンデメール、ウィルタイル

これで ?パート2?オールインクルーシブリゾートで記念日を祝うディーウィリアムズとサイレンデメールの、サイレンは首に縛られ、トレーラーの中でロープで縛られています。ウィルタイルは彼のおもちゃが怖くて混乱しているのを見つけるために入ります、そしてそれは彼の巨大なペニスをより難しくするだけです。彼は彼女を木製の梁から解き、彼女を膝に落として、彼の巨大なコックで彼女の口をファックします。その間、ディーは外で裸で切り株に腰掛け、彼女の巨大なおっぱいはロープで包まれ、2つの側面の木の幹に固定されています。ホテルマネージャーのマットはディーズの体をむち打ち、バイブレーターで絶頂させます。彼は彼女の乳首に重りを加え、彼女のおっぱいと首に縛られたロープに岩を結びます。次のシーンでは、サイレンとディーは腰を曲げて向かい合って縛られています。ウィルは大規模なハードオンで現れ、それぞれの猫を殺します。

Kira Noir に 'アナル崇拝:キラノワールとミーガンメイデン'

Kira Noir - アナル崇拝:キラノワールとミーガンメイデン


Dee Williams に '最後の手段:ディー・ウィリアムズとシレン・デ・メール'

Dee Williams - 最後の手段:ディー・ウィリアムズとシレン・デ・メール


Dee Williams に '賭け金:巨乳熟女は5つの巨大なコックで気密に詰め込まれます'

Dee Williams - 賭け金:巨乳熟女は5つの巨大なコックで気密に詰め込まれます


Kira Noir に 'アメリカの恋人:キラノワールは苦しめられ、犯されています'

Kira Noir - アメリカの恋人:キラノワールは苦しめられ、犯されています


Cole Church に '放浪者'

Cole Church - 放浪者


King Noire に '思い出:キラノワールとキングノワール'

King Noire - 思い出:キラノワールとキングノワール


Mistress Kara に '集中豪雨、エピソード3:チームビルディング'

Mistress Kara - 集中豪雨、エピソード3:チームビルディング


Lydia Black に 'and Dee Williams: A Lesson In Anal'

Lydia Black - and Dee Williams: A Lesson In Anal


Dee Williams に 'セキュリティリスク、パート2:不正行為'

Dee Williams - セキュリティリスク、パート2:不正行為

「セキュリティリスク、パート2」では、ディー・ウィリアムズ市長は大きな問題を抱えています:彼女は未知のハッカー、ミッキー・モッズによって脅迫され、犯されています。彼がディーに200万人を暗号財布に落とすために電話すると、内側の彼の女の子は、ディーの迷惑な真剣なスピーチライターであるビクトリアVoxxxにほかならないことが明らかになります。ディーは激怒し、彼女の犯罪の同僚、クイントン・ジェームズに会うためにビクトリアをドラッグします。この危険でハンサムな男は、彼女が壊れるかどうかを確認するために彼女に質問し、ビクトリアの周りにストーカー。彼女が彼に情報を与えない場合、彼女は提出し、クイントンはすぐにタイトな金属ニップルクランプのペアで彼女の膝の上に彼女の気まぐれを持っています。ディーはハンドラーとしての役割を享受し、ビクトリアを一連の提出ホールドに入れ、彼女の巨大なおっぱいとお尻で彼女を窒息させます。クイントンはゆっくりとクリトリスのザッパーでビクトリアを打ち破り、残忍な服はジッパー、猫クランプ、バイブレーターとディーの舌の容赦ないオーガズムをピン留めします。彼はビクトリアのタイトな猫や反抗的な口を犯していない間、彼は彼のコックを楽しませるためにディーの喜んで穴を使用しています。最後に、彼は残忍な芝居の苦しみの位置にビクトリアを配置し、彼女はいくつかの小さな救済を得るために彼女のつま先に痛みを伴うバランスをとっている間、お尻に彼女をファックし始めます。ビクトリアは休憩し、彼女はミッキーが誰であるか分からないし、彼女もポーンであることを認めます。クイントンは合理的なビジネスマンであり、彼が200万を失うかどうかを決定し、それは不潔なセックスで返済してみましょう。ビクトリアは彼に彼女の借金に良い凹みを作り、彼のコックに跳ね返り、ディー・ウィリアムズが短いリードで彼女を抱いている良い小さなペットのように彼の兼を懇願します。'セキュリティリスク'シリーズMAIN PAGEAll 4エピソード:パート1:不正行為パート2:不正行為パート3:アングスト - 来る11/5Part 4:担保 - 来る11/12

Dee Williams に 'セキュリティリスク 第1部:腐敗'

Dee Williams - セキュリティリスク 第1部:腐敗

ディー・ウィリアムズは、大きな時間の食欲を持つ小さな市長であり、彼女を腐敗と刑事連絡の道に導いています。ディーは何年もの間、不可解なプラットフォームを運営してきましたが、魅力的で真剣なスピーチライターのビクトリア・ヴォxxxがキャンペーンオフィスに入ると、彼女はダークウェブとハッカーのミッキー・モッズの混沌とした力を彼女と一緒に持って来ます。一緒に彼らはディーのキャンペーンをダウンさせるためにプロットしますが、ミッキーだけが究極の賞金が暗号通貨で200万であり、彼はディーのラップトップとパンティーに入るためにビクトリアを使用していることを知っています!ミッキーがディーのシステムパスワードを持つと、彼は彼女の家でディー・ウィリアムズの激しい尋問で最高潮に達する強要の複雑なゲームを開始します。彼女のオフィスで彼女をトラップ, ミッキーは彼女のプライバシーのディーをストリップ, チェーンに彼女を置き、彼女はオーガズムを通して救済を懇願しているまで、ベルトとフロッガーで彼女の巨大なおっぱいやお尻を鞭打ちます.彼女のふしだらな乳首がしっかりとクランプされ、彼女の濡れた猫が犯され、むち打たれたと、彼女は彼女の唇が秘密を共有する以上に使用されています。ミッキーは、長い深い喉のセッションで彼女の才能のある口を取り、その後、彼女自身のリビングルームのソファに二重浸透のために彼女の階下をリードしています。彼は彼女のお尻と猫を屈辱的で満足のいくアナルファックで同じ意味で使用できるように、タイトなスプレッドワシで彼女を結びつけます。最後に、ディーはすべてのカインストロークと肛門の推力を愛し、ミッキーのコックの中のうわーのような精子を持っています。これは、彼女が彼女の暗号財布に200万を取得することを約束し、兼と汗のプールに残されているディーの穴とキャリアの課題のための始まりに過ぎません。'セキュリティリスク'シリーズMAIN PAGEAll 4エピソード:パート1:腐敗パート2:不正行為 - 来る10/29Part 3:Angst - 来る11/5Part 4:担保 - 来る11/52

Dee Williams に 'ディー・ウィリアムズ:私たちの小さな秘密'

Dee Williams - ディー・ウィリアムズ:私たちの小さな秘密


Mistress Kara に '退廃的なダイクバーの喜び:古典的でクリーミーなホイップお尻のコンパイル'

Mistress Kara - 退廃的なダイクバーの喜び:古典的でクリーミーなホイップお尻のコンパイル

退廃的なダイクバーディライトは、最もホットな、最もセクシーな、最も大胆なオールガールギャングバンダイクバー料理の古典的なホイップお尻のコンパイルです。サッシーギャルデイジードゥカティとモナウェールズが元気なバーの所有者ミストレスカラを訪問しているバーに迷い込む大胆なダーリンから始まります。ダーリンと彼女の豊かな胸が彼女を地下室に連れて行き、彼女の顔に座り、彼女の女を指で指し、彼女のふしだらな穴のすべてでオルガスムレズビアンのストラップオントレインを走る3人の女性の進歩に屈するのに時間はかからない!冒険は、むち打ち、クロップ、スパンキング、猫舐め、猫クランプと猫、肛門とDPストラップオンのファックの多くが含まれています。次は、3人の熱くて角質の偽装女の子チェリー・トーン、デイジー・ドゥカティ、ミストレス・カラに誘惑された素敵なローレライ・リーです。これらのスリンキーなふしだらな女のそれぞれは、Lorelieの穴で自分の道を持っています, 最初に彼らは彼女の剃ったファック, ピンクの猫をファックし、その後、犬に彼女を曲げ、彼女は兼に懇願するまで彼女のお尻をファック.より多くの顔の座り、女舐め、ストラップオンコック吸い、トップDP誘発オーガズムの上。その後、熱いタフな雛モナウェールズとミストレスカラは、バーを閉じて、フェニックスマリーが熱い若いものアベラ危険を支配している深夜のパーティーに向かいます。夜はスパンキング、足の礼拝、猫舐めからむち打ち、厳しい屈辱とストラップオンの猫のファックにエスカレートします。次のバキソムの美しさベラ・ロッシ、シャネル・プレストン、アラヴェル・ラファエルは、濡れた野生のTシャツコンテストの後、一晩中それを手に入れます。すべての当事者は、猫の舐め、顔の座り、女性のハンドリング、指叩き、猫のドキドキ、肛門とホットレズビアンオーガズムのトンで満たされた騒動の夜をお楽しみください!最後に豪華な、ボタンを押したビジネスウーマンイングリッドマウスは、愛人カラ、デイジードゥカティとニッキーダーリンは、時間後のシェナニガンのために女性の部屋で彼女の上に降りるダイクバーに現れます。これらの巧みな愛人は、ストラップオン、潮吹きオーガズム、ジッパーとより彼女の空腹の穴を詰め込むなど、彼らの最高の動きのすべてでイングリッドを支配します!これらすべてのこれらの不可分の、勇敢なみだらをファック見て、退廃的なダイクバーの喜びで何度も何度も提出に犯されます!

Kira Noir に 'キラモア:極端な束縛と苦しめられたハードボディゴスふしだらな女'

Kira Noir - キラモア:極端な束縛と苦しめられたハードボディゴスふしだらな女

キラ・ノワールと教皇は何年も一緒に働いてきたので、今回は物事が少し異なると決めました。束縛はキラをこれまで以上に強く押し上げるつもりです。彼女は足を引き上げて苦境に立ち始め、体重は上半身にかかっている。彼女のおっぱいと足は、彼女の準備をし、その日のために準備するために作物で残忍です。ほとんどの場合、教皇は、束縛がこの極端であるときに女の子にそれを簡単に取るが、今日ではない。キラと一緒じゃない数分後、彼は彼女の悲鳴でダンジョンを埋めるノンストップオーガズムで彼女の猫を苦しめるために彼の注意を向けます。第二のシーンが開き、キラは別の苦境にありますが、今回は前回よりもさらに悪魔的です。今回、彼女は彼女の足の1つに縛られた彼女の首とホッティタイプの位置にあります。彼女は完全に脆弱であり、緊張して教皇の帰還を待っています。彼の入り口は、彼が彼女に使用する予定の電気機器の異なるタイプを彼女に示すように壮大なものです。彼女の顔は彼女の恐怖を示しています, 彼は食べる.彼女は彼に懇願し、嘆願しますが、現時点では彼がそうするかどうかではなく、むしろ彼が彼女のためにどれだけの損害を計画しているかです。シーンの強度が高まるにつれて涙が流れ始めますが、キラは1つのタフな雌犬であり、彼女はそれを簡単にあきらめていません。最後のシーンでは、画面上のロープ作業の多くを見ることができます, これは少なく、遠く離れています.教皇はゆっくりとキラが完全に無力を持っている避けられない束縛にウェブを織っています。彼女が確保されると、彼は彼女と一緒に彼の方法を持って一日の残りの部分を過ごします。彼は彼女の猫と喉、ノンストップオーガズム、そして呼吸制御を一日の残りの部分を締め出すファック。

Kira Noir に 'ハッピーリトルプレイシング'

Kira Noir - ハッピーリトルプレイシング


Dee Williams に '変態ワークショップ:Ana FoxxxとDee WilliamsストラップオンDP Arabelle Raphael'

Dee Williams - 変態ワークショップ:Ana FoxxxとDee WilliamsストラップオンDP Arabelle Raphael

アラメル・ラファエルは、ディー・ウィリアムズが彼女の新しい「ボンデージ・ラック」を見るために彼女の変態の友人アナ・フォックスのワークショップに彼女を連れて行くとき、彼女が何を得ているかわかりません。しかし、アナとディーは、彼女にそれがどのように機能するかを見せることに非常に興奮しているので、すぐに彼女を主題にします。手首、胸、足首をスチールフレームに留めて、Arabelleをしっかりと固定します。ちょっと怖いですが、アナはアラベルに楽しい時間を過ごすと約束します。 2人の女性は、アラベルのドレスとパンティーを切り取り、彼女を露出させ、激しい振動にさらします。ディーはフロッガーを掴み、アナはアラベルのむき出しのお尻に革のパドルを使用します。アラベルは叫ぶだろうが、ディーはアラベルのパンティーを口に詰め込んだ。女性は、より多くの痛みが常により良いので、Arabelleの大きな自然な胸に乳首クランプを追加します。 Anaは、Arabelleの胸に革のパドルの刺し傷を感じさせる前に、Arabelleのお尻を赤く染めます。ディーとアナはアラベルを床に縛り付け、足を大きく離します。アラベルの猫はアナが楽しめる場所です。彼女の柔らかい領域をなめる、キス、平手打ち。ディーが彼女の顔に座ると、アラベルのうめき声は抑えられます。ディーの官能的なロバは私たちの無力なアラベルを窒息させます。アラベルは、ディーを満足させるために舌を使わなければなりません。そうしないと、彼女は呼吸することができなくなります。一方、Anaelleの尻には金属製のバットプラグが詰め込まれています。アラベルがすべての楽しみを得ていることをJし、アナはディーと切り替えて、バイブレーターを使って絶頂する間、アラベルの顔に座ります。アラベルの舌は、空気と引き換えにアナを喜ばせるために働かなければならない。今、女性はアラベルと性交する。アナは、ストラップオンのディルドでアラベルの猫を良くて激しくファックします。ディーは、おしりをファックするために後背位でアラベルをひっくり返す。ディーは彼女の良いとハードに乗り、両方の穴がジューシーになり、背中に横たわり、アラベルを彼女の上に引っ張り、彼女の猫がアナのストラップオンにさらされている間、彼女の尻穴を突き刺します。 Anaは訪問者にDPに乗るように命じます。アラベラは完全に満たされ、費やされます。アナのボンデージラックが機能しているようです!

Kendra Spade に 'ティーチャーズペット:ケンドラスペード、ティーチャーディーウィリアムズに復ven'

Kendra Spade - ティーチャーズペット:ケンドラスペード、ティーチャーディーウィリアムズに復ven

18歳のガキケンドラスペードは、彼女の厳しい教師ディーウィリアムズに、たくさんの巨大なお尻のおもちゃと太ったストラップ付きディルドで彼女をクソすることによって復venをします。 「ウィリアムズ夫人は愚かな売春婦です」は、ディーが会議に遅れて現れたときに黒板に書かれています。ケンドラが最初に行うことは、カットオフブルージーンズのショートパンツを引っ張って、ウィリアムズ夫人に18歳のお尻を食べるように言うことです。そして今、ウィリアムズ夫人はケンドラにがきの怒りを受け取るようになりました。先生は机の上で曲がりくねったお尻を空中に曲げ、巨大なおっぱいは一緒に押しつぶされ、ケンドラは長いガラスのお尻のおもちゃで彼女の穴を広げます。ディーはこれをあまりにも楽しんでいるので、ケンドラは、原則事務局に彼女を送ろうとした不自由な先生を罰したいだけです。次に、ケンドラは先生にハードメタルのディルドでファックし、ディーは彼女のクリトリスを激しく精液が噴出するまでバイブで責めます。ケンドラは、ウィリアムズ夫人に腰をかがめるように命じます。彼女はそれを愛し、再び絶頂します。背中をひっくり返し、足を高く広げてケンドラを動かし、巨大な雄鶏がお尻を持ち上げ、狂ったように本当の良い叫び声とうめき声を出すまで彼女を叩きます。ディーはケンドラの上に乗ってその大きなペニスをバウンスし、日立と逆向きの騎乗位を行い、部屋中に絶頂の間欠泉を噴出します。しかし、ウィリアムズ夫人のお尻にはもっとたくさんのおもちゃがありますので、罰はそこで終わりません。大きなゴム製のバットプラグが彼女の尻の穴を広げ、次に透明なガラスのシリンダーが彼女を満たし、彼女の身もだえとうめき声を送ります。先生がこれ以上服用できないと思うと、彼女は別の長い太ったコックを彼女のお尻に上げて噴出祭りを引き起こします。その後、ウィリアムズ夫人は揺れ、よだれを垂らし、喜びで泣き叫びます。ケンドラは先生に拳を握り、1日の終わりにはウィリアムズ1番の生徒であり、先生のペットになりました。

Kate Kennedy に 'ゴースト:サディスティックサイドピースによって破壊された痴女熟女と義理の娘'

Kate Kennedy - ゴースト:サディスティックサイドピースによって破壊された痴女熟女と義理の娘


Aiden Starr に '従順なアナル女王キラ・ノワールによって乱交に役立つように訓練されたエッチなティーン'

Aiden Starr - 従順なアナル女王キラ・ノワールによって乱交に役立つように訓練されたエッチなティーン

アッパーフロアの最高の夏の夜会のこの結論で、ジョゼリン・ケリーは深いトラブルに巻き込まれました。この馬鹿げたチンポの女は、ハウスルールのプロンプトと引き換えに彼女に恩恵をもたらすとアイデンに約束していた。愛人スターのアイデン・スターは、売春婦のオマンコに拳のように深く入り込むという小さな恩恵を望みます。彼女はジョセリンの美しい体を真っ赤にむち打つことから始めて、何度も何度も規則を暗唱し、それからジョゼリンの女のために動きます。アイデンはその濡れた空腹の猫で拳全体を動かし、ゲストの娯楽のためにホセリンのオーガズムと悲鳴を上げます。次に、エイデンはジョセリンのきついオマンコに巨大なディルドを取り、彼女の善をクソし、巨大なコックの上に口を広げて、しばらく静かにします。ステファノスは、キラ・ノワールが彼女の穴を犯すことに非常に集中しているようであり、乱交と私たちの尊敬されているBDSMスウィンガー群衆へのサービスに彼女の焦点を失っていることを心配しています。キラはバイブレーターを渡され、少なくとも3人の客にオルガスムを与えるように言われます。ステファノスはキラをフロガーで追いかけ、鮮やかなピンクのお尻でポイントに帰ります。キラは、群衆の中に3人の美しい女性がクソ機械で犯されている、乳首の苦痛に苦しんでいる、またはキラが閉じ込められたクリトリスにバイブレーターを保持している間に主人にしっかりと押さえられているのをすぐに見つけます。すべてのゲストはキラがとても楽しいと感じて、彼らの前で彼女の猫をファックするためにドニーを召喚します。キラは職務を堅持し、ドニーの巨大な雄鶏に四つんonいで後ろから突っ込まれ、ゲストから最後のオーガズムを引き出します。パーティーはキラに触発され、あらゆる種類の性的いたずらに光を当てます。ラテックスの従順な人は厳しい缶を取り、雄鶏を吸います。一方、あるレズビアンのミストレスは非常に不正な見た目の吸引機に彼女の従順な人を引っ掛けます。 Mr. Kilt YouはFoxholeをタイトな縛りストレスの位置に伸ばし、彼女の片口をかわいがり、かわいい口を使い、痛みを伴うオーガズムに向けて彼女を縁取ります。他のゲストはロープサスペンションで遊ぶか、家具を熱狂的にファックします。ジョセリンはrawい上がってキラとドニーを捕まえますが、キラは叫び声を上げてチンポを維持するように頼み、ドニーのペニスの上に座り、彼女を下に押しのけます。アイデンはそれを持っていませんので、キラがロバで犯される前に彼女は罰のスパンキングのためにそれらの両方を呼び出し、パーティーの観客からの許しを請います。ステファノスは、キラが自分の利己的な味方と再接続したことをひそかに喜んでおり、コックから彼女を引き離し、ジョゼリンをテストする前に、いくつかのオーガズムを許可します。彼女は彼女のおっぱいをザッピングし、彼女の猫のその巨大なコックでカミングに抵抗し、ルールを暗唱することができますか?見てください。

Aiden Starr に '混oticとしたコック痴女は、夏のウィンガー乱交ですべてのディックを盗みます'

Aiden Starr - 混oticとしたコック痴女は、夏のウィンガー乱交ですべてのディックを盗みます


Dee Williams に 'ナースウィリアムズ:ディーウィリアムズが患者ジョナマルクスを支配'

Dee Williams - ナースウィリアムズ:ディーウィリアムズが患者ジョナマルクスを支配


Ana Foxxx に 'アナルファックオフ:Ana Foxxx、Kira Noir、Jane Wilde in Lesbian Psychodrama'

Ana Foxxx - アナルファックオフ:Ana Foxxx、Kira Noir、Jane Wilde in Lesbian Psychodrama

アナ・フォックス、キラ・ノワール、ジェーン・ワイルド!もっと言う必要がありますか?今週の3人のスーパーホットベイビーは、レズビアンサイコドラマのロールプレイで、女の子がお互いにアナルスキルを使って「ピット」になり、アナへの愛を証明します。彼女を一番愛しているのは誰ですか?誰が彼女の一番の性交おもちゃとして保持することを選択しますか?ジェーンがアナの場所に現れると、キラはすでにベッドでアナといちゃつきます。 Jとアナに勝つチャンスがキックインし、素晴らしいアナルファックオフが始まります!彼らはアナの小さなトップを引き離し、彼女の乳首に舌を向けて彼女をすべてオンにします。アナにはお尻に突合せプラグがあり、女の子はそれを彼女のタイトなろくでなしに出し入れし、きれいになめます。彼らはそれぞれ、お尻のおもちゃ、猫の舐め、唇と嫌いな人への優しいキスで彼女を喜ばせる最高のアナをファックすることに決めました。長い金属のディルドがアナの固いお尻に出入りし、彼女が激しく精液を吸い、女の子がそれを貪欲に掃除します。彼らは皆かなり仲が良いので、今度はキラが何か行動を起こす番で、少年はこれらの素敵な女性に彼女に与えます。最初にアナがキラの猫を振るとき、ジェーンは彼女の小柄な拳を彼女の嫌いな人のすぐ上に追いやり、狂った町に追いやる。それから、ジェーンが平手打ちして窒息する間、アナはコックに太い青いストラップで彼女のお尻を与えます。もっとフィスティングしてください!ジェーンは彼女のお尻を再び拳で満たし、それから彼らはさらに大きなお尻プラグで彼女を埋めようとします。彼らはそれを手に入れることができますか?そして、小さなジェーン・ワイルドはアナとキラから大きな治療を受けます。最初に彼らは彼女を暖めるためにガラスのディルドで彼女のお尻をファックします。それから彼らはさらに大きなおもちゃを彼女に詰めますが、ジェーンはワイルドになります。ジェーンは一流のギャップで有名で、彼女のお尻は他に類を見ないほどギャップがあります。アナとキラが彼女をファックし、お尻をなめ、何度も何度も彼女を降ろすと、彼女は小刻みに動き、andえます。最終的に誰が勝ちますか?アナルファックオフは、いくつかのホットホットホットガールガールガールアクションを提供します!うわー!

Kacie Castle に '従順なステップ娘は彼女のパパのTAを誘惑します'

Kacie Castle - 従順なステップ娘は彼女のパパのTAを誘惑します

キラ・ノワールは完璧な学生であり、彼女の教授ラモン・ノマールに喜んで従順です。彼女は彼女の勉強と同じくらい多くの努力と考えを彼女のよだれをたらしているフェラチオと運動アナルセックスに与えます。ノマー氏の気難しい娘のキャシーキャッスルが学校に入学すると、キラはラミーとの奇妙な関係を秘密に保ちながら、キャシーを学業に従事させ続けるように求められます。彼女が最初にケイシーの家庭教師として割り当てられたとき、キラは皮むきをし、革のボンデージのむち打ち、むち打ち、苦境の場面でラモンにby責されます。キラは、メンターとしての義務を果たすためにやって来て、ラモンの靴全体に彼女のふしだらな猫をこすることを許され、膝にカミングします。その後、彼女は机の上に投げられ、彼女のお尻と猫の両方で犯されます。肛門のオーガズムに震えながら、キラはケイシーがすべての試験に合格することを約束します。その約束は、言うよりも簡単です。ケイシーは勉強を逃れようと絶えず努力し、ある時点でキラの顔にはっきりと吐き出します。キラは規律の楽しさに入り、杖とストラップオンをつかみ、迅速かつ残忍なケインでケイシーの太ももとお尻を照らし、続いてケイシーのぽっかりとしたろくでなしにレズビアンの肛門暴行が続きます。ケイシーは勉強会のあらゆる瞬間を愛し、彼女の女をこすり、オルガスムの喜びで彼女の鼓動と性交をします。彼女はキラが自分のオルガスムを持つまで、キラの完璧な嫌いな人と女を素早くひざまずかせて舐めます。ノマー教授が現れてケイシーを調べ、彼女が精液と赤い杖のストリップで覆われているのを見つけます。これを見て、彼は規律の労働をキラに輸出できないことに気づき、継娘と生徒の両方を支配しなければなりません。両方の女の子はむち打ちされ、ラモンのコックに仕えるように作られますが、ラモンは試験で間違った答えをするために彼らを叩きます。キラは彼女の口がキャシーのぬれた猫に閉じ込められたタイトな縛りバックベンドにスローされます。 Kacieは、きつい洗濯挟みジッパーがはつらつとしたおっぱいに食い込むことによるさらなる痛みを避けるために、学習マニュアルを保持するように作られています。両方の若い女性は、絶頂にならず、ラモンの苦しみとしての地位を保持し、クソとザッパーで意志をテストするように命じられています。 Kacieがジッパーから抜け出すと、彼女は痛みでうなりますが、Kiraの顔にも小さなwho婦のように絶頂します。両方の女の子は、彼らがすべての穴で彼のコックを共有して、彼に逆カウガールに乗って、彼らが良い従順であることをいとわないラモンを示します。

Kira Noir に 'ルームメイトのリベンジ:キラノワールとリリスラックスレズビアンスイッチング'

Kira Noir - ルームメイトのリベンジ:キラノワールとリリスラックスレズビアンスイッチング


Dee Williams に 'Gets Schooled: Big Tit Teacher Gets Stuffed Air Tight'

Dee Williams - Gets Schooled: Big Tit Teacher Gets Stuffed Air Tight


Casey Calvert に 'アナルマインドゲーム'

Casey Calvert - アナルマインドゲーム

何もないところからドアに大きなノックがあるとき、夫婦キラノワールとホイットニーライトは長椅子で作り出しています。近所で仕事を探している掃除婦、ケーシー・カルバートを愛して見よ。しかし、物事はいつものように見えるとは限りませんし、すぐにキラとホイットニーの家の甘い家はアナルマインドゲームのトロイの乱交のお尻lovin 'menageにスローされます。掃除婦に変装したケイシーは会議のために去った後、彼らの家に潜入し、ホイットニーと彼女の方法を持っています。 Caseyは少女の尻込み穴で遊ぶのが好きなので、Whitneyのお尻を手持ちのバットプラグと日立に持っていきます。ホイットニーはそれを助けることができず、掃除用のバケツでこの奇妙な家の侵入者の倒錯した手から自分自身がカミングするのを発見します。深いオーガズムの後、CaseyはWhitneyのタイトなお尻をディルドーのストラップでファックすることで物事を進め続けています。ウィットニーの妻キラが入ってきた快楽のうめき声の真ん中に。彼女は気分が悪くて目を信じることができませんが、KiraとCaseyが過去を持ち、Kiraに彼女のお尻を何度も犯されるのが好きだったことを思い出させます。キラは楽しい時を過すために彼女の服を覚えていて剥ぎ取っています。背中をアーチ型にし、空気中で高い彼女のしっかりしたお尻を持つ四つんばいに彼女のお尻をケイシーの両面アクリルのお尻のおもちゃで突っ込ませる準備ができています。 Whitneyが妻のお尻を開いたままにしてきれいになめている間、Caseyがプラグを出し入れします。それからケーシーはキラのお尻のペニスにその長いストラップを詰め込み、ホイットニーがバイブレーターで妻をクリトリスに震わせながら彼女の善をファックする。誰もが楽しんでいますが、昔のガールフレンドと妻との間には確かに緊張があります。 CaseyがKiraをスペキュラムで少し嫌いに伸ばしている間、Kiraのストラップで熱い乗車の後、彼女の妻の足の間に戻って産む。そしてそれが十分でなければ、ホイットニーとキラはそれぞれキラを拳で迎えて彼女を天の至福に追いやる。最後に、Caseyが彼にどうやってやってくるのか - 彼女の変態でクレイジーなお尻の恋人たちの方法でWhitneyとKiraの間にやろうとしたことに対するいくらかの復讐 - 。返済は雌犬ですか、それともですか?ケイシーは、このいわゆる復讐を彼女のお尻を輝くクロムのディルドの形で彼女に授けていることを十分に楽しんでいます。彼らは彼女がゲイプするまで彼女の穴をファックし、それから彼女は彼女の開口部に明確な柱を得ます。そしてそれは本当に彼女のギャップを作ります。彼女が深くそして固くなるまでKiraが彼女のお尻の上に驚くべきSlink waaaayを滑らせるとき、これらのギャルはちょうどそれを来続けさせて、ケーシーを来させ続けます。そしてついにホイットニーはケイシーの嫌いな人の中で彼女が再び来るまで彼女の拳をすべて手に入れます!アナルマインドゲームこのセクシーなトリオはさておき、とても素敵な一日を過ごしました。彼らはみんな笑顔とキスをし、その後も幸せに暮らしています

Kira Noir に 'No Quit Approach:キラノワールがライフコーチからやる気を起こさせるファックダウンを受ける'

Kira Noir - No Quit Approach:キラノワールがライフコーチからやる気を起こさせるファックダウンを受ける

キラノワールは助けが必要です。彼女は、金銭的な債務、不安、孤独に直面して人生をまとめるのに苦労しています。彼女がライフコーチのオンライン広告の広告を聞いたとき、彼女は彼女が失うものは何もないと考えています。彼女は救助の準備ができて到着したLife CoachのDerrick Pierceにテキストを送ります。デリックはすぐにキラと一緒に服用され、いくつかの呼吸法を通して彼女を導きます。 Kiraが最初の相談を超えてDerrickを続行しないことを決定したとき、Derrickは怒り、彼女のドアに現れ、少なくとも彼女に最初の相談のために彼に支払うように要求します。しかし、一度キラの家の中に入ると、デリックはこれがキラを助け、彼女が辞めないことを確認する彼のチャンスであることを知っている!彼は彼女を縛り、彼女にギャグし、そして彼女の手に2つのレンガを置きます。彼女が頭の上にレンガを持ってしゃがんでいるとき、彼は彼女の柔らかい太ももとかわいいとつらつとしたおっぱいをトリミングしながらポジティブな視覚化技術を通して彼女を導きます。彼女の腕がレンガの重さの下で揺れると、彼は彼の男根を取り出して、彼女の心をきれいにして、彼の堅い男根に集中するように彼女に言います。キラはコーチのペニスをのどのように吸い込み、基地に飲み込んだ。そして彼女が彼の指導にどれほど感謝しているかを示した。彼女はそのような良い仕事をします、彼が彼女を鞭で打つ前に、デリックはキラを絶頂にさせます。デリックが彼女を鞭打ち、ドラゴンの舌で彼女を鞭打ち、キラが叫び、束縛に苦しみます。デリックはキラのお尻を赤くし、敏感な足には特に注意を払っています。それから彼は彼の堅い雄鶏をキラの濡れた女に押し込み、彼女に深いドキドキを与えます。デリックが彼女のオマンコに出入りして彼のチンポを駆り立てると、キラは叫び、絶頂を懇願する。それからデリックは彼女のお尻を取る。デリックが彼女の堅い太った雄鶏のまわりでそれを伸ばして、彼女のきついろくでなしをくすぐると、キラの目は広がります。最後に、デリックは彼女に犯されたオマンコのいたるところに大きな負荷をかけてキラに報いる。彼は彼らが今日行ったすべての進歩を誇りに思っています、そしてKiraは決してやめないことを約束します。今まで

Dee Williams に '潮吹きDPアナル痴女がフォルサム乱交を果たす'

Dee Williams - 潮吹きDPアナル痴女がフォルサム乱交を果たす

私達の伝説的なフォルサムBDSMボールのパート2では、ニッキーダーリンとディーウィリアムズは変態スウィンガーセックスの信じられないほどの乱交の中で性的騒乱と完璧な服従的なサービスを提供します。 Nikkiは、痛みを伴うバックベンドタイに閉じ込められているDeeのゴージャスな新しいおっぱいに彼女の復讐をすることが許可されています。シバリは、容赦のないバイブレーターのためにディーの痴女女を露出させたままにし、彼女のおっぱいは腫れ上がってクランプで覆われています。 Nikki自身が彼女の濡れた従順な猫の中で素敵な太いペニスを楽しんでいるように、NikkiはDeeのピンクのクリトリスをあえぎ、締め金をはぎ取る。その間Ashley Laneは残忍なシングルテーリングを得ている。 Helena Lockeは、パンクレズビアンのふしだらな女の完璧なペアを見つけ、それらにスパンキングしてそれらがお互いに喜びを見ている順番を取ります。別のカップルがテーブルの上でそれらを結合し、かなりのセックスパイルを作り出します。それを完全に締めくくるには、ミッキーモッドは情熱的なレスリング、インパクトプレイ、そしてホットクソで観客を楽しませる日付アンドレシャクティに出席しています。パーティー全体での足の苦しみ、スパンキング、スウィンガーフェラ、セックスブレイクアウト。夜の最後のサービスシーンでは、NikkiとDeeは、厳格な逆向きの騎乗位でクソしている最後の女の子が2本の硬いチンポに二本差しで乗ることになると言われています。ニッキは娯楽と運動パフォーマンスを提供します、しかし、ディーはパーティーで彼女の男性のトップを失います、そして彼女の尾を彼女の尻尾に熱いものと共に彼を探して部屋を通して混沌とした追跡で送られます。彼女は飲み物を出すように作られていて、再び彼女を見つけるために彼女のチンポまで殴打をします。彼女の罰から疲れ果てて彼女はファックコンペティションに敗れ、Nikkiが2つの巨大なペニスに乱暴に乗って何度も何度も中出しするにつれて、彼女はNikkiのお尻からチンポを舐めています。負けないように、ディーはいたるところで潮吹きし、2本のチンポファックに乗って自分のターンを稼ぎます。汗で覆われて、徹底的に使い果たされて、両方のふしだらな女は彼らの膝に落ちて、彼らの完璧な服従的な顔で熱い負荷を頼みます。ハッピーフォルサム

Stirling Cooper に 'キラノワール:コッククレイジー'

Stirling Cooper - キラノワール:コッククレイジー

美しいキラノワールは黒い革製のシェズラウンジで待っています。彼女は恥を見下ろしながら、彼女の親指を神経質にいじっています。彼女は奇妙なペニスへの彼女の極端な中毒のための彼女の医者の推薦による精神療法を探します。あまりにも長い間、彼女はコックを求める不健康な欲求を抱いていました。毎日彼女は彼女がちょうど会ったことをランダムな奇妙な男性に犯される。彼女のセラピストDr. Stirling CooperがKiraの隣に着席し、彼女は彼にすべてを伝えます。クーパー博士が示唆しているのは「エマージェンシーセラピー」です。彼は4人の男を呼んで彼のオフィスに入り、彼らが彼女に喜ぶように男達がやるべきことがあるとキラに説明する。ディックの量は確かに彼女のすぐそばに女をファックするでしょう。男たちはみんな彼女のおっぱいと猫を彼女の服を通してつかみ、弄ぶ。彼らは彼女を彼女の膝に連れて行き、そして彼らの堅い雄鶏を引き抜きます。彼女は自分のペニスをこぼしながら自分の口に詰め、喉をファックします。彼らは彼女を裸にしてロープの束縛で結ぶ。彼女の胃の上で、キラの両腕と両足は彼女の後ろで縛られていて、フィットしている体のアーチを上向きにしています。クーパー博士がショック治療を施し、彼女を彼の電子ザッパーでザッピングしている間、彼らは再び彼女の口を使ってコックを喜ばせます。次に彼らはKiraをフルロープで縛ります。彼女の足は彼女の猫とお尻を彼らのチンポのためにちょうど正しい高さで広げたイーグルと結ばれました。彼らは彼女のオマンコを激しくドキドキし、そして彼女の大きなディックで彼女のお尻をキラと望んでいるので彼らはほぐれ、彼女の穴を二重貫通するために彼女を連れて行きます。キラは彼女の猫のペニス、彼女の口のペニス、そして彼女のお尻のペニスで気密に犯される。彼女は彼らの絶頂を懇願し、彼らは彼らの脂肪負荷で彼女の顔を艶出しています。

Nikki Darling に 'よく訓練された肛門の女サービスFolsom Orgy'

Nikki Darling - よく訓練された肛門の女サービスFolsom Orgy

BDSMは公正なスポーツではありませんが、Folsom Eve Orgyの間にどれだけ彼女が耐えられるかについてNikki Darlingを準備するものは何もありません。ディー・ウィリアムズはその夜の彼女の姉妹の肛門召使いです、しかし、ディーは誰もが十分に得ることができないという真新しい巨大なおっぱいを巻き込みました。これがニッキにすべての痛みを負わせる一方で、ディーが良い肛門売春婦のようにセックスされるので、パーティー全体が彼女のおっぱいが揺れてバウンスするのを見ることができます。その日の最初の楽しいトライアルは古典的なものです。ニッキとディーはどちらも彼らの唇を足首の袖口に結びつけ、バケツを伸ばした腕の中でバケツを持ったままにします。両方の女性は彼の堅い雄鶏に彼女の濡れた口を使うように名誉の客を誘惑するために最善を尽くします、しかし、ディーはそれらの壮大な乳白色のFシジュウカラを持っています、そして、ニッキは彼女自身が重いバケツを積んだのを見つけます。ディーは結局大胆に成長して彼女が手を伸ばしてニッキを床に引き寄せ、彼女の勝利を助け、彼女の濡れた熟女スナックでディックをより早く獲得できるようにします。 Nikkiは本当によく訓練された家のしもべであり、彼女の小さなおっぱいに多くのクランプの処罰を受けます。そして、Deeが絶頂を許されるように懇願し、そしてゴージャスな女性の群衆がすぐに彼女のクランプを引っ張ってそれを支払います。これまでと同様にマゾヒスティック、彼女は痛みから絶頂に達すると、ニッキの目は喜んで頭をロールバックしています。この時までに群衆は彼ら自身のいくつかの良い考えを得て、そしてサディスティックセックスゲーム、鞭打ち、むち打ち、タイトなシバリサスペンション、パートナースワッピング、フェラ、そしてどこでもロバの発赤に従事し始めました。ある特別ゲスト、JesseがSiouxsie Qに釘付けになりました。SouxsieQは苦痛の中で完璧な乙女のように縛られました。ジェシーは彼女の卑劣なクリトリスをタイトな束縛の中に閉じ込めていて、彼女が叫んでいる間彼女のおまんこを鞭打ちます。 Jesseは、Siouxsie Qをファックテーブルに縛り付けて、彼女の美しいピンク色のおばさんと一緒にいます。 Siouxsieは貪欲な女の子で、彼女が彼女の猫に彼の熱いために物乞いを始める前に何度も絶頂。彼女の懇願することは端にジェシーを押します、そして、彼は熱い絶頂で彼女のよく使われる唇を飾ります。 DeeはNikkiを苦しめるもう一つの機会を不当に与えられている。今回はオーディオ制御のバットプラグで。 Nikkiはファック家具にしっかりと縛られていて、パーティーの来場者が彼女のお尻に電波を送って元気づけることによって彼女を傷つけるよう懇願するように作られています。彼らは義務を果たすことを嬉しく思っています、そして、ディーはニッキーの閉じ込められたオマンコにバイブレーターを置くことによって楽しみに加えて、彼女に彼女自身の電気プラグをオフにセットでオルガスムから遠吠えさせます。 Stefanosは最終的にキャッチし、ニッキーのホットホールを取得するために罰のふりをしたことでDeeを非難します。 Deeはそれを否定することはできず、名誉のゲストがNikkiの嫌いな人を荒廃させるために招待されているので騙されて窒息している。ニッキーの目は交差し、彼女は彼女の曲がったお尻を手すりにして、ディーのオマンコを彼女の気まぐれな舌に押し付けさせながら中出しを頼みます。このセクシーなBDSMホリデーパーティーのパート2に戻ってきてください。

Aiden Starr に 'アナルサーバントガールズによるBDSMスウィンガー乱交'

Aiden Starr - アナルサーバントガールズによるBDSMスウィンガー乱交

私たちの夜の後半はPenny PaxとKira Noirが窮地に陥って彼らのふしだらな女の奉仕スキルの両方に挑戦することで始まります。キラは縄緊縛で縛られて肛門奉仕のために使われます。彼女は絵に描いたように完璧な服従で、彼女の痴女の口の中で赤いボールギャグを噛みついて、彼女のお尻に巨大な雄鶏を連れて行きます。ペニーは一方で利己的な売春婦であり、彼女自身のために雄鶏を盗もうとしていて、性的な脅威であることです。彼女の仕事を完了するために、Kiraは彼女に代わって利己的なペニーの殴打も受けながら、彼女に提示されたハードディックに精液しなければなりません。彼女は自分の性的奉仕に専念できるように、しわになり、切り刻まれ、そしてザラザラした彼女はしわになり、落ち着きを保とうと試みますが、ペニーにいい子のように殴打するよう説得しなければなりません。ペニーは容易に納得できず、彼女の空腹の口のためのエイデンの女と彼女の売春婦のお尻のラモンのコックの両方を納得させて盗むことに成功しました。キラは彼女の目で物乞いをし、そして結局はペニーが屈服し、キラがそれらの深い肛門のオルガスムを得て観客を喜ばせることができるのに十分なほど長い間気を散らすエイデンの気晴らしの手をそらしている。多くの美しい女性たちが、部屋のあちこちで鞭打ち、クソ、酔っぱらいを起こして喜びと痛みを感じて叫んでいます。ゴージャスなラテックスカップルはsybianを利用します、そして、非常に熱いレズビアンカップルは束縛、二重のディルドとオルガスムコントロールでD / sシーンを楽しんでいます。PennyPaxは彼女自身の利己的な穴と他の群衆に仕えるという特別な仕事に挑戦します。小さなファック人形のように部屋の周りを運ばれて、彼女はあらゆる位置、あらゆるオルガスム、ラモンのコックのあらゆる跳ね返りについて彼女の周りの客に尋ねるようにされます。最後のシーンでは、ペニーがラモンと一緒にプレッツェルのように縛り付けられ、キラが完璧なアスレチックボディーを身に付けています。厳格な後背位で、彼女のお尻にAiden Starrの拳全体を取ります。キラはザッパーにショックを受け、ペニーのオマンコから新鮮な彼女の顔に熱い荷を積むことができるようになるまで物乞いと叫び声を上げている。よくやった婦人。

Kira Noir に 'ハードボディエボニーペインスラットキラノワール'

Kira Noir - ハードボディエボニーペインスラットキラノワール


Aiden Starr に '自己同情的なアナル女王と無私のエレクトロ・サーント'

Aiden Starr - 自己同情的なアナル女王と無私のエレクトロ・サーント

最後に、上層階には2人のよく訓練された、長く続く肛門の娼婦が夜中に奉仕しています。ペニー・パックスとキラ・ノワールは、最も陽気でディックに飢えた女優であるだけでなく、ザ・ルール・オブ・ザ・ハウスと必要なすべての議事にも精通しています。彼らのGoverness Aiden Starrは、服従の細かいところで作業するために夜を取る。パックスは彼女のお尻に大きな雄鶏で彼女の最高のスローブと懇願しています。彼女は彼女自身のおばさんの奉仕者であり、彼女を完璧な利己的な奴隷にしています。一方、小柄な痛みを抱えているキラ・ノワールは、すべての下の床を這うことを望み、良い女の子のような命令を取ることを望む、提出の完璧なイメージです。彼女は完璧な無私の奉仕者です。最上級の資質を際立たせるために、パーティーはペニーがロープでしっかりと縛られて開き、完全に爆発した3人のバイブレーターが彼女の罠に縛られます。彼女の最後の夜の奉仕の後、彼女は彼女のすてきなピンクのオマンコにバイブレーターが十分に適用されていなかったと述べるほど大胆でした。アイデン・スターは常にアイロニーのためにバイブレーターの花束をつかみ、ペニーの腫れた裂け目に対して彼女を抱き締め、キラは彼女の深い喉を刺し、彼女自身を撫でながら、いくつかの豪華な女性のゲストにオーガズムを与えるのを助けたおばあさん。群衆は非常に楽しまれ、すべての女性が一緒になって一緒になって、キラをオルガズムなしで残す。彼女はさらに、ラモンのハードコックに投げ込まれてテストされ、彼女のハードは、Stefanosによって切り裂かれている間、兼任の許可を待って、彼を激しく乗せさせた。 StefanosはKiraの最大のオルガスムを待ってから、彼女にオルガスムを抱きつけて取り外すように指示します。欲求不満で震えて、彼女は丁寧に笑いをはがし、彼女の肛門を味わいながらペニーに戻します。彼女の服従する妹のクリトリスを舐めて、激しい鞭打ちをするキラは、真のマゾヒズムの服従の内容の笑顔で笑う。群衆は熱いBDSMのスインガーアクションの慌てて立ち去る。ホットな女性たちは、マスターズのフェラチオ、アナルフックと鞭打ち、シバリに縛られてしまいます。レズビアンのお尻の舐めとたくさんのお尻が赤色の尻があります。私たちの普通のBDSMカップルの1人は、非常に苦しいクリップ、鞭打ち、そしていくつかのハードコアのクソを特別な場面で楽しんでいます。彼女は彼女の女王に奉仕する準備が整い、露出した足に多くの電気器具を取っています。牛が救済を求めて救済を求めていると、エイデンは彼女に電化された食べるオマンコを提供し、彼女の舌がエイデンのクリートに触れるのを待って痛みを訴える。満足していたキラは彼女の本当の才能を見せてくれました。エイドンはキラが最終的に良い女の子のような彼女のすてきなお尻で若干のディックを取ることを可能にします。忘れてしまった彼女に、彼女はエイデンのおばさんを喜んで叫ぶ。今晩の後半には、将来の更新計画に参加してください。

Kira Noir に 'ハッキングされた資産:Ryan Keely Blackmails Kinky Lesbian Sex'

Kira Noir - ハッキングされた資産:Ryan Keely Blackmails Kinky Lesbian Sex

信じられないほど暑いハッカー、Ryan Keelyは、同様に見事な国際ハッカーであるKira Noirの不正行為を監視しています。彼女はKiraの新しいハッキングの試みがRyanの自身の活動に渡ったので彼女に彼女を選ぶ特別な骨を持っている。ライアンは最終的にキラを脅かすのに十分な汚れを持ち、彼女に自分の薬の味を与える。彼女は彼女を彼女のためにテーブルの上に全部置く彼女の看板に彼女を呼び出す。その瞬間、キラはライアンの野生の性的要求に従うこと以外に選択肢がないことを知っています。 RyanはKiraを彼女の足を礼拝することによって彼女の嬉しい復讐を始める。彼女はその後、彼女を殴って、彼女の熱いタイトな戦利品を赤くてふっくらにする。ライアンは彼女の素敵な濡れた猫を明らかにするために彼女のラテックスドレスを引っ張ってきて、キラを彼女を舐めるようにして、彼女の指で彼女を喜ばせる。彼女はキラを曲げて、彼女が詰まるまで彼女のタイトな小さな猫で遊んでいます。キラは、裏切られて、無力で、ライアンの慈悲に浮かんでいるようだ。ライアンは彼女の感覚に衝撃を与えて彼女を弄ぶ。彼女は彼女の舌からワンドを彼女の猫まで走らせ、彼女の猫を舐めてバイブレーターで彼女の体を震わせながらザーメンをする。 Ryanは彼女の逆さの位置を利用するので、彼女は素敵なオルガズムのためにKiraの顔に彼女のお尻を戻します。その後彼女は彼女の足と大きなジューシーなお尻をパドル床にキラを取る。彼女は彼女のオマンコを素敵にし、いくつかの舐めで濡れた後、彼女の大きな黒いコックをキラのタイトな小さな猫にスライドさせます。彼女は彼女に良い打撃を与えると、彼女はいくつかのショックを与える。彼女はその後、キラを上に乗って、彼女がそれの上に詰まるまで、彼女のコックに乗る。いくつかのショックが多く、Kiraは誰がハッキングされたのかを正確に知っています。

Dee Williams に 'Homewrecker Revenge'

Dee Williams - Homewrecker Revenge

トミーの元ベビーシッター「アントニー」ディーからの訪問は、ディーとトミーの父親の事件とそれ以来苦しんできた壊れた男女の思い出を引き起こします。物事を正しいものにする機会が与えられたとき、トミーは正常な行動の境界と彼の以前の厄介なベビーシッターを彼らの壊れた過去を癒す道に押し進めます。彼は、年月を経て家族を奪ったときに、彼のすてきなベビーシッターが彼のやり方に苦しむことを望んでいます。だから、トミーはキッチンカウンターのボードにディーを縛りつけている。彼女は秘密裏に父親を犯していたが、彼女はすべてのランチとディナーを作った。ボードに傾けて横たわっているディーは、足首、膝、太もも、手首、胸の周りにロープで結ばれています。バイブレーターは彼女の足の間に詰め込まれ、彼女の口はバンダナで覆われていて、彼女の巨大な胸はそれらを束縛しているロープから膨らみ、トミーは彼女が自宅にいることを認めることを望んでいます。彼は彼女の口に水を注いで、彼女は泣き叫ぶようになり、トミーを説得しようとするが、彼女は残念で誰も傷つけるつもりはない。ディーは絶望的で、彼に止めるようにと懇願しています、これはトミーがツイストの復讐の第一歩を念頭に置いていたものです。彼は彼女の柔らかい肉を刺す鞭打ち人と彼女の白い肌を明るいピンクに変えて彼女をたくさん鞭打ちます。鞭打ち、作物、バイブレーターで彼は彼女を彼女の端に連れて行き、すべての野生の刺激からオルガズムをさらに引き出します。ディーは彼女が家に住んでいることを認めているが、彼女はまだ彼女が十分に得ることができないいくつかのディックを望んでいる。ニップルクランプは、彼女の巨乳をぶら下げて引っ張るディーは、彼女が窒息して、トミーが叩いている間に窒息している間に、トミーのチンポを吸って、ザップを叩きながら、自分の喉のファックをします。口のギャグを持つ四人で、空気の中で犯される準備ができている。まず、鞭打ち人は彼女の赤い尻を回し、彼女の敏感な肌の上に小さな印を残します。最後に、トミーは彼女の猫を犯し、Dee moanと嘆きと震えと兼を作る。それから彼は彼女が彼女のタイトなお尻を性交するとき、彼女は上に彼女を取る。ディーは彼が今まで行ったことよりもうまくやったと言っています!今は大きな胸を高く抱きしめてソファに縛られていて、彼女の空腹の穴はトミーが倒れそうになって、彼女が激しくカミングするまで、彼女の濡れた、無慈悲な猫と角質のお尻の間を行き来します。トミーは彼女の気持ちを全面的に吹き飛ばします。

Dee Williams に 'カップルのカッコルトの錯覚'

Dee Williams - カップルのカッコルトの錯覚

Pierce Parisは、彼と彼の妻のDee Williamsの税金に飽き飽きしています。ディーは彼女の夫を見て幸せに家に帰る。彼女は、彼女と一人で時間を持つことはできませんが、ピアスは彼女には何の注意も払っていません。彼女は彼女の大きな美しいおっぱいを剥がして下着に着飾って目をつかむが、彼はノートパソコンを離れる。今は怒っていると角質があり、ディーはテニスのインストラクター、キップジョンソンに語ります。彼女はセクシーな写真をキップに送り、彼女に何かのディックが必要だと書いています。キップはすぐに来て、ディーはそれに慣れる。彼女はキップのズボンを引っ張り出し、夫の前で雄鶏を吸う。彼女の夫ピアスは最終的に彼の妻がいくつかの見知らぬ人のコックを吸っていることに気づきます。彼は怒っているが、ディーは彼女と彼女のニーズにもっと注意を払わなかったために彼のせいを説明している。彼女はピアスに、もし彼女がそれを彼女にしたいのであれば、キップスのコックを吸うほうがいいと彼女に言う。残念なことに、ピアスはキップのコックの周りに彼の唇を包み、それを吸う。ディは彼女の夫が背中から彼女の猫を舐めるようにソファーの上で曲げると、服を着るように夫を命じる。彼女は彼のお尻を作っている間、彼女はピアスをプッシュアップする。次に、ディーは、ピアスのバサックに洋服のピンをかけ、彼女の歯でそれらを裂きます。次のシーンでは、ピアスは胃の上に裸で横たわっていて、彼の口にボールギャグがあるのがわかります。 Deeは皮の鞭打ち人で彼を殴打し、Kipはバックグラウンドで慌てる。彼女は彼の上に登って、彼のお尻で彼女の巨大なディルドを押して、彼女のストラップで彼を激しくファックします。彼女は彼女のディルドがまだ彼女の夫のお尻に埋葬されている間、彼女は彼女の猫を性交するようにキップを招待します。その後、ディーは夫を背中に置き、両尻を振ります。彼女は彼女の拳で彼の2つのボールを入れ、ピアスは彼女が犯されるのを見せます。彼女は彼女を犯しているキップから一生懸命に来て、彼女が犯された彼女の下からのより良い眺めを得ることができるように、ピアスに向かうように指示します。ディは彼女の中の兼任にキップを要求し、彼は彼女の猫の彼の脂肪負荷を吹き飛ばします。 DeeはKipにスクラムを教え、彼のレッスンを学んだことを期待して、彼のすべてのザーメンをPierceの顔に押しつける。

Lisey Sweet に 'アナル・ダンジョン:リセ・スウィートの大尻が女優キラ・ノワールによって働いた'

Lisey Sweet - アナル・ダンジョン:リセ・スウィートの大尻が女優キラ・ノワールによって働いた

Lisey Sweetはすばらしいボディーを持っています。彼女の金髪から彼女の厚いジューシーなお尻と太ももまで。この少女は暴力的で、彼女のボーイフレンドはそれを知っていますが、少し問題があります。もし彼女が彼女のタイトなお尻で大きなおもちゃを得ることができない場合、彼女の男は彼女をダンプするつもりです。だから、彼女は良いパートナーがやることをして、彼女の尻を訓練する専門家を見つける。最高の戦利品ショーツを身につけた不気味な暗い路地に登場し、彼女は彼女の新しい愛人に会う。キラ・ノワールはタイトなラテックスで服を着て、彼女の新しいペットを訓練する準備ができています。まず、彼女はLiseyの完璧なお尻の一握りを取得し、それを赤くする。次に彼女は彼女のお尻が露出しており、苦痛のために準備が整った状態で、完全にヌードの頭のケージにLiseyを置きます。彼女は、宝石のついたバットプラグを着用しながら、鞭打ち人と一緒に激しく殴られます。最後に、彼女のお尻はもっと準備ができています。次は巨大な黒いディルドです。この事は巨大で、オルセムと一緒にライシーを叫びます。何度も何度も何度も何度も何度も何度も何度も突っ込んだ後、Liseyは部屋に巨大な潮吹きオルガスムを吹き込みます! Lisey湖へようこそ!次に、実際のトレーニングが始まり、キラは検鏡を引き出します。それを広げた後、彼女はLiseyの完璧なピンクのお尻の中のすべてを完全に見ています。今度は、ライゼイが恩返しして、きつい穴に気づく方法を学ぶ時です。キラは完全に裸になり、ライゼイのストラップを乗せる。彼女は何度も何度も彼女のお尻に深くて激しく犯されます。最後に、彼女は彼女の小さな肛門の娼婦のペットからオーガズムの後ろにオルガズムをとります。とにかく敗者ボーイフレンドを必要とする人!

Dee Williams に 'vs Cheyenne Jewel'

Dee Williams - vs Cheyenne Jewel

究極の降伏の夏の復讐シリーズトーナメントへようこそ!今日、私たちはCheeenne Jewelに対してDee Williamsを抱えています。サバンナフォックスは負傷のためにトーナメントで続行できなかったので、ラングラーは今日グラップラーに乗る予定です!これらのチャンピオンは何年もの間にレスリング技術を磨いてきました。この試合ではマットに忍び寄る能力とフィネスを紹介しています。この試合の敗者は、優勝者の筋肉を崇拝し、深いストリップディックをするために行われます。私たちのチャンピオンは、不名誉な敗者の顔をオルガスムに乗せ、彼女を肩にかけて彼女をアリーナから追い出す!

Dolly Leigh に 'ティーンの宗教的なファナティックは、リベラルアナルステップママを罰する'

Dolly Leigh - ティーンの宗教的なファナティックは、リベラルアナルステップママを罰する

Dolly Leighは新しい青少年大臣の雄鶏と主の意志のサディスティックな解釈に夢中になっている良い郊​​外の少女です。放課後、個人的な聖書の読みは、救いのために祈っている間に彼女の甘い猫をピンクに殴られたドリーが捻挫したゲームにつながり、その堅いコックが彼女の娼婦の喉を押し倒した。彼女は彼女が床に投げつけられたときに彼女の幻想を告白した。彼女はそれぞれの作物を喜んで懇願し、笑いながら彼女のお尻に着陸します。彼の弟子のクリーム色のヌービルなボディとおしゃれなおっぱいを取り入れて、セスは彼女を引き入れ、彼女は彼女が良いクリスチャンの女の子のようにコックを吸うことができます。彼は仕事を終わらせることを望んでいる間に、彼女を落ち着かせ、嚥下し、窒息させる。グッドブックを厳しく撫でた後、ドリーは彼女の願いを込めて、激しくて激しい犬のファックのために床に投げられ、小さな異教徒のようにカミングする。彼女は訓練で従順な売春婦のような奇跡とオルガスムを吹き飛ばします。一方、彼女の素朴でリベラルなステップ母親、ディーウィリアムズは、アイビーリーグのためにドリーをトラックに戻すことにのみ興味があります。彼女は彼女の卒業生が滑り始めたのと同じように、彼女の娘の膝の上に敷物が燃えていることに気づいた。この曲がりくねった運動熟女は、良い学校を卒業し、彼女のお尻がディックで満たされたことを信じているので、彼女は1匹の石で2羽の鳥を殺すことに決めました。彼女はセス契約を提供しています:もし彼女が彼女の甘いドリーを単独で勉強するなら、彼女はファックする方法を彼に教えます。セスは、ロープの束縛とオルガスムのコントロールが彼のお尻で彼のお尻と遊ぶことを含む彼の信仰のために主張する機会を得るという条件で同意します。家族のダイニングルームのテーブルに縛られずに、どこに隠れているのか、ディーは多くの嫌なオルガスムな告白に犯されています。彼女の乳首とクランプにしっかりと固定されている服のピンは、セスが彼女のお尻を引きずりながら彼女が甘い小さな娘から何か教訓を必要としている間、何度も何度もカミングを止めるのに十分ではありません。ドリーは家に帰ってきて、義理の母親が彼女のお尻の電撃突き当てプラグと彼女のスラッティ・カンツの彼女の若者大臣のコックに縛られているのを見つけました。セスは彼女の母親を小さなゲームに変えようと誘い、ドリーはすぐに彼女の濡れた猫を彼女の母親の顔に押しつけ、彼女が許可なしに彼女の母親の嫌いな人を殺したときに、彼女の母親のお尻やチョコレートを新鮮なものにして、ドリーはそれをきれいに舐めて、毎回彼女のママに感謝してくれてありがとう。残りの日は罪深い喜びに費やされ、ドリーが逆カウガールと深い雄鶏に乗っている間にディーは新しい真の信者のように彼女のおなかを舐める。

Dee Williams に 'ベラ・ロッシ対ディウィリアムズ'

Dee Williams - ベラ・ロッシ対ディウィリアムズ

究極の降伏の夏の復讐シリーズトーナメントへようこそ!我々は、このシーズン最高のベテランとルーキーのうちの13人がノックアウト式シードトーナメントに参加しています。今日は#3位のレスラー、Dee Williamsが#8ランクのレスラー、Bella Rossiと対戦しました。 Deeは、曲がりくねった、大きな口ぶりで、大きくて、ブロンドのMILFです。ベラは、究極の降伏時に何年も前からレスリングで一度だけディーを殴ってしまった、すべて自然な大人の赤毛の熟女。ベラは最初の試合以来の体重を減らし、ジーはブラジルの柔術に紫色のベルトを獲得した。すべてのことを考慮すると、これは非常にエキサイティングなマッチであると結論づけられます。第1ラウンドは信じられない前後の動きです。それぞれの女の子は相手の喉の下に舌を持つ他の女の子のコントロールとキスで有利になります。ディーは最初のラウンドで後ろに落ちる。それは、大きなtittedホットブロンドの熟女が困っているように見えます。しかし、ディーは二番目の風を得て、彼女の雌犬側が出てきます。彼女は、顎のロック、手ギャグ、乳房のザーメンを使ってベラを傑出している状態にし始めます。ラウンド3は、これらの女の子のために行うか、死ぬかです。その行動は再び前後にある。これらの女の子たちは、自分が持つすべてをこの試合に入れます。これは真の性的交流です。 1人のレスラーがいいですし、試合の終わりに、彼女の手が上がります。敗者はロープの束縛で結ばれた大きなおっぱいを持っています。おっぱいは叩かれて噛まれます。敗者は吹き飛ばされた仕事と濡れた意志で苦しむ。敗者は、ディルドで大きなストラップを着ているレズビアンの勝者によって強くファックされ、勝者が勝利オルガスムを得るまで、勝者が座っている。最後に、勝者は、はさみとヘッドチェアを含む様々なシザーズホールに敗者を置くことになります。敗者は、可能な限りあらゆる方法で彼女の勝利者に最善を尽くされていることを証明し続けている。優勝者は100%本当の競争力のある性的なレスリングで敗者を支配しています。彼女はセックスラウンドで彼女を支配し、提出後に提出して彼女を支配しました。勝者はサバンナFoxxxが負傷のために引き抜かなければならなかった後にワイルドカードリエントリーをトーナメントに入れたCheyenne Jewelに直面する。

Tori Avano に 'プライベートトーリーアヴァーノの肛門陸軍発射'

Tori Avano - プライベートトーリーアヴァーノの肛門陸軍発射

Tori Avanoは、一生の悩みを抱える陸軍プライベートです。 Dee WilliamsとSyren De Merは2人のMILF指揮官であり、栄誉あるタグチーミングのアクションで罰を払う予定です。貧しい若者の鳥は、露出した尻を上にして空中に上がって、ボンデージに縛られ、尻を取る準備ができています。 Syren De Merが尻を叩く。彼女は、トーリのお尻を暖かく、ピンクに変えてくれるスパンキングで暖めます。ディーウィリアムズはスパイクを仕上げ、トリーのピンクの頬をとても敏感にして、お尻が触れるたびにジャンプします。 Syrenは彼女の鞭打ち者をつかんで、Toriのお尻、背中、足で町に行く。始めるには、鳥のお尻が金属のおもちゃで開けられる。これらの肛門を罰するこれらの肛門は、それが良いウォームアップを与えることによって尻を正しく開く方法を正確に知っています。これら3人の肛門娼婦の間の化学反応は強い。トリーの嫌いな男は、性的なエネルギーから、そしてちょうどディーウィリアムの拳全体を取ろうとする時に始まります。これはアバノ・トーリーの初めての肛門拳です。彼女は本当に彼女の指揮官に印象づけたい。彼女は最初に拳を取ろうとしますが、彼女の気持ちは強すぎます。彼女は慈悲を呼んでいますが、彼女の指揮官に再度試してもらいます。 1回目の試みでは、ディーの拳全体が入ってきて、お尻がいっぱいになり、トーリはバイブレーターを自分のクリートにぶつけて、自分を兼ねさせる。ベテランのお尻のストレッチャー、Syren De MerのボランティアたちがTori Avanoにちょうどその出来栄えを見せてくれました。 SyrenはDee Williamsから完全に吹き飛ばされた肛門パンチングを取る。ディーとシレンは、彼らが作り出す大きな穴を舐める。最後に、トーリーはボンデージから解放され、ディー・ウィリアムズのクソには良いハードレズの肛門ストラップを服用することに完全に準拠していますが、シレンはトーリーのひどい尻を開いて、

Kira Noir に 'それほどうまくいかない:ブラティス・ステップ・シスター・アナル・トレインズ・ザ・ニュー・ガールフレンド'

Kira Noir - それほどうまくいかない:ブラティス・ステップ・シスター・アナル・トレインズ・ザ・ニュー・ガールフレンド

郊外の穏やかな穏やかな場所にあるキラ・ノワールは、彼女の大きな兄弟ミッキーが家に戻って彼女と遊ぶことを忍耐強く待っています。リッチーなダンサーの体と奇妙なマゾヒズムの官能性を持つ豪華なベイビーは、何年も前に彼らが作ったD / S契約にコミットしています。残念なことに、みんなのために、ミッキーは彼の熱い新しいパンク・ロック・ガールフレンドのリー・レイブンと一緒に家に帰ってきて、彼女を家族に紹介し、彼の後ろにキラと一緒に彼のタブーを過ぎた。誰も家にいないと思って、彼はリーと出会い始め、彼女を彼女の部屋に連れてきて、キールが盗んだだけで、オールレットの女の子リーの彼女の不満を隠すことなく、彼女はまだ彼女の弟のナンバーワン。リーはちょっと動揺していますが、すぐに熱いセックスと、彼の寝室でのミッキーの古いセックスグッズのコレクションの紹介によってすぐに癒されます。彼女の人生の一インチ以内にぎこちなく犯された、命令を受け入れるために作られた鞭打ち、締め付けられた、喉が詰まった、リーは、性的なエネルギーで滲み出て、ミッキーのコックに何度もカミングしている完璧な刺青された女だ。ミッキーの鳴き声に惹かれて、キラは楽しみを見て、寝室の窓を通って飢えている彼女のおばさんをこする。彼女は捕まえられて、ミッキーが手を振ったが、彼女が彼女のオマンコを手に入れる前から、新しいガールフレンドが殴られているのを見て濡れていた。彼女は彼女の古いベッドルームにあるロープと電気のおもちゃを並べて、覗いて来るのを待っている。間違いなく、ミッキーは嵐を巻き起こし、怒りはキラの従順な欲望によって性的熱に変わります。彼女の腕を背中の背中の上に維持しなければならないか、または自分自身を窒息させなければならない厳しいチョーク苦境の紐を入れて、キラは喜びで彼女の罰を取る。繰り返しショックを受けたときに彼女は欲望を揺さぶり、さらに尋ねると、彼女の浸した雌牛を何度も食べさせる。ミッキーは彼女の小さなおっぱいを締め、彼女は彼女の大きな兄弟の巨根で激しく尻を叩くまで、頼むと落ち着く。彼女は頭を下げて目を撫でながら指差しながら頭を下げていた。ミッキーは彼女にこれが最後の時間であり、彼女の部屋から退去すると警告しますが、キラの最後の時間はありません。彼女は家族の台所でリーを狩り、誘惑し、ミッキーとの関係を維持するために肛門プロでなければならないと確信し、彼女に教える方法を教えてくれる。トラに完全に落ちたLeighは、無邪気に方向を聞いてトレイを持ち、硬い杖でストロークし、ついに彼女のお尻を舐めてキラに犯させて、彼女の完璧なボディを取り除いた。キラーが計画したのと同じように、ミッキーはキッチンで彼らを見つけるために彼の使命から戻ってくる。厳格なジッパー、より厳しい缶詰、オルガスムトレーニング、肛門、ボンデージ、そして肛門の拳がこの新しいトライアドを変態の団結に導きます。

Kira Noir に 'お父さんのためにやる'

Kira Noir - お父さんのためにやる

彼女のDaddy’の牧場に流行の銀行家が抵当流れになると、キラノワは彼女が家族の農場を保存するためにどこまで行くかを決める必要があります。キミは幸せに彼女の庭の春の花に水を注いでいます。トミー・ピストルは彼のものを取るための退去通知を出しています。それは間違いではないかと思うが、彼女は後退するように頼むが、TommyがKiraと交渉することに同意するのではなく。 “Showいくつかの肌を参照してくださいか、またはファックを取得する!â€だけでなく、she’は彼が農場に行く前にもう一週間を得るためにいくつかのコックを吸う必要があるだろう。彼女は聞いていることを信じることはできませんが、彼女は家族の家を守るために何かやすべてをやるために彼女のパパが大好きです。キラは彼女のタイトなシャツを剥がして、おしゃれな小さなおっぱいを見せつけます。トミーは気分を味わい、そんなに変態的で変態的なBDSMファックフェストへと変身したい!彼女は彼女の激しい身体を明らかにするために彼女のスーパーショートパンツを脱いで、トミーは彼女のかわいい口で彼のチンポを待つことができません。彼女は彼女のことを思い出させてくれるので、彼女はトミーのお尻を吸って、喉を激しく激しく激しく激しくして、トミーが吐き出すまでひどい混乱を覚え、彼女は一滴一杯飲みます。はい、取引は正しいですか?彼女はトミーのコックから地獄を吸ったが、彼は去ってしまうが、翌日にはロープとボンデージギアのキラがいっぱい入ったスーツケースで彼女の目を信じる。彼を縛る前に、彼女のしっかりした丸いお尻を漕ぐ。彼はタイトなショートパンツを引っ張り、彼女の剃った猫を舐めて、この甘い無邪気な農場の女の子の味を味わう。彼は犬でキラを結び、彼女の口はぼんやりとして空中で高くなり、彼女の無邪気な穴を暴露し、彼女の猫の中に。彼は叫び声を上げて声を上げるまで、彼女を犯し、彼女を鞭打ちます。結局のところ、トミーはキラを背中に付け、手首を足首に縛りつけ、彼女のハードな穴を彼女のすてきな穴の両方で叩いて、彼女の顔のいたるところに熱い胸を撃ちます。彼女はダディのためにやった!彼女のお父さんは今?

Charlotte Sartre に 'ブトゥール刑務所:デイウィリアムスが肛門詐欺のためにシャーロットサルトルを拘束'

Charlotte Sartre - ブトゥール刑務所:デイウィリアムスが肛門詐欺のためにシャーロットサルトルを拘束

シャーロット・サルトルは、全女性刑務所の非常に不登校の受刑者です。彼女は肛門のおもちゃを魅了し、他の女性囚人と交わりつつある。ブットール刑務所は、この問題についてワーデンに注意を喚起しました。アナルウォーデンディーン、ディウィリアムズは、彼女の女性受刑者に非常に残酷で珍しいことをしたことで知られているナンセンスな巨乳の熟女です。シャーロットは彼女が何か間違っていることを否定し、彼女は彼女の "堅いass"に任意のおもちゃを合わせることができないことによって彼女の無実を証明することができると思われるようだ。肛門玩具が適合しない場合、あなたは無罪にしなければなりません。残念なことに、肛門の飢えたシャーロットのために、彼女が彼女のお尻をきつく保つためにできるだけ頑張ってください。ちょうど開いたままにして、その道のりのすべてを吸いたいです。あなたはシャーロットのゆるい尻を介してトラックを運転することができます。ディーは膝のつまみの上に素敵な会社から始まります。シャーロットのタクシーは明るい赤色に変わり、彼女は痛みと喜びを吹き込みます。つまようじは十分な罰ではないので、Deeはシャーロットのお尻に指をかけて玩具で繋ぎ始める。シャーロットのお尻が大きく開き始め、ディーは彼女が彼女の肛門玩具密輸を捕らえており、完全な肛門検査を行う必要があることをすぐに知っています。 Deeは、シャーロットのお尻に全身をぶつけて体腔の検索を実行するように、尻全体をチェックしなければなりません。シャーロッツがどのようにこれらのおもちゃを刑務所査察の対象としていたのかを理解するために、ディーはシャーロットが彼女の尻を伸ばすことができたことをデモンストレーションしています。シャーロットは、Deeのお尻に巨大な赤いバット・プラグを付けて、Deeがバット・ホールで物事を隠すのがどれほど簡単かを見ることができます。シャーロットが彼女の悪い行為をしていることを学んだ後、ディーは最後の罰を1回執行しなければならない。彼女は巨大な肛門のディルドとストラップを着用し、彼女の貧しい無力な受刑者を性交させ、

Kira Noir に 'HUSH Ep 5:エリザ・ジェーンが縛られ、縛られて仕事中に犯された&xe800;'

Kira Noir - HUSH Ep 5:エリザ・ジェーンが縛られ、縛られて仕事中に犯された&xe800;

Hushの第5話では、事務所の管理が邪魔になり、幹部は人事異動と性的恩恵のためにお互いを脅かす。状況を利用する機会を見て、赤毛の誘惑ベラ・ロッシと黒檀の女神キラ・ノワールが甘いエリザ・ジェーンに降りて彼女の仕事場の真ん中で彼女を性交させます。 BDSMに基づく新しいランジェリーラインの口実の下で、彼らは彼女の無意識の小さな性的奴隷にするために彼女の腕と足を束縛し、エリザを縛った。彼女の顔にキラが座って、彼女の猫で彼女を窒息させるように、ベラは彼女をつまむ。エリザはキラの熱いおなかに深く潜り込んで、彼女を舐めるようにしている。キラはストラップオンでスリップし、エリザは3人のファックとザーメンを繰り返している。キラはエリザの姦淫から抜け出し、彼女のタイトなお尻に押し込む。彼女はベラが彼女を鞭打っている間に彼女が再び激しくなるまで彼女のお尻を熱く弄ぶ。 Elizaが彼女のホットな穴に完全に犯されると、彼女は彼女をそこに残します。彼女が必要とするすべてのインスピレーションを得ていることが確かです。

Dee Williams に 'ディ・ウィリアムズとバイオレット・モンローとの非常に似たクリスマス'

Dee Williams - ディ・ウィリアムズとバイオレット・モンローとの非常に似たクリスマス

与えられた最大の贈り物は、数日前にラップされました。ディーウィリアムズのために、それは赤毛の従順です。赤毛の鍬。バイオレットは神経を震わせて笑い、ディーはクリスマスに忍び込んで、バイアレットにふさわしいものを与える。いくつかのスパンキングとギャプスとアナルが来るでしょう。すべてのことに感謝して夜を過ごすと、彼女の尻まで肛門をしているすべての女の子は止まらない。バイアモンローは、すべてディープウィリアムズのロープボンデージに包まれている。ディーはクリスマスの家に入って、すぐにビオレッツを舐め始める。バイオレットは、尻のプラグインでディーを待っていたので、いったん取り外されると、私たちのために巨根が広がってしまいます。ディーは彼女の服従の嫌いな男を舐めて嗅ぐ。ディーはヴァイオレットのお尻の中におもちゃを出して、彼女のガープを作って私たちのためにウィンクします。バイオレットは、すべてのバットファンのために彼女の肛門制限をプッシュします。彼女はQuadruple analをとる。彼女はできる限り詰まっており、おもちゃが出てきたら、彼女は爆発性の肛門オルガスムを持つことから大きく開きがちです。ディ顔は彼女の服従して座って、バイオレットは彼女のお尻を舐めて、彼女は彼女の丸いジューシーなお尻でバイアレットを吸うように彼女を喜ばせる。バイオレットはディーのおならをおもちゃで倒す。ディーのタイトなお尻はおもちゃを包み、その周りをきつく包みます。ディオオルガズムは、バイオレットの顔全体に何度も繰り返します。ディーは彼女が今までに見た中で最大の雄鶏に腰をかけ、両方の女の子は、彼らが兼ねるまで彼らのピンクの肉の穴をひっくり返し、みんなに非常に似たクリスマスを与える

Dee Williams に 'Santa's Awayの間、Mrs. Clause Will Play'

Dee Williams - Santa's Awayの間、Mrs. Clause Will Play


Kira Noir に 'Verucaジェームスは肛門の日に服従スリムキラノワールを支配する'

Kira Noir - Verucaジェームスは肛門の日に服従スリムキラノワールを支配する

キラ・ノワールとヴェルカ・ジェイムスは盲目の日にいる。この魅力は相互に関係しており、幸運なことにVerucaは秘密のダンジョンを持つ友人の家に座っています。彼女はKiraにそれをチェックするように勧めます。キラは好奇心が強い。彼女はこれまでにこのようなことを試みたことはない。幸運なことに、Verucaは新しい変態体験を通して彼女を導くためにここにいます。彼女は彼女の膝の上にキラを置き、キラの完全な丸いお尻を叩き始める。キラは彼女のお尻を刺す赤いお菓子が大好きで、もっと欲しいです。 VerucaはKiraの猫を検査し、Kiraを強烈なオルガスムに指差す。次に、キラは空気中の彼女の足と彼女の胴の両側のピンチファスナーで縛られています。 Verucaはとてもキラを見て、とても力を失い、彼女の足を刈り始めます。彼女はキラをキラキラとくすぐり、遠ざかりようとする。彼女はキラの顔に彼女の美しいお尻を座る前に、キラのお尻と足を叩く。キラは、猫を食べるのが大好きで、熱心にヴェルーカの甘いおばあさんに顔を埋める。 VerucaはKiraの顔のいたるところで詰め込み、ジッパーをはぎ取り、Kiraを痛めつけて悲鳴を上げる。 Verucaは棒の上にディックを引き出し、キラのタイトなオマンコをファックします。ヴェルカが彼女を犯し始めると、キラはスーパーになって、ザーメンをする準備ができています。 Verucaが彼女の猫と一緒にプレイするように、彼女はVerucaのコックに激しく激しく激突する。最後に、Verucaはコックにストラップを張って、キラに徹底した激しい打撃を与えます。彼女はキラの汚いウェット・カンツを犯して喜んでいる。キラは犯されるのが大好きで、ザーメンを乞う。その後、Verucaはキラのお尻に彼女のコックをプッシュ。キラのお尻は、そのコックをgobblesと彼女はお尻で犯されている間、彼女は一生懸命です。その後、キラはVerucaの猫を食べ、その後2人は2番目のデートの予定を立てます。

Kira Noir に 'HUSH Ep 1:エライザ・ジェーン、3ウェイ・レズビアン・ブラックメールでエンサン'

Kira Noir - HUSH Ep 1:エライザ・ジェーン、3ウェイ・レズビアン・ブラックメールでエンサン

8部構成の「Lezdom Blackmail」シリーズのエピソード1では、軽くて小柄なEliza Janeが、世界的に有名なランジェリー会社のデザイナーとして雇われています。彼女の最初の日に、彼女は彼女のスムーズで完璧な体を滑りたいと思う彼女の "ユニフォーム"の一環として、同社のランジェリーのいくつかを着用するように頼んだ。彼女の新しい上司、チェリー・トーンは、彼女の制服がどれくらいうまくフィットしているかを見る機会を得ました。そして、それがどのようにしてエリザの熱いお尻を見せてくれるのですか?チェリーは彼女の新しい雇用を彼女のオフィスで繰り返し叩き掛けていくだけで、エリザの大物の赤毛の同僚、ベラ・ロッシは秘密裏に写真を撮っている。 Bella、Eliza、そして美しいエボニーの同僚Kira Noirが、スパンキング、猫の舐め、指の叩き、肛門の指使い、鞭打ち、激しいストラップオンDPで全部出て行くように、エリザはまず頭の中で泳いで、彼女の濡れた、汚れた猫をキラが舐めるように彼女の乳首でベラのおもちゃをさせる。彼らは彼女の空腹のお尻に指を滑らせるように、彼女は体のあらゆる場所で遊ぶ。エリザは彼女を背中に置き、ベラの熱い淫らな女に酔いしれると、ベラは曲がり、3方向のプッシーの舐めが彼女をオルガスムに連れて行きます。最後に、ElizaとBellaの両方がストラップオンを履いた。ベラはキラをエリザが彼女のお尻を撫でるように撫でた後、ベラは彼女の2人の空腹の穴を叩きながら、キラーの猫に滑り込む。それらの3人は、疲れた汗をかいたセックスの束に崩壊する。エリザの最初の日はエキサイティングなものでした。多分彼女が処理できる以上!つづく!

Dee Williams に '見つけ出す方法のひとつ:胸の甲が訓練したステップドーター'

Dee Williams - 見つけ出す方法のひとつ:胸の甲が訓練したステップドーター


Aiden Starr に 'ニンフの奴隷の淫乱は泡を伴うフォルサムの乱交'

Aiden Starr - ニンフの奴隷の淫乱は泡を伴うフォルサムの乱交

メリッサ・ムーアは、十分なセックスと痛みを得ることができない凶悪な売春婦ですが、良い行動を維持し、彼女のオルガスムを保持するために苦労している彼女の魅力的な自然を紛争に投げます。キラ・ノワールは、完全な束縛の天使であり、良い女の子です。彼女が彼女のオルガズムを騙してオルガズムを盗むために叫んだ全体の乱交で、Sybianの下に縛られた彼女のオルガスムのコントロールを維持するMelissaの闘いを見ているように、彼女はサディスティックな競争の喜びのほんの一見光景がある。彼女は喜んで悲鳴を切ると、彼女は彼女の人生の1インチ以内に衝撃を受け、キラが彼女が喜ぶほどの喜びを味わうことができる間にチョークするようになりました.Daveyは縛られており、彼女の衣服は切り裂かれてセットアップされています彼女の露出した太ももと乳白色のおっぱいにワックスを滴りとろうそくで苦しいです。彼女がまだ握っている限り、彼女は元気ですが、ジェシーは熱いワックスを彼女の敏感なクリトリスに直接滴り始め、彼女のオマンコをシングルテールで舐め始めると、より熱いワックスを彼女の体に送り始めます。エンドザは親切で、鈍い刃で彼女のおなかからワックスを慎重に取り除きます。彼女の新鮮なシェイプのカンツは、彼女の体をより強くて難しくしようとしている間に彼女の体をスローしながら、エンドザとジェシーによってダブルフィストされているとダビングされています。彼女がザーメンをすると、彼女は虎のように唸って、日立が猫のように声をあげ、喘ぎ声を上げている。党全体は、性的に過剰になってしまった。 'ブーツ、Syrenデメは彼女のパパに殴ら彼女の大きなおっぱいを叩いて、極端なサスペンションで結ばれ、中空で犯された女の子、フェラチオで激しくフェラをしているフェラとカップル。ジッパーを引っ張るために取引する間、多くのジッパーとオーウェンの厚いディックのオーガズムを研磨する。彼女は本当に従順な小さな女であり、彼女はcock.âを行う限り、ジッパーの痛みで明らかにオフラットのシーンは、寝る戦争で私たちの良い女の子を見つけるとほとんどの牛を撃つストライキを取る。どちらもAiden StarのオマンコとOwenのコックによって混乱している。キラは賢く素早く懇願していますが、メリッサは泉のようにカミングと潮吹きで迷子になり、スレイブ・ガーデン・ホースというニックネームを獲得します。これは、訓練を受ける機会を得るために十分な電気ストライクを求めていますか?

Aiden Starr に '怒りの奴隷ファックフェストで上層階が復帰'

Aiden Starr - 怒りの奴隷ファックフェストで上層階が復帰

私たちの好きなBDSMのswinger群衆は、信じられないほどのマゾニストとメリッサ・ムーアを投げつけて、新しいSandMパーティーに戻り、Houseに入場させます。キラー・ノワールとメリッサのような良い女の子との戦いは、最も服従性のあるチンポの吸血鬼、彼女の意志を曲げ、痛みを癒し、彼女のオルガスムをザ・ハウスに与えることを最大の意欲をもっています。ロープに縛られて、乳首がクローバークランプできつく引っ張られたとき、両方のスラットは、運動のスクワットでカミングしていない間、家の質問に答えるように作られています。尋問されていない従順な売春婦は、巨大な雄鶏で名誉のゲストを吸う。群衆が熱くなって気になって、自分の場面を作る準備ができてしまう。メリッサがこのラウンドで勝利し、キラがヒップを獲得している間、彼女自身のためにすべてのコックを盗むことが決定されています。デイビーは、彼女のプレイメイトのエンドザとジェシー・スパークルズと昨年から戻っています。天井に縛られて、エンザの拳の上に彼女の滴る湿ったおならを下ろすために鞭打って作られた、デイビーは本当に考慮される底です。彼女のクリットピアスは、彼女の体をコントロールし、痛みや拳の下でザーメンをするようにしてチェーンリーシュに付いています。 Daveyは拳を取る唯一の従順ではない。メリッサ・ムーアは、今夜まで彼女に拳を持っていない、射精する少女です。彼女は家のためにコントロールできないほど詰まっているので、Aiden Starrは初めてぴったりの小さな猫に拳を落とす。メリッサの顔は、彼女の中にどれだけあるかを感じるために戻ってきて、ショックで悲鳴を上げめると、貴重です。彼女はその後、良い女の子のように、彼女の女王様のお尻に熱い噴水を浸している。一方、他のゲストは忙しくなっている。 1つの従順な女の子は彼女のすべての髪を切って、彼女のお尻を明るい赤で打つことができるように、彼女のマスターに髪の毛の頭全体を与える。支配的なロープロープは、ゴージャスな女性を左右に吊り下げています。スラッティーなスウィングが吹き荒れていて、すべてのコーナーでカミングしています。そして、私たちの好きなカップルの一人、ドラゴンたちとエリックも例外ではありません。彼女の主人の巨大な雄鶏に恥ずかしがり屋と美しい龍のチョークとギャグと彼女は彼女の熱い体と従順なクソで群衆を楽しませる。彼女は美しい女の子であり、彼女の顔にザーメンの熱い負荷でさらに良く見えます。さらにパーティーを見て、特にこの信じられないほどのパーティーの2つを見てください。ギャングたちは再び一緒に戻ってくる。

Lily Lane に 'ビッグティッツクラッシュ! 100%本当の競争力のあるレスリングで残忍な応募'

Lily Lane - ビッグティッツクラッシュ! 100%本当の競争力のあるレスリングで残忍な応募

ディーウィリアムズは過去とは一線を画しています。彼女は私たちのために戦っている間にかなりのスキルセットを開発している私たちのお気に入りのベテランのレスラーの一人です。彼女は巨乳とロッキンなお尻でプチブロンドです。 Lily LaneはUltimate Surrenderマットの新品です。彼女はレスリングの経験はありませんが、彼女は本当に人生が悪いので、 "どのような難問がありますか?"ユリは刺青された女神で、美しいボディと巨乳、黒髪と長い目の鱗を持っています。彼女はかなり、ディ・ウィリアムのお尻で笑っていると確信しています。今日、リリーは非常に多くの点で怪我の世界の中にあります。彼女は相手を指差しているので、ディーは執拗である。ディーは、リリーにレズビアンのキスと指を取らせます。ディーは彼女の巨大なバルーンのおっぱいでリリーを窒息させ、体と頭の脚のはさみでリキッドを絞って、彼女の署名保持、ラクダクラッチを試みます。ディーはカエルのクラッチでリリーを持っていますが、彼女は貧しいリリーの猫に深くて激しく指を打ちます。リリーは100%競争レスリングの試合で指と舌で窒息して犯されます。第4ラウンドはまだ始まっておらず、リリーは痛みやオルガスムを吹き飛ばしている。第4ラウンドでは、リリーは、彼女がディックのロックハードストラップをコック、手ギャグ、喉のクソと顔の座りに連れて行っている間に押されて固定されているマッチブックです。リリーは彼女の頭がボードに押しつぶされて壁に叩かれ、ディーはリリーの猫の中に彼女の雄鶏を押し込みます。リリーはマットに投げ込まれ、ディーがオルガズムの顔に乗るまで座っていた。リリーは地面に残って完全に壊れて屈辱的で、マットに戻って彼女の欲求不満を相手に引き出すことに決めました。この試合は本当に獲得されたマットのオーガズムを持っています!

Kira Noir に 'Debauchery:コック・ハングリー・ビューティー・キラ・ノワール・ギャング'

Kira Noir - Debauchery:コック・ハングリー・ビューティー・キラ・ノワール・ギャング


Dee Williams に 'Homewrecker 2:The Rancher's Daughter'

Dee Williams - Homewrecker 2:The Rancher's Daughter

スモールハンズはこの週にいくつかのより多くの後方尻の牧場の手wreckin 'を行うために戻っています家族の役割を果たしている家庭計2:牧師の娘。 Stepmother Dee Williamsは彼女の豊かな夫から金を預けており、レーダーの下を飛び越そうと計画しています。しかし、ブロンドのかわい子のナタシャ・ブルーは、その計画を打ち負かすことを望んでいるので、彼女は信じられないほどの牧場の手であるスモールハンズで支配する。彼のスムーズな丸いお尻を見せてくれる小さなミニスカートとハイヒールを履いている彼には、ブルーはすっかり恋しいです。彼女は、誰かに彼女を盗むように説得するスーパーホットブローの仕事で彼を誘惑します。彼女の完全な自然なおっぱいが彼女のシャツから膨らむと、彼女は彼女の猫とギャグと彼の巨根のうがい薬で遊んでいます。これらの若い恋人たちは彼らの悪意のある計画で逃げるでしょうか?彼女の巨大なおっぱいで胸を張って、小さな手は心の変化を起こしている。彼女はいつも "胸の男"だった。彼は状況を支配し、彼自身がこの2人の素敵な女性の一片を手に入れなければならない。ロープボンデージ、鞭打ち、吹き飛びの仕事、ゾッパー、クソと猫の食べることの狂ったステップママ/娘のフェスト。スモールハンズは、彼女のオマンコが露出し、おっぱいが盛り上がった状態で、ディットをベッドに座らせます。ナターシャはテーブルの上でタイトに縛られていて、彼女の口にはボールギャグが詰まっていて、彼女のスカートは容易に動くように引き上げられました。最初、彼はディーの喜んでいる喉の下に彼のコックを詰め込み、彼女に良い喉を犯させます。素敵で濡れた彼のディックで、彼はナタシャのオマンコを犯し、彼女が激しく激しくなるまで彼女のクリトリスで遊ぶ。スモールハンズはディーを解き放ち、ナターシャの猫に口をゆるめる。ディ・エイは彼女の娘たちを貪欲に食べるが、ハンズは彼のお尻を吸う。深刻なお尻の時間。彼は両手でドギースタイルで縛りつけて、ディックのお尻を舐めて、チンポを全身に吐き出す。 Ms Bluは彼女の欲望の舌で小さな手コキから彼女のステップママのクソをきれいにし、そして彼女は彼女のタイトなお尻を性交する。 DeeとNatashaはともに、彼らのすっごくいい穴にぴったりと詰まっている。今、彼らは両方とも足首のロープにつながっている背中に縛られています。スモールハンズはディー、ナターシャ、そしてまた戻ってきて、尻を口にして尻を舐めて、唇を失うまで尻を返します。小さな手はその大きなディックと性交する方法を知っていて、彼は彼の甘い顔の上に彼の熱い牧場の手の負荷を撃つまで、これらの飢えた怒っている娼婦にそれを与える。惨めな!

Kleio Valentien に 'ボスの雌犬は娼婦に変身しました:Dee Williamsはダブルぬいぐるみになります'

Kleio Valentien - ボスの雌犬は娼婦に変身しました:Dee Williamsはダブルぬいぐるみになります

ビジネスの幹部Dee Williamsは長い仕事の1日後に家に帰り、疲れてリラックスする準備ができています。彼女がマスターベーションを始めると、2人の美しい支配的な女性が彼女の上のベッドに突然現れます! Cherry TornとKleio Valentienは、Deeを一見して、彼女が何であるか正確に知っている:使用されて虐待されていることを愛する巨大な売春婦!これらの2人の豪華なドンムは、彼女の服のディーをはぎ取り、彼女をピンで止める。彼らは彼女のパンティーを彼女のかわいい小さな口に詰め込んで、かわいい小さなクリートを露出させる。彼らはチームディーのお尻をタグ付けし、ディーが果敢に苦労して空中で彼女の足を蹴ると、それを赤くする。その後、チェリーとクレオはこの雌犬をひっくり返して、ディーのおなかを叩いて、彼女の顔に座って交代する。ディーは注意を愛し、熱心に彼らのいとしい人を奉仕します。両方のDommesが来ると、彼らはDeeの貪欲なおばさんに注意を向けます。ディーの猫は4本の指で引き伸ばされ、両方の女性が同時に指で叩いた!女性の扱いが進むにつれて、ディーの猫はより湿っぽくなっていきます。チェリーは彼女を指で打ち、自分自身を吐き出した後、彼女は大変なことになる。次に、ディーは縛られた彼女のおっぱいと彼女の穴が露出した状態でロープに縛られています。チェリーとクリオはディーのおっぱい、足、腹を叩きつめて漕ぐ。彼らはDeeがもっと欲しがるように、Deeの淫乱な娼婦にストラップをぶつけてポンドします。一度彼らは彼女のオマンコをファックして、彼らはディーの好きな穴、彼女のお尻に注意を向ける。これらの2人の激しいドンムズは、ディーにおいしいハード肛門のクソを与え、おいしい膣と肛門の二重貫入のために彼女を暖める。 Deeの猫とお尻が一杯になって同時に犯されると、Deeは世界で最も幸せな女の子です。ディーは彼女の穴がいっぱいになるのが大好きで、雄鶏のいたる所に激しく激しくぶつかりますしかし、彼女の夢のドムズはまだやっていない!彼らはディーが何度も何度も何度も何度も来るように、彼らの喜んでいる女をよりオルガズムに指差す。

Kira Noir に '自宅への賃貸'

Kira Noir - 自宅への賃貸

かわいいエボニーのアーティストキラ・ノワールがセクシーな家主Xander Corvusから退去通知を受けると、彼女は彼女のクールな倉庫スペースを保つために必要なことをすべて行います.Kiraは6ヶ月で家賃を支払っていませんが、彼女は彼女のキャリアの最もインスパイアされた仕事をしていますこれは根絶する時期ではありません! Xanderは、他のいくつかのテナントが何の問題もなく請求書を払うことができると知っているとき、彼女の状況に同情はない。家賃を払うか、それを梱包して出てください!まあ、ちょうど起こるつもりはないので、キラは彼女の小さな完璧なおっぱいを暴露して、Xanderに彼女と何かを働かせるよう説得するためにシャツを脱ぐ。彼女は何を提供しなければなりませんか?彼女はXanderの前でひざまずいて、彼の巨大な雄鶏を取り出します。熱心な目でザンダーを見上げると、彼女は彼女の完全な濡れた唇を彼のディックの周りに包んで、彼女には彼女が借りているよりもはるかに価値がある素晴らしい吹き飛びの仕事を与える。彼女は彼女のスーパーショートパンツで彼女の背中をアーチし、彼は服従するように彼女の喉のように彼女のしっかりした丸いお尻を振る。彼女は彼女の喉の下に彼の負荷を撃つまで彼女が窒息し、ギャグやスローブとして彼の家主のコックを処理する方法を知っています。 OKそれは正しく解決しましたか? Kiraが彼女の芸術でお金を稼ぐまで、Xanderは数ヶ月間待ちきれない。まあそれは簡単ではありません。彼はキラが提供しなければならないものを味わうようになりました。しかし、今回は、BDSM、フルボディサスペンション、体罰、ボールギャグ、乳首クランプ、より深い喉のフェラチオ、そして肛門と猫のファックを含む大まかなセックスがあります!キンダーはキラを結び、彼女を美しいロープの束縛で天井から吊るす。彼女の背中の後ろにある腕で、彼女は簡単にアクセスできるように彼女のお尻と猫を公開しています。彼は彼女を鞭打つことから始まり、彼は彼女のclitをこすりながら彼の巨大なハードディックと彼女のお尻と猫を性交する。彼は彼女が来るまで、彼女のお尻から口に前後に行って、何度も何度もお尻を刺す。翌日、彼は、未払いの家賃を補うために戻ってきます。キラは犬のようなスタイルでタイトに縛られているので、Xanderは彼女のお尻をもう少し叩き、彼女のお尻と猫に深い叩きを与えます。その後彼女の背中には、彼女の頭と脚の上に結ばれた腕が広がって広がっていて、彼女はザーメンを乞うようになるまで、Xanderは彼女をファックします。 KiraとXanderが今週のセクシーな更新であるRent to Ownでこれを試してください。

Kira Noir に 'ヤングアスレチックエボニーの爆弾は、肛門のマシンを得るファック'

Kira Noir - ヤングアスレチックエボニーの爆弾は、肛門のマシンを得るファック


Kira Noir に '残忍な予言ボンデージはキラ・ノワールを荒廃させる'

Kira Noir - 残忍な予言ボンデージはキラ・ノワールを荒廃させる


Kira Noir に '魅力的な肛門の妻の義務'

Kira Noir - 魅力的な肛門の妻の義務

ダリアスカイは、腹を立てて、豪華で、貪欲な肛門の痴女です。 The Upper Floorのセックススレーブストックから新鮮なものを得て、彼女は1年後に彼女のドミナントを訓練して元気に戻ってくる。結婚生活は彼女の提出で彼女を怠惰にしてくれました。叙情的なホットでトーンのキラ・ノワールは、彼女の夫のコックに頼んで帰る方法を彼女に示すためにスタッフに勤めています。私たちの従順なヒロインは身体検査と尋問を受けます。彼女は彼女が夫のコックと注意を得ることよりも上だと思いますか?彼女は喜んで彼女の夫のチンポで自分自身を恋しくするのを見ているように重い重量で積み重ねられ、刈り取られ、汗をかくように懇願する。ダリアは本当に彼女が泣き叫んで本当に自分自身を劣化させるように彼女の従順な欲求を保つ。キラの口からチンポを味わうことができ、彼女の夫が美しい顔をする準備ができるまで待っている。彼はキラの猫を舐める間に彼女を激しく激しく動かし、彼女のトレーナーを何度も何度も作ります。許可なしにカミングすることはできませんダリアは極端な部分的なロープの懸架に置かれます。彼女の夫は雄鶏でお尻を取るが、キラはいつもダリアから出てくるいつも彼のディックを弄ぶのを貪欲に待っており、あまりにも長く待たなければならないときはショッキングなダリアを楽しんでいる。ダリアが兼任することが許される唯一の方法は、彼女が足を持ち上げて、激しいサスペンスに服従し、少しファックの人形のように空中でカミングすることです。 TommyはKiraの完璧なお尻を取ってきて、タイトなボンデージで何度も彼女のザーメンを何度も繰り返します。ダリアはキラの猫を楽しむだけで、要請があれば夫のコックを掃除することができます。キラは、彼女が殴打と重い肛門を何度も何度も犯したことでトミーに感謝しているような、美しい女の子の様子を示しています。その日の最後のシーンは、ダリアが勝利を飾って、彼女の夫の雄鶏に高く乗って、キラを彼女の猫からすべてのザーメンを食べさせる。

Angel Allwood に 'RoseBud's Baby'

Angel Allwood - RoseBud's Baby

Deeと彼女のレズビアン・ガールフレンド、Angel Allwoodはサンフランシスコに移り、世界で最も有名なポルノ女優になるというDeeの長年の夢を追ってきました。エンジェルは深いうつ病に陥っており、ディーはもっと遠くに見えるし、不気味な隣人はますます侵入しています。 DeeはAngelとのアナルセックスしかしません...あなたはポルノのために練習することを知っています。天使は彼女の嫌な男の中で彼女を犯している恐ろしい悪夢の怪獣を持つようになる。ある日、エンジェルはエンジェルを招待し、人々は見守っている。リトル・アンジェルは、彼らが犯される人々は、ディーが有名になるために彼女の魂を売った悪魔的な武装団体であることを知っている。ディーとエンジェルの両方は、デーがデビルとの契約を終わらせるために、バラの芽を出す必要があります。そのバラの芽を得るために、これらの女の子は巨大なおもちゃ、ストラップとアナルフィッシングでお互いに良いとハードファック。警告!前のローズバッド

Dee Williams に 'ディー・ウィリアムは性的にフィットするエボニー・レスラーを破棄する'

Dee Williams - ディー・ウィリアムは性的にフィットするエボニー・レスラーを破棄する


Mistress Kara に 'ダイクバーLIVE !!!'

Mistress Kara - ダイクバーLIVE !!!


Aiden Starr に 'スレーブ乱交は鎖なし'

Aiden Starr - スレーブ乱交は鎖なし


Aiden Starr に '他のような奴隷の乱交'

Aiden Starr - 他のような奴隷の乱交

上級奴隷のベラ・ロッシとモナ・ウェールズは、壮大な割合の競技会で2人の信じられないほど熱心な新人にロープを見せる! James MogulとAiden Starrは、2人のチンポが空腹の初心者を教えて、豊かなライフスタイルの選手や変態のスインガーでファック、吸い込み、奉仕する方法を教えています。 Lilith LuxeとKira Noirは、無限のプッシーとお尻の流れに耐えられる限り、限界に追い込まれています。すべてが、老齢の奴隷になるために予約された欲望の赤と黒の首輪で悩まされています。これは、2つの記事の最初のもので、Lilith Luxeは、Aidenによってフィステルされながら、オルガンと一緒に爆発し、彼女がエクスタシーで悲鳴を上げると、家のゲストが最終的に彼女から引きずり出す衣服のピンの束で覆われています。この美味しい、欲張りな訓練生は、その後、ザナップウェールズは、彼女の試練を通して彼女を助ける、ミッキーモッズの巨根で自分自身のためにpummelingを取って、ザップ、缶詰、そして性交されます。リリスは彼女の無限のオルガスティングをコントロールし、彼女の襟を獲得することを学ぶでしょうか?モナはこの研修生を一貫して保つことができますか?すぐに来る、パート2のために調整しておいてください。

Kira Noir に 'Trained to Fist Her Own Ass!'

Kira Noir - Trained to Fist Her Own Ass!


Francesca Le に 'Mad Scientist、Francesca Le、人間のアンドロイドを作成して肛門奴隷にする'

Francesca Le - Mad Scientist、Francesca Le、人間のアンドロイドを作成して肛門奴隷にする

彼女の娘の殺害以来、フランセスカ・ルは人間をロボット部品で修理することに夢中になったので、彼女は娘の死を救うことができます。 Francescaは、嫌な奴隷のロボットの軍隊をつくって、娘たちの殺人犯を誘惑し、最も脆弱な瞬間に彼らに復讐を求めるつもりです。彼女のプロジェクトは今日、彼女の最高の業績です。キラ・ノワールは完璧なドライです。彼女は慈悲を呼ぶまで激しい激しい尻を取る。彼女はお尻を舐め、拳を取る。彼女は長い時間鏡をかけるので、彼女のアンドリッドのお尻を見て、ピンクのコロンを見て、彼女が激しくなるまで犯される。

Kira Noir に 'シャドウから'

Kira Noir - シャドウから


Kira Noir に '残忍なボンデージのすべての自然エボニーの新人とプロのような苦しみ!'

Kira Noir - 残忍なボンデージのすべての自然エボニーの新人とプロのような苦しみ!


Cadence Luxx に '絶妙な肛門の提出'

Cadence Luxx - 絶妙な肛門の提出

キラ・ノワールは地元の紙のために町の新しいパワーカップルをカバーする若いジャーナリストです。インタビューが終わると、彼女の好奇心は訴えられず、彼女をBDSMのウェブと全肛門の提出に導きます。キラは家に閉じ込められ、扉を通って覗くと、マスターとスレーブの間に残酷な刑罰と性的爆発が見られます。カフスと電気に引っ掛けられたCadence Luxxは、家具に顔をしかめて、袖口の床を横切って引きずり込まれ、彼女のおならを頑固に犯させるように頼んだ。キラは、ラモンとケイデンスが恥ずかしがりになるまで気付くまで謝罪する実際に彼女をセクシーなパワーダイナミクス、ロープボンデージ、性的な提出の世界に招待しています。好奇心に惑わされたキラは、彼らの私的な世界に歩み寄り、肛門の電気遊び、ロープの束縛、潮吹き、爆発の仕事、トリミング、信じられないほどの肛門三重のセックスで満ちた高い化学の日に自分自身を見つけます。

Kira Noir に '肛門訓練服従スリットキラノワール'

Kira Noir - 肛門訓練服従スリットキラノワール


Chanel Preston に 'Electro Initiates Kira Noir!'

Chanel Preston - Electro Initiates Kira Noir!

シャネルプレストンは、ボンデージ、バイオレットワンド、指差し、顔面騎乗、電撃ディルド、有線猫プラグ、銅線電子ステム、顔面騎乗、レズビアンのオーガズムなど数々の新しいElectroslut Kira Noirを開始!

Kira Noir に '真新しくてファックする準備ができている'

Kira Noir - 真新しくてファックする準備ができている


Kira Noir に '魔女の醸造所:キラ・ノワールはコックの呪文を唱える'

Kira Noir - 魔女の醸造所:キラ・ノワールはコックの呪文を唱える


Bella Rossi に '原因と障害:Hot Detective Bound、Spanked、and Analストラップ・オン・ファック'

Bella Rossi - 原因と障害:Hot Detective Bound、Spanked、and Analストラップ・オン・ファック


Claire Adams に 'ダーリングアンドクレアアダムス'

Claire Adams - ダーリングアンドクレアアダムス

最愛の人は、超柔軟、超セクシー、超疼痛女としてよく知られています。この最新版では、Claire Adamsはいくつかのやりがいのある束縛の位置で彼女を結び付けて、彼女の太ももを杖で打ち、彼女のニャンニャンに衝撃を与え、そして彼女の甘い女から複数のオルガスムを得ます。このアップデートで素晴らしい束縛、激しい乳首遊び、そして深いサムライクソをお見逃しなく!

他のサイトからの風景 Dee Williams,Kira Noir

Dee Williams に 'Nurse's Cock-Draining House Call'

Dee Williams - Nurse's Cock-Draining House Call

Nurses are hot, it's a fact. Especially when you're nurse is sexy MILF Dee Williams. Her patient Mighty Dee certainly feels that way, and gets a big boner while she works on him. When Dee leaves for a moment, Mighty Dee's wife gives him a blowjob, but that's not enough and the lucky guy soon finds his nurse ready to drain his balls completely!

Kira Noir に 'Jeans To An End'

Kira Noir - Jeans To An End

Kira Noir puts on a teasey show in her ripped denim booty shorts. She douses her perfect tits and ass with oil and soon tears apart the already shredded fabric until she's naked and ready to fuck. That's when Will Pounder joins her and worships her ass before giving her an oiled-up anal pounding!

Cherie Deville に 'HZTV: Hardcore Demolition'

Cherie Deville - HZTV: Hardcore Demolition

Things keep getting wilder at the HZTV reno house! While we've already seen our demolition and renovation experts get easily sidetracked from the tasks at hand by fucking instead of fixing things, you can only imagine what happens when Brazzers stars Cherie Deville, Kira Noir, Ryan Reid, Willow Ryder, Dan Damage and Hollywood Cash are all under the same roof at the same time! Threesomes, lesbian sex, tits and pussies galore…and so much more! It's time to get to work!

Cassie Del Isla に 'I Will Fuck This Entire House Part 2'

Cassie Del Isla - I Will Fuck This Entire House Part 2

After dealing with the two, raucous horndogs, Kira Noir is moving on to re-instilling some authority and sexual liberation in the parents of the household. First, she tries to open up gorgeous Cassie Del Isla to her true desires. Does she want to be railed often and vigorously? Yes. Does she deserve it? YES! A sense of control in public life demands reckless, sloppy, raunchy fucking in her private life. So Kira needs to be direct and hands-on not only in providing that experience but getting the groundwork for it to continue long after she's done... which might mean having Charles Dera tap into his wild side as well...

Kira Noir に 'I Will Fuck This Entire House Part 1'

Kira Noir - I Will Fuck This Entire House Part 1

Kira Noir plays the ultimate problem solver. Where there is conflict to be solved the boss baddie is the one to make it happen. Alex Jones and Dan Damage are a father/son duo who can't get along. The new stepmom is over the testosterone battle taking place in the house. Kira shows the family that it's easy to get along with they can bond over a tight, wet pussy.

Romi Rain に 'Guys STINK!'

Romi Rain - Guys STINK!

Gorgeous Kira Noir is excited to get it on with her new boyfriend, Dylan Ledger. But she does come across a stinky surprise when she pulls out Dylan's eager cock. Her bossy roommate, busty Romi Rain, sees the commotion and decides to teach Dylan a lesson he won't forget. But when Kira thinks the whole ordeal is funny, dark-haired Romi decides to give Kira her own lesson in cleaning up!

Dee Williams に 'Old friend in town for Memorial Day Festivities is really here to fuck his friend's girl Dee Williams'

Dee Williams - Old friend in town for Memorial Day Festivities is really here to fuck his friend's girl Dee Williams

I moved away from my hometown a couple of years ago and I'm back to celebrate Memorial Day with some close friends. Turns out one of my best friends is still dating this babe Dee Williams. I'll admit, we hooked up from time to time behind my friend's back. She had the greatest tits and ass I've ever had. The spark and chemistry were definitely still there between us because as soon as my friend stepped away, we couldn't help but enjoy ourselves to some naughty hardcore fucking!

Kira Noir に 'Threeway Tug Of War'

Kira Noir - Threeway Tug Of War

The moment they lay eyes on their new neighbor Manuel Ferrara horny rivals Kira Noir and Lily Lou have one thing on their minds: fucking him! These girls are very competitive and used to getting what they want: kinky wild sex with whomever they desire. When they both show up at Manuel's, things heat up real quick as they tie him up to a chair and take turns seducing him during a literal tug of war. Manuel's overwhelmed but is quickly feeling horny too as the babes try to outdo one another, until he finally suggests they share him, leading to intense neighborly threesome!

Demi Sutra に 'Whofuckedit'

Demi Sutra - Whofuckedit

After a high-profile entrepreneur goes missing, private inspector Scott Nails is hired to round up the suspects, a group of hot and horny sex partners of the disappeared, which includes Kira Noir and Demi Sutra. Scott sifts through the suspects to get down to the truth, and in the process gets deeper than he ever could have imagined when he's pulled into a very intense hardcore threesome with Kira and Demi!

Kira Noir に 'Domming Her Husband's Side Piece'

Kira Noir - Domming Her Husband's Side Piece

When boss bitch Miss B Nasty figures out her husband is cheating with their cleaning woman (Kira Noir), she's pissed! Nasty discovers that hubby is going to gift Kira a pair of vibrating panties and steals the remote, allowing her to seriously turn Kira on once she puts those panties on. Miss B Nasty confronts Kira and dominates her in some fiery lesbian sex!

Kira Noir に 'A Wife's Duty'

Kira Noir - A Wife's Duty

Mick Blue gets home early from his conference, hoping to have some hot anniversary sex with his wife (Suttin)... only to find that Suttin had invited her friend Kira Noir over for a few days. Feeling bad for ruining Mick's anniversary plans, the sexy BFFs decide to treat him to a sexy threesome! Suttin comes in clutch with the best anniversary gift ever!

Kira Noir に 'My Horny Twin Sister'

Kira Noir - My Horny Twin Sister

Van Wylde's wife is terrified of her twin sister, the gorgeous Kira Noir. Although they are identical twins, Kira has a certain sultry charm that her sister just can't compete with. So, when Kira calls up looking for a place to say, her sister is hesitant but ultimately agrees. Little does she know, mischievous Kira has a trick up her sleeve. Kira shows up in the exact same outfit as her twin, and uses her undeniable beauty to seduce Van. When Van realizes that he's fucking his wife's sister, he just can't stop himself! The two go at it right there on the living room couch, until Van pops all over Kira's amazing face.

Kira Noir に 'Housewhores Of Dicky Valley Part 2'

Kira Noir - Housewhores Of Dicky Valley Part 2

Being a housewife is hard work especially when you have distractions like sexy pool boys and big dick butlers. Kira Noir becomes the ultimate cuck when she excitedly lets the help, Quinton James fuck her the way she's been begging her husband to for years.

Dee Williams に 'Mrs. Creampie'

Dee Williams - Mrs. Creampie

Max is having trouble concentrating on his studies and his tutor, Dee Williams, thinks she knows why. Max is just too stressed out. Dee offers to help him de-stress by milking his cock into her pussy. What man can resist that?

Eliza Ibarra に 'No Dildos In The Office!'

Eliza Ibarra - No Dildos In The Office!

Sexy boss Kira Noir runs a tight ship in her office and doesn't stand for tardiness or distractions. Eliza Ibarra is a total mess of an employee, always late for meetings and sneakily fucking herself with a dildo whenever she can. When Kira catches Eliza playing with herself mid-meeting, Kira dismisses the other employees and gives Eliza some personal discipline. Even a boss bitch needs to get dirty sometimes.

Kira Noir に 'New Dick Resolution'

Kira Noir - New Dick Resolution

Kira Noir and Xxlayna Marie are looking to get an early start on their New Years resolution by picking up one of the men at their party. Unfortunately, they may have ruined a relationship in the process. Van Wylde and a few other partygoers find it hard to ignore Kira and Xxlayna all over one another. Who will take the bait?

Kira Noir に 'A Very Brazzers XXXmas Part 2'

Kira Noir - A Very Brazzers XXXmas Part 2

Holly Day is home for Christmas, and she's brought her kinky friend, Kira Noir, along with her. The two hotties wrap up some gifts before wrapping each other up in some ribbon, leading to some playtime with sex toys – until they nearly get caught by Holly's new stepmom, Jennifer. The naughty fun continues until burglar Ricky Johnson walks in and peeps on the babes. When they finally see him, Holly mistakenly thinks he's one of her brother's friends. Horny and looking to have more than just dildos in their pussies, the girls reel Ricky in for a hardcore holiday threesome!

Casey Calvert に 'Houseguest Dommed By Lesbian Couple'

Casey Calvert - Houseguest Dommed By Lesbian Couple

When you're a dinner guest at Kira Noir's & Skin Diamond's place, you better be on your best behavior. Casey Calvert learns this the hard way when she confronts Skin for stealing her man. Casey finds herself cornered by the dominant lesbian couple, who take her to the bedroom to ride her face and give her a good threesome fuck!

Phoenix Marie に 'Morning Dick'

Phoenix Marie - Morning Dick

Kira Noir is humiliated when her husband refuses her some morning dick. Instead of pouting around for too long, the horny housewife seduces her brunch guest Phoenix Marie into sharing her morning sausage, her husband, Manuel Ferrara

Kira Noir に 'Entanglements Part 1'

Kira Noir - Entanglements Part 1

When four perfect strangers win a stay in one perfect house, they prepare for the vacation of a lifetime. But when one can't come out to play, Kira decides three's a party and turns up the heat. Part 1 of 2.

Kira Noir に 'Two Thirsty Bimbos Get Stuck and Fucked'

Kira Noir - Two Thirsty Bimbos Get Stuck and Fucked

Chloe Surreal is a sexy influencer with big bouncy naturals that she loves to show off to her followers. Kay Lovely and Kira Noir are superfans who have snuck into Chloe's bedroom to sniff her panties and scissor. When Chloe unexpectedly returns to her room, both Kay and Kira think they have her fooled by hiding under her bed. These silly sluts seem to have forgotten to hide their asses... or did they? With their butts in the air, pussies dripping wet, and heads under the bed they think the coast is clear. But really, Chloe is getting her strap-on ready to teach their willing pussies a lesson.

Kira Noir に 'Cheater Gets Taught A Lesson With Pussy'

Kira Noir - Cheater Gets Taught A Lesson With Pussy

Dr. Noir is a consummate professional & a sexpert. Her client Spikey has come for a session and he reluctantly confesses that he's been unfaithful to his wife. Kira knows just what to do to relieve him of his guilt. A little sex-focused domination will put Spikey back in his place. She spanks Spikey and shoves her pretty toes in his face. Kira thrusts onto Spikey's eager cock while telling him exactly what to do to please her. Spikey is overwhelmed but knows he needs & deserves this perverse treatment from Dr. Noir!

Dee Williams に 'Is A Lonely Wife'

Dee Williams - Glory Hole

Dee Williams and her Husband are a pretty wild couple going to all kinds of adult events, swinger parties, BDSM events and Glory Holes too. They are usually together but today we find Dee is all by herself with hubby out of town and she still has needs. So she stops by the Glory Hole they went to last week together and calls him as she walks in so she can share the experience with him still. But once a cock pokes through the hole she hangs up and drops to her knees to suck it like a pro. Pretty soon she is drooling from both of her holes so she backs up on that cock and fucks it till she gets that warning he is about to cum. Dropping back to her knees she takes that load and then tells him she is not done with him yet. But he is still hard so she goes back to work sucking and fucking that cock and finally milks a second even bigger load from him. Being a good Wifey she takes out her phone to take a few photos to share with her husband. Sharing is truly caring.

Dee Williams に 'Cock Hungry Socialite Fucks Server At Party'

Dee Williams - Cock Hungry Socialite Fucks Server At Party

Smart, Elite, Successful… Dee has seen it all, and now there's nothing left to do but show what she knows to the younger man who catches her eye when her husband isn't looking.

Kira Noir に 'Drown In Cock, My Love'

Kira Noir - Drown In Cock, My Love

Devious Kira Noir and strong-willed Alex Jones love going for each other's throats - whether it's bites, kisses, or playful teasing. This dynamic has a lot of tension that loves to be released in hedonistic wild fucking. But when Kira crosses a line and invites someone else over to rail her tight, eager pussy… Alex has his own plan. One to overwhelm Kira in ecstatic pleasure. Fulfilling her desire for throbbing hard cock more than she could ever dream of! Why have only one dick to drool over? Why not two, or three, or more? Alex shows Kira that if she wants to push the envelope and get railed, she should go all the way and melt in a sloppy fun gangbang!

Dee Williams に 'Cuckold Sessions'

Dee Williams - Cuckold Sessions

Dee Williams and her Husband have been sharing their very special Sundays with a few special men for some time now. But her Husband is out of town and so he has asked Silas Stone to take her out to Sunday Brunch and more. Silas walks in on her getting ready just as she is pulling up her stockings and Silas apologizes and is just about to back out when Dee beckons him in and tries to explain what this special Sunday is going to be. Helping this sexy mature woman with her dress and heels he cannot help but have dirty thoughts anyway. She promises to tell him all about his duties over Brunch. When they come back Dee asks Silas to help her undress and just then the doorbell rings with the arriving guests. Silas goes to greet their guests while Dee dives deep into her panties for a little warm up. These are of course her regular fuck dates so she gets right on those cocks as soon as they walk in. Silas is amazed at what a slut she is. He has never fucked a girl in the ass like she likes and certainly not double penetration that she makes look so easy. The guys come all over Dee's tits and she tells Silas this is usually where she gets licked clean by her husband, but since it is his first time, well maybe next time he can really take his place. Silas thanks Dee and says he hopes he can find a girl like her someday for himself.

Dee Williams に 'Let's Tag Team My Dad's GF'

Dee Williams - Let's Tag Team My Dad's GF

Kyle Mason and Scarlit Scandal are fooling around in Kyle's living room, but interrupted by Kyle's dad and his sexy new MILF GF, Dee Williams. Scarlit and Kyle both like what they see and try to get a shot with Dee out by the pool, under Kyle's dad's nose. After a bit of foreplay outside, Dee leads Scarlit and Kyle off to a bedroom for a hot and sexy threesome! But how long can they keep it going before Kyle's dad finds out?

Dee Williams に 'and Syren De Mer give a college jock a warm welCUMing'

Dee Williams - and Syren De Mer give a college jock a warm welCUMing

Dee Williams stops by to hang out with her best friend Syren De Mer. Dee starts to confide in her about the lack of sex from her husband when there's a knock at the door. Syren explains it's her son's friend picking up some sports equipment. He's invited in and the MILFs come up with the bright idea to tag team this college lad to break Dee's dry spell.

Kira Noir に 'Thin Walls, Thick Cock'

Kira Noir - Thin Walls, Thick Cock

Back and forth temptation, Mazee is caught between gorgeous Elsie and beautiful Kira Noir. Drawn to the whispered dirty talk and tempting tits. Juicy ass and soft thighs begging to be grabbed. Moaning carrying through the thin walls as both of those amazing women team up to take him apart. Sharing his body like their own personal plaything, swapping a drool-covered cock between their plump lips… Because while sexy competition is healthy, there is nothing like a hot threesome as Elsie and Kira drain Mazee of every last drop!

Kira Noir に 'Sneaky Foot Fetishist Gets Oiled Up and Scissored'

Kira Noir - Sneaky Foot Fetishist Gets Oiled Up and Scissored

Kira Noir is a massage therapist with a foot fetish who loves to bring her foot pussy to work. When Susie Stellar and her bf show up for their couples massage, Kira is already worked up and working out a dirty plan to get with Susie's man's cock. Once Kira gets a load of his big manly toes, she can't resist rubbing her oily tits all over them. She breaks out her handy dandy foot pussy and his cock gets a whole new jerk off experience. Before long, he's popping and the foot pussy is flying right into Susie's hands. Susie gets covered in foot cum, and she isn't about to get mad without getting even. Susie makes her man hit the bricks to give Kira a taste of her own medicine. Kira slurps up the cum foot and a hot and mean, girl-on-girl scissor session takes place right there on the massage table.

Kira Noir に 'Beyond The Sense Of Sight'

Kira Noir - Beyond The Sense Of Sight

When only one person is blindfolded during sex, its a turn-on. One persons senses are heightened, and the other gets to take the lead. However, when Kira came back over, we decided we both should be blindfolded. Let me tell you, that was some next level hot sex, anal and all. Then again, it always is with her.

Kira Noir に 'Persuasion'

Kira Noir - Persuasion

Kira leads Vince and his wife around the house.

Kira Noir に 'Earning Kira's Double Anal'

Kira Noir - Earning Kira's Double Anal

Getting to have sex with Kira Noir is a privilege. To have this seductive, award winning, sexual athlete snatch your soul and grind on your cock is a mind melting experience. And playing with her tight, eager ass with not one but two cocks at once... She's salivating just thinking about that taboo pleasure. So, Kira is going to playfully put her two stunt cocks, Lucas Frost and Mick Blue, through their paces to 'earn' the right to use her body as they wish. To worship those perky tits, that juicy ass, those wicked eyes. A workout race to conquer Kira's ass in hot, sloppy, intense double anal hardcore!

Kira Noir に 'Curtain Call'

Kira Noir - Curtain Call

Curtain Call

Kira Noir に 'Anal's Tight On A Neon Night'

Kira Noir - Anal's Tight On A Neon Night

Kira Noir is in the mood for a deep fuck and she knows JUST the man for the job: Damion Dayski. Dressed in fishnets and desperate to stretch her holes, Kira fucks her ass with a dildo but wants something real. Thankfully, Damion's there to show her how deep his massive cock can go and he gives her a pounding she won't soon forget. He fucks her face before turning her around and having his way with both her pussy and ass. Once she's finally done cumming on his dick, he gives her a final taste of his cock and cums on her face.

Kira Noir に 'KIRA NOIR Oiled Anal Angel Gapes'

Kira Noir - KIRA NOIR Oiled Anal Angel Gapes

Award-winning superstar Kira Noir pours hot oil over her athletic body, teasing and showing her big boobs through a sweltering intro. The stylish stunner gropes herself as the grease seeps over her curves. She's ready to take on up-and-coming stud Hollywood Cash in a nasty anal sex session. When Hollywood whips out his big Black cock, Kira grinds her plump booty cheeks over the lengthy boner. He stuffs his mega-schlong into her sphincter, provoking whimpering moans from Kira. Slippery sodomy includes epic rod riding, a raunchy, ass-to-mouth blowjob and rectal gaping. Kira chokes through an intense throat fuck. She talks dirty as Hollywood hammers her butthole. For the finale, Hollywood masturbates over gorgeous Kira and sends her off with a messy cum facial.

Dee Williams に 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Dee Williams - My Friend's Hot Mom

You know how they say it's never late to fulfill your dreams and go back to college, that is precisely what MILF babe Dee Williams is doing. Finals are around the corner and Dee needs a studying partner. She seeks the help of her son's friend since she feels comfortable with him. Dee has been shy that she is older than all the students but Tyler tells her that she is gorgeous. Noe Dee can't help but feel reinvigorated and horny enough to have some fun with him as college co-eds do.

Kira Noir に 'Squeeze Me, Please Me: Part 3'

Kira Noir - Squeeze Me, Please Me: Part 3

In the finale of our three part gonzo anal series, we could not think of a better final performance than Kira Noir worshipping not one but two cocks. Lucas Frost and Scott Nails get pulled in by Kira's glistening beauty, bouncing perky tits, and round fuckable ass. Wanting to just bury their face and dicks deep inside that taboo hole, making Kira moan for them to go harder and harder - before her mouth is occupied and both ends filled with pleasure. They say you should always end with a bang, but Kira deserves double that in this zesty summer gonzo tag team threeway!

Kira Noir に 'Air Tight DP!'

Kira Noir - Air Tight DP!

2023 AVN performer of the year Kira Noir takes this scene to the next level. She performs in a air tight DP fuck fest that you will never forget. All her sex holes get satisfied. Kira Noir makes sure she swallows every last drip of cum from all three guys.

Kira Noir に 'Female Performer Of The Year Kira Noir Vs The Legend Lexington Steele'

Kira Noir - Female Performer Of The Year Kira Noir Vs The Legend Lexington Steele

2023 AVN female performer of the year Kira Noir shows you why she the best female performer! Her sexual appetite is no match for the legend Lexington Steele. She handles him like no other woman has before!

Kira Noir に 'Kira's Ass-Full Adventure'

Kira Noir - Kira's Ass-Full Adventure

Kira Noir is desperate to fill ALL her holes, and Keiran Lee is eager to oblige. Kira starts by fingering herself, before she fucks her ass with a dildo and invites Keiran to fuck her pussy at the same time. Needing more, she sloppily gives his dick a deepthroating and then a footjob with latex stockings, before riding his cock with her ass while he toys her tight pussy. Hungry for cum, she makes sure Keiran cream pies both her pussy and ass, before wanting a taste and sucking some off of her fingers.

Kira Noir に 'Legendary Creampie'

Kira Noir - Legendary Creampie

When I say Kira Noir is a legend, I mean it. This gorgeous lady has won 2 XBIZ Awards and 4 AVN Awards! I just had to have her come to my room, and I knew pairing her up with my bro Air Thugger would be a treat for both of them. I love it when I am right.

Casey Calvert に 'No Holes Barred! Part 2'

Casey Calvert - No Holes Barred! Part 2

Two TS beauties (Tori Easton and Jade Venus), two hot cisgender female porn starlets (Kira Noir and Casey Calvert) and two bisexual men (Dillon Diaz and Jake Waters) come together in 'No Holes Barred! Part 2,' from PansexualX. The diverse sextet brings their crazy, inclusive orgy to climax -- actually, multiple climaxes! Busty trans babe Jade Venus waves her throbbing she-cock and teases pretty, sexually sophisticated cis chick Casey Calvert's wet pussy. Jade shoves her prick up Casey's tight sphincter as a bi guy, Jake Waters, fucks her cunt in a freaky, equal-opportunity double penetration! Black beauty Kira Noir bounces on bisexual stud Dillon Diaz's swollen boner and gives cute, redheaded T-girl Tori Easton a worshipful blowjob. Jade rims Kira's delicious butthole. Dillon slam-fucks Jake's asshole at the same time as Jake bangs Casey's cunt! Tori plunges her she-boner into Kira's bunghole, plowing her to a body-shaking anal orgasm. Dirty fun escalates with lots of masturbation, rectal reaming, graphic gaping and ass-to-mouth cocksucking. The orgy reaches its crescendo with the ladies and the gentlemen swallowing multiple, creamy cum shots!

Dee Williams に 'Naughty America'

Dee Williams - Naughty America

Dee Williams hired her son's friend as an intern and she's impressed by how well he's handled his work load. She lets him know what a great job he's been doing while they are both in the office burning the midnight oil, but Dee's feet sure do hurt from all the work she's been doing around the office, so her son's friend volunteers to give her a foot massage. It just so happens that his feet massages are orgasmic, so Dee decides to return the favor by jumping his bones and taking his load all over her face.

Siri Dahl に 'Massage Cheat Caught and Dominated'

Siri Dahl - Massage Cheat Caught and Dominated

Siri Dahl is off to her yoga class, but when she crosses paths with Kira Noir, who has shown up for a massage appointment with Siri's husband, Kyle Mason, she gets suspicious. Although Kyle immediately checks out Kira's ass at the first opportunity, Kira seems more preoccupied with a phone call than flirting with Kyle. Kira's phone call, though, becomes obnoxious, so Kyle ups the ante by ripping her tights and fingering her, which leads to an oily fuck on the massage table. Siri, however, hasn't left for yoga class after sensing that Kira is trouble. And sure enough, when Siri storms back in, she's just in time to break things up and get some satisfaction for herself in the form of oily scissoring and a hot threesome.

Ivy Wolfe に 'Jam Session'

Ivy Wolfe - Jam Session

Bandmates Ivy and Kira need to find a way to make their music mesh. Will these sexy sirens be able to lock into a groove?

Dee Williams に 'Freeuse Getaway: Part 3'

Dee Williams - Freeuse Getaway: Part 3

Blonde Dee Williams, a Freeuse Paradise regular, is never totally satisfied; the woman has an insatiable thirst for cock that simply can't be quenched. Xander Corvus, employee of the month and #1 wellness expert, makes a fuss about her being at the resort, he promises management that Dee will leave 100% satisfied! He asks Dante Colle, his best employee, to help him cater to Dee's every need as she leads a conference call. While on the call, Xander and Dante fill Dee's tight holes with their cocks and take turns eating Dee's sweet pussy. Dee can't stand it for long and soon she drops her call and gives into pleasure. These two throbbing cocks are just what Dee needed, but she won't be satisfied until she's drenched in cum!

Dee Williams に 'Horny MILF Dee Williams Is flattered that you want to fuck her tits, mouth, and wet pussy'

Dee Williams - Horny MILF Dee Williams Is flattered that you want to fuck her tits, mouth, and wet pussy

You are at your friend's house to talk to her sexy mom, Dee Williams, and get her advise on how to talk to girls, but secretly you just want to go balls deep in her wet MILF pussy!

Dee Williams に '- Blacks On Cougars - Scene 2'

Dee Williams - Blacks On Cougars

Will has a sweet thing going on. He lives in LA and scored one hell of a housing find when he came across a cougar who has several rental properties and is more than willing to take some of the rent in a heap of flesh. Flesh as in a cock meat sandwich. Will has been banging that old lady for months now and has been living the high life. So one day when she happens to swing by for some dong services she hits on his young friend Lawson who has the audacity to say he has a girlfriend. Motherfucker!!! When rent is due you got to pay up so immediately Will gives Lawson a dressing down and lets him know he now has to help him double penetrate the cougar. These walls must have ears cause when she heard the old double stuffing treatment was coming her way Dee was moving in fast for man stick chowing. Never happier than when she is double fisting cock, Dee slobbers and suckles upon the massive black mamba crotch invaders that spring out from their jeans. It's full steam ahead as she is quickly getting mounted and pounded while being airtighted. Quicker than you can say "fuck that bitch", she has both her holes stuffed with chocolate thunder pipers and is squealing like a stuck pig. Heavens to Mergatroid this is what life is all about. Like pistons sent from heaven, Will and his friend Lawson move like Russian dancers as they perform pincer movement after pincer movement on her anal and vaginal territories. Pounded out and gaping, the boys heap upon her their special double penetration operation. Now this is the way affordable housing was meant to be found in the city of Angels.

Daya Knight に 'Prankster Gets a Pussy Sandwich'

Daya Knight - Prankster Gets a Pussy Sandwich

Jimmy Michaels is the quintessential perv, running through the public streets and stealing clothing right off women's bodies! Adorable Daya Knight is his next unsuspecting target. Jimmy spies on her before stealing her top and running away with it. Daya's gorgeous natural tits get a breath of fresh air as she runs after the thief. Jimmy takes shelter in a private backyard, where he stumbles upon curvy Dee Williams lounging by the pool. Dee and Jimmy get into some sneaky sex before Jimmy has to hide from Dee's husband! Jimmy doesn't know it yet but waiting inside for him is a very vexed Daya - Dee's new stepdaughter!

Dee Williams に 'in Hypnotic Sex'

Dee Williams - in Hypnotic Sex

Hi there oh great my delivery, sure I?ll sign here, let me see? the screen on your smart phone is? oh my this screen is making me? making me? really fucking horning. All these weird shapes on your phone is putting me into a wild sex driven trance! All of a sudden I just started touching myself, feeling my big tits?then I grabbed Mookie Jordan, the delivery guy and brought this absolute stranger, right into my bed room! Then right away, I undid his zipper and started sucking his long, beautiful black cock! Much, much more interracial action followed until he shot his hot cum all over my asshole! What?s that? Oh I forgot to sign for the delivery, no problem, bye now! OMFG what just happened?!

Dee Williams に 'in U, Me and A Fucking Machine!'

Dee Williams - in U, Me and A Fucking Machine!

All dressed up and no where to go. I?m wearing this hot red outfit, with black stockings and black high heel shoes, but something came up and my lover can?t be here. It?s really a shame cause my pussy is so, so hungry. Let me tell you, I have been thinking about hard cock all day, I really need to get filled and fucked. I thought a simple phone call would take care of everything, but here we are, alone? But you know, this aint going to stop me from having a good time, I actually have something special, I got it a while back for xmas, to take care of me. It has a little box that controls a whole lot of pleasure and a big dildo that can fuck me. It?s all up to me, I know what my pussy needs, and I?m going to give her everything she wants! It?s time to use my fucking machine! Oh and don?t forget the wand!

Kira Noir に 'Covering Kira In Cum'

Kira Noir - Covering Kira In Cum

Today started off with a nice surprise! A girl I had met, and fucked, before was hanging out at my pool. My dick got hard just remembering the fun we had before. I asked if she still had my number and she did. Didn’t take her long to show back up at my place ready to suck cock and take a load on her face.

Dee Williams に 'Naughty Maid Gets Punished'

Dee Williams - Naughty Maid Gets Punished

Olivia Vee is a young woman who comes to clean Dee Williams' house every day. Olivia has no idea how the MILF makes her house so messy, but with Dee's high-paying executive job she can afford it. Busty Dee gets off on bossing Olivia around; she loves to feel in power. Today, Olivia makes an unexpected discovery when she finds Dee's sex machine in her bedroom! Olivia decides it wouldn't hurt to take a break and gets lost riding the amazing toy. Olivia better enjoy the ride while it lasts because when dominant Dee catches her, she's in for some sexy punishment!

Kira Noir に 'Darling Ebony'

Kira Noir - Darling Ebony

In Kira's House of Noir, only the most captivating, seductive, and wild nights are an option for visitors. That they leave with minds full of lust and wanting to come back again and again and again… So she needs to make sure her starring act, featuring the gorgeous singer Ebony Mystique and the handsome Ricky Johnson are at the top of their game. Is Ebony making sure each person in the audience is entranced by her voice and locked onto her juicy curves? Is Ricky's smile making hearts melt and drool for his throbbing cock? It's only proper that Kira gives a little pre-show practice before putting all that amazing pussy and ass on display!

Dee Williams に 'My First Sex Teacher'

Dee Williams - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Williams is dating another professor on campus but one of her students, Brick, knows a big secret! He tells Professor Williams that he saw her boyfriend fucking another professor. She's livid and now she wants revenge by fucking her student.

Kira Noir に 'Testing The Sheets'

Kira Noir - Testing The Sheets

Gorgeous Kira Noir knows what she wants - as she shows off her tight body in back lingerie, she describes exactly how she wants to be fucked. Xander Corvus is the man for the job; he worships Kira's plump tits, exploring every inch of her oiled body. Kira turns around and shows off her perfect, round ass while Xander plunges his tongue deep inside her. These two are a match made in heaven and they won't stop until Kira has drained every drop of cum from Xander rock hard cock.

Kira Noir に 'Single Black Female'

Kira Noir - Single Black Female

Natassia Dreams seeks a roommate to share her big, downtown loft, and Kira Noir is excited to check out the pad. Sporting big boobs with deep cleavage and little shorts over her bubble butt, Kira explains that she follows Internet star Natassia's work. In the bathroom, pretty, busty Natassia tries to tug a tight dress over her huge ass cheeks ... as pervy, new roomie Kira peeks! Obsessed Kira invades Natassia's bedroom, trying on the trans woman's lingerie and sniffing panties. When Natassia catches Kira with the undies in her mouth, she invites Kira to eat delicious, gender confirmed pussy. Kira dines hungrily, drooling, her tongue painting Natassia with pleasure. The curvy, naked girls share passionate French kisses and caresses. Kira worships Natassia's winking anus with tongue, fingers and spit. Each lady licks her lover's twat while sodomizing her with a clear dildo. (Kira sculpts her pubes in a heart shape!) As Natassia drools on Kira's snatch, Kira tastes a toy ass-to-mouth. Next, thick chrome phalluses fuck tight, lubricated buttholes as a massager buzzes. The girls masturbate side-by-side, and they connect ass-to-ass with one end of a single, chrome toy stuffing each sphincter. They grind, scissor, vibe and kiss romantically: Natassia's happy with her new roommate, and it looks like Kira's in love.

Kira Noir に '- Gloryhole Initiations - Scene 2'

Kira Noir - Gloryhole Initiations

Out on a girls night Kira gets involved in their regular round of truth or dare. Being the timid one Kira is she usually goes for truth but her Girlfriends will not let her off without a dare this time. They dare her to go to the one place they all want to but most are too afraid to, The Glory Hole. Kira is tasked with bringing back proof that it exists somehow. Kira is amazed at the place when she walks in and takes a seat, it does not take but a moment for a cock to appear and she starts with a squeal. But the hungry girl that she is leaves no dick waiting and quickly it's at the back of her throat buried deep. Stripping out of her sexy dress she gets down to work to take this cock for everything she needs. Finally backing up on it as well to sate her quivering quim. And so back and forth she takes it deep in her mouth and then back to her pussy until she is determined to finally milk that cock for all it's worth and have the proof she needs to show her friends. And a Huge load of proof it is in fact covering her face and breasts. And with a quick photo on her phone she now has proof and bragging rights to show everyone she is the Big Girl Now!

Dee Williams に 'in The Deal Maker!'

Dee Williams - in The Deal Maker!

I always like to get the best deal I can and real estate is no different. Sean Michaels, the realtor I?m dealing with has a pretty nice offer on the table. But I think he can do better. I?m fine with the price, but what I want is that big black anaconda that keeps pressing against his pants. All this negotiating just makes me so horny. It?s good to blow off a little steam before signing this contract.

Dee Williams に 'Creampie Caper'

Dee Williams - Creampie Caper

Alyx Star isn't exactly surprised when she finds out her stepmom, Dee Williams, has a NudieFans account. Alyx has an account of her own and people just go crazy for her big, natural tit content! Dee lets Alyx in a little secret, when her husband isn't home, she'll invite all kinds of men into her bedroom to make some hardcore content. Today, Dee has invited the neighbor's son Xander Corvus over, and Xander agrees to shoot a double dose of content, leaving both women satisfied and filled with cum!

Dee Williams に 'Sexy blonde Dee Williams finally has you in her grasp and won't let you go until you satisfy her!'

Dee Williams - Sexy blonde Dee Williams finally has you in her grasp and won't let you go until you satisfy her!

Dee Williams is ready to show you why she is a famous pornstar. She'll oil up her body and your cock and you'll get to slide your hard dick up and down between those massive big tits of hers. Dee will bounce her big ass on your thick dick while you watch it jiggle perfectly for your enjoyment. This MILF sure knows how to fuck and take good care of a dick!

Dee Williams に 'vs Leya Falcon'

Dee Williams - vs Leya Falcon

Dee Williams is one of the most dominant Females on the mats. She has a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and she uses those skills to wrap girls up like pretzels and finger them. Leya Falcon is a Princess.but like…a dirty princess who likes to have her ass stuffed with jewels. Leya is incredibly flexible and when put against Dee's skill the pair makes for some really outstanding holds and submissions. This is an utter blow outdone in spectacular fashion. Dee Williams is the meanest girl on the mat hands down. She verbally trashes the Bratty, Leya Falcon, and uses chokes, hand gags, foot gags, foot-sucking, face-licking, trib fucking, and other tactics to royally fuck with miss Leya. This match Ends with an instant victory. Leya is made to cum and the Dee Williams gets an orgasm out in round 3 as well knowing that she has just won the match. These two girls do nasty lesbian fucking. Leya's pussy if stretched to its limits and Leya begs to have her ass stuffed but this is Dee's Prize and Dee refuses to let the loser boss her around. Dee fucks her prize, gets her orgasms, and then leaves the loser in the locker room for the boys to have their way with her.

Dee Williams に 'This MILF Needs No Protection'

Dee Williams - This MILF Needs No Protection

Kyle Mason and his girlfriend are about to fuck, but the GF is insisting Kyle wear a condom. Kyle agrees, but just can't get the job done while wearing a rubber. When Kyle leaves the room for a breather, he bumps into hot MILF stepmom Dee Williams, who's been listening to the young couple and is all too eager to help finish Kyle off. Not only does Dee not need Kyle to wear a condom, she lets him graduate to anal sex. Kyle is in heaven... but how long until his girlfriend figures out what's going on?

Mary Moody に 'Cock Out Cookout Part 1'

Mary Moody - Cock Out Cookout Part 1

Kira Noir and Van Wylde are new homeowners and they're celebrating by throwing a barbeque to introduce themselves to the neighborhood. Kira, always the badass, has some naughty plans up her sleeve. Starting with gifting Van an apron with big ol' fuzzy fake dick on it right before his Milf neighbor and her stepdaughter, Mary Moody, arrive. Van tries to conceal his fake cock, the but the Milf can't keep her hands off of it. This gives Kira the perfect distraction and she gets to work seducing her new college gal pal, Mary. Van tries to get Kira to make it more PG but Kira's already cooked up the perfect plan to piss of stepmom that involves scissoring, a double ended dildo and a wand. Kira rips a hole in Van's apron and exposes his actual cock, pushing him back into the hands of Milfie. Like magic, Kira and Mary disappear into the house for a hot and horny lesbian adventure. Now that's hospitality!

Kira Noir に 'Cock Out Cookout Part 2'

Kira Noir - Cock Out Cookout Part 2

The fun continues at Kira Noir and Van Wylde's barbecue as one pair of naughty neighbors leave, and new ones arrive. Van tries to put his dick away but Kira puts it all the way down her throat instead. That's when Indica Monroe and her hubby show up with the potato salad. Kira pulls Van's boner back through his apron and greets their guests, convincing them it's a prank dick. Indica can tell a dummy from a real dong and as soon as her hubby is off on a tour with Kira, Indica gives Van a tour of her throat. When it's time to sit down and eat, Kira decides to serve the food while bouncing on Van's dick. Oops! Kira spills ambrosia salad all over Indica's husband, who is not thrilled. Kira offers to show him the bathroom and Indica takes the opportunity to drag Van by his very real and very big dick all the way to the bedroom. Kira sneaks into the bed and adds a slut sandwich to the menu for a tasty threesome with enough pussy for all to eat.

Kira Noir に 'is Mindfucked'

Kira Noir - is Mindfucked

This is a scene from our XBIZ Fetish Release of the Year winner, Mindfucked: A Cult Classic.Kira Noir has joined what she thinks is a self-help group that will help empower her and help make her rich. But when she refuses to sell her car to pay for more and more expensive programs, she is ushered into the leader's office, and soon realizes she's in a cult and in big trouble.Now, the sadistic leader makes Kira prove her devotion by stripping and submitting to shocks from a bug zapper and other electrical toys. Not nearly finished yet, the guru canes Kira and smacks her ass with a strap. As a final show of devotion, Kira must kiss the leader's feet.

Dee Williams に 'Dee's Cum Addiction'

Dee Williams - Dee's Cum Addiction

The ever-horny Dee Williams shows up late to her therapy appointment with her face covered in cum. Frustrated with her behavior, Keiran Lee, her therapist, refuses to continue working with a depraved patient like her. He tells her to go home to her husband, but the mischievous Dee has other plans. She seduces him instead, and soon, Keiran partakes in Dee's kinky fantasies.

Dee Williams に 'is horny and wants her husband to send her an escort.'

Dee Williams - Dirty Wives Club

Dee Williams has dinner plans for a night out with her husband but she wants some cock before her night out and what better way than getting fucked and then telling her husband and doing what she did with the escort.

Dee Williams に 'Tournament Round 1: Match 2 - Dee Williams vs Daisy Ducati'

Dee Williams - Tournament Round 1: Match 2 - Dee Williams vs Daisy Ducati

Welcome to the Fall Brawl tournament…in Spring. Tournaments are a major pain in the ass to run over the course of a month and even more of a pain in the ass when a pandemic comes along to ruin everyting. We only have the first leg of the tournament shot, This tournament is going to build much tension until we are allowe to resume shooting. For now, YOU all get to enjoy an amazing sex fight between Big Tittied MILF Dee Williams and the Lady with the record for most orgams inflicted on the mats, Daisy Ducati. Dee Williams has an undeniably miserable hand gag tactic that works well for her. Daisy Ducati has those lethal legs that can put any woman or man ( for that matter) into some trouble. This match is bitterly close and can go any way. It comes down to round 3, the girl who wants it the most takes the W and next week we do an Ode to the victor. Loser is humilated in more ways than one, mentally, physically, sexually.

Kira Noir に 'Swallowed By Kira's Bubbly Butt'

Kira Noir - Swallowed By Kira's Bubbly Butt

This one is for the bubbles and bubbly butts aficionado out there! The divine Kira Noir shows off her perfect body in a dreamy bubbly world before the lucky Mazee shows up to play with her. Aroused by the woman's sultry moves, the hard Mazee joins Kira under the shower from some tender loving. Tenderness and raunchiness are not mutually exclusive, and soon, Kira's on her knees, mightily facefucked and drooling. After letting Mazee explore her delicate pussy, Kira jerks him off with both hands until he comes directly in her throat.

Dee Williams に 'VR Sneaky MILF Burn'

Dee Williams - VR Sneaky MILF Burn

Dee Williams is the new stepmom to Oliver Flynn's girlfriend. And Oliver can't help but check out her smoking hot bod as she bends over sans panties in his face. He gets busted staring by his girlfriend, who only lets him get away with it because it's his birthday. She's got him a present to take their sex life to the next level, a VR headset. Forgot one thing though – the controllers. Oliver gets left with hid dick out and his eyes in the VR world, and when he goes to search for his babe, he ends up following the scent of some hot microwaved goodness instead. This leads his dick straight into Dee's perfect round ass. Dee isn't one to leave a boner unattended to, so she snatches that cock up and takes Oliver to the bedroom for some birthday anal he won't soon forget.

Alura TNT Jenson に 'Get The Milf's Strap-on'

Alura TNT Jenson - Get The Milf's Strap-on

The ever horny Kira Noir's at her girl friend's place to help her with some homework, but all Kira does is being flirty, hitting on her friend and making sex jokes. Even though it's hard to resist Kira's smooth talk and innuendos, the friend's just not picking up. Thank god Kira's friend's mother, the extra spicy MILF Alura Jenson, is here to give the unruly Kira a lesson in real lesbian domination.

Dee Williams に 'and Kali Roses - Glory Hole'

Dee Williams - Glory Hole

Kali Roses has finally talked her friend Dee into coming down to her favorite spot. Dee called Kali last time she visited the Glory Hole and listening to her friend fucking good and hard over the phone finally cinched her choice to join in. Both come over dressed to fuck in slutty dresses, lingerie and fuck me heels. Dee is very hesitant at first but once the taste of cock is on her lips her desire becomes evident. Kali shows her the way and off they go fucking and sucking every cock that comes out of the hole. Kali takes one on her slutty little face and Dee keeps fucking another until it is just about to burst and spins around to not miss a drop. A new Glory Hole fan is initiated forever.

Dee Williams に 'in Clamping Down Jackie Ohh!'

Dee Williams - in Clamping Down Jackie Ohh!

Once again I have Jackie Ohh right where I want her, looking sexy and hot, topless, only wearing black high heels and black panties with a rope tied around her ankles and neck. When I'm good and ready I'll come in and visit Jackie, by first touching her between her legs, then by giving her erect nipples a good slapping, all while she is tied up of course. Now it's time to slap her snatch and rub that pussy under her panties. Jackie is getting very, very wet already! Next, it's time to clamp her nipples down and massage her pussy with one of my favorite wands! BTW if you like how Jackie and I go at it, check out the strap-on scene I did with her, it's in my official member's area as well!

Kira Noir に 'Big Wet Bounce'

Kira Noir - Big Wet Bounce

It's summertime beauty with big wet bouncing butts as Kira Noir and Paige Owens twerk, dance, and tease in the bright sunlight. In teeny bikinis they soak and rub each other in oil to make every curve of their round asses shine. Slip into some seductive tease as these two babes slide their hands and tongues all over each other's bodies in some foreplay before enticing stunt cock Scott Nails to join for a wild anal threesome! There's no better way to celebrate the reason than two horny women looking to make themselves all slippery and begging for someone to play with their tight round butts!

Dee Williams に 'Fucking The Spinning Teacher'

Dee Williams - Fucking The Spinning Teacher

MILF goddess Dee Williams's pumped up and ready to spin! She's got her weekly spinning training with her personal coach, the petite Ember Snow. Xander Corvus - Dee's husband - is quite excited too. Each time trainer Ember comes at their place, he tries to sneak up on her and jerk off, watching her pretty little butt closely as she rides her stationery bike. This time, however, Xander gets caught! Dee's quite mad that her hubby is a little perv, but the sweet Ember tames her anger. What if they tie him up and put on a show for him? Twice the butt, twice the pleasure!

Dee Williams に 'doesn't get mad, she get's even!'

Dee Williams - Seduced By A Cougar

Dee Williams is selling her soon-to-be ex-husband's stuff , so she puts his bike for sale. Tyler checks it out and is shocked that the bike is brand new but he can't pay the price she is asking. But Dee just wants to get even with her husband for cheating on her so she's willing to have Tyler fuck her brains out in exchange for the bike. Looks like its definitely Tyler's lucky day!

Dee Williams に 'in Saliva Strap-On Spectacular'

Dee Williams - in Saliva Strap-On Spectacular

I have a hot dirty wench all tight up and ready to go, her name is Jackie Oh. Just look at her, ankles tied to the floor, wrists bound to her bi-ceps and a rope around her neck and waist. She can't help touching herself, what a dirty girl she is! As I cum to her, you'll notice I'm wearing a black leather strap-on style harness and mounted to it, a big long black dildo with a caramel-colored cock head. The dildo is perfect for shoving down her throat and that's exactly what I do. Just watch, as tons of spit and saliva gush out of her mouth hole. Then I lick up, so fucking nasty, Jackie is such a good lil whore! Then it's time for me to shove my ass into her face, I need it licked and I need to dominate Jackie! Next up it's ball gag time, but first ill spit in her mouth, then gag her with this red ball. While she is gagged I can eat her pussy from behind, then fuck her with this big long black dildo. In the end, I'll abandon her, leaving her on all fours, bound, gagged and used up.

Dee Williams に 'My First Sex Teacher'

Dee Williams - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Dee Williams wants to see one of her favorite students because he's barely passing her class. She finds out he's been helping out other students, female students, with the hopes to get 'some' in return. She worries that these girls are only taking advantage of him and wants him to re-focus on what's really important -- his grades AND her big ol' tits and wet MILF pussy.

Dee Williams に 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Dee Williams - My Friend's Hot Mom

Dee Williams heard a lie. Apparently her son's friend, Tyler, has been spreading a rumor that he fucked her. Dee invited Tyler over to confront him about said lie, but she suddenly gets really horny and decides to let her son's friend fuck her and live the lie.

Kira Noir に 'I Detect An Ass That Wants Training'

Kira Noir - I Detect An Ass That Wants Training

Kira Noir is a hot and naughty lawyer heading to the courtroom. A routine metal detector turns out to be anything but when baliff Kyle Mason finds a butt plug hiding up Kira's ass. Just when he thinks this wacky discovery has come to an end, he realizes she's hiding something else up there; a strand of anal beads. Kyle can't resist giving Kira the fucking she's been looking for and all courtroom matters are adjourned.

Kira Noir に 'Special Dark 5'

Kira Noir - Special Dark 5

Kira Noir is long and strong and throws in some grace in this scene from Jules Jordan video. Primped in long white fishnets and neon bikini our luscious lovely teases on a big white shag carpet. She drops down to do the splits showcasing a bubble butt with a little girth. She moves to a plexiglass chair and spreads that ass. Then she points her toes to the sky, holding her legs together. We get a neat treat of something good to eat…Moving to the living room Manuel appears and they begin to kiss passionately. Kira holds her perky breasts together and sounds off with a lovable giggle. We appreciate that she's unshaved and Manuel dives down to taste. Ferrara then fingers Noir's twat while she's face down until she's begging for his cock. He pounds her in missionary then grabs her throat as they shift to the side. Manuel says that it's a small little hole for his dick as Kira laughs hysterically. They move to reverse-cowgirl anal and Kira asks 'Do you like my ass' Manuel definitely does as he pumps feverishly. Noir's wide hocks shine in doggy and in missionary she begs for cum in her face. Instead, Manuel inserts his sperm syringe in her mouth for a hot jizz injection...

Kira Noir に 'Hot And Heavy'

Kira Noir - Hot And Heavy

Kira Noir's tight and jaw-dropping body is dripping wet after a heavy workout, and things are about to get really hot when Xander Corvus joins her for round 2! Xander worships Kira's curves, oils up her perfect tits and ass... and fucks her just the way she likes it!

Kira Noir に 'Nathan Bronson Vs. Kira Noire - Winner Fucks the Loser'

Kira Noir - Nathan Bronson Vs. Kira Noire - Winner Fucks the Loser

Nathan 'Bonesaw' Bronson is back on the mats with his Pro wrestling personality. This guy was made for entertainment. His trash talk is second to no one, his wrestling and athletic ability are undeniable. His sex fighting = dirty in all the right ways. Today he is taking on the 'Dreadful' Kira Noir. She is a lean mean sexfight machine. Her all-natural beauty is a weapon all in itself but combined with her leg scissors, Nathan is going to find himself in some trouble today. These two sexual gladiators put it all on the line. The winner gets to fuck the loser however they want. Sometimes that means the loser needs to get on top and do all the work while the winner lays back and enjoys it. After all, The winner has done their job, why should they work more after their victory. This match ends in a Creampie. Nathan's hard cock pulses while his dick is drained.

Avi Love に 'One Night'

Avi Love - One Night

Best friends Avi and Kira spot Sly on their way back to their hotel room and Kira pulls pickup duty. The girls are showing a mile of leg and then some and Sly would be a fool to resist. Sometimes all it takes to land a threesome is being in the right place at the right time... with the right dick.

Dee Williams に 'in 2 Sluts and A Good Dick'

Dee Williams - in 2 Sluts and A Good Dick

This is going to be a ton of fun today, I'm here with Lydia Black, then later on Nathan Bronson will pay us a visit. Lydia is hot, I love her jet black hair, hard little tits and perfectly shaped ass. First, we start the scene right off with hot kissing and licking, within no time, I have Lydia's long legs spread wide open.I love her sexy tattoos and ripped stockings. After lots of hot pussy play, in comes Nathan who gags the fuck out of both of our mouths then fucks us both really good. Nothing like 2 Sluts and A Good Dick, to make your day! Enjoy watching all 3 of us!

Alexis Tae に 'Crunch Time'

Alexis Tae - Crunch Time

Alexis spent a whole week with her sexy friend Kira and Kira' partner, Oliver, and somehow she wasn't able to spit out that the only reason she visited was to have a threesome. The lingering sexual tension mounts as Alexis rushes to pack for her flight. Will these three be able to pull off a menage-a-trois before take-off time?

Nikki Darling に 'Lesbian 3-Way: Huge Toys, Anal Gaping!'

Nikki Darling - Lesbian 3-Way: Huge Toys, Anal Gaping!

Sexy babe Kira Noir struts through a dilapidated warehouse, her plump rump jiggling in tight booty shorts. Meanwhile, Nikki Darling strips and shows off her tight body. Nikki and anal goddess Anna de Ville kiss passionately; they prod each other's butthole and trade tasty rim jobs. When Kira crashes the party, a nasty lesbian threesome quickly develops. Raunchy kink includes hole-probing toys, humongous anal dildos and extensive rectal gaping! The ladies kiss and lewdly swap spit amid their freaky three-way warehouse fuck.

Adriana Chechik に 'Lazy Sunday'

Adriana Chechik - Lazy Sunday

It's the end of the summer. Adriana has invited her best friend Kira over to spend a lazy day together by the pool. While there, Adriana catches Kira making eyes at her boyfriend rob. Adriana takes her aside and confronts her about it. Kira apologizes at first, but it is all for naught.

Kira Noir に 'Always Closing'

Kira Noir - Always Closing

Real estate agent Kira knows the key to a successful career, and before every substantial sale, she has her own ritual. When her next big contract has been signed, it is time to celebrate her success in her favorite way.

Dee Williams に 'in Stepson Take Over!'

Dee Williams - in Stepson Take Over!

Holy shit! Well I walked in my house and before I knew it I was bound up with rope! And who did this?My fucking stepson! You see my stepson has had a crush on me since the first day I meant him!I always knew it, this just confirms it. I just didn't know he was this fucking crazy! I mean what kind sick fuck does this to his stepmom? Keith Grimm that's who, my whacked out stepson! What's even crazier is, I enjoyed ever fucking minute of it! He also had a ton of stepson cum her loaded up on my face, I guess he has been really saving up for this!

Dee Williams に 'Anal MILF!'

Dee Williams - Anal MILF!

Curvaceous MILF Dee Williams shakes her thick booty and big boobs, playfully teasing the camera. The horny blonde strips and shows off, soon meeting black stud Big Tre for some nasty sodomy. Dee chokes on Tre's big black cock as she gives a blowjob, drooling lewd spit trails that seep over her giant jugs. Dee rides his thick dick through vigorous cunt fucking, and she moans as Tre nails her needy asshole. Hot sodomy includes nasty rimming, rectal gaping, and messy, ass-to-mouth fellatio. The anal fun culminates with a gushing cum facial. Dee swallows Tre's creamy sperm.

Kira Noir に 'Good And Deep'

Kira Noir - Good And Deep

Ebony beauty Kira looks stunning in her skin red dress. She caresses her shapely legs giving you sneak a peek at her unbelievable physique. But this teasing is only a warm up for what she is about to show you.

Dee Williams に 'Welcome To Dee's Dungeon'

Dee Williams - Welcome To Dee's Dungeon

The always sexy Dee Williams lets a curious camera crew into her house for a tour. It starts out innocent enough, with Dee showing off her living room, bedoom and gym. The fun starts when Dee finishes the tour by leading the crew down to the basement and into her dungeon; full of sex toys and totally isolated, it's a great location for some hot fun. Dee removes her dress, revealing some sexy lingerie... and a buttplug in her ass. She takes the buttplug out, revealing that it's a pretty long toy. But that's not enough. Dee allows the crew to keep filming as she brings out bigger and bigger toys to "feed her hungry ass". This is a dream come true for anal play and gaping fans. In the end, a worn out Dee tells the crew to see themselves out as she starts to clean her messy dungeon.

Kira Noir に 'Addicted 2'

Kira Noir - Addicted 2

Kira is attracted to her married boss. No matter how much she tries to shake it, her attraction to him grows every day. To make matters worse, she works out of his home and is very close to his wife. When his wife goes out of town for a few days, Kira and Michael finally give in and can't stop indulging.

Kira Noir に 'Kira and Paige's Flirty Video Chat'

Kira Noir - Kira and Paige's Flirty Video Chat

Kira Noir and Paige Owens, both alone and horny, decide to reconnect via a video chat. Things start innocently enough, but after Kira wins a high stakes online game, she teases a shy Paige into getting naked on camera. As both ladies get more turned on, they start coaxing each other to play with themselves and use toys for their amusement. The call ends with both women fully satisfied and agreeing to catch up more often.

Dee Williams に 'in Bound Up Natalie (Part 3 of 3)'

Dee Williams - in Bound Up Natalie (Part 3 of 3)

I'm here back one more time with Natalie Mars. I untied poor little Natalie Mars only to have her feast on my huge strap-on dildo! Look at her fucking head bob up and down as she gags and chokes like the poor soul she is! But I know, and you know, how much she really loves it. She really knows how to suck cock doesn't she! She is such a dirty hungry slut, look at all the spit and saliva pouring from her mouth as she devours my cock! It's time to wipe all that filthy spit and mouth slop all over her pretty little face. Oh so fucking dirty! Almost forgot to tell you, maybe you noticed, I have put a rubber butt plug in her ass, now it's time to have some fun with that! First I'll tie up her wrists and slap her ass cheeks, then play with her balls and ball gag her again! After all this, it's time to remove this rubber butt plug, and lick her asshole. After applying some lube, its time to fuck her tiny ass with this huge dildo that I have strapped on. This is the final part of this awesome 3 part series I did with Natalie, hope you all love it!

Dee Williams に 'in Bound up Natalie (Part 2 of 3)'

Dee Williams - in Bound up Natalie (Part 2 of 3)

I told you all I would be back, I always keep my promise. In this part, I have Natalie's wrists and ankles bound together and her laid on her back, exposing her asshole for me. First up is some ass lickingso I can get her ass nice and lubricated for this big rubber butt plug I have ready for her tight asshole.I'll play with this butt plug for a while, pulling it in and out of her asshole. Then it will be time to smotherher face with my big tits and nice round ass! I'll be back for a third round in Part 3 of this 3 part bondage series with Natalie Mars. Stay tuned...More to come this is only Part 2!

Kira Noir に 'Stone Cold Massage'

Kira Noir - Stone Cold Massage

Kira Noir goes to a spa, where masseur Zac Wild treats her to a mix of a cold stone and deep tissue massage. Kira squirms in shock whenever a cold stone is put on her, but the accompanying deep tissue massage warms her right up. The flurry of sensations turns Kira on and at the end of the massage, she allows an eager Zac to fuck her.

Dee Williams に 'Gaping Compilation 3 - Mike Adriano'

Dee Williams - Gaping Compilation 3 - Mike Adriano

Featuring some of our hottest anal vixens, we present to you Mike Adriano's third gaping compilation showing off some ass pounding and stretching! Gotta love a sweet gape, enjoy!!

0:00 - Asian Kendra's Gaping Anal & A2M Deeds
6:56 - Deep In That Ass
20:30 - Enema Slut Jennifer Reamed To Gaping
32:14 - MILF Dee Sodomized To Gaping Prolapse!
40:35 - Phat, Rimming Ivy Sodomized To Gaping

Dee Williams に 'in Bound Up Natalie (Part 1 of 3)'

Dee Williams - in Bound Up Natalie (Part 1 of 3)

There she is Natalie Mars, in her little red skirt and tall striped socks, tied up to a wooden chair. Legs bound, arms bound and a rope collar around her neck! She is there waiting for me, and I will have my way with her! I think I'll start on her hard nipples and let her suck my tits, that's right, watch as I smother my cleavage and boobs in her face. Next up I think I'll clamp her nipples and weigh them down while she shakes them back and forth. Then I'll clamp up her cock and balls and ball gag her mouth! Then I'll leave her like that and walk away. But that's not the last of me I'll be back for a second round in Part 2 of this 3 part bondage series with Natalie Mars. Stay tuned...More to come this is only Part 1!

Abella Danger に 'Maid For A Threesome'

Abella Danger - Maid For A Threesome

Rich estate owner Danny D secretly spies via security camera on his sexy maids, Abella Danger and Kira Noir, when he catches them fooling around in his and his wife's bedroom. Once the girls go through his wife's drawers, however, Danny confronts the sneaky babes. Kira and Abella are caught off guard and apologetic, but Danny's not interested in disciplining them for their mischievous ways – he'd rather join in on the fun, leading to a hardcore threesome!

Dee Williams に 'in Cock Master Me!'

Dee Williams - in Cock Master Me!

Jake Adams can be a wonderful master but he can also be very mean too. He has me wearing this sexy get up and a giant vibrator between my legs. With these scary nipple suckers that he wants me to wear, I don't know where he's going with this but it's gonna be for his enjoyment, not mine. But that's what I'm here for I suppose. To worship his beautiful huge cock and do what ever he tells me. No doubt Jake is gonna smash my pussy and I may be his slave but I'm going to secretly enjoy this exquisite torture! If you like Hardcore Videos you will find plenty great ones here at!

Kira Noir に 'Group Pers-Anal Training'

Kira Noir - Group Pers-Anal Training

Fit and sexy influencers Kira Noir and Luna Star are notorious for their hot and sweaty fitness videos. While demonstrating an ass routine at the gym, they're rudely interrupted by meathead Xander Corvus who insists on helping them 'adjust their form.' But these two don't have bubble butts for nothing! Strong brunettes Kira and Luna teach Xander a lesson, giving him the anal workout of a life-time. Can he keep up?

Kira Noir に 'Jailhouse Fuck 4'

Kira Noir - Jailhouse Fuck 4

Dr. Kira Noir is assigned with treating rowdy prison inmate Scott Nails. Scott can't believe his eyes upon seeing such a sexy doctor - it's his lucky day! Scott is about to get even luckier when Kira diagnoses him as having an excess of semen in need of release, and he is stunned when the doctor takes a very hands-on approach to ensure that this inmate remains calm!

Casca Akashova に 'Dee Williams and Rachael Cavalli undress only for your eyes'

Casca Akashova - Dee Williams and Rachael Cavalli undress only for your eyes

Casca Akashova Dee Williams and Rachael Cavalli are trying out some lingerie in front of you but they have other things in mind to surprise you and try on some special garments only to take them off to fuck you.

Dee Williams に 'in Hard Cock Pay Back!'

Dee Williams - in Hard Cock Pay Back!

It looks like I did it again. But I can't help myself. When I get a credit card in my hand I just have to spend spend spend! Unfortunately my husband, Sterling Cooper, is not a fan of my shopping trips. Sterling has ways to make sure that I don't over spend. Looks like I'll be paying this credit card off with my mouth and pussy. I'm gonna be here on my hands and knees for a while folks, pleasing my rich husband. He got out the fuck machine and everything, so you guys are in for a real treat! I secretly think that Sterling loves it when I spend all his money. It gives him the chance to treat his wife like the whore she is! The Best Hardcore Porn can be found here at!

Jaycee Starr に 'Strapping On For Lesbian Love'

Jaycee Starr - Strapping On For Lesbian Love

Fit and sexy Jaycee Starr knows how to use her looks to get what she wants, and her sugar stepmomma, Dee Williams, wants to give her the world. She buys the babe jewels, gives her tons of spending money, and pleases her nubile body to no end. And yet somehow, it's not enough for Jaycee. She leaves Dee for a man, and the MILF is absolutely heartbroken. But in the end, Jaycee comes back, and they have some intimate make-up sex. They eat each other's pussies and moan and scream in pleasure, cumming harder than ever before. Then, Dee plows Jaycee with a huge strap-on! Who doesn't love a happy ending?

Emily Willis に 'Where's Your Ring Part 1'

Emily Willis - Where's Your Ring Part 1

Emily Willis wakes up in a stranger's bathtub after a wild party. Her fiancé has been calling and texting all morning, wondering where she is. Emily tells him the address so he can come pick her up, and then gets seduced by one of the hosts, Kira Noir, for a steamy and shower-y affair. After hooking up, however, Emily quickly realizes her engagement ring is missing! It looks like her stay might last a little longer than she anticipated…

Aidra Fox に 'GWS - Role Models: Dress For Success'

Aidra Fox - GWS - Role Models: Dress For Success

Aidra Fox is nervous about seeing her boss today. Dee Williams is an amazing, inspirational woman and Aidra loves working beneath her. All Aidra can hope is that being called in by Dee today is a GOOD thing.

When she meets up with Dee, Aidra is happy to learn that she's doing very well within the company! So well that Dee is considering having her manage a new location they're opening! But the only thing stopping Dee from promoting Aidra right then and there is Aidra's sense of style. See, even though Aidra dresses... COOL... it's not quite the look their clients respond well to.

Aidra's hopes and dreams are crushed as she admits that she's not sure what to do to change that. Fortunately, Dee is all too happy to share an extra outfit with her to help Aidra achieve the successful look the company wants for her -- what DEE wants for her. She WANTS Aidra to succeed and maybe even be HER boss one day!

After Aidra changes into the impressive suit and blouse, she's blown away by how confident she feels. As Dee fawns over her new look, the tension between them builds. They're both powerful woman who relish a good challenge and passionate partners...

One thing leads to another as admiration turns to infatuation. They are both swept up in the heat of the moment as they share a kiss that quickly turns into so much more. It's not long before they strip away each other's business suits to get a good taste of what's beneath. All throughout, Dee's mind is blown -- it seems Aidra definitely has what it takes to make it to the top!

Kira Noir に 'Deep Pleasure'

Kira Noir - Deep Pleasure

Ebony beauty Kira looks unbelievable in her skin tight pink dress. She caresses her shapely legs, giggling as you sneak a peek at her stunning physique. But this teasing is only a warm up for what she is about to show you.

Natalia Queen に 'Cougars Kittens and Cock 4'

Natalia Queen - Cougars Kittens and Cock 4

Dee Williams and Natalia Queen tag team Markus Dupree until he gives them what they want! Dee and Natalia are out on the balcony in their pink lace lingerie and black high heels as they show off each others' bodies to the camera. They head inside to get more comfortable on the couch and make out while they play with their tits and wait for their cocksman. Markus arrives and immediately drops his pants and pulls out his cock so the girls can start sucking on it. Natalia goes first and licks that dick until Markus grabs her head and fucks her face hard. He lets the girls take turns blowing him then Natalia spins around into doggystyle so Markus can fuck her first. Dee lays her head on Natalia's ass and watches her take that cock deep then Markus pulls his cock out so she can suck it before putting it back in Natalia's tight, young snatch. The girls switch places so Dee can get dicked down as Natalia provides oral support to keep that cock wet. Markus stacks Natalia on top of Dee for easy access to both of their horny holes as he proceeds to take turns hammering both of their holes. He props Natalia up on the arm of the couch in missionary and continues fucking her but then stops so he can make her squirt into Dee's mouth. Markus and Dee clean up the mess that Natalia made and both lick her pussy before Markus gets back to pounding her hard. Dee gets in between them so Markus can fuck her from behind while she eats Natalia out then he puts Dee on the arm of the couch so he can pay special attention to her MILF pussy while Natalia sucks on her clit. Markus fucks them both until they're both fully satisfied then gives them his load which they happily share.

Kira Noir に 'Black Chicks Suckin' Dicks'

Kira Noir - Black Chicks Suckin' Dicks

Stunning black beauty Kira Noir performs an epic, slow-motion striptease, slipping out of sexy lingerie. The athletic, cock-craving vixen shows off her fit body, masturbating and drooling. Kira feasts on the stiff pricks of studs Jay Smooth and Jason Moody. The dudes cram both dicks into her mouth at once! This interracial blowjob threesome serves up sloppy face fucking and intense, deepthroat fellatio. Lewd Kira rims bunghole too! She opens wide for two messy cum facials, and she thanks the guys.

Scarlett Bloom に 'Graduation'

Scarlett Bloom - Graduation

It's graduation time and Nia and Scarlett are looking to celebrate in a big way. With his parents gone for graduation weekend, Oliver decides to have a little extra fun at his house. Fortunately, mia and Scarlett are on the same page and they just happen to find each other.

Kira Noir に '- We Fuck Black Girls - Scene 3'

Kira Noir - We Fuck Black Girls

Kira and her lab partner are going over some info for a project. Kira steps out for a moment and she returns to see her awkward lab partner watching porn on his phone. She's had a crush on him for awhile but never made a move because he was married and also because he was a little timid in her opinion. She didn't want to corrupt him with her wild ways. After catching him watching porn, she conducted a perfect game of cat and mouse. Kira dangled her little mouse as he struggled to find the right response to her very hard questions about race and women and what he thought was appropriate in this age. She wanted to toy with him a bit and get in his head before she told him she wanted him deep in her ass. It worked. She let him know that black women are individuals and that she would show him exactly how she liked to be fucked. To Kira's surprise, all of James' porn watching had taught him some great fucking skills. He knew exactly how to use his dick to make her scream and she taught him a few things too that left him eating out of the palm of her hand. Looks like they were good partners for each other after all. With lots of gaping and toy play, Kira uses a huge glass acorn toy that stretches her ass bigger than ever before!!!

Dee Williams に '- Cuckold Sessions'

Dee Williams - Cuckold Sessions

Dee's young twenty something husband gets off on hearing about her sexcapades. His favorites are the ones where she's with multiple men at once. To be honest, those are some of Dee's favorite memories as well. She asked him if they could make a sex memory with some guys together and he didn't think that was for him. Dee figured if she couldn't get him to join her, maybe she could get him to watch her. So, while he was at work she brought home three studs to fill her airtight. She patiently waited, dressed, stroking their black cocks, for her husband to come home. When he did, he was more than happy to pull up a chair and watch his hot cougar wife get pounded by BBC. Dee is a very good wife indeed.

Dee Williams に 'My Husband Brought Home His Mistress 14'

Dee Williams - My Husband Brought Home His Mistress 14

Eric Masterson is a happily married man. His wife Dee Williams loves for him to bring home sexy little hotties for them to play with. Isabella Nice is a cute unsuspecting mistress that is a little nervous at first but loves to take the cock no matter who is there.

Demi Sutra に 'and Kira Noir Hook Up With College Boy After A Party'

Demi Sutra - 2 Chicks Same Time

Jay is at a house party where Demi Sutra & Kira Noir start getting freaky on the dance floor. He can't keep his eyes off these hot babes as they go at it in front of everyone. The party gets broken up and Demi and Kira grab Jay and suggest they go someplace and have some threesome fun!

Dee Williams に 'Blond Big tittied MILF destroys little Man's Balls'

Dee Williams - Blond Big tittied MILF destroys little Man's Balls

Dee Williams is a legit Grappler. She is a Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and she has a lot of matexperience under her belt. She's super competitive but she's also super submissive. She also is a bigwhore for orgasms and if she is close to getting some guys face on her cunt or buried into her pussy, sheeasily gives up control just to get her sexual satisfaction fulfilled. This is all fun and games until she startslosing in the Judge's eyes. This is a Winner fucks loser style sex fight. The better sex fighter WILL winand HE WILL be able to do whatever he wants to her. Jay West is one of our smaller gentlemen, but hehas magnificent balls of steel that can be pulled, stretched, slapped, and punched, and all it really does tohim is give him a boner, and when he gets a boner, he actually starts to wrestle harder. Darling puts Jayinto some insanely painful holds. She gets him into a banana split and slaps his balls, slapping andtugging them. She holds him down by the throat and torments his nut sack with her hand and her teeth.Jay's boner powers activate, and his wrestler starts to come out. He is able to pin Dee, shoulders down,nipples getting licked, Dee panics and turns into a damsel in distress. Is This enough to win Jay West thematch? The loser is announced, the Winner takes their prize. The loser is made to cum with squirtingorgasm all over the place. The winner gathers all the cum and makes the loser eat their own cum

Becky Bandini に 'Old College friend's Tag Team a Young Stud'

Becky Bandini - Old College friend's Tag Team a Young Stud

Dee Williams and her old college friend's, Becky Bandini and Rachael Cavalli, are enjoying the Holidays when they hear a knock at the door. It's Dee's son's friend looking for Dee's son. Unfortunately, Dee's son's plane was delayed so he won't be home anytime soon. To kill some time and keep the festivities rolling, they decide to tag team the friend just like their old college days.

Ariel X に 'Season's Beatings from Dee Williams to Ariel X'

Ariel X - Season's Beatings from Dee Williams to Ariel X

All Dee Williams wants for christmas is a hot submissive slut under the tree. She promises she won'tbreak her toys, so Santa has deemed Dee a good girl and given her what she asked for. Dee Williamsteases Ariel with the sweet smell of her pussy before she bends Ariel over for some pussy eating of herown. Dee gives ariel the ass eating of a lifetime. Likes to play nice with her toys so she fingers andspanks her toy bouncing from playful to rough all the while reading her submissive sluts face, helping herto ride the wave of pain and pleasure. Dee takes the ball gag out so that Ariel can finally lick her pussyand bring her to pleasure. Then Dee puts on a strapon and fucks her toy until she's cuming over andover.

Kira Noir に 'Fighting Foot Domination'

Kira Noir - Fighting Foot Domination

Ricky Spanish has signed up for a self defense class after getting mugged. His instructor, Kira Noir, is patient at first but soon can't stand Ricky's inability to stand up for himself. Finally, Kira's had enough and decides to teach the cowardly college guy a lesson!

Dee Williams に 'Dirty With Dee'

Dee Williams - Dirty With Dee

We love Dee Williams, a horny mommy who enjoys a good time. She enjoys playing with the heft of breasts and the firmness of her ass. As her clothes come off to reveal silky lingerie, you'll admire her incredible proportions that are made for fucking, especially that juicy bare cunt of hers.

Dee Williams に 'Back In The Dating Game'

Dee Williams - Back In The Dating Game

Vera King, a divorcee, is ready to get back out there and start dating again. She has her reservations, though, but that's why her best friend, Dee Williams, is there for moral support! As Vera nervously tries on a dress for the date, Dee compliments and encourages her, insisting that Vera needs a man in her life! Of course, raising a family would be so much easier if she dated women instead...

While Vera playfully agrees that maybe it'd be easier, it's not possible since she's not a lesbian like Dee is. Still, Dee insists that Vera has nothing to worry about! It's been so long since Vera's been out that she deserves to have a bit of fun. Yet, Vera is worried about being rusty since it's been TOO long! What if she's forgotten how to even kiss??

Dee tries to calm her panicking friend, soothingly saying that Vera wouldn't just 'forget' how to kiss, that's impossible! If Vera wants to put her mind at ease, though, Dee would be more than happy with helping Vera practice to take the edge off. Although Vera doesn't think Dee is being serious at first, Dee is persistent -- she just wants to see her best friend succeed!

Vera is nervous but thankful for Dee's help, so she shyly accepts. As Dee begins to walk Vera through the steps to refresh her memory on kissing, the tension between them builds. The love and affection between friends, plus Vera's frustrations and loneliness, soon take hold and there's no turning back.

Vera lets all of her worries go as Dee helps her practice more than just kissing. Vera soon experiences the joys of tasting pussy and tribbing, which makes her start to think that maybe dating women is a good idea after all!

Dee Williams に 'Cum For Toys'

Dee Williams - Cum For Toys

Back in from a night of partying, Dee Williams is ready for a private party in her pussy. Her massive breasts are busting out of her bra, and her slim waist and pert ass are a treat you'll want to eat. Watch as she shows you how she likes to feel up her jugs and bare twat.

Dee Williams に 'Ass And Titties'

Dee Williams - Ass And Titties

Dee Williams is an all-American babe who knows that she's got it and just loves to flaunt it. She teases with peeks of her giant knockers and her slim figure. Once she starts playing with herself, her fingers won't stop working her tits and clit until this mommy is moaning!

Dee Williams に 'After The Party'

Dee Williams - After The Party

We love Dee Williams and her incredible mature body! This horny cougar is on the prowl as she shows off the way her panties ride into her slim ass. Between the heft of her incredible breasts and the slimness of her body, this lust ridden milf is ready to impress and seduce at the same time.

Kira Noir に 'Black Girl Magic'

Kira Noir - Black Girl Magic

Kira Noir, an athletic black girl, has smooth, long legs, a tightly toned body, and a hunger for hardcore anal sex! The insatiable starlet feasts on Mick Blue's thick boner through a raunchy blowjob. She whimpers when the hung stud stuffs his cock up her asshole. Kira lewdly rims Mick's bunghole and gags as she gives graphic, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Nasty interracial sodomy comes with face fucking, intense twat reaming and a creamy cum facial finale.

Dee Williams に 'The Birds And The B-Cups'

Dee Williams - The Birds And The B-Cups

Dee Williams is prepping for a gala, donning a stunning dress that really shows off 'the girls.' When her step-daughter, Mackenzie Moss, happens across her, she is envious, lamenting about how she can't wait for her OWN breasts to grow as big and full as Dee's... She has nothing but admiration for Dee's heaving bosom.

Although she's flattered, Dee is a bit thrown off, insisting that her breasts are larger because of implants. Mackenzie is intrigued, though doesn't really understand why having big breasts is better. She's even more confused about why her DAD likes Dee's big breasts, which really concerns Dee. Just how naive can Mackenzie be??

When Dee questions if Mackenzie's ever gotten 'the talk' from her biological mom, Mackenzie admits that her knowledge is spotty. Although her mom told her the basics, she never really learned the intimate details of sex... But what does that have to do with her dad's infatuation with Dee's boobs, anyway?

Dee has a lot of work ahead of her as she asks if Mackenzie would like to ask her more questions about what one does in the bedroom. Mackenzie eagerly agrees, though Dee gets more than she bargains for when Mackenzie eventually asks if Dee can touch HER breasts so that she can better understand their role in sex. Although Dee hesitates at first, knowledge IS power, so she fondles Mackenzie's smaller, perky boobs through her shirt. Naturally, one thing leads to another, and it's not long before Dee is giving Mackenzie a very intimate lesson in female sexuality!

Mackenzie is delighted as she gets to experience everything for the first time, including playing with and sucking on her stepmom's breasts! As Dee shows her how to eat pussy like a pro, Mackenzie's not so naive anymore!

Dee Williams に 'Backyard Banging'

Dee Williams - Backyard Banging

Dee Williams is looking forward to enjoying a beautiful day in the sun… unfortunately for her, Ricky Johnson, her stepson, had a party last night and totally trashed the backyard. Naturally, Dee demands he make it up to her – a nice, hard cock in her ass might do the trick.

Daya Knight に 'Super Sluts Daya Knight, Demi Sutra, and Kira Noir, Share YOUR Cock'

Daya Knight - Super Sluts Daya Knight, Demi Sutra, and Kira Noir, Share YOUR Cock

Daya Knight, Demi Sutra, & Kira Noir are hot and ready for each other and to tag team fucking your brains out until you bust your load on all of them!

Dee Williams に 'in Woman's BFF, Hard Cock!'

Dee Williams - in Woman's BFF, Hard Cock!

So there I was on the bed pleasuring myself after a long day of work when my doggy slave came over to play with my feet. Tony Orlando is a great doggy but he has his work cut out for him because his master is very horny. Just this once I will let him up on the bed, but that's only because I have some seriously naughty plans for him and he better deliver or it's back to the dog house for Tony! The very best in Hot Hardcore Sex Videos can be found here on my official site,!

Dee Williams に 'fucks young cock'

Dee Williams - Mom's Money

Dee Williams has a menu full of goodies. The way it goes, you bring her cash and she pleases you. If you are in for just a snack or a full on meal, Dee has it all.

Syren De Mer に 'We Like Girls - Syren and Dee'

Syren De Mer - We Like Girls - Syren and Dee

I've had the pleasure of working with the amazing Dee Williams a LOT in the past year, so when she told me about this incredible five-year relationship with Syren De Mer, I was riveted. It sounded like the kind of love that you only read about in fairytales, so how could I NOT feature them for this project?

'We met on set, actually,' Dee answered when we asked how she and Syren first met. 'She walked into the green room, I didn't know I was working with her, and I was like, who is THAT??'

'We kind of felt a connection right from the beginning, but we had JUST met,' Syren followed up with. They went on to describe how intensely they fell for each other from the get-go, with Dee admitting that even her ex-husband didn't look at her the way Syren did!

'She is my first love... My first girl love, my girlfriend!' Syren fondly states while holding her hands over her heart with the biggest smile on her face.

I tell you, there was no shortage of love in the air on set that day. The way they both lit up when talking about each other, admitting how they're two halves of the same heart, was unforgettable. When we finally let them come together again after the interviews, we couldn't take our eyes off them...

I love love, and after you see these two wonderful women together, you'll love love, too!
- Bree Mills

Demi Sutra に 'Strap-On, Strap Off'

Demi Sutra - Strap-On, Strap Off

Small Hands is completely unaware that his girlfriend, Kira Noir, is cheating on him with another woman. Thinking she's gotten rid of Small Hands, Kira has secretly invited Demi Sutra over to fuck and has plans to take their lesbian sex to the next level with a surprise strap-on. Demi is definitely game, but when Kira positions her partially under the blankets for a surprise with her ass and pussy sticking out, Small Hands' unexpected arrival turns the entire encounter upside down. Fortunately, everyone is able to fuck their way to the type of understanding you can only find after multiple orgasms.

Angela White に 'Acceptance'

Angela White - Acceptance

Lost in a sea of bodies, Angela overdoses on the one thing she knew she'd never control. Sometimes giving in is a sort of winning. Such is the paradox of acceptance.

Dee Williams に 'Ass Reduction!'

Dee Williams - Ass Reduction!

Sexy Dee Williams has gone to the plastic surgeon's office to get the ball rolling on an 'ass reduction' surgery; she feels her ass is just too big! Dr. Isiah Maxwell goes through the motions of weighing, measuring and tenderizing her ass, before protesting that it's just too beautiful to reduce. He praises and worships her ass until she has a change of heart… and an imminent need for sex.

Lady Fyre に 'Pounded Until Pregnant'

Lady Fyre - Pounded Until Pregnant

If you know Lady Fyre, you know how much she cares about taking care of her family. Today, her sister, Lee Williams, comes over asking for some help from Lady Fyres stepson. She has always wanted to be a mom, and she wants her not quite nephew to do the honors of impregnating her. Lady Fyre is more than happy to share her stepson, and the little guy could not be more excited. Lee sucks her not quite nephews hard cock, using her hands to stroke his prick until it is extra sensitive. Then, Lady Fyre watches as Lee climbs on top of her not quite nephews fat cock and takes him for an orgasmic ride. He fills her up with gooey sperm, and finally the mature hottie is satisfied. This is definitely one caring family!

Kira Noir に 'TBD joanna horror feature'

Kira Noir - TBD joanna horror feature

Nominated - Best Action Thriller, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Art Direction, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Director - Comedic Production: Joanna Angel, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Makeup, AVN 2020

Nominated - Comedy Movie of the Year, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Art Direction, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Special Effects, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Music, XBIZ 2020

It's 2019 and Jane Wilde is tidying up her place when, without warning, her eyeball falls out of her head! Not AGAIN! Jane sighs, picking it up and popping it back into her eye socket. Just then, Jane's friend Tommy Pistol walks into the room. Tommy fancies himself an amateur warlock and is there to babysit for Jane. Jane's appreciative, saying that she would never be able to afford to go back to school if she had to pay for a babysitter too. Tommy clearly has a thing for Jane, telling her that he would do ANYTHING for her...although, why isn't her HUSBAND babysitting?

Probably because at that moment, Jane's photographer husband, Kyle Mason, is across town doing a photoshoot with Kira Noir and Kenzie Reeves. The girls are decked out in their cheerleader uniforms and flaunting their tight bodies for the camera.

Suddenly, to everyone's horror, half of the skin on Kenzie's face comes sliding off, falling to the floor! As Kira helps a frantic Kenzie re-apply her face, she tells Jane that this kind of thing has been happening a lot to her lately too. Why NOW?! Kenzie asks.

Kira responds that their bodies are falling apart because their contract with the devil is coming due, reminding Kenzie that after 20 years, they have to sacrifice a virgin to keep their eternal beauty. But NEITHER one of them knows any virgins. Although...Jane is going back to school for computer science...she HAS to know a virgin!

When Kyle mentions that he can't wait to post the photos he took, the girls realize that they CAN'T let him do that, since it would give away their secret. Thinking fast, they offer to help him shoot something...DIFFERENT, something that's guaranteed to go viral.

Kyle can't resist and has Kira bend over. Kenzie buries her face in Kira's tight pussy. At the same time, Kyle slips Kenzie's panties off and starts to tongue her little clit.

These girls will do ANYTHING to keep their infernal beauty secrets...

Kira Noir に 'Dirty Double Dare'

Kira Noir - Dirty Double Dare

Kira Noir is a shy wallflower who is desperately trying to get in with the cool crowd at college. In a last ditch effort to get an invite to the biggest party of the year, Kira approaches the two most popular girls in school and begs them to let her come. The women see an opportunity to have a little fun with Kira and double dare her to steal hot jock Xander Corvus' prized varsity sweater in exchange for an invitation. Kira accepts the challenge and quickly realizes she's going to have to shed her goody goody persona in order to get what she wants…

Victoria Voxxx に 'Cuckolded By My Mom! (Part 4 of 4)'

Victoria Voxxx - Cuckolded By My Mom! (Part 4 of 4)

Jason lives in his mom's basement, trolls women online and never cleans, so the only dates he can get are paid for. But even that doesn't work when his beautiful escort Cheyenne hooks up with his sexy mom instead. Jason has to watch as, forty minutes later, they're still going hot and heavy, giving each other orgasm after orgasm. Cheyenne adds a new element when she licks and fingers mom's asshole. Finally exhausted and totally satisfied, the women make plans for the future: Cheyenne had such a good time with mom, she's willing to return for free. (Part 4 of 4)

Kira Noir に 'Satan's Cheerleader'

Kira Noir - Satan's Cheerleader

Nominated - Best Action Thriller, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Art Direction, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Director - Comedic Production: Joanna Angel, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Group Sex Scene, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Makeup, AVN 2020

Nominated - Comedy Movie of the Year, XBIZ 2020

Nominated -Best Actor -- Comedy Movie: Small Hands, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Comedy: Jane Wilde, Kenzie Reeves, Kira Noir & Small Hands, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Art Direction, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Special Effects, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Music, XBIZ 2020

It's 1999, and cheerleaders Kenzie Reeves, Kira Noir, and Jane Wilde are hanging around outside of school. They grumble, complaining that they're 18 and graduating high school this year. Why can't they just stay hot young cheerleaders forever?! Kenzie casually mentions that she'd sell her soul to look 18 forever and suddenly, in a puff of fire and brimstone, Principal Taylor (Small Hands) appears. But there's about him, and it's not just the cloud of infernal's the little horns that poke out of his forehead.

The girls are confused until Taylor tells them that he's NOT Principal Taylor, that's just his day job. He's actually...the DEVIL (cue maniacal laughter)! After explaining that he showed up because THEY summoned him, he whisks them away to his lair and pulls out his standard eternal beauty contract. If they want to stay young forever, all they have to do is sign it.

Kenzie signs without another thought but the other girls are a little more hesitant, noticing that after 20 years, they have to sacrifice a virgin to renew the contract. But, after some convincing from Kenzie, Kira and Jane sign on the dotted line.

So, after a good old-fashioned satanic ritual, the deal is almost done. But the devil tells them that there's just one more thing they need to do to seal the deal...they need to CONSUMMATE the agreement. So, the cheerleaders get on their knees, colliding in a steamy triple kiss before all three of them move in to get a taste of the devil's hard cock.

Cumming on their faces IS part of the eternal beauty package, and everyone knows that demon semen prevents wrinkles!

Dee Williams に 'Making Assmends'

Dee Williams - Making Assmends

Xander Corvus' sister-in-law, Dee Williams, is visiting for the weekend, and things get off to a rough start when Xander walks in on her masturbating in the shower. Although Xander avoids detection, his wife is immediately thrown off by Dee ripping down the shower curtain to cover herself. Feeling guilty, Dee finds her sister in the laundry room and offers to take over in order to make amends, but a sneaky Xander, after catching a glimpse of Dee bent over in front of the washer, decides to make a shockingly direct and assertive move.

Dee Williams に 'Fucks you for a terrible done job '

Dee Williams - Fucks you for a terrible done job

You had to do 1 thing at work and you did it all wrong so now your boss Dee Williams will have to show you how to do your job

Dee Williams に 'releases some stress by fucking you'

Dee Williams - Housewife 1 on 1

You had a hard day at work don't worry your wife Dee Williams is here to make sure you are stress free.

Dee Williams に 'Seduced By A Cougar'

Dee Williams - Seduced By A Cougar

When Rion stops by his neighbor's house to see if she would sign a petition for college, Miss Williams invites him in. She realizes that she used to babysit him way back when and now he's all grown up. Rion confesses his attraction to mature women, causing Miss Williams to be wet and horny. She seduces Rion and they fuck in the living room on her couch until he gives her a nice creampie!

Kira Noir に 'Twice The Fun'

Kira Noir - Twice The Fun

Sexy Kira Noir shows off her tight bod and toned ass before taking not just one, but two big dicks inside of it!

Dee Williams に 'Anal MILFs Only 2'

Dee Williams - Anal MILFs Only 2

Busty, curvaceous blonde Dee Williams performs a poolside strip tease, slipping out of her black lingerie. Dee gives superstuds Ramon Nomar and Prince Yahshua a drooling double blowjob that becomes a ravaging face fuck. The insatiable MILF gags on Prince's big black cock as Ramon drills her twat. Next, she whimpers through intense double penetration! The interracial threesome features sloppy, ass-to-mouth fellatio and immense anal gaping amid serious slam fucking. Finally, Ramon and Prince reward Dee with two cum facials. She scoops up their hot sperm and swallows!

Victoria Voxxx に 'Cuckolded By My Mom! (Part 2 of 4)'

Victoria Voxxx - Cuckolded By My Mom! (Part 2 of 4)

It's hard to get a date when you live in your mom's basement and never ever clean, so Jason has hired escort, Cheyenne. But when his mother shows up, his plans go awry. Cheyenne and his sexy mom are instantly attracted to each other, and instead of the blow job he was expecting, Jason has to sit by helplessly as his beautiful "date" sucks on his mom's huge boobs, licks her toes, and eats her super wet pussy. And they're not showing any signs of slowing down. (Part 2 of 4)

Victoria Voxxx に 'Cuckolded By My Mom! (Part 1 or 4)'

Victoria Voxxx - Cuckolded By My Mom! (Part 1 or 4)

Jason isn't having much luck finding a girl online (his nasty troll approach leaves much to be desired), so he hires an escort. Cheyenne (Victoria Voxxx) is grossed out by his dirty, messy basement room, and annoyed when he tries to haggle about her price. And she absolutely refuses to get on sheets that haven't been changed in ages. Jason stomps off and returns with a pretty comforter, ready for his blow job. But not so fast. Jason's mother (Dee Williams) barges in, pissed off that Jason has taken the comforter off her bed. Jason tries to pass his escort off as his girlfriend, but it doesn't help that he doesn't know her name. Cheyenne thinks it's hilarious that Jason lives in his mother's basement, and the two women start to chat. And pay each other compliments. Pretty soon, mom kicks Jason off the bed and starts to kiss Cheyenne, all the while insulting her loser son. Jason sits by helplessly as the women undress and mom starts to lick Cheyenne's pussy. (Part 1 of 4)

Ella Knox に 'Healthy Cumpetition'

Ella Knox - Healthy Cumpetition

When Kira Noir catches her man, Charles Dera, cheating on her with Ella Knox, she surprisingly finds herself more aroused than angry, watching the two fuck before finally making her presence known. Charles quickly hides his mistress before Ella sneaks her way towards the door, both thinking they've fooled Kira. Kira however, has something else in mind for both of them: a plan that'll get them all in bed together, but not before she gets a taste of Ella's pussy all to herself!

Dee Williams に 'My First Sex Teacher'

Dee Williams - My First Sex Teacher

Tyler needs to pass the test with at least a B if not he will have to re-take the course. College policy is against him on this one and Ms. Connor cant do anything about it, not even an apple can get her to change her mind but maybe a hard cock can do the trick.

Dee Williams に 'MILF with huge tits destroys tiny female in Nude wrestling match'

Dee Williams - MILF with huge tits destroys tiny female in Nude wrestling match

Dee Williams comes to the Lesbian Edition for the first time. She is taking Gabriella Paltrova. Gabriellahas been training and thinks that because Dee is a little closer to her size that she will be able to have abetter chance against her than she did with Daisy. These girls are highly turned on by each other andgive a very sensual match with a lot of Lesbian Kissing. The winner is called after 3 rounds. The Winnerhas her way with her prize, fucking her pussy then her ass, making the loser cum over and over and overagain. The Winner has a butt plug in her ass. She feeds the ass juices from the plug to the loser makingthe loser eat her juices with ass to mouth (ATM). The loser is fucked so hard her pussy is left gapingopen. The loser is lifted and Carried off the mats.

Kira Noir に 'Push It To The Limit'

Kira Noir - Push It To The Limit

Kira Noir is the kind of woman who loves to walk into a gym and work out a nice sweat, but sometimes, regular machinery just doesn't cut it… Thankfully, Scott Nails is ready to rock Kira's hard body and provide something even harder… his long, thick cock! Kira thinks she's finally found the right man to help push her workout to the limit!

Briana Banks に 'Surprise birthday party turns into a surprise foursome!'

Briana Banks - Surprise birthday party turns into a surprise foursome!

Marissa Cunningham (Vanna) plans a surprise birthday party for her mom with the help of her boyfriend and her mom's friends, Brenda Phillips (Brianna) and Nicole Mckenna (Dee). Since Marissa's mom isn't planning on arriving for a couple hours, her boyfriend takes care of all three of their wet pussies.

Brandi Mae に 'Muscle MILF vs Big Tit MILF in Sex Fighting'

Brandi Mae - Muscle MILF vs Big Tit MILF in Sex Fighting

Styles Make Fights. That's what we say in the fight game, which is the equivalent of "Any Given Sunday."It means that anybody could potentially beat anybody else, regardless of skill or performance disparitiesagainst common opponents. This is exceptionally true in sex fighting. Brandi Mae surely is the strongestfemale we have ever seen on the mats. But her strength and skill don't help her much against sexfighters who have a style that aims to make her cum over and over again. Dee Williams is a purple belt inBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She doesn't have big muscles but what she does have is a skill set beyond what mostour women have...that and she does have huge soft titties. Brandi Mae has a weakness for the soft pillowjugs that this hot MILF Dee Williams possesses. Dee Williams has a weakness as well for Brandi's largehard muscles and her big clit. Today comes down to who is LESS horny for the other woman. At anygiven moment in round 3, both of these girls are very close to orgasm. This match could have gone eitherway. Today The Winner fucks the loser with a Real Cock Dildo. The loser is taken to the locker room andfucked until she cums over and over again and is weakened from all the orgasm.

Kira Noir に 'Anal Fuck Dollz'

Kira Noir - Anal Fuck Dollz

Sweet black angel Kira Noir shows off her long legs and hot ass in high red stilettos. Markus Dupree's hard cock fills her mouth, and Kira gives a wet blowjob. Dropping to her knees, Kira rims his bunghole and then spreads her cheeks for interracial anal penetration. Markus plows her butt while Kira stuffs fingers in her tight pussy. She climbs on top for an awesome backdoor cock ride. He chokes her as she spasms orgasmically! See a sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjob, expansive bunghole gaping and a glistening cum facial.

Dee Williams に 'My First Sex Teacher'

Dee Williams - My First Sex Teacher

College professor Dee Williams is trying to help Lucas understand the lecture by naive virgin Lucas is too shy and just doesn't get it, so its up to Professor Dee Williams to solve the problem Lucas has about being a man and enjoying college.

Kira Noir に 'A Family Affair: The Reunion Part 3'

Kira Noir - A Family Affair: The Reunion Part 3

After narrowly avoiding the wrath of his girlfriend's dad, Van Wylde is finally almost home free. The problem is that his girlfriend's new stepmom, Kira Noir, is the only thing standing in between him and the door to freedom… Van will do just about anything to make it out of this house alive and when Kira catches Van, she puts that to the test. Van realizes that in order to escape, he has to give her something her new husband has been denying her for months… A big cock in her ass!

Dee Williams に 'did NOT see this coming'

Dee Williams - Big Cock Bully

When Dee answers her husband's phone to find his boss on the other end, she gives him a piece of her mind, demanding the workplace bullying to stop. But the boss man threatens to fire him and has Dee come over to fix the situation. Wait to you see the look on Dee's face when she finds out she has to take a big black cock!

Kira Noir に 'Hookup Hotshot: Something Casual'

Kira Noir - Hookup Hotshot: Something Casual

Spreading her legs to reveal her trimmed bush, black babe Kira Noir sexts with dominant stud Bryan Gozzling. She moans in anticipation as Bryan oils up her toned body and inspects every orifice. Deepthroating his stiff cock, Kira looks up with red eyes. Bryan stuffs her tight butthole full of meat and pumps aggressively as she cums on his shaft. Kira crouches on hands and knees to rim Bryan's bunghole. See hot anal gaping, intense buttfucking, a raunchy, ass-to-mouth blowjob, and a creamy cum facial.

Kira Noir に 'Trunk Prank'

Kira Noir - Trunk Prank

Kira is such a horny girl that she's begging for the cock, she wants it right away, so she's not trying to wait. She begs to be brought home and dicked down so Ricky tosses her thirsty ass in the trunk and drives her home. He opens the trunk at the house and she refuses to wait to get inside, she needs to fill her mouth with cock so she starts sucking him off right there in the driveway. Once they get into the house, its pussy filling time and Ricky tears up that tight slit.

Dee Williams に 'Watch Your Mom'

Dee Williams - Watch Your Mom

Dee Williams is getting soaped up and ready to fuck her son's friend. Watch this hot mom take a nice big dick.

Kira Noir に 'Sluts Scared Straight'

Kira Noir - Sluts Scared Straight

College sluts Kira Noir and Kristen Scott are having some fun in their bedroom as they make a tent out of a bed sheet and play a creepy board game. The girls aren't getting scared, that is, until the board spells out 'Fuck me'. Suddenly, the girls are startled by Kristen's stepbrother's dick protruding through their tent! Xander's pulled another one of his annoying pranks on them and now these two sluts are scared straight—into sucking and fucking his big dick, that is! The girls decide to get back at this prankster by having their way with his cock and balls! Kristen and Xander compete over Kira's juicy wet pussy as she fucks her with a strap-on while Xander's getting his dick sucked! But will these step-siblings be willing to share Kira or will each of them want this smoking hot Ebony beauty all to themselves?

Kira Noir に 'Anal Slut Training'

Kira Noir - Anal Slut Training

Dolled up in fishnets, leg warmers and high heels, cute black babe Kira Noir pulls her thong aside and stretches her butthole using a series of progressively larger anal dildos. Tattooed white dominant Small Hands takes control of the young, all-natural girl. He shoves his big cock down her throat, making her gag, and then fucks her bald pussy. Mr. Hands relentlessly sodomizes her asshole, and Kira repeatedly cleans his cock with sloppy, deepthroat, ass-to-mouth blowjobs. After an intense interracial buttfuck, he cums in Kira's open mouth.

Dee Williams に 'gets oiled up before banging her son's friend'

Dee Williams - My Friend's Hot Mom

Dee Williams is hanging out by the pool when her son's friend stops by to visit. Since her son is out she decides to entertain her son's friend with her sweet sweet milf pussy!

Tiffany Watson に 'Left At The Altar'

Tiffany Watson - Left At The Altar

A jilted bride, Tiffany Watson, is moping in her bedroom, having locked herself away for days. Everything she does somehow reminds her of her fiance, making her even more miserable than before.Her best friend, Kira Noir, finally shows up to check up on her, worried for her wellbeing. She asks Tiffany how she's doing. Tiffany tries to collect herself, saying that she's fine, but it's clear that she's not. Her fiance left her for her step-mom? Really? And now she's all alone...Kira continues trying to soothe Tiffany -- she's not all alone, and it's her ex's loss! But, hey, for someone who's just been sitting around the house all day eating, Tiffany's looking pretty good! If Kira looked HALF as good as Tiffany did during a crisis, she'd be happy! Tiffany perks up a little at the compliment, her spirits lifted by Kira's presence.Perhaps partially spurred by grief and partially by a secret crush, Tiffany suddenly sees Kira in a different light. As they shuffle closer together, a spark is ignited between the friends. After gazing longingly into each other's eyes, they tentatively lean forward until their lips touch in their first kiss!All of Tiffany's problems melt away as she lives in the moment with Kira. What started as a kiss soon turns into something much more as they bring each other to orgasmic bliss. They eagerly suck on each other's breasts, and tongue and finger each other's pussies, addicted to the taste. As Kira rides Tiffany's face, Tiffany realizes that she was never truly alone!Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, Metalhead42!

Emma Hix に 'Mastur-Baiting Mommy'

Emma Hix - Mastur-Baiting Mommy

Emma Hix tiptoes into the living room, looking around cautiously. She opens her laptop and lays it on the coffee table in front of the couch. Her eyes are bright as she types on it. Ooooh, now THIS is a hot scene...she won't be able to resist THIS, Emma says to herself with lusty delight. She clicks on a key and we can hear that a Girlsway porn scene is playing as loud sex sounds issue forth from the laptop. From the hall, off-screen, we hear her stepmom Dee Williams call: 'Honey, do you have any laundry for me? I'm doing the rounds!' And here she comes!, Emma says to herself, jumping off the couch and quickly scurrying to hide behind the door as she leaves the porn playing. She peeks out from the door with an expectant look on her face, licking her lips. Dee comes into the room carrying a laundry basket. She doesn't see Emma, who rubs her hands together in anticipation, as if she is excited for a show that she's about to see. But Dee doesn't even register the porn playing on the laptop. She seems very busy and distracted and simply utters 'Oh that girl, always leaving her things out unattended! Honestly!' and closes the laptop, stopping the video. Emma's mouth opens in surprise and her shoulders sag with disappointment. Damn!, she says to herself. She has clearly not gotten what she wanted.The next day, Emma sets up another trap for her stepmom, drawing a bubble bath for her and creating a sexy atmosphere. When Dee hops in and the girl spies on her, she's again disappointed when her mom slips into a doze in the bath.Determined to get what she wants, the following day Emma leaves a book on masturbation out on the coffee table purposefully for Dee to find. As Emma hides and watches, Dee finds the book and thumbs through it. Soon, Dee's hands creep into her pants and she sets the book down. She begins to rub her pussy under her pants. From the doorway, Emma's jaw drops, this time with shocked delight. She can't BELIEVE it's actually working!, Emma says to herself in disbelief. Dee gets more and more into her self-pleasure, slipping her pants and underwear off as she begins to rub and finger her pussy earnestly, moaning loudly. Emma watches from the doorway, clearly aroused by the display. After watching her mom masturbate for a while, Emma purposely gets caught. Emma lies and tells Dee that she is trying to learn how to masturbate, since she's never done it before. She's 18 and even her younger friends have more experience than her, Emma adds.

Scarlett Sage に 'Maid For Each Other: Office Cleaning'

Scarlett Sage - Maid For Each Other: Office Cleaning

Dee Williams sits at her desk in her office. It is late at night and she is hunched over her laptop, working diligently. She pauses for a moment, taking off her glasses and rubbing her tired eyes. Soon, a cleaning lady, Scarlett Sage enters her office. She is wearing headphones and dances a little as she comes in, not noticing Dee. Dee looks up from her screen and sees Scarlett. She watches her dance for a moment. She likes the low-key sexy way Scarlett is dancing and bites her lips. Just then, Scarlett looks over at Dee. Startled that someone is there, she stops dancing, her eyes wide with embarrassment, as she quickly removes her headphones. Oh she is so sorry ma'am, she thought everyone had gone home for the day, Scarlett says apologetically.Dee is understanding and tells Scarlett that she can work around her, but Dee has trouble concentrating on her work because she's too busy staring at Scarlett's hot body. Finally, Dee can't take anymore, and wanting to get Scarlett's attention, purposely spills a glass of water on her desk. When Scarlett comes over to clean it, Dee tells her there's some under the desk too and Scarlett crouches down, sliding under the desk.As Scarlett wipes up the water, Dee hikes up her skirt and opens her legs. With Dee's pussy inches away from her face, Scarlett's eyes go wide. Scarlett can't help but admit to Dee that she loves her panties as Dee suggestively traces her fingers over her pussy. Maybe Scarlett should take a...closer look at them, Dee says seductively. Scarlett bites her lip and moves up to Dee's pussy, licking it sensually.Office cleaning can be a tough job, but Dee's going to show Scarlett that it certainly does have it's benefits.

Kira Noir に 'Baby Maker'

Kira Noir - Baby Maker

Michael Vegas doesn't know how the subject of having kids came up, but he tells the love of his live, Kira Noir, that he loves what happens when you try to make them, and they give it a go, making wild and passionate love with an internal climax.

Dee Williams に 'Stepson Rubdown'

Dee Williams - Stepson Rubdown

Dee Williams arrives home and discovers her house stinks of cologne. She follows the scent upstairs to her stepson Justin Hunt's bedroom. Dee bursts into his room and catches Justin spraying down his body with cologne. Dee grabs the bottle from him and drags Justin into the shower to rinse off. When Justin just stands in the shower embarrassed, Dee decides she's going to have to rub him down herself if she wants anything done right!

Kira Noir に 'Furniture Store Fun'

Kira Noir - Furniture Store Fun

Salesman Robbie Echo is struggling at work. His busty Latina boss is on his ass to make sales, but nobody seems interested in buying any furniture on this hot day! Well, Robbie's luck is about to change when beautiful Ebony babes Kira Noir and her girlfriend Evi Rei walk in looking for a mattress! Robbie lets these two test out the product but little does he know that these are two wild and horny lesbians who strip out of their clothes and start fucking and fingering their dripping wet pussies right then and there! When Robbie overhears their moans of pleasure, he tries to intervene but they pull him onto the bed and start sucking and fucking his big dick! Let's hope for Robbie's job security that he gives these two sluts the dicking that they desire--after all, its always important to keep the customers satisfied, especially when its two luscious ladies like Kira and Evi!

Kira Noir に 'Public Pranking'

Kira Noir - Public Pranking

Jmac and his friend are out on the prowl at the park on a rainy day, to spank, strip and prank as many hotties as they can find! But when they spot the gorgeous ebony babe Kira Noir and go a little too far in their mischief, she gets pissed off and decides to return the favor. She chases Jmac into the bathrooms and pulls down his pants to shame him on camera, but gets blown away by how huge his cock is! So they fuck as hard as they can in the toilet stalls, not even stopping when they're caught on camera!

Britney Amber に 'Turning The Tables'

Britney Amber - Turning The Tables

While cleaning their room, Kira finds a business card in her husbands pants and catches her trifling husband cheating on her with his personal masseuse. She calls the number and makes an appointment with the two timing ho, planning to confront her. When Britney arrives looking for her lover, she is met by an Kira, angry and ready to teach Britney a lesson! Britney came to get fucked? Well, Kira is gonna fuck her!

Kira Noir に 'Dont Distract Me Too'

Kira Noir - Dont Distract Me Too

Is there anything more annoying than being the last two teams alive, the circle is closing in, and… And your girlfriend can't keep her hands to herself. Well, Kira Noir has found herself in that exact situation. She's got the loot, but Jenna is trying to get her pussy licked. It's already soaking wet, aching for fingers, tongue… ANYTHING! Time to turn this solo match into a duo full of scissoring, spitting, and licking to find out which of these ebony goddesses will cum out of this tight lesbian royale as champion?

Dee Williams に 'Swapping Daughters: The Other Family'

Dee Williams - Swapping Daughters: The Other Family


Scene opens on a young girl, Becky (Maya Kendrick), who sits in the back of a car. She looks excited and anxious to get out of the car. The car pulls up to a flawless suburban home with a perfectly manicured lawn. Outside, three people stand. These are the members of the Darling family: husband Doug (Mr. Pete), wife Doris (Dee Williams) and son Davey (Seth Gamble). Becky smiles when she sees them. The three stand in a perfectly straight line and have the same exaggeratingly welcoming smile on their faces. They wave in unison and are all dressed in similarly preppy fashion with matching colored clothing. As the car pulls into the driveway, Becky notices the odd way they're waving and her smile falters for a second as she regards them skeptically. But she seems to push her worries aside immediately and regains her smile. The car pulls to a stop. Becky thanks the driver and hops out excitedly. She must be Becky!, Doug says enthusiastically. Yes, Becky confirms. Doug introduces himself and presents his wife and son. Doug asks Davey to get Becky's bags from the car. Davey goes to get the bags.

Welcome to Canada, they are so happy to have her here!, Doris says brightly. Becky says that she's happy to be here for her cultural exchange, and it's not nearly as cold as her parents said it would be. Yes, people tend to exaggerate about the climate here, says Doug. 'We don't all live in igloos you know!' Doug adds with a laugh. Why doesn't he take Becky's bags upstairs and show her her new room?, Doug suggests to Davey. She arrived just in time for dinner, Doris says. Dinner is every night at six o'clock SHARP, Doug says firmly. 'And no matter what we are doing, we ALWAYS come home for family dinner at six. NO. EXCEPTIONS.' Doris says, with an oddly insistent edge. She'll see that there are rules, but these rules just make them closer as a family, Doris says. 'Isn't that right sweetie?' she asks Davey. Yes Mother!, Davey answers energetically. Becky catches that and laughs nervously. Well, they'd better get Becky's bags upstairs, dinner will be on the table soon!, Doris says. They'll take care of paying for the cab while Davey takes care of Becky, Doug adds.

As Davey walks Becky up the driveway into the house, they chat. Um... is everything as...strict as they just made it sound?, she asks with a nervous chuckle. Yeah, Mom and Dad just like things done a certain...way, Davey says. She'll get used to it, he adds. He thought it was a little weird at first too, he says. He was 15 when his dad married Doris, but it's been four years now and he's totally used to all their little rules, he adds. 'And trust me, once you get used to them, you'll LOVE it here. I know I do,' he says with a chuckle, as his eyes look Becky's body up and down. Becky laughs nervously.

Cut to the dinner table, where the four sit with their meals in front of them. The three Darlings, virtually in unison, fold their napkins and place them onto their laps. Becky looks on, a quizzical expression on her face, but a moment later, follows along, placing her own napkin on her lap. So Davey showed her her new room?, Doug asks. Yes, it's great!, Becky says happily. Before they can continue their conversation, Doris lightly taps her glass with her fork, getting everyone's attention. It's time to say grace!, Doris announces with a smile. The three Darlings join hands, but Becky hesitates. Is there a problem dear?, Doris asks. Um, no, she just...isn't used to saying grace, Becky says, smiling awkwardly. Well, in this family, they give thanks before every meal, because in life, there is so MUCH to be thankful for, Doug says earnestly. And since Becky's a part of this family now, it's important that she takes part in this, Doug adds, again offering his hand for Becky to take.

Becky smiles nervously and takes Doug's hand and with her other, grasps Davey's outstretched hand. Doug begins by saying that they are thankful for the meal that they are about to receive, they are thankful for their health, and...they are very thankful for Becky, the newest member of their family. When he says 'newest member of their family', all three Darlings turn their heads to look at Becky with unblinking grins. Just as when he married Doris and she became Davey's mother, they have formed a new family, Doug continues. 'We are thankful to be blessed with this young woman, who will be taking part in all of traditions,' Doug adds. As Doug is saying this, Davey's fingers begin to rub Becky's palm. Feeling this, her eyes open with mild surprise. She looks at Davey, who stares at her. He slowly licks his lips.

She subtly tries to take her hand out from his but Davey grips her hand harder, preventing her from pulling away. Becky looks towards Doug, who stares back at her with a blank smile. To Becky's growing alarm, Doug licks his lips. Becky looks toward Doris, who is also staring at her and licking her lips hungrily. She looks around in disbelief at the three of them as they stare back at her.


They begin to eat. Soon, there is a buzzing sound under the table, coming from where Becky is sitting. She takes her cell phone from her pocket, apologizing. 'Davey, didn't you tell Becky about our cell phone rule?' asks Doris, staring angrily at Davey. No Mother, he didn't, he says, hanging his head in shame. Doris turns to Becky, her fury replaced by a manufactured smile and an artificial sweetness. 'Dear, we don't allow cell phones or any other gadgets like that in this house. We don't even own a television or a computer actually. Those kinds of things are nothing but...distractions. And we don't want ANYTHING distracting us from each other, because family...comes first, isn't that right gang?' Doris says, smiling her sickly sweet grin. The Darlings all smile back at her and say that's right.

Oh um ok, well, she'll put her phone away then, Becky says. Oh no dear, she'll have to give her phone to Doug for safekeeping, Doris says with a smile. Becky hesitates. They really want her to give her phone to them?, she asks incredulously. Oh yes, Doris says with a smile. It's for the best, adds Davey with the same smile. But what about emergencies?, Becky asks softly, clearly becoming weirded out. 'Well, aren't you going to be spending all your time with us?' Doris asks. Yes, she sure is, and they'll make sure that NOTHING bad happens to her, Doug adds, putting out his hand for her phone. Becky hesitates for a moment longer and finally, slowly puts her phone into Doug's hand.

Cut to a few days later. The family is in the living room, enjoying a game of charades. The family plays a few rounds. When it is Becky's turn to act out, she acts out the phrase 'rowboat' successfully. The family congratulates her. Despite the weirdness of the first night's dinner, this wholesome family game seems to be helping Becky relax. Next, it is Davey's turn to act out the clue. He looks at the slip of paper and seeing what it is, smiles mischievously. He gets up in front of the couch, and the family watches him. He begins to squeeze imaginary breasts, staring at Becky as he does so. Becky shifts uncomfortably, looking away. Davey's parents don't see anything sexual about it at all and eventually, Doris guesses 'arthritis' enthusiastically, seemingly interpreting his squeezing motion as him stretching his arthritic hands. That turns out to be the correct answer and the Darlings cheer.

Can he PLEASE go again?, Davey asks with a smirk. That was too easy and he wants a real challenge with a harder clue, he adds. Well, they ARE just playing for fun and aren't even keeping score, so she doesn't see why not, Doris says. Super!, Davey says, choosing another slip of paper. He thinks for a second and begins to mime what can only be licking a pussy, flicking his tongue obscenely in the air as he spreads an imaginary pussy with two fingers of each hand. Again, he stares at Becky as he does it. She is getting increasingly uncomfortable and looks to Doug and Doris for assistance. But they are really into the game, still seemingly not noticing the sexual nature of Davey's actions, and don't even look at Becky. Oh wait, he knows this one, he does this ALL the time, Doug says before guessing 'licking an envelope.' The Darlings again celebrate the correct answer while Becky looks on, outwardly disturbed now. After a moment, Davey again pleads with his parents to let him go one more time. Doug is unsure, he tells Davey he should let other people have a turn, but Davey almost begs him and he finally relents. But this is the LAST time, Doug adds firmly. For sure Dad!, Davey says and grabs another slip of paper.

He grins and thinks for a moment. He begins to thrust his hips as if he's fucking. He then mimes a slap, as if he's slapping the ass of the person that he's fucking. Again, he stares at Becky, grinning a lustful grin. Becky looks again at Doug and Doris for help, but they don't pay attention to her. They are just happily guessing, playing the game. This is too much for Becky now. 'Um HELLO?!, don't you see what he's doing?!' she asks Doug and Doris incredulously. Davey stops his actions. What does she mean?, Doug asks Becky. 'He's...he's acting know...sexual things...and...and staring at me,' Becky says. Dear, he's CLEARLY riding a horse, Doug says patiently. Isn't that right Davey?, Doug asks his son. That's EXACTLY right!, Davey says indignantly.

Oh come on, they can't SERIOUSLY believe that!?, Becky says to Doug and Doris. Well, if that IS what happened, it's certainly no cause for fighting, Doris says. 'He just got a little carried away is all, and you can hardly blame him. He's a competitive boy, that one!' Doris adds with a little laugh. Oh what does it matter anyway, Mom?!, Davey asks. She's going to find out soon enough what's REALLY going on,' Davey adds, a mean-spirited smile on his face. 'David Darling, don't you say ANOTHER WORD. Go to your room, young man,' Doug says instantly. Davey huffs off.

Becky is puzzled and feeling very uncomfortable. Um, what was Davey talking about when he said 'what's really going on'?, Becky asks cautiously. Oh nothing Becky, she knows how boys his age like to joke around, Doug plays it off. Is he sure about that?, it didn't really seem like a joke, Becky probes skeptically. Doug and Doris exchange a conspiratorial glance between them. Becky sees this glance. 'Please, just tell me, you're freaking me out,' she says. Well, they were going to wait until she was fully settled in to tell her, but now Davey's gone and spoiled that, so they may as well explain, Doris says. Is she sure Becky can handle it?, Doug asks Doris. 'Well, I guess we're just going to have to have a little faith in her', Doris says, running a hand through Becky's hair. Becky recoils slightly. This is starting to scare her, can they just tell her what's going on?!, Becky pleads.

Okay honey, she'll do her best to explain it, Doris begins. Well, her husband, like many men, like many...fathers, has certain...urges, certain...proclivities, Doris continues. And as part of dealing with these urges, Doris and Doug are members of an online group, group of sorts, where other fathers with the same tastes each other, Doris continues. What kind of...urges is she talking about?, Becky asks fearfully. Let's call them...appetites, Doug offers. His...appetites are---well, most people would frown upon these kinds of appetites, since they involve...his daughter, Doug continues.

Hearing this, Becky's eyes go wide. 'Your daughter...wh-what did you do to your daughter??, Becky asks fearfully. Oh don't worry, she's absolutely fine and completely safe, Doris explains soothingly. Becky, these urges that they're talking about are perfectly natural, Doris says, smiling sweetly. But Doug would NEVER act on these urges with their own daughter, Doris continues. 'Which is why we made an...arrangement with your parents,' Doug continues.

What the fuck is he talking about?, Becky asks with horror. They made an arrangement that when each of their daughters turned 18, they would...perform an exchange, so that each family could...satisfy their unique appetites, Doug says. 'S-stop, I don't want to hear any more of this! You guys are a bunch of sick fucks and I'm getting the hell out of here, I'm going home to my parents,' Becky says angrily. 'Give me my phone NOW!' she practically yells at them.

He's afraid that's not possible, Doug says. Her phone is in a safe place, but he can't give it to her, he adds. 'Those are the rules of the house, young lady, and as long as you're part of this family, you WILL obey those rules,' Doug says firmly. 'I'm NOT part of your fucking family, asshole!' Becky fires back. 'Becky, that's no way to talk to your father!' Doris scolds Becky. 'My FATHER?!' Becky asks in disbelief. 'You guys are NUTS, I am fucking LEAVING,' Becky adds, moving to exit the house.

Where does she plan on going at this time of night?, Doug asks. Where she goes is none of his business, she's going to call a cab and get out of here, Becky says indignantly. With what money?, asks Doug. What is THAT supposed to mean?!, Becky asks. 'Well, sweetheart, your bank accounts and credit cards have all been canceled, of course,' Doris says with sickening sweetness. What?, Becky asks with disbelief. 'Those people who you used to call your 'parents'? Well, they don't want you anymore sweetie. Don't you see?' Doris says. 'You're OUR daughter now,' Doug says, smiling. No!, Becky screams, running away in horror. We hear a door slam. Sounds like she went up to her room, Doug says to Doris. Yes, let's let her rest, it's been a tough night, Doris says. Yes it has, and they should get some shut-eye too.

Cut to later that night. From the hallway, we see Becky's bedroom door opening quietly. Becky pokes her head out, looking up and down the hall. It is dimly lit and quiet. Everyone seems to be in bed. She sneaks out of her room, careful not to make any noise. She creeps into the living room, constantly looking over her shoulder to see if anyone has heard her. She is very nervous. She begins to quietly look through the drawers of a cabinet that is in the living room. She doesn't find what she's looking for and seems to be getting increasingly frantic as she goes through drawer after drawer.

'Are you looking for this?' Doug suddenly says, making Becky jump in surprise. He emerges from the shadows of the hallway, holding Becky's cell phone in his hand. Becky's jaw drops and she says nothing. Take it, Doug says, offering the cell phone to her. She narrows her eyes suspiciously. 'No tricks, just take it and call your parents, then you can finally understand and maybe might calm down a little,' he says.

She thinks for a moment before approaching Doug, quickly snatching the phone from his hand. He sits on the couch patiently. She frantically dials a number. No answer. She dials it again and again, but still nothing.

'Do you understand now Becky?' Doug asks from the couch. She's stunned.

They didn't answer, did they?, Doris says, emerging from the hallway. Becky is startled by her sudden arrival. No, Doris knows they didn't, and that's because her old life is over, Doris continues, sitting next to her husband on the couch. 'Your new life is here Becky, and you need to accept that,' Doug says. Please, come and sit down, Doug says, patting the couch next to him.

Becky seems almost broken by her parents' rejection and sits down heavily without protest. As part of her new life as a family, as they've told her, there are certain rules, and one of those rules, is that they need to time, Doris says as Doug begins to lightly play with Becky's hair. And family time means being a EVERY way, Doug says, laying his hand on Becky's lap.

At this, Becky snaps out of her daze. No, no, she won't be part of their disgusting games, she says, though she doesn't seem to muster up as much energy. She's going to leave, and call the police, she says, as she begins to dial on her phone. And what exactly is she going to tell them?, Doris says. No one has done ANYTHING wrong, Doris continues. And she's so far from home, with no money...and no home to go back to, Doug says.

At that moment, Davey walks in, rubbing his eyes groggily. What's going on?, he asks. Oh, they're sorry for the noise, they're just having a family...meeting, Doris says. Ooh, he LOVES 'family meetings', Davey smiles naughtily, shooting a glance at Becky as he pokes his tongue crudely in the corner of his cheek in a classic 'giving a blowjob' gesture.

His parents seem to ignore it and Becky looks away in disgust. 'We were just telling your new sister that she has nowhere to go, so she might as well start following the house rules,' Doug tells Davey. Dad's right, and believe him, the house rules aren't so bad at all, Davey says. 'When I became his mother, Davey had some...difficulties, but eventually he got into the swing of things, isn't that right sweetie?' Doris asks Davey. That's right, Davey grins, licking his lips as he looks at Doris. 'And when I finally had a taste of Mom's goodies, I couldn't BELIEVE what I had been missing,' Davey adds, leering now.

Becky looks appalled. 'You can act all doom and gloom if you'd like Becky, but I for one, think this is cause for celebration. After all, it's not every day that we get to welcome a new member into our family! And what better way to celebrate than with some quality family time together!' Doris says brightly. Ok?, Doris asks Becky pointedly. OK BECKY?, Doris asks, a hint of threat creeping into her voice. Okay, Becky says softly. 'That's wonderful! So why don't come over here and give your mother a kiss?' Doris asks Becky.

Kira Noir に '- Gloryhole Initiations'

Kira Noir - Gloryhole Initiations

Kira Noir is one horny slut, and when she gets super horny (which is all the time) Kira loves to rub one out to dirty movies. Not just any dirty movies, either. Kira loves her porn to be 'real'. Kira can't seem to find anything online, so she's found herself at an old-school, brick-and-mortar store that sells DVDs! And get this -- there's a preview booth in the store that will let you preview before you buy! Kira takes the clerk up on his offer, and soon is 'behind the curtain', watching smut in the store! Kira gets so turned on, she decided to talk to the guy in the booth over! That's right! She could hear his movie playing, and when she peered through the hole, Kira could watch him jerking his throbbing member. Turns out he's a regular at the store, but he doesn't want any trouble with management. This means Kira is going to coax his dick through the hole, which isn't terribly difficult for her! Soon she's sucking...and taking that dick balls-deep up her sweet asshole! Walking out of the preview booth won't be easy with cum dripping from her face, so why not swallow that stranger's load?!

Jane Wilde に 'The Prodigal Daughter'

Jane Wilde - The Prodigal Daughter


SCENE OPENS on Bryce (Derrick Pierce), Kim (Dee Williams), Darryl (Brock Slayden), and Rhonda (Venice Rose), all waiting anxiously in a living room. Bryce and Kim are excited and nervous. Kim says she can't believe this is happening after all this time! Bryce kisses his wife's forehead lovingly. He says that he can't believe it either -- their little girl is coming back to them! They have a second chance to be a family -- it's almost too good to be true.

'It IS too good to be true,' Bryce's brother, Darryl, speaks up. His expression is suspicious. His wife, Rhonda, is standing nearby and looking worried as well. 'SOMEONE has to be the voice of reason, so it may as well be your brother. Your little girl went missing 12 years ago. No one turned up ANYTHING! Not the cops, not the FBI -- NO ONE. And now Scarlett suddenly pops up out of nowhere?' Darryl states. At that moment, the doorbell rings, and Bryce and Kim answer it excitedly. A teen, Scarlett (Jane Wilde), waits on their doorstep with a police officer, announcing that she's the daughter they've been looking for.

As they greet each other, Scarlett avoids talking about her past, though her parents don't seem to find it suspicious. Darryl and Rhonda are even more suspicious of Scarlett, and she seems to recognize that they are a threat to her plan. Kim says that she'll show Scarlett to her room. 'That'd be great... Mom,' she says. Yet, as they head off, Scarlett gives one more cautious look back to Darryl and Rhonda.

When Kim and Scarlett leave the room, Bryce gets even angrier at Darryl when Darryl tries to warn him again. Exasperated that he's not getting through to his brother, Darryl and Rhonda leave the house.

A week later, Bryce returns home from work and overhears Scarlett having a suspicious conversation that signals she may not be who she seems. Scarlett hears him listening at her door, asking if there's anybody there? Bryce makes himself known by opening the door and acting like nothing is wrong. She lies and tells him that she was napping. Bryce knows that isn't the truth, so he looks a bit taken aback as he tries to recover. He says that she should wash up because when Mom gets home shortly, they're going to go out for dinner.

Scarlett starts to double-down on her deception, trying to resort to sexuality to find out what Bryce knows, but their confrontation is interrupted by Kim coming home. 'Ahh, that's your mother. I'll leave you to get ready for dinner,' he says as he leaves the bedroom. As he slips out, Scarlett's expression becomes worried and dark.

Downstairs, Bryce quietly talks to Kim, sharing that he's worried something is amiss with Scarlett. Kim looks more anxious now, asking if he thinks Darryl and Rhonda are right? 'Right about what?' Scarlett suddenly speaks up, appearing behind them. She's still trying to look innocent, but there's something more sinister about her now as she approaches them. 'You ARE our precious Scarlett, aren't you?' Kim asks, her voice trembling as she grips Bryce more tightly.

She hugs herself, putting on a show, and says that when she was six and on a playground, she was... taken away by a man and woman. They claimed they were friends of Bryce and Kim's, and that they were there to take her home. But... they never took her home. She'd repressed it for many years but then started to wonder when she was a teen where she came from. Then, just after she turned 18, she finally found a story in an old newspaper at the local library about a missing child. When she saw the picture, she knew it was HER. That's how she got Bryce and Kim's names, and, well, here she is, after all this time...

Bryce questions what Scarlett was wearing the day she went missing. Scarlett accurately describes the clothes that were mentioned in articles about the missing child. But Kim asks more specifically about a necklace, which Scarlett stumbles over. Faced with no other choice, Scarlett finally admits that she's not their real daughter. Kim chokes back a sob and Bryce shouts at Scarlett to get the fuck out of their house before they call the cops! Scarlett is unmoved and unafraid, saying that wasn't the past week the best week of their lives? 'That was when we thought you were our child! Our flesh and blood!' Kim cries.

Scarlett continues to manipulate them, trying to get them to accept them as their daughter to live out their fantasy of having a real family. She's more than happy to keep this up and build a life with them, although it'd be nice if there were some... extra perks... with the arrangement as well. As she says this, she traces a finger along Bryce's arm, looking at them with more seductive eyes. They're very beautiful people -- it's a shame she never got their genes. Bryce and Kim are horrified and reject Scarlett. She presses on, breaking them down by threatening to lie to the police and tell them that Bryce and Kim were the ones who kidnapped her and were keeping her locked in their basement for all these years.

Bryce and Kim seems to be breaking down now, at a loss for what to do. Scarlett takes this time to feel them up a little, though she works it into a hug, squeezing them close. 'So, what will it be?' Bryce and Kim look at each other, broken. Kim swallows hard and nods briefly. Scarlett looks pleased and says that they made the choice, so now it's time to seal the deal with a little something extra. A little fucking around in exchange for their family name to be carried on for generations to come? That's nothing, right?

It might feel wrong at first, but Mommy and Daddy will learn to like fucking their prodigal daughter soon enough!

Kimber Veils に 'Banging My Bratty Roommate'

Kimber Veils - Banging My Bratty Roommate

Kira Noir is fed up with her selfish, disrespectful roommate Kimber Veils. Not only is she using up all of Kira's things, she's also constantly masturbating in shared spaced instead of getting off in her own bedroom. When Kira catches Kimber masturbating on the couch with what she believes to be her vibrator, she has had enough – it's time to each that bratty roommate of hers a lesson.

Kira Noir に 'Take Another Fucking Study Break'

Kira Noir - Take Another Fucking Study Break

All Kira Noir wants to do is study for her upcoming college exam. Feeling stressed about her exam, Kira really wants to study hard and can't let herself get distracted--not even by her boyfriend Scott Nails, who's just looking to help her unwind! Scott comes in and starts rubbing Kira's tight pussy and ass over her booty shorts. He's trying to distract her from her textbook since he thinks all Kira needs is his big cock to suck and fuck to help her study! Scott has his way with Kira, who tries to please her rock hard boyfriend while also keeping an eye on the pages before her! But soon enough, this horny slut can't take it anymore and she gives into her boyfriend as they take yet another fucking study break! Looks like Kira's more than ok with getting some D on her test!

Kira Noir に 'Kira Takes It All'

Kira Noir - Kira Takes It All

Beautiful ebony girl Kira Noir is our lucky contestant for the challenge. This perfect beauty takes each inch of a throbbing dick down her throat. Nothing scares a pro like Kira!

Tiffany Watson に 'Getting Hot In Here'

Tiffany Watson - Getting Hot In Here

The scene opens with two young women, Tiffany Watson and Kira Noir, who are roommates and friends, stepping into their home. They're complaining about how hot it is outside and how nice it'll be to kick back and let the air conditioner do its job. Tiffany frowns and looks around, saying that it's awful quiet... Also, it feels pretty warm in the apartment?? Kira groans, saying that the air conditioner CAN'T be dead TODAY of all days! It's a record-setting heatwave out there!Kira insists that she'll call their landlord and get the problem fixed as quickly as possible. Kira calls the landlord, greeting them pleasantly and stating that their air conditioner went kaput and that she and her roommate are roasting alive. Her face falls as she relays to Tiffany that the landlord says that they'll try but it may be hard getting it serviced during a heatwave -- it's going to be super busy! In the meantime, they should do everything possible to stay nice and cool. Kira thanks the landlord, anyway, then hangs up and groans, picking at her shirt. 'It's already SO HOT!'The two women move to the leather couch to relax, trying not to move around too much since it'll just make them hotter and stickier. While they're both uncomfortable, picking at their shirts or periodically fanning themselves, Kira exasperatedly asks her friend if she can take off her top. 'Oh, thank GOD, 'cause I was going to ask the same!' Tiffany says, and they both fling off their shirts. They both sigh with relief, their skin glistening/damp with sweat already, although their comfort is short lived.It's still too hot. Tiffany announces she HAS to take her shorts off. Kira is flustered as she watches Tiffany, but then follows suit.They remove their shorts, now standing in just panties. They both then flop back onto the couch. Kira sneaks gazes at her friend that are more curious in nature than casual. Tiffany is relaxed against the couch, all hot and sweaty... It looks very sexual! Kira suddenly realizes she's been staring at her friend for too long and abruptly sits back with her eyes wide.Kira rises to her feet and announces she's going to get damp cloths to wipe herself down with and that she'll bring Tiffany one, too. Then Kira returns with a damp towel and puts it on Tiffany's shoulder, patting her down. The touch across Tiffany's glistening skin is sensual, especially when she moves the towel around Tiffany's breasts, making sure to get her good and wet...Then Kira asks for Tiffany to wipe her down and Tiffany easily agrees, returning the favor. Tiffany is especially sensual, and Kira can't help but to moan beneath her touch. Even if they're supposed to be focusing on getting cool, they seem to only be getting hotter now!The heat continues building between them. Overcome with desire for one another, they lock lips. Their passion increases tenfold as they soon move on to palming each other through their panties. Desperate for more, they taste each other's breasts and pussies, eager to experience each other to the fullest. Distracting each other with sex is one way to beat the heat!

Charlotte Stokely に 'The Bachelorette 3: Reluctant Bride'

Charlotte Stokely - The Bachelorette 3: Reluctant Bride

Emotional and frustrated, Bachelorette Charlotte Stokely can't get the events of the last few days out of her head. Her mind racing with the memories of cheating on her husband-to-be at her bachelorette party, she's been desperately trying to reach her best friend Kira Noir to convince her to erase the video proof so she can move on with her life and her wedding. But Kira's not answering her texts and none of their friends have heard from her. Finally, Charlotte decides to go to Kira's house to see if she's there. When she arrives at the house, she knocks on the door - no answer. She lets in and out a deep, desperate sigh and starts banging on the door pleading for her best friend to answer. Finally, Kira answers the door, and Charlotte tells her she's been trying to reach her all day. Kira lies and says sorry, she hasn't been checking her phone. She invites Charlotte into the house and they go up to Kira's bedroom to talk. Charlotte confronts her, saying that she KNOWS Kira took a video of her having sex with the stripper at the party. She begs her best friend to delete it.Kira says she's not going to delete the video. Charlotte tries to lighten her tone and reason with her friend, by saying it was just a silly bit of joking around that went too far, she was just playing up the whole 'last night of being single' theme of the party and just took it too far. Kira argues it was way more than that, and even if she won't admit it, something else is going on. Even before the party she's been acting weird - wild mood swings, dragging her feet about even the smallest reception details, getting more and more nervous as the wedding date nears even though she should be excited... Charlotte tries to lie saying that's just normal bride stuff, but Kira insists she knows her well enough to know when something is wrong. It's not just normal bride stuff, she's acting like she doesn't even want to get married. She pleads with the bachelorette to tell her what's really going on.Seeing her friend open up and plead honestly with her, the bachelorette breaks down. It's true, she says, she's right, Charlotte HAS been having second thoughts about the wedding. She knows that she loves her fiancé, but she's not...IN LOVE with him, Charlotte admits emotionally. Well, does she guys?, Kira asks. Charlotte isn't sure what Kira is getting at. Her best friend tells her that every time she's seen Charlotte with her fiancé, it's been...lukewarm. But when she saw Charlotte with that stripper the other night...she's NEVER seen passion like that from Charlotte. So does Charlotte girls?, Kira asks. Charlotte hesitates to answer, but Kira tells her she can be real with her. It takes Charlotte a moment to admit it, not only to her best friend to herself as well, but... yeah, she...likes girls, Charlotte answers slowly. Her eyes widen as the realization fully sinks in. 'I like...GIRLS,' Charlotte repeats, visibly relieved. Kira has used the video to finally get Charlotte to admit the truth about herself, which might just save the reluctant bride from making a mistake and marrying a man she doesn't love. But was that all that Kira was after all along? Or does she have other, more...PERSONAL reasons for outing her friend?

Kira Noir に 'Silent Dancer'

Kira Noir - Silent Dancer

Kira Noir gives Xander Corvus a sexy silent lap dance, showing off her seductive acrobatic skills. But when Xander slips his hard cock into Kira's wet pussy, she can't stay silent for long. Kira moans with pleasure as Xander fucks her like the girl of his dreams.

Kira Noir に 'The Bachelorette 2: Office Intrigue'

Kira Noir - The Bachelorette 2: Office Intrigue

Bachelorette Charlotte Stokely opens her eyes, groggy after passing out from exhaustion the night before. She is disoriented for several seconds, clutching at her head as she tries to remember what happened last night. Her eyes go wide as the memories come flooding back - the lap dance, her hands going onto the stripper's body, going down into the panties, FUCKING the stripper while everyone watched... and then one last horrifying memory surfaces: her best friend Kira Noir recording everything on her phone! She scrambles to find her OWN phone, and when she finds it, dials a number. She pleads aloud for Kira to pick up.At her office, Kira stares at the vibrating phone in her hand, whose caller ID shows that it's Charlotte calling. She blocks the call and resumes work at her desk. After a few seconds of work, in barges Jade Baker, the stripper from the previous night. What is she doing here? Kira hisses. There are people who work here who were at the party, she shouldn't have come! The pissed-off Jade explains that she's waiting for the rest of her money. What rest of her money, Kira asks angrily, she was already paid. Not for the dancing, Jade says, for the OTHER stuff. The stuff Kira put her up to. Kira scowls - she thought they had a deal, that the 'other stuff' would come free as long as the woman was hot. Jade says that WAS the deal, but that was before Kira took a video of them in action. That wasn't part of their deal, and she could get in a lot of trouble if that kind of video circulates. Kira scoffs that she doesn't have time for this, but Jade insists she'd better make time. She doesn't want her friend finding out that Kira was the one who set up the whole thing by hiring the female stripper on purpose and convincing her to seduce the bachelorette, does she? Kira snaps at her and asks what she wants - more money? Jade says money is always nice, but she has something else in mind.She makes a move on Kira. Oh for god's sake, Kira hisses, sex is really all she ever thinks about, isn't it? Jade says yeah, mostly, but truth be told ever since they made this arrangement she's wanted to get up Kira's skirt. Kira has a seriously wicked mind, she says, which makes Jade think she must be really wicked in the bedroom too, and she really wants to find out. Kira tells her fine, come to her place tonight, but Jade tells her no - now. What, here?! Kira panics and says no way, she could get fired if anybody saw, but Jade argues that she could say the same thing about that phone recording. So it's either sex right here, right now, or she goes to Kira's bachelorette friend with the info that Kira planned it all. Or, of course, she could just pay her. But the price has already gone up. Ugh, fine! Kira agrees, they'll have sex now - but they have to be discreet about it!Jade doesn't waste any time, and hikes up Kira's skirt as she caresses her body. As they kiss, they're interrupted abruptly when one of Kira's colleagues walks back into the office. Kira quickly pulls her skirt down and rushes Jade to hide under her desk, just in time to hide her from her colleague's view.As Kira sits at her desk and types, unbeknownst to her colleague, Jade spreads Kira's legs and begins to eat Kira's pussy. It takes everything Kira's got for her to stifle her moans as Jade expertly and secretly munches her box. Kira has gotten really good at keeping secrets, but as her best friend will soon find out, an office tryst isn't the only thing that Kira is hiding...

Joanna Angel に 'You Will Regret This Scene 2'

Joanna Angel - You Will Regret This Scene 2

After a bad breakup, Max (Joanna Angel) gets talked into going to a music festival with her best friend, Tess (Kira Noir) and her bad news boyfriend, Travis (Michael Vegas). A few hours into their road trip, the group of friends pick up a couple of hitchhikers (Abella Danger and Small Hands) heading to the same event. After sundown, their entire plan falls apart – the car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and the wary travelers decide to camp out in the woods until morning. What happens under the cover of darkness will change the course of their entire lives… and yes. They will regret it.

Kira Noir に 'Cecilia's 1st Lesbian Anal'

Kira Noir - Cecilia's 1st Lesbian Anal

This is Cecilia Lion in her 1st lesbian anal experience ever (even in her private life). Kira Noir shows her the anal ropes in this intense lesbian anal sex scene. Shot in 4K, Kira takes 4 fingers in her ass. It's time for steamy lesbian anal with stunning analingus and multiple anal orgasms shared!

Dee Williams に 'LeWood Gangbang: Battle Of The MILFs 4'

Dee Williams - LeWood Gangbang: Battle Of The MILFs 4

Massively stacked MILF Dee Williams teases and strips poolside, flaunting her plump rump and enormous knockers. Indoors, the bodacious slut prods her orifices with a toy, riling herself up for a graphic, four-man interracial gangbang! Each stud separately slam-fucks Dee's cunt and subjects her to fierce throat reaming. The guys surround her for a gagging, slobber-soaked blowbang. They take turns buttfucking Dee and fill her holes in a nasty double penetration! Dee groans lustfully, gives ass-to-mouth blowjobs, and rudely shows off her gaping sphincter. For the climax, the guys slather her in a bukkake-style cum facial. Dee stares into the camera swallowing their spunk!

Angela White に 'Tough Critic'

Angela White - Tough Critic

Kira Noir USED to be Angela White's favorite pornstar. Angela couldn't get enough of her, professing her love far and wide across every forum possible. Yet, her comments have turned more critical lately since it seems like Kira's lost her passion. Although Kira has a beautiful body, stunning eyes, and legs that went on for days, her performance leaves much to be desired, in Angela's humble opinion. For instance, Kira could both lick pussy and trib a little longer in her scenes...Angela's about to post her latest critique, her fingers flying across the keyboard of her laptop, when there's a knock on the door. Nothing could prepare her for seeing that it's none other than Kira herself!Angela can barely string more than two words together as Kira, who is on a mission, invites herself in. She's entranced by Kira, even as she's told off for being so nasty on forums. Apparently, Angela has no idea how hard it is to do the work Kira does! So now Kira wants Angela to go back and fix ALL the mean things she's ever said. Angela snaps out of her starstruck haze long enough to cheekily ask what will happen if she DOESN'T? The answer becomes obvious when Kira raises a brow and whips out her bright purple strap-on.Flustered, Angela gets straight to work altering her past comments. Yet, she can't help but to stubbornly voice her opinions with Kira chastising her the entire time. Gradually, Kira inches closer and begins seducing Angela instead, which leaves the critic weak in the knees. Since Angela LOVES commenting on her performance, maybe she'd love to experience the real deal for herself?Entranced by Kira, Angela readily takes up the offer. Who would ever pass up on the chance of getting pounded by their favorite pornstar? But will the performance be enough to rekindle the love for Kira's work?

Carter Cruise に 'Slippery Showdown'

Carter Cruise - Slippery Showdown

The only thing better than hot girl-on-girl wrestling is adding lots of oil to the mix, and wrestlers Carter Cruise and Kira Noir are ready to get this slippery, scissor-heavy showdown started.

Kira Noir に 'Showcase: Kira Noir'

Kira Noir - Showcase: Kira Noir

Kira Noir and Demi Sutra, two close friends, step out onto a balcony with glasses to ring in the New Year together. Standing side-by-side and gazing out, they reflect upon what they want their New Year's resolutions to be. Demi almost instantly insists that she's going to try and be more honest. Kira gushes that that's a good one and that she'll do that, too! So where should they start?The two friends get some light things off their chest in the spirit of being honest. They both aren't fond of a certain coworker at work, Demi hates her new shoes...Kira can't believe Demi hates the new shoes. They look amazing on her -- Demi looks great! Demi is flustered, insisting that she's really glad that Kira thinks so. There is chemistry between the women as they exchange sultry looks, though they both seem hesitant to make the first move.Then Kira's eyes fall on Demi's full lips. She admits, since they're being honest, that she wants to know how Demi makes her lips look so perfect. Demi takes Kira by the hand with a smile and says she has a few lip glosses with her. She's happy to show her how to do the makeup!Demi leads Kira inside and they both get comfortable on the couch. Demi digs her lip glosses from her purse, giving Kira some pointers for getting the perfect, natural look. She doesn't think Kira has much to worry about because her lips are beautiful -- she's gorgeous! Now it's Kira's turn to be flustered as she accepts the compliments, then leans forward with her lips parted as Demi begins applying lip gloss to them.As Demi carefully works on Kira's lips, the heat between them builds. They can't help but to flirt with one another, entranced by each other's beauty. As Demi gets caught up in the moment, she admits that she's kind of always wanted to kiss Kira, even though they're friends... Is that weird? Is she being TOO honest now? Kira insists that it isn't weird and that she's thought about it, too. Since it's New Year's, they may as well give it a try, right?The girls come together in a sensual kiss without reservation. They hold the kiss for a few moments, then draw apart -- only long enough for Demi to declare that she wants Kira to take her dress off. So turned on by each other, they strip down to explore their secret feelings for one another.It doesn't take long for them both to dive into each other's sweet pussies with tongues and fingers, eager to please. The fire between them burns as they make each other come undone, delivering mind-blowing orgasms. It looks like they may be more than friends going into the New Year!Story inspired by an original submission by our very own Girlsway model, Kira Noir!

Anya Ivy に 'Ebony Three Player Game'

Anya Ivy - Ebony Three Player Game

Ebony besties Anya Ivy and Kira Noir get competitive when it comes to their gaming sessions, but these honeys immediately switch to co-op mode when there's a cock involved! Anya wants a little extra powerup, so they call in Xander to give her a doggystyle dicking, and it's only fair for him to fuck Kira too! Xander strips off the babes' 8-bit panties and fucks them from behind as they mash their buttons, but his big cock in their mouths makes them pause the game so they can concentrate on his big joystick! Once these hotties share Xander's cum on their faces, their alliance is over and it's time for a rematch!

Dee Williams に 'Big Tittied Blonde Destroys Man with Ball Busting then Fucks him'

Dee Williams - Big Tittied Blonde Destroys Man with Ball Busting then Fucks him

Dee williams is a legit Grappler. She is a Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and she has a lot of mat experience under her belt. She's super competitive but she's also super submissive. She also is a big whore for orgasms and if she is close to getting some guys face on her cunt or buried into her pussy, she easily gives up control just to get her sexual satisfaction fulfilled. This is all fun and games until she starts losing in the Judges eyes. This is a Winner fucks loser style sex fight. The better sex fighter WILL win and HE WILL be able to do what ever he wants to her. Jay West is one of our smaller gentlemen but he has magnificent balls of steel that can be pulled, stretched, slapped and punched and all it really does to him is give him a boner and when he gets a boner, he actually starts to wrestle harder. Darling puts Jay into some insanely painful holds. She gets him into a banana split and slaps his balls, slapping and tugging them. She hold him down by the throat and torments his nut sack with her hand and her teeth. Jay's boner powers activate and his wrestler starts to come out. He is able to pin Dee, shoulders down, nipples getting licked, Dee panics and turns into a damsel in distress. Is This enough to win Jay West the match? The loser is announced, the Winner takes their prize. The loser is made to cum with squirting orgasm all over the place. The winner gathers all the cum and makes the loser eat their own cum

Dee Williams に 'Gorgeous Milf Gushers'

Dee Williams - Gorgeous Milf Gushers

When Dee Williams' jet pilot husband Marcus London is away on a mission, she decides to unearth her inner squirt gate. Practicing the eastern art of female explosion, she finds her G-spot and awaits his return. Hornier than she has ever been, she barely lets him get through the front door when she has him on the couch and riding his cock to a climatic explosion within seconds, but that's not enough. Over and over she blasts sweet soaking gushers of squirt all over him as she orgasms over and over again.

Kira Noir に 'A Date To Remember'

Kira Noir - A Date To Remember

Beautiful all-natural, Kira Noir is having the most awkward first date ever with all-natural stunner Brenna Sparx. They just don't seem to be connecting, but Kira knows there is chemistry between them, and she had a naughty idea that just might bring out their fiery attraction... Kira cannot wait to have hot lesbian strap-on sex with Brenna! The two begin to kiss and their sexual attraction is unleashed as they finger and suck each other's cunts with boundless enthusiasm. Kira straps on a dildo and goes to work on Brenna's wet, eager pussy. Brennan rides it like a pro, moaning for more until she cums hard. Kira fucks her in several positions before both are exhausted and pondering another hot date.

Natassia Dreams に 'Exquisite Anguish: Dee Williams Opens Up For Natassia Dreams'

Natassia Dreams - Exquisite Anguish: Dee Williams Opens Up For Natassia Dreams

Horny, voluptuous damsel in distress, Dee Williams is laying tied up on the floor of Natassia Dreams' dungeon. Her dress can barely contain her round juicy ass and heaving bosom. As she whimpers and moans through her ball gag, Natassia Dreams walks in taunting her with the threat of what her day offers. She pulls her tits and ass out and proceeds to suck and bite her nipples while she smacks her perfect ass. Natassia takes devilish delight in licking her ass and cunt while she also doles out the pain, spanking her ass red. Dee is in heaven! She takes everything Natassia does to her and begs for more. The insatiable slut is then brought to her knees to worship Natassia's huge ass and cock. After the frantic, spitty blowjob Dee is laid out on the floor and fucked deep in her cunt. She screams in pleasure as Natassia pounds away. Eventually Dee is put face-down, pleading to be railed in her hungry asshole. To her delight Natassia puts her hard cock deep in her tight hole while rubbing her swollen clit. Dee is allowed use of a vibrator as she writhes in orgasmic ecstasy while Natassia drills her ass, then pulls out to cum all over her pretty pink pussy. With her hands clenched around Dee's throat, Natassia tells her she will have to wait right there on her dungeon floor, dripping with cum until she returns to play with her little fuck toy again.

Kira Noir に 'Bust In My Bubble Bath'

Kira Noir - Bust In My Bubble Bath

Kira Noir's a cheating wife in a sexy dress, ready to go out with the girls. However, her husband forbids her to leave, suspecting she'll pick up a new side piece at the club. The annoyed Kira tells her husband that she'll just relax in a long, hot bubble bath instead. She slips off her dress and gets into the suds, masturbating to pics of her boy toy Xander Corvus and his huge cock. But when Xander actually shows up, a stunned Kira eagerly starts sucking his cock, managing to hide Xander under the bubbles to avoid detection right as her husband barges in. After that close call, Kira is wetter than her bubble bath and will risk anything to get the sexual satisfaction she craves.

Kira Noir に 'Mick's ANAL PantyHOES 5'

Kira Noir - Mick's ANAL PantyHOES 5

Swaying in tall stilettos and aqua blue pantyhose, black beauty Kira Noir spreads her asshole. Kira delivers an aggressive, in-depth blowjob, gagging, drooling and rimming Mick's asshole. Mick slides his fat dick into her creamy pussy doggie-style. He inserts a bulbous anal toy in her oiled-up butthole, and Kira moans that it's the best feeling in the world! Mick replaces the toy with his throbbing cock and plunges Kira's bunghole in an intense, interracial anal drilling. Kira cums hard! She gasps through a tasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob, and Mick unleashes a dripping cum facial.

Brett Rossi に 'Downward Doggy Style'

Brett Rossi - Downward Doggy Style

Yoga instructor Brett Rossi's class is known for being challenging, and Kira Noir notices that classmate Justin Hunt is having a hard time keeping up. He seems stiff, so when Brett isn't watching, she rubs her tight booty against Justin's dick! That just makes him stiffer, so ebony stunner Kira pulls out his cock and sucks it. Brett catches them as Justin fucks Kira doggystyle, so the no-nonsense blonde MILF gives Kira a lesson in how to be a real slut! The babes eat each other's pussies as Justin watches, then they bring him in making their twosome a threesome so they can ride his cock and his face. Justin cums on Kira's face and Brett licks it off!

Penny Pax に 'The Booty Judge'

Penny Pax - The Booty Judge

Alexis Fawx and Penny Pax are both engaged in a yoga routine with Alexis leading the way. Penny is having trouble keeping up with Alexis but tries her best, following her into poses such as downward dog. The various poses lead to them showing off their bodies, but especially their sexy butts!Meanwhile, Kira Noir has a perfect view of those tight butts through their tight yoga pants. She doesn't say anything but sneaks looks now and again. Who could possibly resist the temptation?Then Alexis pauses the routine and breaks out a rose quartz healing crystal, mentioning to Penny how good it is for the whole yoga and meditation process. It's all about self-love, after all! Maybe so, but Penny's more interested in if its mystical powers will help her butt get bigger. Alexis cheekily runs a hand over her own butt and says it's worth giving it a try -- look what it's done for her!Penny is not convinced, even as Alexis does squats in front of her to show off that butt. It's just the yoga pants making Alexis' butt look big. Alexis exclaims that yoga pants can't do that and wants Penny to take a closer look. They both get distracted from their yoga routine as they compare butts, wondering whose is bigger and firmer. They even slap their butts to test said firmness, which really gets Kira's attention.They are going nowhere fast, so Penny invites Kira over to be the judge. Kira eagerly slides in behind them as Alexis and Penny go down onto their hands and knees, ready for the inspection. Of course, Kira takes her time when choosing which butt looks better -- there are a lot of things to consider, obviously! She's aroused by both of them as they both vie for her vote.Kira says it's hard to tell who is the ultimate winner because they're wearing yoga pants. Penny then throws out there that she's game for naked yoga, which Kira insists is good for the chakras. Since Alexis and Penny were just talking about healing energies, their attention is drawn back to the healing crystal. Penny suggest that whoever can hold the crystal between their butt cheeks obviously has the bigger butt.Kira picks up the crystal, marveling over it and how its vibrations speak to her. She then asks Alexis how best to absorb the healing powers of the crystal, which Alexis responds that its by holding the crystal close to you. Kira asks if Alexis ever tried to absorb its power internally and she says, oh yeah, all the time! Penny then volunteers, wanting to have this experience firsthand.Instead of trying to hold the crystal between their butt cheeks, they instead make a contest out of who can take the crystal deeper inside them. Of course, the girls can't help having a little extra fun by eating each other's pussies out at the same time. Surely this will somehow prove once and for all who has the biggest butt.

Kira Noir に 'DP and DA'

Kira Noir - DP and DA

Kira Noir goes hard in this intense, hardcore DP scene, including DOUBLE ANAL penetration. This is gonzo style fucking at its finest! With relentless DP action and multiple ATM's. It doesn't stop until there is a dripping cum swallowing finish!

Dee Williams に 'Cum County'

Dee Williams - Cum County

When Dee Williams' husband comes home with one of his delinquent students Ricky Johnson, she can't help but be a little pissed. Dee pulls her husband aside and asks him what he was thinking. Annoyed, Dee agrees that Ricky can stay, at least for the night. They eat dinner and Dee gets up to wash the dishes. Ricky offers to help and walks up behind Dee, rubbing her shoulders and tits to help her relax. Dee is pleasantly surprised and gives into the sensation. Having a young stud around isn't such a bad thing after all. Dee makes sure Ricky feels right home until her husband catches them in the act!

Sinderella に 'My Day With Mr M'

Sinderella - My Day With Mr M

Sinderella blames her parents for not having any expendable cash to enjoy herself. She doesn't want to work, nor does she want to get herself into a sugar daddy situation. So after some research, she has found a compromise. When she finds out about Mr M, she really can't say no - the more she thinks about this business arrangement the more she gets excited - and money is the last thing on her mind.

Bonnie Rotten に 'He Came At Night: Part 2'

Bonnie Rotten - He Came At Night: Part 2

Bonnie wakes up to her phone ringing and groggily picks it up. Her eyes open wide with terror when she hears the caller breathing heavily. She jumps up and sees the hooded figure watching her from the corner of the room. Bonnie runs out of the house and down the street to her neighbor's house, banging on the door until Bill Bailey answers smiling. Bonnie bursts into the house and tells her story in a panic while Kira Noir tries to console her. Bonnie insists that this wasn't a prank, but Kira and Bill convince her there's nothing to be worried about. Eager to believe them, Bonnie starts to calm down with the help of Kira and Bill. A sexy threesome is exactly what Bonnie's needs to take her mind off things… but is she really safe at their house?

Kira Noir に 'Another Free Yoga Fuck'

Kira Noir - Another Free Yoga Fuck

Hardbodied yoga instructor Kira Noir offers Xander Corvus a free lesson at the park. He's not sure yoga is for him, so she decides to give him a little demonstration. Xander loves watching her round booty as she bends and stretches, but Kira can tell he isn't taking it seriously, so she tries a different teaching approach, telling him to close his eyes and practice deep breathing as she sucks his cock! Xander bends Kira over for some downward-doggystyle, and learns that all that yoga has given her an extremely tight pussy! Kira demands that Xander fill her chakras with kundalini energy and then fill her mouth with cum!

Dee Williams に 'MILFs Suck! 3'

Dee Williams - MILFs Suck! 3

Buxom mom Dee Williams is an experienced, lingerie-clad blonde with meaty pussy lips and a thick, juicy ass. This sexy MILF gags on a giant black dildo, deep-throating the toy as she slobbers into her cleavage. Next, Dee orally worships Mark Wood's big boner; he fucks her hungry face, and the nasty lady slurps on his balls and taint. Dee rubs her sensitive cunt while giving Mark a wet, sloppy blowjob, and he shoots his cum into her open mouth.

Kira Noir に 'Satanic Femdom Orgy'

Kira Noir - Satanic Femdom Orgy

Exclusive preview from our upcoming feature, Mind Fucked: a Cult Classic. Alison Rey, Kira Noir and Andi Rye are in search of spiritual enlightenment, but keep ending up in cults that are repressive, frightening or just plain crazy. Now, they're out for an evening of fetish fun - only to run into another cult-like event. But Mistress Bella Bathory assures them, this cult is different, it's all about female empowerment and doing what you want. First, the new girls participate in a multi-Domme strap-on gangbang, ramming enormous dildos into the willing ass of slave Marcelo, who also treats them to a two-dildo blowjob.Then Alison, Kira, Andi and Bella have orgasm after orgasm while experiencing lesbian sex in every known position. But there are guys to play with too. Karla Lane and Sheena Ryder show off their blowjob skills.

Chanel Preston に 'Bitchy Broadcasting'

Chanel Preston - Bitchy Broadcasting

Kira Noir and her co-anchor, Chanel Preston, never really got along, but Kira knows there's always a way to make things work – licking pussy! Sneaking under the news desk, Kira stuffs her tongue deep inside Chanel's sweet hole, licking it up like a pro. Chanel's guard is finally down, flipping Kira over onto the desk and getting a taste for herself, but things are just getting started! Kira sucks on Chanel's big, fake tots, letting out small moans as she has her ass played with. This girl on girl action is anything but fake news!

Kira Noir に 'Creampie for peachy ass ebony babe'

Kira Noir - Creampie for peachy ass ebony babe

Gorgeous American tourist Kira Noir told me it was her first time in the UK, so I figured I might as well try my luck and offer her a free lift if she'd flash her tits. Little did I know, this ebony bird had already been through the routine with pervy John and ended up fucking him in a field! Kira had hailed my cab hoping for another go, so I wanted to be sure to give her an even better shag as the younger, fitter, pervier cabbie. As I looked for somewhere to pull up, Kira started without me, strumming her clit in the backseat and telling me to join her. She couldn't wait to get her lips around my hard cock! I wanted to show Kira a thing or two, so I fingered her until she squirted, then gave her a good doggystyle shagging before she asked me to spunk in her tight little twat! The way Kira sighed "Oh my god, English guys are the best!" was music to my ears!

Kira Noir に 'and Fake Taxi Tradition'

Kira Noir - and Fake Taxi Tradition

Kira was on vacation from LA, and had tried to get into the cab on the wrong side. It was Kira's first time travelling alone, and she was trying to change her goodie two shoes attitude by doing the opposite of what she would normally. I told her about our tradition and how she could get a free ride for showing me her tits. Kira knew I was pulling her leg, but was still interested in the deal! Since she was adventurous, I told her I'd drive her around for free if she let me fuck her tight pussy. Kira said yes, and I hopped in the backseat to introduce her to the Bishop. I ate her arse from behind and even put a finger in it, and she enthusiastically sucked my cock and gave me a rimjob. We fucked inside and outside the taxi and, finally, while she sat on the windshield, I covered her with cum!

Mia Malkova に 'A Gift From Mr M'

Mia Malkova - A Gift From Mr M

When Kira enters Mr M's home, she doesn't realize she is going to receive a bonus - in the shape of Mia, a beautiful blonde who shows Kira just how appreciative Mr M is as soon as she arrives. Once the girls have become acquainted, Kira knows it is a little selfish to keep Mia to herself and lets her employer in on the action. In this particular case, three is definitely not a crowd.

Kira Noir に 'Please Make Me Gape'

Kira Noir - Please Make Me Gape

Kira Noir and Victoria Voxxx are about to take part in serious lesbian anal action! It is relentless hardcore sex with massive gapes including tongue in gapes and gape licking! Face sitting to anal rimming and stunning analingus! Exploding with intense anal orgasms! This is a scene you do not want to miss!

Elsa Jean に 'View From the Top'

Elsa Jean - View From the Top

Elsa's boss Kira isn't easy to please. The busy exec doesn't spare a word for her hardworking assistant as she has her take care of her papers, handle her schedule, and run her errands, but Elsa knows one sure-fire way to get the boss's approval: give her a cigar and a sexy show at the end of a long hard day! It turns out, the ebony boss babe loves to unwind by watching her slender blonde assistant cum over and over, before taking the top spot as the babes scissor. Finally, Kira is willing to let go and let Elsa take the lead, as the cute assistant eats her boss's pussy and makes her cum!

Kira Noir に 'Push Back'

Kira Noir - Push Back

Kira Noir has been doing everything she can to seduce Xander Corvus, but there's one thing standing in her way – his girlfriend. Kira's roommate is a nice enough person, but her boyfriend Xander makes Kira want to wrap her luscious lips around his throbbing erection. It take some persistence, but Kira always gets what she wants. Moving to the bedroom, this ebony beauty sucks Xander hard before she bends over, wearing nothing but knee socks, and takes every inch of his huge white cock! It's so much bigger than she imagined, but she's doing her best to handle him filling her tight little pussy. Xander pulls out at the last minute and glazes Kira's perky little tits and fit stomach just as his girlfriend walks in, so much for secrecy!

Kira Noir に 'Cock Chakra'

Kira Noir - Cock Chakra

The stresses of the modern city have clogged Kira Noir's passages, so she goes to see Michael Vegas for some meditation and relaxation. Welcoming 'Kumani Booty' to his studio, Michael cleanses Kira of her negative energy with some sage, then leaves her to change into something more comfortable. Spying on the ebony hottie, Michael gets an eyeful of her perky tits and bubble butt, then invites her to sit down, put her hands on his knees, and breathe. Coming closer to Michael's exposed cock, Kira pounces and gives him a tantric blowjob. Michael performs yoga while Kira fucks him hard, and by the end of the session, all her passages are clear!

Kira Noir に 'Kira Finds Her Motivation'

Kira Noir - Kira Finds Her Motivation

Kira Noir just isn't feeling up to her workout today, but personal trainer Markus Dupree knows just how to motivate anyone! Kira will try just about anything, and after putting on a special set of yoga pants Markus handed her with a built-in vibrator, Kira's form is already looking better! But once Kira's husband comes home, Kira is begging Markus to switch it off, offering a sloppy blowjob to make it stop! After sucking him hard, Kira bends herself over the workout equipment as Markus rips off the yoga pants and fills her tight ebony pussy with his big dick! Bending her flexible booty in all kinds of positions as she rides hard cock isn't the kind of workout she expected, but it just works!

Chanel Preston に 'The Anal Babysitter'

Chanel Preston - The Anal Babysitter

Chanel Preston has hired Kira Noir to babysit. When Kira arrives at the house, Chanel tells her she'll only be a couple of hours and that she could watch TV in her bedroom to pass the time. Chanel leaves the house and drives to work. When she calls her receptionist on her way to the office, here receptionist tells her it's actually Sunday and the office is closed. Chanel has been working so hard she forgot what day it was. She turns her car around and heads back home. Meanwhile back at the house, Kira is tidying up the bedroom when she stumbles upon a pouch. When she opens it up she finds some sex toys. She shocked to see how pretty they are. When she realizes they're specifically for ass play, she simply can't help herself. She pulls up her skirt and pulls down her panties and tries desperately to put it in there. When she realized that she needs to lube it up she moistens the toy with her tongue. As she tries to desperately shove it inside her ass, Chanel walks into the room to witness her babysitter shoving a dildo up her ass. She interrupts her and as Kira starts apologizing, she tells her she's doing it wrong. Chanel kisses her and tells her to sit on the bed. Chanel is an expert in this field and informs Kira that they need to get her a little warmed up before attempting to put that big toy in her ass. She lies her down and starts eating her out as she teases her ass by gently putting the toy in. Once she gets her nice and wet, Kira has no problem taking it all in. And when she's cum multiple times thanks to her teacher Chanel, it's time to return the favor.

Kira Noir に 'Clinical Trial'

Kira Noir - Clinical Trial

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Vignette: Kira Noir & Danny Mountain, XBIZ 2020


SCENE opens on the interior of a medical exam room as the door opens - a doctor enters the room and closes the door behind him, then greets the young woman sitting waiting on the examination table as Dr. Greenwood. He thanks her for coming and for participating in the clinical trial - she just has to pass a quick screener and then they can begin. Holding up a clipboard and pen, he asks her some questions - her name ('Jamie Lawson'), her age ('I just turned 18 a couple of months ago'), is she pregnant ('no'), does she have any history of health conditions - asthma, heart problems, osteoporosis, breast cancer ('no, none'), and her level of daily physical activity ('well I play lacrosse about twice a week, plus daily running and morning yoga'). He makes a quip that she must be quite flexible, to which she rolls her eyes and says sarcastically that she's never heard that one before. Satisfied with the responses, the doctor tells her he's going to be asking her to complete a series of exercises, while monitoring her to measure physical stimulation and stress. They have equipment set up in a room down the hall. On their way out the door of the exam room, Jamie jokes that she doesn't stress easily, and Dr. Greenwood smirks in reply and says 'Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find a way to get you to break a sweat!'

We cut back to the two already midway through setting up in another larger room, containing a hybrid of medical and exercise equipment. The doctor is mostly done applying medical electrodes to her temples and clavicles. The last thing he has to do before they begin is to take her blood pressure and resting heart rate, so he can compare these with after the trial. First he takes her blood pressure - as he moves to strap it around her arm his hand brushes against her breast, he chuckles a brief apology and continues as if nothing happened.

Jamie tries to make small talk with him as he pumps and holds the gauge in his other hand - 'So, what is this trial for? Some sort of new performance drug or something?' The doctor provides only the most evasive of replies - he can't discuss the trial with the subjects beforehand or it could compromise the results. 'You're offering way more for this study than the last one of these I did,' Jamie remarks. Oh, is that so? the doctor replies, still acting elusive. Does she sign up for clinical trials often? 'Yeah, well not until recently but I really need the extra help right now,' Jamie grumbles, 'my dad hurt his knee and can't work so I'm trying to support him whenever I can. It's a drag, but I'm hoping it won't be for much longer.' The doctor smiles politely and says 'Well, we have your contact information now so if more of these opportunities come along, we'll be sure to contact you.' He finishes taking her blood pressure, notes something on his clipboard, and then tells her he'll take her heart rate now. 'Do I have permission to touch your chest?' Jamie looks taken aback - she supposes so, but don't they usually check at the neck? 'I prefer my own methods,' the doctor insists, and reaches his hand towards her chest to feel her heart. Again, his hand brushes her breasts - this time he doesn't apologize. Jamie looks a bit flustered and is about to speak up, but thinks better of it.

After a long awkward moment, the doctor releases his hand from her chest and notes something on the clipboard. He pats his legs, stands up, and says great - they're ready to get started! He'd like her to start with some simple jumping jacks. He stands her up in the middle of the room, the wires leading from her body to a small handheld device he holds in one hand, his clipboard in the other. He asks her to begin. She does a few, but he stops her. 'I'll need you to remove your bra, actually.' What? Why? she protests. It interferes with the test, he says vaguely, but he assures her it's quite necessary to the results. He turns around so that she can take it off with some privacy - she lifts her shirt up to reveal the bra, and unclaspsit, exposing her breasts momentarily before pulling her tank-top back down to cover them. Beginning the exercise again, her breasts now bounce up and down tantalizingly beneath her shirt as she jumps - with the doctor and the camera both clearly narrowing in on this bouncing as their primary interest.After several jumps with no indication of stopping, Jamie gets a bit frazzled and asks the doctor how many of these she's expected to do - this snaps him out of his reverie and he nonchalantly says 'five more, and then we'll move on to the next exercise'. Jamie exhales sharply, a bit frustrated, butacquiesces.

Next is an exercise bike - Dr. Greenwood asks her to mount it, and then begin cycling at a pace she's comfortable with to start. He stands behind the bike - his focus clearly fixated on the crack of her ass peeking out of her yoga pants as she pedals - and he offers her some mild platitudes to keep herencouraged. After a minute, he heads to the front to increase the resistance of the pedals - 'we need to see you break out a sweat, so let's turn it up a bit, shall we?', he says, and then instructs her to continue.

CUT to roughly fifteen minutes later - Jamie has been on the bike for a while now, as is obvious by the thick beads of sweat dripping down her face and chest, and soaking her workout clothes. She's showing no signs of exhaustion yet, but it's clear the workout is no walk in the park for her either. The doctor meanwhile is still just looking her over, with perverse appreciation. 'That's enough of that for now,' he says finally, and Jamie lets out a sigh of relief and slows her pedaling down. She gets off the bike and takes a nearby towel to wipe off the seat. 'That's quite alright, you can leave it' the doctor says. Jamie looks increasingly puzzled but shrugs and starts to pat her head with the towel. The doctor rips the towel out of her hand - 'I didn't say you could do that yet.' Jamie starts to argue that she's just wiping sweat off when the doctor cuts her off - 'If you want to disagree with my methods, that's fine, you can leave at any time and I'll just move on to the next subject.' Jamie realizes how bad she needs the compensation, and holds her tongue. 'What's next, then?' she asks. He tells her to go grab the exercise mat a few feet away. As she turns around to fetch it, he runs his finger along the sweaty bike seat and then sniffs or licks his fingertip.

Once the mat's in place in the floor center, the doctor proceeds to have Jamie remove her shoes and socks, and then do various flexibility tests - bend over and touch your toes, sit legs spread and reach forward, assume various yoga poses... he licks his lips as he watches each of these poses, which thanks to her sweat-drenched clothes and no bra are extremely revealing. Jamie can increasingly feel his eyes on her as she strikes each pose - finally, after the third or fourth yoga pose she snaps at him. 'You're not even writing anything down anymore, you're just staring at me!' The doctor seems unfazed by her sudden outburst. 'We'll move on to the next test, then...' No, she exclaims. No more of these weird tests. What was it he even said these tests were for?

Dr. Greenwood reminds her that he's monitoring her physical responses to stress and stimulus. He says that now that they've gotten the stress tests out of the way, it's time for the stimulus tests. He goes to a small table nearby and procures a sleek black featureless vibrator. Calmly, he tells Jamie that she will have to pleasure herself while he monitors her physical reactions. Jamie snaps - there's no way she's doing that. This isn't what she signed up for. The doctor sighs and shrugs - that's fine, he understands. Of course, he can't compensate her for incomplete participation - but if she stays, he'll triple the amount that was offered in the ad. Jamie flat out refuses, it doesn't matter what he offers her, she's not doing that. Indifferent, the doctor says he supposes that she'll just have to find some other way to support her dad. He muses that someone her age could probably make that amount in about two weeks of working full-time. A shame that she'll throw away two whole weeks of her life instead of spending just one hourdoing something perfectly harmless... not just harmless, but enjoyable, even. Jamie is torn... but with some convincing, and some insistence that the doctor keeps his distance, only watches, and isn't recording her, she agrees.

She hesitantly pulls her yoga pants to her ankles, sets herself down on the mat and takes the vibrator in hand, and reluctantly starts pleasuring herself. The doctor watches intently, at first taking a note or two but quickly abandoning the pretense, his hand moving to his crotch for some over-the-pants strokes. She tries to avoid meeting his eyes, but at times he insists she looks at him or gives her some other instruction to follow to humiliate her further. The conflict between her physical pleasure and her emotional discomfort is obvious. After some minutes of this, he crouches down to her level and says warmly 'It's time, Ms. Lawson.' He begins to peel off the electrodes and wires hooked to her. She looks relieved - you mean the trial's done? He shakes his head. 'No, I mean it's time for you to let me fuck you.'

Jamie protests weakly - he agreed he was just going to watch. He smiles coldly. 'Come on Jamie, you knew where this was going. Did you honestly think I wasn't going to ask for more? If you really weren't up for the possibility, you would have left the second I asked you to touch yourself.' Jamie insists that's not true, she trusted him, but her words lack conviction. 'You're a little slut,' he continues calmly. 'You were fine with letting a complete stranger watch you strip and pleasure yourself. So stop lying to us both. We both know you're going to let me fuck you, so just be a good little slut, say yes to it and spare us the drama.' Jamie sputters, but she has no words. Eventually she bitterly says 'Ok... just get it over with.'

Kira Noir に 'Punishing The Pool Hopper'

Kira Noir - Punishing The Pool Hopper

Naughty schoolgirl Kira Noir convinces her friends to sneak into a neighbor's yard to use the pool. The babes take off their uniforms to splash around in the hot tub, and Kira floats in the pool and decides to play with her pussy in the sunshine. She's so distracted, she doesn't even notice when Chad shows up and orders them all out. Her friends run for it, but rebellious Kira doesn't want to leave, so Chad pulls her over his lap for a spanking! As her besties watch from behind a tree, Kira gives "Mr. White" a blowjob to apologize for sneaking into his pool. After Chad pounds her pussy with his huge cock, she's already plotting when she'll sneak in next!

Ivy Wolfe に 'The Toll of Control'

Ivy Wolfe - The Toll of Control

Kira Noir and Ivy Wolfe are chilling in their bedroom. When Ivy notices that one of Kira's employees is getting married, she asks her if they're invited to the wedding. Kira responds that she wasn't invited because they're not friends. She adds that this is the way she likes it since she's the boss and wants to keep things professional. Ivy laughs at how stern Kira is being, adding that the wedding would be so much fun. Kira tells her that she can't be friends with her employees if she wants to maintain their respect. It's unfortunate but if they got closer, they would walk all over her. When Ivy asks if she actually enjoys this type of dynamic, Kira confesses to actually hating it. Ivy wonders if her partner is just a control freak. When she tells her that she has an idea to get her mind of off things, she leans in to kiss her but also pushes her forcefully on the bed. If Kira is tired of playing the boss at work then maybe she'll enjoy some time being submissive in the bedroom. When Kira confesses to actually liking it, Ivy pushes her down on the bed and kisses her neck. Ivy commands her to take off her shirt and she does what she's told. When she reaches out to touch Ivy's breasts, Ivy pushes her hands back done on the bed. Kira might be the boss at work but today she's going to learn how to let go and Ivy will do everything in her power to show her how.

Dee Williams に 'Hookup Hotshot: Hardcore Internet Dating'

Dee Williams - Hookup Hotshot: Hardcore Internet Dating

Busty housewife Dee Williams loves surfing sketchy dating apps while her family is away! The secret slut hooks up with director Bryan Gozzling online, and then dolls herself up for a raunchy anal fling. Dee's cunt squirts as Bryan fingers her, and she deep-throats Bryan's boner as the dominant stud fucks her throat. Slathered in spit, Dee spreads her legs for hard rectal penetration. This intense backdoor date features graphic anal gaping, nasty rimming and lewd, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Finally, Bryan decorates the MILF's face in hot cum.

Kira Noir に '- We Fuck Black Girls - Scene 2'

Kira Noir - We Fuck Black Girls

With nearly 60 years of combined sexual experiences lodged in their collective brains, listen to some of the crazy stories James Deen, Steve Holmes, and recent AVN performer of the year Markus Dupree can tell! If that wasn't enough, wait until you witness another story unfold right in front of your eyes! All Mr. Holmes has to do is beckon one of the many sluts in his stable -- this time, it's Kira Noir -- to come out from the room in which she's kept...and then, it's on! But wait! Did Kira forget to shut her door? That might cost her a red, red rump. After Mr. Holmes delivers his spanking, he'll hand Kira off to Mr. Dupree, who immediately starts in with a proper skull fuck. Mr. Deen waits in the wings before opening up her sweet asshole. Speaking of assholes, watch how carefully Kira rims a man almost 40 years her senior! If that wasn't filthy enough, you'll go wild for the way these three Bulls indiscrimintgally use all of Kira's holes for their pleasure. They push Kira to pleasures she's never felt, including double anal -- while her pussy is stuffed, too! In the end, it's a literal shower of jizz for our sweet, sweet slut. And a new sex story for all to share!!

Kali Roses に 'Just A Regular Massage'

Kali Roses - Just A Regular Massage

Keiran Lee enters the massage parlour, talking on the phone with his friend. We hear him brush off his friend's teasing about going for a 'special massage', and insist that he really just needs to relax. Kira Noir overhears this conversation and smirks to Kali Roses, wondering how much she could get away with. They slowly massage his legs and ass, before giving him a handjob that they insists is all part of the regular massage package. He only clues into what's really going on when Kira Noir starts licking his cock- and while this isn't what he bargained for, he can't resist letting two beauties show him how to REALLY unwind!

Kira Noir に 'Fuck This Couch'

Kira Noir - Fuck This Couch

I called my friend Kira Noir and invited her and her boyfriend Lucas Frost over to have sex on my new couch. They're too loud when they fuck and it always bothers their prude neighbors, so I insisted they go wild. They're a pretty cute couple and very horny sluts, and could hardly get in the door before someone was getting their ass licked! It was fun to watch and film Kira twerking her oiled up booty at every angle on and off a cock - you know, just to make sure the couch worked! And besides, I think this is really what friends are for- making memories and having giggly orgasms on gently loved couches!

Kira Noir に 'Up and Cummer'

Kira Noir - Up and Cummer

Kira is a bit of big spender (when it comes to spending her husband's hard earned money). When the bills come in, he decides that they have to sell the house and reprimands her for being so financially irresponsible. Kira tries to win her husband's affections back by dressing up as a French Maid and cleaning the house like he's always nagging her to do, but still he won't give her the time of day. Lucky for her, Hubby has called a real estate agent and he's exactly what they both need. Van is a young real estate agent with something to prove. He goes hard for every commission and every sale is make it or break it for him. He's willing to do whatever it takes for every new client—a real up and comer, if you will. Nothing can keep him from making the sale, not even a bored housewife with an exceptionally high libido.

Kira Noir に 'You've Changed Part 2'

Kira Noir - You've Changed Part 2

After catching Kira Noir fucking his girlfriend, Johnny Sins wants her out of the house - now! She's getting ready to leave with a nice steamy shower when he catches sight of her soaping up, and as much as he hates to admit it, he kind of gets where Sailor Luna was coming from… That body could turn anyone on! Johnny interrupts her shower session, and the admiration goes both ways as she notices his big dick. Sailor Luna catches them in the middle of a steamy shower session, but decides that she can't really be that mad - she just wants to be included!

Kira Noir に 'You've Changed Part 1'

Kira Noir - You've Changed Part 1

Sailor Luna has grown up and left her slutty bi-curious college days behind her, she's all grown up now with a house and a boyfriend all to herself. After getting an impromptu phone call from one of her old classmates, Sailor can't help but have fond memories of what she left behind. When her boyfriend Johnny Sins starts to get jealous, she eases his worries with a messy and passionate blowjob. However, when Kira Noir comes over she realizes his fears aren't entirely unfounded. Kira is pissed that Sailor seems to have abandoned 'the lifestyle' and accuses her of never liking girls in the first place. Sailor protests, and Kira sees if she's really changed at all with scissoring turning into a strap-on fuck.

India Summer に 'and Kira Noir - Zebra Girls'

India Summer - Zebra Girls

Kira Noir is confused. Really confused. She loves her boyfriend and all, but lately she's been having a hard time keeping her mind off girls. She sees them everywhere: in the locker room in her community college; staring at them in her local coffeeshop; and, of course, checking them out in class. It might be time to share this with her therapist, Dr. India Summer. Kira has been seeing Dr. Summer for a few years now, so she's totally comfortable telling Dr. Summer all her secrets. Except one, maybe...for a while Kira's been thinking about Dr. Summer. In ways most would consider 'inappropriate'. However, Dr. Summer doesn't think it's inappropriate; in fact, Dr. Summer is going to respond by doing something almost all of us think is inappropriate. Dr. Summer is going to seduce a woman half her age! Right on her therapist's couch!! 'Is it ok to admit I'm nervous being with a woman who's twice my age?' Kira asks, right before running her tongue up India's sweet pussy? This is one hot therapy session, ending in an explosive, simultaneous orgasm! Oh...and Kira booking an appointment for next week!

Kira Noir に 'When Erotic Sex Changes Your Life'

Kira Noir - When Erotic Sex Changes Your Life

"I remember when life use to be simple. Who knew that one bad decision could change everything so much. I got involved with this mysterious older guy who at the time I thought was the best thing for me. I was young, wild, and out of control… He gave me the discipline that a young girl like me was craving… We got into some pretty kinky shit and while I was having my world rocked it never occured to me that it would come crashing down on me this way…. I guess im paying for my bad choices now but the real question is… Do I have any regrets? No fucking way…. It was the single most erotic moment of my life and the day you grow up you will at least know that you were not a mistake…."

Kira Noir に '- Cumbang'

Kira Noir - Cumbang

Kira Noir is a huge pervert. Just look at her! Home, in her bed, jerking off to porn. Not just any porn, either! Kira likes watching a slut take on a lot of men! Gang bang and blow bang porn is her very favorite kinds to watch, and sometimes Kira makes so much noise masturbating, her neighbors can hear! This time, she's so loud, we think the whole neighborhood came to see what all the commotion was about!! Before you know it, almost a dozen horny white boys were creeping into her bedroom. Do you think that made Kira stop? Or did she decide to take them on? And do we really need to answer that question for you? Get this -- Kira's such a pervert, today she decided to use only her wet, wet mouth to make all the dudes cum! Also, she didn't want them to cum just anywhere -- Kira demanded all of them shoot directly into her she could swallow it all! And swallow she did!! By then end of this, Kira's not going to need to eat for hours!!

Kira Noir に 'Cheaters Scene 1'

Kira Noir - Cheaters Scene 1

What happens when married people feel the need to stray What aren't they getting from their partners that makes them have sex with another person You'll find out with these five torrid, sexy tales of cheating and breaking the bonds of marriage. Some of the sexiest, erotic adult actresses spin a tale of sex and infidelity, but at the end of the day what they don't know won't hurt them.

Kira Noir に 'Stripper Lessons'

Kira Noir - Stripper Lessons

When Alex, a rookie male stripper, shows up to Kira's place for a house call, he expects to be dancing for a room full of rowdy bachelorettes. However, he quickly discovers that Kira has a much more intimate performance in mind and psyches himself out – he has no clue how be seductive in a solo setting! Luckily, Kira's willing to give him a few helpful pointers… and she knows exactly what she's doing.

Ava Parker に 'Stepping Up For Mr M'

Ava Parker - Stepping Up For Mr M

Ava's first job out of college is a home-based personal assistant for a hedge fund. The pay and benefits are fantastic but that was just half of it. Although it is never addressed, it is obvious what is going on behind closed doors. The girls come and go and she knows Mr. M is insatiable. Even though she tries to ignore it, she eventually finds herself fantasizing about what occurs. When she is asked to 'fill in' she is extremely intrigued. Will she do what is asked of her?

Kira Noir に 'Oily Yoga'

Kira Noir - Oily Yoga

Kira is a sexy, flexible yoga instructor, and she's hired massage therapist Johnny to make a house call after a long day of practice on the mat. When Johnny enters the house, he's shocked to find the gorgeous Kira bent over as she's finishing up her stretches. Kira wants a full-body massage, so she applies enough oil to make her whole leotard see-through! Soon it becomes clear that Kira is hungry for more — it's time to to turn this yoga session into a sexy, slippery fuck.

Harley Dean に 'Double Trouble'

Harley Dean - Double Trouble

Harley has been a member of Club VXN for six months now and has had nothing but fantastic experiences. She always sticks to the rules of the club and is always open to everything. When she receives the details of her latest date she is a little sceptical. It's a daytime meeting which deviates from the guidelines and she has reservations. The man in question is one of the original members of the exclusive club and this allows him certain privileges - but can he handle what he is asking for?

Kira Noir に 'Please Creampie Me!'

Kira Noir - Please Creampie Me!

Mocha-skinned beauty Kira Noir pulls down her lacy panties and spreads her butt cheeks to expose her winking anus and juicy pussy. Kira works a butt plug in and out of her asshole while sucking on tattooed Owen Gray's huge, white boner. The gorgeous black slut kneels to slurp on his cock and worship his balls. Owen shoves his massive meat into her tight twat and up her hungry bunghole. The tattooed stud delivers an intense anal pounding. He injects Kira's cunt with hot, creamy semen.

Dee Williams に 'Boober'

Dee Williams - Boober

After a long night partying Eric wakes up in a old western looking Jail. His clothes are ripped and he has no idea what happened. He grabs his phone and tries to get a signal. He looks up the ride share companies that he always uses and they either don't pick up in that location or there was a long wait. Then, this new ride share pops up on his phone. Desperate to get out of that place he calls for a ride. Let's just say he was not disappointed.

Chanel Santini に 'Going Down On Hollywood!: Young Starlet Fucks Perverted Casting Director'

Chanel Santini - Going Down On Hollywood!: Young Starlet Fucks Perverted Casting Director

When horny, perverted casting director Dee Williams calls in the next actress auditioning for her next big blockbuster, she's absolutely giddy to see the gorgeously fuck-able Chanel Santini come sauntering in the door. Exploiting her position of power, Dee demands that Chanel strip down to her lingerie to prove she “really wants the part.” Swooping in to make a move on the stunning actress, Dee grabs at Chanel's tits, rubbing herself and licking her lips as Miss Santini tries to read her lines. As Dee pushes Chanel's boundaries further and further - kissing and licking at her pert nipples - Santini whips her hand up to Dee's throat, giving this Hollywood exec what she deserves! “You're going to ruin my career, aren't you?!,” Dee moans. With another deep kiss, Chanel whispers, “Absolutely….”Using Dee's flexible, taut, and hungry body for her pleasure, Chanel fucks Dirty Director Williams in every position the casting couch allows! Forward, backward, and sideways, Chanel shoves her long, thick cock into Dee's wet, desiring pussy and mouth while Dee cums over and over again, finally squirting all over Miss Santini's hard dick before it's shoved back inside her hole for another round. Before flipping Miss Williams over to explore her tight pink asshole, Chanel is serviced by Dee's feet - her toes spreading and clenching as they slide up and down Chanel's glistening cock. Thoroughly turned on, Chanel wants to make full use of this perverted whore, shoving her dick deep into Dee as she moans in pleasure. Doggy, missionary, cowgirl - this pair does it all with an undeniable chemistry until Dee's tight asshole gapes from Chanel's use and Chanel squirts her load high on to Dee's dripping cunt. With lots of deep kissing, squirting, tons of cock sucking, foot worship, and intense anal, this casting couch isn't one to miss! Will Chanel take Hollywood down?! Not before she makes Hollywood go down on her!

Dee Williams に 'Anal Super Powers'

Dee Williams - Anal Super Powers

Tattooed MILF goddess Dee Williams is dolled up in luxurious lingerie and sheer stockings, showing off her fine, round butt and winking asshole for director Mike Adriano. The fit, busty Texas lady bobs her shorthaired head on the director, gagging and spit-polishing his huge cock. Mike greases up Dee's tender anus and thrusts his fat dick deep inside her bowels. This seasoned slut rides his prick until her rectum is prolapsed and gaping! Dee enjoys a nasty butt reaming and sucks dick ass-to-mouth.

Kira Noir に 'Anal With Her Present For A Creampie'

Kira Noir - Anal With Her Present For A Creampie

Kira Noir opens up the door and sees her old college friend that brings her a xmas present. She's all excited and lets him into the house. Once inside she asks if she can open it and sees a hard dick inside the box. She goes crazy but happy and asks if she can touch it. He said of course, its your present. She starts jerking it while indie the box that leads to a blowjob. She starts having sex on doggy position and tells him to fuck her ass, From here on we see her ass getting fucked from different positions until he gives her a nice creampie at the end.

Kira Noir に 'Abs and Ass on Thin Babe Kira'

Kira Noir - Abs and Ass on Thin Babe Kira

Kira Noir was just on hand to help this guy decorate his house, but instead she ended up getting her face decorated with a big cumshot! She caught him checking out her ass, and decided to make his day by letting him eat her tight pink pussy.

Dee Williams に 'Anal Craving MILFs 4'

Dee Williams - Anal Craving MILFs 4

Busty, shorthaired MILF Dee Williams is the dean of a prestigious college. After receiving multiple complaints about professor Mark Wood's sexual forwardness, she concludes that he should specialize on women more experienced than coeds. The tattooed educator exposes her oversized breasts and kneels for a deep-throat blowjob. She perches her plump rump on the couch for anal pounding. Dean Dee squirts girl cum, sucks cock ass-to-mouth and rudely rims Mark's bunghole. Their orgasmic, hole-gaping session climaxes with a creamy, open-mouth cum facial.

Dee Williams に 'Baseball Practice Turns Into A Wild Threesome'

Dee Williams - Baseball Practice Turns Into A Wild Threesome

Dee Williams gets her sun bathing interrupted when Juan and Connor baseball almost hits her. The guys want to go to her yard to get the ball back so they can keep playing but Dee isn't having it. She screams at them before she finds out that the big budge they have is not a cup. Intrigued and horny she tells them that she's going to have some fun with them. She sucks both of them off at the same time before going back into the house. The guys take turns fucking her while she keeps a dick in her mouth until she makes both of them cum all over her face and mouth.

Dee Williams に 'Sausage Party'

Dee Williams - Sausage Party

Dee just can't get her new grill started. She's got the sausages ready, the gas pumping, but the lighter just won't spark! Her relaxing afternoon and craving for sausage are put on hold as she calls in her neighbor to help find the problem. Things start to sizzle as Robby arrives with an answer to both her issues - the broken barbecue and a yearning for meat. As things escalate, Dee's husband Cody stumbles into the backyard BBQ bang. Surprisingly, he's only upset that he wasn't invited in the first place. If this is what Dee does all day while her husband is out, why not take part? The succulent Dee finally gets her fill as this quick cookout turns into a full blown sausage party!

Kira Noir に 'Lesbian Anal Sex Play'

Kira Noir - Lesbian Anal Sex Play

Pale, tattooed Anna de Ville and stunning ebony girlfriend Kira Noir love to share nasty anal sex play, kissing passionately, worshiping each other's perfect, all-natural body, and eagerly eating ass! Kira makes her lesbian lover's sphincter wink using a glass toy, and Anna employs another one to open Kira's booty. These interracial cuties stretch their assholes to the max with enormous monster dongs and a fearsome metal speculum. Intense vibrator stimulation brings them to orgasm.

Dee Williams に 'Full Steam a-Head'

Dee Williams - Full Steam a-Head

Dee is taking a luxurious steam in her sauna when she's rudely interrupted by her son and his friend Sean. Her son is a bit of a prude but that won't stop Dee from thoroughly enjoying herself and expressing all her natural impulses (including fucking his hot friend). What can we say, the vag wants what the vag wants.

Dee Williams に 'and London River - Watching My Mom Go Black'

Dee Williams - Watching My Mom Go Black

Dee Williams and London River are so proud of their son, Connor. Sounds confusing, I know, but there's an easy explanation: Dee is Connor's biological mother; London is Connor's stepmom. They all have a great relationship; in fact, Dee and London are visiting Connor to check out his wildly new, successful foray into the Cannabis business. There's so much money in the weed, it's crazy! And it's legal, too! In fact, as Mom and StepMom are admiring some of Connor's new plants, a couple buyers swing by to conduct some business. Notice how the ladies' smiles get extra big when they notice Connor's buyers are two large, black Bulls? Did we mention Connor's rather 'taboo' relationship with his StepMom? Or that his own mother is a 'very open minded' lady? You gotta love mature women! What you're about to witness is something so taboo, something so shocking, it may change the way you think about family dynamics!

Whitney Wright に 'Gorgeous Whitney Wright gets a face full of Dee's ass, doggy style fucked, and gets a sybian ride!'

Whitney Wright - Gorgeous Whitney Wright gets a face full of Dee's ass, doggy style fucked, and gets a sybian ride!

Sitting atop her vibrating throne Whitney Wright awaits her fate. Matt's cock and Dee's giant strap-on. It's not long before her mouth is filled to capacity. The tears stream down her beautiful face. Dee and Matt barely let her get a breath while they play their game of hide the cock in her throat.Most girls love taking it in doggy position. Matt and Dee don't make it easy though as they double team her. They each take an open hole and pound away. That sexy ass gets pounded while they pull her hair and use her mouth.There's no more wonderful place in the world than between the legs of a beautiful woman. Dee uses her pussy and ass to cover Whitney's face. Whitney knows exactly what to do. She laps at Dee like a good little girl. Matt fucks and vibrators Whitney like the whore she is.

Kira Noir に 'Front Street Cheaters'

Kira Noir - Front Street Cheaters

Kira shows Chris and his wife a house. But Chris' wife isn't having it. She liked the last house they saw yesterday, which was just sold. She tells him she doesn't care what he does, but she wants that house. She leaves he and Kira to sort it out. And sort it out, they do....

Ziggy Star に 'Sweet little Ziggy Star is a slimy strap on slut!'

Ziggy Star - Sweet little Ziggy Star is a slimy strap on slut!

Lucious little Ziggy Star is so cute in her pigtails, but she's far from innocent. Dee has her spread and bound to the Hitachi as she giggles and moans before greedily gobbling down the strap on dildo as it's shoved into her mouth. Ziggy drools shamelessly till her spit mixes in with her sopping wet pussy and she's a filthy mess and covered in her own slime. Dee isn't close to done with her yet. The strap on comes off and Ziggy goes to town licking her pussy as Dee sits on her face. Ziggy laps it up like a good slut and can't get enough. Next, she's chained and collared to a post and back to deep throating Dee's huge strap on cock. She does such a good job showing off what a depraved little slut she is, Dee rewards her with the rough fucking she's clearly been craving. She begs to cum and is allowed to over and over.

Dee Williams に 'Bounce That Bubble Butt'

Dee Williams - Bounce That Bubble Butt

Dee is ready to bounce her beautiful behind! Nothing wrong with getting down and dirty as Dee expertly teases and oils up her amazing ass. The only thing more she needs is to have Ramon give her bubble butt the deep dicking she craves!

Dee Williams に 'and Bambino in My Friend's Hot Mom'

Dee Williams - My Friends Hot Mom

A MILF in need's a MILF indeed, a MILF with big tits is better! And that all pretty much sums up Dee Williams, the busty hot mom who has her son's friend over help her with some chores around the house. Now that she's divorced, she doesn't have a strong, handy man around the house. And when she sees how strong, young and virile her son's friend is, she wants to give him a handy! She invites him into the bedroom to find her big tits hanging out and ready for a tittyfuck. Good thing she's got a young buck with a big dick in her bedroom, because she wants that divorced pink pussy plowed like she's about to get married again tomorrow!

Alura Jenson に 'and Dee Williams - Blacks On Cougars'

Alura Jenson - Blacks On Cougars

If you've never heard of Mookie Jordan, you're about to. He's one of the greatest wide receivers his state has ever produced, and some say he might not even finish college to go pro. Mookie has a problem, though, and she might stand in his way of football stardom: his girlfriend, Shonda. Coaches are aware she messes with Mookie's head, so they've asked two of the athletic program's administrators to step in: Alura Jenson and Dee Williams. Wait until you see how they handle Mookie! Alura and Dee's objective? Get Mookie to break up. How are they going to achieve it? By giving Mookie a taste of white mouth...white cunt...white ass. Mookie's invited to fuck any hole he pleases, which is exactly what Mookie does. The 'coogs' drain Mookie's balls not once, but twice: first deep in Alura's sweet cunt, and then again all over both ladies! As they clean each other with just their tongues, Dee and Alura achieve what they set out to do: Mookie's soon texting his GF that it's over!!

Kira Noir に 'Fucking Hot Kira Noir'

Kira Noir - Fucking Hot Kira Noir

Beautiful tease Kira Noir loves to show off those long legs of hers in those tube socks and will do anything to please that hard cock of yours! Jake Adams has one large hard shaft for her and she gladly deepthroats it getting nice and sloppy while she does. Jake pile drives her on the bed and makes her beg for more until he can not hold back his load anymore blasting it all in her open mouth!

Dee Williams に 'in the hardest hour in Porn! Non-stop live action, brutal face fucking devastating!'

Dee Williams - in the hardest hour in Porn! Non-stop live action, brutal face fucking devastating!

Not many people on the planet can edure the Sexaully Live live show. It's intense helpless bondage, and some the roughest sex in mainstream porn and it's 45 minutes of straight no cut, no breaks, rough sex! We only do 12 a year, and we carefully pick our girls for it. Dee Williams is one of the best all around models in the industry, able to take the most hardcore bondage and fucking.Dress to kill in her stocking and black high heels, Dee is ready as she can be. Soon the boys of Sexaully Broken are going to bring the cock, and those boys know how to fuck a helpless girl. From brutal face fucking and deepthroating to hard fucking that causes Dee to squirt out several mind blowing, screaming orgasms, this update has it all.

Kira Noir に 'Interracial Nation Scene 5'

Kira Noir - Interracial Nation Scene 5

Porn scion Rikki Braun digs deep into the beauty of difference and inclusion in this sexy, hardcore exercise in style. Featuring a phenomenal cast, headlined by AJ Applegate and Adriana Chechick, Interracial Nation is as Wicked as it gets!

Kira Noir に 'Kira Heals the Wounded'

Kira Noir - Kira Heals the Wounded

Juan El Caballo Loco ends up falling from his bike when he sees Kira Noir picking up the newspaper. She helps him up and takes him inside to better care of the wounds. She tells him to let her kiss his dick to make it feel better after he tells her that he broke it. She surprise and excited to see that is big. She gives him a great bj before she has him return the favor. She ends up taking his long cock in various positions where we get to see her big ass bounce all over his cock. She fucks him nice and hard until she gets all of his load inside her mouth.

Draven Star に 'is bound down, throated, fucked, abused with cock and made to cum over and over!'

Draven Star - is bound down, throated, fucked, abused with cock and made to cum over and over!

New face Draven Star finds out why we call the site Sexually Broken. Brutal breath play, deepthroating and fucking send this little slut into subspace at light speed.3 intense scene this week on Sexually broken, as Draven gets brutally throat fucked while sitting on a sybian, cumming over and over. She gets double fucked from both ends and is made to service both cock while bound in incredible bondage. All girls come into Sexually Broken smiling, they all leave wondering what the fuck just happened and why is liquid dripping out of all my holes?

Kira Noir に 'Ebony Throat Vs Monster Cock'

Kira Noir - Ebony Throat Vs Monster Cock

Jamaican American Kira Noir has never done a only blowjob scene. She will try to not go too hard to fast but she knows she is such a whore that she will forget about it and go at it like a wild beast. The gorgeous ebony is a sucker for massive black cocks (pun intended) and that's what she gets this time. Face fucked like never before in her life, Kira cries tears of joy as she gets the monster cock shoved all the way down. We can assure you without mistake that this all black deepthroating scene is a masterpiece.

Dakota Marr に 'suffers though two intense scenes, brutal throat fucking, bondage and squirting orgasms!'

Dakota Marr - suffers though two intense scenes, brutal throat fucking, bondage and squirting orgasms!

Welcome to the new format change for Sexaully Broken. From this point forward this site will update once a week with 3 scenes on Mondays of the same girl, this will put it on par with how our other Insex sites operate. Today we have two great scenes, but going forward expect three!Bound on the floor, legs spread open, neck collared, and chained with arms back in a cruel strappado like position, Dakota find herself completely helpless and very nervous. She is about to edure the the most intense facefucking of her career. Gagging, drooling, and doing her best to get air as Matt and Dee Williams abuse her throat with cock. She fights against the bondage, but there is nowhere to hide from the cock. They make her cum, screaming with a vibrator, while cock is deep in her hot throat.Then bound in the perfect helpless missionary position, in a custom rig, we have Dakota's pretty face hanging upside down and her tight pussy waiting for a brutal fucking. Matt and Dee then go to town on our helpless sex slave. Deep cervix pounding fucking and finger blasting makes our helpless slut squirt and squirt plenty, while at the same time her throat is getting the pounding and deepthroating it deserves. In the end liquid is dripping for each hole as Dakota lays exhausted and spent.

Angel Allwood に 'is brutally fucked while completely bound and helpless, deep throated and abused!'

Angel Allwood - is brutally fucked while completely bound and helpless, deep throated and abused!

A feast for the eyes and senses today on Sexually Broken. Two booming sexy sluts with huge tits, and one muscle bound sex beast with a huge cock.Dee and Miles have poor Angel complex helpless. She is about to get dominated, fucked and put down wet and dazed. Miles brings the intensity you will only find on Sexually Broken. Dee brings the sensuality and tough love. Both bring Angel to a complex orgasmic state of hell and bliss. The look on Angel's face as Miles pounds her cervix to orgasm is priceless!

Kenzie Taylor に 'is bound, pussy smothered, ass smothered, deepthroated and fucked to orgasms!'

Kenzie Taylor - is bound, pussy smothered, ass smothered, deepthroated and fucked to orgasms!

Kenzie Taylor is one of our favorite sexy bimbos, huge tits, a perfect ass, full lips, tan and sexy. Kenzie loves cock loves pussy and loves sex.Bound on her back with her legs held open, and head over the edge of the table, Kenzie is completely helpess and exposed. Today we are going to overload our big tittes slut with pussy and cock. Dee will control her breathing with her perfect wet shaved pussy, her phat ass and massive boobs. Matt will stuff her throat with cock, not all of it fits in Kenzie's throat but enough so she can't breath while she is being throat boarded upside down. The pair completely controls Kenzie air intake. In the end our sex slave is spent from being made to cum over and over and over. A drooling dripping mess!

Kira Noir に 'Breaking and Entering... My Ass'

Kira Noir - Breaking and Entering... My Ass

There's romance in the air as cute punk couple Kira Noir and Small Hands break and enter into a stranger's house to make mischief and by make mischief I mean have anal sex in their bed! The thrill of getting caught was a huge turn on to them, and they ravished each other on the unfamiliar furniture, fondling and sucking and spanking sensitive areas. Small Hands likes to show his appreciation to his sweet little felon by sliding his meat deeply down her throat over the side of a bed and pounding her in the ass with such care. It's truly romantic as fuck!

Angel Allwood に 'Bound and helpless, Big titted blond is deepthroated, face fucked and made to cum over and over!'

Angel Allwood - Bound and helpless, Big titted blond is deepthroated, face fucked and made to cum over and over!

We have Angel Allwood back and helpless as ever as Sergeant Miles and Dee Williams complety destroy her sexaully while bound and helpless!Nine inches of cock blocks Angel's ability to take in air, she breaths when the cock want her to. She is mercilessly deepthroated to panic as she is being made to cum over and over. That deep throat spit is covering Angel's eyes and nose, she can no longer see or breath except when the cock let her. In the end she is a broken slut, cummed out and drooling all over herself.

Angel Allwood に 'is neck bound on a Sybian and throat fucked while violently cumming over and over!'

Angel Allwood - is neck bound on a Sybian and throat fucked while violently cumming over and over!

Angel Allwood and her booming body is back on the best Bondage and Rough Sex (BaRS) site in the world, Sexually Broken.Severely bound in hard metal and stuck on the world's most powerful vibrator, Angel is about to be completely overwhelmed and broken. It's will be difficult trying to find a girl that comes any harder than Angel does. We punish her throat with cock, over and over, drool runs down her body, and when she cums? Holy hell hang on, it is beautifully powerful. When it's over, Angel just stares off into the distance, we are experts at breaking girls brains with sex!

Kenzie Taylor に 'Gorgeous Blond Kenzie Taylor gets facesat and throat fucked!'

Kenzie Taylor - Gorgeous Blond Kenzie Taylor gets facesat and throat fucked!

Kenzie Taylor is stuck to the floor with a Hitachi bolted in front of her. The chains around her ankles hold her legs apart so that she can't protect her pretty little pussy. Dee Williams comes to her with some oil and turns the vibrator on. The powerful vibrations begin to turn the heat up as Dee rubs the oil all over Kenzie's giant tits. Kenzie moans and shudders at the intense sensation. The first of many incredibly beautiful orgasms erupt from Kenzie before there's even a dick in her mouth.When Matt slides his dick down Kenzie's throat it becomes obvious how sexually excited she is. The dick encounters no resistance. When it finally comes out Kenzie's face is drenched with her own spit. Matt fucks her throat until she's wild for breath. Matt leave's only to be replaced by Dee.Dee uses her pussy to breath play Kenzie. Kenzie doesn't even fight it. She licks and sucks on Dee's pussy lips until finally she can get a breath. The spit flows freely and coats Dee's sexy body. Matt and Dee take turns having their way with Kenzie. Her moans and grunts are all the indication we need that Kenzie is Sexually Broken by the end.

Dee Williams に 'Bonnie Day and Dee Williams bound in a Sexually Broken Sixty Nine. Brutal face and pussy fucking!'

Dee Williams - Bonnie Day and Dee Williams bound in a Sexually Broken Sixty Nine. Brutal face and pussy fucking!

Today we have two girls that can take the dick, Bonnie Day and Dee Williams. These girls are the best of the best at handling deep hard facefucking, and some of the most extreme fucking there is.Well this is something you don't see every day, or ever, really. Girls bound for rough sex and face fucking in a Sixty Nine. The Boys can fuck a pussy and not even move to fuck a throat. Both girls are completely helpless and getting dick from both directions. It doesn't take long to get both girl dick drunk, and sub spacey. We have squirting, brutal orgasms, extreme face fucking over and over and over. Like I said these girls can take it, so the Boys brought it!

Kira Noir に 'If The Dick Fits- Part 3'

Kira Noir - If The Dick Fits- Part 3

Kira fucked two guys this morning and neither one had the dick she remembers from last night. She's about to give up on her mission when she peeks in her roommate's bedroom and sees her snoozing next to her boyfriend - and his giant cock! Kira can't believe her eyes! It's the same dick she's been dreaming about! She sneaks into her roommate's bedroom and seduces Jessy into fucking her for a second time - but this time she wants that perfect cock in her ass.

Kira Noir に 'If The Dick Fits- Part 2'

Kira Noir - If The Dick Fits- Part 2

Kira leaves Lucas's house, disappointed he's not the owner of the magical mystery cock. She's about to walk home when she spots Lucas's brother Van. Maybe he's the guy who fucked her last night! Van offers Kira a ride home and it's not before she's attacking his pants. The search for the perfect dick continues with some road head and more fucking once they get to Kira's house. This girl just won't give up!

Kira Noir に 'If The Dick Fits- Part 1'

Kira Noir - If The Dick Fits- Part 1

Kira and her roommate partied hard last night. Hungover and horny, Kira wakes up trying to remember who she hooked up with the night before. The sex was so amazing but she has no idea who she fucked! Determined to track down that perfect cock, she heads back to Lucas's house - the host of the party - to see if he owns the dick of her dreams.

Dee Williams に 'Bonnie Day and Dee Williams are tag teamed to destruction. Both girls are roughly fucked to the ground'

Dee Williams - Bonnie Day and Dee Williams are tag teamed to destruction. Both girls are roughly fucked to the ground

Today we have two girls who can take whatever is thrown at them. If you want see the best of the best take dick, then do not miss this amazing scene.Two girls with amazing asses take on the boys of Sexually Broken, and the boys bring it! Most girls in porn today would melt in the first minute and tap out. Not these two. Both bound doggy style and completely helpless, both with theirs throats at perfect height. Most girls could never take this type of pounding, fewer yet while in bondage. Words can not do this update justice, just watch the trailer, then join the best Rough Sex and Bondage site in the world!

Dee Williams に 'shows you what it's like when a legendary bondage model becomes a porn star!'

Dee Williams - shows you what it's like when a legendary bondage model becomes a porn star!

There are not many true bondage models left, I'm talking old school grit and determination bondage models. Dee Williams is a legend in The bondage world and does the porn thing better than almost all of them. The new models we have today could learn a thing or two.Bound in a Category 4 upside down suspension, with arms strappado'd, and her huge tits, severly bound, Dee is primed for a professional grade throat fucking. I can count on one hand the numbers of girls who could handle this tie. The count gets even smaller when you add in a Sexaully Broken throat fucking. I can go on and on, about the scene. Watch the trailer, then you will understand everything I just said.Sexually Broken, the best Rough Sex and Bondage site in the fucking world.

Dee Williams に 'Bonnie Day and Dee Williams both bound and cumming on a sybian while brutally face fucked!'

Dee Williams - Bonnie Day and Dee Williams both bound and cumming on a sybian while brutally face fucked!

Today we have both Dee Williams and Bonnie Day. Both bound and helpless on the world's most powerful vibrator the Sybian. Both about to get their throats fucked while dealing with orgasm after orgasms being ripped from their bodies.Bound to each other back to back, both girls are completely helpless on the world's most power vibrator, the Sybian. Non-stop face fucking and orgasms are in store for our two slutty bitches. Breathplay at its best, as both girls have their throats stuffed with cock while cumming over and over. It and intense and incredible scene, you have not seen anywhere before. Back and forth they cum and cum, while the boy destroys their cute faces with cock. Bondage, orgams and brutal deepthroat face fuckings, we specialize in this!

Kira Noir に 'Ethni-city Scene 6'

Kira Noir - Ethni-city Scene 6

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong and Wicked Pictures bring you one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year. ETHNICITY is that rare adult film that seamlessly blends intriguing storytelling with passionate, meaningful sex. ETHNICITY examines a diverse group of people as they navigate the ups and downs of life. Then one fateful night their destinies collide with tragic consequence.

Kat Dior に 'is handcuffed to a chair, face fucked, and vibrated to several screaming orgasms!'

Kat Dior - is handcuffed to a chair, face fucked, and vibrated to several screaming orgasms!

Kat Dior finds herself a bit over her head, this little Princess is about to get a little bit abused.Handcuffed to a chair this sexy blond finds out real quick Sexually Broken is the real deal, to much in fact. Some girls love their work, others struggle, and the struggle can be fun too.We face fuck and vibrate Kat to a few orgams, while she is struggling with cock down her throat. The struggle is real, the sex is as real as it gets and the bondage is absolute.

Leya Falcon に 'Leya Falcon, hot blonds with Huge tits, bound down and double fucked throated. Pussy smothered!'

Leya Falcon - Leya Falcon, hot blonds with Huge tits, bound down and double fucked throated. Pussy smothered!

Leya Falcon and her booming huge tits are back of the pages of Sexaully Broken. We love Blond bimbos so much!Bound helpless with her head upside down and a vibrator stuck on her shaved pussy, Matt and Dee are about to fuck up a bimbo. Orgasm after orgasm is ripped out of Leya's helpless body as the BDSM couple unleash hell on her face with cock and pussy. Matt throat fucks and Dee smothers our big tited bimbo. Perfect breath play and orgasms make bimbos happy and Leya is one happy slut right now.Sexaully Broken the only rough sex and bondage site in the world that doesn't hit their models.

Dee Williams に 'Dee Williams, our sexy resident Top, gets grabbed, severely bound, Brutally face fucked on a sybian!'

Dee Williams - Dee Williams, our sexy resident Top, gets grabbed, severely bound, Brutally face fucked on a sybian!

Dee Williams is back on Sexually Broken for a reason, No, it's not because she is my wife, it is because she simply puts most LA girls to shame.Dee is brutally bound in a category five sex position, is completely stuck on the world's most powerful vibrator, the Sybian. She then is put through one of the most extreme Face Fucking scenes, all the while cumming almost non-stop while deep throated. Most LA models can only do one of those things at the same time. Dee is in the top 1%.If you enjoy watching Bound girls getting completly sexaully destroyed with out any hitting or pain, then you my friend have found the motherload!

Kat Dior に 'is a tiny little blond with a booming body, she gets bound and roughy fucked!'

Kat Dior - is a tiny little blond with a booming body, she gets bound and roughy fucked!

Welcome tiny Kat Dior to Sexaully Broken, This little fairy has a tiny booming body that begs to be used!Cuffed to a hard metal fucking post, Dee Williams and her monster boobs gets to destroy a princess, snowflake porn girl. We fuck her from behind as we shove cock as far as she will let us down her throat. After 7 minutes our snowflake is done. Sexaully Broken is a hard sexy place to work. If you like seeing porn Princess, struggle through rough sex and throat fucking today is your special day.

Ivy Aura に 'Face Fucked and Fondled While Cumming on Sybian!'

Ivy Aura - Face Fucked and Fondled While Cumming on Sybian!

Ivy Aura said she loved bondage so we couldn't wait to get our hands (and restraints) on this pale, slender little hottie. She is belted down on the Sybian and vibrated to orgasm. Matt and Dee take turns working her throat open with cock as she writhes and wales with pleasure.Ivy has such a pretty, tight little body that Dee can't help but reveal it and grope her as her face continues to be used as a fuck hole. Ivy is overwhelmed by continued orgasms.

Ivy Aura に 'is a tiny sexaully bondage fairy. Today she is bound, fucked, throated and made to cum.'

Ivy Aura - is a tiny sexaully bondage fairy. Today she is bound, fucked, throated and made to cum.

We have a new face in Ivy Aura, this tiny bondage fairy is new to bondage and rough sex, completely new.Bound helpless, so Ivy's tiny mouth and tight shaved pussy are completely accessible, gives Dee and Matt options. Ivy is new to this type of scene, so we baby her into the fucking and deepthroating. Each girl we work with handles what we throw at them differently. You have seen, girls take whatever we can dish out, you have seen girls break under the intensity of our award winning scenes. You have seen girls take it all, smile, ask if that's all we got and asked for more. Today you get a new reaction...

Nora Riley に 'Local college coed is severely bound, vibrated to several orgasms and face fucked into subspace!'

Nora Riley - Local college coed is severely bound, vibrated to several orgasms and face fucked into subspace!

Cute as a button, our sexy local college coed, Nora Riley is slutty as they cum, and this one cums a lot.We have this amazing girl next door all bound up and helpless. A vibrator is stuck on her sweet shaved pussy, her arm and legs bound in hard unforgiving metal. We have Nora's face at fucking level, she is completely helpless and we are going to take full advantage of that. Both Matt and Dee bring the cock to our coed's wet throat. Breath play at it's best, brutal orgasms she can not stop. It doesn't take long for our bondage power couple to destroy Nora's brain. Brutal face fucking is something Nora loves and lives for, but even she is overwhelmed, you can tell by the vacant look in her eye, and the amount of drool dripping down her body.

Milcah Halili に 'is bound hooded, gagged, blindfolded, and brutally fucked, licked and made to cum!'

Milcah Halili - is bound hooded, gagged, blindfolded, and brutally fucked, licked and made to cum!

We have Milcah Halili bound and helpless on the only Bondage and rough sex site on the net. We don't hit our models (unless they beg), we fuck em!Completely bound and helpless, our hot tiny Asian girl is hooded, gagged, and blindfolded, while stuck in a 'fuck me' position. Matt and Dee bring the cock. Over and over they make Milcah cum. One cock after an another, non stop brutal pounding. Milcah can only scream into her gag as she is made to orgasm over and over without any hope of reprise. From cocks to tongues, to vibrators, Milcah is powerless to stop any of those from ripping orgasms out of her exhausted body.We update 3 times a week, with a different girl and unique custom bondage predicament! We have a live show each month so you can see how we really destroy these girls in real time. Often copied, but never duplicated, Sexually Broken is the only Premium hardcore bondage site on the net!

Katy Kiss に '3'

Katy Kiss - 3

Happy Halloween! Today we offer the amazing Katy Kiss for your sexual destruction on this most awesome holiday.Bound on her back with her arms securely bound in a brutal strappado position, Kati is about to get the throat fucking of her life. Dee and Matt bring the cock and soon our tiny red head is struggling to breath as we stuff inch after inch of cock down her helpless throat. Kati is fucked and fucked hard from both sides. She cums and cums while struggling to get air from the cock that fill her face hole.No acting nothing faked, just amazing bondage and brutal sex, it's why we are continually nominated from AVN and Xbiz, year after year.

Nora Riley に 'gets spit roasted, cocks from both sides, made to cum over and over. Squirting orgasms!'

Nora Riley - gets spit roasted, cocks from both sides, made to cum over and over. Squirting orgasms!

Nora Riley is as cute as a kitten and super slutty. She loves bondage and rough sex. She also loves MILFS and Daddies so today is the day most of her sexaully fantasies come true.Bound, standing spread and helpless, we have Nora ready to spit roast. She is going to get brutally fucked in both holes from, both sides. Extreme throat fucking and deep throating from one side, fucked and made to squirt from the other. Dee and her massive tits and strap on make Nora squirt over and over. In the end our cute girl next door is breathless, standing in her own squirt, and exhausted from cumming so many times during deepthroating. A day this college student won't soon forget.

Raquel Roper に 'steps into a world of bondage and rough sex, completely overwhelmed and broken.'

Raquel Roper - steps into a world of bondage and rough sex, completely overwhelmed and broken.

Welcome Raquel Roper to the pages of the best bondage and sex site on the net. Our cute girl next door is in for a new experience, overwhelmed and broken.Innocent girl next door Raquel Roper, is bound down on the world's most powerful vibrator, the Sybian. Her arms are bound back behind her, she is completely helpless, our little sex slave for the day. Raquel has to deal with with two cocks, Dee turns out being the bad cop as she fucks our helpless sluts face through several orgasms and massive amounts of throat spit. Matt is the breath play expert and keeps our slave in a constant state of subspace. Orgasm after orgasm get ripped from Raquel as her face and throat is brutally fucked while cumming and cumming.

Milcah Halili に 'Sexy Asian Milcah Halili is bound and brutally face fucked, fucked from both ends, squirting orgasm!'

Milcah Halili - Sexy Asian Milcah Halili is bound and brutally face fucked, fucked from both ends, squirting orgasm!

Welcome Milcah Halili to the pages of Sexually Broken. This hot Asian finds out the hard way why we call the site, Sexually Broken!Bound in hard metal, bent over, blindfolded and gagged, we start by teasing our nubile Asian with a vibrator and fingers. Soon hard cock is fucking her throat, and her tight pussy is being roughly fucked! One of her many orgasms, bring a screaming squirting Milcah into deep subspace. After that, the glaze in her eye as we fuck the shit out of our helpless sex slave is priceless. Struggling to get air and the massive orgasms we pound out of her body, take there toll.In the end, Milcah can barley stand and her eye focus on nothing as reality slowly creeps back into her brain.

Natalia Starr に 'Natalia Starr, Jenna Foxx and Kira Noir - Zebra Girls'

Natalia Starr - Zebra Girls

Congratulations! You're about to be a fly on the wall and watch three lovely ladies getting ready for a bridal shower! Natalia Starr is preparing for her Big Day, and her "besties" Kira Noir and Jenna Foxx are there to help pick out clothes for the shower, as well as clothes for her honeymoon! Will it be the skimpy, red lingerie in which she fucks hubby...or the see-thru one-piece? Which is when a big discovery is made! Buried deep inside Natalia's suitcases are her secret passion: big, black dildoes. Natlia's got all sorts of them, and it doesn't take long for Kira and Jenna to start in on Natalia's pretty mouth and wet, pink cunt. Instead of prepping for the party, they're sucking clits and licking ass and scissoring and strapping dick on and sucking and fucking! Let's face it, these are the secret things women do, and by the way this ends, it won't be their last time, either!

Nora Riley に 'Local College girl finds herself bound, fucked, deepthroated and made to cum over and over!'

Nora Riley - Local College girl finds herself bound, fucked, deepthroated and made to cum over and over!

Welcome Nora Riley to the AVN, ZBIX, 3 year running, nominated best BDSM site, Sexaully Broken. This local college girl is as cute as a kitten and as sexy as a mink! Today we have Nora bound creatively on her back with her head over the corner of the table. Her shaved pussy and mouth are at cock level, her legs spread and helpless. Nora is completely at our mercy, and if you have ever watched Sexaully Broken, we don't have any mercy left.Nora soon finds her throat filled with cock. Relentlessly, the cock fucks our helpless coed's throat, deep and brutal, breath play at it's finest. Then Dee with her big custom strap on and DDD boobs steps in and starts fucking Nora to several intense orgasms. In the end our little coed, is dripping out of each hole, cummed out! Eyes glazed over and almost unable to catch her breath. Nora got a professional dick down today, one she won't soon forget.

Anna de Ville に 'Anna De Ville is fed cock and pussy while bound and helpless! Dominated to cum over and over!'

Anna de Ville - Anna De Ville is fed cock and pussy while bound and helpless! Dominated to cum over and over!

Tiny, innocent, sexy, beautiful, slutty, perfect. That's how we would describe Anna De Ville. This cute nubile unit is sex personified. Bound with her head hanging off a table in the perfect 'fuck me' position, Anna finds herself completely helpless and vulnerable. With her little white socks and black heals, Anna body and face is perfectly posed for abuse. And we aim to misbehave.Dee with her massive 34 DDD boobs and big cock bring the dick to our sluty slut slut. Anna is getting it from both direction as cocks and pussy fill her mouth. Soon Anna is fighting for air as we fuck her tight pussy. Anna is a cumming machine. It doesn't take long for Dee to smother our tiny helpless play toy with her shaved wet pussy. Breath play at its finest as Anna struggles to breath though Dee's hot pussy and ass. In the end Anna is dripping from every hole, cummed out and exhausted. Another wrecked Porn star, wondering what the fuck just happened.

Katy Kiss に 'the sexy tall redhead, is severely bound, deepthroated and brutally fucked into darkness.'

Katy Kiss - the sexy tall redhead, is severely bound, deepthroated and brutally fucked into darkness.

We have the tall leggy, Katy Kiss back. Her beautiful body just begs to be bound and sexually abused. She has a special lust for Dee Williams and her massive boobs and dick, so by Katy's wish Dee is back to bang the fuck out of our sexy redhead.Katy is rope bound elbows together and strappado'd, her legs are frogged and she is completely helpless. The look of pure lust when Dee walks toward her alone, is worth the price of admission. A rope from Katy's neck is actually holding up her strappado, so if she tires she slowly begins to choke herself out. Then we bring the cock, we work over Katy's throat with big hard dick. It doesn't take long for the neck rope and penis to make our sexy redhead struggle for air. Katy receives a brutal face fucking that sends her deep into subspace. Soon the throat is not enough, and we hike Katy up so we can get at her perfect shaved pussy. Katy is fucked hard and brutally. She cums over and over while the neck rope does it's job. Soon Katy is cummed out and broken, we leave her struggling to breath as her strappado is slowly taking Katy into the darkness.

Kira Noir に 'Dirty Dancer'

Kira Noir - Dirty Dancer

Kira Noir shows off her pole dancing skills to get Ryan hard before going to work on his pole with her mouth. When she said anything goes in the backroom she meant it, even taking his cock up her beautiful brown asshole and letting him cum deep inside her!

Iona Grace に 'Naturally Busty Iona Grace Expertly Swallows Cock While Cumming on Sybian!'

Iona Grace - Naturally Busty Iona Grace Expertly Swallows Cock While Cumming on Sybian!

Iona Grace has naturally huge tits that we can't help but tear out of her top. They are begging to be exposed. Iona is strapped on a sybian with her arms pulled back behind her, thrusting those beautiful breasts out. She is then bombarded by Matt and Dee's cocks as they fuck her throat. Iona is a champ though and she is unfazed but the relentless dick and breath play. When the Sybian is turned on though, she really starts to notice. She continues to swallow cock as she cums over and over on the vibrator. By the end, even this deep throat queen in glossy eyed and completely Sexually Broken.

Anna de Ville に 'Anna De Ville Mummified With Vibrator and Throat Boarded By Couple!'

Anna de Ville - Anna De Ville Mummified With Vibrator and Throat Boarded By Couple!

Anna De Ville looks misleadingly innocent but we are about to showcase her skill set that no wholesome girl would have mastered. Anna is mummified from her tits down and a vibrator is wedged in her wrappings with her. She is then throat boarded by Matt and Dee Williams. Upside down face fucking is not easy to take. Her drool runs up her face toward her cheeks and plugs her nose making catching her breath even more difficult, but Anna has this mastered. She expertly swallows dick while the vibrator works her into multiple orgasms. This girl is no angel and we are happy for it.

Madelyn Monroe に 'Super Hot Madelyn Monroe Tied With Legs Spread Wide and Tag Teamed By Couple!'

Madelyn Monroe - Super Hot Madelyn Monroe Tied With Legs Spread Wide and Tag Teamed By Couple!

Madelyn Monroe is the kind of hot blonde that men dream of. She is bound on her back and has her mouth and pussy fucked by Matt and Dee Williams. She clearly loves having her holes filled with cock and when they add a vibrator to the mix she finds herself cumming uncontrollably. By the end of the scene she is a sexually broken, cum drunk, dazed slut. So, a happy girl. Thank you Madelyn, we are sure to see you again.

Dee Williams に 'Angel and Dee Tied Back to Back And For Mouth and Anal Use and Have Massive Squirting Orgasms!'

Dee Williams - Angel and Dee Tied Back to Back And For Mouth and Anal Use and Have Massive Squirting Orgasms!

Angel Allwood is tied to the Sybian with her mouth at the perfect height for use. Dee Williams is tied to expose her eager ass and pussy. Matt Williams and Sergeant Miles have set up a neat little fuck buffet for themselves and they are going to take full advantage.Angel Allwood sucks cock expertly as she is vibrated and made to cum on the Sybian she straddles. The guys take turns using her willing mouth and Dee's tight ass as the two women cum over and over. Angel moans on the vibrator while Dee has massive squirting orgasms from the hard fucking in her ass. This is one hot show. The only thing better than one busty blonde slut is two busty blond sluts and we are happy to accommodate that.

Anna De Ville に 'Tiny Slut Anna De Ville Spit Roasted By Couple and Made to Cum!'

Anna De Ville - Tiny Slut Anna De Ville Spit Roasted By Couple and Made to Cum!

Anna De Ville is one tiny babe, but don't let that mislead you. She isn't nearly as innocent or delicate as she appears. This little slut can take some serious rough fucking. Matt and Dee take her from both ends, taking turns between her mouth and pussy. A vibrator is added to the mix and she drools on the dick in her mouth as she cums seriously. Anna is insatiable though. As much dicking down as she has gotten, she is not even close to finished.

Dee Williams に 'Shows Off Amazing Cock Sucking Skills in Bondage and is Vibrated to Multiple Orgasms!'

Dee Williams - Shows Off Amazing Cock Sucking Skills in Bondage and is Vibrated to Multiple Orgasms!

Dee Williams has some amazing deep throat skills. So we obviously we want to test them out. Seated on the floor, her arms are pulled back behind her in a position that would tear at anyone else's shoulders, but not Dee. She is tough and too distracted by the cock coming her way to care. Matt Williams and Sergeant Miles take turns drilling her throat with dick, cutting off her breathing for longer and longer time, but she isn't scared. She's ecstatic. As her throat is crammed with cock we can see her eyes go glossy and when we turn on the vibrator she has multiple orgasms. This is Dee's happy Place.

Kira Noir に 'Anal Dolls'

Kira Noir - Anal Dolls

Mocha-skinned Kira Noir is sexy, fit and ready to fuck. She teases the camera in a kinky nurse costume with fishnet stockings, then slicks up her tender cheeks and fucks her asshole with a dildo. Stud Bill Bailey intervenes, feeding the cock-hungry doll his thick shaft while plunging her bunghole with dildos. He ruthlessly ruts her anus while Kira whimpers and fondles her furry bush. Kira deep-throats dick ass-to-mouth, takes a face-full of creamy and happily says, 'Thank you for making me your anal fuck toy!'

Kassie Kay に 'Fucked in Rope Bondage and Has Her Face Buried in Big Tits While She Cums!'

Kassie Kay - Fucked in Rope Bondage and Has Her Face Buried in Big Tits While She Cums!

We might have already put Kassie Kay through her paces, but we aren't done with her yet. She is tied to a chair and used from both sides by Matt Williams and Dee Williams. Her mouth is crammed full of dick while her tight little cunt is viciously fucked making her have multiple brutal orgasms.Dee doesn't just want to fuck her little toy. She likes playing with her a bit more. Dee smothers Kassie with her big tits while the little hottie continues to be fucked. Her head practically disappears, but her muffled moans make it obvious that she enjoys this kind of rough treatment. Kassie Kay finishes in a dizzy daze, which is exactly how we like them.

Madelyn Monroe に 'Unbelievably Hot Madelyn Monroe Bound To Sybian and Used By Couple!'

Madelyn Monroe - Unbelievably Hot Madelyn Monroe Bound To Sybian and Used By Couple!

Madelyn Monroe is as hot as they come and she is no stranger to swallowing cock. She is bound to the Sybian and Matt and Dee Williams take turns fucking her pretty face as she cums uncontrollably. Dee takes a moment to smother Madelyn with her full perfect ass, but Madelyn does not complain. Who would? They don't let her stop cumming until she is a glossy eyed, drooling mess. When it comes to taking bondage and throat boarding, Madelyn is as good as it gets.

Katy Kiss に 'New to Sexually Broken, Slender Katy Kiss Is Used By Hot MILF and Made to Cum!'

Katy Kiss - New to Sexually Broken, Slender Katy Kiss Is Used By Hot MILF and Made to Cum!

Katy Kiss loves bondage and rough play and Dee is willing to deliver. Katy is first vibrated as a warm up but the face fucking and breath play is what really gets her off. Katy is choked by dick, smothered by Dee's sexy ass and big breasts and vibrated. She is drooling, gasping, cumming and loving it the entire time. This enthusiastic little hottie is begging for more and we are sure to have her back for much more.

Dee Williams に 'Fucked in Strenuous Bondage and Has Multiple Squirting Orgasms!'

Dee Williams - Fucked in Strenuous Bondage and Has Multiple Squirting Orgasms!

Dee Williams likes feeling vulnerable in bondage and Matt knows how to inspire such feelings so he ties her with her tits bound and her legs spread exposing her perfect cunt violation by dick. Mat and Sergeant Miles take turns fucking her hard as she cums hard and squirts all over their cocks, but they won't be done until she can cum no longer. She is an empty, panting shell of a woman, her pussy continuing to throb after several massive orgasms. Dee Williams is the perfect example of what sexually broken looks like.

Iona Grace に 'Iona Grace's Big Natural Breasts Bound As She Is Throatboarded and Made to Cum!'

Iona Grace - Iona Grace's Big Natural Breasts Bound As She Is Throatboarded and Made to Cum!

If deepthroating were a sport, Iona Grace would have an Olympic gold medal. She is tied down on her back, her naturally huge tits tied so they are thrust rigidly upward and Matt and Dee Williams take turns assaulting her mouth. There seems to be no limit to how much cock she can manage down her throat or how long she can hold her breath. They throat board her without mercy and only after they have railed her pretty face past the point that would leave most girls in a panic does Iona even begin to show signs of wearing down. They add a vibrator to increase the challenge and she has no problem cumming with cock crammed down her open throat. Great work Iona. We are thoroughly impressed.

Kassie Kay に 'Flexible Kassie Kay Bound and Throat Fucked While Cumming on Vibrator!'

Kassie Kay - Flexible Kassie Kay Bound and Throat Fucked While Cumming on Vibrator!

Kassie Kay is bendy so Matt Williams cannot help but put her in positions that strain her hot, thin, flexible body. With her arms pulled far behind her, she is face fucked by Matt and Dee until she is gasping for air. They add a vibrator, but they don't give her a break from the onslaught of dick in her mouth. Her tiny body flexes hard as she chokes and cums with her throat filled with cock. This hot body was definitely worth having.

Dee Williams に 'TheLegendary Dee Williams Epically Dicked Down With Multiple Orgasms!'

Dee Williams - TheLegendary Dee Williams Epically Dicked Down With Multiple Orgasms!

Matt and Dee Williams are back, but this time dee is here to take to pounding she has been craving. She is belted down to a bench and they start with her open mouth, fucking it as she chokes and drools. She loves this kind of breath play and she is the best at receiving it. They then take turns on her eager cunt, fucking her so roughly we were afraid our stage might come apart. She cums over and over while being drilled and by the time Matt and Sergeant Miles are finished with the scene her big beautiful eyes are starry and glossed over. The lights are on, but nobody's home. This is what being sexually broken looks like.

Nikki Darling に 'Athletic, Slender Slut Fucked From Both Ends in High Heels and Made to Cum Multiple Times!'

Nikki Darling - Athletic, Slender Slut Fucked From Both Ends in High Heels and Made to Cum Multiple Times!

Nikki Darling just gets hotter every time we see her and she never disappoints with her rough sex skill set. First we test her Deep throat skills as Matt and Dee Williams take turns fucking her willing mouth hole. She drools and her eyes roll back as dick blocks her breath. This is Nikki's happy place. Her ass is then propped up so Matt and Dee can have their way with her eager cunt. She cums over and over, making the most beautiful sounds as she is relentlessly fucked from both ends. Nikki is always impressive and today is no different.

Yhivi に 'Continues to Cum Relentlessly For The Final Part Of Her Live BaRS Show!'

Yhivi - Continues to Cum Relentlessly For The Final Part Of Her Live BaRS Show!

Yhivi has already had some intense scenes in her live show. But we aren't finished with her yet. Matt Williams and Dee Williams have just a little more up their sleeves. She is tied to a table, for easy access. Matt and Dee continue face fucking her without mercy and Yhivi is happy to take it. She cums on both dicks as they fuck her relentlessly and she and Dee share a hot kiss. This is rough sex at it's best.

Rain DeGrey に 'MW4W'

Rain DeGrey - MW4W

After a divorce every woman seeks something a bit different than what she is used to experiencing and Rain is no different. She uses social media to find the perfect new experience in the form of a couple looking for a submissive third to join them in some devious play. She answers the ad and finds herself in a situation that might just be a little over her head. She isn't just getting a little threesome action like she might have been prepared for. Instead they tie her up and use her mouth hole to suck cock and eat pussy and they make her cum over and over while tied to their banister.They aren't done with her yet though. She is tied to a rolling chair and turned into a fuck toy on wheels. They pass her back and forth using her pussy and making her cum even more. Finally, they decide to keep her around, but maybe not in the way she expected. She is now at their service as sex-bot, maid, and living room furniture. Matt and Dee Williams know how to treat a lady.

Yhivi に 'Tied to Box and Fucked From Both Ends By Couple!'

Yhivi - Tied to Box and Fucked From Both Ends By Couple!

Yhivi may have started the show strong, but she is not slowing down a bit. This little slut can't be worn out. Matt and Dee Williams tie her to a box in the perfect position to expose her pussy and mouth hole. They proceed to fuck her from both sides, each taking turns with her pussy and throat and Yhivi still can't get enough of it. For someone so small she is insatiable and we love her for being so. Yhivi can't stop cumming over and over on cock. If deep throating was an olympic sport she would have a gold medal. Thank you for coming back Yhivi. We will be seeing lots of you in the future.

Kira Noir に 'Mick's Anal Teens 3'

Kira Noir - Mick's Anal Teens 3

Insatiable, mocha-skinned sex doll Kira Noir wears a pink fishnet skirt and green bikini while fondling her ass and teasing the camera. She shows the diamond butt plug hiding inside her, then slurps her anal juices off of it before welcoming big-dicked director Mick Blue. Passionate kisses give way to cock-riding sex. Mick tongues her anus and uses sphincter-stretching dildos to prep her for a backdoor blistering. Kira smiles in gratification as Mick pounds her holes. She tastes his thick shaft ass-to-mouth and he slathers her face in heavy cream.

Sierra Cirque に 'Tag Teamed and Fucked Until Glassy Eyed and Delirious!'

Sierra Cirque - Tag Teamed and Fucked Until Glassy Eyed and Delirious!

Sierra Cirque is misleadingly sweet, but only a real slut can make it through a Sexually Broken shoot. Sierra starts in a hogtie on a table and has her throat used by Matt and Dee Williams. She drools and moans as she gobbles cock. This girl deep throats like a porn star no matter how new she is to this kind of shoot. She is then positioned for fucking. The couple takes turns fucking Sierra's pussy and throat as she squirms in ecstasy on the table. Then Dee plays with her a bit harder; putting her hands or arms around her throat. We find out how much Sierra loves breath play as she's choked and vibrated until glassy-eyed and cum drunk.

Kahlista Stonem に 'Kahlista Cums over and Over on Sybian while being Throatboarded by Hot Couple!'

Kahlista Stonem - Kahlista Cums over and Over on Sybian while being Throatboarded by Hot Couple!

Kahlista is already a cum drunk little slut and Matt and Dee Williams are going to see to it that she stays that way. The belt her down on our Sybian with inescapable bondage. They proceed to take turns throat boarding her even after they turn on the most powerful vibrator. She cums over and over as they violate her throat and choke her.There is no end to this little cutie's ability to orgasm and that's just how we like it. Good job Kahlista. We are sure to see you in the future.

Alyssa Lynn に 'Stripper House'

Alyssa Lynn - Stripper House

Alyssa Lynn has a fantasy. A mysterious man let's himself into her home, and gives her a bondage and rough sex experience that she will always remember. Alyssa lives in a house with other strippers from the same club. She is home alone though so she doesn't think anything of it when the door opens until she sees that the person standing in the doorway is not one of the other strippers like she expected. A man with his face covered looms before her and she's easily captured.She he handcuffs her to her own pole and puts his cock in her mouth she doesn't struggle before opening her face hole for fucking. She's enjoying the cock all to herself when one of her roommates stumbles into the scene and is quickly placed on her knees to join her. The man takes each slutty mouth in turn until both women are drooling and dazed. It gets even rougher in the bedroom. Both sluts are hogtied and their faces used until the intruder decides to violate their pussies as well. From pussy to mouth, he's in his own playground of holes. They cum and choke and cum some more. They are no longer concerned about each other. They are both locked in their own moments of ectasy, their bodies writhing as if begging for more cock. When they are brought to the living room and fucked until they are both dazed and aching for more, the intruder thinks maybe he is finished with these two, but then the door opens once more.

Kassie Kay に 'Super Flexible Kassie Kay Bound With Legs Spread and Fucked Senseless!'

Kassie Kay - Super Flexible Kassie Kay Bound With Legs Spread and Fucked Senseless!

Kassie Kay demonstrated her amazing flexibility when she arrived and we just had to take advantage of it. She is bound on her back, her legs spread wide apart to allow for easy access to her tight pussy. Dee and Matt Williams take turns on her hungry cunt and her drooling mouth as she moans and cums. A vibrator is added to send her through the roof. Her tiny, toned body flexes and writhes as she cums and cums. Kassie is an impressively bendy little slut that we will definitely be using up again and again.

Sierra Cirque に 'Sensation Slut Sierra Cirque bound on her knees and brutally face fucked!'

Sierra Cirque - Sensation Slut Sierra Cirque bound on her knees and brutally face fucked!

We thought Sierra Cirque might just be a sexy pain slut, so when she came back for Sexually Broken we were overjoyed that she is actually an amazing cock sucking sensation slut as well. She is bound on her knees, putting her mouth at the perfect height for hard use. Matt and Dee take turns fucking her face hole until Sierra is drooling and struggling for breath. This innocent looking lady is a marvelous slut in disguise. She only gets better when a vibrator is pushed against her cunt as her face is assaulted by cock. Sierra cums and sucks and cums some more. We will definitely be seeing this one again soon.

Kahlista Stonem に 'Tiny Slut Kahlista's Fucked On Table And Made To Cum Even More For Live Show!'

Kahlista Stonem - Tiny Slut Kahlista's Fucked On Table And Made To Cum Even More For Live Show!

Kahlista is in the final stretch of her live BaRS feed, but she isn't ready to be finished yet. She is laid on her back and a rope is added to her tightly tied tits and connected to her ankles to spread back her legs and expose her ready cunt. Matt and Dee Williams move in to continue filling her mouth and pussy with cock until she is again cumming her brains out. Between the breath play and the face fucking and the orgasms Kahlista is finally spent and she couldn't be happier about it. This was one intense live show and by the end Kahlista is a very satisfied slut.

Zoey Laine に 'Bound to Bench and Fucked Until Mindless and Drooling!'

Zoey Laine - Bound to Bench and Fucked Until Mindless and Drooling!

Zoey Laine is one sexy little sex-bot that never seems to get tired but that won't stop Matt and Dee Williams from trying to wear her down. She is tied to a bench at just the right height to access her holes. Matt and Dee start by fucking her face and as expected, she is a champion sword swallower, but we didn't bring her here just to test her deep-throating skills. Matt and Dee Williams take turns fucking her face and her tight pussy until she is gasping and cumming over and over.Zoey likes breath play and Dee Williams expertly puts her in a choke hold which makes her orgasms even harder. By the time Matt and Dee are done with her, Zoey is a drooling, panting shell.

Yhivi に 'Gets Face Fucked and Vibrated to Orgasm After Orgasm!'

Yhivi - Gets Face Fucked and Vibrated to Orgasm After Orgasm!

She might be cute, but girls rarely come as tough as Yhivi. Matt and Dee Williams have her back arched in metal and leather bondage. They fuck her throat until she is covered with drool and panting. They then vibrate her eager cunt.Yhivi likes to be choked, so Dee graciously applies a hand to her throat which only makes Yhivi's orgasms stronger and more frequent. By the time they are finished with her she is beautiful stuttering mess of sex and drool. Yhivi doesn't disappoint. We will definitely be bringing her back as soon as we can get our hands on her again.

Kahlista Stonem に 'Kahlista Rope Bound, Smothered and Fucked From Both Ends For Live BaRS Show!'

Kahlista Stonem - Kahlista Rope Bound, Smothered and Fucked From Both Ends For Live BaRS Show!

For the second part of Kahlista's live show, we decide to change positions. Using rope, Matt ties her to a stool. Matt and Dee Williams now tag team her mouth and pussy, making her cum over and over. Kahlista enjoys being slapped so she is given some well-deserved smacks across her beautiful face. Tears form in her eyes, but these are tears of overwhelming pleasure. Kahlista is in a state of bliss already when Dee uses some breathplay to send her right over the edge. Matt and Dee use the neck rope to restrict her breathing. She receives a hand around her slender neck. Her mouth and nose are covered and best of all, they flip her over and Dee smothers Kahlista with her shapely, perfect ass. Kahlista cums and cums until her eyes cross. She is dizzy and smiling by the time they decide they are done with this position. But they aren't finished with her yet. She is going to get the complete Sexually Broken experience.

Nikki Darling に 'Hogtied and Fucked by Couple With Massive Squirting Orgasms!'

Nikki Darling - Hogtied and Fucked by Couple With Massive Squirting Orgasms!

Slender, striking Nikki Darling is no stranger to the Sexually broken experience. She's back because this kind of sex is exactly what she craves.Matt starts with a hogtie on a bench that puts her face at the perfect angle for fucking. Matt and Dee Williams use her throat until she thinks she may never breath again, but Nikki is okay with that. The real fun starts when they turn her over. She is throat boarded and fucked until her eyes are blurred by her own drool. Dee wants to partake in cock today though and Matt uses a rope to pull Dee's mouth to cock level. The girls take turns sucking cock until Dee goes back to fucking Nikki's tight pussy until she has huge squirting orgasms.

Mandy Muse に 'Bound To a Table and Mercilessly Fucked From Both Sides!'

Mandy Muse - Bound To a Table and Mercilessly Fucked From Both Sides!

Mandy Muse likes her intense. She needs it to be to get off. Matt and Dee Williams know how to provide just that. She is bound on her back to a device that keeps her body locked in a perfect 'fuck me' position with her head back to expose her eager mouth. Matt and Dee work her pussy and mouth in tandem as desperately tries to catch her breath. Mandy likes breath play though, so Dee things on other ways have fun with her. Dee straddles Mandy and smothers her with pussy. Mandy isn't complaining though. She just wants more. Finally she is writhing and having a massive squirting orgasm. This girl is an all you can fuck buffet and we are going back for seconds.

Zoey Laine に 'Slender Hottie Zoey Laine Expertly Throat Boarded, Vibrated, and Left a Drooling Cum Drunk Hot Mess!'

Zoey Laine - Slender Hottie Zoey Laine Expertly Throat Boarded, Vibrated, and Left a Drooling Cum Drunk Hot Mess!

Tall, slender and beautiful, Zoey Laine could have just as easily been a runway model, but Zoey is too much of a kinky slut to settle for that. Lucky for us she decided that she would rather be dicked down on a regular basis. Matt and Dee Williams are experts in this area and they waste no time getting this sexy little slut bound, her mouth hole in the perfect position for hard use.Zoey is no stranger to cock sucking, but after a thorough throat boarding session from Matt and Dee Williams, this sexy southern belle is drooling, crosseyed, and gasping for air. They aren't done with her yet. Dee turns on the vibrator that is pressed against Zoey's pussy and Zoey comes undone, seized by multiple orgasms and a face full of dick. Miss Laine brings her A game and she doesn't let us down. We haven't seen the last of this amazing slut.

Syren De Mer に 'Hot Cougar brutal fucked by MILF and Daddy! Throat fucked and made to cum over and over!'

Syren De Mer - Hot Cougar brutal fucked by MILF and Daddy! Throat fucked and made to cum over and over!

Syren De Mer is one Gorgeous MILF. She has perfect, large breasts, a hot tight body and all the cock sucking experience that can be asked for so when we lock her in for some serious throat fucking, we know she can deliver. Syren is put in a strict cage that holds her sexy body in place and makes her mouth fully accessible to cock. Matt and Dee Williams take turns using her throat hole while Syren writhes in bondage enjoying every inch of cock in her mouth. This stunner is truly impressive. We reward her with the Hitachi, getting huge, dramatic orgasms from her gorgeous body. Seeing this woman Sexually Broken is always a pleasure.

Kahlista Stonem に 'Bound and Fucked From Both Ends By Couple With Multiple Orgasms!'

Kahlista Stonem - Bound and Fucked From Both Ends By Couple With Multiple Orgasms!

Kahlista Stonem doesn't seem to tire of cock so in round two Matt and Dee Williams strap her down and give it to her from both ends. Tireless, tiny, all natural queen of deep throat, Kahlista is fucked to multiple orgasms while enjoying a little extra breath play as a belt is pulled tight around her neck. She is finally left panting and writhing in ecstasy, but we aren't done with her yet. This adorable little sex bot doesn't wear out easily.

Yhivi に 'Tiny Sex slave Yhivi is bound with a Sybian on her clit, helpless, coming and deep throated!'

Yhivi - Tiny Sex slave Yhivi is bound with a Sybian on her clit, helpless, coming and deep throated!

Little Yhivi is back doing what she does best, getting face fucked till shes stupid. We fuck all the drool out of this helpless throat slave.Bound on her back her legs spread and head hanging over the edge of a table, Yhivi finds herself in a brutal predicament. The most powerful vibrator in the world is stuck on her clit and the mouth is helpless to stop the cocks that are coming to fuck her tight and messy throat into next week. This is where Sexually Broken excels. No bullshit talking, no bullshit fake acting, no bullshit fake orgasms, no bullshit fake porn moaning, none of the bullshit that you hate about porn, we deliver you real girls, being completely sexually destroyed. We bring the real deal, and the girls have no choice, they can't fake it, because it's honest. They can't 'act' they are to busy trying to survive the overload of cock and orgasms. It is pure, and it's only here at Sexually Broken.

Endza Adair に 'All Star Slut, Endza, is Double Team Fucked from Both Ends!'

Endza Adair - All Star Slut, Endza, is Double Team Fucked from Both Ends!

The sexy Endza Adair is back and sandwiched between the hottest couple in the Bondage and Rough Sex game, Dee and Matt Williams. Locked between parallel metal bars, Endza is helpless and impaled from both ends by cock. Dee has a massive strap on that she uses to warm up poor Endza's face hole, pushing the huge, rubber member straight to the back of the submissive slut's throat. She needs the practice, because even this veteran cock sucker has a hard time working that pole when her pussy is being ferociously pounded. Overcome with cock, Endza can barely keep her body up, but as she starts sagging against the cold iron that holds her in place Matt pulls her up with a belt around her neck. She can cum until she can't see straight, but she isn't allowed to stop fucking until her two new masters have decided that they have had their fill. Her pussy is literally dripping wet and she is drooling uncontrollably as she gags, trying to deep throat through the intense fucking. Endza is in full sexual subspace, so deep that she doesn't even know where she is anymore.

Mandy Muse に 'Sexy and Eager Mandy Muse is Strapped down and Brutally throat fucked!'

Mandy Muse - Sexy and Eager Mandy Muse is Strapped down and Brutally throat fucked!

Slim and sexy brunette bondage enthusiast Mandy Muse is sweet as they come so when she wanted the Sexually Broken experience we were happy to oblige.She is handcuffed to a post. Bound on her knees; her legs spread wide open with leather straps and a vibrator pressed against her eager pussy. Her mouth is at the perfect height for fucking. Matt and Dee Williams take turns relentlessly railing her throat. Ms. Muse doesn't tire easily and she enthusiastically takes it all balls deep without pause.When the vibrator is put to use Matt and Dee don't bother to slow pace to allow their little sex slave to acclimate to the sensation and Mandy wouldn't have it any other way. Mandy's eyes roll back in her head. Mandy told us she likes breath play and based on how she gyrates against the vibrator, drooling like a slut, it's clear that there is no better breath play for Mandy than being choked by cock.This is one enthusiast that we will surely have back.

Zoey Laine に 'Bendy Zoey Laine is roughly double fucked to massive squirting orgasms! Bound, Gagged and Helpless!'

Zoey Laine - Bendy Zoey Laine is roughly double fucked to massive squirting orgasms! Bound, Gagged and Helpless!

Fresh faced Zoey Laine makes her sexy debut on Sexually Broken. This squirt-tastic long legged nymph is in need of strict bondage, hard sex and brutal orgasms. Blindfolded, gagged and masked, Zoey is bound in the perfect 'fuck me' position. Her sexy shaved pussy is completely helpless, open and waiting. There is nothing Zoey can do but moan, scream and cum. Dee gets her hands or shall we say fist all up into Zoey. After stretching her tight cunt open Dee stuffs 9 inches of her strap on into our helpless captive. Zoey moans and Matt steps in and pounds her wet pussy and Zoey screams and cums.Over and over, back and forth Matt and Dee pound Zoey's swollen, wet pussy. Orgasm after screaming orgasm is ripped from Zoey. In the end Matt brings fingers to bear and Zoey is made to squirt not once but twice. So much squirt that Zoey actually hits the roof of our studio with the hot liquid cum. In the end Zoey is left exhausted and struggling to breathe. The orgasms ripped from her are brutal to say the least. Another porn star fucked stupid on the best Bondage and Rough Sex site in the world.

Syren De Mer に 'Hot Cougar is bound, face fucked and made to cum over and over. Brutal deep throat, massive orgasms!'

Syren De Mer - Hot Cougar is bound, face fucked and made to cum over and over. Brutal deep throat, massive orgasms!

Sexy Cougar Syren De Mer is back on the Sexually Broken stage, with Dee Williams, the Premiere female Dominate that is taking the internet by storm!Dee Williams is back with Matt to completely wreck Syren De Mer. Dee has been training under the tutelage of Matt Williams for about a year now. Matt is considered one the best Male dominates in the scene today, and is ready to unleash his student on the sluts of the world.Syren is bound spread with a powerful vibrator locked onto her shaved pussy, her helpless mouth ready for plundering. Today we are going to wreck Syren with massive amounts of cock to the throat, all the while as the vibrator rips orgasm after of orgasm from our powerless Cougar. Sexually Broken specializes is destroying even the most talented and experienced porn stars of the world. Join today to see why Sexually Broken has been nominated so many times by the leading industry experts. Often copied but never duplicated, Sexually broken gives you the best value, hottest stars and most realistic rough sex in the industry, with world class bondage to boot!

Yhivi に 'Sexy hot Asian Yhivi, rope bound, double fucked and deep throated. Lesbian rough sex and orgasms!'

Yhivi - Sexy hot Asian Yhivi, rope bound, double fucked and deep throated. Lesbian rough sex and orgasms!

Welcome yet another fresh face, sexy body to the pages of the hottest Sex and Submission site on the net. Yhivi loves bondage and rough sex, the harder the better and we bring it better then anyone.Yhivi is bound on the floor, her hands tied under her legs. Both ankles and knees are bound and Yhivi's hot mouth is at perfect cock height. Dee Williams and her massive boobs and cock step in, Yhivi's throat is about to get wrecked. Dee sports 9 inches of doom and Yhivi's helpless throat is her target. Eyes water, and Yhivi struggles for oxygen, soon Matt brings his cock to bare and Yhivi is sent to subspace as she tried to handle the double assault on her throat.Yhivi is a master of deep throating and the Williams' bring the hurt. After completely dominating Yhivi's hot mouth hole, she is picked up and placed on a fuck table. Now Yhivi is being roughly fucked from both ends. Her throat is brutally fucked upside down and her wet pussy is pounded to several orgasms. In the end, Yhivi is a mess of spit and cum, her eyes glazed over with a empty and blank stare.

Kira Noir に 'Special Dark'

Kira Noir - Special Dark

Kira Noir is a tight-bodied beauty that takes some serious members in all of her welcoming holes! This light-skinned cutie gets Manuel's cock rock hard just by showing off her perky titties and her puffy pussy. She's in for a crazy ride with the French-man who has a beer-can of an uncut cock to probe her with - but first, Kira warms herself up! She's got massive dongs to lube up and she double penetrates herself - so fucking HOT! This little slut obviously loves to get fucked in her mouth and in her pussy and in her sweet, perfect butthole - she's perfect for Jules Jordan Video! Clad in some slutty red lingerie, Kira loves being choked and Manuel is the right fucker for her. These two have so much fun licking every inch of each other's bodies and Noir opens up beautifully for Ferrara's massive white cock. From Special Dark, this interracial fuckery is flipped upside down and some sticky white icing is the perfect compliment to Kira's beautiful light chocolate skin!

Kahlista Stonem に 'Tiny Kahlista Stonem services a dominate couple. Brutal deepthroating, squirting orgasms!'

Kahlista Stonem - Tiny Kahlista Stonem services a dominate couple. Brutal deepthroating, squirting orgasms!

Welcome fresh face Kahlista Stonem to the best sex and submission site on the net, Sexually Broken! This tiny ball of sex can deepthroat and take a rough fucking with the best of them.Bound on her back with custom leather straps, Kahlista's legs are bound up, her head is left over the edge of the table. Her pussy and throat are at the perfect height for a brutal fucking and her huge natural breasts are left to swing freely as she is pounded deep and hard from both ends. The Williamses bring the dick, and soon Kahilsta is cumming and cumming. Dee Williams pulls out her massive breasts and smothers our helpless slut as she is fucked and fingered to a massive squirting orgasm. Back and forth the couple destroy our tiny victim with cock. In the end, Kahilsta is broken and laying in her own squirt, her eyes glued shut with her own deep throat spit. Join Sexually Broken today, the most creative rough sex and bondage site on the net. Sexually Broken, taking the fast forward out of porn since 2012!

Kira Noir に 'Anal'

Kira Noir - Anal

Kira Noir debuts on HardX, showing off her tight body in a sensuous tease before sliding a toy deep inside of her tight ass to warm her up for the fucking she's about to receive from Markus Dupree.

Endza Adair に 'Sexy Girl Next Door is brutally Throat fucked to the ground. Relentless face fucking and orgasms!'

Endza Adair - Sexy Girl Next Door is brutally Throat fucked to the ground. Relentless face fucking and orgasms!

Endza Adair, the perfect girl next door, is severely bound and throat fucked to the ground in today's Sexually Broken Monday Offering.Bound sitting between to pipes with her arms Strappado'd back and her legs spread open and wide, Endza finds her self completely helpless and at the mercy of two aggressive face fuckers. Dee Williams, in her high heels and sporting a huge strap on, takes to opening Endza's throat. The onslaught from the two cocks is overwhelming. Endza's face is used hard and deep, with no mercy. We add a vibrator to her wet shaved pussy and Endza is reduced to a cumming whore as the cocks bang away at her helpless throat.In the end, Endza collapses to the ground completely dazed, confused and and broken. Cum drips from her wet pussy, and deep throat spit covers her entire face and body. All she can do is moan on the floor as she leeks from every hole.

Syren De Mer に 'Couger Syren De Mer is destroyed by cock, epic face fucking, rough sex and lesbian strap on!'

Syren De Mer - Couger Syren De Mer is destroyed by cock, epic face fucking, rough sex and lesbian strap on!

We have the Couger-tastic Syren De Mer and her amazing body, helpless and ready for cock today on the most creative bondage and rough sex on the planet. Today we called in Dee Williams (Formerly Darling) and her huge feeldoe to help destroy our sexy Couger Syren. Dee with her amazing athletic body, huge tits and big cock, loves fucking up bitches. We have Syren bound face down ass up and oiled to perfection, bound with custom leather, in a custom device. She is completely helpless and about to be solidly used and abused by cock.Back and forth, the couple blast Syren with cock. Amazing deep throat and brutal fucking make Syren cum over and over. There is nothing Syren can do but take and cum. Dee's huge strap on fills Syren's hungry throat to the bottom. Both cocks attack and Syren can only cum. In the end Syren is left dripping, shaking and moaning as reality slowly slips back into her cum drunk brain. Another victim of Sexually Broken is left wondering what the fuck just happen and why did it stop...

Kira Noir に 'Anal Newbies 04'

Kira Noir - Anal Newbies 04

Black beauty Kira Noir struts through a sexy striptease, showing natural breasts, hot legs, pubes sculpted into an arrow pointing to her pussy, and a tight, round, twerking tush with a winking butthole. She plays doctor with white stud Mark Wood in a silly candy striper scenario. Cheerfully she blows him with seductive eyes and smiling, BJ lips. A butt- bouncing doggie-style fuck gives way to manhandling sex with choking. She's still smiling when Mark eases his prick up her ass. Kira worshipfully sucks cock ass-to-mouth and tongues his bunghole. She masturbates through sodomy that leaves her asshole deeply gaping. An ass-to-mouth climax soaks her face in semen.

Kira Noir に 'Anal Newbies 4'

Kira Noir - Anal Newbies 4

Black beauty Kira Noir struts through a sexy striptease, showing natural breasts, hot legs, pubes sculpted into an arrow pointing to her pussy, and a tight, round, twerking tush with a winking butthole. She plays doctor with white stud Mark Wood in a silly candy striper scenario. Cheerfully she blows him with seductive eyes and smiling, BJ lips. A butt- bouncing doggie-style fuck gives way to manhandling sex with choking. She's still smiling when Mark eases his prick up her ass. Kira worshipfully sucks cock ass-to-mouth and tongues his bunghole. She masturbates through sodomy that leaves her asshole deeply gaping. An ass-to-mouth climax soaks her face in semen.

Kira Noir に 'Toned Kira Noir restrained in metal pipes and belt bondage, taken from ends by big dick!'

Kira Noir - Toned Kira Noir restrained in metal pipes and belt bondage, taken from ends by big dick!

Today we are happy to welcome back Kira Noir to the pages of Sexuallybroken. This toned and fit starlet is an all natural beauty with a unmatched sex drive and an undeniable eagerness. There is only one thing to do to an eager slut such as Kira...bind her down with metal pipes and fuck her brains out. Which is exactly what we do.Thick metal pipes hold Kira down on her back and leather belts spread her legs open wide. A helpful arrow points out exactly where we should go. We follow instructions and insert the dick exactly where the arrow shows us. Not to be left out, we make sure to insert a second dick on the other end, turning Kira into a sex sandwich. It is a relentless dicking down without mercy. We unleash a tag team twosome as Kira cums hard upon the cock. The rough sex and strict bondage does the trick as Kira cums her brains right out. She sputters and gasps as the huge black cock owns her face. Her eyes water and cloud over as her pussy is pounded out. She can not move an inch as we train her holes.We leave her drained and gasping, those toned thighs still spread wide. Kira is dazed, deep in sexual subspace. She got exactly what she came for today. As did we. Thank you for that my dear. Until next time.

Kira Noir に 'Spunked'

Kira Noir - Spunked

Glamorous, mixed-race ebony beauty Kira Noir, dressed in fishnet stockings and matching corset, shows off her round ass (stuffed with her favorite butt plug) for director Mick Blue. Soon he's injecting thick, whitish lube into young Kira, pumping dildos in and out of her sloppy, dripping holes. The all-natural slut gives the director's gigantic cock a sensuous, POV-style interracial blowjob, and gets her oozing pussy and asshole well reamed, until Mick splatters her pretty face with real spunk.

Kira Noir に 'Adorable Kira Noir shackled down in belt bondage and taken roughly from both ends by big dick!'

Kira Noir - Adorable Kira Noir shackled down in belt bondage and taken roughly from both ends by big dick!

Kira Noir is the type of girl that you WISHED lived next door. All natural, cute and bubbly as they come and blessed with a true desire for the dick. Bless her. We love her for that fact. What kind of trouble can we get into today? It is time to play...Bend over and bound down on a custom made bondage device that puts her holes at the perfect height for the use, Kira is perfectly displayed. On one end is her beautiful bubble butt, on the other end is her eager mouth. Belts and shackles keep her firmly in place Then all we do is add dick.Kira is roughly taken from both ends by hard cock as she is turned into a sex sandwich and she quickly becomes undone. It is beautiful to see. Her veneer slips. Her eyes glaze. The drool pours out. We choke fuck her into a twitching mess. Kira is cracked.The strict bondage holds her down, the cocks take every inch of her tight holes as she cums hard, fiercely and without a break. Our girl next door is wrecked and we had ever so much fun taking her there.

Ana Foxxx に 'Hungry Assholes'

Ana Foxxx - Hungry Assholes

Light-skinned black doll Kira Noir and dark mocha beauty Ana Foxxx are in the studio today, eager to offer Kira's tight, young asshole to well-hung white director Mike Adriano. Their interracial threesome begins with a wet, slobbery, POV-style double blow job; the girls deep-throat Mike's massive member and slurp on his balls as drool runs everywhere. Next, Kira gets rudely sodomized, and Ana helps out with plenty of messy ass-to-mouth sucking and a sensuous, climactic kiss.

Kira Noir に 'Toned beauty Kira Noir cranked up in strict chains and roughly fucked into drooling destruction!'

Kira Noir - Toned beauty Kira Noir cranked up in strict chains and roughly fucked into drooling destruction!

Kira Noir is a toned and fit package of hotness. Her all natural body is built for the sexing and we are more than happy to oblige. Just to make it a bit more interesting, we are going to throw some bondage and strenuous facefucking her way. Let's see what this one is made of, shall we?Bound in chains in a back breaking hogtie upon our handy fuck table, Kira's mouth is ripe for the plucking. She can not move an inch. Every muscle is under strain and her firm flesh quivers. Is it nerves? Excitement? Does it really matter? There is some face to fuck!We run a train on Kira as she sputters and drools and moans. The harder we go the quicker she unravels. It is a total destruction by dick. Just to be sure to push her over the edge, we throw in a little vibrator action. Now she is truly doomed. Kira is wrecked. Bound, messy and cumming her brains out in a brutal hogtie. It is a beautiful look. We love it. This is what Sexuallybroken is all about. Come back anytime my dear. It was a pleasure.

Kelly Klaymour に 'Best Little Whore House in San Francisco'

Kelly Klaymour - Best Little Whore House in San Francisco

Darling has been having trouble getting Clients at the SF Whore House. Kelly Klaymour is the #1 Madame and wants to help Darling figure out how to get more clients. Kelly takes Darling out for a test ride. She spanks her and tastes her pussy to make sure it's just right for the paying customers. Darling undresses Kelly and finds a wonderful surprise under the bustle. Darling is Thrilled to suck on the Madame's massive cock and take it in her Ass and Pussy

Vaniity に 'Darling is Vaniity's Cock Mop.'

Vaniity - Darling is Vaniity's Cock Mop.

The fucking in this update is well, there are no words for it. Vaniity is so dominate and fierce all Darling can do is hold on and cum. Vaniity's sheer sexual intensity and acrobatic maneuvers are mind boggling and dick hardening. She bangs Darling in the ass and pussy going back and forth between her holes and making her cum and scream and beg for more. And to top off the day of Oylmpic fucking, Vaniity pulls out and cums right into Darling's wet, open pussy. Hooooot!