Kink 'エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます' 主演 India Summer (写真 6)

India Summer,Cadence Lux に 'Kink' - Agent India Summer's Ass is Destroyed by Son-In-Law (Families Tied)

Cadence Lux、India Summer、およびTommy Pistolが、今週のFamily Family Tiedで勢いを増しています。ケイデンスは、彼女のボーイフレンドのトミーが提案しようとしているという知識に輝く、すべて自然な美しさです。彼女は彼女がトミーに彼女を紹介して彼女の祝福を得ることができるようにバレンタインデーにやって来るように彼女の熱いステップマザーインディア夏を懇願します。しかし、ロマンチックな至福の代わりに、ケイデンスはトラブルの世界に身を置く。彼女のStep-Motherは、Tommyを一般的な麻薬密輸業者として認識しているFBIのエージェントです。インドは家の周りをこっそりと証拠を集め、捜索令状を求めます。トミーは彼女をつかまえて、彼がインドを尋問することができるように用事でケイデンスを送ります。心を痛めて武装していたTommyはすぐにインドを倒して居間の床に許しを懇願しました。彼女の話に不満で、彼はケイデンスがずっと植物だったかどうかについての真実を得るまで彼女の喉をファックして、彼女のタイトなMILFボディを電気機器でいたずらに駆け回った。インドは両手を背中に固定して泣いていて気まぐれですが、それでもトミーはそれを買わず、ベルトの束縛で激しい鞭打ちと後背位の性交のために彼女を曲げます。売春婦のようにソファの上に曲がって、インドはそれを隠そうとします、しかし、彼女は価値がないファック人形のように扱われていて、トミーのペニスで絶頂を始めます。屈辱的でオーガズムの彼女は立ち止まるように彼に頼みます、しかし、彼は彼女のきつい湿ったニャンニャンをファックしている間彼女を尋問し続けます。ケイデンスが家に帰ると、彼女はインドが痛い縛りで完全に裸になっているのを見つけます。彼女の口はボールギャグと冷たい金属製のお尻フックでいっぱいの彼女のお尻を詰めています。トミーはケイデンスのためにたくさんの質問でインドの上に立っています。彼女の後ろを彼女の手のひらでカフをして、彼は彼女のお母さんの新鮮に犯された女に対して彼女の顔を押して質問を始めます。ケイデンスは彼に彼女が知らなかったことを伝えようとします、しかし、彼女の女は彼女の手を袖口にしてもらうことから濡れます、そして、トミーは少し気を散らします。彼女は至る所で潮吹きし、次に彼女の乳首に熱い蝋燭の蝋燭で彼女を尋問するまで彼は彼女の甘い猫をファックします。インドのお尻は、特にファッショナブルに見えるので、ケイデンスを床に投げ、生の犬を彼女のステップマザーのお尻を鼻の前に放り、時々それを濡らすためにケイデンスの口の中に彼のチンポを詰め込みます。ケイデンスがついにトミーに、彼女が本当に彼を愛していること、そして彼自身の家族を彼のために見捨てることさえあると確信したとき、彼は彼女が彼に彼がインドを荒廃させるのを助けることによってそれを証明することを要求する。ケイデンスは訓練するのが速く、そして彼女がインドを彼女の婚約者のコックの上に押して、彼女がドキドキするように彼女のおしりを鞭で打つように彼女の目にサディスティックな輝きを持っています。インドは肛門のオルガスムを持っているように頼みます、しかし、ケイデンスは狂気のパワーで代わりに彼女を解き放ちます。ケイデンスは、彼女のお母さんを彼女のお母さんの口の中に押し込み、降りて、インドのびっくりする顔全体に潮吹きします。トミーのディックからインドを押して、彼女は空腹の活力、カミングと喜びでうめき声で彼女の将来の夫に乗ります。彼女は彼女の顔でトミーの絶頂を捕まえるために床にインドを押して、それから彼女を精液で覆われたままにして、警官のためにダクトテープで縛られます。

発売日 : 2月15日, 2019
タグ : お尻のフック, ボールギャグ, ボンデージ, 家族のロールプレイ, 鞭打ち, ギャグ, 熟女, 潮吹き, まっすぐ
男性モデル : Tommy Pistol

Richelle Ryan at

写真から India Summer,Cadence Lux に 'Kink' Agent India Summer's Ass is Destroyed by Son-In-Law

India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 1)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 2)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 3)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 4)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 5)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 6)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 7)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 8)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 9)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 10)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 11)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 12)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 13)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 14)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 15)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 16)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 17)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 18)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 19)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 20)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 21)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 22)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 23)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 24)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 25)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 26)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 27)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 28)
India Summer に 'Kink' エージェントインド夏のお尻は義理の息子によって破壊されます (サムネイル 30)

写真から India Summer,Cadence Lux に 'Kink' Agent India Summer's Ass is Destroyed by Son-In-Law

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン India Summer,Cadence Lux

India Summer に '性奴隷として訓練されたインドの夏、ラウンチ記者'

India Summer - 性奴隷として訓練されたインドの夏、ラウンチ記者


Cadence Lux に 'ケイデンス・ラックス:残酷に苦しめられ、束縛に囚われて犯される'

Cadence Lux - ケイデンス・ラックス:残酷に苦しめられ、束縛に囚われて犯される


Veronica Avluv に 'ママは最もよく知っている:ゴージャスな熟女は不従順な若い女の子を訓練'

Veronica Avluv - ママは最もよく知っている:ゴージャスな熟女は不従順な若い女の子を訓練

5つの豪華なMILFは、適切に彼らの家族を喜びさせる方法について5人の熱い不従順な若い女の子を訓練するためにここにあります。まず、私たちは彼女の素朴なステップ娘エラノヴァと夫をデレク・ピアースに訪問するために飛び込む見事なシェリー・デヴィルを持っています。しかし、シェリーはエラにいくつかのことを教える必要があります、エラはデレクと間違った優先順位を設定しています。もちろん、ママは最もよく知っているし、すべての悪い女の子は彼らのお尻にしっかりとスパンキングを必要とします。シェリーは娘たちのドレスを引き上げ、エラのお尻を赤くたたき始めます。ママありがとう。いくつかの規律の後、それはエラに彼女の男を喜ばせる方法を教える時間です。デレクは、ロープボンデージと革の袖口に身を包んだ母娘のデュオに吸い込まれた彼のコックを取得します。母と娘の両方は、彼が彼の花嫁と義母に彼の負荷を撃つ前に、デレクのディックに肛門に乗ります。次に、強力なヘレナ・ロックは、ロッド・パイパーと一緒に走り回っている彼女の勇敢な義理の娘ケイシー城をキャッチします。それはその不従順な小さな1いくつかのマナーを教える時間です。ケイシーは母親の膝の上に曲がっていて、ヘレナは娘のきつい若いお尻をしっかりと叩き始めます。ロッドは、ママと娘をファックし、彼の巨大な負荷を撮影する前に吸う適切な深い喉のコックを取得します。バストヴェロニカアヴルーブは、ビクトリアVoxxxにいくつかのマナーを教える必要があります。ロープボンデージに縛られ、ボールギャグでギャグ、ヴェロニカとラモンノマールはビクトリアを使用しています。ビクトリアは猫を食べさせられている間ヴェロニカは深い深い肛門のファックを取得します。ヴェロニカはビクトリアの若い顔のいたるところに噴出します。ヴェロニカ・アヴヴはラモンにこぶされ、ビクトリアは激しく犯される。最後にビクトリアは肛門拳とラモンは彼女のお尻に兼しています。豊かな頑固なアミリアオニクスは、彼女が場所を実行すると思いますが、美しいインドの夏は、この若い女の子を訓練する方法を知っています。インドとデレクはアミリアの巨大な自然のおっぱいに服のピンと電気ザッパーを使用して痛みを与え、日立は喜びのために使用されます。デレクとインドの両方がこの若いふしだらな女を支配しています。デレクは、若いふしだらな女アミリアが彼を吸い取る前に、熱いMILFインドをファックします。イニダはロープボンデージに縛られ、ホットワックスはデレクがアミリアの深い肛門と精液で彼女をファックする前に彼女のおっぱいに滴り落とされます。最後に女王MILF自身ダナ・ディーモンドは、彼女のふしだらな不従順な義理の娘アベラ・デンジャーを訓練する必要があります。彼女は娘の上に曲がり、彼女の美しい丸いお尻を赤く平手打ちします。ダナはアベラのはつらつとした小さなおっぱいとタイトな猫の唇に服のピンを置きます。彼女は金属ディルドでアベラのろくでなしをファックします。乳首クランプが出てきて、アベラの叫び声を得る。アベラはダナのMILFyのろくでなしをリムするように作られています。最後にフアン・ルチョは、ロープボンデージで縛られ、ボールギャグでギャグアベラをファックするために出てくる。彼の巨大なハードコックは深いハード肛門でアベラのタイトな嫌いな人をファック, ダナは体罰でこの若いふしだらな女を訓練しながら、.カインが出てきて、アベラの裸の裸足を苦しめる。アベラは、彼が彼女の顔に巨大な負荷を兼ねるようにフアンのディックを供給されています。たぶん、これらの若いふしだらな女は最終的にママが最もよく知っている彼らの教訓を学ぶでしょう!

Cadence Lux に 'ケイデンスラックス:地獄の深さ'

Cadence Lux - ケイデンスラックス:地獄の深さ

ケイデンス・ラックスは、教皇と十分に協力しており、彼女の能力と判断を完全に信頼し、彼女の権利と完全に間違った扱いをしています。今日、彼女は完全に彼に服従を禁じられない、厳しい苦痛の時間に服従します。カメラは転がり、苦しみが終わるまで切断も保持もしません。あらゆる小さなニュアンス、あらゆる活動、あらゆるオーガズム、そしてあらゆる塩辛い涙を見ることができます。ケイデンスは私たちに提供しなければなりません。彼女は、すでに床に置かれている4つの鋼のシャックルで所定の位置に固定されています。ケイデンスはすぐに、彼女が誰もがいる可能性のある最も脆弱な位置にいることに気づきます。広げられたワシは、彼女の体のすべてが露出したまま、彼女を大きく開いたままにします。彼女は自分を守ることはできませんが、これは彼女が求めたものです。教皇は、彼女の肉体をフロッガーと猫尾の尾で柔らかくし始め、次に木製のスパイクと吸引で残忍な乳首の拷問セッションを開始します。恐怖はケイデンスに向かって入りますが、彼女はまだタップしていません。ケイデンスが落ち着くにつれて、苦しみは深刻さを増し、これは始まりにすぎないことを知っています。オーガズムは、彼女の穏やかな休憩を与えるために投与されますが、彼女が緩和するほどではありません。オーガズムの最中であっても、彼女は教皇のサディズムにさらされており、それは彼女が彼女が申し込んだものから逃げることがないことを示しています。 The Popeがネクタイを途中で変更することを決定する前に、バスティーナドを手に入れます。彼が彼女の後ろ側を苦しめ終えると、彼女は横になりますが、今度は彼女の左手が鋼鉄のtrapに閉じ込められています。現在、ケイデンスにとっての課題は、苦痛がますます残酷になっているため、たたくだけではありません。彼女の乳白色の肌には、真っ赤な跡とあざが散らばっていますが、まだ終わっていません。ウォーターボーディングはまだ始まっていません...

India Summer に 'Auntie Fuck-Face:Teen Slut Destroys Her Ass with Her Step-Daddy'

India Summer - Auntie Fuck-Face:Teen Slut Destroys Her Ass with Her Step-Daddy

インドの夏は彼女ののジア・デルザとジアのステップ・ダディ・デリックをチェックするために東海岸から飛んできました。 Giaの母親が去ってから数ヶ月が経ち、彼女の裕福な家族は、Giaの新しい状態が合法であることをインドが彼らに知らせている限り、財政的に支援することを約束した。彼女がカリフォルニアの郊外の家で見つけたものに対して、インドを準備したものは何もありません。インドは恐怖の部屋から逃げるので、ジアは精神病の喜びに笑いました。しかし、それは彼女とデリックが母親を家から追い出して以来一緒にした行為の一部です。最後のステップは、彼女の叔母をだますことです。それから、ジアと彼女のステップパパは、タブー関係を楽しんで、一緒に生活を楽しんでいます。計画の最初の問題は、インドがデリックを哀れみから誘惑し、彼に彼女のお尻を破壊するように頼むときです。デリックは、彼女の引き締まった熟女の体と壮大なフェラチオのスキルに抵抗することはできません。彼はインドを彼女の膝の上に置き、彼女の顔を良くファックします。彼はその後、彼女のお尻が熱くて赤みを帯びるようになるまで、彼女を鞭打ちします。彼女の腕と脚は医療用包帯で固定されているため、デリックは両方の穴を楽しむことができます。深いクソは、彼女の目が肛門のオルガスムで彼女の頭の中でロールバックする原因になります。デリックは再びステップ娘と性交するのを待つことができないので、夜に彼女の部屋に忍び込んで、彼らが欺くために使用した医学的拘束で彼女と一緒に彼の道を歩む。拘束衣に閉じ込められたジアは、素直に彼のチンポを窒息させ、だらしなくする。彼女の足は革のベルトで割れ目で広く広がっています。彼は担当の彼女を思い出させて、彼女が絶頂の許可を待つことに同意するまで、彼女の角質のクリトリスと濡れた猫をトリミングします。彼女はパパのペニスで彼女のタイトな女にドキドキで報われる。彼らの計画の2番目の問題は、Giaがデリックのコック全体にカミングしながら大声で叫ぶとき、彼女は深い眠りからおばさんの性交を目覚めさせます。インドはギアの部屋に忍び寄って調査し、デリックと一緒に彼女を見つけます。彼女が家に署名することに同意するまで、彼らがやるべきことは何も残っていません。彼らは彼女をタイトなロープ縛りの位置に縛り付け、彼女のお尻と猫の両方をファックしますが、ジアは彼女を電気ザッパーで脅して彼女の顔に座ります。劣化したインドのおばちゃんをカミングした後、ジアはおばさんのお尻からチンポを盗み、最後の性交の苦痛のためにそれをきれいにします。彼女は、彼女が家とGiaの信託基金をデリックに署名することに同意するまで、乳首のクランプを引っ張りながらインドを縁どり続けます。角質の叔母インドが彼女の言葉に満足していることに満足し、デリックは、契約に署名するために両方の熱い負荷を両方に吹きかけます。

Cadence Lux に 'Vampira Moderna:潮吹き吸いアナルサキュバスWithers Under Orgasms'

Cadence Lux - Vampira Moderna:潮吹き吸いアナルサキュバスWithers Under Orgasms


Cadence Lux に 'ケイデンスラックス:コックハングリースラットチャードデラ'

Cadence Lux - ケイデンスラックス:コックハングリースラットチャードデラ


Cadence Lux に 'ケイデンスラックス:サスペンションボンデージ、シビアン、そして潮吹きオーガズム'

Cadence Lux - ケイデンスラックス:サスペンションボンデージ、シビアン、そして潮吹きオーガズム

ケイデンスは魅惑的なストリップショーから始まりますが、着けるものが徐々に増えてきています。最初にボールギャグ、次に金属手錠、そして彼女がオマンコを押し付けるためにバイブを待って周りにしゃがむと、これは彼女をもっと興奮させるだけです。数回のオーガズムの後、次のシーンに進みます。ケイデンスは、束縛と関係があるものから敬遠することは一度もありませんでした、そして、彼女は今始めようとしていません。私達は彼女の猫をファックしているマシンのための完璧な視線を維持するために片側の足を高く上げたサイドサスペンションで彼女から始めます。機械はどんどん離れ、ケイデンスはオルガスムで克服された。 2番目のシーンが始まり、彼女はすでに自分のオマンコの中にいるマシンと一緒に、ホビーに顔を向けています。私達は彼女とセックスし始めてゆっくりしたペースで、そして彼女は即座に中出しし始めるので、私達は彼女をオルガスム過負荷状態に保つためにスピードを続けます。次に、私達は彼女が魔法の杖を持って同時に犯されることができるように彼女の手を正面に縛られて彼女を背中にのせます。彼女が潮吹きし始めるのにそれほど時間はかかりません、そしてそれが始まったら、それはクソが止まるまで止まりません。彼女は完全に排水されていますが、私たちはチェリーを上に置きたいと思ったので、私達はsybianを取り出して、そしてケイデンスに乗ってもらうようにします。

Cadence Lux に 'in Brutally Devastating Torment and Bondage'

Cadence Lux - in Brutally Devastating Torment and Bondage


Stirling Cooper に '悪いテナント'

Stirling Cooper - 悪いテナント

ケイデンスラックスは彼女の賃貸料に遅れている。彼女は考えから抜け出して、彼女の必死の嘆願をするために彼女の家主の家に向かいます。彼女は自分を入れて、家主であるStirling Cooperが自分のキッチンで料理をしているのを見つけます。彼は驚いたが彼女に会えてうれしいし、彼女は今月は家賃がないとスターリングに説明した。スターリングはお金を節約することの重要性についてケイデンスを講演し始めます。彼は、お金でいっぱいの革製のブリーフケースを取り出して、ちょっとした自己規律が達成できることを実証します。もう一方の部屋で電話が鳴り、スターリングは自分に言い返して答えるように言い訳します。今すぐ一人でスターリングのキッチンで彼女を見つめているお金の山で、ケイデンスは誘惑に屈して、たくさんの現金をつかみ、そしてそこから地獄を取り出します。彼女のアパートに戻っているだけで、ケイデンスはドアをノックするのを聞いた。その家主、クーパー氏。彼はケイデンスに、彼女がお金を盗んだことを知っていること、そして彼女がそれを保つことができることを伝えます。彼はCadenceに立ち退き通知を送り、彼女にスカートを持ち上げて足を広げるように言います。彼は彼女の指を彼女の猫にして彼女自身の馬鹿と彼女自身を性交させる。彼は彼女に彼に何か他のものを持ってくるように言います、そして彼女はロープの山を手に入れます。彼女の膝の上にいる間、スターリングは彼女の背中の後ろで彼女の手でケイデンスを結びます。何本かのロープが首を回って後ろの床にくっついています。彼は彼女の乳首のそれぞれにクランプをかけ、彼の巨大な豚を引き出し、そして彼女が家賃を払う準備ができているかどうかケイデンスに尋ねます。彼は彼女の喉に彼の太ったペニスを突き刺し、彼女が溺れるまで彼女の顔をファックします。彼は彼女の頭を床に突き出し、彼が彼女を謝罪させる間、彼女のおしりと足を切り取る。彼はそれからケイデンスのタイトなオマンコに彼の巨大なコックを突き刺す直前に革のフログラで彼女を激しく叩いた。彼は彼女のオマンコを素早く深くそして激しくファックし、そして次に別のロープ緊縛苦境で彼女を結ぶために彼女をひっくり返します。今回彼はケイデンスを彼女の足が広げそして彼女の手が彼女の頭の上にあるように結び付けます。彼は彼女のマンコを何度も彼女の精液に激しくセックスさせて、そして彼女の体の上下に巨大な負荷を撃ちます。

Ella Nova に 'Cadence Lux、スパニッシュロースト、スパニッシュディック'

Ella Nova - Cadence Lux、スパニッシュロースト、スパニッシュディック

Cadence Luxは、スペインでの休暇は公園内を散歩するのが簡単だと考えていますが、素晴らしいElla Novaに出会うとすぐに、曲はすぐに変わります。エラは甘くて臆病な金髪のように見えますが、彼女は自分の服従の精神を徹底的に破壊するための貪欲でサディスティックな欲求を持っています。エラは彼女の新しいペット、ケイデンスラックスを地元のボクシングジムに連れて行き、そこでそこにいるすべての不気味な男たちの周りをパレードします。エラはケイデンスのズボンを引き下げて、みんなに彼女の穴を見せます。彼女はケイデンスのシャツの穴を裂き、そして彼女の小さなとんでもないおっぱいを引き抜きます。 Ellaは、Cadenceが自分がどれほどの女だと思っているか、そして2人のジムメンバー、Max CortesとJuan Luchoが彼らのディックを一生懸命手に入れて、彼女が本当にどれほど痴女であるかを知るために指輪に入った。彼らは厄介でずさんな顔のファックで彼女を指輪の中に連れて行き、エラは容赦なく彼女を鞭打ちます。エラは彼女のショートドレスを持ち上げてケイデンスの顔を彼女の大きな美しいお尻に押し込み、彼女にそれをすべてなめさせる。マックスとフアンは彼女を倒し、彼女が売春婦のように唾を吐き出すと同時に彼女をファックし、同時にチンポで口をいっぱいにする。 Ellaは、ボクシンググローブに付いているほうきの棒を使って、彼女がバイブレーターでオーガズムを身に付けている間にビートダウンするための完璧なファック玩具をデザインしました。彼女が吸ってファックしている間、体育館の他の男性は写真とビデオを撮って、そして劣化が続いている間彼女に頼みます。最後に、Ellaは十分なサーカスを持っていて、ケイデンスが本当に不潔であることを町に見せることができるように、彼らが絶頂で彼女を覆うことを要求します!エラは彼女の不潔なペットを海沿いの散歩に連れ出します。彼女はケイデンスを岩の上に押し下げ、波がそれらの後ろに衝突すると彼女の金色の小便の噴水に彼女をシャワーします。

Julia Ann に '彼女の呪文の下でホット:ジュリア・アンは催眠師インド・サマーを支配する'

Julia Ann - 彼女の呪文の下でホット:ジュリア・アンは催眠師インド・サマーを支配する

彼女の日々の生活の中で不満と不安を抱えていたジュリア・アンは、催眠術師インド・サマーと約束し、彼女の問題の底に立ちます。インドはジュリアを瞑想的な状態に導いており、ジュリアの支配的な面が出てくるのを見て驚いています!ジュリアはインドを膝にかけ、スカートを持ち上げ、彼女の完璧なお尻を叩き始める。インドはこれらの新しい開発をどうすればいいのか不明ですが、すぐにジュリアの呪文の下で熱くなります! Juliaはインドの乳首にバインダークリップを置き、インドのピンクの濡れた猫に指をはさみます。インドはジュリアが彼女のクリトリスを舐めながら、無慈悲に彼女のおなかを指差しながら、彼女からオルガスムの後にオルガスムを引き裂く。次に、インドは、彼女のきつい小さなお尻で金属の肛門のフックで犬で結ばれています。ジュリアはインドの敏感な足を踏み外す前に、インドの背中とお尻を叩きつけている。インドは彼女のお尻に鞭打ち人の気持ちを愛し、すぐに彼女のクライアントを楽しませる。彼女は彼女の汚れたセラピストの顔全体にジュリアのcumsとしてジュリアの猫とお尻を舐めて吸う。最後に、インドはメタルボンデージにあり、Juliaの猫を耕すために太い脂肪のコックでジュリアストラップ。 Juliaは彼女のおならを犯し、彼女をザーパーで脅かすので、Juliaは彼女のボールギャグの後ろを振り返る。ジュリアのチンポがインドに深く深く押し込まれます。インドが一生懸命苦しんだ後、ジュリアは彼女の見所をセラピストのお尻に変えます。彼女のお尻がジュリアの太いストラップを呑み込むように、インドはうなずきます。彼女は彼女のお尻が最初に宣教師のところで耕され、そして次に犬のところで耕されるようにザーメンを乞う。ジュリアは、インドのポニーテールをつかんで、彼女が彼女に深いハードクソを与えている間に、彼女のすっすいを適所に持っています。インドはカミングを止めることができず、ジュリアは彼女を望んでいない。彼女は彼女のコックを引き出して、はさみにそれらを操縦し、彼らはお互いに激しく兼ね備えています。

Cadence Lux に 'スペインのパンクプリンセスリズ・レインボーがCadence Luxを苦しめました!'

Cadence Lux - スペインのパンクプリンセスリズ・レインボーがCadence Luxを苦しめました!

Liz Rainbowは良い女の子か悪い女の子ですか? Cadence Luxがいつ完璧な犠牲者のために路地に潜んでいる貪欲なドームとしてデビューするのかを見つけます。彼女は彼女を抱き締め、バルセロナの真ん中にいる彼女の嫌な肛門のおなかからオッパムを裂くので、彼女はリズの虹をしっかりとした革の奴隷にしている。リズは、この公然の屈辱によってそうされているので、ケイデンスは、この自己意識的な恋人に挑戦するための聴衆と強い処罰を見つける時であると判断する。彼女は彼女を暗いスピークシューターに導くと、彼女は後援者に関わり、この秘密の娼婦を満足させるのに十分な大きさのディックを見つけるのを助けます。リズはゆっくりと叩かれ、聴衆の挑発と電気杖の脅威によって徐々に分解されているので、マックス・コルテスは巨大な雄鶏を披露し、リズに深く激しく挑戦することはできない。彼はテーブルと椅子の全面に彼女をポーズし、ケイデンスはショックを受け続け、彼女を叩く。リズは、屈辱のようなマゾヒストです。彼女は、彼女の2人の親友に、彼女が裸になっているのを見て欲しいと懇願します。最後に、彼女はリバースカウガールで激しくファックしているように、彼女は彼女の顔に来ることを要求し、彼女は激しい堕落のために彼とバーのパトロンに感謝し、彼女の膝の上に興奮して溺れていく。

India Summer に '18歳の巨乳なリッチ・ブラットAmilia Onyxがヒールに持ち込ま'

India Summer - 18歳の巨乳なリッチ・ブラットAmilia Onyxがヒールに持ち込ま


Cadence Lux に 'Cadence Luxeの破壊'

Cadence Lux - Cadence Luxeの破壊


Cadence Lux に 'ロープのボンデージとオーガズムの潮吹きのすべての自然なケイデンスラックスの苦痛!'

Cadence Lux - ロープのボンデージとオーガズムの潮吹きのすべての自然なケイデンスラックスの苦痛!


Cadence Lux に 'オール・ナチュラル・ブロンド・ベイビー・ケイデンス・ラックス・ミズ・オーバー・ファッキング・マシン!'

Cadence Lux - オール・ナチュラル・ブロンド・ベイビー・ケイデンス・ラックス・ミズ・オーバー・ファッキング・マシン!

Cadence Luxが私たちのノンストップファックマシンによって無謀にファックされてから約1年が経ちました。まず、彼女は小さなピンクの猫で遊んでいる間、彼女のすべての自然な身体と小さなおしゃれなおっぱいを見せてくれる。彼女の空腹のお尻と指のおもちゃとして、彼女は彼女の腫れて敏感なclitにヒタキを粉砕。彼女の体は、彼女のオマンコを爆発させた複数のオルガスムから時制を経て、フレキシブルな脚を彼女の体の周りに抱き、喜びを吐きます。ウォームアップすると、彼女は背を向けて脚を広げるので、最初のファックマシンは巨大なディルドを使って膣に浸透することができます。マシンはゆっくりと始まり、彼女のザーメンが濡れて湿った状態になると、ピンクの唇が前後に広がります。スピードが上がるにつれ、彼女は服従するように喜びを感じる。彼女がクライマックスになると、彼女は性交術から性交を引き出し、娼婦の穴から無数の潮吹きオルガズムを爆発させます。息をすることなく、彼女は床を横切って次のファックマシンを崇拝する。彼女は注意を払ってマシンの真上を揺らし、彼女の中を滑りながら微笑む。ペースはすぐに上昇し、瞬間の暑さの中で、彼女は彼女の手で喉をつかんで、彼女自身とマシンの上を何度も何度も噴き出します。そんなひどい女の子。今、彼女は経験の剪断喜びから輝いています。誰もこれまでにこれを強く犯したことはありませんでした。しかし、ケーデンスのような売春婦は決して満足していないし、彼女の喜びのために最速かつ最強のマシンが準備されているので、彼女は喜びをもって笑う。彼女は床の上に横たえ、ファックマシンは彼女が腫れて痛む猫を耕し、彼女がマシンの上をすべて吐く。スチームはマシンのモーターから離れて、彼女は10代の巨根のディルドーを貪欲に食べるので、彼女は彼女のスモーキー・プッシーを叩き出してしまいます。そして、恍惚とした至福の最後の一瞬で、彼女は女性の射精の大量の負荷を追い払い、彼女自身の猫のジュースと汗のプールで息を吸っていない水泳を取り戻します。

Cadence Lux に 'ゴージャスなブロンドケイデンスラックスは良い娼婦です'

Cadence Lux - ゴージャスなブロンドケイデンスラックスは良い娼婦です

それはCadence Luxの最初のトレーニングであり、彼女は自分自身を証明する準備ができています。彼女は美しい体、完璧な胸、数日間の足、豊かな目を持っています。まず、彼女は直立して検査のためにワシを広げる。彼女は皮のストラップで刺さっていて、全身に鞭打っている。彼女のギャグが取り除かれると、ゲームが始まります。彼女の足の1つは「良い」とマークされ、もう1つは「悪い」とマークされます。彼女が好きになるたびに、彼女は対応する脚に缶を受け取り、その逆も同様です。ケイデンスは残酷で堕落した治療を愛し、彼女は激しくて吐き出す。彼女は良い女の子のように許可を求めるので、「良い」脚に明るいストライプを受け取る。次に、彼女は乳首の工業用クランプで胸のハーネスに縛られています。この良い小さなコックの売春婦は、汚い唾を吐く吹き飛びの仕事を提供します。彼女は背中をつかんでいるロープに抱きついて、小さなチンポのようなチンポをします。ケイデンスは熱狂的なチンポの吸血鬼で、唾吐きと垂れ幕で覆われてしまいます。このような良い仕事をするために、彼女はオルガズムと別のストライプで報われる。今、本当の楽しみが始まります。彼女の肘と膝に縛られて、ケイデンスは彼女が鞭打たれ、つまんで、激しく激しく激しくなるのを待っている。彼女は彼女のオマンコがいっぱいになるのが大好きで、一度彼女が彼女のオマンコを持っていれば、彼女は彼女がリリースされるまで妊娠の許可を求める。彼女はディックでハードに複数回激しく詰め込まれており、もっと飢えています。最後に、実際のテストと最終テストが始まります。ケイデンスは露出した彼女のおばさんと結びついている。彼女の乳首は締め付けられ、彼女のつま先に付けられる。彼女が足を下げると、乳首が痛みます。彼女は脚を直立状態に保つために苦労しながら、犯されたり、鞭打ちを受けたり、缶詰めされたりする。喜びと苦痛の間に挟まれて、この欲張りなペイントルーツは激しく燃え尽きる。彼女は、彼女の猫が犯され、指差しされ、そして振動されるとき、すべての痛みとインパクトの演技をカミングし続ける。終わりに、それは明らかです:ケイデンスは良い売春婦であるだけでなく、彼女はまた厳しい傷口です。

Mona Wales に 'クレイジーアナル主婦による恥辱'

Mona Wales - クレイジーアナル主婦による恥辱


Mona Wales に 'ブロンド4ブロンド:スピット、吹き出し、ボディーシェイキングオルガズム'

Mona Wales - ブロンド4ブロンド:スピット、吹き出し、ボディーシェイキングオルガズム

Cadence Luxがこの驚異的なElectroslutsアップデートで復活! Mona Walesは、インターネットでセクシーな女性にオナニーして、彼女を犯させようとしている間、Cadenceが自由時間をどのように満たすのかを正確に知っています。最初のシーンでは、ケイデンスは脚を広げて椅子に縛られ、十数単位に縛られた銅製のバンドで飾られ、フード付き、ギャグを付けられています。ケイデンスは彼女の手足を通って移動する電気を愛し、モナがそれをダイヤルアップし続けると、彼女のうわさが増えます。彼女の猫はモナがそれに触れる前に濡れている。モナは最初の7分以内にこの小さな売春婦を作り、彼女の猫がどれくらい詰められて使用されているかをみんなに伝えます。モナはケイデンスの乳首を押して、バイブレーターを使って彼女の熱心な奴隷の全部をぶち鳴らす前に、振動のあるクリトリスで彼女を苦しめます。ケイデンスはモナが自分の体を演じるように自分自身を劣化させ、両方の女性の唇はぴったりとした唾を吐き出したメイクアウトで会う。モナは電気を始動させて彼女のふしだらな女を揚げてしまう前に、ケイデンスのおっぱいを撫でる。次に、ケイデンスは、彼女のかわいい足とつま先の周りに包まれた導電性チューブで、彼女の手と膝に縛られています。モナは電気をダイヤルアップし、ケイデンスの敏感な足をくすぐる。彼女は狂って、ケイデンスの飢えたおならの中で彼女が押した電気メタルディルドのために彼女を暖めるために赤く燃えている。感覚が圧倒され、ケイデンスはすぐに来る準備ができています。彼女の猫は、彼女が急いで彼女の上に唾を吐くようにジューシーでジューシーな状態になります。ケイデンスはモナが現在のより高い、そしてより高いものを変えるように激しくなる。それからMonaは彼女の幸運な女を彼女のおならを舐めるようにして、彼女の欲張りな顔の上に来る。彼女はその後、より多くのオーガズムにケイデンスを指し、ケイデンスのおなかにヒタキを保持します。ケイデンスが来ると、モナはザッパで全身を震わせる。ケイデンスはオルガズムとザッパが同時に彼女に当たったときに悲鳴を切る。最後のシーンでは、どちらのレディスも、誰が最初に他のオルガスムを作ることができるかを見るために直面​​しています!モナは紫色の杖を壊し、ケイデンスの体のいたるところでそれを使います。彼らは両方ともお互いの猫を舐め、ケイデンスが来ると、彼女はモナにもっとオーガズムを負っている。モナはケイデンスと同じくらい飢えていて、ケイデンスの拳を持っています。モナはケイデンスの拳全体に激しく襲ってきて、ヒサチとハサミをブロンドします。一緒に粉砕するカント、両方の女性が来て、お互いに出血。

Cadence Lux に '新しい雌犬'

Cadence Lux - 新しい雌犬


Cadence Lux に '全てのナチュラル・カリフォルニア・ガールズ・スクリューがどこに!'

Cadence Lux - 全てのナチュラル・カリフォルニア・ガールズ・スクリューがどこに!


Riley Reyes に '性的奴隷の姉妹'

Riley Reyes - 性的奴隷の姉妹

彼女の魅惑的な姉妹のRileyの形でドアにノックすると、ケイデンスは支配的で愛情のあるマスターの親指の下で服従する夢を見ている。ライリーは恋人を盗む長い歴史を持っており、彼女は明らかにラモンに目を向けている。 RileyはBDSMの変態性の高いプロトコルの世界に気づかずに立ち向かいました.Rileyは完璧な小さな体を提供して、真実の規律と肛門を荒らし、すぐに忘れることはありません。ホットワックス、メタルボンデージ、フロガー、杖、牛のプードル、乳首クランプ、潮吹き、深刻なスパンキングは、ケイデンスとライリーの姉妹提出で使用されるいくつかのツールです。

Cadence Lux に '義理の娘!'

Cadence Lux - 義理の娘!


Kacie Castle に 'ドミナトリックスとのデート・ナイト:レズビアンのカップルがチェリー・トーンに服従する!'

Kacie Castle - ドミナトリックスとのデート・ナイト:レズビアンのカップルがチェリー・トーンに服従する!

若いレズビアンカップル(Kacie CastleとCadence Lux)は、寝室で物事を盛り上げようと決め、Dominatrix Cherry Tornとのダンジョンセッションを予定していました!アクションに満ちた出会いは、缶詰、スパンキング、鞭打ち、サスペンドボンデージ、指差し、猫と肛門ストラップオンファック、ストラップオンDP、プッシー舐めのトン、オーガズムを吐く!

Chanel Preston に 'ケイデンスラックスはエレクトリックです!'

Chanel Preston - ケイデンスラックスはエレクトリックです!

Latex dominatrix Chanel Prestonがレズビアン・エレクトロセックスの世界に熱いブロンドのCadence Luxを紹介します!ケイデンスは熱狂的に束縛、ザッパ、電子刺激パッド、鞭打ち、有線猫プラグ、電化振動ディルド、顔面騎乗、オーガズムのトンに耐えます!

Cadence Lux に 'ブロンドのロブ系女が被害を受け、制御不能に爆発する!!'

Cadence Lux - ブロンドのロブ系女が被害を受け、制御不能に爆発する!!


Casey Calvert に '残酷な議定書'

Casey Calvert - 残酷な議定書

初心者の奴隷の女の子ケイデンス・ラックスが上層階の奴隷の間に場所のために家を嘆願するとき、彼女は最初に正式な性的奉仕の残酷な教訓に耐えなければならない。アナルスレーブケーシーカルバートが置かれ、新しい女の料金が課せられます。彼女がラックスを教えるよう動機づけするために、カルバートは、簡単なブランチサービスを通じて、彼女の見習いの売春婦を成功裏に指導するまで、鞭打ち、切り裂き、苦しめられる。 2人の女の子が預けていないのは、マイケル・ラスカスのハードコックで、旗揚げの請願者から絶え間なく注意を払うことです。ブランチ・サービスでは、パーティーがラウンジに移り、おもちゃの袋を開けて、熱い衣服を剥がします。美しい家のゲストは結婚し、セクシーなエドワード的な環境で罵倒されている。ハウススレーブは訓練とディテールに対する磨かれた注意のショーを維持しようと努力している。プレディメント:アナルスレーブカルバートは、Petitioner LuxにThree Simple House Rules奴隷はその間に上層階に住んでいます。ケーシー・カルバートは彼女のハウス・レザーズと脆弱な肛門犬の位置に拘束され、彼女の奴隷の頬の頬は荒い縄の束縛で引き離され、ケーシーは、彼の太った、激しいディックで執拗にラスベガスが彼女のお尻をポンドするように、タイトルアナル奴隷のために働く。ケーシーの叫び声は、巨大なボールギャグの後ろに消えている。彼女はケイデンスと話をすることに苦しんでいる - 彼女に家のルールを教えることを試みる|ケイデンス・ラックスは彼女の柔らかなおとめにしっかりと結ばれたシビアンで彼女の膝の上にいる。彼女の腕は痛みを伴って伸び、彼女の手は彼女が着用しようとしている革で高くなったサービストレイをバランスさせます。彼女はSybianの罰する振動から離れません。彼女の口は広く開かれ、不気味な大きなボールギャグで詰め込まれ、不快な仕事と一緒にペアの闘争として彼女の汗だくな顔を垂れ流す。私たちは来てもらえますか?いいえ、オルガズムは拒否されました。一緒に来てください。家の奴隷はペアで働く - 彼らは一緒に乞い、一緒にファック、彼らは一緒にOrgasmまたは全く!今、奴隷の女の子、サーブ・ザ・ハウス!上の階は、性的な幻想と現実が一緒になって、何かが起こり得る場所を作り出す場所です:2つの細かい奴隷の尻がソファーの上で振り回され、あなたがそれらを性交することを乞う。してください、ファック・ミー。それが必要。私をファックしてください!

Dani Daniels に '名誉を守るために:性的奴隷のために訓練されたVirginal fiance'

Dani Daniels - 名誉を守るために:性的奴隷のために訓練されたVirginal fiance


India Summer に 'インドの夏の開始'

India Summer - インドの夏の開始


India Summer に 'ツイストファック'

India Summer - ツイストファック


India Summer に 'インドの夏の帰り'

India Summer - インドの夏の帰り


India Summer に 'ストランディッド・サブミッシヴ'

India Summer - ストランディッド・サブミッシヴ


India Summer に '肛門奉仕の原則、最終日'

India Summer - 肛門奉仕の原則、最終日


India Summer に 'インドの夏の勤労の原則、3日目'

India Summer - インドの夏の勤労の原則、3日目


India Summer に 'インド夏の兵役の原則、2日目'

India Summer - インド夏の兵役の原則、2日目


India Summer に 'インドの夏の奉仕の原則、1日目'

India Summer - インドの夏の奉仕の原則、1日目


India Summer に 'インド夏の総提出'

India Summer - インド夏の総提出

ホット・サブミッシヴ・ミルクin hardcore BDSM

India Summer に 'インドの夏の夏!'

India Summer - インドの夏の夏!


Lorelei Lee に 'BarberellaがPlanet Ultimate Surrenderに来る'

Lorelei Lee - BarberellaがPlanet Ultimate Surrenderに来る


India Summer に 'キンククラシック3/20。再スタートするカウントダウン!'

India Summer - キンククラシック3/20。再スタートするカウントダウン!


India Summer に 'Hubba Hubba SummaのMILF:India Summer'

India Summer - Hubba Hubba SummaのMILF:India Summer

MILFY HOTTNESS - インディア・サマーはマシン&ショックを取ります!彼女は彼女のオルガズムのために働かない - マシンはそれをやる!それはホットな猫&お尻cumfest!

India Summer に '電気レズビアンのお尻を舐める!'

India Summer - 電気レズビアンのお尻を舐める!


India Summer に '一番ホットなElectrofuck!'

India Summer - 一番ホットなElectrofuck!


India Summer に 'Electro-Fisted and Samurai-Fucked!'

India Summer - Electro-Fisted and Samurai-Fucked!


Francesca Le に 'アナル・スラッツ:インドの夏とキルステン・プライス'

Francesca Le - アナル・スラッツ:インドの夏とキルステン・プライス


Casey Calvert に 'MILFクーガーは湯たんぽのヨガの女の子を抱き、彼らはジムでファックマシンを犯す!'

Casey Calvert - MILFクーガーは湯たんぽのヨガの女の子を抱き、彼らはジムでファックマシンを犯す!


India Summer に 'ElectrslutsのDead Gorgeous MILF Subsをドロップ'

India Summer - ElectrslutsのDead Gorgeous MILF Subsをドロップ


India Summer に 'マーク・ウッドの顔がインドのサマーズを犯し、彼女の頑強な態度を調整する'

India Summer - マーク・ウッドの顔がインドのサマーズを犯し、彼女の頑強な態度を調整する

インドサマーズは、彼女のディック吸う能力になると、雄牛の態度を持っています。私たちは彼女の場所にこの角質の女を置く - 彼女の喉の下のコックで!

Aiden Aspen に '再び2人目:2人の女の子が1人よりも優れている'

Aiden Aspen - 再び2人目:2人の女の子が1人よりも優れている

Classroom MILF seduction:セクシーなインドサマーズは、彼女の看護師を機械ですっぽりと息を吐き、息を止めて猫を魅了する。

Aiden Aspen に 'ガイダンスの顧問秘書:ボンデージで恋人を抱き締め、お尻のルーキーを犯すマシン'

Aiden Aspen - ガイダンスの顧問秘書:ボンデージで恋人を抱き締め、お尻のルーキーを犯すマシン


Cherry Torn に '桜の訓練、6日目'

Cherry Torn - 桜の訓練、6日目


India Summer に 'ケーキのピース'

India Summer - ケーキのピース


India Summer に 'インドサマーズ'

India Summer - インドサマーズ


他のサイトからの風景 India Summer,Cadence Lux

Cadence Lux に 'Therapist Cadence Lux gives her patient what some pussy and ass that he's been craving'

Cadence Lux - Therapist Cadence Lux gives her patient what some pussy and ass that he's been craving

Doctor Cadence Lux wants to get to the bottom of your attraction towards her. Turns out she's been feeling the same way about you! Now she could lose her license for fucking her patient but she's willing to risk it all to have your cock and warm jizz all over her.

India Summer に 'My First Sex Teacher'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

Zane is India Summer's favorite student. He makes good grades, he never misses class, and he always pays attention. So on the last day of the semester, Professor Summer brings Zane a gift to show him how much she appreciates his passion for learning -- her "box" in a box.

Rachael Madori に 'Cadence Lux and Rachael Madori - What's Next'

Rachael Madori - Cadence Lux and Rachael Madori - What's Next

Cadence Lux just can?t get enough sex and watching her squirt gave us a great idea, invite the slutty friend! Cadence could not get enough cock and pussy licking all while being blindfolded too, and having both sluts suck on my cock and balls was great. The girls got to play with the Sybian machine as well and I just had to unload all my cum down Cadence?s throat to finish her off.

India Summer に '- This Is My First...A Gangbang Movie'

India Summer - - This Is My First...A Gangbang Movie

Ultra sexy Brunette cock loving MILF, India Summer, is dipping her fingers into her soaked hot pussy waiting for four cocks to invade her craving pink tight pussy. One by one we offer our throbbing poles into India?s hot mouth, pussy and of course her tiny little butt hole. India was so dick hungry she had meat in all her holes and hands until we left her dripping with come from head to toes.

India Summer に 'fucking in the floor with her black hair'

India Summer - fucking in the floor with her black hair

India Summer's husband Steve was just driven to the airport by their friend Johnny, who returns back to India to give her Steve's phone, which he left behind since he was in such a rush. But Johnny has something to reveal: he went through Steve's phone and discovered nude and sex pics involving India and other men. The married MILF admits to Johnny that they're swingers, and that they like to fuck other people while on vacation. Turns out that it's Johnny's lucky vacation, because India wraps her lips around his hard dick and they fuck like rabbits in the dining room.

Cadence Lux に 'Dirty Wives Club'

Cadence Lux - Dirty Wives Club

Cadence Lux's husband's friend, Ryan, has been spending a few days at their house while he visits. Cadence's husband was supposed to take Ryan to the airport but now he is working late and it's up to Cadence to drop Ryan off instead. Cadence goes to tell Ryan the news and catches him mid shower. Turned on by his body, Cadence starts playing with her pussy and when Ryan exits the shower Cadence rides on his cock before giving him a ride to the airport.

India Summer に 'fucking in the classroom with her natural tits'

India Summer - fucking in the classroom with her natural tits

Professor India Summer talks to her student Bill about his recent poor performance in class, and questions whether it's because he's become more popular with the ladies on campus. Bill eventually admits to his teacher that he's been tutoring his female classmates in exchange for sex! Rather than being disappointed, the sexy brunette professor is turned on ' so much so that she offers to give Bill's waning GPA a boost ' if he fucks her better than he does the girls in class!!!!

India Summer に 'fucking in the living room with her brown eyes'

India Summer - fucking in the living room with her brown eyes

India Summer wants to get fucked by her husband, but he's fallen asleep after jerking off to some porn. She takes a look at his tablet to see what he's been looking at, and after seeing a hot blowjob, she dreams of having the life of a porn star and getting fucked everyday by a big dick. But it's her lucky day, and she's been chosen by Naughty America to perform as a porn star in their 5,000th scene as part of the celebration! India's so happy she gets to be fucked by big dick Johnny Sins for the day, and she sucks cock and fucks just like a porn star. What an amazing dream ... or was it?

India Summer に 'fucking in the bed with her black hair'

India Summer - fucking in the bed with her black hair

India Summer's son got sick when he and his friend Michael were out at a club. She's fuming because they haven't arrived home by daylight, and she's got to go to work! They finally roll in, and Michael helps his ill pal in the house, where he retreats to his room to have a rest. Ms. Summer takes Michael aside and tells him he should get some rest in her bedroom. This is where the brunette MILF makes a move on her son's friend and tells him she wants his hard cock deep in her wet pussy!

India Summer に 'Your naughty dream comes true when the sexy cougar you've been doing yard work for invites you into her home'

India Summer - Your naughty dream comes true when the sexy cougar you've been doing yard work for invites you into her home

India Summer needs her bush trimmed, and you're the right man for the job. After you finish, she invites you in to cool off. Then things heat up quickly when the horny cougar rubs on your dick. And, like any cougar, she won't stop until she's completely satiated by your big cock. In due time India's going to need her pool cleaned…you had better brush up on your aquatic maintenance so you can service her some time again!

India Summer に 'fucking in the massage table with her big ass'

India Summer - fucking in the massage table with her big ass

Mick is on a journey to get a sensual massage, and he fines one offered by a masseuse India Summer, so he makes the purchase. When he goes in for his rub, he doesn't know what to expect. But once India removes her top and her panties, and massages him with her tits and ass, he knows he's in for a treat. She continues to use her tongue, mouth and wet pussy to give therapy to his cock for the ultimate sensual massage relaxation.

India Summer に 'fucking in the couch with her hairy pussy'

India Summer - fucking in the couch with her hairy pussy

India Summer is in a dilemma. She's fucked her son's friend James a few times, and now he won't leave her alone, especially since she told him she loved him during sex talk. Now he's at her house while her son's home, and he wants to fuck, or else he's going to tell her son, who's upstairs! India has no choice but to suck his cock, fuck it, and get a load of jizz shot onto her lips. What will she do???



?HUBBY ALMOST NEVER GETS TO CUM. IT?S HIS LUCKY DAY WHEN INDIA TAKES HIS COCK OUT AND PLAYS WITH IT.Today She gives him a special treat. FUCKING HIS COCK - not with a pussy (he never gets that) but with her SILVER SOUND, She uses as a dildo down his pee hole. While She pumps it in and out She makes hubby get her off. Bringing him to the edge of orgasm with her hand and then preventing him from cumming. HUBBY STAYS IN CHASTITY WHILE WIFEY GOES OUT FUCKING.?

Cadence Lux に 'Late Night Plans'

Cadence Lux - Late Night Plans

Pretty blonde career girl Cadence is hard at work

India Summer に 'Bad girl India Summer fucking in the chair with her big ass'

India Summer - Bad girl India Summer fucking in the chair with her big ass

India Summer's son is outside playing football with buddies, but his friend Dane is cooped up in her house playing an arcade game. When she finds him, she can't seem to take his attention off the screen to get him outside. Fed up, she pulls him away and tells him its time to earn his keep for all the days he's inside her home. Unbeknownst to Dane, Ms. Summer wants to play her version of a fun game, one that involves sucking on his joystick and letting him score by banging her horny, moist MILF pussy!

India Summer に 'Brunette pornstar MILF India Summer fulfills her own fantasy of fucking a super fan'

India Summer - Brunette pornstar MILF India Summer fulfills her own fantasy of fucking a super fan

You and your friend go online and start messaging the sexy MILF pornstar, India Summer, for fun. But things get serious when it turns out to really be her and wants to meet up with you. India has this fantasy of taking care of one of her super fans and giving him a proper pornstar MILF experience. Its a win-win when both fantasies align and get fulfilled.



This clip is intended for Women, Wives, and Girlfriends. It gives you the basic instructions to make your husband docile and respectful. The man?s purpose is to make and keep - YOU HAPPY. This ranges from all the chores he will do to turning complete financial control over to YOU. If he ever disagrees with you, corporal punishment will result. But most often the key to his control lies in his cock. Though it will not be enough to satisfy you, and you will need to find other, bigger, harder cocks, it is the essence of your control over him. It will entice him to follow all your instructions - like holding your cum-filled panties against the wall with his nose, without dropping them, until you let him come to you and worship your feet.THE FEMALE CONTROLLED FAMILY: YOU SEE LADIES IT IS ALL ABOUT THE COCK. Keeping Hubby hard all the time without letting him cum, is the best motivator for hubby?s obedience. When all his chores are done, his paycheck is deposited into My account and My pussy is satisfied, I may pull his apron up over his head and play with his cock. For My amusement of course. He is never allowed to initiate sex or ejaculate without My permission. Today he gets the rare pleasure of feeling My Hands in Leather Gloves on his cock.Ladies often ask ME for my advice on how they can be served and worshiped every day, getting all the chores done, keeping their bank accounts full, plus getting worshiped. Ladies this will ensure that you enjoy the strong benefits of FEMALE AUTHORITY.?But if he lets his little cocklet cum, he will pay!?

Cadence Lux に 'The bride, Tiffany Watson, and her bridesmaids, Cadence Lux and Talia Hanson, have some naughty fun with their butler before the wedding'

Cadence Lux - The bride, Tiffany Watson, and her bridesmaids, Cadence Lux and Talia Hanson, have some naughty fun with their butler before the wedding

The bride, Tiffany Watson, and her bridesmaids, Cadence Lux & Talia Hanson, are getting ready for the ceremony. While getting dressed and sipping on champagne, Tiffany brings up how hot the butler was and that she'd like to ride his cock before getting married. Her friends can't believe she still has that cock-urge in her but give in to the brides wishes. They call the butler in for a good ol' time, making him take care of their needs in every way possible.

Angell Summers に 'fucking in the living room with her lingerie'

Angell Summers - fucking in the living room with her lingerie

Despite sporting new, sexy lingerie, India Summer is having a hell of a time getting her newspaper-reading husband Billy's attention. She's interrupted by her friend Angell Summers, who arrives at her door to return some candleholders she used for a recent party. India tries to shoo her away so she can try to turn her husband on, but Angell, a native of France, says that Americans are too uptight and insists that she might be able to help. Her huge ass gets Billy's attention and it turns into a 3-way foreign affair that pleases everyone...



'WHEN YOUR STEP-MOM CATCHES YOU TEXTING A GIRL, INSTEAD OF DOING YOUR CHORES, YOU WILL HAVE HELL TO PAY. You never get to talk to girls. Step-Mommie is all you need. Your punishment starts with her making you smell her pussy, while she reads all your nasty text messages. She is even madder when she finds a picture of your penis that you sent to girls! For that She puts you in a Scissorhold between her strong thighs. You know all ''THOSE GIRLS ARE WHORES. WOMEN ARE WHORES EXCEPT FOR !'' That is why she keeps you a Virgin. She cares so much that she lets you touch your cock, but only in her presence. She lets you rub your cock on her panties. She makes you show her how you fuck. Your Cock trapped between her soft thighs She makes you Hump and Explode all your cum down her stocking legs.ONE OF THE HOTTEST TABOO LEG FUCKING CLIPS EVER.'

India Summer に 'fucking in the couch with her small tits'

India Summer - fucking in the couch with her small tits

Johnny's friend Tommy is away from home on a tennis tour, but Johnny needs to go talk to his mom, Ms. Summer. He admits to her that he's been having sex dreams about her lately, and that he wants to destroy her pussy with his hard cock. Ms. Summer is a bit surprised, so she gives Johnny one option: destroy her pussy with his hard cock.

Cadence Lux に 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Cadence Lux - My Wife's Hot Friend

Cadence Lux, Madison Summers, and Cadence's husband (Ryan) are celebrating New Year's Eve together when Cadence gets a naughty idea. Since both her and her husband find Madison attractive she decides to have a little fun by starting a threesome in a more private area of the party they are at. Cadence starts by making out with Madison before inviting Ryan to fuck both of them before dropping that new years jizz on them.

India Summer に 'Fucks Her Sons Bully'

India Summer - Fucks Her Sons Bully

Johnny's mom India Summer is Pissed off at his son's bully and she will do what ever she needs to do in order to make Isiah Maxwell lay off his son, so he ask's for a nude pic but he is not satisfied, he wants more so Isiah tells India Summer to go to her house and fuck him if she wants all to end with the bullying.

Cadence Lux に 'NEEDS her friendly neighbor's big dick in her mouth and wet pussy'

Cadence Lux - Neighbor Affair

Cadence Lux is all alone in her big house. Her neighbor is over helping out with house maintenance and she has him check the shower's water pressure. She finds out he's really good with his hands and she needs those hands all over her body.

Cadence Lux に 'Sister Kara: Endowment'

Cadence Lux - Sister Kara: Endowment

Teen polygamy girl Kara is shocked to find her trip to the temple has turned into a sexual nightmare. She had no idea when she was summoned to the temple that the Seed Bearer would order her to touch herself while he watched. She could never have guessed that once she was naked and splayed out on his desk that the Seed Bearer would touch her nude body, even sticking his fingers in her virgin vagina. Kara suspects that this humiliating experience is a punishment for her relationship with another teen polygamy girl, Katherine. Not long ago, the two girls had been caught kissing by the Seed Bearer's stepson. But the girls are still virgins. They never dared to go further than a little kissing and touching. But now that Kara has been stripped naked and like this, she wonders if she'll ever see Katherine again. She isn't given much time to miss her young girlfriend, though. Her breathing has just returned to normal after explosive orgasm, when the Seed Bearer, who had watched her masturbate, hands her off to a temple worker. The girl is dressed in a sheer robe that shows absolutely everything. It's so revealing that she's afraid to leave the changing room. But when the temple worker insists, the pretty blonde girl obeys, wondering what filthy act she'll have to perform next. Half naked, the girl is left at the temple veil to wait for a stranger. She has heard rumors about this veil before. She knows the markings on the veil are sacred symbols, and that a stranger will stick his erect penis through one of the holes and ram it down her throat. Fear and excitement compete in the girl's mind. She has never seen a penis before and she's terrified that it will hurt or that she won't do a good job. At the same time, she's very curious. How will it look? How will it taste? She resolves, whatever happens, to do her very best to give the stranger the best blowjob of his life.

Cadence Lux に 'Sister Kara: The Calling'

Cadence Lux - Sister Kara: The Calling

The Seed Bearer punishes a lesbian polygamy teen by taking her for himself. Kara has always been wild. When she was a rebellious small girl, her parents tried to discipline her, but they couldn't control her. At church and at school, she was always making trouble. Now that she has graduated from high school, her behavior is getting worse and worse. What even her parents don't know is that Kara is in love with another girl. Kara's girlfriend, Katherine, is another polygamy girl she knows from school. The two take every opportunity to have secret rendezvous, kissing and touching each other, though they've never had sex. But one day during a trip to the temple the girls took advantage of a moment alone to make out, and the Seed Bearer's stepson had caught them! The boy watched them go at it, he had never seen anything so hot. He went to school with both girls and he never would have guessed they were having a secret lesbian romance. As soon as they finished, he ran to tell his father. And now the Seed Bearer has called Kara in to his office. Kara may be a rebel, but she would never disobey the Seed Bearer. She doesn't know that she had been caught kissing Katherine, and she has no idea why the Seed Bearer wants to see her. When she gets to his office, dressed in a white temple dress, she waits patiently, but inside she's terrified. She has heard rumors about what the Seed Bearer does to girls he finds attractive. The thought of giving her body to him is both scary, but also a little exciting. As it turns out, the Seed Bearer does have a perverted fantasy in mind. As soon as he gets a good look at beautiful Kara, he knows that he wants her. So he orders her to stand up, take off her clothes and let the inspection begin.

India Summer に 'fucking in the bedroom with her tits'

India Summer - fucking in the bedroom with her tits

India Summer and Veroncia Avluv are staying in a nice suite at a hotel, but the poor porter Johnny has to carry up all of their heavy luggage since the service elevator is out. He's taken aback when they don't offer him a tip as he's about to leave, so he nudges them and they scurry for some cash. However, their pocketbooks are rendered empty of paper, and the only thing they can offer him is ' a sweaty threesome. Johnny the Porter accepts their tip, and he reciprocates by offering his tip to their mouths and wet pussies, along with an extra jizz gratuity.

India Summer に 'fucking in the couch with her natural tits'

India Summer - fucking in the couch with her natural tits

India Summer was just stood up for a lunch date and asked her son's friend if he'd like to join her. He misinterprets what she means and leans in for the kiss. India is taken back by his gusto but doesn't take long to warm up to the idea of getting fucked by her son's friend...

India Summer に 'fucking in the desk with her lingerie'

India Summer - fucking in the desk with her lingerie

Professor Summer doesn't want to give Kris an extension on his paper but she decides that this will be the one time she makes an exception. But if she's doing something for him, she wants him to do something for her... like hike up her skirt and bury his face in her milf-muff!!!

India Summer に 'fucking in the bed with her small tits'

India Summer - fucking in the bed with her small tits

India Summer has some questions. She's been hearing some noises coming from one of her tenants. To her, it sounds like mad crazy sex, but her other renters want it to stop. India doesn't mind the noise; in fact she wants to make some of her own racket. India can't wait to pump up... his cock!!!

India Summer に 'India Summer'

India Summer - India Summer

Our bank account is dry, but my pussy's wet and we need the cash. I'm going to see my sugardaddy Mark today while my husband's at his interview. Even if he gets the job, I'm still gonna see Mark to suck his dick and let him fuck me doggystyle, because I want to be showered with money and gifts. I've got what he wants; he's got what I want. Everybody's happy.

India Summer に 'fucking in the desk with her small tits'

India Summer - fucking in the desk with her small tits

Zane is India Summer's favorite student. He makes good grades, he never misses class, and he always pays attention. So on the last day of the semester, Professor Summer brings Zane a gift to show him how much she appreciates his passion for learning -- her "box" in a box.

India Summer に 'India Summer'

India Summer - India Summer

Work is stressing me because my boss has been on my ass lately. That's why I've flown to L.A. for the night. That's why I'm going to be giving the orders. And porn star India Summer is going to take them. She's going to do exactly as I say in this hotel room tonight, because I've paid for it. Because it's my turn to be the boss. I've always wondered what it's like to have someone under you, telling them what to do. Ordering India Summer to fuck me tonight is exactly what I need.

India Summer に 'Shaved Cody Lane fucking in the bed with her small tits'

India Summer - Shaved Cody Lane fucking in the bed with her small tits

When Cody Lane stops by to see her boyfriend's mom India Summer and tells her she's curious about girls, things heat up pretty quickly and India is teaching her everything she knows. And when the gardener Kurt shows up, even better ... bring the cock!

India Summer に 'MILF India Summer fucking in the couch with her petite'

India Summer - MILF India Summer fucking in the couch with her petite

India Summer is one hot horny milf whose pussy's been wet ever since Scott, the TV repairman, delivered her TV. So she calls him to come over because, even though her TV isn't broken, she has a slippery wet hole that needs to be filled.

India Summer に 'Brunette India Summer fucking in the desk with her big ass'

India Summer - Brunette India Summer fucking in the desk with her big ass

Professor Summer calls Ryan into her classroom during after-hours to explain to him why he got an F- on his paper. Despite the creativity he put in to write about vaginas, Ryan got his facts wrong when he wrote that the clitoris is close to the asshole. Professor Summer schools him in more ways than one, and gives him a proper, hands-on education on the female anatomy. A+.

India Summer に 'MILF India Summer fucking in the bedroom with her big ass'

India Summer - MILF India Summer fucking in the bedroom with her big ass

India Summer makes an appointment with Kurt, the vacuum cleaner salesman, because she wants to know if it sucks good. Um no, not the vacuum, but him. So leave it to Kurt to show her just how hard he can suck on her clit 'til she cums.

India Summer に 'MILF India Summer fucking in the bathroom with her piercings'

India Summer - MILF India Summer fucking in the bathroom with her piercings

India Summer just loves a good afternoon delight and begs her husband Jack for his Saturday afternoon cum in this hot scene that starts in the tub and ends up on the bathroom floor. Yeah, this is much better than going to a party with people they don't even like.

India Summer に 'fucking in the classroom with her small tits'

India Summer - fucking in the classroom with her small tits

Kris just transferred from community college and it's his first day at a real four year school. He wants Mrs. Summer to know that he wants to work "hard" to get those grades!! A great way to impress Mrs. Summer is to slide his "pencil" into her slick love hole. That's one way to get ahead of the class!

India Summer に 'fucking in the living room with her small tits'

India Summer - fucking in the living room with her small tits

India Summer is in season, and so is her fat ass! Watch this sizzling beauty wiggle and waggle her trunk junk, bulging out your eyes and putting you in a trance. She slaps and shakes her big buttcheeks until she finds a massive cock to deepthroat and fuck. Watch her ass bounce and her thighs quiver in orgasm as she gets pounded until she's ready for a hot load of cum down her throat.

India Summer に 'fucking in the classroom with her glasses'

India Summer - fucking in the classroom with her glasses

TJ Cummings has been attending college for 7 years now and Mrs. India Summer is determined to motivate him to get the fuck on with his life ... even if that motivation is giving him a little taste of mature pussy and fucking his brains out!

India Summer に 'fucking in the dining room with her small tits'

India Summer - fucking in the dining room with her small tits

India is helping her student with his graduation speech because he's her favorite so she must give him a good graduation gift and what better than mature pussy to lead him into his future?



She keeps his cock in chastity and doesn't let him eat, so that he will be real hungry and horny and do everything She Says. She lets him sniff his food and his bosses cum but doesn't let him eat until She has been entertained by making him play fetch. He has to chase his toy and bring it back to her hot pussy. She put his treats in a bowl, pours bosses cum on top of it and his head down into the bowl to eat it all up. He has to eat it all, on the floor with her feet his head into his bowl. 'I AM THE ONLY ONE IN THIS HOUSE WHO GETS TO CUM, HUBBY.'

India Summer に 'India Can't Get Enough Anal Play'

India Summer - India Can't Get Enough Anal Play

India sits in a chair outside and starts to undress but still keeping on her sexy lingerie that she is trying to show off. India then prepares to rub her pussy and asshole showing off how wet she can get before sliding her panties off and fucking her pussy with toys. She begins to stretch out her asshole with a plug and a variety of other toys trying to get the best gape her tight ass can.

Cadence Lux に 'Sister Kara: The Covenant'

Cadence Lux - Sister Kara: The Covenant

Kara is being punished for her lesbian relationship with fellow polygamy teen Katherine, and the Seed Bearer subjects her to when he makes his stepson help him take her virginity. She has already had to submit to a humiliating inspection by the Seed Bearer, and then she serviced an anonymous cock at the gloryhole in the temple veil. But whatever punishment the Seed Bearer can think up, being reunited with Katherine during the unveiling ritual has made Kara's degrading experience in the temple worth it. Kara had never seen Katherine naked before, but on the temple altar the two had finally consummated their relationship. There wasn't a part of Katherine's delicious body that Kara didn't see, touch, smell and taste. And best of all had been eating Katherine's sweet pussy, and then fucking her to orgasm with a glass instrument. But the mind-blowing experience was over all too soon, and soon Kara found herself almost completely naked in the tiny crawlspace that leads into the Seed Chamber. As she crawls into the room on hands and knees, she immediately sees the Seed Bearer's stepson, with a guilty, sad expression on his face. What Kara doesn't know is that the boy turned her in — and that he's in love with her. As punishment for both Kara and his stepson, the Seed Bearer is going to the taboo against and take her on the temple bed while his stepson watches. Taking the blonde virgin by the hair, the Seed Bearer leads her to the edge of the bed. As a sign of her total submission, the girl kneels and washes his feet before he stands her up, takes off her sheer robe and gropes her naked body. The Seed Bearer can feel the girl's resistance to his touch, but she does as he asks, dropping to her knees to take his cock in her mouth. She knows this fat dick will be going into her virgin pussy soon, and she promises herself she'll think of Katherine the whole time.

Lucy Doll に 'Sister Robin: Anointing'

Lucy Doll - Sister Robin: Anointing

Watching Katherine get plowed by the Seed Bearer's massive cock, while Katherine sucked on her clit, made Amy cum so hard she almost fainted. Now it is time for Robin to get the same treatment from the girls, and Amy gets to be a part of it. Amy has always been intimidated by Robin, and she feels a little surge of power and pride at having gone through this ceremony before her friend. Sitting close together, Amy can feel Robin shivering, and she can see from Robin's face that she's scared and confused. Amy thinks about comforting her friend, but just then Katherine and Kara file in, oiled and naked. Amy doesn't know it, but Robin's pussy is already dripping wet. Kara and Katherine straddle the inexperienced girls and slowly drizzle warm oil across their breasts and pussies. 'You're going to cum for us,' Kara commands, 'You're going to fill our mouths with your wetness, like good little girls.' Robin is nervous, but Amy knows that as soon as Katherine presses her full pink lips to Robin's cunt, her body will be filled with an unimaginable pleasure.

Cadence Lux に 'On The Hunt For Big Cock'

Cadence Lux - On The Hunt For Big Cock

Blonde Hardbody Cadence Lux Is A Sexy Size Queen That Demands Attention! Knowing that Cadence won't be satisfied by your average size pecker, Jules setup a special surprise for her to feast on today. Cadence is wearing a white see-through unitard with black thigh high boots as she stands in the sunlight and waits for her cocksman. She's pleased to see that it's Chris Strokes who's joining her and Cadence doesn't wait long to take his massive cock out and start sucking on it. Chris fucks her face while Cadence gazes into his eyes as his long schlong makes its way deep down her throat. She slobbers all over it, leaving strings of spit dangling from her lips to the tip of Chris dick until he takes Cadences' clothes off, bends her over the chair and starts drilling her from behind. Chris slides a finger into her asshole and pulls Cadence's hair as he plows her in doggy and slaps her ass leaving red hand prints on her ass cheeks. He bends down to get a taste of her tight asshole then they decide to head inside to continue their fling. Cadence sucks Chris's cock and gives him a rimjob then gets on top of him to ride that massive dick balls deep. She bounces on his balls until she feels an eruption building inside and lifts her pussy off of Chris' cock to squirt all over him. Chris picks her up and starts hammering her while standing as his balls slap against her tight ass then they lay down on the bed in spoon for more deep dicking. Cadence spreads her legs wide open to accommodate that monster cock as Chris drills it hard into her wet snatch. She gets on top of him in reverse cowgirl and impales her pussy on Chris' hard cock as her start jack hammering her horny hole. He flips her over to riding him side saddle, still with red hand prints on her ass, before jumping off to clean her juices off Chris' dick. He lays her back on the bed in missionary and pounds Cadence's savory slit until he shoot his cum all over her pretty face!

Lucy Doll に 'Sister Amy: Anointing'

Lucy Doll - Sister Amy: Anointing

Sweet and virginal Amy may be a recent convert to the polygamy Church, but it has taken her no time for her to learn the twisted, kinky ways of Kara and Katherine, the Seed Bearer's favorite playthings. But they're just getting started. They can't wait to give the girl a lesbian massage during her anointing. After being taken to the Temple by her tearful mother, Amy was immediately given over to the gorgeous women for an unveiling ceremony that took her body past the limits of what she'd ever thought possible.

Pepper XO に 'Sister Katherine: The Covenant'

Pepper XO - Sister Katherine: The Covenant

Katherine loved being back in the soft arms of her girlfriend, but her pussyached again for the hard shaft of the men she'd serviced. The time had comefor her to be given to a man, and the Seed Bearer had decided to give her toPresident Nelson. She remembered him from her first humiliating encounterand was intimidated by his hard manner. Katherine obeyed and readiedherself for his seed, curious what his cock tasted like.

Pepper XO に 'Sister Katherine: Unveiling'

Pepper XO - Sister Katherine: Unveiling

Katherine couldn't believe what had happened. And as humiliating as it was,she was surprised by how much it aroused her. She was guided to a dressingroom to continue her calling. When she enters the room, she's surprised tosee Kara standing there, waiting for her. She knows this must be part of theOrder's plan, but she's so happy to see her the girl she loves.

Pepper XO に 'Sister Katherine Unveiling'

Pepper XO - Sister Katherine Unveiling

Katherine still felt it days later. Her body had been penetrated by the SeedBear's member and she was no longer a virgin. It hurt less than she thoughtit would. In fact, she really liked it. She wanted to tell her girlfriend all aboutit, but she'd not seen Kara since they had sex. She wondered if she'd eversee her again. She was brought to the temple and told to bring anotheryoung girl into the Order. And to her joy, Kara was there to help her.

Cadence Lux に 'Kinky Cadence Lux Gets A Mouth Full Of Cum'

Cadence Lux - Kinky Cadence Lux Gets A Mouth Full Of Cum

Blonde hair, green eyes, a flirtatious vibe and an extra wet pussy, make a night with Cadence Lux one to remember. This super sexual slut played hard to get but eventually stopped by…and she was well worth the wait. Some girls just get fucked, and other fuck you back, she is definitely the second type. She loves it from all positions and gives a nice hard squirt while getting fucked in the sex swing. She massages the balls and milks the dick until she feels and see's the sperm rush out. She wastes no time putting her mouth directly on the cock in order to feel it blast on her tongue. This girl is so fucking horny and it shows!!

India Summer に 'fucks sugardaddy when husband can't pay the bills'

India Summer - Milf Sugar Babes

Our bank account is dry, but my pussy's wet and we need the cash. I'm going to see my sugardaddy Mark today while my husband's at his interview. Even if he gets the job, I'm still gonna see Mark to suck his dick and let him fuck me doggystyle, because I want to be showered with money and gifts. I've got what he wants; he's got what I want. Everybody's happy.

India Summer に 'India Summer's husband cheated on her, so she invites her personal trainer over to have him fuck her while her husband watches!'

India Summer - Mrs. Creampie

India Summer finds out that her husband is cheating. In order to even the score she has him watch as she has her gym partner cum inside of her.

Pepper XO に 'Amy: Unveiling'

Pepper XO - Amy: Unveiling

Amy wasn't raised in the church. The pretty polygamy teen converted just a couple years ago when her mom married a polygamy man, and she's quickly learning that there's a lot about the church that she doesn't know. Amy has always been a shy girl, but lately, she's begun to suspect that her shyness might a way of protecting herself from a filthy secret. Whenever Amy has a sleepover with her friends, and the girls strip down to their underwear for bed, she can't take her eyes off their tight young bodies. She sees how their underwear clings to them, revealing their hard, pink nipples and their full round asses. Amy's untouched, virgin pussy grows wet with desire. Amy doesn't masturbate, since the missionaries told her it's sinful, but her need to be near these girls, to smell them, to accidentally brush against them as they slide into the bed next to hers is becoming more than she can bear. But to her surprise her secret lesbian fantasies all come true one day in the polygamy temple

Pepper XO に 'Kara And Katherine: Family Breeding'

Pepper XO - Kara And Katherine: Family Breeding

The two men grin at the young girls and lean back on the couch. To Kara's surprise, Katherine wastes no time and climbs on top of President Nelson ripped, powerful body. She opens her legs and teases her glistening pussy lips with his throbbing dick. As his full ten inches slips inside Katherine, Kara moans. She loves seeing Katherine's gorgeous curves as she slowly rides the President. Kara spits on The Seed Bearer's cock and mounts him. Katherine watches The Seed Bearer's balls slap against Kara's pussy and she blushes and shakes with desire. Kara smiles to herself. She loves being surrounded by all of this filthy pleasure. She can't wait to milk the cum from the Seed Bearer and watch President Nelson shoot his load across Katherine's beautiful face.

Cindy Starfall に 'Squirting Compilation'

Cindy Starfall - Squirting Compilation

Enjoy this compilation of our favorite squirters gushing everywhere at the top of their orgasms. 00:01 - Anal Super Squirter02:25 - Busty Super Squirter04:22 - I Love To Squirt06:55 - Let Me See You Squirt09:08 - Look At Her Squirt10:42 - See Abella Squirt13:36 - Soaking Wet Super Squirter15:11 - Squirt Deluxe17:11 - A Squirting Star Is Born19:20 - I Cant Believe I Squirted 90 Times

Joseline Kelly に 'Lesbian Nymphomania Runs In My Family!'

Joseline Kelly - Lesbian Nymphomania Runs In My Family!

Therapist India Summer calls her patient Joseline Kelly into the office to check up on her progress. Joseline's family sent her to India because they're worried that Joseline has a serious sex addiction. But after Joseline promises India that she's been behaving, India has Joseline bring her sister Pamela Morrison in to get her take on it.

When India asks Pamela how everything is going with Joseline, Pamela spills the beans: Joseline's been more out of control than ever, having sex with an entire cheer squad, three of her teachers, and even the bag girl at the local grocery store! As India listens to Pamela talk about Joseline's sexual escapades, India can't help but get turned on.

When Joseline comes back in after Pamela leaves, India confronts Joseline about lying to her and asks her to share some juicy details. Getting more and more turned-on, India finally shares her diagnosis of Joseline: she's a lesbian nymphomaniac!

But Joseline's shocked when India tells her that not only does she approve of Joseline's lifestyle, but she's INTO it, asking Joseline if she's ever thought about getting it on with her therapist. Joseline smiles, the answer obviously yes.

Looks like TODAY'S the day Joseline's finally going to get to work her magic on India.

India Summer に 'fucks a big black cock'

India Summer - Big Cock Bully

India Summer is tired of her husband's boss's bullying. Its their anniversary and her husband is stuck at work. She has to take matters into her own hands, but she's unaware that her husband's boss is going to bully her with his big cock.

India Summer に 'My First Sex Teacher'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

Professor India Summer confides in her favorite student that she wants to be a porn star. Rion tells her that she looks the part and that him and the other guys refer to her as a MILF. He also suggest that practice makes progress so they bone right there in the classroom when everyone leaves.

Cadence Lux に 'I'm Staying'

Cadence Lux - I'm Staying

Cadence and her best friend are invited to an after-party at a popular basketball player's house after a night of clubbing.

Serena Blair に 'She Blinded Me With Science'

Serena Blair - She Blinded Me With Science

Elizabeth (Cadence Lux) arrives at the house of her best friend Janie (Serena Blair). Even though both girls graduated from high school five years earlier, they still do everything together and are excited to hang out. But a night of pizza, video games and ogling the underwear section of department store catalogs soon takes a...WEIRD turn.

When Elizabeth starts bragging about all the ways she pleases her girlfriend, Janie's not convinced, saying that Elizabeth wouldn't know what to do with a pussy if she MADE her one. Elizabeth is puzzled. What does Janie mean when she says MADE her one?? Janie grins, telling Elizabeth to follow her to her home computer.

Turns out that Janie's been experimenting with a 3D virtual reality program. A program that she can use to make a virtual 3D woman...whatever kind of woman they WANT! The girls get to work crafting the perfect babe, basing her on one of their favorite TV characters. When they're done programming her, they press enter. Suddenly, there is a loud explosion and the computer begins pouring smoke. Disappointed and thinking that the program fried the computer, the girls doze off.

What they don't realize is that they've just caused a short circuit of epic proportions. A power surge so strong, it rendered their 3D creation into physical form instantaneously!

But...are these two horny nerds REALLY ready for the results when their stunning creation (Kenzie Taylor) steps out of the computer screen and into their lives?

India Summer に 'Cougariffic: The Edge Of Her Seat'

India Summer - Cougariffic: The Edge Of Her Seat

India Summer and Dana DeArmond, two doting wives, are concerned about a young woman they took in as a roommate to help with the mortgage. Eliza Ibarra SEEMED like a good candidate at the time, but now they often catch her masturbating all throughout the house. They even find Eliza's underwear just laying out in the open for all to see!

Finally, they decide to confront Eliza to get to the bottom of this nonsense. When they catch her napping in THEIR BED, it's the last straw. Once confronted, Eliza tearfully admits to having a condition where she feels the need to masturbate ALL the time! It's extremely frustrating, though, because she's unable to cum, no matter how much she tries. It got so bad that her last roommates kicked her out, and she's terrified it's about to happen again!

Fortunately for Eliza, Dana just happens to be a sex therapist and has the perfect idea for alleviating Eliza's troubles...

Eliza soon finds herself tied to the bed, excited for what's about to come. Dana and India work together to deliciously edge Eliza, aiming to teach her how to let all that tension finally explode into beautiful relief. Beneath their skilled fingers and tongues, Eliza's pussy never felt so wet! But will it all really be enough for her to finally experience the joys of cumming??

Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, NotoriousVIC!

India Summer に 'fucks in classroom'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

Professor India Summer is concerned about one of her students being teased about being a virgin. She decides to help him out by showing him how its done.

India Summer に 'Stood Up By Her Husband'

India Summer - Stood Up By Her Husband

India Summer is feeling the love as she enters a hotel room where she's supposed to have a sexy rendezvous with her husband. It's their anniversary, so she lays out the essentials, like a box of chocolates and bouquet of roses. It's only a matter of time now before her husband is due to show up, so India makes herself comfortable.

But as time goes on, it becomes clear that her workaholic husband has stood her up... again! Unable to stand being alone for a second longer, she calls her best friend, Reagan Foxx, and invites her over.

When Reagan shows up, she instantly knows that India's husband has let her down again. Although India tries to make light of it, Reagan sees through it and wants nothing more than to comfort India however she can. But when India starts to admit that she's rethinking her marriage and has had sexy thoughts about HER, Reagan is stunned!

Although India is afraid of messing up her relationship with her best friend, she can't hide her feelings anymore. Reagan isn't sure at first, worried that India's just upset and horny, though she's soon won over by India's sincerity. If India can't celebrate her anniversary, they may as well celebrate their friendship!

India starts by stripping Reagan down, tasting Reagan's breasts and pussy for the first time. While she savors the taste, Reagan doesn't hesitate to return the favor, making India melt under the attention. As they lose themselves in a night of passion, it seems as though they're finally more than just friends!

India Summer に 'The Teacher is now My Fembot!'

India Summer - The Teacher is now My Fembot!

The Master teaches the teacher how to be a horny Fembot slut! His Lesson Plan is the Only one that matters after he transforms teacher into a horny robot willing to obey his every whim and command!

Cadence Lux に 'Ready To Suck Cock!'

Cadence Lux - Ready To Suck Cock!

Watch hot blonde Cadence Lux deepthroat John Strong's big thick hard cock!

India Summer に 'My Stepson Is Evil'

India Summer - My Stepson Is Evil

All-natural India Summer returns home to find her husband missing and her stepson, Logan Pierce, behaving strangely. Logan unbuttons her blouse and murmurs to India in a creepy attempt at seduction. The sexy MILF succumbs to his taboo advances -- before she knows it, India is on her knees giving his stiff cock a slobbery blowjob! The horny young man fucks the fit 44-year-old with abandon, intensely drilling her tight pussy. He cums in India's open mouth.

Cadence Lux に 'Sorry to Say'

Cadence Lux - Sorry to Say

Cadence Lux hires a private investigator (Jason Brown) to get info on her cheating husband. She then decides to get a unique kind of revenge by fucking the PI silly and filming it on the spy cam.

India Summer に 'fucks by the pool'

India Summer - My Friend's Hot Mom

India Summer gets a call from her son's friend to use the pool. Shes been yearning for him to come by so she can take his big cock.

India Summer に '- Interracial Blowbang'

India Summer - Interracial Blowbang

As you probably know by now, India Summer moonlights as Dr. Summer, Sex Therapist, Counselor, and Educator. No one knows for sure where Dr. Summer earned her degree -- or even when -- but everyone loves working out their problems during one of her 'therapy sessions'. You recall her one-on-one session with Kira Noir, the young lady who was sexually confused. If not, you surely know how Dr. Summer helped Rico, Slim and Jason with their feelings concerning how women only care about their big dicks...and not them as men. Watch Dr. Summer today as she conducts her largest group therapy session to date! Dr. Summer has 18 young men in attendance for her 'Anger Management Series'. As per the good doctor's unconventional ways, Dr. Summer is leading today's session clad only in two-piece swimwear and high heels! Her methodology? Once-a-day ejaculation works wonders for anger management, so she asks the group, 'have you ejaculated today?' With a resounding NO, Dr. Summer knows she's got her work cut out for her! Using just her mouth (and a little pussy to boot), watch as Dr. Summer works the anger out of these young men, one load at a time!!

Cadence Lux に 'Real Estate Rumble'

Cadence Lux - Real Estate Rumble

Cadence Lux, a first-time homebuyer, is with her real estate agent, Addison Lee. They are seated together at a table with folders in front of them. 'Look - I KNOW this place is way overpriced for the neighborhood it's in. I did my research. I want a lower price,' Cadence asserts. 'Ms. Lux,' Addison counters, trying to stay respectful, 'you must understand there are many more factors to consider than neighborhood alone. Actually, this house is priced rather reasonably!' Addison politely rebuttals. 'Sure, it's a calculated risk. But I want to lowball it,' Cadence states, not to be deterred. 'It's absolutely your right to put in a low offer to start, but if it's too low, the seller won't take you seriously and he'll jump at the chance to take a higher offer. I just want you to have the best shot at landing your dream home,' Addison retaliates. Despite their disagreement, Cadence seems to be attracted to Addison, giving her quick, subtle appreciative looks that Addison doesn't seem to catch.Addison then puts in the call to the seller, being polite and cheerful. She tells the seller that she has a client interested in putting a bid in, though they want to ask some questions first. As Addison speaks into the phone, Cadence caresses her arms and shoulders seductively.Cadence continues to get more frisky and Addison continues doing her best to remain professional, though she starts to slip. 'I just want you both to have the BREAST - er, BEST - experience possible for this transaction,' Addison stutters as Cadence fondles her boobs.When Cadence finally goes beneath the table and starts feeling up her legs and thighs, Addison shifts with anticipation. By this point, she's no longer trying to scold Cadence, especially when she starts playing with her pussy. Addison keeps asking questions into the phone, almost getting caught a couple of times. 'I can feel we're getting close!! ... to a deal, that is... tell me, are you willing to thrust in -- I mean, THROW in some furniture??' Addison says. Just as she's starting to get to climax, she seems to be able to smooth things over with the seller and Addison quickly tries to wrap up the deal. 'I'll send over the paperwork soon!' she gasps as she quickly hangs up.Addison scolds Cadence. What was Cadence thinking?? She could've blown their chance! Cadence grins and says, actually, SHE thinks she sweetened the pot! The seller's definitely not going to forget Addison's sounds of pleasure! That might make him more eager to work with them. Cadence playfully adds that, besides, Addison is hot -- so it's a win-win situation! She then dives back into Addison's pussy.Addison wasn't happy when Cadence wanted to go low at first, but she's definitely not complaining now...Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, Neptune!

Sheena Ryder に 'I Caught My Daughter Fucking My Boyfriend 6'

Sheena Ryder - I Caught My Daughter Fucking My Boyfriend 6

Cadence Lux is having trouble studying and her mom Sheena Ryder can't make heads or tails of it, so she asks her boyfriend Lucas Frost to help. He ends up helping her with more than just math. He gives her a deep lesson in sex education.

India Summer に 'The Look Mom Can't Resist'

India Summer - The Look Mom Can't Resist

India Summer meets her stepdaughter Sabina Rouge for the first time. Sabina is standing there, looking naturally sultry. Her eyes have an entrancing quality that seems to call to India. India's eyes can't help but to trail over her body. India licks her lips, looking aroused and conflicted as Sabina crooks her finger in a 'come hither' gesture while still piercing her with that look. Sabina leads India into her bedroom. As time goes by and India goes into Sabina's bedroom over and over again, India reflects on how everything happened:'When I first met Robert, my future husband, I thought we'd be the perfect couple... until I met his daughter, Sabina, who would become my future step-daughter. Even though she's only 18, she has all the charms of a more experienced woman. Even though I'm straight, I keep falling into bed with her... over and over and over... She has a look that I can't resist, but I have to! We can't keep going on like this!'Later, India, now dressed in a robe but a bit dishevelled from sex, is on the phone with her husband, saying that she hopes he's enjoying his day at work. Oh, no, everything is all right -- she's just calling because she misses him. She makes some small talk, then hesitantly says, in a quieter voice, that she needs to talk to him about Sabina when he comes home... It's just that--But India stops talking when she spots Sabina standing in the doorway with her arms folded and her eyebrows raised in a questioning manner. She's also wearing a robe and still looking a bit dishevelled from sex, too. India gives a sheepish smile then hurriedly tells her husband she has to go and that they'll talk more later. She hangs up then puts on a fake smile, greeting Sabina. Sabina curiously asks what that phone call was about? India says that it was nothing...Sabina is suspicious of her step-mother and demands to know what she's hiding. India admits that she was going to tell Sabina's dad that they're fooling around together, adding that she used to be straight until she met Sabina, but that this has to stop -- she doesn't want to cheat on her husband anymore.Sabina says that she knows India wants this -- wants her -- so why should she deny herself. Does India want to go down on her again? India says that she does, once again entranced by Sabina. Sabina then grins and begins walking backwards, crooking her finger to encourage India to follow her into the bedroom, which she slowly but gladly does. Sabina lies down on the bed as India begins to softly lick her clit.Sabina's got that look that India can't resist, so why even try?Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, IggyEgo!

Cadence Lux に 'Epic Squirt Battle'

Cadence Lux - Epic Squirt Battle

Cadence Lux and Whitney Wright are about to have a super soaked squirt off. This is stunning female ejaculation. Including massive squirting, squirt swallowing and epic squirt showers!

India Summer に '- How To Train A Hotwife'

India Summer - - How To Train A Hotwife

Carl seeks advice from a friend who's frequently hired as a bull by other husbands, that hot MILF India Summers even heads out to a bar to practice flirting with other men.

India Summer に 'Only The Best For Mom - S10:E4'

India Summer - Only The Best For Mom - S10:E4

India Summer has two stepsons, Tyler Nixon and Ricky Spanish. Both boys think she's awesome and are constantly competing for India's attention. They each give her mother's day presents. Tyler's gift of a necklace looks great resting on India's big tits. Ricky has given her the same thing. In retribution for Ricky copying him, Tyler announces he's going to fuck India to prove she likes him more. Later that day, Tyler finds India napping on the couch and puts his plan in motion. Whipping out his dick to stroke himself off, Tyler slips the other hand up his stepmom's skirt. India is warm and willing as she wakes up believing that the person touching her is Tyler's dad. She takes Tyler's cock in hand eagerly, then lets him bang her right in the living room. Sucking him off to the finish line, India remains blissfully unaware that she's really banging her stepson even though he's recording the whole thing. Tyler takes the video evidence to Ricky, who decides he needs to fuck his stepmom, too. He waits until her glasses are off as India is napping in the bedroom, then puts his plan into action.Unluckily for Ricky, Tyler walks in on him in the act with India. She tells both of them to strip down and get on the bed for their punishment, which turns out to be India having her way with both of them. With one hand on each dick, she delivers a double handie while sampling each hard dick. Then India lets the boys spit her with one banging her on her hands and knees as she sucks the other off. Working two men at once really gets India's motor running, as her moans of satisfaction easily convey. She makes sure to ultimately reward them by taking a facial from Tyler as Ricky fucks her until he pulls out of her twat at the last moment to cum on her stomach.

Serena Blair に 'We Like Girls and Serena Blair'

Serena Blair - We Like Girls and Serena Blair

Cadence Lux is always fun to be around. When she arrived that day, she jumped right into telling us about a hilarious mishap with getting the right lingerie for the photoshoot. From the moment she stepped through the door, she was engaging and energetic -- just one of the many reasons why we're so excited to get her on board with this project.'What got me interested in the We Like Girls project is just the way you have sex with girls,' Cadence told us during an interview. 'It's like, go do it! You have chemistry? Let's see it!'Cadence chose Serena Blair for this unique opportunity since she's one of the performers at the top of her list. They had to beg previous directors to put them together in the past, but it never worked out, which only left them yearning for each other even more.'Oh, gosh, to be at the top of Cadence's list is a major honor for me,' Serena enthused during her own interview. 'She's just one of those people that I've always had a crush on!' Although they've spent the entire day on set together before, they've never had sex.Just be patient a little longer, Serena! We're changing that once and for all.After the interviews and photoshoot, we finally let these two lovely ladies crash together. The way they held and kissed each other was so powerful and filled with affection. It's as if their whole lives have been leading up to that one moment. It's such an incredible honor to share their love with you, and I hope you walk away feeling as awestruck as I did!-Bree Mills

India Summer に 'A Steamy Night'

India Summer - A Steamy Night

Karen (Brandi Love) puts the final touch to her story before she goes to bed. Like everyone in town, her girlfriend Jennifer (India Summer) wants to know what will be on her blog tomorrow. Unfortunately for her, nobody can't read it before it's online. Nobody except her wife. That little problem could be fix if Jennifer accepts Karen's proposition. Stunned by the proposal, Jennifer accepts and kisses her lover passionately. This long time desired kiss quickly transforms in a steamy sex scene that many of us wished to witness for a long time.

India Summer に 'fucks her son's Bully'

India Summer - Big Cock Bully

Johnny's mom India Summer is Pissed off at his son's bully and she will do what ever she needs to do in order to make Isiah Maxwell lay off his son, so he ask's for a nude pic but he is not satisfied, he wants more so Isiah tells India Summer to go to her house and fuck him if she wants all to end with the bullying.

India Summer に 'shows her son's friend how to fuck a MILF'

India Summer - My Friend's Hot Mom

India Summer catches her son's friend's sniffing her panties. She realizes that he doesn't have much sexual experiences so she volunteers to show him how to fuck.

India Summer に 'Candid Candidates'

India Summer - Candid Candidates

India Summer is running for City Council, barnstorming through a local neighborhood, when she knocks on Sloan Harper's door, who just so happens to be running against her! It's Sloan's first run at politics, and she invites inside India to talk, but things quickly get heated when the veteran, India, mocks Sloan's inexperience, among other things! Sloan likes pussy, and she's got a feeling India might secretly like it too! Sloan decides to test out her theory, but will she be able to sway India's 'vote'?

Shyla Jennings に 'Sent To The Principal's Office'

Shyla Jennings - Sent To The Principal's Office

Shyla Jennings smugly sits behind a principal's desk, looking through the principal's phone. She sees sexy pictures of her principal, India Summer, on the phone and becomes aroused, unable to resist touching herself a little. However, it's short-lived when India strides back into the office and scolds her, making her get out from behind the desk.India looks stern and asks Shyla if she knows why she has been called into her office today. Shyla has no idea. She's well-behaved, popular and is passing all her classes. India stands up dramatically and puts her hands on her hips. 'You've been called into my office because you don't belong in this school.' What is India talking about? Shyla says, playing dumb. 'You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're NOT 18 years old... AND you've already graduated from high school,' India says.Shyla continues to play dumb. That is the craziest thing she's ever heard, India must have some kind of mistake, Shyla insists. India opens a file on her desk and looks down at it. 'Well, I know that your exact age is 25 and that you graduated years ago, I have your high school transcript right here,' India says confidently. Shyla looks surprised and pale, like a deer in the headlights. Shyla looks like she's been caught red-handed. Stunned, she sits back down in her chair. 'I see that rings a bell now. This is what I DO know. What I don't know is why you're doing what you're doing. So let's not waste any more time. Admit it, and tell me why you're doing this,' India continues.Shyla knows there's no use continuing the charade. Fine, India is right about everything, but it's not like she wanted to hurt anyone, Shyla says. She's just...she's never been good at much...she can't really even hold a job and still lives at home with her parents, Shyla says sadly. But in high school, everything was so much easier, and she...she just wanted to go back to a simpler time, Shyla finishes. Especially now that she's really come into her looks and is more popular than she ever was the first time around. Is that so wrong?While India can certainly understand the desire to go back to a simpler time, it doesn't change the fact that it is wrong, and illegal on top of that, she says. Shyla is skeptical that her transgression is illegal. How can this be illegal? she asks. The fact that Shyla is attending school for free is illegal, India says. Anyone under 18 can attend the school without cost, but someone her age is required to pay, India continues. Not to mention the fact that Shyla lied about her age in the first place. That makes her wonder: what else is she lying about? Is that story about simpler times even the truth, or is Shyla actually here for another reason?Shyla changes tactics, insisting that there must be something she can do to persuade India to let her stay there as a student. She leans forward and starts to seduce the older woman, asking if India's ever fantasized about being with one of her students. India is shocked, insisting that she absolutely has NOT, though this doesn't stop Shyla from coming onto her. Shyla just insists that surely India has had SOME fantasies...India tries her best to resist Shyla but Shyla is persistent and passionate. India's resolve crumbles as Shyla begins unbuttoning her shirt, teasing her for wearing such sexy lingerie to work -- India's clearly not as prim and proper as she makes herself out to be!They slowly undress and start making out, which leads to Shyla sitting on the desk with her legs wide open as invitation for India to taste her. India takes the bait, leaning down to eagerly rub, lick, finger, and tongue Shyla's pussy while Shyla enjoys every second of it. Perhaps they CAN come to an agreement about Shyla remaining in high school...Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, Handsome_Devil!

India Summer に '- Blacks On Cougars - Scene 3'

India Summer - Blacks On Cougars

The last time Dr. India Summer made an appearance here, she was helping a young lady named Kira Noir deal with her complicated sexuality. Today, Dr. Summer's task isn't much easier: she's got a small-group therapy session on tap, and the three young men (almost half her age!) have a common problem: all three feel women just use them for their over-sized dicks. Laugh as you may, but it gets discouraging when all a lady wants you for is one thing...and that thing ain't 'love', per se. Dr. Summer does her best to console the men and listen to their needs, but there's one thing Dr. Summer's been aching for -- size. You see, Dr. Summer is a Size Queen, so today's 'therapy' is going to be untraditional for sure! Dr. Summer will need to inspect those over-sized dongs, and don't you know once they're out of their pants, all three find their way to her wet, eager mouth!! The fellahs proceed to use all three of Dr. Summer's wet holes, and then stuff them all at once! Air tight alright!! Wait til you see the pent-up frustration all three men leave all over Dr. Summer's face, too! What's after that?? Next week's appointment, of course...and Dr. Summer wants to meet their friends, too!

Cadence Lux に 'LA Sluts'

Cadence Lux - LA Sluts

While strolling around the streets of LA, Cadence Lux finds herself a lone, hot, black stranger. Without any words but with a look of seduction, She snags his phone, inputs her number and a message, gives it back, and walks away. They exchange texts -- she sends nudes and invites him over. This LA slut gets what she wants, a huge black cock and multiple orgasms.

India Summer に 'Roleplay With Me: School Girl Fantasies'

India Summer - Roleplay With Me: School Girl Fantasies

Emily Willis is getting up from a school desk when her teacher, India Summer, greets her, telling her that she's doing really well in the class. Emily is pleased with the attention from India, soaking up the praise. She then becomes more seductive as she leans into India and asks if they can get together that night... She's met with hesitation from India, who says that they can't talk about those things in school! Also, India has a wife -- they can't keep doing this in general! However, Emily is hot for teacher and persistent, not giving up until India invites her over after school.Later, India's waiting at home for the naughty schoolgirl when her wife, Dava Foxx, saunters into the bedroom, wearing her own naughty schoolgirl outfit! India is shocked, fighting between being aroused for her wife and worried about almost being caught about to cheat. Dava is so pleased with herself, playing up the naughty schoolgirl role as she tries to entice India, starting to undress her. India is still conflicted but can't help getting into it since her wife is so sexy -- until there's a knock on the door.That has to be Emily! India hurriedly excuses herself, saying she's expecting a package. She leaves the room and opens the front door as Emily bounces in. Emily's already all over her as India tries to insist that tonight is REALLY not a good night -- her wife's home! Yet, Emily's so horny that she doesn't care, so India quickly brings her into one of the guest rooms.India tries to play it cool as she goes back and forth between her lovers. Both of them are impatient for India's attention and eager to get wild! India then blindfolds Dava and secretly invites Emily in to have some fun with them. They both please Dava, who has no idea there's another woman eating out her pussy until she removes the blindfold.Dava is shocked and furious, telling India off for cheating on her with one of her students! Is she SERIOUS? Dava's so angry, and Emily's so persistent, that she has revenge sex with Emily to get back at India. However, this backfires and eventually leads to them all getting so hot and heavy that India's allowed to join, too.They have a fiery threesome, filled with passion and fuelled by the fury of a wife scorn. A lot is at stake as they wildly eat out each other's pussies and more to experience orgasmic bliss. Maybe the roleplay and marriage can be saved after all -- unless another twist comes their way to shake things up further!

India Summer に 'I'm Allergic To Clothes'

India Summer - I'm Allergic To Clothes

India Summer goes to see her step-daughter Gianna Dior in her room, putting down her purse at the foot of the bed. Gianna is scratching herself. She complains to India that she must be allergic to something. India looks up Gianna's symptoms on her phone, telling her a moment later that a lot of sites say that the itching may be caused by an allergy to clothes. But India also saw online that there is an easy home remedy that can help. Her daughter can get naked and stay away from clothes and the itching may go away. Gianna is embarrassed, saying that her step-mom has only been married to her dad for 3 years, so it's not like she saw her naked when she was a baby, this will be the first time. India soothes her, telling her that taking her clothes off is her best chance at getting some relief. And to make her feel like she's not the only one who will be embarrassed, India offers to get naked too. Gianna agrees and they both get naked. Gianna says that she is cold now that she's naked. Her mom moves to offer her a blanket, but thinking better of it, tells her daughter that she may be allergic to the blanket fabric too. Gianna agrees, telling her mom that they shouldn't risk it now that the itch has finally gone away! India does have a possible solution though: maybe she could cuddle her for warmth? Gianna agrees that this is the best way to avoid the risk of aggravating her condition with the blanket, and they cuddle. As they cuddle, India playing big-spoon to Gianna's little spoon, she asks her daughter if she's still cold. Gianna admits that she is still a little chilly. India tells her that she knows a way to make her even warmer, from the inside out, as she reaches around and starts to rub Gianna's pussy. Gianna instantly loves her mom's touch and moans loudly. As India caresses Gianna's wet pussy, she can already feel her daughter warming up. But India has a lot more tricks up her sleeve, and she's going to use every one of them to make sure that Gianna forgets ALL about her allergy. Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, user_23196293!

India Summer に 'Family Holiday 2 - Part 2'

India Summer - Family Holiday 2 - Part 2

Hidden away in India Summer's 'art room/dungeon,' India pleads with her stepson not to marry his 'white trash' girlfriend. Damon Dice, trying to do the right thing resists his stepmother's advances but soon succumbs to her sensuality - grabbing her ass and pressing it against his throbbing cock. With the rest of the family only a few feet away, the two fuck away the afternoon in one another's arms ending with Damon exploding all over his naughty mother's milky white skin.

India Summer に 'Cant Stop Cumming - S3:E6'

India Summer - Cant Stop Cumming - S3:E6

Ricky Spanish knows that his new stepmom India Summer is hot hot hot and he wants her for himself. When he joins her in the kitchen and asks why he isn't studying, Ricky doesn't have a good answer. He tries to study at the table, but he's distracted by India's huge breasts! She notices his attention and offers to show him a little cleavage if he'll just try studying. That doesn't work well; Ricky now can't stop beating his meat. India decides to take things further, sucking him off while he's hitting the books. That works a bit better until Ricky fills her mouth with a shot of hot cum.A little while later, India is getting dressed for the day when she drops her phone. She's naked, but she goes down on all fours to try to find it because she doesn't know her stepson is behind her watching at the door. He's already hard again as he comes up behind his mom and slides it all the way inside. India is frozen in shock for a moment, but then she tells Ricky to hurry up and finish, and to not tell his dad. Despite his stepmom's requests, he bangs her hot bod until he cums inside her!Running to the shower, India is just getting in when she realizes that Ricky is once again spying on her. She's actually impressed at this point that his dick is still hard after two climaxes that morning, so she drags him into the bathroom for a more serious fling with him. He gets to take his stepmom from behind once again, but only when his mommy turns over on the counter so she's watching him fuck her does he feel the urge to jizz again. This time, India makes him pull out so he covers her belly with his love.

India Summer に 'Surprised by Mom'

India Summer - Surprised by Mom

India Summer arrives home to find the back door of her house wide open. As she's about to call 911, she hears a sound coming from the living room. She walks slowly and quietly to the living room to find her stepdaughter, Jenna Sativa, on the couch masturbating. India shakes her head and smiles. Her stepdaughter is all grown up and playing with her pussy. The thing is, she's doing it all wrong. She walks into the living room and asks her what she's doing. Jenna tries to cover herself up as quickly as she can but can't hide the fact that she was playing with a strap-on. When India asks her where she got that, Jenna tells her she went to the sex store when she turned 18 and this is what they gave her. India, who's had her fair share of experience with strap-ons, tells her stepdaughter that using one usually entails two people. Jenna is inexperienced and naïve and has never used one before. India has a thought; why doesn't she teach her the ropes. After all, they're not related. Jenna hesitates for a moment but is eager to learn and tells India that she's willing to try. India tells her that when women use toys like that, they tend to need to warm up a little bit before just shoving it in. India puts the strap-on down and asks Jenna if she's ready to begin. Jenna's nervous but really wants to learn. India kisses her and warms her up. When Jenna's pussy is dripping, she puts that big cock inside her and Jenna discovers a world her tight teenage pussy never experienced before; a big strap-on being wielded by her mommy!

India Summer に 'Two Grown Women'

India Summer - Two Grown Women

Two beautiful women are naked in bed, tongue-deep in a heavy make-out session. They break away from each other and talk about a secret they share. Suddenly, someone yells 'Cut!'. Turns out these two hotties are none other than Girlsway superstars India Summer and Jane Wilde, filming another killer scene. India thanks her co-star and leaves the room, bumping into the gorgeous Katie Morgan, who's on her way to film a scene of her own. They chat about the scene India just shot, where she played Jane's step-mom. Turns out Katie's playing a step-mom today too. Katie's got her robe open as they talk, and India can't help but admire her luscious tits and tiny pink panties, telling her that her tight body looks...inviting. Come and get it, right?, Katie jokes. India agrees completely, telling Katie that she would love to CUM and get it since she's never gotten it before. Katie bites her lip and pulls India close to her. How is it possible that they've never done a scene together before?, Katie asks her flirtatiously. Seems like they're too busy fucking 19 and 20-year-olds, India flirts back. India throws open her robe, telling Katie that two grown ass women should be allowed to fuck these days. Katie hungrily tells India that she LOVES fucking grown-ass women. Plus, the crew's on lunch, so they have a good half hour to do whatever, or WHOEVER, they want. Giggling, they run hand-in-hand to the bathroom. Once inside, they don't waste any time, tearing off each other's robes and making-out, their tongues dancing in and out of each other's mouths. Pretty soon, Katie's tongue gets even more adventurous, as she starts sucking on India's perky tits. India returns the favor, tonguing Katie's hard nipples before bending her over the bathtub, sliding her panties off and reaching around to rub her little pussy. Katie throws her leg over the tub as India works her clit. Katie's going wild as India slaps her pussy, making her squeal and sending her over the edge. These ladies are just getting started on each other, and before their bathroom break is over, they'll prove why there's nothing in the world like two grown women.

India Summer に 'To Catch a Cheater'

India Summer - To Catch a Cheater

To Catch A Cheater
Cheating Wife Is Catfished & Exploited Into Sex By Her Husband's Son

SCENE OPENS on the interior of a car, where loving husband Joe in the driver's seat has just pulled to a stop and put on his blinkers. He leans his arm casually against the window-frame, his wedding ring noticeable on his propped-up hand, and he turns to look lovingly at his wife in the passenger's seat. Vanessa (India Summer) has pulled down the passenger's visor and is applying a retouch of her make-up using the visor mirror, but shoots a glance and a smile at her husband as he turns to look at her. Joe asks if she's sure she doesn't want him to drive her the rest of the way, he really doesn't mind. Vanessa says 'Oh, no, honey! That's so sweet, but you have a lot of work to get done. I'll be OK, it's just a few more blocks to walk from here.'  Vanessa finishes applying her makeup but is still fixated on the mirror, flouncing her hair to look just right. In any case, she says, she doesn't know how long this meeting is going to last so he probably shouldn't wait up for her. He should go out for a bit, have some fun with the boys. Joe is disappointed, saying that his son, Danny, is coming for dinner that night. Vanessa gasps, saying that she can't believe she's going to miss Danny again! Joe sighs and says it's okay and that she'll just have to meet him next time.

Joe leans over for a kiss after wishing her good luck for the day, but she steps out of the car without acknowledging him. From a wide flat perspective outside the passenger's side of the car, we see Vanessa step out of the car and close the door. Elegant and purposeful, she slowly walks towards the camera. As the car pulls away, Vanessa looks back for a moment, then forward again, looking straight towards (or past) the camera. With a subtle smile, she continues walking, and as she gets closer we clearly see her hold her hand out in front of her and remove her wedding ring from her finger.


Vanessa arrives at a house entranceway and rings the bell. A young male teenager (Dustin Daring) answers the door. She looks him up and down, and says 'You must be Danny,' before nonchalantly walking past him into the house. He closes the door behind him, then takes a picture with her since his friends would never believe he's getting with such a hot piece. She asks if he's 18, and he says yes - he points back out of the room and says he can show her his license if she doesn't believe him. She says no, it's fine, she believes him. She stands in the hallway but with a nosey curiosity starts looking around through the open areas of the house. She says it's a pretty nice place, and asks if it's his parents' house. The teen says no, he doesn't live with his parents, he's renting it with some roommates. They're not home right now.

'So what do I call you?' Danny asks. She tells him he doesn't need to call her anything, they're just here to have some fun and then she'll never see him again. They go into his bedroom and she pushes him to the bed. She begins taking off her heels and he asks if it's the first time she ever used the dating site. He says that it is for him, though his buddy uses the website and ended up with a married woman! She's not married, is she? Vanessa says that it's complicated. Danny is worried about what her husband will think. She says he doesn't know about it, it's better for a marriage to have a couple of secrets. The teen corrects her, better for her, she means.

She rolls her eyes, what does he care? He's the one fucking a married woman, so he can cool it with the ethics lesson. Is he going to fuck her or not? 'Oh, I'm going to fuck you, Vanessa,' Danny says while taking off his shirt. Vanessa is shocked as she sees a family picture of Danny and Joe on the shelf, putting two and two together. She tells Danny that this isn't what it seems and that he can't possibly understand! Danny tells her that he's going to send the picture of them to his dad so that he can see how big of a whore she is, going around to young strange men's houses discreetly behind his back.

Vanessa tries to bargain with and seduce him, telling Danny that she sees what this is -- he just wants to fuck his step-mother. He tells her that she's pathetic, but that she'd better get down on her knees and suck his dick. Vanessa, never wanting that picture to see the light of day, slowly sinks down to her knees as the cougar becomes prey to the catfish.

India Summer に 'He Loves To Watch Scene 3'

India Summer - He Loves To Watch Scene 3

It's always been his fantasy; to see his beautiful wife being ravaged by another man right in front of him, and she will do anything to turn him on and make him happy. These 5 couples have found a unique way to keep the spark in their marriage. Passionate sex and powerful orgasms about in "He Loves To Watch".

India Summer に 'For Her Viewing Pleasure'

India Summer - For Her Viewing Pleasure

Mercedes is a bored housewife that has become VERY interested in lesbian fact her curiosity and secret lust for women has her seeking out the ultimate fantasy for her viewing pleasure... it's time to watch some hot lesbian porn! Brunette, all natural Jenna Sativa cannot wait to devour gorgeous MILF India Summer, as Jenna and India kiss and caress each other. With dripping wet pussies the two beauties finger fuck and enjoy hot pussy eating action. India and Jenna are cumming multiples times screaming and moaning their release.

Zoey Monroe に 'Oops I Squirted!'

Zoey Monroe - Oops I Squirted!

Cadence Lux and Zoey Monroe are enjoying some quality time together on an outdoor balcony, playfully chasing each other and stealing kisses. They don't hesitate to grope each other's butts, the heat between them building as they make their way to the front door of the home. Cadence and Zoey are clearly aching for each other, their impatience showing through as hurried words and butt smacks as they fumble with a key to let themselves inside. As soon as they burst through the door, they waste no time crashing together in bed, their mouths hungry for the taste of each other. They heavily make out, gliding their hands over each other's heaving bodies until Zoey turns around and invites Cadence to undress her. As Cadence eagerly does so, she peppers Zoey's bare form with kisses while Zoey happily fondles her own breasts in anticipation of what's to come. Even so, Zoey quickly throws Cadence down onto her back instead to start by having her way with her sexy girlfriend. After lavishing Cadence's nipples with her hot mouth, Zoey soon kisses her way down to what she really wants to taste -- Cadence's pussy. Their goal today is to squirt, and they'll do anything to make it happen!

Adriana Chechik に 'Aunt's Gonna Catch Us!'

Adriana Chechik - Aunt's Gonna Catch Us!

India Summer and her stepdaughter Adriana Chechik are enjoying dinner with Adriana's Aunt, Christie Stevens. They haven't seen each other in a long time and are enjoying catching up. Talk turns to Christie and her husband, India's brother. Christie mentions that her husband's always so busy at work, he never seems to find time for her anymore. Even on bigger occasions like this first family visit since they moved, he couldn't even spare the time to come. India sympathizes and says that that's the way her brother has always been. Eager to cheer her aunt up, Adriana suggests that Christie have a slumber party in her room tonight, but when India hears this, she kicks Adriana under the table. Wouldn't Christie be more comfortable in the guest room?, India asks. Three women in one bed might be a little...tight. Christie doesn't mind. After all, the more the merrier!Soon India announces that it's time for dessert and starts to clear the dishes - she asks if Adriana can help her carry the plates to the kitchen. Adriana does so, and when she gets into the kitchen she tells her step-mom to cut it out or Christie will catch them. If Christie finds out she'll freak out and who knows what will happen then?! India teases and gropes Adriana, telling her that she just can't help herself. She pulls in Adriana for a deep passionate kiss, that gets interrupted when Christie calls from the other room asking if they need any help in the kitchen. 'W-we're fine!' Adriana calls back nervously, and then tells her step-mom a second time to quit it before heading back into the dining room. A few moments later, India re-enters carrying a plate of desserts. The women go back to eating and chatting. India drops her napkin, pretending it was an accident. She goes under the table to pick it up, and while down there buries her face straight between Adriana's legs. Adriana gasps as India licks her pussy. Christie asks Adriana if anything's wrong. Just then, India emerges back from under the table with a mischievous smile. The aunt remarks that the dessert is delicious, and India coyly says that Christie has no idea as she wipes her face with her napkin. Later that night, the three women snuggle up under the covers to get some shuteye. India apologizes that they only have one bed for the three of them - Adriana's bed broke a couple of weeks ago and they haven't been able to replace it yet. Christie is puzzled. Adriana's bed broke? How did that happen? India and Adriana exchange a look and Adriana nervously lies that she was jumping on it. 'Really hard,' India adds cheekily. The aunt says she doesn't mind sharing a bed, they're all family after all, and they turn off the lights. It doesn't take long for Christie to begin snoring softly, but Adriana lies wide awake as India opens her eyes and turns to look at her step-daughter lustily. India's hand reaches out and starts caressing her step-daughter's pussy. At first her step-daughter whispers to her mom asking what she's doing, with India's sister-in-law right beside them?! But soon, she is lost in the pleasure of India's fingers. As India sensually works Adriana's little clit, Adriana can't help but moan. Suddenly, Christie stirs. Adriana panics, making both of them freeze in place until they're sure Christie is still snoozing. But it gets harder and harder to keep quiet as their lust and pleasure mounts.Finally, Adriana can't hold back any longer and cums, gasping loudly. India tries to stifle it, but it's too late. Christie groggily wakes up and asks what that noise was, only to look over and see what the two are doing. Christie can't believe what she's seeing. It's disgusting, and what's worse is that they did it right in front of her. India points out that they're just spending quality time together. In fact, India was hoping Christie might want to join them. Christie is offended at her suggestion, even if she could get past the whole family thing, she's straight. But didn't Christie say earlier that her husband doesn't find time for her anymore? That must get lonely, India comments, adding that Christie must have some needs that aren't being fulfilled. Adriana says that Christie needs someone to take care of her needs, and who better than her family to help her in her time of need? India starts caressing Christie gently and it doesn't take long for Christie's misgivings to fall away. Adriana removes her aunt's bra and she and India begin to lick Christie's swelling tits. India and Adriana are about to show Aunt Christie the real meaning of quality family time...

Cadence Lux に 'Pussy Projection'

Cadence Lux - Pussy Projection

Aspiring artist Cadence Lux reveals her sexy lingerie look in an avant-garde performance art piece. The crowd is mesmerized by her sensual dance moves under the moody light of a projector, particularly onlooker Ramon Nomar. Ramon is so enthralled by the piece he can't help but reach out and touch Cadence. To the shock of the other patrons, Ramon helps himself to the piece of art that is Cadence's pussy.

India Summer に 'Parent Teacher Secrets'

India Summer - Parent Teacher Secrets

Troublemaker Karlee Grey is taking her time getting dressed and preparing for a meeting with her professor, Kalina Ryu. She is interrupted by her step-mother, India Summer, who isn't thrilled about the meeting or her step-daughter's attitude. India can't understand why Karlee isn't taking her education seriously. All Karlee needs to do is graduate and go to college, and India's life will be that much easier. While there's the usual, like showing up late for class, Karlee is also in trouble because she thinks it's okay to lock lips with a fellow classmate in the middle of lessons! Karlee figures she's going to get off easy since her mother knows and has worked with her professor before, but gets a rude awakening when India tells her that she's not bailing her out. It's time for Karlee to take responsibility and face the consequences of her actions. Once the mother and daughter duo arrive at Kalina's household, the atmosphere is tense, and there's no missing the bad blood between India and Kalina. Despite having told Karlee that she's not going to cover for her, India's motherly instincts kick in as she tries to win Kalina over to prevent Karlee from being flunked. However, it backfires on her when Kalina reveals a scandalous secret about them, which takes both India and Karlee by surprise. It's then that the sexy professor proposes an ultimatum. If Karlee has any hope of passing Kalina's class, both she and India will have to set aside their differences and work together to rock Kalina's world.

Cadence Lux に 'Make Up Sex'

Cadence Lux - Make Up Sex

Being in a relationship can be tough, as Cadence Lux and Sean Lawless know all too well. Be that as it may, whenever passions arise, so do the chances of great sex! Cadence and Sean have been arguing a lot, and he comes home to find the blonde babe in tears. The couple spews venom at each other until Cadence can't take anymore and shatters a plate in anger. The shocking smash wakes something primal up in Sean, who kisses Cadence deeply. Lifting Cadence onto the counter, Sean thrusts his thick cock into her pink pussy, and they fuck the anger out! Turned on, Cadence drops to her knees and plays with her tits while giving Sean a sloppy blowjob, then Sean apologizes to his lady by eating her ass. Cadence rides Sean on the kitchen floor then takes the dick doggystyle before finally coaxing Sean's cum out all over her face!

India Summer に 'Student Affairs'

India Summer - Student Affairs

Dean of student affairs India Summer has her hands full with bratty, troubled socialite student Emily Willis. Emily wants special treatment, and is willing to do just about anything to get it. Sexy all-natural MILF India knows hot lesbian sex with adorable, all natural teen Emily is a bad idea, but can't deny her lust any more. India begins making out with Emily on a desk before both ladies throbbing wet cunts demand multiple orgasms. This is one student affair that India may need to pay close personal attention to.

Cadence Lux に 'Bad Samaritans'

Cadence Lux - Bad Samaritans

Nominated - Best Actress - Featurette: Cadence Lux, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Vignette: Cadence Lux, Charles Dera & Seth Gamble, XBIZ 2020


SCENE opens on an unhappy couple, Carly and James, as they drive through a residential neighborhood on their way home. The pair have just come from James' parents house and Carly is very disappointed at the way in which James has treated her in front of his family. Even though they've been dating for three years now, the man still won't commit to anything more than living together. He even had the nerve to laugh about it with his father in front of Carly's face. Now, as she gives him a piece of her mind, reminding him that she is 25 and just wants to settle down, he accuses her of being overbearing. She should just be happy with what they have and stop pressuring him. The fight reaches a fever pitch when Carly demands to get out of the car. She doesn't want to be near her boyfriend anymore. He tries to tell her to calm down but, when he reaches a stop sign, she jumps out anyway and starts storming off in the opposite direction. James yells after her for a moment, before growing frustrated, and driving off.


Several blocks later. Carly is still walking, her arms folded, and tears streaking her face. She pauses to look back at the road. Goddamn bastard didn't even turn around! He's going to be sorry when she gets home and dumps him. She mutters to herself as she wanders through the unfamiliar neighborhood. She has no idea where she is, it's hot as hell, and she left her purse and phone in the car.

A black SUV appears in the distance. As it draws closer, it begins to slow down until it is driving parallel to Carly. A nicely dressed, handsome man rolls down his window and asks her if she is ok. Embarrassed, she tells him she is fine and turns back to begin walking again when the man cuts his engine. 'Are you sure?' He asks again. 'It looks like you're crying!' Carly wipes her face and tries to shrug it off. 'It's ok ... really,' she replies. 'I just had a fight with my stupid boyfriend!' The man in the car laughs. 'Let me guess ... did you storm off to prove a point and, like a typical man, he just left you here?' Carly nods, a smile creeping across her face. The man smiles back. He stretches out his hand and introduces himself as Adam. 'This neighborhood is a little sketchy, why don't you get in and I'll drive you home?' He offers. 'Unlike your boyfriend, I don't feel comfortable leaving you here!' Carly pauses for a moment in hesitation, looking around. She knows she shouldn't get in a car with a stranger, but he seems very genuine. Besides, she really has no idea where she is, so she agrees and gets into his car.

As they drive towards her apartment, Adam is friendly and open about himself, telling Carly all about his background and his own relationship history. Carly can't help but feel a little smitten by the handsome stranger, especially in contrast to her jerky boyfriend. When he nonchalantly tells her that he was on his way to hang out with a friend, she makes a joke about wishing she could tag along too. The last thing she wants to do is go home right now and deal with James. Adam shrugs his shoulders and tells her she is more than welcome to join them. He'll even take her home afterwards or call her a rideshare. Smiling at him, she bites her lip and agrees. It'll be fun!

Cut to the doorbell ringing. Nathan, Adam's friend, opens the door and is surprised to see Adam standing there with a young woman. The men exchange a quick glance before Adam tells him how he found Carly on the roadside. 'Your boyfriend sounds like an asshole!' Nathan exclaims, extending his hand. Carly laughs and nods, slightly intimidated, as she is invited in.

CUT to the patio. Adam leads Carly outside while Nathan stays in to grab some beverages. The sun is starting to go down and the view in the back is beautiful. Carly looks around in awe while Adam tells her about how he and Nathan met in college. They played football together and were in the same fraternity. Now they are business partners. Audio-visual equipment. High-end stuff. Lots of celebrity clients. Carly imagines how successful they must be, given the size of Nathan's house. 'Is he married?' She asks. Adam shakes his head. 'Nah ... Lifelong bachelor,' he replies. Suddenly, Nathan bursts through the back door holding a camera and pointing it at the duo. 'Say Cheese!' He jokes. From the camera's POV, we hear him brag about the new model they just got in and how beautiful the picture quality is. Adam walks over, out of frame, to check it out and the friends ogle the tech specs while the camera secretly zooms in on Carly. She stays awkwardly by the patio edge, occasionally making eye contact with the camera and fidgeting. Nathan jokes and tells Carly to smile ... she looks so pretty with the view behind her! Not wanting to be rude, she pushes a smile and even makes some bad modeling poses to play along with the boys. 'You're not actually recording that, are you?' She jokes, half-serious. Nathan puts down the camera and says of course not. He tells them their cocktails are ready inside.

The trio sit down in the living room and Carly nervously sips her beverage. She is starting to think that maybe she should just go home and deal with her boyfriend after all. Nathan continues to tinker with his camera, while Adam tells him more details about what happened to Carly. 'Do you want us to go beat him up?' Nathan jokes. Carly tells him that he's sweet. James probably deserves it after the way he acted ... but, she doesn't need them to do that. She can handle it herself. Adam starts to rant about how shitty men can be, how disrespectful and rude they are. Women should be treated like goddesses ... not like pieces of trash you leave on the roadside. Nathan chimes in, adding that Carly should at least consider some kind of payback. After all, the jerk should feel bad for what he's done. What if she had been attacked out there? 'The neighborhood he left you in,' Adam adds. 'Is notorious for violent crime, especially against women!' Carly didn't realize that, and the weight of what James did to her slowly begins to sink in. 'It is really shitty that he didn't even try to look for me,' she mutters. Nathan and Adam move closer to her on either side of the couch. 'So, what do you think you're going to do?' Adam asks. 'It needs to be something that really pisses him off!' Nathan adds. Carly looks up at them, as they invade her personal space with their questions. 'I don't know,' she replies meekly. The men continue to pepper her with questions: What makes him mad? Does he get jealous easily? Maybe, the best revenge she could take is to make him jealous. Make him wish he hadn't been such a pussy and just married her like she wanted. They get Carly riled up to a point where she is agreeing with them. It would be satisfying to see him suffer a little. Nathan motions to his camera. 'I bet he'd freak out if he saw you with us,' he suggests. Carly looks down at it. 'Probably ...' she trails off. 'Hey, let's take some photos and send them to him,' Adam adds. 'I have a blocked number!' Before Carly can say anything, Nathan is snapping photos of Adam and Carly on the couch. 'Sit on his lap!' Nathan says, laughing. Carly hesitates before Adam encourages her to climb on. He is laughing too. She swallows hard before deciding to just do it and slides onto his lap. She can feel the bulge in his pants as they pose together for Nathan. The man sits down beside them and takes a few more intimate photos before joining in on a selfie. 'Now, kiss me,' Adam says. Carly hesitates again. 'I think we've got enough good photos already!' Nathan pushes her head towards his friend and reminds her that she needs to make her boyfriend jealous. Really jealous. Make it convincing. She reluctantly agrees to give Adam a kiss, while Nathan puts the camera on a tripod and moves into join them. 'Say cheese!' He says again before asking permission to take her clothes off. She looks into the camera lens blankly before turning back to him. 'Like ... do you mean, have sex with me?' She asks nervously. Nathan smiles. 'Nothing feels worse than when your girl steps out on you,' he says, his voice changing in tone. 'So, if you want to prove your point, you'll let us fuck you and you'll enjoy every moment of it for the camera!' Carly looks into the lens one final time before slowly agreeing to have sex with them. After all, James shouldn't have left her. He should have come back. This is all his fault.

India Summer に 'Love Junkies Scene 3'

India Summer - Love Junkies Scene 3

No description available at the moment. Please check back soon.

India Summer に 'Show Me The Yoni'

India Summer - Show Me The Yoni

Busty blonde MILF India Summer is on a journey of self-discovery and Keiran Lee is the only man who can help her on this spiritual endeavor. Massaging India's big tits as he fingers her wet pussy until she's squirting all over the floor is but the first step in her sexual awakening. But once his thick cock is out in the open, India needs to feel it inside her mouth, licking is, sucking it, toying with it all while Keiran continues to pleasure her with his hands. But enough is enough! This blonde beauty starts deepthroating Keiran's cock to the balls because the only thing she wants in this plane of existence is to have her pussy filled and pounded by that massive dick!

Cadence Lux に 'Bush League 11'

Cadence Lux - Bush League 11

Cadence Lux has a massive mound and wants dick. Eric Masterson is more than happy to give it to her, but not before he gets himself some of that fur burger.

India Summer に 'Dicked Down In Detention'

India Summer - Dicked Down In Detention

Remember shooting spitballs at the blackboard back in high school? Me neither, but these two khaki wearing guys are heavy into the spitballing game. That must be why they got detention. Lucky for them, it is with their hot teacher, India Summer. She has some rules, the most important being do not bother her. They cannot seem to follow those simple directions, which gets them on Ms. Summers bad side. As punishment, she makes one of her students take off his pants. She is impressed by his sizable wood, and proceeds to fondle this young stud into a fully erect frenzy. Her other student pretends to sleep at his desk while filming Ms. Summer slurp and gobble that curvey cock. Then, she gets down on the floor and takes that meaty meter stick from behind. Her pantyhose stays on while she gets dicked down by her student until he delivers his dissertation into her eager mouth. How did your high school experience compare?

India Summer に 'Caught by the Cop'

India Summer - Caught by the Cop

Reagan Foxx is at home reading a book when she gets a knock at the door. Officer India Summer has arrested Reagan's stepdaughter, Amilia Onyx, and asks if she can come in. Amilia has been caught spray-painting the school. Reagan assures India that she'll ground her stepdaughter and make sure she never does it again. The thing is, this is the second time India has arrested her and it's pretty clear that grounding her is not going to cut it. Reagan retorts that perhaps she could take her phone away and see if that works but India says that's not good enough either. She asks Reagan bluntly if she's ever considered spanking her daughter, Reagan says she's way too old for that. India isn't so sure and tells Reagan to pull Amilia's pants down and give her ass a good slapping. Reagan refuses at first until India tells her it's either that or she's dragging Amilia to jail. When Amilia lies down on Reagan's knees, she lightly spanks her behind. India reminds her that she asked for some skin and tells her to take off Amilia's jeans. India is reluctant to spank her stepdaughter but the more India protests, the harder her hands come down. With every motion, Amilia's ass cheeks get redder and redder. India keeps barking orders at Reagan while she begins playing with her pussy. When Reagan asks her what she's doing, both Amilia and India tell her to stop talking and focus on the task at hand. India cums in Amilia's mouth almost immediately and the girls decide to seduce Reagan, who's been a reluctant participant so far. She's been slowly warming up to the idea but is too shy to say anything. When India assures her that her participation will guarantee Amilia's freedom, she's all in!

India Summer に 'The Puppeteer - Part 2: Secrets and Revelations'

India Summer - The Puppeteer - Part 2: Secrets and Revelations

After Hannah's patient, Ethan, shares some revealing journals about his obsession with her, she confides in him one of her own dark secrets. She holds the winning lottery ticket for the $900 million jackpot but is terrified that her husband might try to claim it as his own, or worse, kill her if he finds out! Vulnerable and afraid for her safety, Hannah seeks comfort in Ethan's strong arms and the two lose themselves in one another right there in her therapy office. Under the care of a much more experienced, older woman, Ethan can't control his raging hard-on, fucking his therapist with the pent-up frustration he's felt for years. Finally he's got the pussy he's always dreamt of - and as he fucks his frustration out on her little hole, he quickly brings them to a very well deserved climax.

Cadence Lux に 'Rich Couple's BDSM Fetish'

Cadence Lux - Rich Couple's BDSM Fetish

Cadence Lux just wants to be used like a fucktoy and Alex Legend is just the guy to make her BDSM fantasies come true! With her arms tied behind her back, a gag in her mouth and Alex's big dick pounding her tight, little pussy, this blonde cutie is taking it all!

India Summer に 'Large Phallus Fascination'

India Summer - Large Phallus Fascination

Hot MILF India Summers is all excited by big cocks! She can't resist putting a massive dick in her mouth and sucking it deeply. And of course, she knows how to make it cum!

Cadence Lux に 'Big BBC Surprise For My BF'

Cadence Lux - Big BBC Surprise For My BF

Cadence has been attending a business seminar in the city and now she's just stuck in her room seeking out some fun. Lucky for her, she gets just that in the form of a hot guy in the hotel - and her boyfriend is waiting at the other end of the phone for all the details.

India Summer に '- Cuckold Sessions - Scene 2'

India Summer - Cuckold Sessions

When we first encountered Dr. India Summer, she was counseling Kira Noir, a young woman confused with her sexuality. Since Dr. Summer specializes in sexual issues, it's no surprise we find her in session with 'Fluffy Slave'. You witnessed Fluffy's drama right here, when his girlfriend, Carolina, cheated on him with Daizy and Rob! Fluffy can't figure out if he should be pissed off at his girl...or if it turns him on! Fluffy's little dick gets stiff since he witnessed, first hand, his girl working a BBC. Dr. Summer delivers her diagnosis almost immediately: Fluffy is a cuckold, and it's time for him to be officially indoctrinated into the lifestyle! Dr. Summer's first act is to cage his little pee-pee; only real men get to cum today! Then Dr. Summer marches out her associate, Dr. Davin King. He's the true definition of a Bull, from his chiseled muscles to his huge, uncut slab of black meat. It's time for Fluffy to witness how a real man works a woman, and when Davin's finished, there's a large load of cum dripping from India's sweet pussy. Which means it's time for the final lesson in today's indoctrination: clean up! After this Cuckold Session wraps, Fluffy knows his true place in the world!

Chloe Foster に 'The Mommy Trap'

Chloe Foster - The Mommy Trap

Chloe Foster is in her room studying when her step-mother, India Summer, knocks on her door. Chloe has something to tell India but is having trouble expressing herself. She's noticed that India hasn't been holding regular hours, often coming home really late and spending a lot of time on her phone. When India isn't sure where Chloe is going with this, she asks her what's really the matter. When Chloe asks her plainly if she's been cheating on her mom, India tells her she's being ridiculous. She's been working long hours and has been spending more time at the office. When India asks her if she believes her she says she does. But the truth is, Chloe has a feeling she's lying. She's still suspicious and is gonna get to the bottom of this. She enlists the help of her friend Jane Wilde and they cook up a scheme that's sure to ensnare that cheating step-mom of hers. When Jane shows up at the house unannounced, she comes in all guns blazing. By the time she introduces herself to India, the trap is set. When Jane bends down, she exposes her pussy and India can't help but look at it. When Jane tells her that she would love to get to know India more, she convinces her to come upstairs to Chloe's bedroom. It doesn't take long for Jane to seduce her. When Chloe sneaks in midway and swaps with Jane, she finally gets a taste of her step-mom's pussy. India cums and turns around to find Chloe sitting next to Jane. She can't believe her step-daughter would do this to her! But when Chloe admits to eating her pussy, India has to admit that she loved it when her step-daughter went down on her and can't wait for her to do it again.

India Summer に 'Sibling Reverie'

India Summer - Sibling Reverie

After a rough marriage that estranged her from her family and an even rougher divorce. India has been spending her free time exploring her own body and finding out her secret desires. There's one thing that has piqued her interest, but she hasn't been able to. She decides to reach out and make amends with her step-brother, in the most intimate way possible.

Cadence Lux に 'Office Orgasms'

Cadence Lux - Office Orgasms

It's been three long years and Cadence Lux has paid her dues, worked hard, kept her nose to the grindstone, and now it's time to reap the rewards of her labor: today is the day she's going to fuck her boss! Making sure to wear a low-cut shirt that shows off her perky tits, Cadence's meeting with her boss goes smoothly enough, and he even offers her a raise...but it's his raised cock she's after! Not one to walk away empty handed, Cadence grabs herself a handful of dick and shows her boss why he should've promoted her three years ago!

India Summer に 'Mom's Breast Advice'

India Summer - Mom's Breast Advice

As Scarlett Sage plays with her phone online, she can't help but notice how big breasted all the women are. When her stepmom, India Summer, walks into her room and asks her what she's up to, she confesses that she's feeling bummed out. She asks her to elaborate and she tells her that she wished she had bigger breasts and that she's seriously considering getting a boob job. India tells her that her breasts look fine; hers are just as small. She takes off her shirt and tells Scarlett to remove hers as well so they can compare. 1, 2, 3 and the bras are off! Scarlett can't help but admire India's breast and says that they're beautiful. The girls admire each other's breasts as they touch and squeeze them. When India asks her stepdaughter why she's concerned about her breasts all of the sudden, Scarlett starts blushing, saying she has a crush on a girl. India's intrigued and she sits closer to her. Scarlett describes how perfect and juicy her crush's tits look. She can't help but get turned on. When her stepmother volunteers to teach her some tricks, Scarlett is intrigued. India confesses to having had several girlfriends in college and Scarlett's all in! Scarlett tells her she's nervous and wants to get it right but India tells her she has nothing to worry about, she's in good hands. As they kiss, Scarlett realizes that she can learn a lot from a lesbian with so much experience. When she eases her way into it, she ends up having the time of her life.

India Summer に 'My Stepmom'

India Summer - My Stepmom

Kevin Moore's POV footage shows longhaired, leggy MILF India Summer -- his stepmom -- in revealing skirts and stilettos as he describes his habit of perving on her. She catches him spying her naked form in the bathroom, dick in hand, and angrily threatens him, but he peer pressures her with incriminating photos. India makes dark-eyed contact with the camera in a POV-style blow job as she tells 'you' what a filthy, little pervert stepson you are. Stroking, slurping, licking balls, India orders you not to cum on her. The wicked stepmom teases you with spread, shaved pussy you'll never get. Cum suddenly slops her face. 'You are so grounded,' fumes India. 'Take your photos and go fuck yourself.'

India Summer に 'The Fosters'

India Summer - The Fosters

18 Year Old Shy Girl is Fostered and Fucked by Overbearing Parents

SCENE OPENS on Jamie, an 18-year-old girl with a troubled past. Abandoned by a drug addicted mother when she was very young, the teenager has spent most of her life bouncing between orphanages, juvenile detention centers, and the street. She is very introverted and socially challenged, barely able to look someone in the eye when she speaks.

Out of concern, her social worker has reached out to a church program that helps integrate high risk young women into adulthood. Seated on the couch beside two parental volunteers, 'Daddy' Ron and 'Mama' Mary Foster, the social worker explains Jamie's case while they study the shy girl with great compassion. She stares at her feet awkwardly, not knowing how to react with a real family. The Fosters reassure her that they will look after her just like real parents, even joking how much they live up to their family's last name.

When the social worker seems satisfied and says goodbye, Jamie looks up for the first time, silently longing for her not to leave. Daddy Ron escorts the social worker out and Mary leans in to put her arm around Jamie. 'It'll be just fine, sweetheart!' She coos. Jamie slowly nods and pushes a smile. Daddy Ron comes back into the room and sits down, tapping his knee. 'Now you be a good girl,' he says. 'And come sit on my lap!' Jamie slowly turns her head and looks at him in surprise.


The next day. Jamie sits at the kitchen table, peeling potatoes, while Mama Mary cooks behind her. The woman is lecturing her about the family and their history with foster daughters. Life is easy going but, also, strict. There are chores to do, appointments to keep, and a firm commitment to their faith. Church four times a week, twice on Sundays, and daily bible readings. Jamie nods absently, as she struggles with the potatoes. Daddy Ron comes home from work and greets his wife with a big kiss. As they embrace, Jamie catches the man pinching his wife's behind and she blushes red. She isn't used to such intimacy. Mama tells him that dinner will be ready shortly and Daddy Ron excuses himself to freshen up. They will do their bible study after dinner.

CUT to the living room, in front of a roaring fireplace. Mama Mary is listening, eyes closed and swaying, while Daddy Ron reads a passage from the Bible. Jamie is sitting on his lap again, looking terribly awkward.

Colossians 3:20 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God.

Daddy Ron finishes and asks his foster daughter what she thought the moral of the passage was. Jamie doesn't say anything. Mama instructs her to be respectful and respond. Jamie looks up at Daddy Ron and mumbles something about needing to obey your parents. Mama kisses her on the forehead proudly while Daddy smiles on. 'Time for bed,' he says to his family.

CUT to the middle of the night. The camera opens on an ECU of Jamie's face as she slowly wakes up. She lays on a small mattress at the foot of her foster parents' bed. As her eyes flutter open, the camera leans out to reveal Daddy Ron and Mama Mary fucking on all fours on the bed above her. They don't realize she is awake and she overhears them dirty talking about her. She lays, eyes peeled and nervous, as they fuck inches from her for a few intense minutes before she closes her eyes again to try and drift off.

CUT to several hours later. Jamie is screaming as Mama wakes her up. Startled and sweaty, the girl looks up to see the foster mother very concerned. 'You were having a nightmare, sweetheart!' She says, clutching her tightly. Jamie can't remember if what she saw a few hours earlier was just a dream. 'I'm scared ... can I stay with you?' she asks. Mama suggests she share the bed with her new parents. When she pulls back the covers to tuck Jamie in, Mama exposes Daddy Ron. He is lying on his back naked, with a half-erect penis, staring calmly at Jamie. She averts her eyes nervously and lays down close to Mama. There is a long silence.

'Do you want to know what I do when I'm scared?' Mama says quietly. Jamie shakes her head no. 'I cuddle up to Daddy Ron ... like this!' She puts her arms around both Jamie and Ron and pulls them all together to create a family sandwich. Jamie can feel Ron's penis brush up against her leg and it makes her feel very funny. She takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. 'Daddy is big, isn't he?' Mama continues, smiling. 'You should touch it and see how big it can get!' Jamie doesn't know what to do. She is incredibly nervous but also strangely turned on. She has never been so close to anyone before and looks deep into her foster mother's eyes before slowly nodding. She reaches her hand down and wraps it around Ron's shaft. Mamma kisses her forehead and looks over at Daddy Ron, smiling, before putting her own hand down and wrapping it over Jamie's. Together, the women slowly jerk him off. Jamie's breath quickens as she gets excited, wedged between the couple. Sensing her new daughter's quiet enthusiasm, Mama then instructs them both to perform fellatio on him. After all, the Fosters believe in traditional family values where the man of the house deserves to be taken care of. BGG sex scene. Throughout the sex, Jamie is shell-shocked but consents to everything her foster mother asks her to do, wanting to please the overbearing parental volunteers and not being able to explain her own sexual curiosities. Daddy Ron ultimately cums on her stomach, as Mama sucks it up and spits it back into Jamie's mouth like a baby bird.

After they have finished, the parents put Jamie in between them. They say a prayer and turn off the light. As they drift off, Jamie stares up at the ceiling ... her eyes peeled. The shy, introverted girl has begun a new life.

India Summer に 'Bossy Threesome'

India Summer - Bossy Threesome

Asian cutie Jade Kush does whatever her boss India Summer says, even if it means sharing her boyfriend for a hot, interracial threesome! With India's MILF pussy getting pounded one second and Jade's juicy booty out on display, everyone's working overtime!

India Summer に 'Becoming Elsa'

India Summer - Becoming Elsa

India is sunbathing naked on the balcony. Elsa, in her room, has a good view of the older woman's ravishing body. She loves everything about India: she likes her curves, she likes her breasts and her well groomed pussy. Just thinking of using her finger to caress this gorgeous body makes her wet. Elsa's never been with a woman before, never had sex with anyone. Thinking of having her first experience with an older woman leaves her nipples pebbled with arousal. She is looking at India's body through the window and she starts caressing herself. Lost in the moment, she doesn't realize that Charlotte is staring at her. She waits a little longer, enjoying Elsa's quiet moans for India. Once again, she startles Elsa when at last she decides to disturb her in this intimate moment. Charlotte doesn't understand why Elsa hasn't made a move on India already. Unfortunately, Elsa doesn't have the confidence, courage, or drive that Charlotte has. She wishes she did, but she's not Charlotte. Disappointed and about to give up, she asks Charlotte to help. Charlotte promises to do everything she can to help her new friend.India is alone in her room listening to some old vinyl when Elsa knocks at the door. She asks India if she may enter. India invites her to sit beside her on the bed. India offers to rub some lotion on Elsa's legs. Elsa agrees and allows India to caress her leg. She finds, unsurprisingly, that likes India's touch; she likes feeling India's finger between her thighs. Elsa's heartbeat speeds up, her whole body gets warmer, and when she can't resist anymore she moves in and kisses India. Surprised, India doesn't say a word and looks smolderingly at Elsa. Elsa looks away, not sure she did the right thing, but India interrupts her thoughts by returning her kiss. During this ardent kiss, Charlotte arrives and slides her hands inside India's shirt and begins caressing her supple breasts. Together, Elsa and Charlotte will pleasure India the way she truly deserves. Slowly, as this magical moment unfolds, Elsa finally becomes her true self, claiming her sexual desires; with confidence during this searing, intimate moment between herself and India, she is at last becoming Elsa.

India Summer に 'and Kira Noir - Zebra Girls'

India Summer - Zebra Girls

Kira Noir is confused. Really confused. She loves her boyfriend and all, but lately she's been having a hard time keeping her mind off girls. She sees them everywhere: in the locker room in her community college; staring at them in her local coffeeshop; and, of course, checking them out in class. It might be time to share this with her therapist, Dr. India Summer. Kira has been seeing Dr. Summer for a few years now, so she's totally comfortable telling Dr. Summer all her secrets. Except one, maybe...for a while Kira's been thinking about Dr. Summer. In ways most would consider 'inappropriate'. However, Dr. Summer doesn't think it's inappropriate; in fact, Dr. Summer is going to respond by doing something almost all of us think is inappropriate. Dr. Summer is going to seduce a woman half her age! Right on her therapist's couch!! 'Is it ok to admit I'm nervous being with a woman who's twice my age?' Kira asks, right before running her tongue up India's sweet pussy? This is one hot therapy session, ending in an explosive, simultaneous orgasm! Oh...and Kira booking an appointment for next week!

India Summer に 'My Daughter's Failing Grades'

India Summer - My Daughter's Failing Grades

Reena Sky is concerned about her student, Elena Koshka. She is so concerned that she called her and her stepmother, India Summer, in for a private meeting. Despite Elena being punctual, she's failing her class. As Reena gets ready to get into specifics of why she thinks her student is doing poorly, India cuts her off and asks her if she wears clothes like that every time she teaches. Reena can't see how this is relevant but India motions her to let her finish. Her stepdaughter is actually a lesbian and when she is looking at her teacher wearing a low-cut shirt like that, it's pretty clear that it's distracting enough for her not to be able to focus. What's worse is that she actually moved her to the front of the class and all she wants to do is fuck her teacher. What was Reena thinking?! India has her suspicions and offers the teacher an ultimatum: she could fuck her stepdaughter since it's pretty clear that's what she's wanted all along or Elena is going to take her stepdaughter and march down to the principal's office and report her. Reena denies everything, saying that simply isn't true but Elena knows a lesbian when she sees one and stands her ground. Fuck or get fired, what's it's gonna be? Reena hesitates for a moment as India, who's now standing behind Reena, motions for her stepdaughter to come close. She instructs her to kiss her teacher and she complies. She takes off her dress as the teacher and student make out with each other. She knew she could smooth things over and with a fuck session set in motion, her stepdaughter's grades and future are now assured.

AJ Applegate に 'The Squirting Contest'

AJ Applegate - The Squirting Contest

Cadence Lux and AJ Applegate are looking sexy as fuck sitting next to each other on their bed. When they turn the camera on, they introduce themselves and tell their viewers how they're going to win the squirting contest. Armed with two large jars, the girls are going to try and fill them up with their juices. Cadence volunteers to go first as she strips down and starts making out with AJ. She lies down as AJ starts playing with her pussy. Not a moment passes before she starts squirting all over the place. They even manage to get some cum in the jar! As AJ shoves her fingers deeper into Cadence's pussy, she starts playing with her g-spot and has her squirting in no time at all. It's Aj's turn as she takes off her dress and shoves 3 fingers deep into her pussy. It doesn't take long before she sprays her warm juices all over the bed. The girls put the jars away and get down to business. As Aj gets on all fours, Cadence puts her tongue in her ass and makes her cum almost immediately. Cadence lies down and lets AJ savor her wet pussy. She grinds her mouth as she spreads her pussy juices over her face. As she starts squirting, Aj opens her mouth making to get as much of her cum inside of her. She laps up the rest ravenously as she licks her inner thigh and pussy making sure not to leave a drop behind. By the time the girls are done with each other, there isn't a spot on the bed that's not soaking wet!

India Summer に 'Trailer Park Taboo - Part 2: We are our Choices'

India Summer - Trailer Park Taboo - Part 2: We are our Choices

Winner XBIZ Best Sex Scene -- Feature Movie

Scene opens to Tommy Pistol relieving himself and zipping up. When he turns around, he asks India Summer where the car is. He needs to go buy some cigarettes. Kenzie Reeves enters the scene and greets the two as she sits down. When India reminds him that Jack (Small Hands) took the car to school, Tommy starts getting angry. He says that Tommy needs to stop wasting his time in school and get a job. When India retorts that his daughter's not working either, he reminds her that she's a tight little hottie who can sell her ass if need be.

Jack comes back from school and greets everyone. Tommy tells him that he better have filled the gas tank or he's gonna be sorry. Jack gives him a dirty look and kisses his mother on the check. Kenzie is ecstatic that her stepbrother is back as she grills him with questions. When he replies that she knew he was at school, she tells him she spotted a moving truck in the neighborhood and stole some brand new pillows from the back just for him. He shakes his head in disbelief and starts yelling at her that he didn't want her doing that. When he walks away from her in disgust, Kenzie realizes that she needs to regain control. She's losing him. She tells the family to gather around as she has some big news to share. When her parents ask her what it could possibly, Jack just looks on wondering what plan she's hatched now. Much to Jack's horror, she tells her family that she's pregnant. When her parents ask her who the father is, she looks at Jack and adds that it's someone special. Jack interrupts them asking Kenzie if he could talk to her inside adding that he would like to see those pillows she stole for them. With Jack and Kenzie gone, Tommy tells India that they should celebrate. He pulls her close and kisses her face. She asks him what he has in mind; he pulls her shirt up and starts sucking on her tits. When he pulls her pants down, he sticks his tongue right in her ass as she demands he shove it in deeper.

Back inside the house, Jack is furious with Kenzie. He can't believe she would pull a stunt like that. He thought her getting pregnant was impossible; she was on the pill for fuck's sake! Kenzie tells him it's a miracle and now they can finally be a family. He yells, asking if she realizes that she's clearly lost her fucking mind. They are on the brink of poverty and the last thing they need is another mouth to feed. When she tells him she's keeping the baby, he gets so angry that he slaps her in the face. When she screams for him to do it again, he storms out of the house and slams the door behind him. Kenzie is left on the bed all alone collecting her tears.

Jack gets into the car and turns on the ignition but it won't start. He slams the steering wheel and screams. When he gets out of the car, the punches the hood in frustration. He has no idea how he's going to get out of this. Trying to collect his thoughts, he paces back and forth. He sits back down in the car and pulls the seat back so he can lie down. He stares out into a starless sky and tries to find a way out of this nightmare.

Scene opens to early morning sunshine as Jack waits pensively. When he sees Joanna walking towards him, his face lights up for the first time in awhile. He kisses and thanks her for meeting him so early as she hands him a coffee. Back home, Kenzie walks out the trailer and closes the door behind her. As she gets on her bike, it's clear that she's on her way to look for Jack. She bikes through her neighborhood, looking around to see if she can spot her stepbrother. As Jack and Joanna chat on the park bench, Kenzie spots them from a distance and starts crying. She can't believe her brother would do this to her. She doesn't care who this bimbo is, no one is going to destroy the special relationship she has with Jack. When she goes to confront them, she tells Jack that he needs to come back home and give mom her car keys. Jack knows what kind of game Kenzie is playing but has to play it cool. He's very aware that she could ruin everything if she decides to tell Joanna about their relationship. When Kenzie invites Joanna over to the house, she's hoping that when she sees that Jack is white trash, she can count on her leaving their lives forever - and Kenzie can have her brother all to herself.

Scene opens with Kenzie back home going through her makeup bag again. She pulls out her pregnancy kit and prays to God that she's pregnant. She knows that once Jack sees their child he'll get rid of the bimbo and be Kenzie's forever. All she has to do now is test positive and have his baby. She sits down and waits for the results as she prays for a miracle. When the time elapses, it seems that God didn't answer her prayers because it's still negative. She smashes the kit on the floor and storms out of the house. When she finds her mother outside, she takes a cigarette out of her pack and lights it. Her mother tells her that she shouldn't be smoking, it's bad for the baby. Kenzie confesses that the kit indicated that she wasn't pregnant. She begs her mother to keep this a secret from Jack and her dad. India flat out asks her if she's just trying to get pregnant to keep a man; she explains that that didn't work with Jack's father, and it ain't gonna work here. The trick is to look and stay pretty. When Kenzie confesses that she hasn't felt pretty in a long time, India kisses her stepdaughter on the mouth, promising she'll make it all better.

India Summer に '- Blacks On Blondes'

India Summer - Blacks On Blondes

India Summer has been a brunette her entire life. You know this. But lately she's been having her doubts. India knows some of the myths are just that -- myths: men 'settle' with brunettes; brunette's look older; brunettes are boring; brunettes are more responsible. But India's always wondered what it's like to be a blonde, so why not? Besides, she's a black cock slut, and in all the years of being a porn start, there's one site she's dreamed about: Blacks on Blondes. Not blacks on brunettes! So here she is, a blonde, and, as always, ready to tackle the biggest, blackest Bulls. India Summer is a Size Queen, so she's going to take two of our biggest Bulls and work their nuts until they explode all over her beautiful, blonde body!

India Summer に 'Double Pleasure'

India Summer - Double Pleasure

Elsa, still tingling with the enchantment of last night's kiss, remembers the inside of India's mouth, the pressure of the other's tongue against her own, the taste of her lips and the heat of her breath against her own skin. She couldn't ask for a better first kiss; before last night, she felt like she was alone in L.A., but now she's found someone she can talk to, laugh with, and maybe someone who can love her. In the other room, India is cuddling in her bed with her long-time lover Brianna (Cherie DeVille). The two meet secretly once a week. They use this intimate time to talk about their life but also to please each other. Brianna gently caresses India's legs with her fingertips as India voices her concern for her new tenant, Elsa. Brianna smiles, recognizing her lover's big heart. Brianna moves forward and gently kisses her. India positions her leg between Brianna's thighs. Brianna begins rubbing her pussy slowly against India's proffered leg. As their need for each other increases so does the volume of their cries, piquing Elsa's attention in the other room. She quietly moves to the wall and presses her ear against it. Now she can hear their stifled moaning through the wall. With all of her attention on their passion she doesn't hear the new person entering her room. And so she meets Charlotte (Charlotte Stokely). This beautiful blond startles her when she catches her eavesdropping on her favorite couple. Elsa quickly turns her attention to the stranger in her room. She's surprised to see a new girl, a stranger she's never met before standing before her. Charlotte asks Elsa if she missed the show, if India and Brianna have had sex yet. Luckily for her they've only just begun. She lies down on Elsa's bed and asks Elsa to lie beside her. Elsa doesn't fully understand what's happening, but she's curious to find out. Something about this intruder seems familiar. Elsa lies down beside her as they listen to the sound of India and Brianna's passionate lovemaking. Slowly, a curious Elsa and the beautiful stranger ramp up the intimacy when Elsa notices that her new friend is masturbating. Elsa gets aroused by the scene and joins her. These two beautiful blond girls masturbating side-by-side to the sound of India eating Brianna's pussy is a dream come true. They are both engaged in intense fantasies of caressing India's breasts or tasting her wet pussy.

Cadence Lux に 'Bisexual Fantasies'

Cadence Lux - Bisexual Fantasies

Kinky blonde Cadence Lux goes to the kitchen and discovers her straight male roommates, Sebastian Keys and Lance Hart, kissing and stroking each other's huge cock through their tight briefs! Cadence interrupts the bisexual fling and suggests a threesome. She sucks both big dicks. Sebastian and Lance swap oral duties, fucking Cadence, slurping her sweet snatch and licking her juices from each other's meat. She helps the boys lap up two creamy loads of sperm.

India Summer に 'No Boys Allowed'

India Summer - No Boys Allowed

Wanting to show her daughter that her 'new' college boyfriend is just a passing fade, India starts seducing the young man and he quickly turns his attention from the daughter to the mother for a wicked session between the sheets. Mother was right, but now she wants to keep him for her own personal boy-toy, leaving her poor daughter out in the cold--sexually speaking

Cadence Lux に 'Squirting Surprise'

Cadence Lux - Squirting Surprise

Cadence Lux is having trouble in her love life. She's been on several dates and has had sex with some of the guys but can't seem to orgasm. When she vents to her friend, Lena Paul, about this, Lena just laughs it off explaining that Cadence knows how she feels about men's inability to make women cum and that she shouldn't be so hard on herself. Lena suggests that if she wants to learn how to cum she's gonna have to do that on her own and not rely on some guy for the pleasure she's seeking. She suggests she come over and pick up some toys so she can explore her sexuality. Cadence knows Lena is a lesbian and asks her if this is just a ploy to get her naked. Lena laughs it off, assuring her that she just wants to her help. Cadence complies and heads over to her place. The girls are sitting in the living room when Lena pulls out the biggest vibrator Cadence has ever seen. She shows her how she applies it to her pussy and turns it on. Cadence feels awkward as she watches her friend practically get off in front of her. Lena turns it off as she's just about to cum. She hands it over to Cadence and tells her it's her turn, adding that it's probably best she take her clothes off. Cadence protests immediately, reminding Lena that she's not a lesbian. Lena tells her this isn't about seducing her as much as it is about removing all the encumbrances. When Cadence is unsuccessful in cumming, Lena takes off all her clothes, take the vibrator from her and shows her how it's done. Within minutes she's squirting all over the place. Cadence can't believe her eyes and wants desperately to cum. When Lena volunteers to help, Cadence can't say no, she wants to cum and will do anything to make that happen.

Ariana Marie に 'My Stepdaughter's Boyfriend'

Ariana Marie - My Stepdaughter's Boyfriend

When Ariana's stepmother, India, catches her having phone sex with her boyfriend, Xander, India decides that Ariana needs to be punished. This horny housewife can't keep her hands off Xander and his big, fat, hard cock-- which he willingly gives to both stepmom and stepdaughter!

India Summer に 'Sexual Tension - S7:E10'

India Summer - Sexual Tension - S7:E10

There is plenty of sexual tension between busty housewife India Summer and her stepson Kyle Mason. When Kyle calls for her to make him some food, India takes the opportunity to strut in wearing a sheer robe that barely covers her bra and thong. She touches him plenty, strokes his cock, and then wanders back into the kitchen to make food.Later, India is relaxing and reading a romance novel when she hikes up her miniskirt and slides her hand into her thong to masturbate. Kyle finds her and decides to take his chance, leaning forward to rub his stepmom's clit. Once her initial surprise fades, India knows she can't stop there. She spreads her thighs so Kyle can feast on her landing strip fuck hole, then returns the favor by stroking and deep throating his hard cock. Climbing onto her stepson's hardon, India goes for a wild ride that gets her small boobs jiggling in his face. Then she lets him ride her as he fucks her twat doggy style. When she winds up on her back with one leg held high by Kyle, India can't help but fall apart in her stepson's arms. Pulling out, Kyle groans with appreciation as India strokes him off until he covers her toned belly in jizz.

India Summer に 'The Timeout Chair'

India Summer - The Timeout Chair

When Elena Koshka walks into the house, her stepmother, India Summer, is there to greet her and doesn't look pleased. India is holding a pretty hefty parking ticket in her hand and is about to start raging. She tells her stepdaughter that this is unacceptable behavior and that she's going to have to make up for the damage she's done. When Elena tries to weasel her way out, India pulls up a chair and tells her that it's time for her to learn some discipline. When Elena asks her if she thinks she's gonna ground her like some child, India tells her to shut it. If she wants to act like a child, she'll be disciplined as one, and if she wants to go on her trip to Europe, she's going to do everything her stepmother says. Elena knows that if her father finds out about this, she's toast, so she has no other option but to comply. India sits on the chair and pulls up her skirt. When Elena asks her what she's doing, she reminds her that she doesn't want to hear any lip from the likes of her. India is not wearing underwear and her pussy is exposed, but Elena isn't getting the picture. India points to her pussy, then tells her stepdaughter to eat it. With no other options, Elena gets on her knees and reluctantly starts eating her stepmother out. Before long, Elena starts enjoying herself and savoring that pussy. Perhaps she'll have to misbehave again in order to get a repeat session.

India Summer に 'and Rion King in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

We've all been there: you drink too much at a rager, and the next morning you're late for work and have no idea what you did the night before. What we all might not have done is what India Summer tells her son's friend Rion: that he seduced her and dragged her into the bedroom and told her how he was going to gobble up her pussy and ram his big hard cock into the MILF like he's always wanted to, much to her delight. But, much to her chagrin, he passed out on her. Lucky for him, they're all alone, he already missed work, and his friend's mom is in her lingerie and still rarin' to go for for his dick. Will he bang her?? You bet your ass he will, he OWES her!

Gina Valentina に 'Prude And Prejudice'

Gina Valentina - Prude And Prejudice

Conservative MILF India only wants what's best for her daughter… which is exactly why she doesn't want her hanging around Gina at college! After finding her daughter's secret stash of cigarettes, booze and (gasp!) sex toys, India calls Gina's mother and demands they have a talk. When Gina shows up at India's door herself, the uptight mom tries to have a chat with the bad seed, woman to woman. After Gina pushes India's buttons and calls her a prude (her daughter is in college after all), India sets out to prove that she can be as slutty and wild as women half her age. Will she be able to convince Gina?

Cadence Lux に 'Hottie Cheats On The Phone With BF'

Cadence Lux - Hottie Cheats On The Phone With BF

Cadence Lux is just trying to send naked pictures to her loving boyfriend when in walks her pervy neighbor, and he wants to fuck! After sucking his dick while still on the phone, Cadence pops her tits out and has her pussy stuffed by this another man's cock!

India Summer に 'Flawless Scene 3'

India Summer - Flawless Scene 3

Everyone wants a taste of the good life... In particular, Duchess lusts for a better life for her daughter and herself, and she has her eye on the prize - a jeweler and his private collection. But, so do the circle of thieves around her - the two-timing private pilot, the tattooed girlfriend, the grifter and the ex-con all want a piece of something Flawless.

India Summer に 'Flawless Scene 5'

India Summer - Flawless Scene 5

Everyone wants a taste of the good life... In particular, Duchess lusts for a better life for her daughter and herself, and she has her eye on the prize - a jeweler and his private collection. But, so do the circle of thieves around her - the two-timing private pilot, the tattooed girlfriend, the grifter and the ex-con all want a piece of something Flawless.

India Summer に 'My Girlfriend's Mom Scene 5'

India Summer - My Girlfriend's Mom Scene 5

They're older, wiser and hornier! Five sexy cougars take matters into their own hands and seduce their daughter's boyfriends. Every young man's fantasy cums true in this MILF extravaganza- My Girlfriend's Mom.

India Summer に 'Divorce Will Set You Free'

India Summer - Divorce Will Set You Free

India pulls Jake aside to break the terrible news to him. She's ready to divorce his Dad. Jake is a bit confused, considering his Dad just married India recently. India regales him about all the precious memories - which Jake finds weird because he's been away at college most of the time. India is desperate to keep in touch with him, and hopes that they can continue to see each other. India tells him now that she'll be divorced, they finally can have a bit of fun. Before Jake knows it, India's slobbering all over his hard cock. If divorce sets you free, Jake is more than happy to be giving India that hard dicking she's been craving.

India Summer に 'Hollywood Ending Scene 1'

India Summer - Hollywood Ending Scene 1

Rebecca and Tommy (India Summer and Tommy Pistol) met in acting school and thought they had the perfect life. They made their way up the ladder of success, but the view from the top can change your perspective. Love is put to the test when fame, fortune, and false friends conspire to tear a couple apart who were once everything to each other.

India Summer に 'The Game Scene 2'

India Summer - The Game Scene 2

Four bachelors have made picking up women into a trivial game. Then one night the tables are turned and a sultry stranger named Elyse (India Summer) walks into the bar. Brandon (Ryan Driller) quickly realizes that he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Luckily the night ends well and he is the hero among his friends. Growing tired of the player lifestyle, Brandon starts a relationship with the girl of his dreams. All seems to be moving along perfectly until she takes him home to meet her parents and he suddenly finds himself face to face with Elyse again. This time the cougar isn't as willing to let go and will do anything and everything for a round two with her daughter's new boyfriend.

India Summer に 'The Game Scene 5'

India Summer - The Game Scene 5

Four bachelors have made picking up women into a trivial game. Then one night the tables are turned and a sultry stranger named Elyse (India Summer) walks into the bar. Brandon (Ryan Driller) quickly realizes that he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Luckily the night ends well and he is the hero among his friends. Growing tired of the player lifestyle, Brandon starts a relationship with the girl of his dreams. All seems to be moving along perfectly until she takes him home to meet her parents and he suddenly finds himself face to face with Elyse again. This time the cougar isn't as willing to let go and will do anything and everything for a round two with her daughter's new boyfriend.

India Summer に 'Hold the Moan Part 2'

India Summer - Hold the Moan Part 2

Boss Lady has to get her anger and sexual thirst under control! When her hot new assistant makes a move on her, she can't resist no matter how much trouble she may get into...

Cadence Lux に 'Lesbian Anal Strapon'

Cadence Lux - Lesbian Anal Strapon

Giselle Palmer & Cadence Lux cannot contain their excitement for the pleasure they are about to experience with using a strap-on for anal sex! Get ready for unscripted lesbian sex where Giselle's big booty gets an intense anal pounding. Filled with analingus, tribbing, multiple anal strapon positions finishing with explosive anal orgasms

India Summer に 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

India Summer - Tonight's Girlfriend

It's my first time doing anything like this, and India Summer wants me to role play like I'm auditioning for a porno with her. Let's see if I can do this.

Alex Grey に 'French Anal Sex Domination for Two'

Alex Grey - French Anal Sex Domination for Two

After her amazing afternoon with mr.pascal, Alex has been thinking about him constantly. But because his wife was around all the time, they were never able to hook up. One morning, she receives a text from Mr. Pascal to come over because his wife was out of town. But this time she wasn't going alone.

Cadence Lux に 'Keep Your Mouth Stuffed'

Cadence Lux - Keep Your Mouth Stuffed

In this scene, sweet blonde Cadence Lux is about to have her head fucked deeply! Watch the charming babe have a blast sucking and sticking a big fat cock deep in her throat until she receives fresh cum in her wide open mouth!

Emma Hix に 'Moms Hot Pie'

Emma Hix - Moms Hot Pie

Stunning mom India Summer is cooking up a storm. Her stepson Logan Long finds the pie India has made and decides to have some fun with it. Poking his finger into the crust gives him some ideas. Soon he has pushed his hardon into the soft filling to fuck the pie. India walks in on him in the act. Dropping to her knees she tries to rub the pie off his dick. When she realizes how sticky it is, she sucks Logan's dick, too. Moments later, Logan pulls back and gives his stepmom a facial of cum just in time to run away before his dad walks in the room.Later, Logan's family is eating Thanksgiving dinner with Emma Hix, Logan's girlfriend. Logan is feeling daring, so he reaches beneath India's miniskirt to stroke her slit. She's nice and wet, and Logan's fingers easily slide deep inside. Meanwhile, Emma is in the mood to flirt as well. She reaches her foot out to caress Logan's cock while Logan keeps on finger banging his stepmom.As soon as Emma has an opening when no one is watching her, she slides under the table. Logan pulls his stiffie out, and soon Emma has wrapped her mouth around the tip. Sucking and stroking, she even manages to deep throat Logan's big dick. They almost get away with it, but India gets up to start clearing the table and catches them. When Logan's dad won't discipline the two lovers, India takes matters into her own hands.Whipping Logan's stiffie out once again, India decides to show Emma some better moves than the ones she observed. Soon the two girls are taking turns slurping Logan's cock. Their clothes gradually come off until both girls are nude. Emma's panties are the last to go when Logan helps her up onto the couch to feast on and finger fuck her creamy bald pussy. Meanwhile, India reaches forward to watch Logan and offer plenty of stepmotherly advice.As Emma grows closer to cumming, Logan slides his stiffie deep into her tight sheath while India rubs her clit until she cums. Then, since India has the opportunity, she decides to teach Emma a thing or two about pussy licking. As Logan keeps pounding away at Emma's snatch, India climbs on top of Emma's face so that her landing strip twat is in perfect position. Then she guides Emma through the art of carpet munching until the blonde has earned a passing grade.The girls take a brief break as they take turns sucking Logan off again, but India isn't about to let their lovemaking session finish without getting her rocks off. Getting on her hands and knees, she encourages Logan to deliver a proper pussy pounding. Meanwhile, India continues to make Emma's day as she licks and strokes the blonde's greedy twat.Spooning with his stepmom from behind, Logan keeps up his job as the personal stud of two lovely girls while Emma plays with his balls and tantalizes India's clit. Then India helps Logan to a seated position on the couch and guides Emma down on top of his fuck stick. She gives him a stiffie ride that brings her off yet again. When Logan is about to cum, he fills Emma's pussy with a creampie that India licks out so she can snowball the delicious treat with Emma.

India Summer に 'Teacher and Substitute: Lessons in Lesbian Anal'

India Summer - Teacher and Substitute: Lessons in Lesbian Anal

Teacher, India Summer is a lover of beautiful, all-natural women and substitute teacher Olive Glass is no exception. India decides she needs to give Olive an education in how to be in the classroom and perhaps the bedroom! India seduces Olive and makes out with her, grabbing her perfect ass, needing to taste Olive's body. Olive can't wait any longer and kisses India back with pent-up desire. Their wet pussies tremble as they eat each other out, and then fuck each other's assholes with dildos. Olive cums hard and India is not far behind, losing control in her sex haze.

Cadence Lux に 'Cadence Can't Wait To Tell Her Husband How Toni Fucked Her'

Cadence Lux - Cadence Can't Wait To Tell Her Husband How Toni Fucked Her

Today their will be some hair pulling, light choking, and even a little bondage, all fair game because hotwife Cadence likes it rough!

India Summer に 'and Bambino in Housewife 1 on 1'

India Summer - Housewife 1 on 1

You're going away for a while soon, and your wife India Summer wants to give you a memorable sendoff! Follow her into the bedroom where she's going to show her new friend, the vibrator that's going to make her pussy nice and wet for you. And while she's playing with the sex toy, she knows your big dick is getting good and hard under those pants. After you slap her ass a few times, she'll be ready for you. Your horny wife will suck your dick so good that you'll want to cum before entering her pussy…but DON'T! Because her hot, wet pussy is too inviting to miss. Besides, you're going to want to fuck your wife again and again and again before you're out of town, because there's no pussy in the world that can replace hers!

Adria Rae に 'Competing With Mom'

Adria Rae - Competing With Mom

Adria Rae and her step mom India Summer both have the hots for Damon Dice, the pool boy. When they each realize the other is interested, they rush outside in bikinis to see who can grab his attention first. Grabbing his hand, India drags Damon inside and pulls off his shorts so she can start gobbling his cock. Fortunately for Adria, India is happy to share her new toy. Soon the girls are delivering a double blowjob that gets Damon as hard as a rock.Gradually shucking their bikinis, Adria and India decide to switch things up once they're both naked. India graciously gives Adria the first crack at Damon's dick, helping her to climb aboard and slide down until her creamy snatch is filled to the brim. India is there to help, rubbing Adria's clit. Then she takes her turn riding Damon in reverse cowgirl so that he can admire the jiggle of her ass as she thrusts her hips.Urging Adria up onto her hands and knees, India makes sure her stepdaughter is being properly fucked before pushing the brunette's head between her thighs so that she can learn a lesson about pussy eating. That position hits all of Adria's buttons, and while she is still throbbing in bliss India moves forward so that Damon can keep playing stud in her landing strip snatch. Even as she enjoys her own climax, Damon reaches the brink of his. He pulls out at the last minute to cover India's twat and Adria's waiting mouth with long ropes of jizz.

India Summer に 'An Inconvenient Mistress Scene 6'

India Summer - An Inconvenient Mistress Scene 6

Wicked Pictures brings you “An Inconvenient Mistress”, the latest Brad Armstrong suspense thriller. Ava (jessica drake) is having a torrid affair with one of the city's fastest rising financiers (Ryan Driller). When she overhears him talking about a stock that's going to make him a fortune she decides to get in on the action. Ryan's boss, Mr. Moore (Brad Armstrong) is furious when he hears of her involvement and the possibility of her putting their well-laid plans in jeopardy. Ryan tries to diffuse the situation but it's too late, the Securities Exchange Commission is investigating their Insider Trading and the shit is about to hit the fan. Now Ava's on the run and both the S.E.C. Agent's and Mr. Moore's hired killer are hot on her trail. It's a game of cat and mouse as everything in Ava's life comes crashing down around her. This intriguing look into the dark world of finance will leave you on the edge of your seat until the very last frame. Skillfully written and directed, with incredible performances by drake, Driller, Armstrong and the rest of this amazing cast. An Inconvenient Mistress is sure to be another one of this year's Blockbuster Hits from Wicked Pictures.

Cadence Lux に 'The Art of Pussy Eating: Girls Do It Better'

Cadence Lux - The Art of Pussy Eating: Girls Do It Better

Brett Rossi has relationship problems. Her man can't make her cum. She confides in her best friend Cadence Lux how bad it is. Cadence recounts how bad every guy was at eating her out before she became a lesbian. She counsels her to fuck a girl on the side. Brett tries to envision how and where that would transpire. Cadence takes off her button down and offers to help her out. Brett politely refuses her offer because it sounds too weird. Cadence keeps trying to talk her into it. Finally, Brett permits her to kiss her on the lips. Cadence takes it slow and doesn't want to scare her straight friend, but Brett is very jumpy and unsure. Once Brett is confident she has the kissing part down pat, Cadence tries to figure out what to do next. She helps Brett identify the area of her body that she would like to treat, and they both decide that place should be her vagina. Brett isn't comfortable with Cadence touching her there, but Cadence is awfully persistent. She offers to go down on Brett and swears that a lesbian tongue eliminates all need for a penis. Cadence is really patient with Brett and walks her through every step. She sucks on her nipples, and licks slowly between her legs. Brett understands that girls do it better when Cadence makes her cum. Brett takes what she's learned and tries it on Cadence's pussy. After Cadence cums, Brett attempts to eat her pussy and ass simultaneously. Then, orally fixated Cadence gives Brett's sensitive clit a big finish!

Cadence Lux に 'My Best Friend's Girlfriend'

Cadence Lux - My Best Friend's Girlfriend

Ricky let's his best friend and his girlfriend crash at his house, but when they stop helping around the place leaving dirty dishes and clothing all over to place he decides they've worn out their welcome. Just as Ricky's about to tell them they're going to have help out or find another place, Ricky's best friend's girlfriend changes the game with a wicked shower seduction as he discovers her craving for big, black cock.

India Summer に 'MILF Experience'

India Summer - MILF Experience

India Summer needs her bush trimmed, and you're the right man for the job. And when you show up, she recognizes you as the guy behind her bar who pours her cocktails. But this time around she's the one giving you a blowjob and sex on the beach without the beach. Finish up your gardening in the yard and head in for something to drink. And once you just thought you've cooled down, the horny cougar will heat things up right away by hopping on your dick and riding it to her heart's content. And, like any cougar, she won't stop until she's completely satiated by your big cock. In due time India's going to need her pool cleaned…you had better brush up on your aquatic maintenance so you can service her some time again!

India Summer に 'Mom Cums First'

India Summer - Mom Cums First

Patrick Delphia and his adopted sister can't stop fooling around with each other. Patrick is busy banging his blonde babe of a sister from behind. When they turn over, they barely have time to get their clothes in order before their stepmother India Summer walks in. India sends Kenzie away and Patrick defends himself by saying that Kenzie let him see her boobs which he's never done before. He asks India if he can see her boobs, and she takes pity on him. Eventually she peels off her panties and lets him see her landing strip fuck hole. When he asks to fuck her, she agrees until he cums in her twat with a big creampie.Later when India is chatting with Kenzie, she learns that Patrick has been playing her. She brings Kenzie back into Patrick's room and has her suck her brother's dick. Now that she has established that she's in charge, India gets naked and feasts on Kenzie's pussy. She has Kenzie show off how she rides Patrick's fuck stick, and then she orders Kenzie off of Patrick's dick so that she can take her place. While Patrick fucks India from behind, India eating out Kenzie's snatch. The girls cool down as they suck Patrick off, and then India shows Patrick just how to please Kenzie's greedy bare snatch by fucking her from behind. They turn Kenzie over and put her in the middle with Patrick banging her and india riding her face. Only after both girls have gotten off does India let Patrick cum in a jizz shower all over Kenzie's tits and belly.

Cadence Lux に 'The Science Experiment'

Cadence Lux - The Science Experiment

Teen Cadence Lux is frustrated by her science experiment. She sticks two electrodes to her forehead to record her biofeedback, and inputs different values into the program she designed on her computer, attempting to signal the body to feel a range of emotional responses such as anger, fear and hunger. But her experiment is not producing results, until she drops the pads onto her lap. She retries the experiment on her pelvis and is amazed by the intensity of the electrical impulses surging through the pads, and causing her to orgasm uncontrollably. What Cadence doesn't realize is that her stepmother Mona Wales heard her moaning and came upstairs to watch. When Cadence washes up in the bathroom, Mona sneaks into Cadence's room to try on the electrodes, and she experiences the most powerful orgasm of her life. Cadence comes out the shower in a towel and Mona shamelessly asks her to show her how the device works. Cadence is embarrassed that her stepmother found her science project, and she is even more ashamed when Mona wants to see her try it on herself. Mona takes the lead and applies the electrodes to either side of Cadence's pussy, and Cadence begins to squirm from the current coursing through her sensitive pussy. Mona wants to see if Cadence will respond to extra stimulation, so she licks her clit at the same time. Mona is curious to know how many times the device can make her stepdaughter cum. Cadence is paralyzed with pleasure while her stepmother rubs and licks her pussy. When Mona requests a turn, Cadence reasons that it would be helpful to test her experiment on a specimen other than herself. She applies the pads to Mona's pussy and fingers her wet pussy until she squirts on the bed. Having crossed the lines of propriety already, horny Cadence sits on Mona's face and lets the MILF eat her pussy and make her cum. Then the brilliant teenager reciprocates the pleasuring by rimming Mona's asshole with her skillful tongue. The lesbians try on the electrodes while tribbing and experience orgasmic results once again!

India Summer に 'India's Secret'

India Summer - India's Secret

Young Lily arrives home, ready to come out to her Dad. Unfortunately he's gone on a business trip. Lily's sexy stepmother, India, wants to know how she's doing. India coaxes Lily's secret from her. While seducing the stunning teen out of her clothes India shares her own secret... she craves women too! Now India wants to devour Lily's perky breasts and slick, wet pussy. It will be their little secret.

Cadence Lux に 'and Riley Reyes - Blacks On Blondes'

Cadence Lux - Blacks On Blondes

You're about to witness history. Interracial porn history. We've teamed up two legends who have never worked a scene together: Prince Yashua and Mandingo! Two legendary Bulls who absolutely wreck two white girls forever: Riley Reyes (who makes her Dogfart Network debut) and Cadence Lux. We don't even know where to start here: the hot, girl-girl action? The two little pinks cunts, stretched to their limits? The squirting? The ass-to-mouth action? How about a little creampie eating? Before you start this update, makes sure no one's home, you've got a hour (or so) to watch and re-watch your favorite parts...and get ready to fully understand why the Black Man has no problem taking white women on their command!!

Alison Rey に 'Criminal Passion Part 2'

Alison Rey - Criminal Passion Part 2

The next suspect detective Carter needs to question is the deceased senator's wife Joan (India Summer), but when he's stonewalled as soon as he starts asking questions, things aren't looking good. Lucky for the late senator's wife, her personal assistant Emily (Alison Ray) is on hand to set him straight: she wasn't involved in anything sinister the night before, she was way too busy having passionate MILF'teen lesbian sex in the bathroom of their mansion!

India Summer に 'Hide And Seek'

India Summer - Hide And Seek

India decides to visit her daughter one morning and lets herself in. She peeks into the bedroom where she sees her daughter snoozing with her boyfriend Justin. India likes what she sees: Justin's massive morning wood. The cock-crazy milf sneaks into the bedroom to get a better look at the young man's big, hard cock. Looking soon leads to touching which leads to blowing. They almost get caught when India's daughter wakes up, but once she leaves to make breakfast they're back at it. Sneaky fucking at its finest!

Cadence Lux に 'Cadence Is Wet and Ready'

Cadence Lux - Cadence Is Wet and Ready

Cadence Lux is excited to get started for you guys today and her pussy is wet in anticipation! She gets herself all ready for Small Hands and can't wait to feel his hard cock deep in her mouth. She then begs for him to fuck her hard and can't wait to feel him inside of her! He fucks her hard in all your favorite positions and then gives her a huge load all over her pretty face!

Cadence Lux に 'No More Fairy Tales'

Cadence Lux - No More Fairy Tales

Stepmother Sarah Vandella tucks teen Cadence Lux into bed with a story about the witches of Salem. Cadence fears witches and begs for a fairy tale, but Sarah insists she needs to learn that not all witches are bad, and not all stories are fairy tales. And things in life don't always go the way we want. Cadence is frightened and confused. She asks her mother if a prince will take her virginity. Sarah promises her, all in good time. Sarah coddles her stepdaughter, sorry she scared her with talk about witches. She wants to make her feel better. She tickles Cadence on her private area, gently reminding the teen that, as her stepmother, there are certain things she can teach her. She unhooks Cadence's bra. Then she brushes her hand over the crotch of her panties, pulls them off and kisses her pretty bush. She licks Cadence's clit, sucking the folds of her pussy till she cums for Mommy. Then Cadence puts her mouth onto Sarah's pussy and slurps at it noisily till she makes her cum. Mommy Sarah puts on a purple strapon toy and lubes it up. The teen sits on the toy and bounces up and down, loving how good it feels filling up her virgin pussy. She wiggles her hips riding it to the hilt. Cadence removes the strapon to eat her mother's pussy while sitting on her face. Then Sarah teaches Cadence about tribbing. The teen really comes out of her shell, grinding her pussy then licking her cum off her mom.

India Summer に 'LeWood Gangbang: Battle Of The MILFs 02'

India Summer - LeWood Gangbang: Battle Of The MILFs 02

Stylish, natural MILF India Summer has long legs and shiny, black hair. The friendly, casually dirty-talking beauty is the hot mom next door, if your neighbor loves slutting in five-cock gang bangs! After a luxurious, outdoor striptease, India sucks Ramon Nomar's thick prick and takes a sidesaddle sit-n-slam. Tattooed Tommy Pistol grips her hair for a face fuck. Jon Jon's big black cock makes her cum, whimpering, 'Oh, fuck you!' She loves being choked as she's porked. Ms. Summer rides T. Stone and gives blushing head to Mark Wood. Five dicks slap her face in a sweaty circle-suck. The MILF takes serial anal rides, with ass-to-mouth cocksucking. Triple-penetration satisfies her best! T. Stone gives India a cum moustache; Tommy's cream overflows from her mouth; Jon Jon splashes her face; Ramon facials her with thick, heavy globs; Mark's load tops her off -- messy semen cascades over her tits. Marathon scene runs over 70 minutes!

India Summer に 'India Summer's Recorded Live feed from May: Brutal bondage, fucking and deepthroating!'

India Summer - India Summer's Recorded Live feed from May: Brutal bondage, fucking and deepthroating!

AVN and XBiz award winning porn star and hottest MILF, India Summers, endures the hardest live hour in porn anywhere! The Sexually Broken Live show! The most brutal hour in Porn!This weeks update is the edited live show from last month's BaRS live show. India Summers takes on two hung studs who are hell bent on breaking her with cock. All the things you love about Sexually Broken in one update. Brutal cervix pounding, rough, face fucking and deepthroating. Amazing bondage and squirting orgasms! This update has it all and we pulled it off in front of a live internet audience. This should be required watching for all the new porn stars coming into the business, to see what hardcore sex, really is!

Samantha Rone に 'We DP'd Mom'

Samantha Rone - We DP'd Mom

Teen Samantha Rone and her stepsister Cadence Lux are served eggs for breakfast by their MILF stepmother Sarah Vandella. Cadence doesn't want eggs so she brattily spills water on the new wood table, making Sarah very mad. Samantha tells Cadence to behave, she doesn't want to get grounded. But Cadence wants to get back at Sarah for yelling at them. She tries to convince Samantha they should squirt all over her bed. Eventually Samantha warms to her scheming stepsister's plan, earning her a French kiss from Cadence. Samantha is reluctant to proceed because she doesn't want to do something wrong by fooling around with family. But Candace reminds her for the upteenth time, it's okay because they aren't genetically related. The teens sneak into Sarah's bedroom and get undressed on the bed. Samantha hooks her finger into Cadence' pussy, and with a lick of her lip she squirts a giant stream of pussy juice onto the comforter. When it's Samantha's turn to cum all over Cadence's finger, their stepmom walks in the room and sees everything! Only instead of being upset, Sarah is intrigued and supportive. She's never seen anyone squirt before! Sarah asks the girls to teach her how to squirt. They don't know how to react. The prospect of fucking their stepmom is weird. Sarah points out it's not weird if Samantha and Cadence do it to each other. It's okay, if they apply the same logic to a threesome with their stepmom. Sarah gets naked and lies down onto the cum soaked bed waiting for someone to make her cum. She encourages her stepdaughters to play. They suckle her huge MILF tits and they all make out with each other. Cadence watches for a few seconds while Sarah gets licked out by Samantha. Then Sarah takes a mouthful of Cadence' pussy. The MILF doesn't squirt but she cums. It's Cadence' turn to try making Sarah squirt. She does her darndest to juice her stepmom's pussy, to no avail. Maybe with some help, Sarah will be able to squirt. The teens pull out a few sex toys from their stepmom's well-stocked arsenal. Cadence fucks Sarah with a dildo while the MILF eats Samantha's squirting pussy. Sarah still doesn't squirt. She thinks she needs more toys. Samantha inserts a butt plug into Sarah's asshole while Cadence drives the dildo in and out of Sarah's pussy. Finally, Sarah lets out a massive squirt! Samantha takes control of the dildo, freeing up Cadence to squirt in Sarah's face. The girls then offer to fuck Sarah with two strapons. Cadence lies down underneath Sarah and inserts her strapon into Sarah's ass. Meanwhile Samantha fucks the MILF's pussy with her strapon. The lesbian teens continue to DP their stepmom till she squirts. Sarah flips over to face Samantha. She fucks Samantha's strapon, while her ass gets fucked by Cadence from behind. The MILF fingers Samantha till she drains the rest of her juice into her mouth. Samantha teams up with Sarah to make Cadence squirt volumes all over the bed. Then Mommy Sarah licks her stepdaughters' clits till they shower her with squirt!

India Summer に 'and Richie Black in My Friend's Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

Divorced, lonely and horny, India Summers needs dick and she needs dick NOW! That's why she calls a male escort service to have some fresh young cock delivered to her house, stat. A first-timer, India has no idea what to expect, but what she certainly didn't expect was for her son's friend from the past, Richie, to be the hired cock at her house! He shows up and is just as floored as she is when they see each other. But the show must go on! The horny MILF doesn't waste any time in meeting her son's friend's dick, which promptly slides into her mouth and wet hot-mom pussy, just as it was hired to do! He gets paid, she gets laid and they talk about old times. Winners all around!

Maddy O'Reilly に 'Squirting Stories Volume Two: Mopping Up'

Maddy O'Reilly - Squirting Stories Volume Two: Mopping Up

Cadence Lux from the cleaning service comes over to clean her client's house. No one answers the door so she uses the code to get in. She's busy cleaning the kitchen when the homeowner Maddy O'Reilly comes downstairs and demands to know why the house is still filthy. She's not happy with the chemical products Cadence is using to clean. Maddy only wants organic cleaners in her home. Cadence loses it on Maddy. She's sick of her rich stuck up clients pushing her around. She saw Maddy staring at her body, she knows what she's really after. Cadence pulls off her shirt, yanks down her pants and flaunts her tits and ass. She hotly accuses Maddy of wanting to fuck the cleaning lady. Maddy kisses her on the lips and admits she does want to fuck her. Maddy plants her mouth on the maid's pussy and sucks on her clit. Cadence undresses her boss and washes her pussy with her tongue. Cadence lies down on the dining room table and spreads her legs. Maddy devours her pussy till it squirts all over. Then Cadence mops up her mess with Maddy's hair. Maddy shakes her ass over Cadence's face and rides her expert lesbian tongue. Then Cadence spins her around and they eat each other's pussies in 69. Cadence straddles her boss' face till she empties a bucket of squirt, soaking her hair with it. She sucks Maddy's pussy till she cums, then licks the pussy juice off her body!

Ashley Adams に 'Make Me Squirt'

Ashley Adams - Make Me Squirt

Ashley Adams and Cadence Lux take squirting to a whole new level in this unforgettable encounter. Watch as slow deep kissing and boob play slowly get the juices flowing. Squirt after squirt completely soaks their bodies, from their boobs, to their faces, not an inch of their body is left dry. At one point Cadence begs Ashley to literally squirt inside her pussy. This might be one of the most super soaked squirting experiences you will ever see.

India Summer に 'Moving Day: Part Two'

India Summer - Moving Day: Part Two

Ever since that fateful game of frisbee back in college, girlfriends Jenna (India Summer) and Nina (Eva Notty) have been together through thick and thin. They are just about ready to move into their third house when Jenna pops the question! She surprises Nina with a huge diamond ring and Nina ecstatically accepts the marriage proposal. The ladies begin to celebrate their engagement with some foreplay that turns into full blown lesbian sex. Jenna sits on the floor in front of the sofa and Nina perches herself on top of her face. She gyrates her pussy on top of her tongue till she cums in her mouth. Nina kisses up Jenna's spread legs and devours her sweet pussy till her quivering clit explodes. Jenna's long hair tickles Nina's ass while she sucks another cum out of her. Nina climbs on top of Jenna kissing her future wife in gratitude. The couple entwine their legs till their pussies touch and they trib until they both orgasm. Nina prolongs Jenna's pleasure, trailing soft kisses from the rim of her ass to the nape of her neck. Enjoy!

Adriana Chechik に 'Fantasy Factory 2: Squirting Therapist'

Adriana Chechik - Fantasy Factory 2: Squirting Therapist

It's another busy day at the Girlsway Fantasy Factory for technician Serena Blair. She checks for corrupted code in android Alexis Fawx after the model deviated from custom programming. In the previous scene, the android was supposed to replace 'mommy' talk with 'mom' but there was a glitch. After running some tests, Serena is perplexed that her diagnostics come back clean. She orders a full reset to avoid another malfunction. Following that task, Serena interviews member Morgan Cain (Cadence Lux) to set up her upcoming scene. Morgan gushes about how much she loves the squirting scenarios. She decides on model Adriana Checkik, but has trouble choosing another squirter to pair her with. Morgan wants her to be fit, blonde with huge tits, so Serena proposes a few options, scrolling through profiles that fit the bill. When Morgan singles out Alexis Fawx, Serena is somewhat reluctant given the recent technical glitch, and warns Morgan that model doesn't squirt. No problem for Morgan who's a squirter herself. She really wants to taste Adriana's squirt, and for them both to squirt in Alexis' mouth. Morgan wants the full Girlsway VR experience, so for the lead into the sex, she selects the details of her story. Adriana will play the role of her longtime girlfriend. Alexis' character will be a sex therapist, she will seduce the couple. Because Morgan hates when the models give it up too quick, Serena programs lots of resistance in Adriana to let Morgan be caught in the middle. Lastly, she picks the quintessential Girlsway bedroom setting, with the French wallpaper and white leather furniture. Morgan is ready to start her scene! Morgan and Adriana prepare for their session with therapist Dr. Alexis Fawx who arrives at their door looking like a shimmering jewel in an emerald satin blouse and sapphire pencil skirt. The therapist insists on conducting the session in the room where her clients make love. Probed by the therapist to open up about her relationship, Adriana complains that Morgan only likes to have sex in the bed. When all Morgan wants to talk about is squirting, Dr. Fawx becomes highly encouraging, and seductive. Adriana expresses her disgust for squirting. She squirts every time she orgasms, but it makes her uncomfortable. Dr. Fawx admits the subject of squirt makes her salivate, and Adriana calls out her lack of professionalism. But Morgan insists they should give her a chance. Dr. Fawx coaxes Adriana to recount something intimate she likes about Morgan. Adriana timidly admits that she likes when Morgan licks her asshole, but she worries Morgan thinks it's disgusting. Morgan reassure her she loves it. Dr. Fawx acknowledges that Morgan is more comfortable in her sexuality. Morgan appreciates Adriana's special ability to squirt. They should try to embrace their differences. The couple agree, making a breakthrough in therapy, and Dr. Fawx tells them to seal the moment with a kiss. Adriana is reluctant to kiss in front of Dr. Fawx, but Morgan talks her into it, so long as Dr. Fawx understands they're in a monogamous relationship. Morgan ups the ante, announcing she wants to lick her girlfriend, but Adriana resists. She won't go any further with Dr. Fawx in the room. But Dr. Fawx challenges her to rise above the limitations taught to her by her conditioning. Adriana dares to become more liberated, but warns Dr. Fawx no touching. The couple undress completely and start making out naked, but Adriana has trouble concentrating with the therapist in the room. Probably because she's dressed and they're nude. Dr. Fawx gets naked too, exposing her huge round tits, and Adriana's okay with it, so long as she stays on her side of the bed. When Dr. Fawx starts masturbating in front of the lesbians, Adriana freaks out! But with a little intellectualizing, it prompts another breakthrough. Fully liberated, her eyes light up and she kisses Dr. Fawx! Morgan is thrilled! She licks her girlfriend's pussy till she squirts in her face! Dr. Fawx helps Morgan rub more squirt out of Adriana. Shaking her ass over Adriana's mouth, Morgan juices in her face. Wild-eyed Adriana cums hard when Dr. Fawx sucks another bucket of squirt out of her pussy. With the threesome exceeding Morgan's expectations, the girlfriends go down on Alexis at the same time. They break into different configurations, with Alexis writhing over Morgan's mouth, and Adriana tribbing her girlfriend while squirting all over her pussy. Then Alexis tribs Adriana, exciting Morgan to no end. She pushes the lesbians' pussies together till the grinding makes Adriana jet more juice. Morgan gets her ultimate fantasy wish, as the squirters rub their pussies and rain their juices all over the therapist, squirting directly into Alexis' open mouth. Suddenly, something goes haywire with Alexis' programming. The android MILF breaks into mommy talk and starts rubbing the girls' pussies in a strange new crossover fantasy. Morgan goes along with it, loving the way Alexis dominates them like daughters. Kinked out she cums hard riding Adriana's face. Mommy Alexis sticks her entire fist into her roleplay daughter Adriana's pussy. Adriana rims her ass in return, and Morgan licks her snatch making her toes curl in the throes of another orgasm. The lesbian androids double up on Morgan, making her cum with a tongue on her clit and a cunt in her face that squirts! Will technician Serena manage to fix this glitch? Click to find out!

Cadence Lux に 'Squirt Deluxe'

Cadence Lux - Squirt Deluxe

Stunning blonde squirter, Cadence Lux, joins Hard X for a super moist performance jam packed with so many squirts we literally lost count. Cadence cums multiple times in every position, soaking everything in her path. This is one impressive display of female ejaculation you won't want to miss.

India Summer に 'and Alex Jones and Isiah Maxwell in Seduced By A Cougar'

India Summer - Seduced By A Cougar

India Summer loves college basketball so much that when two players from the local university's team come knocking for a fundraiser donation, she can't help but be excited — and horny! The sexy cougar is fine with giving Alex and Isiah's team money, but she has another idea that she thinks will help them relax and actually win some games this year … her pussy! India seduces the athletes into tag-teaming her with both of their big black cocks to give everyone the release they needed. Threesome teamwork!

India Summer に 'and Lucas Frost in My Friend's Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

India Summer's allowing her son's out-of-work friend Lucas to stay at her place while he searches for a job, but, man, you give this kid an inch he takes a mile! Partying all weekend, then just wants to chill by the pool on a Monday — what a life. Well, India's had enough of it and tells him that he's either got to shape up or ship out. Lucas understands and tells India that he wants to help her specifically by putting his hand down the sexy MILF's pants and making her cum! India's jaw-dropped at first, but pretty soon her pants drop and her son's friend is eating her hot wet pussy!

India Summer に 'Hot Milf'

India Summer - Hot Milf

India hired a personal trainer, Brad, to keep her from slacking during her workouts. He was hard on her which is just what she needed. After the workout, while Brad was helping India stretch his dick popped put from his shorts and slapped her face. India was startled but after seeing his huge hard cock, she decided to take for a ride. She slobbed on the knob and then demanded to get fucked hard. Brad bent her over a workout ball and pounded her tight pussy. Soon after getting her clam stuffed from multiple angles and in various positions, India jerked the cum out the cock and then slurped every drop.

Cadence Lux に 'Neighborhood Watch'

Cadence Lux - Neighborhood Watch

Cadence Lux loved big cocks. She was dreaming of big cocks. And she was writing a diary about big cocks. All of a sudden the creepy neighborhood watch guy knocked at the window. But who cared that he was creepy. There was giant bulge in his pants. Either that was a big gun or a big cock. Cadence went straight for it and took it out of the pants. It was a giant cock. She almost went cross eyed trying to grasp the whole length of it. Girls who dream of big cocks know how to deep throat. Cadence was showing off her skills. Now it was easy to get him to fuck her. He climbed on top of her, she climbed on top of him, he doggied her, all of this several times for almost 40 full minutes. But it was her bj skills that made him all over her face and down her throat. It pays off to be in the neighborhood watch. Where do I sign up?

Cadence Lux に 'How I Got a Million Followers'

Cadence Lux - How I Got a Million Followers

Anya has been building up her social media status up for a while now and has been pretty successful in the process. After being hit up by a famous rapper's representative, Anya gets the chance to increase her status to a million followers and she's taking Cadence along for the ride to meet him and the man himself. After Anya has taken as many selfies as she can manage its time to repay the favour. Anya gets intimate with these two hot guys almost immediately, and when Cadence walks in on the action, she can't resist the opportunity to make some memories of her own.

Cadence Lux に 'Evil Squirters 3'

Cadence Lux - Evil Squirters 3

Bubbly, platinum blonde Cadence Lux looks sensational in stylish lingerie and matching heels. The ravenous nymph crams a thick dildo into her wet twat until she ejaculates in ecstasy. Director Toni Ribas stuffs his thick shaft meat into her throat and relentlessly pounds her cunt to torrential explosions of spraying girl squirt. Cadence slurps her fluids from the couch as Toni chokes, smacks and slams. While Toni fucks her, Cadence gets her gash simultaneously stuffed with a dildo! Their tumultuous tryst climaxes as Toni slathers Cadence's adorable face in cum.

Cadence Lux に 'Girls Do It Better'

Cadence Lux - Girls Do It Better

Gia Paige is enjoying a sensual afternoon laying in her girlfriend Cadence Lux's lap as the two girls employ soft touches and careful caresses to warm each other up. As their strokes become naughtier, slipping beneath bras and tantalizing each other's pussies above their underwear, those slow touches grow more urgent. By the time both girls have started relieving one another of their scant clothing and have moved on to more purposeful lovemaking, there's no question that they are both in for a wonderful time.Gia gets the first taste of her lover's secret places as she presses Cadence onto her back and then dives in to the blonde's landing strip pussy. Her soft tongue is just what Cadence needs to start really getting off, and things just get better when Gia starts working her hands in on the action. It's not long before Gia's tender ministrations begin to have the desired effect of bringing Cadence right to the brink of a mind-blowing climax and then n pushing her over the edge.Getting creative when it's her turn to work on Gia, Cadence slides to the floor and then urges Gia to move into a face-down position that leaves her pussy open for business. Gia's bare twat is creamy wet with excitement when Cadence starts licking, and this hot position just makes things even hotter! The blonde's work is already half-done as she feasts on Gia's dripping snatch.Not to be outdone, Gia takes advantage of her position to put her hands back to work on Cadence's puss. Her caresses are occasionally derailed by the jolts of excitement that Cadence is eliciting, but this pseudo-69 is definitely a pleasurable experience for both lovely coeds. Things only get better when Gia finally finds a way to lean forward so that she can turn their interlude into a true 69 with both girls ravenously eating each other out.Changing things up, Gia puts herself back in charge by urging Cadence onto her hands and knees. That puts Cadence's tight asshole at the perfect level for Gia to tease it with her tongue while using her palm to work the blonde's greedy puss. When her mouth finally moves lower to the heart of Cadence's pleasure, the blonde can't control her loud gasps of need. Gia knows just what to do to bring her girlfriend off once again, even dropping onto her back so that Cadence can ride her sweet mouth to completion. It's just icing on top that this position leaves Cadence able to lean forward to rub Gia's pussy. Those mind-blowing touches are just what Gia needs for one final body shaking climax as well, the perfect ending to a sweet interlude together.

India Summer に 'and Brad Knight in My First Sex Teacher'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Summer is waiting for Brad to finish his exam, so while she waits she grabs her vibrator and starts playing with herself, Brad catches her and now Brad needs to pay up with a good fuck.

Sara Luvv に 'The Faces of Alice: Part Five'

Sara Luvv - The Faces of Alice: Part Five

Alice (Sara Luvv) finishes fucking Ellen (Serena Blair) and leaves her trapped in the closet at home to head to the Sacred Circle meeting. But the closeted lesbian is impervious to the irony of her own situation, and unaware that her lost love Dina (Bree Daniels) texted her to say that she misses her. Alice is now completely eclipsed by her inner lesbians, butch Al and lipstick lesbian Alicia. And those troublemakers are late. When the Faces of Alice show up at the Sacred Circle, 'they' are ready to preside. The sisters of the Circle (AJ Applegate, Darci Dolce, Kristen Scott, Kimmy Granger, Dahlia Sky, Melissa Moore) stare in awe as they behold the wonder that is Alice, sparkling like a goddess in full regalia, hair in tresses, tutu in pink toile, trucker hat and a deep decollete. Aphrodite's spell is in full effect. Alice the Ultimate Lesbian informs the sisters of the Circle that Ellen won't be coming tonight. But Alice is more than happy to help them yoke with the divine and reach exaltation. The sisters beg at her feet to show them how. Alice rises like the Sun and commands them to undress. The sisters obediently remove their garments to reveal their nubile breasts, slender waists, endless legs, and lesbian pussies desperate to experience the rapture of the goddess. Alice tells them to chant, 'There is no love spell, there is no power circle, we're all just here to fuck!'Alice sheds her clothing and beholds her creation, a circle of six naked beauties surrounding her, with tight wet pussies hungering for the purple doubledong that protrudes from inside of her lesbian pussy. Ready to experience the ultimate duality of fucking while getting fucked, Alice lets the sisters pull her down into their tight, wet sacred spaces. Meanwhile, Alice's roommate Christy (Cadence Lux) comes home to find Ellen locked inside the closet. They finally figure out that Alice must have invoked the goddess Aphrodite (Adriana Sephora), who has a sick and twisted mind. Ellen summons Aphrodite and makes a deal with the goddess to help reverse the spell, if Ellen stops invoking her in her sacred circles. According to Aphrodite, they're boring. But the spell can be broken with a true love's kiss, or an orgasm. Some kind of profession of love. The girls run off to bring Dina to the Sacred Circle, before it's too late.Back at the Sacred Circle, six sisters are worshipping Alicia's pussy, when Al decides it's time to fuck them in a row. The girls double up and mount each other in pairs, so their pussies line up one beside the other. With her doubledong stuffed inside her pussy, she pokes and prods their slits, feeding the bulbous end into each juicy peach. While the girls wait their turn to be conquered, they masturbate each other's mounds in eager anticipation of delicious penetration. The Circle descends into an elaborate orgy. Wet pussies writhe under hungry mouths, while fingers fuck the squirt out of them, and tongues release orgasms like whiplash.Alice is in the middle of being worshipped hedonistically, when Christy and Ellen crash the assembly to begin the intervention. Ellen invokes the power of her status as High Priestess of the Sacred Circle, commanding the sisters to part the way to Alice's pussy. Ellen undresses herself and licks Alice's pussy to rescind Aphrodite's spell. As the channeling spirits begin to recede, Ellen calls Dina into the Circle. She orders the sisters to surround them and focus the energy. Dina kisses Alice lovingly. She pulls her in close until their pussies kiss. Dina and Alice sway rhythmically, rocking and tribbing until Alice has a shuddering cum. Suddenly, Alice comes back to the surface, relieved to be in the arms of her true love. Alice clutches Dina and begs forgiveness. She just wanted to prove that she's a real lesbian. But we're all better now. Aphrodite's spell is unbounded.

India Summer に 'Tight Fitting House Sitting'

India Summer - Tight Fitting House Sitting

India is getting ready for the honeymoon of a lifetime. She's left Jessy and Kimberly in charge to house sit so everything goes smoothly as she's away. They have some other plans in mind, like fucking in every room in the house… beginning with India's bedroom. Maybe Kimberly should have waited until Mrs.Summer was gone until sucking off her boyfriend. Now that India has caught them in her bed, she's not leaving until she gets in on the fun, teaching the horny couple how to fuck before getting slammed herself.

India Summer に 'Super MILF India Summer get's broken with brutal throat fucking and pussy pounding! Wrecked!'

India Summer - Super MILF India Summer get's broken with brutal throat fucking and pussy pounding! Wrecked!

To all the new girls in porn, check out how a real professional handles big cock and bondage. India Summer knows how to take tight bondage and big cock that is for sure!It starts simple enough, on her knees, arms bound back. But then the cocks start in on her greedy throat. We fuck her face long, deep and hard. Soon India is in subspace and drooling all over herself. India survives a brutal throat fucking then we put her up on the device and pound her tight pussy to several brutal screaming orgasms. In the end, we make India squirt all over herself. Some girls can be broken, others kinda laugh at you and want more. India is the later and one of the best the porn world has to offer.

India Summer に 'and Chad White in Seduced By A Cougar'

India Summer - Seduced By A Cougar

India Summer is getting some new televisions and cabling installed in her house and she finds the installer very attractive, so before he goes to work on her tv's she goes to work on his cock.

Cadence Lux に 'and Ryan Driller in Naughty Office'

Cadence Lux - Naughty Office

The hard working Cadence Lux is visited by Mr. Driller from accounting on a very peculiar thing missing from Mr. Johnson's investment account, $22,000 dollars are missing.

Sara Luvv に 'The Faces of Alice: Part Three'

Sara Luvv - The Faces of Alice: Part Three

Alice (Sara Luvv) wakes up from the weirdest dream. She fumbles for her glasses trying to see, but her vision goes in and out of focus. Her head is aching and she fights to keep herself from blacking out. But the strangest sensation seizes her, and she feels herself being pulled under and out of her conscious self. Alice gets out of bed, struggling to stay in her body. But something is competing for that space. Another personality is trying to break free. She calls herself Al, and makes herself at home in Alice's tight little body. Al is more dominant than Alice, more deliberate in her actions, and much more self-confident. Al has tons of game, and no patience for bullshit hair and makeup. When Alice's roommate Christy (Cadence Lux) wonders what's gotten into her, Alice tries to answer but the dominant Al suppresses her. Al begins hitting on Christy aggressively. She goes straight for Christy's weakness, the waterworks between her knees. Al tells her she wants to rub her g-spot and make her squirt, wetting Christy's panties with her dirty words. Al pulls her in for a sensual kiss, and Christy exclaims, 'Are you packing heat?!' The butch lesbian is wearing a purple double ended strapon, inserted in her pussy. She tells Christy to take her clothes off so she can be comfortable when she eats her pussy. Christy obeys her command, visibly lusting for her tongue. Al licks her clit with a finger on her g-spot, then tantalizes her to fuck the strapon. As soon as she mounts her, Christy releases a stream of squirt, and another. Al gets drenched fucking the squirt from Christy's clam. Christy is powerless against Al's oral ministrations and cums intensely in her mouth. Before Al has an orgasm, she goes into the bathroom and blacks out again. But this time, a third personality comes out, named Alicia. She is a lipstick lesbian that loves to get fucked. Alicia loves to be adorned like a jewel, and prepares her beautiful self for a fucking. Then she goes back to her roommate Christy, and very deliberately, tells her what she wants. Mesmerized by Alicia's feminine sensuality. Christy inserts the doubledong, groaning as she anchors it into her pussy. Alicia straddles her all ladylike, riding her bubble butt up and down the shaft, hornily grinding against Christy's bushy mound. Alicia bends over, and Christy takes her from behind, losing her mind watching Alicia's pussy swallow the strapon, engorged with orgasm and begging for release, till she moans through her explosion. Alicia takes a final squirt in the face licking one more cum out of Christy. But when Alice resurfaces confused and in tears, can Christy help her friend get back to normal, if such a thing exists?

India Summer に 'and Julia Ann and Logan Long in Seduced By A Cougar'

India Summer - Seduced By A Cougar

India and Julia are looking at their website when all their work disappears. They call over IT to help and the cougars that they are have him install his big hard drive into their dripping pussy's.

Riley Reid に 'Lesbian Coming Out Stories: Part Three'

Riley Reid - Lesbian Coming Out Stories: Part Three

Cadence Lux recounts her first lesbian experience, at the end of high school after spraining her ankle at a cheer meet. Her new friend Riley Reid comes over to cheer her up. Cadence hasn't had experience with sex, and she's only just discovered masturbation. But she never felt as comfortable around guys as she did with girls, even just as friends. Riley gives Cadence a pedicure to make her feel better about her injury. Each time she blows on her toes, Cadence feels a tingle and a rush. Riley was making her pussy wet, but Cadence was paralyzed by shyness. When Riley starts to massage her shoulders and back, Cadence gives her a lingering look, and Riley leans in for a kiss. She's playful and gentle, licking the blonde's soft flesh and swollen boobs, tasting the juice of her pussy, as the lesbians delve deep into making each other cum and explode into squirting finale.

India Summer に 'Hot MILF India Summer's is strapped to and 'X' frame, hooded, gagged, and brutally fucked!'

India Summer - Hot MILF India Summer's is strapped to and 'X' frame, hooded, gagged, and brutally fucked!

ANV and Xbiz nominated MILF of the year is back at Sexually Broken, India Summers loves and is amazing at her job, we are lucky to work with such a talent.Bound to a custom made 'X' frame, India has her amazing ass sticking out begging for cock. We put the Insex mask on poor India, gagging and blindfolding her at the same time, then we add one more bag for fun. It doesn't take long for our Purple Heart recipient SGT Doe to fuck the first orgasm out of our helpless MILF slave. The SGT sets up behind and just plows his massive dick in and out of our moaning cumming helpless slut. Orgasm after orgasm is fucked out of India, in the end India is left shaking, and dripping.Enjoy you long holiday weekend!

India Summer に 'and Ryan Driller in My Friend's Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

Ryan is spending the night at his friend's place and his friend's mom, India Summer, is making the room for him. Ryan decides to give India a hand and ends up giving her his dick as well.

Blake Eden に 'In The Flesh'

Blake Eden - In The Flesh

Would you fuck your boyfriend's parents...if they were nudists AND swingers! Even the best behaved girlfriends can't resist the seasoned touch of an older man...AND a the same time.

Cadence Lux に 'Slut Auditions 2'

Cadence Lux - Slut Auditions 2

All-natural, platinum-haired slut Cadence Lux spreads her furry, unshaved pussy for director Mike Adriano, who dives in to worship her juicy cunt with his probing tongue and finger her winking butthole. The slender, young cutie gags on the director's massive meat, drooling with pleasure and making a slobbery mess. Cadence talks dirty while Mike rams his huge dick deep inside her sweet cunt. When she cums, the orgasmic fox squirts pussy juice into a glass -- and into the director's face!

India Summer に 'India Summer: The ultimate MILF is bound on the world's only face fucking machine and on a sybian!'

India Summer - India Summer: The ultimate MILF is bound on the world's only face fucking machine and on a sybian!

India Summers is back and today she gets to 'Enjoy' two machines! One is a custom blow job machine the other the most powerful vibrator on the planet, the sybian!It is hard to describe in words what is exactly happening in this amazing update. India is locked into the diabolical blow job machine, that moves her head on and off the dick, she is also bound down on the most poweful vibrater in the world. Just watch the trailer, like we said, words are not adequate to describe the complete destruction of India.

Sara Luvv に 'Executive Pussy'

Sara Luvv - Executive Pussy

When Sara Luvv gets a new job at the Summer Shoe Company, her boss makes it clear that staff work double duty as foot models, posing with the shoes in photos. Everything is going great, until India snoops through Sara's cell phone and sees a text in which Sara describes India as a MILF. When Sara is asked to show off the new pair of sexy high heels, India tries to fondle Sara's feet. When India stops by Sara's apartment on Sunday morning, wanting to finish her foot inspection, Sara feels very self conscious. She's not sure how thrilled she is to see her boss on the weekend. She's not sure if it's okay to behave so unprofessionally with the person who just hired her. Sara tells India she doesn't even necessarily want the job. But India can't keep Sara's foot out of her mouth, kissing and counting her ten little piggies. India matter of factly points out that Sara checked the box on the job application that said she is interested in foot fetish modelling. What's being asked of her isn't that complicated. And it feels good. Sara agrees that her feet feel amazing being fondled, so India peels off Sara's top and sucks on her big juicy nipples, then takes the liberty to finger her tight pussy. She strips off her employee's bottoms and eat her wet pussy to orgasm. Then Sara fucks India, tribbing the MILF, pussy on pussy until both lesbians cum hard. Best. Job. Ever.

India Summer に 'India's Throat Is Second To None'

India Summer - India's Throat Is Second To None

The Legendary India Summer blesses us with her unique presence. This goddess of porn doesn't sit on her reptuation and demand repsect from past performances, she dives in face first and shows why she is THE MILF of the porn industry.

Adria Rae に 'Stop Fucking My Boyfriends Mom'

Adria Rae - Stop Fucking My Boyfriends Mom

India Summer loves to sneak her stepdaughter Adria Rae's boyfriends into the sack. Damon Dice, Adria's boyfriend, is next in line to be India's conquest. Adria asks her mom to not fuck her boyfriend, and although India promises to try. Despite India's best efforts she soon finds her hand on Damon's dick.Damon resists India's advances, but that's okay. India has a plan that involves getting both herself and her stepdaughter laid! Strutting out of the kitchen, India drops clothes every step of the way. She finds Damon frantically jacking it in the hallway, and pushes him against the wall so that she can wrap her puffy lips around him and start sucking. When Adria comes out of her room and finds them, India offers to turn the awkward situation into a learning experience.First India teach Adria how to give a blowjob with long sweeps of her tongue. Settling in for a long suckfest, the girls take turns enjoying the feel of Damon's dick in their mouths while double teaming him. Then it's Damon's turn to pleasure India and Adria when India shows her stepdaughter how to climb onto a stiffie and go for a ride. Adria isn't quite ready for that yet, so India sets her stepdaughter up on Damon's mouth so that he can make magic with his tongue while India fucks him.Then it's finally Adria's turn. She's a little shy at first, but soon she has sunk down onto Damon's hardon and is riding him like a total champ! India wants to keep the teaching moment going, so after Adria has enjoyed herself for a while India settles her stepdaughter down on the bed and buries her face in Adria's pussy. Since she's already on her hands and knees, she invites Damon to take her from behind and he's happy to do as he's asked.After enjoying one last round of pussy pounding courtesy of Damon, Adria finally reaches the pinnacle of her pleasure. She takes her stepmother's instructions one last time, diving back onto Damon's stiffie with her mouth and sucking him hard and fast while India gargles his balls. Together they get Damon to the point where he's ready to blast off all over them both, giving them each a facial of cum that they can snowball together.

Cadence Lux に 'Manuel's Maximum Penetration 3'

Cadence Lux - Manuel's Maximum Penetration 3

Poor Manuel just stopped by to visit his friend - but he's not home. Instead, his cum-hungry daughter greets Manuel at the door and insists he waits. What he's waiting for is for hot Cadence to strip naked and suck his cock. The statuesque, naughty blonde wants this older man to teach her a thing or two about riding cock but it seems like she doesn't need the lessons. She's in it for Maximum Penetration and her tight, young pussy takes his fat uncut cock balls deep. Let's hope daddy doesn't walk in before she takes a sticky load to her sweet face.

Abigail Mac に 'Squirting Stories: Part Three'

Abigail Mac - Squirting Stories: Part Three

Cadence Lux is a great girlfriend according to her lover Briana Banks. But whenever the lesbian couple has sex, Cadence releases a discharge from her vagina, and Briana doesn't quite know what to make of it. Briana asks her best friend Abigail Mac to help find out if something is wrong with Cadence, by seducing her and then reporting back to Briana. When Abigail gets Cadence to confide in her about their relationship issues, she give her reassuring soft touches, which escalate to gentle caresses, then a few soft kisses. With barely a tank top to pull down to reveal her small tits, there isn't much in Abigail's way, other than Cadence' resolve to stay faithful to Briana. But all that falls by the wayside when Abigail slips her hand over her jean shorts between Cadence' legs. She can feel the heat and wetness just beneath her jean shorts, the only thing separating Abigail's roving fingers from the sensitive flesh of Cadence' pussy. Abigail brings Cadence closer to orgasm, making her pussy wetter and juicier, until she squirts. Cadence' sopping, squirting pussy is a bigger turn on than Abigail could have anticipated. Sorry Bestie!

Cadence Lux に '- Blacks On Blondes'

Cadence Lux - Blacks On Blondes

Cadence Lux is a Black Cock Slut, and she knows how much you love the "BCS". In fact, today Cadence is going to look you right in the eye, give you some encouragement to pull your dick out of your pants and start stroking. Cadence loves watching a man pleasure himself, and she loves talking to you while you're jerking fast and furious. Which is exactly what you'll be doing, because for the very first time in her career, Cadence is going to get railed by the Legend himself -- Mandingo! Cadence has never seen a cock like Dingo's...let alone fuck one this big. Watch the expressions on her face as her little, pink cunt is stretched to its limits. Cadence cums hard -- so hard she squirts all over his 13-inch dong. After some more intense smashing, Dingo drops a huge load right down Cadence's throat. She swallows, then crawls back to the puddle of squirt she left on the start cleaning up after herself!

Cadence Lux に 'Squirting Stories: Part Two'

Cadence Lux - Squirting Stories: Part Two

When teen Cadence Lux keeps wetting her bed overnight, stepmom Briana Banks takes her to see top notch European gynecologist Dr. Sandy Fantasy. While Briana's convinced something's wrong with the girl, Cadence acts like a typical teen, apathetic and annoyed throughout the brief consultation. Dr. Fantasy instructs the bedwetter to disrobe and lie down on the examination table. She inspects her vagina, and determines that Cadence is too tense and needs to release. She prescribes a daily treatment of vaginal stimulation, which she demonstrates in front of the concerned stepmother, thus enabling her to assist in the daughter's care. But Cadence is a virgin, and reacts with shock and confusion to the doctor's fingers in her pussy, building up pressure, making her squirt in her mother's face! But when Cadence reports feeling a bit better after using the doctor's technique, Briana insists on giving her a release too, even though Cadence thinks it's wrong to cum in front of her stepmother. Dr. Fantasy insists it's perfectly normal, Americans always overreact to this European technique. The threesome of lesbians just need to release more orgasms! Doctor's orders!

India Summer に 'My Mom's Friend: Part Two'

India Summer - My Mom's Friend: Part Two

Previously on Mommy'sGirl, Megan Rain and India Summer engage in an unexpected lesbian adventure filled with hot pussy eating and finger fucking delights. Megan's sexual fantasies come alive when India dresses up in her mother's dress fulfilling Megan's ultimate mommy fantasy. Megan immediately succumbs to India's lesbian charm as she spreads her fantasy mother's legs apart and eats out her moist pussy making her juices flow heavenly. India places her mouth over Megan's tight shaved pussy licking her luscious lips and teasing her flawless butthole. To conclude their mommy fantasy sex-capade, they 69 moistening each other's pussies vigorously as both lesbian lover's peak simultaneously.

India Summer に 'My Mom's Friend: Part One'

India Summer - My Mom's Friend: Part One

Megan Rain can't stand her mom's best friend India Summer who not only is a bad influence but prevents them from spending quality time with each other. Megan hears a knock at the door and with her bad luck, India walks in looking for her companion but Megan advises her she isn't home. India takes in upon herself to go to the master bedroom and waits for her there and to preoccupy herself, she opens up her legs and begins touching her pussy. Megan walks upstairs and catches the milf hands deep in masturbation. Megan is stunned to discover that her mother and India are lesbian lovers but somehow intrigued by India's seductiveness. Megan kisses India's thighs and licks her pussy with her soft tongue then places her finger deep inside India's hole making her sweat with pleasure. India can't wait to get a mouthful of Megan's youthful pussy licking her moist backside and swirling her finger deep inside her forbidden fruit. Crossing each other legs, they begin tribbing passionately as they simultaneously peak in lesbian bliss creating a huge mess of pussy juice on the bed. Megan admits that she's always been jealous of her mother's relationship with India and fantasizes about her constantly. With Megan's mom coming home any minute, India promises her an experience she will never forget!To Be Continued...

Cadence Lux に 'Lex The Impaler 9'

Cadence Lux - Lex The Impaler 9

Cadence Lux is a porcelain skinned dream aching with deep, DARK desire. Enter Lex the Impaler, who adores Cadence's milky white skin, caressing her pretty, perky breasts and round booty. She drops down because the anticipation of sucking a huge cock is too much...These two can't even wait and start fucking right on the stairs. Cadence's eyes roll back as she takes Lex's big, black cock and she gets her tight pussy stretched to the max! Once they move to the couch, she tastes her pussy some more when she sucks her cum off of his pole and hops on top to climb that huge mountain. She keeps those heels on to help bounce even harder as she rides like crazy and Lex takes control as he bends her ass over to plunge her pussy, balls deep. Cadence's expressions are priceless as she takes every inch... slow, hard, fast, hard, she loves it and cums hard when she's on her back getting fucked. Her sweet pussy gushes and squirts A LOT, all over his black cock. They end up soaked by the time it's all over and Lex gushes his own juices all over Cadence's pretty little mouth.

India Summer に '- Blacks On Cougars - Scene 2'

India Summer - Blacks On Cougars

India Summer is made up of the stuff that eventually turns to legend. Just look at her! How many women have been in Porn Valley for as long as India and still look as good as they day they first walked on to set? She's a Size Queen, too, and has literally taken them all on: from Shane Diesel to Jack Napier to Lexington Steele to Shorty Mac, she's encountered every single BBC to make a name for themselves in Porn Valley...except one. Enter Dredd. At 6'5" and 230 pounds, Dredd's an intimidating man. When he pulls out his thick, nearly 12-inch piece of black meat, he too, has what it takes to turn into legend. And this scene? Same deal. India is genuinely turned on to the point of multiple orgasm, and every time Dredd stretches India's holes, she utters the words "fuck you"! Why? She knows what she's got, and she knows Dredd is something special. Not to be had very often. This being said by perhaps the biggest Size Queen of them all.

Cherie DeVille に 'True Anal 2'

Cherie DeVille - True Anal 2

Pale, all-natural young cutie Cadence Lux and busty MILF Cherie DeVille are big-booty blondes eager for a nasty anal three-way. Lucky director Mike Adriano watches the horny girls eat each other's asshole before joining in, tongue-fucking their sweet rumps. Soon Cherie and Cadence are gagging on his massive cock in a sloppy, ball-licking, ass-eating, spit-swapping, double blow job. Moaning and talking trash, these filthy sluts take turns stretching their sphincters with Mike's thick boner... and tasting creamy cum.

Cadence Lux に 'Dreams Of Black Cock'

Cadence Lux - Dreams Of Black Cock

So today Cadence Lux walked into my office for a quick therapy session. Her problem is that she constantly keeps having these dreams of big black cocks. Every night her dreams of huge monster black dicks keep returning to the point that she just didn't know what to do anymore. This is where my expertise comes into play, I told her the only thing to stop the dreams is to fulfill those fantasies. That's why I prescribed her some Black motherfucking cock. She dropped on her knees and swallowed my juicy black dick. Then, I fucked her all over my motherfucking office, stretching that pussy like its never been stretched before. It all culminated with a face full of jizz, and from now she'll need her weekly fills of black dick or else her dreams will return.

AJ Applegate に 'Witness Protection'

AJ Applegate - Witness Protection

Trying to get herself out of this huge mess she's in, AJ Applegate hides from her protector in the bathroom getting dressed in a hurry, calling her friend to help her get out of custody with the feds. There is no way she is going to testify against her main man and needs to get the hell out of witness protection asap. AJ opens the door but agent Cadence Lux stops her in the midst of her escape and denies her any rights to leave the premises. AJ doesn't care and demands that Cadence release her immediately and refuses to cooperative any longer.Cadence laughs at AJ's attempt to leave the grounds and grabs her by the arm and throws her on the bed, defeated. Cadence positions herself over AJ and makes it clear who is in charge. AJ puts up a fight but Cadence is too strong and is determined to protect her witness by any means necessary. AJ plays mind games with the agent calling her out on being a lesbian which works in her favor as she successfully frees herself from Cadence's grasp. Now the tables have turned and AJ gloats at her victory by ripping off the agents blouse exposing her perky boobs and ambushes Cadence with a passionate kiss. Cadence puts up a fight as AJ pushes her tongue deep inside her mouth which in turn sexually arouses the agent to a fuming lesbian rage. AJ sucks on her lesbian protector's perfect tits making her moan with excitement and sexual prowess to be satisfied by a woman for the very first time. Cadence sits over AJ and begins to straddle her pussy, tribbing enthusiastically with euphoric determination. Cadence convinces AJ that if she wants out of witness protection, she must prove her innocence by eating her pussy out, satisfying all of her lesbian needs!

Bridgette B に 'Stage Moms'

Bridgette B - Stage Moms

Cadence Lux is practicing her stretching techniques for next week's dance competition but when she hears a knock at the door, she's surprised to see her friend's mom Bridgette B walk in all nonchalant. Bridgette claims Cadence's mother asked her to check up on her and make sure she is up to par with her dance moves. But Bridgette has ulterior motives, sexual motives in seducing the innocent lassie.Bridgette doesn't hesitate to show her lesbian attraction to Cadence by peeling down her bodysuit and pinching her perky boobs. Cadence cannot resist her lesbian seduction and Bridgette's massive tits, pushed inside her mouth. Bridgette spreads Cadences legs feeling the warmth over her tender pussy. Bridgette teaches the lesbian virgin how to lick her pussy and with little effort but loads of satisfaction, Bridgette peaks in orgasmic bliss. The milf teaches Cadence the pleasures of tribbing as they grind each others pussies effortlessly making Cadence fall into lesbian trance. But then, Bridgette whips out her phone and takes pictures of her bare naked, she plans to use this as leverage in a grand scheme to have her daughter win the dance competition, concluding in a mischievous lesbian scandal!

Bella Skye に 'Dirty bella'

Bella Skye - Dirty bella

Bella Skye was working out with her boyfriend Peter when Mrs. Summers came waltzing in to also use the gym. Peter heard a bunch of rumors about how Mrs. Summers loved to seduce her stepdaughter's friends. Her sexual appetite was so voracious it didn't matter to her whether they were boys or girls. She overheard them talking about her and waited for her opportunity to approach Bella. Peter went over to work on his arms and that's when she struck. She eased her way over to the door and nonchalantly locked it. She told Bella she would show her what Peter was talking about and began to grope her. Bella was a little taken aback but was really enjoying her sultry, soft touch. She couldn't believe how much she succumbed to her advances! Peter walked in and was shocked beyond belief! Luckily for everyone involved he was way more turned on about the whole ordeal than he was shocked and they all enjoyed each other's bodies. After they pleasured each other Mrs. Summers made them promise to keep it from her stepdaughter and if they proved to be trustworthy enough then perhaps they could do it again some time. Something tells me their lips will be sealed to ensure they get another sex tutorial from an extremely attractive and experienced MILF.

Cadence Lux に 'Fantasy Gifts: Part Two'

Cadence Lux - Fantasy Gifts: Part Two

Continuing their most delicious anniversary fantasy game, lesbian lovers Cadence Lux and Ashley Adams continue their fun but now it is Ashley's turn to have her dreams become a reality. Her first wish is to have Cadence tie her up and carry her worth. The second wish is to have her pussy filled with her lover's fist and last but not least, to have Cadence squirt all over her face. Cadence binds Ashley's hands together, wrapping them tightly and begins to fill her tight pussy with her fingers. Ashley moans in unmitigated pleasures watching her hole being filled up and having the most exceptional orgasm of her life. Ashley's last wish is induced by a magnificent series of lesbian tribbing and boob sucking, until Cadence sits of her wife's face, who sucks her pussy intensely causing Cadence to squirt repeatedly, fulfilling her lover's wildest fantasies!

Dana DeArmond に 'Meet The Moms'

Dana DeArmond - Meet The Moms

Cadence Lux walks in to find love letters from her lesbian lover Kenna James. When she sees Kenna sitting on the couch, Kenna offers her one of two gifts; a lollipop, or something hidden in her other hand. Cadence takes what's hidden, and is surprised with an engagement ring. Cadence accepts the ring, but is adamant about meeting Kenna's parents. Kenna reminds her that her family is overbearing, but regardless, Cadence has to meet her parents before they say the words 'I Do.'Kenna arranges a Mother's Day get together with her stepmoms Dana DeArmond and Katie Morgan. Her anxiety increases, wishing they can leave before it's too late. Cadence is introduced to her future in-laws. However, Dana becomes condescending and questions Cadence's loyalty to Kenna. To make matters worse, Dana grabs a lie detector test, wraps it around Cadence and interrogates her about her lesbianism. Cadence flunks the polygraph by denying any attraction towards Katie and with Kenna fed up with their shenanigans, demands an end to this game. But, the fun is only just about to begin, Katie grabs Cadence and kisses her sensually and demands she show how much of a real lesbian she is. Kenna watches in disgust as Katie spreads her legs apart and orders Cadence to eat her juicy pussy. Cadence opens her mouth and doing what she's told, makes Katie moan and orgasm all while Dana is holding Kenna back forcing her to watch. Dana takes her daughter's clothes off to engage in a lesbian foursome pleasing one another systematically. One by one, they take turns sucking each other's boobs and pussy lips in a lesbian chain of pure sapphic euphoria. Cadence is still utterly shocked that this is happening but didn't stop Dana from finger fucking her pussy and making her squirt effortlessly, making this an intense lesbian mother-daughter orgy she will never forget!

Cadence Lux に 'Anal Interviews 2'

Cadence Lux - Anal Interviews 2

Brunette minx Kacie Castle takes a royal ass fucking from director Mike Adriano, with the help of her blonde buddy Cadence Lux. The all-natural young ladies spread their fine ass cheeks for the camera, revealing cute, winking buttholes. Kacie rims Cadence's anus, and the sweet sluts team up to give the director's huge cock a wet, ball-lapping double blow job. Next, Kacie's tender rectum gets reamed by Mike's massive meat. Cadence sucks dick ass-to-mouth and lewdly tongues Kacie's wrecked sphincter!

India Summer に 'Rocco's Intimate Initiations 2'

India Summer - Rocco's Intimate Initiations 2

Longhaired, natural-bodied MILF India Summer looks stylish in lingerie and heels. She visits director/stud Rocco Siffredi in a backstage bathroom for some private moments before her regular porn scene. Rocco tastes the labia protruding from her crotchless panties and fingers her wet cunt as she masturbates her clit. After tasting his finger pussy-to-mouth, she goes down for a passionate BJ as Rocco shoots POV-style. He rubs his cock in the groove of her ass. India grips the mirror, groans and masturbates in a long, doggie-style slam-fuck that gets her off. She can almost throat his vag-flavored meat. That's a proper warm-up for her scene!

India Summer に 'The Cougar And The Virgin'

India Summer - The Cougar And The Virgin

India is a horny milf who wants some thick young cock in her pronto, but the younger guy she picked up from the club seems nervous and insecure. India quickly finds out he's a virgin! But that's okay, she's more than willing to make his first time the best sex he'll EVER have.

Cadence Lux に 'My Girlfriend is Addicted to BBC'

Cadence Lux - My Girlfriend is Addicted to BBC

Cadence is back to pay the rest of her boyfriend's debt to Flash. The difference this time is that Rob is there too and he wants her too after everything his friend told him about the pretty blonde. At first she is taken by surprise by the situation but after a few moments embraces it and lives one of her fantasies of having a threesome with two men.

Megan Rain に 'Lick her lips'

Megan Rain - Lick her lips

Megan came home a little distraught after her boyfriend broke up with her. It seemed he didn't take too kindly to her making out with one of best friends. She tried to plead with him and explain how she was just having a good time with her gal pal. It really didn't mean anything at all but her boyfriend was too uptight. Her Stepmom India overheard a conversation she was having over the phone and thought she could offer some sage advice and console her. If there's one thing India knew about was sexually experimenting with another girl. Megan admitted she wanted to explore more of that side of her sexuality and India told her she needed to be careful who she decided to share that kind of experience with. It had to be someone trustworthy and with enough experience to really make it a safe environment and worthwhile. Megan had no idea who she could trust with something so sensitive but her Stepmom had the perfect idea, why not allow her to show her the lesbian ropes and it would be their little secret kept hidden from the whole world. They hadn't always been so close but they both felt this would bring them closer and it most definitely did.

Cadence Lux に 'Lick Of The Clit'

Cadence Lux - Lick Of The Clit

Damon Dice can't wait for Cadence Lux to wake up so that he can indulge in another round of lovemaking. His naked girlfriend manages to sleep through him tickling the bottom of her feet, but as he licks his way up her leg and then presses the tip of his tongue to her tight anus Cadence finally opens her eyes. Turning onto her back, she spreads her legs so that Damon can have full access to the spot he loves best.Touching his tongue to Cadence's clit, Damon keeps things slow and steady despite his lover's instant moans. His hand creeps forward to continue fondling Cadence's anus, a move that only stops when Damon slips his finger into her creamy twat to give her pleasure from the inside out.Reaching out to cup Cadence's breast, Damon gives the globe a squeeze and then moves up to lick at her tight nipple while she takes over her pussy rubbing. This frees Damon's hand to go back to work tantalizing Cadence's ass, a move that leaves her horny and desperate for more.Whipping out his hard cock, Damon curls up behind Cadence so that they are spooning together as he presses into the deep warmth of her tight slit. Loving every minute of the fullness that her needy twat craves, Cadence opens her mouth and moans loud and proud with each stroke. Her landing strip snatch pulses with ecstasy as Damon continues to thrust his hips, leaving her temporarily sated.As soon as Cadence has reached the pinnacle of her pleasure, she climbs to her knees while Damon gets on his back. Now it's Cadence's turn to indulge her oral fixation by licking and sucking Damon's dick to her heart's content. She takes her time, enjoying every last inch of her rock hard treat while maintaining passionate eye contact with her lover the whole time.Maintaining her position of power, Cadence rises above Damon and then slowly sinks down until her landing strip pussy is completely filled. It's not long before she's bouncing away on Damon's dick, moaning as her tits bounce and her twat pulses with the anticipation of a climax to come. Once she has climbed off of Damon, Cadence gives him another short handjob and then leans back to give him a real treat. Reaching out with her feet, she tightens them slowly around Damon's dick until she is able to give him a full-on foot fucking. Just watching her feet on her man's member gets Cadence so excited that she has no trouble deep throating Damon's stiffie when she leans forward again.Getting on his knees, Damon pushes Cadence back on the bed and starts going to town on her snatch. Her gasps of ecstasy fill the room as Damon jackhammers in and out of her tight channel. When she gets up on her hands and knees to invite a doggy style coupling, her pleasure only grows at the new angle of penetration.Taking Cadence from behind is just what Damon needs to reach his climax, too. Pulling out with just moments to spare, he takes aim and explodes all over Cadence's back so that she is covered with the warm stickiness of his love.

Veronica Vain に 'Keeping House'

Veronica Vain - Keeping House

Cadence Lux didn't know she would be walking into a hell storm of lesbian sex when she was hired to clean Miss Veronica Vain's estate. When she meets the red headed vixen, Veronica immediately orders Cadence to clean off her hands, feet and oddly enough, her own private parts which means her undressing in an orderly fashion. Cadence is more than confused at this point but she doesn't want to lose her job and is promised a huge tip if she does exactly what Veronica asks!Cadence is instructed to follow Veronica into the living room, where she begins her cleaning duties completely naked. While she is on her knees scrubbing away, Veronica leaves for a brief moment only to return wearing black lingerie and with a sex toy in her hand. Veronica orders the innocent house keeper to seductively clean her body from top to bottom, however, Cadence speaks out of turn, claiming her company never said anything about having to clean a physical body! Veronica is tired of hearing Cadence complain and gives her the ultimatum; either she cleans her off with her tongue or shows herself out with nothing to show for. Cadence complies, unable to argue with her boss' sexual fantasies and begins her duties to satisfy the lesbian over bearer.Cadence licks her mistresses toes inch by inch with her tongue, then her arms, chest and ass, making Veronica pleasantly aroused. Cadence is asked to swallow the vibrator with her mouth, making it nice and wet to then insert inside Veronica's pussy. Cadence thrusts the vibrator deep inside of her master, creating an explosion of squirt all over the floor which she is then instructed to lick clean. Since Cadence is cooperating extremely well, Veronica returns the favor by pleasuring Cadence's pussy with a walloping orgasm. Veronica summons Jojo Kiss, the very skillful chef she hired who can be more than helpful with Veronica's special request, A threesome of lesbian apogee and glorious eroticism!

Dahlia Sky に 'Vegas Sins: Part One'

Dahlia Sky - Vegas Sins: Part One

Naive lesbian housewife Dahlia Sky is on her first big outing away from her stifling business woman wife Reena Sky. Her first order of business is to get to work on assuring her suppressed slutty side gets the stroke of confidence it needs. On her way past a regular street thug, she's handed a card with a beautiful girl on it. she phones the number immediately and reaches the head of the company Syren De Mer, Dahlia's innocence is apparent withing seconds as we learn Dahlia's loaded, and that Syren has ulterior motives. Syren nonchalantly welcomes Dahlia into the location where her business does it's work. Dahlia's greeted by the beautiful young stripper Cadence Lux.Cadnece gets to work, forcing details out of the beautiful naive lesbian, and using her gentle seduction techniques to get her excited for what she has in store. Cadence starts stripping off her clothes, and begs Dahlia to touch her all over, giving her a lap dance. Cadence knows what to expect, when Dahlia finally checks her phone and takes a second to call her wife back. After reassuring Reena that she's just fine, Cadence shows her eagerness to get it on, by taking out Dahlia's tits, and sucking her beautiful boobs. Soon, Dahlia's so enraptured that she thrusts her fingers into Cadence's perfect pussy, working away at giving her an orgasm while her tongue is down her throat. Cadence finally cums and lets a huge gushing stream of squirt flow over Dahlia's dress.They continue kissing, and before long their beautiful naked bodies are wrapped around one another, and they take turns licking and fingering one another to explosive orgasms. They place their pussies together tribbing and screaming in pleasure. Again they offer each other's pussies to their hungry lips and tongues, ending their evening in a torrent of lesbian orgasms. Dahlia compliments Cadence's abilities and Cadence in turn ensures that Dahlia meets Syren, who swiftly knocks her out... To be continued.

Cadence Lux に 'Babysit on this dick'

Cadence Lux - Babysit on this dick

J was relaxing watching the best porn online, Teamskeet, when Cadence strolled in and asked what he was doing. She had just put the baby to sleep and when she found out he was watching porn she asked him to stop because he was not supposed to be there and also because her boss was coming home any minute. Instead of putting things away - this gave J an idea. His dick was already hard so he convinced her to play with it and after a while she started getting hot and bothered. Dick sucking turned into getting caught by the boss lady who threatened to tell their parents - unless Cadence showcased her skills. After a while the boss lady started assisting too, stroking his cock while Cadence sucked it and eventually jumped in on the action too! Cadence and her boss got their twats assaulted by Js giant cock muscle and an afternoon of babysitting turned into a threesome for the ages. Both of these beauties lined up for Js jizz and we were rewarded with a hot load in each of their mouths!

Cadence Lux に 'After The Sunset'

Cadence Lux - After The Sunset

Xandra Sixx and Cadence Lux enjoy a warm evening and a fabulous sunset as they lounge on their balcony in each other's arms. Their gentle caresses get gradually get friskier, especially as Xandra slips her hand into Cadence's thong to play with her lover's clit. That simple touch kicks off a maelstrom of passion that can only be satisfied by bringing each other to climax.Now that Xandra has made her intentions clear, Cadence takes charge. The girls take things inside so that Cadence can peel off Xandra's bra and put her lusty mouth to work suckling her woman's breasts and nipples to hardness before licking and kissing her way down to Xandra's hot twat. Pulling Xandra's panties aside, Cadence continues her oral exploration by burying her face in her lover's needy slit.Now that she has had a taste of the pussy buffet that is for her alone, Cadence pauses only to peel off Xandra's panties entirely. From there she dives in with long licks and a stiff tongue to bring Xandra right to the edge of cumming before bringing her off in a moaning climax.After enjoying every wave of the orgasm that Cadence has given her, Xandra returns the favor. Slipping Cadence's bra off, Xandra takes a few moments to worship her lover's boobs before pulling her thong down and going to work licking and tongue fucking Cadence's pussy. Despite the incredible sensations, Cadence manages to hold on to her composure until Xandra gets her hand in on the action before coming apart in her lover's arms.Neither girl is fully satisfied from their first release, but that's okay. Laying down between the couch and the ottoman, Cadence opens her arms to Xandra so that the blonde sits on her face for a pussy licking. Xandra enjoys the ride for a few moments before leaning forward to complete the 69 that gives them both the utmost mutual pleasure.Switching things up, Cadence positions Xandra on the couch and makes sure that her lover stays in just the right spot by taking plenty of time to lick and even nibble on Xandra's tender tits. Once she's sure that Xandra is comfortable, Cadence climbs onto the top of the couch and positions her landing strip snatch in just the right spot so that Xandra can enjoy a second pussy feast that only ends when Cadence is moaning her joy.What better way to finish off a lusty evening than with some mutual masturbation? Hopping onto the back of the couch so that they are side by side, the two girls reach out to each other's twats to simultaneously rub one another's clits in between sucking and licking each other's boobs. The tender moment is all it takes to bring both blondes to climax at the same time, leaving them each finally sated.

Cadence Lux に 'My Friend and I Did Two Black Guys'

Cadence Lux - My Friend and I Did Two Black Guys

Adriana and Cadence are roommates. Adriana is a high class escort and has helped Cadence get in on the act. She's nervous at first, but Adriana soon puts her at ease. After a few drinks with Rob and Jason, she is feeling more relaxed and ready for some fun. The two girls head for the bedroom, where they change into something much more sexy and Adriana tells Cadence exactly what she wants her to do. The guys certainly like what they see and it isn't long before the girls are taking their long dicks deep in their throats. Cadence then licks Rob's ass as Adriana jerks off his dick real slow. They are both taken doggystyle at first, looking into each others eyes as they are fucked deep by these massive black dicks. You can see how they love it when they are fucked in so many positions, each one satisfying their tiny pussies. Once they have been fully fucked and stretched to their limit, the two big cocks empty their creamy loads on to the girls' sweet faces, leaving them sticky and satisfied.

August Ames に 'Family United'

August Ames - Family United

After an epic week of partying in the desert in Mexico, August Ames' view on life has turned a complete 180. August no longer wants to be that book worm, head focused on studying. August wants to party and thanks to her stepsister Janice teaching her the bliss of lesbian sex, she feels like she can take on anything! Nevertheless, August is somewhat nervous about seeing her stepmother India Summer and step Aunt Nikki Daniels. Breaking loose from the sweet daughter routine, she is now a grown woman, excited to experience new and enriching adventures! India and Nikki arrive home, calling out to anyone that may be home only to realize the house is completely empty. Unaware of her daughter's whereabouts, India and Nikki wait patiently for August's return with some answers. Soon enough, August bursts in, hugging her mother and aunt, making India question her daughters new appearance. August gives her all the juicy details about Mexico, the partying in the desert and the 'fun' her and her sister had when they were alone. India lectures August, informing her that she didn't become a successful businesswoman by partying all the time with strangers but Nikki interrupts, reminding India that she used to be a wild one herself, which she agrees. But as soon as she finds out that Janice is in Mexico, India freaks out demanding to know what in god's name happened while she was gone. August explains how she tried to keep Janice on a leash, playing along until things started getting out of control, resulting in the sisters engaging in lesbian sex. And just like Nikki and India's step mother allowed them to luster in the world of lesbian fornication, August simply cannot be at fault for following in her mother's footsteps. Still, August did have to be punished for disobeying her mother's rules; a lesson in pussy eating sounds fair enough!India orders her daughter to get on the bed where she removes August's top exposing her huge perky boobs. All three woman embrace, caressing each others now naked bodies. August bares her face deep inside Nikki's pussy, devouring her shaved hole, tasting her juices flowing out like a hot spring. India orders August to lick every inch of her pussy while Nikki strokes her hard clit and boobs, making her orgasm fiercely. August places herself behind Nikki, forming a lesbian train of pussy eating gratification, and shifting positions to taste every inch of their bodies, especially India's ripe pussy which August fingers vigorously for an exhilarating orgasm!Enjoy!

Dillion Harper に 'Three-Way Mistress: Part Four'

Dillion Harper - Three-Way Mistress: Part Four

Dillion doesn't know what she's got herself into. First she fucks the Dad, then she fucks the daughter, and then she fucks the daughter again who wants to pose as the dad, what will she get herself into next? Dillion is at home knocking her own socks off when Sinn Sage calls her up at exactly the right moment. Dillion is so frustrated that she pick up the phone and starts to smell Sinn's bait, luring her home to Daddy...and Daughter... and Mommy.The minute Dillion is in Sinn's house their lips are smacking. Sinn leads Dillion into her trap promising her paradise and giving her purgatory. India Summer waits in the room, to get Dillion on her knees to take the appropriate punishment for fucking her horny little husband to the accompaniment of Sinn's primordial laughter. India explains that she doesn't give a shit about her husband, it's the fact she slept with Sinn that's the problem. Dillion sheepishly complains that she's a lesbian now, to the cackling of Inda and Sinn's amusement.They strip her vapid clothing off her slutty body and throw her on the bed where they make sure Dillion never forgets who she's dealing with. Dillion follows every instruction like the bottom she is, and makes sure Sinn cums for Mommy. When India finally joins her step-daughter and the home wrecker, you will need to double take, as things get hotter than you have ever seen before!

India Summer に 'Takes Three To Tango: Part Two'

India Summer - Takes Three To Tango: Part Two

India reaches out to her step sister Nikki Daniels seeking help in teaching her step daughter Hannah Hartman about her sexuality and show her how things work. Nikki is totally down with the idea, waiting anxiously for Hannah to come home. Hanna walks in, flustered that India told her mom about what they discussed the other day, but assures her that aunt Nikki is very experienced and is here to teach her all she needs to know about sex.India leads her daughter into her office where they can all sit and discuss about their previous sexual experience, but Nikki is more of a hands on kinda person, and it's decided that Hanna is to do everything that her aunt Nikki asks of her, no questions about it. With Hanna's fascination in lesbian porn, it is time for India and Nikki to show her exactly what lesbian fornication entails. India and Nikki remove their clothes, India sucking on her sisters perky boobs and admiring her bubble butt. Nikki's pussy is already drenched wet, spreading her legs on the table for India to indulge, Hanna fascinated with sexual excitement. It's Hanna's time to get involved, as she leans into suck her aunts nipple. India pushes her fingers deep inside her sister's tight pussy, penetrating her hole, sucking her juices to share with Hanna. What else will these two milfs teach sweet and innocent Hanna?Enjoy!

India Summer に 'Three-Way Mistress: Part Three'

India Summer - Three-Way Mistress: Part Three

Sinn Sage has been a bad girl and we all know it. The corruption doesn't just end there. When Sin found her father in bed with Dillion Harper (his TA) she put her plan to work. Sinn isn't your normal conniving lesbian, she works to get ahead at every turn fueled by the lesbian hungry her pussy reminds her of each and every day. But it doesn't end there! Sinn has had the most incredible teacher, and step-mother; a pillar of lesbian corruption, India Summer.When India asks what happened while she was away on 'business' she tells mommy that she's been a bad girl, but it isn't punishment she needs, it's another lesbo lesson. Sinn tells India the whole story, leaving out no details, and India gets to work showing Sinn what a good girl she's been, and taking advantage of Sinn's manipulation of not-so-innocent Dillion.India shows Sinn the prize she's been waiting all weekend for, Mommy's tongue. India slowly and tortures Sinn with her wet tongue until Sinn craves her fingers deep inside her hungry lesbian pussy. Sinn finally gets the orgasm she was waiting for, but her hunger doesn't end. Sinn craves the taste of her step-mother, and dives in for her feast, bring India to orgasm with her tongue and fingers.

India Summer に 'Mom's Lingerie'

India Summer - Mom's Lingerie

India Summer hasn't been on a date for a while so this date with Dave is really important to her, especially since her breakup with Rebel Lynn's father. India get's ready in her bedroom unaware of her step daughter's wandering eyes peeking through the door. Rebel receives a call from India's date, telling her he has to cancel their date. Rebel didn't want to give the bad news to her mother just yet, enjoying the marvelous view and hoping to seduce her.Rebel compliments her mother lingerie, and India's beauty, advocating the things she would do to her sexually. India is taken back, surprised at Rebel's impertinence and even more so, Rebel's questions regarding her sexual experiences. India glides her hands up her legs, demonstrating what pleases her. Rebel tries to seduce her mother but India feels her actions are awkward, considering this is her step daughter but Rebel doesn't give up, initiating a portentous lesbian journey that India cannot deny.Rebel lightly kisses the insides of her mother thighs, warming up India's pussy. She orders her daughter to remove her bra and shoes, which Rebel complies with soft kisses on her mother's toes. India eyes watch over her daughter's mouth, eating her pussy with lust and desire cumming all over her daughter's face. It's time for mommy to reciprocate the favor, placing her thumbs on Rebel's asshole and finger out and in, hearing her daughter scream in orgasmic euphoria. Enjoy!

Cadence Lux に 'Pussy pairing'

Cadence Lux - Pussy pairing

Candence Lux had the pleasure to live with Abigail Mac for some time. While she was there, she could not contain her inner desire to sniff Abigail's panties. She waited for her to leave and got a face full panties while she rubbed her pussy. This time she got busted right in the middle of a intimate panties session. Abigail got home earlier then expected and walked in on her roomy with a face full of panties and soaked hand. At first Abigail was upset, but soon turned this incident into a great opportunity to fulfill her own naughty fantasy. She made a move on Candence which was the best move since they moved in together. They licked and kissed each until the panties were nice and moist. They swapped the panties like they were a sweet delicacy. What could have been a strange and uncomfortable incident turned into a fantasy come true.

India Summer に 'and Chad White in Seduced by a Cougar'

India Summer - Seduced By A Cougar

Chad White is the new property manager at the apartment complex and he finds out that India Summer hasn't paid her rent in a few months. Apparently she had a deal with the old property manager, she would fuck him in exchange for free rent, but now that he's gone it looks like she will have to strike a similar deal with Chad.

Aspen Ora に 'Corruption of A Babysitter Scene 5'

Aspen Ora - Corruption of A Babysitter Scene 5

Let's be honest – we've all fantasized about turning that sweet and innocent babysitter into a filthy, nasty whore. Well, get ready for fantasies to become reality as our young babysitter (Aspen Ora) explores her sexual curiosity and transforms into an insatiable sexual dynamo. Girls, Boys, Couples – no one is safe, as our babysitting whore craves anything (and everything) wet and hard! Someone's in need of a serious timeout!

Shyla Jennings に 'The Business of Women Part Six: The Showdown'

Shyla Jennings - The Business of Women Part Six: The Showdown

India has instructed her menial stepdaughter to take Samantha back to Ms. Veracruz, and act like she has what she wants. Samantha is equipped with a safe word so that it's clear when to make their move. While the unsuspecting Vanessa parades her wealth around in the form of India's best girls, she makes the mistake of taking them back to India's mansion.Vanessa flaunts her jewels in front of India taunting her, and laying the facts out for her. Vanessa has her own daughter, her last girl, her business, and seemingly the upper hand. India sits in silence, tantalized while savoring the mockery Vanessa is making of herself. Vanessa orders her girls to put on a show for 'Mommy.' While Samantha and Shyla play their roles, India's knowing smirk proves she is getting tired of Vanessa's embarrassing tirade. Vanessa continues to bark all the orders, but India loses her patience when Villain Vanessa gets a bit too high on her horse.Ms. Summer stands, face to face with Ms. Veracruz and challenges her to exert her control. When Ms. Summer speaks, the cards turn, and Samantha and Shyla take the side of the hand that feeds. India instantly assumes control. Vanessa's words mean nothing any longer, and her subsequent break down leaves her dragged through India's mud, begging to come back to the home she's always been destined for.

India Summer に 'Wife Breeders'

India Summer - Wife Breeders

Hot wife India Summer has visited Shane Diesel once again to get her hot hungry pussy fully loaded with Shane's thick cum.

India Summer に 'Magic Mike XXXL A Hardcore Parody Scene 1'

India Summer - Magic Mike XXXL A Hardcore Parody Scene 1

Award-Winning Director Brad Armstrong brings you a 'Ladies Night' to remember! Magic Mike, Dallas, and the rest of the boys are getting the women all Hot, Horny, and very much willing to please. Girls, we know you've been waiting for this one! And guys, don't worry... there's plenty of gorgeous women in here to make you happy too! So, tonight, do yourself a favor: Let her pick the movie!

Alli Rae に 'Use What You Got'

Alli Rae - Use What You Got

Jessy Jones is enjoying some time to himself when his stepmom India Summer walks in on him masturbating to loud porn. When India tries to talk about it, Jessy confesses his concerns about whether size matters and his ability to please his girlfriend Alli Rae. After a bit of discussion, India suggests that maybe Jessy needs to build up his stamina and then offers to give him some insight on his penis size.It turns out that Jessy is quite well endowed, and India is in the midst of giving him advice how to use it when Alli arrives! Watching India suck off her boyfriend's cock gets Alli all kinds of turned on, and the two girls decide to work together to help Jessy increase his confidence and get over his problem of cumming too fast.The girls put on quite a show for Jessy, with India sucking on Alli's small tits before they both race to get naked. Then it's all about Jessy as the girls take turns wrapping their soft warm lips around his cock for a dual-blowjob. India makes sure to plant her creamy snatch in Jessy's face, making it clear that he should be eating her out while she and Alli go to town on his stiffie. When India switches things up and slides down on Jessy's cock so that he impales her juicy twat, Alli can't contain her excitement. She buries her face between India's legs, licking India's clit with long wet strokes of her tongue while Jessy thrusts. Next it's Alli's turn to get fucked, and she slides onto her boyfriend's dick with a big smile. Her cowgirl position lets her set the pace and the penetration, which India encourages to help with Jessy's little problem.When Alli gets tired of being on top, she climbs on top of India so that the girls present Jessy with a pussy double stack. Jessy gets to choose who to fuck and how hard, making it easy for him to ensure that both girls have climaxed before he pulls out to jizz all over Alli's smooth soft back.

India Summer に '- Glory Hole'

India Summer - Glory Hole

The label of "cougar" fits India Summer like a glove. She's constantly searching for big black meat to secure in her mouth. Being a seasoned sucker of black meat India knows that anonymity goes a long way. Her quest to becoming the biggest black cock smuggler leads her to the glory hole where white girls go to convert to black cock sluts.With her clothes taking up space on a filthy floor India lowers herself so that she can suck as much black dick as humanly possible. Her tongue sticks out while anonymous black cock ravages her gullet. This mother knows better than to waste perfectly good black pudding so she swallows it down while wearing a grin that goes from ear to ear.

India Summer に '- Watching My Mom Go Black'

India Summer - Watching My Mom Go Black

White folks can't do anything right. I was teaching this thug-in-training how to jack a car so we could get paid once we took it to the chop shop. The dude struggled so long that his Mommy, India Summer, interrupted us and damn near made a scene. She also nearly beat the shit out of her boy which would have would have had me rollin' since he and I are both grown boys. Instead, I beat the shit out of her pussy with the big black dick that she nearly passed out once she peeped it out. I fucked that bitch until she was sweating all over me and homeboy couldn't believe his Mom was now into interracial sex since she only fucks with small-dicked white dudes. Watching me fuck his Mom scarred him for life but I don't hang with that kid anymore so I really don't give a fuck.

Sara Luvv に 'Vegas Field Trip Part Two: My Mom and Her Mom'

Sara Luvv - Vegas Field Trip Part Two: My Mom and Her Mom

Sara Luvv arrives back to the hotel , looking for her step mom Ariella Ferrera, but calling out her name a few times, she realizes no one was there...Sara starts making some food when she hears moaning coming from the bedroom. Curious to know what that was about, she opens her mother's door only to be taken back at what she never expected to see.Sara watches her mother Ariella and India Summer caress one another's naked bodies. Sara makes her presence know, but Ariella clears up Sara's confusion, letting her know that her father is aware of her sexual needs and was ok with it. Sara is not sure how comfortable she is, looking at two mature women naked. Ariella thinks Sara needs to open up and explore her deep desires hiding inside of her, begging to come out. India admits that her and Shyla engaged in a sexual affair and Ariella also opens up about her lesbian affair with Chloe. Sara is in complete awe however cannot deny that what India and Ariella were saying wasn't true. Sara wanted to experience her dirty thoughts and make them a reality.India and Ariella comfort Sara, slowly removing her top, displaying her perky brown nipples. India and Ariella remove Sara's shorts and underwear, pampering her body like a goddess. Ariella teases Sara's pussy stroking her finger onto her labia, creating a moist and tasty atmosphere. Sara begs Ariella to continue eating her out cumming all over her mother's face. Ariella instructs her daughter to eat out India while Ariella places her pussy over India's face resulting in the perfect lesbian trifecta. Sara is grateful to her mom showing her a new found lust for women and excited for her next lesbian experience!

Alli Rae に 'Blonde BFFs Share a huge BBC'

Alli Rae - Blonde BFFs Share a huge BBC

Alli has been studying hard for her big test. Unfortunately, Cadence has other ideas of how to spend her weekend, sucking and fucking her new man's big black cock. Their noisy fucking makes studying impossible so Alli goes to tell them to keep quiet. The site of Michael's huge dick makes her really horny, and Cadence is more than happy for her to join in her fun! They suck his massive black cock together before he stretches Alli's tiny little pussy to its limit before giving Cadence her fair share too! Once he's done fucking these two petite babes, he shoots his load all over Alli's neat pussy mound, where Cadence can't wait to clean it all up!

India Summer に 'Teachers 2, Scene 2'

India Summer - Teachers 2, Scene 2

Young and horny freshman, Mindy, and the Professor have already had their naughty affair but this time he's requested her to spy on their rival university, and discover their secret to academic success. She accepts in hopes he'll leave his wife, right after he plows her on his desk to keep her mind focused. The first day at the rival campus, she's introduced to Dean Rosabella, who's handling two delinquents with sexual pleasure. She's then shoved into a sex workshop where the girls discover the location of their g-spots! The school is incredible but she still can't figure out their secret! With 6 packed sessions of hardcore sex including an all-girl orgy, the students are getting a PhD on human anatomy, with a thesis on mind-blowing orgasms!

Hope Howell に 'Hot for hope'

Hope Howell - Hot for hope

Hope came home with her boyfriend, Danny, when her step mom, India, wasn't home. Hope had the idea to go fuck in her step mom's shower. Danny was hesitant at first, but she convinced him. She pulled up that dress, and he couldn't resist her juicy round ass. In the bathroom, it didn't take long for the sucking and fucking to begin. Hope got bent over and was getting pounded in her pussy from behind when her step mom, India, came in the bathroom to take a pee. After India was done, she noticed what was happening. She began yelling at Hope when she noticed Danny's big cock. She told Hope she wouldn't tell her father, as long as she shared that cock with her. Soon after, they were both sucking on that dick. They took turns getting their pussies filled and got that cream all over their pretty faces.

India Summer に 'Free Screw at Hardware Store'

India Summer - Free Screw at Hardware Store

With his job at the hardware store hanging by one loose thread, Johnny bet the boss he would do whatever it took to seal the deal with the next customer who walked in the door. Just his luck it turned out to be that scorching hot Milf India Summer, and she seemed much more interested in the hardware bulging out of Johnny's pants than anything hanging on the walls. After getting her flawless tits out, India gave him a very messy, loud blowjob right there on the sales floor and then bent over a shelf so Johnny could pull her G-string aside and eat her out from behind. Then India hopped on and rode Johnny's rod, getting fucked every which way until her legs shook with the intense pleasure of a vagina orgasm!

Samantha Rone に 'The Business of Women Part Two: Homecoming'

Samantha Rone - The Business of Women Part Two: Homecoming

Reaching her new destiny, Samantha Rone arrives to her new home and boss, India Summer. Samantha is greeting by Charlotte Stokely,a confident,assertive assistant, dedicated to India and her empire. Before gaining access to India's home, Charlotte has Samantha sign a disclosure form ensuring nothing seen here will be spoken of in the outside world. Samantha follows Charlotte, in awe with her new surroundings and lifestyle. As they take the tour around the house looking for their boss, Charlotte makes it very clear that after India, she is in charge and what she says, goes. They head back into the house where they locate India playing racquetball in the house. As Charlotte hands over the contract signed by Samantha, she becomes transparent about her feelings towards this new recruitment, stating that Samantha looks like nothing but a cheap hooker. India does not appreciate her assistants tone, showing such disrespect but quickly puts Charlotte back in place and orders her to shoo away.Swallowing her pride, Charlotte gets back to work trying to redeem herself is on the phone with a very unhappy customer. India and Samantha walk in where India orders Charlotte to get off the phone immediately to fill in Samantha with all the necessary details. It's very clear that Charlotte does not want to train or have anyone replace her but India is the one giving the orders and as it is so, Charlotte complies. Becoming more resentful of her new co worker, Charlotte shows four picture frames of four different women, one of them has been wrapped in black lace. Charlotte states that all these women used to be just like her, but now, gone or forgotten, but the last one, the one in black, that picture was of Vanessa, India's first apprentice but now, enemy. Vanessa left India taking half of her clients with her. Charlotte reveals to Samantha what it's really like to be employed by India, bad mouthing her boss advising Samantha she doesn't know what shes really in for. Samantha needs to get out while she still can. Hearing every little thing Charlotte said, India calls her out, disappointed in her once again, now having to take on the simple task of training Samantha. Charlotte begs to have another chance trying her best to please her boss, but India will not have it, ordering her to get out of her sight. Charlotte falls on her knees with the snap of India's fingers. India feels Charlotte and Samantha both need a lesson in respect and with that, India summons them into her bedroom. Their fates are now in the hands of one powerful woman.

Jaye Summers に 'Sexy dance'

Jaye Summers - Sexy dance

The best place to be is in the VIP, and the ladies know it. They showed off the goods because they knew how to keep the party live. They'd told all their friends, so the party was bumping. Jaye and her party buddies were already wet and excited in the limo. They would of started to suck and fuck right there if we hadn't gotten to the club in enough time. The girls flaunted for the camera and moved their way into the club for more action. Ass and tits continued to bounce as they felt each other up. They kissed and teased each other until they wanted more. Jmac and Tarzan got the best of the action, as the girls ate them up. They made a few trains of licking pussy with Jamc in the back hitting the caboose. Then the ladies all collected together for the big finale, as the guys hosed them down.

Elektra Rose に 'My Stepdaughters Titties'

Elektra Rose - My Stepdaughters Titties

The last thing India ever thought about doing was going to bed with her step-daughter Elektra Rose. But when Elektra came home from her dance class feeling tight and sore, India rubbed down her shoulders and ended up somehow cupping her soft breasts! Later, when she walked in on Elektra in the shower, India couldn't help but admire her all-natural teen body, and before India knew it, her hands had traveled between her legs and she was masturbating. Elektra called India over to join her in the shower and get her natural tits soaped up. After their steamy session of shower sex, India joined Elektra in bed to lick her pussy and clit, warming her up for an afternoon of hot lesbian sex.

Cadence Lux に 'Hot Blonde Girl Pays Off Boyfriends Debt By Fucking BBC'

Cadence Lux - Hot Blonde Girl Pays Off Boyfriends Debt By Fucking BBC

Cadence is sick of her boyfriend's gambling problem, and this time the only way for him to clear his debt is for her to pay with her soft pussy! When she agrees, little does she know that this big black cock is going to make her wetter than she's ever been! When Flash fills her with his massive dick she is left yearning for every inch from every angle possible, and can't wait to open wide for his big sticky load!

Anikka Albrite に 'Rocco's Perfect Slaves 5'

Anikka Albrite - Rocco's Perfect Slaves 5

Dark-haired, MILF domme India Summer uses her enormous strap-on dildo to train the throat and pussy of submissive blonde slut Anikka Albrite, as businessman James Deen casually watches. Before long, James has taken over, plowing Anikka's sweet hole; the girls each worship his cock, and India takes a relentless ass fucking from the younger stud as her blonde slave cleans his shaft ass-to-mouth. At the climax of the nasty threesome, Anikka and India lewdly swap a creamy mouthful of sperm.

India Summer に 'Happy Anniversary'

India Summer - Happy Anniversary

On the morning of her 18th anniversary, a man (Steven St. Croix) surprises his wife (India Summer) with a full-body massage from a very handsome masseuse.

Samantha Rone に 'The Business of Women Part One: The Date'

Samantha Rone - The Business of Women Part One: The Date

Samantha Rone sits in her transparent tub water, ruminating on the life she's leading. She's in a dead end cycle living as a call girl, taking everything in stride, but the regret leaves her less than happy. Tonight she has a very special date, the last she expects to take before severing the ties with her agent. She takes her time arriving at her appointment.India Summer waits patiently for her date, in a dark hotel room. When Samantha arrives she explains that she is in charge, and asks if she's been warned to do everything to please her fully. Samantha nods gently. India gives her a gift. A studded white colar to signify her ownership of Samantha now. The dread of severing her relationship with the agent are dissolved as India shows her to her bath, and India's controlling energy envelopes Samantha, tearing her into India's fold, never to look back. After India has Samantha clean her, and eat her pussy expertly, India rewards Samantha with an orgasm of her very own. Samantha comes to a point where she has a decision to make. With India's strength overbearing, Samantha considers her offer to come and seduce women with her. Will she take the offer?

India Summer に 'Takes Two To Tango: Part One'

India Summer - Takes Two To Tango: Part One

Hannah is a naive young girl. Sure she's stunning, and quite popular at school, but when it comes to certain grown up stuff, she's totally oblivious. See, Hannah has a conundrum. When she watches girls fooling around it turns her on. When she makes the realization that she could potentially be a lesbian, it turns her world upside down. We all know that the popular girls at school, don't have any issue talking about how they tick, but this might be something she should bring up with her step-mom first. Or at least she thought.India is a nurturing stepmom who, despite long hours in her office, and frequent business calls, tried her hardest to make sure her girls get the education they need, and when they need it. As a late bloomer Hannah has obviously tumultuous feelings about her newest discovery. When India explains what it's like to have sex, and that no matter what you do, don't subscribe to labels, just to be herself, Hannah's ideas finally click into place and her new found self-esteem can start to flourish.When India demands a display of Hannah's attempted techniques Hannah shows her. India is amazed that Hannah hasn't discovered her body alone, and makes sure that Hannah's education is one that she won't forget. India whips out a toy so she can try a new technique to masturbate, and it's already better for Hannah, but when India decides to show Hannah what sex is really about, we get to see her show Hannah everything she will need to know about being herself, and getting what she needs.

India Summer に 'Vegas Milf Vacation'

India Summer - Vegas Milf Vacation

India Summer is having her bachelorette in Vegas, and before that sexy beauty gets tied down to one dick for the rest of her life, she's determined to get one last big cock before the big day! Spotting what she assumes must be a stripper in her hotel room, she teases Danny D's cock until it's rock hard. Danny eats her wet pussy and then fucks her deep, pounding that tight MILF pussy until she's squirting with pleasure and then cumming all over her!

India Summer に 'Hot Summer'

India Summer - Hot Summer

India Summer is so smoking hot that she push the temperature sky-high in the room just with her presence. But when she strips nude and puts her beautiful feet into action, all thermometers (and zippers) explode. An arousing footjob session by a beautiful babe... that's what we call a real Sunday entertainment.

Eva Lovia に 'Love to lovia'

Eva Lovia - Love to lovia

Eva had her boyfriend, Van, over to get some studying done. But she knew he was really more interested in her. Since he hadn't really been getting A's in the bedroom lately, when she finished her part of the studying, she took off to her stepmom India's room and left him solo. There she explained the trouble in bed, and India offered to show her how it should be done. The ladies took off their bottoms, and India sucked Eva's pussy the right way. Eva was loving it, but right in the middle, Van was being a perv and had started taking pics on his mobile from outside the window. When they caught him, India made him stay after class and gave him extra homework. He banged both those pussies until he'd aced the lesson. Then he blasted his load all over both their pretty faces. This was a MILF and teen threesome for the ages!

Francesca Le に 'Real Anal Booty Calls 2'

Francesca Le - Real Anal Booty Calls 2

Brunette MILF beauty India Summer pays an impromptu booty call to American Latina MILF Francesca Le and her hung husband, Mark Wood. India's gorgeous ass needs some special attention! She starts off with a vibrating wand and some passionate lesbian licking with Francesca. Mark films POV-style as both women orally worship his jumbo boner. India and Francesca take turns getting anally drilled -- until Mark splatters the dark-haired vixen with a hot load of semen.

Janet Mason に 'Mommy's Back!'

Janet Mason - Mommy's Back!

Rear Admiral Janet Mason, a busty redhead in a sexy uniform, returns from a tour to dark-haired, natural-bodied secret lover India Summer. The hot, dirty-talking MILFs kiss and make out. India eats Janet's hairy pussy from behind before making the welcome more festive: She's brought 'lovely penis' Xander Corvus, who follows directions well. The girls trade off blowing cock, generating spit strands, as India fingers Janet. Janet takes a sweaty fucking as India sucks her tits and then sits on her face. India gets nailed with Janet fingering her clit and asshole, and both girls suck dick pussy-to-mouth. Janet enjoys a skin-slapping cock ride, and she eats India as India is plowed. The Rear Admiral strokes semen into her mouth, and the ladies share a luscious cum kiss.

Chloe Amour に 'Teach Me Mommy: Part Two'

Chloe Amour - Teach Me Mommy: Part Two

India Summer is on a charity mission with her step-daughter Shyla Jennings. The cute young lady has been on a steep learning curve ever since India gave Shyla her first ever lesson in seduction. Being a CEO really aids you when you need a guinea pig right away. Since India is fed up with this girl Chloe Amour from work, she decides she might be the perfect test subject for her girl on girl... on girl experiment.Later, turns out Shyla isn't quite as smooth as she thought, and Chloe isn't really feeling the moves Shyla's throwing her way, even though Chloe knows Shyla is pretty hot. When things start to heat up, Shyla lets her horniness take the front seat and India has to step in and show Shyla how it's done. Knowing Chloe will lose her shit when she discovers them, India asserts her normal power, and orchestrates some very enticing lesbian positions for Chloe and Shyla. India is sure everyone gets what they want without relinquishing an ounce of control.India lines the younger women up and uses her tongue to coax the girls closer to their orgasms. She lines them up to feed from her own pussy and soon all three are working closer to cumming for one another. Each cums screaming through their muscle shuddering orgasms. Finally India makes sure Chloe knows she used her, by instructing her to have the reports done and on her desk first thing in the morning. No beach for her.

India Summer に 'MILFs Suck'

India Summer - MILFs Suck

Posing poolside in a pink bikini and heels, leggy, longhaired brunette MILF India Summer gives herself a camel toe and wedgie. She pinches her natural breasts' nipple hard-ons and spreads her MILF ass. Indoors, she kneels for a blow job shot POV-style; the camera shows no male face, just India's dark eyes making direct contact with the viewer. India gives a slurping, lip-smacking blow job to a big erection that could be yours, with hand stroking and scrotum lapping. Her dark hair flows as her mouth works, talking arousingly and worshiping dick. She strokes semen into her mouth and plays with the cum on her tongue.

India Summer に 'Bathtime With a Hot MILF'

India Summer - Bathtime With a Hot MILF

What could be better than jumping in the tub with your hot girlfriend, and rubbing on her slick wet tits as you gear up for some hot afternoon sex? Watch how Sara Luvv took her time sucking Clover's cock, wetting down the tip while she jerked the shaft and teased his balls. When Sara's hot new step-mother walked in the bathroom and caught the young lovers fooling around in the tub, she decided to join in and show them how to fuck like a pro. She taught Sara how to deepthroat to the base of the shaft, then she took turns getting a crack at that big dick.

Cadence Lux に 'Cum on bush'

Cadence Lux - Cum on bush

Cadence was back, but this time she had a pleasant surprise. She had a hot bush between those sexy legs. Cadence started out by teasing and slowly undressing to reveal that sweet bush. She played with it and displayed how soft and succulent it was. Mirko joined the party and began combing that hot bush. She sucked and fucked that cock like a champ. Then Cadence got her pussy drilled and man juice all over her HOT bush.

India Summer に 'Sexy india'

India Summer - Sexy india

Brianna was at the airport and lost her phone charger. She couldn't help but notice the gorgeous body of India, and while she was checking her out, she noticed she had the same phone. Brianna asked about the charger and with the door open used her girlish charm to lure India in. They made their way back to the house, and as Brianna searched her purse for her charger, her vibrator fell out. India picked it up and, having caught on to Brianna's previous advances, decided this was the perfect moment to make a move. They started kissing and soon someone's mouth was always filled with pussy. These sexy MILF's went at it back and forth through multiple orgasams. They laid back in each others arms in the end slowly building up the strength for round two.

Shyla Jennings に 'Teach Me Mommy: Part One'

Shyla Jennings - Teach Me Mommy: Part One

India Summers is the stepmom most of us hope for. She's a hard hitting business woman who makes a lot of money so she can enjoy her luxurious life with her step-daughter Shyla Jennings. Today Shyla needs her stepmom, but India isn't used to dealing with such moods, usually she dismisses them, but today Shyla is genuinely blue. She never interrupts India's business calls. Turns out Shyla's boyfriend ditched her because she doesn't know how to have sex. India is resolved to help Shyla with her problem, after all her step-mom showed her! India shows Shyla her personal spin on seduction, and Shyla falls into her trap, just like every other person she's been with. After instructing Shyla on the basics, and giving the nubile vixen her first real orgasm, it's Shyla's turn to show her stuff. And show her stuff she does! Get ready for some of the best oral sex you've seen in ages. After multiple wet orgasms each, accompanied by intense moaning and passion, India is ready to put her stamp of approval on Shyla's new techniques. But first, she uses her manipulative nature to set up a first victim for Shyla to initiate. Wish it was me!

India Summer に 'Phone Sex With Gf's Stepmom Turns Into Threesome'

India Summer - Phone Sex With Gf's Stepmom Turns Into Threesome

Jake Jace likes dirty talk, it really turns him on. Apparently his gf doesn't like to talk sexy to him. I guess that's why he's on the phone with the 1-800-Milf hotline. Jake wants to hear a sexy milf whisper nothing but sex talk in his ear. With his dick in his hands, Jake's gf walks in on him unexpectedly. Cutting his conversation short with the hotline. He heads over to her house for dinner. The gf's sexy Stepmom is cooking Lasagna for them. Turns out that he recognized her voice from the Milf hotline he called earlier. It was her! The stepmom sent the daughter to the store, while she got to know Jake a lot more in person. She pulled his dick out, got on her knees and sucked it just the way Jake imagined it. The gf catches them in the act and joins in on the fun. Jake Jace fantasy came true. Enjoy

India Summer に 'After Dad Leaves'

India Summer - After Dad Leaves

Tysen Rich visits her boyfriend Van Wylde and his stepmom India Summers over a breakfast that turns sexual fast as India lets her hands wander all over Tysen's tits and pussy and Van's hard cock. When Van's father leaves the room, all bets are off between the hot and horny trio that just can't wait to get each other off.India uses her fingers to fondle Tysen's weeping pussy beneath her swimsuit first as Tysen kneads her own small boobs. Van watches his step-mom and girlfriend with a smile as his hand works his cock into a stiff erection.Tempted by Van's member, India and Tysen get up from the table and get down on their knees so that India can coach Tysen through a hot wet blowjob. After seeing how deep Tysen can take her lover's dick, India offers tips and encouragement to get her to take it even deeper and then offers a deep-throat demonstration.Now that Tysen has mastered the art of an awesome blowjob, India takes the time to work with Tyler on really pleasing his woman. She guides the couple as Tysen bends over the chair and Tyler licks her puss to prepare her for deep penetration with his cock. Next Tysen perches on the top of her chair so that Tyler can work on his pussy licking skills. Meanwhile, India keeps Tyler nice and hard with her hands and mouth, and then with a slick pussy ride while still giving him instructions and tips to improve his performance.Now it's Tysen's turn to have her soft twat fucked once again. Laying on the edge of the couch, she spreads her legs while India guides Tysen's strokes and rubs Tysen's clit. The trio gets hotter and wilder as Tysen writhes in ecstasy from all the pleasure building inside her.Climbing on top of Tysen, India presents her twat in a pussy stack that Tyler gladly takes advantage of. The girls voice their pleasure as Tyler takes turns pumping his cock into each of their needy twats until he drives each of them to moaning climaxes. For her final lesson, India shows Tysen just how to help Tyler get off with a handjob that brings him over the edge so that he loses his sticky load all over India and Tysen's waiting faces.

Francesca Le に 'A POV Sphinctacular 2'

Francesca Le - A POV Sphinctacular 2

Hot Latina MILF Francesca Le and her big-dicked partner, Mark Wood, have hired bratty blonde Chastity Lynn to house-sit. Then they find the lazy slut just lounging around, smoking and chugging. Mark and Francesca decide there's only one way to teach young Chastity some discipline - an intense threesome of face fucking and anal domination! Francesca restrains the cute brat while Mark fucks Chastity's mouth, then humps her doggie-style. He invades Chastity's tight asshole with a glass dido and his big boner; he makes her rim Francesca's butthole and suck his ass-flavored cock. Finally Mark dumps a load in her mouth.

India Summer に 'A POV Sphinctacular 02'

India Summer - A POV Sphinctacular 02

India Summer is a glamorous brunette MILF that loves teasing us in her sheer nightie and lacy lingerie. This fit, experienced vixen exposes her perfect, round ass and strokes her cunt with anticipation; soon she's on her knees blowing cameraman Mark Wood's big boner as he films POV-style. India rides him, her sweet pussy wrapped around his shaft, then slides the throbbing cockhead deep into her taut asshole. After he reams her butt good, India opens wide for a messy mouthful of cum.

India Summer に 'Make It Sexy'

India Summer - Make It Sexy

As Janice Griffith takes a walk with her step mom India Summer they come across their neighbor Logan who has definitely caught Janice's eye. Like a wonderful stepmom, India offers to make sure that Janice and Logan get together by enticing him over to shoot a fitness video.The girls warm up before Logan arrives, and when he shows up he cautiously agrees to shoot a sexy workout video. After a set of reps, India pulls Janice's shirt up to rub her perky little boobs and pinch her rock hard nipples. Janice's shirt is soon just a memory, as are her shorts.India loses her clothes next and proceeds to demonstrate her exercises with her landing strip twat fully open to the camera. She entices Logan closer so that Janice can play with his rock hard erection, and as soon as they pull his hard cock from his shorts the real fun can start.Janice kicks things off with an enthusiastic blowjob where she even shows off her deep throating skills. India joins in, leaving Janice free to take Logan's balls in her mouth to lick and to suck. As they continue to play, India teaches Janice how to use plenty of spit to make sure her blowjobs are always wet and wild.Next India sets up the exercise ball and instructs Janice to lay down on it so that Logan can press his erection deep into her landing strip twat and go to town delivering a proper pussy pounding. With India's help, Logan drives Janice to her first climax of the day although they all know it won't be her last.Now it's India's turn for some pleasure, so she climbs on top of Janice to create a pussy double stack that is straight out of Logan's dreams. Whichever snatch he isn't fucking, Logan pleasures with his tongue and fingers until the music of both girls' moans fills the air.Next Janice and India lay Logan down on the yoga mat so that India can mount his erection and ride him deep in her creamy fuck hole. Janice gets her ride next while Logan sits on the exercise ball to give added bounce to their lovemaking as wave after wave of pleasure courses through her.India decides to take a ride on Logan as he stays on the ball, enjoying her virile stud while Janice watches and brings herself to yet another climax with her talented fingers. Moments later, Janice rests her back against the exercise ball with her mouth open in anticipation while India works Logan to his ultimate ecstasy so that he releases his hot sticky load all over her face and then kisses India to share her prize.

India Summer に 'in My First Sex Teacher'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

Dean India Summer calls in a student at her University after he was found fucking one of his professors. India makes it clear that fucking professor's will not get him ahead in college. If he wants to get ahead he will have to fuck her instead.

India Summer に 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

India Summer is driving down the street when she see's her son's friend, Xander, walking in the blaring summer heat. She gives him a ride him and tucks him into bed as he is still out of it from a night of partying. The thing is, Xander can't go to sleep unless he has someone laying next to him so he convinces India to hop into bed with him for a bit. Once she's in bed Xander confesses to her that he's always had a crush on her. She's flattered, so flattered that she's willing to fuck his brains out, given that he doesn't tell her son.

India Summer に 'Anal Inferno 03'

India Summer - Anal Inferno 03

Real-life pals, gorgeous, glamorous India Summer and Veronica Avluv love having anal sex together; these sexy MILFs have a special treat planned for director Mike Adriano. They take turns eating each other's asshole, worshiping Mike's huge cock with their experienced tongues. India and Veronica swap spit and enjoy a deep ass fucking, slurping his boner ass-to-mouth. Veronica even squirts in her friend's face! After a session of nasty ass play, these experienced ladies share Mike's hot cum.

India Summer に 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

Danny stops by his friend's house to see if he got home safe last night. His friend isn't home, but his friend's mom, India, is and she's been curious about her son's whereabouts. Danny tells India about the shenanigans he and her son got into, that's when India realizes she has a missed call on her cell phone. She plays the voice mail and it's her son with a collect call from jail! Danny tries to calm India with a massage, but she needs more than a massage to calm her, she needs Danny's rock hard cock inside her.

India Summer に 'in Seduced by a cougar'

India Summer - Seduced By A Cougar

India Summer is Chad's financial adviser and she is very upset that he let his ex run away with all his money, mostly because if Chad has no money then India can't get paid. Chad is willing to do anything to pay India back for her services, so India puts him to work...on her pussy. She makes Chad fuck his debt off.

India Summer に 'in My First Sex Teacher'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

India Summer has a problem with her student, Bill. He's always getting in trouble. India think's she knows the problem, Bill just has to much testosterone being the great teacher she is India is willing to give him a hand….mouth, and pussy. India fucks Bill in order to help release all that testosterone he has built up.

India Summer に 'Family Business'

India Summer - Family Business

A step mother's (India Summer) secret obsession for her spoiled stepson (Van Wylde) explodes when he catches her masturbating one hot summer afternoon.

India Summer に 'Having Sex With The In-Laws'

India Summer - Having Sex With The In-Laws

Just released from prison and sexually frustrated, a young man (Bruce Venture) gets caught in a web of seduction when his horny mother-in-law (India Summer)sets out to make him her next prey.

India Summer に 'Anal Lessons From A Milf'

India Summer - Anal Lessons From A Milf

Veruca James was rushing home with her boyfriend Danny because she wanted to give him an extra special surprise: her anal virginity! To fit Danny D's giant cock in her ass, Veruca wants to make sure they have some lube, so she sneaks into her stepmom's room to grab hers. Veruca sucks Danny's dick and he eats out her tasty wet pussy before they hear Veruca's stepmom India Summer coming home early! Veruca hides out in a closet, but India catches Danny standing there naked as a jaybird and figures out what's going on right away. Being a responsible stepmom, India wants to make sure that Veruca's first anal experience is done right, so India strips down so the two butt sluts can both take Danny's dick deep in their asses.

India Summer に 'Milf and Step Daughter Enjoy A Stiff Cock...'

India Summer - Milf and Step Daughter Enjoy A Stiff Cock...

India Summer is a sexy Milf. And she's in need of a good fucking by some young mans cock. But I gotta tell you, this guy is in for a huge surprise. That surprise is a milf wanting to fuck her daughter men. Once she gets a look at his cock . It's on, the temptation is too much for her to resist until her daughter walks in on both of them. Guy's please don't miss out on this, it's awesome!

Adriana Chechik に 'Cougars Kittens and Cock 3'

Adriana Chechik - Cougars Kittens and Cock 3

Adriana Chechik, India Summer Bust A Pervert. Erik Everhard a pervert? Who didn't know that? In this spicy slice of COUGARS, KITTENS AND COCK 3 Erik's perverted side gets rewarded with two brunette whores that have natural bodies and fuck us both mentalities. Here's an anal three way with ass to mouth, lots of cock sucking and gobs of cum swapping. If your fantasy is two girls at once, mine is, then this is your dream cum true.

India Summer に 'This Is My First'

India Summer - This Is My First

Ultra sexy Brunette cock loving MILF, India Summer, is dipping her fingers into her soaked hot pussy waiting for four cocks to invade her craving pink tight pussy. One by one we offer our throbbing poles into India's hot mouth, pussy and of course her tiny little butt hole. India was so dick hungry she had meat in all her holes and hands until we left her dripping with come from head to toes.

India Summer に 'Topless tennis'

India Summer - Topless tennis

Shae played a tennis match with the Hunter, and she lost. They bet on the game, and now she had to pay up by showing off her huge beautiful tits. Shae sat down with Levi and explained to him that she had a crush on her step mother and wanted his help to reel her in. She insinuated he could join in a threesome. Her step-mom India came and picked them up, and they went back to Levi's place for some lemonade. Once they were there, Shae got a phone call, and she left the Hunter alone with her step mother. Levi told her about the crush, and India was very willing to fulfill Shae's fantasy. Soon after, India was kissing Shae and pulling out those big juicy tits. Levi and India took turns licking Shae's sweet pussy. The girls both sucked and fucked his cock. Levi rammed both their pussies good, and Shae got that man juice all over her luscious ass. India licked it all up.

India Summer に 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

India is out sunbathing by her pool when her son's friend Billy comes by to clean it. He explains to her that her son paid him 100 dollars to clean it for him. Seeing that he was done with the pool, India was not going to let Billy's idle hands go to waste. She has him rub some sun tan lotion down her legs and back. Feeling awkward he asks her if she needed anymore lotion, she flips over drops her top and says she needs some on the front. Billy doesn't think this is appropriate behavior for his friend's mom but, all she wants is someone to rub some lotion on her chest. It isn't as if she wants to suck Billy's big dick, get fucked by him, and then take right on her face. What kind of mom would she be if that were to happen.

India Summer に 'Babysit My Ass 04'

India Summer - Babysit My Ass 04

Sexy, longhaired MILF India Summer and hot-assed, tanned Adriana Chechik (two brunettes in pink lingerie and heels) share an orgasmic anal threesome with hung stud Jessy Jones. Each lady gets all three holes plowed by Jessy's thick prick, with ample oral and vibrator assistance along the way. These dirty girls love getting their assholes thoroughly reamed, and each enjoys tasting vaginal and rectal flavor -- their own and each other's -- on Jessy's meat. The marathon fuck session climaxes with India jacking jets of Jessy's jism onto Adriana's face and licking it off.

India Summer に 'Loves Big Black Dicks!'

India Summer - Loves Big Black Dicks!

This week India comes to LA to for one thing. She wants Sean Micheals big cock in her wet pussy. She knows the score, shes done this song and dance before, that's why she keeps coming back for more. Because India loves getting her pussy stretched out and her throat too. She can take monster dick all the way down her throat. You should check it out.

India Summer に 'Milf's Love Anal Sex Too!'

India Summer - Milf's Love Anal Sex Too!

India Summer is a sexy Milf that has a gorgeous body. She's here today to get fucked in the ass. She has big tits, a sweet ass and a tasty pussy. She can get down with the best of them. India plays with dildos and gets fucked hardcore. This update will definitely have you feeling horny. Come and see.

India Summer に 'Dirty Rotten Mother Fuckers 7'

India Summer - Dirty Rotten Mother Fuckers 7

India Summer Handymen Needed For DP. What do you do if the hot brunette who's house your fixing would rather get fucked than have her domicile repaired? You and the guy you're working with stop fixing and start fucking, of course. In this piece of DIRTY ROTTEN MOTHER FUCKERS 7 India Summer forgoes home repair in favor of double penetration, ass to mouth and a double facial. A natural MILF in sexy lingerie choses giving blowjobs over responsible home ownership? What has this world come to? I'm not sure, but I like it!

Bailey Bradshaw に 'Study Session Turns Sexual'

Bailey Bradshaw - Study Session Turns Sexual

Beautiful Bailey Bradshaw is studying with her man at the kitchen table while her stepmom India Summer keeps them company and offers her help. When the learning stalls, India decides to take the session in a different direction by crawling on the floor and helping herself to a long wet taste of Bailey's boyfriend's monster cock.Bailey is instantly turned on and interested in this unique sexual experience her stepmother is offering, especially after her man starts fingering her hot tight pussy. Taking over for India, Bailey wraps her soft around her man's cock and goes to work on a long hard blowjob while her stepmom watches and offers helpful advice.When her beau is rock hard, Bailey is the first to climb aboard and ride him like a personal stud. India has some tips to offer, there, too, so she takes a turn giving Bailey's man a ride in her neatly shaved snatch. Then, just in case, India decides to give Bailey a lesson in pussy eating while Bailey's man pile the blonde's dripping wet fuck hole into orgasmic submission.

India Summer に 'Porn-Star Fucked In The Ass Then Swallows!'

India Summer - Porn-Star Fucked In The Ass Then Swallows!

India Summer is back for some more! This time it's for today's BigMouthFuls update. She's one of the sexiest Milf's in the porn world. India has nice tits, a juicy pussy and a fat ass made for anal sex. Of course we know Mike loves to lick pussy and eat ass. That's exactly what he does before he pound that ass from all positions. Mike had India Summer moaning with every stroke of that thick cock. Fucking her hard then busted a huge load of cum for India Summer to swallow. Enjoy!

India Summer に 'Anal Corruption 2'

India Summer - Anal Corruption 2

Luscious, leggy MILF India Summer loves the forbidden pleasure of butt fucking. So she's ready to have her big, round booty porked by lucky director Kevin Moore. India hikes up her dress and works the head of a huge glass toy past her taut sphincter, stretching her tender hole. Then she slurps on the director's stiff dick while he films her POV-style. Soon he's fucking her sweet pussy as India penetrates her asshole with her dildo. He slips his meat into the gorgeous brunette's hot rectum. The mature beauty sucks cock ass-to-mouth before kneeling to receive a messy cum facial.

India Summer に 'and Billy Glide in Neighbor Affair'

India Summer - Neighbor Affair

India spots Officer Billy looking around her house so, she knocks on the window and points at him to meet her at the garage. Officer Billy has been noticing some suspicious activity with a lot of guys coming in and out of India's home. He was just a little worried about her and wanted to go over some safety precautions. India lets Billy in a on a little secret that the men going in and out of her points of entry are the neighbor husbands! India is actually glad that Billy came by because he's the last one in the neighbor to investigate her point of entry. India amazingly takes Billy's huge girth in her mouth until her pussy is soaking wet for Billy to find out how deep the the rabbit hole goes.

India Summer に 'Dress Up Dolls'

India Summer - Dress Up Dolls

Her huge, firm ass packed into hip-hugging booty shorts, lusty, mature India Summer is playing dress-up as horny director Kevin Moore spies on her from the next room. When the sultry, athletic MILF discovers her voyeur, she decides to turn him on with a private fashion show. India kneels and gives the director's hard dick a slurpy, POV-style blow job. This gorgeous, bespectacled slut changes into a sexy leotard and matching stockings and lets her boy-toy fuck her experienced pussy. India slips on lacy lingerie, then a sheer, colorful dress and rides his throbbing boner, earning a messy cum facial.

India Summer に 'Naughty babes fucks on the job'

India Summer - Naughty babes fucks on the job

The beautiful India Summer greets a man wearing some office clothing and after a moment he has her foot in his mouth while she moans. Soon she is stroking his hard dick with her feet. He fucks her pussy from several angles and she continues to use her feet right up until they're coated in cum.

India Summer に 'and Bill Bailey in Seduced by a cougar'

India Summer - Seduced By A Cougar

India Summer went back to school after not attending for years. I guess you could say that makes her the cougar of the classroom and she's definitely on the prowl. She invites the teacher's aide, Bill, over to her place because she needs help studying. She just gets so distracted in class. School is hard for India, but only because she's too busy thinking about taking Bill's hard cock in her pussy. Once she has Bill alone in her bedroom this cougar pounces on him. Bill will never forget his first time seduced by a cougar.

Diamond Jackson に 'A Last Chance at Lust'

Diamond Jackson - A Last Chance at Lust

India Summer didn't mean to send a wedding invitation to her old girlfriend Diamond Jackson, but it happened. Diamond raced over to have a few words with her former flame. Things heated up, and once India slipped off her robe, and showed off the sweet tan lines on her big natural boobs, there was no going back. Diamond leaned in for a taste of the passionate lust these Milfs used to share, and toy-fucked her former flame right there on the living room sofa.

Darla Crane に 'MILF Angels'

Darla Crane - MILF Angels

Busty, glamorous MILF Darla Crane and her younger boyfriend, Denis, visit mature, dark-haired, hard-bodied India Summer at her extravagant home. While India's upstairs, her guests scheme to seduce her. Darla blows Denis, gets titty-fucked and plowed from behind. Then the couple interrupts stunned India in the bathroom and treats her to some relentless fucking and three-way action. This swinger party moves to the bedroom, where big Prince Yahshua joins in, feeding Darla his massive, black cock. The nasty foursome ends in a ropey, gooey facial for Darla and a tasty oral cum shot for India.

Cadence Lux に 'Pussy patrol'

Cadence Lux - Pussy patrol

We had the super cute Cadence come around this week for a good old Cum Fiesta. She was all smiles and anxious to get busy with some cock. Once we saw the password, we had to let her in. Cadence wasn't shy and soon had her legs spread open and was playing with herself. She went on to give a hot sloppy blow job to Jmac and then started screaming and moaning once she started riding the cock. This lil freak took a serious pounding and loved every second of it. Don't miss Cadence, the sexy teen amateur, getting hardcore on the Fiesta!

India Summer に 'and Billy Glide in Housewife 1 on 1'

India Summer - Housewife 1 on 1

India Summer has a hot date with her husband,but she has nothing to wear. Her husband doesn't seem to be much help when it comes to helping her pick out an outfit, so India just gives up and decides that she's better off staying home in her bra and panties. Worked out well for her husband since lounging around half naked made India horny and she quickly jumped on his cock.

Ariella Ferrera に 'Are You Afraid of the Dick'

Ariella Ferrera - Are You Afraid of the Dick

What the hell is Brazzers going to do without Johnny and Keiran? Those poor guys got mixed up in a hold-up at the nail salon and weren't lucky enough to leave with their lives. They wake up in a strange place, the Throne Room of a bizarre after-life, where the only sign of light follows three smokin' hot Milfs around the darkness. When Johnny fades away, Keiran's left all alone with the Red Queen and her sex-servants, to pound the fuck out of these cock-hungry sluts's pussies.

India Summer に 'Crack Fuckers 4'

India Summer - Crack Fuckers 4

Gorgeous brunette MILF India Summer loves to tease director Kevin Moore in her glamorous, red bikini. While Kevin shoots POV-style, this toned, athletic sex bomb reveals her thick, juicy ass, kneeling on all fours so that the director can rub his stiff boner in her enticing, spandex-clad butt crack. Soon India's slurping on his hard dick and oiling up her fine booty for more grinding between those plump, glistening buttocks. India squeezes Kevin's pole with her talented tush until, finally, he decorates her derriere in a creamy explosion of hot semen.

India Summer に 'Tropical Heat'

India Summer - Tropical Heat

The only thing hotter than the tropical clime India Summer and her husband have traveled to is the passion that smolders between them. Their second honeymoon has renewed the tender intimacy of their marriage, and given them the chance to share their most private fantasies. India draws the curtains back on their bedroom windows, in the hopes that some of the other patrons at the resort may feast their eyes on their steamy lovemaking.

India Summer に 'and Danny Wylde in I Have a Wife'

India Summer - I Have A Wife

India Summer is the hottest Realtor around. She's received multiple offers for the new house she just put on the market. Danny really wants this house. More importantly, Danny's wife really wants the house. Danny is willing to do anything to make his wife happy. India thinks they could work something out, if she gets what she wants then she'll make sure Danny's wife also gets what she wants. India has Danny pound her pussy and in exchange Danny and his wife get the house they just fucked in.

India Summer に 'and Bill Bailey in Seduced by a cougar'

India Summer - Seduced By A Cougar

India Summer is a hot cougar on the prowl. She hit up the local club in her skimpiest outfit. She has no time to play games, she went out for one reason and one reason only...COCK! Bill is more than willing to give her what she wants and he proves it once she gets him home. They're hot and heavy from the start, making their way to the bed as they make out. Looks like this cougar pounced on the right target.

India Summer に 'India Summer'

India Summer - India Summer

We told you it was going to be a HoTT Summer!! India Summer is back again after giving the longest blowjob to date on 1000Facials not too long ago!! Man, this broad sure does like smoking the meat cigar!! We keep finding her on our doorstep, begging us to suck some cock!! So, what are we going to do? Turn her away..? Hell NO!!! We say, \\'come on in, it\'s already hard\\'!!! So, here she is, giving us all that classic India enthusiasm! She is a true master of the sloppy, gurgling blowjobs!! As a matter of fact, after we get to stimulate her throat, India sucks this Cock so well that he cannot hold back his jizz anymore and he blasts a milky load straight into her mouth!!! When a gal can get this Dick to cum all on her own, you know she�s a pro!!! They say you can�t teach an old dog new tricks but I think that�s a crock of shit! So, let�s see how far down we can make this bitch go!!!Sucks and Giggles,**Neecie**

India Summer に 'and Xander Corvus in My First Sex Teacher'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

India Summer is kind of a nerd. She's a chemistry teacher that takes her job very serious. But once those glasses come off she goes from nerd to super hot babe! Her student, Xander, agrees and that's the only reason he decided to take her class. It soon becomes apparent that Xander and the chemistry teacher have some chemistry. They use their time alone before class to further explore each other's anatomy. India definitely doesn't need a microscope to see what Xander has going on in his pants.

Ruth Blackwell に 'Ruth Blackwell'

Ruth Blackwell - Ruth Blackwell

Today I have India Summer here. She's a fucking dirty slut. Today we're gonna break her in to some black cock. Gonna break that bitch in & treat her like the dirty little slut she is. I must admit, for never having had a black cock before, she sure knew how to work it. She took Ace's load like a champ, however she lost some of his load on her chin, so I took a spoon & fed it to her to make sure she swallowed every drop of jizz.

India Summer に 'and Billy Glide in My Wife's Hot Friend'

India Summer - My Wife's Hot Friend

Billy's getting ready for the barbecue when he sees his wife vacuuming so he goes to grab her ass and have some fun when --oops! -- it's not his wife! It's his wife's friend India Summer, who's wearing his wife's blouse and looks just like her. He apologizes to his former flame India, but when he finds out his wife is out running errands, he tells her best friend that he needs to fix the urge he has to fuck. India's down for his big dick, so she swallows it whole than sticks that big hard dick up her wet pussy before her friend gets home. Now that's a piece of meat.

Veronica Radke に 'Sex ed'

Veronica Radke - Sex ed

Jake came to pick up Veronica for a movie and her step mom, India Summer, answered the door. Mrs. Summer invited him inside and she liked what she saw. While they were waiting for Veronica to get ready, Mrs. Summer began grabbing his cock. He resisted at first, but she pulled out his cock and began stroking it. Veronica finally came out of her bedroom and Jake quickly put his dick back in his pants. After they returned from the movie, Veronica had some homework to do and left Jake to wait for her until she was done. Jake wondered to Mrs. Summers bedroom and heard noises of her moaning. He walked into her bedroom and found her playing with her sweet pussy with her luscious ass in the air. He enjoyed watching her play with her pussy. She commanded him to come eat her asshole from behind. He munched on her asshole and pussy and she sucked his cock nicely. He began fucking her and moments later, Veronica stormed in the room and caught them fucking. Mrs. Summer explained that Veronica should just go with it and join in and she would make sure Veronicas father will give her more money. Veronica got her pussy drilled from behind as she licked her stepmoms pussy up. They took turns getting fucked and Jake glazed Mrs. Summers face with his man juice.

Cadence Lux に 'Lovely line up'

Cadence Lux - Lovely line up

This last party was incredible. When we saw the sexy plump asses on the way in, we knew it was going to be a wild night. Esmi and the ladies were really excited about the turn out. They had all found a place to let loose and party like there was no tomorrow. Tony and Bruno were on deck to make sure the girls had everything they desired. Candece tossed her lips around Tony's cock, as the ladies licked and grabbed every part of her. Esmi was behind her licking her ass and finger banging away. She took Tony's dick for a long ride, as Brazil took on Bruno. They were fucking like crazy and switching back forth. This party was in overdrive with all the girls fully naked, or in tiny panties only. Tony got to cap the night off with the group of girls practically worshiping his nuts, as he came on a few lucky girls in the front row.

Cadence Lux に 'Fucking innocent girl till she gets cum in her mouth'

Cadence Lux - Fucking innocent girl till she gets cum in her mouth

Cadence Lux. What a cutie. Most people write off innocent looking girls, but don't be fooled. It's the innocent looking girls that turn freak in the sack. Cadence was no exception. Once this cherub put the cock in her mouth, things went from hot to scorching. Not only can this girl out suck a hoover, but she also knows how to properly use that tight innie pussy of hers. She loves to suck, she loves to get pounded, and she LOVES hot loads in her mouth. Don't miss out ya'll . Enjoy!

India Summer に 'and Johnny Castle in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

Johnny supposed to meet his buddy at his friend's mom's house, but when he arrives there, his pal is nowhere to be found ... but his mom, India Summer is home. She's obviously attracted to him, and he to her, and when he realizes his pal isn't gonna show up anytime soon, he turns up the heat and starts questioning the MILF on her personal life. He responds her coy play by pressing up against her, fingering her moist pussy in the kitchen like she was hoping he'd do, then slipping his big hard dick into her wet asshole, giving her the wild anal sex she's been desiring.

Alyssa Reece に 'Dr Cuntlove'

Alyssa Reece - Dr Cuntlove

Now that she's sexually active, Alyssa needs to go in for a full check-up. But once Doctor India lays her eyes on the patient, the exam quickly turns from a routine physical to something much sexier. Hot Milf India wants to know everything about Alyssa's sexual history and habits, then it's time to fuck this hot teen like a pro.

India Summer に 'and Danny Wylde in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

India Summer - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

India Summer looks fuckin' smoking hot as she's primping for a hot date night with her boyfriend. Problem is, her man's adult son Danny walks into her room and tells her that dear ol' Dad just called him and told him he's breaking his plans with India because he and his work buddies are going out for drinks. Uh-oh. India is per-fucking-turbed, and she lets it be known to Danny, who feels really bad for her. She apologizes to him for yelling because she knows he's not at fault, and then she makes up for it by still enjoying her nigh - with his dick in her wet pussy. Boom!

India Summer に 'Tanlines 3'

India Summer - Tanlines 3

Gorgeous, mature brunette India Summer enjoys the hot weather by the ocean, wearing a sizzling designer bikini that barely covers the alluring tan lines on her all-natural, toned body. India spreads oil all over her shapely legs, perfect ass and small, luscious boobs until her skin glistens. She teases director Kevin Moore's stiff prick, wrapping her lips around his shaft as he films POV-style. Then India straddles him and treats the director's boner to a sensuous ride, grinding her way to ecstasy. Kevin pumps his throbbing dick in her experienced pussy and splatters India's curvaceous, tan-lined ass in jism.

Cadence Lux に 'Newbie Blonde gets A Facial'

Cadence Lux - Newbie Blonde gets A Facial

Cadence Lux is a sexy blonde looking for work. Lets see if she has what it takes. We had Cadence Lux strip down so we can see what she's working with. Not bad! She's fucking sexy. Mirko came in and put her to the test. Putting his meaty cock in her mouth and the tore that pussy apart. Leaving her with a face full of cum. I'd say she has what it takes to be in the porn biz. What do you think?

India Summer に 'and Bill Bailey in Seduced by a cougar'

India Summer - Seduced By A Cougar

India Summer is such a nice person that she picks up a straggler whose car broke down on the side of the road during a cross-country trip. She takes him in and tells him that he can stay at her place and fix things around the house as payment, since he has no money. The traveler is skeptical as to why the sexy brunette is so open to a random stranger, but when she puts her hand on his cock he quickly understands! Needless to say, the cougar was on a hunt and found what she was looking for: a big dick to cure her aching, dormant pussy.

Julia Ann に 'Lex Is A Motherfucker'

Julia Ann - Lex Is A Motherfucker

Two classic beauties - busty blonde bombshell Julia Ann and slim, statuesque brunette India Summer - doll up from head to toe in fishnets and sheer, slutty lingerie to visit cameraman Kevin Moore. It becomes clear that these gorgeous MILFs really hope to meet his friend, big, black Lexington Steele, for some interracial attention. Lexington has them give a sensuous show, and soon Julia and India are taking turns slurping his enormous, black cock and riding him to ecstasy. After passionately fucking each lovely lady, Lex shoots his hot jism into Julia's mouth; the white sluts share a creamy cum kiss.

India Summer に 'Milf and step daughter enjoy a young cock together'

India Summer - Milf and step daughter enjoy a young cock together

India Summer is a sexy Milf. And she's in need of a good fucking by some young mans cock. But I gotta tell you, this guy is in for a huge surprise. That surprise is a milf wanting to fuck her daughter men. Once she gets a look at his cock . It's on, the temptation is too much for her to resist until her daughter walks in on both of them. Guy's please don't miss out on this, it's awesome!

Natalie Heart に 'College pussy licked and played with by other college lesbians'

Natalie Heart - College pussy licked and played with by other college lesbians

This is a PartyOfThree, but the more the merrier!. Yes! You heard it right. Let's make this a party. Ashley Stone, Cadence Lux, Natalie Heart, and Roxxi Silver came here to do one thing. That's to have a lesbian fuck-fest. Out came the dildos and a lot of pussy licking. These girls don't play hen it comes to pleasuring pussy. Come see for yourself.

Cadence Lux に 'and Levi Cash in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Cadence Lux - My Sisters Hot Friend

Levi's about to head to the grocery store when he hears his sister's friend moaning from her room that she rents. He peeks in from the hallway and sees her masturbating with her wand, stimulating her pink little pussy and getting all wet. He fucks with her and calls her on her cell phone, interrupting her jerk session and throwing her into a tizzy. He laughs and then tells her he'll be on his way, but ... she chases him before he leaves and pleads him to come into her room. Levi can't believe that his sister's friend is half-naked and horny, and wants him to be a part of it, but he can't resist! The sexy little blonde gets pounded by her friend's brother while his sister is in the other room!

India Summer に 'Indian Summer'

India Summer - Indian Summer

Weeping figs, white blooms and a summer's day set the stage for this classic Babes scene. Parting her folds with his tongue, Ryan's oral attention to India's intimate cleft has her bucking with heat, his expression a testimony to the pleasure India's moist mouth returns. A fine bit of erotica, well worth watching.

India Summer に 'Panty Pops 7'

India Summer - Panty Pops 7

Legendary cocksman Sean Michaels calls the head he gets from raven-haired MILFs RayVeness and India Summer 'amongst the best BJs I've ever had.' Naturally buxom RayVeness and tanned, pretty India warm up with tender girl-girl kisses and some tits-n-spit play. India goes down on Sean's dark meat, and RayVeness plunges her head lower so Sean can teabag her. RayVeness' fun bags sway as the ladies suck cock, and Sean gets to fuck those plump boobs. He creams their open mouths, the MILFs share a sloppy cum kiss and RayVeness blows a cum bubble.

India Summer に 'and Johnny Castle in My First Sex Teacher'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

Johnny studied his ass off to pass his test ... but he failed. His professor, Ms. India Summer, tells him that if he flunks one more test in that class, he's not gonna be able to play football for the rest of the season! Johnny can't have that, but he tells her he can't afford a tutor, and doesn't know how he can study any harder. The sexy brunette professor locks the classroom door and tells him that he can help his grade one way: by taking the oral exam, and tasting her hot wet pussy with his tongue! Johnny passes the test with flying colors. Naughty America, fuck yeah!

India Summer に 'The Hooker Experience'

India Summer - The Hooker Experience

Mature, sensuous India Summer is a big asset, MILFy madam who doesn't usually fool around with customers. But for her favorite client, India schedules some time for a discreet meeting. The muscular, leggy brunette primps, putting on sheer stockings, frilly lingerie, and black heels; she leads her excited date to the hotel sofa and wraps her lips around his throbbing boner. This ultra-classy professional slut uses all her special techniques on him, riding his dick in an intimate, POV-style fuck session. To totally satisfy his erotic fantasies, India opens wide for a hot cum facial.

India Summer に 'Breakfast Squirt Break'

India Summer - Breakfast Squirt Break

India is a very sexy, very horny wife, but her husband Manuel doesn't make any time for her. When he catches her masturbating to squirting porn, he's determined to make his hot wife squirt. Cancel your appointments; you're in for a wet ride!

India Summer に 'Deep In The Bowels of India'

India Summer - Deep In The Bowels of India

India's got the perfect marriage, her husband loves her so much. She's truly happy, but there's an unsatisfied lust that her husband can't provide. Once a month she ventures down to the dungeon to get her asshole fucked by a big fucking dick.

India Summer に 'She knows cool handjob tricks'

India Summer - She knows cool handjob tricks

Today, India Summer is braving the hot Cali weather to give you a demonstration of her superb dick tugging techniques. Hanging out by the pool, India grabs that hard dick and shows you just what she can do! She even wraps her candy bracelet around the dick for some kinky dick stroking. Enjoy!

India Summer に 'Oops, his dick fell out while massaging'

India Summer - Oops, his dick fell out while massaging

India Summer had a long week and is in need of a serious massage. Her body aches from head to toe. Who else better to call but us here at BangBros. We sent Alex to her rescue. India was so relieved to here the knock at the door. There he was. her knight in shinning armor. Alex inspected her body and found the kinks. Then oiled her down, rubbing her just the way she wanted it and then some. Out came Alex's huge hung cock. Now that right there is what she really needed. Loosing up that pussy walls. From all angles. Giving her a pussy massage instead. Enjoy!

India Summer に 'Hardcore anal for this sexy MILF'

India Summer - Hardcore anal for this sexy MILF

Welcome all my loyal MILF lovers, today we have this gorgeous MILF India Summer. Dam she has a round juicy ass and a pussy to leave your mouth watering. Mike stops by to make sure this MILFs craving for some young cock is satisfied. She definitely gets her tight little ass hole pounded and demolished as this young buck does a number on this smoking hot MILF. So tune in and watch this sexy MILF get her anal demolished hardcore.

India Summer に 'and Johnny Sins in American Daydreams'

India Summer - American Daydreams

India Summer wants to get fucked by her husband, but he's fallen asleep after jerking off to some porn. She takes a look at his tablet to see what he's been looking at, and after seeing a hot blowjob, she dreams of having the life of a porn star and getting fucked everyday by a big dick. But it's her lucky day, and she's been chosen by Naughty America to perform as a porn star in their 5,000th scene as part of the celebration! India's so happy she gets to be fucked by big dick Johnny Sins for the day, and she sucks cock and fucks just like a porn star. What an amazing dream ... or was it?

India Summer に 'MILF Gape'

India Summer - MILF Gape

Sultry brunette India Summer has planned a sexy surprise. This sensuous MILF dons a provocative outfit and leaves a romantic trail of rose petals to entice her husband for an afternoon fuck. But her neglectful spouse has sent an employee, Mark, home on a work errand. India takes full advantage and treats the lucky guy to an intimate bathroom blow job. She takes his big bone all the way down her throat. Mark gives this mature beauty a rough session of illicit ass banging and vibrator stimulation that leaves her butthole gaping and her mouth filled with hot semen.

India Summer に 'and Bill Bailey in My First Sex Teacher'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

Professor India Summer talks to her student Bill about his recent poor performance in class, and questions whether it's because he's become more popular with the ladies on campus. Bill eventually admits to his teacher that he's been tutoring his female classmates in exchange for sex! Rather than being disappointed, the sexy brunette professor is turned on . so much so that she offers to give Bill's waning GPA a boost . if he fucks her better than he does the girls in class!!!!

India Summer に 'Facial Overload 2 - Milf Edition'

India Summer - Facial Overload 2 - Milf Edition

Sweet, all-natural oral slut India Summer is a cum-crazed MILF from the old school. This luscious, mature beauty likes nothing better than to wrap her pretty lips around a big, throbbing cock, then slurp and gag until it spurts sticky semen all over her lovely face. Wearing smart, fashionable office attire and high-heeled pumps, India goes to work on Winston Burbank's enormous schlong in a sensuous, POV-style blow job. She gags on his swollen shaft and sucks him off in an intimate 69. After she's performed her expert mouth magic, Winston decorates India with a creamy cum facial.

India Summer に 'and Michael Vegas in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

India Summer's son got sick when he and his friend Michael were out at a club all not, and she's fuming because they haven't arrived home by daylight, and she's got to go to work! They finally roll in, and Michael helps his ill pal in the house, where he retreats to his room to sleep it off. Ms. Summer takes Michael aside and tells him he should get some rest in her bedroom . where the brunette MILF makes a move on her son's friend and tells him she wants his hard cock in her wet pussy!

India Summer に 'Spandex Loads'

India Summer - Spandex Loads

Rachel Roxxx is definitely one of the dirtiest girls in porn, and probably the nastiest girl ever to grace the pages of Panty Pops. She gives it all up in this scene - her dirty mouth, her smooth, tight pussy, and most importantly, her panty-draped bubble butt. You shouldn't miss this one!

India Summer に 'ZZ Confidential'

India Summer - ZZ Confidential

In Hollywood, years long since gone by, a porn ring is busted and a famous starlet brought to justice. India Summer, the professional sex performer is interrogated by two hard-nosed detectives for hours; they want the name of the indelible pornographer responsible for the smut. But there's only one way to make this broad talk...

India Summer に 'Anal Motherfucker'

India Summer - Anal Motherfucker

Sultry slut India Summer, a slender brunette with big, shapely legs and a soft, round ass, is dolled up in stockings and heels - the adorable MILF hopes for a butt fuck. India bends over, spreading her cheeks to reveal her hungry anus. A stud thrusts his tongue deep into her fine ass, then uses a speculum to stretch her sphincter wide! This seasoned beauty drops to her knees and takes his big boner to the back of her throat, drooling all over herself. After a fierce anal banging her buttocks are splattered with the dude's seed.

India Summer に 'Cum inside'

India Summer - Cum inside

India and Michelle feel like helping the homeless guy that lives on the corner. They invited him to cum inside and take care of him...

India Summer に 'Candlelight Romance'

India Summer - Candlelight Romance

Candlelight dinner fun.

India Summer に 'Picture This'

India Summer - Picture This

India is a stunning housewife, trying to keep her wits about her after an apathetic husband neglects her sexual needs yet another Friday in a row. She brings it up at breakfast but he can't be moved. We'll see if he moves when the photographer India hired gets a little more than he bargained for while snapping a few sexy pics of this lonely housewife.

India Summer に 'and James Deen in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

India Summer is in a dilemma. She's fucked her son's friend James a few times, and now he won't leave her alone, especially since she told him she loved him during sex talk. Now he's at her house while her son's home, and he wants to fuck, or else he's going to tell her son, who's upstairs! India has no choice but to suck his cock, fuck it, and get a load of jizz shot onto her lips. What will she do???

India Summer に 'India Summer, Veronica Avluv and Johnny Castle in 2 Chicks Same Time'

India Summer - 2 Chicks Same Time

India Summer and Veroncia Avluv are staying in a nice suite at a hotel, but the poor porter Johnny has to carry up all of their heavy luggage since the service elevator is out. He's taken aback when they don't offer him a tip as he's about to leave, so he nudges them and they scurry for some cash. However, their pocketbooks are rendered empty of paper, and the only thing they can offer him is . a sweaty threesome. Johnny the Porter accepts their tip, and he reciprocates by offering his tip to their mouths and wet pussies, along with an extra jizz gratuity.

India Summer に 'A Day In India'

India Summer - A Day In India

Divorce is a bitch... And so is India Summer! A fucking hot one, too! When India and her husband, Dale decide to get a divorce, high-power attorney, Johnny Sins Esq. is brought in to represent Dale. India wants absolutely nothing to do with her deadbeat, tiny-dicked, ex-husband but has had a friendly relationship with Johnny for years. And as a Lawyer, it's Johnny's job to elevate that relationship to extra friendly to get his client results!

RayVeness に 'Black Cock Addiction 9'

RayVeness - Black Cock Addiction 9

Legendary cocksman Sean Michaels calls the head he gets from raven-haired MILFs RayVeness and India Summer 'amongst the best BJs I've ever had.' Naturally buxom RayVeness and tanned, pretty India warm up with tender girl-girl kisses and some tits-n-spit play. India goes down on Sean's dark meat, and RayVeness plunges her head lower so Sean can teabag her. RayVeness' fun bags sway as the ladies suck cock, and Sean gets to fuck those plump boobs. He creams their open mouths, the MILFs share a sloppy cum kiss and RayVeness blows a cum bubble.

India Summer に 'Hose Hoes 2'

India Summer - Hose Hoes 2

Legendary cocksman Sean Michaels calls the head he gets from raven-haired MILFs RayVeness and India Summer 'amongst the best BJs I've ever had.' Naturally buxom RayVeness and tanned, pretty India warm up with tender girl-girl kisses and some tits-n-spit play. India goes down on Sean's dark meat, and RayVeness plunges her head lower so Sean can teabag her. RayVeness' fun bags sway as the ladies suck cock, and Sean gets to fuck those plump boobs. He creams their open mouths, the MILFs share a sloppy cum kiss and RayVeness blows a cum bubble.

India Summer に 'Interview with A Pornstar 2'

India Summer - Interview with A Pornstar 2

India and Kelly are a pair of experienced cum hungry whores. They will do anything to get that warm white mess squirt all over them. India's pussy gets rammed so hard she orgasms three times. Kelly smothers Ryan's face as he's balls deep in India's snatch. There's so much cum by the end of this scene, the girls go home w...

India Summer に 'Panty Pops'

India Summer - Panty Pops

I could shoot India Summer forever. Really... I don't think I have shot any girl for as many Panty Pops scenes as I have with her. To me, she is the ultimate MILF, with those long legs, lean athletic body, and perfect ass. Her attitude and sexual energy lives up to her physical beauty, and makes her an absolute score every time I hire her.

Darla Crane に 'MILF Bitches 01'

Darla Crane - MILF Bitches 01

Legendary cocksman Sean Michaels calls the head he gets from raven-haired MILFs RayVeness and India Summer 'amongst the best BJs I've ever had.' Naturally buxom RayVeness and tanned, pretty India warm up with tender girl-girl kisses and some tits-n-spit play. India goes down on Sean's dark meat, and RayVeness plunges her head lower so Sean can teabag her. RayVeness' fun bags sway as the ladies suck cock, and Sean gets to fuck those plump boobs. He creams their open mouths, the MILFs share a sloppy cum kiss and RayVeness blows a cum bubble.

India Summer に 'Curing a Sex Addict'

India Summer - Curing a Sex Addict

Keiran is a crazy sex addict. He can't go 5 minutes without boning someone. Because of his behaviour, people decided it was a good idea to put him in an institution. Lucky for him, India Summer is going to do everything in her power to rehabilitate him, least until she sees his giant cock...

India Summer に 'A Birthday To Remember'

India Summer - A Birthday To Remember

Today is Seth's birthday and I'm going to hook him up! I'm setting him up with the beautiful India Summer. She's over at a friends house-sitting all by herself. We head over there to see if we can get Seth some Milf-ass. Once India Summer finds out it's his birthday. She takes him to the guest-house and gives him a present that he'll never forget. This sexy Milf does it all. Enjoy!

India Summer に 'India Summers in the Cock of Fame'

India Summer - India Summers in the Cock of Fame

India Summers is in Hollywood and she comes to visit Mr.Biggz. After a good long chat with Shooter, Mr. Biggz shows up and India jumps on the monster and makes him feel welcomed. She loves Big cock and waste no time getting naked and preparing for a stuffing of a life time. The more she sucks the bigger he gets and the less likely he is going to fit inside her tight pink pussy. But lucky for us India Summers managed to adapt and overcome the obstacle and wins her face and secures her place in the Cock of Fame. Enjoy

India Summer に '- Cuckold Sessions'

India Summer - Cuckold Sessions

My husband knows to treat me well ensures I stay with him despite his obvious short comings. Fucking his needle dick is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. Basically, it's a waste of my time that I could be using to prowl for thick, black dicks!. Hubby and I are cruising the net looking for some black studs to come over and have their way with me as he watches. I normally can't stand the sight of him but it's a bone I'm tossing him. I also allowed him to touch his miniscule white cock as I was ravaged by black cocks that I never knew got to those insane sizes. I wrapped my mouth around all of these dicks presented to me as my fuckhole finally got a workout that had been lacking since the day I said "I do." He cleaned up the bombardment of black jizz that was left on me and what little respect I had for him shrunk smaller than the size of his dick. Once my black bulls were gone I gave pity on my hubby and jacked his cock until he blew a load all over himself. Never say that India Summer never had a heart.

India Summer に '- Blacks On Cougars'

India Summer - Blacks On Cougars

I've been a registered nurse for years and I've never thought of fucking a patient...until today! I can't say who my patient was because of doctor/patient confidentiality but he was young and black and his thermometer was one I've never seen before, wow! I took matters into my own hands(and mouth) by wrapping my white lips around his black cock which seemed to make his stomach troubles lessen. I knew the quickest remedy would be a prescription of white Cougar pussy and his big black balls kept slapping my ass while my shaved pussy paid the price. I couldn't get his cumshot fast enough since the waiting room was filling up with patients so I had him shoot several streams of white creamy cum all over my belly and natural tits. I could lose my job for this but I can always make house calls when I need my daily dose of interracial sex!

India Summer に 'and Kris Slater in My First Sex Teacher'

India Summer - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Summer doesn't want to give Kris an extension on his paper but she decides that this will be the one time she makes an exception. But if she's doing something for him, she wants him to do something for her... like hike up her skirt and bury his face in her milf-muff!!!

India Summer に 'and Johnny Castle in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

Johnny's friend Tommy is away from home on a tennis tour, but Johnny needs to go talk to his mom, Ms. Summer. He admits to her that he's been having sex dreams about her lately, and that he wants to destroy her pussy with his hard cock. Ms. Summer is a bit surprised, so she gives Johnny one option: destroy her pussy with his hard cock.

India Summer に 'and Danny Wylde in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

India Summer was just stood up for a lunch date and asked her son's friend if he'd like to join her. He misinterprets what she means and leans in for the kiss. India is taken back by his gusto but doesn't take long to warm up to the idea of getting fucked by her son's friend...

India Summer に 'and Mick Blue in My Naughty Massage'

India Summer - My Naughty Massage

Mick is on a journey to get a sensual massage, and he fines one offered by a masseuse India Summer, so he makes the purchase. When he goes in for his rub, he doesn't know what to expect. But once India removes her top and her panties, and massages him with her tits and ass, he knows he's in for a treat. She continues to use her tongue, mouth and wet pussy to give therapy to his cock for the ultimate sensual massage relaxation.

India Summer に 'and Dane Cross in My Friends Hot Mom'

India Summer - My Friends Hot Mom

India Summer's son is outside playing football with buddies, but his friend Dane is cooped up in her house playing an arcade game. When she finds him, she can't seem to take his attention off the screen to get him outside. Fed up, she pulls him away and tells him its time to earn his keep for all the days he's inside her home. Unbeknownst to Dane, Ms. Summer wants to play her version of a fun game, one that involves sucking on his joystick and letting him score by banging her horny, moist MILF pussy!

India Summer に 'and Billy Glide in Naughty Office'

India Summer - Naughty Office

India's co-worker has busted her snooping around personnel files which is grounds for termination but she's willing to get on her hands and knees to plead and while she's down there also get a taste of a huge cock.