Kink 'Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します' 主演 Corbin Dallas (写真 17)

Corbin Dallas,Aaliyah Love に 'Kink' - Aaliyah Love Takes Corbin Dallas to the Bank and Breaks Him (Divine Bitches)

Kink.comは彼女の最初のキンクの特徴で美しいAaliyahの愛を提示することを誇りに思っています!操作の強盗として、この誘惑は彼女の不運な共犯者であるコルビン・ダラスを奪い取る。彼らの強盗の後、彼らはホテルの部屋に逃げて、悪い知らせを彼にぶつけます。彼らが盗んだお金はすべて彼女のものです。コルビンは彼女が彼女の側にとどまるように彼女に頼んだが、彼女は彼女の心を作った。彼は彼の目的を果たした。それでも、この男を使うことは、少なくとも面白いかもしれないので、彼女は巨大なストラップ、拳、衣服のピン、そして屈辱的な屈辱的な言葉で、屈辱的なスパンキングで彼を彼の場所に入れます。彼女は彼を彼の所に置くことから始め、彼女は彼女が担当していることを知っている。彼女は繰り返し彼に屈辱を与え、彼のディックを嘲笑し、彼を叩き、彼を苦しめる。彼女は彼女の美しいお尻を彼の顔に押し込み、彼女が好きなように彼を窒息させ、ベッドに置いて、彼女の完全な猫で彼のハードコックを弄んだが、彼にそれを持たせることを拒否した。彼女は服のピンで彼を飾りつけ、悲惨なストラップを彼の哀れな尻に叩きつけますが、お尻を収納します。 Aaliyahは、彼女が無口の仲間にそのストラップを打ち込むと、それらの衣服を1本ずつ外します。彼が良いと伸ばしているとき、彼女は彼を助け、彼のお尻を握って、彼女のかわいい小さなファックの人形に彼を回して!ついに彼女は彼女の顔を乗り、彼女がザーメンをするまで彼女の完全な猫を食べさせる。彼女は自分の足を胃の上に置き、今は兼ねることができると言います。そして、彼が全身を吹き飛ばした後、彼女は舐めるようにして、きれいにします。 Aaliyahは今コービンを完全に使いました。そして、彼は確かに彼の目的を果たしました。彼女は彼が銀行から奪ったお金と彼女がコービンから盗んだプライドを彼女に残し、彼を追い出します。

発売日 : 7月31日, 2018
タグ : bdsm, ボンデージ, CBT, 衣服のピン, 体罰, ドミナトリックス, 顔が座る, , 女王, , フィッシング, 屈辱, Male Sub, オルガスム否認, ペギング, 前立腺刺激, 猫食べる, 荒いセックス, スレーブ, 窒息する, スパンキング, まっすぐ, ストラップオン

写真から Corbin Dallas,Aaliyah Love に 'Kink' Aaliyah Love Takes Corbin Dallas to the Bank and Breaks Him

Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 1)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 2)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 3)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 4)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 5)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 6)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 7)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 8)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 9)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 10)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 11)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 12)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 13)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 14)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 15)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 16)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 17)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 18)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 19)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 20)
Corbin Dallas に 'Kink' Aaliyah LoveはCorbin Dallasを銀行に連れて行って彼を壊します (サムネイル 21)

写真から Corbin Dallas,Aaliyah Love に 'Kink' Aaliyah Love Takes Corbin Dallas to the Bank and Breaks Him

もっと 'Kink' からのシーン Corbin Dallas,Aaliyah Love

Corbin Dallas に '甘い女性のうわー:コービンダラスとミア少し'

Corbin Dallas - 甘い女性のうわー:コービンダラスとミア少し


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Janie Blade - 排水:パート1

すべてのエネルギー源がタップアウトされるポスト黙示録的な未来の中で、狂った科学者は、特にオーガズムの間に、人間からのエネルギーを利用する技術を開発しました。科学者と被験者は同様に、最もふしだらと最も近い手段を通じてできるだけ多くのエネルギーを生産する任務を負っています!結局のところ、それは愛国的なことです。キンクの4部構成のシリーズDRAINEDのパート1では、知らないコービン・ダラスが避難所を求めて診療所に到着し、残忍な性行為を見守る手続きに素早く同意します。コービンは完全に拘束され、彼の腕と足はロープで結ばれ、彼のコックとろくでなしが露出しています。クリスチャン・ワイルド博士は、コービンが受けようとしている手順について説明します。ワイルド博士は、被験者のコックがワイルド博士の手に膨れ上がるにつれて、コービンの体をからかい、苦しめる。同時に、ナースジャニーブレードはノートを取ります。ドキドキコックは良い兆候です, 彼女は知っています.彼女は被験者のコックを吸い、ワイルド博士は小さいながらプラグで被写体のろくでなしをからかう。これが適切な応答を得られない場合は、より大きなバットプラグがその穴に詰まっている可能性があります。次に、衣類ピンを敏感な内側の太ももと乳首に塗布します。コービンは痛みでうめき声を上げますが、ワイルド博士は、これは彼のジュースを利用し、エネルギーに変換するために必要であると説明します。そのオーガズムの端を構築しようとして、衣服は柔らかい太ももの領域に適用されます。メディックが彼のコックと彼の穴で遊ぶ時間が長ければ長いほど、彼らは収穫できるエネルギーが多くなります。ワイルド博士はより大きなバットプラグを挿入し、ナースブレードはそれを働かします。ワイルド博士は患者に彼のコックを提供しています。ナースブレードは、患者に適切な技術を示すために、ワイルド博士のコックを吸います。彼女の美しい唇が巻き付いた。これは、ファックして吸って兼したいだけの痴女の被験者の性脳を活性化する実証済みの方法です。主題は泣きますが、彼らは喜びの涙です。ナースブレードは、フェーズ2のために患者を準備します。ガルバニック応答のテスト。被験者と看護師はワイルド博士のコックを吸う。医師は、これが被験者の体内のエネルギーレベルを高めるための適切な方法であることを知っています。いくつかのお尻のスパンキングの後、コービンは彼の穴にワイルド博士の大きなコックの準備ができています。彼のお尻がドキドキしている間、被験者はナースブレードのコックを吸う良い仕事をします。ワイルド博士はコービンのお尻をむち打つ。素早くきびきびく吹き、被験者を刺激する。被験者はナースブレードのふしだらな女を丸ごと食べるが、ナースブレードはワイルド博士のコックを素敵で一生懸命保つ二重の義務を果たす。ナースブレードは、医師のコックを受け取る、このプロセスは、彼があまりにも早く兼にさせることなく、患者を刺激することです。件名の準備ができました。ナースブレードは、ワイルド博士によって後ろから犯されながら、患者に彼女のコックを挿入します。コービンは、お尻のドキドキを受けている間、ナースブレードのコックを吸うために必要とされます。彼はナースブレードを喜ばせる良い仕事をします。ワイルド博士のトレーニングは、彼が被験者の陰茎にバイブレーターを適用する正しい瞬間を知ることができます。バイブレーターはコービンの不潔なコックに適用され、結果は兼火山です。'排水シリーズメインページすべて4エピソードこのシリーズの:パート1パート2 - 来る11/26Part 3 - 来る12/3Part 4 - 来る12/10

Corbin Dallas に 'ダムファックの夢'

Corbin Dallas - ダムファックの夢


Arabelle Raphael に '良い男の子でもファック:アラベラ・ラファエルは奴隷をからかい、罰する'

Arabelle Raphael - 良い男の子でもファック:アラベラ・ラファエルは奴隷をからかい、罰する


Aaliyah Love に '初回投稿:Cherie DeVilleがAaliyah Loveを支配!'

Aaliyah Love - 初回投稿:Cherie DeVilleがAaliyah Loveを支配!

Aaliyah Loveは彼女の親友の職場に立ち寄り、彼女がクライアントとのセッションを終了したことを知ります。彼女が友人のCherie DeVilleが終わるのを待つ間、彼女は彼女が自分のクライアントで使う道具と道具に気付くしか仕方がありません。力の力学と彼女の親友の仕事の楽しさに興味をそそられて、Aaliyahはそれを試して、そしてCherieに服従することに同意します。しかし、シェリーは彼女と軽く遊んでいません。代わりに、彼女はストラップオンクソ、缶詰、スパンキング、指づかい、そして猫なめなど、さまざまな方法でAaliyahの甘い穴を独占的に提出しています。 CherieはAaliyahを剥ぎ取り、彼女を屈辱にさらすことから始めます。彼女はいくつかの摩擦で彼女の猫を温め、それからそれをバラ色の赤に変えて、彼女の素敵な丸いお尻を鞭打ちます。それからシェリーは、彼女のニャンニャンの上で少しなめることでAaliyahに少しの楽しみを与えます。彼女はそれをこすり、それを指で、彼女がちょうどクライマックスになろうとするまで彼女を興奮させます。しかしCherieはギアを切り替え、Aaliyahをスパンキングベンチの拘束された後背位に置きました。スパンキング、足の捻挫、缶詰めなど、次にやってくるものに最適な場所です。その強度はAaliyahにとっては驚くべきことであるが、CherieがAaliyahにオマンコをなめさせるまで彼女は続いていき、彼女は彼女の不潔な小さな口の中で中出しする。 CherieはAaliyahのお尻に指を触れて金属プラグでそれを伸ばして、これまでにどんな行動も見たことがないその穴を暖めます。 Aaliyahの穴が下塗りされて濡れたら、Cherieは彼女が自分の大きなストラップオンコックを使ってクライアントに喜びと痛みを与える方法を説明します。彼女は最初にAaliyahのオマンコをドキドキ、彼女をからかって否定している。それから彼女は彼女のお尻の中に滑り込み、Aaliyahが彼女のチンポをくまなく中出しするように彼女を容赦なくクソにする。それはスリル満点の経験ですが、Cherieは彼女の新しいsubでまだ終わっていません。彼女はまた、彼女の全手の中で、中出しするまでAaliyahを一生懸命指にさせます。 Cherieは好意を返し、Aaliyahにバイブレーターでもう1回オーガズムを持たせる。甘い好奇心として始まるものは、オルガスムと支配で満たされた爆発的な夜として終わります。

Mimosa に 'ミモザの夢'

Mimosa - ミモザの夢

コービンダラスは、曲線美しくて優しい女神ミモザにベッドで急いでいます。彼はハードイメージングミモザを彼女の輝かしいお尻の下で彼を窒息させて眠りに漂わせ - 彼がぎくしゃくしていたまさにそのお尻の下で目覚めさせるために眠りにつく!ミモザは彼女を崇拝したい痴女たちのためのものです。彼女はコービン中に唾を吐きます。彼女は彼女のお尻の頬の間に彼の顔をつぶして、彼女が彼の顔に乗って、彼の商品を調べるように、彼に彼女の完璧なニャンニャンをなめさせます。ミモザは彼の男根を味わって、コービンの熱心なろくでなしに彼女の指を滑らせます。コービンはミモザが彼と一緒に彼女の道を持って床に彼を命じるようにうめき声を上げます。彼は彼女の靴を脱ぎ、彼女のストッキングの外装サイズ12フィートを崇拝する。ミモザが彼の顔全体に彼女の足を拭くように彼は彼の口と震えの中に彼女の足をかろうじて入れることができる。ミモザはコービンの可愛さとかわいらしさを乗り越えることはできません。彼女は彼を彼女の肩越しに持ち上げ、彼の小さなお尻に良いハードスパンキングを与えます。コービンは、この神の女神の腕の中では無力ですが、無力です。彼は彼女のチンポを懇願し、彼女は彼女の長い太ったコックを縛り付けて彼の嫌いな人を耕すために彼を解放した。コービンは彼女の堅い雄鶏が彼の堅い穴を広げて伸ばしている彼女のひもの終わりに襟を付けられます。ミモザは、コービンのお尻を後背位にして背中とお尻を切り取るときに笑います。彼女は彼をひっくり返して、彼が彼女とセックスするよう懇願するように彼をクソし続けます。ミモザは彼の願いを叶え、コービンはミモザのジューシーな女に彼の堅い男根を滑り込ませます。彼女は彼のチンポを何度も何度もザーメンに使ってコービンはザーメンしないように奮闘しています。彼女は彼が自分自身を喜んでいるのを否定して、彼が彼を追い詰めるにつれて兼に懇願する。最後に、コービンはミモザのローブで中出しを許可され、突然目覚めます。結局のところ、それは夢ではありませんでした...

Aaliyah Love に 'ジアDemarcoとAaliyah愛は彼らのすてきな上司に戻って取得'

Aaliyah Love - ジアDemarcoとAaliyah愛は彼らのすてきな上司に戻って取得

Tisは喜ばしい季節ですが、一日中働いた後、この2つのセクシーなプレゼントラッパーは何もありません。ホットでセクシーなジア・ディマルコと同僚のアライヤ・ラブは、遅れて仕事をしていた上司のマヤ・ケンドリックから命令を受けて疲れています。 Mayaが注文を吠えさせ、作業負荷を助けてくれなくなった2人のセクシーな不満を抱いた労働者たちは、Mayaを取ってすぐに忘れることのできない教訓を教えます。彼らは彼女の服を剥ぎ取って、彼女のスーパーホットな戦利品を振り回して鞭打ちます。彼らはマヤを床に置き、交際をして彼女の猫をなめる。ちょっとした痛みや喜びでレッスンを教えることを決めたMayaの猫と乳首にクランプを置きます。彼らは彼女の痛みと喜びを与えるように誰も彼女の叫び声を聞くことができないように彼らは口をギャグ。ジアはAaliyahが彼女の猫を舐めるので、Mayaに杖を使用します。彼らは彼女が彼女の猫をかわいそうとしてより多くの喜びのために懇願する。 GiaとAaliyahは大きな雄鶏で交互にマヤを犯す。まず、彼らは彼女のタイトな小さな猫を性交し、彼女はザーメンを乞うようにしてから、大きなコックで彼女のお尻を詰める。彼らは嫌な処罰に満足していない、彼らは同時に彼女の穴の両方を埋めることを決めた。彼らは彼女がザーメンを許すまで、マヤは彼女の猫とお尻で良いクソを与える。ジアはマヤの顔で彼女の戦車を押して、ジューシーなお尻の味を得ることができます。彼女に多くの罰を与えられた後、GiaとAaliyahは交代して、マヤがザーメンを舐めるようにします。彼らは上司に教訓を教えたので、彼女を包み込み、夜と呼ぶことができます。休日の復讐の別の物語。

Eliza Jane に 'コルビン・ダラスはエリザ・ジェーンによって深く握られてファックされる'

Eliza Jane - コルビン・ダラスはエリザ・ジェーンによって深く握られてファックされる

エリザジェーンは、甘い、小柄なブロンドの外側ですが、彼女は内部のサディスティックで悪意のあるセダクションです。コービン・ダラスは毎週の予定で到着し、彼は指輪を通って彼を走らせる。彼女はベッドの上に彼を吊るすことから始まり、雄鶏をチョコレートで弄び、ボールギャグで彼を弄ぶ。彼女はそれから、洗濯物と穀物で彼を虐待し、洗濯物を叩きつけながら、洗濯物を洗濯物から取り除く。彼女は美しい足を彼に与えることによって彼を屈辱にする。その後、ギャグをオフにして、彼女のお尻をくすぐり、彼女のザーメンを作る。彼はまだ貞操している間、彼女は巨大なストラップを着用し、巨大なファックを彼の緊密な穴に詰め込む。 Elizaが彼を深く強く叩きつけて、彼の痛みから大きな喜びを得るように、Corbinは獣の事を取ります。彼女はその後、彼をひっくり返して、彼の拳を彼のお尻に突き刺し、彼の働きをして、彼を吐き出します。最後に、エリザはコービンに自分が望んでいたことを味わう。彼女は彼と契約を結ぶ。もし彼がザーメンをすることができれば、彼は完璧な、滴ったオマンコに滑り込むかもしれない。だから、彼女は彼の顔に座って、彼女の口と舌のいたるところに彼女のぬれたザーメンを滑り込ませて、彼女のザーメンを吐きます。その後、彼女は彼のコックを使用して、彼女はまだもう一度cumsまで、彼に乗って降りる。報酬として、彼女は彼が彼の顔に座っている間に彼は兼任し、その後、彼自身の熱い負荷を彼に与えます。

Julia Ann に 'ママのリトルペバート'

Julia Ann - ママのリトルペバート

Pervy Corbin Dallasは、彼の婚約者Julia Annが彼の上を歩いているときに激怒している。そこでは、彼は彼女のパンティーで顔を窒息させ、彼女のベッドにいて、ジュリアは激怒している!素早く言葉でドレスダウンした後、ジュリアは彼女の義理を彼の場所に入れるのに十分ではないことを理解しています。だから、彼女はベッドに登って、彼に彼が何を望んでいるのか、そして何かを与える。最初に、彼女はパンティを口に詰め込んで、彼に怒鳴りつけて、いつも彼を嘲笑して、激怒し続けている。それから彼女は自分の手で自分のコックを取ると、それが行われるはずですどのように彼に示しています。コービンは興奮していますが、特にジュリアが服を脱いで着て着ると、混乱します。彼女は膝の上に彼を置き、彼のお尻を撫でるが、それは罰の始まりに過ぎない。彼女はそれから彼を結びつけ、巨大なファックストラップを裂く。しかし、その巨根はコービンのお尻にまっすぐ進み、ジュリアは彼を深く苦労させて喜ぶ。彼女は彼の背中に彼を注文し、彼は自分自身の小さな厄介なmommaの雌犬のように自分自身をスライドさせることを命じ、彼の伸ばした穴をクソを続けている。彼女は彼のストラップオンで自分自身をファックしながら、彼はそれを保持するように彼に言っているように彼女は兼ねる。次の罰は、全面的に彼の負担を払拭し、彼をそこに残すことです。最後に、ジュリアは大きな銃を持ち出し、コービンは倒立したサスペンションに乗り込み、繰り返し彼女が倒れるまで彼女の猫を食べさせた。ジュリアが濡れた猫に顔をまっすぐ引っ張り、口と舌を使ってザーメンを吸う。彼女が彼と一緒に終わったら、彼は起きて彼をそこに残し、彼がやったことを考えさせる。

Savannah Fox に '彼らの記念日のCuckold'

Savannah Fox - 彼らの記念日のCuckold

サバンナ・フォックスは甘く見えるかもしれませんが、ミー・ミー・ミッションをしています。彼女のボーイフレンドコービンとセックスビデオを撮ろうと決心した彼女は、彼を専門家に連れて行き、躊躇して、かわいらしく異議を唱えて、ドミナトリックス、カッコリング、屈辱、ペギングなど、完全なパッケージを選ぶ。サバンナは、彼のボーイフレンドを鞭打って、彼女のパンティと口紅に彼をドレッシングし、完全に彼を彼女のサディスティックな意志に屈する、復讐の部分を取る。彼女は巨大なストラップで彼をペグし、彼がRuckus’ハード雄鶏を吸うようにし、彼女は彼を抱きしめながら彼を結びつけ、彼を抱きしめている間に彼を叩く。彼女は、コルビンの悲しみの顔にバケツを込めて雨が降っている間、Ruckus’のチンポを何度も繰り返している。最終的な屈辱として、彼はRuckus’巨大な負荷を取るようになった、とサバンナは彼を笑う、 "幸せな記念日、赤ちゃん!

Lea Lexis に '神聖な女王とプリンセスパンティー'

Lea Lexis - 神聖な女王とプリンセスパンティー

別の哀れなファックの男の子が、神の雌犬の巣穴の中をさまよって、プリ兼ザーメンを垂らし、神の猫を乞う。代わりに、激烈に魅力的なLea Lexisは、この奴隷の無駄な痴漢性の雄鶏を貞操に固定し、貪欲な淫乱の中に巨根のディルドを押し広げ、新鮮な濡れたおいしいパンティーで彼女の新しい痴女を弄ぶ。解剖学、肛門ストラップオン、パドリング、肛門鏡、屈辱のヒープ、そして店内のパンティーの山!

Maitresse Madeline に 'マイトレス・ミルク・ヴァージン・プロストレートとドリップ・コック'

Maitresse Madeline - マイトレス・ミルク・ヴァージン・プロストレートとドリップ・コック


Cherry Torn に 'ドリップコックは罰せられる必要があります!'

Cherry Torn - ドリップコックは罰せられる必要があります!


他のサイトからの風景 Corbin Dallas,Aaliyah Love

Barrett Blade に 'Kinky Blonde MILF Aaliyah Love Shows Her New Stepdaughter Kenna James'

Barrett Blade - Kinky Blonde MILF Aaliyah Love Shows Her New Stepdaughter Kenna James

Sexy blonde babes Kenna James and Aaliyah Love share one lucky cock.

Aaliyah Love に 'Cook Cock Show! S01E01 “Spermghetti with shrooms”'

Aaliyah Love - Cook Cock Show! S01E01 “Spermghetti with shrooms”

Dear Viewer! Welcome to the world's best bachelor show, Cook Cock Show! In this episode, our incomparable host Lady Chef will teach you how to make spaghetti in mushroom sauce. Treat your girlfriend to this dish and see the fire of lust and passion flash in her eyes!

Aaliyah Love に 'Lady Was Over Moon by Vintage Rock 'n' Roll... and Young Cock'

Aaliyah Love - Lady Was Over Moon by Vintage Rock 'n' Roll... and Young Cock

The twenty-first century is the age of commercial nostalgia. Reboots and remakes reign in the cinema, the recording studios produce endless cover versions of good old songs, and any kind of art or production is doomed to have little or no connection with nostalgic notes - otherwise there is no profit. However, it makes sense, because nostalgia is something that harbors sincere and genuine emotions that can be relived again. For example, succumbing to nostalgia, the heroine of this story plunged back into her youth and felt the hard, throbbing cock of a teenager...

Aaliyah Love に 'Shower Bang'

Aaliyah Love - Shower Bang

Little tart Aaliyah Love is brushing her hair in the bathroom mirror. She waxes fantastic about the fuck session she had the previous evening to her husband (at least she believes it's her husband). A hard dick pokes through the shower curtain. Aaliyah says she will reward it for the previous night's work. She scoots out of her dress and backs her ass onto the protruding cock. Miss Love may be tiny but she does have some thickness to her thighs and rump. This makes for good viewing… She bounces then commands the figure to 'pull that pussy back on your cock'. Eventually she spots the sneaky fucker, realizing it's her stepson...Thankfully it doesn't cause pause in the action. Miss Love plops her ass up on the bathroom counter and spreads. She's drilled while keeping those legs open producing an honest jackable moment. She folds her legs over on the counter top improving an already decent view. Legs dangling while being churned. The couple move to the floor for some cowgirl that amplifies Aaliyah's butt cheeks nicely. Then transition to missionary and Miss Love says 'I want your cum. I want your dirty cum all over me'. The stepson delivers on the request, bringing a smile to Aaliyah's face...

Corbin Dallas に 'Is The Sneak'

Corbin Dallas - Is The Sneak

When Corbin Dallas' master goes out for the evening he always keeps little Corbin locked in his cage. He doesn't want him to get into trouble and also to make sure that he doesn't have fun without him. But Corbin is a little sneak and he picks the padlock and slips out of his cage. He can't wait to turn on the fucking machine. It makes him extra hot knowing he's using the machine without permission.Corbin warms up his butt hole with his dildo, then he's ready to lay on top of his cage and let the giant blue cock on the end of the machine plow his ass. It's just what Corbin needs. It's not easy at first but nobody is home to tell Corbin no, and he can't get enough. The machine rams its inconceivably large cock deep into Corbin's ass, violating it in that painfully sweet way that Corbin craves.Next, Corbin gets into even more trouble by moving his master's fuck table into position so he can let the big cock enter him doggy style. He now has a huge pink cock on the machine, ready to violate his ass in unimaginable ways. Corbin loves it so much he sits on his cage with the giant dildo and bounces on it, letting the humongous dildo fill and fuck his ass. Corbin greedily fucks this dildo. He can't get it in deep and wide enough. Now Corbin can reach into his ass with all five fingers, it's wide open and ready to be fuckedCorbin gets back on his cage, legs wide open for his metal machine master. He strokes and pumps his cock while getting fucked in the ass. The machine drills Corbin relentlessly, never slowing, never getting tired. In his fuck-drunk delirium Corbin knows it's getting late and his master will be home soon. He is afraid of getting caught, but the thought of it makes him hot.

Aaliyah Love に 'Perky Blonde Aaliyah Love Takes A Huge Load On The Face'

Aaliyah Love - Perky Blonde Aaliyah Love Takes A Huge Load On The Face

Bubbly blonde with small tits Aaliyah Love is full of giggles and laughter as she teases you with her irresistible body wrapped in a blue bikini. The stunning slut can't hide her excitement as she plays with her tits and fingers her tight pussy. The sight of your throbbing cock put a huge smile on Aaliyah's face. She reaches for your dick and gives it a sloppy blowjob and deepthroat without any hesitation. After the intense cock-throating and ball-sucking, Aaliyah spreads her legs. You graciously accept the invitation and pounds her tight cunt with no mercy. Her perky tits dance to the rhythm of your thrusts as you fuck her in missionary, doggystyle, and cowgirl. Aaliyah flashes a big smile on her face as you cum on her face.

Aaliyah Love に 'Study Buddies'

Aaliyah Love - Study Buddies

Marie McCray is staying late after class to finish her essay. Suddenly, Aaliyah Love walks into the classroom and interrupts her studying, suggesting that they do some other activities that will be more rewarding for the both of them. Marie might just be Aaliyah's favorite study buddy.

Aaliyah Love に 'Best Of Easter Compilation'

Aaliyah Love - Best Of Easter Compilation

The only thing these horny babes love more than decorating Easter eggs is going on the hunt for the Easter Bunny's big carrot. Something about the holiday just gets these chicks ready to rock, and they won't stop until they've filled their hungry cunts with cock. Watch Daphne Dare, Aaliyah Love, Summer Brooks, Avi Love, and more of your favorite TeamSkeet girls enjoy Easter Sunday with some seriously steamy sex. These babes really do fuck like rabbits!

Aaliyah Love に 'fucks husbands employee'

Aaliyah Love - Dirty Wives Club

Aaliyah Love and her husband have a special kind of arrangement, he's away on business often and wants her to be happy. He likes to suprise her with sexy lingerie and sends his employee to deliver it and their cocks. Happy wife happy life.

Riley Reid に 'Best Threesome Sex Compilation'

Riley Reid - Best Threesome Sex Compilation

Whats better than a sexy, cock crazed chick who wants to bounce her fat ass and shake her tits while she gets plowed out? Two sexy cock crazed chicks! We here at TeamSkeet put together our Best Threesomes Compilation with chicks like Aaliyah Love, Izzy Bell, Riley Reid, Sophia Leone, and more so you can enjoy double the trouble whenever you feel the urge. Sit back and enjoy two banging babes at the same time!

Aaliyah Love に 'and Lilly Bell - Watching My Mom Go Black'

Aaliyah Love - Watching My Mom Go Black

'My good for nothing Husband probably paid you, but I KNOW that cheapskate didn't tip you!' a horny housewife calls out, luring the sexy workers in...Aaliyah hasn't fucked her (newish) husband in years. The only thing he's good for is his endless bank account. After another boring night of his dreadful parties, she sees the guys from the rental company as they are taking out the last piece. It's late and these guys are tired, but no one can say no to Aaliyah so they go over to entertain her when she calls them into the living room. She immediately gets down on her hands and knees, and crawls over, so happy to find that her tips are connected to about 12 inches of delicious man meat. She's gaging and slobbering and getting fucked hard until her step daughter Lilly walks in. Lilly isn't surprised at all. As Aaliyah put it bluntly 'How do you think I've survived being married to your dad for so long?' She's intrigued. Aaliyah has been her favorite stepmom so far, and Lilly kind of looks to her as a big sister more than a mom. She watches for a few minutes and then jumps in. Stepmom certainly knows her way around a dick, but beautiful, innocent looking Lilly has picked up a few dick tricks of her own and wants to show them off. The two are trouble together, bringing out the absolute worst in one another and its so hot to watch!

Aaliyah Love に 'A Rare MILF Sex Tape'

Aaliyah Love - A Rare MILF Sex Tape

This is a fun sex tape with Aaliyah Love and I. We have good chemistry and have intense sex for the first time together all over the bed. There's a good mix of orgasms and laughs and bits of rough sex. There's POV shot during the blowjob portion of the video and while she rides my cock with her butt facing the camera. The scene ends with a close up of a big creampie.

Vanessa Cage に 'Best Of Familystrokes 2'

Vanessa Cage - Best Of Familystrokes 2

stepfamily sex can lead to complications, but that is probably what makes it so damn hot! Especially when it involves some hot babes with an insatiable craving for cock. Even if it makes things a little awkward at home, these girls need their fix. Watch Aaliyah Love, Izzy Bell, Ella Knox, Vanessa Cage and more of your favorite Team Skeet girls fuck up the family reunion in this Best of Family Strokes Compilation!

Aaliyah Love に 'Best Of April 2019'

Aaliyah Love - Best Of April 2019

April showers bring May flowers, and there is plenty of pussy juice raining down when your favorite Team Skeet babes are around. They love getting wet and wild, so even if the girls have to stay in all day, they can still have a fun time! Violet Myers, Aaliyah Love, Daphne Dare, and Sofie Reyez weather the storm by getting their tight pussies pounded out in this Best Of April Compilation. So, stay indoors and spend some quality time with them. You will not regret it!

Corbin Dallas に 'My Slutty Sister: Kayleigh Coxx uses sister's boy toy Corbin Dallas'

Corbin Dallas - My Slutty Sister: Kayleigh Coxx uses sister's boy toy Corbin Dallas

Kayleigh is hanging out at home when she gets a call from her sister Cherry Torn. Cherry is running late and won't be home for her scheduled date, so she asks Kayleigh to keep him occupied until she gets home. Kayleigh is irritated, but when Corbin Dallas arrives, Kayleigh has some ideas on how to occupy the time. She knows all about the sick boys her sister dates and decides to have some fun of her own. She holds Corbin by the throat as she kisses him and spits in his face. She slaps him, and pulls out his cock and wraps her lips around it. She takes every inch of it into her wet mouth as Corbin moans in pleasure. Then she makes Corbin take off her shoes and suck her cock. Corbin loves being bossed around and does everything Kayleigh says. He takes her cock like a good slut, choking on it as Kayleigh holds his head down. He takes every spanking she gives him and thanks her for each one. He promises he's so much better than her sister but also begs her not to let Cherry find out. Kayleigh doesn't like keeping secrets from her sister and decides to make it worth her while. She takes Corbin's ass and fucks him into the mattress. Corbin moans as Kayleigh fucks his hole wide open. Finally, Kayleigh blows her load on Corbin's stomach and jerks him off as he promises not to fuck her sister.

Aaliyah Love に 'Sabrina Grows Up Some Kind Of Magic - S14:E5'

Aaliyah Love - Sabrina Grows Up Some Kind Of Magic - S14:E5

The morning after fucking Harvey for the first time, Sabrina comes into the kitchen to her Aunt Zelda and Aunt Hilda implying that they know. Once her aunts leave, Sabrina confesses to Salem that she thinks she came on too strong. Salem suggests a spell and Sabrina agrees. She's just finishing up with that when Zelda returns to the kitchen and suggests that maybe they should cancel their plans and invite Harvey over instead. Sabrina agrees.While the girls wait for Harvey, Zelda decides to get ready by magicking herself into some lingerie. Sabrina matches suit, claiming that Harvey is hers. When Harvey finally arrives, Zelda can't keep her hands off of him. Although Sabrina and Harvey are confused, they let Zelda join in on the fun. Soon both girls are on their knees sucking Harvey's cock. Then they magic themselves out of their clothes so that Sabrina can ride Harvey's mouth while Zelda rides his dick.Switching things up, Zelda takes Sabrina in her arms to fondle her nubile titties as Harvey feasts on Sabrina's pussy. Then Sabrina finally gets her boyfriend's D back inside her as she eats Zelda out while Harvey bangs her from behind. Zelda gets another go on Harvey's fuck stick before both girls kneel with their backs to Harvey so he can work them each to a final climax and cum on their back. The threesome is just winding down when Hilda arrives and tells Sabrina that she has put a love spell on Zelda.

Aaliyah Love に 'and Natalia Queen - Watching My Daughter Go Black'

Aaliyah Love - Watching My Daughter Go Black

There's a house at the end of the block where two sluts live, and their names are Aaliyah and Natalia. They're both liars, too. As you know, the 'acorn doesn't fall far from the tree', and this mother-daughter team are just terrific when it comes to one thing: cheating. Just look at barely-legal Natalia! She's just got home from the beach, where she picked up a man three times her age...and now she's giving him a 'blowie' in her bedroom as he works her freshly-shaved snatch! And just down the hall? Natalia's mother, Aaliyah, is getting pounded by her lover in her marital bed while Hubby is hard at work! What happens when both sluts catch in each other 'in the act'? Sure enough, they end up back in mom's bedroom, and both studs take turns pounding away until both men fill their swollen pussies with their jizz. 'I hope you remembered your birth control, young lady,' mom says, as both ladies giggle away while the ooze drips from their freshly-fucked pussies.

Aaliyah Love に 'Sexual Situations Scene 2'

Aaliyah Love - Sexual Situations Scene 2

'Wanna have sex' Gorgeous Gina Valentina takes the viewer through 5 sexy scenarios illustrating the various ways that people hook up – Casual sex, kinky sex, make-up sex, break-up sex and 'Friends with benefits'. An all-star cast of starlets brings these 'Sexual Situations' to life with passionate and intense sexual performances.

Corbin Dallas に 'Kendall Penny Punishes Task App Guy With Her Cock.'

Corbin Dallas - Kendall Penny Punishes Task App Guy With Her Cock.

Kendall Penny sits at the edge of her bed wearing long leather boots and a short skirt. She waits impatiently for her Task App guy to come over and fold her laundry. Corbin Dallas knocks on the door and when he enters, is immediately apologetic to Kendall for his tardiness. Kendall scolds him for being late and tells him to get on his knees. She grabs her clean laundry and dumps it on his head and tells him to start folding. She sits behind him and makes belittling comments as Corbin, who really wants that five star review, just grins and bears it. She leaves the room for a moment and Corbin folds on the floor at the foot of her bed. He notices metal shackles attached to the bed legs and gets caught examining them. Kendall sits on her bed, kicks one long leg up and tells Corbin to worship her tall leather boots. He licks her boots all the way up and she pulls her hard cock out from her lacy panties. Corbin swallows her whole cock and sucks it with enthusiasm. She buries his head between her ass cheeks then puts him over her knee for some hard ass spankings. Kendall puts him on his back, pulls his head to the edge of the bed and shoves her hard cock down his throat and fucks his mouth. She gets Corbin's ass in the air and fucks his ass raw. After pounding his hole fast and hard, Kendall blows her load in Corbin's mouth and makes him eat every drop. After Kendall cums, she's feeling nice and jerks Corbin's cock, letting him cum as well, but as soon as he blows his load, Kendall rolls him off of her bed and tells him to get out of her house.

Lily Lane に 'Neighborhood Swingers 22'

Lily Lane - Neighborhood Swingers 22

Brad Newman and Nathan are just chilling at the house and congratulating each other on putting together an awesome Thursday night. Soon, we find out that Thursday night is swing night, and the sexy Aaliyah Love and Lily Lane are dancing for them. One of the boys gets to pick what juicy ass wife he gets and soon Nathan Bronson picks the sweet pussy of Lily and it is a pure fuckfest for that point on.

Aaliyah Love に 'He Loves Me In Collars And Cuffs Scene 1'

Aaliyah Love - He Loves Me In Collars And Cuffs Scene 1

He loves when I give him control and when I let him do all of those kinky things to me that hurt so good. He teases and touches me and right when I can't take it anymore, he releases me and gives me what I really want: hot, passionate sex.

Aaliyah Love に 'He Loves To Watch Scene 4'

Aaliyah Love - He Loves To Watch Scene 4

It's always been his fantasy; to see his beautiful wife being ravaged by another man right in front of him, and she will do anything to turn him on and make him happy. These 5 couples have found a unique way to keep the spark in their marriage. Passionate sex and powerful orgasms about in "He Loves To Watch".

Aaliyah Love に 'I Kissed a Girl and I Liked it 9'

Aaliyah Love - I Kissed a Girl and I Liked it 9

Kenzie Reeves just happened to see her neighbor Aaliyah Love taking a shower. She was so turned on by her sexy fit body, she wanted to join her in the shower for some steamy girl on girl action.

Aaliyah Love に 'He Loves Me In Stockings And Heels Scene 4'

Aaliyah Love - He Loves Me In Stockings And Heels Scene 4

She knows what turns him on. Sexy stockings and high heels, against his naked body, drives him crazy. Tantalizing teases lead to passionate, sweat inducing sex. Five stunning long legged ladies fulfill their men's fantasies in 'He Loves Me in Stockings and Heels.

Aaliyah Love に 'My Husband Brought Home his Mistress 12'

Aaliyah Love - My Husband Brought Home his Mistress 12

Lucas Frost is at home with his Mistress Daizy Cooper, When his wife Aaliyah Love walks in, she gets pisses and wants to see what all the fuss is about. Daizy has to tuck her way out of an awkward situation.

Lena Kelly に 'The Tutor: Lena Kelly Teaches Corbin Dallas To Handle A Lady's Cock'

Lena Kelly - The Tutor: Lena Kelly Teaches Corbin Dallas To Handle A Lady's Cock

Corbin Dallas is too horny to focus on his math with his hot tutor watching over him. Lena Kelly catches Corbin drooling over her long legs, big tits and lush lips, and decides the only way to get Corbin through is distraction is to fuck it right out of him. She lets Corbin worship her beautiful feet, which he's a lot better at than calculus, apparently. Corbin's tongue caresses Lena's cute piggies, making her big cock rock hard. Lena fucks Corbin's greedy face hole and let him eat her perfect round ass. Corbin does such a good job pleasing Lena with his mouth, he earns her hard cock in his tight ass. Lena fucks Corbin so hard he leaks his load all over his own stomach. Lena scoops up the cum and shoves it in Corbin's mouth while she fucks his ass to reach her own climax, which she shoots in Corbin's hungry mouth. If there was class on taking lady cock and eating jiz, Corbin would definitely get an A!

Aaliyah Love に 'Panty Perv'

Aaliyah Love - Panty Perv

When busty blonde housewife Aaliyah Love catches her new stepson Alex Legend sniffing her panties and jerking off, she decide to tach him a lesson about respecting other people's things. First up – her pussy! Alex whips out his massive cock for his stepmom to suck hard, but she'll have to deepthroat it to the balls if she want him to fill her to the brim with big dick. Aaliyah knows how to work her blowjob lips but Alex is gonna have to prove he can stretch out his stepmother's wet pussy until she's ready for him to unload all over her gorgeous face! Always a nice sport, Aaliyah even lets Alex hold on to a pair of panties as a reward.

Aaliyah Love に 'Inappropriate Touching!'

Aaliyah Love - Inappropriate Touching!

Young and over-worked office assistant, Aaliyah is overwhelmed with phone calls and people dropping things off for her powerful and gorgeous boss, Hollywood agent Cherry Torn. Cherry keeps her beyond busy and to top it off she makes comments to Aaliyah, asking her to dress a little sexier. Aaliyah's finally had enough when Cherry playfully smacks Aaliyah's ass! Aaliyah flips, telling Cherry she is quitting. Cherry apologizes; she had no idea that Aaliyah was unhappy. Aaliyah realizes she's never communicated her feelings and both agree to start over...Cherry then ask if she gives her a hug. Aaliyah pulls her in and jokingly grabs Cherry's ass. Until that moment she'd never noticed how supple and nice Cherry's ass is, as are Cherry's perky big tits! Aaliyah and Cherry's hug quickly becomes more as they kiss, lick and caress every inch of each other while feasting on the other's aching pussy.

Aaliyah Love に 'Helping My Step Mom - S8:E5'

Aaliyah Love - Helping My Step Mom - S8:E5

Aaliyah Love has just had eye surgery and her stepson Van Wylde is helping her out. Once Aaliyah's dress falls down to accidentally let her tits hang out, Van realizes how much he wants to fuck her. Aaliyah asks Van to help her with a shower, and he agrees to give her a hand. Leaving the room, he goes to turn on the water.When Aaliyah is in the water, she can't seem to find the soap. She calls Van to help him out, and instead of giving her what she asked for he pulls out his fuck stick. Aaliyah strokes him off while thinking she's dispensing soap, then rubs Van's cum all over her body as she enjoys the spray of the warm water. Emboldened, Van decides to take things a bit further. The following day, he decides to pretend to be his dad so he can seduce his stepmom properly. Knowing he can't say a word, Van climbs into bed with his stepmom and pulls down her lingerie to suck those nipples like he's been craving since she flashed them on the couch.Van starts by peeling his stepmom out of her clothes and delivering a languorous pussy feast in her nicely trimmed twat. He spends plenty of time down there, feasting on her pussy and ass. Leaning back, Aaliyah opens her mouth wide to take Van's cock in a deep throat BJ that gets him all warmed up to relocate between her thighs and slam into her greedy snatch. She turns onto her side to take a rough ride from Van, then gets on her hands and knees to really double down on both of their pleasure. Once Van has finished his stepmom off with raunchy spooning sex, he pulls out to give her a facial of hot cum that she sucks off his cock.

Aaliyah Love に 'The Intervention'

Aaliyah Love - The Intervention

The Intervention

SCENE OPENS on Mary Anne, as she opens the back door of her house and walks into the kitchen, carrying a load of groceries. Dressed in a pastel pink sweater, cross, and jeggings, the conservative-looking woman has gone through a lot to get to this position in life. Married twice, her last husband left her two things in the settlement: this house and his now 18-year-old daughter, Charlie, who has continued living with her step-mother for several years. Mary Anne has always considered Charlie to be like a real daughter and, in the wake of her divorce, she became very protective over her. Almost too protective. Why should she live somewhere else when Mary-Ann takes perfectly good care of her here? Certainly, a better environment than with her father! As she puts the groceries away, she hollers out to her daughter to come and help ... but there is no response. Finally, she stops what she's doing and goes to find her. She sees her daughter's sneakers and backpack by the front door but still gets no response, so she walks up the stairs to Charlie's bedroom. When Mary Anne opens the door, she is shocked to discover her daughter lying in bed topless and kissing another girl! Charlie barely has a chance to look up before Mary Anne slams the door in disgust. What the hell was that?! She composes herself for a moment before barging back into the room and yelling at Charlie, as her and her girlfriend struggle to put their shirts back on. Charlie begs for her mom to calm down, but Mary Anne is beside herself. Is her daughter a lesbian? Under her roof? That's an abomination! She didn't raise her to be like that. The step-mother starts flying off the handle at the other girl, telling her to get out and never come back. They vote conservative in this house! There are no gays allowed! Charlie is outraged by her mother's behavior and tells her girlfriend that she'll drive her home. Mary-Anne chases them down the stairs accusing her daughter of being brainwashed. Charlie tells her mom that it's 2018. Same-sex marriage is legal. She's an adult, she just turned 18. She can do what she wants. Charlie barges through the front door with her girlfriend and slams it in Mary Anne's face.


That evening, Mary Anne paces back and forth in her bedroom while Steve, her boyfriend, watches TV and eats chips. Steve is a low-life car mechanic who Mary Anne met at a church community program, not because he is religious but because he was obligated to attend as part of a court order. They are a bit of an odd couple. She looks very wholesome and he looks messy and gregarious, in a baseball cap, flannel shirt, dirty work pants, and boots still on in bed. As Mary Anne complains about what happened, Steve half-listens. He tells her not to stress, she holds the purse strings. Charlie's big college plans in the fall are completely dependent on her. The girl can't move out on her own. Mary Anne keeps fretting and pacing, arguing that Charlie has never disrespected her like that before. Slamming the door in her face like that! What she needs is an ultimatum! Steve jokes that what her daughter really needs is some dick. One time with a real man would put a stop to her dyky behavior. This makes Mary Anne pause. 'You're absolutely right,' she slowly says as they both hear the front door open and Charlie come back home.

CUT to Charlie walking up the stairs cautiously. It's been hours since she last saw her step-mother and she isn't sure what to expect. Despite being completely appalled by her reaction, Charlie still honors her mother and even fears her a little. After all, she is the one fully supporting Charlie. Mary-Anne is waiting, arms folded, by her bedroom door. The two women stare at each other for a moment before Mary-Anne tells her to come in. They need to discuss what happened earlier. Charlie nods and walks past her, as Mary-Anne shuts the door.

Charlie is somewhat surprised to see Steve there but, considering the boyfriend practically lives at their house now, she does what she normally does: ignores him. This is supposed to be between her and her mother. She takes a deep breath and starts to explain that the girl Mary-Ann caught her with is her girlfriend. They are in love and she has been trying to figure out how to tell her mom about it for months, but she was too afraid of her reaction. Mary-Anne cuts her off coldly and tells her to sit down. This is an intervention.

Summing up all her authority, Mary-Anne forbids her daughter from seeing her girlfriend anymore. She does not accept homosexuality, certainly not within her family. No daughter of hers, even a step-daughter, will ever be allowed to behave this way. Charlie starts to break down and, through angry tears, tell her mother that this is how she was born. This is who she is. She can't stop it. Fighting back tears herself, Mary-Anne continues by telling her daughter that if she does not respect her decision, that she will be obliged to kick her out of the house and take away the college funds she had set aside for her. Charlie freaks out, begging her mother to reconsider. She worked so hard to get into that school. She can't possibly cover the tuition and dorm rent on her own. What does she need to do to prove that being gay is just who she is? Steve, who has been watching TV the whole time in the background, nonchalantly pipes up and asks 'But ... how do you know that you're really gay?'

Charlie stops and turns to glare at him. 'I'm sorry,' she says angrily. 'I didn't realize anyone was talking to you, Steve!' Steve turns off the TV and edges to the end of the bed. 'But, seriously,' he continues. 'How do you know you're not just confused?' Mary-Anne chimes in to support her boyfriend, asking Charlie directly if she has ever even been with a man before. Charlie says no. Mary-Anne then challenges how she can know for sure if she's a lesbian if she's never tried to be straight. Charlie is shocked by this line of questioning. She argues with her mother that she doesn't need to do that to know. Well,' Mary-Anne demands. 'Until you have proven to me that you aren't straight, I can no longer support you, Charlie. Maybe if you tried to have normal sex with a man and you still didn't like it, I might change my mind. But, until then, I won't tolerate this unnatural behavior!' Charlie is seething in anger. She points a finger at Steve, who is awkwardly chuckling to himself behind them. 'And I suppose this is your idea of a man, mom?' she yells. 'Someone like Steve?!'

Mary-Anne stares at her boyfriend as an idea crosses her mind. 'Yes,' she says, turning back to her daughter. 'Exactly like Steve. In fact, why don't we just settle this debate tonight? Steve, take off your clothes!' Steve puts down the bowl of chips and asks what she's doing. 'You heard me,' she says, through her rage. 'You are going to fuck my daughter. Right now. Put your dick in her mouth and let's see how gay she really is.' Charlie tells her step-mom that she's insane. Mary-Anne continues, ordering her boyfriend to drop his pants. 'All it's going to take is 10 minutes to prove to me that you aren't straight, Charlie. So, come on, what are you afraid of?' Charlie stares dumbfounded at her mother. 'Or ... what?' she demands. Mary-Anne stands her ground and crosses her arms. 'Or, you leave tonight and don't even think about me covering your tuition!' She yells.

There is an eerie silence in the room, as the weight of Mary-Anne's threats hang over everyone. Steve looks like a deer in headlights, his pants around his ankles. Mary-Anne stands quivering with rage, trying to hold her position. Charlie breathes hard, her eyes not leaving her mother's. This is the ultimate betrayal. She starts to undo her shirt and throws it in a corner. She pulls off her sports bra and whips it in her mother's direction. Finally, as she pulls down her pants and her panties, she coldly turns to Steve and tells him to pull out his dick. He asks if she's she sure. She says yes. If this is what her mother needs as proof, then fine. She can have it. She can have all the fucked-up proof she needs. Charlie drops to her knees, tells her mother that she hates her, and starts to suck Steve's dick. BGG Sex Scene. Throughout the first part of the sex, Charlie hates fucks Steve and talks down to her mother. Mary-Anne watches but, when she becomes dissatisfied by what she considers to be Charlie's lackluster effort, she joins in to show her how it's done. Steve, overwhelmed by the two women battling beneath him, ends up fucking them both and popping on their faces.

After they have finished, another awkward silence fills the room. Steve, grabbing his clothing, tells the women that he is going to leave now. They should probably sort themselves out. He exits, and the two naked, cum-drenched family members look at each other. 'Are you satisfied?' Charlie asks coldly. Mary-Anne sputters that she hopes her daughter learned a valuable lesson in all this. She is normal, after all. 'Yes,' Charlie says, grabbing her stuff. 'I'm a lesbian!' and she storms out of the room, slamming the door.

Aaliyah Love に '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 3'

Aaliyah Love - Blacks On Blondes

Aaliyah Love has a dilemma. It's pretty serious. She's about to get married to the love of her life. His name is Jeremy. He has a good job, and he's a good looking dude. This doesn't keep Aaliyah from wondering, though, about how monogamous life is going to be. Honestly, she's worried about having sex with the same person for the rest of her life. Aaliyah is so worried, she's called her pal Flash over to discuss. Flash feels the same. Monogamy can be troublesome, so Flash tells Aaliyah, 'Blowjobs aren't really cheating. Neither is eating pussy!' Which is immediately where these two take it. Aaliyah's on her knees, sucking Flash's BBC, then Flash returns the favor, slurping Aaliyah's sweet, sweet snatch. Here comes the second issue: since they're both so working up, maybe a a quick fuck session -- a week before Aaliyah ties the knot with Jeremy -- might alleviate her concerns. Aaliyah can't believe the size of Flash's monster cock, and Flash can't believe how good that pussy is! The session ends in two big orgasms, one of which absolutely covers Aaliyah's beautiful, blonde face. And something tells me Aaliyah's going to have a very, very difficult time with monogamy!

Aaliyah Love に 'Too Little Too Late Scene 1'

Aaliyah Love - Too Little Too Late Scene 1

Timing is everything. Robbie and Christine (Tommy Pistol, Aaliyah Love) were college sweethearts who lost touch. After a chance encounter at a restaurant, they both realize that they have never lost their feelings for each other – the only problem is that Robbie has a girlfriend and Christine is about to be married. After reconnecting as friends again, their feelings become even stronger, but is it a case of Too Little, Too Late'

Aaliyah Love に 'Too Little Too Late Scene 5'

Aaliyah Love - Too Little Too Late Scene 5

Timing is everything. Robbie and Christine (Tommy Pistol, Aaliyah Love) were college sweethearts who lost touch. After a chance encounter at a restaurant, they both realize that they have never lost their feelings for each other – the only problem is that Robbie has a girlfriend and Christine is about to be married. After reconnecting as friends again, their feelings become even stronger, but is it a case of Too Little, Too Late'

Aaliyah Love に 'Feeding On BBC'

Aaliyah Love - Feeding On BBC

Lovely blonde Aaliyah Love has a little cold but she would not have missed her date today for anything in the world. She used to masturbate to throat fuck porn and now she is starring in her own with a monster black cock!

Jessica Fox に 'Out Foxed 2: Big Boss Becomes Dungeon Anal Whore'

Jessica Fox - Out Foxed 2: Big Boss Becomes Dungeon Anal Whore

The divine Jessica Fox has permanently locked her anal slut boss, Corbin Dallas, in a dank, dark, disgusting dungeon to serve her every whim. To begin Dallas' daily dose of punishment, the gorgeous Jessica teases him in his cage, poking, prodding, and cropping her locked-up toy. Teasing Corbin with a whiff of her delicious toes and arches, Jessica allows Dallas to lick and suck at her shiny black heels, driving this foot slut into a frenzy. With Dallas clearly desperate for any kind of attention from his goddess, Jessica next allows him to lick at her clear purple latex and taut, round ass. Corbin gobbles up every inch of Jessica's hole, sucking and licking and begging for more. Determined to extract every inch of devotion from her whore, Jessica stuffs Corbin's begging mouth full of her cock, choking him as he tries to swallow it whole, dribbling spit through the bars of his cage. Finally, to put her whore of a boss in his place once and for all, Jessica shoves her cock deep into Corbin's eager pink asshole, fucking him in missionary and doggy on top of his pitiful cage. Desperate to please his mistress, Corbin shoots his load all over Jessica's graceful feet before licking every drip from between her toes.

Aaliyah Love に 'Massage Bait'

Aaliyah Love - Massage Bait

Teen Tricked into Sex by Masseuse and Her Creepy Husband

SCENE opens on Tori, a petite 21-year-old woman, as she taps her feet idly in a waiting room. She has an appointment today with her regular massage therapist, Linda, a kind older woman. Tori has been visiting Linda for years to help with lower back pain caused from sports injuries. When Linda warmly greets her, the two women hug and head into the massage room. They small talk for a few minutes before Linda asks her to undress and get on the table. She leaves. Tori takes off all her clothes, folds them neatly, and gets onto the massage table. Cut to Linda in the next room. She looks incredibly anxious. When she hears Tori call out that she's ready, she nervously glances over to a man sitting beside her. It's Richard, her husband. She asks if he is sure that everything is locked and secure, that there is no way they could get caught. Irritated, he snaps at her to quit worrying -- she's always being such a pussy. Besides, she promised. So, if they just do what he says, everything will be fine. Linda swallows hard, a conflicted look on her face, and they get up and exit.


Tori is lying face down on the massage table when Linda enters the room. She begins the massage and, with a slight quiver in her voice, advises Tori that today she is planning to do something a little different with her technique. She calls it a 'four hand treatment' and asks Tori for her permission to begin. Tori innocently asks what is going to happen and Linda tells her she'll simply be adding something to increase the pressure and to stimulate her muscles, particularly in the lower areas of the body which hold the most tension. Tori happily agrees and Linda, looking guilty, asks her to close her eyes and relax, while quietly summoning Richard into the room.

Together, they begin trading off between themselves ... each taking a turn to touch Tori. They do not cross any sexual boundaries, but they begin to work further down Tori's body into increasingly intimate areas of the lower back and upper thighs. Tori is completely unaware that two people are massaging her - she just assumes it's her regular therapist. Throughout it all, Linda keeps talking to Tori to maintain the illusion, while her husband ogles the woman on the sidelines. He begins stroking himself while watching his wife rub Tori and then jumps in to touch her with his hands himself, his penis never actually coming into physical contact with her but looming very close.

Linda asks Tori to turn over on her back, so she may massage her front. When the woman does this, Richard ducks out of view. He stands just behind her head, fully erect. Linda becomes increasingly complimentary about Tori's body and starts asking her sexual questions. Tori, thinking she is having girl talk, answers freely. Linda keeps looking knowingly at her husband and he silently pushes her to take the conversation further. Through gritted teeth, she starts to talk about her own sex life with Richard and asking Tori what she thinks of him. Tori innocently confides that she thinks he is cute but that she never looks at married men. Richard strokes harder behind her head. Linda mentions that Richard is going to start taking clients himself and jokes whether she'd like to book a session with him. Feeling somewhat awkward, Tori says maybe in the future but today she is happy to be in familiar hands. Linda puts a hot cloth over her eyes to calm her, while Richard creeps to kneel by her pussy. He smells her and stares at her, as Linda rubs her thighs and the women keep talking. Linda asks to go deeper and deeper, getting increasingly close to Tori's pussy. She can feel hot breath on her labia. She begins to loosen up and enjoy the new technique that her therapist is giving ... even getting to the point where it begins feeling good sexually. She moans, squirms and bite her lip finally removing the cloth to look at what's happening. To her shock, she sees Richard in the room, smelling her pussy, and leaps off the table.

While Tori grabs her clothing to cover herself, Linda profusely apologies. Richard steps in front of her, taking control, and begins to reason with Tori. What did she think about their new 'four handed' technique? She agreed to try it, after all? Did she enjoy how it made her feel? What if she just got back on the table and relaxed like before? Tori demands to know what the hell is going on ... is the couple trying to seduce her in some sick way? Is this a swinger scheme? She feels betrayed by Linda, a woman she's knows and trusts. Linda feels terrible and encourages her to just leave but Richard shoots her a dirty look and continues to reason with Tori. He tells her that Linda has been fantasizing about him fucking with her clients for years ...that the whole thing was her idea because she is frigid and cannot satisfy him any longer. As he lies, Linda looks increasingly defeated. When Tori asks her if it's true, she says yes and stands behind her husband.

There are several rounds of back/forth negotiation before Tori finally agrees to let the couple finish what they started. But, as soon as she has accepted, Richard tells Linda to leave the room so he can have his fun ALONE. This is another shock to Tori, who thought her familiar therapist would at least be involved. There is a second round of negotiation before Tori agrees to let Richard fuck her. She is so angry at Linda that she ultimately consents as a means of punishing the therapist who betrayed her.

After he has cum on her face, Richard exits ... leaving the overwhelmed Tori on the table. In a final long shot, we watch her dress and leave silently, walking past Linda who is left to clean up the table.

Aaliyah Love に 'Hot Milf At The Gym'

Aaliyah Love - Hot Milf At The Gym

I went to the gym with my buddy Ramon Nomar for our weekly training and we simply couldn't keep our eyes off of Aaliyah Love's perfect ass as she was striding away on the elliptical machine! Throughout his workout, Ramon kept checking out the hot blonde MILF and offered her some posture advice for lifting weights. Of course, this was all just a ploy to get his hands all over her ass! But Ms. Love was grateful for the attention and confessed to us her husband has been ignoring her despite her efforts to get fit! As she continued working out, Ramon offered to spot her while she bench-pressed. The horny MILF couldn't keep her eyes off his big dick, which was sticking out of his shorts! As a “thank you” for his help, Aaliyah wrapped her luscious lips around Ramon's cock as she showcased her deepthroating skills. That's when Ramon tore open her tight blue shorts to get a taste of her tight ass and dripping wet pussy. Then, they both got a full-body cardio workout when they fucked all over the gym!

Aaliyah Love に 'Axel Brauns Dirty Talk 2 Scene 3'

Aaliyah Love - Axel Brauns Dirty Talk 2 Scene 3

No description available at the moment. Please check back soon.

Venus Lux に 'Earn Your Keep: Venus Lux's Country Barn Seduction'

Venus Lux - Earn Your Keep: Venus Lux's Country Barn Seduction

Corbin Dallas is done with the country life and wants to pursue his dreams in the big city. He makes his way by foot after writing a letter explaining where he's gone. Night falls and after a long hike through the country he finds a barn and decides that it would be a good place to rest his head for a while and continue on his journey in the morning. While asleep on a hay bale, Venus Lux struts in wearing daisy dukes and a cowboy hat, carrying a shovel. She bangs the shovel on the ground and wakes Corbin up suddenly and explains to him that this is her barn, and that if he wants to spend the night, he's gotta earn his keep. She makes him lick her cowgirl boots clean. She pulls her hard cock out from her daisy duke shorts and tells him to clean that too. With enthusiasm, Corbin sucks, gags, and chokes on Venus' big cock. She turns around and shoves his face between her ass cheeks and Corbin licks her asshole good and clean. After that, Venus bends Corbin over a table and slides her fat cock into his tight asshole and pounds it deep and hard. She slaps his ass and pinches his nipples then flips him over with his back on the table and his legs spread. She fucks his ass hard until Corbin is begging to cum. Venus tells him he can't cum until she says he can but it feels too good in Corbin's ass and he shoots his load across the room without permission. As a punishment, she scoops up his load and makes him eat it while she continues to pound his ass raw. Venus shoots a huge hot cream pie into Corbin's ass leaving it dripping with her cum.

Aaliyah Love に 'I Kissed A Girl and I Liked It 8'

Aaliyah Love - I Kissed A Girl and I Liked It 8

Aaliyah is Janice's girlfriend, also happens to be the rich dean of Janice and friend's college. She may be pretty, but preys on young girls of the school. In this scene, Aaliyah is in her bedroom bribing young Ember Snow to have sex with her in exchange for helping her with her grades. Ember is nervous at first, but fairly quickly breaks and gets off on the power play with Aaliyah. Ember is eager to please, and she does a great job of making Aaliyah 'happy to help'. Meanwhile downstairs, in their shared home, Janice is throwing a party and forming a bond to a new girl...

Penny Pax に 'Strap-On Stories: Gangbang Bachelorette'

Penny Pax - Strap-On Stories: Gangbang Bachelorette

Violet Monroe and Penny Pax are about to get married. Violet wants the night to be perfect so she's prepared a surprise for her soon-to-be bride. She blindfolds her and brings her downstairs to the living room. Penny can't help but wonder what her surprise is. Violet takes her hand and puts it on the strap-on she's wearing. Penny gets excited at the possibilities as they start kissing. When they take off her blindfold, she's surprised to see Aaliyah Love and Melissa Moore looking super hot standing there. Violet, who's been planning this for quite some time, tells her that she wants all her dreams to come true before they're married. She hires Aaliyah Love and Melissa Moore to fulfill all of Penny's fantasies and Penny couldn't be happier. The girls start touching Penny at the same time, caressing her breasts and playing with her pussy. Penny can't believe how good this feels. They sit her down on the couch and start dominating her. Violet goes down on her while the girls each suck on a big juicy breast. Massaging and caressing her perfect body, they make a point to touch every inch of her. Dominating her at every turn, they fuck her face and her pussy at the same time. Penny loves to be subjugated and worshipped; she's getting everything she needs from the girls. They DP her as she cums, fucking her tight ass and her pussy, making her cum again and again!

Aaliyah Love に 'Making The Sale'

Aaliyah Love - Making The Sale

Aaliyah's determined to buy her husband the perfect truck for his birthday, but she can't help checking out some of the sexier cars on the lot. Saleswoman Kate England convinces her to take one for a test drive, but she's not trying to sell Aaliyah a car - she's trying to sell her on being a lesbian! Aaliyah tries to stay focused on the road while Kate's fingers please her wet pussy. Aaliyah insists she's a straight girl, but when Kate gets this curious housewife alone all bets are off.

Aaliyah Love に 'Merry DP Christmas'

Aaliyah Love - Merry DP Christmas

Oh boy.....Cherie DeVille is here for an amazing go round this time. Aaliyah Love aka Mrs. Claus, and Mark White take full advantage of this slut. Cherie gets caught masturbating by Aaliyah, and wants more. They get into a little girl/girl action, before the cock enters. Mark and Aaliyah both penetrate her with their real, and fake cocks. thats right....anal AND DP. All from Mark's POV.

Aaliyah Love に 'Hollywood Ending Scene 2'

Aaliyah Love - Hollywood Ending Scene 2

Rebecca and Tommy (India Summer and Tommy Pistol) met in acting school and thought they had the perfect life. They made their way up the ladder of success, but the view from the top can change your perspective. Love is put to the test when fame, fortune, and false friends conspire to tear a couple apart who were once everything to each other.

Aaliyah Love に 'Homemade Porn With Stepmom'

Aaliyah Love - Homemade Porn With Stepmom

Scarlett and her new boyfriend, Jmac, love making their own homemade porn videos. They get a thrill from streaming their sex life out over the internet, having all sorts of strangers from all walks of life watching them fuck on camera. But with Scarlett's new stepmom Aaliyah at home, the young couple are worried that she'll ruin all their fun… Overhearing the moaning, this sneaky step-mom walks in to catch the web stars in a compromising position - not only were they fucking right under her nose, but their show is bland! It's time for Aaliyah to teach these teens a lesson in how to make their internet sexcapades a real success, bringing in more viewers than they could have ever hoped for!

Amanda Jade に 'Dr. Amanda Jade, a Healthy Dose of Domination'

Amanda Jade - Dr. Amanda Jade, a Healthy Dose of Domination

Dr. Amanda Jade sits at her desk listening to her patient Corbin Dallas spill his guts on the chez lounge about his obsession with being dominated by powerful women. The thought of his female boss bending him over and spanking his bare ass across her desk runs through his head all daily and Corbin is afraid he cant live a normal life as this obsession gets in the way of work and his social life. Dr. Amanda Jade suggests trying a new non-traditional method as she slowly gets up and walks from her seat to the front of her desk. Her patient Corbin looking confused but pleased cant take his eyes off of her long sexy legs and big round ass under her tight red skirt. Dr. Jade commands Corbin to crawl to her on his knees and kiss her feet. He works his tongue around her toes and up one leg and then the other. Dr. Jade turns around and lifts her skirt exposing her beautiful ass for him to worship. She shoves his head deep into her ass and tells him to get naked and bend over her desk. Amanda takes a paddle out and repeatedly spanks Corbin's bare ass raw and hard, teasing his asshole and balls. After that she whips out her cock and commands Corbin to give her a blowjob. She throat-fucks Corbin's face reminding him not to look at her and Corbin obeys like a good little cock-sucker. Dr. Jade lifts one leg onto her desk and tells Corbin to lick her asshole and so Corbin enthusiastically licks and licks like its his favorite flavor of ice cream. Next Dr. Jade has Corbin get on all fours and she fucks his tight ass with her hard cock. She pounds the come out of Corbin with his legs spread eagle and finishes by shooting her hot load all over his face.

Aaliyah Love に 'Holiday Stuffing'

Aaliyah Love - Holiday Stuffing

Hot blonde MILF Aaliyah asks her stepdaughter Kristen and her boyfriend Codey for help getting Thanksgiving dinner ready, but the teens have no idea how to stuff the turkey. The more Aaliyah tries to explain, the more puzzled the young couple get, until the exasperated cougar realizes she needs to find another way to demonstrate the proper way to stuff a hole! Taking both Kristen and Codey by surprise, Aaliyah peels off her stepdaughter's panties and sets her on the counter! The sexy stepmom begins slowly slipping her fingers inside Kristen's wet, freshly shaved pussy until she's stuffed all four inside and the brunette cutie is moaning with pleasure. Once Kristen is familiar with the technique, it's time to teach Codey how to stuff their pussies with his cock before the babes feast on his dick. It all adds up to a holiday threesome they're all truly thankful for!

Aaliyah Love に 'and Ryan Mclane in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Aaliyah Love - My Wife's Hot Friend

When Aaliyah Love visits from out of town, she wants to make the most of her stay. Boarding at her good friend's house, she wants to stay a few extra days to see some of the sights. It turns out that her friend's husband Ryan wants to do some sightseeing of his own…seeing the beautiful sight of Aaliyah's big white ass in the shower! But Aaliyah's too horny to not notice him spying on her and jerking his dick to her glistening apple bottom, which inspires her to get a close look at the sight she's been dying to see while Ryan's sleeping - the monument in his pants! Ryan doesn't exactly want to cheat on his wife, but you can't put a guest out, right?

Chanell Heart に 'Two's Company, Three's Allowed: Part Two'

Chanell Heart - Two's Company, Three's Allowed: Part Two

Last time on Two's Company, Three's Allowed, Kissa Sins showed up early for Aaliyah Love's Work Retreat giving them plenty of time to take an intense lesbian fuck sesh before everyone shows up. But the last thing they expected was for Chanell Heart to show up unannounced. Aaliyah and Kissa are truly surprised to see such a beautiful team member walk in on them, Aaliyah holds her reservations, she's clearly embarrassed, and tries to be discreet, but Jissa is so horny that she invites Chanell to join them on the bed. If not for sex, at least for a little girl-on-girl 'talk.' Chanell is nervous with two beautiful girls naked in front of her. But, since she walked in on them, she can't let her go without a little pre-team-building warm up. Chanell is nervous to be kissing Kissa, she tries using the heat in the room to excuse herself, but Kissa just takes her clothes off to make her more comfortable. Aaliyah warms up to the situation, seeing that now she's got nothing to lose, and if they bring Chanell in on it, there's a better chance of her keeping the big news under wraps. Flanked by Kissa and Aaliyah, Chanell leans back, letting Kissa eat her beautiful, wet pussy while Aaliyah kisses her passionately. Instantly Chanell begins to moan, as the pleasure becomes so intense she can barely breathe. Soon, Aaliyah shows Chanell her magic butt tonguing trick, while Kissa feeds her her dripping juicy pussy. The three of them take every opportunity available to please each other, tribbing, and screaming. After they cum together, the three can safely say they're pretty much the closest team members in the company.

Aaliyah Love に 'From Beyond Scene 3'

Aaliyah Love - From Beyond Scene 3

Sofia (Chanel Preston) and Michael (Ryan McLane) have the perfect marriage. When Michael is tragically killed, Sofia immediately notices strange things happening in their home. She cannot shake the feeling that he is "still with her". Sofia's best friend (Aaliyah Love) convinces her to speak with a psychic, who tells Sofia that Michael is trying to warn her. When Sofia confronts her husband's friend about some of the details of Michael's death, the truth comes out, but will Michael's love be enough to protect her from beyond the grave

Aaliyah Love に 'Two's Company, Three's Allowed: Part One'

Aaliyah Love - Two's Company, Three's Allowed: Part One

Aaliyah Love has been planning for weeks for a big company retreat, and finally the time has come for her big day, Bob calls (from HR), and she's immediately triggered about the stress she's feeling, but soon after the dreaded call ends, Kissa Sins comes into the picture. Apparently Aaliyah and Kissa have been sneaking around and fucking one another! An office taboo. What would happen if Bob found out? The two hours they have until the rest of the group shows are going to be well spent in lesbian bliss. Kissa devours Aaliyah's kisses. They go nuts trying to get their clothes off fast enough to suck the buds of their tender nipples. They seductively use one another's beautiful soft bodies in the most primal lesbian way, moaning in happiness, excited to use every minute available to fuck each other's brains out. Aaliyah begins eating Kissa's smooth puckered asshole while rubbing her clitoris, begging to have the same performed on her. As they continue to wet one another with their hungry tongues their moaning gets nearly out of control, and finally after long primal moments of tribbing and pussy licking, they cum together.

Aaliyah Love に '- Zebra Girls'

Aaliyah Love - Zebra Girls

What happens when you mix a lonely, married lady with two African-American, door-to-door salesladies and a bag full of sex toys? You're about to find out! I'm sure you've heard of the latest rage with the ladies? Sex toy parties! No joke!! Women get together for a little wine, laughter, and sex toys! Think of a naughty Tupperware party gone crazy! Aaliyah Love's hubby is always working...or on the golf course, 'working'. Mya Mayes and Yara Skye help neighborhood women throw 'naughty parties', where all the latest dildoes, vibrators, and anal beads are sold! The ladies love it, because it keeps them from having to walk into a dirty, filthy adult bookstore. Mya and Yara love it, because more often than not, they end up having hot, lesbian sex!! Today's no exception, as Aaliyah gets the 'hands-on' demonstration of all the various toys Mya and Yara are offering, and they work over all three of Aaliyah's tight, white holes! All three girls experience earth-shattering orgasms, before Aaliyah books her 'naughty party' the following week!!!

Corbin Dallas に 'TS Dominatrix Jesse Fucks a Submissive Man and a TS Man in all Their Whore Holes!!'

Corbin Dallas - TS Dominatrix Jesse Fucks a Submissive Man and a TS Man in all Their Whore Holes!!

Sometimes one just isn't enough. TS Dominatrix extraordinaire Jesse woke up and was hungry for some young, hot, and athletic submissives to worship her heavenly form. Lucky for her James Darling and Corbin Dallas want to book an appointment to serve Jesse for the same day and at the same time. Unbeknownst to the two pathetic little subs they are about to be fucked and sucked with a rough sex ride that will leave them breathless for weeks. First our blonde haired vixen locks her slaves in a cage. Dressed in only their boxers and work ties, corporate moguls James and Dallas can only stare and drool over the perfection of Jesse Fem Dom form. She is dressed in beautiful sheer nylons and gorgeous patent leather high heels while reclining like a goddess on her couch. She teases her pets and pits their competitive corporate spirits against each other. Who can serve her better? Whose holes are juicier? Who can pleasure with oral sex the best? Which can devote themselves fully to cock worship? Jesse is a stern mistress and demands absolute submission from her underlings. After letting them stare from the cage for a good long while Jesse tosses them the key and lets them crawl to her across the floor. Cowering in submission they first sit at the feet of their goddess, content to just smell her divine presence. But the allure of her big tits and throbbing cock is too much for them to handle. They beg to sniff her, lick her high heels, touch her golden blonde hair...anything to show their devotion. Jesse allows them touch her and they gorge on her mystical, seductive powers. She tears open her nylons and face fucks both her subs until they gag sloppy wet drool all over themselves. After their pathetic mouth holes are warmed up, Jesse begins to explore the multitude of whore holes at her disposal. To her delight she discovers that James is a TS man with a dick that Jesse can fuck!! And the orgy begins. Jesse fucks James dick every which way while Dallas devours all the juices. After Jesse tires of James, she rolls over and pegs Dallas in his tight little asshole. She pounds away and dives deep into the inner reaches of Dallas' sexual soul. Ass to mouth over and over again...the hungry subs devour it all. In a desperate attempt to gain the approval of his queen, James offers his asshole to the altar of Jesse's divine cock. Jesse pounds away and James squeals with delight. Finally Jesse is through with her devoted holes of her toys and unloads a huge wad of cum on to faces of her devotees. They lick it clean and thank their mistress for the nourishment of her heavenly nectar.

Aaliyah Love に 'A Fucking Family Affair'

Aaliyah Love - A Fucking Family Affair

Aaliyah Love is the hottest MILF on the planet. She is a sexy blonde with a very tight body. She has a really sexy pitch to her voice. Aaliyah has a thing for her daughter's boyfriend. Sloan Harper is very sexy teen girl in her own right. Naturally, she snagged a very handsome guy. She comes home with him and her mom corners him when Sloan isn't paying attention. She tells him that ever since her daughter brought him home that she has wanted to get her hands on him and fuck him. He is shy about it at first, but gives in to the womanly sexiness of Aaliyah and her amazing tits. Just then, the door knocks, and it's Sloan. She nearly catches them fucking around. On another day, she actually does walk in on them fucking when they think Sloan isn't home. Her mom is right in front of her. She's going up and down on Sloan's boyfriends cock. Both of them are caught mid fucking and the shit hits the fan as they try to explain themselves. Instead, Sloan gets involved in a family fucking affair and they double team the handsome young man who has the pleasure of fucking this hot mother and daughter duo. His young spooge chamber can't hold back and he blows a load big enough for both of them to share all over Sloan's hot pussy. Lets hope mommy does her job and cleans it up, preferably with her tongue!

Aaliyah Love に 'Axel Braun's Dirty Blondes Scene 5'

Aaliyah Love - Axel Braun's Dirty Blondes Scene 5

Gentlemen prefer blondes…especially when they're dirty! Five golden-haired beauties, lead by stunning cover girl Lena Paul and masterfully directed by the legendary Axel Braun are engaging in all sorts of lewd behaviors for your viewing pleasure. Because, as you know … blondes have more fun!

Jessica Fox に 'Out Foxed, Flogged, And Fucked'

Jessica Fox - Out Foxed, Flogged, And Fucked

Jessica Fox is a tall, lusty beauty, back to put another eager little man in his place. This time she's domming her boss, Corbin Dallas, who likes to call the shots from 9 to 5, but loves when Jessica run the show after hours. Jessica has him locked up in a closet, where he's been left all night, much to his excited displeasure. When she finally returns, he's outwardly livid, but secretly thrilled to be treated so poorly. Jessica lets him out with the understanding that his punishment is only beginning. She orders him to strip, then flogs him, swatting him in the face, then the chest, then gently over his cock. Corbin's so excited he can't help by grin, knowing Jessica's going to give him everything he wants in every way he fears. First she makes him suck her rock hard cock, face fucking him and wedging it in his mouth tight, just to delight in his discomfort. When the spit is running down his neck she leads him to the couch and commands him to eat her sweet ass. Jessica doesn't normally demand this, but Corbin's so ready to worship her she thrills at every lick and thrust of his eager tongue. When Corbin slides his finger into her ass, she stops him right there, and makes clear that it's HIS ass that gets fucked. Jessica puts him on his knees and fucks him from behind, owning him in the least intimate of positions, just so he knows he's her little bitch. When she's tired of pounding him from behind she puts him on his back, so she can loom over him and fuck him missionary. This puts him in the perfect position to cum all over himself. She scoops up his cum and feeds it to him, hammering home his subservience. Jessica then shoots her hot load onto his face and into his mouth, with the threat of putting him back into his little cage. And Corbin can't help but smile.

Aaliyah Love に 'Do You Like My Little Feet'

Aaliyah Love - Do You Like My Little Feet

After a night out with Karlo, Aaliyah Love is feeling sore on her feet. They get home and decide to rest for a while as Karlo notices her sexy feet. Aaliyah is very happy that he likes her toes so much that he wants to suck on them. Sexy Aaliyah smiles and moans at the pleasure of having her feet licked. His hard cock throbs for her tight wet pussy. Karlo pounds his big cock deep in her pussy then Aaliyah jerks him off till he cums on her toes.

Aaliyah Love に 'Love Make Up SEX'

Aaliyah Love - Love Make Up SEX

Finally here the last episode of this series featuring Aaliyah Love. Today Aaliyah tells you about her personal life and her marriage . Things between her and her hubby, Brad Knight aren't so great and maybe its time for a brake up ... Luckily Brad knows how to fix things with his wife Aaliyah Love and after a big fight those two lovers show you how much they love to fuck to make up their minds. Aaliyah takes Brad's cock like a champ and they fuck like if was their first time in bed together. Everything goes away when you have a good fuck session with your lover .

Aaliyah Love に 'My Wife Alix Present'

Aaliyah Love - My Wife Alix Present

Last week you saw Alix Lynx And Aaliyah Love hooking up in the kitchen as good neighbors should always do . Today is Alix's husband birthday and Miss Lynx has something special in mind. Alix Convinced Miss Love to have a threesome and suck hers hubby's big fat cock. Those two naughty wives know how to give a sloppy and sexy blowjob and the husband is super happy as well. Watch Alix and Aaliyah sucking on this massive huge cock and stroke it and jerk it until he cum all over those pretty slutty faces. Enjoy .. to be continued ...

Aaliyah Love に 'My Lesbian Neighboard'

Aaliyah Love - My Lesbian Neighboard

Alix Lynx and Aaaliyah Love are neighbors and today Aaliyah stops by Alix's house because she has a water pressure issue over at her house. After a formal introduction those two sexy babes gets to know each others a bit more intimately than just neaighbors. Aaliyah does the move and Alix is down to get some good lesbian sex over the kitchen's counter . Watch those beautiful blondes get down on each others and eat each others tiny wet pussy and cum really hard .... to be continued ...

Aaliyah Love に 'Friends and Lovers Scene 5'

Aaliyah Love - Friends and Lovers Scene 5

Caroline and Matt (Aaliyah Love and Tommy Pistol) have been best friends since college, but things were simple back then. Their adult lives have gotten very complicated. Through break-ups and infidelities, they've been there for each other but true love seems to have eluded them both until one night when they finally kiss. They begin to wonder whether or not they could be both Friends and Lovers.

Aaliyah Love に 'Pleasing Each Other'

Aaliyah Love - Pleasing Each Other

Aaliyah Love and Jojo Kiss are fucking each other for the first time while their fans get to watch and direct the show! They get to know each other better and love interacting with all their viewers before they get down and dirty. Next thing you know, they're pleasing each other with their fingers, mouths, and tongues till they reach orgasm!

Aaliyah Love に 'Blonde Brat, Black Cock'

Aaliyah Love - Blonde Brat, Black Cock

Spoiled little rich girl Aaliyah Love is bored with her day to day life. When she's not being a complete brat to everyone else, she's in bed playing with her cute little pussy. She's only happy when she's dreaming of a dark, handsome stranger fucking her hard and filling her with cum.

Morgan Bailey に 'Transexual Mommy Dearest'

Morgan Bailey - Transexual Mommy Dearest

Morgan Bailey seduces her step son and gives him a lesson in cock sucking and ass fucking! She bends him over her knee and spanks his bottom red until he sucks her cock just the way she likes it. Then she fucks his asshole with pounding hard thrusts and blows her load right in his pretty little face. She puts him in a pile driver and rams her cock so deep that Corbin sprays a giant load of filth right into his own face.

Aaliyah Love に 'Giving a Banging Show'

Aaliyah Love - Giving a Banging Show

Aaliyah Love and Eric Masterson are ready to fuck for you all today and they give it their all to ensure everyone gets their share of orgasms! She makes sure to keep those heels on while she sucks his hard dick and then spreads those legs for him! He fucks her tight pussy hard and then cums all over that pretty face of hers!

Aaliyah Love に '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 2'

Aaliyah Love - Blacks On Blondes

Aaliyah Love is hungry, and she's not looking for food. Since becoming addicted to black dick long ago, Aaliyah is looking for a good, BBC stuffing. She needs a lot to be satisfied, so she pursues the legendary Mandingo. Afterall, a girl needs her fill, and no one can fill a cunt like "Dingo". His 13 inch piece of meat is akin a steakhouse that offers to pay for your meal...if you're able to finish it all in one sitting. We're paying for Aaliyah's dinner today, as she finished Dingo not once (all over her face), but twice (deep in her womb) for a strong, two-pop finish. In fact, the cream pie was so deep, you'll need to watch the BTS to see the evidence...all over Aaliyah's dirty panties!

Aaliyah Love に 'Love Pink Bed'

Aaliyah Love - Love Pink Bed

Today we bring you back one of our favorite star, miss Aaliyah Love. Her sexy bootie and her beautiful eyes will grab your attention really fast. In this scene she is wearing a sexy blue lingerie set and after a sexy dance and soft striptease Aaliyah brings you in her bedroom for some afternoon delight fun. She undress and she talks to you when you are watching her tight pink pussy getting wet and wetter. She cum really hard and suck all the cum off her fingers.

Aaliyah Love に 'Ready To Make Each Other Cum'

Aaliyah Love - Ready To Make Each Other Cum

Hot lesbian duo Lylith LaVey and Aaliyah Love are excited to be together and can not wait to get naked and please each others already wet pussies. These naughty girls know just the spots to hit burying their faces deep using their tongues and toys to make those juices flow!

Aaliyah Love に 'Inner Demons Scene 5'

Aaliyah Love - Inner Demons Scene 5

A tormented man in a troubled marriage discovers that he harbors dark fantasies which he can no longer control. Through his therapist, he begins a psycho-sexual journey to discover the truth behind his inner demons.

Aaliyah Love に 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Aaliyah Love - Tonight's Girlfriend

I've been a big fan of Aaliyah Love for a while now. I love some of the lingerie she wears, makes her look just like a pin up girl. Tonight, I finally get the chance to have Aaliyah meet me. Of course, I bought some lingerie for her to wear for me.

Aaliyah Love に 'Facial Fantasy'

Aaliyah Love - Facial Fantasy

Topless in blue specs, stockings and garters, spunky sexpot Aaliyah Love teases with come-hither looks and foul-mouthed dirty talk. The furry-bushed blonde crams Jonni Darkko's erect schlong deep into her throat. She slurps the nectar from his prick and wrangles his bloated balls into her mouth, gushing slobber. Aaliyah gasps with delight during a fierce face fuck and lewdly rims bunghole. Jonni saturates her bespectacled face in jism. A slow-motion replay follows. The satisfied slut proclaims, 'I've become a better cocksucker, thanks to you!'

Aaliyah Love に 'The Will: Part Two'

Aaliyah Love - The Will: Part Two

Aaliyah Love is back for vengeance, after learning that her dowager step-mom, Tiffany Watson is scheming her out of her Dad's fortune, and making her a sex toy. As Tiffany holds the power and money of her late father, Aaliyah has no choice but to do as she says or everything in the Will goes to Tiffany. As Aaliyah licks her Mommy's pussy, Tiffany easily confides the truth to Aaliyah about her short lived marriage to her father. Revealing that she 'fucked him to death' and now she's reaping all the benefits. Little does she know, Aaliyah is two steps ahead! While doting on her Mommy, she records their entire conversation, including the hot, lesbian sex portion. All to avenge her father's good name, his company and her money. That Will is hers, and all she had to do was pleasure her mommy over and over again.....

Aaliyah Love に 'POV Fuck'

Aaliyah Love - POV Fuck

So in the past episode with Aaliyah she diverginized her driver. After the big success of this past scene Aaliyah invited over again her driver, but this time a for a nice fuck session. Miss Love is wearing a beautiful sexy one peace lingerie, and she starts sucking on her driver's fat cock. After a wonderful fulfilling blowjob Aaliyah bend over nd she gets fucked in doggie style and she scream hard from the pleasure. She cuts on that big cock multiple times until its his turn to cover this sexy babe. Enjoy

Aaliyah Love に 'The Will: Part One'

Aaliyah Love - The Will: Part One

Heartbroken over the loss of her beloved father, Aaliyah Love now has to deal with her brand new stepmom, Tiffany Watson. Aaliyah decides to pay her new mommy a visit, filled with grief and anger, she heads over to her house. Once there, she watches Tiffany as she dances around the garden fountain, thinking to herself this girl must be insane. Upon closer inspection, she realizes she's actually crying. Suddenly Aaliyah's anger disappears and instead, she feels sorry for her new mommy and decides to console her. Tiffany and Aaliyah share a special moment together, until Tiffany shows Aaliyah her father's will. As she begins to look it over, she realizes that only Tiffany's name seems to be on the pages, and not hers. Tiffany offers an alternative for Aaliyah, if she agrees to have hot, lesbian sex with her, she'll make sure she's well taken care of, regardless of what the will says. Aaliyah, is completely blindsides by this offer however, realizing that if she doesn't obey her mommy, she'll lose everything... She agrees to the terms to which Tiffany is very pleased. Not only was she able to bag a rich, old man, but now, she has his daughter to play with.....

Aaliyah Love に 'Sloppy BJ'

Aaliyah Love - Sloppy BJ

What an amazing scene, Aaliyah Love gave me this personal tape to post as update. It's a really type of scene where she hooks up with her driver. Aaliyah is a dirty slut that loves to suck cock. After a little introduction she gets down to biz showing how even a normal guy can get a nice blowjob from a pornstar like her .

Corbin Dallas に 'Chelsea Marie's First Creampie!'

Corbin Dallas - Chelsea Marie's First Creampie!

Chelsea Marie is back and my god she is on fire with her raging hard cock! This time she plays a producer for one of the latest tattoo TV shows and Corbin Dallas desperately wants in but first he must please the boss and her hungry cock! Lots of wet cock sucking, deep kissing, ass licking, hard ass fucking and two glorious pop shots with Chelsea Marie's first cream pie!

Aaliyah Love に 'Aaliyah LoveStripper Times'

Aaliyah Love - Aaliyah LoveStripper Times

Come watch Miss Aaliyah Love take a big white cock in the VIP room. If you ever fantasized about fucking in the strip club you come to the right place. She sucks and fucks And make him cum all over the place. Join now and enjoy the fun!!

Aaliyah Love に 'Blows Her Fan'

Aaliyah Love - Blows Her Fan

I've been a fan of Aaliyah Love for long time. I've been following her on all her social media and finally last week she returned one of my messages. After a little chat on texts I invited her for lunch and boys she looked super sexy in that tiny black dress and those high heels . We went back to my place and I was really nervous but Aaliyah knew how to relax me, with a nice amazing blowjob. She looked damn hot with my cock in her mouth, I felt like I was in one of her movies. After lots of dirty talk, gagging and deep throating I finished on her mouth and face and she even swallowed my fat load. I guess she was happy because she asked me for a second day. Living the dream .

Aaliyah Love に 'Tease Fun'

Aaliyah Love - Tease Fun

Aaliyah Love is one of the hottest blonde glamour sluts that you will ever put your eyes on. He body is flawless and her eyes will get you hard in few seconds. Watch this bombshell tease you and masturbate only for you in this beautiful and sexy glamour set. Aaliyah will make your fantasies become a reality. Thank you Miss LOVE

Aaliyah Love に 'Who Needs Oxygen'

Aaliyah Love - Who Needs Oxygen

Bubbly blonde Aaliyah Love is super enthusiastic about sucking a big cock! This energetic blonde is ready to get teary-eyed while she gags hard on an oversized dick.

Laela Knight に 'A CLASSIC FAVORITE: She Kills With Her Cock!!!'

Laela Knight - A CLASSIC FAVORITE: She Kills With Her Cock!!!

This classic shoot is just to good to stay buried! Remember soft spoken, hard cock packing, Laela Knight's debut Laela is really turned on by hearing her slut boys talk dirty so she makes her man say all kinds of filthy things to her. Her cock is hard as she whips him around the bed making him do all the nasty things she commands in her sultry way. Laela makes her man cum twice before she finishes by filling his mouth with him her own load.

Aaliyah Love に 'Blonde Lesbian Babes Aaliyah and Alexis'

Aaliyah Love - Blonde Lesbian Babes Aaliyah and Alexis

Aaliyah is in love with sexy babe Alexis. These babes love teasing each other live in front of all you guys as they make each other cum!

Aaliyah Love に 'Morning Eye Candy'

Aaliyah Love - Morning Eye Candy

Hot woman does sensual striptease for her horny man

Aaliyah Love に 'Cum Together'

Aaliyah Love - Cum Together

What a babe Aaliyah is and Natalia is the lucky slut to get her all to herself. These hot lesbians explore each others wet pussies with their tongues and fingers getting the pleasure they desire.

Aaliyah Love に '- Cuckold Sessions'

Aaliyah Love - Cuckold Sessions

Like most women who are married to wealthy men, Aaliyah Love has a "personal trainer". You know...these are the guys who put their client-wives through a "workout" and make them sweat. Aaliyah's "PT", Isiah, sure does make her sweat. Too bad they've never once used her in-home gym for its intended purpose! All they use it for is another room in the house to fuck. Isiah puts all his MILF "clients" through the same, sweaty routine: drop to the knees to suck, then bend over to get stretched out. This time things are a bit different. Hubby comes home early! At first, he tried to put Aaliyah in her place; however, it's Aaliyah who is the "A Dog" in this relationship, and before you know, Hubby's getting indoctrinated into the cuckold lifestyle. It's a lifestyle he must accept, or it's time for Divorce Court, where he'll lose a hot wife...and half his net worth.

Aaliyah Love に 'Pornstar Fantasies'

Aaliyah Love - Pornstar Fantasies

Cherie and her friend Aaliyah are 1950s housewives who share a dirty secret: when their husbands go off to work they spend the day playing with each others pussies. First they start out with some soft kisses before Cherie takes her tongue to Aaliyah's sweet pussy. Once Aaliyah is nice and wet she repays her BFF by licking her tight little asshole. It's not long before these two are scissoring on the kitchen floor. Who knew housewives could be so dirty!

Aaliyah Love に 'Trip Down Candycane Lane'

Aaliyah Love - Trip Down Candycane Lane

Happy Holidaze from me to you! Cum join me in my little slice of Winter Wonderland (in the middle of Los Angeles lol) and let's take a trip down candycane lane together!;)

Aaliyah Love に 'Teachers Assignment'

Aaliyah Love - Teachers Assignment

Aaliyah Love confronts Bambino when she finds him playing basketball instead of working on his project. He remains unable to concentrate since he's had the hots for his teacher for a while, and once Aaliyah realizes it she's like butter in his hands. She's on her knees giving Bambino a lusty blowjob when Violet walks in and finds them and agrees to help Aaliyah suck him off.After helping Violet out of her clothes, Aaliyah gets her blonde student onto the ground to work on sucking Bambino's cock together. When he's been deemed nice and hard, Aaliyah instructs Violet to bend over the desk and let Bambino slide his dick into her tight little twat until she cums. Aaliyah is happy to wait her turn until Violet has had a few quick climaxes. Then she lays down on the couch and lets Bambino go to town on her landing strip fuck hole. She's even happy to let Violet plant her pussy on her mouth to muffle her screams.Violet gets another round of booty popping fucking when she sits down on Bambino's cock, but Aaliyah isn't quite satisfied by what she sees. She orders Violet onto the desk, and then leans forward to eat her out while Bambino slides home into her twat. When Aaliyah has had her fill of being fucked, she gives Violet one more chance to get her pussy pounded before heading into the home stretch.Dropping to her knees, Aaliyah uses every bit of skill she possesses to wrap her lips around Bambino's member while he alternates between fucking her mouth and Violet's twat. When he's finally ready, he pulls out and covers both Violet's bare snatch and Aaliyah's waiting mouth with his jizz to leave both girls totally satisfied.

Aaliyah Love に 'New Beginnings Scene 3'

Aaliyah Love - New Beginnings Scene 3

When Amy (Cassidy Klein) is accepted to a prestigious college, she must leave her small town and her first love behind to follow her dreams. Soon she finds herself struggling to make it in the big city on her meager waitressing tips while pulling long nights in the library. To make matters worse, Amy discovers her boyfriend has moved on with a new girlfriend. Enter Chloe (Aaliyah Love), a beautiful classmate who introduces Amy to Ian. He is older, charming and very wealthy. Amy is surprised to find herself falling for him. Just when Amy starts to believe Ian may be the one, she is stunned to discover nothing is as she first believed. Caught up in a shocking lie, Amy is faced with the hardest decision of her life. Sometimes saying goodbye is the only way to find a new beginning…

Aaliyah Love に 'The Perfect Lesbian Duo'

Aaliyah Love - The Perfect Lesbian Duo

Sultry blonde Aaliyah Love and naughty bombshell Megan Rain are up to no good and loving every minute and inch of each others bodies. They finger tease and get each other moaning in loud delight.

Aaliyah Love に 'Lady lover'

Aaliyah Love - Lady lover

Aspen came to visit her friend, but she was not home. Aspen decided to take a shower while she waited for her friend to come home from work. Her friends mom, Aaliyah Love, was home and she overheard Aspen taking a shower. Aaliyah got undressed and decided to take a shower with Aspen. Aspen was startled when Aaliyah jumped in the shower with her. Aspen just finished and Aaliyah helped her dry off her luscious body. She began rubbing and kissing Aspen and she was hesitant at first, but she came around. The action continued in the bedroom where they licked each other pussies and assholes.

Aaliyah Love に 'Do Me Now!'

Aaliyah Love - Do Me Now!

Aaliyah Love bounces her wet pussy on a big dick

Aaliyah Love に 'Aaliyah knows best'

Aaliyah Love - Aaliyah knows best

Marsha May and her man Alex came home to get it on. Little did they know sexy step mommy, Aaliyah Love was cleaning up after her. She heard them come upstairs, so she stepped into the closet because she had some suspicions to investigate. Aaliyah's friend told her that her step daughter Marsha was getting her way around town. Marsha and her man started right up, and she went to town on his cock. Aaliyah couldn't help herself but to get turned on, so she dropped her panties. She was rubbing her pussy in the closet as she watch these teens get freaky. She had enough of herself and wanted some dick. She came out of the closet, but in a different kind of way. They confronted, but all was well that ended well. Step mommy Aaliyah took charged to show off her own experience. These there made the best of the of each other. Marsha had to clean more than her room after the enormous load she took to the face.

Aaliyah Love に '- Glory Hole'

Aaliyah Love - Glory Hole

Aaliyah Love is a sex addict. She loves porn, and she can't get enough. Aaliyah loves adult book shops. One of her favorite things to do browse the DVD section and look at box covers. If one really turns her on, she'll creep into a corner of the store and rub one out. No lie! Aaliyah is an exhibitionist. She loves the idea of being caught, too. She gets busted today, then gets told to bring her perviness into one of the rental booths to finish herself off. And that's when things get interesting. Very interesting!

Aaliyah Love に 'Pole Skills and Holes Filled'

Aaliyah Love - Pole Skills and Holes Filled

Sweet housewife Aaliyah Love wants to spice up her marriage so she and her hubby head to a strip club. At first she's not sure if this was a good idea - but soon sexy stripper Veronica Vain shows her how much fun a threesome can be.

Nina Lawless に 'Rammed at the Record Store'

Nina Lawless - Rammed at the Record Store

Music nerds know this: never, ever try to impress the girl behind the counter Especially when she has a hard fucking cock under that leather mini skirt, ready to punish the puny ass of annoying boys who try to show off.NINA LAWLESS does just that when Corbin Dallas comes into her store and pathetically hits on her. He's so bad at it, she decides to take the reigns, bend him over, and deliver the nasty, messy fuck he'd never get on his own. Nina's giant cock stretches his furry ass wide open and the place is left a gooey mess by closing time.

Aaliyah Love に 'and Cherie DeVille in 2 Chicks Same Time'

Aaliyah Love - 2 Chicks Same Time

Aaliyah Love & Cherie DeVille remodel Ryan's house while he's away. Ryan isn't happy about that, so to make it up to him Aaliyah and Cherie go to town on his cock.

Aaliyah Love に 'My Sister My Lover'

Aaliyah Love - My Sister My Lover

After a series of failed attempts at seducing her younger brother, Tyler, Aaliyah decides to really turn things up a notch.

Corbin Dallas に 'Eager Cum Swapping!'

Corbin Dallas - Eager Cum Swapping!

Kylie Maria is so hot we couldn't wait to have her back and the chemistry between her and Corbin Dallas is smoking hot! After flirting all day at a party they tease each other while discussing what it would be like to have sex in public. They get so worked up that they can't keep their hands off each other. They must fuck!!! Kylie's tight sexy body and hard cock penetrate Corbin deep in his begging asshole. Plenty of deep kissing sends Corbin into overload and he can't help but explode then it's Kylie's turn. Her cock erupts with sticky wet juice all over Corbin's eager mouth with more deep kissing, swapping cum back and forth between their hungry lips! Yummy!

Aaliyah Love に 'Pretty Blonde Hotwife and Her Black Lover'

Aaliyah Love - Pretty Blonde Hotwife and Her Black Lover

Aaliyah is the perfect example of a hot wife. After years of marriage she is simply bored. Thankfully her husband gets really turned on at the idea of his wife getting fucked by other men. For their next anniversary he sets up the perfect gift for his wife. He contacts on a swinger site a really good-looking Black man with a huge cock and lets his wife play with him. Even-though it's her first time doing this Aaliyah immediately start sucking on his huge black cock and gets intimidated by his size as it's literally stretching her mouth. Her lover's big black dick also barely fits in her pussy and Aaliyah enjoys the intense pleasure and challenge this adventure presents her.

Aaliyah Love に 'You're My Favourite'

Aaliyah Love - You're My Favourite

Aaliyah Love looks lush playing with hottie Cherie DeVille

Bianca Blake に 'New Year, New Wood. Well, you get the point - Happy New Year from TSS!'

Bianca Blake - New Year, New Wood. Well, you get the point - Happy New Year from TSS!

We ring-a-ding ding in the New Year with a classy coat check fuck in the back of a fancy hotel! Bianca takes hold of her little coat check boy like he's a paper doll and fucks him. She has her thick cock down his throat so far he can barely breath and when she rams it up his arse, all he can do is gasp! He takes the fucking of a life time with Bianca takes her prize - a big, fat load of cum and a new years orgasm - hello 2015! Can you believe it? It's 2015 - this year TsSeduction will celebrate it's 8th anniversary. Thank you to all who have been members over the years. Happy New Year from everyone here at and

Aaliyah Love に 'Payment In Pussy'

Aaliyah Love - Payment In Pussy

Never let is be said that Aaliyah Love isn't a great wife. In fact, when her husband got in some trouble with notorious loan shark Sean Michaels, she was willing to go the extra mile to pull her man out of debt. She stripped out of her tight white dress, then slipped out of her little black panties to show off her all natural naked body. Thinking of her love for her husband (not to mention her love of huge dicks), Aaliyah sucked on Sean's big black cock until it was hard as a rock, and then took it deep in her tight pink pussy. She came hard as he fucked her, and then with a big cumshot to her pretty little face, her husband's debt was finally paid!

Aaliyah Love に 'Medical Deviants'

Aaliyah Love - Medical Deviants

With Aaliyah Love's regular physician retiring, she got her the choice of two new "doctors". But it's just naive Aaliyah's luck that her new practitioners care more about ogling and fondling her perfect body than treating her. Dr Veruca James could hardly keep from squeezing and playing with her new patient's big round butt, or her licking at Aaliyah's pink asshole. As Dr. D fingered and licked Aaliyah's pussy, things got hot, and her doctors double-teamed her on the examining table. With Veruca sitting on her face and Danny pumping away with his huge cock, Aaliyah got an epic threesome from these sexual deviants.

Aaliyah Love に 'Love Conquers All'

Aaliyah Love - Love Conquers All

Gorgeous Aaliyah Love loves playing with her pussy

Dylan Strokes に 'Relentlessly flogged, drenched in cum and tickled to the extreme!'

Dylan Strokes - Relentlessly flogged, drenched in cum and tickled to the extreme!

Bar whore Corbin Dallas is lead up a stairway of cock, stroking cock in each hand while shoving cock after cock down his throat. After working a load of cum onto his face, Corbin's tied down on the bar, with a ball gag muffling his screams, as horny men take turns fucking the boy's tight hole. He screams in pain as hot candle wax is poured all over his chest before he's brought to the center of the room for a flogging. The crowd cheers as Corbin is beaten again and again till all the candle wax is flung from his body. Finally, the bar whore's tied down on his back as the crowd circles around him to cover him with all their cum. Once the boy's drenched with strangers' loads, the crowd milks his cock as well and finish him off with a relentless tickling.

Aaliyah Love に 'Loving aaliyah'

Aaliyah Love - Loving aaliyah

Aaliyah was soaking in the tub and lost track off time. As she drifted off and slowly rubbed her body, the phone rang. It appeared her and Annika were supposed to go to lunch. Already naked and horny, Aaliyah would've rather eaten Annika's sweet, juicy pussy. It didn't take much before Aaliyah jumped in the tub, and the two were rubbing each others smooth supple bodies and tongue wrestling. These two sexy ladies went back and forth, as they submerged their tongues into each others orifices. After each girl came multiple times, they laid back in each others arms, content for now .

Aaliyah Love に 'Diary of a Nanny'

Aaliyah Love - Diary of a Nanny

Aaliyah got herself wet while washing the dishes. Johnny walks in on her changing her shirt and gets excited and starts getting undressed too. He's under the impression that she's agreed to partake in a threesome that he and his wife have discussed. Ava walks in a little upset to see both their shirts off and Aaliyah lets her know what's happened. Luckily Christmas has come early for Johnny and he can't went to open his present.

Dylan Strokes に 'Bar Slut Gang Fucked and Covered in the Crowd's Cum'

Dylan Strokes - Bar Slut Gang Fucked and Covered in the Crowd's Cum

Corbin Dallas is the group's bar slut for the evening and brought into the room of horny men hooded and begging to be groped. They put their hands all over him with clips on his nipples and get his cock hard. The crowd humiliates him by pouring their drinks all over him. As Corbin is passed around from one cock to the next he's giving a hard flogging by Christian Wilde. They fuck the boy's ass in a bondage device as the crowd cheers for cum. With a face full of hot loads Corbin gets his face washed off by more drinks and left a pathetic mess.

Aaliyah Love に 'Really Into You'

Aaliyah Love - Really Into You

Dani Daniels loves to munch out Aaliyah Love's wet snatch

Aaliyah Love に 'Sexy Girl'

Aaliyah Love - Sexy Girl

Come see Aaliyah play with her pretty little pussy until she cums. She gets so turned on knowing you see her play with sweet pussy. Enjoy the action.

Corbin Dallas に 'Edging Two Studs!'

Corbin Dallas - Edging Two Studs!

First off we have hung stud Scott Cage here for his first edging session. Scott's bound to the bondage frame, his clothes torn off as Branden Forrest teases his cock. Tit suckers are placed on his nipples as the vibrating hitachi gets pressed up against his cockhead to drive him wild. Branden then shoves his giant uncut cock in Scott's mouth as Van milks all the cum out of his cock and finishes him off with some post-orgasmic torment. Next we have Corbin Dallas, bound to the cross as he balances on wooden blocks. After his clothes are torn away, a blindfold is placed around his eyes as Sebastian teases him with his tongue. After he's edged with the hitachi, Corbin finally sprays his load before Sebastian gives him post-orgasmic torment as he screams at the top of his lungs.

Aaliyah Love に 'in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Aaliyah Love - My Sisters Hot Friend

Aaliyah made some extra cupcakes for the party that she was going to. She accidentally drops her cupcakes on the floor! She couldn't just let them go to waste, so she sticks one of her toes in one and decides to go all in with another cupcake. Things get even more interesting as she smashes one under her feet and the icing gushes between her toes. Johnny comes into to find out what's the hold up and catches her in the act. Luckily he's been fucking his sister's friend for a while and loves to get kinky!

Lola Foxx に 'Tongue In Cheek 02'

Lola Foxx - Tongue In Cheek 02

Blonde Aaliyah Love and brunette Lola Foxx are giggling porn cuties, each just 5 feet tall with little, natural tits. They come together in sheer spandex leggings and heels for pussy play and butt tonguing! After teasing the camera, flirting, making out and feeling up cute butts through spandex, they peel down their leggings and open their shapely cheeks, with shaved pussies peeking from between their legs. The girls lick each other's asshole, eat pussy, sit face and share butthole flavor in French kisses and mouth-to-mouth spit.

Aaliyah Love に 'Aaliyah Sucks Cock'

Aaliyah Love - Aaliyah Sucks Cock

Sexy Aaliyah love is pretty new to the scene but hands down knows exactly what she's doing when sucking your stiff cock. Where has this little slut been hiding? She wastes no time at all feasting upon your throbbing man member. And her jerking and sucking motions are that of a well seasoned pro. So you have a lot of fun blowing your big fat wad all over her pretty little face!

Aaliyah Love に 'Mean Cuckold 05'

Aaliyah Love - Mean Cuckold 05

Wimpy Dominik Kross can't wait to finally have sex with his new bride, lovely, bitchy blonde Aaliyah Love. But after she has him sign away his estate, Aaliyah demands that Dominik grovel and lick her asshole as she fucks his best man, Evan Stone, on their wedding bed! The gorgeous cheater slurps Evan's big cock while her poor cuckold sucks her toes, smothering Dominik's face with her ass before riding her lover's dick to ecstasy.

Aaliyah Love に 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Aaliyah Love - My Wife's Hot Friend

Aaliyah Love & Kagney Linn Karter are partying it up at their friend's house this 4th of July. The thing is that their friend didn't let her husband, Seth, know that they were stopping by. Seth is a little surprised when he spots Aaliyah and Kagney hanging out in his backyard. After they explain the situation these two hot blondes decide it would be a better idea to move the party inside where they can play with Seth in privacy. Seth is a little concerned as he is a married man, but these blondes promise not to tell his wife about the hot fuck they are about to have with him. What better way to celebrate America than by fucking two hot blonde American beauties.

Aaliyah Love に 'Aaliyah Casting Day'

Aaliyah Love - Aaliyah Casting Day

Hot blond and aspiring actress Aaliyah Love is always going on casting calls trying to nail down any part she can get. She wakes up one morning to a call from her agent to play a part of the late Marilyn Monroe. She quickly jumps in to character and heads to the audition, in full Marilyn character. Only to find she's the one actually getting nailed......does she get the part for being such a naughty slut at the audition? Come in and find out!

Aaliyah Love に 'Oil Overload 11'

Aaliyah Love - Oil Overload 11

Aaliyah Love Gets Oiled Up For A Big Fat Cock. If you like dirty little blonde whores then this vid's for you. Aaliyah Love is the afore mentioned blonde whore with an adorable and talented butt. From OIL OVERLOAD 11 this nasty strumpet sizzles with slutty attitude. Don't miss her

Aaliyah Love に 'Orgy Masters 5'

Aaliyah Love - Orgy Masters 5

Orgy Masters Party Fuck Fest. Four blonds, one brunette and just three dudes. Sounds like a good time You bet it does and in this slice of ORGY MASTERS 5 there's face sitting, cock sucking, cunt fucking, butt fucking and just about every permutation three cocks and five whores can manage. Wow!

Aaliyah Love に 'Conjugal Fuckin Visit'

Aaliyah Love - Conjugal Fuckin Visit

Aaliyah Love has come to prison for a conjugal visit with her scumbag husband Gilbert. She's been faithful since he got into jail, and it's been so long that her poor pussy can barely take it anymore! She heads into the conjugal visit trailer and gets herself warmed up, stripping down and rubbing her tight little pussy. But when Correctional Officer Karlo Karerra comes in to tell her that her husband has been put into solitary, she's in no mood to wait! She spreads her slender legs and tempts the officer with her wet pussy, and he fucks the blonde beauty hard. Aaliyah cums again and again as she rides Karlo's big cock, and then takes a huge facial cumshot. You snooze you lose, Gilbert!

Aaliyah Love に 'in Naughty Bookworms'

Aaliyah Love - Naughty Bookworms

Aaliyah Love is a naughty bookworm that never wears panties under her short skirt. Her professor keeps her after class to talk about the research paper she turned in, but Aaliyah is more interesting in fucking her professor.

Aaliyah Love に 'Forbidden Fantasies'

Aaliyah Love - Forbidden Fantasies

The rare times when fate gives Aaliyah Love a clear schedule and an empty house for the afternoon, she knows exactly how to make the minutes count. We caught her today enjoying a little private time, and pleasuring herself exactly as she likes it. Watch as Aaliyah lays back on her velvet sofa, dragging her fingertips over her stomach and between her legs, lingering over every sweet spot on her flawless pussy. Once she starts rubbing tight circles around her clit, it takes no time at all for Aaliyah to tumble over the edge of a powerful solo orgasm.

Aaliyah Love に 'in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Aaliyah Love - My Sisters Hot Friend

Aaliyah is staying with her friend's brother Johnny while they hit the town. She gets up a little early because she spilled her drink over their dresses. She amazed at how big Johnny's closet is and how successful he is in life. She actually think that it's kinda hot and sends Johnny a nice message that she's ready and willing. Johnny checks her out all the time and loves the way her ass looks but, his sister told him to keep his distance. She bends over and lifts up her gown making Johnny completely forget what his sister told him.

Aaliyah Love に 'Pretty Little Things 2'

Aaliyah Love - Pretty Little Things 2

Ultra Cute Blond sex pot Aaliyah Love is playing with her dripping wet pussy on the bed. She slid her green panties to the side and gave us a sweet treat before putting our pole inside her warm tight pussy and fucking it like a mad man. She put her cute heart shaped ass in the air for us to dig in every inch and unloading some gallons of dick sauce for her to lick up.

Aaliyah Love に 'Fireworks'

Aaliyah Love - Fireworks

When you see Aaliyah Love feeding her girlfriend Alyssa Reece strawberries, you'll know the source of the passion that keeps their relationship so strong. These lusty lesbians have an untameable sexual chemistry that keeps their sex hot and passionate as it was their first night together. When Alyssa walks in on her girlfriend in the kitchen, she drops right to her knees and licks up and down that sweet pussy. Watch how Aaliyah rubs down Alyssa's clit with four fingers, until her hips quake with pleasure, and she shakes with the sweet pleasure of sexual release.

Aaliyah Love に 'Aaliyah Love'

Aaliyah Love - Aaliyah Love

Fabulously breath-taking Aaliyah Love is on deck to suck a big fat cock! This blonde bombshell of a babe, former pre-school teacher, might be all cute on cuddly but when it comes to dick, she's a ravenous beast that likes it hard and deep!

Aaliyah Love に 'My Sisters Hot Friend'

Aaliyah Love - My Sisters Hot Friend

Aaliyah and Tasha are in their friend's backyard working out and taking selfies. Tyler comes out to the back to see if they know where his sister is to which none of them know of her whereabouts. Tyler goes back inside to see if he can find her while Tasha and Aaliyah stay back for a little alone time. Aaliyah says she's all sweaty and needs to take a shower before they get to business. Tasha comes inside while Aaliyah is enjoying washing her more sensitive areas and catches her in the act and starts to help her out by rubbing on her clit. Tyler later comes into the bathroom and sees the two going at it and watches before he lets them know he is there. He knew they were close but, not that close. Tasha asks if he likes what he sees and like a young adventurous man he is, he takes the opportunity for a threesome with these beautiful ladies as long as they don't tell his sister.

Aaliyah Love に 'Backroom Fucking with Aaliyah Love'

Aaliyah Love - Backroom Fucking with Aaliyah Love

When we saw Aaliyah Love walking in through our doors we knew it was gonna be a great time. This babe just crossed over to guy/girl porn from being strictly girl/girl and that made us even more excited to have her on this wek's update to Backroom Facial. There isn't a single thing we don't like about this babe. She's cute/bubbly, is super fucking hot, and loves sex! What more could one ask for? Lucky for our boy Clover got to get a piece of that cause this babe was just itching to get fucked. We were surprised how her tiny body to take such a massive cock. See for yourselves. Peace!

Aaliyah Love に 'Booty back ride'

Aaliyah Love - Booty back ride

Aaliyah caught her husband banging their babysitter, so she went out with Levi to have a little fun of her own. They spent the entire night clubbing and then rented a penthouse on the beach where they continued to party until the next morning. Aaliyah was certain that her husband took notice of the ridiculous amount of cash that she'd spent on his credit card because he was calling her nonstop. Aaliyah ignored his calls, and as an act of defiance, decided to stay with Levi for the day. The Hunter wanted to get in her tight pussy once again, but Aaliyah suggested that they go to the beach and see if they could find someone to have a threesome with. After a few minutes of checking out a couple of girls, Aaliya spotted a beautiful brunette with amazing tits and curves. Levi immediately approached the MILF and soon after, he persuaded her to go back to the penthouse where an all out orgy ensued.

Aaliyah Love に 'Suaves Caricias'

Aaliyah Love - Suaves Caricias

Aaliyah had a whole erotic surprise worked out for her boyfriend this evening, and she pulled it off with ease. As soon as Logan opened the door to their bedroom, there she was laying on the bed in her smallest lingerie. He jumped right into bed to join her, and they got right down to making love. After he ran his hands up and down her back with the sweetest caresses, Aaliyah lay on her side to let him enter her from behind. Once her excitement built up to a fever pitch, she got on all fours so he could thrust his cock deep into her from behind.

Aaliyah Love に 'Pleasure Before Business'

Aaliyah Love - Pleasure Before Business

Aaliyah does every thing she can to get her man to stay home

Aaliyah Love に 'swallows it all'

Aaliyah Love - swallows it all

I'm gonna say it right off the bat; one of the greatest all natural bodies you will ever see in The industry belongs to non other than Aaliyh Love. This blonde hair blue eyed beauty can do no wrong with her amazing personaliy and even more amazing looks. Our favorite thing about her is that she's a horn ball just like the rest of us and isn't ashamed to admit it. You're not gonna believe it when you see how freaky this chick can get starting from a blow job all the way down to riding a dick. Just push play and enjoy.

Aaliyah Love に 'Vintage Vixens'

Aaliyah Love - Vintage Vixens

Veronica Avluv and Aaliyah Love are the two most popular pinup girls in the whole world. When they get double booked for a photo shoot on the same day, dirty diva Veronica refuses to work with Aaliyah the sexy little upstart, and things start to get heated quick. Two two start arguing, and Veronica bends Aaliyah over her knee to give her a good spanking! When that doesn't settle the argument, they pull out some nice toys to shove in their wet pussies and tight little assholes! Finally, Aaliyah puts on a strap-on to make veronica's juicy pussy squirt like a fountain!

Aaliyah Love に 'and Richie Calhoun in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Aaliyah Love - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Richie just moved out of his dad's house and into his bachelor pad. He just had to get out of his dad's house because his dad's new girlfriend, Aaliyah Love, is so hot and Richie can't handle himself in front of her. The temptation to bang Aaliyah is just to high. Unfortunately, he couldn't stay away from her for too long because Aaliyah stops by his new place with a house warming gift, but what she really wants to do is warm up his cock in her pussy. Richie finally gives into temptation and fucks his dad's hot girlfriend.

Aaliyah Love に 'It's a Wonderful Life'

Aaliyah Love - It's a Wonderful Life

Presley Hart can't get enough of when her girlfriend embraces her from behind, and reaches around with skillful fingers to play with her pussy. The feel of Aaliyah Love's fingers on her clit is so intense and so good it sends waves of pleasure radiating out from her hips, all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes. Once Presley's had enough, she flips Aaliyah on her back and tongues her juicy pussy until she collapses in the heaves of orgasmic abandon.

Aaliyah Love に 'I Have A Wife'

Aaliyah Love - I Have A Wife

These three party girls don't have a care in the world except planning for their next party. While doing so their landlord comes up to the property to let them know they are late on their rent and he also doesn't like what they've done with the outside of the house. They invite him in to show what they did on the inside too! They let him know that his paintings were destroyed in another party and that he needs to just relax and not be such a stick in the mud. In this day and age there are other ways to feel better and have the rent paid when you have three young pussies in your face!

Aaliyah Love に 'Heart shaped booty'

Aaliyah Love - Heart shaped booty

The hunter did it up this week. He saw this super sexy blond shopping and hauling a ton of bags. Aaliya had really hot legs and a very pretty face. He began talking to her, and she told him she'd just caught her husband cheating on her and was planning on maxing out his credit card. Aaliya then invited Levi to help her spend his money, so they went and had lunch and some drinks together. She had a naughty smile and totally teased Levi by flashing the bra and panties she'd bought while lingerie shopping. Soon after, they got in the car, and she played with her pussy on the ride back to his place. Once they arrived to the house, it wasn't long until she was sucking and riding his cock. Aaliya worked that dick, as her amazing ass bounced around. Then she got her pretty face covered in Levi's man juice.

Aaliyah Love に 'Calling in a Cock'

Aaliyah Love - Calling in a Cock

Aaliyah Love is a gold-star lesbian. As much as she loves eating pussy, she's worried she might regret it if she goes her whole life without ever trying sex with a dick. Her beloved wife Cherie Deville was determined to show her how much fun fucking a man can be. For this special occasion, she hired a swingin' dick off the internet to plow their pussies. Check out this lucky cowboy getting his fat cock worshiped by two blonde pieces of ass!

Aaliyah Love に 'Rosewood Lust'

Aaliyah Love - Rosewood Lust

Aaliyah Love has some new toys, and she can't wait to try them out. While her husband is out of town, she slides some lingerie on and slips into his den to enjoy some of her private fantasies. With a vibrator whirring between her legs, and the smell of hardwood and her husband's cologne in the air, it's not long before she's masturbated and teased herself to a series of delicious climaxes.

Aaliyah Love に 'and Johnny Castle in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Aaliyah Love - My Sisters Hot Friend

Aaliyah comes over to Johnny's place to go to the movies with his sister. Aaliyah finds out that his sister has bailed on her for the third time over her new boyfriend. She invites Johnny to come along instead but, Johnny can't go because his sister forbade him from hanging out with her hot friends. Well, she isn't there and more importantly, Johnny can't let that pretty face and hot body go to waste!

Aaliyah Love に 'Panty-Sniffer Caught in the Act'

Aaliyah Love - Panty-Sniffer Caught in the Act

For a dyed-in-the-wool thong-sniffer, Aaliyah Love's house is a panty paradise. She has a sweet little pussy and a thick butt, which gives her underwear that magical essence guys like Johnny can't do without. He's so horny for a taste of her sweet spots, that he sneaks into her house and samples her lingerie. When she turns up out of the blue, she's so turned on by the intruder's desires that she lets him show her pussy the depth of his adoration.

Aaliyah Love に 'Love and Lust'

Aaliyah Love - Love and Lust

Aaliyah Love enjoys committing to a moment. When Ryan comes into the picture, the two quickly learn that they share the same interest in allowing themselves to be overtaken by their lustful desires. It's as though their brains allow their carnal, primitive instincts to pilot their perfect bodies until the climactic finish, which is Aaliyah&...

Aaliyah Love に 'Tie Me Up, Dick Me Down'

Aaliyah Love - Tie Me Up, Dick Me Down

Some people can only get off when the heat is turned up to max. Aaliyah Love likes to get fucked hard and kinky, with ropes and bondage to really make her squeal with pleasure. Today she sets up a special date with her fuckbuddy Kenny, an expert rope rigger, who's promised to tie her in knots and then fuck her silly.

Aaliyah Love に 'Aaliyah Fucks Her Biggest Fan'

Aaliyah Love - Aaliyah Fucks Her Biggest Fan

Aaliyah Love's had enough success as an adult starlet, she just wants to give back to her fans. Today she's live-streaming via webcam a visit to Johnny's house, to see if he lives up to his reputation for being her biggest fan. Dude's in for the surprise of a lifetime when he actually gets to play with his favorite porn star's tits, and feel her juicy pussy on his rod.

Aaliyah Love に 'I Need Love'

Aaliyah Love - I Need Love

Newlyweds, Aaliyah and Logan have left the hustle and bustle behind for a dirty weekend, to keep the carnal fires alight. Entering from the balcony Logan finds Aaliyah lying on the bed, the curve of her hip and lace topped thighs stoke his desire, breasts cradled in aqua cups; irresistible. Planting butterfly kisses Logan works his way up to nuzzle her neck and release her perky breasts from captivity, where much to her delight, he grazes Aaliyah's nipples with his tongue. Passion kindled and vows reconfirmed, the story unfolds, but you'll have to watch them to see how it ends.

Aaliyah Love に 'Such a Dirty Little Whore'

Aaliyah Love - Such a Dirty Little Whore

Aaliyah Love makes a weekly house-call to her favorite client. He's a married man, and seeks her out for things he can't get from his wife. All afternoon, she has to do everything he tells her, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to please him. She keeps going back to Keiran, because he knows the best way to make her come is to go rough on the muff.

Aaliyah Love に 'Sunset In Vermont'

Aaliyah Love - Sunset In Vermont

Enjoying strawberries still warm from the garden; the tangy taste and fragrant aroma arouse Alliyah's senses, she invites Alyssa to share her berries.

Aaliyah Love に 'Double Trouble'

Aaliyah Love - Double Trouble

Aaliyah and Veronica enjoy each others taut bodies in this hot lesbian scene.

Mercedes Lynn に 'Pussy Eaters!'

Mercedes Lynn - Pussy Eaters!

Today's PartyOfThree features three sexy ladies. Macy Cartel, Mercedes Lynn, and Aaliyah Love meet for a party that a lot of people dream of being a part of. Titties, ass, and pussy eating. These girls go crazy for each others. Nothing but non-stop pussy eating and finger popping. Enjoy!

Mercedes Lynn に 'Lesbian Stuffing'

Mercedes Lynn - Lesbian Stuffing

this week we got Aaliyah Love, Sara Luvv, Mercedes Lynn here to play on Partyofthree. These two broads are super fly and get down and dirtywith some aggressive rug munching with plenty of strap on love. Cum watch these two gorgeous ladies get stuffed turkey.

Aaliyah Love に 'Role Research'

Aaliyah Love - Role Research

Aaliyah is a hot new actress in town, so when she gets the opportunity to play her favourite singer in a biopic, she jumps at the occasion. All she needs to do is get Cherie's any means necessary.

Aaliyah Love に 'Two Girls, One Cell'

Aaliyah Love - Two Girls, One Cell

Bad girl, Aaliyah Love is thrown into county lockup with known deviant Mackenzee Pierce Power over the other is quickly established as Mackenzee gets Aaliyah right where she wants her and makes her take off all of her clothes Its been a while since Mackenzees had a cellmate So you can be sure shes gonna help herself to some of Aaliyahs ass