最新の更新情報 DJ

Gia DiMarco に '神の療法:Gia DiMarcoは罰するために型にはまらない手順を使用します'

Gia DiMarco - 神の療法:Gia DiMarcoは罰するために型にはまらない手順を使用します

DJは、他のすべての人と同様に、豚であり社会を衰退させています。女性はこのでたらめにうんざりしています。女性が彼らの物語を語って以来ずっとDJは強調されてきました。彼の壊れやすい男性の自我は粉砕されており、専門家の助けを求めています。見事なDr. Gia DiMarcoは、この敗者に対する完璧な型にはまらない治療法を持っています。彼女はDJを目隠ししてロープで彼の手を縛ります。動くことができず、彼女はこの男の肉体的な痛みと感情的な屈辱を解き放ちます。彼は自分の罪のために悔い改めなければなりません、彼は女性を尊重し崇拝することを学ばなければなりません、そして彼女は彼にそのマントラを打ち負かす準備ができています。彼女は彼の服を裂き、彼の胸をたたき、そして彼の乳首を苦しめる。彼の不潔な男の舌はレッスンを受ける必要があり、彼女は杖でそれを打つ前に洗濯はさみでそれをバインドします。この不潔な敗者は治療を受けるのが難しくなっていますが、それでも彼の男性の要求をコントロールすることができないので、彼女は彼のペニスを引き抜いてそれに噛み付きます。彼女は彼のコックとボールを縛り、DJに次のレッスンを教えるために大きなストラップオンをする前にそれらを苦しめます。それが脆弱で屈辱的であることのように感じるもの。クソの深い肛門のストラップはDJの叫び声を上げ、Giaは痛みを伴う男の興奮で興奮した。彼女は日立を引き抜き、この哀れな男をくまなく潮吹きさせる。最後にDJは女性を崇拝することを学ばなければならず、その女性が先に来ることを学ばなければなりません。彼女は完璧な足をDJの口の中に突き刺して懇願します。彼は彼女のアーチを崇拝するようにされている。最後に本当のテストは、DJが彼のチンポがストロークされ、美しい女性によって縁取られている間、搾乳されている彼の前立腺に耐えることができます。彼は彼の負荷を撃つ前に彼の男性の衝動に抵抗することができるでしょうか?

Arabelle Raphael に 'バッドボーイ玩具'

Arabelle Raphael - バッドボーイ玩具


Delirious Hunter に 'スヴェルトブロンドの精神的な狩人は、卑劣な奴隷を罰する'

Delirious Hunter - スヴェルトブロンドの精神的な狩人は、卑劣な奴隷を罰する

デリリアスハンターは悲しみの奴隷DJに夢中になった彼女の光景を持っています。彼女は胸をプラスチッククリップで覆い、手首、足首、コック、ボールで結んでいます。フード付きで、女王様を見ることができず、DJは心配して待っています。狂ったDJの苦痛を笑いながら、奴隷の胸が明るいピンク色になっているのを見て喜んでいる。クリップを取り除いた後、彼女は胸を撫で、背中を痛めて喜んだ。彼女はゴム製の奴隷を持ち出し、男の肉を柔らかくする。しかし、DeliriousはDJの痛みを欲しがっているだけでなく、彼女のお尻を広げ、彼女の太った雄鶏の周りにぎこちなくしたい。彼女は彼が彼女のコックに前後に移動することができるように、ローリング台車に縛られています。 DeliriousとしてDJ yelpsは彼のお尻をポンド。彼女のチンポは、彼がまっすぐ考えることができない彼のお尻のように深いです。その後、彼は口で彼女のチンポをきれいにし、彼の女王様の猫とお尻を味わうことで報われる。彼のお尻が開かれたので、Deliriousは彼女のおもちゃがどれくらいうまく動作するかを見極めることにしました。彼女は舌を使って激しくザーメンをする。彼女は彼女のパワフルなタイトなカンツでそれをスライドさせる前に、彼のチンポを刺す。 DJは栄光の猫の気持ちで彼の負担をほとんど失う。彼女の筋肉は、彼女が激しくオルガスムに乗っているとき、敏感なコックをつかまえます。今度は彼女が妊娠したので、哀れなディックがどれだけの痛みや喜びを感じるか見てみましょう。彼女は彼女のストッキングを開き、彼は彼女の足を礼拝するripsとして繊細なエッジDJ。 Deliriousが慈悲なしで彼のチンポを引っ張るようにDJは兼任します。最後に、彼は彼女の手のひらを全部流出させるが、Deliciousはまだ行われていない。彼女は彼がそれを取るように彼の女王様に感謝、DJは痛みを叫ぶとして、彼女は敏感なコックを刺激し続ける。

Mona Wales に 'Trains Her New Beta Bitch Boytoy'

Mona Wales - Trains Her New Beta Bitch Boytoy

ベタ・オスDJは、彼がDivine Bitch Mona Walesのヴィンテージショップに入ると、何が彼のために店に入っているのか分かりません。しかし、モナはそうします。彼女はボーイフレンドの可能性を見て、彼が奉仕できるかどうかを知りたい。彼女は彼をまっすぐジャケットにいじめることから始まります。彼が拘束されると、彼女は美しいストッキングを身にまとった足を崇拝しながら彼を膝の上につかまえます。 DJはこの女神に驚かされ、彼は彼女のあらゆる願いを黙っている。彼は彼女の新しいボーイフレンドであることに同意し、今は彼が仕事に就いているかどうかを知る必要があります。彼女は彼の雄鶏を作って、彼の顔を叩き、彼女に彼女の甘いおなかを食べさせます。彼女は彼女の猫で彼を窒息させ、彼は彼女のお尻を舐める。 DJはMonaの猫では十分ではありませんが、一度彼女が顔を撫でると、彼女はすべての女性と一緒にこれをやっている疑いが深まります。 DJは激しい打撃を受け、Monaに約束します。彼は永遠に彼女の愛する奴隷になります。次に、DJは箱の中で彼の頭に縛られています。モナは彼を鞭打ち、彼を屈辱にする。彼女は箱の中で彼を閉じて、彼が栄光の自己の延長線上にあることを思い出させる。レッスンを家に持ち帰るために、彼女はコックで太ったストラップで彼を押しつぶす。 MonaとしてのDJは、10インチのシリコンで穴を塞ぎ、ハードコックで愛するすべての人に彼を与えます。彼が何もしていないDJを減らすことは、彼の嫌いな男を犯している間、すべての暑いと彼女のcumsを取得します。最後に、モナテストは彼女の新しい雄鶏をドライブします。 DJがうんざりして、モナが彼のコックで上下にバウンスするようにザーメンをしないようにしようとする。モナは彼女の足をDJの顔に突き刺し、彼女を見ないように彼に命じる。モナは何度もハードに詰め込んで、DJの体の全てを流します。彼女は彼に屈辱を与え続けると、彼が彼女のボーイフレンドであれば彼は兼ねることはないかもしれないと彼に伝えます。 DJはモナが新しいポジションに満足していることに同意し、腕時計を見る。

Cherie Deville に '看護師Cherie DeVille、サディスティックな医療過誤をDJに課す'

Cherie Deville - 看護師Cherie DeVille、サディスティックな医療過誤をDJに課す

セクシーでサディスティックなCherie DeVilleは、DJの強迫観念の看護師の一歩を踏み出し、彼女は自分の問題を極端な方法で克服するのを少しでも熱望しています。彼女は十字架の中に浮遊している金属製の容器に彼を拘束し、手を彼の体から遠く離れているので、彼は彼女の治療に干渉することができません。彼の注意を集中させるために、彼女は3つの強力な医療用クランプを彼のボールに置き、次に彼に喜びを与え、彼がそれに反応するときに彼を口頭でそして物理的に罰する。彼女は彼の口に彼の大きな雄鶏を置き、それを吸う、そしてハードを得るために彼を罰する。それは自己規制の完全な欠如のために繰り返し叱責されて切り取られたDJのための勝利のない状況です。このポジション(そして患者)を疲れさせた後、Cherieは、脚を上にして平らにし、脚を伸ばして脚を伸ばし、彼女は今、最も敏感な領域に鋭いスパイクホイールを巻き込むことで、痛みの反応をテストする準備が整いました。彼女は彼の叫び声を握ることを要求しながら、彼は何かを感じることができない場合にのみ、彼女に彼女の乳首、彼のコックヘッドと彼の穴あけ穴を苦しめる。彼の反応(またはその欠如)に満足して、Cherieは肛門検査に移り、DJの穴を指で押さえてから、硬い黒色のプローブを尻にスライドさせ、抱き締める。しかし、DJはあまりにも楽しんでいるし、看護婦チェリーは彼女が細かく訓練された医療専門家ではなく、彼女を売春婦のように扱っていると思い始めます。だから、彼女は刑罰でゆるやかになり、彼を尊敬するように強く、深く責める。最後に、DJはベルトの拘束に縛られ、Cherieは自分の喜びのために体を使用します。ここでの教訓は、誰が権威であるかを知ることです。権威は「すべてをより良くする」知識を持ち、従うことです。 CherieはDJのコックを乗せ、彼が彼の治療に十分に足を踏み入れるようになりました。彼女は彼にザーメンを犯させますが、彼女は彼がカミングしているように彼のチンポを叩くことによって少しの痛みでその喜びに逆らっています。仕上げられた、Cherieは彼に殴られた、退屈な、無限に良い男を残す。

Aiden Starr に '建設労働者セクシーなランチブレイクがファーストアナルフィッシングに変わる'

Aiden Starr - 建設労働者セクシーなランチブレイクがファーストアナルフィッシングに変わる

DJは建設労働者として働いていて、午前中、彼は彼の超マッチョな同僚に囲まれています。長時間の重労働から汗を流すと、彼らの調色した筋肉がタンクトップを照らしています。 DJは、これらのホットスタッドの激しい雄鶏1を吸うという考えに何度も何度もさまよっています。彼はいつも思考を遠ざけ、すぐに彼の男性的 - 狂信的な - 過剰補償のファサードに戻り、すべての女性をばかな女の子と呼んで、彼の大きなお尻が半分になるのを罵っている。しかし、彼は彼の秘密の考えは、彼は常に彼の心に戻って忍び寄って恥ずかしいです、ただ寛解しない飢餓を作成します。彼のタブーの欲望を抑えるために、彼は昼休みの間にコールガールと約束をすることに決めました。彼は彼のディックを濡らす必要があり、それを支払うことを恐れていない。 DJは巨大な汗をかいた雄鶏を性交して吸うという彼の欲望を隠す無駄な試みで男性性を検証する必要があります。 Aiden Starrがトラップを設定し、DJが彼女がちょうど別のコールガールだと思うようにしましょう。 DJはすぐに彼が犯されることを知っています。 AidenはDJの哀れなマッチョ感情を読んで、すぐにこの建設労働者が望むことは、彼の喉の痛みやお尻の刺し傷であることを伝えることができます。彼女はこの愚か者のお金を取った後、仕事をするために密かに着用しているDJを卑劣な少女と哀れなガーリーのパンティーに辱めた後、仕事を始める。そして、エイデンは彼の腹を打ち負かす。真剣に...彼女は杖の巧みな使い方で身体のあらゆる部分に作用する。上腕二頭筋、お尻、背中、胸...エイデンは彼の体の中に巨大なくすぐりの紋章を残す。 Aidenに完全に降伏すると、DJは次にAidensの巨大なストラップオンディックで喉を奪い、尻を奪う。彼女は離れて絶え間なく貪欲で哀れな小さな男の子たちを完全かつ完全な服従に処罰する。しかし、エイデンは終わっていない。 DJの前立腺をマッサージした後、DJが何度も何度も何度もカミングしているように感じるまで、彼女は彼女の拳を抱きしめる。しかし、エイデンは決して彼を実際に兼ねさせ、彼の小柄なウィーニーをコック・ケージに閉じ込めるので、彼はそれに触れることはできません。そして彼女が彼を虐待したとき、彼女はバイブレーターでマスターベーションをしている間、彼が彼女のお尻を舐めるようにします。長い一日の後に、アイデンはDJを棺に入れ、決して彼を離れることはできません。彼はいつまでも彼女の彼女です!

Arabelle Raphael に '地下室のカッコウド脱落'

Arabelle Raphael - 地下室のカッコウド脱落


Bella Rossi に 'ディープ・スペース支配:未来は女性です'

Bella Rossi - ディープ・スペース支配:未来は女性です


Veruca James に 'セクシーな妻は財政的に彼女の豊かな敗者の夫を支配する'

Veruca James - セクシーな妻は財政的に彼女の豊かな敗者の夫を支配する

Veruca Jamesには100万ドルの遺体があります。それは、他の妻よりも暑いだけでなく、夫にも100万ドルの費用がかかります。Verucaの金融奴隷として、DJは彼女の美しい心が望んでいるものをチェックする必要があります。彼女の足をこするために2000ドル、彼女のお尻を崇拝するために5000ドル。彼女の足で寝るもう一人の夫婦。この美しい妻が彼のお尻を振り回して、彼のボールを拷問し、彼を吐き出して、彼の哀れなおっぱいを犯し、彼の顔をオルガスムに乗せていく。

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe に 'Maitresseで時間切れになったMadeline Marlowe'

Maitresse Madeline Marlowe - Maitresseで時間切れになったMadeline Marlowe

長い失われたスレーブボーイDJは、再入国を求めている神聖な愚痴の教会に戻ります。 DJが理解できないことの1つは、私が振り返ったことはありません。そして歴史的に彼の献身は最高で平凡です。私はこれを燃料として実際に彼の心に絡む。私は柔らかくて官能的な猫の毛で彼を罵倒し、見た目にふさわしいと思っても彼を鞭打ちます。私は彼の前立腺を搾乳し、彼の嫌いな人を拳銃で舐めることによって、私の握りこぶし全体に拳の腕を滑り込ませることによって本当の献身がどのように見えるかを彼に示します! DJは深く釘付けになり、私の黒っぽい雄鶏の上でギャグをする。それから私は彼を目隠しし、私の口と彼のチンポを口に縁取っている。彼は彼が私のことを誰と思っているのかによって舐められるようになる。彼がいったんザーメンをすると、目隠しは取り除かれ、彼が別の男(私の抱き締め)に来て、彼の嫌いな男を舐めることに気付く!ようこそ、DJ!私は確かにあなたを逃した!XO、Maitresse Madeline Marlowe

Ashley Fires に '彼女の喜びのために、想像できる最も屈辱的な活動。'

Ashley Fires - 彼女の喜びのために、想像できる最も屈辱的な活動。

Ashley Firesは彼女の奴隷の2人に彼女の娯楽のためにお互いの雄鶏を吸うように命じる!

Lorelei Lee に '究極のコックティース'

Lorelei Lee - 究極のコックティース


Gia DiMarco に 'ジアディマルコ:猫のビクセンは、Bitchdomに就任!'

Gia DiMarco - ジアディマルコ:猫のビクセンは、Bitchdomに就任!


Lorelei Lee に 'FemDom POV:熱い席にあなたを入れよう!'

Lorelei Lee - FemDom POV:熱い席にあなたを入れよう!

POV FemDom。女史ロレリー・リーは、あなたの足とお尻を礼拝し、あなたにマスターベーションの教訓を教えるように求めています。

Aiden Starr に '最も激しい公開フェムドムパジャマパーティー!'

Aiden Starr - 最も激しい公開フェムドムパジャマパーティー!


Kimberly Kane に 'カッコウッドコメディ'

Kimberly Kane - カッコウッドコメディ


他のサイトからの風景 DJ

DJ に 'Machine Edging: DJ Fucked and Edged By Mechanical Monstrosity'

DJ - Machine Edging: DJ Fucked and Edged By Mechanical Monstrosity

Big-dicked stud DJ is in for a treat today. He's getting fucked by a huge machine dildo, while his cock gets worked by a machine stroker. It's a double-machine milk 'n' fuck like we've never seen…DJ dives right in, putting his ass up for the fat machine cock, angled directly at his hungry hole. He cranks up the dial on the remote and the machine kicks into action, sliding into his sweet, slutty ass. He twitches as it spreads him open, working deeper and deeper inside him, sliding over his prostate, getting his dick rock hard.He turns up the dial again the fat pink dildo literally plows his hairy ass. DJ's huge cock is raging from the prostate stimulation as the stroker swallows it up, working him and machine-sucking him while his ass gets slammed. The stroker revs up to full blast, working his cock, taking anything DJ can give it. It quickly edges him, nearly overwhelming him, but DJ shows the machine who's in charge by staying on top of it and resisting, feeling the cum build up in his balls, eager to shoot, but holding back.After further ass fucking and cock stroking, DJ finally blows a huge load, but this hot fuck-slut isn't done yet. He's got another load in those fat balls for us. He goes for another round, THEN CUMS A SECOND TIME, unloading all over the machine. If it's possible for a man to wear out a machine, DJ does it today!

Dale Savage に 'The Savage Company Ltd: Dale Savage Punishes Employee, DJ'

Dale Savage - The Savage Company Ltd: Dale Savage Punishes Employee, DJ

CEO and owner of The Savage Company Limited, Dale Savage sits at his office desk, proof reading a 'thank you' letter written by his new employee, DJ. When he spots a typo, he asks DJ to step into his office to talk to him about it. Nervous and new at his job, DJ sits at the other end of Dale's desk, and Dale scolds him about the typo. He has DJ get up and place his elbows on top of the table. DJ obeys and is asked to read the letter that he wrote, and DJ recites the poorly written note while Dale pulls down DJ's pants and spanks his bare ass hard. He commands DJ to get to his knees, and Dale whips out his hard cock and shoves it in DJ's mouth. He grabs DJ's head and fucks his face. After that, Dale gets a length of rope and ties DJ up with his arms behind his back. He lays him across his desk and kicks his feet up and tells DJ to clean his shoes. DJ licks his boss' shoes while Dale whips him hard with a leather crop. DJ strips Dale's shoes and sock off and licks his toes and the soles of his feet. Dale puts DJ to the ground, gets out his leather flogger, and hits his ass hard. He flips him over, grabs his cock, pulls it hard and flogs DJ's stomach and chest. In the final scene, completely naked except for the bit-gag in his mouth, DJ balances on one leg , bound in a multitude of ropes coming from the ceiling. Dale attaches clover clamps to the under-side of DJ's arms, comes up from behind him, and rams his hard cock inside DJ's asshole. He fucks DJ hard and fast. He takes the bit-gag out and uses DJ's mouth to finish off his cock, spraying his load all over DJ's face.

Korra Del Rio に 'The Naughty Nun: Korra Del Rio Punishes Disgraceful Sinner DJ'

Korra Del Rio - The Naughty Nun: Korra Del Rio Punishes Disgraceful Sinner DJ

Beautiful Korra Del Rio is The Naughty Nun in this weeks TSS sinful sexy role-play update.After witnessing DJ touching himself in Mass Korra relegates DJ to the cold dark basement to fix furniture and learn a lesson about his shameless, disgraceful ways. After admiting to DJ that she saw him masturbating during church service she orders DJ to read from the bible to find salvation from his wickedness. As he is reading bible verses Korra peels off her black and white habit to reveal a very sexy lace teddy, black thigh high stockings and garter. DJ doesn't know what's going on! Sister Korra is confronting DJ with his petty disgusting fantasies and will lead him to redemption by being his vessel to absorb all of his sick sexual perversions in the name of the Lord. Korra tells DJ to take off her black patent leather high heel shoes and smell her feet. He peels off her nylons and licks each and every tantalizing toe of Sister Del Rio and then she pulls her cock out for DJ to let loose on. All the sins and lies trapped in his throat need to be plunged out with some deep throat cock sucking. She spreads her long legs wide and DJ swallows her hard dick right up. Korra takes her firm inviting breasts out of her corset while DJ gets down and dirty on her dick. Now he is on his back in the stocks with a blindfold on so he can't see anything. This dirty little sinner is ready to get all of his evils forgiven so Korra punishes this bad boy with the zapper and some firm paddling on his butt. She crawls up on top of his face and slides her cock in his mouth and rubs her balls all over his greedy mouth. Sister Del Rio tells depraved DJ she is going to fuck him so hard he is never gonna want to sin again. And sure enough she sticks to her plan. After fucking his face she gives him a little taste of heaven by eagerly eating his ass. She jerks his cock while licking his asshole and DJ is loving it. Korra's bright red diabolical lipstick smears all over his ass and thighs and he can't get enough from this Naughty Nun. Now that his ass is wet and slippery she fills him up and fucks his sin hole into submission. DJ moans and pleads and begs for her to cum all over him and finally she squeezes her lusty load out on his face. Redemption at last!

Aspen Brooks に 'Stress Test: Nurse Aspen Brooks Tests Naughty Patient'

Aspen Brooks - Stress Test: Nurse Aspen Brooks Tests Naughty Patient

DJ is told he's not allowed to snoop in his doctor's office, but there are so many odd implements he can't resist poking around. Unfortunately for him, hot latex nurse Aspen Brooks arrives to find DJ doing exactly what he's been told not to. She orders him on the table so they can being their stress test. She opens his legs and runs the pinwheel along his cock for the first test. DJ yelps as the cold metal spikes press into his sensitive cock. Aspen smirks and grabs a mouse trap next for this misbehaving patient. DJ's body jumps an inch off the table as the metal closes around his cock. He cries out in pain, but the test is far from over. Aspen closes his balls into a ball crusher and screws the plates nice and tight as DJ squirms on the table. She laughs before ordering him to his knees. DJ can't believe this is happening, even as he wraps his lips around Aspen's big hard cock. He sucks the length as Aspen moans and presses his head down on her cock. Once she's had enough of his mouth, she orders him face down and ass up for the final test -- a good hard pounding! DJ moans as Nurse Aspen pushes her gorgeous cock into his ass and fucks him hard. Aspen gasps as DJ's ass clenches down around her cock. Her magnificent breasts bounce as she fucks him in doggy and in missionary. Finally, she blows her load all over his face before ordering him to get dressed for his doctor.

Casey Kisses に 'Hush Honey Inn: Casey Kisses Fucks An Unwittingly Willing DJ'

Casey Kisses - Hush Honey Inn: Casey Kisses Fucks An Unwittingly Willing DJ

The stunning Casey Kisses knows some dirty little secrets about DJ and she has the pictures to prove it. She patiently waits for DJ at the Hush Honey Inn where she plans on taking DJ's hard earned cash in return for the pictures and her silence. After DJ shows up late, she decides money isn't enough to silence her. DJ is all too eager to amend the situation and is willing to do anything to hush Casey and get the pictures. Casey takes advantage of the situation knowing DJ will submit to her every command. She tells him to strip his clothes off and get to his knees. DJ complies with no hesitation as he begs for the pictures. Casey demands him to take her stockings off and rub her feet. DJ complies and begins to worship her beautiful feet, licking them up and down like a little slave boy. Casey then takes her hard cock out out so DJ can earn his privacy. DJ starts licking and sucking her cock deep in his throat, getting Casey hot and excited. Casey then turns around and makes him lick her beautiful ass. He puts his tongue deep in her while he strokes her cock up and down. Casey then puts him in doggy and fucks him in the ass nice and hard for being late. DJ moans and screams as he takes her big cock like a champ. Casey puts DJ on his back where she fucks him deep and hard while they take turns stroking his cock. Casey then puts DJ in pile driver and fucks his ass hard. She tells DJ to stroke his cock until he blast his load all over his face. Casey then makes him beg for her load. She dumps her load on his chest then sends him packing with his pictures.

Chelsea Marie に 'pounds pervert panty boy slut'

Chelsea Marie - pounds pervert panty boy slut

Gorgeous femdom Chelsea Marie has just finished a smoking hot session and gotten a good deep dicking down from one of her regulars. As she basks in the afterglow, janitor DJ, distracted by his headphones, enters and starts sweeping up. Chelsea is outraged that DJ has shown up an hour early to clean, but soon sees the silver lining. She tears open DJ's jumpsuit only to find this dirty pervert is wearing lacy panties! And Chelsea knows just what to do with a panty wearing bitch like DJ. She pushes him to his hands and knees and makes him smell the clothes of the man who's just fucked her and then has DJ worship her body. DJ kisses her beautiful feet and up her long gorgeous legs. He gets to worship her glorious ass and beg to have her goddess cock in his hungry cockhole. Chelsea shoves her cock deep down into DJ's mouth and gives him a thorough rough face fucking. After stretching out his slut mouth, she pulls his panties aside and fucks him in the ass. DJ moans as Chelsea pounds his bitch ass. He knows he's not man enough to fuck a beautiful goddess like Chelsea Marie and instead has to take her hard hot cock. Chelsea flips him over and continues to ram him as she shoves his panties in his filthy slut mouth. Once she's had her fill of DJ's fuckholes, she blows her load all over his pathetic face. But she's not done yet! Chelsea has more surprises in store for this panty boy. She finds the condom her client left behind and squeezes all his cum right onto DJs face!

TS Foxxy に 'Special Sauce: Delivery Boy Fucked by TS Foxxy!'

TS Foxxy - Special Sauce: Delivery Boy Fucked by TS Foxxy!

TS Foxxy lounges alone in her apartment reading a magazine on a black leather couch in sheer pink lingerie, waiting for her pizza to be delivered. When DJ the shy delivery guy arrives with the wrong pizza, Foxxy decides to take advantage and invites him to sit on the couch next to her to make things a little uncomfortable. She strokes his chest and asks if he wants to have a little fun. Reluctantly, DJ succumbs to Foxxy's seductive nature as she pulls down her top revealing her perfect tits. Foxxy unbuttons DJ's pants and pulls out his already rock hard cock and strokes it as her other hand pulls his head into her tits. She pulls out her own hard cock and DJ gets on his knees and starts sucking. Foxxy putts DJ over her knee and spanks him hard with one hand and with the other puts three fingers in his ass. Next, Foxxy tells DJ to take off her stockings and worship her feet. DJ licks, sucks, sniffs, and kisses every one of her toes. After that she makes DJ get on his back as she places her big round ass on his face. In a hot sixty-nine, DJ licks Foxxy's pretty asshole while she strokes, sucks, and bites on his massive hard-on. Foxxy turns him over and sinks her fat cock into DJ's asshole and starts pounding it deep and hard. She flips him over onto his back and jerks his cock as she fucks his ass hard again. Foxxy then pulls her cock out of DJ's ass and climbs across his body shoving her cock into his mouth making him taste his own ass. She grabs the hair on the back of his head and fucks his face until she cums. After Foxxy shoots her load she grabs a slice of pizza to munch on while she finishes off DJ's cock using only her feet, dripping his cum down her toes.

Jessica Fox に 'Loves Sweaty Balls and Fucks Handyman DJ'

Jessica Fox - Loves Sweaty Balls and Fucks Handyman DJ

It's hot out when handyman DJ is finishing a paint job for rich client Jessica Fox. Thinking no one is watching, DJ slips out of uniform to get more comfortable. But Jessica is watching, and she likes what she sees. Nothing gets Jessica going like a man in uniform working up a sweat for her. Once DJ notices he's been watched, Jessica decides to get her money's worth. She makes DJ strip so she can sniff his big sweaty balls. She licks and sucks on those balls before taking DJ's cock in her mouth and giving him the blow job of his life. DJ can barely believe his luck! He reaches out to touch Jessica's gorgeous body and is immediately put in his place! Jessica slaps him and reminds him he is beneath her. She makes him get on his hands and knees to worship her beautiful shoes and feet. DJ works his way up to Jessica's beautiful cock and enthusiastically takes it in his mouth. He slobbers all over her gorgeous cock and worships her glorious asshole. Once Jessica's cock is dripping wet, she teases her handyman's asshole with her tongue before thrusting her cock in. DJ as he moans in pleasure as Jessica relentlessly drills his hole. But before DJ is allowed to come, Jessica wants hers. She mounts DJ and slips his cock inside her ass. She works his cock, taking exactly what she wants, while DJ is helpless to do anything but submit to pleasuring his employer. When she tires of using his cock, Jessica returns to fucking DJ in the ass. Overwhelmed, DJ comes hard, and Jessica rubs his fat load all over his face and in his mouth. But DJ doesn't get a break! Jessica continues fucking his asshole before moving to fuck his wet mouth and blowing her load all over his face and chest.

Jessy Dubai に 'Hot TS Summer Sex Parties'

Jessy Dubai - Hot TS Summer Sex Parties

TsSeduction is proud to present The Best of Hot TS Summer Sex Parties. These are the absolute Hottest Ts Group Sex Scenes presented for your dirty viewing desires. Yasmin Lee, Jessy Dubai, Venus Lux, Honey FoXXX, Jessica Fox, and Delia Delions are all here to group fuck in the hot summer nights. That's 6 Hot, Huge, Ts Cocks deep fucking and shooting their sexy thick loads for you.First up is Jessy Dubai wtih hot porn star Lance Hart and innocent newcomer starlet Jessie Parker. This threesome is on fire with hot squirting pop shots, and multiple wet orgasms from Jessie's well fucked pussy. Steamy three way sex with Jessy dominating and fucking her boyfriend and their play thing. Plenty of deep ass pounding, pussy fucking and cumming from an all night summer sex party that ends in a cum swapping kiss goodnight.Next up we have the sex goddess Yasmin Lee with two studs Marcus Ruhl and Robert Axel! This hot sexual fantasy role play commands your attention with Yasmin's hard dominating cock tops both Marcus and Robert into submission and explosive orgasm. This one is a real scorcher as she uses both men for her pleasure!The gorgeous Venus Lux with the legendary beauty Danielle Foxx and DJ. This is the Hot Summer Threesome Tryst you have been craving. Danielle wants something new to spice up their marriage and she loves ass. They seek the help of sex counselor, Venus Lux who takes a hands on approach to helping couples! Before DJ knows it his face is then stuffed deep in his wife's pussy while he takes every inch of Venus's cock deep in his ass until he blows his load all over then it's Danielle's turn!Venus slides her hungry cock in Danielle's juicy cunt then blows her load over both their faces and tongues and the couple spit balls Venus's sweet sticky cum!We've been waiting years to see Delia Delions fuck Tom Faulk and Siouxsie Q. This hot dungeon fuckfest delivers an ass and pussy pounding rammed with Delia's giant throbbing gristle. Tom and Siouxsie both fight over Delia's hot, sweet load!And finally, our biggest summer fuckfest yet! TsSeduction is proud to present the hottest scene from our feature Ts Gangbang starring Jessica Fox, Jessy Dubai, Honey Foxxx with Sebastian Keys! Everyone gets a turn ramming their huge Ts cocks down Sebastian's hungry hole and shooting their thick creamy loads all over. It's a palooza of sex, so hot and complicated and involved that you can watch this update 100 times and still see something different.

Stefani Special に 'doms and fucks DJ, her willing handcuffed slave'

Stefani Special - doms and fucks DJ, her willing handcuffed slave

Stefani Special is a tall, slender brunette who knows exactly how to get what she wants out of men...by feeding them and fucking them with her delicious cock! Today her subject is DJ, an always-willing slave who enjoys the punishment she handily doles out. Stefani cuts right to the chase, commanding DJ to verbally submit while maintaining his position in restrictive handcuffs. She uses the crop on his chest and face to show him who's boss, then yanks his underwear down and spanks his little punk ass, breaking him in with still more physical humiliation, before even allowing him to touch her at all. DJ worships Stefani's beautiful feet and tight asshole, while also being whipped with a single tail. The pain is palpable, but DJ continues to beg as ordered, craving Stefani's perfect cock in his mouth. Stefani finally allows him a taste of what he wants, unleashing her gorgeous cock for him to slurp and suck. Once she's wet and dripping, satisfied that he's done a decent enough job, she's ready to slide that hard dick into DJ's hungry ass. She turns him around and pushes it in deep, making DJ her fuck slave for the rest of the afternoon, still in the handcuffs he's been wearing all along. She plows his hole, then makes him suck her cock and lick her beautiful ass before fucking him again, all the while berating him and mocking him. DJ loves every deep inch of her wet dick, pumping in and out of his ass. Stefani finally unloads all over DJ's hard cock, then orders him to jerk himself off with her hot cum. Stefani releases him from his handcuffs so he can finish the job, but then locks him back in them when he's through. DJ is put away wet... saved for later.

DJ に 'vs Lance Hart'

DJ - vs Lance Hart

While neither Lance nor DJ are strangers to the arena, it quickly becomes clear that this match will definitely be an unforgettable one! Lance is muscular, beefy and ready to fuck his opponent into the ground; but DJ has an extensive wrestling background that shows in his lightning fast takedowns and flips as he and Lance grapple for victory. This action-packed contest is full of super hot sweaty facesitting, ass play and blowjobs, along with some of the hottest load blowing in Kink history! Our victor takes his prize from the loser's tight ass and huge cock, jerking spurting globs of cum from the loser's hard cock while jamming his huge winning dick farther and farther down his opponents throat!

Kaden Alexander に 'Hairy tape-slave worships Master Kaden's uncut cock'

Kaden Alexander - Hairy tape-slave worships Master Kaden's uncut cock

DJ awaits in the dungeon, ready and at attention to welcome Master Kaden to the house. Kaden pulls out a roll of duct tape, making his slave smell and taste what will soon bind his body. The taped up slave begs for more as Master Kaden slams his big uncut cock down the stud's throat. Metal pipes hold DJ's arms and legs in place as his tape-master wields the flogger against DJ's exposed, uncut cock. Kaden strokes his hard cock to the sounds of DJ's muffled screams from the tape wrapped around his head. Blindfolded, the bound slave has his arms and legs stretched out, exposing his hairy hole and dangling cock while sharp spikes from the vampire glove graze his skin. It's a sensory overload for DJ until he feels his master's hard cock penetrate his hole. Master Kaden pounds away on his boy as their screams echo throughout the dungeon. A posture collar then holds the slave's head in place while a spider gag pries his mouth open, ready to receive every drop of his master's load.

Jesse に 'gives a hotel worker the Best Day Ever!'

Jesse - gives a hotel worker the Best Day Ever!

DJ works maintenance at a cute hotel. His boss asks him to help out and deliver some room service when the hotel is short staffed one night. DJ soon finds himself in over his head and loving it when a big titted TS minx seduces him for hot sex after he drops off a hot meal to her room. Watch as Jesse gets DJ to dance, deep throat, take her fist, and eat her massive load of cum!! Dreams do come true and Jesses hot titties and giant cock make for the best day of this maintenance workers life!!

TS Diana Hx. に 'Hardbodied TS Supermodel fills delivery driver with her hungry cock!'

TS Diana Hx. - Hardbodied TS Supermodel fills delivery driver with her hungry cock!

Welcome TS Diana Hx to TSSeduction! This all natural, supermodel, hardbodied beauty plays the top fashion designer in NYC. When DJ, an innocent UPS delivery man, brings Diana a delivery of hideous clothing to sell in her store she's livid but see's potential in DJ. She strips this unsuspecting delivery man naked, then brings him to his knees with her striking beauty. Before you know it he has his mouth full of her hard cock! She knows what she wants and she's going to get it, that ass is hers. She fills him balls deep with her hungry cock after she makes him rim her beautiful asshole. DJ can't control himself and spills his load all over, then she jerks her dick off and shoots a load of delicious cum all over his face!

Chanel Santini に 'The Devil In A Red Dress'

Chanel Santini - The Devil In A Red Dress

TS Seduction is thrilled to announce the debut of TS beauty Chanel Santini! At only 18 years old this gorgeous women and her amazing cock are already making HUGE waves in the adult industry!DJ is behind on his bills, behind paying his student loans and behind paying back every person he has ever borrowed money from to pay these bills! He prays for some sort of relief! He will do ANYTHING! Enter Chanel Santini, the devil in disguise and she has a beautiful hard cock! DJ sells his soul, gets his bill paid and a beautiful new apartment and an ass and mouth full of beautiful gorgeous TS cock! Do NOT miss this AMAZINg debut!

Venus Lux に 'Spit Balling TS Cum For Couples'

Venus Lux - Spit Balling TS Cum For Couples

Welcome back legendary beauty Danielle Foxx to TS Seduction! In this threesome tryst, Danielle wants something new to spice up their marriage and she loves ass. They seek the help of sex counselor, Venus Lux who takes a hands on approach to helping couples! Before DJ knows it Danielle has her strap-on deep in his ass while his mouth is stuffed full of hard, pounding TS cock!! His face is then stuffed deep in his wife's pussy while he takes every inch of Venus's cock deep in his ass until he blows his load all over then it's Danielle's turn! Venus slides her hungry cock in Danielle's juicy cunt then blows her load over both their faces and tongues and the couple spit balls Venus's sweet sticky cum!

DJ に 'Ringing in the New Year with Relentless Edging and Ass to Mouth!'

DJ - Ringing in the New Year with Relentless Edging and Ass to Mouth!

DJ wanted to cap off a wild New Year's weekend with one last party at the local motel. The delivery man, Jessie Colter, drops off the keg right on time, but won't leave. When DJ tells him to fuck off, he's quickly overpowered and tackled onto the bed. Jessie suspends DJ in the middle of the room, mouth gagged to keep anyone from getting too curious about his motel room. Despite the bound hunk's protests, Jessie strips him nude and works a boner from his uncut dick. He edges DJ relentlessly with his mouth and two hitachis before throwing him onto the bed. DJ gets a taste of nipple suction and a vibrating sheath before Jessie plows his ass with a vibrator and a beer bottle. The bottle leaves DJ's ass and goes straight into his mouth as Jessie edges him again and again. Finally, right before midnight, Jessie milks a hot load from DJ and punishes his sensitive cock head for good luck in the new year; leaving him behind, helplessly bound and covered in his own cum.

Venus Lux に 'Bad Ass Boss Lady Venus Lux Gives DJ a Thorough Review!'

Venus Lux - Bad Ass Boss Lady Venus Lux Gives DJ a Thorough Review!

As CEO of her own company Venus Lux likes to use a personal touch with every one of her employees. She brings DJ in to discuss his job performance and benefits with her hard cock shoved deep down his throat. He worships her beautiful stocking covered toes and sucks her perfect thick member until she throws him over her desk and fucks him deep in his ass. After blowing her fat load all over his dick, she has him use her cum to jack himself off onto her lovely feet before throwing him out of her office so that she can conduct her next review.

Wolf Hudson に 'No Escape'

Wolf Hudson - No Escape

The cruel workshop has finally gone silent. Even bound at the wrists and ankles, DJ knows this is his best chance for escape. He worms his way to the exit and straight into his tormentor, Wolf Hudson. Wolf doesn't take kindly to such brazen, insubordinate acts. He drags the worm back to the center of the cold floor and fucks DJ's face, kind enough to give him a 69 in the process. Turning from pleasure to pain, Wolf strings DJ from the ceiling and flogs him relentlessly. He takes DJ to the far side of the workshop for a more demanding suspension. Hanging flat from pipes overhead, DJ serves his master's cock as he takes electric stings all over his sensitive feet and meaty ass. Wolf tests DJ again with the flogger, giving DJ a hurricane of lashes from the merciless leather. As a gift for DJ's compliance and etiquette, Wolf places DJ on his knees and pounds his eager asshole. DJ moans in gratitude for his master's cock as Wolf pulls out to let a thick load loose all over DJ's face. Wolf milks the cum from DJ's balls before flogging him into the night...

Micah Brandt に 'Live Tag Team Matchup: Jessie Colter and DJ vs Eli Hunter and Micah Brandt'

Micah Brandt - Live Tag Team Matchup: Jessie Colter and DJ vs Eli Hunter and Micah Brandt

Live in front of a rowdy audience, Eli Hunter and Micah Brandt take on DJ and Jessie Colter in a vengeance match to reclaim their glory. Both teams are feeling cocky and ready to fight and fuck their way to victory. In a set of three explosive rounds, these studs duke it out, toe to toe, cock to cock. They pull every hold out the book and every dirty trick out of their horny minds. With a last second injury to one of our kombatants, the losing teammate is left to face the sex round all on his own. He hungrily submits to his competitor's dicks as the crowd roars before he's showered in cum!***As a special bonus, we're selling all four ripped jocks from round 2! Sweaty, ripe, and autographed by each wrestler for your pleasure! For purchase please visit: store.kink.com/sebastian-keys ***

DJ に 'Alexander Gustavo takes on DJ'

DJ - Alexander Gustavo takes on DJ

Promising the speed and skills to wipe the smirk off his opponent's face, DJ is ready to dominate in the ring. Alexander Gustavo doesn't take DJ's threat -- or DJ's wrestling -- seriously, and has own promise to make DJ worship his feet. The contenders square off in a technical first round, their toned bodies locking together in vice-grip holds. The second round sees hard cocks and acrobatic flips as the wrestlers smother and grope their way to victory, inch by inch, point by point. The loser wears humiliation on his face as he chokes on winner cock and cleans the sweat from the winner asshole. Seeing his opponent's submission only makes the winner harder, so he throws the loser to the ground and reams his ass in piledriver. He fucks the pathetic cum from the loser as he beats the loser's chest red. Wiping his foot in the loser's sticky mess, the winner smears the cum and the taste of the mat all over and into the loser's mouth. The winner then coats the loser's face in hot, triumphant jizz and leaves the loser to stew in disgrace on the mat.

TS Foxxy に 'Punished By Her Dominating Cock'

TS Foxxy - Punished By Her Dominating Cock

Foxxy comes home after a long hard day to find her slave, DJ, talking back to her about his chores. She reminds him how good he has it, directing him to worship her feet, her beautiful ass and her delicious hard cock. She leads DJ into the living room like the dog he is and opens up his tight ass, spanking him and finger fucking him so he knows who's boss. Foxxy pounds her solid cock into him, fucking him every which way, hammering home the reminder that he is one lucky fucker, and finishing him off with a hot cum swap. Now clean up this mess, slave!

Eli Hunter に 'vs. DJ - The Veteran Returns'

Eli Hunter - vs. DJ - The Veteran Returns

After a long absence on the KinkMen mat, the infamous DJ returns facing up against Eli Hunter, both looking to dominate their opponent athletically and sexually. Eli pledges a relentless match with no mercy for DJ. DJ plays it cool, warning that Eli severely underestimates his deep background in wrestling. Their toned, sweaty bodies clash on the mat, equally matched and pushing each other to the limit. With such a close final score, the loser faces extra humiliation knowing he came so close. The victor throws his prize to its knees and has the loser choke on huge winner dick, worship feet and give a pony ride. The loser gets tossed into the locker room for a punishing fuck in bondage. Assuming total submission, the loser busts a load as the winner pounds his ass. He takes his own load onto his face before hungrily accepting the winner's.

Venus Lux に 'and Her Seductive Cock!'

Venus Lux - and Her Seductive Cock!

Goddess Venus Lux returns to TS Seduction and she is more powerful than ever with her gorgeous looks, powerful domination and hard pounding cock!

Leo Forte に 'Trent Diesel and Sebastian Keys vs Leo Forte and DJ Live Match'

Leo Forte - Trent Diesel and Sebastian Keys vs Leo Forte and DJ Live Match

Four of NKs toughest and hottest wrestlers come together for one extreme tag team match in front of a live audience. Trent Diesel and Sebastian Keys have proven their ability to dominate the mat and dominate their opponents ass when they win. Leo Forte and DJ are known for their mad wrestling skills and the brutal fuck that their beaten opponent will receive. None of these guys wants to go down and each one will fight with all they have to save himself from being humiliated and fucked in front of a crowd of screaming fans. It's balls to the wall action with an unbelievable suck and fuck finale. It doesn't get any better than this!

DJ に 'vs Chris Tyler'

DJ - vs Chris Tyler

Sexy ripped NK powerhouse DJ has a reputation for hitting his opponent hard and fucking him even harder. With a hot body and some mad wrestling skills, cocky stud Chris Tyler is quickly becoming aforce to be reckoned with here on Naked Kombat. These two fighters will push each other to the limit on the mat and then push each other over the edge with a brutal suck and fuck session in the end. Total domination leads to total humiliation and a cum covered facial to finish.

Brenn Wyson に 'Kink Olympics - Live Shoot'

Brenn Wyson - Kink Olympics - Live Shoot

In this February live show Tony Hunter and DJ compete in the Kink Olympics for the pleasure of dom Brenn Wyson, Van, and the excited members watching it live from home.Tony and DJ are tied up and told to escape their bondage and strip. The winner gets to walk along a row of vibrators. The loser gets to drag knotted rope across their balls and asshole. A heavy flogging gets the boys ready for an ass inspection. Then they're suspended in the air as Brenn fucks their asses and dildos are shoved in their mouths. In the final competition the boys get canon balls tied to their nuts by the ice lock. If they can cross the platform of zappers and mousetraps they can try to melt the ice lock and cum on the sybian. Brenn gives the winner a huge load as the loser licks his own junk off of Brenn's boot.

Josh West に 'Use the stud's uncut cock as a shot glass at a public bar!'

Josh West - Use the stud's uncut cock as a shot glass at a public bar!

DJ is tied up, blindfolded and naked in a bar of horny drunken men. The strangers fondle him and make him suck their cocks. Josh West makes DJ crawl around with a bowling ball tied to his nuts. The rowdy crowd spit on him, dump their drinks on him and slap his ass. They take turns fucking him and dump their loads in his mouth.

Brenn Wyson に 'The Pipe Room'

Brenn Wyson - The Pipe Room

Fresh meat James Gates is tied up in the pipe room along with DJ. In full leather, Brenn Wyson enters and he's ready to play. He rips off the boys' clothes and smacks their hard cocks. He puts them in leather hoods and straps them to the metal pipes. James watches in horror as DJ gets the heavy corporal. Brenn uses and abuses James and milks his fat cock. He then suspends DJ and gives him a bondage fuck of his life. Brenn fucks the cum out of DJ and blows his wad all over him. It was a great day.

Nick Moretti に 'The Slaughterhouse: Part One The Head Butcher'

Nick Moretti - The Slaughterhouse: Part One The Head Butcher

A new shipment of meat has arrived. Head butcher Nick Moretti goes to the slaughterhouse to inspect and process it. DJ has been processed and kept in a case for a while. On the other hand, Christian Wilde is new and raw. Nick is excited with anticipation since he never knows what he gets... top, bottom or what? Low limits or high limits, it's all a grab bag.

Geoffrey Paine に 'Mr Paine and His Boys'

Geoffrey Paine - Mr Paine and His Boys

In the dungeon this week, Geoffrey Paine has two uncut subs, Dominic Pacifico and DJ. Mr Paine flogs them into submission. He plays with their cocks and slides his own cock into their spider gagged mouths. Dominic takes most of the corporal which includes the crop, the cane and the little nasty black clamps. To end the day, Mr Paine ties up Dominic and fucks him while DJ sucks his buddy dry.